FEDRAC PKT 05-24-2011Federal Way City Council Finance/Economic Development/Regional Affairs Committee AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENT 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS ►. Vouchers T. Kraus 127 Action 06/07/11 Council Consent *Addi11 tional materials may also be distributed for review/action during the meeting 4. OTHER: 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Topic Title/ Description Presenter(s) A. South Sound Regional Business Incubator Update Tom Pierson & Collette Gibson -Pfaff b. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: CITY STAFF: Mike Park, Chair Bryant Enge, Administrative Services Director Jeanne Burbidge Krystal Roe, Deputy City Clerk Jack Dovey 253.835.2541 Action Topic Title/ Description Presenter Page* or Discussion A. Approval of Minutes: April 26, 2011 K. Roe 2 Action B. May 2011 Legislative Report B. Enge 7* Information Only 1. C. Secondary Internet Connection Fichtner .................................. 8 ---.. . Information Only Follow -Up from April FEDRAC Meeting Discussion D. ......... Animal Service Briefing ____. B. Wilson Information Only E. Fundin11 g for San.11 d Sculpture E 11 vent Doherty 1 1 Action 06/07/11 Council Consent F. 11 Spring 2011 Tourism Enhancement Grant Applications ...................... . Doherty 14 Action 06107111 Council Consent G. April Monthly Financial Report T. Kraus 88 Action 06/07/11 Council Consent 11.11, H. Long -Range Financial Plan Update T. Kraus 104 .................. ....................... .. .. Information Only ►. Vouchers T. Kraus 127 Action 06/07/11 Council Consent *Addi11 tional materials may also be distributed for review/action during the meeting 4. OTHER: 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Topic Title/ Description Presenter(s) A. South Sound Regional Business Incubator Update Tom Pierson & Collette Gibson -Pfaff b. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: CITY STAFF: Mike Park, Chair Bryant Enge, Administrative Services Director Jeanne Burbidge Krystal Roe, Deputy City Clerk Jack Dovey 253.835.2541 piY OF Federal Way City Council Finance/Economic Development/Reaional Affairs Committee SUMMARY 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Mike Park called the meeting to order at 5:33 PM. Committee Members in Attendance: Committee Chair Park, Committee Members Burbidge and Dovey. CouncHmembers in Attendance: Deputy Mayor Duclos and Councilmember Kochmar Staff Members In Attendance: ASD Bryant Enge, Finance Director Tho Kraus, City Attorney Pat Richardson, IT Manager Fichtner, and Executive Assistant Brook Lindquist. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. K1 Kvirelm"Alll;L4[1tlii:t*V Topic Title/Description Council Placement A. Approval of Minutes: March 22, 2011 Committee Member Dovey moved to approve as presented. Committee Member Burbidge second. Motion Carried 3 -0. B. legislative Report for April 2011 ASD Enge presented the latest legislative report to Committee Members_ State Lobbyist Levy reported on the current legislative items that affect the City of Federal Way. The Washington State Legislature began a 30 day special session. They are addressing the budget. The cities will be keeping 97% of their current state revenue. There are significant differences between the House and Senate budgets. They are looking at a constitutional amendment to deal with the State's debt. The precious metal bill is moving forward. The capital budget does include the $325K for design work on the PACC/Civic Center. The algae clean-up accounts will be signed into law tomorrow. The Triangle Project funding ($14MIL) will not be preserved and instead will go towards increased fuel costs. The REET bill will be signed in the near future. N/A Discussion Only N/A Discussion Only Committee Members inquired about potential funding for King County Metro and if the Governor will sign it. This bill would allow a $20 vehicle license fee to be added. This will need to go to the King County Council for approval. C. Purchase of Adobe Software Consent 05/03/2011 if Manager Fichtner presented information on the purchase of Adobe software. The State renegotiated their Adobe contract and they require that all government entities that purchase off their contract to put this one in place. There is no dollar amount to this contract but does allow the City to purchase off the DIS contract. Committee Members inquired about how much this will cost. IT Manager Fichtner stated there are a few pieces that need to be purchased (-$200). Committee Member Burbidge moved approval of the purchasing contract for Adobe software with Washington State Department of Information Services effective May 4, 2011. Committee Member Dovey second. Motion carried 3-0. D. Institutional Network Contract Renewal. Consent 05/03/2011 IT Manager Fichtner presented information on a contract renewal with King County for our I -Net services. This is for our internet connection. IP addresses, domain names, licenses and connection to IGN, etc. We currently pay $1048 per month and the new contract 2 FEDRAC SUMMARY Al2ril 26. 2011 will be 13 less per month. We will be locked in at this price for three years but can terminate the contract with 30 days notice. This allows us to keep our IP addresses as well as increased network bandwidth. Committee Members inquired about if this is a resale. IT Manager Fichtner stated that King County does sell this to us with enhanced features including IGN. Committee Members inquired whether it would be cheaper to go ala cart. King County does make some profit on this but it is difficult to find where to get the IGN service. Both the City of Renton and the City of Auburn have two providers including King County. Committee Members inquired about the redundancy of the City's intemet service. IT Manager Fichtner stated that we only have one service due to budget. We do have a backup of cellular 3G if we need to get online but there is no network backup. ASD Enge stated if Council would like to look into this, staff could bring back later. The Committee agreed that they would like to see some research into backup options. Committee Member Dovey moved adoption to renew the contract with King County. Committee Member Burbidge second. Motion carried 3-0. E. Civic Center Alternative Funding Methodologies Consent ASD Enge presented alternative funding methodologies for the Civic Center. He 05/03/2011 presented the idea of exploring public/private partnerships, non-profit, or private development of the Civic Center. This would be providing details on how we could fund this facility and see if there are funding partners out there. This could help mitigate the City's risk for developing this facility as well as provide capital dollars. There has been some work done by Webb Management that addresses funding. ASD Enge would like to have Webb Management complete more research in this area and look at what can be done locally. The Committee Members inquired about whether or not the word alternative should be used. This will be reviewing the funding of the project, not the operating or construction side. ASD Enge stated he would remove the word alternative. The Committee reviewed the document and provided feedback. There was a discussion on the possibilities of endowments or funding that could cover the gap between the expenditures and revenues. There is concern that this should be a self-sufficient enterprise_ CEDD Doherty discussed the RFQ that went out this week. There could be another RFQ that goes out in regards to other development possibilities in the downtown area. This would be similar to what was done previously. We received 15 proposals for A & E work for the Civic Center. There was a discussion on the possibilities for the site including a hotel option. Committee Member Burbidge moved to approve staff recommendation to explore finance methodologies to the Council on May 3, 2011 on consent agenda for approval. Committee Member Dovey second. Motion carried 3-0. F. March Monthly Financial Report Consent Finance Director Kraus updated the Committee on the March 2011 Financial Report. 05/03/2011 General and Street Fund revenues as a whole is $152K or 1.8% above target with year-to- date budget estimates. Sales Tax and Court revenue negative variance as reported last month report continues to be concerning. Property tax negative variance is still considered a timing difference at this point since the first half property tax payments are not due until the end of April. Revenues that are down compared to budget include property tax, sales tax, building permits and fees. Revenues that are up include criminal Justice Sales Tax, liquor profits, gambling tax, and court revenue. On the expenditure side, all departments reflect positive variances with the exception of jail services. The Designated Operating Funds saw increases in utility tax, real estate excise tax and red light photo enforcement compared to year-to-date budget. The $247K increase in red FEDRAC SUMMARY April 26, 2011 _ _.... __... ._.... .. light photo revenues does not take into account of approximately $55K for March payments to ATS since the invoice was not received and paid at the time the monthly financial report was prepared. The adjusted increase in red light photo compared to budget is $193K. On the expenditure side, all designated funds reflect positive variances except for Solid Waste & Recycling which is due to timing of grant program. March's sales tax distribution of $751 K is $35K or 4.5% below March 2010's distribution and $33K or 4.2% below March's budget estimate. Pt Quarter's sales tax distribution of $2,723K is $59K or 2.1 % below ytd 2010 and $82K or 2.9% below ytd budget estimate. Retail trade down $24K due to increases in building material & garden and non -store retailers, offset by decreases in general merchandise stores, electronics & appliances, food & beverage stores, sporting goods, hobby, books and miscellaneous store retailers. Services, generally viewed as one-time fluctuations, usually due to new office set up and the result of field audits, is down $3K due to increases in amusement & recreation and accommodation services offset by decreases in professional & technical services, administrative support and health care assistance. Wholesaling is down $6K due to an increase from the sale of a fire truck offset by decreases in computers, copiers, carpet and food services. Information is down $11K mainly due to one company remitting one larger payment in 2010. Manufacturing is up $5K due to a major lumber company. Government is up $9K due primarily to payers remitting tax but did not specify classification code. Finance/Insurance/Real Estate down $15K due to a couple of stores that reported no sales tax in 2011 due to store closure, decreases in equipment rentals and video rentals, decreases in property and financing companies. In terms of sales tax collections by area, South 348th up $5K, the Commons is on target, South 3121h is down $16K, Pavilion Center is down $13K, Hotels/Motels is up $4K and Federal Way Crossings is down $3K. April's preliminary sales tax distribution for February activity is $32,138 or 3.8% below April 2010 and $13,052 or 1.6% above April 2011 budget estimate. On a year-to-date April basis, sales tax is $91,267 or 2.5% below year-to-date 2010 and $68,755 or 1.9% below the year-to-date budget. The good news is that we are seeing a turnaround in construction sales tax from the Triangle Project. March's utility tax receipts of $1,287K are $124K or 10.6% above March 2010 receipts and $162K or 14.4% above March's budget estimate. Is' Quarter's utility tax receipts of $3,767K is $117K or 3.2% above ytd 2010 and $237K or 6.7% above year -td budget estimate. Compared to year-to-date 2010: electricity is up $78K or 6% due to increased consumption; gas is up $85K or 13% due to 2% rate increase effective November 1, 2010 and increased consumption; solid waste is up $20K or 1 I% due to rate increase of 16.9% effective March 1, 2010; phone is down $22K or 7%; and cellular is down $50K or 7%. Real estate excise tax I5' quarter collections of $574K accounts for 64% annual budget. March's receipts of $68K are $26K or 28% below March 2010. 10 quarter receipts of $462K is from the sale of Palisades Apartments and WoodMark Retirement Community. March's and 15' quarter's hotel/motel tax is on target with budget estimate. March's gambling tax receipts of $55K is $32K or 37% below March 2010 receipts and $43K or 353% above March's budget estimate, due to card room. 10 quarter's gambling tax receipts of $125K is $114K or 48% below year-to-date 2010 and $72K or 138% above year- to-date budget estimate, again due to card room. Through I,' quarter, City portion of overtime is up $5K compared to year-to-date 2010 and on target with budget. February's overtime was high (exceeded 2010 by $17K) due to mutual aid provided to City of Tukwila, homicide investigation and sick leave coverage in order to maintain minimum staffing levels. March's overtime is low (below 2010 by $12K) and is due $6K decrease in shift extensions (when officers are asked to stay for major events or maintain staffing levels) and $6K shift call -ins (when officers are called in for the same reason as shift extensions but this is on the officer's scheduled day off). The Chief FEDRAC SUMMARY April 26, 201 1 has ordered them to better manage schedules to maintain staffing levels in order to reduce these costs. N quarter's animal licensing revenues totaled $32K and is less than anticipated. At this rate, animal services revenue may only meet 50% of the $264K budget, a reduction of $132K. N quarter's jail costs are up $84K or 39% compared to year-to-date 2010 due mainly to increased usage. Is' Quarter's 2011's red light photo net revenue totaled $373K but does not include March's invoice payment of approximately $55K. Including March's estimate invoice payment, the revised I,' quarter 2011 revenues total $318K and would be $89K or 39% above Is' quarter 2010. Finance Director Kraus noted that January 2010's revenues do not include the 8 new cameras that were activated February 2010 and the 2 additional cameras activated December 2010. February 2010's revenue does not include the 2 additional cameras activated in December 2010. Compared to 2010 year-to-date, court revenue is down $40K or 9% excluding probation services. There is $12K decrease in Shared court costs is due to a timing difference and when that is taken into consideration, court revenue is down $29K or 7%. Federal Way Community Center revenues are above 2010 year-to-date actual and budget and expenditures are below 2010 year-to-date actual and budget. Chair Park requested a briefing on Animal Services at the next FEDRAC meeting. Finance Director Kraus stated she will follow up with Police and responded that Police is taking measures to increase compliance such as comparing Federal Way's database with King County, educating citizens, and have licensing information at the pet stores. Committee Member inquired about .0808 on gas bill. This has other taxes in the city portion of the bill. Finance Director Kraus will follow up and email the Committee Members. Committee members inquired about FWCC sales tax funding and whether there is a cap to how much ST funding the center can get. Finance Director Kraus stated 1 % of utility tax is dedicated to FWCC debt services, operations and capital reserves. The budgeted utility tax transfer for operations is $590K for 2011. If it looks like FWCC will exceed that amount, we would need to inform Council. If the full amount is not needed for operations, we would transfer the balance to capital reserves. There was a discussion on having a SCORE update on next month's FEDRAC_ Committee Member Dovey moved adoption. Committee Member Burbidge second. Motion carried 3-0. G. Vouchers Consent Committee Member Burbidge moved adoption. Committee Member Dovey second. 05/03/2011 Motion carried 3-0. .. _.... _.............................. 5 FEDRAC SUMMARY April 26, 201 1 4. OTHER: None 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Long Range Plan Update, IT Network Redundancies (information), Animal Services Revenue Update (information), SCORE Business Plan Update (information) 6. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, May 24, 201 1 Meeting adjourned at 6:28 p.m. COMMITTEE APPROVAL: Mike Park Committee Chair Jeanne Burbidge Committee Member Attest: Brook Lindquist, Executive Assistant Jack Dovey Committee Member COUNCIL MEETING DATE: N/A ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: LEGISLATIVE REPORT FOR APRIL 2011 POLICY QUESTION: N/A — Item for information only COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: 5/24/2011 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ® Other STAFF REPORT BY: B DEPT: Mayor's Office Attachments: State legislation and legislative actions of interest to the City of Federal Way State Legislature is now in special session to finish the budget. Current information will be attached Options Considered: N/A MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: /% 1A - MAYOR APPROVAL: 1 DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ' ommittL Council 11 o m tee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward (fill in date) consent agenda for approval. to the Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "1 move approval of 11 BELOW TO BE COMPLETED B Y CITY CLERKS OFFICE, COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED Is" reading ❑ TABLEDIDEFERREDINO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ NIOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED -08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # 7 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: N/A ITEM 4: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: SECONDARY INTERNET CONNECTION — INFORMATION ONLY POLICY QUESTION: Should the City consider adding a secondary Internet connection as a backup to our primary King County INET connection? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: May 24, 2011 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ® Other STAFF REPORT BY: Thomas Fichtner, IT Manager DEPT: Information Technology Attachments: • See attached "Secondary Internet Connections" MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A DIRECTOR APPROVAL: N/A unit[ Council mmiitu Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: NiA Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: IViA (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED B I' C!T P CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 0r reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # E? Secondary Internet Connections A brief background Why isn't adding a secondary Internet connection as easy as plugging in a Comcast Cable or Qwest DSL modem into the City's network? The City has multiple online services ranging from email, web site, online permitting and media streaming to name a few. These services are generally all associated with an easy -to -remember address that people type in and go to, for example: Thomas.Fichtner@cityoffederalway.com, www.cityoffederalway.com , media.cityoffederalway.com, etc. All of these easy -to -remember names get translated into IP (Internet Protocol) address. Currently, the City has IP addresses from King County INET. When a secondary Internet connection is "plugged in", these IP addresses associated with all of those easy -to -remember names won't work on the new Internet connection and require a modification. These IP addresses will be different and unique to the secondary provider, which will require staff resources depending on the solution chosen. Options Load -balanced connection is where the two Internet connections are used simultaneously depending on capacity and load. This is the preferred method, because it also provides backup when one of the connections fail and when both are working the additional bandwidth can be used for greater capacity. In order to accommodate the scenario above, this scenario would require a "load balancer' device. These devices start around $10,000 and have an annual M&O fee around $2,000. This is on top of the monthly cost of a secondary Internet connection. Both the cities of Auburn and Renton have installed this option. Fail -over connections are connected, but not used until there is a failure with the primary connection. In light of the current budget for the City this can be a much more cost effective option to have the safety of a backup Internet connection in the event that our primary King County connection fails. This connection can be setup for most critical services with the existing equipment that we have. There will be some staff time associated in the "switch over" but it will be minimal as the connection would be in a stand-by state ready to be activated. Cost Comcast and Qwest are two inexpensive and readily available providers for a secondary, backup Internet connection. Qwest is the recommended provider because Comcast will effectively run over the same fiber that our current King County INET connection is on. The Comcast fiber has been cut in the past (at no fault of King County) and caused an outage for the better portion of a day. Later this year, Federal Way Public Schools is moving their Educational Service Center across the street from Federal Way City Hall. It is currently in the planning phases of making a connection between the buildings for the ability to stream meetings using the School District's Qwest Internet connection. Because of this, the City may be able to utilize this connection as a backup for an emergency. Tim Crawford, with Federal Way Public Schools, will be checking into the ability for the City to use their K20 network for emergency purposes. See the below pricing structure for Qwest and Comcast services: • Qwest - $93/month ($1,116 annually) 0 3Mbps o DSL (copper) based service o *NOTE: At the time of this writing, Qwest was still checking into availability of faster service and updated pricing at Federal Way City Hall. • Comcast - $60/month ($720 annually) 0 12Mbps o Cable (coax) based service — effectively using the same Comcast network that King County INET is using. o Optional — up to 13 static IP addresses for an additional $35/month ($420 annually). For each additional IP address, we can keep more of the critical services functioning. 10 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 7,201 t ITEM !#: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: FUNDING FOR SAND SCULPTURE EVENT POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve allocation of additional lodging tax funds to this summer's proposed Sand Sculpture event? COMMITTEE: Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs MEETING DATE: May 24, 2011 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Patrick Doherty DEPT: Community & Eco. Dev_ Attachments: 2011 Sand Sculpture Event Draft Budget Background: Last September local organizers produced the World Championship of Sand Sculpture in Federal Way after 19 years of previously being held in Harrison Hot Springs, BC. The event was funded in part with $23,000 in lodging tax funds, as well as a supplement from the General Fund of $58,000, for a total in City direct funding of $81,000. In addition, in-kind support was provided by Public Works, Police and others, with an approximate value $10-15,000. With an unprecedentedly rainy September, attendance at the event was lower than anticipated (at approximately 20,000), leaving the event almost $50,000 in the red. Proposal: Notwithstanding the debt from last year, the local organizers have regrouped, some debts have been forgiven or settled, and they are proposing a new event this summer. In a late -breaking twist, the "World Championship" brand has not been offered to the local group this year, so the event would be billed as a "Tour of Champions" (or other similar title), featuring similar national and international top -qualifying sand sculptors in a companion event to the World Championships held elsewhere. In addition, the event would be moved up into August, with a tentative starting date of August 18, running through September 5. A tighter event budget has been produced, eliminating the costlier sculptor -team element, as well as employing a conservative attendance estimate of no more than last year's 20,000, even though moving the event into August should reduce the likelihood of rain -outs which had reduced last year's attendance. While the attached budget shows a projected "gain" of $36,318, the organizers have stated that, given no cash in reserve from last year's event, it is difficult to cover the near-term, initial expenses (before event revenue comes in). For this reason, a representative of the local organizing committee attended the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee on May 18, 2011 and requested an additional $25,000 in supplemental lodging tax revenue above the $23,000 in lodging tax revenue already approved by City Council for this event. Although the City does not make loans and would account for this additional funding as a fully debited expense, the event organizers have indicated their intention to reimburse the City for this amount once event revenues allow. In addition, while an additional $5,000 was earmarked by LTAC for the event if a parade were produced, the event organizers have stated they cannot take on the parade element thi> year and it may not be possible with 11 only $5,000. They are requesting that this $5,000 be reallocated to the Sand Sculpture event, for a total additional request of $30,000. After discussion and deliberation, the LTAC members voted unanimously to recommend approval of the request to allocate an additional $25,000 in lodging tax revenues for the event, as well as to reallocate $5,000 from a parade to the main event. The $25,000 amount would derive from the $27,000 "Contingency" line item in the City Council -approved LTAC tourism -promotion work program and budget. Options: I. Approve allocation of an additional $25,000 in lodging tax funds for the 2011 Sand Sculpture event and reallocation of $5,000 from a parade to the event, as recommended by LTAC; 2. Deny the request for the additional lodging tax funds for the 2011 Sand Sculpture event. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDA MAYOR APPROVAL: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ommittee Councilommittee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: "1 move to forward Option to the June 7, 2011 consent agenda for approval. " Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the Option (BELOIV TO BE COMPLETED BYCITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED Isr reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # 12 2011 World Chsmpionship of Sand Sculpting Revised Budget 5111 3,400 REVENUE 2011 Sponsors 26,000 Community Member 25,000 Estimated additional sponsorship -not yet named 15,000 Comcast 10,000 Banner Bank 10,000 Community Member 5,000 Gentiva Home Health 5,000 Aging Options 3,000 Rotary Club of FW 600 Sterling Savings Bank 600 Multi Service Center 600 Umpqua Bank 600 Kiwanis Club of FW 500 Dini Duclos 300 Vendors 10,000 TOTAL 86,200 LTAC 28,000 Gate Revenue (20,000 at 7.00 ave entry fee) 140,000 Parking 10,000 Total Revenue 264,200 Expenses Accounting & Legal 3,400 Advertising 34,400 Airfare 26,000 Awards 45,000 Bank Fees 800 Barricades 1,650 Catering 11,400 CC Processing 2,300 Dues 350 Electrical 550 Event Planning 1,500 Fuel 3,315 Insurance 3,000 Labor 4,500 Leases 3,520 Licenses 650 Lodging 20,875 Office Supplies 750 Other Equipment 10,970 Other Expenses 2,000 Plumbing 1,900 Postage 250 Printing 1,800 Sand 9,140 Sanicans 3,800 Security 3,500 Setup/ Teardown (artist Mgmt) 12,000 Signs 3,000 Storage 1,500 Supplies 7,362 Tents 4,000 Telephone 500 Water 1,200 Website 1,000 Total Expenses 227,882 Gain / Loss 36,318 13 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 7, 2011 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: SPRING 2011 TOURISM ENHANCEMENT GRANT APPLICATIONS POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the Spring 2011 Tourism Enhancement Grant applications? COMMITTEE: Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs MEETING DATE: May 24, 2011 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Patrick Doherty DEPT: Community & Eco Dev. Attachments: TEG Applications, TEG Subcommittee scoring matrix Background: Two rounds of the Tourism Enhancement Grant are included in the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee's work program and budget for 2011. The total amount of $40,000 was budgeted for grant awards. These grants are intended to assist not-for-profit organizations to host sports and/or cultural events in Federal Way that would draw visitors to the City. Each event is judged based on the quality of the event, organizers' past performance, geographic draw of attendees, and overall potential economic impact on Federal Way. Applications A total of $31,790 was requested by eight organizations for this round, as follows: Applicant/Proposed Event Amount Requested Federal Way Symphony Orchestra/Handel's Messiah - November 20, 2011 $ 2,500 Centerstage/ "I'm into Something Good" - May 13- June 5, 2011 $ 5,000 F W Farmers Market/Federal Way Tourism Center - May - October 2011 $10,090 USSSA/Women's NW Division National Championships - August 27-28, 2011 $ 5,200 Decatur High School/Decatur Invitational Wrestling Tournament - December 10, 2011 $ 3,000 Sudden Impact Girls Fastpitch/Sudden Impact Invitational Tournament - June I 1-12, 2011 $ 6,000 TOTAL $31,790 Subcommittee Review At their May 13, 2011 meeting, the TEG Review Subcommittee members reviewed all the applications along with interviews with each organization's representatives. The TEG members then scored each application based on ten objective criteria related to the tourism value added that each event would bring to the City of Federal Way. The scoring matrix is attached. The Subcommittee's recommended grant funding for the Spring 201 1 round totals $15,300, leaving $24,700 available for the Fall 2011 TEG round_ Based on the final scores and requirements, the Subcommittee unanimously submits its recommendation as follows: 14 Applicant/Proposed Event Amount Req nested Proposed Award Federal Way Symphony Orchestra/Handel's Messiah - November 20, 2011 $ 2,500 $ 2,000 Centerstage/ "I'm into Something Good" - May 13- June 5, 2011 $ 5,000 $ 3,000 FW Farmers Market/Federal Way Tourism Center - May - October 2011 $10,090 $ 0 USSSA/Women's NW Division National Championships - August 27-28, 2011 $ 5,200 $ 4,500 Decatur High School/Decatur Invitational Wrestling Tournament - December 10, 201 1 $ 3,000 $ 800 Sudden Impact Girls Fastpitch/Sudden Impact Invitational Tournament - June 11-12,2011 $ 6,000 $ 5,000 TOTAL $31,790 $15,300 LTAC Review and Recommendations On May 18, 2011 the LTAC met and considered the TEG Subcommittee's recommendations. After discussion and deliberation, the LTAC members unanimously recommended approval of the TEG awards, as recommended by the TEG Subcommittee Options: 1. Approve TEG awards, as recommended by LTAC, as presented; 2. Modify the TEG awards, as follows: MAYOR's RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. l ) MAYOR APPROVAL: z1 DIRECTOR APPROVAL: / Comms ee Councilit.urnmittee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: "! move to forward approval of the Spring 2011 TEG awards, as recommended by LTAC to the June 7, 2011 consent agenda. " Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: '7 move approval of the Spring 2011 TEG awards, as recommended by FEDRAC. " 15 (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED B Y CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL RILL ft ❑ DENIED IST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ 1,I0VED rO SECOND READING (ordinances nnh') 0RDIN.XNCE It REVISED - 08112/2010 RESCII.UTION tt 15 5- cn�o CD o -i� cpo -n D <• 4 (D y 8 CD , a Q CL tD o� C g O cn W G�1 N 0 N 0 t c <: v 3 m 7 N m iii °o N '. y w 3 E W 0 Zr Q v ? K = �3 ?3 °o_ 3 W°' 3 n�i o° 7 U) <Z In C S -n 0 o (D � n d C < = N Existing = 1 New =2 m x Local = 1 0 Regional = 2 '$ Statewide = 3 0 National = 4 m Int'I = 5 A m One Day = 1 3 Two Days = 2 •* Three Days = 3 0 Four or More = 4 <m S. King County = 1 Federal Way = 2 0 " rn Peak (Jun -Sep) = 1 0 m 0c Shoulder (Feb -May) = 2 0 3 Off (Oct -Jan) = 3 v CD 10-25 = 1 co 26-50 = 2 a 51-75=3 > 76100 = 4 101-200 = 5 m 201-500 = 6 y 501-1,000 = 7 1,001+ = 8 50-100 = 1 2) 101-200 = 2 201-400 = 3 o 01-599 = 4 More than 600 = 5 0-5 = 0 �o o 6-25 = 1 3, T 26-75 = 2 s c 76-150 = 3 X More than 150 = 4 00 3 =v 0 0' Yes =0 M No=1 -� 0 -n " C Local Advtg/Promo = 1 pt O Regional Adtg/Promo = 1 pt 0 Statewide Ad/Promo = 1pt 0 3 0 Ability to document & measure economic impact a of event ° c.: 0 0 History in meeting c projected economic impact H a 0 d History in fulfiling TEG 0 conditions 0 0 N O IN) 2L ONO CA CCn O � 0 m 17 > Tourism Enhancement Grant 44k CITY Federalo. Way Last Revised on 2/28/11 Lodging Tax ,Advisory Committee Tourism Enhancement Grant GRANT APPLICATION CHECK LIST Please return this page along with the grant application and all attachments. [f Original Completed Applicationsin le sided ( g ) [r Copies of application - 15 sets, double sided copies (Application must be typed, not handwritten) [f Event Budget [✓]� List of other sources of funding, both requested and confirmed ❑ Others: _ Applicant's Signature: Applicant's Name: Katherine Franklin Applicant's Title: President, FW Symphony Grant writer —Date: March 9, 2011 Organization: Federal Way Symphony Email address of contact: president(a,federalwaysymphony.org Office use only Date Received: Page 4 18 Tourism Enhancement Grant 4 4 k CITY OF Federal Way 3. Last Revised on 2/28/11 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Tourism Enhancement Grant GRANT APPLICATION GRANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Read the entire packet, including the enclosed selection criteria before completing this application. Please type the application. Handwritten applications will not be accepted. Answer each question to the best of your ability. The city does not provide funding for tournament entry fees, travel, lodging, meals, uniforms, equipment, coaches' salaries, facility upgrades, or capital campaigns. If a question is not applicable to your event, simply write "N/A" in the space provided. You may mail your completed application to the address listed below. Tina Piety, Administrative Assistant II Community & Economic Development City of Federal Way 33325 8"' Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 Applicants will be notified of the date and time their application will be reviewed by the TEG Committee. It is recommended that a representative of your organization be on hand for the review to answer questions from the TEG Committee. APPLICANT'S NAME AND POSITION: Katherine Franklin, President FW Symphony NAME OF ORGANIZATION: Federal Way Symphony WEBSITE ADDRESS: www.federalwayymphony.org APPLICANT'S E-MAIL ADDRESS: president(a)federalwaysymphony.org FEDERAL TAX ID: 23-7310860 Is a Qualified 501(c) Organization: x❑ Yes ❑ No STREET ADDRESS: 3 2020 1st Ave. S. Federal Way, WA 98003 Suite #I 10 MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 4513 Federal Way, WA 98063-4513 DAYTIME TELEPHONE: 253-529-9857Fax: 253-529-9857 OFFICIAL EVENT NAME: 25Messiah PROPOSED DATE(S) OF EVENT (MM/DD/YY): 11/20/11 Pay91 GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTED $2500 a Tourism Enhancement Grant Last Revised on 2/28/11 Proposed schedule of event for each day: Date Time Date Time 11/20/11 2 PM Briefly describe the event (type of activity, age group, gender, etc): A seasonal performance of the Messiah as a kick off to the holiday season What is the cultural or educational value of the event? New concert featuring the Symphony and the Symphony Choral Society first time being performed in Federal Way by Symphony. Scope of Event (check 1): ❑ Local (Greater FW area) x❑ Puget Sound/Western WA ❑ Statewide ❑ Regional/Pacific NW ❑ National ❑ International Previous Hosts Year City/State Venue Has this event ever been held in the following locations (check all that applies)? [1Federal Way aKing County ❑ Pierce County If yes, please provide the following information: Month/Year Venue City NA VENUE INFORMATION Proposed local venue(s):St. Luke's Location(s): 515 312`h S. Federal Way WA 98003 Have you confirmed the availability of the proposed dates at the primary venue? x❑ Yes ❑ No Will you have a need for secondary or practice venues? ❑ Yes x❑ No TOTAL VENUE RENTAL (both competition and practice sites) $ 700 EVENT FINANCIAL INFORMATION Please attach a budget for the event, listing expenses, revenue and sponsorships. Revenue should include ONLY ticket sales and entry fees. Also include a list of other sources of financial support requested and confirmed (sponsorship, grants, etc.) which you have pursued. Is a host fee required? ❑ Yes x❑ No If so, what amount? $ or % of proceeds. Page 2 20 Tourism Enhancement Grant Range of ticket prices Adults Children Groups Total $30 $0 $ $ Range of Entry Fees Western WA Statewide NW) #s and Adults Children Groups Total #s and % #s and % % and % Projected Number of Tickets Sold Adults Children #300 / total $9000 #50 / total $0 Groups Total # / total $ # / total $ Amount of expenses local host is responsible for? 9000 What portion of the event's proceeds will be kept by the local host? $ or 100% of proceeds. Last Revised on 2/28/11 ECONOMIC IMPACT How many athletes performers 70 production staff/volunteers 25 will the event attract? How many teams/groups will the event attract? NA Total # of people Will you be listing any "Official Lodging" for this event? Yes x No If yes, which ones? Please provide name, address, and contact person and phone number. NA Please provide all hotels/motels that you will include in all your publicity for the event? Pagj J Local Puget Sound/ Regional (Pac. Projected (Greater FW) Western WA Statewide NW) #s and National #s Int'l Attendees #s and % #s and % #s and % % and % #s and % Athletes/ #s #s #s #s #s #s Performers 25% 75% % % % % Spectators #s #s #s #s #s #s 25% 75% % % % % Support (staff, #s #s #s #s #s #s vendors, volunteers, 100 % % % % % % etc.) Will you be listing any "Official Lodging" for this event? Yes x No If yes, which ones? Please provide name, address, and contact person and phone number. NA Please provide all hotels/motels that you will include in all your publicity for the event? Pagj J Tourism Enhancement Grant Last Revised on 2/28/1; Of the numbers listed in the previous table, please list all the hotels/motels that all attendees (including performers/athletes, spectators, and support members) registered at during the event? Attach additional sheets if needed. GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTING $2500 How will the event be publicized and marketed? Please list all publications and media venues in addition to any give away promotional materials that will be used. Thank you. Publicity will include local papers, Coffee News, posters, brochures, e -blasts, local radio spots, overhead Power Point presentation at concerts up to performance, website. The undersigned certifies that the information provided above is true and accurate and any projections are based on history of similar events and activities that are available to the industry and adjusted to local conditions. Applicant's Signature: Applicant's Name: �1 /� 4 Applicant's Title: (,III t) C ID k2 iii (Z- Date:.,, A,j Page 4 22 List all hotel/motels with contact name & Estimate of #s and % Projected Attendees phone number - # of Blocked Rooms if any of total attending Athletes/ Performers # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s 0/0 Spectators # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s % Support (staff, vendors, # of Rooms #s % volunteers, etc.) # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s % GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTING $2500 How will the event be publicized and marketed? Please list all publications and media venues in addition to any give away promotional materials that will be used. Thank you. Publicity will include local papers, Coffee News, posters, brochures, e -blasts, local radio spots, overhead Power Point presentation at concerts up to performance, website. The undersigned certifies that the information provided above is true and accurate and any projections are based on history of similar events and activities that are available to the industry and adjusted to local conditions. Applicant's Signature: Applicant's Name: �1 /� 4 Applicant's Title: (,III t) C ID k2 iii (Z- Date:.,, A,j Page 4 22 Proposed Messiah Budget Expenses Players Soloists (3 x $300) Lighting, Sound, other venue expenses Music Purchase Advertising Programs, printing Income Tickets ($30 x 300) Tentative Net: ($2,900) 23 $5,000 $1,200 $ 700 $ 500 $3,500 $1,000 $11,900 $9,000 FEDERAL WAY SYMPHONY MESSIAH BUDGET ADDENDUM Funding sources: Norcliffe Foundation pending 24 Tourism Enhancement Grant Last Revised on 2/28/11 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Tourism Enhancement Grant GRANT APPLICATION CHECK LIST Please return this page along with the grant application and all attachments. Original Completed Application (single sided) ❑ Copies of application - 15 sets, double sided copies (Application must be typed, not handwritten) Event Budget List of other sources of funding, both requested and confirmed ❑ Others: Applicant's Signature: Applicant's Name: Alan Btyce Applicant's Title: Managing Artistic Director Date: March 4t', 2011 Organization: Centerstage Email address of contact: aabryce@hotmail.com Ofrce use only Date Received: Page A6 Tourism Enhancement Grant Last Revised on 2/28/11 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Tourism Enhancement Grant GRANT APPLICATION GRANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Read the entire packet, including the enclosed selection criteria before completing this application. Please type the application. Handwritten applications will not be accepted. Answer each question to the best of your ability. The city does not provide funding for tournament entry fees, travel, lodging, meals, uniforms, equipment, coaches' salaries, facility upgrades, or capital campaigns. If a question is not applicable to your event, simply write "N/A" in the space provided. You may mail your completed application to the address listed below. Tina Piety, Administrative Assistant II Community & Economic Development City of Federal Way 33325 8t' Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 Applicants will be notified of the date and time their application will be reviewed by the TEG Committee. It is recommended that a representative of your organization be on hand for the review to answer questions from the TEG Committee. APPLICANT'S NAME AND POSITION: Alan Bryce, Managing Artistic Director NAME OF ORGANIZATION: Centerstage WEBSITE ADDRESS: www.centerstagetheatre.com