PRHSPSC MINS 05-14-2001 City of Federal Way City Council PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COUNCIL COMMITTEE Monday, May 14, 2001 12:00 p.m. SUMMARY In attendance: Council Committee members Jeanne Burbidge, Chair; Michael Hellickson, and Dean McColgan, Deputy Mayor Linda Kochmar. Staff: David Moseley, City Manager; Laura Camden, Police Services Budget Coordinator; Ann Guenther, Human Services Manager; Derek Matheson, Assistant City Manager; Donna Hanson, Assistant City Manager; Bob Sterbank, City Attorney; Pat Richardson, Deputy City Attorney; Jennifer Schroder, Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services; Jon Jainga, Park Planning & Development Manager;Kurt Reuter, Parks Maintenance and Operations Superintendent; Mary Faber, Recreation and Cultural Services Superintendent; Lt. Kyle Sumpter, Public Safety; Mary Jaenicke, Administrative Assistant II. Guests: Barbara Reid, Joanne Piquette, Nancy Ise, Karl Grosch, Bob Kellogg, Richard Bye Chair Burbidge called the meeting to order at 12:02 p.m. PUBLIC FORUM None COMMISSION COMMENTS Arts Commission Chair Piquette reported on the loaned art project at Celebration Park. There are currently 5 pieces that have been installed. There will be a total of eight pieces. Those pieces will remain at the park for one year. Parks and Recreation Commissioner Grosch reported that the commission is down to five members. He is concerned about possibly not having a quorum at the next meeting. Schroder reported that interviews are being held on May 15, 2001. There are six applicants. APPROVAL OF SUMMARY DEAN McCOLGAN AND MICHAEL HELLICKSON MOVED AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE APRIL 9, 2001 MEETING SUMMARY AS WRITTEN. MOTION PASSED. BUSINESS ITEMS 2001 Human Services Commission Work Plan Richard Bye Chair for the Human Services Commission presented the 2001 Work Plan. He pointed out two items of interest in the work plan. Those items are 1) Learn more about current human services needs and identify gaps in the human services system, and 2) Develop partnerships to increase coordination and collaboration around human services issues. Some of their ideas include a human services telethon, utilizing the city cable channel to show human service programs funded by the city and hosting a community forum to gather information from citizens and others regarding human services needs in Federal Way. HELLICKSON AND MCCOLGAN MOVED AND SECONDED A MOTION TO APPROVE THE HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION’S 2001 WORK PLAN, AS PROPOSED BY THE COMMISSION AND FORWARD TO THE FULL COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL ON JUNE 5, 2001. MOTION PASSED. Request for Purchasing Authority – Holster & Firearms Chief Kirkpatrick reviewed the need to purchase new holsters and firearms for the 105 commissioned officers. It is a cost savings to purchase the Holster and Firearm as a package. The current holster issued provides limited retention capability in the event the holster is unsnapped. The Glock series of weapons is easier to use and less prone to PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COUNCIL COMMITTEE Monday, April 9, 2001 Summary Page 2 officer error. Council member McColgan asked if there would be any difference in training. Lt. Sumpter stated there would be some initial training, but they have quarterly training so this would not be at any additional cost. HELLICKSON AND MCCOLGAN MOVED AND SECONDED A MOTION TO APPROVE THE REQUEST TO PURCHASE THE GLOCKS, HOLSTERS, AND CASES IN THE AMOUNT OF $33,149.72 WITH THE FOLLOWING IDENTIFIED FUNDING SOURCES, DRUG FORFEITURE; $18,006.94, LLEBG 99 AWARD; $9,042.91, AND FEDERAL FORFEITURE BUDGET; $6,099.87, AND FORWARD TO FULL COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION ON JUNE 5, 2001. MOTION PASSED Ordinance Amending Chapter 15 of the Federal Way City Code by Adopting State Statutes and Authorizing Department of Public Safety to appoint volunteers to enforce parking for disabled persons The State Legislature has modified state law establishing certain misdemeanors to now be classified as felonies and has authorized the City to commission volunteers to enforce disabled parking violations. Chief Kirkpatrick stated the purpose of this ordinance is to allow volunteers under the direction of the police department to enforce disabled parking violations. Volunteers will have the capability to cite offenders. Parks Commissioner Grosch requested that they also check the validity of the permits. Chair Burbidge asked what are the potential penalties, Pat Richardson stated the penalty is a traffic infraction with a fine of not more than $250.00 MCCOLGAN AND HELLICKSON MOVED AND SECONDED A MOTION TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THIS ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES CODE, CHAPTER 15, AND FORWARD TO FULL COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION AT ITS JUNE 5, 2001 MEETING. MOTION PASSED. Ordinance Amending Federal Way City Code, Chapter 2 Authorizing Limited Commission Officers Chief Kirkpatrick stated that this ordinance gives Public Support Officers limited commission to allow for specific enforcement. The Public