LUTC PKT 08-01-2011City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee August 1, 2011 6:00 p.m. Presenter Page LeMaster 2 Mulkey 7 MEETING AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS Topic Title/Description A. Approval of Minutes: July 18, 2011 B. Ordinance to Vacate a Portion of SW 340 Street C. Twin Lakes Sub-Area Plan 4. OTHER City Hall Council Chambers Action or Info Action Action Council Date N/A 9/6/2011 Ordinance 1� Reading N/A Time 5 min. 5 min. Herrera 15 Information 10 min. 5. FUTURE MEETINGS/AGENDA ITEMS: The next LUTC meeting wil) be held on Monday, September 19, 2011 at 6:00 PM in City Hall Council Chambers. 6. ADJOURN Committee Members City Staff Linda Kochmar, Chair Cary M. Roe, P.E., Director ofParks, Public Wo�ks and Emergency Management Jim Fe�rel% Member Da�lene LeMaster, Administ�ative Assistant II Jack Dovey, Member 153-835-Z701 G.•ILUTq[UTCAgendasandSummaries20111B-01-1011 [UTCAgenda.doc City of Federal Way City Council Land Use and Transportation Committee July 18, 2011 6:00 PM City Hall City Council Chambers MEETING SUMMARY Committee members in Attendance: Committee Chair Linda Kochmar, Committee member Jim Ferrell and Committee member Jack Dovey Councilmember in Attendance: Deputy Mayor Dini Duclos Staff in Attendance: Director of Parks, Public Works and Emergency Management Cary Roe, Deputy Public Works Director Marwan Salloum, Deputy Public Works Director Ken Miller, City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez, Surface Water Manager Will Appleton, Seniar Traffic Engineer Jesse Hannahs, Principal Planner Margaret Clark, Planning Manager Isaac Conlen, Assistant City Attorney Peter Beckwith, and Administrative Assistant II Darlene LeMaster. 1. CALL TO ORDER Committee Chair Kochmar called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. 3. BUSINESS ITEMS Forward Topic Title/Description to Council A. B. Approval of the June 13, 2011 LUTC Minutes Committee approved the June 13, 20ll LUTC minutes as presented, Moved: Ferrell S�conded: Dovey Passed: Unaniarnusly, 3-0 Truck Route Ordinance City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez presented information on this item. Staff incorporated the Committee's recommendation from the June 13, 2011 and revised the ordinance, redefining local deliveries as those with origins or destinations within the city, or firms having corporate headquarters within the city, but otherwise would not allow any number of non-local deliveries to use roadways that are not designated truck routes. There was one public comment: Bob Cooper, Lloyd Enterprises, Inc., Federal Way — Mr. Cooper expressed his thanks and sincere appreciation to staff and the committee for their efforts in clar�ing the ordinance language in a way that does not impact his business. Cammittee forwarded Uption #1 as presented. Moved: Ferrell. Seconded: Dovey Passed: Unanimously; 3-0 N/A Aug. 2, 20ll Ordinance 1 S ` Reading 2 Land Use/Transportation Committee C. D. E. WSDOT Traffic Busters Fiber Optic Cable Connection — Bid Award Senior Traffic Engineer Jesse Hannahs presented information on this item. There was no public comment. Committee member povey inquired on bid item #6 being considerably lower than the other bidders. Could that low bid present a problem later on? City Traffic Engineer Perez explained that when scoping out the items for the project, staff received a very broad range of responses and quotes for Bid Item #6, Fiber Optic Cable System, Complete and was not surprised at the varied bids. Mr. Perez also explained that some of the bid difference also lies with which companies may do the work themselves and which will have to sub-contract. Committee forwarded Option #1 as presented. Moved: Dovey Seconded: Ferrell WTSC School Zone Flashing Beacon Grant Acceptance Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 Senior Traffic Engineer Jesse Hannahs presented information on this item. There was no public comment. Committee member povey asked about the difference in cost between Nautilus Elem. and the other school locations. Mr. Hannahs explained that Nautilus was receiving a brand new installation of the flashing beacon, whereas, the other 10 locations where receiving retrofits to their existing systems. There was some discussion on the location of the school zone flashers at Nautilus Elem. This particular installation will be at the school entrance on 11` Ave S. Committee member povey suggested staff evaluate the 8` Ave S school entrance at Nautilus Elem. in the future. Committ�e forwarded Option #1 as presented. Moved: Ferrell Secanded: Dovey SWM CIP Update Passecl: Unanimously, 3-0 Surface Water Manager Will Appleton presented information on this item. There was no public comment. Staff discussed that their new video inspection system will be up and running soon. SWM staff anticipates possible SWM CIP or Small CIP projects resulting from this new inspection program. Committee member povey initiated discussion on funds in the SWM utility and a possible rate increase in the future as well as land acquisition. Committee member povey talked in favor of holding on to SWM utility funds until there is mare certainty of what SWM staff will be looking at for CIP/Small CIP projects. Mr. Appleton requested to defer responding to Committee member povey until after the proceeding agenda item. Mr. Appleton clarified that the money in the Small CIP budget is used for staff to design and construct these small CIP projects. The Small CIP budget is used for projects that come up as a result of the inspection process. Chair Kochmar inquired on the West Hylebos land acquisition and the amount of money needed to purchase this land. Will monies be transferred from the Small CIP fund? Mr. Appleton responded that the three projects requiring land acquisition are stand alone projects. No funds will be transferred from the Small CIP to property acquisition. If the subject properties are not purchased, those non-grant monies could go back into the SWM fund and be used to offset a utility rate increase. Chair Kochmar inquired why the City has been purchasing land rather than purchasing easements. Chair Kochmar is concerned about spending any money that isn't absolutely necessary. Committee member povey asked that when money becomes even tighter in the future, shouldn.'t the City be more frugal with how we are spending or transferring funds. The City has been fortunate in receiving grants; however matching funds are often required. Since we have been successfulin _ 18, 2011 Aug. 2, 2011 Consent Aug. 2, 2011 Consent N/A Information Only G:\LUTC\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 201 I V-18-I 1 Minutes.doc Land Use/Transportation Committee securing grants for many