APPLICANT'S E-MAIL ADDRESS: aabryice@hotmaii.com FEDERAL TAX ID: 91-1167000 Is a Qualified 501(c) Organization: [� Yes ❑ No STREET ADDRESS: 3200 SW Dash Point Road, Federal Way WA 98023 MAILING ADDRESS: 160013, SW Dash Point Road, #271, Federal Way WA 98023 DAYTIME TELEPIiONE: 253 661 1444 Fax: 253 6610464 OFFICIAL EVENT NAME: I'm Into Something Good PROPOSED DATE(S) OF EVENT (MM/DD/YY): May 13m —.lune 5', 2011 GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTED $5,000 Page F Tourism Enhancement Grant Proposed schedule of event for each day: Last Revised on 2/28/ l i Date Time Date Time There will -be four performances per week Fridays at 8• Saturdays at 2 and 8; Sundays at 2 Briefly describe the event (type of activity, age group, gender, etc): A new musical production, specially created by Centerstage designed to attract an audience across the age demographic boundaries. It will have primary appeal to the traditional theatrical audience because it features the music of the 1960's. However, as it is essentially a rock musical we anticipate it will appeal to a younger demographic also. What is the cultural or educational value of the event? The core theme of the show is to illuminate the social and economic context which gave birth to the creative explosion of popular music in Great Britain in the 1960's Scope of Event (check 1): Q Local (Greater FW area) [Puget Sound/Western WA ❑ Statewide ❑ Regional[Pacific NW ❑ National ❑ International Previous Hosts Year City/State Venue n/a Has this event ever been held in the following locations (check all that applies)? Q Federal Way QKing County ❑ Pierce County If yes, please provide the following information: Mouth/Year Venue City No VENUE INFORMATION Proposed local venue(s):Knutzen Family Theatre Location(s):3200 SW Dash Point Road, Federal Way WA 98023 Have you confirmed the availability of the proposed dates at the primary venue? Yes ❑ No Will you have a need for secondary or practice venues? ❑ Yes Q No TOTAL VENUE RENTAL (both competition and practice sites) $ n/a EVENT FINANCIAL INFORMATION Please attach a budget for the event, listing expenses, revenue and sponsorships. Revenue should include ONLY ticket sales and entry fees. Also include a list of other sources of financial support requested and confirmed (sponsorship, grants, etc.) which you have pursued. Is a host fee required? ❑ Yes No If so, what amount? $n/a or % of proceeds. Page 28 Tourism Enhancement Grant Range of ticket prices Adults Children Groups Total $21 avge $10 $17 $22,200 Range of Entry Fees Western WA Statewide NW) #s and Adults Children Groups Total $n/a $ $ $ Projected Number of Tickets Sold #s 13#s Adults Children #s #s #790 / total $16,590 #200 / total $2,000 100% % Groups Total % Spectators #200 / total $3,400 # 1,390 / total $22,200 #s #s Amount of expenses local host is responsible for? $33,730 What portion of the event's proceeds will be kept by the local host? $22,200 or 100% of proceeds. ECONOMIC IMPACT Last Revised on 2/28/11 How many athletes performers 13 production staff/volunteers 125 will the event attract? How many teams/groups will the event attract? n/a Total # of people Will you be listing any "Official Lodging" for this event? Yes x No If yes, which ones? Please provide name, address, and contact person and phone number. u/a Please provide all hotels/motels that you will include in all your publicity for the event? M Page Local Puget Sound/ Regional (Pac. Projected (Greater FW) Western WA Statewide NW) #s and National #s Inti Attendees #s and % #s and % #s and % % and % #s and % Athletes/ #s 13#s #s #s #s #s Performers % 100% % % % % Spectators 900#s 490#s #s #s #s #s 65% 35% % % % % Support (staff, 110#s IS#s #s #s #s #s vendors, 88% 12% % % % oda volunteers, etc.) Will you be listing any "Official Lodging" for this event? Yes x No If yes, which ones? Please provide name, address, and contact person and phone number. u/a Please provide all hotels/motels that you will include in all your publicity for the event? M Page Tourism Enhancement Grant Last Revised on 2/28/11 Of the numbers listed in the previous table, please list all the hotels/motels that all attendees (including performers/athletes, spectators, and support members) registered at during the event? Attach additional sheets if needed. GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTING $5,000 How will the event be publicized and marketed? Please list all publications and media venues in addition to any give away promotional materials that will be used. Thank you. *We mail postcards to 8,000 households in the South Sound region *We have paid distribution of posters and postcards in Federal Way and Tacoma *We advertise in the Federal Way Mirror and the Tacoma News Tribune *We place approximately 3 dozen lawn signs throughout Federal Way *We send two eblasts to our email list of 2,700 names *We issue one press release *We place one story in the Federal Way Mirror (written by former arts commissioner Linda Pratt) *The grant is designed to cover advertising buys on KJR-FM and KZOK-FM. If we are not funded in the full amount of our request, we shall limit the buy to KTR-FM The undersigned certifies that the information provided above is true and accurate and any projections are based on history of similar events and activities that are available to the industry and adjusted to local conditions. l Applicant's Signature:`' Applicant's Name: Alan Brice Applicant's Title: Managing Artistic Director Date: March 4h, 2011 Page310 List all hoteVmotels with contact name & Estimate of #s and % Projected Attendees phone number — # of Blocked Rooms if any of total attending Athletes/ Performers nla # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s % Spectators n/a # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s % Support (staff, vendors, n/a # of Rooms #s % volunteers, etc.) # of Rooms #s # of Rooms #s % GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTING $5,000 How will the event be publicized and marketed? Please list all publications and media venues in addition to any give away promotional materials that will be used. Thank you. *We mail postcards to 8,000 households in the South Sound region *We have paid distribution of posters and postcards in Federal Way and Tacoma *We advertise in the Federal Way Mirror and the Tacoma News Tribune *We place approximately 3 dozen lawn signs throughout Federal Way *We send two eblasts to our email list of 2,700 names *We issue one press release *We place one story in the Federal Way Mirror (written by former arts commissioner Linda Pratt) *The grant is designed to cover advertising buys on KJR-FM and KZOK-FM. If we are not funded in the full amount of our request, we shall limit the buy to KTR-FM The undersigned certifies that the information provided above is true and accurate and any projections are based on history of similar events and activities that are available to the industry and adjusted to local conditions. l Applicant's Signature:`' Applicant's Name: Alan Brice Applicant's Title: Managing Artistic Director Date: March 4h, 2011 Page310 0 0 0 C) C) N 0 cn l- 0 o O Co Cl O 0 0 O 0 0 O o p M p+ 0 0 0 N C. 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 n d 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 J Q O fd O to vn OO F 0 H tl7 v O O O OC) O z O u1 F a 0 m En z M Ln O O co) o 0 O v N O l- w m cn O o 2 z_ N � %0 %D N U N > w �o `l" E�c L p N to O C o (� cn L Cd O 0 ❑ G ° w zCco o m cu .> z 0 " w F v a v O L y -t3 U O u O O x t' ca u o OG CD Ts Z% Q F cn m° �' m °' v m � cn ¢ u w C Q v 0 0 0 0 C. 00 to m N 0 0 0 0 0 M M M M C. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n d 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O fd O to vn OO O H tl7 v O O O OC) O z O u1 O N u m En z M Ln O O co) o O v N O l- w m cn O o 2 d' N � %0 %D N U N N w �o N L p N to O O (� Cd 0 U vrA L.W c o m cu z as > i O F cct, a v U X W y v W O y i C w0 vs CL F cn O �' m °' v o F -O F cn .d -4. cn w Q v 31 0 C. 00 0a 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O to O to vn OO O N O O O OC) O Cl O u1 O to m En Ln M Ln O O co) O [, O l- l� m cn O M d' N m %0 %D N %O N N O �o N �o d' to O O (� M C O 0 � v Q z H o W u cil v O H [CL� � z v 00 N � U Q L O fn �n0-CIS DO cJ 'in C U 1. OD V v H C t" n0- \ L O Z ti a+ y y p 00 .G p m C C v U N L v 7 -i L �% U. A U bOp .O�+ y a' v] cn ca d L U [] L u O N +-' %� a. 7 v u �] tC G OCS bO O fn L i rn fn y w cn O CL Ci W Q A cn V V c"n Q a N aC cn v a a° w ° 00 �1 G�c F v Cl. x x 31 Tourism Enhancement Grant 41k10';:tS:P Federal Way Last Revised on 3/31/201.1 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Tourism Enhancement Grant GRANT APPLICATION CHECK LIST Please return this page along with the grant application and all attachments. ❑ Original Completed Application (single sided) ❑ Copies of application - 15 sets, double sided copies (Application must be typed, not handwritten) ❑ Event Budget ❑ List of other sources of funding, both requested and confirmed ❑ Others: Applicant's Signature: Applicant's Name: David Ehl Applicant's Title: Vice President, Federal Way Farmers Market Date: 3/25/2011 Organization: Federal Way Farmers Market Email address of contact: federalwayfarmersmarket@yahoo.com Office use only Date Received: 32 Tourism Enhancement Grant Last Revised on 3/31/2011 Lodging Tag Advisory Committee Tourism Enhancement Grant GRANT APPLICATION GRANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Read the entire packet, including the attached selection criteria before completing this application. Please type the application. Handwritten applications will not be accepted. Answer each question to the best of your ability. The City does not provide funding for tournament entry fees, travel, lodging, meals, uniforms, equipment, coaches' salaries, facility upgrades or capital campaigns. If a question is not applicable to your event, simply write "N/A" in the space provided. You may mail your completed application to the address listed below. Attn: Lillian Yeh, TEG Application City of Federal Way P.O. Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 Deliver to: 33325 a Avenue South, City Manager's Office Applicants will be notified of the date and time their application will be reviewed by the TEG Committee. It is recommended that a representative of your organization be on hand for the review to answer questions from the TEG Committee. APPLICANT'S NAME AND POSITION: David Ehl Vice President NAME OF ORGANIZATION: Federal Way Farmers Market WEBSITE ADDRESS: federatwayfarmersmarket.com APPLICANT'S E-MAIL ADDRESS: federalwayfarmersmarketnyahoo.com rr FEDERAL TAX ID: -200569345 IS A QUALIFIED 5010 ORGANIZATION: ❑ Yes ® No ter STREET ADDRESS: 31600 2& Ave S. Federal Way, WA 98003 MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 24795 Federal Way, WA 98093 DAYTIME Telephone: 253-261-3418 Fax: 253-952-2297 Official Event Name: Federal Way Tourism Center Proposed Date(s) of Event (MM/DD/YY): May - October, Saturdays 9-3pm GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTED $ 101090.00 33 Tourism Enhancement Grant Last Revised on 3/31/2011 Proposed schedule of event for each day: Date Time Date Time May 7th - October 29h 9-3pm Briefly describe the event (type of activity, age group, gender, etc): Federal Way Farmers Market wants to have a Tourism Center. We have a lot of outside visitors who want to know what to do while in Federal Way. It will also allow residents to know what is going on in their community. The Tourism Center will be in the middle of the market, with directional signs posted throughout the market. Customers will be able to buy tickets for events and get brochures on what we have to offer in this City, including hotels, What is the cultural or educational value of the event? This center will allow tourists and the community a central location to find out current events and things to do in Federal Way. Service Clubs and non -profits can use the center to display their upcoming events and even sell tickets. Scope of Event (check 1): ®Local (Greater FW area) M Puget Sound/Western WA ❑ Statewide ®Regional/Pacific NW ❑ National ❑International Previous Hosts YEAR CITY/STATE Venue Has this event ever been held in the following locations (check all that applies)? ❑Federal Way ❑King County ❑Pierce County If yes, please provide the following information: Month/Year Venae City VENUE INFORMATION Proposed local venue(s): Federal Way Farmers Market Location(s): 31600 20th Ave S, Federal Way, WA 98003 Have you confirmed the availability of the proposed dates at the primary venue? ®YES ❑NO Will you have a need for secondary or practice venues? DYES ®NO TOTAL VENUE RENTAL (both competition and practice sites) $ 2080.00 EVENT FINANCIAL INFORMATION Please attach a budget for the event, listing expenses, revenue and sponsorships. Revenue should include ONLY 34 Tourism Enhancement Grant Last Revised on 3/31/2011 ticket sales and entry fees. Also include a list of other sources of financial support requested and confirmed (sponsorship, grants, etc.) which you have pursued. Is a host fee required?® Yes ❑ No If so, what amount? $ 1365.00 or % of proceeds. Range of ticket prices Adults Children Groups Total $0 $ $ $0 Range of Entry Fees Adults Children Groups Total $0 $ $ $0 Proiected Number of Tickets Sold Adults Children # / total $0 # / total $0 Groups Total # / total $0 # / total $0 Amount of expenses local host is responsible for? $0 What portion of the event's proceeds will be kept by the local host? $ or % of proceeds. ECONOMIC IWACT How many athletes _performers _production staff/volunteers will the event attract? How many teams/groups will the event attract? Total # of people _ This center should help to impact local restaurants, events, art groups, sports venues and hotels. We are suggesting hotels and restaurants to come up With package deals and coupons, and then they can display it in the center. We hope this will help to get more people to see what Federal Wav has to offer. 35 Tourism Enhancement Grant Last Revised on 3/31/2011 Will you be listing any "Official Lodging" for this event? Yes No If yes, which ones? Please provide name, address, and contact person and phone number. Please provide all hotelstmotels that you will include in all your publicity for the event? We are inviting all hotels/motels to become involved in the center. Of the numbers listed in the previous table, please list all the hotels/motels that all attendees (including performers/athletes, spectators, and support members) registered at during the event? Attach additional sheets if needed. Local Paget Projected Attendees phone number — # of Blocked Rooms if any of total attending Athletes/ Performers 0 # of Rooms (Greater Sound/ Statewide Regional # of Rooms Projected FW) Western WA #s and %. (Pac. NW) National #s Int'l Attendees #s and %. #s and % #s and % and % #s and Athletes/ #s #s #s #s #s #s Performers # of Rooms % ' Spectators 1250#s 250#s #s #s #s #s Support #s #s #s Its #s #s (staff, vendors, volunteers, etc.) Will you be listing any "Official Lodging" for this event? Yes No If yes, which ones? Please provide name, address, and contact person and phone number. Please provide all hotelstmotels that you will include in all your publicity for the event? We are inviting all hotels/motels to become involved in the center. Of the numbers listed in the previous table, please list all the hotels/motels that all attendees (including performers/athletes, spectators, and support members) registered at during the event? Attach additional sheets if needed. GRAIN AMOUNT REQUESTING 36 List all hotel/motels with contact name & Estimate of #s and % Projected Attendees phone number — # of Blocked Rooms if any of total attending Athletes/ Performers 0 # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s % Spectators # of Rooms 1500-2000 --- - -- Per Saturday 0 # of Rooms # of Rooms Support (staff, vendors, 0 # of Rooms volunteers, etc.) 3_g volunteers & # of Rooms Mkt Staff # of Rooms GRAIN AMOUNT REQUESTING 36 Tourism Enhancement Grant $10090 Last Revised on 3/31/2011 How will the event be publicized and marketed? Please list all publications and media venues in addition to any give away promotional materials that will be used_ Thank you_ Newspaper ads, signage, promotional items, giveaways. We will be using Coffee News, Federal Way Mirror. The undersigned certifies that the information provided above is true and accurate and any projections are based on history of similar events and activities that are available to the industry and adjusted to local conditions. 11 Applicant's Signature: Applicant's Name: David Ehl Applicant's Title: Vice President Date: 3/25/2011 37 Additional Information: The Federal Way Farmers Market is in close proximity to all hotels, shopping and restaurants. We draw visitors that are coming to Celebration Park, Aquatic Center and people just driving by. The Federal Way Farmers Market has been awarded and nominated for Best Tourist attraction for most of the markets existence. Local businesses and organizations sponsor the market each week. The Tourism booth will help to promote Federal Way and encourage more attendance at all the Federal Way events and activities. iy. Federal Way Activities & Events Center 2011 Canopy (10x20) 1 1,174.00 Awning (10x20) 1 198.00 Rail 2 76.00 Rain Gutter 1 48.00 Banner 8'x3' 1 180.00 A Frame Sign (200.00) 4 800.00 Slatwall Magazine Rack 20, plus brackets 8 200.00 Nesting Literature Holder 2.85 plus brackets 20 100.00 Promo Items (Note Pads, Pens or Shopping Bags) 500 500.00 Web Site Page Added 5 hrs 125.00 Constant Contact, email blast 5 hrs 125.00 Visitor Book 2 20.00 Coffee News Ad 689.00 Mirror Ad 350.00 Facebook, Twitter 3 hrs 75.00 Table 6 foot 1 45.00 Chairs 4 4 60.00 Space Rental 80.00 x 26 wks 2,080.00 Maintenance, Delivery, Set-up (8.67 hr) 17.5 x 26 455.00 1 person to be in booth 9-3pm (8.67 hr) 52.50 x 26 1,365.00 Contact: Hotels, Service Clubs... 5 hrs 125.00 Electric Power (Generator) 26 weeks 1,300.00 10,090.00 39 The Shelter Advantage" tem to Purchase ity. Caravan Aluma Item#: NULL 2 Options: Size: 10 X 10, Top Color - Professional 500 D:Red Fred's Custom Awnings Item#: CFA20C 1r__ Options: Fabric Color: Forest Green, Trim Color. White, Size::20 Ft. Fred's Canopy Rail -- Item#: CFR10F 2 Options: Rail Size:: 10 Ft. Fred's Rain Gutter 1 Item#: FRG10 Price afte Ext. Pricy Remove Option: $587..01 $1,174.01 1— $198.01 $198.01 r $38.01 .$76.01 r $48.0( $48.01 r Subtotal $1,496.01 Keep §hopping Clear Recalculate Checkout 40 FASTS/SNS Sign & Graphic Solutions Mode Simple`. FASTSIGNS # 281101 34930 Enchanted Pkwy. So. #170 Federal Way, WA 98003 ph: (253) 835-9450 fax: (253) 248-1795 Email: 370@fastsigns.com Customer. Federal Way Farmers Market Contact: Karla Kolibab Customer: 3035 Description: grocery bags Sales Person: Becky Crowell Clerk: Becky Crowell Dear Karla: Sincerely, Becky Crowell Inside/Outside Sales Page 1 of i Estimate 370-13380 Estimate Date: 3/31/2011 2:10:11 PM Printed: 3131/2011 2:10:43 PM ph: (253) 261-8157 fax. (253) 952-3376 email: federalwayfarmersmarket@yahoo.co Product Qty Sides H x W Unit Cost Totals 1 Promo 100 1 13 x 15 $2.78 $278.00 Description: BG -80 13"w x 15"h x 10"d printed two sided one ink color on one color of bag Reflex -blue, Black, Red, Hunter -green, Lime -green, Purple, Burgundy, White, Yellow, Orange, Navy-blue, Pink and Khaki -made of lighter weight, but just as durable and eco friendly 80 GSM Nonwoven Polypropylene material. # Features a spacious open main compartment with a 10" Gusset and removable rigid bottom insert. (print area is 7-1/2"x 10") # 20" long reinforced handles. Text: Federal Way Farmers Market (front) City of Federal Way. (back) Notes: You are a valued customer. Thank you for your business. "SHIPPING from Mfg to Fastsigns TO BE ADDED TO FINAL INVOICE" Bill To: Federal Way Farmer's Market Karla Kolibab PO Box 24795 Federal Way, WA 98093 Deposit Required: $304.41 Custom signs are non-refundable. Received/Accepted By: SYST EWASTSIGNS_CRYSTAL_Eshmateo7 Sign and Graphics SolgVons Made Simple! Line Item Total: $278.00 Subtotal: $278.00 Taxes: $26.41 Total: $304.41 Deposit Required: $304.41 Custom signs are non-refundable. Received/Accepted By: SYST EWASTSIGNS_CRYSTAL_Eshmateo7 Sign and Graphics SolgVons Made Simple! EMPIREPROMOS PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS www.empk epromos.00m (Back 231 West 29th Sir., Suite 205 New York NY 10001 T: 212 268 9910 1 877 4 PROMOS F: 212 268 9913 ideas@ e�.00m Astro Mini Click Item #20966 This mini pen is attractive and comes with a blue ink cartridge with tungsten carbide ballpoint tip. Perfect for inserting into journals and jotters (Back .yet -) �73 42 http_//www.empirepromos_com/Astro-Mini-CtictJitemprint,20966 3/25/2011 We're eager to help. Call 877.477-6667 Item #20966 Quantity 750 1500 3000 5000 7500 Price (normal production time) $0.33 $0.30 $0.25 $0.24 Call Additional Imprint color(s): $ 45 $.45 $.40 $.40 Cal! each, per item Price Inciudes: One color, one location imprint. Set Up Charge: First color set up is free. $55 00 Setup for additional colors Normal Production Time. 5 Working Days (pending credit. art, and proof approval, excludes shipping time.) Rush Options: Free 1 Day Rush Product Size: 4.25' H Product Colors: Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, Silver Imprint Area: Clip top right OR left centered on body 1"L x 2"H Standard Imprint Method: Color Print Other Imprint Options: Various. Call for recommendations. Packaging: Bulk, 500 pcs. per ctn. of 16 lbs (Back .yet -) �73 42 http_//www.empirepromos_com/Astro-Mini-CtictJitemprint,20966 3/25/2011 AAFan iaf i. 59"CMUFM Saffiom madeEstrnate 370-133S3 FAMSIGM # 2t U01 EstileaMe Date 3/25,!201. 12:53:40PM 34630 En'dm*ed Pkwy_ so. #17a Feder Way, WA WIM fk- (253) 8.95 MW Plinio& 3/2!ky � 4_31:1.9PI�( fax: ) 24& -IM Emal:- 37 com E7storier- Federal Way Farmer's Market ph: (253)2614US7 ( aCE: Kada Ko" 4: '. 33 fax (253} 9!23876 DesC *vor` banner and A Ward Pelsw ee" cTowell de& Beckyt.wwell email: federalwayfar arks -co Qeat ltak Becky Mwelf ins de/Owside sales. Product I Qty ISidesi if x w jUnkCastj I Tatals i Bariw 1 i X x W SUM -W 9178—V Desciiptian: aaaw with applied c#A vu%)4 or fired plan. in"es DL -c ('«19.80) CoWn tw as 3 cdom mv"e 2 A 4V4me 362 x 240 1 2 36 x 2A. S192 -01D S1EO-00 Desscrintim.- A4*game 24'x xW X W tnchWes DSL- ($2LSO MDo a -frame design with lamanated v uv$4 prnas fan nth sides. ON Cow- Cakx : two -5 cabor on v LAE Urwltem Total: $370.20 Subwal. $370.20 Taxes: $35.17 TOM: $405.37 Deposit Required: 5-5.37 Bill To- federai way; ram -tees Ma€ket CUM(:- da are nauaaRu�tQa%a Karka Kallaks 9 Fe a ox fak 24785 5 r-mffeeeivr�ed% rted Ey: vdat�. 1r1A. ! f S"r'4SE[5'.F►efSrY _ `lc'. fFat �seva»: Sipe &W Graphics Saksbaft Maw Shn$(el 43 Fast Signs A Frame outdoor sign to point out the location Would want the arrow, sign holder (is it lasting and sturdy enough?), and sign (Color) Sign to say something like• "Things to do in Federal Way" OR "Federal Way Activities and Events Center" 8x3 Banner, for outdoors. Color with a graphic of some sort. Using the above wording 44 APT (2 items),_%GN iR=.LkPiF,ER. Kir.,:DUNT i HELP r: . two) grand & 6enedicts SHOP - ABOUT G&B 4 CUSTOM SERVICES T NEWS a CONTACT . LrrERATURE HOLDERS Home / Literature Holders / Wire Literature Holders / Wire Literature Holder / Wire Literature Holder Countertop literature holders Freestanding literature holders bn. Literature olders Multi Use is v i Nesting Literature Holders Slatwall Sign up for email news & specials i G&B SPECIALS J RE rA 1 LIFE I chedc out arrest ! items on special V Sale $2.49 Sale $26.40 Sale $5.69 resource link I sitemap I Q Grand & Benedicts 20111 priva Olt, I custom design fixtures & point of purchase displaces I slatwall fixtures I gridwali fixtures I apparel racks I garment racks_ gogdola displays kpegpoard I wali standards & outrigger merchandise stems I showcases & retail disp ays I shelvina arel hangers & form, I fabric & label guns I sin holders I literature holders I retail signs, cards & labels I retail store op2rations I retail store supe es I Pncin � T�gini I pearl district fixture line 45 http://www.grand-benedicts.com/est3rlezCS/product_categories.aspx?PageNtimber=t&Pag... 3/25/2011 Tourism Enhancement Grant a CITY OF Federal Way Last Revised on 2/28/11 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Tourism Enhancement Grant GRANT APPLICATION CHECK LIST Please return this page along with the grant application and all attachments. [✓]� Original Completed Application (single sided) QCopies of application - 15 sets, double sided copies (Application must be typed, not handwritten) [✓� Event Budget [r List of other sources of funding, both requested and confirmed ❑ OthPrc Applicant's S Applicant's N Applicant's Title:Assistant Executive St. Director Date: March 25, 2011 Organization: United States Specialty Sports Assotiation (USSSA) Email address of contact: Rogdwilson 2<<t hotntail.com (That is an "underscore2@") Office use only Date Received: Page 4 6 USSSA United State Specialty Sports Association Washington State P.O. Box 31089, Seattle Washington 98103 206-789-9133 City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Advisory Committee March 25, 2011 Once again I find myself coming to your Committee and asking for your assistance in the sponsorship of one of our major events. For the past 9-10 years our Association has brought the majority of our post season events to the city of Federal Way. While we place most of our prestigious tournaments in the Federal Way community, we ask you to support the one event each year that will bring the most participants, and be the most beneficial to your community. Without the support of your Committee and the Federal Way community, we would not be the number one softball organization in this state and would not be able to continue to offer to the teams of this state, the best venue to play in. This is one of those events and seriously needs, once again, your support to continue to be the best that there is in the softball community. apologize in advance for not being able to attend the meeting that you will have scheduled for review of this proposal: however, as I have been every year in the past, I will be available via phone to answer any of your questions. During this time of the year, I reside in Arizona, and it would be very difficult for me to attend your meeting. However, if any of you feel that this is necessary, I would be glad to fly up to meet with you. In the past I have dealt with Lillian Yea, and it has not been a necessity. Washington USSSA appreciates all that you have done for us in the past and we look forward to your continued support in the future. Please call me if you have need to discuss anything with me. Sin 'csrd y, i L- Roger . Wi on Assistant Executive State Director, Washington USSSA NW Division Vice President, USSSA National 206-228-0426 47 Tourism Enhancement Grant CITY OF ,' federal Way Last Revised on 2/28/11 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Tourism Enhancement Grant GRANT APPLICATION GRANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Read the entire packet, including the enclosed selection criteria before completing this application. Please type the application. Handwritten applications will not be accepted. Answer each question to the best of your ability. The city does not provide funding for tournament entry fees, travel, lodging, meals, uniforms, equipment, coaches' salaries, facility upgrades, or capital campaigns. If a question is not applicable to your event, simply write "N/A" in the space provided. You may mail your completed application to the address listed below. Tina Piety, Administrative Assistant It Community & Economic Development City of Federal Way 33325 8h Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 Applicants will be notified of the date and time their application will be reviewed by the TEG Committee. It is recommended that a representative of your organization be on hand for the review to answer questions from the TEG Committee. APPLICANT'S NAME AND POSITION: Roger D. Wilson — Ass. Executive St. Director NAME OF ORGANIZATION: United States Specialty Sports Ass (USSSA of Washington) WEBSITE ADDRESS: www.usssawa.com APPLICANT'S E-MAIL ADDRESS: Rogdwilson 2@hotmail.com That is an underscore2 FEDERAL TAx [D: 943112567 Is a Qualified 501(c) Organization: Yes ® No STREET ADDRESS: 510_North 84th Street — Seattle Wa. 98103 MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 3 1089 — Seattle, Wa. 98103 DAYTIME TELEPHONE: 206-228-0426 Fax: 206-789-1659 OFFICIAL EVENT NAME: USSSA Women's NW Division National Championships PROPOSED DATE(S) OF EVENT (MM/DD/YY): August 27/28, 2011 GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTED $5,200.00 Paga}18 Tourism Enhancement Grant Proposed schedule of event for each day: Last Revised on 2/28/11 Date Time Date Time August 27°i 7:00 AM — 9:00 PM August 28'h 7:00 AM — 5:00 PM Briefly describe the event (type of activity, age group, gender, etc): Adult Women's Slow Pitch softball — NW Division National Champioships (Wa Or Id Norcal) What is the cultural or educational value of the event? N/A Scope of Event (check 1): ❑ Local (Greater FW area) ❑ Puget Sound/Westem WA ❑ Statewide XX Regional/Pacific NW ❑ National ❑ International Previous Hosts Year City/State Venue Wa. USSSA 2010 Puyallup Wa Heritage Park Wa. USSSA 2009 Puyallup Wa Heritage Park Wa. USSSA 2008 Puyallup Wa Heritage Park Has this event ever been held in the following locations (check all that applies)? ELFederal Way aKing County ❑ Pierce County If yes, please provide the following information: Month/Year Venue City September, 2004 Celebration Park Federal Way Wa VENUE INFORMATION[ Proposed local venue(s):Celebration Park Location(s):Federal Way Have you confirmed the availability of the proposed dates at the primary venue? XX Yes ❑ No Will you have a need for secondary or practice venues? XX Yes (Steel Lake Fields) TOTAL VENUE RENTAL (both competition and practice sites) $1,550.00 EVENT FINANCIAL INFORMATION Please attach a budget for the event, listing expenses, revenue and sponsorships. Revenue should include ONLY ticket sales and entry fees. Also include a list of other sources of financial support requested and confirmed (sponsorship, grants, etc.) which you have pursued. Is a host fee required? XX Yes ❑ No If so, what amount? $300.00 Plus $125 per team or % of proceeds. Pagc49 Tourism Enhancement Grant Range of ticket prices Adults Children Groups Total $4.00 $2.00 $ $ Range of Entry Fees Adults Children Groups Total $325 $ $ $ Projected plumber of Tickets Sold Adults Children # / total $ # / total $ Groups Total # / total $ # / total $ Amount of expenses local host is responsible for? $100% What portion of the event's proceeds will be kept by the local host? $-0- or -0% of proceeds. ECONOMIC IMPACT How many athletes 420 performers 90 production staff/volunteers 10 will the event attract? How many teams/groups will the event attract? 32 Teams Total # of people 520 Last Revised on 2/28/11 Will you be listing any "Official Lodging" for this event? XX Yes No If yes, which ones? Please provide name, address, and contact person and phone number. Federal Way — Courtyard by Marriott — Contact Josh Bane A) 425-214-2721 Page go Local Puget Sound/ Regional (Pac. Projected (Greater FW) Western WA Statewide NW) #s and National #s Int'I Attendees #s and % #s and % #s and % % and % #s and % Athletes/ 8 #s 12 #s 6 #s 6 #s #s #s Performers 25% 37.5% 18.75% 18.75 % % % Spectators 64 #s 96 #s 48 #s 48 #s #s #s 25 % 37.5% 18.75% 18.75.% % % Support (staff, #s 10 #s #s #s #s #s vendors, % 100 % % % % % volunteers, etc.) Will you be listing any "Official Lodging" for this event? XX Yes No If yes, which ones? Please provide name, address, and contact person and phone number. Federal Way — Courtyard by Marriott — Contact Josh Bane A) 425-214-2721 Page go Tourism Enhancement Grant Please provide all hotels/motels that you will include in all your publicity for the event? Federal Way Best Western Last Revised on 2/28/11 Of the numbers listed in the previous table, please list all the hotels/motels that all attendees (including performers/athletes, spectators, and support members) registered at during the event? Attach additional sheets if needed. GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTING $5.200.00 How will the event be publicized and marketed? Please list all publications and media venues in addition to any give away promotional materials that will be used. Thank you. The tournament will be posted on our website, and listed in our Tournament Guide. As teams qualify they will be contacted and informed of the Host hotel, and all other possible places to stay in the Federal Way community. We will contact the State Director of all states in the region, and promote this event to all of their registered teams. As an Association, we have always worked closely with the city of Federal Way and the businesses in the community. Over the past 10-12 years we have annually placed many of our top post season events in the Federal Way area, and have appreciated the support that this Committee has shown to our Association. The undersigned certifies that the information provided above is true and accurate and any projections are based on history of similar events and activities that are available to the indtvctry ""n / —1;-1-4 1- /, --I -__ a_�_ _ Applicant's S Applicant's N Applicant's Title: Ass. Executive State Director Date: March 25, 2011 Page% List all hotel/motels with contact name & Estimate of #s and % Projected Attendees phone number — # of Blocked Rooms if any of total attending Athletes/ Performers # of Rooms #s # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s % Spectators # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s Support (staff, vendors, # of Rooms #s % volunteers, etc.) # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTING $5.200.00 How will the event be publicized and marketed? Please list all publications and media venues in addition to any give away promotional materials that will be used. Thank you. The tournament will be posted on our website, and listed in our Tournament Guide. As teams qualify they will be contacted and informed of the Host hotel, and all other possible places to stay in the Federal Way community. We will contact the State Director of all states in the region, and promote this event to all of their registered teams. As an Association, we have always worked closely with the city of Federal Way and the businesses in the community. Over the past 10-12 years we have annually placed many of our top post season events in the Federal Way area, and have appreciated the support that this Committee has shown to our Association. The undersigned certifies that the information provided above is true and accurate and any projections are based on history of similar events and activities that are available to the indtvctry ""n / —1;-1-4 1- /, --I -__ a_�_ _ Applicant's S Applicant's N Applicant's Title: Ass. Executive State Director Date: March 25, 2011 Page% PROJECTED BUDGET FOR 2011 WOMEN'S NW DIVISION NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS EXPENSES Fields (Celebration and Steel Lake)... $1,700.00 Umpires ....................................... 3,142.00 28 x $28 - 42 x $48 — 32 x $6 - $150 Trophies for 4 tourneys ................... 1,200.00 Award Shirts for 4 tourneys .............. 1,300.00 Balls (6 dozen) .............................. 250.00 Packets and bracket boards ............. 150.00 Room for staff (2 rooms @ Marriott).... 400.00 Dale McGregor (Tourn. Director)....... 350.00 Ron Lytle (Site Director) .................. 250.00 Washington USSSA (32 @ $20)....... 640.00 USSSA National Office ................... 3,250.00 Meals for Staff ................................ 200.00 "BOUNTY" Cash Awards ................. 480.00 M iscelaneous................................ 200.00 Website advertising costs ................. 300.00 Total $13,812.00 61K INCOME 26 teams @ $325... $8,450.00 6 teams @ $250... 1,500.00 Federal Way TEG... 5.200.00 Total $15,150.00 Tina Piety From: Mike -Bressler -DEC [mbressle@fwps.org] Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 6:41 AM To: Tina Piety Subject: Decatur Wrestling Tournament TEG GRANT Here is the budget items that i came up with. Decatur Invitational Wrestling tournament December 10th 2011 Tournament match maker -$300.00 Hospitality -$500.00 Programs $200.00 Maintenance crew $850.00 Officials -$2200.00 Mat rental -$200.00 Score board rental(portable) $200.00 Mat movement $200.00 Administration supervisor -$250.00 mat Tape -$100.00 Mat disinfectant -$50.00 First aid/Blood pathogen supplies -$150.00 Mike Bressler Social Studies Teacher Head Wrestling Coach Decatur High School Emerson 253-945-5293 Mike Bressler Social Studies Teacher Head Wrestling Coach Decatur High School Emerson 253-945-5293 "What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say." -Ralph Waldo "What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say." -Ralph Waldo i 53 3/38/11 RE: TGED Grant Request To: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Dear Committee, My name is Mike Bressler. I am the Head Wrestling Coach at Decatur High School of the Federal Way School District. I feel it necessary to explain my reasons for applying for the TGED Grant. First of all, we run a 16 team tournament each year and have done so for the past 13 years. Several seasons we have actually hosted two such tournaments and are looking into doing the same in 2011-12. After reviewing the grant packet, I'm not sure that the sizes of our tournaments meet the grant criteria although several of the schools that enter the tournament are from out of town and do elect to stay in local motels. Generally 500-700 spectators attend. I am sure money is spent in local gas, stations eateries and grocery stores through out the Federal Way area. Secondly, the tournaments are a source of fund raising for the Decatur wrestling team. As I'm sure you allure aware, fund raising is an important piece in running a high school sports program, since school district funds are very limited for athletics. Finally, Decatur High School is in great need of new wrestling mats. It has been over ten years since new mats have been purchased and looks to be many more due to the shape of the economy and the cutting of district funds. If awarded funds from the TGED Grant, the money would be directly used to purchase new wrestling mats so that the Decatur Invitational wrestling tournaments can continue to occur each season and the student athletes are given the opportunity to practice and compete on a clean and safe wrestling surface. Sincerely, *X Mike Bressler 54 Tourism Enhancement Grant 40k CITY OF Federal Way Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Tourism Enhancement Grant GRANT APPLICATION CHECK LIST Please return this page along with the grant application and all attachments. Last Revised on 1/28/11 ® Original Completed Application (single sided) ® Copies of application - 15 sets, double sided copies (Application must be typed, not handwritten) ® Event Budget ❑ List of other sources of funding, both requested and confirmed ® Others: 2010 Post Event Report Applicant's Signature: Applicant's Name: Raj Bains Applicant's Title:President Date:3/29/2011. Organization: Sudden Impact Girls Fastpitch Email address of contact: BainsLaw@aol.com Office use only Date Received: Page t5 Tourism Enhancement Grant Last Revised on 2/28/11 4ik CITY Federala. Way Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Tourism Enhancement Grant GRANT APPLICATION GRANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Read the entire packet, including the enclosed selection criteria before completing this application. Please type the application. Handwritten applications will not be accepted. Answer each question to the best of your ability. The city does not provide funding for tournament entry fees, travel, lodging, meals, uniforms, equipment, coaches' salaries, facility upgrades, or capital campaigns. If a question is not applicable to your event, simply write "N/A" in the space provided. You may mail your completed application to the address listed below. Tina Piety, Administrative Assistant lI Community & Economic Development City of Federal Way 33325 8`" Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 Applicants will be notified of the date and time their application will be reviewed by the TEG Committee. It is recommended that a representative of your organization be on hand for the review to answer questions from the TEG Committee. APPLICANT'S NAME AND POSITION: Raj Bains, President NAME OF ORGANIZATION: Sudden Impact Girls Fastpitch WEBSITE ADDRESS: W://www.eteamz.com/siMpact APPLICANT'S E-MAIL ADDRESS: BainsLawkaol.com FEDERAL TAx ID: 912074703 Is a Qualified 501(c) Organization: E Yes ❑ No STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 23637; Federal Way WA 98093 DAYTIME TELEPHONE: 206-310-6226 Fax: 253-838-5188 OFFICIAL EVENT NAmE:Sudden Impact Invitational Tournament PROPOSED DATE(S) OF EVENT (MM/DD/YY): June I l - 12, 2011 GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTED $6,000 Page 15 6 Tourism Enhancement Grant Proposed schedule of event for each day: Last Revised on 2/28/11 Date Time Date Time June 11, 2011: Games start at 8:00 AM and run until evening June 12, 2011: Games start at 8:00 AM and run until Championships decided likely by evening Briefly describe the event (type of activity, age group, gender, etc): Girls Fastpitch Softball Tournament What is the cultural or educational value of the event? Promoting `og_ od sportsmanship through youth/amateur competition Scope of Event (check 1): ❑ Local (Greater FW area) [Q Puget Sound/Western WA ❑ Statewide ❑ Regional/Pacific NW ❑ National ❑ International Previous Hosts Year City/State Venue Sudden Impact Girls Fastpitch 2000-2007,2008 - 2010, Federal Way, WA Celebration and Steel Lake Parks Until 2010, the tournament has been hosted exclusively in Federal Way. In 2009, we had 33 teams in Federal Way and had to turn away 12 teams due to field/umpire constraints. The tournament was expanded in 2010 to include sites in Kent and Tacoma, and we had 63 teams participate with over 30+ teams participating in Federal Way exclusively. For 2011, as of this writing, we have already have 45 teams registered. Has this event ever been held in the following locations (check all that applies)? Federal Way ElKing County ® Pierce County If yes, please provide the following information: Month/Year Venue City See above_ VENUE INFORMATION Proposed local venue(s):Celebration Park and Steel Lake Park (Expansion to Kent Service Fields/Spring Recreation Park not included in this request. Location(s):Federal Way Have you confirmed the availability of the proposed dates at the primary venue? ® Yes ❑ No Will you have a need for secondary or practice venues? ❑ Yes ® No TOTAL VENUE RENTAL (both competition and practice sites) $ 1,300.00 EVENT FINANCIAL INFORMATION Please attach a budget for the event, listing expenses, revenue and sponsorships. Revenue should include ONLY ticket sales and entry fees. Also include a list of other sources of financial support requested and confirmed (sponsorship, grants, etc.) which you have pursued. Is a host fee required? ❑ Yes ® No If so, what amount? $ or % of proceeds. Page 9 7 Tourism Enhancement Grant Last Revised on 2/28/11 Range of ticket prices Adults Children Groups Total Range of Entry Fees Adults Children Groups Total $ $ $400.00/Toumament Fee $_ Projected Number of Tickets Sold Adults Children # / total $ # / total $ Groups Total #40+ / total $16,000.00 # / total $ Amount of expenses local host is responsible for? All What portion of the event's proceeds will be kept by the local host? $ or 100% of proceeds. ECONOMIC fWACT How many athletes 675+ performers _production staff/volunteers 100+ will the event attract? How many teams/groups will the event attract? 