FEDRAC MINS 07-13-2004City of Federal Way City Council Finance/Economic Develop ment/Regional Affairs Committee July 13, 2004 City Hall 5:30 p.m. Mt. Baker Conference Room MEETING MINUTES In a t t enda nc e: C ommitt ee M embers: Council M ember s Eric Faison, Chair, Jim Ferrell, and Jea nne Burbidge; Deput y Mayor Linda Koc hma r , C it y M a na ger Da vid Mos eley; Ma na gement S er vic es D ir ect or Iwen Wa ng; City Attorney Pat Richar dson, D eputy Dir ector of Commu nit y D evelop ment Services Patrick Dohert y, a nd Off ic e T ec hni cia n R obi n Ba ker . 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Faison called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Ther e was no public comment. 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS It was m/s/c to adjust the order of business from approval of minutes to the video being first. A. Video of Bel-Mar town center redevelopment in Lakewood, Colorado B. Approval of the June 8, 2004, Minutes – It was m/s/c to adopt the June 8, 2004, minutes as pres ent ed. C. City Center Work Plan Discussion – T he focus of t he discuss ion b ega n with the c ompr ehensi ve plans vision. Although ther e was an agreement that most points wer e valid, Mayor McColga n brought up the question of whether or not this was the best starting place. Accor ding to Mr. Ferrell and ot hers pr esent, we could structure a plan to fit what we want/need then, if need b e, go back and adjust the comprehensive pla n. Wher e are we going? What’s the first step in getting there? Who is going to make the decision? Thes e wer e the big questions of the hour. Mr. Faison mentioned it needed to be a combined effort a s t o wher e t o b eg i n. M s . K oc h ma r ’s co nc er n wa s tha t wha tever t h e vis i o n, a nd w h er ev er w e star t, we still need t he pr op er ty owner s in agr eement. Putting together a market study to take to the property owners would be a good tool to help facilitate what the property owners want. It would also help infor m us of other amenities we might wa nt in the City core. The goal is to come up with a solid pla n to embrace the potential in cha nging our City’s perception and open the property owner’s and developer’s minds to the abundant potential of developing mixed use, in a lifestyle type space. According to Mr. Ferrell we need t o find a way to embrace a multi-dimensional downtown. Although the physical space is not the City’s choice, if we don’t bring forth the vision to the property owners we are at a stalemate. FEDRAC Minutes July 13, 2004 Page 1 FEDRAC Minutes July 13, 2004 Page 2 All members present requested a map of identifiable parcels for the next meeting, to see what and whom we were dealing with. 4. FUTURE MEETINGS The next scheduled meeting is August 10, 2004, 5:30 p.m., in the Mt. St. Helens Conference Room. There will be a special meeting one-day before on August 9, 2004, in the Mt. St. Helens Conference Room. 5. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 6:59 pm. K:\FEDRAC - Econ Dev\2004 - Agendas & SummariesJuly 13, 2004, Summary.doc