Planning Comm MINS 09-04-2002K:\Planning Commission\2002\Meeting Summary 09-04-02.doc City of Federal Way PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting September 4, 2002 City Hall 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers MEETING SUMMARY Commissioners present: John Caulfield, Hope Elder, Bill Drake, Dini Duclos, and Grant Newport. Commissioners absent (excused): Dave Osaki. Commissioners absent (unexcused): Nesbia Lopes. Alternate Commissioners present: Tony Moore and Marta Justus Foldi. Alternate Commissioners absent (unexcused): Christine Nelson. Staff present: Senior Planner Margaret Clark, Assistant City Attorney Karen Kirkpatrick, and Administrative Assistant E. Tina Piety. Chair Caulfield called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF SUMMARY It was m/s/c to approve the July 17, 2002, meeting summary. AUDIENCE COMMENT None. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Ms. Clark informed the Commission that their next meeting would be a public hearing on September 18, 2002, on code changes to discourage bulky buildings in the city center. The public hearing for the 2002 Compressive Plan Amendments will come to the Commission on October 16, 2002. A copy of the proposed amendments will be sent to Commissioners three weeks before the meeting and the staff report will be available one week before the meeting. The Downtown Market Study has been completed and will go to the LUTC on September 16, 2002. The updated 2000 Market Study will soon be completed. The terms for three Commissioners expire September 30, 2002, John Caulfield, Hope Elder, and Dini Duclos. All have submitted an application to be reinstated. Planning Commission interviews are schedule for the City Council meeting of October 1, 2002. COMMISSION BUSINESS – PUBLIC HEARING – Development Agreement Code Amendment Ms. Clark presented the staff report. She gave the Commission handouts on the proposed code amendment. Earlier this year staff was given direction by the LUTC to prepare a code amendment on development agreements. This code amendment proposes that development agreements be used: at the City Council’s discretion; where the project is larger in scope; where the project may have potentially larger impacts than normal; and/or where certain restrictions may be desired to be placed on a project. Development agreements may not be used to waive requirements of the Federal Way City Code (FWCC). For example, they may not be used for variances. Planning Commission Summary Page 2 September 4 2002 K:\Planning Commission\2002\Meeting Summary 09-04-02.doc/Last printed 1/10/2005 3:56 PM The proposed code amendment would amend FWCC Chapter 22, Article IX, “Process VI Review,” to allow comprehensive plan amendments to be reviewed pursuant to a development agreement. The proposed amendment would also create a process to govern review and approval of development agreements, would add language to the land use charts to allow the City Council’s public hearing to take the place of the master plan public hearing or other hearing by the Hearing Examiner to establish the use, and would make some housekeeping amendments and clarifications. Ms. Clark reviewed the process flow chart. Development agreements allow for development while mitigating the impacts. The applicant, staff, Planning Commission, LUTC, or City Council could initiate a development agreement. The City Council makes the final decision as to whether a development agreement should be done. The Commission asked if there would be any guidelines for the City Council to follow when making their decision. Ms. Clark replied that staff does extensive research on the proposal and the City Council would base their decision on that research. It was noted that this amendment deals with development agreements for comprehensive plan amendments and under state law other types of development agreements could be done that would not have to go through this process. There was no Public Testimony. It was m/s/c to close the public hearing. It was m/s/c (unanimous) to recommend to the City Council for adoption of the proposed FWCC text amendments. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS The City is still working in the PAA study. They have been waiting for the update on the Market Study and will be moving forward. Discussion was held on how Pacific has pulled out of some of their PAA. Is the City considering adding this area? The LUTC has had some initial discussion on this and other possible PAA additions. AUDIENCE COMMENT None. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.