45+ Total # of people 1,675+ Will you be listing any "Official Lodging" for this event? Yes X No, but local Federal Way hotels have offered reduced rates in the past for tournament participants and their fans and will likely do so again. Please see attached Post Event Report from 2010. Many of the teams from Canada stayed locally --and we have Page � 8 Local Puget Sound/ Regional (Pac. Projected (Greater FW) Western WA Statewide NW) #s and National #s Int'I Attendees #s and % #s and % #s and % % and % #s % and Athletes/ 788#s 787#s #s #s #s #s Performers 50% 50% % % 0 Spectators 450#s 450#s #s #s #s #s 50% 50% % % % ° /o Support (staff, 50#s 50#s #s #s #s vendors, #s volunteers, 50 % — 50 % — % ° % o /o etc.) Will you be listing any "Official Lodging" for this event? Yes X No, but local Federal Way hotels have offered reduced rates in the past for tournament participants and their fans and will likely do so again. Please see attached Post Event Report from 2010. Many of the teams from Canada stayed locally --and we have Page � 8 Tourism Enhancement Grant Last Revised on 2/28/11 the largest Canadian contingent of teams coming this year with 14 Canada teams registered. If yes, which ones? Please provide name, address, and contact person and phone number. Please provide all hotels/motels that you will include in all your publicity for the event? Of the numbers listed in the previous table, please list all the hotels/motels that all attendees (including performers/athletes, spectators, and support members) registered at during the event? Attach additional sheets if needed. GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTING $6.000.00 How will the event be publicized and marketed? Please list all publications and media venues in addition to any give away promotional materials that will be used. Thank you. Direct appeal to over 500 coaches and team managers via e-mail, in person flyers at various local tournaments, personal contact, website message board listings (which is most common method of attracting teams). The undersigned certifies that the information provided above is true and accurate and any projections are based on history of similar events and acti tare the industry and adjusted to local conditions. Applicant's Signature: / `% Page `t 9 List all hotel/motels with contact name & Estimate of #s and % Projected Attendees phone number — # of Blocked Rooms if any of total attending Athletes/ Performers # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s % Spectators # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s % Support (staff, vendors, # of Rooms #s % volunteers, etc.) # of Rooms #s % # of Rooms #s % GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTING $6.000.00 How will the event be publicized and marketed? Please list all publications and media venues in addition to any give away promotional materials that will be used. Thank you. Direct appeal to over 500 coaches and team managers via e-mail, in person flyers at various local tournaments, personal contact, website message board listings (which is most common method of attracting teams). The undersigned certifies that the information provided above is true and accurate and any projections are based on history of similar events and acti tare the industry and adjusted to local conditions. Applicant's Signature: / `% Page `t 9 Tourism Enhancement Grant Applicant's Name: Raj Bains Last Revised on 2/28/1 l Applicant's Title: President, Sudden Impact Girls Fasipitch Date: 3/29/2011 Page 4 0 Tourism Enhancement Grant Tourism Enhancement Grant Post Event Report Last Revised on 2128/11 Washington State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development require that. all jurisdictions that collect hotel and motel tax submit annual reports detailing how the fund was spent. By law, all lodging tax funds must be utilized only for the development and improvement of tourism activities for the jurisdiction where the tax was collected. This report must be completed and returned to the City no later than 60 days after the event. Please attach a final event budget, along with copies of marketing and or press materials with the report. Answer each question to the best of your ability. Failure to comply with this requirement will eliminate your organization from future funding opportunity. Please TYPE your responses, a hand written report will not be accepted. You may download the report via www.cityoffederalway.com. Completed reports may be email to tina.piety@cityoffederalway.com. You may also mail or deliver to: Tina Piety, Administrative Assistant Community & Economic Development City of Federal Way 33325 8u' Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 Please TYPE your responses, a hand written report will not be accepted. ORGANIZATION NAME: EVENT NAME: DATE(S) OF EVENT (MM/DD/YYYY): TEG AWARD CYCLE: ❑ Spring ❑ Fall 20 Tourism Enhancement Grant Amount Received: $ Total reimbursement requesting: $ (Please attach all relevant receipts for reimbursement.) Please describe how the money from the Tourism Enhancement Grant was spent for marketing and operating expenses (include dates, names of publications, radio/TV stations, websites, and samples of marketing materials if appropriate). Print media: Broadcast media: Others: Paged Tourism Enhancement Grant Last Revised on 2/28/11 Completion of both sections is recommended; however; if data is not available for both sections you must complete either section A or B. If neither section is completed, the report is considered invalid and it will be considered as failure to fulfill your grant requirement. A. Detail breakdown of attendance over the course of the event. Include actual counts and your original projections for each day. Please attach separate sheet if additional space is needed. Please provide an estimate of where attendants traveled from and their room nights (total number of rooms for their entire stay) during the event. If possible include actual hotel count sheets with your report. Attendees Date: Date: Date: Total Overnight Actual Projected Actual Projected Actual Projected Participants/ Actual Projected Participants Performers Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Spectators Spectators ( ) Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Support Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Please provide an estimate of where attendants traveled from and their room nights (total number of rooms for their entire stay) during the event. If possible include actual hotel count sheets with your report. Attendees Seattle/Tacoma Participants/ Performers Overnight (Total #) Metro Areas Regional National International Lodging Participants/ Performers Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Spectators ( ) Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Admin/Support Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Vendors ( ) Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Please provide the list of hotels that your participants/spectators/support and vendors stayed at. Attendees (Total #) Hotel Name, address, contact person & phone # Room nights Participants/ Performers Spectators Page 9 2 Tourism Enhancement Grant Attendees ('Total #) Hotel Name, address, contact person &phone # Room nights Admin/Support U Vendors U Last Revised on 2/28/11 B. Provide attendees' zip codes for the event (see Exhibit A for example). You must provide this information in order to maintain your grant fulfillment status. Page 76 3 Tourism Enhancement Grant Last Revised on 2/28/11 Please TYPE your responses. A hand written report will not be accepted. C. Please complete the budget sheet with final revenues and expenditures for the event. You may attach extra sheets. Final Budget for (name of event) _ Submitted by (name of organization) Event Date(s) mm/dd/yyyy INCOME Item Projected Actual Entry Fees: $ $ Ticket Sales: Grants/Sponsorships and others: $ $ Total Actual Income EXPENSES Item Projected Actual TOTAL ACTUAL EXPENSES $ PROFIT/LOSS $ The undersigned certifies the information provided above is true and accurate, and use of the TEG funds has been in accordance to the grant conditions. Signature Print Name Contact Phone Number Title Page 94 Date Tourism Enhancement Grant Exhibit A A. Results of Visitor Survey for 2004 Garden Event Zip Code City of Federal Way Visitor Response 74105 Tulsa, OK 2 92647 Huntington Beach, CA 1 92708 Santa Anna, CA 2 97007 Beaverton, OR 2 98001 Auburn 11 98003 Federal Way 30 98021 Bothell 2 98022 Enumclaw 4 98023 Federal Way/Auburn 38 98144 SeattleBeacon Hill 2 98354 Milton 11 98373 Puyallup/South Hill 8 98390 Bonney Lake 11 98422 Tacoma 26 (This list represents only a fraction of the actual data submitted.) Total # of Audience Members 343 Total # of Musicians and Support Staff 39 Total in Attendance 382 Total # of Zip Codes 52 Total # of Responses 258 Total # of Out -of -Area Responses 190 Percentage of Out -of -Town Audience 74% B. ASA Fastpitch Softball National Championship, 7/31/06-8/6/06 Last Revised on 2/28/11 Page $ 5 Seattle/ Total Attendees Tacoma Overnight (Total #) Metro Areas Regional National International Lodging Participants/ Room 0 Room 910 Room Room nights Room nights Performers nights nights nights NA 8,541 include (1,020) include 7,631 include spectators spectators spectators Spectators Room 0 Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights (1,647 ) nights NA Admin/Support Room 36 Room 24 Room 17 Room nights Room (95) nights nights nights NA 77 nights Vendors Room 0 Room nights Room nights Room nights Room 24nights ( ) nights NA Page $ 5 2010 POST EVENT REPORT/201 1 BUDGET 66 2011SI INVITATIONAL BUDGET Tournament Fee Revenue 60 Teams at $400.00 Entry Fee (Total Tournament) $24,000.00 Tournament Expenses (Federal Way and Gen. Tournament) Celebration Park & Steel Lake Field Rental $1,300.00 2010: $1,000.00 Umpires $5,200.00 2010: $4,838.00 Trophy (Total Tournament) $425.00 2010: $409.80 ASA Sanction Fee (Total Tournament) $250.00 2010: $250.00 Balls (Total Tournament) $800.00 2010: $800.00 Shirts, IOU Pitching Plates, Misc. (Total Tournament) $2,200.00 2010: $2,200.00 Total Expenses (Federal Way) $10,175.00 Additional Tournament Expenses (Other Venues) Umpire 2010: $6,018.00 $6,450.00 Fields 2010: $2,600.00 $2,700.00 Expenses (Total Tournament) $19,325.00 67 Tourism Enhancement Grant Last Revised on 8/16/2010 Tourism Enhancement Grant Post Event Report - Washington State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development require that all jurisdictions that collect hotel and motel tax submit annual repafs detailing how the fund was spent. By law all lodging tax funds must be utilized only for the development and improvement of tourism activities for the jurisdiction where the tax was collected. This report must be completed and returned to the City no later than 60 days after the event. Please attach a final event budget, along with copies of marketing and or press materials with the report. Answer each question to the best of your ability. Failure to comply with this requirement will eliminate your organization from future funding opportunity. Please TYPE your responses, hand written report will not be accepted. You may download the report via www.cityoffedendway.com Completed reports may be email to IjIIianAch rr cityoftcdcral%Lay.ccml. You may also mail to: Attn: Lillian Yeh, TEG Post Event Report, P.O. Box 9718, Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 Or deliver to: Attn: Lillian Yeh, TEG Post Event Report, City Manager's Office, 33325 Bei Avenue South, Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 Please TYPE your responses, hand written report will not be accepted. ORGANIZATION NAME: Sudden Impact Girls Fastpitch Event Name: Sudden Impact Invitational Tournament Date(s) of Event (M MD/YYYY): June 12 - 13. 2010 TEG Award Cycle: ® Spring ❑ Fall 2010 Tourism Enhancement Grant Amount Received: $5000 Total reimbursement requesting. $5000 (Please attach all relevant receipts for reimbursement.) Please describe how the money from the Tourism Enhancement Grant was spent for marketing and operating expenses (include dates, names of publications, radio/TV stations, websites and samples of marketing materials if appropriate). Print media: Broadcast media: Otherw Operating Expenses. See attached budget/spreadsheet 68 Tourism Enhancement Grant Last Revised on 8/16/2010 Completion of both sections is recommended, however, if data is not available for both sections you most complete either section A or B. If neither section is completed, the report is considered invalid and it will be considered as failure to fulfill your grant requirement. A. Detail breakdown of attendance over the course of the event. Include actual counts and your original projections for each day. Please attach separate sheet if additional space is needed Date: Date: Date: Total Actual Projected Actual Projected Actual Projected Actual Projected Participants 760 450 760 450 Metro. Spectators 1520 1520 1520 1520 Regional National International Lodging Support 150 100 150 100 Performers Please provide an estimate of where attendants traveled from and their room nights (total number of rooms for the entire visit stay) demands during the event. If possible include actual hotel count sheets with your report. Please provide the list of hotels that your participants/spectators/support and vendors stayed at. Attendees Total # Hotel Name,address, contact person & phone # Room nights Participants/ Performers _ 350 69 Seattle/ Tacoma Attendees Metro. Overnight (Total # Areas Regional National International Lodging Participants/ 115 Performers Room Room Room Room nights Room nights (760) nights nights nights Spectators 115 (1520) Room Room Room Room nights Room nights nights nights nights Admin/Support 0 (150) Room Room Room Room nights Room nights nigher nights nights Vendors (0) Room Room Room Room nights Room nights ni is nights ni is Please provide the list of hotels that your participants/spectators/support and vendors stayed at. Attendees Total # Hotel Name,address, contact person & phone # Room nights Participants/ Performers _ 350 69 Tourism Enhancement Grant Spectators U 0 Admin/Support U Vendors U Last Revised on 8/16/2010 B. Provide attendees' zip codes for the event (see Exhibit A for example). To supplement the above; the form is to use. The actual count at 12-U Victoria Devils Larkspor in Renton 30 people 9 rooms Surrey Storm 198 Marriott Federal Ways 40 people 12 rooms Delta Heat 97 Residents Inn Marriott Tukwila 47 people 13 rooms St. Louis Angels Country Inn & Suites Bothell 36 people 10 rooms 14-U White Rock Renegades'96 Embassy Suites Tukwila 64 people 19 rooms Delta Heat'96 Residents Inn Marriott Tukwila 63 people 25 rooms White Rock Thunder'95 Best Western Evergreen 40 people 12 rooms TOTALS: 320 People 100 Rooms P>S> Surrey Storm '97A was playing @ Steel Lake -no head count There Was no count done for 10U, 16U and 18U. 70 Tourism Enhancement Grant Last Revised on 8/16/2010 Please TYPE your responses. Hand written report will not be accepted. C. Please complete the budget sheet with final revenues and expenditures for the event You may attach extra sheets. Final Budget for (name of event) Sudden Impact Girls Fastpitch Submitted by (name of organization) Raj Bains, President Event Date(s) 6/13/2010 NOA/DD/YYYY INCOME Item Projected Actual Entry Fees: $Attached $ Ticket Sales: $ $ Grants/Sponsorships and others: $ $ Total Actual Income EXPENSES Item Projected Actual $Attached $ Total Actual Expenses PROFIT/LOSS The undersigned certifies the information provided above is true and accurate, and use of the TEG funds has been in accordance to the grant conditions. 8/16/2010 Signature Date R_aj Bains President Print Name Title 206-310-6226 Contact Phone Number 71 CITY OF CITY HALL '�.- Federal Way33325 8th Avenue South Mailing Address: PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 (253) 835-7000 www. cit yoffederahva y com June 3, 2010 Mr. Raj Bains President Sudden Impact Girls Fastpitch P.O. Box 23637 Federal Way, WA 98093 Re: Tourism Enhancement Grunt Award Dear Mr. Bains: On behalf of the City of Federal Way's Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, I would like to congratulate you on being awarded a Tourism Enhancement Grant (TEG) for the amount up to $5,000.00 for the securing. marketing, and production of the Sudden Impact Invitational Tournament. You may start submitting invoices from vendors for total reimbursement equal to the grant amount. Please keep in mind that submission deadline for invoices are September 30, 2010. Invoices submitted atter the deadline will not be accepted and will constitute a forfeiture of your grant. Enclosed you will also find the Post Event Report fan -n. Please complete and submit the Post Event Report 60 days after the event in order to fulfill the TEG award requirements. During this funding cycle, the TEG Committee has implemented a new policy regarding future grant application. New grant applications will be accepted based the completeness of prior Post Event Report from the most recent past TEG sponsored event_ It is imperative that you complete the Post Event Report for this event to ensure acceptance of any future grant requests. Although outlined in the grant application rnaterials, I will reiterate the following important information related to the granting of this award Acknowledgement As acknowledgement of the support received, the City of Federal Way will receive the following: • The right to produce and distribute a new release including the name of the grant recipients, the name of the event, and details pertaining to the event • The right to display a City of Federal Way banner at the event site • Other promotional opportunities as agreed by the cent's management and the City of Federal Way In addition, any printed materials related to the event shall include the City of Federal Way logo and the phrase. --Funded in part by the City of Federal Wa- lodging tax." To obtain an electronic 72 copy of the City of Federal Way logo, please contact Lillian Yeh at Post -Event Reporting and Record Retention Within 60 days after completion. of the event, grant recipients will be required to submit a post - event report that documents the actual program financial performance and participation results of the event, with comparison of projections outlined in the grant application. The Tourism Enhancement Grant Post Event Report is enclosed for your convenience. This report and other documentation are public records and will be made available for public inspection. The City shall have rights to access any financial and supporting documents and records related to the event and the use of the grant received within three years from the completion of the event. Failure to submit the Post Report may affect your organization's future request for funding with the Tourism Enhancement Grant. Violation of Grant Conditions It is the grant recipient's sole responsibility to be familiar with all grant conditions that may be applicable_ Any misuse or material false representation, based on the City's sole determination, shall constitute violation of the grant conditions and the recipient agrees to reimburse the City for such funds that are obtained with such tnurepresentation or funds tnisused_ The officer(s) of the receipting organization shall be responsible for the reimbursement jointly and individually. The City further reserves the right to seek criminal action in the event of gross misrepresentation of the requestor. Indemnification In no event shall the City of Federal Way or any of their funding partners, contributors, officers, board members, or employees be held liable for the action or business activities of individuals or organizations receiving grant support. By awarding grant funds, there is no expressed or inferred sanctioning of the event or its management by the City of Federal Way or any elected or appointed officials. Grant recipients agree to hold harmless and indemnify the City of Federal Way against any claims. Acceptance of grant funds is deemed evidence of the recipient's acceptance of these terms and conditions. I congratulate you and your organization on your receipt of this award and wish to convey the enthusiasm and support of the City of Federal Way for your event. Please do not hesitate to call me at 253-835-2501 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Lillian Yeh Economic Development Coordinator enc: TEG Post Event Report Form TEG Reimbursement Form What s Happening in Federal Way Request Form What's Happening Summer 2010 brochure 73 Team Credit Entry Fee Paid Balance SFC Havoc 10 0 400 400 0 Blaze Intensity 10 0 400 400 0 Acers 10 0 400 -400 0 Snohomish Shock West 10 0 400 400 0 Everett Express 10 0 400 400 0 Snohomish SWAT 10 0 400 400 0 Issaquah Flame 10 0 400 400 0 Wa Speed 10 0 400 400 0 Olympia Bulldogs 12 0 400 400 0 Surrey Storm 9712 0 400 400 0 Diamond Dusters 12 0 400 400 0 Victoria Devils 9712 0 400 400 0 NW Ladysharks Hedlund 12 0 400 400 0 Seattle Spice 12 0 400 400 0 Isaquah Flame 98 12 0 400 400 0 Surrey Storm 98A 12 0 400 400 0 Wa Phoenix 9812 0 400 400 0 Sidewinders 12 0 400 400 0 Wa Phoenix 9712 0 400 400 0 Kent Bulldogs 12 0 400 400 0 Woodinville Reign lowe 12 0 400 400 0 Delta Heat 9712 0 400 400 0 Edmonds Starz 9812 0 4.00 400 0 Patriots Ehlebracht 12 0 400 400 0 St Louis Angels 12 0 385 385 0 Hurricanes 9712 0 400 400 0 Bellevue Blast 12 0 400 400 0 Woodinville Reign Ho 12 0 400 400 0 Acers Smith 12 0 400 400 0 West Seattle Thunder 14 0 400 400 0 Wa Elite 14 0 400 400 0 Bainbridge FP 14 0 400 400 0 Snohomish Shock 14 0 400 400 0 Wa Sped 14 0 400 400 0 Wa Hustle 14 91.25 400 308.75 0 patriots 14 91.25 400 308.75 0 Sudden Impact 14 0 400 0 _400 Thrashers 14 0 400 400 0 Gladiators 14 0 400 400 0 Sidewinders 95 14 0 400 400 0 Sno Co Express Black 14 0 400 400 0 Diamond Dusters gates 14 0 400 400 0 Delta Heat 9614 0 400 400 0 White Rock Thunder 95 14 0 400 400 0 SFC Adrenaline 14 0 400 400 0 Skagit Valley Thunder 146 0 400 400 0 74 Renegades 9614A 0 400 400 0 NW Ladysharks Wetherbee 14A 0 400 400 0 Ms Stix 14A 0 400 400 0 Richmond Islanders 9516 0 400 400 0 NW Krush 16 0 400 400 0 Yakima Stealers 16 0 400 400 0 Rebels 16 0 400 400 0 SFC Rampage 16 0 400 400 0 Thunder 9416 0 400 400 0 Mosquito Squad 16 0 400 400 0 Arsenal 16 0 400 400 0 Kent Bulldogs 16 0 400 400 0 Wa Speed 18 0 400 400 0 Vancouver Wildcats 18 0 400 400 0 Renegades Gold 18 0 400 400 0 Wa TNT 18 0 400 400 0 Purple Haze 18 0 0 400 400 Bellevue Blast 18 0 400 400 0 Seattle Spice 18 0 400 400 0 Balls 25585 Net 7879 SI 1000 S150% 3439.5 total 4439.5 Minus entry fee -400 plus Celebration Rental 1000 5039.5 Jim 50% 3439.5 75 Sanction 800 250 Fields Umpires Misc Total - Net 3600 10856 2200 17706 7879 76 Re: Sudden Impact Invite --APPLICATION Attached From: bainslaw@aol.com To: JohnAulton@cKyoffederalway.com Subject Re: Sudden Impact Invite–APPUCATION Attached Date: Thu, Mar 11, 201011:38 am Attachmevtts: FW Application.pdf (65K) Application is attached. Thanks. -Raj Law Offices of Rai Bains, P.S.C. P.O. Box 23637 Federal Way, WA 98093 Telephone: (253) 838-3377 Facsimile: (253) 838-5188 ----Original Message— From: John Hutton <John Hi,ttonci; ctfedera!,va om> To: 'bainslaw(c�aol com' <bainsla_ , r aoi com> Sent: Thu, Mar 11, 2010 9:29 am Subject RE: Sudden Impact Invite Hi Raj, Celebration Park for your tourney is $650.00 and Steel Lake is $350.00 John From: bainslaw@aol.com fmailto:bainslaw@aol.com] Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 8:48 AM To: John Hutton Subject: Sudden Impact Invite John: Page I of 1 So that I can prepare for the cost, how much for Celebration and Steel Lake this year for the Sudden Impact Invitational? Thanks. –Raj Raj Bains Attorney at Law Law Offices of Raj Bains P.S.C. P.O. Box 23637 Federal Way, WA 98093 Telephone: (253) 838-3377 Facsimile: (253) 838-5188 77 http://mail.aol.com/32447-111/aol-1/en-us/maiVPrintMessage.aspx 8/16/2010 CITY OF Federal Way FACILITY RENTAL APPLICATION aw of Federal Way Athletic Fields Phone: (253) 835-6900 ` Fax. (253) 835-6929 Mailing Address: City of Federal Way PR(S P.O. Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 Rets DaWs): A Ilrvt j; - 2a/b Group/O"ganantion: i►,0.rar Day Phone;�t-,.d-� - - - stabs: 1� zip:��s Evening Phone;�� E-mail: /, secondary Contact• �u /ter► Day Phone Ort Evening Phone: OF LXABZLrry — Theundersigned hereby agrees oo Indy, and hold rile �PbYees, agents and volunteers harmless from City °f � way, elected liabilities (including costs and all attorney fees) to or by any and aiiPusonsor ms s, � s, adJOns and ' agents, lues and representatives, arising from, resp incudis, without lana anon, their from any error or ornis� of rile wed, � �• Or entities with the use of the premises, or of �al Way. of this Facility Rental Agri, unless such M damage K agents, by 'the sole �9� off • USE -- The undersigned agrees to use the premises for the above referenced be used for any other activity or purpose without the taty of Federal W Y and not use or permit the Premises W Ways WW written consent. COMPLI" CE WITH LAW —The undersigned shall not use the Premises Or Peadopted amendenythin whKh will mrdd with any aPPiicaW local, state or federal law, ordinance, r iltregulation, as a done in the premises now eng or hereafter "1RANCE — AN organizations or individuals Must PmvWe with tW request, period of use (Photocopy of insurance certffiCate) the insurance r �°0f of insurance, which �s their full 0°�age of $2,000,000; this poNcY must also name the City of Federal Way as iceaddaonwl iWlxedgeivNWa� Policy with minimum The C'ty of Federal P perfornmance of renter.reserves the t to refuse to rent Cityfaalities bo airy pry group or organiratiorl based on I understand the regulations Md Agreement and I agree W abide by a Re4vest Packet are incorporate by referermee oto this APPLICANT SIGNATURE: DATE: 3// . APPROVED BY (OFFICE USE): DATE: FOR OFFt(E USE TOTAL RBitl'AL FEE-.: Y More than 45 days before rental= $100 deposit per weekend to book rental(s). Less than 45 days before rental = 100% of Rental Fee to book rental(s). Debt Retia C6111P11eftd 78 RE: SI Invite Page 1 of 1 From: John Hutton <,John.Hutton@cityoffederalway.00m> To: 'bainslaw@aol.com' <bainslaw@aol.com> Subject: RE: SI Invite Date: Mon, Jun 21, 20102:36 pm So you need an invoice? I can prepare one or you can just pay the 1,000 You can mail it to me or call me with the card number if that is easier for you. Thanks, John From: bainslaw@aol.com fmailto•bainslawOaol coml Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 10:55 AM To: John Hutton Subject: SI Invite John: Are you going to be sending me a bill for the SI Invite? Let me know_ I'd like to get the City paid. Thanks. —Raj Law Offices of Rai Bains P.S.C. P.O. Box 23637 Federal Way, WA 98093 Telephone: (253) 838-3377 Facsimile: (253) 838-5188 This e-mail and the information contained herein is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 USC Section 2510-2521 and other laws, and is therefore legally privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary, and is intended only for the use of the individual(s) to whom it has been directed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying or distribution of this email, or any action or inaction taken in reliance on the contents of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please kindly notify me by reply e-mail or phone call immediately. Thank you_ 79 http://mai(_ao(.com/32447-111/aol-1/en-us/maiUPrintMessage.aspx 8/16/2010 History Saode&� Ja�trt a�-atr.�a, ` rQAkllw 525 Mod raw �') 4OOViDate (sacs,' �ro-a2aa IsaF !o the ()ryirr at�r al< altar. «./I� t $ /Av. 06 �.w %IN�i,L...//o•-r r .. , 8 .��,'"�' aha: COLURNIA HMK 3XW PACW C MGHMY NOM tEDERALmY. m sacra For XWO41WIAVArr rtw✓m► • Asras 1:1 2 S l08 27 21: 4000 30 3688l' 2 54 �'OOOp 100000.E Page 1 of 1 80 https://www.pcsbanking.netlonlinebanking/acctimg.r?t-bid=125108272&t-imgid=Ox00000... 8/16/2010 SMSUA UMPIRE BILLING INVOICE Seme Metro Softball Umpires Association -32229 11th Ave. SW - Federal Way. WA 98023 - (253) 874-8510 1311111ing information Name/Organization: JDASA Address: 2303 N. 194th St. CRY. State Zip: Shoreline, WA 98133 Tournament Information Bate: June 12-13 Name: Sudden Impact Location: Celebration Contact Berson: Jim Donner Phone Nunber 206-854-1181 sk1 -umpire 2 -umpire 3 -umpire Game Sumcnary Fri Sat Sun Total I Warne Total 0 $29.50E$3, .00 [3(0 30 60 $59.00.000 $88.50.00 I uwr. I ;Oaft auAu I PLEASE PAY THIS-AMOUNT:— PAYMENT IS DUE UPON INVOICE 81 SMSUA UMPIRE BILLING INVOICE Seattle Metro S%VJM Mnpkw Amociaft. - 32229111tr Ave. SW - Federal Way. WA 98023 - (253) 8748510 BIN' Mfonrgtbn Name/Organkadon: JDASA Address: 2303 N. 194th St. City, State zp: Shoreline, WA 98133 mac._ -L•..._ ....'.r�j��. VMPIR Tournament Information Date: June 12-13 Name: Sudden Impact Laalion: Steel Lane Contact Person: Jim Donner Phone Nranbw. 20"54-1181 Game Summa Fd Sat Sun Total $/Game Total 0 529.50 $0.00 16 6 22 $59.00 $1,298.00 --j0 $88.50 $0.00 r orae 1 11,298.00 I PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT: - PAYMENT IS DUE UPON INVOICE 82 PurZ#mest Nowt Trophy, Inc. 1314 HoweA Street - Seattle, WA 98101-1412 atrophy T: 206.682.3523 - F: 206.623.5735 Visit Our Web Pape! www.nwtr+optoy.com Jim Donner 2303 N 194th St Seattle, WA 98133 Bellevue Showroom 13620 NE 201h Sbeet Bellevue, WA 98005 T: 425 6413700 F: 425 6414061 Hand -delivery Invoice Sli 0 ,rises I wl if 010 CC m Ne 6/11=0 OA 119Z09ndnplaet Rat ASA Sullen t/onal 5 11C 30'3-poAClw.pWwd TrophywAnapadP1b-ttt 39.10 195.50T 11C ?A' 3pnra od Chaepimd* Tiq*w v wd Pirie - 2nd 35.75 178.75T TropWW Phft Ind Tk*hy Pial-- - *K UAED - let 0.00 d3 O.00T wphy Plats Ind Trophy Pirie - *M U DED - and O.00 0.00T 1 Hand fletym CasiasyHand4elmy-NOCHARGE 0.00 MOOT �L FOR- P,P—eUCDu-S CY z P t '3T 3 s 7 Sao= Tau JUN Ca tmy Odmay Yx kxied - Mend dellmy $409.80 5374.25 X35.55 tJ�.$Q =p,pp IN OM OW UPM Ri W" IMMS OUMM"M MMOMM. M" DM ACCOIJM t>N.L M CIVAMM I A%MR IrowM IO% PER MMM THM/K YOU ICOR YOUR WMM. FOR 9t"M aumnoM Pl.mm cOKTAm.._ -.-- ll% y cam 83 M O 1 O u n JUNE 12 - 13f 2010 Celebration Park, Steel Lake Park Service Club Fields and Sprinker Recreation Park • 'Five age Q:visions. 10V 12V 14V 16V 1821 • Team Trophy aZ 7 -Skirts for Champions • Tajo ASA umpires pergame • Great Va(ue. $400. games guaranteed (SqG) • Teams from Canada, Idaho, Oregon and a!I parts of Washington Q • ErTelrent Tune-Vp forWetms, State, ftionals andNationals j7 • 4�vom B(ocksAvada6le forTrave(Teams i� (Participating NSW Teams Include • lou 14U Washington Speed Sudden Impact 96 Seattle Fastpitch Club Havoc White Rock Renegades 96 Delta Heat '96 Q 12U White Rock Thunder '95 Northwest Lady Sharks '97 Ms. Stix Diamond Dusters Washington Phoenix Sluggers O.C. Magic r� Washington Phoenix Washington Hurricanes Renegades 98 Washington Speed n Victoria Devils Northwest Lady Sharks Weatherbee Skagit Valley Thunder Diamond Dusters Gates 16U Oregon Silver Bullets 18U Richmond Islanders 95 Renegades Gold Rebels Seattle Spice NW Krush B 4s of 3/10/2010 For more information, please contact Tournament Director Jim Donner at. (206) 854-1181 or email at JimDonner a�aol.com. To download a ToumameW Registration form, please visit our website: www.eteamz.com/Simpact 84 2011 TOURNAMENT FLYER 85 A10 O 7 T MA or IM � CT JUNE 11-12, 2011 Celebration Park, Steel Lake Park Service Club Fields and Sprinker Recreation Park • Five age divisions 10V 12V 14v 16v 181V • Team Trophy aT- 7 -Shirts for Champions • 63 Teams played in 2010 from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Iffinois and Canada • Great Value: $400.00 /'Five games guaranteed (SGG) • Excelrent Tune-vp forWetros, State, regionals and Nationals 4S (Participating jW Teams. As of 3/29/2011 IOU Bellevue Blast Everett Express Northwest Ladysharks Blaze 2000 14U Sudden Impact Lady Bombers Delta Heat '96 Washington Blaze '97 Bellevue Blast '96 Seattle Fasipitch Club Grizzlies Frasier Valley Fusion Northwest Shock Snohomish Shock '96 Diamond Dusters '97 Capital Lady Outlaws Surrey Storm '97 Washington Phoenix '98 Victoria Devils 96 18U Surrey Storm '93 Victoria Devils 12U Kent Bulldogs Diamond Dusters Snoqualmie Crushettes Vancouver Stealers PNW Force Delta Heat '99 Surrey Storm 98 Seattle Spice Frasier Valley Fusion Washington Speed '99 Northwest Lady Sharks Acers '99 Woodinville Reign 99 Blaze Intensity Blaze Dynamite 16U White Rock Thunder 95 Lady Bombers Hurricane Roberts Victoria Devils '95 Snohomish Shock '95 Fusion '95 Richmond Islanders '96 Renegades '96 Seattle Fastpitch Club Intensity Washington Titans For more information, please contact Tournament Director Jim Donner at. (206) 854-1181 or email at: JimDonnen( aol.com. To download a Tournament Registration form, please visit our website: www.eteamz.com/Simpact 86 A O 0001 v M it JUNE 11-12r 2011 Celebration Park, Steel Lake Park Service Club Fields and Sprinker Recreation Park • Five age fiavisions. 1021 12V 1421 16'V 18V • Team Trophy e� T -Shirts for Champions • 63 Teams played in 2010 from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Iliinois and Canada • Great Value: $400.00 /Five games guaranteed (SGG) • E.7(celrent Tune-Vp forWetros, State, Regiona& andNationafs 45 (Participating W Teams: As of 3/29/2011 IOU Bellevue Blast Everett Express Northwest Ladysharks Blaze 2000 14U Sudden Impact Lady Bombers Delta Heat '96 Washington Blaze '97 Bellevue Blast '96 Seattle Fastpitch Club Grizzlies Frasier Valley Fusion Northwest Shock Snohomish Shock '96 Diamond Dusters '97 Capital Lady Outlaws Surrey Storm '97 Washington Phoenix '98 Victoria Devils '96 18U Surrey Storm '93 Victoria Devils 12U Kent Bulldogs Diamond Dusters Snoqualmie Crushettes Vancouver Stealers PNW Force Delta Heat '99 Surrey Storm '98 Seattle Spice Frasier Valley Fusion Washington Speed '99 Northwest Lady Sharks Acers '99 Woodinville Reign 99 Blaze Intensity Blaze Dynamite 16U White Rock Thunder '95 Lady Bombers Hurricane Roberts Victoria Devils '95 Snohomish Shock '95 Fusion '95 Richmond Islanders '96 Renegades '96 Seattle Fastpitch Club Intensity Washington Titans For more information, please contact Tournament Director Jim Donner at: (206) 854-1181 or email at: JimDonner(&aol.com. To download a Tournament Registration form, please visit our website: www.eteamz.com/Simpa t 87 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 7, 2011 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: APRIL 2011 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the April 2011 Monthly Financial Report? COMMITTEE: Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee MEETING DATE: May 24, 2011 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Tho Kraus, Finance Director DEPT: Finance Attachments: • April 2011 Monthly Financial Report Options Considered: 1. Approve the April 20I I Monthly Financial Report as presented. 2. Deny approval of the April 201 t Monthly Financial Report and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Mayor recommends approval of Option I MAYOR APPROVAL: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Commitke Council Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward approval of the April 2011 Monthly Financial Report to the June 7, 2011 consent agenda for approval. Mike Park, Committee Chair Jeanne Burbidge, Committee Jack Dovey, Committee Member Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "[move approval of the April 2011 Monthly Financial Report" (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED t'T reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 08/12/20 10 RESOLUTION # 88 CRY Of A Federal Way GENERAL & STREET FUND OPERATIONS April 2011 Monthly Financial Report The overall operations of the combined General and Street Fund showed a negative result of $174K- Overall revenue total $ t 3.1 M and is $332K above 201 l year-to-date budget of $12.8M. Z3 2010 3011 YTD BUDGET VS ACTUAL GENERAL & STREET FUND Annual YTD YTD Favorable (Unfavorable) Summary of Sources & Uses Budget Actual Actual Budget Budget Actual S % Beginning Fund Balance $ 8,345,195 $ 8,345,195 $ 8,345,195 $ 8,538,117 $ 8,538,117 $ 8,538,117 n/a n/a OPERATING REVENUES Property Taxes 9,329,370 9,614,187 2,337,059 9,577,000 2,409,665 2,659,974 250,309 10.4% Sales Tax 10,578,000 10,708,951 3,620,166 10,684,000 3,597,657 3,528,900 (68,755) -1.9% Criminal Justice Sales Tax 1,740,000 1,701,120 563,455 1,636,000 541,886 566,869 24,983 4.6% Intergovernmental 2,386,000 2,538,462 926,075 1,928,000 703,367 870,699 167,331 23.80/ Leasehold Tax 4,000 5,757 1,555 4,000 1,080 1,456 376 34.8% Gambling Taxes 1,110,000 493,489 336,883 212,000 80,946 177,659 96,713 119.5% Court Revenue 1,477,469 1,558,931 577,693 1,557,500 577,554 547,663 (29,891) -52% Building Permits/Fees-CD 1,251,000 1,314,602 398,075 1,241,815 416,646 356,410 (60,236) -14.5% ROW Permits & Develop Svcs Fees -PW 349,000 328,455 103,035 333,230 109,462 90,356 (19,107) -17.5% Licenses 240,000 251,620 63,620 242,000 61,188 62,181 993 160 Franchise Fees 995,000 980,891 489,147 945,000 471,249 501,652 30,403 6.5% Passport Agency Fees 73,000 58,925 24,825 69,000 29,070 15,375 (13,695) 47.1% Park & General Recreation Fees 775,000 913,831 203,083 848,811 188,634 201,536 12,902 6.8% Police Services 811,000 808,162 165,296 1,033,000 211,283 152,990 (58,293) -27.6% Admin/Cash Management Fees 639,755 640,460 213,687 493,117 164,526 164,372 (154) -0.1% Interest Earnings 72,250 32,518 15,597 74,000 35,493 6,934 (28,558) -80.5% Misc/Other 247,000 300,972 86,138 274,260 78,493 105,279 26,786 34.1% Oncloina Utilitvax Transfers in: Celebration Park7PK M&O 361,620 361,620 361,620 274,000 274,000 274,000 - n/a Arts Comm/RW&B Festival 119,070 119,070 119,070 97,000 97,000 97,000 n/a Police Positions 1,002,862 1.002,862 1,002,862 1,432,000 1,432,000 1,432,000 n/a Street Bond/Lights 482,461 482,462 482,462 371,000 371,000 371,000 n/a General Fund Operations 4,126,652 4,126,652 - 3,919,000 - - n/a Prop 1 Voter Package 3,396,049 3,154,878 1,265,321 2,933,509 906,277 906,277 n/a Ongoing Traffic Safety Transfer In: 830,000 830,000 - 830,000 - - n/a Couf1/Police7Traf c Total Operating Revenues 42,396,558 42,328,879 13;356,723 41,009,242 12,758,475- 13,090,582 332,106 2.6% OPERATING EXPENDITURES City Council 432,645 414,733 235,967 477,345 250,097 240,285 9,812 3.9% ayors Office 1,714,325 1,319.670 444,756 1;554,800 495,083 395,979 99,105 20.0% Human Services 813,170 765,963 205,871 757,567 227,870 96,527 131,343 57.6% Municipal Court 1,488,253 1,428,247 463,730 1,539,668 494,179 477,051 17,128 3.5% Economic Development 404,921 290,857 82,514 217,941 65,345 35,838 29,507 45.2% Human Resources 1,148,879 961,622 244,107 843,226 318,145 297,638 20,506 6.4% Finance 979,647 917,770 330,780 927,264 294,916 285,935 8,981 3.0% Civil/Criminal Legal Services 1,546,079 1,419,355 473,815 1,526,597 509,615 430,165 79,450 15.6% Comm. Development Svcs 2,983,256 2,730,900 938,351 2,654,950 893,849 766,732 127,117 14 2% Jail Services 2,368,041 2,603,924 444,003 2,510,000 427,987 454,071 (26,084) -6.1a/ Police Services 22,659,132 21,992.667 7,475,077 24,514,805 8,207,230 7636,330 570,900 7.0% Parks and Recreation 3,897,787 3,830,994 1,113,213 3,809,557 1,196,678 989,970 206,708 17.3% Public Works 4,717,933 4,141,643 1,219,478 4,605,454 1,356,044 1,158,186 197,858 1460/ 1 -time Savings/Unalloc IS Charges 365,723 - - - - - - n/a Total Operating Expenditures 45,519,792 42,8-18,3-47-F-13,671,661 45,939,176 14,737,039 13,264,706 1,412,332 10.0% Operating Revenues overl(under) Operating Expenditures (3,123,234) (489,468) (314,938) (4,929,934) (1,978,563) (174,125) 1,804,439 -91.2 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES One -Time Transfers In\GrantlOther 1,137,677 955,373 243,472 5,454,725 4,055,325 4,055,325 - n/a Total Other Financing Sources 1,137,677 955,373 243,472 5,454,725 4,055,325 4,055,325 n/a OTHER FINANCING USES Contingency Reserves 1,200,000 1.117,362 - n/a One -Time Transfers\Other\Unalloc IS 904.028 272.983 906,544 n/a Total Other Financing Uses 2,104,028 272,983 2,023,906 - - nla Total Ending Fund Balance $ 4,255,609 $ 8,538,117 S 8,273,729 S 7,039,001 $ 10,614,879 $ 12,419,318 n/a n/a Z3 DESIGNATED OPERATING FUNDS Designated operating funds revenue total $8.3M and is $1.1M above year-to-date budget of $7.2M. Expenditures of $52M is $294K below 2011 year-to-date budget of $5.5M. 90 2010 2011 YTD BUDGET VS ACTUAL Annual YTD YTD YTD DESIGNATED OPERATING FUNDS Favorable (Unfavorable) Summary of Sources ✓4Uses Budget Actual Actual Budget Budget; Actual $- % Begin Balance -Designated Funds $ 10,004,673 $ 10,004,667 $ 10,004,667 $ 12,173,612 $ 12,173,616 $ 12,173,616 n/a n1 OPERATING REVENUES Intergovernmental 537,315 513,304 159,193 508,000 157,548 157,488 (60) 0.0° Utility Tax 10,811,614 9,974,976 3,743,271 9,310,761 3,619,911 3,898,997 279,086 7.7 Utility Tax - Prop 1 Voter Package 3,155,239 2,915,334 1,097,417 3,155,239 1,061,312 1,140,657 79,344 7.5% Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 165,000 149,058 39,362 155,000 43,541 46.096 2,555 5.9% Real Estate Excise Tax 900,000 1,403,362 482,186 900,000 334,033 651,725 317,692 95.1 FW Community Center -Operations 1,552,093 1,608,401 553,312 1,555,422 533,672 557,126 23,454 4.4% Red Light Photo Enforcement Program 830,000 1,510,291 341,549 830,000 187,703 473,050 285,347 152.0% Property Tax - KC Expansion Levy 151,443 155,828 14,138 153,000 13,881 7,405 (6,476) -46.7% Dumas Bay Centre 603,786 500,844 148,048 516,318 152,622 166,590 13,968 9.2% Knutzen Family Theatre - 413 107 - - 48 48 n1 SWM Fees 3,338,969 3,419,564 780,356 3,164,969 722,256 881,394 159,138 22.0% Refuse Collection Fees 278,854 276,214 117,174 275,366 116,814 114,083 (2,732) -2.3 Interest Earnings 150,526 17,949 7,079 54,000 21,295 4,297 (16,999) -79.8% Miscellaneous/Other 25,896 20,578 9,851 29,036 13,900 10.796 (3,104) -22.3° UTAX Transfer Knutzen Family Theatre 132,232 132,232 132,232 113,000 113.000 113,000 0.0% UTAX Transfer FW Community Center 1,817,264 1,817,263 78,401 1,611,000 88,539 88,539 0.0% UTAX Transfer Arterial Streets 761,684 761,684 - 1,011,000 - n1 otal Operating Revenues 25,211,915 25,177,294 7,703,675 23,342,111 7,180,028 9,311,290 1,131,262 15.8% OPERATING EXPENDITURES City Overlay Program 2,133,379 1,593,829 82,015 2,074,874 106,769 72,175 34,595 32.4% Utility Tax-AdmiNCash Mgmt Fees 64,622 64,621 21,540 48,000 16,000 16,000 (0) 0.0% Solid Waste 481,140 450,972 159,316 415,118 146,650 148,339 (1.689) -1.2% Hotel/Motet Lodging Tax 370,707 140,065 51,261 372,500 136,328 13,436 122,892 90.1% FW Community Cent er 2,110,626 2,051,623 631,712 2,142,839 655,021 645,664 9.357 1.4% Traffic Safety (Red Light Photo) 50,000 2.938 2,938 50,000 - N Debt Service 1,203,805 1,179,462 18,496 1,162.726 18,234 9,720 8,514 46.7/0 Surface Water Management 3,574,474 2,947,662 802.535 3,414,797 929,718 808,956 120,762 110% Dumas Bay Centre 641,056 576,026 174,814 687,905 208,768 205,447 3,321 1.6% Knutzen Family Theatre 162,849 82,054 23,398 85,095 24,265 27,820 (3,555) -14.6% Onaoina Utility,Tax Transfers Out UTAX Transfer FW Community Center 1,817,264 1,817,261 78,401 1,611,000 88,539 88,539 0.0% UTAX Transfer Knutzen Family Theatre 132,232 132,232 132,232 113,000 113,000 113,000 0.0% UTAX Transfer Arterial Streets Overlay 761,684 761,684 - 191,000 - n! UTAX TransferTransportafion CIP - - - 1,611,000 - n1 UTAX Transfer GenerallStreet Fund Ops 6,092,666 6,092,666 1.966,014 6,093,000 2,174.000 2,174,000 0.0% Utax Transfer Prop 1 Voter Package 3,396,049 3,154,879 1,265,322 2,933,509 906,277 906,277 0.0% Red Light Photo Tmsfr CouNPDfTraffic 830,000 830,000 - 830,000 n/ Total Operating Expenditures 23,822,553 21,877,975 5,409,996 23,836,364 5,523,569 5,229,373 294,196 5.3% Operating Revenues over/(under) Operating Expenditures 1,389,362 3,299,319 2,293,679 (494,253) 1,656,459 3,081,917 1,425,458 86.1% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Grants/MitigatioNOtherrrransfer 3,594,408 3,336,288 1,212,920 529,800 475,047 475,047 - 0.0% Total Other Financing Sources 3,594,408 3,336,288 1,212,920 529,800 475,047 475,047 0.0% OTHER FINANCING USES One -Time TransfersOut/Other 4,973,020 4,730,948 1,938,116 1,845.000 1,142,000 1,142,000 00% Total Other Financing Uses 4,973,020 4,730,948 1,938,116 1,845,000 1,142,000 1,142,000 0.0% ENDING FUND BALANCE Arterial Street - 561,373 1,231,450 - 974,783 n/a n1 Utility Tax 3,457,015 3.012.648 3,678,253 2,733,137 4.521,317 n/a n1 Utility Tax -Prop 1 Voter Package 899,580 697,535 731,675 697,535 931,916 n/a n/ Solid Waste & Recycling 103,805 135,098 110,584 133,223 102,042 n/a n/a Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax - 215,657 190,102 2.157 248,401 n/a n/ FW Community Center 660,704 780,753 330,209 889,335 780,753 n/a n1 Traffic Safety Fund 105,287 833,520 444,002 408,520 1,306,982 n!a n1 Paths & Traits 132,769 136,361 150,144 144.361 146,222 n/a Na Debt Service Fund 2.905,708 3,379,428 2.701,039 3,126,699 3,102,846 n/a n/ Surface Water Management 1,638,753 2.274,261 1.701,806 2,225.891 2,279,965 n/a n! Dumas Bay/KnutzenOperations 82,304 146,982 1 262,1331 3,298 193,352 n/a n/ Total Ending Fund Balance 1 $ 9,985,926 $ 12,173,616 1 $ 11,531,400 1 $ 10,364,155 1 $ $ 14,588,580 n/a Na 90 Sales Tax Compared to year-to-date 2010 actual, sales tax revenues are down $91K or 2.5%. April sales tax collection of S806K is $32K or 3.8% below 2010's April sales tax of $838K. Compared to 2011 year-to-date budget, sales tax revenues are down $69K or l.9%. There is an overall decrease in all areas with the exception of Services, Construction, Manufacturing, and Other. Sales Tax by SIC Groin The overall decrease in sales tax is due to retail trade unfavorable variance of $27K, which consists of a decrease of $13K for an online hobby store; $14K overall decrease for an electronics store, $7K is due to a grocery store closing offset by an increase in building/material/garden of $8K and an increase in online retailers of $5K. Information unfavorable variance is due to prior year audit in 2010 which resulted in $31K. Fin/Ins/Reat Estate is showing an unfavorable variance of $17K which consists of a decrease of $5K due to stores closing and $8K due to overall decrease in rentals/leasing. COMPARISON OF SALES TAX COLLECTIONS BY SIC GROUP Year-to-date Mru ril Component LOCAL RETAIL SALES TAX REVENUES Year-to-date thru April 2010 - Change from 2010 Month 2d f0 Actual Actual 2011 Budget Actual Change from 2010 $ % 2011 Actual vs Budget' $ j Jan $ 824,040 $ 839,057 $ 818,614 $ (5,426) -0.7% $ (20,443) -2.4% Feb 1,171,625 $ 1,181,633 1,153,192 (18,432) -1.6% (28,441) -2.4% Mar 786,688 $ 784,344 751,420 (35,268) -4.5% (32,924) -4.2% Apr 837,813 $ 792,623 805,675 (32,138) -3.8% 13,052 1.6% May 887,167 $ 912,803 - - _ _ _ Jun 790,522 $ 806,626 - 142,068 - - _ Jul 834,924 $ 840,105 - - _ Aug 1,007,538 $ 980,315 - - - -19.4% _ Sep 928,430 $ 923,997 - _ _ 39,588 _ Oct 888,319 $ 889,014 Nov 925,608 $ 925,361 Administration, Nondassifiable Establishments Dec 826,277 $ 808,123 YTD Total $ 3,620,166 $ 3,597,657 $ 3,528,900 $ (91,267) -2,51/.T$ (68,755) -1.9% Annual Total $10,708,951 1 $10,684,000 n/a----T-n/a I n/a I n/a n/a Sales Tax by SIC Groin The overall decrease in sales tax is due to retail trade unfavorable variance of $27K, which consists of a decrease of $13K for an online hobby store; $14K overall decrease for an electronics store, $7K is due to a grocery store closing offset by an increase in building/material/garden of $8K and an increase in online retailers of $5K. Information unfavorable variance is due to prior year audit in 2010 which resulted in $31K. Fin/Ins/Reat Estate is showing an unfavorable variance of $17K which consists of a decrease of $5K due to stores closing and $8K due to overall decrease in rentals/leasing. COMPARISON OF SALES TAX COLLECTIONS BY SIC GROUP Year-to-date Mru ril Component Component comprised of the 2010 2011 Change from 2010 Group following major categories: Actual Actual $ % General merchandise stores, motor vehicle & parks dealer, building material/garden, and misc. store Retail Trade retailers $ 1,984,269 $ 1,957,743 $ (26,526) -1.3% Food services/drinking places, professional, Services scientific, tech, and repair/maintenance 761,852 772,306 $ 10,455 1.4% Construction of buildings and specialty trade Construct contractors 311,600 316,097 $ 4,496 1.4% Wholesale of durable goods and non durable Wholesaling goods. 