FEDRAC Agenda 05-11-2004 City of Federal Way City Council Finance/Economic Development/Regional Affairs Committee May 11, 2004 5:00 p.m. City Hall Mt. Baker Conference Room AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENT 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS A. Approval o f t he April 13, 2004, Minutes Action B. Korean Sport s and Cult ural Fest ival Act io n C. Co nsult a nt S e r vic e s r e g a r d ing t he P o t e nt ia l fo r a C o mme r c ia l “L ifest yle Cent er ” in Fed er al Way C it y C e nt e r Act io n D. Review and Co mment on t he Draft PowerPo int Economic Develo pment Messaging Present at ion Information 4. OTHER 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 6. NEXT MEETING: June 8, 2004 5:30 p.m. 7. ADJOURN Committee Members: City Staff: Eric Faison, Chair Patrick Doherty, Deputy Director, CDS Jeanne Burbidge Robin Baker, Office Technician II Jim Ferrell 253-661-4000 Ext. 0 C:\staging\41745177-1C11-20362E\in\41745177-1C11-20362E.doc