PRHSPSC MIN 09-13-2004 City of Federal Way City Council PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COUNCIL COMMITTEE Monday, September 13, 2004 5:00 p.m. SUMMARY In attendance: Council Committee members Chair Jeanne Burbidge, Jim Ferrell, Jack Dovey, Mayor McColgan, Deputy Mayor Linda Kochmar; David Moseley, City Manager, Derek Matheson, Assistant City Attorney, Pat Richardson, City Attorney, Amy Jo Pearsall, Assistant City Attorney, Anne Kirkpatrick, Chief of Public Safety, Angelina Allen-Mpyisi, Human Services Manager, Kelli O’Donnell CDBG Coordinator, Kurt Reuter, Park Maintenance Superintendent, Mary Jaenicke, Administrative Assistant. Guests: Al Church, Mark Thompson, Bill Gates, Mark Freitas, Ed Plumlee – Federal Way Fire Department; C.T. Purdom, Parks and Recreation Commission; Rick Agnew, Human Services Commission Chair Burbidge called the meeting to order at 5:07p.m. PUBLIC FORUM None COMMISSION COMMENT None APPROVAL OF SUMMARY Council members Ferrell and Dovey motioned to accept the August meeting minutes as written. Motion passed. BUSINESS ITEMS Paramedic Service In King County Fire Chief Al Church reported that the ALS study has been reviewing whether or not paramedic services in South King County should be managed through the fire service or should it remain to be managed by King County. The only entity in King County where paramedic services are managed by King County is South King County. With the study coming to an end, they have come to the conclusion that it is feasible to have paramedic services managed by the fire service in South King County. This has been looked at it both operationally and financially. They are asking the City of Federal Way to join the Board of Fire Commissioners, the Kent City Council and the Board of Fire Commissioners from King County Fire District #37 in supporting the position developed jointly by the City of Federal Way Fire Department and the City of Kent Fire Department. The position states unequivocally that they have proven the feasibility of paramedic services being operated out of the fire services in South King County, and the desire to keep the discussions opened and not to close the feasibility study. The City of Federal Way and the City of Kent mandated this study. During the feasibility study, three options for paramedic services were reviewed. The options are as follows: 1) Staying with King County, this would be an expensive option. 2) Have the paramedic services migrate to a single fire department, provided that the two departments step up with the willingness to provide management for the program in Federal Way and Kent. 3) Dual provider option, with the Federal Way Fire Department and the City of Kent working together as partners in managing the paramedic program in South King County. Option number three is the option that is favored by the City of Federal Way and City of Kent Fire Department. The goal is to have this in place by 2008. That is why they want to keep the feasibility study open because they think the perfect time to migrate the paramedic program to fire service is after the next levy is in place. They would have solid financial backing with the new levy. Mark Freitas stated that the study came out of election failure. They are asking for local control over a regional levy. He asked for the Councils Support on this issue. Mark Thompson stated that currently all the funds that are generated in Federal Way go to King County. Those funds are then divided up and the services are setup accordingly. Under this proposal, the funds that are generated in Federal Way will stay in Federal Way. In the current system there is no input by the users, the fire service, council and the citizens. There is no accountability. With the new system there will be more accountability, there will be direct supervision. Mr. Thompson urged the Council support in the continuation of the feasibility study. Bill Gates stated that the study has been going on for a long time. It is a very thorough study. He asked for Councils support. Council member Dovey asked why the Fire Department wanted to wait until PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COUNCIL COMMITTEE Monday September 13, 2004 Summary Page 2 2008 to implement the program. Chief Church answered that the biggest issue is due to the EMS levy. They need to make sure that the levy is renewed, or there is some type of financial program in place. If the levy does not pass, then they would need to take a look at their own sub-regional levy in Federal Way. The main reason they have targeted 2008 is that the current levy ends in December 2007, with a renewal in November of 2007. 2008 starts the brand new levy period, which would ensure that the money is available. Chief Church stated if King County were to come to the board, and ask if you want it in 2005 or 2006, he feels they could make it happen. Council member Ferrell asked what the likelihood would be of King County turning the service over now. Chief Church feels King County would want to hold onto it. Deputy Mayor Kochmar asked for clarification on the medic unit areas. With the dual provider preferred option. The Federal Way Fire Department would manage the Paramedic units in SeaTac, Federal Way and Auburn. Kent would manage four paramedic units. Council member Ferrell moved to recommend that the Full City Council adopt a resolution that calls for further exploration of options for providing paramedic services in South King County. Council member Dovey seconded. Motion passed. 2005-2006 Proposed Use of Human Services General Funds Human Services Chair Agnew reported that this was one of the toughest years for reviewing the applications. He stated that every application received fair treatment; each application was reviewed by at least two Human Services Commissioners. Agnew stated the Commission looked for consistency in the goals as determined by the City Council. They also tried to maintain funding for programs that are working, and they tried to be open to new programs. The organizations that are currently working very well received their requested amount, or close to the requested amount. Mr. Agnew noted that when all of the recommendations were considered, there was no controversy at the public hearing. Nobody complained about the process or the results. Ms. Allen-Mpyisi reported that 54 applications were received. 