152,326 142,068 $ (10,258) -6.7% Transp/Utility Utilities 1,282 1,373 $ 91 71% Telecommunications, publishing and motion Information picture/sound record 215,060 173,416 $ (41,644) -19.4% Wood product manufacturing, printing/related Manufacturing support, and furniture related products 39,588 51,401 $ 11,812 29.8% Economic Programs, Executive/Legislative, Justice/Public Order, Human Resources Administration, Nondassifiable Establishments which includes Liquor Stores and sales tax for establishments that did not classify their Government Component group. 66,347 43,279 $ (23,069) -34.8% Rental/leasing services, real estate, and credit Fin/Ins/Real Estate intermediation. 80,499 63,431 $ (17,067) -21.2% Mining, support activities of mining, and Other transportation services. 7,344 7,793 $ 449 6.1% YTDTotaIj $ 3,620,166 1 $ 3,528,900 $ (91,267) -2.5% 91 Sales Tax by Area 2011 SALES TAX BY AREA % of Total The 2010 Commons Chg'from 2010 $ % 10.5% S 348th $3,620,166 10.4% Other -2.5% 60.0% $365,782 $367,713 S 0.5% 312thlS316th -7.3% 8.5% na Pavilion The Commons Center 371,126 5.5% FW Hotel/Motel Crossings 1.3% 3.8% na Comparing 2011 to 2010: • S 348d' is up by $2K or less than 1% mainly due to an increase from a major wholesale retailer, which is offset by decrease in building/garden retailer. ■ The Commons is up by $3K or less than 1% mainly due to an overall increase for an electronics retailer along with an audit of a clothing store which resulted in an additional $2K. SALES TAX COMPARISON by AREA Year-to-date April Group 2010 2011 Chg'from 2010 $ % YTD Total Sales Tax $3,620,166 $3,528,900 ($91,167) -2.5% S 348th Retail Block $365,782 $367,713 $1,931 0.5% % chg from prev yr -7.3% 0.5% na na The Commons 367,976 371,126 $3,150 0.8% % chg from prey yr -5.5% 0.9% na na S 312th to S 316th 320,707 300,196 ($20;511 -6.3% % chg from prev yr -1.6% -6.4% na na Pavilion Center 210,582 194,038 ($16,544) -8.4% % chg from prev yr 6.3% -7.9% na na Hotels & Motels 38,577 45,139 6,562 14.4% % chg from prev yr -15.3% 17.0% na na FWCrossings 134,720 134,286 (434) -0.3% % chg from prev yr 8.3% 0.3% na na • S312 to S.316th is down by $21K or 6.3% mainly due to a decrease from a major retailer offset by an increase in a motor/parts dealer. • Pavilion Center is down by $17K or 8.4% mainly due to a decrease from a major electronics/appliances retailer. • Hotel & Motels is up by $7K or 14.4% mainly due to adding one additional hotel which opened in August of 2010_ • Federal Way Crossings is down by less than $1 K or less than 1% mainly due to a decrease for a cellular retailer which is offset by food retailers. Utility Tax (Total 7.75%) Total utility taxes received year-to-date 2011 is $5.OM and is above 2010's year-to-date collections by $199K or 4-2%. The variance between January and February is due to timing of payments. Compared to year-to-date budget, net utilities tax revenues are above 2011 projections by $358K or 7.7%. Federal Way residents who are 65 years of age or older, disabled/unable to work, and had an income during the calendar year qualifies for the City's Utility Tax Rebate Program. Any payments that these qualified individuals made towards the utility tax that is passed from the utility company to the consumer is reimbursed by the City. This is an annual program that opens January 1` and closes April 30th of each year_ Year-to-date the City has processed 185 rebates totaling $22K. UTILITY TAXES Year-to-date thru April Month 2010 Actual 2011 Budget Actual Change from 2010 $ Var % Var 2011 Actual vs Budget $ Var % Var Jan $ 1,259,004 $ 1,217,583 $ 1,121,556 $ (137,448) -10.9% $ (96,027) -7.9% Feb 1,227,306 1,186,928 1,358,659 131,353 10.7% 171,732 14.5% Mar 1,162,917 1,124,657 1,286,564 123,647 10.6% 161,907 14.4% Apr 1,210,765 1,170,931 1,295,155 84,391 7.0% 124,225 10.6% May 1,119,347 1,082,521 - - _ Jun 1,043,015 1,008,700 Jul 980,878 948,607 - Aug 936,258 905,455 Sep 928,067 897,534 Oct 1,038,465 1,004,300 Nov 989,331 956,782 Dec 1,015,410 982,003 YTD Tota $ 4,859,991 $ 4,700,098 $ 5,061,935 $ 201,944 4.2% $ 361,837 7.7% Rebate(19,303) (18,875) (22,281) (2,978) 15.4% (3,406) 18.0% Total: $ 4,840,689 $ 4,681,223 $ 5,039,654 $ 198,966 4.1% 358,431 7.7% Compared to year-to-date 2010 - ■ Electricity is up by $167K or 9.2% mainly due to more consumption. ■ Gas is up by $166K or 19.6% mainly due to a 2% rate increase effective November 1, 2010 along with more consumption. ■ Solid Waste is down by $48K or 19.4% mainly due to timing of payments. • Cable is up by $10K or 2.2% • Phone is down by $24K or 6.1% due to a decrease from a major tax payor. ■ Cellular phone is down by $71K or 7.3% mainly due to a major payor excluding data service revenue as part of the utility tax calculation and another major payor decrease in overall revenues. UTILITY TAXES Year-to-date thru April 2010 Budget 2010 Actual 2011 Actual Change from 2010 $ Var Mar Beck $ 1,811,789 $ 1,979,090 $ 167,302 9.2% Gas 1 847,064 1,012,925 165,861 19.6% Sold Waste 247,101 199,267 (47,834) -19.4% Cable 470,075 480,209 10,134 2.2% Phone 392,154 368,338 (23,817) -6.1% Cellular 975,455 904,439 (71,016) -7.3% Pager 345 162 (183) -53.1% SWM 116,008 117,505 1,497 1.3% Tax Rebate (19,303)L$3 ,281) (2,978) 15.4% YTDTotal $ 4,840,689,654 July $ 198,966 4.1° Vpdate on Proposition I Year-to-date 2011 Prop 1 expenditures total $906K or 30.9% of the $2.9M budget. Current life -to -date Prop l Utility tax collections total $12.6M and expenditures total $11.6M resulting in ending fund balance of $932K. PROP 1 2010 Budget Actual 2011 Budget Actual LIFE TO DATE Beginning Balance: $ 899,580 $ 899,580 $ 697,535 $ 697,535 $ - OPERATING REVENUES January $ 288,315 $ 284,291 $ 274,938 253,255 $ 1,089,430 February 336,039 277,134 268,016 306,794 1,169,215 March 321,603 262,594 253,955 289,430 1,450,437 April 284,790 273,399 264,404 291,178 1,376,698 May 309,597 252,756 244,440 - 1,093,355 June 238,257 235,519 227,771 913,321 July 235,146 221,489 214,202 886,664 August 218,505 211,413 204,458 849,205 September 212,824 209,564 202,669 845,016 October 239,204 234,492 226,777 917,239 November 229,715 223,397 216,048 902,985 December 241,241 229,286 221,743 1,067,253 Total Prop 1 Revenues 3,155,239 2,915,334 2,819,419 1,140,657 12,560,819' OPERATING EXPENDITURES Public Safety Improvement Positions & Costs: Police Services (includes sworn postions, records clerk, and indirect Information Technology support costs)" 2,340,772 2,149,892 2,288,620 731,215 8,200,718 Court Services (includes Judge, Court Clerk, Prosecutor, public defender contract, and indirect Information Technology support) 383,866 352,502 292,826 88,734 1,385,288 Total Public Safety Improvement Positions & Costs 2,724,638 2,502,394 2,581,446 819,949 9,586,006 Community Safety Program Costs: Code Enforcement Officer' 100,218 84,529 - - 318,857 Code Enforcement Civil Attorney 72,589 55,255 158,279 46,017 275,976 Park Maintenance 112,046 98,309 111,697 30,981 397,873 Total Community Safety Improvement Program Costs 284,853 1 238,093 269,976 1 76,998 992,705 Indirect Support - HR Analyst 46,780 39,391 44,586 9,330 165,198 SafeCit M&O 39,784 37,500 37,500 - 95,928 Subtotal Ongoing Expenditures 3,096,049 2,817,378 2,933,508 906,277 10,839,837 SafeCity Startup - - - - 189,066 Other Transfer - Prop 1 OT for Police 300,000 300,000 600,000 Subtotal Other Expenditures 300,000 300,000 789,066 Total Prop 1 Expenditures 3,396,049 3,117,3781 2,933,608 906,277 1 11,628,904 Total Ending Fund lBalances- $' 65$1,770 $ 697;535 1 $ 583;446 1 $ 931,9151$ 931;916" i,oue rnrorcernem umcer i .0 r i c was frozen as parr or me zu i uzu t z Haoptea tsuaget "Police Officer 2.0 FTE was frozen as part of the 2011/2012 Adopted Budget 93 Real Estate Excise Tax Compared to 2010 year-to-date actuals, collections are up $170K or 35.2%. April's receipt of $77K is below April 2010's actual by $48K and $3K above April 201 l's projections. Year-to-date collections are currently exceeding 2011 year-to-date projections. The increase in January is due to the sale of the Palisades Apartments ($67.5M), Woodmark at Steel Lake - Retirement Community ($9.2M), business building located on 6a' Ave S. ($4.4M), and a vacant lot located on l9t' Ave ($2.OM). April's significant transaction included the sale of Super 8 Motel for $4.3M. April 2011 activities include 188 real estate transactions, of which 124 were tax exempt. HotetWotel Lodging Tax Hotel/Motel lodging tax collections for year-to-date 2011 total $46K. Compared to year-to-date 2010, lodging tax is $7K or 17.1% above. The increase is due to Hampton Inn & Suites, which opened in August of 2010. Compared to 2011 year- to-date budget, lodging tax is on target with projections. REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX REVENUES Year-to-date thru April Month Mill Actual 2011 Budget Actual Change from 2010 $ Var %Var 2011 Actual vs Budget $ Var %Var Jan $ 79,389 $ 89,931 $ 461,865 $ 382,476 481.8°/6 $ 371,934 413.6% Feb 47,571 73,499 44,769 (2,802) -5.9% (28,730) -39.1% Mar 230,191 96,613 67,758 (162,433) -70.6% (28,855) -29.9% Apr 125,035 73,990 77,333 (47,702) -3&2%l 3,343 4.5% May 78,6161 92,490 May 13,285 13,654 - - Jun 87,441 70,991 9,489 10,488 Jul 280,791 86,254 11,563 ! Aug 60,287 57,077 20,488 Sep Sep 57,664 80,929 14,349 Oct 16,476 Oct 89,537 65,147 13,457 Nov 14,628 14,724 Nov 54,191 63,283 22,671 Dec 14,918 11,622 Dec 212,649 49,795 YTDTotal $ 39,362 $ 43,541 $ 46,096 $ 6,734 17.1% $ 2,555 YTD Total $ 482,186 $ 334,033 $ 651,725 169,540 351% 3171692 95.1% Annual Total $ 1,403,362 $ 900,000 nla nla nia nla I nla April 2011 activities include 188 real estate transactions, of which 124 were tax exempt. HotetWotel Lodging Tax Hotel/Motel lodging tax collections for year-to-date 2011 total $46K. Compared to year-to-date 2010, lodging tax is $7K or 17.1% above. The increase is due to Hampton Inn & Suites, which opened in August of 2010. Compared to 2011 year- to-date budget, lodging tax is on target with projections. Gambling Tax Year-to-date 2011 Gambling tax collection total $178K, which is up $97K or 119.5% compared to year-to-date budget. In comparison to year-to-date 2010 collection, 201 l's tax collection is $159K or 47.3% below. The negative variance comparing to 2010 year-to-date actual are due to $157K decrease in a cardroom establishment, $26K due to rate change for pulltabs and $4K due to a gambling establishment closing in March of 2010. However, these are offset by an additional establishment added for amusement/games, which added $12K for prior years back taxes and an additional $13K for penalties and interests owed. The current gambling rates are as follows: Card Rooms - rate from 20% to 10% effective date June 6`I', 2010 and Pulltabs - rate from 5% to 3% effective date August lu, 2010, and Amusement is 2%. Ho rELAw 0TEL LODGING TAX REVENUES Year-to-date thru April 2010 2011 ) Change from 2010 2011 Actual vs Budget Month Actual Budget Actual $Var %Var $Var %Var Jan $ 8,787 $ 10,846 $ 10,925 $ 2,138 24.3% $ 79 0.7% Feb 11,823 12,041 12,360 537 4.5% 319 2.7% Apar 8,134 9,623 9,988 1,854 22.8% 365 3.8% Apr 10,617 11,031 12,823 2,205 20.8% 1,792 16.2% May 13,285 13,654 - - - Jun Jun 9,489 10,488 Jul 11,853 11,563 ! Aug 12,099 15,532 20,488 Sep 16,947 16,432 ' 14,349 Oct 16,476 17,444 Oct 9,664 13,457 Nov 14,628 14,724 j 54,129 22,671 Dec 14,918 11,622 Dec (30,627) YTDTotal $ 39,362 $ 43,541 $ 46,096 $ 6,734 17.1% $ 2,555 5.9% Annual Total $ 149,058 $ 155,000 nla nla j nla nla n/a Gambling Tax Year-to-date 2011 Gambling tax collection total $178K, which is up $97K or 119.5% compared to year-to-date budget. In comparison to year-to-date 2010 collection, 201 l's tax collection is $159K or 47.3% below. The negative variance comparing to 2010 year-to-date actual are due to $157K decrease in a cardroom establishment, $26K due to rate change for pulltabs and $4K due to a gambling establishment closing in March of 2010. However, these are offset by an additional establishment added for amusement/games, which added $12K for prior years back taxes and an additional $13K for penalties and interests owed. The current gambling rates are as follows: Card Rooms - rate from 20% to 10% effective date June 6`I', 2010 and Pulltabs - rate from 5% to 3% effective date August lu, 2010, and Amusement is 2%. GAMBLING TAX REVENUE Year-to-date thru April Month 2010 Actual 2011 Budget Actual Change from 2010 $ Var % Var 2011 Actual vs Budget $ Var % Var Jan $ 68,015 $ 19,108 $ 6,879 $ (61,136) -89.9% $ (12,229) -64.0% Feb 84,876 21,337 63,306 (21,571) -25.4% 41,969 196.7% Mar 87,142 12,158 55,169 (31,973) -36.7% 43,011 353.8% Apr 96,850 28,343 52,305 (44,545) -46.0% 23,961 84.5% May 11,768 14,044 - - Jun 51,860 18,209 Jul 21,983 17,063 Aug 12,475 20,488 Sep 25,354 14,349 Oct 9,664 13,457 Nov 54,129 22,671 Dec (30,627) 10,772 YTD Total $ 336,883 $ 80,946 $ 177 6 9 $ (159,224) -47.3% $ 96,713 119.5% Annual Total $ 493,489 $ 212,000 nla nla n/a nla nla State Shared Revenue Year-to-date 2011 distribution of $1.7M is below 2010's year-to-date activity by $55K or 3.1%. The unfavorable variance is mainly due to decreases in Fuel Tax, Liquor Profits Tax, and Criminal Justice High Crime. The City qualified for Criminal Justice High Crime distribution for 2nd half of 2010 through the first half of 2011. Criminal Justice High Crime will be reevaluated in June 2011 to determine if the City qualifies for the High Crime distribution July 1", 2011 through June 30t°, 2012. Permit Activity Building, planning, and zoning permit activities are below 2010's year-to-date activity by $42K or 10.5%. Compared to year-to-date budget, permit activity is down $60K or 14.5%. In April, few significant commercial and multi- family permits were issued. This is likely the result of random fluctuation rather than an indication of a steepening decline in permit activity. Community Development's positive expenditure variance of $127K is mainly due timing of 1 -time program for Comprehensive Plan Update, abatement funding and permit system upgrade which is funded by automation fees. 'Fuel tax amount includes generallstreel,designated operating funds, and transportation CIP. STATE SHARED REVENUES Year-to-date thru April BULGING & LAND USE PMMITS AND FEES` Year-to-date thru April Revenue 2010 Actual 2011 Actual Change from 2010 $ % Liquor Profits Tax $ 205,536 $ 165,157 $ (40,379) -6.7% Liquor Excise Tax 224,254 221,737 (2,517) -1.1% Crim Just - Population 46,435 47,249 814 1.8% CriTinal Just High Crime 106,389 96,883 (9,506) -8.9% Local Crim Just Sales Tax 563,455 566,869 3,414 0.6% Fuel Tax` 594,385 588,020 (6,365) -1.1% DUI - Cities 8,254 8,055 (199) -2.4% YTDTotalj $1,748,708 1 $1,693,970 1 $ (54,738) -3.1% 'Fuel tax amount includes generallstreel,designated operating funds, and transportation CIP. Right-of-way permits and development services permit fees are down $19K or 17.5% when compared to 2011 year-to-date budget. Permit activities are at a lower level than year-to-date 2010, this is due to residential, commercial and plat activities remaining down due to economic conditions in the market place. Owners/developers are not proceeding with new plats since there is a surplus of new homes, new lots, and other financial issues. This is the same for the commercial market, there is an excess of existing office space and banks are more stringent on lending practices. Public Works Operations year-to-date 201 I expenditures total $1.2M and is $188K or 13.9% below budget of S IAM mainly due to vacant grant funded traffic engineer (hired mid-March 2011), savings found in temporary help, timing of intergovernmental payments, repairs/maintenance, and one-time gas savings. ROW PERMITS b DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FES Year-to-date thru April BULGING & LAND USE PMMITS AND FEES` Year-to-date thru April 2010 Actual 2010 Actual r 2011 Budget; Actual Change from 2010 $ % 2011 Actual vs Budget $ % Jan 70,617 71,446 116,720 46,103 65.3% 45,274 63.4°% Feb 65,393 110,258 90,356 24,963 38.2% (19,903) -18.1% Mar 150,033 105,021 70,100 (79,933) -53.31k (34,921) -33.3% Apr 112,032 129,921 79,234 (32,798) -29.30/6 (50,687) -39.0% May 134,120 108,167 - Jun Jun 142,582 125,863 Jul Jul 110,339 113,795 Aug Aug 147,524 126,620 Sep Sep 83,417 68,156 Oct Oct 60,733 92,681 Nov Nov 121,566 93,449 Dec Dec 105,629 96,439 ' _ YTD Total F YTD Total 1 398,0751 416,646 356,410 (41,665) -10.5% (60,236) 14.5% Annual Total 1 1,303,986 1 1,241,815 nla I n/a nla n/a nla Right-of-way permits and development services permit fees are down $19K or 17.5% when compared to 2011 year-to-date budget. Permit activities are at a lower level than year-to-date 2010, this is due to residential, commercial and plat activities remaining down due to economic conditions in the market place. Owners/developers are not proceeding with new plats since there is a surplus of new homes, new lots, and other financial issues. This is the same for the commercial market, there is an excess of existing office space and banks are more stringent on lending practices. Public Works Operations year-to-date 201 I expenditures total $1.2M and is $188K or 13.9% below budget of S IAM mainly due to vacant grant funded traffic engineer (hired mid-March 2011), savings found in temporary help, timing of intergovernmental payments, repairs/maintenance, and one-time gas savings. ROW PERMITS b DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FES Year-to-date thru April 2010 Actual 2011 Budget Actual Change from 2010 $ % 2011 Actual vs Budget $ % Jan 11,036 22,647 12,685 1,648 14.9% (9,963) -44.0% Feb 30,655 27,555 30,046 (610) -2.0% 2,491 9.0% Mar 26,054 19,681 22,477 (3,577) -13.7% 2,796 14.2% Apr 35,290 39,579 25,148 (10,141) -28.7% (14,431) -36.5% May 26,709 27,589 - Jun 46,479 28,812 Jul 17,926 27,886 Aug 26,559 34,025 Sep 34,582 16,584 Oct 17,772 30,552 Nov 29,089 27,192 Dec 26,304 31,128 - ' _ YTD Total F 103,035 109,462 90,356 (12,680) -12.3% (19,107) -17,504 Annual Total 328,455 333,230 1 nla P b nla I nla nia nia Police Department Year-to-date 2011 expenditures total $7.6M and is $571K or 7.0% below the year-to-date budget of $8.2M. The savings is mainly due to 1 -time program for SCORE start-up cost (not anticipated to be savings at year-end), 1 -time gas increase, [-time program for various grants, and timing of ongoing travel/training. Compared to year-to-date budget, overtime is $11 K or 4.2% below year-to-date estimate. The Overtime budget consists of $686K for City overtime and $106K for billable time. There is a decrease of $9K or 21.6% in overtime for contracted services and traffic school. When the decrease from the billable overtime is included, the total overtime decreased $14K or 5.4%. The increase for City portion overtime for the month of February is due to the extra hours required to investigate a homicide that happened in the City and conducting an officer involved shooting investigation for the City of Tukwila. Patrol also experienced an increase in overtime due to the amount of sick time related to the flu to maintain the minimum staffing levels. Animal Services Previously animal services was administered by King County. The County had estimated that Federal Way would incur a cost of approximately $538K annually to continue the service agreement at full recovery cost. 1n July of 2010, the City formed its own Animal Services Division within the Police Department due to the anticipated increase in cost. Animal Services start-up cost in 2010 came in $53K or 21% under budget due to primarily to savings in purchase of the Animal Service vehicle, sheltering costs and license start-up. Revenues in 2010 was under projection by WK or 35% due to failure to renew King County license with the City. 2011 projected pet license revenues of $264K was based on 100% of King County license renewals and an increase in new licenses. This did not take into consideration the free licenses for Senior/Disabled, which averages about 150 potential license revenues per month the City would have received otherwise (about $45K a year). The City is currently reviewing King County's database of licenses to obtain 100% license renewals. To date, the City has issued 1,465 licenses, which generated $37K. Donation of $4K was received to be used for Animal Services. PD Overtime by Type PDOvertime By Month Type 2010 2011 $ 2010 Actual 2011 Budget Actual Change from 2010 $ % ' 2011 Actual vs Budget $ % Jan $ 57,368 $ 60,909 $ 57,273 $ (95) -0.2% $ (3,637) -6.0 Feb 40,952 45,563 57,876 16,923 41.3°A 12,313 27.0°A mar 65,076 62,036 53,228 (11,848) -18.2% (8,808) -14.2°A Apr 57,612 57,891 47,448 (10,163) -17.6% (10,443) -18.00A May 53,154 56,169 - (8,931) -21.6% Grand Total $ 262,271 Ain 44,058 54,954 5,000 12 Supplies JtA 60,583 63,185 Administrative Hearings - Aug 63,193 64,574 271,335 62,978 Net Operating Income (Loss): (82,500)', (88,705) Sep 43,689 55,870 Uniform/Equipment Oct 66,180 58,401 Trawl/Training -' 21390 Nov 44,802 51,130 52,410 Computer/Software Purchase 33,740 Dec 56,057 54,945 Total One-time Startup: 117,240 75,000 nla nla CilyPortion $ 221,007 $ 226,399 1 $ 215,825 (5,183) -2.3% (10,575) -4.7% BilUble 41,2641 32,714 32,332 (8,932) -21.6% (382) -1.2% YTD Total 262,271 1 2 1131 248,157 (14,114) -5.4°k (10,957) -4.2% City and conducting an officer involved shooting investigation for the City of Tukwila. Patrol also experienced an increase in overtime due to the amount of sick time related to the flu to maintain the minimum staffing levels. Animal Services Previously animal services was administered by King County. The County had estimated that Federal Way would incur a cost of approximately $538K annually to continue the service agreement at full recovery cost. 1n July of 2010, the City formed its own Animal Services Division within the Police Department due to the anticipated increase in cost. Animal Services start-up cost in 2010 came in $53K or 21% under budget due to primarily to savings in purchase of the Animal Service vehicle, sheltering costs and license start-up. Revenues in 2010 was under projection by WK or 35% due to failure to renew King County license with the City. 2011 projected pet license revenues of $264K was based on 100% of King County license renewals and an increase in new licenses. This did not take into consideration the free licenses for Senior/Disabled, which averages about 150 potential license revenues per month the City would have received otherwise (about $45K a year). The City is currently reviewing King County's database of licenses to obtain 100% license renewals. To date, the City has issued 1,465 licenses, which generated $37K. Donation of $4K was received to be used for Animal Services. 'Operating Fxpenditurs for 2010 does not include $4oK for Internal Svc cost (of which $20K w as one -tare) and $101(for dispatch services. Total allocated for 2010 start-up cost is $300K Operating Expenditures for 2011does not include $34 5K for internal service and $20K for dispatch services (which can not be easily tracked for � services). PD Overtime by Type Type 2010 2011 $ % Training $ 7,530 $ 1,669 $ (5,861) -77.8% Court 9,562 11,226 1,664 17.4% Field Oper 163,666 152,367 (11,299) -6.9% Other 40,249 50,564 10,315 25.6% City Portion 221,007 1 215,826 (5,182) -2.3% ContractlGrant 25,670 19,801 (5,869) -22.97/o Traffic School 15,593 12,531 (3,062) -19.6% Billable 41,263 1 32,332 (8,931) -21.6% Grand Total $ 262,271 1 $ 248,157 1 $ (14,115) -5.4% 'Operating Fxpenditurs for 2010 does not include $4oK for Internal Svc cost (of which $20K w as one -tare) and $101(for dispatch services. Total allocated for 2010 start-up cost is $300K Operating Expenditures for 2011does not include $34 5K for internal service and $20K for dispatch services (which can not be easily tracked for � services). Anirnal,Servlces 201.' 2011„; Annual Budjof-Annual Actual Annual Budget ,' YTD,Actual Operating Revenues Pet License 50,000 32,270 264,0001 36,830 Impound - � - Misc/Donations 1,007 3,752 YTD Operating Revenues: 50,000 33,277 264,000 40,582 Operating Expenditures' Personnel 82,500' 87,205 153,835 ; 51,059 Shelter 50,000 22,058 100,000 ; 11,865 Volunteer Program Supplies 5,000 12 Supplies 12,719 2,500 ; 42 Administrative Hearings 10,000 YTD Operating Expenditures: 132,500 ' 121,982 271,335 62,978 Net Operating Income (Loss): (82,500)', (88,705) (7,335):; (22,396) One-time Expenditures Uniform/Equipment 3,500 3,840 Trawl/Training -' 21390 Vehicle Purchase 80,000 52,410 Computer/Software Purchase 33,740 16,362 Total One-time Startup: 117,240 75,000 nla nla Total 2010 Expenditures: 249,740 196,982 nla nla 'Operating Fxpenditurs for 2010 does not include $4oK for Internal Svc cost (of which $20K w as one -tare) and $101(for dispatch services. Total allocated for 2010 start-up cost is $300K Operating Expenditures for 2011does not include $34 5K for internal service and $20K for dispatch services (which can not be easily tracked for � services). Jail Services Jail Services for year-to-date 2011 is $454K and is above the year-to-date budget of $428K by $26K or 6.1%. The 2011 budget is based on 201O's trends. Compared to 2010 year-to-date actuals, Jail services are up $1OK or 2.3% mainly due to an increase in usage of $28K, increase of $12K due to rate increase offset by a decrease in medical of $29K. Traffic Safely/Red Light Photo Enforcement Traffic Safety Fund accounts for Red Light Photo Enforcement. Year-to-date 2011 net Red Light Photo receipts are $473K which includes revenues received for citations with minor adjustments for NSF checks. Payments to ATS includes $4,750 per location and supplemental fees for check processing and online payments. The net revenue difference comparing first quarter 2010 and 2011 is due to adding 10 new cameras since the beginning of 2010. In addition, ATS invoice for April 2011 was not received by Finance until after April of 2011. Expenditures of $470 in April are for refunds due to ATS not billing within the specified timeframe. Currently there are I I camera locations with 14 cameras operating, 8 Red Light and 6 School Zone cameras (4 school zone and 4 red light cameras became active February 2010 and an additional 2 school zone cameras became active in December of 2010). Jail �,�ngces' Parte tllru April . 201Q,,. � X07'1 ',=l:har,ge`�fram ZOia,o Z611''Actual'��tdg"et" M_ot M Actual' Buci<getx : Actual o Jan Jan - $ 23,776 - - $ (54,217) $ 95,822 Feb 128,846 124,198 116,292 12,554 9.7%a 7,906 6.4% Mar 88,727 85,526 185,655 (96,928) -109.2% (100,129) -117.1% Apr 226,430 218,263 152,124 74,307 32.8% 66,139 30.3% May 348,808 336,226 - - - _ _ Jun 272,187 262,369 - 104,322 - Jul 194,429 187,416 - 186,088 (50,852) Aug 195,059 188,023 - Jul Sep 272,134 262,318 - - - Oct 228,491 220,249 - 165,531 Nov 71,590 69,008 - 197,302 (57,129) Dec 577,224 556,403 - - - Oct YTD Total 444,003 427,987 454,071 (10,068) -2.3% (26,084) -6.1% Annual Totall 2,603,924 2,510,000 1 454,071 n/a I n/a I n/a n/a Traffic Safely/Red Light Photo Enforcement Traffic Safety Fund accounts for Red Light Photo Enforcement. Year-to-date 2011 net Red Light Photo receipts are $473K which includes revenues received for citations with minor adjustments for NSF checks. Payments to ATS includes $4,750 per location and supplemental fees for check processing and online payments. The net revenue difference comparing first quarter 2010 and 2011 is due to adding 10 new cameras since the beginning of 2010. In addition, ATS invoice for April 2011 was not received by Finance until after April of 2011. Expenditures of $470 in April are for refunds due to ATS not billing within the specified timeframe. Currently there are I I camera locations with 14 cameras operating, 8 Red Light and 6 School Zone cameras (4 school zone and 4 red light cameras became active February 2010 and an additional 2 school zone cameras became active in December of 2010). 97 Red LI `fit Phfq>=nforcertleit . Month Grbss Revenue- 2010 Payments to ATS Net Revenue ..,' Gross Revenue :: 2041 ; Payments .,.to ATS:Revenue Net 211 vs 2010 Net Revenue Variance Jan $ 70,736 $ (46,960) $ 23,776 $ 150,039 $ (54,217) $ 95,822 $ 72,046 Feb 127,201 (49,835) 77,366 159,379 (54,831) 104,548 27,183 Mar 178,719 (50,560) 128,159 173,031 (56,674) 116,357 (11,802) Apr 162,493 (50,245)1 112,248 156,792 (470) 156,321 44,073 May 154,824 (50,502) 104,322 - - - Jun 186,088 (50,852) 135,236 - - - Jul 224,032 (42,008) 182,024 - - - Aug 207,807 (42,276) 165,531 _ Sep 197,302 (57,129) 140,173 Oct 215,641 (51,309)1 164,332 - - - Nov 193,306 (51,274) 142,032 Dec 185,541 50,452 135,090 - - - _ YTD Total $ 539,149 $ (197,600) $ 341,549 $ 639,241 $ (166,191) $ 473,050 $ 131,500 Annual Totall 2,103,691 (593,401) 1,510,291 n/a n/a n/a nla Annual Budget Na n/a 1 830,0001 n/a I n/a 830,000 n/a 97 Court Municipal Court year-to-date expenditures of $477K is $17K or 3.5% below estimates. The positive variance is mainly due to savings found in temporary help (for pro tem judges) and timing of interpreter costs. Court revenues are $30K or 5.2% below 2010 year-to-date actuals and budget. The lower revenue can be explained by the reduction in revenue from traffic and non -parking citations issued (-$46,214). Staff reductions and vacancies required the police department to pull officers from traffic duties, which translates into less traffic citations issued. If the timing issue with Shared Court Costs from the state is considered, then the net reduction in court revenue is actually $18,039 compared to 2010 actuals. *Year-to-date budget is based on 2010 trends. The Court's increased workload and the resulting increased revenue from expansion of the photo enforcement program are not accounted for in the Court's revenue or expense projections. Revenue from Criminal Costs and Criminal Conviction Fees have increased 18.4% and 19.6% respectively due to the court's new court cost program. These increases were able to offset some of the losses from reduced traffic and non -parking revenue. The court has also assisted in mitigating jail expenses with its jail alternatives programs.. COURT REVENUE Year-to-date thru April COURT REVENUE' Year-to-date thru April 2010 Actual Month 2011 Budget* Actual Charge from 2010 $Var %Var 2011 Actual vs Budget $Var %Var January rActual $ 111,707 $ 86,717 $ (24,697) -22.2% $ (24,990) -22.4%February 14,376 20,951 157,196 110,982 (45,802) -29.2% (46,214) -29.4% Wrch , 159,913 190,183 30,689 19.2% 30,270 18.9% April 126,513 126,846 131,426 4,913 3.9% 4,580 3.6% kby 104,487 104,761 8,510 - Shared Court Costs" 34,458 22,466 June 117,509 117,817 29,761 31,462 1,701 - Subtotal Juy 108,860 109,147 -6.3% Probation Services 23,488 28,355 4,867 1 August 133,575 133,926 $ 547,663 $ (30,031) -5.20% September 113,343 113,641 _ October 113,904 114,204 _ Noverber 120,144 120,460 December 114,581 114,882 - - Subtotal $ 554,205 $ 555,662 $ 519,308 $ (34,898) -6.3% $ (36,354) -6.5% Probation Svcs 23,488 21,892 28,355 4,867 20.7% 6,463 29.5% YTOTotal $ 577,693 $ 577,554 $ 547,663 $ (30,031) -5.2% $ (29,891) -5.2% Annual Total 1,558,931 1,557,500 nla I nla I nla I nla nla *Year-to-date budget is based on 2010 trends. The Court's increased workload and the resulting increased revenue from expansion of the photo enforcement program are not accounted for in the Court's revenue or expense projections. Revenue from Criminal Costs and Criminal Conviction Fees have increased 18.4% and 19.6% respectively due to the court's new court cost program. These increases were able to offset some of the losses from reduced traffic and non -parking revenue. The court has also assisted in mitigating jail expenses with its jail alternatives programs.. **Shared Court Costs is for partial funding for an additional judge from Washington Courts Trial Court Improvement Fund, which funds approximately 30% of the Judge's yearly salary spread out for 4 quarters. In 2011, we will only receive 3 quarter payments because in 2010 we received 5 quarter payments. 98 COURT REVENUE Year-to-date thru April 2010 Actual 2011 Actual Change from 2010 $'Var %Var Civil PbnaWs $ 8,509 $ 7,960 $ (549) -6.5% Traffic & Non -Parking 366,297 319,346 (46,952) -12.8% Parking Infractions 14,376 20,951 6,575 45.7% DUI & Other Msd 26,000 23,547 (2,453) -9.4% CriMnal Traf f ic Msd 1,979 479 (1,499) -75.8% Criminal Costs 42,257 50,026 7,769 18.4% Interest / Other / Msc 20,366 24,359 3,993 19.6% Criminal Conv Fees 10,201 18,711 8,510 83.4% Shared Court Costs" 34,458 22,466 (11,992) -34.8% Services & Charges 29,761 31,462 1,701 5.7% Subtotal $ 554,205 $ 519,308 $ (34,898) -6.3% Probation Services 23,488 28,355 4,867 1 20.7% YTD Total 1..$ 577,693 $ 547,663 $ (30,031) -5.20% **Shared Court Costs is for partial funding for an additional judge from Washington Courts Trial Court Improvement Fund, which funds approximately 30% of the Judge's yearly salary spread out for 4 quarters. In 2011, we will only receive 3 quarter payments because in 2010 we received 5 quarter payments. 98 Parks & Recreation includes administration, parks maintenance and general recreation. Year-to-date expenditures total $990K and are $207K or 17.3% below the year-to-date budget of $1.2M. Savings are comprised of $71 K in one-time programs not yet spent, $18K in repairs and maintenance, $23K in timing of utility payments, $38K in professional services, $24K in supplies, and $29K in temp/seasonal help. General Recreation and Cultural Services Direct program expenditures total $226K excluding indirect costs. Including indirect administration costs, recreation expenditures total $308K. Recreation fees total $201K. Recreation fees have recovered 89.1% of direct program costs and is 2.3% below the budgeted recovery ratio of 91.4%. Considering indirect administration costs, the recovery ratio is reduced to 65.4% or is 7.1% below with the budgeted recovery ratio of 72.5%. Program subsidy is established during the adopted budget process; increase in new or existing program expenditures require equal or greater revenues. Total Parks revenues of $202K is $13K or 6.8% above the year-to-date budget of $189K. Compared to year- to-date actual, general recreation is below 2010's activity of $203K by $2K. Variance compared to year-to-date 2010 actual is due to: ■ Adult Athletics - Revenues are up $3K and expenses are down $9K due to continued growth of the adult soccer league, currently 29 teams participating in the Spring session. Participation in women's basketball and Co -Ed volleyball have been steady. Expenses are down $9K from 2010 due to a decrease in adult volleyball teams this winter season and timing of payments for soccer referees. • Youth Athletics - Revenues are up $3K from 2010, expenses are up less than $1K. The Saturday youth volleyball program has been very successful this year with 38 participants. • Senior Services -Revenues are down less than $1K compared to 2010 and expenses are up $4K. Expenses are up due to the purchase of new supplies to gear up for the coming year. Trips and tours continue to be well attended and the drop-in programs at the FWCC continue to grow. ■ Community Recreation -Revenues are up $9K and expenses are up $1K. Attendance in preschool education programs is up and an extra class per quarter has been added to meet additional needs. Preschool education is currently running at full capacity with 70 kids. ■ Recreation Inc. -Revenues are up by $2K and expenses are up by $1 K from 2010. Almost every program offered this Spring has been running at capacity. Some brand new programs that started in Fall of 2010 are continuing with tremendous success including T.R.A.P., The Rhythmic Arts Project. Some of these programs are staffed entirely by volunteers. • Arts & Special Events - Revenues are down $15K and expenses are up $5K from 2010. New supplies were purchased this year to gear up for themed special events, attendance was lower than expected for one of the events however the supplies can be stored and used next year. One of the larger special events was cancelled in March and will be replaced with a new event later in the year. Staff is still experiencing difficulties in obtaining sponsors for events. The table below is a comparison of budgeted versus actual subsidy and recovery ratio by program. General Recreation and Cultural Services *Annual budgeted revenues of S843,211 does not include $5,600 budgeted for Arts Commission. When included, total budget revenues for Parks and General Recreation total S849K, which equals the General/Street Summary page for Parks and General Recreation budgeted revenues. 