FEDRAC MINS 08-10-2004City of Federal Way City Council Finance/Economic Develop ment/Regional Affairs Committee August 10, 2004 City Hall 5:30 p.m. Mt. St Helens Conference Room MEETING MINUTES In a t t enda nc e: C ommitt ee M embers: Council M ember s Eric Faison, Chair, Jim Ferrell, and Jea nne Burbidge; Mayor Dean McColgan, Deput y Mayor Linda Kochmar, Council Members Jack Dovey and Mic ha el Park; City Manager David M os eley; Management Services Dir ect or Iwen Wang; City At t or ney Pa t Richardson, Deput y Dir ect or of C ommu nit y D evelop ment S er vic es P a trick Doherty, a nd Administrative Assistant E. Tina Piety. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Faison called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Ther e was no public comment. 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS It was m/s/c to adopt the August 9, 2004, minut es as presented. A. Discussion & Identification of Process for Implementing Strategies Identified at August 9, 2004, FEDRAC Meeting – Council Member Ferrell stated that the most important first step is to talk to property owners about the proposed market study. Council Member Park stated that this is not the right time (fiscally and politically) to consider spending more money. We should revisit t his issue at the Cit y Council retr eat in Janua r y. Counc il Memb er Dovey a gr eed t his is not the time to consider spending more money, but we should move for ward on those aspects of the project that will not cost the City money, such as meeting with the property owners. Chair Faison not ed that the City has meet with some of the larger property owners (i.e., Harsch Investments, The Commons at Federal Way, and Top Foods). There was consensus that it would be a good idea to have council members and property owners meet to gather the input of property owners. Mr. Doherty suggested that consultants who perfor m such market studies could be invit ed to present their services to the City Council at a meeting the property owners are specifically invited to attend. Afterwards, a follow-up meeting could be held with property owners to solicit their input. The Committee agreed that this should be done. Discussion was held on the need to review the City’s design guidelines because as currently written, they do not preclude “big box” retail from locating in our City Center. Discussion was also held concerning housing in our City Cent er a nd whet her or not ther e is a need. T o det er mine if a need f or hous ing exists wou ld r equir e a separate study. FEDRAC Minutes August 10, 2004 Page 1 FEDRAC Minutes August 10, 2004 Page 2 B. Exploration & Discussion of Funding Mechanisms for City Center Redevelopment Strategies – This discussion was placed on hold pending the outcome of meetings with consultants and property owners discussed above. 4. FUTURE MEETINGS The next scheduled meeting is September 14, 2004, 5:30 p.m., at the New City Hall Hylebos Conference Room. 5. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 6:20 pm. K:\FEDRAC - Econ Dev\2004 - Agendas & Summaries\August 10, 2004, Summary.doc