11 new agencies applied for funding, and they were able to fund four of those agencies. The majority of those organizations are domestic violence, there is also natural medicine. The Human Services Commission thought this out very carefully, they ensured there were no duplications of services, and made sure the programs were unique and that they served the Federal Way Community. The commission formed an Ad Hoc Committee to work with staff so that on a smaller scale the commissioners could review all the applications, express their concerns and make initial recommendations on whether or not the agencies should be considered to go through the process. Council member Ferrell is a board member for the Multi-Service Center and recused himself. Mayor McColgan stated that it has been awhile since the Council goals had been reviewed, and whether or not they were still appropriate for today’s world. Has there been any discussion about revisiting the goals. Ms. Allen-Mpyisi answered that they are going through the consolidated plan process and updating the comprehensive plan. Staff is in the process of reviewing whether or not the goals still fit within what they would like to see in the next 3-5 years. Mayor McColgan asked if the applicants used the same form for other grant applications. Allen- Mypisi stated that all of the South King County cities came together and developed one application for Community Development, Public Services and for General Fund. Deputy Mayor Kochmar asked if there was a need in Federal Way that is not being filled. Mayor McColgan stated that the three most pressing issues in King and Pierce County are 1) Housing – emergency shelter and affordable housing, 2) Child and Youth services – after school programs, readiness programs, 3) Access to Healthcare. Council member Dovey moved to recommend approval of the 2005-2006 Human Services General Fund Budget as presented including the Contingency Plans and the Conditions of Funding, as presented by the Human Services Commission. This recommendation is forwarded to the full City Council for consideration at the October 5, 2004 meeting. Chair Burbidge seconded. Motion passed. Council member Ferrell recused himself. Cancellation of 2004 CDBG Award to FWCCN for Improvements to FUSION Transitional Housing Units and Reallocation of Funds per the 2004 Contingency Plan Ms. O’Donnell reported that she received notice from FUSION that they will not be able to use the 2004 CDBG Grant for the rehabilitation of transitional housing units. They had difficulty with the federal requirements. This does require official city action; a public hearing is planned prior to the City Council meeting on September 21. The recommendation is to implement the 2004 CDBG Contingency plan. $17,625 would be allocated to the King County Housing & Community Development Federal Way Housing Repair Program, and Children’s Therapy Center for the Bridge to the Brighter Future Project would receive $7,015. Council member Dovey moved to recommend the cancellation of the 2004 CDBG allocation to the Federal Way Community Caregiving Network FUSION Rehab project, in the amount of $24,640, and further recommend that these funds be reallocated per the 2004 CDBG Contingency Plan. This recommendation is to be considered by the full City Council at the September 21, 2004 meeting following public hearing on the matter. Ferrell seconded. Motion passed. PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COUNCIL COMMITTEE Monday September 13, 2004 Summary Page 3 2004 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Chief Kirkpatrick stated that on August 15 the citizen advisory board met to discuss and recommend the use of the 2004 LLEBG funds. They will purchase 5 laptop computers, projector,, Ten X-26 tasers and two laptop computers that have additional CAD, audio/video/DVD system. Council member Ferrell moved to approve the purchase of identified equipment/technology recommended by the 2004 LLEBG citizen advisory board, and forward to full Council for consideration on September 21, 2004 for consideration. Dovey seconded. Motion passed. King County Park Maintenance Proposal Mr. Reuter reported that they received a proposal from King County proposing that the City of Federal Way take over the management operations of five county parks contained in the City’s PAA. King County would provide $312,271 for one year’s operations. The proposed parks are Bingamon Pond, Camelot Park, Five Mile Lake, Lake Geneva Park and South King County Ballfields. This issue has been looked at in the past, and has been discussed at the Parks Commission meeting. The Parks Commission voted to reject this proposal due to the lack of resources available in the Parks Maintenance Department. They also felt it was not a good use of funds to maintain properties outside the City of Federal Way, they feel it is a grossly under funded offer. The decision was to not accept the proposal in its current form, but to continue to have dialogue with the County to continue to explore the issue, to see if they may increase the funding. Council member Dovey requested clarification on whether the City would be taking on ownership or maintenance and operations. Mr. Moseley stated he believes that their interest is relinquishing maintenance, operations and ownership of the parks. Council member Dovey stated he has an interest if it is ownership, but does not have interest if it is maintenance. Parks Chair Commissioner Purdom stated that the commission was divided on this issue. The opportunity to pick up additional parks is very appealing. But they also considered the maintenance, and the upgrades that these facilities are in need of, to bring them up to the standards that the City of Federal Way has. That is why they chose to reject the proposal and to see if they would be interested in offering additional funds. Council member Dovey stated that the City needed to negotiate for more. If we still don’t like the offer then we can still say no. Chair Burbidge also questioned what additional responsibilities the City would take on. Would the City be responsible for policing the parks? Council member Ferrell was concerned about the extra liability the City would take on. How do you separate the responsibilities? Mr. Moseley stated that it would be very complex to own and operate a park that is outside of the City limits. After discussion the Committee directed to not proceed with the motion and directed staff to continue to have dialogue with King County on this subject. Staff will bring this back to committee if the Parks Commission and staff have a recommendation for committee. Chair Burbidge stated she attended the commission meeting where this issue was discussed. It was pointed out that the parks need extensive renovations that would be very costly. Reuter added that to bring them up to the standard we have, and maintain them at that level the ongoing costs would be substantial. West Hylebos Wetland Park Update Mr. Reuter reported that the West Hylebos Wetland Park now belongs to the City, signs are being changed, and the department is working closely with the Friends of the Hylebos to operate the parks. PENDING ITEMS Chair Burbidge requested that the following issues be added to pending items 1. Animal Control 2. Litter on roadsides 3. Thompson Park 4. Armstrong Park ANNOUNCEMENTS City Attorney Pat Richardson introduced Amy Jo Pearsall, as the new Assistant City Attorney. Ms. Pearsall will be attending these meetings. NEXT MEETING October 11, 2004, 5:00 p.m. in the Hylebos Conference Room ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 6:10p.m.