Youth Comm MINS 11-20-2006 City of Federal Way YOUTH COMMISSION Wednesday, December 20, 2006 Klahanee Lake Community Center, Classroom 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. 33901 9th Ave S (253)835-6925 MINUTES In attendance: Commission Members: Hayley Johnson, Allison Palumbarit, Kiley Martin, Doris Jeong, Michelle Fernandez Catherine Rawsthorn, Anthony Hutchinson, Shannon Bernard y, Caroline Lee, Lyndsey Wilson Absent Excused: Lanelle Ava, Sarah Kirsch Absent Unexcused: Clancey Four Bear, Alleh Pac, Jasmin Park Staff: David Schmidt, Senior/Teen Services Coordinator 1. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:26 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES SHANNON BERNARDY MOVED, HAYLEY JOHNSON SECONDED. A MOTION TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 15TH MINUTES AS WRITTEN. MOTION PASSED. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT a. None 4. COMMISSION BUSINESS a. Jingle Bell Brunch Recap – Commissioner Martin and Commissioner Hutchinson both volunteered at the Jingle Bell Brunch. b. TUNE Night Recap – 79 people had signed up on the attendance list. $316 was made from ticket sales in addition to the donations making it $334 total. The commissioners will plan early for the next TUNE by getting the bands earlier and the flyers sent out earlier. The pending date for the next TUNE Night is February 9. The plan is to have bands secured by January. Schmidt will contact Todd Beamer so that we can have an official date. Commissioner Bernardy will help Commissioner Hutchinson chair the next TUNE event. c. Adopt-A-Family – As of the meeting, we have $405 so far, not including the donations from TUNE. Presents will be bought by next weekend. Commissioners will meet at Target to shop for the presents. d. MLK Celebration – Schmidt asked if any of the volunteers would be able to volunteer for this event. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Phone-Tree The phone tree did not really work well. We will still continue to try it out. b. Meeting Attendance – If commissioners are not able to attend a meeting, they should contact David Schmidt by phone or email right away. c. All City Talent Show – The talent show will be held on either March 9 or 16 at the Knutzen Theater. We will check for availability at the theater. 6. NEXT MEETING January 17, 2007 5:00-7:00pm @ Klahanee Lake Community Center 7. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 6:07 pm.