Planning Comm MINS 03-03-2004K:\Planning Commission\2004\Meeting Summary 03-03-04.doc City of Federal Way PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting March 3, 2004 City Hall 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES Commissioners present: John Caulfield, Hope Elder, Dave Osaki, Bill Drake, and Marta Justus Foldi. Commissioners absent: Grant Newport and Dini Duclos (excused). Alternate Commissioners present: Tony Moore, Lawson Bronson, and Merle Pfeifer. Alternate Commissioners absent: Christine Nelson (excused). Staff present: Community Development Services Director Kathy McClung, Community Development Services Deputy Director Greg Fewins, Senior Planner Margaret Clark, Assistant City Attorney Karen Jorgensen, Management Services Director Iwen Wang, City Council Member Linda Kochmar, Jones & Stokes Gregg Dohrn, Jones & Stokes Lisa Grueter, and Administrative Assistant E. Tina Piety. Chair Caulfield called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was m/s/c to adopt the December 10, 2003, minutes as presented. AUDIENCE COMMENT None. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT None. COMMISSION BUSINESS STUDY SESSION – Potential Annexation Area (PAA) Subarea Plan Mr. Fewins commented that the purpose of the study session is to educate the Commission so they may hold meaningful discussion on this complex project. The Commission is being asked to consider adopting the PAA Subarea Plan, and to make a decision regarding the four sit-specific requests for rezone in the PAA. The PAA Feasibility Plan is provided for background/reference material. Adoption of the PAA Subarea Plan would set the zoning for when the area is annexed into the City; it is not an annexations procedure. Mr. Fewins then introduced Gregg Dohrn and Lisa Grueter, who delivered the staff presentation. The Commission expressed concern over the possibility of businesses having to close because they are not allowed according to the Federal Way City Code (this would occur only if the PAA Subarea Plan is adopted and later an area is annexed into the City). Specifically, the concern is over a junkyard located in the PAA (junkyards are not allowed in the City). The City has held discussions with the junkyard owner on this issue. One possible solution is to change the code to allow junkyards. Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 March 3, 2004 K:\Planning Commission\2004\Meeting Summary 03-03-04.doc The Commission express concern over applying the proposed new Freeway Commercial zone to an area without first knowing what the proposed new zone entails. Staff commented that the public hearing on the new zone will be held at the next Commission meeting and information will go out in the next agenda packet. When asked, staff replied that there are no significant environmental concerns identified in the PAA. The Commission then discussed the financial aspects of the Plan and asked, considering possible legislation that would reduce the amount of funds available to cities, can the City financially support annexing the PAA (recognizing that adoption of the Plan does not mean annexation of the area)? The Commission asked what effect would this Plan have on current King County zoning? Mr. Dohrn replied that the Plan address future land use/zoning (and only if the area were to annex to the City), and would not affect current zoning. Ms. Clark commented that on March 17, 2004, the Planning Commission will hold public hearings on the PAA Plan and the new Freeway Commercial zone. Once the PAA plan is adopted, it will become part of the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan and will take the place of the current PAA chapter. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Ms. McClung informed the Commission of the various land use projects. The volunteer dinner is scheduled for June 4, 2004. The Police/Court are scheduled to move into the new City Hall in June and the remainder of the staff is scheduled to move in August. She introduced Isaac Conlen, the new Associate Planner, and announced that Ms. Piety was promoted to Administrative Assistant II. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Alternate Commissioner Bronson asked if Planning Commission minutes could be placed on the website before they are approved by the Commission, because months could go by between meetings. Ms. McClung replied that it is City policy that minutes are not placed on the website until they are adopted, but she will research the possibility of earlier placement for the Planning Commission minutes. AUDIENCE COMMENT None. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.