FEDRAC PKT 02-28-20012. 3. 4. (formerly Administration Conference Room) AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMENT COMMISSION COMMENT COMMITTEE BUSINESS A. Approval of January 23, 2000 Meeting Minutes B. Legislative and Regional Affairs Update - Verbal (Matheson) C. 2000 Tourism Enhancement Grant Award (Wang) D. Chamber 2001 Tourism Service Amendment (Wang) E. Sprint Wireless Site Lease/Franchise Amendment (Sterbank) F. 2000 Year-End Financial Review (Mosley) G. 2000 Year-End Debt Obligation (info on pg.22 of Item F) (Mosley) H. Carry Forward Budget Adjustment (Mosley) I. Vouchers (Mosley) Action Information Action Action Action Action Information Action Action COMMITTEE REPORT FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS A. Replacement Reserve B. Utility Tax 7. NEXT MEETING: March 28, 9:00 A.M. Committee Members: Mary Gates, Chair Jeanne Burbidge Eric Faison city stq~ Iwen Wang, Management Services Director deri-Lynn Clark, Administrative Assistant (253) 661-4061 MINUTES Committee Members in Attendance: Chair Mary Gates, Members Jeanne Burbidge and Eric Faison. City Council Member in Attendance: Linda Kochmar, Deputy Mayor. Staff Members in Attendance: Iwen Wang, Management Services Director; David Moseley, City Manager; Cary Roe, Public Works Director; Derek Matheson, Assistant City Manager, Bob Sterbank, City Attorney; Rob Van Orsow, Solid Waste & Recycling Coordinator; Marie Mosley, Deputy Management Services Director; Tho Kraus, Financial Management Supervisor; Mehdi Sadri, Management Information Services. Others in Attendance: Jim Hamilton, Dan Delomezo. CALL TO ORDER Chair Mary Gates called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS a) Approval of January 9, 2001 meeting minutes MOTION TO APPROVE BY JEANNE BURBIDGE, SECONDED BY ERIC FAISON. MOTION CARRIED. b) Legislative and Regional Affairs Update Presented by Derek Matheson The legislature reconvened on January 8, 2001. Matheson updated the committee in a discussion about 1-695 backfill money and whether it is a one-time affair or an on-going item. The governor has included the money in his biennial budget recommendation at $954,000 for Federal Way. Both Republican and Democratic leaders in the Senate seem supportive of the 1-695 backfill, but leaders in the House A-1 seem a little less supportive. The Democratic Co-Speaker is worried about overall budget constraints. The Republican Co-Chair of Appropriations has drawn a line in the sand saying that the state cannot afford the backfill and cities are no longer going to see the money. Matheson noted this is one of our biggest priorities for our lobbyist; that lobbyist Doug Levy is staying on top of this issue. Liquor and Gambling legislation is one our major items on which staff has been working. Matheson, Levy, Bob Sterbank and Pat Richardson have been drafting bills that would provide for more attention by the Liquor and Gambling boards to local concerns, and would specifically allow the City to request a hearing. The boards would have to take into account local issues related to public safety such as cost for services, charges filed against patrons, impacts on neighborhoods, and number of arrests generated from that facility. The Design-Build bill has been introduced to the House and Senate. This bill would allow the City to combine the Public Works design and construction processes into one process instead. Staff have been following the Blue Ribbon Commission Report very closely. The consensus that is emerging is to look at funding issues this year and look at the structural issues next year. No specific projects have been discussed as of yet. Federal Way has also been trying to get some design money for the TIP project at I-5 and 272nd Street in the amount of $400,0O0. Regarding the Growth Management Act, staff have been keeping their eyes open for the buildable lands legislation that would require the City to break its 20-year housing target into annual targets. This would penalize cities that need the full 20 years to meet their targets. The City has seen some draft bills, so far none of them have been introduced, and staff hopes it stays that way. If any are drafted, this issue would be a major priority for the legislative session. c) EMS Task Force Update Presented by Derek Matheson The Task Force plans on having its EMS strategic plan and financing proposal available to cities with a population of 50,000 or more by March 31,2001. The levy term has been set at six years instead of ten years. A-2 d) There were many concerns with implementation of Advanced Life Support (ALS) patient transport fees as a means to reduce levy taxes. Although transport fees are not planned for the near term, they will be thoroughly reviewed for appropriateness during the next levy period. Formal cost accounting for Basic Life Support (BLS) and ALS was not pursued due to the complexity and expense of such an engagement for professional services. King County Current Expense Funding issue has yet to be resolved. 'The City of Kent has taken a position that King County should fund a more significant portion of the EMS system. The funding for ALS units (on a cost per unit basis) has been indexed to inflation (CPI) for a number of years. According to ALS providers, their expenses have grown at a rate in excess of inflation, shifting a portion of funding to local providers. These providers are thus asking for full funding. If inflationary increases are applied to unit funding in 2002, each unit will be funded at $1,049,236. At full funding with a 15% increase above inflation would result in a cost per unit of $1,206,654. The City is concemed with an increase of this magnitude; no other members of the task force has yet supported Federal Way's position. Staff will continue to pursue these issues at the final three task force meetings. Phase 1 of the Solid Waste Service Review & Procurement Process Presented by Rob Van Orsow The Solid Waste and Recycling Department reviewed the operating costs of starting up City operations from "scratch" versus the operating costs for a contractor. It was determined that it would be more cost effective to go with an established hauler. The operating model also indicates that the most cost-effective alternative for servicing customer groups (single-family, multi-family, commercial, and drop-box) is to keep all the groups under one service provider. The loss of scale and duplicative costs that would result if these groups were to be serviced under different contracts would likely result in increased rates and increased administrative costs. The selection of a rate change methodology is interrelated with the length of a potential contract. The most favorable approach is to develop a five- year contract with two, two-year extensions. Using an index-based escalator of 60% CPI applied annually only to the collection rate components (excluding disposal costs). The Compensation and Rate A-3 e) Adjustment Methodology would also allow a pass-through of periodic King County tipping fee increases (or decreases) applied only to the disposal rate component. This would also not allow any market price adjustments for recyclables or yard debris, requiring the contractor to bear any risks, and would allow no contract "opening" rates, unless the City (as it sole option) determines such reconsideration is in the public interest. The staff will continue with Phase 2 of the Council-approved Solid Waste and Recycling Services Option Review and Services Procurement Process, while keeping option for municipal utility operations available. MOTION TO MOVE TO FULL COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL OF THE THREE-STEP PROCESS TO DATE BY JEANNE BURBIDGE, SECONDED BY ERIC FAISON. MOTION CARRIED. Solid Waste and Recycling Division 2001 Grant Approvals Presented by Rob Van Orsow The 2000-2001 Solid Waste and Recycling Grant Applications and Projects are as follows: 2000-200I Department of Ecology Coordinated Prevention Grant (CPG) 2001 Supplemental Funding. This grant focuses on five projects: Home Compost Bin Distribution, Regional Yard Waste Reduction Promotion Project (continuation), Electronics Recycling Project, Waste Reduction and Recycling (WR/R) Options Promotion and Integrated Pest Management outreach. This grant totals $86,538 over two years, and provides 60% funding, with a 40% match requirement. The WR/R grant will provide the majority of the match for the CPG projects, with the balance coming from the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program (LHWMP) grant. 2000/2001 King County Waste Reduction and Recycling (WR/R) grant focuses on the same projects outlined in the CPG grant. In 2000, this grant totaled $41,616 with no matching requirements. The term of this grant was extended through 2001, with additional funding of $66,274 allocated for 2001. Waste Reduction and Recycling, now incorporates three components: Waste Reduction and Recycling, Business Recycling and Special Recycling Events. This will reduce the required number of contracts to develop and review and the number of separate reports to prepare. It will also allow for annual contract amendment rather than development of new contracts each year. 2001 Local Hazardous Waste Management Program Grant. The Seattle- King County Department of Public Health 2001 Local Hazardous Waste A-4 g) Management Program (LHWMP) grant allocated $46,971.00 with no match requirement. This grant will primarily supplement funding for these established projects: operating two Special Recycling Events, local government Integrated Pest Management program, and covering costs (staff time, parking, training, etc.) of City of Federal Way participation as suburban city representative on the LHWMP Household Hazardous Waste Education Subcommittee, as well as provide matching funds for a new project: Household Hazardous Waste Collection Services/Paint Disposal. MOTION TO APPROVE AND FORWARD TO FULL COUNCIL BY ERIC FAISON, SECONDED BY JEANNE BURBIDGE. MOTION CARRIED Approval of the Contract for the Purchase of Phone Systems for the Steel Lake office Presented by Mehdi Sadri The proposed system will provide for all of the current phone needs at Steel Lake including additional phone lines and the same calling features for all the staff. It integrates best with the City's phone system at City Hall, it has the capacity to add more phones and extensions, it also utilizes the fiber optic cable and the voice over IP technology to deliver the phone services. If effectively integrated phone and data networks reducing the ongoing cost of phone services by approximately $12,000 per year. The proposed system also provides the foundation to efficiently add phones at other offices such as West Way Community Center. In order to provide the similar phone services to all staff, best integration with the existing equipment and maintain a consistence service agreement the City selected Avaya, which is a subsidiary of Lucent/AT&T equipment and maintenance services. The contract has been reviewed and approved by MIS, Risk and Legal Departments. The replacement of this system has been approved in the 2001 Budget. MOTION TO FORWARD TO FULL COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL BY JEANNE BURBIDGE, SECONDED BY ERIC FAISON. MOTION CARRIED. AT&T Cable Customer Service Presented by Iwen Wang Former Councilmember Phil Watkins raised concerns regarding AT& T Cable services. Spccifically, the concern indicated that AT&T failed to deliver service and that customer calls were not answered in a timely manner (he was on hold for over 16 minutes). He also expressed concerns that the new fiber/coax hybrid network that AT&T installed is not state of A-5 the art, and other communities are now installing fiber optic cable to individual homes. The City has a responsibility to oversee the cable TV operations, but the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) largely prescribes the primary rules and regulations. Cable companies are required to maintain certain office hours and telephone availabilities. The minimum telephone availability requirements specified that: 1) Trained company representative will be available to answer customers telephone inquires during "normal business hours"; and 2) After hours calls may be answered by a service or an automated response system, including and answering machine. Inquiries received after normal business hours must be responded to by a trained company representative the next day. According to AT&T, they provide 24-hour phone service 7 days a week. However, the core customer service hours are 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday thru Saturday. After the "core-hours", calls are answered by their repair center and calls are generally slower than during regular hours. The response standard time is 30 seconds once the connection is made. If the call needs to be transferred, the transfer time shall not exceed 30 seconds. These standards must be met no less than 90% of the time under normal operating conditions, measured on a quarterly basis. AT&T provides a combined call center (Everett and Fife) performance report on a quarterly basis. This report only measures the performance during normal+ business hours. The two call centers cover a geographical area from Blaine to South Pierce County. The reason for combining the performance of these two call centers is due to the coverage of overflow calls for each other. Based on 2000 performance reports, AT&T did not meet the "answer 90% of the calls within 30 seconds" target in two of the four quarters in 2000. The 3rd quarter average was 87%, and the 4th quarter is 86%. They indicated there were certain situations beyond their control during these two quarters; and FCC allows such other than "normal operating conditions" be excluded in calculating performance results. If those records were excluded from the total, the results would have exceeded the target. The City will need more information to determine whether the failure to meeting the 90%/30 seconds target were indeed excludable based on FCC's "normal operations" definition. Regardless the result, to enforce the provision, the City need to provide a 90-day written notice of intent to enforce the customer service rules prior to enforcing them. Once the notice is given, if the deficiencies continue and they are not caused by conditions beyond the operator's control, the City's remedies will include: A-6 i) J) 1) allowing the operator a specific amount of time to cure such deficiencies; 2) assessing a monetary penalty of $200 per day if the operator fails to cure such deficiencies; or ultimately, 3) begin the franchise revocation process. The City does not have authority over Interact services. In addition, the fiber/coax hybrid system is the standard construction to provide broadband Internet access to residential neighborhoods at this time. Chair Gates would like to track any call received regarding AT&T services and to report the results to FEDRAC in three months. Insurance Renewal Status Presented by Iwen Wang The City's insurance policies mn from February 1, each year to January 31, of the following year. Staff has been working with Dan Delorenzo at Raleigh Schwarz and Powell to secure competitive renewal coverage. Due to some hardening of the overall insurance market and the consolidations that have occurred in the public entities insurance firms, we are currently seeking quotes from United National and St. Paul insurance companies. Due to the market hardening the premiums are going up anywhere from 5- 25%. Dan Delorenzo believes the Cities premium should only go up about 5%. With this renewal, we have requested quotes to increase the City's excess coverage from $10 million to $20 million; and as usual, premiums at both the existing $5,000 and higher deductible levels. The final premium quotes are due on January 26. Vouchers Presented by Marie Mosley Marie presented the monthly vouchers for approval. Chair Gates pointed out a spelling error on page 18, it should state member dues not duess. MOTION TO APPROVE AND FORWARD TO FULL COUNCIL BY JEANNE BURBIDGE, SECONDED BY ERIC FAISON. Preliminary December 2000 Quarterly Financial Report Presented by Marie Mosley Marie presented the Preliminary December 2000 Quarterly Financial Report to the committee and pointed out that page 18 (J-20) had a formula A-7 error. General Street Fund: Ending Fund Balance at 12/31/00 should be $7,589,953, not $65,019,739. MOTION TO APPROVE AND FORWARD THE PRELIMINARY DECEMBER 2000 QUARTERLY REPORT TO FULL COUNCIL BY, JEANNE BURBIDGE, SECONDED BY ERIC FAISON. 4. COMMITTEE REPORT None. 5. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING February 28, 2001 at 9:00 AM, in the Mt. Baker Conference Room. 6. A~DJOURN Chair Mary Gates adjourned the meeting at 3:30 PM Recorded by Jeri-Lynn Clark A-8 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM Date: To: Via: From: Subject: February 23, 2001 Finance, Econon~i~t~x~lopment and Regional Affairs Committee David H. Mo~ .~C~t~ ~l~anager \ Iwen Wang, Management Services Director 2000 Tourism Enhancement Grant Award Background: One element of the City's 2000 tourism program is to encourage new events that will bring visitors to Federal Way through special events. The Tourism Enhancement Grant is a competitive grant process that will provide seed money for nonprofit organizations, to bring qualified events into Federal Way. The grant program was developed by the Chamber as part of the 2000 tourism agreement, and was approved by the City Council in April 2000. The Chamber solicited grant applications in October/November 2000 and received one application from Team Seattle National Events, for the girls fast pitch softball Western National Championship inaugural event at Celebration Park in August 2000. The Grant Review Committee (GRC) consists of representatives from both the Arts and Parks commissions; 2 members from the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee; and 2 members from the Chamber Tourism Commission. GRC met on January 26, 2001 to review the application, consider the award level, and to suggest modifications to the grant program and process. After thorough discussion, the Committee moved and seconded and passed unanimously the award of the full $5,000 to the applicant. The Committee also discussed and recommended changes/corrections to the grant program. Attached is a redlined copy of the program outline. Attachment: 1. 2000 Tourism Plan 2. FW Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Tourism Enhancement Grant Program Outline (w/redline) 3. Grant Application from Team Seattle National Events Committee Recommendation: Recommend City Council approves the 2000 grant award as recommended by the Grant Review Committee; and approves the modifications to the grant program/proceSs for the 2001 grant cycle. APPROVAL BY COMMiTTEE: Committee Chair Committee Member committee:Member 2k tourism grant awd.doc 2/23/2001 FEDERAL WAY 2000 TOURISM PROGRAM SUMMARY Program Goals Proposed Tools/Activities Deliverables & Funding Report/Approval 1. Maximize the $1 million plus marketing budgeted will be spent in the next 12 to 18 month to promote local facility and Federal Way as a destination. Provide information to encourage visitors to spend additional time (a half-day or even one more night) to visit, shop, or be entertained in Federal Way. Encourage new events that will bring new visitors to Federal .Way. Coordinate various marketing efforts through a one- year service contract with the Chamber Develop and distribute a tourist information packet. The packet should include: A "FW Happening" events and activities calendar, updated quarterly; · A "FW Deal" discount voucher providing discounts at local restaurants, hotels, etc; and · A convenient tourist map of the City highlighting the major attractions. The information packet will be distributed: · Through display racks at local restaurants and hotels; . At industry conventions; and · Through tournament meet directors and event planners to event participants Develop a competitive grant program that will provide funding to encourage organizations to put on events that will attract new visitors to Federal Way Local Business will provide $1 million plus total in direct marketing through media, trade shows, conferences, to promote local facilities and Federal Way as a destination. City will provide $10,000 in chamber staff time to coordinate these marketing efforts. Chamber will provide $2,500 value in in-kind services including space, phone, computer and necessary office supports Local Business to provide $5,000+/- for the design, printing, and distribution of the "Federal Way deal" discount vouchers, and provide discounts and/or gifts at local business, restaurants, and hotels. City will contribute $7,500 for quarterly activities and events calendar, including data gathering, calendar preparation, printing, and distribution; and $10,000 for a tourist map identifying key landmarks, attractions, shopping and lodging facilities. City will contribute $5,000 toward a competitive grant fund to encourage new events that will generate new tourist activities (Chamber will coordinate the development of specific grant application process and award criteria for Council approval prior to implementation). Chamber shall provide quarterly report to the City Council Finance Economic Development and regional Affairs Committee (FEDRAC) of the past quarter's marketing programs and activities. Complete design and printing of material no later than June30. Provide quarterly update to FEDRAC on distribution and circulation of the packet. Submit draft grant program outline and criteria for City Council approval in March 2000. k:\lh~ancc\ltacX2000\2000 tourism program.doc FW Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Tourism Enhancement Grant OVERVIEW The City of Federal Way (the City) adopted a 1% lodging tax for the purpose of promoting and enhancing local tourism activities. The Greater Federal Way Chamber of Commerce (the Chamber) also formed a Tourism Commission with focus on the increase of overnight stays in Federal Way. To achieve these goals, the Chamber and City have entered into a one-year partnership agreement for a tourism promotion program in Federal Way. One element of the program designed particularly to increase overnight stays in Federal Way is a competitive tourism enhancement grant (TEG) to support sports, cultural arts and community events that will occur in the Federal Way area. GRANT APPLICATION REVIEW BOAI~ The proposed Grant Review Board (the Board) will consist of 2 Chamber Tourism Commission members and 2 Federal Way Lodging Tax Advisory Committee members and 2 community representatives at large. The Board will be staffed by the Chamber. The following names are recommended for the current funding period. Community at large: Arts Commission Chair or designee Parks Commission Chair or designee ~' Lodging Tax Advisory Committee: T^,~, ..... ~^';~" Inn Scott Brown. Federal Way Executel David DeGroot, Weyerhaeuser Bonsai Collection } Chamber Tourism Commission: Michael Dunwiddie, Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatic Center ............. , ........... ~. Exccutet Christine Cochran, Holiday Staff: Chamber President GRANT ELIGIBILITY In order to be considered for the TEG, an event or sponsoring organization must meet the following conditions: Eligible Organization: A non-profit organization organized under IRC 501c(3) or a municipal organization of the State of Washington. ~ Eligible Events: All eligible organizations that plan, sponsor or host amateur sporting, arts/cultural events, or membership meetings, trainings and conferences that will bring participants from outside the greater Puget Sound area to Federal Way. >~ Eligible Costs: The grant shall be used solely for securing, marketing, and conducting events and activities within Federal Way. This amount will not be used for tournament entry fees, team travel, uniforms, equipment, coach's salaries, facility upgrades or other capital purposes. In addition, this fund will not be used to cover any regular operating expenses of the organization that otherwise would occur regardless of the specific event. '9 GRANT AMOUNT The total grant fund available for allocation is $5,000 during the 1999/2000 period. Any unallocated funds from current year will be added to the future year for allocation. Although there is no recommended cap on individual grants or the overall amount distributed during any one-selection cycle, the Board will allocate the funds based on the merits of the proposal based on the selection criteria, and the number of grant applications. GRANT CRITERIA In addition to the basic qualification outlined previously, all qualified grant applications will be reviewed and judged by the following criteria for funding priority and amounts: New or existing event (preference will be given to new events) Timing of the event (encourage off-season lodging) Number of participants and family or other support personnel anticipated Length of event Origination point of participants (local, regional, national, and/or international) Anticipated overall economic impact: revenue generated and public service required Ability to document and measure the impact Organization's/event's history in meeting projected economic impact Organization's history in meeting grant/program conditions SELECTION PROCEDURE The following procedure is set up for two grant cycles per year. The frequency may be increased if necessary as determined by the Board. A notification of the availability of grant dollars will be distributed to area athletic, arts and cultural organizations, sports venue managers and the general public via press release in March and August. Grant applications will be collected by the Chamber to be evaluated in October and May by the Grant Review Board. The review, discussion and vote will be conducted publicly in conformance with the Open Public Meetings Act and Roberts Rules as amended. Each Board member will have one vote in determining the grant and amount. The final fund allocation package as a whole should be approved by majority plus one board member voting on the issue, but not less than' 4 votes. The Chamber President will not have a vote. Board members that have any involvement with an individual or organization applying for a grant should abstain from voting on that particular matter but can participate in the voting of the overall funding package if no objections from the rest of the board members. The proposed funding allocation will be submitted 40 the City for approval. Upon City approval of the funding allocation, the Chamber President will notify the applicant of the grant award in June and November for applications submitted in March and August respectively GRANT DISBURSEMENT The City agrees to disburse the amount granted within 30 days of receiving notification of grant funding proposal from the Board and approved by the City Council. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT As acknowledgement of the support received, the City and Chamber will receive the following: The fight to produce and distribute a news release including the name of the grant recipients, the name of the event and details pertaining to the event. The right to display a Federal Way Chamber and/or City of Federal Way banner at the event site. ~' Upon request of the Chamber/City, include the phrase "funded in part by the Hotel/Motel Tax" in any printed materials for the event. ~ Other promotional opportunities as agreed by the event's management and the Federal Way Chamber. POST EVENT REPORTING AND RECORD RETENTION Grant recipients will be required to submit a post-event report that documents the actual program financial and participation results of the event with comparison of projections outlined in the grant application within 30 days after the completion of the event. ~<ample of an appropriately documented post event report is attached for your reference. This report and other documentation are public records and will be made available for public inspection. The City shall have rights to access any financial and supporting documents and records related to the event and the use of the grant received within 3 years from the completion of the event. VIOLATION OF GRANT CONDITION It is the grant recipient's sole responsibility to be familiar with all grant conditions that may be applicable. Any misuse or material false representation, based on the City's sole determination, shall constitute violation of the grant conditions and the recipient agrees to reimburse the City for such funds that are obtained with such misrepresentation or funds misused. The officer(s) of the receipting organization shall be responsible for the reimbursement jointly and individually. The City further reserves the fight to seek criminal action in the event of gross misrepresentation of the requestor. INDEMNIFICATION In no event shall the Federal Way Chamber, the Board members, the City of Federal Way or any of their funding partners, contributors, officers, board members or employees be held liable for the action or business activities of individuals or or§anizations receiving grant support. By awarding grant funds, there is no expressed or inferred sanctioning of the event or its management by the City, Chamber or any elected or appointed officials. Grant recipients agree to hold harmless and indemnify the Federal Way Chamber and the City of Federal Way against any claims. Acceptance of grant funds is deemed evidence of the recipient's acceptance of these terms and conditions. GRANT APPLICATION GRANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Read the entire packet, including the attached selection criteria, before completing this application. Please type or print. Answer each question to the best of your ability. The BOARD does not provide funding for tournament entry fees, travel, lodging, meals, uniforms, equipment, coaches salaries, facility upgrades or any other capital purposes. If a question is not applicable to your event, simply write "N/A" in the space provided. You may mail or deliver your completed application to: Attn: TEGrant Application Greater Federal Way Chamber of Commerce 34004 16th Ave. S., Suite 101 Federal Way, WA. 98063 APPLICANT'S NAME: ORGANIZATION: FEDERAL TAX ID: ~] IS A QUALIFIED 501 (C) ORGANIZATION STREET ADDRESS: DAYTIME Telephone:( ) Official Event Name: Fax: ( ) Briefly describe the event (type of sport, male, female, co-ed, etc): Scope of Event (check 1): Local State Regional National Intemational Previous Hosts: YEAR CITY/STATE Venue Has this event ever been held in Federal Way?. Has this event ever been held in King County? Pierce County?,~ If yes, when: Month: Year: Venue: City: EVENT FINANCIAL INFORMATION Is a host fee required? If so, what amount? $ or % of proceeds What is the projected number of tickets that will be sold? Average ticket price: $ Event's total estimated expenses: $ Amount of expenses local host is responsible for? $ Events total estimated revenues? $ What portion of the event's proceeds will be kept by the local host? $ VENUE INFORMATION Proposed local venue: Location: Proposed dates: Have you confirmed the availability of the proposed dates at the primary venue? YES NO Will you have a need for secondary or practice venues? YES NO TOTAL VENUE RENTAL (both competition and practice sites) $ ECONOMIC IMPACT How many athletes/participants will the event attract? How many team will the event attract? How far away will the (athlete/participants) travel (local, regional, national, international)? How many spectators will the event attract? How far away will spectators travel from? How many staff people will the event attracff Of the numbers listed above, what percentage will require overnight lodging? Athletes % Teams % Spectators % Event Staff % GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTED: How will these grant funds be utilized? Please list the other sources of financial support (sponsorship, etc.) which you have pursued: Source: Committed: YES NO Amount: $ Committed: YES NO Amount: $ Committed: YES NO Amount: $ The undersigned certify the information provided above is tree and accurate and any projections are based on history of similar events and activities that are available to the industry and adjusted to local conditions. Applicant's Signature Applicant's Title: Date: MEN'S PROGRAM DIRECTOR ~ger Wilson .yes (206) 798-1359 USSSA WA. STATE P.O. Box 31089 Seattle, WA 98103-1089 (206) 789-9133 Fax: (206) 789-1659 To whom it may concern Re: Economic Impact of softball to your community September 15, 2000 Adult softball is big business when it comes to the impact that it can and does have on any community. The amount of dollars generated within your community through adult softball is directly linked to how you as a city organization address the worth of adult participation within your complexes. By bringing large and prestigious post-season tournaments to your city, you have initiated the biggest step that can be taken towards these financial gains. League play brings to your community a certain economic impact; but tournament play is where the big money is at, for your city. The direct benefits are felt the most at local restaurants, bars and hotels; but the long term benefits will be felt throughout your community. The benefits of hosting post-season Championship play can have a very significant effect on the overall dollars spent within your community. It is my hope that the enclosed information will help enlighten those that are not aware of the impact softball has on your city, and will encourage everyone to recognize and support the value of the sport. Exhibit Toarism Enhancement Grant Post Event Report Page 1 of 4 Document: 2000 "B/C" Nationals-Hotel Information eld September 1-4- Federal Way HOLIDAY INN 9/1 9/2 9/3 9/4 ~rotal RSC/Johny E. (San Diego, Ca) Tony Sawyer 9 9 9 0 27 Designated Hitter (San Jose, Ca). Thomas Horn 6 6 6 6 Z4 Team Alpha/Nike (Grants Pass) Jeff Hunter 6 6 6 0 18 WSSUA Dale McGreger 3 3 3 1 10 79 HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS Team Hara's (Salem, Or) Carsmart. Com (Danville, Ca) BEST WESTERN EXECUTEL Cascade Telecom (Bend, Or) Capital Casino (Sacramento, Ca) COMFORT INN Fowlers/EWM (Moses Lake, Wa.) Cenco Rattlers (San Carlos, Ca) Sportsman/Cat Elect. (Concord, Ca.) Master Collision (Denver, Co.) Worth/Smith (California) COURTYARD MARRIOTT Redwood Painting (Concord, Ca) Bully's (Reno, Nv.) Ron Black 4 4 4 0 1 Z John Tortolini 6 6 6 0 1 I~ 78 Russ Holiday 5 5 5 0 15 Jay Zetz 3 4 4 4 1,5 30 Charles Garcia 0 4 4 4 12. Darryl Clark 7 7 7 0 2.1 Mike McCullen 5 5 5 5 2.0 Wil Wilmer 6 7 7 7 2_7 5 5 5 5 Z0 100 Jim Higgins 7 7 7 0 2. Paul Sonner 8 8 8 0 45 Phillip Cobbs 5 5 5 0 15 Debbie Wilmoth 5 5 5 0 ! ,5. 30 TRAVELODGE - FEDERAL WAY Noble Softball (L.A., Ca) Topline (Phoenix, Az.) Page 2 of 4 MOTEL 6 - FIFE Arizona Demarini (Phoenix, Az) III Street Records (Glendale, Az) A-1 Lite Trucking (Portlan~l, Or) Team Worth/Mizuno (Ca.) Page 9/Z 9/3 9/4 9/5 Total Jim Henningar 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 30 John Delgado I 7 7 0 1 5 Adriann Miller 6 6 6 0 1 8 Wayne Goodwin 9 9 9 0 ~7 8O MISC. MOTELS IN THE SOUTH END 40 40 40 0 1 2 0 Six Different Teams Of the 31 teams that participated in this tournament from outside the immediate area we received questionnaires back from 26 of them. The average number of rooms booked for this weekend, figured from the above information, was 21 room-nights per team. If you multiply this number times the number of out-of-town teams that did not return the questionnaire, you will find that approximately 105 more rooms were booked for the weekend in question. This gives us a total number of room nights of approximately 677. If we allow a 20% error rate in the numbers (for early check outs, etc.), we find that approximately 542 room nights were accounted for in connection with this event_ If we apply these numbers to the formula that the National Visitors and Convention Bureaus use for figuring the economic impact of an event on their particular city you will find the following: National Visitors and Convention Bureaus Formula:. Number of teams 43 Players, fans and coaches per team x 1075 Days of tournament ~; :~ 3225 Daily average cost of meals, gas beverages, souvenirs, lodging, etc..' x75 $241,875 Impact of outside dollars on local economy based on roll-over established by the International Ass. of Convention and Visitors Bureaus x 3.5 Economic Impact of Tournament $846,563 Page 3 of 4 Page #3 The fOregoing information was based on the actual formula that is used throughout the country. However, I have supplied the following breakdown based on the room usage that was actually used over this weekend and what I feel is a more realistic view of what-each visitor may have spent within the community;~ MEN'S USSSA "D' NATIONALS - HJ~L,D SEPTElVJI]ER 1-4. 2000 (FEDERAL WAY) A total of 43 teams participated in this event ( 19 teams from within Washington and 26 teams from outside of the state). From the above information that was supplied to us from the teams themselves and by adjusting the figures that are used in the formula I have deducted the following: With 43 teams entered into this event, approximately 1000 people were brought into the community for each of the three days of the event. Number of people brought to the event X 3 (# of days) 3000 Daily average cost of meals, gas beverages and souvenirs ................ x 3000 54Z room nights times an average cost of $79 .......... 1000 $30 $ 90,000 42;.818 $13Z,818 Times the National Roll-overx 3.5 $464,863 The above figure is a very conservative estimate and does not include the additional revenue generated for the city through local sales tax and Motel taxes. These local taxes would more than likely amount to an additional revenue for the city of approximately $40,000. As you can see by the above examples, softball is big business regard!ess of what community is involved. We, in USSSA, appreciate what the city of Federal Way has done towards the development of adult slow pitch softball in the northwest, and we truly appreciate the support that the businesses have shown to this particular event. Sincerely, Roger D. Wilson Co-Assistant State Director - Washington USSSA Page 4 of 4 GRANT APPLICATION GRANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Read the entire packet, including the attached selection criteria, before completing this application. Please type or print. Answer each question to the best of your ability. The BOARD does not provide funding for tournament entry fees, travel, lodging, meals, uniforms, equipment, coaches salaries, facility upgrades or any other capital purposes. If a question is not applicable to your event, simply write "N/A' in the space provided. You may mail or deliver your completed application to: Attn: TEGrant Application Greater Federal Way Chamber of Commerce 34004 16~ Ave. S., Suite 101 Federal Way, WA. 98063 APPLICANT'S NAME: '~)~- U~1--~ ~.'/c~ ORGANIZATION: STREET ADDRESS: Official Event Name: Briefly describe the event (type of sport, male, female, co-ed, etc):~l. Yft~ MM' ~t'ft.t~ Scope of Event (check 1): Local State Regional ~ International Previous Hosts: YEAR CITY/STATE Venue Has this event ever been held in Federal Way?, Has this event ever been held in King County? Pierce County? _~ If yes, when: 14,,J~, Month: Year: Venue: City: EVENT FINANCIAL INFORMATION Is a hos[fee required? If so, what amount? $ IJ_'~ or 1 ~3% of proceeds What is the projected number of tickets that will be sold? Average ticket price: Event's total estimated expenses: Amount of expenses local host is responsible, for? Events total estimated revenues? $ ~"(.01 0 ~CD -d' t't'> What portion of the event's proceeds will b~ kept by the local host? VEN .UE JNFO, R.MATION Proposed local venue: Location: Propgsed dates: Have you confirmed the availability of the proposed dates at the primary ven~ NO Will you have a need for seconda~ or practice venues? ~ NO TOTAL VENUE RENTAL (both competition and practice sites) $ ~_~,~ ! ECONOMIC IMPACT How many athletes/participants will the event attract? How many team will the event attract? How far away will the (athlete/participi~n. ts) travel (local, regional, national, international)?. ,~~ How many spectators will the event attract.'? How far away will spectators 'tr'av61 from? ~kl,~ I~ ~"o~J ~'~ How many staff people will the event attract? Of the numbers listed above, what percentage. Will require overnight lodging? Athletes %1~"- °l b % Teams ~ ' % Spectators ('~{'~ % Event Staff ~" ~:~ % GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTED: How will these grant ftDds be utilized? VERY IMPORTANT: It is the intent of this grant program to enable an organization to produce events and activities they could not otherwise provide but not for the organization to profit from the event. Therefore, the undersigned agrees to return the portion of the grant, when added to other event revenues including other contributions, exceeds total event costs. This will enable the amount returned to the grant fund for future distribution. Please list the other sources of financial support (sponsorship, etc.) which you have pursued: Sourcfl: omm' Td: Committed: YES NO NO Amount: $ Committed: YES NO Amount: $ The undersigned certify the information provided above is true and accurate and any projections are based on history of similar events and activities that are available to the Apphcant's ~' ~t qO CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMO UM Date: To: Via: From: Subject: February 23, 2001 Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee David H. Moseq~'Xl~anager '~ Iwen Wang, Management Services Director ~J Chamber 2001 Tourism Service Amendment Background: The City entered into a one-year professional service agreement with the Federal Way Chamber for the implementation of certain elements of the City's 2000 tourism program. The agreement includes the coordination of a joint tourism marketing effort; the production and distribution of tourism information material; the formulation and the solicitation ora tourism enhancement grant program. In December 2000, the City Council unanimously approved 2001 - 2004 tourism action plan form 2001 through 2004, funded by the 1% lodging tax. Among other programs, the 2001 segment of the work plan calls for the introduction and the formation of a Business Improvement Area in the city center core; the continuation of major events through the tourism enhancement events grant; the continuation of developing, updating, publishing and distribution of tourism information through printed and electronic media; and to work with Sound Transit to provide space for an electronic information kiosk at the proposed new transit center. Staff Recommendation: Considering the similarity and overlapping nature within the 2001 programs and also between 2000 and 2001 programs, staff believes it would be most efficient and cost effective, from both administrative and implementation perspectives, to consolidate these related 2001 program elements into one contract, as an addendum to the 2000 tourism contract with the Chamber. Attached is the proposed scope of work for the contract amendment to implement these elements of 2001 tourism program. Attachment: 1. Proposed scope of work -- Exhibit A- 1: Additional Services 2. Adopted 2001 - 2004 Tourism Action Plan and Lodging Tax Allocation Committee Recommendation: Recommend City Council approves and authorizes the City Manger to execute the proposed contract amendment. APPROVAL BY COMMITTEE: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member chanlber tourism amdmt.doc 2/23/2001 Tourism Action Plan and Pmvosed Lodging Tax Allocation City Center Improvements 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 · S 320"' from 1'1TM to 20th · S 320'" from 20"~to 1-5 · 23rd Ave from S.317Lh to 324~" : · SR99/'rom S. 312~' to S 324"' · Transit Center Development (Prelim) ..I Planned Action and Results Proposed Use of Funds 2001 ($90,000.t0tal) 2002 ($90,000 total) 2003 ($100,000 total) 2004 ($100,000 total) Model Bltsi, ess l,~orovement Area Funding will initially be used for the 20% or appx $18,000. 1'0% or appx $97000. i0% or appx $10,000. 10% or appx $10,000. 1. Create Business Improvement Area introduction and establishment of the · Introduce the BIA concept to · Start assessment and setup BIA · Start banner and color program · Continue banner and color (BIA) Model BIA through the Chamber downtown businesses operation. * Start cross marketing and I (one) program service contract. In later years the 2 Coordinate business area lodging tax fund can be used to match · Complete petition and formation special event · Continue cross marketing and 2 promotions the self-assessment funds collected process (two) special events 3. Provide linkage between downtown tbr special projects. ° Work with the lodging industry and attractions and other transit organizations to 4. Prov3de seasonal color baskets and At the end of the 4'h .year, if the BIA is create a courtesy transport shuttle banners and provide coordinated successful, the fund can then be used transports to the various local 5. Coordinate cross marketing to implement a second BIA in the destinations and attractions. 6. Plan and sponsor special events t48~ - Enchanted Park corridor. Create a Vibrant Downtown Generate new festivals or amateur 1'0% or appx $9,000. 50%'or. app~ ~45,000. 70%"'or appx $70,000. ' 70% or appx 570,000. 1. Development of festivals and sports evcnts through the provision o~ · Rescarch and develop · Reflne the process as appropriate · Reflne grant and RFP process as * Refine grant and RFP process as entertainment series (such as Jazz, competitive grants or by direct appropriate processes or and distribute programs and appropriate appropriate Shakespeare t~estivals etc.) contract with organizations and/or programs to allocate the lodging processes to potential parties of · Continue the productive amateur · Continue the productive amateur 2. Development of amateur sports and facilities. Sponsor special events, tax as seed funding to interest, events from prior year(s) and events from prior year(s) and other competition events festivals, or competitions that wil_~l organizations and sponsors of · Develop at least 2 new amateur continue developing new events continue developing new events attract overnight stays and related amateur sports events, arts a~nd sports events with the goal of with the goal of having 6 - Ii with the goal of having 6 - 8 tourism spending in Federal Way. cultural festivals/events, having 6 - 8 events a year. events a year. events a year. · Maintain existing amateur sports · Start developing 1- 2 new major · Produce first I or 2 major multi- · Continue the productive events and grant process, multi-day arts/cultural events for day arts/cultural events in 2003 arts/cultural events from prior production in 2003 and develop 1 to 2 new events year and continue developing with the goal of having 2 - 4 such new events with the goal of ~ events a year. having 2 - 4 such events a year. Tourism Pronlotion This amount will be primarily for 70% or appx $63,000~ 40% or appx $36,000.' 20% 9r appx $20~0007 20% or ~ppx $20,000. 1. Create a logo and slogan for city's consulting and service contracts · Conduct branding process to · Continue the publication and . Continue the publication and 'o Continue the publication and tourism and economic promotion selected through a competitive design a theme, logo, slogan and distribution of the updated distribution of the updated distribution of the updated ~rocess to provide specific (e.g. promotion program that will be tourism map, and events tourism map, and events tourism map, and events 2. Use thc wcbsite as a key marketing branding process) and general (ads, used in all promotional materials calendar, calendar, calendar. stratcgs/tool visitor }ntbrmatJon) tourism and and publications including the · Continue update of tourism · Continue update of tourism · Continue update of tourism 3 Coordinate advertisements in marketing services, design of freeway signage to website, website, website. regional publications better represent FW's attractions 4 Tourism map/brochure/events and amenities. · Develop and start business- · Continue Recruiting program. · Continue Recruiting program. calendar publication and recruiting program. distribution ° Continue the publication and distribution of the updated 5. Create recruitment programs to tourism map, and events attract 10 - 20 quality food & calendar. beverage establishments and 10 - 15 arts related and live · Continue update of the tourism entertainment establishments website. · Coordinate with Metro and Sound Transit to provide space for information kiosk at the P&R and the transit center about Federal Way and City Center attractions. ~-~ ] INAN('] I '1 Al'? )( \2{ I-?( ( '1 t o pinp I';Ix Allllcatilm.iMc FIRST AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR Tourism Enhancement Program This First Amendment ("Amendment") is dated effective this __ day of February, 2001, and is entered into by and between the City of Federal Way, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and Greater Federal Way Chamber of Commerce a Washington corporation (" Contractor"). A. The City and Contractor entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated effective April 1, 2000, whereby Contractor agreed to provide certain coordination, and marketing services to enhance the tourism industry in Federal Way ("Agreement"). B. Section 15.2 of the Agreement provided that the Agreementmay only be amended by written agreement signed by the parties. C. The City and the Contractor desire to amend the Agreement to expand the scope of work to be performed by the Contractor, to increase the compensation paid to the Contractor for the rendering of these additional services, and to extend the term of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. Scope of Work. Section 1 of the Agreement and the Scope of Work attached as Exhibit "A" to the Agreement shall be amended to include those additional services more particularly described in Exhibit "A-I" attached hereto and incorporated by this reference ("Additional Services"). 2. Term. Section 2 of the Agreement shall be amended to provide that the Additional Services shall commence on March 1, 2001, and shall continue until the completion of the Additional Services by June 30, 2002. 3. Compensation. In consideration of Contractor completing the Additional Services, Section 4.1 of the Agreement shall be amended to increase the total compensation to be paid to the Contractor by an additional Thir.ty-one Thousand and 00/1 O0 Dollars ($31,000) plus appropriate compensation as outlined under Task 4. 4. - Full Force and Effect. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement not modified by this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. DATED the effective date set forth above. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ATTEST: By: David H. Moseley, City Manager 33530 1st Way South Federal Way, Washington 98003 City Clerk, N. Christine Green, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: ' Bob C. Sterbank, City Attorney Greater Federal Way Chamber of Commerce By: Delores Shull, President k:\financ¢\hac\200 I\chambcr 01 svs ag.doc Exhibit A-l: Additional Services Taks 1: Create a Model Business Improvement Area. Compensation for Task 1 shall be $18,000 allocated according the percentages identified below. Payment to be made only upon delivery of report/completion of process, as applicable: · Work in conjunction with City staff to identify potential program interests from businesses located in the targeted area, collect information about existing BIAs/BIDs in communities with business and community attributes similar to Federal Way, and extract the "best practices" from these examples; (5%) · Formulate, and obtain City Council approval for, the purposes/goals for the Model BIA, based on information collected per the above and to include the following elements: (10%) ,/ Provide seasonal color baskets and banners Coordinate Core marketing Provide linkage between downtown and attractions Plan and sponsor special events · Formulate, and obtain City Council approval for, the Model BIA's initial program and operating budget based on the purposes/goals; define the appropriate BIA and potential participating businesses; and the proposed assessment level; (15%) · Introduce BIA goals/purposes to downtown businesses, and communicate to the businesses the following City commitments: (25%) v' BIA assessments will be used solely to enhance the visibility, appearance, services, and planning/coordination of the specific BIA; ,/ The City will continue to provide general municipal services at the same level as it provides on a citywide basis; · / The City will waive any formation and administrative fees (legal, billing, accounting etc) to the first BIA for its original formation and participants. · Collect petition signatures from downtown businesses for the formation of a BIA (10%) · Assist City in the formation process (10%) · Complete formation process (adoption of Ordinance to establish the assessment roll) no later than March 31,2002. (25%) Taks 2: Obtain Tourism Enhancement Grant in the amount of $8,000. Co~p_ensation for Task 2 shall be $1,000, payable upon grant award. Specifically: · Staff and follow up the grant solicitation, review, approval, and reporting process. · Provide economic impact assessment report of grant events. Taks 3: Promote Tourism. Compensation for Task 3 shall be $12,000, allocated among the following activities, and payable as set forth below. · Federalway.org Website maintenance ($6,000, $500/month) · Publication and distribution of local tourism information: ($200/month plus $2400 upon delivery of the information guide) Develop and publish a local tourism information guide, to be distributed as a companion piece of the 2000 tourism map; Publish and distribute 2001 quarterly events calendar (web and hardcopy); Continue the distribution of the 2000 Tourism Map. · Solicit business participation/contribution and to coordinate the design, development, and publication of advertisements in 2002 Washington State Visitor's Guide (WAVG) or other k:\finance\ltac\200 l\chambcr 01 svs ag doc · regional publication acceptable to the City. The Ad will be fully funded by participants. ($1200, payable upon the publication of 2002 WAVG or other approved publication with a four-color/full page community Ad). Taks 4: Serve as project manager for design, installation and maintenance of electronic kiosk at the Federal Way Transit Center to be constructed by Sound Transit. Compensation for Task 4 shall be as set forth below. Specifically, the Chamber shall: Research and Project management: Research the type and cost of various kiosks; prepare detailed project budget (including, without any limitation, planning, design, installation, setup, testing, information/data design, creation, and project management), and time-line, and obtain City Council approval for same. Prior to City Council approval of the project budget and time-line and a decision to proceed with the project, compensation to be paid the Chamber shall not exceed $1,000.00. Following City Council approval of the project budget and time-line, the Chamber also shall: Coordinate with Sound Transit for the location and construction of the kiosk Manage the purchasing and installation of the approved kiosk Collect/compile information to be posted on the kiosk Solicit business contribution and advertisement to defray the capital cost and to provide for the kiosk's on-going maintenance. If the City chooses to proceed with the full project, the overall research and project management fee shall not exceed $5,000.00. Chamber shall invoice the City for construction/capital costs of the selected kiosk based on a pre-approved budget amount based on percentage of project completion, less necessary retainage as required by RCW as applicable, and upon City approval of valid and appropriate invoices. On-going maintenance of the equipment and the contents: The Chamber shall commence a kiosk maintenance program on the later of 90 days after substantial completion of the kiosk installation or expiration of any warranty period. Compensation to the Chamber for Task 4 kiosk maintenance services shall be in the amount of the Chamber's actual and reasonable costs incurred in providing the maintenance services, subject to City approval of invoices for such costs. It is the intent of both the Chamber and the City that on-going maintenance of the kiosk shall be fully funded by advertising revenues, which shall be the sole source of compensation for Task 4 kiosk maintenance services unless the City Council in its sole discretion determines to make lodging tax available to supplement maintenance services not to exceed $200 per month. The City, at its sole discretion, may determine the continued operation or termination of the kiosk. k:\financc\ltac\200 I\chamber 01 svs ag.doc - 4- CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM Date: To: From: Subject: February 22, 2001 Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee Bob C. Ster~y Attorney Amendments to Sprint Wireless Site Lease - BPA Tower / 14th ,4 yen ue Way and Sprint Franchise (Ordinance No. 99-359) Background: Sprint Spectrum has previously received City Council approval to lease City property for purposes of installation of wireless facility on and beneath a BPA Tower located adjacent to 14th Way SW. Sprint also previously received a franchise from the City Council, in Ordinance No. 99-359, to install conduit containing power and fiber optic cabling within City rights-of-way at S. 320th Street, and the intersection of S. 324'~' Street and SR 99, to connect other Sprint wireless antennae on BPA towers to the power system and switched telephone network. When Sprint received its site lease approval for the BPA tower installation adjacent to 14th Way SW, it did not request or receive approval to install power / fiber conduit along the BPA corridor or within 12th Avenue SW necessary to connect the wireless antennae to the power system and telephone network. Sprint has requested such authorization, which requires minor amendments to the site lease and franchise documents, and submission of additional drawings depicting the new installation. 1. Equipment The amendments would permit Sprint to conduit containing power and fiber optic cable necessary to connect the wireless antennae being installed atop the BPA tower to the power system and the switched telephone network. The conduit would run northeast along the BPA corridor to its intersection with 12th Avenue SW, cross under 12th Avenue, and run south along 12'h Avenue SW to a termination point just north of SW 346th ST, adjacent to Sherwood Forest Elementary School. Approval of the Director of Public Works of a right-of-way use permit would be required prior to commencement of construction. 2. Other Minor Modifications The franchise amendment also contains minor modifications to the street repaving requirements, in order to make the Sprint franchise consistent with the Williams and Metromedia fiber optic franchises recently approved by the City Council. 3. Other Terms Unaffected The remaining terms of the site lease and franchise ordinance would remain unaffected. Committee Recommendation: Staff requests that the committee forward the proposed site lease agreement to full City Council, for placement on the full City Council agenda, with a "do pass" recommendation. APPROVAL BY COMMITTEE: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member K:\telecom\fedrac\sprintamendd022201 .doc ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 99-359 AND THE NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE GRANTED THEREIN TO SPRINT SPECTRUM, L.P., A DELAWARE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, TO OCCUPY RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, WITHIN THE SPECIFIED FRANCHISE AREA FOR THE PURPOSES OF INSTALLING, CONSTRUCTING, MAINTAINING, REPAIRING, AND RESTORING A FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATION CABLE WITHIN AND THROUGH THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY. WHEREAS, Sprint Spectrum, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("Sprint Spectrum"), is the owner of wireless telecommunications antennae located on Bonneville Power Administration ("BPA") towers located north of South 320th Street and east of Interstate 5, and at the comer of S. 324th Street and Pacific Highway South (SR 99) in Federal Way; and WHEREAS, the City Council on December 7, 1999 adopted Ordinance No. 99-359, granting Sprint a franchise for installation of underground conduit containing power and fiber optic cable within specific City rights-of-way, in order to connect Sprint's wireless antennae to the power system and switched telephone network; and WHEREAS Sprint has entered into a Site Lease Agreement dated January 2,2001 with the City for installation of additional wireless antennae on a BPA tower located northeast of 14th Way SW; and WHEREAS, Sprint wishes to amend the franchise adopted in Ordinance No. 99-359, to permit it to install underground conduit containing power and fiber 9ptic cable within the right-of- ORD// , PAGE 1 way of 12~i Avenue SW, in order to connect Sprint's wireless antennae to be located northeast of 14th Way SW to the power system and switched telephone network; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Federal Way finds that it is in the public interest to amend such franchise, in order to permit Sprint's installation within 12~h Avenue SW and to clarify the rights and duties of Sprint Spectrum; and WHEREAS, RCW 35A.47.040 permits the City of Federal Way to grant nonexclusive franchises for the use of public streets, bridges or other public ways for, inter alia, conduits, wires and appurtenances for transmission of signals and other methods of communications; and WHEREAS, in granting such a nonexclusive franchise, the City of Federal Way reserves such other powers and authorities granted to Washington code cities by general law; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Amendment of Franchise Contained in Ordinance No. 99-359 A. Section 1.6 of Ordinance No. 99-359 is hereby amended to read as follows: 1.4 "Facilities" means an underground fiber optic telecommunication line, and any appurtenances necessary to connect the line to the US West switched telephone network, as specifically depicted in such plans approved by the City of Federal Way Public Works Director as part of the issuance of a right-of-way use permit or other approval. B. Section 1.6 of Ordinance No. 99-359 is hereby amended to read as follows: 1.6 "Franchise Area" means only that portion of the South 320th Street, S. 324t~ Street, and/er SR 99, and 12'n Avenue SW rights-of-way located in the City of Federal Way and shown ORD # , PAGE 2 in Exhibit. A attached hereto, and/or any other areas approved by the Federal Way City Council and incorporated into this Ordinance via amendment. Exhibit A is amended by the addition of site plan attached as Exhibit A hereto. C. Section 5.1 of Ordinance No. 99-359 is hereby amended to read as follows: 5.1 Location. The fiber optic line permitted by this Franchise shall be installed underground, in a location determined by the Director as part of the issuance of a right-of-way use permit or other construction approval. The location of the Facilities, including the underground Facilities and appurtenances, their depths below surface of ground or grade of a right-of-way, and any related existing equipment (such as cellular antennae) to which the Facilities are connected shall be depicted on a map and submitted to the City within thirty (30) days of the installation of the Facilities. Upon written request of the City, Franchisee shall update such map to reflect actual or anticipated improvements to the system. Any such map (or update thereof) so submitted shall be for informational purposes only and shall not obligate Franchisee to undertake any specific improvements, nor shall such map be construed as a proposal to undertake any specific improvements. D. Section 8 of Ordinance No. 99-359 is hereby amended to read as follows: Franchisee shall not utilize open cut or open trench construction methods for installing Facilities, unless: (1) required by an emergency; or (2) unless boring is not technically feasible and permission is first obtained from the Director of Public Works. In the event that Franchisee utilizes open cut or open trench construction methods, ~the Franchisee shall not excavate for a distance of more than one hundred feet (100') without immediately backfilling and compacting to surface grade and city standards. Backfilled trench areas within a driving lane must be patched, either temporarily or permanently, before the end of the work day in which they have been opened. Trench areas within the right-of-way, but not with in a driving lane, must also be ORD # , PAGE 3 patched within the time limits specified by the City on the right-of-way use permit. Final surface restoration shall be completed within thirty (30) days and shall be equal to or better than the surface condition prior to permit issuance. As part of final surface restoration, Franchisee shall install new asphalt overlay for a minimum distance of 300 feet from the cut or trench on both sides of the cut or trench (i.e., a total distance of 600 feet), unless a shorter distance is approved by the Director. In the event that the City adopts a street or pavement degradation fee by ordinance, at the option of the City, Franchisee shall pay such fee in lieu of installing the new asphalt.overlay required by this Section. ;~:~+~ .... ;~ +~ +~ a~.~ ~. v ....... a cation s~au -~+ b~ ~" Franchisee ,,.~oo .............. J v ....................... open .... j ....... Wi~in fiReen (15) days of completion of any installation of Franchisee's Facilities within the Franchise Area, Franchisee shall submit to ~e Director plans, stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed by the State of Washington, showing the "as-built" location of the Facilities. Section 2. Remainder of Franchise Ordinance Unaffected Except as amended in Section 1 above, the remainder of Ordinance No. 99-359 shall be unaffected, and its provisions shall remain in ~11 force and effect. Section 3. Severability If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Franchise should be held to be invalid or unco~timtional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall ORD # , PAGE 4 not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Franchise. Section 4. Ratification Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this Franchise is hereby ratified and affirmed. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this day of ,2001. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ATTEST: MAYOR, MIKE PARK CITY CLERK, N. CHRISTINE GREEN, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY, BOB C. STERBANK FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO. K:\telecom\sprintamend frn.doc ORD// , PAGE 5 ACCEPTANCE: The undersigned hereby accepts all the rights and privileges of the Franchise as amended above, and acknowledges that such rights and privileges are subject to and limited by all of the terms, conditions and obligations contained above and in Ordinance No. 99-359. DATED this day of ,2001. SPRINT SPECTRUM By: Its: ORD# ,PAGE6 / / / / / / / SITE PLAN COMPACTED BACK.rILL TYPICAL CONDUIT TRENCH , (Ex). (El 3TYPICAL CONDUIT TRENCH ~ i-,cs1 'E2' SYMBOL LI SITE LEASE AMENDMENT AGREEMENT THIS SITE LEASE AMENDMENT AGREEMENT is entered into this __ day of ,2001, by and between the CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, a municipal corporation (hereinafter "City") and SPRINT SPECTRUM L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, with its principal office located at 4683 Chabot Drive, Suite 100, Pleasanton, Califomia 94588 (hereinafter "Tenant"). On January 2, 2001, City and Tenant entered into a Site Lease Agreement, whereby Tenant leased from City space on and air-space above City-owned property, for installation and operation of certain telephony wireless communications service, including wireless telephone antennae and seven (7) equipment cabinets. Paragraph 27(b) of the Site Lease Agreement provides that any modification or amendment to the Site Lease Agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties. Tenant and City wish to amend the January 2, 2001 Site Lease Agreement to include within the portion of the leased property space for installation of underground conduit containing power and fiber optic cable to connect Tenant' s Equipment to the power system and switched telephone network. Therefore, in consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties agree that the January 2, 2001 Site Lease Agreement shall be amended as follows: 1. Unnumbered First Paragraph Amended. The first, unnumbered paragraph, page 1, shall be amended as follows: City is the owner in fee simple of public open space located in the City legally described on the attached Exhibit A ("City Property "). Tenant desires to lease space on and air-space above the City Property, as described below, for the installation and operation of certain equipment which include antennas, connecting cables and seven (7) equipment cabinets to be used by Tenant and appurtenances (collectively, "Equipment") for use in connection with its operation of telephony wireless communications service more specifically identified as personal communications service ("PCS"). 'I'enant also desires to lease space under the City Property. as described below, for the installation of undemround conduit containina power and fiber optic cable to connect Tenanfs Equipment to the power system and switched telephone network. 2. Exhibits B and C Amended. The drawings attached hereto shall be added to, and be considered part of, Exhibits B and C attached to and referenced in Paragraph 1 of the January 2, 2001 Site Lease Agreement. 3. Remainder of Site Lease Agreement Unaffectec[ The remainder of the January 2,2001 Site Lease Agreement, including any provision not specifically referenced or amended herein, shall be unaffected and shall remain in full force and effect. -1- This Amendment to Site Lease Agreement was executed as of the date first set forth above. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY By:. SPRINT SPECTRUM L.P., by Its Managing General Partner David H. Moseley Its: City Manager By: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Title: Bob C. Sterbank, City Attorney STATE OF ) ) SS. COUNTY OF ) On this day personally appeared before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of , duly commissioned and sworn, , to me known to be of the Managing General Partner of Sprint Spectrum L.P., the Delaware limited partnership that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnership, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument on behalf of said partnership. GIVEN my hand and official seal this 2000. day of (signature of notary) (typed/printed name of notary) Notary Public in and for the State of My commission expires: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, David H. Moseley, to me known to be the City Manager of the City of Federal Way, the Washington municipal corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. GIVEN my hand and official seal this day of ,2000. (notary signature) K:\telecom\sprintsitelse2.doc (typed/printed name of notary) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My commission expires: -3- AMENDED EXHIBIT B Site Location Within the Premises The attached drawing shall be added to and become part of Exhibit B to the January 2, 2001 Site Lease Agreement. B-1 AMENDED EXHIBIT C Site Plan (Including Location of Equipment Boxes) The following drawing shall be added to and become part of Exhibit C to the January 2, 2001 Site Lease Agreement. / / I I I I I I I I SITE PLAN COMP ACT~:D 8ACK FILL ? 7; TYPICAL CONDUIT TRENCH ~-:-~ 3 TYPICAL CONDUIT TRENCH ~ C~OJN~ SYMBOL OITY eF ~ MEMORANDUM Date: To: Via: From: Subject: February 23, 2001 Finance, Economic Development & Regional Affairs Committee David Moseley, City Manager Marie Mosley, Deputy Management Services Director Final 2000 Financial Report Action Requested: Accept the Final 2000 Financial Report and forward to the March 6th Council meeting for approval. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT Committee Chair: Mary Gates Committee Member: Jeanne Burbidge Committee Member: Eric Faison K:\FIN\MFR\MFRFEDRACCVR.I)OC MEETING DATE: March 6, 2001 ITEM# CITY OF FEDERAL WAY City Council AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT: Final 2000 Financial Report CATEGORY: X CONSENT ORDINANCE BUSINESS HEARING FYI RESOLUTION STAFF REPORT PROCLAMATION STUDY SESSION OTHER BUDGET IMPACT: Amount Budgeted: $ Expenditure Amt: $ Contingency Reqd: $ ATTACHMENTS: Final 2000 Financial Report SUMMARY/BACKGROUND: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Was reviewed and approved by the Finance Committee during their meeting on February 28, 200l. CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve Final 2000 Financial Report APPROVED FOR INCLUSION IN COUNCIL PACKET: (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED B Y CJT_Y__~L_ E_R~'S~ ,Q..F_F__.._I_.C___E~)~ ~ COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED TABLED/DEFERREDfNO ACTION COUNCIL BILL # 1st READING ENACTMENT READ ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # K :\I:IN\MI:R\AGN DA I/I,L.DOC CITY OF ~ Qucslions?? Contact: Marie Mosley 661-4063 Tho Kraus 661-4170 Sandra lurich 661-4096 I'am Swett 661-4062 2000 Projected Revenues & ExpenditUre'~ ' ,... ., ..... ~;.~.:~.~ '~.,*..,.',,~. '.~ ~',:. , . ..,:~ 'N-~6.~,:~.,,,,,~,...~.~ . , , 45.00 .......... =Z ................. .7' 35:'00. .,. ~,~. ~, .. '~ :.~..~, ~. ~'~0200 ~ -., .... : ,77.7'W ......... T'-. ......... T'w.7 . '_ "A Overview 1 Significant Events 1-3 General Government Revenues 4 - 13 Expenditures 14-23 Attachment A 24 Final 2000 Financial Report The Monthly Financial Report is intended to provide an overview of f'mancial activity that has taken place in the reporting period. This report focuses mainly on activity incurred in the following operating funds: General, Street, Arterial Street, Utility Tax Projects, Solid Waste & Removal, Snow & Ice Removal, Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax, CDBG, Paths & Trails, Surface Water Management, Strategic Reserve, Airport Strategic Reserve, Debt Service, and Dumas Bay Centre. The Summary of Sources and Uses (Attachment A) captures financial activity through December 2000 using the modified accrual basis of accounting for the years 1995 through 2000. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, accruals are made in the closing period of the year (Period 13). Throughout the year, revenues are recorded when received in cash and expenditures are recorded at the time liabilities are incurred. These accruals are reflected in the Revenue Summary by Major Revenue Sources, the Expenditure Summary by Department, and Attachment A. All other charts and graphs do not include accruals, but are reported on a cash basis, consistent with all prior reports in 2000. 1 O- Year Anniversary: The City held their l0th Anniversary celebration on Monday, February 28, 2000 to honor the City's first ten years and recall the efforts of community leaders who worked tirelessly to make city hood a reality. Certificate of Achievetnent for Excellence in Financial Reporting: The City of Federal Way received the highest form of recognition in governmerital accounting and financial Cit~ of Federal Way December 2000 Monthly Financial Report Sister City Trip: On March 29, 2000, twelve of the City's residents embarked on a nine-day trip to Tonghae, South Korea to establish business and cultural ties with the Pacific Rim, and to sign the official sister city agreement. The cost of travel for two staff members and four; Council members was through public and private donations in the amount of $8,500 from Weyerhaeuser, Puget Sound Energy, King county Cultural Arts Program, and Jin's Trading Company. Budget Open House: The City held Budget Open Houses on March 28~h and on April 13t~. The agenda included presentations from the City Manager and the Management Services Director explaining how the City's budget works and to get feedback from the community on priorities and level of service for the next biennial budget. The attendance by the community was strong, and many good questions were addressed. State Legislature Approves Supplemental Budget: The State Legislature has approved a total distribution of $66.3 million to cities and towns to replace some of the losses from the repeal of the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax under Initiative 695. The municipal assistance will be distributed in two portions, with approximately one-third of the assistance to be distributed between July I and December 31, 2000 and the remaining two-thirds distributed for the calendar year 2001. The City of Federal Way received a total of $228,709 in 2000 and $457,417 for calendar year 2001 and an on going funding in future years with a fiscal growth factor adjustment. Upgrade of Bond Rating: Fitch IBCA, an internationally renowned credit rating agency has upgraded the city's general obligation bond rating from an A+ to an AA-. The boost resulted from a review of f'mancial management practices in western states. Although 23 local governments received upgrades, governments in Washington were largely precluded due to the passage of 1-695, with the exception of Federal Way. The higher bond rating allows the City to borrow money at a lower interest rate, which reduces the cost of City projects. Utility Tax on Pagers: In May 2000, the State Supreme Court decided in Western Telepage v. City of Tacoma, that the city's utility tax on paging services is consistent with the statutory definition of a taxable telephone business under RCW 82.04.065(4). 2000 City Services Survey Results: As part of the 2001/2002 budget preparation process, the City prepared a survey asking citizens to rate the City's services. The survey was sent to approximately 36,000 homes and was made available on the website, and in various public buildings. By May 31st, we had received 750 responses (93% from City residents and 7% from people who use City services but do not live in the City). In general, the City is providing the appropriate mix of services at levels that are balanced with the available resources. Other than the consistent and urgent need of traffic ftxes to relieve congestion, higher service levels in certain areas do not appear to be widely supported if such service levels require higher taxes. Valley Communications Facility Funding: In June 2000 the members of Valley Communications met to interview underwriters for the bond issuance in September 2000. The $13 million bond will be to fund the dispatch facility at their new location in Kent. ' ' Warrant Compliance Project: The Public Safety department and the Municipal Court have initiated a new volunteer project to help clear outstanding Municipal Court warrants. Trained community volunteers made phone calls to people with outstanding warrants for their arrest and encouraged them to resolve their warrants. Phone contact is generally made during evening and weekend hours. After just a few hours, volunteers identified 36 warrants, notified 13 people and cleared 5 warrants for a total dollar value of $11,000. Family Fest: This year's Federal Way Family Fest was held the weekend of August 25 - 27 at Steel Lake Park. The annual community celebration kicked off Friday night with carnival rides and special performances followed by a parade Saturday morning. The festival officially ran through Saturday and Sunday and featured delicious food, a variety of fun activities, beautiful arts and crafts, two stage performances, sandcastle demonstrations, stories from many cultures, hands-on demonstrations, and much more. Grant/Contributions Received: The Public Safety Department was awarded $12,310 from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission for the full funding to acquire two Kustom Brand ProLaser III speed-measuring devices with holsters and two Kustom Brand Talon Model radar units. The Department has received several grants from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission in prior years. Cit~ Of Federal December 2000 Monthl. v Financial Report Annual Audit: In August 2000, the City of Federal Way received an "unqualified opinion" from the Washington State Auditor's Office for the 1999 annual audit, with no findings or management letter. The last six audits have all been of similar nature. Biennial Budget: The 2001/2002 Proposed Biennial Budget was presented to the City Council at the September 19a~ City Council Meeting. The budget includes proposed operating expenditures of $38.3 million and $38.8 million for 2001 and 2002 respectively. Proposed operating revenues total $40.6 million and $41.2 million for 2001 and 2002 respectively. Department presentations and special study sessions are scheduled for October 24-26~. 1-695 Supreme Court Decision: 1-695 contains two subjects: (1) limiting license tab fees to $30; and (2) requiring voter approval of all future state and local tax increases. Because these two subjects are contained in both the title and the body of the initiative, the Supreme Court declared 1- 695 unconstitutional on October 26th. However, the motor-vehicle excise tax that 1-695 repealed will not be reinstated. Earlier this year, the Legislature repealed the MVET to ensure that, even if 1-695 were declared unconstitutional, the $30 license tab fee would remain in effect. I- 722 Passage: On November 7th, voters of the State approved Initiative 1-722 by a 56 to 44% majority. This initiative would (1) declare null and void tax and fee increases adopted without voter approval by state and local governments between July 2, 1999 and December 31, 1999; (2) exempt vehicles from Property taxes; and (3) limit property tax increases, starting with the 1999 valuation level, to the lower of 2% per year or the inflation rate. A separate limit would apply to new construction, and maintenance improvements would be exempt from tax. A number of local jurisdictions have filed complaint and are seeking injunctions for the implementation of this initiative. At their November 14~ budget deliberations, the City Council approved a budget based on a property tax that is consistent with the 2% limit required by 1-722. 1-722 Update: On December 15th, Thurston County Superior court extended the preliminary injunction against implementation and enforcement of 1-722 to all cities, counties and towns. Major Capital Purchases: As approved by the City Council, major capital purchases for the city include: (1) Document Imaging System - to provide an efficient and cost effective alternative to the city's record retention and retrieval needs. In addition to preventing the loss of records, other benefits include saving storage space, providing a central location and quick access to documents for both staff and the public, and maintaining the authenticity and security of the documents; and (2) Interactive Voice Response System for integration with the city's Permit Tracking System. Citizens can call and schedule inspections until 5:00 am on the day of the inspection. The new system will improve customer service as well as staff efficiency, and is expected to go into service on January 1, 2001. Council Adopted 2001/2002 Budgets: The City Council adopted the 2001/2002 budgets at their November 21 st Council meeting. The total budget approved for the year 2001 is $53,119,447 and the total for the year 2002 is $56,713,795. City of Federal Way December 2000 Monthly Financial Report General governmental operating revenue collections through December total $42,385,97 l, which is $5,535,176 or 15.0% above the year-to-date budget of $36,850,796. Of this amount, $1,836,885 is related to Utility taxes and PEET that are reserved for the payment of debt service. Attachment A provides a comparison of year-to-date revenues by major sources for 2000 with comparative figures for the past 5 years. REVENUE SUMMARY BY MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES Period Ending December 31, 2000 ~ l'-- 2000 Revised Budget ~ Actuals I Variance I 1999~ ......... 1 '-Th~:~l~9~"l Through }. Favorable(Unfavorable). Sources ! Actual I Annual / December I December= D~lla-~($~'-'[ Perc~'~-~i' Property Taxes I $ 6,612,491 I $ 6,833,380 $ 6,833,380 6,976,972 I $ 143,592 2.1oA Sales Tax I 9,664,945 8,837,773 8,837,773 ' 10,332,439 ! 1,494,666 16.9°/, Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax i 47,181 87,035 87,035, 126,767 39,732 45.7°/~ 1,478,344 1,409,626 1,409,626 1,632,969; 223,340 15.8°/, Criminal Justice Sales Tax [ 5,047,524 3,152,273 3,152,273 4,003,792 851,519 27.0% Intergovernmental Real Estate Excise Tax 2,438,148 1,200,000 1,200,000 2,149,691 949,691 79.1% Gambling Taxes 1,430,362 1,209,600 1,209,600 1,668,094 458,494 37.9% Utility Taxes I 5,235,789 4,703,276 4,703,276 5,590,470 887,194 18.9% Fines & Forfeitures I 833,953 949,700 949,700 892,809 (56,891 -6.0% Building Permits/Fees-CD 1,288,040 1,018,742 1,018,742 1,132,419 113,677 11.2°/. Expedited Review Fees-CD I 98,677 73,556 73,556 92,732 19,176 26.1% ,ROW Permits/Fees-PW [ 237,869 226,567 226,567 260,397 33,830 14.9°A ~pedited Review Fees-PW t 66,243 38,530 38,530 51,501 12,971 33. _icenses 179,120 118,253 118,253 137,180 18,927 16.0°A --ranchise Fees 469,923 515,508 515,508 496,418 (19,0901 -3.7°A Recreation Fees 525,263, 555,852 555,852 538,930 (16,922 E)umas Bay Centre 492,702 ! 479,578 479,578 484,865 5,287 1 .I°A <nutzen Family Theatre~ 48,883 62,230 62,230 81,144 18,915 30.4°A Interest Earnings I 1,064,181 929,554 929,564 1,315,590 386,036 41.5°/, ~,dmin Fee-SVVM & Solid Waste I 168,480 171,006 171,006 170,588 (419) -0.2°A SWM FeesI 3,125,973 3,142,645 ~ 3,142,645 3,074,347; (68,298) Refuse Collection Fees 147,062 150,752 150,752 154,365 3,613 Police Services 302,902 838,578 838,578: 967,328 128,750 15.4% Other i 153,075 146,782 146,782 54,164 (92,616) -63.1% Interfund Transfers- In - n/a Other Financing Sources , 5,381,058 7,230,373 7,230,373 6,043,931 (1,186,442 -16.4% ~ta!R6~Si::&::Oth~S6U~§ f$ 46~538~189: $ ~,081;~I69 $i44;08~i~69 $ ~8;429,902 $40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000.000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000.000 2,623, $- COMPARISON OF 2000 OPERATING REVENUES - BUDGET TO ACTUAL Total 2000 Budgeted Reve~ues $36,850,796 42,385,971 Jan Feb Mar Ap~ May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oc~ Nov Dec City o£ Federal Way December 2000 Monthly lPlnanclal Report Property Tax: Property tax revenues collected through December total $143,592 above the 2000 ann.ual budget of $6,833,380. $6,976,972, which is an increase of $364,481 over 1999. It is also Real Estate Excise Tax: For the year-to-date comparison, real estate excise tax continues to exceed prior year's collections. Through December, revenues total $2,149,691, which is $949,691 or 79.1% above budgetary projection of $1,200,000. For the current month, we received $153,124, which is $51,920 or 51.3% above the monthly estimate of $101,203. The current month includes over 193 sales transactions totaling $56,165,033. There were three large transactions: (1) the largest transaction being the sale of the Olive Garden Restaurant in the amount of $20,430,000; (2) Crystal Point, a 105 unit multi-family property for $6,215,500; and (3) an RV Sales/Garage Service commercial property in the amount of $4,017,050. January $ 146,325 $ _163,211 $ 289,269 $ 93,147 I $ 103,300 $ 10,154 10.9% February 94,719 119,717 65,939 58,710I - 103,388 44,678 76.1°/~ March 101,508 82,116 80,862 74,070 166,189 92,119 124.4°/, ~,pril 132,678 166,28~ 203,522 110,136 166,725 56,588 I 51.4% iMay 186,187 189,860 169,610 104,960 183,110 78,149/ 74.5% June 108,060 270,672 162,569 101,074 182,137 81,062 80.2% July 120,432 295,736 278,955 127,767 323,080 195,313 152.9% ~ugu~t 231,911 324,962 194,853 113,198 203,579 90,381 -- 79.8% ~eptember 181,490 137,949 326,168 119,222 163,636 44,414 37.3% 3ctober 151,333 204,439 279,424 106,563 299,621 193,058 181 ~lovember 216,381 143,877 209,096 89,950 101,804 11,855 13.2% Est. REValue $ 372,004,640 $ 446,253,716 $ 487,629,564 $ 240,000,000 $ 429,938,264 $ 189,938,264! na · Represents monthly historical patterns for the 2000 Adopted Budget. $i,200,000 · ~" :,$1 REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX ACTIVITY Through December CiO~ of Federal Way December 2000 Monthly Financial Report Sales Tax: Sales tax received through December of $10,302,450 is $1,464,677 or 16.6% above the year-to-date budget of $8,837,773. Compared to 1999 year-to-date, sales tax increased $637,505 or 6.6%. Sales tax received in the month of December totals $835,270 that is $58,243 or 7.5% above the adopted budget estimate of $777,027. Compared to December 1999, sales tax decreased $21,492 or 2.5%. Table reflects the cash basis of accounting SALES TAX REVENUES December 1998 through December 2000 $1.250,000 Holiday Season I 1998 and 1999 I $1.150,000 $1;050.000 $g50,000 '1 $850.000 $750.000 $650,000 $550,000 City of Federal Wa~, December 2000 Monthly Financial Report Vadance fi'om '1999 e.ou. 1999 ss7 t99 1sss , J R~ilT~ $5,~,1~ $5,210,1~ $5,~,~' $ 5,~7,~ $ 6,1~,1~ $ 6,~,~J $ ~9,417' 7. ~ $ ~,3~ $ 7~,~ $ ~,219 $ ~,5~ $ 917,612 5 1,~1,113~ 1~,~1 15.~/o .~~tmdi~ $ 7~,~3 $ ~,~7 $ ~,~7 $ ~,~7 $ 1,~,~ $ 1,1~,115] ~,~1 4.8% ~i~ $ ~,~ $ ~7,132 $ ~,~ $ 512,~ $ ~,~ $ ~1,6~ 116,131 21.~/o ~m~~ilia~ $ ~,324 $ 313,~4 $ ~,~ $ ~,1~ $ ~7,~ $ ~,~] (9,471) -2.4% i~~ $ 376,~1 $ 421,078 $ ~,210 $ ~7,~ $ ~,~ $ 1~,4~] (114,~) ~2.4% ~~ $ 101,~ $ 1~,~1 $ 115,~2 $ 142,023 $ 142,5~ $ 1~,~4~ 18,1~ 12.~A ~nsur~ealEstate $ 73,~ $ 81,~ $ 101,~ $ 117,114~$ 116,212 $ 110,025~ (6,18~ -5.~A ~ TOT~ $ ~'~ $ 81,~7 $ ~,252 $ 114,~ $ 95,~ $ 75,~2] (19,~) -20.~A $ 7,925,703 $ 8,0~,4~ $ 8,~,7~ $ 8,782,171 ~ $ 9,~,~ $10,302,~ ~ $ 637,~5 6.6% Retail sales continue to remain the largest source, accounting for 64.0% of all sales tax collections. Year-to-date retail sales tax collections are up $459,417 or 7.5% over 1999, attributable to the addition of several new retail stores that have facilitated the overall increase in retail activity. Year-to-date construction and contracting activity, which accounts for 10.7% of sales tax collections, is up $50,261 or 4.8% compared to 1999 activity. This increase is further reflected in the City's building permit trends. Services industries are 10.3% of the total sales tax collections. Year-to-date services sales taxes are up $143,501 or 15.6% compared to 1999, due to an overall increase in services activity. Manufacturing activity through the end of December has generated $155,472 in revenues'. This is down $114,366 when compared to 1999. Just over 75% df this variance is due to a major manufacturing company moving out of the state. However since they continue to have sales in Federal Way, we will still be receiving sales tax from them, but in much smaller monthly remittances. Since their move in April of 1999 we have been receiving only a few hundred dollars each month. We expect this to continue throughout the year. Government activity through December totals $160,774, which is an increase of $18,180 or 12.7% over 1999. This is due to additional distributions to the Department of Licensing account that relate to the prior period, as well as an overall increase in the monthly' activity. SALES TAX ACTIVITY BY SiC CODE YTD'i'hrough December 2000 · ' .Manuf~ctunng Government Fin/Ins/Real Estate , ;~.. 1.1% Sen/ices Retail Trade 10.3% 64.0% Ci~ of Federal Wa}, December 2000 MontMF Financial Report Sales Tax Activity by Area: :$7~925,7,03: $8,058,423 ~$8,304,733 $8,782,17.1 $9,664,945 :~$10,302,450.: S 348th Retail Block $2,301,638 I $2,445,150 $.2,7t8,795 I $2.,955,075 $3,268.241 $3,262,7t9 '($5,522)i .' ' -0.2% % change from pmvious yr 269.1% 6.2% 11.2%i 8.7% ~0.8%I .o.2%i na Percentage of to'tal 29.0% 30.3% 32.7%I 33.6% 33.8%I 31.7% I -2.1% -6.3% SeaTac Mall 1,060,678 1,983,217 1,804,749 1,744,493 1,.678,888 1,594,777 ! (84,1t1) '"... ':' :5.0%: % change from previous yr 39.7% 86.9% i -9.0% __ -3.3% _ -3 8% I -5.0% I na na Percentage of total 13.4% 24.6% 21.7% 19.9% 17.4% 15.5% I -1.9% -I0.9% M~]~iAuto Sales 356,947 , 384,578I 378,286! 381,330 I 418,203 I 464',949 ! 46,745., 11.2% Percentage of total ( 4.5% 4.8% 4.6% 4.3% 4.3% I 4.5% 0.2% 4.3% S 312th to S'316th Block 105,152 J 96,543 I 86,61.7 I 90,939 ! 92,074 I 102,584 ! 10,5t0 11.4% % change from provious yr ' 59.8% -8.2% -10.3% ! 5.0% ~ 1.2% ~ 11.4% I na I na Pavilion CenterI na [ 11.2,587 139,486.1 130,'737I 122,888 I 149,519 ; 26,631I 21.7% Ho..tels & Motels I 44,813 i 3.9,7t2 I 43,568 i 47,422{ 42,23.8 I 102,767 I 60,549I 143.4"/o %changefromproviousyrI 101.0%i ~11.4%i 9.7%} 8.8% -109%[ 143.4%I 0.;;' na Percentage of total 0.6% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% . 0.4% 1.0% ~28.3% Table reflects sales taxes collected through October on a cash basis. SeaTac Mall is also showing a decrease of $84,111 or 5.0% when compared to 1999 activity. This is primarily due to the closure of the Lamont store for one month this year, before the reopening of that space as Gottschalks in September 2000. Major Auto Sales through December have collected $464,949, which is an increase of $46,745 or 11.2% over 1999. This is due to increased sales at the end of 1999 facilitated by the passing of 1-695, which reduced the price of car tabs to $30. South 3120' to South 316t~ Block sales tax activity has increased by $10,510 or I 1.4% over 1999 activity. This is mainly due to increased activity in the retail food stores and retail eating and drinking category. Pavilion Center sales tax activity has increased by $26,631 or 21.7% over last year due to the recent addition of a major fabric/craft store to the center. Hotels & Motels sales tax collected totals $102,787 through December, which is an increase of $60.549 or 143.4% over the prior year. This is due to several new hotels in the area, whose revenues have been gradually increasing during the year. This increase in activity can also be seen in Hotel/Motel Lodging tax activity. SALES TAX BY AREA YTD through December, 2000 Other SeaTac Mall 67.3% 9.7% S 348th 16.0% S 312th to S Pavilion 316th Block Center 1.0% 1.5% Major Autos 4.5% C~_ of Federal Way December 2000 Month!F Financial Report Gambling Tax: Gambling tax collections are up $392,098 or 29.5% over the adopted budget of $1,209,600. Compared to 1999, collections have increased $171,336 or 12%. December collections are up $48,525 or 46.9% compared to the monthly budget estimate of $103,568. · .:' .'..W. :'.:'* GAMBUNG TAXREVENUE ..'..' ... .. '" ' ' :" ~: '?::~::: .:':':.!~.~i!'"':!:, ':' ;,"" ' 20~30 .." ';"!~ :.'i~F,<::,'~20Cl0.Budget January $34,518 $24,558 $31,616 $26,182 $90,611 $96,849 $127,344 $30,495 31.5% February 34,518 24,558 34,403 21,305 98,~17 96,195 116,227 20,032 20.6% March 34,518 24,558 30,346 23,182 104,183 95,432 106,912 11,480 12.0% April 28,611 29,665 36,041 29,498 130,536 111,387 142,792 31,404 26.2% May 28,811 29,665 31,~06 ~9,025 ~50,81§ 105,833 133,715 27,862 26.3%1 June -- 28,811 29,665 29,421 20,12'1 14'-~,174 104,525 ~34,100 29,574 28.3%~ July 25,653 ~7,72~ 26,096 34,691 137,222 99,793 141,075 41,281 41.4% August 25,6.53 '17,72'1 '17,0'16 36,336 110,081 91,056 103,991 12,935 14.2% September 25,653 17,721 16,454 36,915 111,146 92,408 '143,483 §'1,075 55.3% October ~a,6~1 28,?~5 23,907 50,005 1~5~324 106,694 i 156,436 ~49,742 46.6% November 18,661 28,715 20,591 §1,544 118,762 105,B59 143,530 37,671 35.6% December '18,681 28,716 19,766 48,147 118,390 103,568 152,094 46,525 46.9% Table reflects gambling actMty thm~, h November o~ a cash basis of accounting. Games/Bingo 0.8%15 2,483 1.2% $ 4,833 0.6% $ 8,242 0.5% $8,405 $ 163 2.0% Pulltabs/Punchboar( 85.4%I 272,186 67.0% 267,214 24.2% 346,352 22.3% 357,926 $ 11,574 3.3% .Cardrooms 13.8% 44,094 31.8% 126,903 .75.2%i 1,075,768 77.1%[ t,235,36715 159,599 14.8% Table reflects gambling activity through November on a cash basis. Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax: Hotel/motel lodging tax collected through December totals $122,507, which represents activity for November 1999 through November 2000. This is $35,472 or 40.8% above budget, which is due to the opening ora major hotel in June. HOTEL/MOTEL LODGING TAX REVENUES 1999 - 2000 ! 1999 20,00 2000 Budget Month i Actual Budget* I Actual , $ Variance ~ ~'V'~ri-an~-e January $ $ 6,044 $ 5,865 $ (159) -2.6% February 4,788 4,578 (211 ) -4.4% M arch 9,491 9,165 (326) -3.4% April 7,704 7,553 (150)~ -2.0% M ay 10,576 10,383 (194) -1.8% June 4,541 4,657 7,351 I 2,695 _ 57.9% July 5,401 5,~90 8,584i 2,994 53.6% August 5,689 5,756 12,106 i 6,350 1~ 1~0.3% September 8,538 8,778 15,569 I 6,791 77.4% October ~ 7,613 7,827 ~ i_t ~,140 104.0% December 6,428 6,602 11,904 i 5,302 80.3% ........ .... :, i$ 87,0 s ...... s,4,2 Table reflects cash basis accounting City o. f Federal Wa,), December 2000 Monthl), Financial Report Utility Tax: Utility tax received through .December totals $5,524,444, which is $825,058 or 17.6% above the year-to~date budget of $4,699,386. Compared to 1999, utility tax receipts have increased $317,655 or 6.1%. Cellular taxes exceed the budgetary estimates by $401,039 or 102%, which is consistent with prior months. This is due to an increase in the number of cellular communication companies in our area, as well as an overall increase in cellular activity. Electric I 1,376,838 1,840,720 1,947,961 1.827,059 1,827,059 1,977,055 $ t49,996 8.2% Gas 385.101 537.631 601,714 527,067 527.067 677,259 150.192 28.5% Garbage 244,892 299.138 329.964 320.005 320,005 341.039 21.034 6.6~ Cable 361.283 445,560 -- 476,864 472.864 472,864 521,992 49,128 10.4% Phone 732,599 864,198 1.069,707 969,706 969,706 1.063,029 93,323 9.6% Storm Drainage 149.308 120.498 153,973 181,948 178,058 144.522 (33,536) -18.8% Cellular 295,503 409,810 617,191 393,227 393.227 794,266-[ 401,039 102.0%  8.584 11,104 9.415 11.400 11.400 5.282~ (6,118)! -53.7% 'i i~'~'~--~' ~;~-" Storm Drainage 2.6% Phone 19.2% Utility Tax Revenues Through DeCember 2000 Cellular i:, ~ pagers: · :14i4% EleCtric 35.8% I1~1 Electric [] Gas [] Garbage [] Cable [] Phone [] Storm Orainage [] Cellular [] Pagers State Shared Revenue: State shared revenues collected total $5,636,761 and are exceeding the adopted budget by $1,074,861 or 23.6%. The majority of the variance is due to the city receiving its 2000 and 2001 distribution from the state of $228,709 and $457,417 respectively, to offset the losses resulting from the repeal of the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax under 1-695. Criminal justice sales tax, which is included in state shared revenues, totals $1,632,969 and is exceeding budget by $223,342or 15.8%. ~lotor Vehicle Excise 'Tax ~ $ !'314'849 i $ 1.048,038 I $ 917,409 i $ 963,678 l, $ 1.059,402 ' $ -: $ 14.673 ~ $ 14.673 ~ 0.0aA ~amper Excise Tax $ 21,426 $ 21,200 $ 21.202 $ 22,646 i $ 23,048 22,051 210 (21,841) -99.0°A .iquor Profits Tax $ 406,088 $ 414,859 $ 419.545 $ 547,578 i $ 412,S76 436,548~- 466.746 30.198 6.9%! Liquor Excise Tax $ 226,801 $ 219,089 $ 223,667 $ 229,987 $ 302,513 235,547 281,352 45,805 19.4% ~.rim Just Low-Pop/DCD $ 358,394 ~ 364,196 $ 181.095 $ 127.827 $ 145.854 73,200 73,200 0,0°~, .~dm Just Hgh Cdme $ 249,393 $ 270,885 $ 286,531 $ 313,850 $ 173.087 na Equalization $ 604,974 $ 408,840 $ 386,184 $ 384,423 $ 433,620 1,805 1,805 0.0% Local Crim Just $ 1,091,874 $ 1,142,910 $ 1,262,828 $ 1.360.175 $ 1,478,344 1.409,626 1,632.969 223.342 15.8% Fuel Tax $ 1,687.835 $ 1,654,028 $ 1718.083 $ 1.725,264 $ 1,793.89~-] 1,794,232 1,735,658 (58,574) -3.3% Veh Lic Fees $ 607,873 $ 616,001 $ 644.53~- $ 656,63'i ~; 687.022/ 663.895 733,086 69,191 10.4% DUI - Cities ~$ $ ~- ~ $ $ 16,506 10,936 10,936 na Local Govt Fin Asst. $ ..... $ - -$ $ -- $ .......... 686,126 686.126 na Represents monthly histoccal pal~em s (1990 - 1999} for the 2000 A~opted Budgel 1u City of Federal Way December 2000 Monthly Financial Report Fines and Forfeitures: Year-to-date fines and forfeitures are below budgetary projections by $56,891, or 6.0%. Revenues are exceeding 1999 activity by 58,856 or 7.1% through December 2000. DUI and other misdemeanors collected through December total $163,025, which is $55,749 or 51.3% above the estimated budget of $107,277. Criminal costs collected year-to-date total $94,612, which is $42,203 or 80.5% above the adopted budget of $52,409. FINES & FORFEITURES B.y Month (½udget ! $599.488 I 8613.226' $639,830 i '$680.00~ I Ses4:~oo i $949.700 Janua~ $~.898 ~.~2 ~.755 ~.6~ ~.7~ ~9.293 j ~1.~ ($7.4~) (0] Mamh ~,~ 47,~5 ~,673 ~.4~ 87,418 ~,2~ 83,~ 3,711 4.6% ~dl ~.415 51.752 51,192 57,~1 ~.~ ~.0~ 74,273 (10,747) -12.6~ May ~ 49.7~ ~.5~ 52.978 73,670 61.~ -- 81.6~ ~ 75.~1 (6.157) -7.5% November ~.281 ~.791 45 810 57.~1 ~.~ 70.181 71.783 1.~1 2~3~ Oecember 40.1~ ~.~9 67.5~ ~.893 ~.~ 69.285 ~ 65.1~ (4.185} ~.0%~ R~ES&~ Traffic & Non-P'dttdng 444,227 37'2.g33 406.642 546,118 470,113 635,463 635,463 510.574 (124,~ -19.7~/, [:lJ &(:Xher Msd 63,6S9 ~9,903 74,580 87.048 108.7B9 107,277 107,277 163,Q25 55,749 I Crlrnlna~ Traffic ~ 27,~65 22,7~4 32.244 45,046 59.571 51,180 51,180 54,564 3,384 ! 6.60/ Criminal Cos~ 15.927 22,536 30,651 67,946 101.263 ~2,409 52.4(:~ 94,612 42,233 80.9'/ False AJann5 8,660 17,439 5.S15 5.875 2B,0~6 15,~:36 15,906 2,977 (12,g2~ -81.3e/ Other 35,485 30,083 49.3g'/ 23.563 8,5~} 52,599 52,5~9 7,439 (45.159) -85.9°/~ 11 City of Federal Way December 2000 Monthly Financial Report Building permits & Plan Check Fees: Building permit revenues collected total $1,076,977, which is above budget estimates by $58,235 or 5.7%. This does not include pass through revenues of $148,175 for expedited and environmental review. Building permits, which include mechanical, plumbing and clear/grade permits total $483,817 through the end of December. This is a decrease of $148,357 or 23.3% compared to the adopted budget of $630,867. Electrical permits total $91,322, which is below budget by 7.4%. Plan check fees collected through December total $355,778, which is $144,811 or 68.6% above the adopted budget of $210,967. Significant building permits issued in December include the Home Depot Tool Rental Center project and Coldwell Banker Bain. Expenditures indude Community Develofxrer~ Administration (001-5200-071), Planning (001-5200-073) and Buildng (001-5200-074), 12 City of Federal Way December 2000 Monthly Financial Report The table below presents a synopsis of building permit activity as of December 31 for new construction between 1996 and 2000. ;'~~U,'~.,,;' ~','~ ...... ~,,-Buildng:Dlvlslon~emlitAcflvity ,. ~../. ~, '~'.' '. ,. ~.~,I~?~,~:~. :::.' . .... . ..: ... .... ~ ~.,!~.....:..~h-i~,n~G&~. :?. ~: ..... ::.,. · !. .~ . ,:~:~,~..;~ :~..~ 1~)96 1997 1998 19~}9 2000 New Residential (Platted) 96 $ 17.217.513 120 $ 22.766,312 93 $ 18.809,103 99 $ 19.933.1.57 New Residential (Unplatted) 0 0 12 2.810.039 2 0 0 0 New Commercial 12 5,514.653 7 1,168.129 18 25.334.419 14 22.828.684 New MuPa-Family Units 3 11.793.140 10 12.749.858 15 3.548.887 5 16.166.880 New Public 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 20 25,738.711 12 3,816,496 0 0 II~l?b(~gta I [4~li~,LConslruction ,:* ~',~111 '.~ ,,;..;$ e.~;:34,525,306 5 ~'~¶ 49 ~,,~i~ $ ,'~4~,3g.T494,'338 ~ 2(I ;'gJq~t.8 ~ 7,692,409 ,[:;,J~,,,:~418 ~ ~;$ ~'[ ~;55 ,g28,72 ! ,~¢',~, .~ ,~89 pl/Lej($ ~11~1j36~529,989 Manufactured Homes 11 69,039 14 96,090 16 120.780 12 86.977 Residential Alterations 127 1.785,004 198 2.550.902 231 2.242.521 239 2,918.781 128 2,486,711 Commepctal Alterations 122 8.720.211 130 7.t40,945 139 6.215,216 146 17,771.998 230 12,815.413 Publicly Owned 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Plumbing Only 33 223.364 37 300 26 2.000 19 0 68 0 Mechanical Only 251 17.080,843 328 16.538.896 274 43.117.545 381 31.729.338 365 1,526,575 Misc. Building Permits 29 433.955 63 537.371 175 1.860.049 118 2.272.124 0 0 ~JS(Jbtot~l~.fAlt~a'~afldh¥~?,.~,;.~.~573 i~ ,~,$ ,g~h28,312,416!'~*.~,.'~,~'~'70,~.~?~$',~l~26~66;4~504~j~861'i~'~,~,$ .'.t.~53,558;111 ?,~,,~ ,~15 ~'q$ ;'~ ;'~,F79,218 ~7~'~ ff91$~$~lg,g28,699 E~I P~i~ 610 0 697 0 11~ 0 1{59 1113 Non-Building Permits: Fire Permits 49 451,003 48 523,696 51 138.020 100 2.809,964 Sign Permits 172 379,885 235 392,020 267 545,559 259 768,637 357 1,059,815 ROW Permits and Fees: Overall Public Works permits and fees collected through December total $260,397, which is $33,830 or 14.9% above the adopted budget of $226,567. This does not include pass through revenues of $51,501 for expedited review. Plan review fees collected total $120,325, which is $29,239 or 19.5% below the adopted budget of $149,564. $ ! 8,~ 8,~7 16,~ 14,1~ 17,~ * 3,~i ~.~/~ ' ~,~ 1~7 ~,7~ 19,~ ~ $ ~ 1Z4% ' 9,~ 19,9~ 16,~ ~ ~313 $ (2~) -1.1°A 9,~1 ~,~1 1Z147 16,~ ~,~1 $ -- ~,0~ 174.~ 9,~ ~,~ 17,~ ~'~i 24,811 $ 4,~ ~.4°~ 1~ 21,~ 10,~ 18,~] 13,~7 $ (4,619) -~.~ ~,1~~ 25,~ 10,~ 17,751 ~ ~ $ 5,~ 28.~/ ~5,~9 21~8 14,~ ~-- 19,1~ $ (~) ~?~ 18,~9 ~'~1 18,~ ~,~___ 17,101 $ (3,419) -i6.~A 19,~ 19,~i ~,~ ~,1~ 9,513 $ (10,~) -~A [ ~ly A~ 14,~ 16,~ 15,~ 21,~ 19,~ 18,~1 21,7~ 2,819 ' m 13 Ci~. of Federal Way Final 2000 Financial Report General governmental expenditures through December total $36,167,233 or 93.4% of the annual operating budget of $38,704,259. Operating expenditures are below the year-to-<late budget by $2,537,025 or 6.6%. When compared to 1999, expenditures are up $347,046 or .97%. i I 2000 Revised Budget j Actuals i Variance .i t999! I Through I Through =l Favorable (Unfavorable) City Coundl $ 217,998 $ '"197,385i $ 197',~185 $' 195,431 $ 1,954 1.0% City ~ 595,744 605,720 605,720 405,195 200,524 33.1% Munidpal Court-Operations t 909,241 909,241 793,644 115,597 17-7% Munidpai Court-Start upt ' 91,122 91,122 68,517 22,605 24.8% Management Services I 1,728,101 1,854,269 1,854,269 1,613,592 ~ 240,677 13.0% Civil/Criminal Legal Services I 1,261,989 1,224,040 1,224,040 1,?~5,375 I (1,335) -0.1°/ Corem Development Se~ices ~ 2,768,211 3,376,757 3,376,757 2,969,746 i 407'011 12.1°~ Police Services I 11,950,812 13,129,237 13,129,237 12,899,772 229,465 1.7°/~ Jail Services I 1'399'403 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,492,341 (292,341) -24.4°/~ Parks and Recreation 3,088,798 3,106,062 3,106,062 3,007,220 98,842 3.2°/~ i 3,2 5,979 3,553,913 3,553,943 3,140,923 4 2, 0i Ov ay F og m 4,764,443 ,9 8,510 ,9 8,510 1,45 ,0 0,456 Snow & Ice Removal 21,371 55,052 55,052 9,711I 45,341I 82.4°/< Solid Waste ! 233,635 312,366 312~366 294,5401 17,826 { 5.7°~ ~otel/Motel t_odgi~ Tax Surface Water Management ~ i 37.1% I 1,56~123 1,795,621 1,795,621 1,533,594 262,027 i 14.6% Debt Se~ice 5,307,192 4,612,156 4,612,156 4,328,241 283,915 6.2% Dumas Bay Centre i 487,164 485,578 485,578 475,759 I 9 819 2.0% Knutzen Farrily Theatre ' 147,223 162,230 162,230 183,280 I (21,050) -13.0% Interfund Transfers-Out ' Ofher Finandng Uses 9,253,813 1 11,425,326 11,425,326 9,556,265 1,869,061 16.4% COMPARISON OF 2000 OPERATING EXPENDITURES - BUDGET TO ACTUAL Total 2001) Budgeted Expenditures $38,704,259 $40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec City of Federal Way Final 2000 Financial Report Municipal Court Variance Analysis: Through December, Municipal Court Startup has expended $68,517 of its carry-forward budget of $91,122, which includes tenant improvements completed this summer as well as furniture and equipment, computer hardware and software. Municipal Court Operations expenditures total $793,644, which is below the adopted budget of 909,241 by $115,597 or 12.7%. Savings can be found in salaries and benefits, including temporary help and overtime, which are 68.8% expended. Temporary help totals $116,609 through December, and includes charges for security guards. Savings can also be found in other services and charges which are 66.0% expended at year-end. Civil/Criminal Legal Variance Analysis: Activity through December totals $1,225,375 and is above the budget estimate by $1,335 or .1%. Salaries and benefits, which make up 61.3% of the budget, are 104.6% expended, for a total of $751,066. Savings can be found in other services and charges, which are 91.7% expended at the end of fourth quarter and intergovernmental charges are only 29.4% expended, or $294 of the annual budget of $1,000. Management Services Variance Analysis: Total expended through December is $1,613,592 or 87% of the annual appropriation of $1,854,269. Through December, MS is below their budget by $240,677 or 13% of the year-to-date budget of $1,854,269. Savings can be found in salaries and benefits which are 92.1% expended and in supplies, which are 73.8% expended at year-end. There are also savings in residual equity transfer charges for capital purchases, which are 27.6% expended. Community Development Operations Variance Analysis: Total expended through December is $2,969,746 or 87.9% of the annual appropriation of $3,376,757. Through December, CD is below their budget by $407,011 or 12.1% of the year-to-date budget. Salaries and benefits are 92.1% expended with a savings of $147,606, which is partially due to the difficulty in replacing some technical positions. Other services and charges total $707,968 or 88.9% of the total budget ($795,560). Internal service fund charges total $474,558 or 72.45% of the total budget of $655,057, and reflect fourth quarter maintenance and operations charges. Community Development Block Grant: The following tables are summaries of City Managed Projects and King County Managed Projects through 4th quarter. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CITY MANAGED PROJECTS Activity Summary Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2000 Program Total L-T-D * L-T-D * 2000 2000 Description Grant Award Expenditures Adjust Begin Bal Expend Ending Balance (10,58o) (9,405) 1999 Program 961 Planning & Administration 73,133 62,553 961 Domestic Violence Coordinat~ - Interfund 21,648 12,243 0062 C,b~,ES (Managed by Multi Services) 49,290 49,290 972 Community Health 12,600 12,600 973 Downtown International District (FW Chamber) 99,283 3,353 95,930 9,795 86,135 Total 1999 255,954 140,039 (19,985) 95,930 9,795 86,135 ;ZOO0 Program - 53,763 20,807 50,280 6,525 10,000 18,155 841 1,307 961 Planning & Administration 71,918 71,918 961 Domestic Violence Coordinator - Intedund 21,648 21,648 962 CARES 50,280 50,280 964 Parent & Child Education 7,832 7,832 972 Community Health 10,000 10,000 973 International E)istdct Improvements 74,526 74,526 74,526 Total 2000 236,204 236,204 141,375 94,829 Total City Managed Projects $ 3,044,773 $ 2,478,504 $ (234,135) $ 332,134 $ 151,171 $ 180,963 * Funds are recaptured specifically for City's projects, but could be for either public sewice or capital projects. 15 CitF of Federal Way Final 2000 Financial Report COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT KING COUNTY MANAGED PROJECTS Activity Summary Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2000 Begin Bal Program Total L-T-D L-T-D* Remaining 2000 Ending Description Grant Award Expenditures Recap/Roll for Exp-2000 Expend Balance t998 Easter Seal Society of Washington 18,989 (18,989) Homesight-Homeownership Assistance Program 75,000 60,000 15.000 15.000 ElderHealth Connection Program Facitity Renovatio~ 10,000 (10.000) Transitional Housing-FWCCN 50,000 47,776 (2,224) KC Housing Rehab 170,000 158.356 (11,644) KC Housing Autharlty-FVV Duplexes Rehab 8,400 8.400 - KC Housing Authority 10,000 10.000 KC Housing Authorlty-Laurelwood Gardens Ap{ Playground 40,000 - 40.000 40,000 Outreach Alive 20,000 (20,000) Total 1998 402,389 284,532 (62,857) 55,000 55,000 1999 V*~torian Place II Renovation Mental Health Housing Foundation Condos Boys and Girls Club Front Entrance Young Adult:Supportive Housing Habitat fo~ Humanity Site Preparation Southridge House Fire Safety Upgrades Group Home Site Preparation Children's Residential Treatment Facility Housing Repair Program 20,000 20,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 - 34,742 34,742 34,742 30,000 (30,000) 40,000 40.000 40,000 83,400 83,400 83,400 22,500 22,500 - 5.000 5,000 5,000 140,000 69,950 70,050 70,050 Total 1999 415,642 112,450 (30,000) 273,192 150,050 123,142 2000 Auburn Youth Resources Federal Way Youth Shelter Community Psychiatric Clinic Transitional Shelter Catholic Community Se~ices Transitional Shelter Habitat for Humanity Site Acquisition Housing Repair Program KCHA-Nike Manor Rehabilitation MSC Driveway Enhancement Project MSC Westway Townhouses Rehabilitation Washington State Youth Soccer Association Site Acquisition 40,000 (40.00O) 15,(XX) (15,000) 15,000 15,000 15.000 15,000 15,000 30,000 30,000 140,000 140,000 52,687 87,313 35,000 35,000 35,000 6,677 6,677 6,677 29,000 29,000 29,000 - 75,000 75,000 75,000 $370,677 $0 ($40,000) $330,677 $96,687 233,990 $306,737 357,133 Total ProJecta Managed by KC $2,263,235 $1,429,358 ($170,007) $663,870 * Reflect funds that have either been recaptured (unexpended funds are put back in the pot and reallocated in future years for city's use) or. rolled over (balance is carried over to the next year and added to similar project, such as Housing Rehab.) Parks and Recreation Variance Analysis: Parks Operations: Expenditures total $3,007,220, which is $98,842 or 3.2% below the year-to-date budget estimate ($3,106,062). This is 96.8% of its annual appropriation. The savings is primarily in salary and benefits, which total $1,329,212 or 88.3% of its budget ($1,505,482) and is due to vacancies. Savings can also be found in supplies which are 86.7% of the $209,440 adopted budget, however, other services and charges total $825,480 or 110.4% of its annual budget ($747,786). Through December, temporary help totals $329,927 or 99.4% of its annual budget ($331,995). Dumas Bay Centre: Operating expenditures through December total $475,759, which is below the year-to-date budget of $485,578 by $9,819 or 2.0% There are savings in salaries and benefits, which is $8,951 below the budget of $126,776 or 92.9%. Savings can also be found in I/S charges which are at 52.5% of the $33,409 total budget, and include 4th quarter charges. Overall expenditures for Dumas Bay Centre are 98.8% expended. 16 Ci.tv of Federal Way Final 2000 Financial Report Knutzen Family Theatre: Operating expenditures through December total $183,280 or 13.0% above the adopted budget ($162,230). The current expenditures exceed the year-to-date budget by $21,050 or 13.0%. This year-to-date budget is a straight-line allocation of the annual budget, based on the fact that we do not have any history upon which to base future fluctuations in spending. The increase in expenditures is offset by an increase in revenues of $18,914. The table below summarizes recreation and cultural service and Dumas Bay Centre activity, and their related recovery rates. ATHLETICS AND SPECIALIZED SERVICES Community Center 20,500 20,775 101.3% 65,943 56,579 85.8% 31.1%[ 36.7% senior Services 22,333 18,181 81.4% 62,340 76,249 122.3% 35.8% 23.8% Special Populations 10,700 18,934 177.0% 50,290 63,938 127.1% 21.3% 29.6% Youth Commission 500 0.0% 2,400 1,267 52.8% 20.8%[ n/a Adult Athletics 163,850 196,975 120.2% 117,215 .128,981 110.0%! 139.8%I 152.7°A Youth Athletics §9,100 83,346 ' 84.1% 88,821 80,086 90.2%~ 111.6%i 104.1°A Aquatics 3,000 2,748 91.6% 33,890 35,863 105.8%' 8.9%i 7.7°A COMMUNITY AND CULTURAL SERVICES Arts & Special Events 38,250 29,887 78.1%t 55,089 61,713 ' 112.0% 69.4%i 48.4% Community Recreation 128,471 137,196 106.8%! 167,976 164,473 97.9% 76.5% 83.4% Red, White & Blue 16,980 21,506 126.7%I 32,500 40,841 125.7°~( 52.2% 52.7% TOTAL RECREATION $ 503,684 $ 529,550I 105.1%I $ 1,072,319 $ 1,054,000I 98.3%I 42.5%! 50.2%I DUMAS BAY CENTRE [ Knutzen Family Theatre 62,230 I 81,144 130.4% 162,230 183,280I 113.0°/oI 38.4%1 44.3%I TOTAL DUMAS BAY CENTRI $ 541,80815 566,009I 104.5%I $ 647,80815 659,039I 101.7%I 83.6%1 85.9%I Commission I - I - I n/al 69,217 I 46,799 I 67.6%1 n/a! n/al Revenues do not include interest income, grants or operating transfers. Expenditures do not include interfund co~trib~ions. Celebration Park and the Arts Commission contract are not included in this table, bu~ are included in Schedule A. Athletics and Specialized Services: Revenues are $340,960 or $20,977 (6.6%) above the adopted budget of $319,983. Direct program expenditures total $442,962 which is $22,063 or 5.2% above the annual budget of $420,566, not including indirect costs. Recreation fees have recovered 77.0% of direct program costs. Including administratixie expenditures totaling $152,081, the overall recovery 'ratio for Athletics and Specialized Services is 57.3%. Community and Cultural Services: Revenues are $188,589 or $4,888 (2.7%) above the adopted budget of $183,701. Direct program expenditures total $267,026 which is $11,461 or 4.5% above the annual budget of $255,565 not including indirect costs. Recreation fees have recovered 70.6% of direct program costs. Including administrative expenditures totaling $191,930, the overall recovery ratio.for Community and Cultural Services is 41. ~%. The total recreation recovery ratio, including indirect costs, is 50.2% Dumas Bay~Centre: Operating revenues total $484,865 or 101.1% of the revised budget of $479,578. Operating expenditures total $475,759 or 98% (excluding one time costs) of the adopted budget of $485,578. The Dumas Bay Centre has recovered 100% of all operating costs without considering unearned revenues. 17 Citg of Federal Way Final 2000 Financial Report Knutzen Family Theatre: Operating revenues through December total $81,144 or $18,914 (30.4%) above the revised budget of $62,230. Operating expenditures total $183,280 or $21,050 (I 3.0%) above the adopted budget of $162,230. The Knutzen Family Theatre has recovered 44.3% of all operating costs without considering unearned revenues. Public Works The table below presents a year-to-date analysis of the Public Works and Surface Water (SWM) contracts with King County, WSDOT and private vendors. Most on-going maintenance takes place during the spring and summer months. Expedited Plan Review (1) I $ 43.530 I $ 56,936 130.8% Development Srv Contracted Inspection (1) 16,519 n/a Neighborhood Safety/Pavement Marking 35,000 20,781 59.4% Traffic/Transportation -Expedited Plan Review (1) I 10,553 n/a Traffic Counts/ConsultantsI 35,000 35,343 101.0% School Safety/Traffic Maintenance - KC 370,000 339,651 91.8% Street Maintenance - Private Contractors (2) 238,980 177,289 74.2%! Street Maintenance - WSDOT I 85,036 89,587 105.4% Structure Maintenance (3) 119,367 119,367 100.0% Solid Waste Litter Control 47,304 46,795 98.9% Water Utility Billing - KC I .... 65,000 ! 43,569 67.0% State Highway Maintenance - WSDOT [ 42,500 44,793 105.4% Water Analysis 13,877 2,825 20.4% Str. Sweeping, Catch Basin, Manhole & Pipes 253,605 236,073 93.1% Snow & Ice Removal 30,000 2,023 6.7% Snow & Icse~ Removal - Lakehaven Utility District , - ~ (1) Expedited plan review service expenditures have matching revenues. (2) Private Contracts for streets maintenance/traffic control ($16,687), ROW vegetation, mowing and tree maintenance ($151,938), stump grinding, irrigation services, dangerous tree removal ($3,700), tree replacement ($10,000), small works projects ($10,000), Right-of-way contracted inspection ($31,655) and Pavement Management System ($15,000). (3) Private Contractors for sidewalk, ramps, curb and gutter maintenance ($112,696) and fences, guardrails, barriers and retaining wall maintenance ($6,671). Variance Analysis Public Works Operations: Operating expenditures are below the December adopted budget ($3,553,913) by $412,990 or 11.6%, and expended $3,140,923 or 88.4% of its annual appropriation. Savings can be found in supplies which total $72,319 or 85.2% or the allocated budget ($84,838) and in other services and charges total $699,301, which is 91.0% of its annual budget. This is due to some professional services and consulting contracts where services were incurred through December but will not be paid until January 2001. Intergovernmental expenditures through the current month total $407,266, which is 89.5% of the total budget ($455,036). Again, there are contract payments for services incurred in the fourth quarter that will not be paid until January 2001. 18 Cit~ of Federal Way Final 2000 Financial Report Solid Waste and Recycling: Expenditures are below budget by $17,826 or 5.7%. This is due primarily to the timing of grant related activity. SWM Operations: Expenditures are below budget projections by $262,027 or 14.6% of the December adopted budget of $1,795,621. The savings is due primarily to salaries and benefits, which total $783,912 or 80.6% of SWIVI's annual budget ($972,919). This is due to the vacancy of budgeted positions within the division. $36,828 has been spent in supplies, or 92.8% of the budget ($36,970). Savings be found in other services and charges which are 86.8% expended at $257,009 and in intergovernmental expenditures which are 94.4% expended at $101,510 due to payment of WSDOT street maintenance contracts. Savings in the WSDOT contract is anticipated at year-end due to several Streets CIP projects that will not be completed in 2000 for the maintenance to begin. Public SafeO, & Jail Services Variance Analysis: Public Safety: Police Services has expended $12,899,772 through December, which is $229,465 or 1.7% below the year-to-date budget of $13,129,237. Savings can be found in supplies where $260,804 or 48.47% of the adopted budget has been expended, travel and training where $116,775 of the total budget ($150,884) has been expended, and in intergovernmental expenditures. Valley Communications has a savings of $113,505 or 88.99% of the adopted budget of $1,030,800. This represents 12 months of expenditures. Other savings include Overtime Police Security which totals $115,450 through December but is offset by revenues collected for the services provided. Residual Equity transfers include the purchase of 9 Motorola Radios ($23,769), 10 Panasonic Laptops ($33,625) and Document Imaging System ($20,286), creating a shortfall of $47,353 when compared to the total budget of $44,128. Salaries and benefits, including temporary help and termination pay totaled $8,974,032, which is $21,764 above the budget of $8,952,268. Jail Services: Jail services are above the December adopted budget of $1,200,000 by $187,550 or 15.6%. The total expended does not include invoices for December. The chart shows cash basis jail cost and maintenance days' activity for December through November 2000 only. $1,500,000 $1,350,000 $1,200,000 $1,050,000 $900,000 $750,000 $600,000 $45O,OOO $300,000 $150,000 $- Jail Costs vs Maintenance Days Through December ..................... ]'.<, ;::.;" : -;- :' '--' '~V,-.": :4':: ...... , .......... '/ ~ ~:~1 r;":., ~. "*" .... ,~.t- ' *926 ~2~'7.*.7 1.t0,393 .,' ~'.~.2 ,' .... uD',;,'. ,,' "'-~..?: ~il~;:?l '~-1 T- 7:.~-~,¢¢x;' - '.-:;: '~,093' ' ' - ?8;8i~ ..... I: ', .:l '~" ~ :--J 19,500 18,000 16,500 15,000 t 3,500 12,000 10,500 9,000 7,500 6,000 4,5oo 3,000 1,500 1994 19951996 1997 1998 1999 iO00 ~ ' ~ Expenditures ~ Cases ' 19 Ci~ of Federal WaF Final 2000 Financial Report Grants & Contributions: The department recently received the 1999 LLEBG grant in the amount of $97,198 for the funding of the critical incident equipment and training, which was approved by Council via the mid-biennium budget adjustment. The Department of Justice also recently awarded 2000 LLEBG grant in the amount of $83,790 for the funding of firearms lockboxes, stop sticks and overtime. This grant is pending approval and acceptance by the City Council at the 10/i 7 council meeting. Other LLEBG grants received by the department include: 1996 LLEBG in the amount $93,695 for 2 recreation coordinators; 1997 LLEBG in the amount of $99,859 for equipment, 1998 LLEBG in the amount of $110,973 for 1 PSO and vehicle. The 1996 and 1997 grants have been exhausted and the 1998 grant will be closed at the end of the year. Other current grants the department is participating in include the COPS More 98 grant for the funding of a crime analyst and equipment, and the 1999 COPS Universal Hiring Program for the funding of 8 officers. The department also received various contributions from the Washington State Traffic Commission in 2000 for purchase of equipment such as radar units and speed measuring devices. Operating Expenditures By Category The chart below-shows operating expenditures and financing uses through December 31 by category or object code: City Manager Contingency Fund 652,927 - 1.3% 0.0% Personnel Services 15,561,188 15,030,308 31.0% 96.6% Benefits 3,432,958 3,192,463 6.8% 93.0% Supplies 995,126 717,056 2.0% 72.1% Other Services and Charges 4,884,249 4,764,330 9.7% 97.5% Intergovernmental Services/I-axes 3,181,259 3,098,011 6.3% 97.4% Interfund Contributions 10,619,527 9,492,659 21.2% Residual Equity Transfers 420,331 312,963 0.8% Capital Outlays 2,244,121 1,721,468 4.5% Debt Service - Principal 2,788,739 2,585,092 5.6% Debt Service - Interest 1,823,417 1,743,149 3.6% 95.6% Interfund Svc Payments 3,525,744 3,065,999 7.0% Total Operating Expenditures I Uses 50,129,585 45,723,498 98.7% Personnel services and benefits, which ~:omprises 38.3% of the operating budget, is 95.9% expended. Included in this number are salary and wages, temporary help, seasonal help, overtime pay, overtime-private security and termination pay. A major portion of the savings is due to the hiring freeze that was implemented by the City Manager in response to the passage of 1-695. Other services and charges have expended only 97.5% of its annual budget ($4,884,249), with savings in Community Development, Solid Waste and Recycling, Parks and Recreation and Law. Capital outlays, which includes $1.9 million for the ~irterial streets overlay project, is 76.7% expended. Of the $1,721,468 in expenditures through December, 84.7% can be attributed to the Asphalt Overlay project. Internal service payments are currently at 87.0%, which includes the collection of 12 months of replacement reserves and maintenance and operations charges through the end of fourth quarter. 2o Cit~ of Federal Wag Final 2000 Financial Report The following table shows the in-house investment activity schedule and their related yields and comparison to benchmark. Per policy, the basis used by the City to determine whether market yields are being achieved is the range between the average 6 mo. US Treasury Bill (5.91%) and the State Investment Pool (6.45%). The current in-house yield is 5.96%.which is lower than the SIP benchmark, due to the timing of investment purchases. About 55% of the investments in the in-house portfolio were purchased in 1999 when the average 6 mo. T-Bill was 4.93% and average in-house yields were 5.37%. Agency - FHLM 02/25/2000 $1,000,000 $ 998,180 01112/2001 6.46% Certificate of Deposit 02/11/2000 $1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 02/12/2001 6.55% Treasury Note 02/12/1999 $1,000,000 $ 1,015,313 02/28/2001 4.83% Agency-FHLB 04/23/1999 $1,000,000 $ 998,000 04/17/2001 5.23% Treasury Note 04/23/1999 $1,000,000 $ 1,024,140 04/30/2001 4.98°/, Agency - FHLM 06/25/1999 $1,000,000 $ 996,480 06/15/2001 5.94% Treasury Note 06/25/1999 $1,000,000 $ 1,016,563 06/30/2001 5.74% Treasury Note 06/30/2000 $1,000,000 $ 993,593 06/30/2001 6.42% Treasury Note 08/20/1999 $1,000,000 $ 1,016,328 08/31/2001 5.63%1 Treasury Note 11/10/1999 $1,000,000 $ 1,002,188 11/30/2001 5.76% Agency-FNMA 03~24~2000 $1,000,000 $ 1,011,580 02/11/2002 6.83% Average Maturity 168 Average Yield to Matudty 5.97% Average Yield - 6 mo. T-Bill 5.91% State Investment Pool $ 37,235,830 I day 6.45% Average Portfolio Maturity & Yield 39 6.35% The total invested balance at the end of November is $48,308,193, which includes $37,235,830 in the State Investment Pool (SIP). The SIP is composed of 7% Agency, 9% US Treasury, 15% Commercial Paper, 25% Repurchase Agreements, and 3% Certificates of Deposit. The City's total portfolio currently consists of 77% in the SIP, 8% in Agency securities, 2% in Certificates of Deposit, and 13% in US Treasury Notes. SIP Investments by Category December 31, 2000 Commercial Repurchase Paper Agreements~ Certificates of US Treasury 15% 25% ~ Deposit Notes9% . /% US Agency Discount Notes ~' Securities 41% 7% i Total Investments by Category December 31, 2000 US Agency Certificate of Securities Deposit ~ / 8%  State  ~lnvestment ~ Pool USNotesTreasury ~ 77% 13% ~--J 21 Cit~ of Federal WaF Final 2000 Financial Report OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT December 31, 2000 Amount Beginning Ending Bond Rating Maturity Originally Outstanding Amount Amount Outstanding Description at Issuance Date of Issue Date Interest Rate Issued Debt Issued Redeemed Debt General Obligation Bonds: 1991Limited ^ OI-Feb-91 OI-Dec-Ol 6.00-6.85 $ 12,500,000 $ 465,000 $ $ 225,000 $ 240,000 1993 Limited Al 14-Jun-93 01-Dec-08 2.70- 5.70 2,390,000 1,630,000 145,000 1,485,000 1993 Refunding ^l 13-May-93 01-Dec-21 2.70- 5.85 12,105,000 11,860,000 45,000 ! 1,815,000 1995 Limited ^~ 28-Dec-95 01-Dec-05 3.90- 4.75 5,000,000 3,535,000 530,000 3,005,000 1996 Limited ^l 29-Feb-96 01-Dec-05 3.50- 4.50 2,500,000 1,760,000 265,000 1,495,000 1997Limited ^AA-i,s~ed 22-Apr-97 01-Dec-12 5.00- 5.30 16,150,000 13,860,000 1,255,000 12,605,000 2000 Limited hi 12-Sep-00 01-Dec-15 5.31 2,551,600 2,551,600 - 2,551,600: Subtotal GO Bonds 53,196,600 35,661,600 2,465,000 33,196,600 Certificates of Participation: 1992 Issue - Series A A 26-Aug-92 01~Dec-02 3.00- 5.45 2,150,000 1,060,000 505,000 555,000 1999 Issue AAA 01-Aug-99 01-Jun-04 5.16 - 184,000 50,954 133,046 Subtotal COP's 2,150,000 1,060,000 184,000 555,954 688,046 Public Works Trust Fund Loan: PWTL 3 I-Aug-94 01-Jul-14 1.00 233,316 181,996 12,133 169,863 PWTL 24-Jul-96 01-Jul-14 1.00 1,166,580 973,910 64,927 908,983 PWTL 04-Sep-97 01-Jul-14 1.00 155,544 137,679 9,179 128,500 PWTL 3 l-May-00 01-Jul-19 1.00 412,500 412,500 412,500 PWTL 14-Aug-00 01-Jul-19 1.00 2,062,500 2,062,500 2,062,500 Subtotal PWTFL 4,030,440 3,768,585 86,239 3,682,346 Grand Total All Long-Term Debt $ 59,377,040 $ 40,490,185 $184,000 $ 3,107,193 $37,566,992 Under RCW 39.36.020(2), the public may vote to approve bond issues for general government in an amount not to exceed 2.5% of the value of all taxable property within the City. Within the 2.5% limit, the City Council may approve bond issues not to exceed 1.5% of the City's assessed valuation. Prior to the passage of new legislation in 1994, the statutory limit on council manic (non- voted) debt for general government purposes was 0.75% of assessed valuation. Another 0.75% of council manic debt was available only for lease-purchase contracts (RCW 35.43.200). These two components have now been combined and can be used for any municipal purpose, including using the entire 1.5% for bonds. The City's remaining debt capacity within the 2.5% limit is estimated to be $104,336,290. Under RCW 39.36.030(4), the public may also vote to approve park facilities and utility bond issues, each of which is also limited to 2.5% of the City's assessed valuation. A total of 7.5% of the City's assessed valuation may be issued in bonds. The remaining debt capacity within the 7.5% limit is estimated to be $363,242,259. Unlimited tax general obligation debt requires an approving vote of the peqple, and any election to validate such general obligation debt must have a voter turnout of at least 40% of those who voted in the last State general election and of those voting, 60% must be in the alTLrmative. Table 1 shows the availability debt capacity for the City of Federal Way for 2001. Table 1!. :coMpUT~;TION OF~!LIMITATiON OF INDEBTEDNESS Decembar 31, 2000 DESCRIPTION AV $5,178,119,377 (A) 1.5O% 2.5O% Add: Cash on hand for debt redemption (B) 8,767,951 Less: COPs outstanding (688,046) Bonds outstanding (33,196,600) REMAINING DEBT CAPACITY $ 52,555,096 GENERAL CAPACITY (C) (A) Final 2000 Assessed Valuation. ,(B) I(c) General PurDose~. Excess Levy Excess Levy Total Councilmanic Excess Levy Open Space Utility Debt (Limited GO~ {Urltimited GO~ ond Park pvrposes ¢ooacitv $ 77,671,791 $ (77,671,791) 129,452,984 129,452,984 129,452,984 $ 388,358,953 8,767,951 (688,046) (33,196,600 $ 51,781,194 $ 129,452,984 $ 129,452,984 $ 363,242,259 $104,336,290 Projected fund balance of $4,785,693 in debt service prefunding balance and $3,982,258 in utility tax fund Combined total for Councilmanic, and Excess Levy capacities. 22 Cit~ of Federal Way December 2000 Quarterly Financial Report Beginning Fund Balance at 111100 Revenue Expenditt,res 27,993,656 26,249, 26~E 2,993,242 3,140,923 349.431 1.596.117 1.458.054 138.063 2.830.149 5.822.593 4.245.306 1.577.287 299.841 270.158 294.540 (24.382) 22.549 102.586 14.086 88.499 27.965 127.817 97.298 30.519 113.274 94.000 (94.000 5.822 152.509 151.892I 617 22.353 10.061 ' I 10,061 2.028.204 121.985 121.895 90 5.387.892 947.636 947.636 3.084.330 474.204 2.209.105 (1.734.9011 18.961 998 998 11.377 2.073 (97.34(~ 99.419 552.432 889.544 561.419 328.125 3.584.801 5.649.880 3.856.633 1.793.247 6.219.688 6.959.862 3.318.641 3.641.221 18,859,481 '14,924, t97 9,848,452 5,075,745i Fund General Fund 4,827,573 Street Fund 147,681 ~t~i.~ ii.i.i~, ill..i::.: ~ ~!$ ~ ;iI: ~i975~254:~: Special Revenue: Arterial Street Utility Tax (1) Solid Waste & Recycling Special Study (Gev. TV) Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 2% for the Arts CDBG Paths & Trails Strategic/Airport Reserve Capital Project: Public Safety Facility Downtown Revitalization Unallocated 1997 Bond Proceeds Celebration Park Park Improvements Surface Water Management Transportation Subtotal Capital Projects Enterprise Funds: Snow & Ice Removal 100.000 9.711 9.711 Surface Water Management Net CaSh : :Balance at in/(o~{) I '12/~'i/00 1.744.028 6.571'~0~- (147.681 (0) 6';038i~8~ 487,494 4,407,436 275,459 111,048 58,484 19,274 6,439 32,414 2,028,294 6,335,528 1 ,~9,429 19,959 110,797 880,557 5,378,048 9,860,909 23,935,227 1.653.058 3.138.284 4.039.948 Dumas Bay Centre Operations (2) 485,685 475,759 Knutzen Family Theatre Capital 47,773 5,241 35,690 Knutzen Family Theatre Operations 187,573 183,280 Internal Service Funds: (3) Risk Management 1,377,965 880,551 633,613 246,938 1,624,903 Information Systems 1,096,345 1,516,571 1,212,787 303,784 1,400,129 Mail & Duplication 112,048 187,472 145,950 41,522 153,570 Fleet & Equipment 1,569,127 992,154 756,633 235,521 1,804,648 Buildings & Furnishings 870,388 547,153 451,758 95,395 965,783 Subtotal Internal Service Funds i 5.025.873 ! 4. t23.901 I 3.200.741 ' 923.160 5.949.033 Investment Control Fund (6.580.522) (48.308.193 - I 100.000 (901.664)1 751.394 9.926 [ _ 9.926 (30,449) 17,324 ~,2~' 4,293 Total AII FUn'ds 381.865 1.$ '/27.344.955 { $ 125.231,488 2.113.466 $ (3g.588.72(. 23 .s/Uses ~eglnnlng Fund Bat&fica ATTACHMENT A CITY OF FEDERAL W~Y SUMMARY OF SOU~ AND USES OPERA11NG FUNDS 1995-2000 1995 t996 199}' 19~6 $ 11,403,627$ 10,331,541S 10,396,1M $ 15,126,342 $ 17,578,962 2OOORe~sedUudget ................. ~,~&9~ 18,082,539 S 18.082,539 ACIUall 'lltrough Oe~emb~r $ 18,082,539 Operating Revenues Propedy Taxes Sales Tax ~ Jus~ce Sales Tax Ioteegovemmental Real Estate Excise Tax Gambling Taxes Utility Taxes Fines & F~teitums Bulklk~ PernUts/Fees-CD Expedited Review Fees-CD ROW Permits/Fees-PW Expedited Review Fees-PW Licenses Franchise Fees Recreation Fees 3ureas Bay Ce~tm <nutzen Family Theatre ntemst Earnings ~,dmin Fee~SAAM & Solid Waste ~ Fees Refuse Coltec6o~ Fees ~34ice Ser~:es ::)ther 5,911.017 7.925.703 1.091.874 5.477.633 1.093,194 322.989 607.932 660.116 178~75 84.773 386.005 419.492 216.498 803,344 150.384 2,9~2.684 145.600 998.529 6,009,042 6.058,423 5.017.136 301.977 810,347 557.240 585,397 197,216 82.004 399.033 431,761 278,323 628,859 154.897 2,968,547 143,758 1.013,647 6,161.293 9,304.733 1,262.828 4.793.248 1.860.023 318.763 3.554.107 622.452 735.270 7.2~8 188,823 83.108 463,232 448,973 753.831 162,734 2,912,571 143.102 1,036,264 1,213,519 6.437.503 8.782.171 1.360,175 4,97O,984 2.231.269 398.950 4.528.659 814,676 64.394 252,952 54,971 57.597 356.439 466,470 16.483 1,009.957 165,9~9 3.032.677 147,101 192,3~7 2,075.219 6,612.491 9,664,945 47,181 1.478.344 5,047.524 2,438.148 5.235.789 98.677 237,869 66.243 179.120 469,923 525.263 492.702 1.1064.181 168.480 3,125,973 147,062 302.902 153,075 6.833.380 8,837.773 87,035 1.409.626 3,152.273 1.200,000 1.209.600 4,703.276 949.700 1,018.742 73,556 226.567 38.530 118.253 515.508 555,852 479,578 62.230 929.554 171,006 3,142,645 150.752 838,578 146.782 6.833.380 8.837.773 87,035 1,409.626 3.152,273 1.200,000 t .209.600 4.703,276 949.700 1.018,742 73.556 226.567 38.530 118.253 515.508 555.852 479.578 62.230 929.554 171.006 3.142.645 150.752 838.578 146.782 6,976,972 10,332.439 126.767 1.632,969 4.003.792 2,149,691 1.668,094 5.59O,470 892,809 1,132.419 92.732 260.397 51,501 137.180 496,418 538.930 484,865 81,144 1.315,590 170.588 3,074,347 154,365 967.328 54,164 Operating Expenditures ~Jty Manager Municipal Court-Operations Municipal Court-Start up Management Services C~viFCdminal Legal Services Comm. Development Services Police Se~lces Jail Semices Pad~ and Recreation Public Wod~s ~'~ty Oveday Program ::: : :i29~456i9442: 174.755 497,352 168,750 433.251 1,318.799 1,098,432 3,556.259 8.274,738 564.o92 3,084,57.2. 2.621,960 631.930 1,404.702 1.139.358 2,624.183 8,763.727 602,433 3.010,592 2.860.807 863.333 187.129 527,825 1.414.919 1.321.723 2,469,003 9,827.866 719.114 2,634.718 2.978.999 1.6436.804 190.622 548,651 1,545,619 1,557,525 2,669,939 10.951.028 926.822 2,722,153 3,257,037 1,800.717 217.998 595.744 1.261.989 2,768.211 11,956.812 1.399.403 3.088.798 3.285.979 1.764.443 :~:~:~:i:i:136 850~796: 197.385 605,720 909,241 91,122 1,854,269 1,224,040 3,376.757 13.129.237 1,200.000 3.106,062 3,553,913 1,918,510 :[36,8,50;796 197,385 605,720 909.241 91.122 1,854,269 1.224,040 3,376.757 13.129,237 1,200.000 3.106,062 3.553.913 1.918,510 : :,42;385;9T!: 195,431 405,195 793.644 68,517 1,613,592 1,225,375 2.969.746 12.899.772 1,492.341 3.007.220 3,140.923 1,458.054 ow & Ice Removal ,(id Waste Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax Surface Water Management Debt Sef%'ice Dumas Bay Centre K~utzen Famih/Theatre (~perating Revenues overl(under) [~)pera[ing Expenditures Other Financing Sources Other Financing Uses Ending Fund Balance Solid Waste Snow&Ice Arfe~tal S~'eet Utility Tax SWM Path & Trails Sb-ategic Reserve Debt Service Dumas Bay Cefltre Police P3 Inter~und Loans Unreserved TOt&!E~/.:fi~tg:F~hd:B:alance :::i:::!:: ::: :~::::::: : 6,749 216,330 1.339.801 1,771.439 308.457 4.120.933 5,391,524 188,505 191,274 971,893 1,702,890 39,284 2,104.645 1,936,991 157.897 1.031,439 t0,000 1,798.218 10i1339036 ! 62.057 56,563 284,175 496,742 1.490.808 1,450.508 1,717,049 2.982,78,5 353,163 415.891 4.406.215! 8,27e,89o ! 3.524.944 3.106,818 2,034.372 213,050 296.991 103,239 73.358 362,100 470,902 1,077,666 1,566,522 50,210 I 6,153 2.050.477 t 2,022.389 1,618.909 2,986.805 115,131 83.742 ' / 1.082.207 $::: :11;630~938 / $ 18;163,650 35.844 282.044 1,463.433 2,127.799 405,298 76,412 8,176.256 2,822,839 5,783.555 294,316 t03.530 477,375 2,120,030 2,276,459 12,555 2,025,49O 5,283,482 13.286 786,441 10,000 3,532,267 :$ :17~235 237 21.371 233,635 1,562.123 5,307.192 487.164 147,223 5,336,944 5,381,058 9.253.813 299,842 100,000 349,431 2,830,148 1,643,113 22,353 2,028,204 5,748,508 47,775 748,150 300,000 10.000 4.009.345 ,!:i:i:118 136 969ii 55,052 55,052 I 9,711 312,366 312,366 294,540 115,000 115,000 72,298 1.795,621 1,795.6211 1,533.594 4,612.156 4,612.156 4,328,241 485.578 485.578 475.759 9,819 162,230 162,230 183,280 1,0501 :~:::~: I (I,853,463)!(1,853,463) 6,218.739 8,a72,202 7,230.373 7.230,373 I 6,043,931 (1,186,442) / 11,425,326 11,425,326 9,556,265 t1,869,0~1 291,487 - 275,459[ 3,406,888 - 4.407.456 574.643 - 751,394 31.520 - ~ 32,414 l 2.000,000 ' I 2,028,294 i 4,738,354 - 6.056,386 [ -I : I 3t.~41 eeg.3~ / - [ 800.229 I 10,000 - , 10.000 (88.103) - 5.526.294 / $ 12 034,123 ~: $ :: :12.03412315 20,7,~8 9:44:1:$, -435.5% -16.4% 16.4% n/a ~/a n/a rt/a n/a n/a n/a tva n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a: tva n/a n/a n/a n/a tva ~/a n/a n/a 5016698 t: 41.7% PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT '~ SWM DIVISION 1/18/01 PROJECT STATUS REPORT Ken Miller, Deputy Public Works Dlrector . . this project to ensure that complies w'r[h new ESA I requirements while also I . e TBD TBD TBD ~ot eh City. A I ....... ~e will be developed I ~,~ ,~e bast course of I action for the City. Th~a funded for design, I ~c~sir:on, :nd ] ~reliminary design I was completed in march 1999. J p~ition is under way I Land ,t~on "/^ 8~0~ "/^~,, of l ....... 6/Ol~is'~'on issues I ~siay the project. I R~aff has siso delayed I the prol~t. . . I C'~warded the project I ~o Katapan, Inc for the I amount of ~2,469,053. The [ D~-sign I Conat ~,o. Ph"~e I N/Aruc 9/97 4/00 N/A ~ty~Stlwfil invoice thai 3'071'S30 I /I :~nal payment'from the .Public I W~Fnd upon completion I 0f the Pr°iect' ' ' ~J 10/00.~1 1/98 1/98 4/00 N/A ~~je'ct ~ConStruction in I 1,477,554 1/1/98 Prelim. I Construction d '~ water line work Design / I ~ asphalt overlay °fl ! Spring 2001 due to weather. I C~n On this Phase was l 9'95 ~ 3/99 J " ~~;- ~ompleted I project in March 1999 The ' , I Construction Ph~e I N/A N/A N/A 1/99 ~red for the I DesignPhase'/ 'I ~ce with the project , Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. Project was completed in 1998. I. Council eccepted the completed project in December 1998. The 26,3181 SW 34Otb Regional Storage 10198 N/A N/A N/A NIA N/A 1/99 50,000 Facility 1/98 Construction remaining work is required for the Monitoring (Monitoring) compliance with the project Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. ... Project was completed early 1998. Council acceptance of the completed project is Scheduled So. 356th Street Regional 3/95 12_/97 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6/98 June 1998. The remaining work 50,000 4,577 Storage Facility Final Design Construction Is requt.red for the compliance Monitoring (Monitoring) with the project Mitigation and Monitodn8 Plan. Project was completed eady 1996. Council accepted the completed project in March 1997. 6,136 So.--336th / Kitts Comer 1/94 12/96 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1/97 30,189 Regional Storage Facility Prelim. Design Construction The remaining work Is required for Monitoring (Monitoring) the compliance with the project Mitigation and Monitofln~ Plan. "' The annual programs are used to correct deficiencies posing Annual Programs hazards In major conveyance Mi~or ClP/Malor M~intenance 1/00 12/00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A systems, solve minor localized flooding problems improving water 11~ Street Pipe quality and habitat, reduce the Replacement liability aspects of publicly owned S 312~ Street drainage R/D facilities, and restore lost ditch Improvements functions and values of City's 51" Ave SW improvements many streams and lakes. S 309~ and 26~ Ave S regrading Each year a llst of projects is 118,195 116,626 ' Waterstone CB installation developed for each of the 47,277 4,740 following programs: 35,459 500 R/D Retrofit 123.932 42.606 Removesedlment from Minor CIP/Maior 324,863 164,472 ponds ' Maintenance - R/D Retrofit Lake and Stream - Lake & Steam Lake Killarney WQ Improvement Projects Water Quality Total 364~ Street Culvert replacement Storm Drainage Hot Tape Stencil : Joe's Creek Restoration Monitoring 'Stations/Equipment Lakota Adopt a Creek k:\cip\swmO 11801 .doc Traffic Signal at SW Dash Point Road at 8th Avenue SW Design, ROW and Construction SR99 at So 330~ Street Improvements Design, ROW, and Construction K~\ClP~'afl O00.wpd 1-18--01 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC DIVISION PROJECT STATUS REPORT Rick Perez, Traffic Engineer ................ 12~1/00 ST: S DIVISION PROJE;;, .~TATUS REPORT Marwan P.E. Street BPA Trail Phase III Design/ROW/Construction (T~A 21) SO Road Improvements, So 317th St to So 324th, and So 320th Street double left turn lanes Desigh, ROW, and Construction (TEA 21, AlP) 320th Street- 1 lth Place South to I-5, Utility Underground and Streetscape Design, Construction SR 99 Phase I - So. 312th Street to So. 324th Street HOV Lanes Design, ROV~ Construction (TEA 21, TPP) 2/98 9/01 8/93 12/02 1/98 12/02 5/98 12/02 This project Is funded for Design, ROW and Construction. Design Consultant is Parametrix, Inc. Right-of-Way acquisition is complete. This project is funded by TEA 2]. grant and City funds. Construction Ad date is estimated to be In Februar~ 2001. Thls project Is funded for Design, ROW and construction. Right-of-way acquisition to be done by City and WSDOT forces. Consultant is Entranco. 85% Design was presented to LUTC in April 17, 2000 and to City council on May 2, 2000. Ad date is estimated to be In March 2001. Project is being worked on In conjunction with the following projects: - So 320th & SR 99 Intersection Improvements, will include the portion from11th PI So to 20th Ave So, and . 23e Ave So Road Improvements wilt include the , from 20th Ave So Thls project is funded for Design, ROW and Construction. Consultant Is CH2M Hill, Inc., currently working on project des!gn. Consultant and City forces will do ROW acquisition. 85% Design status report was presented to LUTC on September ].]., 2000 and to City Council on October 3, 2000. Construction Ad date is estimated to be June 2001. 1,074,885 9,343,752 1,923,930 11,208,332 223,000 (DeslgrVROW) 2,355,400 (Deslgn/ROV~,O 32,500 (Design) 3,431.617 (Design/ROW) SR 99 Phase II - SO. 324th Street to SO. 340th Street HOV Lanes Design, ROW (TEA 21, TPP) South 320th Street at SR 99 Signal Improvements Design, ROW, Consb'uction (TEA 21, AlP) Asphalt Ovedays Design, Construction K:\CIP~STR 1200,doc 12/31/00 9/99 12/O3 6/01 12/O 0 Thls project Is funded for Design and ROW only. Consultant Is CH2M Hill, Inc., currently working on project design. Project construction Ad date is estimated to be May 2002 if construction fun. ding becomes available. This project is under construction, the contractorls R W Scott Construction Co. project substantial completion is scheduled for 1/31/2001 and final project completionis 5/30/2001. Contractor Is ICON Materials (M.A. Segale, Inc.). All required work for the 2000 Asphalt Oveday has been completed. Sufficient funds were available in the project budget and cootingencies to add Schedules E, F & I back into the contract. 2,818,000 980,000 3,618,179 3,420,666 (Oesi~'VROW/C.,o nstructlon 1,689,897 1,623,292 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: February 28, 2001 Finance, Economic Development & Regional Affairs Committee David nager Marie Mosley, Deputy Management Services Director Carry Forward Budget Adjustment Ordinance Backqround The carry forward budget adjustment serves two purposes. First, it adjusts the beginning fund balance in each fund according to actual operating results from the prior year. Second, it appropriates for projects that were budgeted, but not completed in prior the year, and will continue during the current year. The following discussion is focused on General and Street funds as they account for mostly all discretionary funds in the City, the remaining funds are designated for specific purposes provided by either state statute or by Council action. General & Street Fund Operations: Fund Balance Adjustment- The General and Street Funds operations for 2000 resulted in an additional $2,840,482 in ending fund balance. Of this amount, $2,054,286 is the result of additional revenues and $904,204 is the result of unspent expenditures during 2000. Most of the unspent expenditures are for projects/programs that will continue in 2001, and some of the revenues are restricted for specific uses. Once these amounts are deducted, the available balance from 2000 operations is $1,143,780. In addition to these adjustments, we are also able to reduce the amount reserved in the General Fund balance by $298,000, for an adjusted unreserved/undesignated fund balance of $1,441,611. The primary sources of additional revenues are sales tax ($297,439), security overtime and other police contracted revenues ($212,934), interest income ($231,183), fines & forfeitures ($148,512), motor vehicle excise tax ($474,105) primarily for 2001 1-695 backfill received in 2000, and gambling tax ($312,747). The cost of those projects/programs that will continue into 2001 and those expenditures supported by restricted revenue totals $1,404,712 which include: $236,519 for Community Development Department, for human services contracts, planning consultant contracts, and continue implementation of the permit tracking system; $160,543 in Management Services Department to continue implementation of the financial system and document imaging system; $697,356 in Public Safety Department, primarily for drug seizures program and various federal grants; $69,790 in Parks & Recreation Department for Arts Commission funding and provide funding for 2 additional vehicles, one new and one used; and $254,245 for Public Works Department for vadous studies, new and upgrade of signals and adding to replacement reserves for an existing equipment. A detail adjustment list is attached for your information. Other Project Specific Funds: The remaining adjustments are either project specific in nature or the revenues received are designated for specific purposes. These include $27,741,479 in capital projects; special revenue funds such as 2% for Arts ($24,274), government access channel equipment fund ($111,048), Arterial Street overlay program ($382,337); slight adjustment in Debt Service and the proprietary funds, primarily to correct the adopted budget; and the Internal Service Funds appropriations amount to $315,044, which mirrors applicable adjustments in operating funds. The adjustment also reflects a transfer of $2,028,294 to consolidate the Strategic, the Airport Strategic, and Self-insurance reserves into one, to cover both the economic and other risk types of exposure. Action Requested Motion: Recommend approval of the attached carry forward budget adjustment in the amount of $32,176,516 in 2001 and a reduction of $221,637 in 2002. APPROVAL BY COMMITTEE: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member City of Federal Way General & Street Fund 2000 Operating Results and Carry Forward Summary i Year-End ~ I Favorable (Unfavorable) Carry Forward Item ,, ..... EstimateI Actual I Am°unt IPercent Amountt Note Beginning Fund BalanCe : $ 5,093,263! $ 4,975,255'$ (118008)[ -2.32% $ 2,840,482 From 2000 operations REVENUES Property Tax $ 6,995,571 $ 6,971,923 $ (23,648) -0.34% Sales Tax 10,035,000 I 10,332,439 297,439 2.96% Criminal Justice Sales 1,536,898 t 1,632,969 96,071 6.25% Gambling Tax 1,350,000 '~ 1,662,747 312,747 ! 23.17% License & Fees 172,226 136,370 (35,856)~ -20.82% Franchise Fees 461,972 I 496,418 34,446 7.46% Building Permits/Plan Check - CD 1,083,551 i 1,225,716 142,165 13.12% MVET 228,709 I 702,814 474,105 I 207.30% (457,417) 1-695 $ recved in 2000 Criminal Justice H/C _ i - i na L I ' 73,200I (11,963) i -14.05% Criminal Justice L/P 85,163; MVET Equalization -i- ~ -I na Liquor Excise Tax 240,226 I 281,352 41,126 I 17.12% Liquor Profits 392,579 t 466,746 74,167 18.89% Grants 645,234 i 685,346 40,112 ~ 6.22% 20,180 Commute Trip/DV Vehicle License Fee 710,000 i 733,086 23,086 3.25% Fuel Tax 1,175,000 I 1,176,764 1,764 0.15% Diverted Road Tax - i 5,048 I 5,048 na Plan Check Fees/Permits- PW ! 341,863 ~, 311,898 i (29,965)! -8.77% Other Misc Street Fees/charges - i - I - na Financing Proceeds-PW -/ -! ~ na Fees & Charges i 15,861 31,526 i 15,665 i 98.76% Fines & Forfeitures I 814,264; [ 962,776 148,512 18.24% Interest Income 276,221 I 507,404 i 231,183 83.69% Police & Security 760,552 ! 973,486 i 212,934 ! 28.00% 158,988 ,PS Grants Misc Rev i 56,484i 72,737! 16,253 ', 28.770/0 Recreation Prog 549,651 ~ 538,429 I (11 222)! -2.04% i Admin Fee . 170,472; 170,588! 116! 0.07% Operating Trsfr I 290,158 290,159I 1 '= 0.00% TotalRevenues I $ 28,387i655 i $30,441,941 i $ 2,054,286 i 7.24% $ (278,249)IGF/SF Revenue adj. i [ EXPENDITURES i ~ I i I City Council [$ 197,385i $ 195,431 $ 1,954 i 0.99% City Manager ~ 605,720 ~= 405,196 200,524 i 33.11% ,, , Muni-Court i 1,000,363I 862,161 '~ 138,202 i 13.82% I Community Development ! 3,376,757 ! 2,969,746 i 407,011 ! 12.05% 236,519 iHS/Planning/Permit, sys i · (1 335)[ -0.11% Legal ~ 1,224,040 1,225,375I , I EDEN/Kronos/DI Management Services i 1,854,269: 1,613,592 ~ 240,677 =i 12.98% 160,543 Sys Jail i 1,200,000 1,492,341 i (292,341)i -24.36% Public Safety i 13,129,237 12,899,772 229,465I 1.75% 697,356 1 Seizure/grant programs Park & Recreation ! 3,106,062 ~ 3,007,220 98,842 I 3.18% 69,790 iArts corn/add truck(s) Public Works ~ 3,553,913 ' 3,140,924~ 412,989~ 11.62% 254,245 ~.Contract/ProjectJtruck repl Operating Transfer i 1,052,052 1,005,920 ~ 46,132 4.38% Non-Departmental , (550,000)! 27,916[ (577,916) i 105.08% : TotalExpenditures iS 29,749,798I $ 28,845,594 i $ 904,204 i 3.04% $ 1,41,8,453 ~ Excess of Revenues/Expense i $ (1,362,143)i $ 1,596,347 iS 2,958,490 i -217.19% $(1,696,702)i, '~ $ 3,731,120 $ 6,571,602! $ 2,840,482i 76.13%I $ 1,143,780;. Ending Fund Balance iwen.xls Rev & Exp Vadance 2/23/200t 12 35 PM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 2001 CARRYFORWARD BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Impact to 2001 Budget General Fund: Transfer to Street Fund - General Fund Subsidy $240,504 Community DeveloDn3el~t Human Services Contracts ($7.565) & Employee Donations ($5.225) 12.790 Nerighborhood Matching Funds 7,580 Long Range Planning Contract Funds 84,149 Permit Tracking System-Internal Service Charge 132,000 Manao_ ement Services Internal Service Charges (Document Imaging System $40.000, Eden System $78,600, Timekeeping System $23.00 141.600 Education Assistance 15.122 Wellness Program 3,821 Parks & Recreation Arts Commission-Cultural Plan 10,649 Transfer to 2% for the Arts-Skateboard Park 5,000 New Vehicle and M&O on Retaining Vehicle-Internal Service Charge 31,000 Celebration Park Monitoring Program 23,141 Public Safe~_ Explorer Program ($1,350) and Traffic School ($14.174)-Funded with Revenues 15,524 State ($393,845) & Federal ($88.565) Seizures 482.410 Grants-S12,721 COPS More '98 Grant. $162,7t6 LLEBG. $21.804 Bulletproof Vest Program) 197.241 Memorabilia & Miscellaneous Account 2,181 Street Fund: CTR 6 Months Extension with King County 13,741 WSDOT Study: I-5, SR18 & SR 161 50.000 Steel Lake Remodel-Emergency Switch for Auxiliary Power 7.728 Street Maintenance 5 Yard Dump Truck-Internal Service Charge-Accumulate Replacement Reserves 25,000 Various Contracts & Professional Services (NTS. Trans Modeling, School Crossings. Traffic Signals Upgrade) 89,195 Reallocate Fleet Reserves-Adopted Budget Correction 68,581 Subtotal General & Street Fund $1,658,957 Arterial Street Fund: Asphalt Oveday Program Solid Waste & Recycling: Various Grants Sound Resource Management Contract Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax: Tourism, Promotional Materials, Convention Center Strategic Reserve: Transfer Balance to Risk Management Fund-Combine Reserves Transfer 2000 Interest Earnings to Risk Management Fund Airport Strategic Reserve: Transfer Balance to Risk Management Fund-Combine Reserves 382,337 127.268 16,082 17,702 1,700.000 28,294 300,000 Subtotal Special Revenue Funds $2,571,683 Debt Service: Eliminate Public Works Trust Fund Loan Payment-Budget in SWM Enterprise Fund Transfer PWTFL Prefunded Ending Fund Balance to SWM Enterprise Fund (257,152) 250,863 SUbtOtal Debt service Fund ($6,289) City Fac#ities CIP: Public Safety Facility Downtown Revitalization-Story Board Downtown Revitalization-Chamber Executive Downtown Revitalization-Sign Incentive Downtown Revitalization-Legal Fund Downtown Revitalization-Kiosk Downtown Revitalization-Capital Budget 6,335,528 5,000 25.000 105,247 125,333 50,000 1,038,850 01carry sum 01 02/23/2001 08:46 AM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 2001 CARRYFORWARD BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Impact to 2001 Budget Parks CIP Fund: Sportsfield Improvements Balance Neighborhood Parks Balance Celebration Park Balance Klahanee Lake Improvements Balance BPA Trail Phase III ($815,612 Grants & $213,344 Balance) Skateboard Park Balance Panther Lake Balance Alderbrook Playpark Equipment Balance Historical Cabins ($50.000 Grant & $25.000 Balance) Surface Water Management CIP Fund: Reduce Annual Program Target Reduction-Adopted Budget Correction SeaTac Mall Detention Balance ($2,000.195 & Final PWTFL Draw) Star Lake Road/South 272nd Conveyance Improvements Balance SW 356th Regional Storm Water Facility Balance West Hylebos Channel Stabilization Balance 5 Year Monitoring Program Balance 110,312 94,187 110,797 27,229 1,028,956 239,697 70,000 4,233 75,000 (39,270) 2,275,195 820,136 607,436 747.868 160.914 Transportation CIP Fund: 21st Ave SW & SW 356th-Source is Unallocated Traffic CIP 2,325 S 356th St to SR99 Balance 45,399 ROW 23rd Ave So. So 317th to So 326th ($3,285.032 Balance & $400,428 Grants) 3.685,460 South 348th 15 to SR99 Balance 26,000 South 312th - SR99 to 23rd Ave South Balance 29,054 South 320th & SR99 ($66,736 from Streets, $200,000 from other CIP, $551,471 Grants & $1,165,309 Balance) 1,983,516 SR99 HOV Lanes Phase I ($1,497.168 Balance & $2,284,345 Balance) 3,781,513 SR99 (~ So 330th Street ($77.344 Balance & $61,573 Grants) 138.917 SR99 HOV Lanes Phase II ($500,000 Transfer to other CIP, $1668.523 Grants & $568,048 Balance) 2,736,571 So 312th at 8th Ave S Traffic Signal ($18,000 from Other CIP & $14,997 Balance) 32,997 So 336th Weyerhauser Way South ($216.000 from Other ClP & $48,813 Balance) 264.813 South 320th St @ 1st Ave South Balance 11.607 South 288th & SR99-From other CIP 468,000 Subtotal Cap!tal Proiects Fund $27,223,820 Surface Water Managemen't: Reallooate Fleet Reserves ($20,369) & Reduce Supplies ($300)-Adopted Buget Correction Public Works Trust Fund Loan Debt Services Dumas Bay Centre: DBC CIP-Carpet, Irrigation. Roof Repair-Adopted Budget Correction Ongoing Capital Improvements Risk Management: Street Light Replacement & Other Damage at Celebration Park-Source is Insurance Proceeds Information Systems: Systems Implementation & Upgrade ($132K Permit Tracking, $23K Timkeeping, $78.6K Eden & $40K Doc Imaging Fleet & Equipment: Parks Maintenance New Vehicle and M&O on Retaining Vehicle Mail & Duplication Services: Courier Service-Police-Adopted Budget Correction 20,069 6.712 50,000 31,544 7,084 273,600 31.000 3,360 Subtotal ProPrietary FUnds $423,369 Special Studies/Contract: Government Access Channel-Equipment Fund 2% for the Arts: Celebration Park ($19,274) and Skateboard Park ($5.000) CDBG: Transfer 2000 Domestic Violence Reimbursement to General Fund International District 111,048 24,274 6,439 163,215 Subtotal Non-Annually/Bud~leted Funds $304,976 Grand Total $32,176,516 01carry sum 01 02/23/2001 08:46 AM 2 General Fund: Parks & Recreation CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 2001 CARRYFORWARD BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Impact to 2002 Budget M&O on Retaining Vehicle-Internal Service Charge 4,000 SubtOta! GeneraI ~ $4,000 Debt Service: Eliminate Public Works Trust Fund Loan Payment-Budget in SWM Enterprise Fund (250,440) SUbtOtal Debt.Service FUnd ($250,440) Surface Water Management: Reduce Annual Program Target Reduction-Adopted Budget Correction Public Works Trust Fund Loan Debt Services Dumas Bay Centre: DBC CIP-Carpet, Irrigation, Roof Repair-Adopted Budget Correction Mail & Duplication Services: Courier Service-Police-Adopted Budget Correction Fleet & Equipment: Parks Maintenenace-M&O on Retaining Vehicle (39,270) 6,713 50,000 3,360 4,000 ;Subt~tai pfoprietar7 Funds : Grand :Tbtal ($221,637) 01carry sum 02 02/23/2001 08:46 AM ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO BUDGETS AND FINANCE, REVISING THE 2000-01 BIENNIAL BUDGET (AMENDS ORDINANCE 00-377). WHEREAS, certain revisions to the 2001-2002 Biennial Budget are necessary; and WHEREAS, these revisions are a result of funds to be carried forward from 2000; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Amendment. Ordinance 00-377, Section 1, is hereby amended to adopt the revised budget for the years 2001-2002 biennium as follows: Section 1. 2001-2002Biennial Budget. That the budget for the 2001- 2002 biennium is hereby adopted in the amounts and for the purposes as shown on the attached Exhibit A & B (2001 and 2002 Revised Budgets). Section 2. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph,'subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. ORD. # , PAGE I Section 3. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from the time of its final passage, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this ,2001. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY day of ATTEST: MAYOR, MIKE PARK CITY CLERK, N. CHRISTINE GREEN APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY, BOB STERBANK FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO. K:\\fin\0109bdgt\ordinanc\00-01 cfba.doc ORD. # , PAGE 2 ordinance 01 EXHIBIT A 2001 REVISED BUDGET RevenUes & Other Sources ExpenditureS & Other Uses FUnd Balance · ' AdoPted Adopted Changein Revenue Revised AdoPted Expenditure Revised Reserved/ Fund Begin Bal Revenue FUnd Balance Adjustment Budget Budget AdjuStment Budget Unl'~seP/ed ~en~l Fun~ ................ $ 3,731,120 $ 26,091,842 $ 2,840.482 $ (291,990) $ 32,371,454 $ 28,193,434 $ 1,404,712 $ 29,598,146 $ 2,773,308 5_pecial Revenue Funds: Street 3,517,526 254,245 __ 3,771.771 3,399,526 254.245 3,653,771 118,000 Arterial Street 105,157 1,559.534 382,337 2,047,028 1,622,832 382,337 2,005,169 41,859 Utility Tax 3,982,259 6,266,399 425.178 10,673,836 4,452,949 4,452.949 6,220,887 ...... S~ol~ d Waste/Recycling 299,792 262,427 (24,333) 127,268 665,154 262,427 143,350 405,777 259,377 Special Contract/Studies ..... 111,048 111,048 111,048 111,048 - Snow & Ice Removal 100,000 100,000 100.000 100,000 --- Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 90,000 58,483 148,483 90,000 17,702 107,702 40,781 F 2% for the Arts 19,274 5,000 24,274 24,274 24,274 Grants - CDBG 591,177 6,439 163,215 760,831 591,177 169,654 760,831 Paths and Trai[s -- 31,853 9.000 561 41,414 41,414 ---- Strategic Reserve 1,700,000 132,500 28,294 1,860,794 132,500 1,728,294 1,860,794 0 Airport Strategic Reserve 300,000 __ 300,000 300,000 300.000 iDebt Service Fund 6,177.635 5,409,471 (139,249) (250,440) 11.197,417 4,785,693 (6,289) 4.779,404 6,418.013 ~a_p_ltal Project Funds: 35,595 7.669,322 7,704,917 7,684,958 7,684,958 19,959 City Facilities ' Parks 105.436 228.000 885.917 865.612 2.084.965 228,000 1.760.411 1.988,411 96.554 .... S_~-- ~--~_-- ._ "--~'_---_-~'~_- 902,746 1,532,331 4.475,301 275,000 7.185,378 756,701 4,572,279 5,328,980 1,856,398 Tra~c 63.309 313,960 377.269 2,325 __ 2.325 374,944 - Str~e~_~.~ - ' ...... 1,409.542 18,000 8.074,097 5,022,?~7 14.523,716 18,000 13,203,847 13,221,847 1,301,869 gnt~rp~s~ ~u-ffd: .... ~r~Ce~aterk, l~n~(~er~eni ..... 650.769 3,245,646 100,626 250,863 4.247.904 3.896.415 261781 3,923,196 ____ 324,708 "~ma~B~'~n~r . ' ...... .~__(~" . .... ~.-1~;~ -- .~85_~'__~--~0.01~)-0T:)_-..--_-~-.~-9-,. ----~'~-._ -- _~ 8~1,54~44 ...... ~979,179 20,140 Internal service Funds: Risk Mar)~gement 1,506,167 6.2~,79~) i '1 ~-736- 2~028,294 .... 4,279~8-9-7- ~,2~-0 .... ~,0~4 ..... 63----~,-28-- 4 ..... ~3,~,61~ information Systems i 4Y3;'i~30 1 606,911 "~-5~'{i ..... 2f5,~00 ...... ~J .... :i15-5-4~0~f ....... ~73,800 1,627,667 1.654,973 Supporl Servmes "144',284 '~01,2~ ~.~'~f - - -- .... 35~'i 8~ ..... ~,~ ...... ~. 36~0 .... ~-~-, 1~ 9 ...... 1~, ~7 Fl~et & Equipment ' 1,~5~ 0-~ "i,01~ ~ ;~8,~,4 ...... 561~5~3- i ~.~80,419 874 276 ' 31 000 905,276 1,975,143 Buildin~s~,,Furnishinc~s 97~,~2 76~i~93 - (7~5:~0~- - '; I ' i.~.57~- .... 676,77~- ............ 6~6~7~6- .... 1~O-5~,29~- Grand Total AlI Funds $ 25,528,898 $54,094,599 $25,274,629 $8,828,744 $113,726,870 $53,~19,447 $32,176,516 $85,295,963 $ 29,430,907 10,000 CDBG Interfund Loan 300.000 Prefund p3 96.631 FMVon Investments 755.734 Fund Balance Needed in 2002 165.330 Contingency needed in 2003 1,327,696 General Fund Reserved 250,440 Prefund 2002 Debt Service 74,268 Set aside for first 3 months of operations until SWM Fees in 324,708 SWM Fund Resetwed k \fin~iennialtordinanc\Olcarry ordinance 01 02/23/2001 09:00 AM EXHIBIT A 2002 REVISED BUDGET Revenues & other sources~ :: : Expenditure$ & Other Use~ Funci Balance AdOpted AdOpted Changein 'iRevenue Revised i AdoPted ExpendituJ'e :ReVised Fund Begina~lance Revenue Fb~d~ianc:e ~dj~st~ent: i BUdg~t: : iaudg~ :. ~ A~U~ent Budgetl Unreserved Genera~und $ 1,629,526 $ 26,738,159 $ 1,143,780 $ -- $ 29,511,465$ 27,493,893 $ 4,000 $ 27.497,893 $ 2,013,572 118,000 3,464,526 3,582,526 3,482,526 3,482,526 100.000 .... -. 41,859 1,584,254 _ .... . .3 ..... 5,795,709 6,476,974 425,178 12,697,861 4,485,844 4,485,844 8,212,017 · .-. -'. -ecycling 299,792 266,208 (40.415) 525,585; 266,208 266,208 259,377 ~ctJStudies ' -- · .' · .dging Tax 90,000 40,781 130,781 90,000 90,000 40,781 ~ ~ ~ 470,907 -- 470,907 470,907 470,907 ' ' I~ ......... 40,853 9,000 561 50,414 _ 50,414 - - ~rv~e_ ........ 1,700,000 132,500 (1,700,000) ,-- 132,500 132,500 132,500 0 · . i.c_ R e_s_e rye _ _ 300,000 (300,000) _ ::)e~{Service ~_~n~d ~._~ _ --_-__ ---'._ _ 6,801,413 5,455,906 (383,400) (243,727) __ 11,630,192 6,855,232 (250,440) 6,604,792 5,025,400 Capital Pro ect Funds: _ '~iiy ~'acilit~es ....... 35.595 750,000 (15,636) 769.959 750,000 750,000 19.959 P~rks ' 1~5,43~ -~- 155,000 ' (8,882) ~. .... 251,554 155,000 __ 155,000 96,554 S_W~I __ _ ' ....... ' '-_ ' ' '~,678,37~----- ~1',-0-99,-00~ 178,022 2,955,407 2,466.579 (39,270] 2,427,309 528,098 T_r,~_c_ ................ 63,309 311.635 -----374,944 374,944 Stree_ts ....... 1,409,542 1,373,000 (107.673) _ _~- 2,674,869 1.373,000 1,373,000 1,301,869 Enterpris~ Fungi .... . ....... -- -'S~dace V~at~r t~nagement -- 3,269,666 324,708 3,594,374 3.269,666 6,713 3,~76,379 317.995 D~u~rn-a~BayC~e~t~- - -- -. .... 10~03_6_9 ._ ?05_!~_6_0_ . (80,229) 50,000_~-_-'~_-__725.800 665,422 .... 50,000 _715,422 60.378 llnternai Service Fundsi --- Risk ~n~gement ..... ~-~,6~ ....... 6~16~' .... ~,~- .......... ~ ...... ~,275,263 630.650 630,650 3,644.613 I ~ f~rm a rio n S y-s-t-e-m s 1,728.474 1.494,066 (73.501) ......... -__ 3,149,039 1.219,516 1,219,516 1.929.523 _Su~P-_~o_r~ S-~rvi~ ................ 186,740 203,995 ' 5.927 396,662 157,660 3,360 161.020 235.642 Fee & Equipment ........ 1.901,579 1,021,201 73,564 4,000 3,000,344 453,668 4,000 457,668 2.542.676 ................ 1,506.162 669,410 669.410 8~6.752 Buildinc~s & Furnishings 1,062,809 450,863 17.510) ;rand Total All Funds $ 26,504,048 $ 55.841.544 $1.926;857. ($1~9 727) i S~4~082,722 $56~713,794 ($22f,637~ : $56.492;157 $: 27i590.565 10,000 CDBG Inte~und Loan 300,000 Prefund p3 96,631 FMVon Investments - Fund Balance Needed in 2002 165,330 Contingency needed in 2002 571,961 General Fund Reserved 243.727 Prefund 2003 Debt Service 74,268 Set aside for first 3 months of operations until SVVM Fees in 317,986 SWM Fund Reserved 01carn~ ordinance 02 02/23/2001 09:00 AM ~T¥ el: MEMORANDUM Date: To: Via: From: Subject: February 23, 2001 Finance, Economic Development & Regional Affairs Committee David Moseley, City Manager Marie Mosley, Deputy Management Services Director Vouchers Action Requested: Accept the vouchers and forward to the March 6th Council meeting for approval. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT Committee Chair: Mary Gates Committee Member: Jeanne Burbidge Committee Member: Eric Faison K:\FIN\MFR\M FRFEDRACCVR.DOC CITY OF FEDERAL WAY City Council AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT: VOUCHER CATEGORY: BUDGET IMPACT: X CONSENT ORDINANCE BUSINESS HEARING FYI RESOLUTION STAFF REPORT PROCLAMATION STUDY SESSION OTHER Amount Budgeted: $1,714,195.68 Expenditure Amt: $1,714,195.68 Contingency Reqd: ATTACHMENTS: VOUCHER LIST SUMMARY/BACKGROUND: I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claims are just and due obligations against the City of Federal Way, Washington, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claims. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: .....n....p..p.r .°...v.~....a.t..t..a.s..h...e.~...v...°..u..~..h..~.r...p..~.r..s...u.~.n..t...t..°....~..c.F...4...2......2..4.. ........................................................................................................................................ CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve vouchers. APPROVED FOR INCLUSION IN COUNCIL PACKET: (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION COUNCIL BILL # ORDINANCE # FIRST READING ENACTMENT READ RESOLUTION # 158032 o chklst Check List Page: 1 0Y/31/2001 07:07:40 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 'Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total PS-DEC CHG 01/05/01 PS-DEC VISA CHGS 2,473.87 2,473.87 01/19/01 005254 BANKCARD CENTER Voucher: Bank Code: key 01/25/01 001189 PETTY CASH Voucher: Bank Code: key 158033 009726 01/23/01 CM-REIM PETTY CASH 391.19 391.19' 158034 01/31/01 000002 SOUND VIEW AUTO BODY INC 1815 01/08/01 MSFLT-REPAIRS PER ESTI 1,116.34 Voucher: Bank Code: key 1820 01/18/01 MSFLT-REPAIRS PER ESTI 923.10 158035 **VOID** 158036 **VOID** 158037 **VOID** 158038 **VOID** 01/31/01 000007 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUC Voucher: Bank Code: key 01/31/01 000007 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUC Voucher: Bank Code: key 01/31/01 000007 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUC Voucher: Bank Code: key 01/31/01 000007 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUC Voucher: Bank Code: key 01/31/01 000007 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUC Voucher: Bank Code: key 01/31/01 000007 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUC Voucher: Bank Code: key 158039 **VOID** 158040 2,039.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 650754 12/31/00 824774 12/31/00 839058 12/31/00 526042 12/31/00 784629 12/31/00 843338 12/31/00 826575 12/31/00 858872 12/31/oo sooo3o 12/31/oo 500448 12/31/oo 867668 12/31/00 631057 12/31/00 677337 12/31/00 705133 12/31/00 804238 12/31/00 829s85 12/31/00 846984 12/31/00 608971 12/31/00 495488 12/31/00 384736 12/31/00 484986 12/31/00 527704 12/31/00 605514 12/31/00 790968 12/31/00 MSC-OFFICE SUPPLIES MSDP-OFFICE SUPPLIES/C MSDP-OFFICE SUPPLIES MSF-CREDIT:INV 444450 MSF-OFFICE SUPPLIES MSHR-OFFICE SUPPLIES CDHS-STORAGE BOXES MSC-OFFICE SUPPLIES CDB-OFFICE SUPPLIES CDB-OFFICE SUPPLIES CDB-OFFICE SUPPLIES CDB-OFFICE SUPPLIES CDB-OFFICE SUPPLIES CDB-OFFICE SUPPLIES CDB-OFFICE SUPPLIES CDB-OFFICE SUPPLIES CDB-OFFICE SUPPLIES MSM&D-COPIER PAPER LAW-OFFICE SUPPLIES PWA-PORTABLE HEATER PWA-OFFICE SUPPLIES PWA-OFFICE SUPPLIES PWA-OFFICE SUPPLIES SWM- PALM PILOTS IIIxe 33.76 138.56 5.33 -9.11 274.78 20.71 8.29 108.74 50.92 21.20 23.44 30.63 3 80 22 18 6 50 14 83 37 35 220 53 80 19 34.51 -39.58 133.04 56.38 778.79 ................................................................... Page: 1 - chklst Check List Page: 4 '~/31/2001 07:07:41 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY beck Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158049 01/31/01 0000Sl PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC 744-132-10 01/09/01 PS-ELECTRICITY CHARGES 544-132-10 01/09/01 PS-ELECTRICITY CHARGES 644-132-10 01/09/01 PS-ELECTRICITY CHARGES 444-132-10 01/09/01 PS-ELECTRICITY CHARGES 654-132-10 01/09/01 PS-ELECTRICITY CHARGES 454-132-10 01/09/01 PS-ELECTRICITY CHARGES 153-835-10 01/09/01 PS-ELECTRICITY CHARGES 109-922-10 01/08/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 102-141-10 01/08/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 002-141-10 01/08/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 918-041-10 01/08/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CM 722-288-10 01/08/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 711-141-10 01/08/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 319-041-10 01/08/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 062-691-10 01/02/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 066-730-71 01/02/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 112-722-10 01/08/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 131-066-10 01/02/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 141-467-10 01/05/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 177-437-10 01/05/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 233-930-20 01/08/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 241-985-10 01/08/01 PWT-STREET ~IGHTING 342-691-10 01/02/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 352-691-10 01/02/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 373-087-10 01/05/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 442-691-10 01/02/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 458-148-10 01/05/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 504-368-10 01/05/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 525-940-20 01/08/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 536-673-10 01/02/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 638-448-10 01/02/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 657-289-00 01/03/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 720-429-10 01/04/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 733-829-10 01/04/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 733-930-20 01/08/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 738-448-10 01/02/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 755-430-20 01/04/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 904-388-10 01/02/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 917-259-10 01/04/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 996-289-00 01/02/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 925-940-20 01/08/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 398-842-10 01/09/01 PKRLS-ELECTRICITY/GAS 121-220-20 01/11/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 221-220-20 01/11/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 225-650-20 01/09/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 345-200-20 01/09/01 PKCP-ELECTRICITY CHGS 359-540-20 01/12/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 420-530-20 01/12/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 407 00 131 20 346 30 1 369 64 807 64 146 72 17 68 1,658 39 5 47 55 59 908 85 260.50 5.47 94.17 13.57 35.77 250.86 10,393.67 276.44 114.96 159.32 187.73 93.93 25.80 153 77 25 80 317 32 53 81 272 56 232 20 78 19 6 09 131 60 182 04 202 29 58 64 111 51 135 76 66 11 113 58 271 52 2,165 31 5 47 5 47 225 28 639.47 37.48 100.71 (continued) ...................................................................................................... Page: 4 o chklst Check List Page: 0Y/31/2001 07:07:41 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 'Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amoun~ Paid Check Togal 158049 01/31/01 000051 158O5O 0~/31/01 000055 Voucher: 158051 01/31/01 000056 Voucher: 158052 01/31/01 000061 Voucher: 158053 01/31/01 000063 Voucher: 158054 01/31/01 000065 Voucher: PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC SEATTLE TIMES Bank Code: key 497-198-10 01 604-130-20 01 625-940-20 01 652-017-10 01 669-650-20 01 786-203-10 01 886-203-10 01 889-288-10 01 895-405-10 01 098-236-10 01 439-922-10 01/09/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS.CH 477-842-10 01/09/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 487-650-20 01/12/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING /09/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING /09/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING /10/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING /09/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING /12/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING /09/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING /09/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING /10/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING ~12/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING /16/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 519-842-10 01/09/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 252-150-20 01/17/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 472-400-10 01/17/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 183-469-10 01/17/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 330-694-99 01/12/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 170-120-20 01/08/01 SWM-ELECTRICITY CHARGE 004-919-10 01/09/01 SWM-ELECTRICITY CHARGE 699-699-10 01/18/01 PWS-ELECTRICITY CHARGE 303-218-10 01/17/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 504-228-10 01/17/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 727-469-10 01/22/00 PKKFT-ELECTRICITY CHGS 954-567-10 01/23/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH SIR SPEEDY PRINTING CENTER Bank Code: key 533622002 78902001 923662001 923662OO2 985210001 968014001 968014002 968014003 968014004 22704 07/09/00 MSHR-AD:ASSOCIATE PLAN 09/24/00 MSHR-AD:CD DIRECTOR 11/19/00 MSHR-AD:LAT POL OFFCR 11/19/00 MSHR-AD:SWM PROG COORD 11/19/00 MSHR-AD:ENG PLANS REVI 12/10/00 MSHR-AD:CITY PROSECUTO 12/10/00 MSHR-AD:ASST CITY ATTY 12/10/00 MSHR-AD:SWM ENGINEER 12/10/00 MSHR-AD:SWM INSPECTOR 01/11/01 MSC-PRINTING SERVICES WA STATE-REVENUE DEPARTMENT OCT-DEC200 01/30/01 MSF-REMIT SALES/USE TA Bank Code: key CORPORATE EXPRESS OFFICE 30845820 01/12/01 MSA-MOUSEPAD/WRISTREST Bank Code: key 30791371 01/15/01 MSDP-DESK PAD U S POSTMASTER 00722-001 01/23/01 MC-POSTAGE:BUS REPLY Bank Code: key 233 97 171 45 260 11 133 68 335 06 436 53 163 75 435 84 123 97 112 33 44 28 141 99 212 89 3,884 37 125.22 83.08 180.80 1,310.69 5.47 38.38 5.47 5.52 2,340.45 1,746.30 5.47 325.57 1,130.77 619.57 501.97 864.57 154.35 183.75 191.10 235 20 269 45 16,598 48 39.75 15.36 200.00 (continued) 36,973.44 4,206.85 269.45 16,598.48 55.11 200.00 ......................................................... Page Check List Page: 6 c~klst ~/31/2001 07:07:41 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 'beck Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158055 01/31/01 000075 A T & T WIRELESS SERVICES I 047-204057 01/03/01 MSTEL-CELL AIR TIME 1,182.09 1,182.09 Bank Code: key 000083 AARO INC DBA THE LOCK SHOP 18059 01/25/01 Bank Code: key 000089 NEWS TRIBUNE Bank Code: key Voucher: 158o56 01/31/01 Voucher: 158057 01/31/01 Voucher: 158058 01/31/01 000096 Voucher: 158059 01/31/01 000097 Voucher: LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT Bank Code: key EDEN SYSTEMS INC Bank Code: key MSFLT-DUPLICATE KEYS 10.99 10.99 495092 12/24/00 PKDBC-1 YR SUBSCRIPTIO 96.00 S233787000 12/10/00 MSHR-AD:CITY PROSECUTO 111.52 S238000000 12/10/00 MSHR-AD:ASST CITY ATTY 124.88 S234345000 12/10/00 MSHRoAD:SWM ENGINEER 124.88 S234354000 12/10/00 MSHR-AD:SWM INSPECTOR 151.60 S202936000 12/17/00 MSHR-AD:ENGR PLkNS REV 225.44 S243983000 12/17/00 MSHR-AD:COURT CLERK I 104.84 S243992000 12/17/00 MSHR-AD:SWM ENGINEER 126.90 S244065000 12/17/00 MSHR-AD:SWM INSPECTOR 151.60 S244078000 12/17/00 MSHR-AD:ASST CITY ATTY 124.88 C229099001 12/17/00 MSHR-CREDIT MEMO -5.00 2890801 01/11/01 2883701 01/11/01 0080406 Ol/11/Ol 0099902 01/11/01 01011o3 Ol/11/Ol 2798301 01/16/01 2830801 01/16/01 2926402 01/11/01 2926602 01/11/01 3075201 01/11/01 3075301 01/11/01 3075401 01/11/01 2957001 01/11/01 3050801 Ol/11/Ol 1639103 01/11/01 2573402 01/11/01 2961401 01/11/01 2961501 01/19/01 3042401 01/19/01 1768602 01/10/01 2781401 01/19/01 3238401 01/11/01 3059601 01/24/01 PKRLS-WATER/SEWER SVCS PKRLS-WATER/SEWER SVCS PKRLS-WATER/SEWER SVCS PKM-WATER/SEWER SVCS PKM-WATER/SEWER SVCS PKM-WATER/SEWER SVCS PKM-WATER/SEWER SVCS PKM-WATER/SEWER SVCS PKM-WATER/SEWER SVCS PKCP-WATER/SEWER SVCS PKCP-WATER/SEWER SVCS PKCP-WATER/SEWER SVCS PKCP-WATER/SEWER SVCS PKCP-WATER/SEWER SVCS PKM-WATER/SEWER SVCS PWS-WATER SERVICE PWS-WATER SERVICE PWS-WATER SERVICE PWS-WATER SERVICE PKDBC-SEWER SERVICE PKM-WATER/SEWER SVCS PWS-WATER SERVICE PKM-WATER/SEWER SVCS MSDP-SOFTWARE MAINT SV 10031 01/01/01 19.78 14 .48 207.36 14 .48 14 .48 14 48 14 48 113 13 392 31 118 12 98 28 587 60 14 48 14 48 316 17 15 93 21 90 100 56 79 59 558.62 42. 98 7.24 14 .48 13,198.99 1,337 .54 2,795.41 13,198.99 158060 01/31/01 000106 SELECT TRAVEL INC 1031026 01/03/01 PS-AIRFARE:K LAWRENCE 264.50 Voucher: Bank Code: key 12121056 12/12/00 PS-VOL RECOGNITION PGM 300.00 564.50 ............................................................................................. Page: 6 o chklst Check List 0~/31/2001 07:07:42 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 'Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Page: 7 Amount Paid Check Total 158061 01/31/01 000109 ACTIVE SECURITY CONTROL (DB 12375 01/10/01 PS-KEYS 13.10 ................ 