2011 revenue of S201,193 does not include S343 for Arts Commission and Celebration Park When included, the total revenuesfor Parks and General Recreation totals $201,536, which equals the General/Street Summarypage for Parks and General Recreation actual revenues. GENERAL RECREATION PERFORMANCE Year-to-date thm April Program Budget Actual Revenue* Expend Subsidy Recovery Recovery I Ratio Revenue Expend Subsidy Ratio Variance Subsidy GENERAL RECREATION Steel lake Aquatics 2,000 20,360 18,360 9.8% 460 n/a n/a Arts & Special Events 162,980 151,487 (11,493) 107.6% 34,710 41,697 6,988 83.2% (18,481) Youth Athletics 37,200 100,236 63,036 37.1% 8,020 21,187 13,166 37.9% 49,870 Adult Athletics 183,000 139,694 (43,306) 131.0% 50,661 34,056 (16,606) 148.8% (26,700) Community Recreation 334,000 275,187 (58,813) 121.4% _ 57,200 54,682 (2,518) 104.6% (56,295) Recreation Inc 45,781 83,835 38,054 54.6% 27,611 32,397 4,787 85.2% 33,268 Youth Commission - 1,800 1,800 n/a - 73 73 n/a 1,727 Red, White & Blue_ 21,550 36,000 14,450 _ 59.9% 1,024 1,024 Na 13,426 Senior Services 56,700 114,010 57,310 49.7% 22,991 40,206 17,215 57.2% 40,095 Subtotal Direct Cost $ 843,211 $ 922,609 $ 79,398 91.4% $ 201,193 $ 225,782 $ 24,589 89.1% $ 54,809 Administration 240,062 240.062 Na 82,066 82,066 n/a 157,997 o aGeneral Recreation including Indirect Cost $ 843,211 1 $ 1,162,672 $ 319,461 1 72.5% $ 201,193 1 $ 307,848 $ 106,655 65.4% $212,806 General Recreation and Cultural Services *Annual budgeted revenues of S843,211 does not include $5,600 budgeted for Arts Commission. When included, total budget revenues for Parks and General Recreation total S849K, which equals the General/Street Summary page for Parks and General Recreation budgeted revenues. 2011 revenue of S201,193 does not include S343 for Arts Commission and Celebration Park When included, the total revenuesfor Parks and General Recreation totals $201,536, which equals the General/Street Summarypage for Parks and General Recreation actual revenues. Federal Way Community Center The Federal Way Community Center Fund was established as a special revenue fund supported by user fees and designated utility tax transfer. Federal Way Community Center Budget 2010 Annual Actual YTD Actual Budget 2011 '_ YTD i Budget Actual YTD Budget vs Actual Favorable/ Unfavorable $ % Beginning Fund Balance $ 240,0141 $ 240,014 $ 240,014 $ 780,753 $ 780,753 $ 780,75 n/a n/a Revenues Daily Drop -ins $ 353,593 $ 320,289 $ 114,699 $ 352,622 $ 126,277 $ 119,365 $ (6,912) -5.5% Passes 630,000 713,601 230,200 630,000 203,232 248,929 45,697 22.5% City Staff Membership - Employee 43,500 34,705 18,907 43,500 23,699 19,633 (4,066) -17.2% City Staff Membership - Family - 3,423 3,423 - - - n/a Youth Athletic Programs 35,000 47,393 24,204 35,000 17,875 18,693 818 4.6% Open Gym/Indoor Playground 1,000 n/a Aquatics Programs-Lessons/Classes 110,000 123,410 35,884 116,000 33,730 38,039 4,309 12.8% Childcare Fees 10,000 8,674 3,136 9,000 3,254 3,530 276 8.5% Fitness Classes/Fitness Training 85,000 98,189 40,959 85,000 35,457 35,163 (294) -0.8% Towel/equipment Rentals 8,000 5,211 2,296 7,000 3,085 1,869 (1,216) -39.4% Pool Rentals/Competitive-Lap Lanes 21,000 17,078 7,268 19,000 8,086 6,408 (1,678) -20.8% Rentals 185,000 203,212 60,833 223,300 66,846 54,971 (11,875) -17.8% Merchandise Sales 21,000 7,359 2,795 10,000 3,798 1,770 (2,028) -53.4% Concessions/Vending 24,000 3 3 23 23 n/a Interest Earnings/Other Misc Revenues - 856 371 - - 401 401 n/a General Park/Rec - Facility use charge 25,000 24,997 8,333 25,000 8,334 8,332 (2) 0.0% Total Revenue 1,552,093 1,608,401 553,312 1,555,422 533,672 557,126 23,454 4.4% Expenditures Personnel Costs 1,312,215 1,229,285 1 397,649 1,303,919 1 421,792 427,827 6,035) -1.4% Supplies 151,468 150,900 1 40,420 146,750 39,309 37,871 1,438 3.7% Other Services & Charges 124,716 168,066 48,890 176,300 51,285 35,566 15,719 30.7% Utility Cost 381,000 365,727 92,687 380,000 96,304 98,757 (2,453) -2.5% Intergovernmental 15,500 26,434 10,155 20,500 7,875 7,187 688 8.7% Capital - - - - - - n/a Internal Service Charges 125,727 111,211 41,910 115,370 38,456 38,456 - 0.0% Total Expenditures 2,110,626 2,051,623 631,712 2,142,839 655,021 645,664 9,357 1.4% Operating Rev Over I (Under Exp) (558,533) (443,222) (78,400) (587,417) (121,349) (88,538) 32,811 -7.4% Utility Tax - Reserves 319,727 459,009 - 106,000 - - - 0.0% UtilityTax- Operations 582,504 443,222 78,401 590,000 104,364 88,539 15,825 3.6% Contribution/Donation/Transfer in - Reserves 85,645 90,195 90,195 - 0.0% Total Other Sources 987,876 992,426 168,596 696,000 104,364 88,539 15,825 1.6% Other Uses Capital/Use of Reserves - 8,464 - - - - n/a Total Other Uses _ - 8,464 - - - 0.0% Net Income 429,343 540,740 90,196 108,583 (16,985) 1 16,986 3.1% nla Ending Fund Balance $ 669,356 1 $ 780,753 $ 330,209 $ 889,335 $ 763,769 $ 780,753 $ 339,147) Operating Recovery Ratio 73.5% 78.4%1 87.6%1 72.6%1 81.5%1 86.3% n/a n/a The operating revenue budget includes $1.6M in user fees/program revenues, $590K contribution from utility tax for operations, $106K contribution from utility tax for reserves, and $25K use charge from General Fund Recreation for use of the facility. YTD April operating revenues total $557K and is $23K or 4.4% above the YTD budget. In comparison to 201 is year-to-date budget: • Daily Drop-in revenues are $7K below due mainly to staffing efforts to up -sell daily guests to Membership Passes ■ Pass revenues are $46K or 22.5% above due to marketing and membership retention efforts. Monthly average pass numbers are tracking 300 above current business projections. Exceptional customer services, along with strong program offerings are helping bring in new customers and retain current ones. • City Staff Membership revenues and enrollment numbers are down slightly with the adoption of new Employee Pass guidelines that included an Employee Fee of $10/$25 per quarter. 100 Federal Way Community Center (continued) • Aquatic Programs are $4K or 12.8% above due to strong registrations in Spring swim lessons. • Pool Rentals/Competitive Lap Lanes are $2K or 20.8% below. Budget limitations on private clubs and schools have reduced overall use of lap lanes for competitive swim programs. • Rental revenues are $12K or 17.8% below projections due to the loss of two ongoing church rental clients. Staff is following leads on a new prospective client to take their space. Bookings are starting to increase as the prime summer season approaches. ■ Merchandise Sales are $2K or 53.4% below projections. New display products and designs have been ordered to bolster sales of merchandise. 2011 YTD operating expenditures total $646K and is $9K or 1.4% below 2011's YTD budget. Federal Way Community Center has recovered 86.3% of operating expenditures compared to the budgeted recovery ratio of 81.5%. In comparison to 201 Us YTD budget: Personnel Costs are $6K or 1.4% above projections due to increased service levels necessary to handle increased fitness participation during I't quarter. Part-time staffing levels are under review for potential saving opportunities. Other services and charges are $16K or 30.7% below budget primarily due to a major print and mail project done first quarter of last year. 2011 printings and mailings will be smaller and spread throughout the year. Utility Costs are $2K or 2.5% above due to increased facility use in 1St quarter and unfavorable weather conditions during the first part of the year. Energy savings methods and measures are being used and will continually be under review for improved efficiencies. City's contribution of $696K for the Community Center was scheduled to annually provide $590K for maintenance/operations and $106K for capital reserves. YTD $89K is needed to cover maintenance and operations. Dumas Be Centre Fund In the 2011/2012 Adopted Budget process, Council approved combining Dumas Bay Centre and Knutzen Family Theatre for accounting purposes and is referred to as the Dumas Bay Centre Fund. Dumas Bay Centre Fund year-to-date operating revenue of $167K is above budget by $14K compared to year-to-date budget of $153K due to increased activity in March and April. Staff is currently producing a marketing and communications plan to increase visibility and revenue for 2011 and beyond. The consultant has completed 80% of the communications plan, 100% of the logo development and have had three photo shoots at the Centre. To date $59K has been spent of the $70K allocated to the marketing and communications plan - Year -to -date operating expenditures total $200K, which is $4K or 2.2% above budget of $196K. Ending fund balance for Dumas Bay Centre Fund is a positive $193K, of which $11K is earmarked for marketing study and implementation and $111K is earmarked for repairs and maintenance. Dumas Bay Centre Fund Year -tor -date thruApril2011 Budget 2010 Annual Actual YTD Actual Budget 2011 YTD Budget YTD Actual YTD Budget vs Actual ` Favorablet(Unfavorable) $ Beginning Fund Balance 179,691 179,690 179,690 146,981 146,981 146,981 n/a n/a Revenues In -House Food Services Operations &Interest 266,334 214.945 64,213 219,029 65,433 72,972 7,539 11.5% Dumas Bay Retreat Operations & Interest 337,452 285,898 83,835 297,289 87,175 93,618 6,443 7.4% KFT Operations & Interest - 413 107 - - 48 48 n/a Total Operating Revenue 603,786 633,489 148,154 516,318 152,608 166,638 14,030 9.2% Expenditures Food Services 200,844 212,464 67,465 197,637 62,757 68,777 (6,020) -9.6% DBC Retreat Operations 370,212 330,682107,080 335,233 108,554 103,220 5,334 4.9% KFT Theatre Operations 162,849 82,055 23,398 85,095 24,265 27,820 (3,555) 14.6% Total Operating Expenses 733,905 625,200 197,943 617,965 195,576 199,817 (4,241) -2.2% Operating Revenue Overt(Under) Exp (130,119) 8,289 (49,789) (101,647) (42,968) (33,179) 18,271 -42.5% Recovery Ratio 82.27% 101.33% 74.85% 83.55 % 78.03% 83.40% nla n/a KFT-Utility Tax Transfer 132,232 132,232 132,232 113,000 113,000 113,000 0.0% Total Other Sources 132,232 132,232 132,232 113,000 113,000 113,000 0.0% Marketing Study & Implimentation 70,000 32,881 37,118 26,430 26,430 n/a Repairs & Maintenance 29,500 8,116 117,9167,020 7,020 0.0% Total Other Uses 99,500 40,997 155,036 33,450 33,450 n/a Net Income (97,387) 99,523 1 82,443 (M,683)1 70,032 46,371 (23,661) -33-8% Ending Fund Balance 82,304 146,982 262,133 3,298 1 217,013 1 193,352 (23,661) -10.9% 101 Other Departmental Year-to-date Variances City Council expenditures total $240K and is under budget by WK OK mainly due minor savings found in food/beverage, and remainder is timing of travel/training. Mayor's Office expenditures of $396K is under budget by $99K mainly dua to timing of one-time programs for Energy Efficiency Grant/Weatherization Grant, Public Defender, and timing of the State/Federal Lobbyist. Human Services expenditures of $97K is under budget by $131 K mainly due to timing of Human Services Contract and one-time programs for Challenge Grant, Community Garden, and New Solutions Grant. Economic Development expenditures of $36K is $30K below mainly due to one-time program for Downtown Redevelopment. Human Resources expenditures of $298K is below budget by $21K mainly due to savings found in 1 -time outplacement services for laid off employees. Finance expenditures of $286K is below budget by $9K mainly due to savings found in salary/benefits and one-time temporary help. Law expenditures total $430K and is $79K below budget mainly due to savings in salary/benefits for City Prosecutor vacancy and under spending of outside counsel. CASH & INVESTMENTS Currently all excess balances are invested in the State Investment Pool. The portfolio yield is 0.17%, which is above the average 6 -month US Treasury Bill (0.12%). The total invested balance at the end of April is WAM. The state pool is composed of treasury securities (18.16%), interest bearing bank deposits (9.64%), agency floating rate notes (13.02%), agency variable rate notes (7.12%), discount notes (32.45%), certificates of deposit (1.30%), repurchase agreements (15.85%), agency coupons (0.57%), agency callables (0.57%), and N.O.W accounts (1.32°/x). SIP Average Invested Balance by Type April 2011 B Bank Agency Agency Deposits Floating Rate Agency Coupons 9.6 /% Notes Variable Rate Treasury 0-6% 13.0% Notes Securities 7.1% 182/ Discount Agency Notes Callables 32.5% 0.6% Repurchase Certificates of Agreements NOW Deposit 15.9% Accounts 1.3 % 1.3% Interest Rates Comparison For the Month of April 2011 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% ® 6 Wnth T -Bill 3.0% ■ State Investment Pool 2.0% 0 In-house Investment ■ Portfolio Average 1.0% 0.0% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 102 FUND ACTIVITY SUMMARY FundWund Name Beginning Fund Balance at 11112011 Revenue Expenditure Net Income I"1(Out) Ending Fund Balance at 4/30/3011 Gener,aUSfreei':F#ind:.s$,�a38 -� 17 .. _ 15;308;80.' ;S $12;42T,785 "s : ' .,,.. 3,$81,,1,9 a ; •'•; _ E • 12,479j318 bebi S.'aw ce FUnd :. .,, .... `, ;3379,427 653,139 , 329,719 - ; 276 580 - 3 102,846: Special Revenue 102 Arterial Street 561,373 485,583 72,175 413,409 974,783 103 Utility Tax (') 3,710,184 5,040,864 3,297,816 1,743,048 5,453,232 106 Solid Waste & Recycling 135,098 115,285 148,339 (33,054) 102,042 107 Special Contracts/Studies Fund 557,474 212 - 212 557,686 109 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 215,658 46,179 13,436 32,743 248,401 110 2% for the Arts 293 - - - 293 111 Federal Way Community Center 780,752 645,665 645,665 0 780,753 112 Traffic Safety Fund 833,520 473,462 - 473,462 1,306,982 119 CDBG (") 8,132 (8,132) (8,132) 120 Path & Trails 136,361 9,861 - 9,861 146,222 Stlbtataf,S` tical Revenue.Funds 6,930,?,f3 6,817;113. 4,185;564., 2,631;549. ? 9,562;262 `; Capital Project: 301 Downtown Redevelopment 3,005,805 105,191 2,212,060 (2,106,870) 898,935 302 Municipal Facilities 642,583 750,221 17,064 733,157 1,375,740 303 Parks 2,293,807 104,946 93,158 11,788 2,305,595 304 Surface Water Management 2,542,244 222,935 201,283 21,652 2,563,896 306 Transportation 20,101,243 2,920,655 6,498,109 (3,577,453) 16,523,790 5ubiotafCa ltal faro ects . 38,1;$5682.. - 4,103,947 9,027,673. 4,917;726 s... ;: , 23;f67;956 Enterprise Funds 401 Surface Water Management 2,274,262 1,036,659 1,030,956 5,703 2,279,965 402 Dumas Bay 146,982 279,640 233,269 46,370 193,352 Subtval Eraife ' rtse:Funds 2,421,244 1,316,299 1,264,225 52,074 2,473,318 Internal Service Funds 501 Risk Management 5,431,782 330,411 686,574 (356,163) 5,075,619 502 Information Systems 3,241,810 695,061 680,227 14,834 3,256,644 503 Mail & Duplication 312,408 62,614 34,785 27,829 340,237 504 Fleet & Equipment 4,867,454 700,811 800,292 (99,480) 4,767,974 505 Buildings & Furnishings 1,463,970 221,929 164,217 57,712 1,521,682 Subtotal fnternaf Service Fends •" , 15,3!7 424. Q10,826 2,366,095 355,269) 14,962,155" Total Aif fun4ts $ 66,172,60-f$ ` 31,210,304 -$ 30195;061_ $ 1;015,243' $ 66.187.850 `Utility Tax ending fund balance of $5,453,232 includes $931,916 reserved for Prop 1 `"CDBG Negative ending balance is due to timing of grant reimbursements. 103 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: N/A ITEM ##: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: LONG RANGE FINANCIAL PLAN — UPDATED FORECAST POLICY QUESTION: N/A - Information Only COMMITTEE: Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee MEETING DATE: May 24,201 t CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Tho Kraus, Finance Director DEPT: Finance _.....__ .__.. _... _..._..._ .... ..__ Attachments: • Memo • Long Range Financial Plan ■ Attachments A, B, C, and D Options Considered: N/A — Information Only MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A — Information Only MAYOR APPROVAL:. DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Coinnuftee Council C mmittee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A - Information Only Mike Park, Committee Chair Jeanne Burbidge, Committee Jack Dovey, Committee Member Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: N/A — Information Only (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILI. # ❑ DENIED IST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED -08/12/2010 RESOLUTION k 104 Date: May 17, 2011 To: Mike Park, Chair Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee From: Tho Kraus, Finance Director Via: Skip Priest, Mayor Subject: Long Range Financial Plan — Updated Forecast The updated Long Range Financial Plan forecast is primarily focused on the City's main operating funds —the General and Street. The Arterial Street Overlay, Utility Tax, Traffic Safety and Debt Service/BEET Funds' are also included in the updated forecast as they either provide significant funding and/or are impacted as a result of the updated forecast. This memo provides information regarding the attached updated Long Range Financial Plan, including assumptions and potential adjustments for your consideration. Attachments are also provided in order to provide additional information on current biennium potential adjustments and future assumptions, FTE staffing, and continuation of one-time funded programs. The financial plan continues Mayor and Council's conservative fiscal policies and practices in terms of revenue projections. Less conservative are the expenditure projections in that it does not allow for cost increases other than for employee pay increases as they move through the established pay scale based on performance and other criteria, jail, and dispatch services. The General & Street Fund medical cost estimate is approximately $3.7 million and does not include any projected increase in 2013 and beyond. If medical costs continue to increase by roughly 10% as they have in the past and there is no change in either medical plan or employee contribution, the increase would be an additional expenditure to this updated forecast. Just as cost of living adjustments are not included, neither are salary/wage reductions or furloughs. Also, any potential service and maintenance contract increases are not included and would require heavy negotiation and/or reduced service levels. Material changes to the forecast are highlighted in red throughout this document. GENERAL FUND & STREET FUND REVENUES Potential 2011/2012 Adjustments The ' updated forecast includes potential revenue increases totaling $1.27M in the current biennium. Major adjustments include: o Increase in property tax to recognize Council's approval during the 2011/12 adopted budget process of the l% property tax as allowed by statute and consistent with past Council decision and also takes into consideration of the reduction in property tax as a result of the City's purchase of the Toys R Us site ($123K in 2011 / $220K in 2012); o Increase in criminal justice sales tax based on current trend ($74K in 2011 / $67K in 2012); o Increase in gambling tax to reflect the re -opening of a major gambling tax establishment ($350K in 201 t / $354K in 2012); o Increase in liquor profits to recognize the second half of 2011 receipts and full year 2012 offset by a $22K/year or 3.4% decrease in revenues based on State's budget reduction ($329K in 201 l / $617K in 20 12); o Increase in criminal justice high crime to reflect City's qualification of high crime funding for the first half of 2011 ($100K in 2011); We will know mid -year 2011 if the City qualifies for high crime funding for July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. 105 o Increase in franchise fees to reflect current trend ($36K in 2011 / $36K in 2012); o Increase in business license fees to reflect current trend ($I OK in 2011 / $8K in 2012); Reallocation of Community Development permits and fees (building permits, electrical permits, zoning fees and plan check fees) with no change in overall revenue estimates. o Increase in transfer in from Traffic Safety Fund for Police Overtime related to red light photo ($40K in 2011 / $40K in 2012); o Decrease in sales tax to reflect current trend ($275K in 2011 / $278K in 2012); o Decrease in liquor excise tax due to State's budget reduction ($15K in 2011 / $ l5K in 2012); o Decrease in court fines and forfeitures to reflect current trend ($90K in 201 l / $90K in 2012); o Decrease in animal licenses to reflect current trend ($132K in 2011 / $66K in 2012); o Decrease in interest earnings due to current interest environment ($40K in 2011 / $41 K in 2012); o Decrease in transfer in from Transportation CIP for Federal Lobbyist ($70K in 201 l / $70K in 2012) due to elimination of Federal Lobbyist expenditure. The updated forecast does not include redirection of the $70K/year freed up to General Fund operations, however, is an option. Potential one-time adjustments include: o Transfer -in of $55,800 from the Fleet & Equipment Fund for the return of reserves accumulated on seizure funded vehicles. Just as with the original purchase, future replacement will be funded by seizure funds. o Reduction in anticipated COPS Rehiring grant reimbursement based on actual eligible cost ($8K in 2011 / $8K in 2012) Attachment A provides a complete list of potential adjustment. Future Assumptions — Year 2013 and Beyond A major assumption in the updated forecast is the reliance on redirecting utility tax overlay funding on an ongoing basis beginning in 2013. The 2011/12 Budget included redirecting utility tax overlay funding on a one-time basis, recognizing that decreasing overlay funding in the long run reduces pavement ratings and defers capital maintenance. Court fines and forfeitures are expected to increase by $35K in 2013 to account for Court's full target reduction as intended in the 2011/12 Adopted Budget. Court's $70K target reduction was taken in the form of revenue increases. Then City Manager/Police Chief reduced revenue increases by half only for 2011/2012 with the intent that Court would need to achieve the full target reduction beginning in 2013. Revenues are projected to remain flat in years 2014 through 2016. Other projected revenue increases include: o Property tax increases of 1.5% per year to reflect 1% increase per statute and 0.5% new construction; o Sales tax increase of 2% per year; o Criminal justice sales tax increase of t% per year; o Community Developments permits and fees net increase of 2% per year; o Animal license increase of approximately 3% per year; o Miscellaneous revenue increase of approximately 2% per year; and o Public Works permits and fees increase of less than 1% per year. State shared revenues are assumed to remain intact with no growth. Attachment A provides the projected percentage increase from prior year. 106 EXPENDITURES A major difference in the updated versus adopted long range financial plan is in the expenditure projections. The original adopted budget assumed a general 3% increase for most departments and a 6% increase for police, jail and dispatch services. The revised forecast attempts to estimate costs based more defined assumptions. Potential 2011/2012 Adjustments The updated forecast includes potential expenditure reductions totaling $735K in the current biennium, including: o Increase in support to alcoholism or drug addiction program in order to fulfill 2% liquor excise tax and profits requirement (ongoing $12K in 2011 / $12K in 2012); o Increase Human Resources Administrative from 0.50 FTE to 0.75 FTE (ongoing $12K for partial year in 2011 / $17K in 2013); o Increase Jail Services to reflect SCORE estimates as provided to FEDRAC in February ($72K in 2011 / $63K in 2012); o Decrease 911 Dispatch Services to reflect current year payments with 5% increase in 2012 ($169K in 2011 / 178K in 2012) o Increase in Police overtime related to Red Light Photo, funded by transfer in from Traffic Safety Fund (ongoing $40K in 2011 / $40K in 2012); o Eliminate Federal Lobbyist, with corresponding elimination of transfer in from Transportation CIP Fund (ongoing $70K in 2011 / $70K in 2012) — the elimination of this line item frees up non -restricted Transportation UP funding which could be redirected to General Fund operations, which is not assumed in the updated forecast; o Decrease in Sponsorship Policy ($10K in 2011 / $ l0K in 2012) — $20K of the $30K budget was transferred to Human Services Community Enhancement Grant Program; o Decrease Courier/Postage Delivery by changing vendors (ongoing $ I OK for partial year in 2011 / $20K in 2012); o Eliminate surface water management fee payments to King County due to City having it's own Surface Water Management Program (ongoing $ I 5 in 2011 / $ I 5 in 2012); o Freeze Police Officer 1.0 FTE that became vacant after the 201 l/12 budget was adopted (ongoing $97K in 2011 / $104K in 2012); o Freeze Police Officer 1.0 FTE that became vacant after the 201 t/12 budget was adopted (ongoing $89K in 2011 / $96K in 2012); o Freeze Police Officer 1.0 FTE that became vacant as a result of retirement after the 2011/12 budget was adopted (ongoing $55K for partial year in 2011 / $111K in 2012); o Continue one-time funding in 2012 for one of the two Senior Traffic Engineers that was one-time funded in 2011, total cost of $118K offset by other line item reductions of $30K (ongoing $88K in 2012); o Decrease in Contingency Reserve requirements as a result of the above reductions ($11 K in 2011 / $12K in 2012); and o One-time transfer to CDBG Fund for Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP3) Grant for environmental review services (one-time $50K in 2012); Attachment A provides a complete list of potential adjustment. 107 FTEs Budgeted and Salary/Benefit Assumptions The 2013/14 expenditure projections includes continuation of all positions that were one-time funded in 2011/2012 except for Senior Traffic Engineer 1.0 FTE and Associate Planner 1.0 FTE that were grant/project funded in 2011 (assumes the other Senior Traffic Engineer continues to be one-time funded in 2012). Both of these two positions were filled by regular full-time employees until the Senior Traffic Engineer left the City in December 2010 (replaced with temporary staff) and the Associate Planner in January 2011 (replaced by promoting planning intern to associate planner). Year 2012 one-time funded FTEs restored as ongoing in 2013 and beyond total 21.5 FTEs at a cost of $2.2M per year and include: o Accounting Technician 0.5 FTE at a cost of $33K per year; o Legal Assistant 1.0 FTE shared by two employees at a cost of $71 K per year; o Senior Traffic Engineer 1.0 FTE at a cost of $88K per year (assumes positions continues to be one-time funded in 2012, total cost is $118K, offset by decreases in line items) o Police Records Specialist 1.0 FTE at a cost of $71 K per year; o Police Commander l.0 FTE at a cost of $156K per year; o Police Lieutenant 1.0 FTE at a cost of $139K per year; and o Police Officer 16.0 FTE at a cost of $1,642K per year. Eleven positions, including seven commissioned police positions that were frozen in the 2011/2012 Adopted Budget remain unfunded in 2013 and beyond. These positions are: . o Prop 1 Code Compliance Officer 1.0 FTE o Court Clerk 1.0 FTE o Street Manager 1.0 FTE o Police Records Specialist 1.0 FTE o Lieutenant LO FTE o Prop l Police Officers 2.0 FTE o Police Officers 4.0 FTE The updated forecast includes freezing an additional three police officer positions that became vacant after the 2011/12 budget was adopted bringing the total frozen, unfunded sworn positions to 10 FTEs (1 lieutenant and 6 police officers). Salary and benefit assumptions include: o No cost of living adjustments for either represented or non -represented personnel; o No increases are projected for medical, dental and vision in 2013/2014 (total $3.7M/year); o No salary or wage reductions; o No furloughs; o Allow for step increases as employees move up the established pay scale based performance and criteria (roughly $135K/year); o Estimate police officers vacation buy out per their contract (estimated at $100K/year); and o Pension based on State's projected rates. Attachment B provides a listing of positions that are ongoing funded in 2013/2014 and also identifies those positions that are frozen and remain unfunded. Continuation of One -Time Funded Programs/Line Items From a sustainability perspective, the 2013/14 expenditure projection includes on an ongoing basis, continuation of many line items and programs that were one-time funded in 2011/2012 Adopted Budget. 108 Of the total $989K/year identified, $567K/year is projected to continue as ongoing funded beginning in 2013, and include: o Challenge Grant ($ l OK/year); o Community Garden ($ 1OK/year); o Martin Luther King Celebration ($5K/year); o Suburban Cities Association Dues ($39K/year); o Association of Washington Cities Dues Increase ($20K/year); o Sister City Trip ($4K/year); o Enterprise Seattle Membership Dues Increase for Voting Seat ($5K/year); o Graffiti Program Temporary Help & Supplies ($56K/year); o Parks Maintenance Seasonal Help ($7K/year); o Parks Electricity Utility Increase ($44K/year); o Parks Water Utility Increase ($ l2K/year); o Parks Landscape Maintenance Contract ($43K/year); o Arts Commission Contracts ($22K/year); o Red, Whites & Blues Festival ($15K/year); o PW -Traffic Electricity Utility Increase ($37K/year); o PW -Traffic King County Contract ($61 K/year); o PW -Street Equipment Rental ($IOK/year); o PW -Street Landscape Maintenance Contract ($10K/year) o PW -Street Small Works Projects ($9K/year); o PW -Street Tree Replacement ($8K/year); o Street WSDOT Maintenance Contract ($30K/year); o PW-EOC CERT Program Supplies ($3K/year); o Copier & Printer Supplies ($4K); o Information Technology Overtime & Temporary Help ($2K/year); o Cellular Phone Air Time ($6K/year); o Information Technology Contracted Services ($21K/year); o Fuel Cost Increase ($69K/year); and o Evidence Building Natural Gas Utility ($6K/year). However, $422K/year in one-time funded programs remain unfunded in 2013 and beyond and include: o Public Defender Increase ($60K/year); o Volunteer Dinner ($3K/year); o Human Service Grant Program Increase ($86K/year) — note this program increase was intended to be one-time but is included for discussion purposes; o Highline Small Business Development Center ($23K/year); o Community Development Planning Intern ($14K/year); o Wellness Program ($5K/year); o Non -Mandatory City-wide Training ($7K/year); o Interpreter Services ($4K/year); o Police Records Supervisor Supplies ($3K/year); and o Emergency Operations Temporary Help ($23K/year) — note this was grant funded; o Postage & Delivery Services ($4K/year) — not needed due to change in vendor resulting in savings; and o Additional Fuel Cost Increase ($190K/year). Attachment C provides a complete list of one-time funded programs/line items that are considered more ongoing in nature but were one-time funded in 2011/12 budget due to the lack of ongoing revenues to support on an ongoing basis. The list identifies specifically which programs are projected to be funded on an ongoing basis in 2013 and beyond and those programs that are not funded. 109 Future Estimates and Potential Negative Financial Impacts For years 2015/2016, the plan assumes no growth, except for Jail and Dispatch Services which is projected to increase by 5% in each year. The updated forecast does not take into consideration the potential financial impacts (to public defender contract, prosecution and court) as a result of Standards for Indigent Defense Services. The effective date was scheduled for September 1, 2011, however, standards have not yet been developed so it is difficult to evaluate at this time. Fuel cost increases of $190K/year added to the 2011 and 2012 budget during the carry forward budget adjustment are not projected in 2013 and beyond. Fuel costs in 2010 totaled $273K for Police (total 93,800 gallons, $3/gallon average) compared to the 2011/12 annual budgets of $412K (based on 93,800 gallons at $4.39/gallon), an increase of $139K/year or 51%. Non -Police fuel costs in 2010 totaled $115K (total 37,500 gallons, $3/gallon average) compared to the 2011/12 annual budgets of $158K (based on 37,500 gallons at $4.21/gallon), an increase of $43K or 37%. The fuel budget in beginning in 2013 is reduced to $262K for Police and $ l 18K for Non -Police Operating Gap The projected operating deficit (the difference between ongoing revenues and ongoing expenditures) is $628K or 1.6% of the operating budget in 2013 and $446K or 1. l% in 2014. Operating revenues would need to increase or operating expenditures would need to decrease (or combination) by the same amount in order to close the gap. The other option, although not preferable for a sustainable budget is to continue funding some programs/line items on a one-time funded basis. The latter option would reduce ending fund balance and move us further from the target level which is addressed below. Ending Fund Balance The adopted 2012 General Fund ending fund balance of $2.8M grew to $4.7M as a result of frugal innovation (primarily management changes), conservative revenue estimates and 2010 expenditure budget savings. This $4.7M General Fund ending fund balance is before the potential mid -biennium adjustments. The 2012 General Fund ending fund balance after potential adjustments is projected at $6.73M, an increase of $2.00M and is made up of a $1.27M net increase in revenues and $735K net decrease in the total 2011/12 biennium budget. Best practices as identified by the national finance organization suggest cities maintain a fund balance amount equivalent to two months of operating revenues or expenditures. Two months of operating expenditures is equivalent to maintaining an ending fund balance equal to $6.7M or 16.7°/x. The projected ending fund balance amounts and their % of operating expenditures are as follows: 0 2013 = $6.38M or 15.9% and is $289K short of target 0 2014 = $5.92M or 14.7% and is $779K short of target Attachment A provides additional information on ending fund balance projections. ARTERIAL STREETS OVERLAY FUND Fuel tax (approx. $500K/year) and utility tax (roughly $1.6M/year) are the two major sources of overlay funding. The updated forecast includes continued redirection of $600K of utility tax to General Fund operations on an ongoing basis in 2013 and beyond. The 2011/12 Adopted Budget included redirecting $600K annually of utility tax to General Fund operations on a one-time basis, recognizing that decreasing overlay funding in the long run reduces pavement ratings and defers capital maintenance. 110 The 2011 budget provides for $1.85M funding for street resurfacing/emergencies, which includes $561K from 2010 carry forward balance and excludes $223K in personnel costs and General Fund administration fees. In 2012 the budgeted street resurfacing/emergencies is $1.3M and remains at that level in 2013 and beyond. The ongoing $600K reduction in overlay funding is necessary in order to continue funding various positions that were one-time funded in 2012, many of which are police officers. UTILITY TAX FUND Utility tax collections in 2010 totaled $12.9M, a decrease of $652K or 4.8% compared to the $13.6M collected in 2009. Gas decreased by $445K or 21%, cellular by $237K or 8%, electricity by $65K or 1% and phone by $16K or 1%. The decreases in gas and electricity resulted from decreased consumption and decrease in natural gas rates. The decrease in cellular is due to $70K in back taxes received in 2009 and the remaining $167K was due in part to non -taxing of Voice over [P, prepaid cell phone cards and bundling of services. Phone decrease is due to the reduction in number of land lines as a result of switching to cellular phone and other options. The current 2011 utility tax revenue estimates before potential adjustments is $12.5M, a decrease of $425K or 3% below 2010 actual collections. The proposed adjustments in 2011/2012 results in an additional utility tax decrease of $105K in 2011 and $165K in 2012, bringing the total utility tax estimate to approximately $12AM in each year of the current biennium. The major adjustment is in cellular which is projected to decrease by $566K or 20% to $2.3M from 2010 collections of $2.5M. The expected decrease is due to non -taxing of data services per federal regulations. Cellular tax is projected to remain flat in 2012 and beyond. Electricity, gas, cable and storm drainage is projected to increase by 1% in 2013 and beyond while no change is anticipated for solid waste, phone and cellular. Attachment D provides additional information on potential adjustments including an ongoing redirection of $600K in overlay funding to General Fund operations on an ongoing basis. TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND The Traffic Safety Fund currently provides $830K annually in ongoing transfers to the General/Street Fund operations ($450K to Police, $50K to Municipal Court, $330K to PW -Traffic). The current annual revenue estimate is $830K. In 2010, actual revenues totaled $1.5M. Red light photo revenues continue to remain conservative under the presumption that violations will reduce over time. There is a $40K proposed revenue and expenditure adjustment in 2011 and beyond. This adjustment will provide Police Department with appropriate funding to cover the additional overtime cost incurred as a result of red light photo review. The department had not previously received funding for this particular purpose. With the above adjustments, red light photo revenues and transfers out is projected at $870K per year. The estimated 2012 ending fund balance is $408K. DEBT SERVICE/REET FUND Current real estate excise tax estimates of $900K annually is conservative compared to revenue collections during the last biennium which totaled $1.4M annually. Collections through IS` quarter total $574K or 64% of the annual budget. There is a $500K proposed revenue adjustment beginning in each year of the current biennium bringing total real estate excise tax estimates to $1.4M annually. Annual revenues in 2013 and beyond are also projected conservatively at $1.4M. 111 The other major adjustment is a $629K proposed expenditure reduction in 2012 to reflect the scheduled SCORE debt service payment of $296K. Future annual payments are approximately $910K. The estimated 2012 ending fund balance after the above adjustments is $4.4M of which $2.04M is reserved for prefunding 2013 debt service and $2.37M is available for capital and ending fund balance reserves should real estate excise tax revenues fall short of projections in the future. RESERVE ACCOUNTS The updated forecast continues to maintain the following City reserve accounts (2012 estimates): o Contingency Reserves - $1.1 M o Snow & Ice Removal Reserves - $100K o Pension Reserves - $420K (to offset any future rate increases) o Strategic Reserves - $2.OM o Self-insurance Reserves - $2.9M o Vehicle, Equipment and Building Reserves - $10.9M These reserve accounts help the City maintain its high bond rating. 112 N An A A W W W W W W W W W N N N N N N N N N N0 O tp pp J O N AO c- 0 N m x n p 'Z y _• Ell ,v r, c o m a 's a. a or Z = co _ _ R° rn m n H tP ' '-3 X to C4 h _ <r_ N w � bq n N W �0 A N - _ C �0 N - C - w O A w •D 0� V, W a IJ .O tJ V A A V --] f9f In O N 0� to F O N -- 10 0� - D\ F O O O - w N to w '�o V, Oo J N to - T oo V W to -- oo �• D\ �0 :11 O W W 0o to �D W O O Oo F Lt O ` � T .• W � O 01 U 00 O O oo N 0o A O� •V �0 O o0 �. 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J O..W ut N to _ z 0- O O O ,O -:O_ O O Q O O Q.._Q a U ,O U O w p O Q.: _. b9 Yr b9 69 69 -.(� 69 69 fY9 fA b9 69 69 M n O O O O O� J J U N N U �' ' �O J N J O U O U U N A J J A J O. w A 6o U J T N N -• IJ W O J W IJ U O O� N J Oo , - U �! W Q 00 R N R^ n O G O O U .A !J •O J O O in U U J - i., tJ O� O O O O O O V N O O O T O'o N w -- J 00 O 10 O N D\ J W A 's A -- U O O; O O: C N ..0, - W .O . --�.. , O _ 'P fA fA b9 b/f 69 iIi 69 b9 fA EA r9 77 riR a a 3 D °o v ?oo oOOo o PO 0 OOOo 0 yoo o°Oo 0 a A? m 0 Q_ `' , . o , ,_._ ,_. 69 Hf b9 69 fA to (A b9 by bq b9 bn bH M '. '. < �• O N A A N N� A -- '- N � 6 Or O O U U A N W N 10 10 U •-• J --• W - A J W A W U O. N W W W J tJ --• N W -• C J 0 4e N m O O U U O U --• U � W W N A J •� O� W 00 J N � N' O W '. U O O� J 00 U W '' 6 N O O C O in AW �O J O Cl U VI in J -- W N O� O O O O +p O U J O N J Ip O• O O 1O � 1O O J- 'O N J W to Q` 00 �' 00 --• J U �p O.. O T `O O O N Q.._J w A_.A_.. U-• In_ p C S Q O J4. O O O N .i _U. :.� :W_ I .O .0..-N__Q b9 6H b9 69 69 b9 fA 69 d, b9 ,69 69 69 7 f-� A N N !J A -• - N '- •O ,�, C D IJ fJ �. -.., �. N 00 lA .� W W � W W - -' (9 O O O O O O O J N O -• 0o O O O O O O O O - O O O J C 69 Ef. b9 69 69 f 69 f/, !/i b9 b9 69 69 b9 fA 69 69 69 O O D IJ N -• � .+ N 00 in � W W W' W --• -� A O C N N O O O N �] -- C O` O W O P J oo U W •^J C C -- -• O •C O -- O •J IJ O --• Oo - GO O O O ? -� 'in �! iv O O O O O O � O 0 U O0 J ?' U O1 N W J U oo -- U C O C O O O O O C O C N' 69 69 6A 69 fA :! E/, 69 !�, 69 b9 69 fag 7 A ? N N N A -- - in N O �• O D IJ N _ - N 00 - W W --• W � A L O O IJ N -• -- --• IJ J N O a ' �O 00 - IJ O � -• Of O oo w O C O O O C O O O OO O O O O O O O ^' O O O ,5 CJ C O O O O O C,_, O o O G O p_p_.o O O C O o ,o O '.o O0 o _ o O O G_o O .o O : o_.o O o G G G O p O ,p 69 b9 69 69 69 f 69 69 ,i9 69 '. b9 69 b9 'd A •N A N tJ N N A -- 00 -• Vr N � r O �• O D -. -. N � W W --• W --• A O O N N -• -- -- N J- N O 0\ � 00 --• -` N ' O oo ' U ' - � W 'o N O 'o W A 0 o 0 0 o o o o a 0 0 0 0 O 'C C 'o O C O O i0 O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N V J J V T O) N U+ c y� � .��. uo N w a c � 3 -- o ry 69 '. 69 69 y- f: 69 u N - W W J J in in O in O� InA x in J O O� J W 69 69 ',. 69 69 E/1 EA 69 �^y n N �• N ... - - C � X 'J� J °� J to O� �n -• O 7U A r l.� 0o in V� W ut A to to O O J J O J J to O- O O a eo m f bm a a' ° a c 0o I"v. w oo in '° i in in C O It w U O O O O O n O N W N O A 7 U lI� to � � A a a g D 69 fA 65 6A b ii 7 o D ' in u in iJ — rn in o in p U U N x O O O O :/i 69 69 69 69 69 69 7 o LA - ^ G o 0 0 0 o O o_ C 0 0 o — J- eD 69 69 69 fA ro yin inG C O O in O ili O O O C C d G O O O 69 69 65 69 EA b O C! O O - O O S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N I. W W W W W N N N N N N j j N -+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (O O O to O O OD C O OO W O� W W v '-00 �I Os A A m W j n C cn OOM,n 257 °_ d s 3 3❑ o❑ 3 3 3>> Z o �'m o — — z W m m 0 0 0 "o D 1 o -ty v, n a= r' W4 m a w ,• I o a o p. r o wr. - b noa � v o O CA a � o m � N Q d9 E/� N b9 Yi 69 69 6A 69 69 69 69 X69. VY W Or ty W N W 00 O 10 N N 00 -4 C N 00 A .a w 'NA _. Oo N L C W D\ 00 ON U_A A 44 ?__.._ V� 69 b9 fA 69 69 6A d9 69 6. ffi fA 69 N N' �] O� �" � X 0o U U J A J w �.• �l A �1 � N �] J J 00 Q` w �O --• W iJ O. - U O - J N O - W A- J N .o �. A O .O - J� v A � W N A 00 N J O A O� �� O S A -- `~S A r O O 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C O O O O O G G O O O O C O o .. G .� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tLn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C O O O O N W U �p pOp O Oo OG, O O C) i 0o_C O O, G'_O:C C O C C. C:C C - O O_O O O O i ,C,o o c> O._ a fA 69 b9 b5 s 69 b5 fA' � ty N N O O O O O O 0 0 0 _ _-- EA fA fA b9 H) 69 69 b9 Vf bH 69 69 L N 7 O N J w A -4 w O\ w 10 W N m.