LUTC MINS 05-01-2000 MEETING SUMMARY In attendance: Committee members Phil Watkins, Chair, Jeanne Burbidge and Dean McColgan; Director of Community Development Services Stephen Clifton; Public Works Director Cary Roe; Assistant City Attorney Bob Sterbank; Deputy Director of Public Works Ken Miller; Street Systems Manager Marwan Salloum; Senior Planner Margaret Clark; Traffic Engineer Rick Perez; Traffic Analyst Sarady Long; Engineer Fei Tang; Surface Water Engineer Will Appleton; Administrative Assistant Sandy Lyle. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Watkins called the meeting to order at 5:35 pm. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the April 17, 2000, meeting were approved as presented. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Doug Smith, SeaTac Mall, commented that the Mall management was as frustrated as the City that the SeaTac Mall owners have no current plans for redevelopment of the property. 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. SeaTac Mall Drainage Phase II Improvement Project – SeaTac Mall Detention Phase II improvements will consist of replacing and up-sizing approximately 3,400 linear feet of pipe with reinforced concrete pipe ranging in size from 12-inch to 84-inch diameter; the installation of manholes and catch basins; removal of existing pipes and drainage structures; curb, gutter and sidewalk removal and replacement; landscaping, and other work incidental to the storm drain; as well as the conversion of the large substandard storm water retention/detention facility (southeast corner of the SeaTac Mall property), to a water quality facility and removal of contaminated sediment from within the pipe alignment and detention facility. On March 2, 1998, the Land Use Transportation Committee was presented with an 85% Design Status Report, estimated at the time to be over budget. Now better defined, the project design is 100% complete. Easement agreements are currently being negotiated and will be completed and executed prior to contract award. Four issues that have impacted project costs are: 1) pipe realignment through the Mall property; 2) disposal of contaminated soils in the detention facility; 3) contaminated soil and groundwater within the proposed storm drain alignment; and 4) design alteration of the lateral storm drain extending west along South 320th from the entrance to SeaTac Plaza and Center Plaza to the west side of 20th Avenue South. Total estimated project costs are $4,272,180. Appropriated budget is $3,071,630. To cover the budget shortfall of $1,200,550, a 20-year, low interest loan for $2,750,000 from the Washington State Public Works Trust Fund will be obtained. Bidding is anticipated in May and awarding in June. The schedule allows project completion by the end of the year. The Committee m/s/c recommendation to the City Council at its May 16, 2000, meeting, to approve the SeaTac Mall Drainage Phase II Improvement Project, adjust the budget to cover design and construction cost increases amounting to $1,200,550, and authorize bidding of the project when all necessary easements and agreements are executed. City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee May 1, 2000 City Council 5:30 pm Council Chambers B. Star Lake Road Drainage Improvement/Water Main Replacement 100% Design Submittal – The Committee m/s/c recommendation to the City Council at its May 16, 2000, meeting to approve the Star Lake Road Drainage Improvement and Water Main Replacement 100% Design Submittal. Also recommended for approval was the Interlocal agreement with the City of Kent addressing storm water discharge into the wetlands located on the north side of 272nd Street. The storm drainage improvement portion of the project will consist of constructing approximately 2,000 linear feet of storm drain pipeline of varying diameter (12 to 60-inch pipe), associated manholes and inlets, and approximately 1,200 linear feet of concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk replacement. The water main replacement portion of the project involves the replacement of approximately 2,300 linear feet of 12-inch water main, associated appurtenances, and service relocations replaced as part of the storm drain project. C. 2000 Transportation Modeling Contract – The Committee m/s/c recommendation to the City Council at its May 16, 2000, meeting to execute the 2000 Transportation Modeling Update contract with Mirai Associates in the amount of $49,991.00. Transportation models are used for forecasting travel demand for long term planning activities such as the City Comprehensive Plan, corridor analyses, and alternatives analyses. The model output could be used to analyze the level of service at intersections and evaluate trip distribution for development projects. In addition, the model would also assist in growth management issues like concurrency and traffic impact fees. D. Single Family Residential Density Increase - Based upon information presented to the Committee regarding development of single family homes on small lots zoned RS5.0, staff asked permission to facilitate contact between developers and owners of property in the area off 21st Street SW between the Fred Meyer store and Northwest Church. If an agreement can be reached, draft standards would be developed then presented to the City Council. The Council could approve, modify or deny the proposed standards. The Committee m/s/c to direct staff to explore the possibilities. 5. FUTURE MEETINGS The next meeting will be held in Council Chambers at 5:30 pm on May 15, 2000. 6. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 6:50pm. I:\LU-TRANS\May0100LUTC sum.doc