Support Officers will target vehicle impounds, issuance of civil infractions, arrest of escaped prisoners, and investigate, arrest and assist in traffic accidents. This ordinance will free up a commissioned officers time. Hellickson asked if we would be likely to see a request for an increase in pay. This is a negotiated issue. They will remain in their own guild. HELLICKSON AND MCCOLGAN MOVED AND SECONDED A MOTION TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THIS ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ADMINISTRATION CODE, CHAPTER 2, AND FORWARD TO FULL COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION AT ITS JUNE 5, 2001 MEETING. MOTION PASSED. Adding a new Article to Chapter 15 of the Federal Way City Code, Authorizing Impoundment of Vehicles Driven by Suspended or Revoked Drivers Sterbank presented a report regarding the deterrent effect of vehicle impoundment on suspended, revoked and unlicensed drivers. This ordinance will allow police to impound vehicles for individuals arrested driving with a suspended or revoked license. This ordinance will also serve as a deterrent to offenders who drive without a valid license, and the impoundment period will increase with the severity of the offense increasing the cost to the violator to retrieve their vehicle. Council member Hellickson asked what is the down side of this ordinance. Sterbank stated there was no downside from an operation standpoint. It is controversial because it tends to impact lower income people, but with the implementation of timed payments it helps lessen the financial hardship. Council member McColgan asked if we had the resources to impound possibly 800 cars. They have met with tow truck drivers, and they stated they have the space. Their only concern was that the towing companies be called on a rotating basis. Matheson also stated that the Council had added one Full Time Employee position to deal with this ordinance. HELLICKSON AND MCCOLGAN MOVED AND SECONDED A MOTION TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THIS ADDITION TO THE ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY TRAFFIC AND VEHUICLES CODE, CHAPTER 15, AND FORWARD TO FULL COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION AT ITS JUNE 5, 2001 MEETING. MOTION PASSED. PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COUNCIL COMMITTEE Monday, April 9, 2001 Summary Page 3 Ordinance Amending Federal Way City Code, Animals Chapter 4 Richardson stated the purpose of this amendment is to bring current the City Code for Animals, Chapter 4 that was adopted by the Federal Way City Council in 1990 and accordingly will require modifications including adding a new section titled General Provisions to Article IV, Dangerous Dogs. MCCOLGAN AND HELLICKSON MOVED AND SECONDED A MOTION TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THIS ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ANIMAL CODE, CHAPTER 4, AND FORWARD TO FULL COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION AT ITS JUNE 5, 2001 MEETING. MOTION PASSED. Ordinance ADDING A New Section to and Amending the Federal Way City Code, Criminal Chapter 6 Richardson stated the purpose of this amendment is to bring current the City Criminal Code, Chapter 6. There are two specific changes: 1) Washington State Legislature provided in state law a duty to report to the authorities certain actions involving minors. This requires amending Article VIII, Crime Against Persons by adding a new section titled “Reports – duty and authority to make”. 2) The elements of the crime of prostitution as stated in the Revised Code of Washington have changed resulting in a modification to Article X, Section 6-239, Prostitution – Unlawful acts- Penalty. HELLICKSON AND MCCOLGAN MOVED AND SECONDED A MOTION TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THIS ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ANIMAL CODE, CHAPTER 6, AND FORWARD TO FULL COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION AT ITS JUNE 5, 2001 MEETING. MOTION PASSED. Celebration Park Banner Program/Approval of Banner Designs Barbara Reid presented the five banner designs that have been proposed. To date they have received seven contracts, and have received commitment from approximately seven additional donors. The original agreement was to begin installation of the banners once they have received 35 donors. They would like to begin installation of the banners when they have received a total of 22 donors. Their goal is to have this completed by July 4. Council member Hellickson wanted to ensure that the funds from these banners go towards a play structure at Celebration Park. Schroder explained that this has been written into the agreement. MCCOLGAN AND HELLICKSON MOVED AND SECONDED A MOTION TO RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL A “DO PASS” TO ACCEPT THE FIVE BANNER DESIGNS AS SUBMITTED AND TO APPROVE INSTALLATION OF THE BANNERS IN TWO PHASES, AND TO PLACE THIS ITEM BEFORE THE COUNCIL ON JUNE 5, 2001 UNDER CONSENT. MOTION PASSED. 