Youth Comm MINS 05-23-2007 City of Federal Way YOUTH COMMISSION Wednesday, May 23, 2007 Federal Way Community Center, Class Room 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. 876 South 333rd St (253)835-6925 MINUTES In attendance: Commission Members: Hayley Johnson, Allison Palumbarit, Kiley Martin, Doris Jeong, Michelle Fernandez Catherine Rawsthorn, Caroline Lee, Sarah Kirsch, Lyndsey Wilson, Shannon Bernardy Absent Unexcused: Lanelle Ava, Anthony Hutchinson Staff: David Schmidt, Senior/Teen Services Coordinator 1. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:20 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES HAYLEY JOHNSON MOVED, HANNAH ORY SECONDED. A MOTION TO APPROVE THE APRIL MINUTES AS WRITTEN. MOTION PASSED. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT a. None 4. COMMISSION BUSINESS a. Youth Recognition Night – The deadline has been extended to Tuesday of next week. The Youth Commissioners will call the schools or talk to the teachers to remind them about it. The certificates and frames will be picked up by Commissioner Johnson. We have 17 applications in so far. Commissioner Wilson is willing to write up the script for the awarding ceremony. Invitations need to be sent out to the people who were recognized. Commissioners Johnson, Wilson, and Martin will come in to work on the scripts, certificates, and the invitations. Commissioner Lee volunteered to be the MC for the awarding night. b. Commission Partnership Gang Violence Meeting– Commissioner Schmidt said that the meeting was interesting. They were happy that the Youth Commission was able to attend. c. Red, White, and Blues Festival July 4th– There will be a dunk tank this year which will go on from 4:00 to 7:30. We still need at least two bands for the event at the teen center/interactive dance area. We will ask the bands that played at our past TUNE Night events. d. Battle of the Bands – This event has been moved to the first week of August (the 3rd, which is on a Friday). We will try to get the courtyard at Beamer. We also need to find bands for this event. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. None 6. NEXT MEETING June 20, 2007 5:00-7:00pm @ Federal Way Community Center 7. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm.