Planning Comm MINS 10-01-1997 SUMMARY Commissioners present: Robert Vaughan (Chair), Dean Greenough, Todd Suchan, and Tim Carr. Commissioners absent: Lu Joslin, and Peter Morse. Staff present: Deputy Director of CDS Kathy McClung, Contract Planner Don Largen, and Administrative Assistant E. Tina Piety. Chair Vaughn called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was m/s/c to approve the minutes of September 3, 1997. AUDIENCE COMMENT None. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Ms. McClung informed the commission that interviews for the commission’s vacate positions will be held by the City Council next Tuesday. Appointments should be made that same night. COMMISSION BUSINESS - Environmentally Sensitive Areas Code Updates - con’t The public hearing was reconveyed at 7:04 p.m. Mr. Largen recapped what was discussed at the last meeting and went over changes that came from that session. (He noted that four commissioners took a tour of wetlands in the interim.) There were three concerns raised at the last meeting. A. A citizen commented that there is no way to take into consideration the level of previous development surrounding a wetland. Mr. Largen proposes to add a regulation allowing the reduction of the wetland buffer width subject to the director. B. The commission requested staff to provide options on how to apply buffer widths to Category 3 wetlands that would be related to wetland area. Mr. Largen provided three options. City of Federal Way PLANNING COMMISSION October 1, 1997 City Hall 7:00 pm Council Chambers Planning Commission October 1, 1997 2 C. A citizen commented that existing stream protection regulations do not provide for activities within stream setbacks that would allow a property owner to correct or mitigate conditions that were the result of past development and which are now having adverse impacts to the stream environment. Mr. Largen proposed additions to Sections 22-1311 and 22-1312 to allow intrusions in order to address problems. Public testimony was opened at 7:20 p.m. Ned Gulbran, Seattle - Landscape architect for citizen with concern C, above. Changes or on the right tract. How often could the work be done? Monty Powell, 29607 - 8th Avenue South, Federal Way - Citizen with concern C. Thanked the commission for the changes. He talked to the Federal Way Fire Department about fire danger. Showed the commission a map of his property and spoke of the need to upgrade roads on the property. Some are located on slopes in excess of 40 percent and at least one should be made across the entire property to help slow down a fire’s advance. The city should have regulations for fire protection. Paul Noyes, 31327 - 10th Place SW, Federal Way - Citizen with concern A. He is satisfied with the changes. Asked what is the process from here. Chair Vaughan explained that the amendments would go from here to the Land Use/Transportation Committee and then to the full Council. It is possible further changes may be made. All meetings are advertised. Doug Smith, 1928 South SeaTac Mall, Federal Way - Representing Sea Tac Mall. Supports Alternative 1 for stream definition. Requested that some phrases from Alternative 4 be added regarding the exclusion of storm water conveyance systems. He recommended that surface water facilities be excluded from buffering. Bob Scholes, 720 South 348th Street, Federal Way - The recommendations are a step in the right direction, but there is still a way to go. Other jurisdictions only have a 25 foot buffer around Category 3 wetlands. Requested that the city not require buffers around surface water facilities. Protection is good, but too much is burdensome for property owners. Sue Burgemeister, 1103 West Meeker Street, Suite C, Kent -Wetland Scientist who has done many projects in Federal Way. Mr. Scholes asked her to comment on the proposal. She commended the city for adding a classification system. She is concerned with the definition of Category 3. Moving a wetland up a category because it has just two classes is too restrictive. Unless it has a forested class, such a wetland is probably not very valuable. She showed pictures to illustrate her point. She agreed with the comments that storm drainage facilities should not be part of the regulations. She Planning Commission October 1, 1997 3 commented that currently, an existing platted single family lot with a wetland has to go through the hearing examiner process to build a house. She suggested the city consider the cost to the citizen and change the process to administrative review. Peter Townsend, 29508 - 12th Avenue SW, Federal Way - He owns property on top of a bluff with a wetland and very small stream. Is concerned that the buffers would preclude the use of much of his property. Even the proposed is too restrictive. He invited the commission to visit his property and see what he is dealing with. He encouraged the commission to consider what other jurisdictions are doing. Ms. McClung noted that the commission does look at what other jurisdictions are doing, and then decides what they feel is best for Federal Way. Public testimony was closed at 7:55 p.m. Mr. Largen requested the commission give him time to consider the various points raised by the testimony. Ms. McClung noted that this is some of the best testimony we have had and requested the commission continue the hearing so that staff may review the issues raised in the testimony and written comments. It was m/s/c to continue the public hearing till October 15, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the city’s Council Chambers. It was m/s/c to continue the public hearing to October 15, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The Affordable Housing Public Hearing was opened at 8:24 p.m. Mr. Largen presented the staff report. The task was to see how the city is providing affordable housing and how that might be improved. He reviewed the Comprehensive Plan policies and matched them with any action the city has taken. The city has taken action on almost all policies. One outstanding area with no action speaks to providing new affordable housing (policies HP23, HP24, and HP38). The first staff recommendation requires placement of affordable housing in new residential development. The second states that convalescent centers in the OP zone do not have to be on property containing a hospital and be owned by a hospital. The third, and final, repeals all code provisions and references to hardship accessory dwelling units; with the newer regulations for accessory dwelling units, they are obsolete. Public testimony was opened at 8:37 p.m. Wally Costello, PO Box 130, Bellevue - Spoke in support of the second staff recommendation concerning convalescent centers. There are many areas in the OP zone where such a development would be feasible, but they have been precluded because it is not land containing a hospital. The public testimony was closed at 8:40 p.m. Discussion was held on how much affordable housing would be required in new residential development. It was m/s/c (y-3, n-0) to adopt the first recommendation with these amendments: for A1 state that 10 percent is required and strike A2. It was m/s/c (y-3, n-0) to adopt the second and third recommendations as stated. Planning Commission October 1, 1997 4 The public hearing was closed at 8:55 p.m. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Ms. McClung went over the commission’s schedule. The public hearing for the ESA will be finished next meeting. There will be no meeting on November 5 due to elections. The next project is the comprehensive plan updates. There are three parts: 1) main, utilities, etc., 2) Shoreline Master Program, and 3) traffic. The next projects are Wellhead Protection and Residential Design Guidelines. It is unlikely the commission will get to them this year. Ms. McClung complimented the commission on the amount of work they have accomplished this year. AUDIENCE COMMENT None. ADJOURN It was m/s/c to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. 100197.SUM