-• U O -- J �O - W O, N w 00 N N C A oe oo V J G p U U _4 O J O` -4 O 00 V H N O ... W A -- v N A O .O -- V O C, W OD W -- D`'. J N w C. O �+ U -• U J of O 0.' O U W N OO tw J O WL Oo O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C CD C, ,C: r W C C. C. o. C.O C 0_o.0,0 C , _C O o. O 0 O C 0 9 0 0 0 0 O O o Q -.Lt _o.o.Q.o.. o.: fA - EA En Ess fn Ess fA bn fA Ess s9 fA EA n L -1 O` C Z Or O� A- A 0o U W 00 mw ,O - w N O, O IJ - T P N (D•� 10 N J N N W O O 00 �] -- O Oo O� O A 00' A J N �O -� A m - Iv J O O A �D w w J J.T �D-J �O - O O D\ C v10 J S A^ w�0 w 'O. w'J W wO O wO'C OO C O.O OO 0 0 0 0 O'O 0 0 0 0 O 0 O O O O C fs9 EA fA fA ID O G fJ b G O r! , O , b9 b9 b9 fA 69 61 69 6q Vf 69 69 EA fA �• � N N W N tJ N W N' � ._.. N N N r � A VO O D A W 00 w 00 w A 00 O� w �O r W N Q• 01 o - P �° w la N N A 00 0o J O Rl A Q\ O O Oo Oo \O 00 O A W J O O A �O � '.,Io '-- r a `g w 10 w 0, w w W O O w O 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 O g O C C C C, o 0 o. yr — to o to to o o fn o 0 0 o O coo 0 0 o c , J_C_O.O O, O.O., O. o O 0 0 O O Q O,t. O, O.O.O-O. 69 - 69 b9 EA 64 69 69 b9 fA �' EP. 69 69 69 b9 fA fA bq fA 69 69 .. b tJ O N W 00 Oo A ,A 00 w y�D - 1 J O O` O IJ •D\ L W ? A N N O ? W 00 J A r+ Cl V J O J O IJ oo A- J 1J •o - A J L O O •- - �l N DD A J J A W oD' O� L O t„t 10 O �O w C W W O O W O O G O C C O G C O o C C 0 O 0 0 O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O G O C O O O C W N _W A J tJir O J V C O J O O c o O C O C 0 0 0 0 C O C 0 0 C., O_ C o 0 0 0 C C_ r C C C C C:>. fA 69 69 69 fA 69 fA fA fA H3 EA fA 69 fA fa9 69 69 69 EY9. 69 N tJ N N IJ N W IJ -• � N N N __ � A .� Oo `, C D Io to N N O A Oo �o L W `D -- U D` -- C L 00 L -• V N �D -- A W J N f J -- U N 4\ W - L' A L O, 10 D` O O C+ O G O 0' O 0 0 0 0 0 O C O 0 O O 0 0 C 0 O^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O o O G m U A A O O O O C,. o O O O C O O O O G 0 0 0 O C O C O.O C O O C o,0 O_C, C, i C- C O C O C_ O 69 69 (A 69 69 fA 6`1 fA b9 Ef9 69 fA b9 �p 00 C W W W ? 00 O O 00 A- J N �o �O W [D L w O N A O W N O O w'. 1 Co o- Oo J.- W W U 00 � O N O O U':O IJ N A O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O C O O O a w A C O O O o. O o G O G o 0 0 0 c o O O O C O O.O_ 69.69 Ea9 ', fA 69 fA fA 69 69 b9 b9 fA 69 7 IJ -- N N N N W N ... - N N N � --- A `• O D �l O O� �O A N _ N A O 00 ' 00 A -•. V W .o N L -� A A A - tJ N W 00 J A' �] •- A - H� N N �D N V A W J O O A �O U DD O U O Jo J A L U '�, A O O 0 O O O O O 00 O O W O U A N- w O O O C A J O O O O O O G C w ca in C7, w w w w w w w w w w w w r+ y a a a 0.0 d old o C o � 10 N 0o W O O O W J •D N yq 69 fN fA ry O W V, W to In J W W A r 00 W to O O In O O 0 O O R O Ry N N O O O O O O O O �i1 64 ., =. af'm 0 o h a N O W � W � J o �� N to J In J "•r J N C O 'D.0 O O -(P , O EaA EA fR b9 n p 0 W W is U W W 00 A N 00 oo O O O O O O A O N N O O O G O O EA 69 .p � � A c?3 D Ao Ao a 00 m y n Ew w b es°p o D CD CD 0 0 0 0 o 0 �' m w CL CLID p0 69 l EH 7 O O O 00 0o O O O G O O J b9 iN EA 7 O N O O J W ID J J p — Oo 0o O O O C O O �p 0 o a o o o 0 yq ; b9 '.. Eli En H9 '0 p 0J 0 0o J ClO O J ff L in in O O C Cl 0 O O 6 ER E/i b9 {A 69 7 °• o D 0o Oo Cl O O O O O N N O O O O O O A A A A A A A A A A A A A W W W W W W W -0 W -0 1-0W W N N N N N N N j j O O O J J V J J Clr N (lI V W Cn A IO '9 IS C. n CrJ m Ln< c 'o -n > y n m n o w m n. .,., C � b m a a ►:j ,.� y 69 69 69 w N O C A W oo N 'J N w •• W', N �O W O �D ' J J O In 0o O O cn O 00 V� �O A A ? -- •� O O, O In 00 In Q� O� � U .. - l/i O O J o?__ A0 ,A N ,a` _w .. __ In - 00 Oo. .F. W IJ 00 00 :A 69 69 b9 61, (A 69 �y n �`t O z W c.n to 00 O N In to O O� N D\ J 00 N N O O O -• N O - A r U O O O J? V O C O to O O O O O Cl O` O O A O N N O O p to J O O O O O O '(n (A 6s (A ry n rr _=. d 0 0 0 0 0 'b 69 b9 iA 69 to ''. 69 69 N W W N N 'O -• O w W :J J N 'p 00 oo O O V A J O O C C C C O C O O U to O O A O O �.:V N N O._ O O O :O O ,O r J Q. -.O O O 4 OO O O. O _:.O .. ':A Efi 'A 69 69 45 69 69 n IJ W N C C C n to �D J tJ 00 OCD O N m A A J to O O W C Ol W � A 69 d9 69 A 6'f G"1 (A 69 �. N N �O T J •.• •..• �• W A O N of �O O ... U W O U to O O O O to N W --• A O to O _ O w .� V 00 iA O O to O Q In 0o O O O C C C O 6 6 J O O O J A O i O O O N to A O O O _O O O ^_ 69 69 6A fA fA 69 b909 oA S W 1 A � in .D O N to A -• � � N � O J J �ii •O O •O� _ — O •O O O C ^ O O O C d J O O y N J C O O O O O C O O_ O .._. ClO q 0 iA 69 kA 69 09 69 69 b iJ L A N �`•� �. C N O to ' Oo to A j D O i O•. W O to O '/� U O O '. �v4 69 fA 69 EA d9 69 7 •Ot •A In W W �D -• O W J J O A r+ N L ,C •O ICE, O - -- C C O O O ^ O G o O 69 fA Efl 69 69 69 69 69 ro A A N N �• O D x to oo N A O to to �O to O In to C O C C C ' O O O O O 0 C O 0 0 O ATTACHMENT 2011/2012 POTENTIAL ADJUSTMENTS & ASSUMPTIONS - GENERAL FUND Potential Adjustments Projected Increase From Prior Year Year2011 Year2012 Year 2011 Year2012 Year2013 Year 2014 Year2015 Year 2016 REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS: Property Tax $ 123,000 $ 220,000 0.9% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% Local Sales Tax (275,000) (278,000) -2.8% 1.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% Criminal Justice Sales Tax 74,000 67,000 0.5% 0.5% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% Gambling Tax 350,000 354,000 13.9% 1.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Leasehold Tax 2,000 2,000 4.2% 0.0% 0.09h 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Liquor Excise Tax (15,000) (15,000) -2.6% 0.01/6 0.0% 0.0% - 0.0% 0.0% Liquor Profits Tax 329,000 617,000 -11.294 1 .9% 0.0% 0.0°%o 0.01/6 0.0% Criminal Justice High Crime 100,000 - -33.1% W131% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0°x6 DUI Impact Cities - -1.9% 0.0% 0.0%o 0.0% 0.0 % 0.0% Franchise Fees 36,000 36,000 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Business License 10,000 8,000 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Building Permits (30,000) (30,000) 0.9% 1.1% 2.0% 2.00% 2.0% 2.1% Electrical Permits 18,000 18,000 1.1% 1.2% 1.7% 2.3% 2.2% 2.2% Zoning Fees (36,000) (36,000) 0_3% 1.9% -1.9% 1.9% 1.8% 1.8% Plan Check Fees 48,000 48,000 -8.6% 0.9% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 1.9% Court Fines & Forfeitures (90,000) (90,000) -5.9% 0.2% 2.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Security & Protection 0.2% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Traffic School 13.8% 1.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Animal Licenses (132,000) (66,000) 307.2% 56,1% 2.9% 28% 3.2% 3.1% Parks & Recreation Fees -7.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Interest Earnings(40,000) _.--_ (41,000) _ 2.4% 0.0% 3.1 % 3.0% - 2.9°� 2.9% Miscellaneous - - -7.5% 1.0% 2.0% _ 2 % 1.9% 1.9% Transfer In from Red Light Photo for Police Overtime 40,000 40,000 8.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Transfer In from Transportation CIP for Federal Lobbyist (70,000) (70,000) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 % 0.0%1 0.00h Redirect Overlay Utility Tax Funding to General Fund $600K/year ongoing redirection of overlay funding to General Fund operations beginning in 2013. Note - the 2011/12 budget redirects $60OK/year on a one-time basis. Subtotal Ongoing 442,000 784,000 Reduce COPS Rehiring Grant based on Actual Eligible (7,600) (7,600) - Transfer in From Fleet - Excess Reserves 55,800 Subtotal One -Time 48,200 (7,600) Total Revenue Adjustments 490,200 776,400 EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS: Salary/benefits are projected for all positions that were funded in 2012 & therefore exclude: City Council - 2% Liquor Requirement 12,000 12,000 Associate Planner 1.0 FTE and Senior Traffic Engineers 2.0 FTE Mayor's Office - Eliminate Federal Lobbyist (70,000) (70,000) Frozen Positions (see Attachment B) Mayor's Office - Sponsorship Program net Savings (10,000) (10,000) Freezing additional 3 police officers that became vacant after adopted budget. HR -Increase Admin Assistant by 0.25 FTE 12,370 16,670 FI - Courier/Postage Savings (10,000) (20,000) Salary/Benefit Assumptions: Police - Jail Services Increase 72,000 63,000 NO Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) Police - ValleyCom (169,000) (178,000) NO medical cost increases Police - Freeze Vacant Police Officer 1.0 FTE (97,000) (104,000) NO salary or wage reduction Police - Freeze Vacant Police Officer 1.0 FTE (89,000) (96,000) NO furloughs Police - Freeze Vacant Police Officer 1.0 FTE 54,500 ( ) 111,000 ( ) - Project step increases & other a changes a rox. $135K 1 P PY 9 (PP ) Police Additional Overtime for Red Light Photo 40,000 40,000 Estimate Police Guild vacation buy out ($110K/year) Parks - Eliminate SWM Fee Payments to King County (15,000) (15,000) PW - Restore Senior Traffic Engineer 1.0 FTE 88,000 Subtotal Ongoing (378,130) (384,330) Contingency Reserves (11,344) (11,530) Transfer to CDBG Fund for NSP3 Environmental Review 50,000 Added back many ane -time funded programsAine items - See Attachment C. Subtotal One -Time (11,344)1 38,470 Jail & Dispatch increases of 5% per year in 2013 and beyond. Total Expenditure Adjustments (389,474) (345,860) Net General Fund Adjustments $ 879,6741 $ 1,122,260 Best practices suggest the City maintain a fund balance amount equivalent to GENERAL FUND ENDING FUND BALANCE: Year 2011 Year2012 two months of operating revenuestexpenditures. Two months of operating $ 6,939,007 $ 4,728,433 Projected Ending Fund Balance Before Adjustments expenditures is equivalent to maintaining an ending fund balance of 16.7%. Add Net General Fund Adjustments for 2011 879,674 879,674 PROJECTED ENDING FUND BALANCE Add Net General Fund Adjustments for 2012 - 1,122,260 Year 2013 1 Y.., 2014 Year 2015 I Year 2015 $ 6,375,582 1 $ 5,922,615 1 $ 5,728,669 1 $ 5,794,738 As % of Gen Fund Oper Exp 15.9% 14.7% 14.2% 14.3% Projected Ending Fund Balance AFTER Adjustments 1 $ 7,818,681 $ 6,730,367 Desired Ending Fund Balance $ 6,664,855 $ 6,701,756 $ 6,734,917 $ 6,769,583 Ending Fund Balance Shortfall $ (289,273) $ (779,142) $ (1,006,248) $ (974,845) ATTACHMENT B FTE STAFFING - "GENERAL" FUND 2013/2014 Biennium General & Street Fund Ongoing Frozen - Total Department FTEs Funded I Unfunded Authorized Note Mayor's Office: Mayor 1.00 1.00 Administrative Services Director 1.00 1.00 Communications & Grant Coordinator 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 Human Services Manager 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant 1 0.50 0.50 Subtotal 5.50 5.50 Council: Deputy Mayor 0.50 0.50 Council Member 3.00 3.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 Subtotal 4.50 4.50 Community & Economic Development: Director 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant II 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant 1 1.00 1.00 Office Technician II 1.00 1.00 Planning Manager 1.00 1.00 Principal Planner 1.00 1.00 Senior Planner 2.00 2.00 Associate Planner 1.00 1.00 Associate Planner (Grant/Project) - - 1.0 FTE grant/project funded through 2011 only. Building Official 1.00 1.00 Assistant Building Official 1.00 1.00 Plans Examiner 1.00 - 1.00 Code Compliance Officer 2.00 1.00 3.00 Combination Electrical/Building Inspector 2.00 - 2.00 Permit Center Supervisor 1.00 1.00 Development Specialist 2.00 - 2.00 Subtotal 19.00 1.00 _ 20.00 Finance: Director 1.00 - 1.00 Accounting Supervisor 1.00 1.00 Financial Analyst 11 1.00 - 1.00 Financial Analyst II 1.00 1.00 Accounting Technician II 2.00 2.00 Accounting Technician 1 1.50 1.50 0.50 FTE one-time funded in 2012 is budgeted as ongoing Subtotal 7.50 7.50 Human Resources: Human Resources Manager 1.00 1.00 Human Resources Technician 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant 1 0.75 075 Increased by 0.25 FTE beginning in 2011. City Clerk 1.00 1.00 Deputy City Clerk 0.75 0.75 Subtotal 4.50 4.50 Law: City Attorney 1.00 1.00 Assistant City Attorney 2.00 2.00 Legal Assistant 2.00 2.00 1.0 FTE one-time funded in 2012 is budgeted as ongoing Lead Paralegal 1.00 1.00 Chief City Prosecutor 1.00 1.00 City Prosecutor 3.00 3.00 Domestic Violence Legal Liaison 1.00 1.00 Paralegal 1.00 1.00 Subtotal 12.00 12.00 Municipal Court: Judge 2.00 2.00 Court Administrator 1.00 1.00 Court Services Supervisor 1.00 1.00 Court Clerk 2 5.00 - 5.00 Court Clerk 1 4.00 1.00 500 Subtotal 13.00 1.00 14.00 Police: Executive Assistant 1.00 - 1.00 Administrative Assistant 1 3.00 3.00 Crime Analysta Program Coordinator 1.00 1.00 Crime Analyst/Prevention Specialist 1.00 1.00 Property/Evidence Custodian 1.00 1.00 Property/Evidence Technician 1 00 1.00 ATTACHMENT B FTE STAFFING - "GENERAL" FUND 2013/2014 Biennium General &Street Fund Ongoing Frozen - Total Department FTEs Funded Unfunded Authorized Note Quartermaster 1.00 1.00 CALEA/Volunteer Coordinator 1.00 1.00 Civilian Operations Manager 1.00 1.00 Customer Service Specialist 1.00 1.00 Records Supervisor 3.00 - 3.00 Records Specialist 11.00 1.00 12.00 1.0 FTE one-time funded in 2012 is budgeted as ongoing Animal Services Officer 2.00 - 2.00 Changed Animal Services Coordinator 1.OFTE to Officer Subtotal Non -Commissioned 28.00 1.00 29.00 Chief 1.00 - 1.00 Deputy Chief 1.00 1.00 Commander 6.00 - 6.00 1.0 FTE one-time funded in 2012 is budgeted as ongoing funded in 2013 and beyond. Lieutenant 13.00 1.00 14.00 1.0 FTE one-time funded in 2012 is budgeted as ongoing funded in 2013 and beyond. Police Officer 105.00 9.00 114.00 12.0 FTE one-time funded in 2011/2012 is budgeted as ongoing funded in 2013 and beyond. Subtotal Commissioned 126.00 10.00 136.00 Subtotal 154.00 11.00 165.00 Parks: Director 0.55 - 0.55 Administrative Assistant II 0.80 0.80 Parks & Facilities Manager 1.00 1.00 Parks & Facilitites Supervisor 1.00 1.00 Parks Maintenance Worker Lead 2.00 2.00 Parks Maintenance Worker 1 9.00 9.00 Recreation Administrative Assistant 1 1.00 1.00 Recreation Supervisor 1,00 1.00 Recreation Coordinator 3.00 3.00 Subtotal 19.35 19.35 Public Works: Director 0.30 0.30 Deputy Director 1.45 1.45 Street Manager - 1.00 1.00 City Traffic Engineer 1.00 - 1.00 Senior Transportation Planning Engineer 1.00 1.00 Senior Traffic Engineers (Grant/Project) - - 1.0 FTE grant project funded through 2011 only. Senior Traffic Engineers (Grant/Project) 1.00 1.00 1.0 FTE grant/project funded in 2011 only, propose continue one-time funding in 2012, and ongoing in 2013 and beyond. Deputy Emergency Manager 1.00 1 00 Senior Engineering Plans Reviewer 1.00 1.00 0.50 FTE Charged to SWM Fund Street Systems Project Engineer 2.00 2.00 1.50 FTE Charged to Transportation CIP Fund Street Systems Engineer 1.00 1 00 1.0 FTE Charged to Overlay Fund Engineering Plans Reviewer 1.00 1.00 Construction Inspector 3.00 300 1.0 FTE Charged to SWM Fund Engineering Technician 1.00 1.00 0.25 FTE Charged to Overlay Fund Street Maintenance Supervisor 1.00 1.00 Street Maintenance Worker 11 1.00 1.00 Street Maintenance Worker 1 3.00 3.00 Administrative Assistant II 0.80 0.80 Administrative Assistant 1 0.85 - 0.85 0.50 FTE Charged to Transportation CIP Fund Subtotal 21.40 1.00 22.40 Total General & Street Fund FTE 260.75 14.00 274.75 I/S Funds - Information Technology Manager 1.00 - 1.00 Supervisor/System & Help Desk 1.00 1.00 IT Analyst 3.00 3.00 IT Tech II 1.00 1.00 IT Tech 1 1.00 1 00 Subtotal 7.00 7.00 I/S Funds - Fleet & Equipment (Public Works) Fleet Coordinator 0.50 0.50 Subtotal 0.50 0.50 I/S Funds - Buildings & Furnishings (Parks) Facility Maintenance Worker 0.50 0.50 Subtotal 0.50 0.50 Total Internal Service Funds FTE 8.00 8.00 Total - All "General" Fund 268.75 14.00 282.75 ATTACHMENT CONTINUE 1 -TIME FUNDED PROGRAMS THAT ARE ONGOING IN NATURE (Excluding FTEs - see attachment B for FTEs funded) General & Street Fund 1 -Time Funded Ongoing Funded In 2013 & beyond? Yes/No Amound Funded in 2012 Note Mayor's Office: Public Defender (Increase Portion) $ 60,000 No $ $459,680 remains in the ongoing budget. Volunteer Dinner 3,500 No $2,500 remains in the ongoing budget. Challenge Grant 10,000 Yes 10,000 Community Garden 10,000 Yes 10,000 Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration 5,000 Yes 5,000 Human Services Grant Program Increase 86,000 No - $430,000 remains in the ongoing budget. Subtotal 174,500 25,000 Council: Suburban Cities Dues 39,073 Yes 39,073 AWC Dues (Increase Portion) 19,772 Yes 19,772 In addition to the existing $60,895 ongoing budget. Sister City Trip 4,000 Yes 4,000 in addition to the existing $1,000 ongoing budget. Subtotal 62,845 62,845 Community & Economic Development: Highline Small Business Development Center 22,500 No - EnterpriseSeattle Membership Dues (Voting Seat) 5,000 Yes 5,000 Planning Intern 13,878 No - Graffiti Program - Temporary Help and Supplies 56,000 Yes 56,000 Subtotal 97,378 61,000 Human Resources: Wellness Program 4,970 No - Non -Mandatory City Wide Training 6,750 No Subtotal 11,720 Municipal Court: Absorb costs through other line item savings such as Interpreter Services 3,800 No printer and court security. Subtotal 3,800 Police: Records Supervisor Supplies 3,000 No Subtotal 3,000 No Parks: Seasonal Help 7,312 Yes 7,312 Parks System Electrical Utility Increase 35,000 Yes 35,000 Parks System Water Utility Increase 6,000 Yes 6,000 Landscape Maintenance Contract 43,220 Yes 43,220 Celebration Park Electrical Utility Increase 9,000 Yes 9,000 Celebration Park Water Utility Increase 5,500 Yes 5,500 Ars Commission Contracts Program 22,160 Yes 22,160 Red, Whites & Blues Festival 14,500 Yes 14,500 Subtotal 142,692 142,692 Public Works: Traffic - Electricity Utility 36,502 Yes 36,502 Traffic - King County Contract 60,643 Yes 60,643 Street - Equipment Rental 10,000 Yes 10,000 Street - Landscape Maintenance Contract 10,000 Yes 10,000 Street - Small Works Projects 9,375 Yes 9,375 Street - Tree Replacement 8,400 Yes 8,400 Street - WSDOT Contract 30,000 Yes 30,000 EOC - Temporary Help 22,920 No - Grant Funding ends in 2012. EOC - CERT Program Supplies 2,500 Yes 2.500 Subtotal 190,340 - 167,420 Total General & Street Fund 686,275 - 458,957 ATTACHMENT C CONTINUE 1 -TIME FUNDED PROGRAMS THAT ARE ONGOING IN NATURE (Excluding FTEs - see attachment 8 for FTEs funded) General & Street Fund 1 -Time Funded Ongoing Funded in 2013 & beyond? Yes/No Amound Funded in 2012 Note I/S Funds - Information Technology Overtime 500 Yes 500 Temporary Help 1,000 Yes 1,000 Cellular Phone Air Time 6,454 Yes 6,454 Contracted Services 21,043 Yes 21,043 Subtotal 28,997 28,997 I/S Funds - Mail & Duplication Services Copier & Printer Supplies (Managed by IT) 4,250 Yes 4,250 Postage/Delivery Services (Managed by Finance) 4,250 No - Subtotal 8,500 - 4,250 I/S Funds - Fleet & Equipment Police Fuel Cost Increase 50,000 Yes 50,000 Police Fuel Cost Increase (Add'I from CFAdj) 150,000 No - Non -Police Fuel Cost Increase 19,000 Yes 19,000 Non -Police Fuel Cost Increase (Add'I from CFAdj) 40,000 No - Subtotal 259,000 - 69,000 I/S Funds - Buildings & Furnishings I/S Charge - Evidence Building Natural Gas Utility 6,000 Yes 6,000 Subtotal 6,000 6,000 Total Internal Service Funds 302,497 108,247 Total - All "General" Fund $ 988,772 $ $ 567,204 ATTACHMENT D 2011/2012 POTENTIAL ADJUSTMENTS 8, ASSUMPTIONS - UTILITY TAX FUND Potential Adjustments Projected Increase From Prior Year Year 2011 Year 2012 Year 2011 Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 1 Year 2015 Year 2016 REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS: Utility Tax - Electric $ 120,000 $ 60,000 0.2% -0.3% 1.0% 1.01/o 1.0% 1.0% Utility Tax - Gas 100,000 100,000 9.0% 0.9% 1.0%__ 1.0% 1.0% 1.0°% Utility Tax - Solid Waste 115,000 115,000 2.5°% -0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9.0% 0.0% Utility Tax --Cable 1.9 % 1.0% 1.0% 1.0%- 1.0% 1.0% Utility Tax - Phone -10.4% 0.0°% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% o.0% Utility Tax - Pager 0.0% 0.0% 0.0°% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Utility Tax - Celullar (440,000) (440,000) -20.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0°% 0.01/o Utility Tax - Storm Drainage 1.5% 1.1% Utility Tax Rebate Program - -2.2% 0.0°% 0.0% 0.0- 0.0% 0.0% Interest Earnings (24,000) (24,000) 1.5°% 0.0°% 0.0°% 0.0% 0.0°% 0.0% Total Revenue Adjustments (129,000) (189,000) EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS: Redirect Overlay Utility Tax Funding to General Fund $600K/year ongoing redirection of overlay funding to General Fund operations beginning in 2013. Note - the 2011/12 budget redirects $600K/year on a one-time basis. Total Expenditure Adjustments Net Utility Tax Fund Adjustments 1 $ (129,000) $ (189,000) GENERAL FUND ENDING FUND BALANCE: Year 2011 Year 2012 $ 3,430,675 $ 3,120,317 Projected Ending Fund Balance Before Adjustments Add Net General Fund Adjustments for 2011 (129,000) (129,000) Add Net General Fund Adjustments for 2012 - (189,000) Projected Ending Fund Balance AFTER Adjustments 1 $ 3,301,675 $ 2,802,317 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 7, 2011 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: VOUCHERS POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the vouchers in the total amount of $2,408,834.77? COMMITTEE: Finance, Economic Development, and Regional Affairs Committee MEETING DATE: May 24, 2011 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Tho Kraus, Finance Director DEPT: Finance 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claims are just and due obligations against the City of Federal Way, Washington, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said liens. Finance Director Attachments: Voucher List Options Considered: NA MAYOR RECOMMENDATION: NA MAYOR APPROVAL: _J DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Committee Council Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: "I move approval of the vouchers and forward to the June 7, 2011 Council Meeting for approval. " Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the vouchers pursuant to RCW 42.24. (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED IST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 02/06/2006 RESOLUTION # 127 City of Federal Way - Accounts Payable Check List Bank of America Page 1 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 222790 4/2222011 000588 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 468.44 3/25/2011 100048250 DBC/KFT-03/11 DASH PT. RD- 313.85 3/25/2011 100048250 DBC/KFT-03/11 DASH PT. RD- 154.59 222791 4/29/2011 004895 ABOU-ZAKI, KAMAL 100.00 4/15/2011 04/15/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 222792 4/29/2011 001856 ACTION SERVICES CORPORATION, 10,872-71 3/31/2011 68547 PWST-03/11 STREET SWEEPING SVC 10,772.71 41712011 68621 SWR- SWEEPING SPRING RECYCLING 100.00 222793 4/29/2011 000109 ACTIVE SECURITY CONTROL, 2.66 4/5/2011 14385 OBC-DND KEY - NEUTER BOW 2.66 222794 4/2912011 012621 ADVANCED PRO FITNESS REPAIR, 620.87 3/23/2011 03231105E FWCC-EXERCISE EQUIPMENT REPAIR 113.88 3/22/2011 03221102EL FWCC-EXERCISE EQUIPMENT REPAIR 165.81 3/22/2011 03221102EL FWCC-EXERCISE EQUIPMENT REPAIR 270.00 4/13/2011 04121106E PD -EXERCISE EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 71.18 222795 4/29/2011 010834 AGAPITH, BEVERLY 133.39 4/6/2011 2010 AGAPITH MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 133.39 222796 4/29/2011 000568 AGRI SHOP INC, 44.18 4/14/2011 1529311 PKM-CHAINSAW CHORDS 44.18 222797 4/29/2011 012803 AGUILERA, RAFAEL MEDINA 275.00 4/19/2011 0991100016575 MC -ATS RED LIGHT REFUND 275.00 222798 4/29/2011 012820 AIRE PRO INC, 217.00 4/21/2011 11-101215 REFUND CD -11-101215 DUPLICATE PMT 211.00 4121/2011 11-101215 REFUND CD -11-101215 DUPLICATE PMT 3.00 4/21/2011 11-101215 REFUND CD -11-101215 DUPLICATE PMT 3.00 222799 4/29/2011 002562 ALL BATTERY SALES & SERVICE, 698.08 3/31/2011 990446 SWR -BATTERY RECYCLING SERVICES 698.08 222800 4/29/2011 007166 ALLEN, KARON 292.00 4/14/2011 912061 PRCS-REFUND MOVING OUT OF AREA 214.00 4/13/2011 912060 PRCS-REFUND MOVING OUT OF AREA 40.00 4/13/2011, 912062 PRCS-REFUND MOVING OUT OF AREA 10.00 4113/2011 912063 PRCS-REFUND MOVING OUT OF AREA 28.00 222801 4/29/2011 001285 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 1.98077 4/5/2011 TM -114728 PWST-MARKING PAINT 228.77 4/7/2011 TM -114760 PWST-GRINDER RENTAL 1,752.00 222802 4/29/2011 005287 AMERICALL COMMUNICATIONS &, 178.90 4/21/2011 2136416-0411 SWM -AFTER HR CALL -OUT SVC COST 58.48 4/21/2011 2136416-0411 SWM -AFTER HR CALL -OUT SVC COST 58.47 4/21/2011 2136417-0411 PKM-AFTER HR CALL -OUT SVC ACCO 61.95 222803 4/29/2011 001522 AMERICAN RED CROSS, 900.00 4/28/2011 1014 FWCC-LIFE GUARD TRNG CLASSES 900.00 222804 4/29/2011 011514 ANDERSON, DOROTHY 99.51 4115/2011 2010 ANDERSON MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 99.51 222805 4/29/2011 012813 ANDREWS, JANET L 18.04 4/19/2011 2010 ANDREWS MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 18.04 222806 4/29/2011 010530 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES. 88.76 4/19/2011 655-5505955 DBC -LINEN SERVICE 10.40 4/12/2011 655-5493875 DBC -LINEN SERVICE 78.36 222807 4/29/2011 010530 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES, 32.85 4/4/2011 655-5477783 FWCC-FLOOR MATS SVC 32.85 222808 4/29/2011 003649 ARBUTHNOT, STEVEN 180.00 3/4/2011 ARBUTHNOT 2011 PD-SNIPERWEEK 2011ARBUTHNOT 180.00 222809 4/29/2011 001233 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE, 63.53 4/6/2011 030 598 3151 001 IT -04/11 LONG DISTANCE SVC 31.77 4/6/2011 030 598 3151 001 IT -04/11 LONG DISTANCE SVC 29.22 4/6/2011 030 598 3151 001 IT -04/11 LONG DISTANCE SVC 2.54 222810 4/29/2011 011413 BACKFLOW APPARATUS & VALVE CO, 27.87 4/8/2011 532543 DBC-KFT PLUMBING REPAIRS 27.87 222811 4/29/2011 010806 BAYSIDE EMBROIDERY, 160.21 3124/2011 0309367 PWST-HATS FOR CREW, INVOICE # 160.21 128 Bank of America Page 2 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 222812 4/29/2011 005645 BERTUCCI, MICHAEL 261.74 411 212 0 1 1 BERTUCCI 2011 PD -SIU CLOTHING ALLOW. BERTUCC 261.74 222813 4/29/2011 001630 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO INC, 468.90 3/30/2011 841377-02 PD-REPLC SHIRT - S NEAL 42.65 3/30/2011 870518 PD -BOOT ALLOW. VAN DYKE 183.91 4/1/2011 869168 PD -BOOT ALLOW. M SANT 100.00 4/1/2011 870949 PO -BOOT ALLOW. ALDRIDGE 142.34 222814 4/29/2011 012795 BOLDEN, BRIAJSA 374.90 4/18/2011 01-83958 REFUND MC -CA 56037 WILLIAMS RESTITUTI 374.90 222815 4/29/2011 004919 BRATWEAR, 89.63 4/5/2011 319851 PD -CDU PARTS FOR TURTLE VEST 89.63 222816 4/29/2011 012791 BROWN, KIMBAL C 70.10 4/15/2011 2010 BROWN MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 70.10 222817 4/29/2011 000414 CAFE PACIFIC CATERING INC, 694.11 4/18/2011 21406 PD -VOLUNTEER LUNCH RECOGNITION 694.11 222818 4/29/2011 000991 CASCADE COFFEE INC, 82.18 4/11/2011 20639486 HR -COFFEE & COFFEE SUPPLIES 82.18 222819 4/29/2011 004676 CENTERSTAGE THEATRE ARTS, 5,300.00 4/3/2011 APRIL 3, 2011 DBC -04/11 KFT MANAGEMENT REPAY 6,300.00 4/3/2011 APRIL 3, 2011 DBC -04/11 KFT MANAGEMENT AG09- -1,000.00 222820 4/29/2011 005622 CHELAN COUNTY TREASURER'S, 77,455.00 4/6/2011 450001-01815 PO -03111 CHALAN PRISONER HOUSI 77,455.00 222821 4/29/2011 012783 CHEY, MYONG SUN 8.42 4/15/2011 2010 CHEY MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 8.42 222822 4/29/2011 012814 CHUNG, NAN HWA 6.33 4/19/2011 2010 CHUNG MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 6.33 222823 4/29/2011 007443 CITIES INSURANCE ASSO OF WA, 5,000.00 4111/2011 APRIL 11, 2011 RM-BRUTSCHE OED, RM -PD, RSK# 5,000.00 222824 4/29/2011 009959 CITY GLASS & UPHOLSTERY INC, 2,759.84 4/12/2011 49000 PWFLT-REBUILD/RECOVER SEAT 519.18 4/8/2011 48982, PWFLT-REBUILD/RECOVER SEAT 847.08 4/15/2011 49025 PWFLT-REBUILD/RECOVER SEAT 874.40 4/19/2011 49043 PWFLT-REBUILD/RECOVER SEAT 519.18 222825 4/29/2011 011595 CITY OF BUCKLEY, 8,835.00 4/1/2011 MARCH 2011 PD -03111 BUCKLEY PRISONER LODG 8,835.00 222826 4/29/2011 004838 CITY OF ENUMCLAW, 9,360.00 4/6/2011 03242 PD -03/11 ENUMCLAW PRISONER LOD 9,360.00 222827 4/29/2011 004783 CITY OF RENTON, 280,595.78 4/15/2011 25593 MO -02/11 SCORE START UP AG09-1 140,297.89 4/22/2011 25598 MO -03111 SCORE START UP AG09-1 140,297.89 222828 4/29/2011 003752 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 710.20 4/1/2011 W2297964 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 329.49 3/22/2011 T2294951 DBC -JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 300.99 3/30/2011 T2294951-1 DBC -JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 79.72 222829 4/29/2011 001969 CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY INC. 476.87 4/19/2011 37874 HRCK-CODIFICATION SERVICES 476.87 222830 4/29/2011 002863 COMPLETE COLLISION CENTER, 2,469.66 414/2011 8697 RM-C.GUYTON HIT DRIVERS DOOR 2,469.66 222831 4/29/2011 008445 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 1,401.57 4/1/2011 INV509673 IT -04/11 COPIERS/PRINTERS MAIN 28.03 4/1/2011 INV509673 IT -04111 COPIERS/PRINTERS MAIN 4205. 4/1/2011 INV509673 IT -04/11 COPIERS/PRINTERS MAIN 378.42 4/1/2011 INV509673 IT -04111 COPIERS/PRINTERS MAIN 126.14 4/1/2011 INV509673 IT -04/11 COPIERS/PRINTERS MAIN 350.40 4/1/2011 INV509673 IT -04/11 COPIERS/PRINTERS MAIN 476.53 222832 4/29/2011 000721 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 103.05 4/12/2011 279874 SWM -CONCRETE SUPPLIES 103.05 222833 4/29/2011 009696 CRESTWOOD ANIMAL HOSPITAL, 109.40 3/25/2011 17603 PD -K9 MEDICAL CARE 33.40 3/31/2011 17679 PD -K9 MEDICAL CARE 76.00 222834 4/29/2011 012794 CSORBA, ANDRAS 18.00 4/19/2011 01-83994 PD-EB79547 CSORBA RCPT 01-8399 18.00 129 Bank of America Page 3 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 222835 4/29/2011 008016 CUMMINGS, SONYA 147.66 4/15/2011 2010 CUMMINS MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 147.66 222836 4/29/2011 000168 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE INC, 1,418.40 3/26/2011 3247269 PWST-20TH AVE S SIDEWALK RFB; 723.60 3/23/2011 3247097 PWST-S 320TH ST OFF RAMP RFB - 694.80 222837 4/29/2011 612812 DAVIES, EILEEN E 60.61 4/19/2011 2010 DAVIES MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 60.61 222838 4/29/2011 008039 DMX MUSIC, 64.24 4/1/2011 50124968 IT -04111 ALL DIGITAL MUSIC 64.24 222839 4/29/2011 005341 DODD, ESCOLASTICA ROSA 212.50 4/15/2011 04/15/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 4/12/2011 04/12/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 112.50 222840 4/29/2011 007277 DOOLEY ENTERPRISES INC, 1,050.00 3/30/2011 46119 PD -DUTY AMMUNITION 1,050.00 222841 4/29/2011 000570 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (DBA), 1,663.57 4/4/2011 1080185 PWFLT-REPAIR FUEL INJECTORS, P 1,136.40 4/8/2011 1080252 PWFLT-OLF 49.77 4/8/2011 1080255 PWFLT-TRANSMISSION REPAIRS, Al 477.40 222842 4/29/2011 007299 EARTHCORPS, 150.00 4/11/2011 33018 DBC -RENTAL DEPOSIT REFUND 150.00 222843 4/29/2011 008141 EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS INC, 5,447.42 4/9/2011 3362592 SWM -RISERS; INVOICE#3362592; 2,849.11 4/9/2011 3362595 SWM -STORM COVER; INVOICE # 336 2,598.31 222844 4/29/2011 012666 EDD, DALE 259.00 4/16/2011 APRIL 16, 2011 PRCS-1ST AID/CPR INSTRUCTOR AG 259.00 222845 4/29/2011 008206 EDWARDS, LEONA F 66.99 4/18/2011 2010 EDWARDS MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 66.99 222846 4/29/2011 009021 EDWARDS, NOLAND A 200.00 4/15/2011 04/15/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 4/12/2011 04/12/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 222847 4/2912011 011960 EGAL, SAFIA 100.00 4/19/2011 04/12/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 222848 4/29/2011 009443 EPOLICEDEPARTMENT, INC, 4,222.00 4/1/2011 2011-046 IT -PD COPLOGIC YEARLY MAINENAN 4,222.00 222849 4/29/2011 000328 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 23,375.25 4/15/2011 0354075 PWFLT-04/01/11-04/15/11 VEHICL 7,224.48 4/15/2011 354076 PD -04/01/11-04115111 VEHICLE F 15,149.86 4/15/2011 354076 PD -04/01/11-04/15/11 VEHICLE F 718.92 4/15/2011 354076 PD -04/01/11-04115111 VEHICLE F 281.99 222850 4/29/2011 008879 ESTES, EDWIN 86.77 4115/2011 2010 ESTES MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 86.77 222651 4/29/2011 001131 EVERGREEN AUTO ELECTRIC INC, 65.58 4!1112011 17296 PWFLT-INSPECT WINCH MOTOR & TE 65.58 222852 4/29/2011 001748 EVERSON'S ECONO-VAC INC, 1,755.03 3129/2011 066947 DBC-KFT STORM LINE CLEANING 1,278.97 4/6/2011 066990 SWM -04101/11 MAINT/SERVICE AGO 476.06 222853 4/29/2011 000229 FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER COMMERCE, 110.00 4130/2011 8926 MO -FW CHAMBER MEMBERSHIP LUNCH 40.00 4/30/2011 8926 MO -FW CHAMBER MEMBERSHIP LUNCH 20.00 4/30/2011 8926 MO -FW CHAMBER MEMBERSHIP LUNCH 25.00 4/30/2011 8926 MO -FW CHAMBER MEMBERSHIP LUCHE 25.00 222854 4/2912011 001183 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, 678.22 3/11/2011 ARO 7979 PKM-SAGHALIE IRRIGATION 11110- 1972. 3/3/2011 ARO 7937 CC -2011 MLK FACILITY RENTAL 658.50 222855 4/29/2011 005213 FIFE PRINTING. 396.76 4/4/2011 19622 MC -NOTICE OF CASE SETTING FORM 396.76 222856 4/29/2011 012577 FIRESTONE, 113.67 1/28/2011 103384 PD -NEW TIRE 113.67 222857 4/29/2011 012774 FIRMAN. TROY 124.00 3/15/2011 0991100001700 MC -RED LIGHT PHOTO REFUND 124.00 222858 4/29/2011 010305 FIRST STUDENT, 783.00 4/13/2011 10518991 PRCS-BUSES FOR SPRING BREAK CA 78100 3O 130 Bank of America Page 4 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 222859 4/29/2011 000840 FITNESS WHOLESALE, 979.48 3/4/2011 661355 FWCC-KETTLEBELLS 148.58 2/24/2011 653722 FWCC-MEDICINE BALLS, KETTLEBEL 830.90 222860 4/29/2011 002664 FLEX -PLAN SERVICES INC, 291.10 3/31/2011 172933 HR -03/11 FLEX PLAN ADM SVCS 291.10 222861 4/29/2011 008860 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICA, 2,447.71 4/6/2011 2951205 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 1,280.37 4/12/2011 2963509 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 1,167.34 222862 4/29/2011 012724 GENERAL DYNAMICS ITRONIX CORP, 667.49 3/2912011 S0008311 IT -PD REPAIR FOR XR-1- 667.49 222863 4/29/2011 004578 GENE'S TOWING INC, 367.92 3/28/2011 376940 PD -VEHICLE TOW SVC 183.96 3/19/2011 376902 PD -VEHICLE TOW CASE 11-3434 183.96 222864 4/29/2011 004824 GOS PRINTING CORPORATION, 2,008.89 4/8/2011 76216 PD -VEHICLE MAINT. FORMS 100.87 4/8/2011 76237 PD -INFRACTION DEFERRAL APPLICA 321.75 4/5/2011 76174 PD -DV RESOURCE BOOKLETS 1,586.27 222865 4/29/2011 002547 GRAINGER INC, 87-71 3/21/2011 9491601499 FWCC-DOOR CLOSER 227.65 4/12/2011 9509469285 FWCC-RETURN BALLAST (2) -139.94 222866 4/29/2011 012806 GRIFFIN, TANYA 235.00 4/19/2011 0991100004779 MC -ATS RED LIGHT REFUND 235.00 222867 4/29/2011 008847 GUERRERO, JEAN 203.54 4/13/2011 2010 GUERRERO MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 203.54 222868 4/29/2011 000671 H D FOWLER COMPANY, 214.73 3/23/2011 12882508 PKM-STLK RSTROOM REPAIRS 437.92 3/24/2011 C249212 PKM-STLK RSTROOM REPAIRS RETUR -223.19 222869 4/29/2011 012730 HAINLINE & ASSOCIATES INC, 7,287.50 4/1/2011 8158 PWST-ON CALL SCHEDULE REVIEW S 7,287.50 222870 4/29/2011 012777 HANEY, KATE 70.00 4/12/2011 911774 PRCS-CLASS CANCELLED REFUND 70.00 222871 4/29/2011 008849 HANSON, HELEN 264,92 4/15/2011 2010 HANSON MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 264.92 222872 4/29/2011 012780 HARBAUGH, KATHERINE 115.10 4/6/2011 2010 HARBAUGH MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 115.10 222873 4/29/2011 005044 HATFIELD, BRETT 275.00 4/1/2011 HATFIELD 2011 PD -DC OFFICER MEMORIAL HATFIEL 275.00 222874 4/29/2011 012800 HEMPSTEAD, KENNETH 124.00 4/19/2011 0991100005842 MC -ATS RED LIGHT REFUND 124.00 222875 4/29/2011 012776 HERMAN, NANCY 41.32 4/5/2011 0990900018518 MC -RED LIGHT PHOTO REFUND 41.32 222876 4/29/2011 003206 HERRERA ENVIRONMENTAL, 1,326.26 4/13/2011 24272 SWM -WATER QUALITY AUDIT AG11-0 1,326.26 222877 4/29/2011 012809 HORN, KAREN A 100.00 4/15/2011 04/15/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 222878 4/29/2011 003560 HUNTERS TREE SERVICE, 1,204.50 4/14/2011 2735 PWST-TREE REMOVAL AT 31713 11 T 1,204.50 222879 4/29/2011 003173 HYDROSEEDING AND, 1,149.75 4/19/2011 1382 PKM-LAKE GROVE PARK HYDROSEED 1,149.75 222880 4/29/2011 010758 HYNDEN, LYNNETTE 49.98 4/2512011 HYNDEN 2011 ASHS-04/11 MILEAGE HYNDEN 49.98 222881 4/29/2011 000016 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS, 195.99 4/5/2011 5017747968 IT -04/11 ALL FAX MAINT 9.80 4/5/2011 5017747968 IT -04111 ALL FAX MAINT 98.00 4/5/2011 5017747968 IT -04111 ALL FAX MAINT 88.19 222882 4/29/2011 003211 IRON MOUNTAIN/SAFESITE INC, 3,278.17 3/31/2011 DHB3459 HRCK-03/11 RECORDS STORAGE AG9 3,278.17 222883 4/29/2011 010605 JACOBSON. ELIZABETH 343.20 4/19/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-BALLROOM DANCE CLASSES- 343.20 222884 4/29/2011 005656 JIM'S DETAIL SHOP, 273.74 4/18/2011 13541F PWFLT-COMPLETE DETAIL WASH 136.87 4/15/2011 13539F 13 1 PWFLT-COMPLETE DETAIL WASH 136.87 Bank of America Page 5 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 222885 4/29/2011 011981 JOHNSON, SHARON M. 156.28 4/14/2011 2010 JOHNSON MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 156.28 222886 4/29/2011 010838 JOHNSON, STEPHEN G 2,550.00 4/12/2011 APRIL 12, 2011 MO -CONFLICT DEFENDER SVC AGI 1. 1,000.00 3/16/2011 MARCH 16, 2011 MO -CONFLICT DEFENDER AG09-001 1,550.00 222887 4/29/2011 009568 JONES, JOANN - 101.47 4/19/2011 2010 JONES MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 101.47 222888 4/29/2011 011736 KIM, CHUL JOON 300.00 4/15/2011 04/15/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 2/8/2011 02/08/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 4/12/2011 04/12/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 222889 4/29/2011 012017 KIM, DOO YONG 121-71 4/14/2011 2010 KIM MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 121.71 222890 4/29/2011 009001 KING COUNTY D.O.T., 4,860.25 4/13/2011 59526 PWTR-2011 COMMUTE TRIP REDUCTI 4,860.25 222891 4/2912011 000125 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION, 103,393.75 4/12/2011 1610656 PWTR-03111 BSC SIGN/MRKNGS MTN 35,979.15 4/12/2011 1610657 RM -STREET LIGHT REPAIRS 40,798.20 4/12/2011 1610658 PWTR-03/11 BSC SIGN/MRKNGS MTN 1,301.97 4/12/2011 1610659 PWTR-03/11 DISC INVSTGTN TRFFC 5,006.05 4/12/2011 1610659 PWTR-03111 DISC INVST FYA 7,235.42 4/12/2011 1610659 PWST-03/11 DISC INVST SR99 PHI 5,918.24 4/12/2011 1610659 PWST-03/11 DISC INVST 2011 OVE 106.50 4/12/2011 1610659 PWDS-03/11 DISC INVST CROSSING 1,410.71 4/12/2011 1610659 PWST-03/11 DISC INVST FWPS SVC 746.24 4/12/2011 1610659 IT -03/11 DISC INVST SAFE CITIE 895.28 4/12/2011 1610659 PWST-03/11 DISC INVST 20TH WAY 3,995.99 222892 4/29/2011 003898 KING COUNTY RADIO, 8,173.13 3121/2011 00425867 IT -PD RADIO MAINT/REPAIR 132.63 4/19/2011 4927 IT -PD RADIO MAINT/REPAIR 8,040.50 222893 4/29/2011 003137 KING COUNTY TREASURY DIVISION, 273.64 4/20/2011 042104913407 PARKS -NOXIOUS WEED TAX 9.60 4/20/2011 326080046005 PARKS -NOXIOUS WEED TAX 10.80 4/6/2011 132103911104 SWM -NOXIOUS WEED TAX 9,08 4/6/2011 172104901407 SWM -NOXIOUS WEED TAX 44.35 4/6/2011 172104913808 PARKS- NOXIOUS WEED TAX 19.33 4/6/2011 176150030508 PARKS- NOXIOUS WEED TAX 8.55 416/2011 192104900308 PARKS- NOXIOUS WEED TAX 52.87 416/2011 202104903408 PARKS- NOXIOUS WEED TAX 1024 4/6/2011 215466006008 PARKS- NOXIOUS WEED TAX 18.44 4/6/2011 222104901400 PARKS- NOXIOUS WEED TAX 13.66 4/6/2011 252103904204 SWM -NOXIOUS WEED TAX 7.96 4/6/2011 292104915809 SWM -NOXIOUS WEED TAX 9.08 4/6/2011 415920073004 PARKS- NOXIOUS WEED TAX 9.08 4/6/2011 720582025006 SWM -NOXIOUS WEED TAX 7.96 4/6/2011 926470003001 SWM -NOXIOUS WEED TAX 9,08 4/6/2011 926470004009 SWM -NOXIOUS WEED TAX 10.24 4/6/2011 926470006004 SWM -NOXIOUS WEED TAX 11.95 4/6/2011 926470009008 SWM -NOXIOUS WEED TAX 11.37 222894 4/2912011 002128 KLEIN'S COMMERCIAL DOOR, 482.90 4/12/2011 2503 CHB/PKM/DBC-DOOR SERVICE/MAINT 89.25 4/12/2011 2503 CHB/PKM/DBC-DOOR SERVICE/MAINT 73.91 4112/2011 2503 CHB/PKM/DBC-DOOR SERVICE/MAINT 61.32 4/12/2011 2503 CHB/PKM/DBC-DOOR SERVICE/MAINT 113.33 4112/2011 2503 CHB/PKM/DBC-DOOR SERVICE/MAINT 145.09 222895 4/2912011 012779 KNIGGE, MICKEY L 153.77 4/6/2011 2010 KNIGGE MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 153.77 222896 4/29/2011 009492 KPG INC, 24,070.15 3/25/2011 31211 PWST-03111 HOV IV ENGINEERING 12,412.39 3/25/2011 32911 PWST-352ND ST. EXTENSION AG09- 11 657.76 222897 4/29/2011 009387 L & S TIRE COMPANY, 163.75 4/5/2011 50766 PWST-TIRE CLEANUP. TIRES DUMPE 163.75 222898 4/29/2011 005536 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC, 132 20.53 Bank of America Page 6 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 3/18/2011 1017038413 SWM -OPERATING SUPPLIES; INVOIC 20.53 222899 4/2912011 000096 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT, 1,467.01 4/11/2011 2832301 PKM-12/27/10-02/25/11 30619 16 19.72 4/11/2011 2984001 PKM-12/28/10-02/28111 31850 7T 19.72 4/11/2011 3278301 PWST-01103/11-03/03/11 32009 2 19.72 4/11/2011 1941803 MO -01 /03/11-03103/11 31600 20 110.72 4/11/2011 1946803 MO -01/03/11-03103/11 31600 20 10.74 4/11/2011 2049903 PKM-12/29110-03101 /11 31531 IS 19.72 4/11/2011 3336101 PWST-01/05/11-03/03111 3336101 19.72 4/11/2011 3364101 PWST-01/04/11-03/04/11 1618 S 19.72 4/11/2011 3488801 PWST-01103/11-03/03/11 318022 19.72 4/11/2011 3540201 PWST-01103/11-03104/11 29627 P 19.72 4/11/2011 3540301 PWST-01103111-03/04111 28719 P 19.72 4/11/2011 3545101 PWST-01104111-03/04/11 29102 P 19.72 4/11/2011 460602 PKM-01103/11-03/03111 2645 312 124.12 4/11/2011 460602 PKM-01103/11-03/03111 2645 312 45.96 4/11/2011 482303 PWST-01/04-11-03104/11 28866 P 42.38 4/11/2011 482405 PWST-01104/11-03104/11 28850 P 46.62 4/26/2011 888302 PKM-01/05111-03/07/11 3110428 25.08 4/26/2011 888302 PKM-01/05/11-03/07111 3110428 31.98 4/18/2011 101 PKM-01/05/11-03/07/11 31132 28 21.06 4/18/2011 101 PKM-01/05/11-03107/11 3113228 24.99 4/18/2011 822402 PKM-01 /04111-03/07111 3000916 224.12 4/113/2011 824102 PKM-01/04/11-03/07/11 3000014 110.72 4/18/2011 824102 PKM-01104111-03/07/11 3000014 45.32 4/18/2011 888103 PKM-01105111-03/07/11 3113228 52.62 4/18/2011 888103 PKM-01/05/11-03/07111 3113228 45.96 4/18/2011 896402 PKM-01/05/11-03107/11 2410 312 29.10 4/18/2011 899802 PKM-01/05/11-03107/11 2410 312 134.84 4/18/2011 899802 PKM-01/05/11-03/07111 2410 312 64.60 4/18/2011 2814401 PKM-01/05/11-03/07/11 2645 312 19.72 4/18/2011 3033601 PKM-01/12/11-03/11/11 28159 24 19.72 4/18/2011 3088801 PWST-01/05/11-03/07/11 2000 31 19.72 4/18/2011 3200201 PWST-01/07/11-03108/11 32002 3 19.72 222900 4/29/2011 011908 LARSEN SIGN CO., 120.23 3/29/2011 12669 RM-C.GUYTON HIT DRIVERS 120.23 222901 4/29/2011 011549 LARSEN, DORIS 99.11 4/15/2011 2010 LARSEN MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 99.11 222902 4/29/2011 012801 LE, DONG & VY THUY YEN 125.00 4/19/2011 0991100005685 MC -ATS RED LIGHT REFUND 125.00 222903 4/29/2011 012799 LEE, BANG 235.00 4/19/2011 0991100009349 MC -ATS RED LIGHT REFUND 235.00 222904 4/29/2011 012782 LEE, SUNG S 3.17 4/15/2011 2010 LEE MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 3.17 222905 4/29/2011 012781 LEE, YOUNG-HEE 123.23 4/6/2011 2010 LEE MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 123.23 222906 4/29/2011 012778 LEE, YUK HUNG 63.70 4/6/2011 2010 LEE MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 63.70 222907 4/29/2011 012796 LEES, JOHN 275.00 4/19/2011 0991100020999 MC -ATS RED LIGHT REFUND 275.00 222908 4/29/2011 012344 LIFE SAFETY CORP., 340.55 4/4/2011 26113 SWM-DRAGER PAC MONITOR 340.55 222909 4/29/2011 004594 LIM. VANNARA S 100.00 4/15/2011 04/15/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 222910 4/2912011 007985 LINCOLN EQUIPMENT INC, 168.43 4/4/2011 S1158555 PRCS-REPLACEMENT VACUUM HEAD 168.43 222911 4/29/2011 005339 LOWE'S HIW INC, 70681 4/5/2011 14966 PKM-SHOPfTRUCK SUPPLIES 17.99 4/15/2011 01435 PKM-EARTH DAY SUPPLIES 343.83 4/15/2011 11074 DBC -STEP STOOL 16.40 4/13/2011 23117 SWM -BATTERIES 9.89 4/20/2011 02541 SWR -SPINNER WHEEL SUPPLIES 4 31 4/18/2011 02282 SWR -SPINNER WHEELS SUPPLIES 16.87 33SWR-SPINNER 133 Bank of America Page 7 of 29 Check No, Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 4/18/2011 13705 FWCC-DRILL BITS, BATTERIES 77.02 4/10/2011 02320 PKM-FLIP-UP SLTWALL, ROLLERS, 99.86 4/11/2011 01274 PKM-SAWZALL BLADES 36.62 4/11/2011 01325 FWCC-REPAIR/MAINTENANCE SUPPLI 2.01 4/13/2011 01365 SWR -GARBAGE BAGS FOR VADIS 16.40 4/13/2011 01366 SWR -GARBAGE BAGS FOR VADIS 65.61 222912 4/2912011 012785 LYNCH, DARRELL 85.95 4/14/2011 2010 LYNCH MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 85.95 222913 4/2912011 012788 MACRI, JANET A 32.69 4/13/2011 2010 MACRI MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 32.69 222914 4/29/2011 012771 MALONE, JAMES 75.00 4/13/2011 01-83907 REFUND FI -DUPLICATE APPLICATION PAYME 75.00 222915 4/29/2011 009851 MARTIN, CHRIS 275.00 4/1/2011 MARTIN 2011 PD -DC OFFICER MEMORIAL C MARTI 275.00 222916 4/29/2011 007344 MAXWORTH, TREVOR K 243.00 4/21/2011 11-101447 REFUND CD -11-101447 OUT OF JURISDICTI 3.00 4/21/2011 11-101447 REFUND CD -11-101447 OUT OF JURISDICTI 3.00 4/21/2011 11-101447 REFUND CD -11-101447 OUT OF JURISDICTI 232.50 4/21/2011 11-101447 REFUND CD -11-101447 OUT OF JURISDICTI 4.50 222917 4/29/2011 012807 MAZZEO, ANTHONY 149.00 4/19/2011 0991100022003 MC -ATS RED LIGHT REFUND 149.00 222918 4/29/2011 004182 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 106.36 4/10/2011 173902 PARKS -04111 PARKING LOT CLEANI 106.36 222919 4/29/2011 010256 MCMASTER-CARR, 243.96 4/12/2011 82648601 FWCC-FAUCET REPAIRS 53.74 4/13/2011 82822787 FWCC-FAUCET REPAIRS 160.94 4/4/2011 81956921 FWCC-LIGHT BULBS, CHAIR RAILS 29.28 222920 4/29/2011 005176 MERINO STRAWE, BETTY 112.50 4/12/2011 04/12/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 112.50 222921 4/29/2011 012815 METTLER, ANDREA 77.55 4/15/2011 2010 METTLER MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 77.55 222922 4/29/2011 001793 MICROFLEX INC, 87.68 4/5/2011 00019927 FI -03/11 TAX AUDIT PROG. 87.68 222923 4/29/2011 011862 NATURE'S FOOTPRINT INC, 1,97257 4/18/2011 35270 SWR -WORM BINS, INVOICE #35270. 