Planning Comm MINS 07-30-1997 SUMMARY Commissioners present: Robert Vaughan (Chair), Todd Suchan, Dean Greenough, Peter Morse, and Lu Joslin. Commissioners absent: Tim Carr. Staff present: Director of Community Development Services Greg Moore, Assistant City Attorney Bonnie Lindstrom, Principal Planner Greg Fewins, Contract Planner Don Largen, and Administrative Assistant E. Tina Piety. Chair Vaughn called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was m/s/c to approve the minutes of July 16, 1997 AUDIENCE COMMENT None. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT None. COMMISSION BUSINESS It was announced that Commissioner Noble-Gulliford has resigned her position. On August 5, 1997, the Land Use/Transportation Committee will consider naming the first alternate Brian Johnson to fill the vacant position. The committee’s recommendation will then be forwarded to the full council. Wireless Communication Facilities - con’t The public hearing started at 7:05 p.m. and public testimony was opened at that time. Dennis Scholl, Walter Group, 120 Lakeside Ave, #310, Seattle - Recently submitted a letter. They currently have one site on a BPA tower and another plan for a lattice tower near Lloyd’s Trucking near SR18. They have made application for the second, but it is on hold due to the moratorium. As a side note, Sprint (who he represents) always designs for at least two carriers. He discussed the issues they have faced in applying to place the second tower. They have a design with three other carriers, City of Federal Way PLANNING COMMISSION July 30, 1997 City Hall 7:00 pm Council Chambers Planning Commission July 30, 1997 2 making a total of four who plan to use one tower. A monopole is not structurally sound enough for four carriers (it would have to have a base of some six feet). A lattice tower is needed for more carriers. Everyone needs to be at or above 120 feet in order to cover the area, therefore the tower needs to be at some 150 feet tall (10 feet between each carrier). Anthony Bontrager, 500 - 108th Avenue NE, Suite 1150, Bellevue - They usually look for commercial/retail/office zones when looking for a site. GTE wants to minimize the number of sites they need to place in Federal Way. They are one of the four mentioned by Mr. Scholl and encouraged the commission to allow lattice towers. Scott, Western Wireless, 330 - 120th Avenue NE #110, Bellevue - Wants to collocate but needs guidance on placing sites. The ordinance needs more flexibility. Allow lattice towers for four or more carriers. Allow a time schedule for working out interference issues. Permit limit of 10 years is too short, providers usually plan for 20 to 30 years. An alternative would be to reward providers operating in good faith by extending the permit. The Public Testimony was closed at 7:25. Don Largen continued the staff presentation. He spoke to the issue of height. It is possible to have a monopole with four (or more) carriers without going to a six foot base. The commission discussed lattice towers, that frequency plays a role in the number of towers needed, and how trees can mask or distort the signal. It was m/s/c (yes-4, no-0) to adopt the use zone charts staff recommendation with a change to zone chart 2 to allow lattice towers up to 150′ with four or more carriers through a Process IV. It was m/s/c (yes-4, no-0) that PWSFs should be concealed to the extent possible. It was m/s/c (yes-4, no-0) that PWSFs located on existing structures shall not extend more than 15 feet above the roof structure. It was m/s/c (yes-4, no-0) that lattice towers may be allowed under certain circumstances. It was m/s/c (yes-3, no-2) to reopen the public testimony at 8:40. Dennis Scholl, Walter Group, 120 Lakeside Ave, #310, Seattle - Regarding undergrounding support equipment. Not all support equipment is located in a structure suitable for undergrounding. Fencing and landscaping do a better job of screening then undergrounding. Keith Schuster, Walter Group, 120 Lakeside Ave, #205, Seattle - Equipment can be as large as 12x20 feet, making undergrounding unfeasible. Questioned what is meant by locating within building setback area. The public testimony was closed at 8:45. Undergrounding support equipment was discussed. It was m/s/c (yes-4, no-0) to underground equipment enclosures if practical. It was m/s/c (yes-4, no-0) that electronic equipment should be screened and not located within required building Planning Commission July 30, 1997 3 setback areas. It was m/s/c (yes-4, no-0) to adopt the recommended security fencing requirements. It was m/s/c (yes-4, no-0) to consider cumulative visual effects when siting towers. It was m/s/c (yes-4, no-0) that no signs of any kind may be placed on towers. It was m/s/c (yes-4, no-0) that discontinued PWSFs shall be removed. It was m/s/c (yes-4, no-0) to adopt the application requirements with the modifications that a coverage chart with various heights will be required and a lease will not be required but will be made part of the permit that the landowner signs. It was m/s/c (yes-4, no-0) to adopt the recommendations regarding health issues with the addition that the application is required to provide documentation that they meet federal EMF emissions and it will not cause interference with reception. If it does not meet federal standards, the applicant will correct or the city will modify or revoke their permit. It was m/s/c (yes-4, no-0) to adopt the limitations of approved permits with the modification that an extension may be granted. The public hearing was closed at 9:50 ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Commissioners Joslin and Morse will not be here for the August 6 meeting. AUDIENCE COMMENT None. ADJOURN It was m/s/c to adjourn the meeting at 9:53 p.m. 073097.SUM