2001/2002 Parks Commission Work Plan Schroder presented the work plan. Some of the items are a carry forward of the previous years work plan. Some of the items include revising park rules/ordinances that were adopted in 1990, developing criteria for evaluating acquisitions, and reviewing the pros and cons of imposing a park impact fee. MCCOLGAN AND HELLICKSON MOVED AND SECONDED A MOTION TO RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL A “DO PASS” TO ACCEPT THE PARKS COMMISSIONS 2001/2002 WORK PLAN AS SUBMITTED, AND TO PLACE THIS ITEM BEFORE THE COUNCIL ON JUNE 5, 2001 UNDER CONSENT. MOTION PASSED. Skate Park Bid Award Jainga stated that the bids were opened on Friday, May 11. We received two bids, only one of those bids was submitted correctly. T.F. Sahli Construction submitted the lowest responsive responsible bid. Deputy Mayor Kochmar asked what the project contingency is. Jainga stated its $20,000. Barbara Reid then asked where that money would go if its not spent. Jainga responded that decision would be made by the City Council. The time line for this project is 60 days, with a mandatory finish date of August 15, which is before Family Fest. Piquette stated that the Arts Commission has added additional funds for the Art Work. Jainga reported the 2% for the art was estimated to be $3840 per the Ordinance. The actual amount will be determined on the actual award of $188,480. PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COUNCIL COMMITTEE Monday, April 9, 2001 Summary Page 4 Pat Richardson stated that she would like to look at the ordinance regarding the 2% for the Arts Ordinance to determine the allocation for the art element. HELLICKSON AND MCCOLGAN MOVED AND SECONDED A MOTION TO RECOMMEND AWARDING THE SKATE PARK BID TO T.F. SAHLI CONSTRUCTION, BURIEN WA. THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE RESPONSIVE BIDDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $188,480.00 AND APPROVE THE CONSTRUCTION BUDGET AMOUNT OF $218,778.00 WHICH INCLUDES WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX, 2% FOR THE ARTS AND A PROJECT CONTINGENCY TO FULL COUNCIL ON JUNE 5, 2001 FOR APPROVAL. MOTION PASSED. Final approval and acceptance for Sacajawea Soccer Field Improvement RFB 00-006 and to release project retainage of the general Contractor, Tydico Inc. Schroder stated that the Sacajawea Soccer Field Improvement Project is complete. The project was completed within the budged amount of $565,000. By accepting final approval of this project and releasing the general contractor of his retainage, staff will be able to submit for the final reimbursement of the State’s IAC Grant for this project. MCCOLGAN AND HELLICKSON MOVED AND SECONDED A MOTION TO RECOMMEND FINAL APPROVAL FOR THE SACAJAWEA SOCCER FIELD IMPROVEMENT, RFB 00-006 AND TO RELEASE THE PROJECT RETAINAGE FOR THE TYDICO INC., OF RENTON WASHINGTON TO FULL CONCIL ON JUNE 5, 200 FOR APPROVAL. MOTION PASSED. Poverty Bay Park Easement Request The Nadeau’s have requested either the purchase of or easement of a 10 - foot section of Poverty Bay Park. They are planning on expanding their home. The addition would prohibit their ability for vehicle access to the backside of their home. Schroder stated that it is visible that the Nadeau’s have been using our property to get to the back of their house. The Nadeau’s do not propose any alterations to the proposed easement. Conditions assigned should prohibit any alterations to the property. Pat Richardson would like the city to look at possibly leasing the property instead of granting an easement. HELLICKSON AND MCCOLGAN MOVED AND SECONDED A MOTION TO DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE AS REQUESTED BY FRED AND SUSIE NADEAU, A 10’ EASEMENT OR A LEASE AT POVERTY BAY PARK AND TO NEGOTIATE A FAIR COMPENSATION FOR USE OF THE EASEMENT OR THE LEASE. FINAL ACTION BY THE COMMITTEE WILL NOT BE TAKEN UNTIL A DRAFT OF THE EASEMENT IS PREPARED FOR COUNCILS APPROVAL. MOTION PASSED. Facility Feasibility Study and Tourism Development Plan/Next Step Schroder reviewed the Hunter Study. The plan identified four strategic components for developing Federal Ways emerging downtown and the effort to promote tourism. The recommendation to create a BID and its effort to promote tourism are already in process. However, the City has not identified a role to carryout the Athletic Facility and Event Development Component and the Arts and Entertainment element. Each of these two components involves the acquisition of land. In summary, based on the plan, the next steps to implement the proposed Performing Arts Centre is for The Federal Way Coalition of the Performing Arts (PAC) to begin fundraising efforts for a Performing Arts Centre. The next step for the Athletic Facility/Multi-use Facility is to secure transferable options on potential sites. Nancy Ise, Barbara Reid and Joanne Piquette all spoke regarding the need for a performance hall. Nancy Ise stated there needs to be a commitment from the city, we need a plan and we don’t have one yet. Other Council member Hellickson requested preliminary information from City Manager David Moseley, regarding how much it would cost to start a canine unit. NEXT MEETING June 11, 2001. ADJOURNMENT PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COUNCIL COMMITTEE Monday, April 9, 2001 Summary Page 5 Meeting adjourned at 1:28 p.m. I:0514SUM_PRCC