42.66 55.76 Voucher: 158062 01/31/01 000112 Voucher: 158063 01/31/01 000117 Voucher: 158064 01/31/01 000120 Voucher: 158065 01/31/01 000121 Voucher: 158066 01/31/01 000125 Voucher: 158067 01/31/01 000139 Voucher: 158068 01/31/01 000142 Voucher: 158069 01/31/01 000160 Voucher: 158070 01/31/01 000173 Voucher: 158071 01/31/01 000201 Voucher: 158072 01/31/01 000202 Voucher: 158073 01/31/01 000205 Voucher: 158074 01/31/01 000217 Voucher: Bank Code: key 12377 PACIFIC COAST FORD INC FOCS56629 Bank Code: key FOW239015 GFOA-GOV'T FINANCE OFFICERS MSF-CAFR Bank Code: key PUGET SOUND CLEAR AIR AGENC 8707S Bank Code: key 01/11/01 PKM-LOCKSET/KEYS 01/05/01 PS-ENGINE LIGHT:M47256 01/11/01 MSFLT-BLOWER MOTOR #48 01/30/01 MSF-2001 CAFR REVIEW F 11/13/00 CC-CLEAN AIR ASSESSMEN WWEE-WA WOMEN EMPLOY/EDUCAT Q4:AG00-03 12/31/00 CDHS-COMPUTER APPLICAT Bank Code: key Q4:AG00-03 01/02/01 CDHS-JOB READINESS KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISIO 0101552 Bank Code: key 0101551 1001874 1002397 0106753 PSFOA-PUGET SND FINANCE OFF MSF-DUES Bank Code: key 12/21/00 PWToKC TRAFFIC MAINT/N 12/21/00 PWT-TRAFFIC MAINTENANC 01/05/01 PWS-DUMP FEES, ALGONA 01/19/01 PWS-TRACTOR PARTS-KNIF 12/21/00 PS-KING CO JAIL-NOV00 01/16/01 MSF-200I PSFOA DUES CITY OF FED WAY-ADVANCE TRA CHECK 1673 01/17/01 PS-FIELD EVID TECH COU Bank Code: key CNECK 1675 01/26/01 PS-RACIAL PROFILE COUR WA STATE-CODE REVISER OFFIC PS-CODE BO 01/23/01 PS-WA ADMIN CODE BOOKS Bank Codei key WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION 32951 12/31/00 LAW-BOOKS WESTLAW DEC Bank Code: key 680-599-30 01/12/01 LAW-BOOKS ZONING & PLA KINKO'S INC 5151000545 12/26/00 PS-PRINTING SERVICES Bank Code: key 515100S003 11/24/00 PS-CREDIT ON ACCOUNT 5151000545 12/27/00 PKRLS-PRINTING SERVICE 5151000545 12/27/00 PWA-PRINTING SERVICES 5151000548 01/11/01 PS-PRINTING SERVICES QWEST 253-815-99 01/04/01 MSTEL-PHONE/DATA SVC Bank Code: key 206-Z04-06 01/04/01 MSTEL-PHONE/DATA S~C GOODYEAR TIRE CENTER 066612 01/18/01 MSFLT-STARTER/TUNEUP:M Bank Code: key 066499 01/10/01 PS-WIPER MOTOR:M22558 066622 01/18/01 MSFLT-BRAKE ~ANDLE/LOF FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION 5-011-6302 01/09/01 LAW-DELIVERY:PRESTON G Bank Code: key 127.32 75.69 450.00 203.01 450.00 6,110.75 6,110.75 1,500.00 3,980.77 5,480.77 1,983.06 21,145.94 31.99 232.67 114,645.21 80.00 428.00 54.00 799.20 138,038.87 80.00 482.00 799.20 582.90 564.22 1,147.12 38.22 -29.37 188.02 108.01 193.31 498.19 238.50 7,022.23 7,260.73 463.16 156.49 48.18 5.25 667.83 5.2~ ............................................................................ 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Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158075 01/31/01 000226 FEDERAL WAY YOUTH & FAMILY Q4:AG00-04 01/09/01 CDHS-CHILD/FAMILY COUN 16,902.67 16,902.67 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158076 01/31/01 000228 SOUTH KING CNTY MULTI SVC C Q4:AG00-04 01/16/01 CDHS-LITERACY PROGRAM 3,000.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key Q4:AG00-04 01/16/01 CDHS-FOOD & CLOTHING 6,712.85 Q4:AG99-70 01/08/01 CDDB-CARES CHILD CARE 8,464.29 Q4:AG00-04 01/03/01 CDHS-SHELTER/FAMILY SU 12,811.95 30,989.09 158077 01/31/01 000229 FEDERAL WAY CNAMBER COMMERC 447 01/10/01 CM-ECON FORECAST BREAK 550.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key il:AG00-10 01/30/01 CM-TOURISM PROGRAM MGT 833.33 1,383.33 158078 01/31/01 000241 KING COUNTY SEXUAL ASSAULT Q4:AG00-05 01/08/01 CDHS-SEXUAL ASSAULT SV 7,280.00 7,280.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158079 01/31/01 000253 WA STATE-TRANSPORTATION DEP ATB1011606 01/16/01 PWS-WSDOT MAINTENANCE/ 74,476 73 ~ Voucher: Bank Code: key ATB1011613 01/16/01 PWS-SR99/330 SIGNAL IN 90.71 · ATB1011608 01/16/01 PWS-23 AV S ACQUISITIO 50.81 ATB1011611 01/16/01 PWS-320/SR99 PROJ MGMT 917 36 75,535.61 158080 01/31/01 000280 WA STATE-EMPLOYMENT SECURIT 684072-00 01/13/01 MSRM-Q4 EMPLOYMENT SEC 9 817 79 9,817.79 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158081 01/31/01 000285 FEDERAL WAY FIRE DEPARTMENT OCT-DEC200 01/12/01 CDB-FIRE PERMIT FEES 14 224 26 14,224.26 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158082 01/31/01 000286 METROCALL 3378424 12/23/00 MSTEL-PAGER SERVICE 11 92 11.92 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158083 01/31/01 000302 KING COUNTY RECORDS-ELECTIO 1002123 01/12/01 MSC-ELECTION SVC/VOTER 62 951 59 62,951.59 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158084 01/31/01 000328 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA) 0067657 01/15/01 MSFLT-FUEL FOR VEHICLE 939 75 Voucher: Bank Code: key 0067658 01/15/01 PS-FUEL FOR VEHICLES 3 950 74 158085 01/31/01 000340 WA STATE-INFORMATION SERVIC 2000120218 01/03/01 MSTEL-SCAN SERVICE 828.94 Voucher: Bank Code: key 2000120220 01/03/01 MSDP-DREAMWEAVER SOFTW 3 119.93 838.63 158086 01/31/01 000341 Voucher: 158087 01/31/01 000343 Voucher: t58088 01/31/01 ooo368 Voucher: SUNRISE SELF STORAGE Bank Code: key ELEPHANT CAR WASH Bank Code: key PERKINS COIE LLP Bank Code: key 2000120220 01/03/01 MSDP-WINDOWS 2000 SERV UNIT #A08 01/24/01 PS-STORAGE RENTAL #A08 200-DEC 20 12/31/00 PS-CAR WASH SERVICE LAW-STERBA 01/26/01 LAW-CONF FEES:STERBANK RICHARDSON 01/26/01 LAW-CONF FEES:RICHARDS 155.00 4,890.49 4,787.50 155.00 299.44 299.44 80.00 120.00 660.00 200.00 660.00 158089 01/31/01 000376 KING COUNTY WATER & LAND DI GRNDWILA00 11/22/00 SWM-GREEN/DUWAMISH ECO Voucher: Bank Code: key ............................................................... 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Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158090 01/31/01 000397 Voucher: 158091 01/31/01 000414 Voucher: 158092 01/31/01 000438 Voucher: 158093 01/31/01 000475 Voucher: 158094 01/31/01 000479 Voucher: 158O95 01/31/01 OOO512 Voucher: 158096 01/31/01 000533 Voucher: 158097 01/31/01 000541 Voucher: 158098 01/31/01 000555 Voucher: 158099 01/31/01 000560 Voucher: 158100 01/31/01 000570 Vcucher: GTE COMMUNICATION SYSTERS/E 0362579 00 12/22/00 PS-CALIBRATE LASER RAD Bank Code: key CAFE PACIFIC CATERING INC 4360 Bank Code: key 4361 4362 4364 4365 4366 4367 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 4373 4374 4383 DELI SMITH & CHOCOLATE JONE 2217 Bank Code: key 2208 CUSTOM SECURITY SYSTEMS 157257 Bank Code: key 157152 157185 157187 157186 01/02/01 PKDBC-CATER:DEPT-CORRE 01/02/01 PKDBC-CATER:FW ARTS CO 01/02/01 PKDBC-CATER:DSHS-DASA- 01/02/01 PKDBC-CATER:C SCHWAB 01/02/01 PKDBC-CATER:SCHOOLS OU 01/02/01 PKDBC-CATER:ST JAMES E 01/02/01 PKDBC-CATER:PUGET SND 01/02/01 PKDBC-CATER:F~JMILY SUP 01/02/01 PKDBC-CATER:WA ST COAL 01/02/01 PKDBC-CATER:ST PAUL KO 01/02/01 PKDBC-CATER:TRADE/ECON 01/02/01 PKDBC-CATER:WA LIBRARY 01/02/01 PKDBC-CATER:DIOCESE-OL 01/02/01 PKDBC-CATER:MT BAKER P 01/05/01 MSMR-LUNCH:CD DIR INTE 01/23/01 MSA-MT BUDGET MEETING 01/17/01 CM-LUNCH MTG:DIST CRT 12/20/00 PKCHB-ALARM MONITORING 12/20/00 PKRLS-ALARM MONITORING 12/20/00 PKKFT-kLARM MONITORING 12/20/00 PKCP-ALARM MONITORING 12/20/00 PKCP-ALARM MONITORING 69.78 69.78 5,943 60 91 84 253 80 49 80 315 66 1,343 86 318 90 417 36 372 45 340 00 665 80 511 36 720 00 794 56 349 12 83 . 84 20 .62 103 .00 59 .74 60.00 120 . 00 120 . 00 12,488 . 11 104.46 WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY PWS-LYBECK 01/30/01 PW-RECERTIFICATION FEE 100.00 Bank Code: key PWS-THOMAS 01/30/01 PW-RECERTIFICATIO~ FEE 100.00 PUGET SOUND BUSINESS JOURNA 740009 MSE 01/04/01 CM-1 YR SUBSCRIPTION 72.95 Bank Code: key PUGET SOUND SPECIALTIES INC 15744 01/18/01 PKM-S200 MARKING CHALK 843.83 Bank Code: key WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUT 230179 01/19/01 MSFLT-TORO REPAIRS #48 379.29 Bank Code: key CRISIS CLINIC Q4:AG00-02 01/05/01 CDHS-TELEPHONE SERVICE 765.00 Bank Code: key FEDERAL WAY PTSA COUNCIL Q4:AG00-05 01/19/01 CDHS-CLOTHING RESOURCE 1,020.37 Bank Code: key EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (DB 1008277 01/02/01 PS-BATTERY~BULBS:M5917 133.97 Bank Code: key 1008289 01/03/01 PS-LOF:M7686'#629 25.79 .................................................................................... Page: 9 462.74 200.00 72.95 843.83 379.29 765.00 1,020.37 Page: 10 Check List chklst CITY OF FEDERAL WAY :[/31/2001 07:07:42 ............................................................................................................ Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total ]Reck Date Vendor ..................................... (continued) 158100 01/31/01 000570 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (DB 901.59 1008301 01/03/01 PS-BRA/<ES/HOSE:M87514 1008310 01/04/01 PS-DIAGNOSTIC TIME:M96 77.54 1008316 01/04/01 PS-LOF:M53334 #504 24.97 1008413 01/09/01 PS-TIRES:M42157 #505 285.14 1008321 01/04/01 PS-TIRE REPAIR:M33074 35.44 1008385 01/08/01 PS-WIPER BLADES:M41381 24.35 1008425 01/09/01 PS-FUEL INJECTOR:M8288 498.55 1008430 01/09/01 PS-BRA/4ES:M88750 763 15 1008431 01 ~10/01 PS-WIPER BLADES:MIl601 31 00 1008466 01/11/01 PS-ALTERNATOR/BELT:M95 518 17 1008469 01/12/01 PS-LOF:M88418 24 97 1008537 01/15/01 PS-SERP BELT/LOF/TIRE 116 21 1008576 01/17/01 PS-RADIATOR/LOF:M85666 465 62 3,926.46 158101 01/31/01 000575 ATTORNEYS INFORMATION BUREA 1538 12/31/00 LAW-MISC SERV JAN 01 21.00 21.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key Q4:AG00-02 01/10/01 CDHS-EMERGENCY SHELTER 3,000.00 000.00 158102 01/31/01 000652 FWCCN Voucher: Bank Code: key Q4:AG00-02 01/12/01 CDHS-TRANSITIONAL HOUS 1,000.00 4, .~158103 01/31/01 000664 ACAP CHILD & FAMILY SERVICE Q4:AG00-02 01/16/01 CDHS-SUBSIDIZED CHILD 2,000.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key Q4:AG00-02 01/16/01 CDMS-PARENTING PROGRAM 1,061.00 3,061.00 50.00 50.00 .3 158104 01/31/01 000708 NRPA-NAT'L REC & PARK ASSOC 22056-FABE 01/26/01 PKRCS-1 YR SUBSCRIPTIO Voucher: Bank Code: key 158105 01/31/01 000724 HOMEGUARD SECURITY SERVICES AA1825 01/02/01 pKM-ALARM MONITORING 23.95 Voucher: Bank Code: key AA5592 01/13/01 PKM-ALARM MONITORING 23.95 47.90 158106 01/31/01 000730 ENTRANCO INC 31427 01/11/01 PWS-PAVING INSPECTION 8,736.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key 31465-1 01/15/01 PW-FOSS ~ ECCP PARCEL 481.05 31465-2 01/15/01 PW-FOSS OFFICE BLDG 106.90 31515 01/18/01 PW-HARRIS BUSINESS PAR 880.00 10,203.95 158107 01/31/01 000783 FEDERAL WAY DISPOSAL CO INC 12 844440 12/31/00 PWSWR-LITTER DISPOSAL 315.81 Voucher: Bank Code: key 12 102214 12/31/00 PWSWR-LITTER DISPOSAL 718.90 1,034.71 158108 01/31/01 000792 BARRY'S TRUCKING & LANDSCAP 0952 01/19/01 pKM-REMOVE GRAFFITI:SL 190.05 190.05 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158109 01/31/01 000808 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 9473169 01/03/01 PKKFT-LIGHTING SUPPLIE 420.49 Voucher: Bank Code: key 9473170 01/03/01 PKKFT-LIGHTING SUPPLIE 0.46 9465291 01/03/01 PKKFT-LIGHTING SUPPLIE 267.74 9469688 01/03/01 PKKFT-LIGHTING SUPPLIE 548.43 9484165 01/04/01 PKCHB-LIGHTING SUPPLIE 76.56 9493204 01/08/01 PKM-LIGHTING SUPPLIES 286.70 9518720 01/12/01 PKCHB-LIGHTING SUPPLIE 319.28 9519919 01/12/01 PKCHB-CREDIT:#9473169 -373.31 .............................................. 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( continued) 158109 01/31/01 000808 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 9535448 01/17/01 PKCHB-LIGHTING SUPPLIE 45.61 1,591.96 158110 01/31/01 000854 D J TROPHY 203370A 01/16/01 MSC-BADGES/PLASTIC SIG 106.86 Voucher: Bank Code: key 203365A 01/16/01 PS-ENGRAVE LOBBY PLAQU 6.52 203372A 01/16/01 PKDBC-NAME BADGE 10.04 203346A 01/11/01 PKCHB-1 X 4 HOLDERS 22.80 203364A 01/16/01 PS-ENGRAVING SERVICES 177.99 324.21 158111 01/31/01 000873 TARGET/DAYTON'S CHARGE ACCO 1102500575 01/13/01 PKRCS-PROGR~LM SUPPLIES 68.51 Voucher: Bank Code: key 1102505924 01/18/01 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIES 159.96 228.47 158112 01/31/01 000877 NIEMEN GLASS COMPANY 2432 12/29/00 PKKFT-REPL GLASS BLOCK 225.89 225.89 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158113 01/31/01 000908 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON SWM-FEI TA 01/17/01 SWM-EFF PROJ NEGOTIATI 295.00 295.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158114 01/31/01 000920 PAPER DIRECT INC 3306777400 01/03/01 PKM-BROCHURE PAPER 50.90 50.90 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158115 01/31/01 000923 FURNEY'S NURSERY INC 43804 01/09/01 PKM-PLANTS/4" COTONEAS 25.41 25.41 Voucher: Bank Code: key PRYOR RESOURCES INC 4316067 01/09/01 PS-WORKPLACE NEGATIVIT 149.00 Bank Code: key 4316066 01/09/01 PS-WORKPLACE NEGATIVIT 149.00 298.00 SQUEEGEE CLEAN WINDOW CLEAN 2591 01/20/01 PS-JANITORIAL SERVICES ~ 1,275.00 Bank Code: key 2594 01/20/01 MC-JANITORIAL SERVICES 660.00 2592 01/20/01 PKM-JANITORIAL SERVICE 630.00 2,565.00 158118 01/31/01 000951 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 4:STRIPERI 12/31/00 PWT-5% RETAINAGE:STRIP 161.25 161.25 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158119 01/31/01 000989 FRED MEYER INC 667582 01/12/01 PS-PROGRAM SUPPLIES 44.32 44.32 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158120 01/31/01 000991 CASCADE COFFEE INC 20200078 01/12/01 PS-MEETING COFFEE 27.50 Voucher: Bank Code: key 20198688FE 01/09/01 MSM&D-MTG COFFEE SUPPL 125.67 153.17 158121 01/31/01 001003 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES Q4:AG00-02 01/05/01 CDHS-COUNSELING SVCS 750.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key Q4:AG00-02 12/31/00 CDHS-EMERGENCY ASSISTA 1,484.00 2,234.00 158122 01/31/01 001064 METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT IQ03072 09/03/00 PS-NW TREK ADMISSIONS 92.50 92.50 Voucher: Bank Code: key HISTORICAL SOCIETY-FEDERAL MSA-GRANT 01/12/01 MSA-HISTORICAL TOURISM 5,000.00 5,000.00 Bank Code.: key 158116 01/31/01 000938 Voucher: 1~8~17 01/3~/01 ooo947 Voucher: 158123 01/31/01 001073 Voucher: ........................................................ Page: 11 ~ chklst Check List Page: 14 )~/31/2001 07:07:43 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~heck Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158149 01/31/01 001793 Voucher: 158150 01/31/01 001805 Voucher: 158151 01/31/01 001815 Voucher: 158152 01/31/01 001843 Voucher: 158153 01/31/01 001856 Voucher: 158154 01/31/01 001858 Voucher: 58155 01/31/01 001870 Voucher: ~58156 01/31/01 001879 Voucher: 158157 01/31/01 001936 Voucher: 158158 01/31/01 001939 Voucher: 158159 01/31/01 001988 Voucher: 15816O 01/31/01 OO1992 Voucher: 158161 01/31/01 oo2o1o Voucher: 158162 01/31/01 002014 Voucher: 158163 01/31/01 002137 Voucher: MICROFLEX INC Bank Code: key VADIS NORTHWEST Bank Code: key JAMAR TECHNOLOGIES INC Bank Code: key 00012834 00011693 44388 01/01/01 MSDP-TAXTOOLS DATA CON 12/31/00 PWSWR-LITTER CONTROL S 01/08/01 MSFLT-ELEC SENSOR KIT MORRIS PIHA REAL ESTATE SVC #734/MC-FE 01/17/01 MC-9TH AVE BLDG LEASE Bank Code: key #730KLCC-F 01/17/01 PKRLS-#730 KLCC RENTAL #734/PS-FE 01/18/01 PS-9TH AVE BLDG LEASE ACTION SERVICES CORPORATION 31789 Bank Code: key 31790 ABLE SPIFFY BIFFY INC Bank Code: key BANK OF NEW YORK Bank Code: key EARTH TECH INC Bank Code: key PAGENET Bank Code: key LANDAU ASSOCIATES INC Bank Code: key SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY Bank Code: key GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS Bank Code: key 01/11/01 SWM-STREET SWEEPING SV 01/11/01 SWM-STREET SWEEPING SV 01/11/01 PKM-SANITATION SERVICE 4719-4723 FEDGO97 01/04/01 MSF-ADMIN MAINT FEE 39628-1524 01/15/01 PKC-SKATE PARK ENGINEE 01/03/01 MSTEL~PAGER LEASE 11/30/00 CDPL-ENV REV:COTTAGES 12/21/00 PKRLS-LINEN SERVICES 01/18/01 PKRLS-LINEN SERVICES 01/25/01 PKRLS-LINEN SERVICES 01/19/01 MSFLT-TOOL CHEST/TOTE 01/16/01 MSFLT-STARTER FLUID 07/14/00 PWSWM-STAR LK BASIN DR KCM INC Bank Code: key 000099712 10296 1221/7012 118/5289 125/9534 285176 284545 129430 MOORE BUSINESS SOLUTION DIR PV27594-00 01/03/01 MSF-PAYROLL TIMESHEETS Bank Code: key INLAND FOUNDRY COMPANY INC K26140 01/09/01 SWMM-VANED GRATES Bank Code: key 325.80 3 942.00 636.00 5 947.00 476.34 19,637.90 4,802.00 1,481.25 1,789.40 101.78 1,191.77 740.25 828.90 29.64 25.05 25 05 79 14 23 33 5,072 50 446.16 481.30 325.80 3,942.00 636.00 26,061.24 6,283.25 1,789.40 1,.191.77 740.25 828.90 79.74 102.47 5,072.50 446.16 481.30 .................................................................. 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Date Description 158164 01/31/01 002241 SALVATION ARMY Q4:AG00-08 01/22/01 CDHS-AFTER HRS EMERGEN Voucher: 158165 01/31/01 002386 Voucher: 158166 01/31/01 002426 Voucher: 158167 01/31/01 002501 Voucher: 158168 01/31/01 002534 Voucher: 158169 01/31/01 002547 Voucher: 158170 01/31/01 002548 Voucher: 158171 01/31/01 002557 Voucher: 158172 01/31/01 002566 Voucher: 158173 01/31/01 002616 Voucher: 158174 01/31/01 002640 Voucher: 158175 01/31/01 002644 Voucher: 158176 01/31/01 002645 Voucher: 158177 01/31/01 002649 Voucher: 158178 01/31/01 002804 Voucher: 158179 01/31/01 002819 Voucher: Bank Code: key PAWLAK, SUSAN CA13427FW Bank Code: key UNITED GROCERS CASH & CARRY 26 Bank Code: key SHOPE CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO Bank Code: key ARBORSCAN INC Bank Code: key W W GRAINGER INC Bank Code: key SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL 1-87684 Bank Code: key 1-87730 PETTY CASH FUND-PARKS MAINT 009694 Bank Code: key 009693 QWEST Bank Code: key GREASE MONKEY Bank Code: key 01/08/01 DC-INTERPRETER:CA13427 01/17/01 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIES 101284 01/11/01 SWM-CATCH BASIN 797 01/12/01 PM-TREE REMOVAL SVCS 755-289889 01/11/01 PKM-CASTERS 01/01/01 PKRLS-PEST CONTROL SVC 01/01/01 PKM-PEST CONTROL SVCS 01/18/01 PKM-REIM PETTY CASH 01/18/01 PKM-REIM PETTY CASH TAC-3644-6 12/25/00 PKDBC-DIRECTORY AD SEA-3644-6 12/19/00 PKDBC-DIRECTORY AD SEA-3644-6 01/19/01 PKDBC-DIRECTORY AD 162367 01/11/01 MSFLT-LOF:M26227 48251 CLASS SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS LT M8375 01/01/01 MSDP-1 YR SOFTWARE MAI Bank Code: key FEDERAL WAY BOYS & GIRLS CL Q4:AG00-06 01/10/01 CDHS-OPERATING SUPPORT Bank Code: key BIRTH TO THREE DEVELOPMENT Bank Code: key WA STATE-REVENUE DEPT:MISC Bank Code: key IDENTIGRAPHICS INC Bank Code: key THE FINISHING TOUCH Bank Code: key Q4:AG00-04 01/09/01 CDHS-FAMILY SVCS PROGR OCT-DEC200 01/30/01 MSF-REMIT LEASEHOLD EX 99013 12/14/00 CDB-SIGN REGISTRATION 6454 12/27/00 PKKFT-CARPET:STAGE Amount Paid Check Total 551 60 35 00 16 57 122 06 301 37 66 53 51.04 89.05 18.53 134.16 98. 50 34 . 60 34 . 95 100 .43 4,008.00 2,250.00 4,750.00 239.77 205.10 1,102.29 551.60 35.00 16.57 122.06 301.37 66.53 140.09 152.69 168.05 100.43 4,008.00 2,250.00 4,750.00 239.77 205.10 1,102.29 ............................................................ Page: 15 Check List Page: 16 chklst .~/31/2001 07:07:43 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 'beck Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amoun~ Paid Check Total 158180 01/31/01 002822 PETTY CASH-DUMAS BAY CENTRE 009748 01/24/01 PKDBC-REIM PETTY CASH 58.31 58.31 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158181 01/31/01 002899 ADOLFSON ASSOCIATES INC 0008952 Voucher: Bank Code: key 0009042 158182 01/31/01 002924 ST PAUL, THE 154681 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158183 01/31/01 003002 CHOICES NORTHWEST INC 10710T ~ Voucher: Bank Code: key 158184 01/31/01 003034 AWC'DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTING MSHR-2001 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158185 01/31/01 003035 GUIDANCE SERVICES INC 823192 Voucher: Bank Code: key PETTY CASH-PUBLIC SAFETY DE 009723 Bank Code: key 009724 158186 01/31/01 003048 Voucher: 1,144.93 239.70 9,846.21 468.44 562.00 633.60 7.50 220.48 01/09/01 CDPL-ENV REV:WEYERHAEU 01/22/01 CDPL-ENV REV:CLARE BRI 12/31/00 MSRM-REFUND G&D DUPL P 12/27/00 MC-WORK STATION/FRONT 12/22/00 MSHR-2001 MEMBER FEE 01/15/01 MSA-TEMP OFFICE HELP 01/25/01 PS-REIM PETTY CASH 01/25/00 PS-REIM PETTY CASH 1,384.63 9,846.21 468.44 562.00 633.60 227.9B 158187 01/31/01 003057 ASSOC OF PERMIT TECHNICIANS CDB-SKIDMO 01/22/01 CDB-2001 DUES:SKIDMORE 25.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key CD-FERNAND 01/22/01 CDB-2001 DUES:FERNANDE 25.00  CDB-SMITH 01/22/01 CDB-2001 DUES:H SMITH 25.00 ~--- CDB-CIMMER 01/22/01 CDB-2001 DUES:K CIMMER 25.00 100.00 2 261.00 2,261.00 158188 01/31/01 003089 Voucher: 158189 01/31/01 003090 Voucher: 158190 01/31/01 003093 Voucher: 158191 01/31/01 003119 Voucher: NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES I CM-DUES Bank Code: key 174.19 507.71 507.71 34.43 71.62 ARTCO CRAFTS Bank Code: key 1872 CASCADE COMPUTER MAINTENANC 9029963 Bank Code: key 9031802 FEDERAL WAY VACUUM REPAIR Bank Code: key AMS LASER SUPPLY Bank Code: key PKDBC- JAN 307860 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF WA Bank Code: key 12/28/00 CC-1 YR DUES TO NLC 01/08/01 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIES 12/13/00 MSDP-PRINTER MAINT 01/15/01 MSDP-PRINTER MAINT 01/22/01 PKDBC-REPAIR VACUUM CL 12/29/00 MSDP-PRINTER TONER 189511 01/12/01 MSFLT-REPAIR WHEEL #48 407.26 189658 01/16/01 MSFLT-WHEEL SWITCH 19.55 189844 01/19/01 MSFLT-TIRE REPAIR 17.51 158192 01/31/01 003129 Voucher: 01/09/01 CCPL-PUBLIC NOTICE SIG 01/19/01 CDPL-PUBLIC NOTICE SIG 174.19 158193 01/31/01 003157 Voucher: 158194 01/31/01 003198 SPEEDY SIGN-A-RAMA 04952 Voucher: Bank Code: key 04982 1,015.42 34.43 71.62 444.32 81.45 434.40 515.85 .......................................................................................................... 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Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158195 01/31/01 003258 COUNTER ASSAULT 20001142 01/02/01 PS-OCl0 FOGGER DUTY BE 150.35 150.35 Voucher: 158196 01/31/01 003301 Voucher: 158197 01/31/01 003307 Voucher: 158198 01/31/01 003331 Voucher: 158199 01/31/01 003352 Voucher: 158200 01/31/01 00346~ Voucher: 158201 01/31/01 003472 Voucher: 158202 01/31/01 003500 Voucher: 158203 01/31/01 003563 Voucher: 158204 01/31/01 003600 Voucher: 158205 01/31/01 003694 Voucher: 158206 01/31/01 003697 Voucher: 158207 0i/31/01 003718 Voucher: 158208 01/31/01 003837 Voucher: 158209 01/31/01 003873 Voucher: 158210 01/31/01 003898 Voucher: Bank Code: key MICRO WAREHOUSE INC Bank Code: key STERICYCLE INC Bank Code: key SPECTRA PRECISION INC Bank Code: key MOTOROLA INC Bank Code: key LIGHTNING POWDER COMPANY IN 186213 Bank Code: key 185885 186355 DAY WIRELESS SYSTEMS INC Bank Code: key 396060 92600175 11359 111102 111103 WESCOM COMMUNICATIONS Bank Code: key VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTE 1239 Bank Code: key SPILLMAN TECHNOLOGIES INC Bank Code: key TODD ROBINSON PAINTING INC Bank Code: key SOUND SAFETY PRODUCTS INC Bank Code: key 1O680 10624 99824 213773 P564525500 12/05/00 MSDP-DIGITAL CAMERA 0000832052 01/18/01 PS-WASTE DISPOSAL FEES 01/05/01 PWS-TAPE, PAINT 12/29/00 PS-CHGR MULTI UNIT 01/09/01 PS-CRIME SCENE SUPPLIE 12/29/00 PS-CRIME SCENE SUPPLIE 01/11/01 PS-CRIME SCENE SUPPLIE 12/29/00 PS-HELMET CABLE 01/04/01 PS-RADIO REPAIR #518 01/04/01 PS-RADIO REPAIR #512 01/04/01 PS-REPAIR BRKN WIRING 12/28/00 PS-PRC CD2D INTERFACE 12/01/00 MSPS-RECORDS MAINT CON 12/28/00 PKRCS-PAINT COMM CTR 12/20/00 PWT-SAFETY JACKET JENKINS, HARDY & ASSOC, PLL CA17044FW Bank Code: key UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Bank Code: key SIGN-A-RAMA 04984 Bank Code: key 12/27/00 LAW-PUBLIC DEFENDER SV JAN1-JAN31 01/29/01 LAW-PUBLIC DEFENDER SV 0000FSOF48 01/06/01 PS-DELIVERY SERVICES O000F6588V 01/20/01 PS-DELIVERY SERVICES 01/19/01 PKKFT-PERFORMANCE SIGN 501.75 103.08 248.62 631.12 41.90 166.65 158.40 112.89 75.74 75.74 141.18 5,905.00 12,766.00 1,737.60 58.64 35.80 16,102.00 7.49 12.96 48.87 2,624.00 501.75 103.08 248.62 631.12 366.95 264.37 141.18 5,905.00 12,766. O0 1,737.60 58.64 RADIO COMMUNICATION SERVICE 203358 12/31/00 MSTEL-RADIO SERVICES Bank Code: key ............................................ Page: 17 16,137.80 20.45 48.87 2,624.00 chklst Check List Page: 18 [/31/2001 07:07:43 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY beck Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158211 01/31/01 003922 Voucher: 158212 01/31/01 003987 Voucher: 158213 01/31/01 004015 Voucher: 158214 01/31/01 004090 Voucher: _,58215 01/31/01 004100 Voucher: 158216 01/31/01 004128 Voucher: 158217 01/31/01 004166 Voucher: 158218 01/31/01 OO4184 Voucher: 158219 01/31/01 004194 Voucher: 158220 01/31/01 004221 Voucher: 158221 01/31/01 004245 Voucher: 158222 01/31/01 004265 Voucher: 158223 01/31/01 004270 Voucher: NATIONkL BAG COMPANY INC Bank Code: key WINSTAR BRO~JDBAND SERVICES Bank Code: key FUENTES, ED E Bank Code: key CREATIVE MINDS Bank Code: key TUSC~dq ENTERPRISES INC Bank Code: key 4683403 609878 4007 4005 4004 4000 4001 4006 4002 4008 23555 150506 MINUTEMAN PRESS INTERNATION 3819 Bank Code: key CSCDHH 210110 Bank Code: key ~ PMW ASSOCIATES 557 Bank Code: key 01/03/01 PS-MANILA TAG & STRG 01/07/01 MSDP-INTERNET ACCESS 01/15/01 MC-INTERPRETER:7/14~12 01/15/01 MC-INTERPRETER:5/16-7/ 01/15/01 MC-INTERPRETER:2/3-5/1 12/31/00 MC-INTERPRETER:l/18-6/ 01/15/01 MC-INTERPRETER:6~14-9~ 01/15/01 MC-INTERPRETER:8/8-12/ 01/15/01 MC-INTERPRETER:9~5-10~ 01/15/01 MC-INTERPRETER:10/31-1 01/24/01 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIES 12/22/00 PS-VEHICLE LETTERING 01/19/01 PKDBC-LETTERHEAD PAPER 01/18/01 DC-INTERPRETER SVC:8/2 11/28/00 PS-LT ASSESSMENT CTR OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SVS D 1154593440 12/22/00 PKM-CHAIR GLIDES Bank Code: key 1156097760 12/22/00 PKRCS-GUEST CHAIRS WA STATE-TREASURER'S OFFICE 2000 REPOR 01/22/01 PS-REMIT STATE SEIZURE Bank Code: key JOSEPH FOUNDATION, THE Bank Code: key WORLD VISION INC Bank Code: key FEDERAL WAY MIRROR Bank Code: key Q4:AG00-03 01/11/01 CDHS-NOYES TRANSITIONA Q4:AG00-03 01/04/01 CDHS-KIDREACH 002656 002721 002358 002359 002360 002361 11/29/00 CDPL-NOTICE:NEW FW HIG 12/30/00 CDPL-NOTICE:SALMOLUX W 08/12/00 CDPL-NOTICE:WINDSWEPT 08/12/00 CDPL-NOTICE:BELLE MEAD 08/12/00 CDPL-NOTICE:KELLER PRE 08/12/00 CDPL-NOTICE:COSTCO GAS 1,151.62 1,151.62 500.00 500.00 1,800.00 1,550.00 1,200.00 1,675.00 2,200.00 1,275.00 1,875.00 1,575.00 13,150.00 9.55 9.55 2,166.46 2,166.46 130.25 130.25 636.25 636.25 7,955.87 7,955.87 6.34 306.25 312.59 32,604.23 32,604.23 947.50 947.50 2,334.00 2,334.00 186.90 138.50 151.80 170.78 164.45 132.83 ............................................. 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Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158223 01/31/01 004270 FEDERAL WAY MIRROR (continued) PKDBC-1 YE 01/09/01 PKDBC-1 YR SUBSCRIPTIO 158224 01/31/01 004273 Voucher: 158225 01/31/01 004279 Voucher: 158226 01/31/01 004315 Voucher: 158227 01/31/01 004317 Voucher: 158228 01/31/01 004344 Voucher: 158229 01/31/0t 004359 Voucher: 158230 01/31/01 004366 Voucher: DAY, JEFFREY K Bank Code: key LEXIS PUBLISHING Bank Code: key BRENT'S ALIGNMENT & REPAIR Bank Code: key 158231 01/31/01 004397 · *VOID** Voucher: 158232 01/31/01 004397 Voucher: 002728 002729 002730 002731 002732 002738 002739 002740 002741 002742 002743 002744 002155 002357 01/06/01 MSHR-AD:SWM ENGINEER 01/06/01 MSHR-AD:SWM INSPECTOR 01/06/01 MSHR-AD:COURT CLERK I 01/06/01 MSHR-AD:ASST CITY MGR 01/06/01 CDPL-NOTICE:LAKEHAVEN 01/10/01 MSHR-AD:ST MAINT WORKE 01/10/01 MSHR-AD:EXP POLICE OFF 01/10/01 MSC-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN 01/10/01 MSHR-AD:INTERN-LONG RN 01/10/01 MSMR-AD:ASSOC PLANNER 01/10/01 MSHR-AD:ADM ASSISTANT 01/10/01 CDPL-NOTICE:METROMEDIA 06/03/00 SWMCIP-AD:SEATAC PM 2, 08/12/00 PWSWR-RFP:SW&R OPTIONS DEC22-JAN2 01/23/01 LAW-PUBLIC DEFENSE SVC U16224 12/18/00 LAW-BOOKS WA EMPLOY 4E 001211 01/12/01 MSFLT-FT END ALIGNMENT RITZ CAMERA ONE HOUR PHOTO 1026018960 01/12/01 PS-PHOTO SUPPLIES/SVC Bank Code: key . 1026016540 01/07/01 PS-PHOTO SUPPLIES/SVC 1026015240 01/04/01 PS-PHOTO SUPPLIES/SVC 1026015250 01/04/01 PS-PHOTO SUPPLIES/SVC EMERGENCY FEEDING PROGRAM Q4:AG00-03 01/11/01 CDHS-EMERGENCY FEEDING Bank Code: key CENTURY SQUARE SELF-STORAGE 2864 Bank Code: key 2863 2865 FLOYD EQUIPMENT COMPANY DBA 11907 Bank Code: key KDD & ASSOCIATES PLLC Bank Code: key KDD & ASSOCIATES PLLC Bank Code: key 01/03 01 PKCP-STORAGE UNIT A003 01/03/01 PKCP-STORAGE UNIT A009 01/03/01 PKRLS-STORAGE UNIT J22 01/12/01 PKM-ASST METALS:SHOP 26.00 110.80 110.80 110.80 249.30 138.50 138.50 249.30 207.75 110.80 166.20 166.20 138.50 278.30 101.20 1,460.00 67.19 97 56 76 24 19 93 71 17 102 49 1,462 50 1,744.00 1,744.00 1,122.00 266.40 0.00 4-1 12/08/00 PW-DEVRY:NEW TECH SCHO 3,541.86 4-2 12/08/00 PW-GOLDEN WOK - CIVIL 168.66 4-3 12/08/00 PW-CAPITAL ONE-PHASE I 337.32 4-4 12/08/00 PW-CAPITAL ONE BLDG B 168.66 4-5 12/08/00 PW-CAPITAL ONE BLDG B 1,054.13 3,248.21 1,460.00 67.19 97.56 269.83 1,462.50 4,610.00 266.40 ............................. 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Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158232 01/31/01 004397 KDD & ASSOCIATES PLLC (continued) 4-6 12/o8/oo 4-7 12/08/00 4-9 12/08/00 4-10 12/08/00 4-12 12/08/00 4-13 12/o8/oo 5-1 01/03/01 5-3 01/03/01 4-8 12/o8/oo 5-2 01/03/01 5-5 01/03/01 4-11 12/08/00 5-4 01/03/01 PW-CAPITAL ONE-PHASE I PWT-ENGINEER SVCS:COTT PWT-FRITO LAY PWT-DEVRY PARCEL 5 PWT-CAPITOL ONE BLDG B PWT-GOLDEN WOK PWD-ST FRANCIS HOSPITA PWT-ST FRAzNCIS HOSPITA PWT-ENGINEER SVCS:BELL PW-GOLDEN WOK - CIVIL PWT-GOLDEN WOK PWT-ENGINEERING SVCS;N PWT-ENGINEERING SVCS:C 421 65 1,138 45 168 66 84 33 42 17 421 65 168 66 632.48 126.49 84.33 126.49 2,445.57 126.50 11,258.06 158233 01/31/01 004412 Voucher: CITY OF TACOMA/SURPLUS SALE 251-00 Bank Code: key 12/31/00 PS-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 3,132.13 3,132.13 158234 01/31/01 004431 ~*VOID** Voucher: 158235 01/31/01 004431 Voucher: MADRONA PLANNING DVLPMT SVC Bank Code: key MADRONA PLANNING DVLPMT SVC 00002236 12/26/00 Bank Code: key 00002235 12/26/00 00002241 12/26/00 00002234 12/26/00 00002237 12/26/00 00002232 12/26/00 00002243 12/26/00 00002253 12/26/00 00002238 12/26/00 00002233 12/26/00 00002250 12/26/00 00002239 12/26/00 00002242 12/26/00 00002254 12/26/00 00002251 12/26/00 00002240 12/26/00 00002246 12/26/00 00002247 12/26/00 00002249 12/26/00 00002248 12/26/00 CDPL-MISC CODE AMENDME CDPL:ON-CALL PLAArNING CDPL:ONoCALL PLANNING CDPL-PLN REV:COTTAGES/ CDPL-PLN REV:DASH PT T CDPL-PLN REV:BELLE MEA CDPL-PLN REV:KELLER SU CDPL-PLN REV:RESIDENTI CDPL-PLN REV:FEDWAY SO CDPL-PLAN EXP REV:CAPI CDPL-PLN EXP REV:PAVIL CDPL-PLAN EXP REV:E CA CDPL-PLAN EXP REV:GOLD CDPL-PLN EXP REV:ST FR CDPL-PLN EXP REV:PLAYE CDPL-MISC CODE AMENDME CDPL:ON-CALL PLANNING CDPL:ON-CALL PLANNING CDPL-MISC CODE AMENDME CDPL:ON-CALL PLANNING 244 15 150 765 315 180 180 19 10 231 150 790 60 210 295 304 6O 120 675 514 .00 .8O 00 00 00 60 00 00 8O 20 67 00 20 00 00 20 8O 00 O0 00 80 5,292.07 158236 01/31/01 004442 CRAWFORD, GARY PS-FALL 20 01/09/01 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158237 01/31/01 004518 RIVER OAKS COMMUNICATIONS C DEC26-JAN5 01/15/01 Voucher: Bank Code: key PS-REIMB:POWERPOINT CL LAW-TELECOMMUNICATIONS 199.00 199.00 304.09 304.09 Page: 20 Check List Page: 21 .o chklst CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 0~/31/2001 07:07:44 .............................................................................................. ====================================== Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total ....................................................... 94.13 158238 01/31/01 004566 G&M HONEST PERFORM~uNCE 18292 01/24/01 MSFLT-BED MAT #48026 94.13 Voucher: 158239 01/31/01 oo4618 Voucher: 158240 01/31/01 004669 Voucher: 158241 01/31/01 004701 Voucher: 158242 01/31/01 004752 Voucher: 158243 01/31/01 004753 Voucher: 158244 01/31/01 004784 Voucher: 158245 01/31/01 004811 Voucher: 158246 01/31/01 004824 Voucher: 158247 01/31/01 004825 Voucher: 158248 01/31/01 004830 Voucher: Bank Code: key TOTEM ELECTRIC OF TACOMA IN 3:AG00-137 01/19/01 PWT-SR99/SO 330TH ST I Bank Code: key AT&T BROADBA/~D 8498340160 12/27/00 MSGAC-DMX MUSIC SVC Bank Code: key NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 0002682579 01/25/01 MSTEL-CELLULAR AIRTIME Bank Code: key WA STATE-LABOR & INDUSTRIES 574-570-00 01/26/01 MSF-4TH QTR L&I VOLUNT Bank Code: key ICBO-COLORADO CHAPTER CDB-HERMLE 01/30/01 CDB-REGISTRATION FEE Bank Code: key O'CONNELL, MARIE Bank Code: key SEATTLE MACK SALES & SVC IN C878581 Bank Code: key CS799934 CS80567 GOS PRINTING CORPORATION Bank Code: key SCHOOL-IN-LIEU Bank Code: key PUBLIC SPACE PLUS Bank Code: key MSC-GREEN 01/21/01 MSC-A/~N-JAL DUES:GREEN 0-54220 01/08/01 MSFLT-LA~4P ASSY/HARNES 01/18/01 MSFLT-REPL TAIL LIGHTS 01/22/01 MSFLT-ARROW BOARD #484 01/23/00 CM-PRINT:RECOG INVITES Q4:AG00-03 01/09/01 CDHS-SCHOOL-IN-LIEU 17802A 158249 01/31/01 004840 EVAC-EMERGENCY VEHICLE 99756 Voucher: Bank code: key 99777 99775 99774 99787 ELDERHEALTH NORTHWEST Bank Code: key FILETEX LLC Bank Code: key 158250 01/31/01 004842 Voucher: 12/18/00 PWS-ARROW STICK CORDS 158251 01/31/01 004910 Voucher: Q4:00-021 12/26/00 pS-HEADLIGHT FLASHER/W 01/12/01 PS-REPAIR DOOR CONTACT 01/10/01 PS-CHARGEGUARD BATTERY 01/10/01 PS-CHARGEGUARD BATTERY 01/19/01 MSDP-REPL LAPTOP POWER 01/12/01 CDHS-ELDERHEALTH CONNE 00-283/REP 10/30/00 CDA-COLOR CODED LABELS 00-304/REP 11/20/00 CDA-LASER LABELS/BOXES 00~313/REP 12/01/00 CDA-LASER FILE LABELS 33956 01/09/01 PKM-BOOTS/D PROCTOR 158252 01/31/01 004911 COUNTRY SQUARE Voucher: Bank Code: key 16,904 58 65 00 1,550 53 165 46 260 00 10 00 318 63 125.98 678.75 468.77 1,500.00 515.76 97.56 48.83 124.78 124.78 133 02 7O7 25 16 94 120.89 62.81 260.63 16,904.58 65.00 1,550.53 165.46 260.00 10.00 1,123.36 468.77 1,500.00 515.76 528.97 707.25 200.64 260.63 ................................ 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Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158253 01/31/01 004926 Voucher: 158254 01/31/01 004966 Voucher: 158255 01/31/01 004977 Voucher: 158256 01/31/01 005005 Voucher: 158257 01/31/01 005027 Voucher: 158258 01/31/01 005084 Voucher: 158259 01/31/01 005180 Voucher: 158260 01/31/01 005213 Voucher: ~158261 01/31/01 oo5218 Voucher: 158262 01/31/01 005224 Voucher: 158263 01/31/01 005231 Voucher: 158264 01/31/01 005235 Voucher: 158265 01/31/01 005265 Voucher: 158266 01/31/01 005272 Voucher: 158267 01/31/01 005278 Voucher: 158268 01/31/01 005288 Voucher: STRIPE RITE INC 4:1176 12/31/00 PWT-CITYWIDE PAVEMENT Bank Code: key ACME CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY CO 5075932-01 01/08/01 MSFLT-AIR HOSE/CABLE T Bank Code: key BLIMPIE SUBS & SALADS Bank Code: key HERALD, THE Bank Code: key AMERICAN MUSIC Bank Code: key HICKEY, SHELLEY J Bank Code: key CRISIS MANAGEMENT CONSULTIN 00-29 Bank Code: key FIFE PRINTING 12972 Bank Code: key FRANCISCAN OCCUPATIONAL HEA 1029-6 Bank Code: key HANSON CORPORATION 9312 Bank Code: key IOS CAPITAL INC Bank Code: key PETTY CASH-CHANGE FUND Bank Code: key LUSEBRINK, DEBBIE Bank Code: key DANSCO Bank Code: key BURNS, TERRENCE L Bank Code: key AIRPORT COMMUNITIES COALITI 33115 Bank Code: key 5076400-01 01/17/01 PKM-SHANK DRILL INDEX 9964 01/09/01 CC-FOOD:CC INTERVIEW M T226157JB0 11/19/00 MSHR-AD:SWM PROGRAM CO 425379 01/10/01 PKKFT-MUSIC EQP/REPAIR LAW-SEP 6T 01/08/01 LAW-HEARING EY~LMINER S 12/08/00 PWA-EMER MGMT CONSULTI 01/02/01 MC-PRINTING SERVICES 01/03/01 MSHR-FLU IMMUNIZATIONS 12/29/00 PKDBC-CLEAN WINDOWS 50300659 12/28/00 MSM&D-COPIER RENTAL 009713 01/22/01 MC-REIM PETTY CASH 009714 01/22/01 MC-REIM PETTY CASH SPIRIT AWA 01/26/01 MSHR-SPIRIT AWARD 1220-205A 12/20/00 PKRCS-DANCE COSTUMES 1220-205B 12/20/00 PKRCS-DANCE COSTUMES DEC5-DEC7 12/31/00 MC-PRO TEM JUDGE 12/5- 12/06/00 CDPL-ACC INTERLOCAL AG 3,063.75 45.51 129.54 55.74 686.34 149 94 300 00 4,300 00 1,126 01 795 00 398 00 2,533 05 38 74 20.34 50 00 2,339.42 32.00 500.00 7,500.00 3,063.75 175.05 55.74 686.34 149 94 300 00 4,300 00 1,126 01 795 00 398 00 2,533 05 59.08 50.00 2,371.42 5O0.OO 7,500.00 Page: 22 Check List Page: 23 o chklst CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 0~/31/2001 07:07:44 Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description 158269 01/31/01 005299 BENJERT, ~-JLIEANN PS-MAY 26T 01/12/01 PS-REIMB:E~qPIECE Voucher: 158270 01/31/01 005310 Voucher: 158271 01/31/01 005321 Voucher: 158272 01/31/01 005322 Voucher: Bank Code: key CANYON AUTO BODY 31 Bank Code: key 32 33 34 TOSCO/FLEET SERVICES Bank Code: key 7322511 HOLIDAY INN HOTEL & SUITES 22936 Bank Code: key 22879 158273 01/31/01 005377 Voucher: 158274 01/31/01 005388 Voucher: AARON BROTHERS INC, #223 Bank Code: key PURE WATER CORPORATION Bank Code: key 01/02/01 PS-REPAIR TRUNK LE~LK 01/04/01 PS-REPAIR DENTS/PAINT 01/16/01 PS-REPAIR DOOR PANEL 01/04/01 PS-REPAIR DOOR PANEL 01/06/01 PS-FUEL FOR VEHICLES 128255 01/15/01 CM-LODGING:CD DIR INTE 01/15/01 CM-LODGING:CD DIR INTE 01/10/01 PKRCS-RECYC DRAW PADS 139694 139680 139700 139720 140558 139700 139680 11/30/00 PKCP-WATER/COOLER RENT 11/30/00 pK/<FT-WATER/COOLER REN 11/30/00 PKDBC-WATER/COOLER REN 12/31/00 PKCHB-BOTTLED WATER 12/31/00 MC-WATER/COOLER RENTAL 12/31/00 PKDBC-WATER/COOLER REN 12/31/00 PKKFT-WATER/COOLER REN Amount Paid 68.75 2113505-00 01/12/01 PS-TAPE RECORDERS 2 01/18/01 PWT-TRANSPORTATION MOD DEC23-JAN2 01/12/01 PKRCS-REIM PROGRAM SUP PKRCS-JAN 01/25/01 PKRCS-FINANCIAL CLASSE 12/27/00 LAW-PUB DEFENDER FW V Check Total 68.75 86.88 1,954.80 38.01 38.01 24.09 177.60 177.60 70.54 2.18 14.98 53.53 186.84 16.07 8.68 113.38 100.00 2,117.70 24.09 3S5.20 70.