1,972.57 222924 4/29/2011 008904 NAZARCO, TATIANA 100.00 4/1212011 04/12/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 222925 4/29/2011 000043 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE COMPANY, 445.31 4/11/2011 254275 SWM -WHITE POLY BRUSH 15.75 4/8/2011 254234 SWM-RAINX 7.87 3/16/2011 253686 PKM-PLYWOOD 61.11 1/27/2011 252646 PWST-2 X 4 X 12 STUDS 51.25 4/18/2011 254436 SWM -LEATHER GLOVES 9.84 4/19/2011 253918 DBC-KFT MISC HARDWARE 28.57 4/15/2011 254399 PKM-RAKES/PRUNERS FOR EARTH DA 208.81 4/5/2011 254142 PKM-PUSH BROOM 26.19 3/25/2011 253936 PKM-KITCHEN/BATH SILICONE 15.75 4/6/2011 254165 PKM-STLK RSTROOM BRAIDED FLEX 11.02 4/6/2011 254179 PKM-BASIN WRENCH 9.15 222926 4/29/2011 003584 NORMAN, CHRISTOPHER 275.00 4/1/2011 NORMAN 2011 PD -DC OFFICER MEMORIAL NORMAN 275.00 222927 4/29/2011 005493 NORTHWEST EMBROIDERY INC. 47.00 4/1/2011 66929 PD-REPLC TOLLEFSON SHIRT 47.00 222928 4/29/2011 003392 NORTHWEST LININGS & GEOTEXTILE, 525.60 3/15/2011 0038350 -IN PKM-LAKE GROVE LANDSCAPE FABRI 525.60 222929 4/29/2011 010621 NORTHWEST PERMIT INC, 113.60 4/2112011 11-101312 REFUND CD -11-101312 PERMIT CANCELLED 56.80 4/2112011 11-100871 REFUND CD -11-100871 PERMIT CANCELLED 56.80 222930 4/29/2011 006608 NW WIRE ROPE & SLING CO, 178.73 4/4/2011 50042762 SWM-TRICL 200 WINCH 178.73 222931 4/29/2011 012754 OCSI TRAINING, 85.00 411412011 ELLIS REGISTER PD -ASIAN GANG TRNG J ELLIS 85.00 134 Bank of America Page 8 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 222932 4/29/2011 005525 OLBRECHTS,PHIL A 1,978.00 4/18/2011 APRIL 18, 2011 HRCK-03/11-04/11 HEX SVC AG07- 1,978.00 222933 4/29/2011 004292 OLYMPIC SECURITY SERVICES INC, 2,944.14 3/31/2011 S1+0025000 MC -03/11 COURT SECURITY AG09-1 2,944.14 222934 4/29/2011 007444 ORCA PACIFIC INC, - 897.96 4712011 048585 FWCC-POOL CHEMICALS SVC AG10-1 897.96 222935 4/29/2011 009920 OSAKA GARDEN SERVICE, 3,061.62 3/15/2011 27800 CHB -INJECT OAK TREES 328.50 4/5/2011 27898 PKM-04111 LANDSCAPE MAINT AG10 742.41 4/5/2011 27899 PKM-04/11 LANDSCAPE MAINT AG 10 1,990.71 222936 4/29/2011 005741 OUTCOMES BY LEVY. 4,719.93 3/31/2011 MARCH 2011 MO -03/11 LEGISLATIVE LOBBY AG1 4,719.93 222937 4/29/2011 000315 PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE CO, 492.75 2/3/2011 3363-8470 SWM-DISETH TITLE REPORTS 492.75 222938 4/29/2011 012804 PARK, MI 275.00 4/19/2011 0991100011535 MC -ATS RED LIGHT REFUND 275.00 222939 4/29/2011 000885 PARKER PAINT MANUFACTURING CO, 56.44 4/14/2011 022007902 CD -PAINT SUPPLIES 56.44 222940 4/29/2011 012810 PEREZ, MARIA 155.00 4/4/2011 906069 PRCS-WITHDRAWAL SICK CHILD 155.00 222941 4/29/2011 006656 PETCO ANIMAL SUPPLIES INC, 190.50 4/6/2011 OA030408 PD -K9 SUPPLIES 190.50 222942 4/29/2011 011780 PETTY CASH -MC CHANGE FUND, 4928 4/2212011 MC -4/22/11 MC 3124/11 FRAMES 49.28 222943 4/29/2011 003537 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY INC, 1,425.00 4/6/2011 223733 PKM-03111 PARK CLOSING SECURIT 150.00 4/6/2011 223788 PKM-03/11 PARK CLOSING SECURIT 250.00 4/6/2011 223834 PKM-03/11 PARK CLOSING SECURIT 150.00 4/6/2011 223881 PKM-03/11 PARK CLOSING SECURIT 250.00 4/6/2011 223883 PKM-03/11 PARK CLOSING SECURIT 150.00 4/6/2011 223930 PKM-03/11 PARK CLOSING SECURIT 175.00 4/6/2011 223934 PKM-03/11 PARK CLOSING SECURIT 150.00 4/6/2011 223999 PKM-03/11 PARK CLOSING SECURIT 150.00 222944 4/29/2011 012805 PIERSON, BRODY 125.00 4/19/2011 0991100004811 MC -ATS RED LIGHT REFUND 125.00 222945 4/29/2011 011748 PNW COMMERCIAL FITNESS SALES, 383.03 3/30/2011 7230 FWCC-FITNESS EQUIP/MAINT. 383.03 222946 4/29/2011 001411 POSTAL EXPRESS INC, 6,938.56 3/31/2011 BM 11031004 CHBIPD/MC-03/11 COURIER SVC AG 1,612.13 3/3112011 BM 11031004 CHBIPD/MC-03/11 COURIER SVC AG 343.92 3/31/2011 BM 11031004 CHB/PD/MC-03/11 COURIER SVC AG 193.45 3/3112011 BM11031004 CHB/PD/MC-03/11 POSTAGE CHRS A 2,950.93 3/31/2011 BM 11031004 CHB/PD/MC-03/11 POSTAGE CHRS A 843.29 3/31/2011 BM 11031004 CHBIPD/MC-03111 POSTAGE CHRS A 989.13 3/31/2011 BM11031004 CHB/PD/MC-03/11 POSTAGE CHRS A 5.71 222947 4/29/2011 010845 PRIORITY PRINT MANAGEMENT INC, 471.56 3/31/2011 00029298 SWM -MARCH 2011 WATERLOG NEWSLE 471.56 222948 4/29/2011 012018 PRIYMAK, IVAN 105.67 4/6/2011 2010 PRIYMAK MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 105.67 222949 4/29/2011 012361 PROVIDENCE COMMUNITY, 4,933.00 4/1312011 DECEMBER 2010 PD -12110 SCRAM, EM BASIC - IND 25.00 4/13/2011 FEBRUARY 2011 PD -02/11 SCRAM, EM BASIC - IND 50.00 4/13/2011 JANUARY 2011 PD -01/11 SCRAM, EM BASIC -IND 25.00 4/13/2011 MARCH 2011 PD -03/11 SCRAM, EM BASIC - IND 75.00 3/3112011 MARCH 2011 PD -03/11 SCRAM, EM BASIC - IND 4,758.00 222950 4/29/2011 000051 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1,663.05 4/18/2011 156-140-4946 PWST-S 348TH @ 1 ST CONNECTION 14.53 4/18/2011 250-275-0389 PWTR-03/11 106 SW CAMPUS DR- 63.05 4/18/2011 250-275-0389 PWTR-03/11 106 SW CAMPUS DR- 74.37 4/18/2011 004-919-1000 SWM -03111 2101 324TH STORAGE E 58.10 2/16/2011 156-140-4946 PWST-S 348TH @ 1ST CONNECTION 1,453-00 222951 4/29/2011 000533 PUGET SOUND SPECIALTIES INC, 929.27 135 Bank of America Page 9 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 3/3/2011 22351 PKM-WHITE ATHLETIC PAINT 929.27 222952 4/29/2011 012798 QUINN, POLIA & DONALD 125.00 4/19/2011 0991100010263 MC -ATS RED LIGHT REFUND 125.00 222953 4/29/2011 000202 QWEST, 564.00 4/4/2011 206-Z04-0609 4728 IT -04/11 PHONE/DATA SVC 282.00 4/4/2011 206-Z04-0609 472B IT -04/11 PHONE/OATA SVC 253.80 4/4/2011 206-Z04-0609 4728 IT -04/11 PHONE/DATA SVC 28.20 222954 4/29/2011 002205 RECREATION RESOURCE, 12,311.00 3/28/2011 31028 PARK -MEMORIAL BENCH; PER QUOTE 943.00 3/28/2011 31028 PARK -MEMORIAL BENCH; DUMOR 2 X 275.00 3/28/2011 31028 PARK -MEMORIAL BENCH; DUMOR 84- 1,742.00 3/28/2011 31028 Freight 649.00 2/23/2011 30260 PKM-PARK BENCHES; DASH POINT H 1,367.89 2/23/2011 30260 PKM-PARK BENCHES 7,334.11 222955 4/29/2011 012600 REPROGRAPHICS NORTHWEST LLC, 331.48 3/16/2011 03421803 PWST-20TH AVE S SIDEWALK IMPRO 331.48 222956 4/2912011 012821 RICHARD CREED ELECTRIC INC, 64.60 4122/2011 11-101247 REFUND CD -11-101247 CANCELLED PERMIT 64.60 222957 4/29/2011 012808 SAEED, MOHAMMED A& TABASSUM 750.00 4/11/2011 042104-9257/#40 PWST-042104-9257 STATUTORY EVA 750.00 222958 4/29/2011 005508 SAFAROVA-DOWNEY, ALMIRA 225.00 4/12/2011 04/12/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 125.00 4/15/2011 04/15/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 222959 4/29/2011 003726 SAFEWAY STORE #1555, 154.63 4/13/2011 APRIL 13, 2011 PRCS-MISS CARLY DANCE PROG. 13.60 4/13/2011 2068315 PRCS-MISS CARLY DANCE PROG. 29.85 4/14/2011 2068318 PRCS-COOKING CLASS SUPPLIES 71.91 4/11/2011 2068319 PRCS-MISS CARLY DANCE PROG. 39.27 222960 4/29/2011 012816 SAMPSON, DELORES 125.50 4/6/2011 2010 SAMPSON MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 125.50 222961 4/29/2011 011820 SANDERS, ROBERT 529.50 3/23/2011 SANDERS 2011 PRCS-5 FUN DRUM SET 529.50 222962 4/29/2011 012802 SANGHERA, CHINDER 149.00 4/19/2011 0991100019454 MC -ATS RED LIGHT REFUND 149.00 222963 4/29/2011 011764 SBS LEASING PROG. OF DE LAGE, 109.92 4/9/2011 9277911 IT -CD COPIER RPR, MNT, SUP 109.92 222964 4/29/2011 010523 SBS OF AMERICA, 2,592.45 4/1/2011 26621 DBC -03/11 JANITORIAL SVC AG 10- 2,453.85 4/1/2011 26622 PKM-03/11 JANITORIAL SVC AG 10- 138.60 222965 4/29/2011 010141 SEDGWICK CLAIMS MANAGEMENT, 23,485.95 3/28/2011 WINV000008936 HR -2011 WORKER COMP. MGMT 23,485.95 222966 4/2912011 012723 SERVICE OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, 64.00 3/8/2011 0991000252783 MC -RED LIGHT PHOTO REFUND 64.00 222967 4/29/2011 012811 SIMONSSON, MICHAEL 250.47 4/19/2011 2010 SIMONSSON MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 250.47 222968 4/29/2011 012797 SMITH, DAVID & CAROL 149.00 4/19/2011 0991100007293 MC -ATS RED LIGHT REFUND 149.00 222969 4/29/2011 012818 SOO OH, KEUN 171.92 4/18/2011 2010 SOO OH MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 171.92 222970 4/29/2011 004963 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 1,046.90 3126/2011 471946 PWST-RFB 20TH AVE SIDEWALK LEG 527.78 3/23/2011 471951 PWST-RFB 1-5 SB OFF RAMP LEGAL 519.12 222971 4/29/2011 004963 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 138.00 3/31/2011 367691 HRCK-WEBPAGE ADVERTISING AGI1-138.00 222972 4/29/2011 004963 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 105.99 3/30/2011 474749 CD -DNS 07-105966 LEGAL NOTICE 105.99 222973 4/29!2011 004963 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 180.25 3/9/2011 468578 MO-SOQ CIVIC CENTER LEGAL AD 100.94 3/2/2011 465755 MO-RFQ FOR CIVIC CENTER LEGAL 79.31 222974 4/29/2011 000285 SOUTH KING FIRE & RESCUE, 100.00 4!7/2011 2011-0198 CHB -2011 FIRE CODE PERMIT 100.00 222975 4/29/2011 004910 SPACESAVER NORTHWEST, 165.48 136 Bank of America Page 10 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 4/12!2011 12451 222976 4/29/2011 001885 SPARKS CAR CARE, 4/11/2011 27752 4/12/2011 27762 4/12/2011 27762 4/8/2011 27732 4/14/2011 27765 4/14/2011 27776 4/13/2011 27753 4/13/2011 27766 222977 4/29/2011 003233 SPORTS SERVICE, 2/9/2011 187099 222978 4/29/2011 004701 SPRINT, 4/18/2011 796588811-041 4/18/2011 796588811-041 222979 4/29/2011 005295 SPROUL, SCOTT 4/18/2011 SPROUL 2011 A 4/1812011 SPROUL 2011 B 222980 4/29/2011 004927 STAR RENTALS AND SALES, 3/24/2011 31-085601-03 222981 4/29/2011 012069 STEPHENS, ANNE 4/18/2011 2010 STEPHENS 222982 4/29/2011 003307 STERICYCLE INC, 3/31/2011 3001359068 222983 4/29/2011 000308 SUBURBAN CITIES ASSOCIATION, 3/23/2011 1887 222984 4/29/2011 003896 SUMMIT LAW GROUP, 4/19/2011 50958 222985 4/29/2011 009238 SUMNER LAWN N SAW, 4/12/2011 177385 222986 4/29/2011 065738 SUNBIRDS SHOPPING CENTER, 3/26/2011 020829 222987 4/29/2011 007710 SUPERIOR LINEN SERVICE, 4/18/2011 56605 4/11/2011 55106 222988 4/29/2011 002521 SUPERLON PLASTICS INC, 4/12/2011 11 F0921 3/1412011 11 F0647 3/25/2011 11 F0753 222989 4/29/2011 011418 SWIESO, HARRIET 4/18/2011 2010 SWIESO 222990 4/29/2011 009523 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY, 4/13/2011 16236 4/6/2011 16047 4/6/2011 16048 4/6/2011 16172 4/6/2011 16177 4/6/2011 16187 4/6/2011 16195 4/6/2011 16210 4/6/2011 16211 4/6/2011 16193 4/812011 16220 4/13/2011 16049 4/13/2011 16229 4/13/2011 16233 222991 4/2912011 007756 TAB PRODUCTS CO LLC, 3/10/2011 2002701 4/5/2011 2009828 222992 4/29/2011 006146 TASER INTERNATIONAL, 3/11/2011 S11242812 222993 4/29/2011 008316 TELECOM TECHNOLOGIES INC, CD -FILE FOLDERS & LABELS 165.48 3,865.69 PD-OLF, WIPERS, SERPENTINE BEL 118.31 PD-OLF, BRAKE PADS, MOUNT TIRE 144.90 PD-OLF, BRAKE PADS, MOUNT TIRE 28.47 PD-OLF, RADIATOR, BRAKES 981.03 PD-OLF, ALTENATOR, BRAKES, OIL 1,270.19 PD -REMOVE BIKE RACK, NITCH 32.85 PD-OLF, POWER STEERING RACK 1,026.48 PD-OLF, FRICTION MODIFIER, GEA 263.46 200.00 PD -BOOT ALLOW. H CASTRO 200.00 2,946.24 IT -04/11 DATA CELLULAR 2,857.85 IT -04/11 DATA CELLULAR 88.39 181.95 CD -FEMA FIRE ACADEMY SPROUL 130.48 CD -2009 IRC STUDY COMPANION 51.47 24.05 DBC-KFT SOIL PIPE CUTTER 24.05 73.47 MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 73.47 11.14 PD -MEDICAL WASTE REMOVAL SERVI 11.14 135.00 CC -SCA NETWORKING DINNER FOR B 135.00 2,100.00 LAW -GUILD NEGOTIATION LEGAL SV 2,100.00 50.76 PWFLT-STARTER SOLENOID 50.76 126.21 PW -CLOTHING ALLOW. CARY ROE 126.21 35.12 OBC -LINEN SERVICE 17.85 DBC -LINEN SERVICE 17.27 844.97 SWM -CB LID REPLACEMENT; 2011 O 185.43 PKM-LAKE GROVE DRAINGUARD 252.21 DBC-KFT SEWER PIPE REPAIRS 407.33 236.47 MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 236.47 15,743.33 PD -REMOVE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT 361.99 PD -INSTALL LIGHT BAR, SIREN, P 3,564.20 PD -INSTALL LIGHT BAR, SIREN, P 3,564.20 PD -REMOVE VRM & RADIO 88.95 PD -INSTALL US LIGHTING PACKAGE 2,235.10 PD -REPAIR BATTERY BRAIN 188.11 PD -REMOVE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT 266.83 PD -DIAGNOSIS -DAMAGED SIREN 44.47 PD -RIFLE RELEASE BUTTON REPAIR 44.47 PD -REPAIR RADIO BRACKET 133.41 PD -R&R WHELEN 295 SIREN CONTRO 88.95 PD -INSTALL LIGHT BAR. SIREN, P 4,537.28 PD -REMOVE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT 400.24 PO-REPLC BATTERY 225.13 697.84 PD -02/11 BOX/RECORD STORAGE 323.94 PD -03/11 BOX RECORD STORAGE 373.90 72.16 PD-TASER BATTERIES 72.16 193.00 137 Bank of America Page 11 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 4/8/2011 S42763 IT -REPLACEMENT HEATSETS - 150.00 4/8/2011 S42763 IT -TRAVEL KIT FOR 510S 34.00 4/8/2011 S42763 Freight 9.00 222994 4/29/2011 003088 THE PART WORKS INC, 269.75 3/16/2011 305609 PKM-LIQUID SOAP CELEBRATION PA 269.75 222995 4/29/2011 009280 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRISES INC, 725.99 4/4/2011 4961 PKM-TREE SERVICE AG 11-003 725.99 222996 4/29/2011 007381 TOM MATSON DODGE, 323.03 3/4/2011 DOCS348226 PD -RESURFACE ROTORS 323.03 222997 4/2912011 003869 TOTAL RECLAIM INC, 3,723.70 4/14/2011 113559 SWR -ELECTRONICS RECYCLING; SPE 3,723.70 222998 4/29/2011 008902 TRI -CITY MEATS, 944.88 4/13/2011 243827 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 483.80 4/8/2011 243643 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 461.08 222999 4/29/2011 005549 TRINH, JAMES 200.00 4/12/2011 04/12/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 4/15/2011 04/15/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 223000 4/29/2011 002426 UNITED GROCERS CASH & CARRY, 1,922.03 4/15/2011 159009 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 54.12 4/15/2011 159279 PRCS-MARDI GRAS DANCE SUPPLIES 6.78 4/15/2011 159279 PRCS-MARDI GRAS DANCE SUPPLIES 113.31 4/14/2011 158714 OBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 208.61 4/16/2011 159398 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 332.60 4/19/2011 160299 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 86.74 3/31/2011 154999 PRCS-COOKING CLASS SUPPLIES 37.38 4/12/2011 158244 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 288.48 4/12/2011 158244 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 128.16 4/7/2011 156835 PRCS-COOKING CLASS SUPPLIES 15.90 417/2011 156836 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 242.24 4/9/2011 157426 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 93.05 4/9/2011 157605 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 78.86 4/13/2011 158473 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 94.82 4/13/2011 159961 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 140.98 223001 4/29/2011 003837 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, 48.09 4/9/2011 000OF6588VI51 PD -UPS DELIVERY SVC 48.09 223002 4/29/2011 005019 UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC, 149.79 4/12/2011 92915317-001 SWM -CONCRETE TRAILER,MIXER REN 55.01 4/18/2011 92999914-001 PWST-PROPANE 94.78 223003 4/29/2011 012792 US DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, 82.97 4/19/2011 ARRA 2009 INTEREST MO-ARRA 2009 INTEREST REFUND 82.97 223004 4/29/2011 007607 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTHORITY, 14,202.45 4/6/2011 APRIL 3, 2011 RM -TODD -RED LIGHT REIM DED 3/3 110.60 4/6/2011 APRIL 3, 2011 RM-PERALTA-REYES REIM OED 3/15 695.60 4/6/2011 APRIL 3, 2011 RM -YOUNG INQUEST REIM DED; 3/1 1,217.50 4/6/2011 APRIL 3, 2011 RM -YOUNG INQUEST REIM DED; 3/2 11,719.50 4/6/2011 APRIL 3, 2011 RM-BAERENWALD REIM DED; 3/2211 459.25 223005 4/29/2011 003528 WA STATE. CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 2,500.00 4/7/2011 2011-1075 PD -COMMAND COLLEGE, ARTUTHNOT 2.400.00 4/7/2011 2011-1095 PD -CRIME SCENE PHOTO TRNG KIM, 100.00 223006 4/29/2011 004258 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSING, 1,521.00 3/17/2011 MARCH 17, 2011 PO -03/17/11 REMIT CPL FEES 621.00 4/12/2011 APRIL 12, 2011 PD -04112/11 REMIT CPL FEE 900.00 223007 4/29/2011 003347 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATIO, 430.10 4/12/2011 RE-313-ATB10412049 PWST/SWM-ROAD MAINT OFF SYSTEM 129.03 4/12/2011 RE-313-ATB10412049 PWST/SWM-ROAD MAINT OFF SYSTEM 301 07 223008 4129/2011 003825 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATN, 10.269.10 4/12/2011 RE-313-ATB10412084 PWST-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION S 75.20 411212011 RE-313-AT610412034 PWST-S 320TH OFF RAMP AG 10-046 10,046.50 3/15/2011 RE-313-ATBI0315076 PWST-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION S 14740 223009 4/29/2011 000280 WA STATE EMPLOYMENT SECURITY, 84,385.16 4/9/2011 601 223 538 000 HR -1 ST QTR 2011 UI TAX 74,276.16 4/9/2011 601 223 538 000 HR -1ST QTR 2011 UI TAX 10,109.00 138 Bank of America Page 12 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 223010 4/29/2011 000340 WA STATE INFORMATION SERVICES, 2,303.85 1/31/2011 2011010159 IT -01/11 SCAN SERVICE 0.44 1/31/2011 2011010159 IT -01/11 SCAN SERVICE 0.50 1/31/2011 2011010159 IT -01/11 SCAN SERVICE 0.06 3/31/2011 2011030173 IT -03/11 SCAN SERVICE 1,013.25 3/31/2011 2011030173 IT -03/11 SCAN SERVICE 1,151.43 3/31/2011 2011030173 IT -03111 SCAN SERVICE 138.17 223011 4/29/2011 004752 WA STATE LABOR & INDUSTRIES, 272.89 4/26/2011 1ST QTR 2011 FI -1ST QTR 2011 L&I VOLUNTEER 2.59 4/26/2011 1ST QTR 2011 FIRST QTR 2011 L&I VOLUNTEER 2.07 4/26/2011 1 ST QTR 2011 FI -1ST QTR 2011 L&I VOLUNTEER 5.40 4/26/2011 1 ST QTR 2011 FI -1 ST QTR 2011 L&I VOLUNTEER 2.05 4/26/2011 1ST QTR 2011 FI -1ST QTR 2011 L&I VOLUNTEER 36.48 4/26/2011 1 ST QTR 2011 FI -1 ST QTR 2011 L&I VOLUNTEER 110.71 4/26/2011 1ST QTR 2011 FI -1 ST QTR 2011 L&I VOLUNTEER 5.25 4/26/2011 1ST QTR 2011 FI -1ST QTR 2011 L&I VOLUNTEER 16.20 4/26/2011 1ST QTR 2011 FI -1ST QTR 2011 L&I VOLUNTEER 44.99 4/26/2011 1ST QTR 2011 FI -1ST QTR 2011 L&I VOLUNTEER 37.69 4/26/2011 1 ST QTR 2011 FI -1 ST QTR 2011 L&1 VOLUNTEER 9.46 223012 4/29/2011 000851 WA STATE PATROL, 2,587.50 4/5/2011 111008163 PD -04/11 STATE PATROL CPL FEES 577.50 3/15/2011 00043569 IT/PD-1ST QTR 2011 WSP ACCESS 2,010.00 223013 4/29/2011 000851 WA STATE PATROL, 260.00 4/5/2011 111007795 HR -03/11 BCKGRND CHECKS 260.00 223014 4/29/2011 006876 WA STATE POLICE CANINE ASSOC, 180.00 4/13/2011 NOVAK 2011 REGISTER PD-WSPCA SMNR M. NOVAK 180.00 223015 4/29/2011 007106 WA WILDLIFE & RECREATION, 500.00 3/29/2011 03-29-11 PARKS -2011 WILDLIFE & REC COAL 500.00 223016 4/29/2011 012538 WA. DEPT OF CORRECTIONS, 1,755.00 3/31/2011 0311.7-11-KCWC-HQ PD -03/11 WORK CREW 1,755.00 223017 4/29/2011 006007 WALKER ACE HARDWARE, 13.98 3/26/2011 005715 DBC-KFT ROOF PATCH, CAULK GUN 13.98 223018 4/29/2011 000343 WASHDUP, LLC, 612.60 3/31/2011 90 PD -03/11 CAR WASH SERVICE 612.60 223019 4/29/2011 011373 WASHINGTON STATE ARTS, 100.00 4/12/2011 23 PRCS-CULTURAL CONGRESS REGISTE 100.00 223020 4/29/2011 012658 WATCH SYSTEMS LLC, 419.32 3/30/2011 13283 PD -SEX OFFENDER NOTIFICATION S 139.04 4/6/2011 13316 PD -SEX OFFENDER NOTIFICATION S 280.28 223021 4/29/2011 009995 WATER MANAGEMENT, 132.00 4/5/2011 100046 SWM -WATER QUALITY LAB SERVICES 132.00 223022 4/29/2011 000173 WEST PAYMENT CENTER, 1,822.75 4/1/2011 822534717 1T/LAW-03/11 WEST LAW SVC 1,725.36 4/1/2011 822592079 PD -03/11 AUTO TRACKXP SVCS 97.39 223023 4/29/2011 002087 WHITMAN GLOBAL CARPET CARE, 2,260.07 3/31/2011 45893 DBC-KFT WATER DAMAGE MITIGADO 2,260.07 223024 4/29/2011 005680 WILD WEST INTERNATIONAL LLC, 176.52 3/31/2011 6286 PD -03/11 GUN RANGE FEES 176.52 223025 4/29/2011 005805 WILLIAMS OIL FILTER SVC CO INC, 77.22 4/15/2011 963533 PWFLT-FILTERS 40.24 4/18/2011 963671 PWFLT-RETURN FILTER ELEMENT -7.44 4/18/2011 963676 PWFLT-FILTER ELEMENT 44.42 223026 4/29/2011 003380 WILSON, BRIAN 250.00 3/30/2011 WILSON 2011 PD -DC OFFICER MEMORIAL B WILSO 250.00 223027 4/29/2011 000119 WMCA-WA MUNICIPAL CLERKS ASSOC, 75.00 4/26/2011 MCNEILLY 2011 HRCK-2011 WMCA DUES MCNEILLY 75.00 223028 4/29/2011 012790 WRIGHT, MARVIN L 15927 4/6/2011 2010 WRIGHT MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 159.27 223029 4/29/2011 005545 YSI INCORPORATED, 661.45 4/13/2011 450532 SWM -WATER QUALITY CALIBRATION 661.45 223030 4/29/2011 012789 YUN,DUCKH 11.43 4/14/2011 2010 YUN MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATE 11.43 139 Bank of America Page 13 of 29 Check No, Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 223031 5/4/2011 000340 WA STATE INFORMATION SERVICES, 755.47 1/31/2011 2011010159 IT -01/11 SCAN SERVICE 332.41 1/31/2011 2011010159 IT -01/11 SCAN SERVICE 377.74 1/31/2011 2011010159 IT -01/11 SCAN SERVICE 45.32 223032 5/13/2011 000083 AARO INC DBA THE LOCK SHOP, 26.28 4/18/2011 74095 PWST-DUPLICATE KEYS 26.28 223033 5/13/2011 000332 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS INC, 125.00 4/28/2011 MMFWA00061300018 LAW -04/28/11 MESSENGER SRV CHR 62.50 4/28/2011 MMFWA00061300018 LAW -04128/11 MESSENGER SRV CHR 62.50 223034 5/13/2011 011322 ABELLA, C. ANGELO 100.00 4/26/2011 04/26/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 223035 5/13/2011 004895 ABOU-ZAKI, KAMAL 100.00 4/19/2011 04/19/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 223036 5/1312011 012631 AC POWER TECHNOLOGY INC, 3,198.00 5/2/2011 20110502 IT -PD UPS MAINTENANCE AGREEMEN 1,503.06 5/2/2011 20110502 IT -PD UPS MAINTENANCE AGREEMEN 1,694.94 223037 5/13/2011 001856 ACTION SERVICES CORPORATION, 4,232.55 4/30/2011 68810 PWST-04111 STREET SWEEPING SVC 4,232.55 223038 5/13/2011 000109 ACTIVE SECURITY CONTROL, 5.32 4/21/2011 14386 DBC -LOCKSMITH SERVICES 5.32 223039 5/13/2011 010807 ADAIR. MARIE 71 89 4/19/2011 2010 ADAIR MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATES 71.89 223040 5/13/2011 012621 ADVANCED PRO FITNESS REPAIR, 1,757.48 4/22/2011 04221101 EC FWCC-EXERCISE EQUIP REPAIR 1,100.48 4/22/2011 04221101EC FWCC-EXERCISE EQUIP REPAIR 657.00 223041 5/13/2011 000568 AGRI SHOP INC, 193.59 4/20/2011 15397/1 SWM -20 BAR & COMBO WRENCH 97.99 5/3/2011 1562311 SWM -SPIKED BUMPER 10.69 412a/201 1. 15554/1 SWM -REPAIR STIHL TRIMMER 51.25 4/14/2011 15290/1 SWM -POLE SAW 33.66 223042 5/13/2011 000475 ALARM CENTERS/CUSTOM SECURITY, 75.00 4/20/2011 750451 PKM-05/11-07/11 MONITOR FEES C 75.00 223043 5/13/2011 012482 ALLPLAY SYSTEMS LLC, 4,620.90 4/14/2011 12011-12 PKM-LK GROVE WOOD CHIPS FENCIN 246.37 4/14/2011 12011-12 PKM-LK GROVE WOOD CHIPS FENCIN 273.75 4/14/2011 12011-12 PKM-LK GROVE WOOD CHIPS 4,100.78 223044 5/13/2011 001285 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 114.38 412112011 TM -115046 PWST-MARKING PAINT 114.38 223045 5/13/2011 001012 AUSTOWING, 19382 4/29/2011 71063 PD -VEHICLE TOW CASE 11-5328 193.82 223046 5/13/2011 009842 AMERICA WEST, 5,511.26 2/24/2011 9311 PWST-UREA CALCIUM CHLORIDE W/B 5,511.26 223047 5/13/2011 001746 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOC, 1,419.00 5/6/2011 96093 PW -2011 APWA RENEWAL- 387.00 5/6/2011 96093 PW -2011 APWA RENEWAL- 516.00 5/6/2011 96093 PW -2011 APWA RENEWAL- 516.00 223048 5/1312011 011148 AMERICAN TRAFFIC SOLUTIONS INC, 54,706.50 4/30/2011 INV00006004 MC -04/11 RED LIGHT PHOTO 54,706.50 223049 5/13/2011 010530 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES, 67A8 5/3/2011 655-5530304 DBC -LINEN SERVICE 11.12 4/26/2011 655-5518179 DBC -LINEN SERVICE 56.06 223050 5/13/2011 011912 ATLANTIC SIGNAL LLC, 56.48 3/9/2011 8581 PD -BATTERY COVER 56.48 223051 5/13/2011 011555 AVEDISYAN, RUBEN 100.00 3/22/2011 03/22/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 223052 5/13/2011 001790 BAR GREEN ELLINGSON INC, 896.41 4/4/2011 001182928 SWR -RECYCLING CONTAINER LIDS- 344.53 4(7/2011 001182938 SWR -RECYCLING CONTAINERS 551.86 223053 5/13/2011 006119 BASELINE ENGINERRING,INC.. 1,600.00 4/15/2011 12938 SWM -ON CALL SURVEYING AG10-082 1,600.00 223054 5/13/2011 004375 BAUDVILLE INC, 97.94 4/7/2011 2241244 140 PD -VOLUNTEER LAPEL PINS 97.94 Bank of America Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description 223055 5/13/2011 010185 BIRD, FERESIKA S 4!19/2011 04/19/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 223056 5/13/2011 001630 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO INC, 4/22/2011 863038-01 PD -BOOT ALLOW. SHUPP 2/18/2011 858125 PD -UNIFORM PANTS - T DAVIS 4/8/2011 872182 PD -UNIFORM SHIRT- MCCALL 223057 5/13/2011 011289 BOWMAN, JASON 5/5/2011 APRIL 2011 FWCC-04/11 PERSONAL TRAINER SV 223058 5/13/2011 006680 BOYLE, SHARON 5/6/2011 BOYLE 2011 PRCS-"GREASE" LICENSE AGREEME 223059 5/13/2011 010766 BRANCO, CHAD 5/3/2011 BRANCO 2011 PD-SUNGLASS ALLOW. BRANCO 223060 5/13/2011 004919 BRATWEAR, 4/15/2011 319151 PD -REPLACE UNIFORM - SANDERS 223061 5/13/2011 012371 CASCADE ENGINEERING SERVICES, 411 212 01 1 MS -11041202667 PD -RADAR REPAIR SVC 223062 5/13/2011 005672 CASTRO, HEATHER 4/27/2011 CASTRO 2011 PO -EXPLORER COMPETITION - CAST 223063 5/13/2011 004359 CENTURY SQUARE SELF -STORAGE, 4/21/2011 11259 SWR-EO08 05111-10/11 STORAGE U 223064 5/13/2011 012576 CHOICE GRAPHIC SUPPLY INC, 4127/2011 26773 IT -GIS C9468A #91 MAGENTA CART 4/27/2011 26773 IT -GIS C9471A #91 LIGHT MAGENT 4/27/2011 26773 IT -GIS C9465A #91 PHOTO BLACK 4/27/2011 26773 IT -GIS C9469A #91 YELLOW CARTR 4/27/2011 26773 IT -GIS C9470A #91 LIGHT CYAN C 4/27/2011 26773 IT -GIS C9466A #91 LIGHT GRAY C 223065 5/13/2011 012378 CHUCK'S DRUG, 4/30/2011 APRIL 30, 2011 PD -PRISONER MED TREAT CHUCKS D 223066 5/13/2011 009643 CIPALLA COMMUNICATIONS INC, 412912011 FW -11-0004 DBC -04/11 MARKETING CONSULTING 223067 5/13/2011 007443 CITIES INSURANCE ASSO OF WA, 4/28/2011 7263 RM-MALLINGER OED; RM -PD; RSK# 223068 5/13/2011 000951 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 4/20/2011 AG10-109 #10 PWST-PAC HWY S HOV PH IV AG 10- 223069 5/13/2011 010360 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/2/2011 CK #1180 CD-WABO CONF. L BAILEY 5/2/2011 CK #1180 CD-WABO CONF. L BAILEY 5/2/2011 CK #1180 CD-WABO CONF. L BAILEY 5/4/2011 CK #1179 PD -UNIX SYSTEMS TRNG OVERLEASE 5/4/2011 CK #1179 PD -UNIX SYSTEMS TRNG OVERLEASE 5/10/2011 CK #1181 LAW -LABOR RELATIONS TRNG PEARS 5/10/2011 CK #1181 LAW -LABOR RELATIONS TRNG PEARS 223070 5/13/2011 005817 CITY OF FIFE, 4/11/2011 0006217 PD -03111 FIFE PRISONER LODGING 223071 5/13/2011 007779 CITY OF TUKWILA, 5/12/2011 2011 EDEN CONFERENCE FI -2011 EDEN CONF. KRAUS, HORT 223072 5/13/2011 003564 CLARY, JOHN 4/25/2011 CLARY 2011 PD -SPOTTING SCOPE FOR SNIPER T 223073 5/13/2011 003752 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 4/1/2011 T2298497 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 223074 5/13/2011 012842 COCHRAN, PAULA D 4122/2011 2010 COCHRAN MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATES 223075 5/13/2011 001969 CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY INC. 5/2/2011 37955 HRCK-CODE PUB. ORD 681-687 5/3/2011 37967 HRCK-2011 CODE WEB HOSTING 223076 5/13/2011 007591 COMMERCIAL SPACE ONLINE INC, 4/1/2011 75168 CDED-04111 PROPERTY DATABASE S 223077 5/13/2011 008445 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 4/19/2011 INV512705 IT -04/11 IRC7055 COPIER/FAX MA 4/19/2011 INV512706 IT -04/11 IRC5030 COPIER/FAX MA 4/25/2011 INV515114 IT -04/11 IR1025N COPIER/FAX MA 141 Page 14 of 29 Amount Check Total 100.00 100.00 148.22 65.65 45.39 37.18 2,812.00 2,812.00 110.00 110.00 125.00 125.00 668.92 668.92 313.93 313.93 110.00 110.00 900.00 900.00 1,635-93 272.65 272.66 272.66 272.65 272.65 272.66 59.90 59.90 8,386.39 8,386.39 2,895.30 2,895.30 33,153.24 33,153.24 1,337.88 70.00 244.86 143.34 200.00 468.72 60.00 150.96 23,296 66 23,296.66 225.00 225.00 30434 304.34 272.26 272.26 44.14 44.14 1,58611 1,202.86 383.25 100.00 100.00 699.26 388.10 164.27 66.30 Bank of America Page 15 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 4/26/2011 INV515585 IT -04/11 IR10251F COPIER/FAX M 80.59 223078 5/13/2011 000771 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, 1,976.53 4/26/2011 APRIL 2011 PD -BATTERIES, WIPES, CORK BOAR 350.71 4/26/2011 APRIL 2011 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES - COSTCO 474.17 4/26/2011 APRIL 2011 PW-BLUETOOTH MULKEY, ROBERTS, 262.76 4/26/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-EARTH DAY VOLUNTEER SNACK 221.40 4/26/2011 APRIL 2011 FWCC-KID ESCAPE PIZZA 87,16 4/26/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS/FWCC-XBOX - TEEN CAMP 106.75 4/26/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS/FWCC-XBOX - TEEN CAMP 106.75 4/26/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS/FWCC-XBOX - TEEN CAMP 366.83 223079 5/13/2011 009696 CRESTWOOD ANIMAL HOSPITAL, 90.50 4/30/2011 18151 PD -K9 ROSCOE MEDICAL TREATMENT 90.50 223080 5/13/2011 010015 CUTHBERT, GAIL 2,509.10 5/5/2011 APRIL 2011 FWCC-04/11 PERSONAL TRNG SVCS 2,509.10 223081 5/13/2011 009505 D & L SUPPLY AND MFG., INC, 469.91 4/6/2011 266789 PKM-BASIN FAUCET 335.49 4/12/2011 266894 PKM-STLK SINK VACUUM BREAKER K 134.42 223082 5/13/2011 000854 D J TROPHY, 270-22 4/5/2011 231400 PD -RETIREMENT PLAQUE D DEYO 121.11 4/27/2011 231525 PD -ENGRAVING CHG ON JOURNALS 18.62 4/29/2011 231541 PD -RETIREMENT PLAQUE K CROUCH 130.49 223083 5/13/2011 011297 DASH MEDICAL GLOVES, 324.50 4/13/2011 INV565092 PD -EXAM GLOVES 324.50 223084 5/13/2011 004606 DATEC INCORPORATED, 1,363.86 4/18/2011 28565 PD -PD QUAD BATTERY CHARGER ZE 437.95 4/18/2011 28565 PD -PD SPARE BATTERIES FOR ZEB 325.23 4/18/2011 28565 PD -PD L-TRON 2D BARCADE READER 377.78 4/30/2011 28607 PO -ZEBRA PAPER 222.90 223085 5/13/2011 009275 DAVIDOV, JULIA 100.00 4/26/2011 04/26/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 223086 5/13/2011 004461 DESTINATION HARLEY-DAVIDSON, 2,691.79 3/26/2011 96195504 PO-ADJ. CLUTCH, BRAKE LEVER, K 78.70 3/1/2011 96191102 PD -STATOR SEAL, BRAKES. CLUTCH 1,226.53 3/15/2011 96193103 PD-OLF, BRAKES, TIRE, MAINT/RE 710.51 3/15/2011 96193103 PD-OLF, BRAKES, TIRE, MAINT/RE 676.05 223087 5/13/2011 005922 DEX MEDIA WEST, 225.60 4/23/2011 650474119 DBC -04/11 DIRECTORY ADS 225.60 223088 5/13/2011 008805 DI PIETRO, ELEANOR 173.03 4/22/2011 2010 DI PIETRO MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATES 173.03 223089 5/13/2011 005341 DODD, ESCOLASTICA ROSA 200.00 4/26/2011 04/26/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 4/19/2011 04/19/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 223090 5/13/2011 007277 DOOLEY ENTERPRISES INC, 1,155.00 4/13/2011 46161 PD -AMMUNITION 1,155.00 223091 5/13/2011 000939 DS WATERS OF AMERICA, LP, 13.14 4/1/2011 5236041040111 PKM-HOT/COLD COOLER RENTAL 13.14 223092 5/13/2011 000570 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (DBA), 477.01 4/21/2011 1080460 PWFLT-TRANSMISSION REPAIRS 180.99 4/23/2011 1080486 PWFLT-OLF 49.77 4/23/2011 1080487 PWFLT-OLF 49.77 4/23/2011 1080493 PWFLT-OLF 53.05 4/23/2011 1080501 PWFLT-OLF, LIGHT BULBS 110.57 4/27/2011 1080551 PD -REPAIR FLAT 16.43 4/12/2011 1080313 PWFLT-FLAT REPAIR 16.43 223093 5/13/2011 010030 ECOLAB INC, 202.53 4/24/2011 5347433 DBC -05/11 DISHWASHER RENTAL 202.53 223094 5/13/2011 004444 ECOLIGHTS NORTHWEST, 350.00 4/20/2011 53696 SWR -FLORESCENT BULB RECYCLING 350.00 223095 5/13/2011 009021 EDWARDS. NOLAND A 100.00 4/19/2011 04/19/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 223096 5/13/2011 008110 EFFICIENCY INC, 1,78913 5/2/2011 50120114 IT -MC FTR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE A 1,789.23 142 Bank of America Page 16 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 223097 5/13/2011 007919 EMPIRE FACILITY SERVICES INC, 995.63 12/3012010 15508 PKM-TEAR DOWN OF CUBICLES 995.63 223098 5/13/2011 012831 ENGLAND, BONNIE 500.00 5/4/2011 921084 PRCS-DAMAGE DEPOSIT REFUND 500.00 223099 5/13/2011 001046 EQUIFAX CREDIT INFORMATION SVC, 20.00 4/18/2011 6243953 PD -04/11 CREDIT REPORTS 20.00 223100 5/13/2011 000328 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 23,418.91 4/30/2011 0354904 PWFLT-04/16111-04/30/11 VEHICL 7,057.49 4/30/2011 0354905 PD -04/16/11-04/30/11 VEHICLE F 15,376.75 4/30/2011 0354905 PD -04/16/11-04/30/11 VEHICLE F 984.67 223101 5/13/2011 011726 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS, INC, 1,065.30 4/11/2011 3061452 PKM-CP FIELD CONDITIONER 1,008.01 4/14/2011 3081021 PKM-AGRI-FORM TABS 57.29 223102 5/13/2011 000217 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION, 22.52 4/22/2011 7-471-29729 MO/SWM-FED. EXPRESS DELIVERY 6.26 4/22/2011 7-471-29729 MO/SWM-FED. EXPRESS DELIVERY 16.26 223103 5/13/2011 012834 FEDERAL WAY COMMUNITY GARDENS, 2,487.07 5/10/2011 MAY 2011 MO -COMMUNITY GARDENS AG11-078- 2,487.07 223104 5/13/2011 004690 FEDERAL WAY NUTRITION SERVICES, 123.20 4/30/2011 3261 PD -04111 OFFICER LUNCHES 123.20 223105 5/13/2011 001893 FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTRICT, 7,664.16 5/3/2011 SIF -APRIL 2011 FI -APR 2011 SCHL IMPACT FEE & 7,664.00 5/3/2011 SIF -APRIL 2011 FI -APR 2011 SCHL IMPACT FEE & 0.16 223106 5/13/2011 012626 FERGUSON, ERIC W 1,440.00 4/21/2011 006 MO -04/11 CONFLICT PUBLIC DEFEN 1,440.00 223107 5/13/2011 012836 FIRE ONE INC, 896.16 5/6/2011 11-101742/44 REFUND CD -11-101742/44 OVER CHARGED 896.16 223108 5/13/2011 003066 FIRESTONE TIRE & SERVICE INC, 88.60 1/5/2011 92005 PD -NEW TIRE 88.60 223109 5/13/2011 012733 FLEET SERVICES, 19.39 4/30/2011 25921191 PD -VEHICLE FUEL 19.39 223110 5/13/2011 004366 FLOYD EQUIPMENT COMPANY DBA, 396.97 4/25/2011 72909 SWM-FLATBAR FOR OVERLAY- . 141.51 4/25/2011 72909 SWM -ROUND BARS FOR MAINT 255.46 223111 5/13/2011 008860 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICA, 2,220.23 5/4/2011 3018166 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 861.19 4/28/2011 3004509 OBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 1,359.04 223112 5/13/2011 011143 FRAINE, LEAH 466.98 5/6/2011 FRAINE 2011 PRCS- DISPLAY/COSTUME ITEMS RE 12.31 5/6/2011 FRAINE 2011 PRCS- DISPLAY/COSTUME ITEMS RE 105.12 5/6/2011 FRAINE 2011 PRCS- DISPLAY/COSTUME ITEMS RE 21.86 5/6/2011 FRAINE 2011 PRCS- DISPLAY/COSTUME ITEMS RE 72.19 5/6/2011 FRAINE 2011 PRCS- DISPLAY/COSTUME ITEMS RE 255.50 223113 5/13/2011 004578 GENE'S TOWING INC, 193.82 4/17/2011 376981 PD -VEHICLE TOW CASE 11-04773 193.82 223114 5/13/2011 011681 GINA M. DUNCAN LAW OFFICE PLLC. 1,250.00 4/25/2011 FW -1037 MO -04/11 PUBLIC DEFENDER SVC A 250.00 4/27/2011 FW -1038 MO -04111 PUBLIC DEFENDER SVC A 125.00 5/3/2011 FW -1039 MO -05/11 PUBLIC DEFENDER SVC A 250.00 5/3/2011 FW -1040 MO -05/11 PUBLIC DEFENDER SVC A 125.00 5/3/2011 FW -1041 MO -05/11 PUBLIC DEFENDER SVC A 500.00 223115 5/13/2011 010940 GOODYEAR WHOLESALE TIRE CNTR, 698.66 4/5/2011 , 156485 PD -NEW TIRES DELIVERED TO SPAR 222.07 3/30/2011 156238 PD -NEW TIRES DELIVERED TO SPAR 222.07 4/12/2011 156771 PD -NEW TIRES DELIVERED TO SPAR 25452 223116 5/13/2011 004824 GOS PRINTING CORPORATION, 611.69 4/20/2011 76289 PD -DANGEROUS DOG NOTICES 50.37 4/25/2011 76309 PD-LIDAR SMO TICKET FORMS 55.42 4/15/2011 76231 PD -STOLEN VEHICLE REPORTS 505.90 223117 5/13/2011 002547 GRAINGER INC, 225.30 4/4/2011 9502806301 CHB -CONVEX MIRRORS FOR COURT 225.30 223118 5/13/2011 012830 GUNN. JAMES 143 8.00 Bank of America Page 17 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 5/4/2011 921083 PRCS-ADULT DAY PASS REFUND 1 8.00 223119 5/13/2011 011994 HAINES, PHYLLIS 78.59 4/22/2011 2010 HAINES M0-2010 UTILITY TAX REBATES 78.59 223120 5/13/2011 012730 HAINLINE & ASSOCIATES INC, 962.50 4/26/2011 8188 PWST-04111 ON CALL SCHEDULE RE 962.50 223121 5/13/2011 003841 HEAD -QUARTERS PTS, 1,051.50 4/29/2011 24046 DBC-SANICAN SERVICES 69.75 4/28/2011 23967 PKM-PORTABLE TOILET SVCS AG06- 981.75 223122 5/13/2011 001129 HOGENSON, JACK 4,400.00 4/12/2011 1486 PKM-HIGHLANDS PLAYGRND BORDER 4,400.00 223123 5/13/2011 002477 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32-2500780030, 533.55 4128/2011 APRIL 2011 PKM-SAG H2O HEATER 319.67 4/28/2011 APRIL 2011 PKM-RETURN REDUCER -45.95 4/28/2011 APRIL 2011 PKM-SAG EXPANSION TANK SUPPLIE 42.67 4/28/2011 APRIL 2011 PWfR-TRAFFIC COUNTER HOSE NAIL 14.21 4/28/2011 APRIL 2011 PKM-WEST CAMPUS FLAG REPAIRS 3.16 4/28/2011 APRIL 2011 DBC -BATTERIES 12.69 4/28/2011 APRIL 2011 SWM-REPLC STOLEN ELECT. CORD 76.62 4/28/2011 APRIL 2011 PKM-STAKES FOR TEMP. FENCE 19.64 4/28/2011 APRIL 2011 PWST-METAL HANGERS FOR BASKETS 90.84 223124 5/13/2011 012828 HONGIM, LEE 110.00 4/22/2011 0991100017052 MC -RED LIGHT PHOTO REFUND 110.00 223125 5/13/2011 003560 HUNTERS TREE SERVICE, 547.50 4/14/2011 2736 SWM -TREE REMOVAL 18TH PLACE S. 547.50 223126 5/13/2011 007109 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS, 1,025.00 4/24/2011 11-65 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 1,025.00 223127 5/13/2011 010737 INTERWEST DEVELOPMENT NW INC, 964.03 3/24/2011 76162 PKM-CEDAR GROVE COMPOST 964.03 223128 5/13/2011 003211 IRON MOUNTAIN/SAFESITE INC, 2,629.44 4/30/2011 DMD4995 HRCK-04111 RECORDS STORAGE AG9 2,629.44 223129 5/13/2011 009079 J AND Y INVESTMENT LLC, 310.00 5/2/2011 MAY 2011 IT -05/11 WIFI SITE LEASE AG05- 310.00 223130 5/13/2011 012345 J.R. HAYES & SONS, INC., 633,645.10 4/20/2011 AG10-109 #10 PWST-PAC HWY S HOV PH IV AG10- 666,798.34 4/20/2011 AG10-109 #10 PWST-PAC HWY S HOV PH IV AG10- -33,153.24 223131 5/13/2011 010605 JACOBSON, ELIZABETH 132.00 5/3/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-BALLROOM DANCE CLASSES- 132.00 223132 5/13/2011 010814 JENSEN, KAREN 100.50 4/21/2011 2010 JENSEN MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATES 100.50 223133 5/13/2011 012839 JEONG, JEONG JIN 2A1 4/22/2011 2010 JEONG MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATES 2.41 223134 5/13/2011 000799 JET CHEVROLET, 24879 4/29/2011 317735-1 PWFLT-BELT KIT 206.09 3114/2011 CVCS141780 PD -RESEAL DIVERTOR SEAL 42.70 223135 5/13/2011 005656 JIM'S DETAIL SHOP, 164.26 4/27/2011 13550F PD -COMPLETE DETAIL WASH 82.13 4/27/2011 13551F PD -COMPLETE DETAIL WASH 82.13 223136 5/13/2011 012611 JOHN'S CLEANING SERVICES INC, 927.19 4/30/2011 500 PD -04/11 DRY CLEANING SVC AG11 927.19 223137 5/13/2011 005113 JUDICIAL CONFERENCE, 290.00 5/1112011 LARSON REGISTER MC-DMCJA CONF. D LARSON 145.00 5/12/2011 ROBERTSON REGISTER MC-DMCJA CONE. R ROBERTSON 145.00 223138 5/13/2011 011472 KARIUKI, PAUL 100.00 4119/2011 04/19/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 223139 5/13/2011 003309 KCDA PURCHASING COOPERATIVE, 56,699.28 3/21/2011 3468219 PKM-PURCHASE PLAYGROUND STRUCT 42,212.43 3/21/2011 3468219 PKM-INSTALLATION OF PLAYGROUND 13,227.60 3/21/2011 3468219 Freight 1,259.25 223140 5/13/2011 011736 KIM, CHUL JOON 200.00 4/26/2011 04/26/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 4/29/2011 04/29/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 223141 5/13/2011 012840 KIM, SOON SIL 1961 144 Bank of America Check No, Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice 4/22/2011 2010 KIM 223142 5/13/2011 012838 KIM, YO IN 4/18/2011 2010 KIM 223143 5/13/2011 001259 KING COUNTY CRIME VICTIMS FUND, 5/11/2011 APRIL 2011 223144 5/13/2011 000125 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION, 4/21/2011 1611450 4/21/2011 1611450 4/21/2011 1611450 4/21/2011 1611450 223145 5/13/2011 003898 KING COUNTY RADIO, 4/19/2011 5024 223146 5/13/2011 003137 KING COUNTY TREASURY DIVISION, 2/22/2011 0482-2921049006-03 223147 5/1312011 011283 KNIGHT, CHRISTOPHER 5/5/2011 APRIL 2011 223148 5/13/2011 007278 KRUSEY, K.C. (CASEY) 4/27/2011 KRUSEY 2011 223149 5/13/2011 000096 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT, 4/20/2011 2315204 4/20/2011 2315204 4/20/2011 2322804 4/20/2011 2327404 223150 5/13/2011 011908 LARSEN SIGN CO., 4/19/2011 12739 4/15/2011 12726 223151 5/13/2011 011895 LEE, BRUCE 5/6/2011 LEE 2011 223152 5/13/2011 004052 LEEO, 4/25/2011 04251106 223153 5/13/2011 003157 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF WA INC, 4/25/2011 467123 223154 5/13/2011 000630 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 4/13/2011 149504 4/12/2011 149528 4/12/2011 149529 223155 5/13/2011 005339 LOWE'S HIW INC, 4/25/2011 02157 4/20/2011 02593 4/21/2011 01748 4/21/2011 01764 5/3/2011 02232 4/26/2011 19225 223156 5/13/2011 700156 MACDONALD MILLER SERVICE INC, 5/6/2011 SVC014602 223157 5/13/2011 001004 MAILMEDIA DBA IMMEDIA, 4/15/2011 61241 PA 223158 5/13/2011 009433 MAKSIMOV, YURI 4119/2011 04/19/11 223159 5/13/2011 004182 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 4/20/2011 174170 4/28/2011 174210 223160 5/13/2011 006008 MCLOUGHLIN & EARDLEY CORP, 4/14/2011 0122262 -IN 223161 5/1312011 005176 MERINO STRAWE, BETTY 4/19/2011 04/19/11 4/26/2011 04/26/11 223162 5/13/2011 012823 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 4/20/2011 208819 4/25/2011 208878 4/25/2011 208924 3/29/2011 208477 Description MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATES MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATES FI -04/11 REMIT CRIME VICTIM FE IT -05111 NET SVCS IT -05/11 NET SVCS IT -05/11 NET SVCS IT -05/11 NET SVCS IT -PD RADIO MAINT/REPAIR PKM-UTILITY LID ASSESSMENT FOR FWCC-04/11 PERSONAL TRNG SVCS PD -EXPLORER COMPETITION - KRUS CDED-12/10-02/11 2315204 31510 COED -12110-02/11 2315204 31510 CDED-12/10-02/11 31510 20TH AV CDED-12/10-02/11 31510 20TH AV PD -REMOVE ROOF NUMBERS PD -REMOVE ROOF NUMBERS PRCS-2011 CULTURAL CONGRESS AR PD -HOLSTERS PWFLT-TIRE REPAIR PKM-DUMP GREENS MIX - RETAIL PKM-MEDIUM BARK FOR CP PKM-MEDIUM BARK FOR SAG. PKM-LAKE GROVE PARK REPAIRS PKM-CHAIN POSTS FOR AMC SITE PKM-OBC KFT STAGE WALL REPAIR PKM-AXE, ANGLE WOOSTER, STRAW PKM-FENCE REPAIR MATERIAL SWM -FLOOD LIGHT CHB -REPLACE VELOCITY PROBE & S PRCS-SPRING 2011 ARTS COMM. LE MC -INTERPRETER SVC PKM-04111 PARKING LOT CLEANING PKM-04/11 AMC LOT CLEANING AGO PD-SIREN/CONTROL CENTER MC -INTERPRETER SVC MC -INTERPRETER SVC SWM -ASPHALT MIX PWST-ASPHALT MIX SWM -ASPHALT MIX CAMPUS CB REBU SWM -ASPHALT MIX 145 Page 18 of 29 Amount Check Total 19.61 26.38 26.38 2,002.54 2,002.54 1.048.00 419.20 104.80 262.00 262.00 8,040.50 8,040.50 26,521.72 26,521.72 146.25 146.25 110.00 110.00 284.58 148.25 30.70 82.03 23.60 393.48 196.74 196.74 350.00 350.00 128.86 128.86 37.61 37.61 2,786.78 832.20 977.29 977.29 448.87 170.06 86.82 6423 51.54 43.39 32.83 652.52 652.52 888.25 888.25 100.00 100.00 2,233.41 691.51 1,541.90 377.35 377.35 212.50 112.50 100.00 2,682.53 133.78 1,670.81 437.20 262.36 Bank of America Page 19 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 4/12/2011 208671 SWM -ASPHALT MIX CAMPUS CD LID 178.38 223163 5/13/2011 008029 MONTES DE OCA RICKS, MARIA 100.00 4/18/2011 04/18/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 223164 5/13/2011 012408 MT VIEW LOCATING SERVICES LLC, 240.00 4/19/2011 11572 PKM-LOCATING SERVICES 240.00 223165 5/13/2011 000955 MUTUAL MATERIALS COMPANY, 63.43 4/11/2011 746749 SWM -OVERLAY MORTAR, CEMENT 63.43 223166 5/13/2011 008904 NAZARCO, TATIANA 80.58 5/5/2011 04/12/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC MILEAGE DUE 80.58 223167 5/13/2011 000043 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE COMPANY, 688.46 5/5/2011 254900 PKM-RELFECTIVE TAPE, WIRE BRU 19.89 5/5/2011 254903 PKM-WIRE BRUSH 5.32 5/3/2011 254823 PKM-STUDS AND PAINT 16.20 5/2/2011 254794 PKM-BEACH HOUSE SUPPLIES 25.57 4/26/2011 254621 SWM -HOSE TOTE REEL 29.55 4/26/2011 254622 PKM-LK GROVE PARK - CONCRETE P 52.97 4127!2011 254664 PKM-SCREWS/BOLTS LK GROVE TABL 37.05 4/27/2011 254667 PKM-CHAIN FOR AMC SITE 265.02 4/28/2011 254689 PKM-AIR DUSTER, EXPDXY ADHESIV 34.47 4/28/2011 254695 PKM-COBALT DRILL BITS 59.09 4129/2011 254707 PKM-TAPE, GLOVES, HOSE PARTS 13.37 4/29/2011 254708 PKM-SHOP TOWELS, DRILL BITS 17.21 4/29/2011 254709 PKM-DRILL BITS 23.63 4/29/2011 254710 PKM-CONCRETE FORM BOARDS 12.80 4/29/2011 254729 PKM-WOOD SHIMS, SCREWS/BOLTS 10.67 4/25/2011 254611 PKM-POST HOLE DIGGER & POST CA 65.65 223168 5/13/2011 001391 NORTH COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY, 21572 4119/2011 S3931040.001 PKM-POLICE REPEATER INSTALLATI 34.80 12/17/2010 S3742651.001 CD -DRILL KIT 180.92 223169 5/13/2011 005493 NORTHWEST EMBROIDERY INC, 43.72 5/3/2011 67371 PD -UNIFORM SHIRT - TOLEFSEN SH 43.72 223170 5/13/2011 003736 NORTHWEST TOWING INC, 4,858.51 2/1/2011 404489 PD -TOW STORAGE CASE 10-16829 2,544.23 2/1/2011 404556 PD -TOW STORAGE CASE 10-16829 2,314.28 223171 5/13/2011 012754 OCSI TRAINING, 170.00 5/2/2011 WALKER REGISTER PD -ASIAN GANGS TRNG C WALKER 85.00 512/2011 KIM REGISTER PD -ASIAN GANGS TRNG R KIM 85.00 223172 5/13/2011 009920 OSAKA GARDEN SERVICE, 18,475.17 5/1/2011 28005 PWST-04/11 ROW LANDSCAPE MAINT 18,475.17 223173 5/13/2011 005741 OUTCOMES BY LEVY, 4,583.57 413012011 APRIL 2011 MO -04/11 LEGISLATIVE LOBBY AGI 4,583.57 223174 5/13/2011 004644 PACIFIC PLANTS INC, 4,878.23 4/14/2011 65059 PKM-WEDGEWOOD PLANTING 4,878.23 223175 5/13/2011 001814 PARAMETRIX INC, 117,211.30 4/20/2011 16-62136 PWST-HOV PH IV CONSTRUCTION MG 117,211.30 223176 5/13/2011 000885 PARKER PAINT MANUFACTURING CO, 9111 4/28/2011 022008133 CD-GRAFFITTI CLEANUP PAINT SUP 91.11 223177 5/13/2011 003212 PEARSON, BRIAN 105.00 515/2011 PEARSON 2011 IT -OFFSITE SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX 105.00 223178 5/13/2011 012510 PETTY CASH - FI, 771.65 5/10/2011 FI -05110111 ASHS-HUD TRNG MCCLEAVE 28.00 5/1012011 FI -05/10/11 FI -EDEN USER GROUP PETTIE 18.33 5/1012011 FI -05/10/11 FI-PSFOA MEETING PETTIE 25.00 511012011 FI -05/10/11 FI-PSFOR MEETING PETTIE 15.86 5/10/2011 FI -05110/11 PW -PESTICIDE TRAINING FILMORE 45.00 5/10/2011 FI -05/10/11 SWM -DE -CHLORINATOR FOR SALMON 11.00 5/10/2011 FI -05110111 PW -KC OFFICE VISIT 6.00 5/10/2011 FI -05/10/11 PRCS-4X1 GAL WHITE VINEGAR 13.16 5/1012011 FI -05/10111 SWM -AQUA CHEMICALS/TANK 12.79 5/10/2011 FI -05/10/11 ASHS-CDBG MTG MCCLEAVE 22.00 5/1012011 FI -05110/11 PRCS-CLOTHING ALLOW. HIGGINS 86.86 511012011 FI -05/10/11 CC -COUNCIL MTG DINNER 33.94 146 Bank of America Page 20 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 5/10/2011 FI -05110111 CD-WABO TRAINING SPROUL 40.17 5/10/2011 FI -05/10/11 FI -LIC FOR MOTORCYCLES 34.25 5/10/2011 FI -05/10/11 FI -REG & LIC FOR MOTORCYCLES 68.50 5/10/2011 FI -05/10111 PW -PSP MEETING K MILLER 4.50 5/10/2011 FI -05110/11 CD -2011 WABO EDUCATION INSTITU 26.30 5/10/2011 FI -05/10/11 ASHA-HUD TRNG LINDQUIST 15.00 5/10/2011 FI -05/10111 ASHA-HUD TRNG LINDQUIST 9.11 5/10/2011 FI -05/10/11 SWM -AIR PUMP -SALMON RELO 20.25 5/10/2011 FI -05110111 SWM -PAPER TOWELS SALMON RELEAS 4.14 5/10/2011 FI -05/10/11 CD -BOOK TABS- NCC 18.07 5/10/2011 FI -05/10/11 SWM -POSTAGE CONTRACT TO VENDOR 1.73 5/10/2011 FW5/10111 LAW -PARKING MULL ARBITRATION 14.00 5/10/2011 FI -05110/11 CD -RECORDING @ KING CO D BARKE 9.00 5/10/2011 FI -05/10/11 CO -RECORDING @ KING CO D BARKE 3.25 5/1012011 FI -05/10/11 CC -KC FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT P 28.05 5/10/2011 FI -05/10/11 CC -ENTERPRISE SEATTLE MO. MTG 21.62 5/1012011 FI -05/10/11 SWM -TARGET SETTING TRNG SMITH 11.73 5/10/2011 FI -05110/11 PW -COOKIES LUTC MEETING 2.50 5/1012011 FI -05/10111 PRCS-BODY WASH FOR SHOWERS 57.56 5/10/2011 FI -05/10/11 CD -PARKING -RECORDING @ KC 8.00 5/10/2011 FI -05/10111 CD -SUSTAINABLE CITIES ROUNDTAB 12.00 5/1012011 FI -05/10/11 CD-BIKE/PED ADVISORY COMMITTEE 43.98 223179 5/13/2011 001166 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 216.50 5/5/2011 FWCC-05/05111 PRCS-ARTS COMM TRIP TO TACOMA 8.00 5/5/2011 FWCC-05105/11 PRCS-ARTS COMM TRIP TO TACOMA 2.00 5/5/2011 FWCC-05105/11 PRCS-ADMISSION TO TACOMA ARTS 9.00 5/5/2011 FWCC-05/05/11 PRCS-THANK YOU GIFT, REG INC BA 3.75 5/5/2011 FWCC-05/05/11 PRCS-STICKERS & JOURNALS FOR B 6.00 5/5/2011 FWCC-05/05111 PRCS-MISC ITEMS FOR REG INC BA 7.67 5/5/2011 FWCC-05105/11 PRCS-WAX/RAG FOR FWCC SLIDE 14.76 5/5/2011 FWCC-05/05111 PRCS-MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT FOR 48.45 5/5/2011 FWCC-05105111 PRCS-COSTCO FOOD FOR BECCI CRO 40.35 5/5/2011 FWCC-05/05/11 PRCS-FRED MEYER FOOD FOR BECCI 3.25 5/5/2011 FWCC-05/05111 PRCS-MICHAEL'S FRAMES FOR BECC 43.75 5/5/2011 FWCC-05/05/11 PRCS-DECORATIONS FOR REG INC M 7.67 5/5/2011 FWCC-05105/11 PRCS-HATS FOR REG INC MARDI GR 21.85 223180 5/13/2011 006241 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 548.71 5/5/2011 PD -05/05/11 PD-SNIPERWEEK CLARY 85.00 5/5/2011 PD -05/05/11 PD-SNIPERWEEK MIKE BERTUCCI 85.00 5/5/2011 PD -05/05/11 PD -JOURNALS FOR POLICE MEMORIA 29.04 5/5/2011 PD -05/05/11 PD -BATTERY FOR VOLT METER- 13.13 5/512011 PO -05/05/11 PD -MUSLIMS FOR PEACE FUNCTION 6.11 5/5/2011 PO -05105/11 PD -COURT IN SEATTLE -DET J. BEN 24.00 5/5/2011 PD -05/05/11 PD -COURT IN SEATTLE -A LUBRANT 17.00 5/5/2011 PD -05/05/11 PD -COURT IN SEATTLE DET M. MOR 15.00 5/5/2011 PD -05/05/11 PD -DOUG OEYOS RETIREMENT PARTY 35.76 5/5/2011 PO -05/05/11 PD -DOUG DEYOS RETIREMENT- 46.82 5/5/2011 PD -05/05/11 PD -BOOT ALLOW. CLARY 100.00 5/5/2011 PD -05/05/11 PD-BATTERIES:RANGEFINDER FOR S 16.28 5/5/2011 PD -05105111 PD -FUEL FOR VEHICLE #6192- 10.00 5/5/2011 PO -05/05/11 PD -FUEL CAP TRACY GROSSNICKLE 10.94 5/5/2011 PD -05105/11 PD -COMPUTER BASE FOR MDC- 54.63 223181 5/13/2011 007059 PHELPSTIRE CO, 418.60 2/24/2011 812608 PWFLT-NEW TIRE 418.60 223182 5/13/2011 000808 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 4A7 4/8/2011 9358708 CHB -ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 4.47 223183 5/13/2011 005583 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC, 808.05 3/8/2011 39080594 SWM -WELDING SUPPLIES 244.58 3/8/2011 39080594 PKM-WELDING SUPPLIES 244.57 3/8/2011 39080594 PWST-WELDING SUPPLIES 244.57 4/21/2011 39501835 SWM -DEMAND CHARGE CYLINDERS 74.33 223184 5/13/2011 010522 PROTECTION TECHNOLOGIES INC, 982.74 3/31/2011 36144 IT -REPAIR & PROGRAMMING OF SSP 982.74 147 Bank of America Page 21 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 223185 5/13/2011 012541 PRO -TOW AUBURN, 240.28 5/4/2011 109072 PD -VEHICLE TOW CASE 11-5589 240.28 223186 5/13/2011 000051 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 75,030.67 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 CRNR S 316TH ST & 2 80.42 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 HOYT RD & 340TH- 111.43 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 PAC HWY S & S 330TH 79.45 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 S 288TH ST & PAC HW 519.22 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 S288TH & 18TH AVE S 127.41 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 S 296TH PL & MILITA 21.46 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 S 320TH & 23 AV S- 336.28 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 S 322ND & 23 AVE S- 238.98 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 S 336TH ST & PAC HW 727.44 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 S 282ND & MILITARY 145.80 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 S 348TH & 1ST- 278.67 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04111 S 316TH & PAC HWY S 63.55 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04111 SW CRNR S 312TH & P 232.58 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 SW 308TH & 2ND AVE 10.11 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 SW 329TH WAY & HOYT 10.29 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04111 VARIOUS LOCATIONS- 29.53 4/2812011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 1 T WAY S & 334TH S 18.99 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 1ST WAY S & 336TH S 92.44 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 1 ST AVE S & S 330TH 55.03 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 1000 SW CAMPUS DR- 177.61 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 115TH ST S & 316ST 10.10 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 1300 S 344TH ST- 30.87 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04111 1403 SW 312TH ST PE 10.39 412812011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 1405 S 312TH ST.- 137.57 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 1414S 324TH ST.- 39.62 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 1790 SW 345TH PLACE 188.42 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 18TH AVE & S 312 ST 58.95 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 199 SW 311 TH PLACE- 156.74 4128/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04111 21ST AVE SW & SW 33 133.93 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04111 21ST AVE SW & SW 34 323.02 412812011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 21ST AVE S GRID ROA 104.03 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04111 21ST AVE SW & SW 32 113.64 412812011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04111 21ST AVE SW & 356TH 100.03 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 2140 SW 356TH ST- 40.33 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04111 23RD AVE S & S 317T 236.97 412812011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 23RD AVE S & 320TH 224.57 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 2510 S 336TH ST- 10.10 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04111 2510 SW 336TH STREE 10.11 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04111 2613 S 275TH PLACE 30.69 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 28516 24TH AVE S- 24.00 4128/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 29600 PAC HWY S SIG 485.32 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 2999 SW 314TH ST- 87.46 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 29829 23RD AVE S 30.65 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 30400TH PAC HWY S-- 55.78 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 30800 PAC HWY S- 51.63 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 31020 14TH AVE S- 42.07 412812011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 3113 27TH AVE SW- 104.28 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 31200 STATE RT 99 S 399.81 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 31455 28TH AVE S- 110.86 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 31600 STATE RT 99 S 117.46 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 31847 PAC HWY S- 270.59 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 31910 GATEWAY CNTR 48.11 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 32000 PAC HWY S- 301.52 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 32400 STATE RT 99 N 116.32 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 32400 STATE RT 99 S 367.24 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 32400 STATE RT 99 S 12432 4/28!2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 32562 SW HOYT RD FL 10.29 412812011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04111 32731 HOYT RD FLASH 10.41 4/2812011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 32932 7TH CT SW- 20.87 4/2812011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 33099 HOYT RD SW- 294.59 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PVVTR-04111 3318 SW 346TH PLACE 3931 148 Bank of America Page 22 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 33220 ST WAY S - 56.12 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 33325 8TH AVE- 129.65 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 33401 38TH AVE S- 202.15 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 33405 6TH AVE S- 34.23 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 33507 9TH AVE- 90.19 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 33645 20TH PLACE- 295.03 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 33800 WEYHR WAY S- 276.89 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 34010 20TH AVE- 132.65 4/2812011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04111 34018 PAC HWY S- 57.05 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 3420 SW 343RD ST- 33.20 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 34800 21ST AVE SW- 106.98 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 34836 WEYHR WAY S- 63.41 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 34801 16TH AVE S- 57.55 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 35007 ENCHANTED PKW 160.33 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 35106 21ST AVE SW- 32.56 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 35202 ENCHANT PKWY- 271.23 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 35505 PAC HWY S- 398.73 4/28/2011 PWTR 201104 PWTR-04/11 35654 9TH AVE SW- 21.92 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 35896 PAC HWY S- 96.52 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 35909 1ST AVE SW FL 10.19 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 36111 16TH AVE S- 108.10 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 36201 MILTON RD- 181.81 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 36600 PAC HWY S- 10.41 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 491 S 338TH ST- 61.86 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 727 S 312TH ST- 210.44 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 8TH AVE S & DASH PT 62.13 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 824 SW 361 T ST- 193.04 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 S322 ST & 23RD AVE 97.74 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 HWY 509 & 21ST AVE 31.19 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 NE CRNR S 312TH & 2 169.90 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04111 S 304TH & MILITARY 82.58 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04111 S 312TH & 23 AVE S- 180.66 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 S 314TH & 20TH AVE 162.86 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 S 320 SET & 32RD AV 229.76 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 S 320TH & PAC HWY S 636.45 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 S 320TH & WEYHR WAY 256.44 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 S 336TH ST & WEYHR 186.69 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 S 348TH ST & PAC HW 199.81 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 S 316TH & 20TH AVE 72.68 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04111 SR 161 & 356TH NE C 275.11 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 STAR LK RD & MILITA 41.61 4128/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 SW CAMPUS DR & 6TH 59.92 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 SW 308TH ST & 4 AVE 11.08 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 SW 312TH ST & DASH 120.80 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 SW 324TH & 11TH PL 223.97 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04111 SW 340TH & HOYT RD 190.75 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 SW 340TH ST & 35TH 71.48 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 21 ST AVE SW & DASH 78.30 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 S 333ST & 1ST WAY- 67.67 4/28/2011 PWTR 2011 04 PWTR-04/11 S 348TH HOV LANE- 245.97 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 PKF-04/11 SAC PARK RR FIELD LI 2,347.98 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 PKF-04111 1 ST AVE & CAMPUS DR. 31 40 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 PKM-04111 2410 S 312TH BEACH R 511.44 4/2012011 PARKS 2011 04111 PKM-04/11 2410 S 312TH STORAGE 15.00 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 PKM-04/11 2410 S 312TH WOODSHO 169.40 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 PKF-04/11 2645 S 312TH ANX-RR/ 1,739.79 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04111 PKF-04/11 2645 S 312TH SEWER L 13.03 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 PKF-04/11 2700 SW 340TH ALDERD 10-11 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 PKF-04/11 28156 1/2 24TH HERIT 10.11 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 PKF-04/11 31104 28TH AVE S HAU 33.88 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 PKF-04111 31104 28TH AVE S HAU 47.65 4/2012011 PARKS 2011 04/11 PKM-04/11 31132 28TH AVE STLK 464.45 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 PKM-04/11 31132 28TH AVE S STL 414.35 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 PKM-04/11 31207 28TH AVE SKATE 10.11 149 Bank of America Page 23 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 4/2012011 PARKS 2011 04/11 DBC/KFT-04/11 3200 SW DASH PT 1,366.67 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 DBC/KFT-04111 3200 SW DASH PT 673.13 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 DBC/KFT-04/11 3200 SW DASH PT 1,758.58 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 DBC/KFT-04111 3200 SW DASH PT 866.17 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 PKF-04/11 32730 17TH AVE SW AL 10.10 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 CHB-04/11 33325 8TH AVE Z00453 14,066.77 4/20t2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 PKF-04/11 33914 19TH AVE SAG F 3,451.83 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 PKF-04/11 34915 4TH AVE MARKX 12.63 4/20/2011 PARKS 201104/11 PKF-04/11 34915 4TH AVE S PALI 10.11 4/20/2011 PARKS 201104/11 PKF-04/11 600 S 333RD EVID. BL 714.64 4/20/2011 PARKS 201104/11 PKF-04/11 600 S 333RD EVID BLD 479.92 4/20/2011 PARKS 201104/11 FWCC-04/11 876 S 333RD Z002806 15,423.02 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 FWCC-04/11 876 S 333RD 0008456 10,261.84 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04111 FWCC-04/11 876 S 333RD ST. LIG 95.87 4/2012011 PARKS 201104/11 PKCP-04/11 S 324TH BLDG A- 3,771.22 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 PKF-04/11 7TH AVE HISTORICAL S 30.91 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04/11 PKF-04/11 7TH AVE HISTORICAL S 8.16 4120/2011 PARKS 201104/11 PKF-04/11 21 ST AVE LAKOTA RR 8 708.79 4/20/2011 PARKS 2011 04111 PKF-04/11 2410 S 312TH STLK ST 24.16 223187 5/13/2011 000073 QUADRANT SYSTEMS INC, 1,250.00 4/29/2011 110434 IT/FI-QUADRANT ANNUAL SUPPORT 1,250.00 223188 5/13/2011 012685 QUALITY COUNTS, LLC, 2,408.00 4/27/2011 105916 PWTR-2011 SIGNAL TIMING TRAFFI 2,408.00 223189 5/13/2011 008649 QUALITY WATER SERVICES, 27.32 4/30/2011 72377 DBC-BOTTLE WATER SVC 27.32 223190 5/1312011 007837 QUARTERMASTER, 440.24 4/21/2011 P664124601029 PD-EXPLORER SHIRTS 91.24 4/22/2011 P665098200011 PD-VOLUNTEER PATCHES 187.00 4/22/2011 P665098900016 PD-EXPLORER CHEST PATCHES 162.00 223191 5/13/2011 000202 QWEST, 3,992.75 5/4/2011 206-Z04-06094728 IT-04/11-05/11 PHONE/DATASVC 1,996.38 5/4/2011 206-Z04-06094728 IT-04/11-05/11 PHONE/DATA SVC 1,796.74 5/4/2011 206-Z04-06094728 IT-04/11-05/11 PHONE/DATASVC 199.63 223192 5/13/2011 000202 QWEST, 10.78 5/4/2011 253-874-0644F 7408 IT/MC-DISCONNECT LARSEN FAX 10.78 223193 5/13/2011 004000 RANDLES SAND & GRAVEL INC, 4,683.17 4/17/2011 338400 PKM-CRUSHED ROCK ADELAIDE PARK 732.50 4/17/2011 338401 PKM-CRUSHED ROCK CELEBRATION P 1,284.80 4/17/2011 338402 PKM-CRUSHED ROCK LAKE KILLARNE 737.65 4/17/2011 338403 PKM-CRUSHED ROCK WEDGEWOOD PAR 1,928.22 223194 5/13/2011 010187 RASOR, EVA EDLA 540.00 5/5/2011 APRIL 2011 FWCC-04/11 EXERCISE TRAINING S 540.00 223195 5/13/2011 001139 RED WING SHOE STORE, 158.21 415/2011 8870000000826 PKM-BOOT ALLOW. T BOYD 158.21 223196 5/13/2011 012600 REPROGRAPHICS NORTHWEST LLC. 459.90 4/14/2011 03424712 PWST-FLAGGING REPORTS; INVOICE 459.90 223197 5/13/2011 012755 RURAL METRO OF GREATER SEATTLE, 558.36 3/31/2011 1007468853 PD-03/11 PRISONER MED TREAT. F 558.36 223198 5/13/2011 012772 RUSHTON BROTHERS LLC, 737.77 4/19/2011 APRIL 19, 2011 CD-PERMIT COUNTER DRAWERS, SHE 737.77 223199 5/13/2011 010975 SAFECHECKS. 503.58 4/5/2011 0515473 FI-PAYROLL CHECK STOCK 503.58 223200 5/13/2011 003726 SAFEWAY STORE #1555, 27.54 4/29/2011 2068329 PRCS-MUSIC & BOOK EXCHANGE 27.54 223201 5/13/2011 010523 SBS OF AMERICA, 4,000.00 5/1/2011 26692 CHB-04/11 JANITORIAL AG07-194 4,000.00 223202 5/13/2011 000351 SEATTLE TIMES, 16.00 4/24/2011 001090390 FWCC-NEWSPAPER SUBCRIPTION 16.00 223203 5/13/2011 001213 SECOMA FENCE INC, 556.76 3/31/2011 8261 PKM-STLK FENCE REPAIR 54.15 4/7/2011 8281 PKM-STLK FENCE REPAIR 502.61 223204 5/13/2011 005771 SETINA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 398.93 150 Bank of America Page 24 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 4/25/2011 34184 PD -SERGEANT PARTITION 398.93 223205 5/13/2011 010962 SHARP BUSINESS SYSTEMS, 21.14 412612011 C716352-701 IT -COPIER RPR, MNT, SUP 21.14 223206 5/13/2011 010408 SHELTON, KIMBERLY 144.67 4/1812011 SHELTON 2011 PRCS-EASTER BAGS & DECORATING 60.15 4/18/2011 SHELTON 2011 PRCS-JUICE & DECORATING KITS F 34.89 4/18/2011 SHELTON 2011 PRCS-EGGS, PRETZELS, CRACKERS, 49.63 223207 5/13/2011 001480 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, 100.04 4/6/2011 2732-7 PKM-PAINT & PAINT SUPPLIES 32.73 4/6/2011 6022-6 PKM-PAINT & PAINT SUPPLIES 67.31 223208 5/13/2011 011020 SHULL, JANET 250.00 5/4/2011 SHULL 2011 CD -FORM -BASED CODES SMNR SHULL 250.00 223209 5/13/2011 000285 SOUTH KING FIRE & RESCUE, 352.00 5/6/2011 11-0198 CHB -INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE PE 100.00 5/10/2011 11-0199 FWCC-HAZARDOUS MATL FIRE PERMI 252.00 223210 5/13/2011 001885 SPARKS CAR CARE, 1,562-82 5/4/2011 27879 PD-OLF, WIPER BLADE ASSEMBLY 81.01 5/4/2011 27884 PD-OLF 34.99 5/3/2011 27866 PD-OLF, WIPER BLADE ASSEMBLY 81.04 4/27/2011 27837 PD-OLF 39.78 4/26/2011 27808 PD-OLF, WHEEL OEM, TPMS STRAP 340.31 4/18/2011 27791 PD-OLF, INSPECTION 36.08 4/28/2011 27846 PD-OLF, SPARK PLUGS, WIPERS 394.40 4/29/2011 27851 PD-OLF 34.99 4/15/2011 27777 PD -INSTALL BIKE RACK 65.70 4/21/2011 27813 PD-OLF, WIPER BLADES, TRANS FL 191.35 4/21/2011 27815 PD-OLF, TRANS FLUID, ROTATE TI 169.67 4/22/2011 27821 PD-OLF, WIPER BLADES 58.51 4/25/2011 27826 PD-OLF 34,99 223211 5/13/2011 001618 SPEEDY GLASS - TACOMA, 273.39 5/3/2011 9172-809908 PD -VEHICLE WINDSHIELD 273.39 223212 5/13/2011 002548 SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL, 93.08 4/28/2011 1614130 DBC -PEST CONTROL SVC 93.08 223213 5/13/2011 004701 SPRINT, 4,528.04 4/28/2011 400102318-113 IT -04/11 CELLULAR AIRTIME 2,173.46 4/28/2011 400102318-113 IT -04/11 CELLULAR AIRTIME 2,354.58 223214 5/13/2011 011454 STAPLES ADVANTAGE, 2,749.51 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 29.44 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 52.38 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 96.93 4/3012011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 21.45 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 69.64 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 80.06 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 39.85 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13.22 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 116.58 430/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 227.27 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 83.94 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 56.24 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 30.14 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 40.19 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 30.13 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 79.47 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2628 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 59.45 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 111.03 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 749.73 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 28.28 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 152.66 4/30/2011 108290311 APRIL 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 555.15 223215 5/13/2011 009566 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE, 162.01 4/30/2011 8018487032 PD -APR 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3294 4/30/2011 8018487032 PD -APR 2011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 124.07 151 Bank of America Page 25 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 223216 5/13/2011 011134 STENDER ZUMWALT, PLLC, 30,300.00 4/29/2011 286 MO -04/11 PUBLIC DEFENDER AG 11- 30,300.00 223217 5/13/2011 004200 STIEBEN, JOHN 500.00 4/26/2011 STIEBEN 2011 PD -CLOTHING ALLOW. STIEBEN 500.00 223218 5/13/2011 007975 STURGIS, DOROTHY J 273.64 4119/2011- 2010 STURGIS MO -2010 UTILITY TAX REBATES 273.64 223219 5/13/2011 003896 SUMMIT LAW GROUP, 114.00 4/25/2011 51109 LAW -GUILD NEGOTIATION LEGAL SV 114.00 223220 5/13/2011 007710 SUPERIOR LINEN SERVICE, 40.27 4/25/2011 58137 OBC -LINEN SERVICE 20.15 5/2/2011 59617 DBC -LINEN SERVICE 20.12 223221 5/13/2011 002521 SUPERLON PLASTICS INC, 387.03 4/5/2011 11F0857 PKM-BARN HOSE BIB 64.63 3/25/2011 11CR0052 OBC-KFT WATER DAMAGE -409.59 3/24/2011 11F0736 DBC-KFT WATER DAMAGE 731.99 223222 5/13/2011 007990 SYMBOLARTS LLC, 422.00 4/15/2011 0145273 -IN PD -INSIGNIA - CHIEFS COINS 422.00 223223 5/13/2011 009523 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY, 20,171.17 4/15/2011 16200 PD -ABS BRAKE REPAIRS 372.04 4/15/2011 16254 PD -REMOVE RADIO, VRM 361.99 4/22/2011 16051 PD -LIGHT, SIREN, IDLE SYST. NE 3,946.75 4/22/2011 16052 PD -LIGHT BAR, SIREN NEW SETUP 3,564.20 4/22/2011 16055 PD -LIGHT BAR, SIREN NEW SETUP 3,542.34 4/22/2011 16216 PD -REMOVE RADIO & VRM 361.99 4/22/2011 16268 PD -INSTALL MDC MOUNT 88.95 4/22!2011 16276 PD -REPAIR BATTERY BRAIN 88.95 4P22/2011 16280 PD -REMOVE LIGHT BAR 84.71 4/22/2011 16324 PD -INSTALL PRINTER 133.41 - 5/3/2011 16368 PD -TIRE REPAIR 26.68 5/4/2011 16050 PD -INSTALL LIGHT BAR, SIREN,NE 3,564.20 5/4/2011 16053 PD -INSTALL LIGHT BAR, SIREN,NE 3,900.12 5/4/2011 16344 PD-OLF, CHECK ENGINE LIGHT CHE 134.84 223224 5/1312011 000588 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 478.78 4/25/2011 100048250 DBC/KFT-04/11 DASH PT. RD- 320.78 4/25/2011 100048250 DBC/KFT-04/11 DASH PT. RD- 158.00 223225 5/13/2011 005970 TACOMA RADIOLOGY & MEDICAL, 29.00 4/25/2011 772954-TRAl PD -04/11 PRISONER MED TREAT 29.00 223226 5/13/2011 002176 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS INC, 8.98 4/19/2011 13883341 PKM-INSTALL PD REPEATER 8.98 223227 5/13/2011 011951 TAC -SOUTH BOUND HONDA, 26,631.17 3/25/2011 2027805 PD -BAR END 78.52 3/9/2011 2027195 PD -TIRE, LEFT GRIP, BAR END 159.14 3/9/2011 2027195 PD -TIRE, LEFT GRIP, BAR END 48.32 3/1972011 2027584 PD -NEW CLUTCH, BRAKES, TIRE 1,052.48 3/19/2011 2027584 PD -NEW CLUTCH, BRAKES, TIRE 181.22 3/2/2011 29123174 PD -VIN JT2SC51789D600640 HONDA 23,853.19 3/2/2011 29123174 PD -EQUIPMENT ADD-ONS FOR- 734.17 3/3/2011 2027018 PD -MOTORCYCLE GLOVES BRANCO 60.06 2/26/2011 2026905 PD -WEIGHT HANDLEBAR 54.44 2/22/2011 2026742 PD-OLF 103.65 2/22/2011 2026743 PDAK SERVICE, OLF 109.10 2/22/2011 2026744 PD -REAR BRAKES, 4K SERVICE 196.88 223226 5/13/2011 006033 THE FAB SHOP LLC, 3,106.85 4/24/2011 16475 PWFLT-FENDERS AND PAINT 1,628.57 4/24/2011 16477 PWFLT-STROBE LIGHT 153.28 4/24/2011 16478 PWFLT-TRAILER REDECK & TIE DOW 1,272.58 4/16/2011 16462 PWFLT-SUPER WINCH TENSION PLAT 52.42 223229 5/13/2011 012445 THE HUMANE SOCIETY FOR, 5,467.67 2/28/2011 MARCH 2011 PD -03/11 ANIMAL SHELTER SVC AG 5,467.67 223230 5/13/2011 009280 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRISES INC, 7,831.44 4/11/2011 4981 PKM-TREE SERVICE AG 11-003 7,279.56 4/12/2011 4979 PKM-TREE SERVICE AG 11-003 551.88 223231 5/13/2011 001424 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR INC. 152 212.49 Bank of America Page 26 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 5/1/2011 869705 CHB -05/11 ELEVATOR MAINT SERVI 212.49 223232 5/13/2011 010095 TITUS INDUSTRIAL GROUP INC, 4/19/2011 3753 SWM -GRATING "T" CYRB HEIGHT AD 762.07 223233 5/13/2011 008902 TRI -CITY MEATS, 4/27/2011 244403 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 550.42 223234 5/13/2011 000065 U S POSTMASTER, 5/5/2011 722000!722001 PD/MC-BUSINESS REPLY POSTAGE 500.00 5/5/2011 722000/722001 PD/MC-BUSINESS REPLY POSTAGE 500.00 223235 5/13/2011 002426 UNITED GROCERS CASH & CARRY, 5/3/2011 164301 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 151.81 5/3/2011 164311 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 20.92 4/28/2011 162936 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 121.00 4/20/2011 160660 DBC -CATERING SUPPLIES 103.75 4/21/2011 160877 PRCS-COOKING CLASS SUPPLIES 54.27 223236 5/13/2011 002349 UNITED LABORATORIES INC, 4/11/2011 08964 PD -FINGERPRINT STATION WIPES 289.70 223237 5/13/2011 003837 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, 411612011 OOOOF8OF48161 PD -UPS DOCUMENT DELIVERY SERVI 2.23 223238 5/13/2011 005019 UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC, 4/29/2011 93203256-001 PWST-CONCRETE TRAILER MIXER RE 82.13 4/29/2011 93203256-001 PWST-SAFETY GLASSES & LENS 15.45 4/29/2011 93209726-001 SWM -PROPANE 31.03 5/4/2011 93267536-001 PKM-CONCRETE MIXER RENTAL 55.01 223239 5/13/2011 011806 UNIVERSAL REFRIGERATION INC, 4/27/2011 S56973 DBC -KITCHEN FREEZER REPAIRS 709.34 223240 5/13/2011 012316 UNSWORTH, RAYMOND A 4/6/2011 UNSWORTH 2011 PD -TUITION REIMS. UNSWORTH 1,800.00 223241 5/13/2011 005715 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS, 5/2/2011 U6163838E IT -05/11 PAGER LEASE 6.03 5/2/2011 U6163838E IT -05/11 PAGER LEASE 5.57 223242 5/13/2011 001805 VADIS NORTHWEST, 4/30/2011 17324 SWR -04111 LITTER CONTROL AG07- 4,107.95 4/30/2011 17324 SWR -04/11 LITTER CONTROL AG07- 127.05 223243 5/13/2011 003563 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER, 5/2/2011 0012073 PD -Q1 2011 ACCESS EMER DISPATC 1,489.05 5/2/2011 0012137 PD -01/11 EMERG DISPATCH LANG. 181.50 4/20/2011 0012089 PD -04/11 MDT'S EMER DISPATCH A 975.00 223244 5/13/2011 001124 VERIZON WIRELESS, 4/12/2011 0967602369 PD -03/11 BAIT CAR WIRELESS WAT 67.68 4/13/2011 0968049016 IT/PD-03/11 BOMB SQUAD CELLULA 43.01 223245 5/13/2011 003528 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 4/25/2011 2011-1116 PD -03/11 RANGE RENTAL 1,500.00 4/28/2011 2011-1122 PD -04/11 RANGE RENTAL 500.00 223246 5/13/2011 004258 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSING, 5/2/2011 MAY 13, 2011 PD -05/13/11 REMIT CPL FEES 222.00 223247 5/13/2011 003825 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATN, 2/1512011 RE 41 JA7053 L01 PWST-SR99/SR1611352ND ST REVIE 474.39 223248 5/13/2011 000340 WA STATE INFORMATION SERVICES, 4/30/2011 2011040169 IT -04111 SCAN SERVICE 310.05 4/30/2011 2011040169 IT -04/11 SCAN SERVICE 352.33 4/30/2011 2011040169 IT -04/11 SCAN SERVICE 42.27 223249 5/13/2011 006876 WA STATE POLICE CANINE ASSOC, 4/27/2011 ORTA 2011 DUES PD -2011 WSPCA DUES - ORTA 35.00 4/27/2011 ORTA REGISTER PD-WSPCA SPRING SMNR ORTA 180.00 223250 5/13/2011 000514 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES, 5/11/2011 APRIL 2011 FI -04/11 STATE PORTION REMIT F 56,622.20 5/11/2011 APRIL 2011 FI -04111 PSEA COURT FEES #2 28,865.82 5/11/2011 APRIL 2011 FI -04/11 PSEA COURT FEES #3 599.28 5/1112011 APRIL 2011 FI -04/11 ACCESSCOMMACCT 366.62 5/11/2011 APRIL 2011 FI -04/11 MULTITRANSACCT 366.64 5/11/2011 APRIL 2011 FI -04/11 PSEA JIS FEES 20,593.23 5/11/2011 APRIL 2011 FI -04/11 TRAUMA VICTIMS FEES 5,152.14 153 762.07 550.42 1,000.00 451.75 289.70 2.23 183.62 709.34 1,800.00 11.60 4,235.00 2,645.55 110.69 2,000.00 222.00 474.39 704.65 215.00 124,887.45 Bank of America Page 27 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 5/11/2011 APRIL 2011 FI -04/11 SCHOOL ZONE SAFETY 513.04 5/11/2011 APRIL 2011 FI -04/11 AUTO THEFT PREY. 9,943.12 5/11/2011 APRIL 2011 FI -04/11 BRAIN TRAUMA INJ 1,680.86 5/11/2011 APRIL 2011 FI -04/11 SBCC SURCHARGE FEES 184.50 223251 5/13/2011 006007 WALKER ACE HARDWARE, 86.93 5/4/2011 005760 OBC-LIME/RUST REMOVER, TRASH B 19.64 4/7/2011 005725 PKM-BATTERIES; INVOICE #005725 67.29 223253 5/13/2011 000732 WASPC-WA ASSOC SHERIFFS &, 75.00 4/1/2011 DUES 2011-00382 PD -2011 WASPC DUES HWANG 75.00 223254 5/13/2011 000783 WASTE MANAGEMENT, 450.97 5/112011 1146783-1055-7 SWR -04/11 LITTER DISPOSAL SVCS 450.97 223255 5/13/2011 012658 WATCH SYSTEMS LLC, 112.20 4/27/2011 13488 PD -SEX OFFENDER NOTIFICATION S 112.20 223256 5/13/2011 000173 WEST PAYMENT CENTER, 97.39 4/30/2011 822776713 PD -04/11 AUTO TRACKXP SVCS 97.39 223257 5/13/2011 000541 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTORS, 127.13 2/9/2011 659788 PWFLT-RAKE PRONG 127.13 223258 5/13/2011 002087 WHITMAN GLOBAL CARPET CARE, 1,489.00 3/28/2011 45757 CHB -03/27/11 CARPET CLEANING Q 1,489.00 223259 5/13/2011 011523 WHOLESALE SPORTS, 81-99 4/18/2011 0150-492 PKM-CLOTHING ALLOW. M DALEY 81.99 223260 5/13/2011 012832 WIEGAND, ANGELIQUE 100.00 4/26/2011 04/26/11 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 223261 5/13/2011 010720 WILDER, SAMANTHA 2,128.23 4/30/2011 WECFW31 SWR -04111 RECYCLING PROG AG10- 2,128.23 223262 5/13/2011 010161 WSSO ADVANCED TRAINING - 2007, 225.00 5/6/2011 MESHKOFF REGISTER PD-SCHL SAFETY TRNG MESHKOFF 225.00 4113793 5/1/2011 009467 US BANK, 3,343.08 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PD -CODE 4 EDUC - J DEMAREST 99.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PD -FIREARMS TRNG - TARGETS 54.08 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PD -GUN SAFE 89.98 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PD -FIREARMS TRNG MATL VIKING T 148.21 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PD -DC OFFICER MEMORIAL WILSON 677.40 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PD -OC OFFICER MEMORIAL WREATH 185.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PD -WIPER BLADES 75.84 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PD -VENT VISOR 60.21 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PD -HEADLIGHTS 41.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PD -MOTORCYCLE COMPUTER TRUNK T 120.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PD -RETURN DIGITAL CAMERA EQUIP -113.99 4/2512011 APRIL 2011 PD -EXPLORER COMPETITION CASTRO 1,660.80 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PD -GALEA MOCK ASSESSMENT LUNCH 54.74 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PD -GALEA MOCK ASSESSMENT SNACK 39.53 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PD -VOLUNTEER LUNCHEON SUPPLIES 85.62 4/25r2011 APRIL 2011 PD -VOLUNTEER LUNCHEON SUPPLIES 65.66 4114759 4/28/2011 009507 US BANK, 11,523.75 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-INCENTIVES FOR NFL PROGRA 170.00 4/2512011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-VASHON HOSTEL TRIP 325.80 4/2 512 01 1 APRIL 2011 PRCS-VASHON HOSTEL TRIP 98.20 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-VASHON HOSTEL TRIP 64.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-VASHON HOSTEL TRIP 118.68 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-VASHON HOSTEL TRIP 16.86 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-DAY CAMP SUPPLIES 152.47 4/2512011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-DAY CAMP SUPPLIES 117.57 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-DAY CAMP SUPPLIES 32.54 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 FWCC-PERSONAL TRAINING SUMMIT 80.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 FWCC-LIFEGUARDING CLASS SUPPLI 624.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 FWCC-BTS LICENSE FEES 685.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-WRPA CONF. K HUTCHINSON 41.75 4/2512011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-WRPA CONF. K HUTCHINSON 45.70 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-DANCE COSTUMES 3,578.92 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-SPRING BREAK PAC. SCIENCE 639.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 FWCC-LOCKER SHELF BRACKET 100.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 FWCC-POCKET MASK FOR LIFEGUARD 12116 54FWCC-POCKET 154 Bank of America Page 28 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 412512011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-DINNER/BRUNCH & A MOVIE 108.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 FWCC-CAPITAL CITY RUN REGISTER 262.60 412512011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-LASER QWEST CIT FIELD TRI 34.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-LASER QWEST CIT FIELD TRI 35.16 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-RWB GENERAL STORE ITEMS 353.78 4/2512011 APRIL 2011 FWCC-EXERCIES ROPES 124.44 4/2512011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-DINNER & A MOVIE 110.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-ROOZENGARDEN SENIOR TRIP 45.00 4125/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-ROOZENGARDEN SENIOR TRIP 17.95 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-2011 WSASC DUES 45.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-ARGOSY SENIOR TRIP 222.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-OLYMPIC FARMER'S MARKET T 89.96 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-MARINER'S GAMES SR. TRIPS 215.30 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-OLYMPIC GAME FARM SR. TRI 130.39 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-PORTLAND TRAIN ADVENTURE 1,253.58 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PRCS-SPACE NEEDLE SR. TRIP 459.10 412 5120 1 1 APRIL 2011 SWM -KITTS POND CONTROLLER PART 207.30 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PWTR-ROADSIDE DESIGN BOOK 477.75 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 SWR -RESOURCE RECYCLING MAGAZIN 80.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 SWM -2011 PE LICENSE RENEW APPL 76.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 LAW-WAPRO CONF. PEARSALL 87.12 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 CC -04119/11 COUNCIL DINNER 77.07 4119491 5/1/2011 011218 US BANK, 4,379.80 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PKM-LITTER GETTERS 363.03 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PKM-BORA-CARE DBC CARVING 116.17 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PKM-FIRE DEPT LOCK 107.16 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PKM-"S" HOOK CLOSERS 157.74 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PKM-NEEDLE CONTAINER EARTH DAY 36.78 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PKM-ICE FOR EARTH DAY 20.28 4125/2011 APRIL 2011 PKM-LAMINATIONS FOR EARTH DAY 187,25 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 DBC-KFT ROOF DRAIN PIPE REPAIR 54.80 412512011 APRIL 2011 CD -PASSPORT MAILINGS 172.37 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 CD -PASSPORT MAILING LABELS 32.88 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 CD -SEATTLE DAILY JOURNAL 220.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 CD-WABO SPRING BUSINESS MTG 60.00 4/2512011 APRIL 2011 CD -EASEL AND MEETING SUPPLIES 30.25 4/2512011 APRIL 2011 CD -EASEL AND MEETING SUPPLIES 133.53 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 CD -COPIES FOR PDA 11-082 89.16 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 SWM -VEHICLE FUEL 48.77 4/2512011 APRIL 2011 SWM -SNOW SHOW - R THOMAS 381.27 4/2512011 APRIL 2011 DBC-TABLECLOTHES 104.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PD -BUSINESS CARDS 264.25 4/2512011 APRIL 2011 PD -VIDEO BOROSCOPE 364.94 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 SWR -RECYCLE EVENT SUPPLIES -17.22 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 SWR -STAMPS -COMPOST SURVEY 39.60 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 SWR -04111 ORGANICS RECYCLING S 22.10 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 SWR -04/11 RECYCLING SVC 76.10 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PWEOC-CERT DRILL SUPPLIES 132.03 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PWEOC-CERT TRAINING AIDS 342.40 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 PWEOC-VEST FOR OCT CERT CLASS 348.14 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 IT -CAR CHARGER FOR MDC 86.70 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 IT -BATTERIES FOR SECURITY DOOR 332.00 4/25/2011 APRIL 2011 IT-WIFI AP 38.33 4125/2011 APRIL 2011 IT-KVM SWITCH (4) PORT 34.99 8190353 5/9/2011 011291 JURY/WITNESS FUND, 1,983.14 5/9/2011 8190353 MC -REPLENISH JURY WITNESS FUND 1.983.14 8190361 5/9/2011 011291 JURY/WITNESS FUND, 2,046.32 5/9/2011 8190361 MC -REPLENISH JURY WITNESS FUND 2,046.32 343910535/1212011 000061 WA STATE REVENUE DEPARTMENT, 34,615.28 5/12/2011 601-223-5385 FI -04/11 REMIT USE TAX 2,762.65 5/12/2011 601-223-5385 FI -04/11 REMIT SALES TAX 23.42 5/12/2011 601-223-5385 FI -04/11 REMIT SALES TAX-FWCC 10,938.22 5/12/2011 601-223-5385 FI -04/11 REMIT SALES TAX DBC 5,606.51 5/12/2011 601-223-5385 FI -04/11 REMIT SALES TAX FWCC 1,871.00 155 Bank of America Page 29 of 29 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 5/12/2011 601-223-5385 FI -04/11 REMIT SVC TAX/PW STOR 13,413.49 5/12/2011 601-223-5385 FI -04/11 REMIT SALES TAX DBC 3,171.85 5/12/2011 601-223-5385 FI -04111 REMIT SALES TAX DBC -3,171.85 5/12/2011 601-223-5385 FI -04/11 REMIT EXC TAX (ROUNDI -0.01 Total Checks Issued 478 Total $2,408,834.77 156