Parks Comm MINS 10-02-2003CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Thursday, October 2, 2003 Mt. Baker Conference Room 6:00 p.m. City Hall MINUTES Chair Purdom called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Present: C. T. Purdom, Chair, Bill Foulkes, Vice Chair, Don Dennis, Cindy Dodge, Joe Henry and George Pfeiffer. Excused: Ade Bright. Staff: Jennifer Schroder, PRCS Director, Kurt Reuter, Parks Operations Superintendent, B. Sanders, Parks Planning & Development Manager, John Hutton, Recreation Supervisor and Peg Wright, Administrative Assistant. Guest: Linda Kochmar, Council Member. Dennis moved: Henry seconded motion to approve the September meeting minutes as written. Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC FORUM Mark Freitas presented Chair Purdom with a letter and documents concerning field-scheduling procedures and asked that they be distributed to commissioners for discussion. He was unable to stay for the commission meeting due to a prior commitment. Barbara Reid – Reid congratulated Director Schroder on the Grandview Off Leash Dog Park scheduled to open on October 4, 2003 and the City’s involvement to make it possible. She has a concern on the use of French Lake Park by dog owners as an off leash dog park. She stated that if there were amenities such as a play area, half basketball court, etc., that other residents would utilize the park oftener. She requested the Parks and Recreation Commission to put French Lake Park on their Work Plan for 2004. Bob Kellogg – Kellogg supported Reid’s statements on the importance of adding amenities to French Lake Park. He feels that French Lake Park can better serve the residents of Federal Way with additional amenities rather than using it as an off leash dog park. Kellogg and Reid would like to see better enforcement by King County Animal Control with dog owners abusing the park laws. Perry Woodford – Woodford, President of the Federal Way Soccer League, presented a letter to Director Schroder for commissioners, staff and City Council concerning the field schedule policies. He is supportive of the policies as they are now and has been for past the twelve years. COMMISSION BUSINESS Field Policies – Chair Purdom read the letter from Mark Freitas on his concerns on field use in Federal Way, specifically “premier” teams. Schroder reviewed documents from an information packet compiled by staff and a committee consisting of commissioners Cindy Dodge, Ade Bright and Don Dennis, on current field use policies. Henry asked how many teams listed in the packet were considered “premier” teams with Woodruff replying approximately twenty percent (20%). Hutton explained how the process begins with each team completing and submitting field use requests. He discussed the light schedules and field availability by sport and how he schedules the teams per their requests. The waiver system requirements for teams wanting to use fields outside of their jurisdiction was discussed at length in light of the Freitas letter. Council member Kochmar said she has received hundreds of calls from coaches/teams wanting to use Celebration Park. Hutton and Pfeiffer stressed that Celebration Park is for tournament play not daily practices and all teams must follow the procedures of applying for field use requests to be considered for scheduling. Staff and commissioners feel that the current scheduling system is working and has worked well for the past 12 years considering the shortage of fields. Schroder summarized the discussion by reiterating the scheduling process and the importance of following this process to serve as many team requests as possible. Henry moved: Dennis seconded the motion to reaffirm the current field scheduling policies. Motion passed unanimously with Pfeiffer abstaining from the vote. Parks and Recreation Commission, October 2, 2003 Page 2 Thompson Property Public Meeting – B. Sanders is working with a resident to schedule a neighborhood children’s meeting for input on the proposed play structure. The Kings Court apartment complex has a meeting room that would accommodate the public meeting and is available. A meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday, October 27, 2003 at 4 p.m. with an alternate date of Tuesday, October 28, 2003. Steel Lake Soccer Field Update – B. Sanders reported that a lot of rock has been laid on the soccer field for the base. Because of the debris excavation and rock then being hauled in to the site, traffic has been slow around the Skate Park. The contractor’s process has been to lay large rock as the base with grading for 1-2 days then a smaller rock laid and graded prior to the turf and final layer. Chair Purdom asked if a date for the dedication has been set yet. Reuter replied that the dedication would be Saturday, November 8, 2003 in the early afternoon. Speakers will include Mayor Jeanne Burbidge, Chair C. T. Purdom of the Parks and Recreation Commission and a speaker from the Washington State Youth Soccer Association in addition to a exhibition game. Other speakers and activities are planned but were not finalized to report at this time. The Washington State Youth Soccer Association is doing the press releases and event promotions with Reuter’s assistance. STAFF REPORTS Armstrong/Thompson Park Property Design – Draft designs of both proposed parks were reviewed and discussed by commissioners and staff. B. Sanders reported that the Armstrong property is mainly wetlands and when including the required 200’ buffer, there is just enough room to run a trail the full property length north and south. B. walked the property with the neighbors and they found the buffer between the proposed park and their properties to be wider than they originally thought. She reported that there were a lot of teenagers in the Thompson park area and a half- court basketball pad was requested and shown in the proposal. A short trail of approximately a quarter mile was incorporated as well as a play area with a sculpted mound area nearby. Comments from staff and commissioners were positive to the draft designs of both parks. BPA Trail Pipeline Project – Reuter reported on the BPA Trail pipeline project that is going through Celebration Park next week. The City is following the specification requirements closely with the contractor. The road through Celebration Park will be closed on October 8, 2003 for the road-cutting phase of placing the pipe. Community Center Update – Schroder reported that the budget has been set by City Council for the Community Center. B. Sanders added that the consultant/design firm is currently refining the design. Chair Purdom said he would be attending the PRHSPS Council Committee meeting on Monday, October 12, 2003 and encouraged other commissioners to attend. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business at this time. NEXT MEETING Review Current Work Plan French Lake Park Use/Work Plan 2004 Community Center Update Karl Grosch Soccer Field Dedication BPA Pipeline Update Report on Thompson Property Public Mtg Economic Development Meeting Report (Pfeiffer) ADJOURNMENT Chair Purdom adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m. NEXT MEETING IS NOVEMBER 6, 2003