~4 395.66 100.00 158275 01/31/01 005423 MERRILL, THOMAS WILLIAM MC-DEC 4TH 12/31/00 MC-PRO TEM JUDGE 12/4 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158276 01/31/01 005427 TRANSMISSION REPLACEMENT CO 72209A 01/04/01 PS-TRANSMISSION SV 519 377.41 Voucher: Bank Code: key 0072209 12/28/00 PS-TRA/~SMISSION SV 519 1,645.26 2,022.67 287.07 287.07 158277 01/31/01 005436 DBL DISTRIBUTING INC Voucher: Bank Code: key 15,779.55 15,779.55 158278 01/31/01 005470 MIRAI ASSOCIATES Voucher: Bank Code: key 84.68 84.68 158279 01/31/01 005478 LEBEL, SHELLEY Voucher: Bank Code: key 88.20 88.20 158280 01/31/01 005492 DEBT BUSTERS Voucher: Bank Code: key 1S0.00 150.00 158281 01/31/01 005510 LAW OFFICE OF DAVID RUZUMNA 525 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158282 01/31/01 005525 OLBRECHTS, PHIL A DEC26-JAN2 01/24/01 LAW-CIVIL MUNI ATTY SV 1,482.00 1,482.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key ................................................................................................... Page: 23 chklst Check List Page: 24 ~/31/2001 07:07:44 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY beck Dale Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158283 01/31/01 005532 NACM-NATIONAL CENTER FOR ST MC-MANUALS 10/19/00 MC-COURT MANUAL/GUIDES 32.00 32.00 Voucher: 158284 01/31/01 005551 Voucher: 158285 01/31/01 005565 Voucher: 158286 01/31/01 005568 Voucher: 158287 01/31/01 005570 Voucher: 158288 01/31/01 005585 Voucher: 158289 01/31/01 005587 Voucher: 158290 01/31/01 005621 Voucher: 158291 01/31/01 005625 Voucher: 158292 01/31/01 005633 Voucher: 158293 01/31/01 005639 Voucher: 158294 01/31/01 005643 Voucher: 158295 01/31/01 005647 Voucher: 158296 01/31/01 005656 Voucher: 158297 01/31/01 005687 Voucher: 158298 01/31/01 005688 Voucher: Bank Code: .key SELECTRON INC 0003786 Bank Code: key WELCOME COMMUNICATIONS 784 Bank Code: key KING COUNTY FLEET ADM DIVIS 200233 Bank Code: key 200234 12/31 00 MSDP-BASE 4-PORT INTER 01/22/01 MSDP-LAPTOP BATTERY/PS 01/02/01 PKCP-PARK SIGNS 01/02/01 PWT-PAINT, EZ MARKER C A GOODMAN CONSTRUCTION CO RETAIN REL 01/18/01 PW-RETAINAGE RELEASE Bank Code: key OLYMPIC UNIFORMS Bank Code: key AVAYA INC Bank Code: key CHIP VOLUNTEER SALES CENTER 109669-1 Bank Code: key I/O SOLUTIONS LLC Bank Code: key COSTUME GALLERY Bank Code: key ELLINGTON, THOMAS MARK Bank Code: key FOSS ENVIRONMENTAL Bank Code: key UPBEAT INC Bank Code:.key JIM'S DETAIL SHOP Bank Code: key THE INNOVATION GROUPS Bank Code: key CITY OF YAKIMA Bank Code: key 047498 01/10/01 PS-UNIFORM JACKET 1203960993 01/12/01 MSTEL-SYS MAINT 01/22/01 PS-VOL RECOG CARDS C9542A 01/08/01 MSHR-PS TESTING FORM 1 1201-048 12/01/00 PKRCS-DANCE COSTUMES MC-DEC 6TH 12/31/00 MC-PRO TEM JUDGE 12/6 12822A 00373617 10051F 8645 PS-HWANG PS-LEDDY PS-NORMAN 01/16/01 SWM-SPILL KIT 01/10/01 PS-SURFACE MT BENCHES 01/02/01 PS-DETAIL SVC ~519 12/04/00 MSDP-1YR FEE:KC E-GOV 01/17/01 PS-RACIAL PROFILING CL 01/17/01 PS-RACIAL PROFILING CL 01/17/01 PS-RACIAL PROFILING CL 19,765.20 192.86 588.88 64.03 3,649.95 162.01 2 004 . 98 14.00 75.00 2 025.29 100.00 64.25 849.15 135.75 4 000. O0 40.00 40. O0 40.00 19,765.20 192.86 652.91 3,649.95 162.01 2,004.98 14.00 75.00 2,025.29 100.00 64.25 849.15 135.75 4,000.00 120.00 ............................................ - ......................................... Pag'e: 24 o chklst Check List Page: 25 0Y/31/2001 07:07:45 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check To~al 158299 01/31/01 005691 INLAND PAC~FIC STAMPS & 430404 01/05/01 CM-DATE STAMP 63.45 63.45 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158300 01/31/01 005692 Voucher: 158301 01/31/01 005693 Voucher: 158302 01/31/01 005694 Voucher: 158303 01/31/01 005697 Voucher: 158304 01/31/01 005698 Voucher: 158305 01/31/01 005699 Voucher: 158306 01/31/01 005700 Voucher: 158307 01/31/01 005701 Voucher: 158308 01/31/01 005704 Voucher: 158309 01/31/01 005705 Voucher: 158310 01/31/01 005706 Voucher: 158311 01/31/01 005707 Voucher: 158312 01/31/01 005710 Voucher: 158313 01/31/01 005712 Voucher: 158314 01/31/01 005713 Voucher: TRAFFICWARE Bank Code: key HUTCHINSON, CRAIG Bank Code: key IIHS-INSURANCE INSTITUTE FO PS-VIDEOS Bank Code: key WORK-SPORTS & OUTDOORS 1974 Bank Code: key 1973 SMITH, THERESA B FL10-9/12 Bank Code: key PRYAL, JIM Bank Code: key BUCICH, PAUL Bank Code: key WSH&LA-WA STATE HOTEL/LODGI 2447 Bank Code: key CASCADE ELEVATOR COMPANY 2059 Bank Code: key GASSMAN, STACEY Bank Code: key K & E CONSTRUCTION INC Bank Code: key MAN, INSUN Bank Code: key TRUST-X QMS 036996 Bank Code: key CHANG, JENNY CAll410FW Bank Code: key CARNEY BADLEY SMITH & SPELL 44136-+1 Bank Code: key 3848 01/19/01 MSDP-SYNCHRO SWARE UPG PS-DEC 14T 01/10/01 PS-REIM:CLOTHING ALLOW 01/17/01 PS-TRAFFIC SCHOOL VIDE 01/22/01 PKM-UNIFORM JEANS:FIED 01/22/01 PKM-UNIFORM JEANS:BLAC 11/13/00 PS-INTERPRETOR SVCS PWD-AIRFAR 01/13/01 PWD-REIM AIRFARE:IECA SWM-AIRFAR 01/12/01 SWM-REIM AIRFARE:IECA 01/04/01 MSA-STATE TOURISM GUID 01/17/01 PKRCS-ELEVATOR MAINT S JAN16-JAN2 01/22/01 PKKFT-REIMB MILEAGE 185 01/16/01 PKDBC-CHAIR RAIL CDPL-DEC 1 12/18/00 CDPL-INTERPRETER SVCS 12/27/00 PW/PKM-MOUNTED EYEWASH 01/12/01 DC-INTERPRETER:CAll410 01/04/01 LAW-APPEAL FEE:VS SEO 250.00 250.00 275.00 275.00 255.00 255.00 188.92 163.60 352.52 675.00 675.00 209.10 209.10 192.40 192.40 11,426.95 11,426.95 141.18 141.18 65.55 65.55 564.72 564.72 168.00 168.00 244.36 244.36 35.00 35.00 637.10 637.10 ........................................... Page: 25 chklst Check List Page: 26 [/31/2001 07:07:45 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY beck Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total ....................................... ~---- ..................................... ~ ......................................... 158315 01/31/01 700084 ~/DT SECURITY SERVICES 02-43257 01/23/01 CDB-REFUND 00-105319-0 39.40 39.40 Voucher: 158316 01/31/01 700398 Voucher: 158317 01/31/01 700494 Voucher: 158318 01/31/01 700788 Voucher: 158319 01/31/01 700843 Voucher: 158320 01/31/01 700897 Voucher: 158321 01/31/01 700948 Voucher:  158322 01/31/01 701435 Voucher: 158323 01/31/01 701987 Voucher: 158324 01/31/01 702052' Voucher: 158325 01/31/01 702053 Voucher: 158326 01/31/01 702054 Voucher: 158327 01/31/01 702055' Voucher: 158328 01/31/01 702056 Voucher: 158329 01/31/01 702057 Voucher: 158330 01/31/01 702058 Voucher: Bank Code: key BRONKHORST, SUSAN 76821 Bank Code: key ST LUKE'S LUTHERA/g CHURCH 02-31015 Bank Code: key N J LAND DEVELOPMENT COMPAN 01-02451 Bank Code: key NW FEDERATION OF COMMUNITY Bank Code: key NEXTEL Bank Code: key SCHOOL'S OUT CONSORTIUM Bank Code: key WOODS, MICHAEL Bank Code: key TA, VIET Bank Code: .key CLARK, FRED Bank Code: key ORTIZ,. HELEN 64990 Bank Code: key MYERS, CORNELIUS 76627 Bank Code:.key PETERSON, ANNE 75128 Bank Code: key HALL, FULENE 75446 Bank Code: key EVERETT, HARRY J 02-43617 Bank Code: key ST VINCENT DE PAUL PARISH 99-0239 Bank Code: key 01/17/01 PKRLS-REFUND CLASS FEE 01/29/01 CDPL-REFUND SPR96-0023 01/22/01 PW-REFUND BOND 95-1025 C1498R5213 01/24/01 PKDBC-REFUND DAMAGE DP FEB4-JAN12 01/30/01 MSF-REFUND LEASEHOLD T C1415R7015 01/16/01 PKDBC-REFUND DAMAGE DP 75377 01/17/01 PKRLS-REFUND CLASS FEE 00-03-0911 01/23/01 MSRM-CLAIM 00-03-2301 01/23/01 MSRM-CLAIM 01/08/01 PKRLS-REFUND CLASS FEE 01/10/01 PKRLS-REFUND CLASS FEE 01/10/01 PKRLS-REFUND CLASS FEE 01/10/01 PKRLS-REFUND CLASS FEE 01/03/01 CDB-REFUND 00-105913-0 01/09/01 CD-SIGN INCENTIVE PROG 39.80 12.09 750.00 50.07 1,393.24 100 90 20 00 126 20 310 44 40 91 5O 00 35 O0 34 00 35 40 850 82 39.80 12.09 750.00 50.07 1,393.24 100.90 20.00 126.20 310.44 40.91 50.00 35.00 34.00 35.40 850.82 ....................................... 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Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158331 01/31/01 702059 ASAY, MARIA 77049 01/17/01 PKRLS-REFUND CLASS FEE 10 00 10.00 Voucher: 158332 01/31/01 702060 Voucher: 158333 01/31/01 702061 Voucher: 158334 01/31/01 702062 Voucher: 158335 01/31/01 702063 Voucher: 158336 01/31/01 702064 Voucher: 158337 01/31/01 702065 Voucher: 158338 01/31/01 702066 Voucher: 158339 01/31/01 702067 Voucher: 158340 01/31/01 702068 Voucher: 158341 01/31/01 702069 Voucher: 158342 01/31/01 702070 Voucher: 158343 01/31/01 702071 Voucher: 158344 0i/31/01 702072 Voucher: 158345 01/31/01 702073 Voucher: 158346 01/31/01 702074 Voucher: Bank Code: key NELSON, TERI Bank Code: key WINTERS, DARRELL Bank Code: key SMITH, RICHARD J Bank Code: key HENRICKSON, RONALD D Bank Code: key COURTYARD VILLAGE Bank Code: key ALTERRA Bank Code: key GRAMOR DEVELOPMENT Bank Code: key HAPPY VALLEY LAND COMPANY Bank Code: key 75835 01/17/01 PKRLS-REFUND CLASS FEE JAN4-JA/qll 01/16/01 PKM-REIM MATERIALS JAN10-JAN1 01/12/01 CM-REIM CD DIR RECRUIT JAN10-JAN1 01/12/01 CM-REIM CD DIR RECRUIT 02-40587 02-38857 02-41435 02-40683 02-40751 01/24/01 PW-EXP REVIEW REFUND 01/24/01 PW-EXP REVIEW REFUND 01/24/01 PW-EXP REVIEW REFUND 01/24/01 PW-EXP REVIEW REFUND 01/24/01 PW-EXP REVIEW REFUND PUGET SOUND ROA/3 RACE ASSOC C1367R6636 01/16/01 PKDBC-REFUND DAMAGE DP Bank Code: key COMMONWEALTH FELLOWSHIP INT C1487R7147 01/10/01 PKDBC-REFUND DAMAGE DP Bank Code: key SLINGERLAND INSTITUTE-LITER C1484R7170 01/16/01 PKDBC-REFUND DAMAGE DP Bank Code: key ELECTRI-CITY INC 02-43939 01/24/01 CDB-REFUND 00-100203-0 Bank Code: key FISHER & SONS 02-42112 01/24/01 PW-EXP REVIEW REFUND Bank Code: key WASHINGTON STATE COALITION C1479R7154 01/24/01 PKDBC-REFUND DAMAGE DP Bank Code: key VOICESTREAM/WESTERN PCS DEC18-JAN2 01/30/01 MSF-REFUND LEASEHOLD T Bank Code: key 35 00 148 66 216 88 540 76 2,575 00 1,076 10 458 62 15.19 298.31 150.00 150.00 30.54 322.25 167.30 83.30 3,018.29 35.00 148.66 216.88 540.76 2,575.00 1,076.10 473.81 298.31 150.00 150 O0 30 54 322 25 167 30 83 30 3,018 29 ....................................... Page 27 chkls[ Check List Page: 28 ~/31/2001 07:07:45 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY beck Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158347 01/31/01 702075 ALTERNATIVE LIVING SERVICES 02-39584 01/29/01 CDPL-REFUND UP499-0003 23.43 23.43 Voucher: 158348 01/31/01 702076 Voucher: 158349 01/31/01 702077 Voucher: 18 Checks in this report Bank Code: key STATE OF WASHINGTON Bank Code: key MARTIN, LONNIE Bank Code: key 02-38378 01/29/01 CDPL-REFUND BLD99-0068 CASE 00-65 01/30/01 PS-REFUND CASE 00-6585 10.05 10.05 310.00 310.00 Total Checks: 975,576.40 ........................... Page: 28 o chklst Check List Page: 1 0~/15/2001 07:08:46 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158350 02/09/01 005113 Voucher: 158351 02/13/01 005235 Voucher: 158352 02/13/01 005727 Voucher: 158353 02/15/01 000004 Voucher: "158354 02/15/01 000016 Voucher: 158355 02/15/01 000043 **VOID** Voucher: 158356 02/15/01 000043 Voucher: OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR MC-TRAININ 02/05/01 MC-NEW CLERK TRAINING Bank Code: key PETTY CASH-CHANGE FUND 009900 02/12/01 MC-CHANGE FUND Bank Code: key ELECTRONIC. EVIDENCE DISCOVE CM-RETAINE 02/09/01 CM-RETAINER:CONSULTING Bank Code: key ASSOC OF WASHINGTON CITIES Bank Code: key IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS Bank Code: key NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE COMPA Bank Code: key 2001 SVC F 12/22/00 CC-2001 SERVICE FEE 18220 02/06/01 CM-CONFERENCE FEES 18221 02/06/01 CM-CONFERENCE FEES 18222 02/06/01 CM-CONFERENCE FEES 1687001A 12/21/00 PS-SHREDDER OIL NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE COMPA 119243 Bank Code: key 119277 119425 119534 119552 119556 119632 119597 119631 119606 119608 119718 119689 119778 119819 119833 119839 120007 120015 119983 120092 120088 120107 120170 120178 120191 120220 120293 01/li/01 SWM-PIPE/ADAPTER/GLUE 01/11/01 SWM-VENT ELL/P TRAP 01/16/01 PKM-GOOF OFF 01/18/01 PKCP-MOUSE TRAPS 01/18/01 PKM-PLYWOOD/CLR GLOSS 01/18/01 PKM-DRANO CRYSTAL 01/19/01 PWS-KEY RINGS/LABELS 01/19/01 SWM-SHELF/BRACKETS 01/19/01 SWM-SHELF/WD-40 01/19/01 SWM-PRE-MIX CONCRETE 01/19/01 PKCP-GALV SPIKE/MOUSE 01/22/01 pKM-HANDLES/PVC ADAPTE 01/22/01 PKM-ABS PIPE/COUPLING 01/23/01 SWM-ADJ WRENCH/WOOD ST 01/24/01 PKCP-PLAQUE:SCREWS/BOL 01/24/01 MSFLT-REPAIR SUPPLIES 01/25/01 SWM-BACKHOE TRAIL BALL 01/29/01 PKCHB-COMPXMIP/COMP CA 01/29/01 PKM-SAC PARK BENCH/BAL 01/29/01 PKCP-CONCRETE ADH POLY 01/31/01 PWS-YELLOW ENAMEL 01/31/01 PKRLS-ABS ELL/HXSPG 01/31/01 PKM-SAC BENCH REPAIRS 02/01/01 PKM-ANNEX REPAIR SUPPL 02/01/01 PKM-ANNEX REPAIR SUPPL 02/01/01 PKM~ANNEX REPAIR SUPPL 02/02/01 PKM-GRAFFITI REMOVAL S 02/05/01 PKM-ANNEX TUBING STRAP 75.00 75.00 100.00 100.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 41,285.06 80.00 80.00 90.00 69.40 0.00 13.09 2.43 3 21 1 93 42 89 6 05 7 32 41 73 8 69 4 32 7 61 10 19 21.42 12.39 12.16 10.35 11.62 11.10 45.92 6.83 6.49 2.03 7.18 9.38 21.46 21.44 28.44 2.78 41,535.06 69.40 ..................................................................................... Page: 1 chklst Check List Page: 2 ~/15/2001 07:08:47 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~eck Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158356 02/15/01 000043 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE COMPA ...................................................... (continued) 158357 02/15/01 000046 Voucher: 158358 02/15/01 000051 ~*VOID** Voucher: 120301 120378 120033 120373 120360 120346 120461 OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPAN 628319 Bank Code: key 628333 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC Bank Code: key PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC Bank Code: key 158259 02/15/01 000051 Voucher: 02/05/01 PKM-WOODSHOP SHELF SUP 02/06/01 PKM-ALDERBROOK EAGLE P 01/30/01 PKM-FOLDUP HEX KEY SET 02/06/01 PKM-EXP FOAM SEALANT 02/06/01 PKM-HEX LAGS/SCREWS 02/06/01 PKM-COR IRON/SEALS/BOL 02/08/01 PKM-RND BIT/BLDG SUPPL 01/07/01 MSHR-AD:ASST CITY MGR 01/21/01 MSHR-AD:ASST CITY MGR 12.71 9.65 12.67 6.20 22.56 92.80 10.34 736.38 736.38 0.00 547.38 1,472.76 980-132-10 01/24/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 8926456900 01/23/01 PKDBC/KFT-NATL GAS 0626911002 01/31/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 066-730-71 01/31/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 112-722-10 02/06/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 131-066-10 01/31/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 141-467-10 02/05/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 177-437-10 02/05/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 190-977-00 01/29/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 233-930-20 02/06/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 241-985-10 02/06/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 342-691-10 01/31/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 352-691-10 01/31/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 373-087-10 02/05/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 442-691-10 01/31/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 458-148-10 02/05/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 504-368-10 02/05/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 525-940-20 02/06/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 536-673-10 01/31/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 638-448-10 01/31/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 657-289-00 02/01/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 720-429-10 02/02/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 733-829-10 02/02/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 733-930-20 02/06/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 736-169-10 01/30/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 738-448-10 01/31/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 753-129-10 01/22/01 PWToSTREET LIGHTING 755-430-20 02/02/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 904-388-10 01/31/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 917-259-10 02/02/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 925-940-20 02/06/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 993-440-20 01/25/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 996-289-00 01/31/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 225-650-20 02/07/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 3 275.90 2 584.26 13.57 38.27 235.13 10,766.83 250 80 107 35 172 42 143 38 178 03 93 93 25.80 140.60 25.80 291.68 51.77 256.34 232.20 78.19 6.09 130.21 159.11 203.67 144.06 58.64 119.13 103.08 148.20 66.11 256.69 224.81 122.34 208.17 · Page: 2 ~ chklst Check List Page: 3 )3/15/2001 07:08:47 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY iheck Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158359 02/15/01 000051 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC (continued) 477-842-10 02/07/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 158360 02/15/01 000056 Voucher: 158361 02/15/01 000063 Voucher: 158362 02/15/01 00007b Voucher: SIR SPEEDY PRINTING CENTER Bank Code: key CORPORATE EXPRESS OFFICE Bank Code: key 158363 02/15/01 000089 Voucher: 497-198-10 02/07/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 604-130-20 02/07/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 652-017-10 02/07/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 786-203-10 02/07/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 886-203-10 02/07/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 9988636900 02/05/01 PWT-STREET LIGHTING 002-141-10 02/06/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 102-141-10 02/06/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 177-159-10 02/02/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 711-141-10 02/06/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 722-288-10 02/06/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 319-041-10 02/06/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 918-041-10 02/06/01 PK/4-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 109-922-10 02/06/01 PKM-ELECTRICITY/GAS CH 153-835-10 02/07/01 PS-ELECTRICITY CH~RGES 168-847-10 02/07/01 PS-ELECTRICITY CHARGES 444-132-10 02/07/01 PS-ELECTRICITY CH~GES 454-132-10 02/07/01 PS-ELECTRICITY CHARGES 534-132-10 02/07/01 PS-ELECTRICITY CN~%RGES 544-132-10 02/07/01 PS-ELECTRICITY CHARGES 644-132-10 02/07/01 PS-ELECTRICITY CHARGES 654-132-10 02/07/01 PS-ELECTRICITY CHARGES 744-132-10 02/07/01 PS-ELECTRICITY CHARGES 934-132-10 02/07/01 PS-ELECTRICITY CHARGES 22904 01/31/01 MSC-PRINTING SERVICES 30788720 01/09/01 MSF-OFFICE SUPPLIES 31023360 01/25/01 MSF-OFFICE SUPPLIES 31095490 01/31/01 MSDP-DSHD FRMT DISKS 30788710 01/09/01 MSHR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 31154760 02/05/01 MSRM-FILE FOLDERS A T & T WIRELESS SERVICES I 047-204057 02/03/01 MSTEL-CELL AIR TIME Bank Code: key NEWS TRIBUNE S532529000 01/07/01 MSHR-AD:ASSOCIATE PLAN Bank Code: key S532540000 01/07/01 MSHR-~D:ADMIN ASSIST I S532550000 01/07/01 MSHR-AD:INTERN-LONG RA S532558000 01/07/01 MSHR-AD:ST MAINT WORK~ S532566000 01/07/01 MSHR-AD:EXP POL OFFCR S530060000 01/07/01 MSHR-AD:ASST CITY MGR S556277000 01/28/01 MSHR-AD:PKM WORKER I S556699000 01/28/01 MSHR-AD:POL OFFCR RECR S569422000 01/28/01 MSHR-AD:ADM LEGAL ASST S570997000 01/28/01 MSHR-AD:THEATRE TECH I 156.54 126.05 301.59 151.47 115.67 104.16 461.22 64.69 5.47 5.47 5.47 249.41 79.62 983.09 1,476.92 14.21 268.55 1,258.68 131.95 478.95 121.42 251.36 770.49 397.93 191.28 300.37 0.08 109.39 72.64 18.64 40.64 1,189.62 146.84 142.90 111.38 178.36 253.22 774.48 391.12 603.88 162.60 199.24 29,084.22 300.37 241.39 1,189.62 ...................................................................................... Page: 3 chklst Check List Page: 4 ~/15/2001 07:08:47 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY beck Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total (continued) 158363 02/15/01 000089 NEWS TRIBUNE S556324000 02/04/01 MS,R-AD:SEASONAL PKM W 367.48 S556471000 02/04/01 MSMR-AD:POL OFFCR LATE 651.16 S556512000 02/04/01 MSHR-AD:ASSOC PLANNER 328.08 S556527000 02/04/01 MSHR-AD:PLANNING INTER 485.68 S580166000 02/04/01 MSHR-AD:ENGR-DEV SVC M 238.52 S580585000 02/04/01 MSHR-AD:ADMIN ASST I 128.20 01/25/01 PWT-COMMUTE TRIP REDUC 158364 02/15/01 000092 Voucher: 6,678.11 KING COUNTY-METROPOLITAN SV 21265 Bank Code: key 158365 02/1~/01 000096 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT 2592802 01/29/01 PKM-WATER/SEWER SVCS 14.48 Voucher: Bank Code: key 1014202 01/29/01 PKM-WATER/SEWER SVCS 67.02 2781501 01/29/01 PKM-WATER/SEWER 'SVCS 14.48 2906301 01/29/01 PKM-WATER/SEWER SVCS 14.48 158366 02/15/01 000101 Voucher: 158367 02/15/01 000106 Voucher: 02/12/01 CDA-REIM PETTY CASH 01/19/01 PS-AIRFARE:T HOCM 01/22/01 PS-AIRFARE:B LINDSTROM PETTY CASH 009927 Bank Code: key SELECT TRAVEL INC 101191022 Bank Code: key 101221020 172.82 5,163.14 6,678.11 110.46 172.82 413.50 299.00 712.50 158368 02/15/01 000109 ACTIVE SECURITY CONTROL (DB 12393 01/25/01 PKRCS-DUPLICATE KEYS 11.62 Voucher: Bank Code: key 12392 01/25/01 PS-REKEYABLE PADLOCK 24.53 12401 02/05/01 PS-COMBINATE CYLINDER/ 55.98 12399 02/05/01 PS-LEVER:EXIT DEVICE/K 2,186.57 ~ 12384 01/19/01 PWS-DUPLICATE KEYS 35.52 FOCS56863 01/10/01 PS-BRAKE LIGHT REPAIRS 131.82 FOCS57274 01/18/01 PS-ELEC SVC:M67091 108.28 PACIFIC COAST FORD INC Bank Code: key KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISIO 1002227 Bank Code: key 158369 02/15/01 000112 Voucher: 15,431.46 158370 02/15/01 000125 Voucher: 01/19/01 PWT-KC SIGNS/SIGNAL MA 2,314.22 240.10 15,431.46 158371 02/15/01 000142 CITY OF FED WAY-ADVANCE TRA CHECK 1674 01/26/01 PS-RACIAL PROFILING CO 122.76 Voucher: Bank Code: key CHECK 1676 01/26/01 PS-RACIAL PROFILING CO 115.00 CHECK 1680 02/12/01 PS-PERSONS INVESTIGATI 204.00 CHECK 1681 02/12/01 PS-PERSONS INVESTIGATI 204.00 645.76 158372 02/15/01 000160 WA STATE-CODE REVISER OFFIC MC-BOOKS 02/05/01 MC-SELETED RCW TITLES 251.64 251.64 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158373 02/15/01 000173 WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION 23600 01/22/01 MC-WA COURT RULES 502.82 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158374 02/15/01 000201 KINKO'S INC' 5151000549 01/19/01 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 185.16 Voucher: Bank Code: key 5151000550 01/23/01 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 4.67 5151000550 01/24/01 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 14.66 5151000551 01/31/01 MSF-PRINT:2001 BUDGET 554.56 ................................................................................... Page: 4 502.82 o chklst Check List Page: 5 0~/15/2001 07:08:47 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ..Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158374 02/15/01 000201 KINKO'S INC (continued) 158375 02/15/01 000202 Voucher: 158376 02/15/01 000205 Voucher: 5151000551 01/30/01 MSF-PRINT:2001 BUDGET 1,120.59 5151000550 01/24/01 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 64.62 5151000550 01/26/01 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 749.34 5151000551 01/29/01 PKRCS-PRINTING SVCS 85.25 5151000552 02/05/01 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 233.49 5151000551 01/29/01 PWD-PRINTING SERVICES 98.90 5151000552 02/06/01 PWS-PRINTING SERVICES 8.15 QWEST 253-661-98 01/16/01 MSTEL-PHONE/DATA SVC 50.70 Bank Code: key 253-630-15 01/29/01 MC-FAX MACHINE CH/%RGES 20.58 206-T51-61 01/23/01 MSTEL-PHONE/DATA SVC 149.01 GOODYEAR TIRE CENTER Bank Code: key 066872 02/02/01 MSFLT-LOF/AIR FILTER:M 42.21 066873 02/03/01 MSFLT-LOF/AIR FILTER:M 46.75 066875 02/03/01 MSFLT-LOF/WIPER BLADES 59.17 066516 01/16/01 PS-BRAKES/ROTORS/TRANS 1,046.60 3,119.39 220.29 1,194.73 158377 02/15/01 000217 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION 5-014-9472 01/23/01 MSHR-DELIVERY SERVICES 23.70 Voucher: Bank Code: key 5-016-6443 01/30/01 PS-DELIVERY SERVICES 30.50 5-018-1428 02/04/01 MSGIS-RETURN RXLASER S 5.50 59.70 158378 02/15/01 000229 FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER COMMERC 486 02/01/01 CM-TOURISM PROGRAM:MAP 270.00 270.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158379 02/15/01 000266 WCPDA-WASHINGTON CITY PLANN CDA-MCCLUN 01/05/01 CDA-2001 MEMBER DUES 50.00 50.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158380 02/15/01 000276 LANIER WORLDWIDE INC 65228509 02/01/01 MC-MAINTENANCE AGREEME 449.28 449.28 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158381 02/15/01 000286 METROCALL 4075621 01/27/01 MSTEL-PAGER SERVICE 11.92 11.92 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158382 02/15/01 000328 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA) 0068730 01/31/01 MSFLT-FUEL FOR VEHICLE 1,487.77 Voucher: Bank Code: key 0068731 01/31/01 PS-FUEL FOR VEHICLES 4,031.75 5,519.52 158383 02/15/01 000332 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS INC 00-0035550 01/31/01 LAW-JAN MESSENGER SVCS 397.60 397.60 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158384 02/15/01 000340 WA STATE-INFORMATION SERVIC 2001010219 02/02/01 MSTEL-SCAN SERVICE 1,094.46 1,094.46 Voucher: Bank Code.: key 158385 02/15/01 000351 SEATTLE TIMES-SUBSCRIPTIONS 40010811 01/06/01 CDA-1 YR SUBSCRIPTION 140.40 140.40 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158386 02/15/01 000368 PERKINS COIE LLP MSHR-APR 1 02/08/01 MSHR-DRUG/ALCOHOL ISSU 40.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key MSHR-F~kR 2 02/08/01 MSHR-SURVIVOR 2001 BRI 80.00 120.00 ................................................................ Page chklst Check List Page: 6 ~/15/2001 07:08:47 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY !beck Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 01/12/01 PS-FILM:CRIME SCENE 39.06 39.06 158387 02/15/01 000381 Voucher: 158388 02/15/01 000414 ~*VOID** Voucher: 158389 02/15/01 000414 Voucher: R & K PHOTO ENTERPRISES INC 83176 Bank Code: key CAFE PACIFIC CATERING INC Bank Code: key CAFE PACIFIC CATERING INC Bank Code: key 4440 4441 4442 4443 4444 4445 4447 4448 4450 4452 4454 4455 4456 4457 4458 4460 4435 4462 4461 4463 4438 4437 4436 4363 4426 4427 4428 4432 4429 4430 4431 4439 4449 4451 4453 4459 4472 02/01/01 PKDBC-ST PATRICKS PARI 02/01/01 PKDBC-LIGHTEN UP 02/01/01 PKDBC-PAC SCIENCE CTR 02/01/01 PKDBC-CITY OF DES MOIN 02/01/01 PKDBC-CHARLES SCHWAB 02/01/01 PKDBC-WEYERHAEUSER IT 02/01/01 PKI)BC-ELCA REGION I 02/01/01 PKDBC-WEYERHAEUSER-STR 02/01/01 PKDBC-PNLA 02/01/01 PKDBC-CONTEXT 02/01/01 PKDBC-TACOMA BRETHREN 02/01/01 PKDBC-CHARLES SCHWAB 02/01/01 PKDBC-STATER BOARD OF 02/01/01 PKDBC-ST PAULS EPISCOP 02/01/01 PKDBC-ELCA REGION I 02/01/01 PKDBC-WEYERHAEUSER -IT 02/01/01 PKDBC-DEPT OF CORRECTI 01/31/01 PKDBC-DEPT OF CORRECTI 01/31/01 PKDBC-CHILDREN'S HOME 01/31/01 PKDBC-WPLD ADD-ON 4372 02/01/01 PKDBC-PRCS LUNCH MTG 02/01/01 PKDBC-PUGET SOUND ESD 02/01/01 PKDBC-PRCS MTG:SNACK 01/02/01 PKDBC-WORLD VISION 01/31/01 PKDBC-SCHOOLS OUT CONS 01/31/01 PKDBC-SLINGERLAND 01/31/01 PKDBC-DEPT OF TRADE/DE 01/31/01 PKDBC-NWFCO 01/31/01 PKDBC-CREDIT:INV 4368 01/31/01 PKDBC-FAMILY SUPPORT ( 01/31/01 PKDBC-WA COALITION (AD 02/01/01 PKDBC-CREATIVE MEMORIE 02/01/01 PKDBC-LAKE BURIEN PRES 02/01/01 PKDBC-WEYERHAEUSER-STR 02/01/01 PKDBC-ABLE NETWORK 02/01/01 PKDBC-C DESCHANE 02/07/01 CDLU-PLANNING COMM DIN 0.00 200.64 876.66 897.19 135.36 49 80 175 44 355 00 397 75 593 03 1,934 54 2,027 40 49 80 869 05 695 10 188 10 350 88 6,858 00 1,195 78 137 16 131 20 59 50 170 00 71 52 696 42 38 28 595 8O 1,295.56 1,117.05 -137.76 112.32 50.40 787.61 889.79 128.96 387.12 1,647.60 180.67 252.00 26,208.72 252.00 158390 02/15/01 000428 WRPA-WA REC & PARK ASSOC PKRCS-WRBF 02/02/01 PKRCS-WRBF TEAM REG FE Voucher: Bank Code: key 158391 02/15/01 000438 DELI SMITH & CHOCOLATE JONE 2222 01/26/01 CC-AGENDA SETTING LUNC 31.69 31.69 Voucher: Bank Code: key .......................................................... Page: 6 o chklst Check List Page: 7 0~/15/2001 07:08:48 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~heck Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158392 02/15/01 000475 Voucher: 158393 02/15/01 000503 Voucher: 158394 02/15/01 000514 Voucher: 158395 02/15/01 000519 Voucher: 158396 02/15/01 000537 Voucher: 158397 02/15/01 000564 Voucher: 158398 02/15/01 000570 **VOID** Voucher: 158399 02/15/01 000570 Voucher: CUSTOM SECURITY SYSTEMS Bank Code: key ROYAL REPROGRAPHICS Bank Code: key WA STATE-STATE REVENUES Bank Code: key JOBS AVAILABLE INC Bank Code: key 160663 01/20/01 MC-ALARM MONITORING SV 75.00 161366 01/20/01 PKCHB-ALAP~M MONITORING 103.00 161259 01/20/01 PKRLS-ALARM MONITORING 59.74 9557261 JAN 2001 103047 01/24/01 PKA-PRINT:CP CONST PLA 02/07/01 MSF-REMIT STATE FEES 01/29/01 MSHR-AD:ASST CITY MGR WACE-WA ASSOC CODE ENFORCEM CDB-NORDBY 02/13/01 CDB-MEMBER DUES:NORDBY Bank Code: key KING COUNTY PET LICENSE JAN 2001 Bank Code: key' EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (DB Bank Code: key EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (DB 1008213 Bank Code: key 1008234 1008486 1008600 1008610 1008611 1008669 1008702 1008709 1008715 1008759 1008805 1008806 1008821 1008864 1008822 1008824 1008566 1008851 1008871 1008901 1008931 1008978 1008988 1008990 1008926 02/07/01 MSF-REMIT KC PET FEES 12/28/00 PS-BR3~KES/LOF:M97247 12/29/00 PS-TRANS SVC:M70912 01/12/01 PS-CREDIT:ISTV 1008234 01/18/01 PS-WIPER BL~LDES:M83283 01/19/01 PS-TIRES:M74833 01/19/01 PS-TIRE REPAIR:M73006 01/23/01 PS-LOF:M9843 01/24/01 PS-LOF:M67251 01/24/01 PS-BRAKES/ALIGN/IDLER: 01/24/01 PS-HEATER PANEL/BULBS: 01/26/01 PS-HEATER PANEL/BULBS: 01/30/01 PS-FRONT END INSP/CK C 01/30/01 PS-WIPER ELEC REPAIR:M 01/31/01 PS-LOF/WIPER BLADES:M4 02/02/01 PS-INSTALL MIRROR:M961 01/31/01 PS-LOF:M19242 01/31/01 PS-ALTERNATOR:M74115 01/17/01 PS-LOF/BRAKES/COOLING 02/01/01 PS-LOF/AIR FILTER:M780 02/02/01 PS-BRAKES/HEATER HOSE/ 02/05/01 PS-LOF:M12880 02/06/01 PS-BRAKES/LOF:M37247 02/08/01 PS-BATTERY:SPEED TRLR 02/09/01 PS-TIRE REPAIR:Mgl166 02/09/01 PS-ELECTRICAL CHECK:M2 02/06/01 PS-LOF:M10297 205 85 63,138 31 397 44 80 O0 423 00 0 O0 184 43 182 77 -76 02 28 77 89 09 13 29 24 97 381 31 629 18 199 17 199 17 38 77 38 77 53 19 13.28 24.97 469.68 420.41 69.43 552.32 26.60 191.07 293.19 13.29 38.77 24.97 237.74 205.85 63,138.31 397.44 80.00 423.00 .......................................................... Page: 7 chkls~ UlS/2OOl neck Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid 158399 02/15/01 000570 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (DB 1008942 02/07/01 PS-LOF/FILTER/SEAT BEL 61.34 Check List Page: 8 07:08:48 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 158400 02/15/01 000575 Voucher: 158401 02/15/01 000583 Voucher: 158402 02/15/01 000631 Voucher: 158403 02/15/01 000708 Voucher: 158404 02/15/01 000718 Voucher: 158405 02/15/01 000721 58406Voucher: 02/15/01 000723 Voucher: 158407 02/15/01 000724 Voucher: ATTORNEYS INFORMATION BUREA 1538 01/31/01 LAW-MISC SERV FEB FEE Bank Code: key U-FR3LME-IT 33700 02/09/01 CDPL-GLASS:ZONE MAP FR Bank Code: key PRIMA-PUBLIC RISK MGMT ASSO MSRM-DUNKE 02/08/01 MSRM-ANNUAL DUES:DUNKE Bank Code: key NRPA-NAT'L REC & PARK ASSOC 63110 Bank Code: key 63088 JENNINGS EQUIPMENT INC RO13106 Bank Code: key AMERICAN CONCRETE INC 0070548 Bank Code: key SOUND RESOURCE MGMT GROUP I FWP-005 Bank Code: key MOMEGUARD SECURITY SERVICES BA5574 Bank Code: key BA2251 R00542 WASPC-WA ASSOC SMERIFFS & PS-HOCH Bank Code: key S & S WORLDWIDE, INC Bank Code: key COSTCO/HRS USA Bank Code: key IAAP-INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIAT 8156580 Bank Code: key FEDERAL WAY DISPOSAL CO INC 1 844440 Bank Code: key SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER 30010810 Bank Code: key PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 9587777 Bank Code: key 01/16/01 PKM-PAC NW MAINT MGMT 01/16/01 PKM-PAC NW MAINT MGMT 02/01/01 MSFLT-MOWER FAN/FRA34E/ 01/17/01 SWM-2-4" QUARRY ROCK 01/31/01 PWSWR-SOLID WASTE/RECY 02/13/01 PKM-ALARM MONITORING 02/02/01 PKM-ALARM MONITORING 01/30/01 PKM-ALARM MONITORING 02/02/01 PS-INTELLIGENCE TRNG 3568090 01/31/01 PKRCS-MISC GYMNASTIC E 7300000209 01/26/01 MSF-DEC28/JAN23 SUPPLI 01/31/01 CDA-1 YR DUES:LUSEBRIN 01/31/01 PWSWR-LITTER DISPOSAL 01/19/01 CDA-1 YR SUBSCRIPTION 01/29/01 PKM-LIGHTING SUPPLIES Check Total (continued) 4,186.18 15s40s 02/lS/01 000732 Voucher: 158409 02/15/01 000759 Voucher: 158410 02/15/01 000771 Voucher: 158411 02/15/01 000774 Voucher: 158412 02/15/01 000783 Voucher: 158413 02/15/01 000790 Voucher: 158414 02/15/01 000808 Voucher: 87.44 87.44 45.89 45.89 295.00 295.00 650.00 g50.00 1,300.00 560.87 560.87 401.39 401.39 2,339.37 2,339.37 287.40 287.40 -102.70 472.10 75.00 75.00 164.86 164.86 1,389.17 1,389.17 48.00 48.00 315.81 315.81 106.60 106.60 143.09 '143.09 ...................................................................................... Page: 8 ) chklst Check List Page: 9 ]3/15/2001 07:08:4S CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158415 02/15/01 000854 D J TROPHY 203499A 01/30/01 PS-VOLUNTEER PLAQUE 48.87 Voucher: Bank Code: key 203460A 01/29/01 MSC-ENGRAVING SERVICES 14.44 203512A 02/06/01 CM-PLAQUE/ENGRAVING SV 70.59 158416 02/15/01 000891 Voucher: 158417 02/15/01 000920 Voucher: 158418 02/15/01 000938 Voucher: 158419 02/15/01 000991 Voucher: 158420 02/15/01 001004 Voucher: 158421 02/15/01 001046 Voucher: 158422 02/15/01 001052 Voucher: 158423 02/15/01 001162 Voucher: 158424 02/15/01 001189 Voucher: 158425 02/15/01 001233 Voucher: 158426 02/15/01 001234 Voucher: 158427 02/15/01 001240 Voucher: 158428 02/15/01 001259 voucher: OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN Bank Code: key PAPER DIRECT INC Bank Code: key PRYOR RESOURCES INC Bank Code: key CASCADE COFFEE INC Bank Code: key MAILMEDIA INC Bank Code: key EQUIFAX CREDIT INFORMATION Bank Code: key GENUINE PARTS COMPANY Bank Code: key 1189316830 01/11/01 PS-VAS RECORDERS 3308965201 01/24/01 MSRM-SAFETY CERTIFICAT 4405474 01/31/01 CDPL-SEMINAR:MICHAELSO 20204983 02/06/01 MSM&D-MTG COFFEE SUPPL 28749 01/26/01 PKRCS-POSTAGE:SPRING B 133.90 911.44 911.44 37.94 37.94 149.00 149.00 37.55 37.55 4,295.00 4,295.00 3537305 01/24/01 PS-CREDIT REPORTS 21.36 3415811 12/26/00 PS-CREDIT INFORMATION 21.32 3290369 11/25/00 PS-CREDIT INFORMATION 24.10 3537307 01/24/01 PS-CREDIT INFORMATION 20.90 557390 01/18/01 PKM-AIR FRESHNERS 4.32 558407 01/24/01 MSFLT-WIPER BLADES/PLI 53.57 559505 01/30/01 MSFLT-FUSES/OIL #48250 16.32 WASHINGTON STATE RECYCLING 677 Bank Code: key 5037 PETTY CASH 009849 Bank Code: key 01/25/01 PWSWR-WSRADIRECTORY 11/08/00 PWSWR-2001ER DUES:VANO 02/06/01 CM-REIM PETTY CASH 0584948549 01/13/01 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 0584942394 01/21/01 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 0510661494 01/28/01 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 0170142417 01/24/01 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV A T & T BUSINESS SERVICE Bank Code: key 01/31/01 MSC-HEARING EXAMINER S 02/01/01 MSDP-EMME2 SOFTWARE SU 02/07/01 MSF-REMIT CRIME VICTIM MCCARTHY CAUSSEAUX ROURKE I 9025-00M Bank Code: key INRO CONSULTANTS INC 12119 Bank Code: key KING COUNTY CRIME VICTIMS F JAN 2001 Bank Code: key 15.00 250.00 200.42 15.92 25.00 19.97 32.11 640.50 87.68 74.2k 265.00 200.42 93.00 640.50 540.00 540,00 1,321.31 1,321.31 ................................................ Page: 9 chklst Check List Page: 10 ~/15/2001 07:08:48 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY heck Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 315015 01/26/01 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIES 27.37 27.37 158429 02/15/01 001267 Voucher: 158430 02/15/01 001299 Voucher: TOP FOODS HAGGEN INC Bank Code: key FORD GRAPHICS Bank Code: key OLYMPIC FOUNDRY INC Bank Code: key 158431 02/15/01 001405 Voucher: 1196536 01/29/01 PWS-PRINT:BPA PFJ~SE 3 1,364.33 1,364.33 097944 01/17/01 PKCP-BRONZE PLAQUES 3,839.01 098277 01/29/01 PKCP-BRONZE PLAQUES 705.90 158432 02/15/01 001427 WESTEP~N POWER & EQUIPMENT ~93080 01/17/01 MSFLT-FITTINGS/HOSE/SW 113.16 Voucher: Bank Code: key H93872 01/29/01 MSFLT-HOSE/FITTING/DEG 61.56 158433 02/15/01 001432 SMALL & SONS OIL, DON 56852 Voucher: Bank Code: key 1~8434 02/15/01 001481 Voucher: 158435 02/15/01 001612 Voucher: CH2M HILL NORTHWEST INC Bank Code: key POLLARD GROUP INC Bank Code: key SPEEDY AUTO & WINDOW GLASS Bank Code: key BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO INC Bank Code: key MICROFLEX INC Bank Code: key VADIS NORTHWEST Bank Code: key 158436 02/15/01 001618 Voucher: 158437 02/15/01 001630 Voucher: 158438 02/15/01 001793 Voucher: 158439 02/15/01 001805 Voucher: 01/16/01 PKM-STL LK ANNEX FUEL 345.33 4,544.91 174.72 345.33 3253985 01/30/01 PWS-S 312TH TO S 324TH 21,790.53 3253992 01/30/01 PWSCIP-PACIFIC FrwY so 22,010.85 50935 01/31/01 MSM&D-BUSINESS CARDS 246.12 43,801.38 246.12 I048123 01/17/01 PS-WINDSHIELD #48630 367.34 367.34 160081 01/15/01 PSLUNIFORM CLOTHING 470.51 165944 01/15/01 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 403.88 167488-01 01/15/01 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 10.32 167684 01/15/01 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 10.32 169661 01/15/01 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 20.09 170242 01/15/01 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 99.91 171976 01/15/01 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 9.77 173014 01/23/01 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 201.67 173018 01/24/01 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 220.13 172259 01/29/01 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 20.63 172268-01 01/22/01 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 11.95 171295 01/22/01 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 93.34 174131 01/23/01 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 100.00 173559 01/29/01 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 5.43 173561 01/29/01 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 10.86 173577 01/29/01 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 88.18 170357 01/22/01 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 260.48 173040 01/24/01 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 286.98 00012894 02/02/01 MSA-TAX AUDIT PROGRAM 307.96 2,324.45 307.96 00011739 01/31/01 PKM-LITTER CONTROL SVC 4,225.00 4,225. O0 ........................................................................... Page: 10 3 chklst 33/15/2001 07:08:48 Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description 158440 02/15/01 001893 FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTRICT SIF-JAN 20 02/07/01 MSF-REMIT IMPACT FEES Voucher: Bank Code: key 158441 02/15/01 001902 Voucher: 158442 02/15/01 001944 Voucher: 158443 02/15/01 001988 Voucher: 158444 02/15/01 001990 Voucher: 158445 02/15/01 001998 Voucher: 158446 02/15/01 001999 Voucher: 158447 02/15/01 002024 Voucher: 158448 02/15/01 002038 Voucher: 158449 02/15/01 002093 Voucher: 158450 02/15/01 002231 Voucher: 158451 02/15/01 002341 Voucher: 158452 02/15/01 002379 Voucher: 158453 02/15/01 002386 Voucher: 158454 02/15/01 002392 Voucher: MYERS MASTER LAWN CARE Bank Code: key WM A GORE COMPANY INC Bank Code: key SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY Bank Code: key WESTERN LINEN/WELCOME MAT Bank Code: key Check List Page: 11 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Amount Paid Check Total 2,383.00 2,383.00 01/31/01 PKM-LANDSCAPE MAINT SV 01/31/01 PKM-LANDSCAPE MAINT SV 3315 3314 01/11/01 PS-VANGUARD TIER LOCKE~ 7666 201/4865 . 02/01/01 PKRLS-LINEN SERVICES 208/8957 02/08/01 PKRLS-LINEN SERVICES 113/0500 01/29/01 PKRLS-CARPET RENTAL R W SCOTT CONSTRUCTION CO I 6:AG00-127 01/20/01 PWSCIP-S 320 ST/SR99 I Bank Code: key BANK OF AMERICA Bank Code: key PETTY CASH-WITNESS FEES Bank Code: key WEST COAST BUSINESS FORMS 15928 Bank Code: key RALEIGH, SCHWARZ & POWELL I 87618 Bank Code: key 86741 86743 SCOT 01/20/01 PWSCIP-5% RETAINAGE:RW SHELDON & ASSOCIATES INC Bank Code:. key. CENTRAL PUGET SOUND Bank Code: key PACIFIC T~PSOILS INC Bank Code: key PAWLAK, SUSAN Bank Code: key NOV3-FEB12 02/13/01 MSF-REIM WITNESS FUND 96408 02/02/01 MSHR-JOB POSTING FORMS 01/31/01 MSRM-2001 INSURANCE RE 12/20/00 MSRM-FAITHFUL PERFORMA 12/20/00 MSRM-PUBLIC EE DISHONE 01/31/01 CDPL-ENV REV:ORCHID LA MSA-SUBSCR 01/11/01 MSA-1 YR SUBSCRIPTION 1 748 . 55 1 538.28 1 952.40 25.05 25.05 WORLD PAGES.COM Bank Code: key 63.03 101,620.13 3,286.83 1,952.40 50.10 63.03 101,620.13 5,233.70 5,233.70 288.43 288.43 442.89 442.89 224,316.00 462.40 339.20 341.00 225,117.60 341.00 162.90 162.90 20830 01/18/01 SWM-SANDY LOAM/DRY SOI 71.16 20879 01/22/01 SWM-SANDY LOAM/DRY SOI 71.16 20880 01/22/01 SWM-SANDY LOAM/DRY SOI 71.16 20875 01/22/01 SWM-SANDY LOAM/DRY SOI 71.16 CA14652FW 01/12/01 DC-INTERPRETER:CA14652 40.00 CA16011FW 01/29/01 DC-INTERPRETER:CA16011 40.00 CA16379FW 02/06/01 DC-INTERPRETER:CA16379 100.00 2646544604 02/01/01 PKDBC-ADVERTISING SVCS 112.50 284.64 180.00 112.50 ......................................... Page: 11 Check List Page: 12 chklst CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~/15/2001 07:08:48 neck Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total .............................. 49400 12/15/00 PKRCS-BASKETBALL TROPH 102 98 102.98 158455 02/15/01 002399 RECOGNITION PLUS Voucher: Bank Code: key 158456 02/15/01 002426 UNITED GROCERS CASH & CARRY 596 01/22/01 PKRCS-PROGRA}4 SUPPLIES 51.00 Voucher: Bank Code: 'key 2469 02/07/01 PKRLS-MULTI-FOLD TOWEL 48.07 1084 01/26/01 PKRLS-2 PLY TOWELS/PAP 94.19 1901 02/02/01 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIES 84.32 3334 02/13/01 PKRLS-KITCHEN BAGS 25.93 158457 02/15/01 002477 HOME DEPOT 3070148 01/24/01 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158458 02/15/01 002538 R W RHINE INC Cl1003 01/23/01 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158459 02/15/01 002545 PACIFIC AIR CONTROL INC 62105 02/08/01 Voucher: Bank Code: key 61139 12/01/00 158460 02/15/01 002547 W W GRAINGER INC 755-562534 01/29/01 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158461 02/15/01 002548 SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL 1-89348 02/05/01 Voucher: Bank Code: key 1-90628 02/05/01 158462 02/15/01 002557 PETTY CASH FUND-PARKS MAINT 009834 02/05/01 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158463 02/15/01 002566 QWEST TAC-3644-6 01/25/01 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158464 02/15/01 002623 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN 2273J361 12/26/00 Voucher: Bank Code: key 663J018 01/18/01 158465 02/15/01 002664 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES INC 29646 01/05/01 Voucher: Bank Code: key 30034 01/26/01 158466 02/15/01 002887 EN POINTE TECHNOLOGIES 90282150 01/30/01 Voucher: Bank Code: key 90283219 01/31/01 158467 02/15/01 002916 CANBER CORPS 13864 01/24/01 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158468 02/15/01 003035 GUIDANCE SERVICES INC 823559 01/31/01 Voucher: Bank Code: key S23511 01/29/01 S22502 12/28/00 158469 02/15/01 003036 Voucher: THE SPOKESMAN-RVIEW Bank Code: key 47436 0i 0i/2i/0i PS-VEH REPAIR SUPPLIES SWM-ASPHALT DISPOSAL F PKCHB-HVAC MAINT SVCS PKRLS-HVAC MAINT SVCS PWS-SAFETY SHIELDS PKRLS-PEST CONTROL SVC PKRLS-PEST CONTROL SVC PKM-REIM PETTY CASH PKDBC-DIRECTORY AD PS-TONER/CALENDARS PS-4 DR FILE CA~INET MSHR-FLEX PLAN ADH SVC MSHR-FLEX PLAN ADM SVC MSDP/PS-YELLOW TONER MSDP/PS-HPCOLOR LASERJ PKCHB-LANDSCAPE MAINT MSA-TEMP OFFICE HELP MSA-TEMP OFFICE HELP MSA-TEMP OFFICE HELP 1 MSHR-AD:ASST CITY MGR 296.33 20.61 1,109.08 152.58 11.65 51.04 92.31 116.06 115.15 138.09 135.74 233.70 1,184.10 311.29 7,559.83 316.24 1,465.20 702.90 792.00 441.72 303.51 296.33 20.61 1,261.66 11.65 143.35 116.06 115.15 273.83 1,417.80 7,871.12 316.24 2,960.10 441.72 ................................. Page: 12 ~ chkis~ ~/15/2001 07:08:49 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 13 iheck Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total -K CA14508FW 01 01 DC-INTERPRETER:CA14508 . 158470 02/15/01 003043 STEKLAR, OLEG /25/ 35 00 35.00 Voucher: 158471 02/15/01 003055 Voucher: 158472 02/15/01 003109 Voucher: 158473 02/15/01 003129 Voucher: 158474 02/15/01 003170 Voucher: 158475 02/15/01 003211 Voucher: 158476 02/15/01 003233 Voucher: 158477 02/15/01 003241 Voucher: 158478 02/15/01 003307 Voucher: 158479 02/15/01 003325 Voucher: 158480 02/15/01 003329 Voucher: 158481 02/15/01 003339 Voucher: 158482 02/15/01 003406 Voucher: 158483 02/15/01 003440 Voucher: Bank Code: key CA19255FW MAACO AUTO PAINTING & BODYW 21016 Bank Code: key WOODSTONE CREDIT UNION Bank Code: key AMS LASER SUPPLY. Bank Code: key 02/05/01 DC-INTERPRETER:CA19255 01/23/01 MSFLT-BODYWORK/PAINT 2001-02 02/05/01 PS-LEASE CONTRACT 308983 01/26/01 MSDP-PRINTER TONER 309114 01/30/01 MSDP-PRINTER TONER 309576 02/09/01 MSDP-PRINTER TONER 309577 02/09/01 MSDP-PRINTER TONER 251929 02/11/01 MS/PS-CR:INV 307767 01/29/01 PKM-ALARM MONITORING S 01/31/01 MSC-RECORDS STORAGE SV :01/30/01 PS-AMMUNITION:SWAT TEA 846888 01/07/01 MSHR-AD:ASST CITY MGR 0000838880 01/30/01 PS-WASTE DISPOSAL 145601-0 02/01/01 MC-OFFICE SUPPLIES 145144-0 01/26/01 MC-OFFICE SUPPLIES 145787-0 02/05/01 MC-SELF-INKING STAMP 146686-0 02/08/01 MC-WALL CLIPS 146103-1 02/12/01 MC-CUSTOM STAMPS FEB26-MAY1 01/30/01 PS-PER DIEM MEALS/TRNG 172182 12/30/00 PS-FIRING R3LNGE USE P607616600 02/02/01 MSTEL-MEDIA CONVERTER 67088-00 01/29/01 PKRCS-REFEREE SHIRTS MODERN SECURITY SYSTEMS INC 28012 Bank Code: key IRON MOUNTAIN/SAFESITE INC 445022170 Bank Code: key SPORTS SERVICE 1112825 Bank Code: key THE COLUMBIAN Bank Code: key STERICYCLE INC Bank Code: key CHUCKALS INC Bank Code: key MCCALL, STAN Bank Code: key MARKSMAN INC, THE Bank Code: key DATA COMM WAREHOUSE Bank Code: key BILL HATCH SPORTS Bank Code: key 815.59 70.00 815.59 1,792.00 1,792.00 163.93 29.32 46.70 234.41 -227.90 246.46 30.00 30.00 840.17 840.17 460.69 460.69 892.32 892.32 137.87 137.87 63.40 44.86 97.66 32.15 110.67 348.74 450.00 450.00 26.02 26.02 2,181.96 2,181.96 397.35 397.35 ............................................................................................................ Page: 13 chklst Check List Page: 14 3/15/2001 07:08:49 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY beck Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158484 02/15/01 003444 WEST CAMPUS CLEANERS JAN21JAN30 01/31/00 PS-UNIFORM CLEANING 773.39 773.39 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158485 02/15/01 003472 DAY WIRELESS SYSTEMS INC 221.55 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158486 02/15/01 003487 PAYNTER, JEFF 174.15 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158487 02/15/01 003516 SCHUBERT, ROBERT 57.59 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158488 02/15/01 003518 NAVAS-RIVAS, HERNAN 40.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158489 02/15/01 003528 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE 2000-0458 02/07/01 PS-RCW BOOKS:SEL TITLE Voucher: Bank Code: key 2000-0432 01/31/01 PS-RCW BOOKS:SEL TITLE 1,850.69 WA STATE CRIME PREVENTION A PS-HARREUS 02/05/01 PS-MEMBER DUES:HARREUS 50.00 158490 02/15/01 003606 Voucher: 221.55 174.15 57.59 40.00 308.45 1,542 . 24 50.00 71642 01/23/01 PS-REPAIR SPEAKER #900 SEP27-NOV0 02/01/01 PS-REIM MOTIVATION/PRO MSMR-FEB 1 02/12/01 MSHR-REIM WELLNESS SUP CA14430FW 01/22/01 DC-INTERPRETER:CA14430 158493 02/15/01 003908 12/18/00 PS-MEMBER DUES:HERNAND 40.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158491 02/15/01 003645 AMERICAN JANITORIAL SERVICE 1375 02/04/01 PKM-REC CLASSROOM CLEA 475.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key 1374 02/04/01 PKKFT-JA/qITORIAL MAINT 360.00 1361-1373 02/04/01 PKDBC-JANITORIAL MAINT 6,461.95 7,296.95 158492 02/15/01 003831 GSR POLYGRAPH SERVICES 01-002 01/31/01 PS-POLYGRAPH EXAMS 375.00 375.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION F 10718 40.00 Bank Code: .key EDGEWOOD FIREPLACE SHOP INC 16750 44.10 Bank Code: key 16873 31.41 16935 53.70 158494 02/15/01 003948 Voucher: 158495 02/15/01 003950 Voucher: 158496 02/15/01 004004 Voucher: 158497 02/15/01 004052 Voucher: 158498 02/15/01 004090 Voucher: 158499 02/15/01 004093 Voucher: 01/05/01 PWS-CHAIN/SLIDER/BOLTS 01/22/01 PWS-SHD~RPEN CHAINS 01/27/01 PWS-SHARPEN CHAINS CAR TOYS INC Bank Code: key PACIFIC COAST FORD INC Bank Code: key LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT D 12020011 Bank Code: key 01290104 CREATIVE MINDS 23558 Bank Code: key QWEST INTERPRISE Bank Code: key 01231FWGOL 01/23/01 PS-ACS 3 CHNL ALARM PS-FEB 200 01/26/01 PS-LEASE CONTR~ACT 12/02/00 PS-ASP K~Y DEFENDER OC 01/29/01 PS-ALL AMERICAN BOOT 01/26/01 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIES D08-6046-0 01/19/01 MSTEL-DATA COMM LINES 363.75 1,532.97 36.75 184.40 6.46 456.64 129.21 363.75 1,532.97 221.15 6.46 456.64 ............................................... Page: 14 ~ chklst Check Lis~ Page: 15 )~/15/2001 07:08:49 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~heck Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 210168 01/31/01 DC-INTERPRETER SVC 12/ 407.50 407.50 158500 02/15/01 004166 Voucher: 158501 02/15/01 004179 Voucher: 158502 02/15/01 004182 Voucher: 158503 02/15/01 004258 Voucher: 158504 02/15/01 004270 Voucher: 158505 02/15/01 004301 Voucher: 158506 02/15/01 004315 Voucher: 158507 02/15/01 004317 Voucher: 158508 02/15/01 00~366 Voucher: 158509 02/15/01 004375 Voucher: CSCDHH Bank Code: key RAR COMMUNICATION INC Bank Code: key MCDONOUGH & SONS INC Bank Code: key WA STATE-DEPT OF LICENSING Bank Code: key FEDERAL WAY MIRROR Bank Code: key ICBO-NCW CHAPTER OF ICBO Bank Code: key BRENT'S ALIGNMENT & REPAIR Bank Code: key RITZ CAMERA ONE-~OUR PHOTO Bank Code: key PS-SCHWAN 01/25/01 PS-MEDIA RELATIONS CLA 158510 02/15/01 004376 Voucher: 114566 01/29/01 PKM-PARKING LOT SWEEPI 295.00 295.00 JAN3-FEB6 02/14/01 PS-REMIT CPL FEES 419.97 419.97 MC-SUBSCRI 02/05/01 MC-1 YR SUBSCRIPTION 624.00 624.00 002776 002787 002768 002769 002775 002716 002767 002780 002781 002782 002783 002784 002785 002786 01/24/01 CDPL-NOTICE:NORTHSHORE 01/27/01 CDPL-NOTICE:ALBERTSONS 01/20/01 CDPL-NOTICE:ENTICKNAP 01/20/01 MSC-ORDINANCE 01-381/2 01/24/01 CDHS-NOTICE:COMM VACAN 12/27/00 MSC-POSITION 6 VACANCY 01/20/01 MSHR-AD:ASST CITY MGR 01/27/01 MSHR-AD:SEASONAL PKM W 01/27/01 MSHR-AD:POL OFFCR/LATE 01/27/01 MSHR-AD:ADM LEG~J~ ASST 01/27/01 MSHR-AD:PKM WORKER I 01/27/01 MSHR-AD:POL OFFCR/RECR 01/27/01 MSHR-AD:ASSOC PLANNER 01/27/01 MSHR-AD:INTERN/LONG RA CDB-WATTER 01/16/01 CDB-IBC NONSTRUCTURAL CDB-SPROUL 01/16/01 CDB-IBC NONSTRUCTURAL 001278 01/26/01 MSFLT-CLEAN/TEST FUEL 1026022850 01/18/01 PS-PHOTO SUPPLIES/SVC 1026022290 01/17/01 PS-6 VOLT BATTERIES 1026022630 01/18/01 PS-PHOTO SUPPLIES/SVC 26.00 110 80 138 50 138 50 83 10 138 50 138 50 249 30 138 5O 207.75 138.50 138.50 207.75 83.10 110.80 210.00 210.00 89.80 2,048.10 420.00 89.80 FLOYD EQUIPMENT COMPANY DBA 12270 Bank Code: key BAUDVILLE INC 717420 Bank Code: key NIOA (NATIONAL INFORMATION PS-HAREUS Bank Code: key 01/31/01 PKM-20' CHANNEL IRON 16.04 4.33 183.85 25.04 204.22 25.04 01/24/01 MSHR-CERTIFICATE AWARD 56.85 56.85 02/05/01 PS-MEMBER DUES:HARREUS 60.00 60.00 ..................................... 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Date Description Amount Paid Check To~al 158511 02/15/01 004389 PNTA-PACIFIC NORTHWEST THEA 52782 01/22/01 PKKFT-THEATRE EQUIPMEN 843.55 843.55 Voucher: 158512 02/15/01 004397 Voucher: 158513 02/15/01 004408 Voucher: 158514 02/15/01 004481 Voucher: 158515 02/15/01 004566 Voucher: 158516 02/15/01 004594 Voucher: ~158517 02/15/01 004628 Voucher: ~158518 02/15/01 004669 Voucher: 158519 02/15/01 004687 Voucher: 158520 02/15/01 004690 Voucher: 158521 02/15/01 004702 Voucher: 158522 02/15/01 004704 Voucher: 158523 02/15/01 004710 Voucher: 158524 02/15/01 004736 Voucher: 158525 02/15/01 004761 Voucher: Bank Code: key KDD & ASSOCIATES PLLC Bank Code: key CENTURY CITY SHOE REPAIR Bank Code: key INTERSCAPES INC Bank Code: key G&M HONEST PERFORMANCE Bank Code: key LIM, VANNARA S Bank Code: key 6-1 02/05/01 PWD-ST FRANCIS HOSPITA 6-2 02/05/01 PW-GOLDEN WOK - CIVIL 6-3 02/05/01 PWT-ST FRANCIS HOSPITA FEB14-NOV9 01/16/01 PS-RESOLE BOOTS:TRAFFI 2205 02/01/01 PKCHB-PLANT MAINTENANC 17492 01/03/01 MSFLT-MICRO V BELT #48 2000L-01-0 01/16/01 MC-INTERPRETER:CA18957 WA STATE PATROL IDENTIFICAT JAN10-JAN3 02/14/01 PS-REMIT CPL FEES Bank Code: key AT&T BROADBAND Bank Code: key ENTERTAINMENT PUBLICATIONS Bank Code: key FEDERAL WAY NUTRITION SERVI 020101DFT 02/01/01 PS-LUNCH:OFFICER PATRO Bank Code: key MkRRA, HERBERT A Bank Code: key FARR, CHERYL J Bank Code: key VISIONS PHOTO LAB & STUDIO Bank Code: key NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF Bank Code: key NATIONAL CENTER FOR WOMEN, Bank Code: key 8498340160 01/27/01 MSGAC-DMX MUSIC SVC 169877-8 02/01/01 MSHR-REMIT ENTERTAINMT PS-JAN 15T 02/01/01 PS-PRE-EMP PSYCH EVALS LAW-JAN 17 01/17/01 LAW-TRANSCRIPTION FW V 01/25/01 PS-PHOTO SVC/SUPPLIES 01/29/01 PS-PHOTO SVC/SUPPLIES 01/31/01 PS-PHOTO SVC/SUPPLIES 02/09/01 PS-PHOTO SVC/SUPPLIES 01-2622 01-2632 01-2643 01-2677 886290493 01/31/00 CDHS-1 YR DUES:GUENTHE PS-OSBORNE 02/02/01 PS-LEADERSHIP DEV CONF 210.82 295.16 126.50 84.69 135 75 31 98 112 50 312 00 65 00 32 00 196 20 600 00 50 00 86 55 335.57 33.99 178.33 166.00 395.00 632.48 84.69 135.75 31.98 112.50 312.00 65.00 32.00 196.20 600.00 50.00 634.44 166.00 395.00 ......................................................... Pave o chklsc Check List Page: 17 07/15/2001 07:08:49 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158526 02/15/01 004788 PROPERTY DAMAGE APPRAISERS 494-256344 01/15/01 MSRM-PROPERTY DMG APPR 187.20 Voucher: Bank Code: key 494-256333 01/15/01 MSRM-PROPERTY DMG APPR 87.00 274.20 LAW NEWS-LAW ENFORCEMENT PS-LAW NEW 01/04/01 PS-1 YR SUBSCRIPTION 45.00 158527 02/15/01 004810 Voucher: 158528~ 02/15/01 o04811 Voucher: 158529 02/15/01 004840 Voucher: 158530 02/15/01 004849 Voucher: 158531 02/15/01 004850 Voucher: 158532 02/15/01 004910 Voucher: 158533 02/15/01 004911 Voucher: 158534 02/15/01 004950 Voucher: 158535 02/15/01 004966 Voucher: 158536 02/15/01 00497± Voucher: 158537 02/15/01 004977 Voucher: 158538 02/15/01 005004 Voucher: 158539 02/15/01 005025 Voucher: 158540 02/15/01 005160 Voucher: 158541 02/15/01 005208 Voucher: Bank Code:'key SEATTLE STERLING MACK SALES CS80026 Bank Code: key CS80771 EVAC-EMERGENCY VEHICLE 99788 Bank Code: key SAM'S JANITORIAL SERVICE &, 49210 Bank Code: key 49209 50007 2001 LEIU PS-HOCH Bank Code: key FILETEX LLC 01-334 Bank Code: key 01-348 00-353 COUNTRY SQUARE 34686 Bank Code: key NASCO MODESTO 674937 Bank Code: key 01/23/01 MSFLT-LD24PS #48200 01/30/01 MSFLT-LAMPS #48035 01/19/01 PS-REPL MAP LIGHT ~621 01/22/01 PKC~B-TOWELS/BATH TISS 01/22/01 PKCHB-TOWELS/BATH TISS 02/01/01 PKDBC-TOWELS/LINERS/SO 01/30/01 PS-LEIU REG FEE:HOCH 01/08/01 CDA-COLORCODED LABELS 01/25/01 CDA-COLOR CODED LABELS 02/01/01 CDA-COLOR CODED LABELS 01/24/01 PKM-UNIFORM COAT/PROCT 01/25/01 PKRCS-DRAWING PADS ACME CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY CO 5076546-01 01/22/01 PWS-EXT CORD/SAW WHEEL Bank Code~ key KRONOS INC 902623 Bank Code: key BLIMPIE SUBS & SALADS 5063 Bank Code: key MORRIS-NANSEN ENTERPRISES I 9381 Bank Code: key 9312 PCCI 10100 Bank Code: key 10100-A MOSELEY, DAVID NOV7-FEB7 Bank Code: key 02/01/01 MSDP-TIMEKEEPING SYSTE 02/06/01 CC-FOOD:CC MTG 2/6/01 01/25/01 PKRLS-WINDOW CLE/kNING 12/29/00 PKDBC-WINDOW CLED~NING 01/01/01 PKCHB-JANITORIAL SVCS 01/01/01 PKRLS-JANITORIAL SVCS 02/08/01 CM-REIMBURSE MILEAGE 1 45.00 250 .53 138 . 99 79.96 191.48 119.46 538.78 200.00 64.90 73.24 33.62 127.05 124.81 33.87 3,692.40 67.39 103.00 398.00 1,796.00 915.00 143.09 389.52 79.96 849.72 200,00 171.76 127.05 124.81 33.87 3,692.40 67.39 501.00 2,711.00 143.09 FIRST USA FINANCIAL SERVICE CDA-LYLE 01/31/01 CDA-JAN VISA CHARGES 9.59 Bank Code: key PKM-REUTER 01/31/01 PKM-JAN VISA CF!ARGES 29.28 38.87 .............................................. Page: 17 chklst Check List Page: 18 ~/15/2001 07:08:49 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY heck Date Vendor 158542 02/15/01 005213 Voucher: 158543 02/15/01 005231 Voucher: 158544 02/15/01 005249 Voucher: 158545 02/15/01 005253 Voucher: 158546 02/15/01 005254 Voucher: 158547 02/15/01 005275 Voucher: 158548 02/15/01 005287 Voucher: ~158549 02/15/01 005303 Voucher: 158550 02/15/01 005310 Voucher: 158551 02/15/01 005339 Voucher: Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total FIFE PRINTING 13073 Bank Code: key IOS CAPITAL INC Bank Code: key 02/02/01 MC-PRINTING SERVICES 50615597 01/26/01 MSM&D-COPIER RENTAL CRAFTY LADIES 000832 Bank Code: key 158552 02/15/01 005340 Voucher: 158553 02/15/01 005341 Voucher: 158554 02/15/01 005355 Voucher: 158555 02/15/01 005369 Voucher: 158556 02/15/01 005377 Voucher: BANKCARD CENTER Bank Code: key BA/~KCARD CENTER Bank Code: key 172.52 172.52 DMCJA Bank Code: key 2,530 50 2,530.50 02/12/01 PKRLS-PROGRD~M SUPPLIES 45 00 45.00 MSF-JAN CH 02/05/01 MSF-JAN VISA CHRGS 2,039 65 2,039.65 PS-JAN CHG 02/05/01 PS-JAN VIS~ CHGS 2,484 21 2,484.21 MC-PLATTER 02/12/01 MC-DMCJA DUES:PLATTER 175 00 175.00 AMERICALL COMMUNICATIONS & D6417 Bank Code: key LEWIS, ENOCH Bank Code: key CANYON AUTO BODY Bank Code: key LOWE'S HIW INC Bank Code: key SENIOR SERVICES OF SEATTLE Bank Code: key DODD, ESCOLASTICA ROSA Bank Code: key SEATTLE CHILDREN'S THEATRE Bank Code: key 02/01/01 PKM-AFTER HR CALL-OUT PKM-FEB 2N 02/02/01 PKM-REIM UNIFORM JEANS 39 01/26/01 PS-REPAIR L FRONT SEAT 0024008827 01/08/01 PKCHB-PRIMROSES 0024010828 01/10/01 PWS-PAINT REMOVER SPRA 0024016830 01/16/01 MC-REPAIR SUPPLIES 0024018832 01/18/01 PKM-REPAIR SUPPLIES 0024018832 01/18/01 PKDBC-BALLAST/WIRENUTS 0024022833 01/22/01 PKM-PC TAP/DIE SET PKRLS-JAN 02/09/01 PKRCS-SR LUNCH PROGRAM JAN16-JAN2 02/01/01 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 1/1 5160 01/24/01 PKKFT-DRAMA INSTRUCTIO SALVATION ARMY/KING CNTY FU 0000000003 01/12/01 PS-ADV BOARD LUNCH MTG Bank Code: key AARON BROTHERS INC, #223 15685 01/27/01 PKRCS-RECYCL DRAW PAD Bank Code: key 60 O0 151 99 43.44 29.65 5.42 13.39 35.69 102.63 54.22 471.50 250.00 1,760.00 20.00 70.54 60.00 151.99 43.44 241.00 471.50 250,.00 1,760.00 20.00 70.54 ................................................................ Page: 18 o chklsz Check List Page: 19 03/15/2001 07:08:50 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Check Daze Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158557 02/15/01 005388 Voucher: 158558 02/15/01 005389 Voucher: 158559 02/15/01 005423 Voucher:  158560 02/15/01 005427 Voucher: ....~ 158561 02/15/01 005540 Voucher: 158562 02/15/01 005544 Voucher: 158563 02/15/01 005551 Voucher: 158564 02/15/01 005567 Voucher: 158565 02/15/01 005577 Voucher: 158566 02/15/01 005599 Voucher: 158567 02/15/01 005602 Voucher: PURE WATER CORPORATION Bank Code: key 139700 01/31/01 PKDBC-WATER/COOLER REN 42.80 139680 01/31/01 PKKFT-WATER/COOLER REN 39.59 140558 01/31/01 MC-WATER/COOLER RENTAL 46.70 140539 12/31/00 PKRLS-WATER/COOLER REN 16.07 140539 01/31/01 PKRLS-WATER/COOLER REN 23.52 140558 11/30/00 MC-WATER/COOLER RENTAL 21.39 140505 12/31/00 PS-BOTTLED WATER/COOLE 197.16 140505 01/31/01 PS-BOTTLED WATER/COOLE 291.12 139694 01/31/01 PKCP-WATER/COOLER RENT 2.18 139720 11/30/00 PKCHB-BOTTLED WATER 128.24 140539 11/30/00 PKRLS-WATER/COOLER REN 14.98 139720 01/31/01 PKCHB-BOTTLED WATER 205.69 139720 12/27/00 PKCHB-CREDIT:DEC STMT -3.48 140524 01/31/01 PKM-WATER/COOLER RENTA 17.11 140524 12/31/00 PKCHB-BOTTLED WATER 29.98 139734 01/31/01 PKRCS-WATER/COOLER REN 4.79 ZAR, CLAUDIA A Bank Code: key MERRILL, THOMAS WILLIAM Bank Code~ key TRANSMISSION REPLACEMENT CO 0072854 Bank Code: key LAWENFORCEMENTJOB.COM 2000 Bank Code: key FALCON ASSOCIATES INC 3772 Bank Code: key SELECTRON INC Bank Code: key ALBRECHT & COMPANY 13587 Bank Code: key ~C & C CUSTOM CLEANING LLC 296 Bank Code: key VAUSE, GREG Bank Code: key SPRINGWOOD ASSOCIATES 10875 Bank Code: key CA16011FW 01/26/01 DC-INTERPRETER:CA16011 MC-JAN 23R 01/23/01 MC-PRO TEM JUDGE 1/23/ 01/22/01 PS-TRANSMISSION SVC 01/20/01 MSHR-AD:POL OFFCR/LATE 01/23/01 MSMR-AD:ASST CITY MGR 0003820 01/30/01 MSDP/PT-IVR SYSTEM 01/31/01 PS-POLICE LOGO MUGS 01/22/01 MSFLT-PRESSURE WASH SV JAN18-JAN1 01/22/01 PS-REIM VEH ~905 SUPPL 01/31/01 PKC-CELEBRATION PK MIT 1,077.84 55.00 55.00 200.00 200.00 1,406.37 1,406.37 25.00 25.00 341.10 341.~0 7,906.08 7,906.08 401.44 401.44 437.88 437.88 182.67 182.67 1,991.01 1,991.01 ................................................................ Page: 19 ) chkls~ Check List Page: 20 )3/15/2001 07:08:50 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY iheck Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158568 02/15/01 005616. STUDIO EAST TRAINING FOR TH 640 02/06/01 PKKFT-STORYBOOK THEATR 1,200.00 1,200.00 Voucher: 158569 02/15/01 005619 Voucher: 158570 02/15/01 005639 Voucher: 158571 02/15/01 005657 Voucher: 158573 02/15/01 005695 Voucher: Bank Code: key DMCMA Bank Code: key ELLINGTON, THOMAS MARK Bank Code: key DATABASE TECHNOLOGIES Bank Code: key MC-CARLISL 02/12/01 MC-MEMBER FEE:J CARLIS JAN22-JAN2 01/26/01 MC-PRO TEM JUDGE 1/22- AB00002137 12/31/00 PS-AUTO TRACK XP A500002293 01/31/01 PS-AUTO TRACK XP 158572 02/15/01 005674. MERCADO, ANNA M A002 Voucher: Bank Code: key KINKADE, MARY LYNN Bank Code: key 01/30/01 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 12/ JAN4-FEB28 01/04/01 PKRCS-ARTWRK DISPLAY 25.00 25.00 400.00 400.00 102.00 143.00 315.00 245°00 315.00 100.00 100.00 158574 02/15/01 005697 WORK-SPORTS & OUTDOORS 1939 01/19/01 PWS-UNIFORM CLOTHING/L 354.42  Voucher: Bank Code: key 1969 01/23/01 PWS-UNIFORM CLOTHING/T 260.51 1975 01/24/01 PWS-UNIFORM BOOTS/FULM 194.76 1385 01/23/01 PWS-UNIFORM CLOTHING/F 118.36  1981 01/26/01 PWS-UNIFORM CLOTHING/L 55.51 1943 01/19/01 PW$-UNIFORM CLOTHING/F 304.72 158575 02/15/01 005703 Voucher: 158576 02/15/01 005704 Voucher: 867567 01/26/01 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIES 01/31/01 PKRCS-ELEVATOR MAINT S 01/26/01 CDHS-RADIO MODEM 1012701 01/27/01 CDHS-HF+6M W/DSP EQUIP 01/29/01 PKRCS-DNC VIDEOS CA4892FW CA17166FW CA20251FW CAi8265FW CA17349FW CA15171FW CA19292FW 01/29/01 DC-INTERPRETER:CA4892F 01/22/01 MC-INTERPRETER:CA17166 02/07/01 MC-INTERPRETER:CA20251 02/06/01 MC-INTERPRETER:CA18265 01/24/01 MC-INTERPRETER:CACA173 01/25/01 MC-INTERPRETER:CA15171 01/23/01 MC-INTERPRETER:CA19292 SAFEWAY STORE #3501 Bank Code: key CASCADE ELEVATOR COMPANY 2117 Bank Code: key FARALLON ELECTRONICS 10006 Bank Code: key RADIO DEPOT Bank Code: key JAY DISTRIBUTORS 44857 Bank Code: key CHANG, JENNY Bank Code: key 158577 02/15/01 005708 Voucher: 158578 02/15/01 005709 Voucher: 158579 02/15/01 005711 Voucher: 1,288.28 39.44 39.44 141.18 141.18 1,040.00 1,040.00 1,453.07 1,453.07 107.50 107.50 35 00 44 00 78 75 35 00 253 75 35 00 35 00 158580 02/15/01 005712 Voucher: 516.50 ............................................................... Page: 20 o chklst Check List Page: 21 0~/15/2001 07:08:50 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158581 02/15/01 005714 AYERS DISTRIBUTING COMP~NY 1175 02/08/01 PKRCS-CAN-DY-FILLED PLA 236.00 236.00 Voucher: 158582 02/15/01 005715 Voucher: 158583 02/15/01 005716 Voucher: 158584 02/15/01 005717 Voucher: 158585 02/15/01 005718 Voucher: 158586 02/15/01 005719 Voucher: 158587 02/15/01 005721 Voucher: 158588 02/15/01 00572b Voucher: 158589 02/15/01 005726 Voucher: 158590 02/15/01 700148 Voucher: 158591 02/15/01 700494 Voucher: 158592 02/15/01 700536 Voucher: 158593 02/15/01 700938 Voucher: 158594 02/15/01 700979 Voucher: 158595 02/15/01 701001 Voucher: 158596 02/15/01 701099 Voucher: Bank Code: key ARCH WIRELESS HOLDINGS INC K61638388 Bank Code: key NOTEWORTHY MUSIC DBA M-PACT PKKFT-FEB Bank Code: key FORUM FURNITURE INC Bank Code: key ARCHITECREATION INC Bank Code: key OECHSLE, MICHAEL A 155 Bank Code: key NCSC-NATIONAL CENTER FOR ST MC-BOOKS Bank Code:. key AJETO, MOLLY CA10869FW Bank Code: key PRIZM ENGINEERING & SURVEYI 247 Bank Code: key ASD SYSTEMS INC Bank Code: key ST LUKE'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bank Code: key QUADRANT CORPORATION Bank Code: key 02/03/01 MSTEL-PAGER LEASE 01/31/01 PKKFT-CONCERT:FEB 23RD 12328 01/19/01 PKKFT-FIX LOBBY CHAIR CC-00-0230 01/25/01 PKM-SAFETY LADDER/YELL 02/01/01 PKCP-PARK AERIAL IMAGE 02/07/01 MC-CASEFLOW MGT BOOK 01/19/01 DC-INTERPRETER:CA10869 01/23/01 PKCP-SURVEY SERVICES 02-43996 02/06/01 CDB-REFUND 01-100315-0 02-31015/R 01/29/01 CDPL-REFUND SPR96-0023 02-36174 01/30/01 PW-EXP REVIEW REFUND MT BAKER PRESBYTERIAN CHURC C1263R6091 01/31/01 PKDBC-REFUND DAMAGE DP JUROR ID 6 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 C1379R6828 01/31/01 PKDBC-REFUND DAMAGE DP JUROR ID 6 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 Bank Code: key HUFFMAN, JAMES BURR Bank Code: key DIOCESE OF OLYMPIA Bank Code: key COLLINS, ROBERT H Bank Code: key 857.66 2,000.00 70.59 738.48 1,400o00 74.50 30.00 1,980.00 39.40 62 09 5,780 00 140 00 26 90 150 O0 26 90 857.66 2,000. O0 70.59 738.48 1,400.00 74.50 30.00 1,980.00 39.40 62 . 09 5,780.00 140.00 26.90 150.00 26.90 ......................................................... Page: 21 chklst Check List Page: 22 3/15/2001 07:08:50 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY beck Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158597 02/15/01 701171 LINDENAUER, CONSTANCE E 70555 02/08/01 PKRLS-REFUND CLASS FEE 24.00 24.00 Voucher: 158598 02/15/01 701249 Voucher: 158599 02/15/01 701270 Voucher: 158600 02/15/01 701755 Voucher: 158601 02/15/01 702048 Voucher: 158602 02/15/01 702078 Voucher: 158603 02/15/01 702079 Voucher: 158604 02/15/01 702080 Voucher: 158605 02/15/01 702081 Voucher: 158606 02/15/01 702082 Voucher: 158607 02/15/01 702083 Voucher: 158608 02/15/01 702084 Voucher: 158609 02/15/01 702085 Voucher: 158610 02/15/01 702086. Voucher: 158611 02/15/01 702087 Voucher: 158612 02/15/01 702088 Voucher: Bank Code: key ENCHANTED PARKS INC Bank Code: key MEWETT, LARRY Bank Code: key MCMULLEN, MARY 75566 Bank Code: key 77740 BAY, DEE 75474 Bank Code: key KOREAN METHODIST CHURCH OF 02-33711 Bank Code: key SAFEWAY EMPLOYEE FUND Bank Code: key STATE OF WASHINGTON Bank Code: key WASHINGTON FIRST INTERNATIO 01-38570 Bank Code: key BASMEH, TAMAM 75493 Bank Code: key AARON, CAROLINE 75546 Bank Code: key 02-38591 02/06/01 PW-EXP REVIEW REFUND JUROR ID 6 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 01/31/01 PKRLS-REFUND TRIP FEE 01/31/01 PKRLS-REFUND TRIP FEE 01/31/01 PKRLS-REFUND TRIP FEE 01/31/01 PW-REFUND BLD94-0342 C1497R7245 01/31/01 PKDBC-REFUND DAMAGE DP C1481R7166 01/31/01 PKDBC-REFUND DAMAGE DP 02/06/01 MSF-REFUND DUPL PYMT 01/31/01 PKRLS-REFUND CLASS FEE 01/31/01 PKRLS-REFUND CLASS FEE BOONE ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION 02-43923-1 02/01/01 CDB-REFUND 01-100175-0 Bank Code: key 02-43923-2 02/01/01 CDB-REFUND 01-100177-0 702085 702086 702087 702088 01/22/01 DC-JUROR FEE: 1/16-19 01/22/01 DC-JUROR FEE: 1/16-19 01/22/01 DC-JUROR FEE: 1/16-19 01/22/01 DC-JUROR FEE: 1/16-19 ALLEN, JOHN JOSEPH Bank Code: key BURTIS, RONNIE R Bank Code: key CONGER, JOAN M Bank Code: key HARDER, BRANDON J Bank Code: key 2,370.00 2,370.00 26.90 26.90 15.00 15.00 30.00 15.00 ~5.00 1,190.00 1,190.00 300.00 300.00 150.00 1S0.00 25.00 25.00 39.75 39.75 6.60 6.60 39.40 39.40 78.80 23.25 23.25 26.50 26.50 24.55 24.55 35.60 35.60 ........................................................................................... Page: 22 : Check List Page: 23 o chklst CITY OF FEDEP~AL WAY 03/15/2001 07:08:50 Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158613 02/15/01 702089 MITCHELL, A/qGELICA M 702089 01/22/01 DC-JUROR FEE: 1/16-19 21.95 21.95 Voucher: Bank Code: key 158614 02/15/01 702090 Voucher: 158615 02/15/01 702091 Voucher: 158616 02/15/01 702092 Voucher: 158617 02/15/01 702093 Voucher: 158618 02/15/01 702094 Voucher: 158619 02/15/01 702095 Voucher: 158620 02/15/01 702096 Voucher: 158621 02/15/01 702097 Voucher: 158622 02/15/01 702098 Voucher: 158623 02/15/01 702099 Voucher: 158624 02/15/01 702100 Voucher: 158625 C2/15/01 702101 Voucher: 158626 02/15/01 702102 Voucher: 158627 02/15/01 702103 Voucher: 158628 02/15/01 702104 Voucher: SNYDER, WAYNE D Bank Code: key VERBA, DAVID C Bank Code: key SCHAEFERS, DUANE F Bank Code: key LINKE, DENNIS V Bank Code: key SHELDON, PJ~NDALL J Bank Code:' key MCGINNITY, JEAN Bank Code: key ROBISON, DENVER R Bank Code: key CORDICK, JUDY ANN Bank Code: key ONO, DEBRA J Bank Code: key HOLMAN, DONNA IRENE Bank code: key MADDEN, LESLIE Bank Code: key CRAIG, JEFFREY A Bank Code: key SN~fDER, JODY Bank Code: key SCARVIE, RICHARD H Bank Code: key KOEHLER, NICHOLAS ROSS Bank Code: key 702090 ' 01/22/01 DC-JUROR FEE: 1/16-19 702091 01/22/01 DC-JUROR FEE: 1/16-19 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-J~3ROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-J-gROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 23.90 23.90 22.60 22.60 28.28 28.28 22.76 22.76 22.76 22.76 22.76 22.76 26.90 26.9'0 26.90 26.90 24.14 24.14 26.90 26.90 11.38 11.38 25.52 25.52 22.76 22.76 25.52 25.52 26.90 26.90 ...................................................................... Page: 23 chkls~ Check List Page: 24 ~/15/2001 07:08:50 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY iheck Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158629 02/15/01 702105 MARSHALL, CHRISTOP'HER B JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 24 14 24.14 Voucher: 158630 02/15/01 702106 Voucher: 158631 02/15/01 702107 Voucher: 158632 02/15/01 702108 Voucher: 158633 02/15/01 702109 Voucher: 158634 02/15/01 702110 Voucher: 4 158635 02/15/01 702111 Voucher: Q158636 02/15/01 702112 Voucher: 158637 02/15/01 702113 Voucher: 158638 02/15/01 702114 Voucher: 158639 02/15/01 702115 Voucher: 158640 02/15/01 702116 Voucher: 158641 02/15/01 702117 Voucher: 158642 02/15/01 702118 Voucher: 158643 02/15/01 702119 Voucher: 158644 02/15/01 702120 Voucher: Bank Code: key MCNETT, RAiTDY Bank Code: key MCLAUGHLIN, DAVID S Bank Code: key DEIGHTON, CLAIRE C Bank Code: key KWON, JENNIE Bank Code: key YEAGER, KENNETH E Bank Code: key KELSEY, BETTY J Bank Code: key PETERS, HAROLD W Bank Code: key PEEK, JASON SAMUEL Bank Code: key SWANEY, RAYMOND LEROY Bank Code: key CHAPPELL, DAVID M Bank Code: key UNDERWOOD, DENISE E Bank Code: key PURDY, JENNIFER L Bank Code: key SIBSON, KIRK ABBOTT Bank Code: key PALMER, RICHARD D Bank Code: key PEFFER, HAROLD D Bank Code: key JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 5 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 6 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 6 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 6 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 6 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 28 28 25 52 26 90 22 76 25 52 24 14 22 76 22 76 13 45 22 76 26.90 21.38 24.14 26.90 25.52 28.28 25.52 26.90 22.76 25.52 24 . 14 22.76 22.76 13.45 22.76 26.9O 21.38 24.14 26.90 25.52 ............................................... Page: 24 c chklst Check List Page: 25 0~/15/200t 07:08:50 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 158645 02/15/01 702121 DE ASIS, SANDRA JUROR ID 6 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 21.38 21.38 Voucher: 158646 02/15/01 702122 Voucher: 158647 02/15/01 702123 Voucher: 158648 02/15/01 702124 Voucher: 158649 02/15/01 702125 Voucher: 158650 02/15/01 702126 Voucher: 158651 02/15/01 702127 Voucher: 302 Checks in this reporz Bank Code: key SCOTT, GARY F Bank Code: key LEWIS, JOHN J Bank Code: key GILMAN, DONALD L Bank Code:' key ROGERS, B~ADLEY ALAN Bank Code: key SHOOK, EDITH L Bank Code: key MILLER, CURRY Bank Code: key JUROR ID 6 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 6 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 6 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 6 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 JUROR ID 6 01/26/01 MC-JUROR FEE: 1/22-25 75480 02/08/01 PKRLS-REFUND CLASS FEE 28.28 28.28 24.14 24.14 24.14 24.14 26.90 26.90 26.90 26.90 25.00 25.O0 Total Checks: 738,619.28 ....................................... ................ Page: 25