of these projects, we need to make sure we have funds available for the grant fund match. No action taken. Item was for information only. is,2oii F. Utilization of City of Federal Way Surplus Property for the Construction of the S 356` Aug. 2, 2011 Street RDF Retrofit Project Consent Surface Water Manager Will Appleton presented information on this item. There was no public comment. Mr. Appleton confirmed that the City owns the subject land in question. Committee member povey asked where the funds came from to purchase this property. Was the intent of the City's purchase of the Qualbeck property for the S 356` Intersection Improvement Project for the general fund to be paid back at some point in the future? Mr. Appleton stated that at the time of the S 356` St project, these were Streets funds and there was no anticipation of SWM's interest in the subject land/surplus property. Director Roe expiained that at the time of the S 356` St project, staff new that there would be surplus property. After the project was completed, the Surface Water division secured a DOE grant for $1M and approached the Street Fund/General Fund about purchasing the surplus land to expand their detention facility using their $1 M grant. S WM cannot spend their funds on anything that won't benefit the utility. The question that needs to be answered is given past practice and policy; should the SWM utility purchase this surplus land from the General Fund? Committee member povey wanted clarification on if the project would continue regardless of whether or not SWM purchases the surplus land from the General Fund. Director Roe confirmed that to be true. The City owns the land; the question remains as to whether or not the SWM utility will pay for the land. The project is not contingent on the $800K to finish the proj ect. Committee member povey suggested keeping the $800K in the SWM utility and holding it for another time in the future when there is a project that needs that funding. The money can always be transferred at a later date. Deputy Mayor Duclos applauded the SWM utility for being self supporting and doing a very good job at managing their funds. She asked if purchasing the land was a requirement for the project. Director Roe stated that the utility purchasing the land from the City is not a requirement; rather it has been past policy and practice for the utility to pay its own way. Council can continue to support past policy and practice or they can revise/change the policy. Deputy Mayor Duclos asked what the source of funding was for the S 356` St at SR 99 Inte�section Improvement Project. Director Roe responded that the funding source for that project came from the General Fund and from the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB). The portion from the General Fund was in excess of the $800K that the SWM utility is offering to pay for this surplus land. Deputy Mayor Duclos spoke in favor of transferring $800K from the SWM utility to the General Fund. Committee member Ferrell asked if SWM purchased the subject land from the general fund, exactly where that money ($800K) would go. Director Roe stated that the $800K could go straight into the General Fund, the Street Fund or the Capital Fund. Although it is at the discretion of the Council, the money would typically go back into the fund it originated in; in this case, the Capital Fund. Director Roe noted that Council has time to make a decision on this matter. As the design of the project proceeds, SWM will not need to acquire the land unti12013. Committee member povey asked if the SWM project is contingent on the $800K transfer of funds. Director Roe stated that the transfer of funds has no bearing on the SWM project. The project will occur regardless of whether or not SWM purchases the surplus land from the General Fund. Committee member povey stated that if SWM transfers money from its utility fund to the General Fund, the money needs to go to transportation and can only be used for transportation. Deputy Mayor Duclos concurred. 4 G:\LUTC\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 20ll \7-18-11 Minutes.doc Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 4 July 18, 2011 Committee member Ferrell is not quite sure why one branch of the City would buy from a different part of the same entity and feels that this would be difficult to explain to members of the public. At the same time, if money originated in the General Fund, it could also be returned to the General fund to be used as the Council sees fit. Committee member Ferrell is undecided on the issue at this time. Chair Kochmar asked where the $800K funds were actually coming from. Mr. Appleton explained the funds are coming from Surface Water unallocated funds from the SWM utility. Conversation continued between Chair Kochmar, Committee member Ferrell and Director Roe, stating that if SWM utility funds were transferred to the General Fund for the purchase of surplus land for the S 356` St RDF Project, the funds could be put into Capital or could be put into the Operations funds. The Council could decide how the General Funds could be used. There aren't any restrictions of how the funds have to be used; it is up to Council decision. Committee member povey noted that if SWM purchases the surplus land, the utility will have to deal with potential SWM utility rate increases earlier (approx. 1'/z to 2 years) than otherwise anticipated. Committee member povey supports waiting and leaving the money in the SWM utility. Policy needs to be reviewed by LUTC and/or FEDRAC. Committee moved to postpone the transfer of funds for surpius property from the SWM utility to the General Fund, to review the City policy regarding this purchase at both FEDRAC and LUTC meetings in October 2011, and to re-address this issue at LUTC in December 2011. Moved: Dovey Seconded: Ferrell Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 G. Code Amendment to Allow Animal Kennels and Animal Care Facilities in the Neighborhood Business Zone. Principal Planner Margaret Clark presented information on this item. There was no public comment. Committee member povey voiced concern over potential noise from animal care facilities and asked how staff will enforce the noise issue and handle complaints. Ms. Clark stated that this code amendment will be enforced the same as any other code, through the code enforcement officers. Noise is noise and will subject to the same parameters as any other noise ordinance violation. Committee member povey suggests being proactive and making sure that staff has means in place to enforce animal care facility compliance with the City code. Ms. Clark explained the noise levels illustrated in our current code using the Maximum Noise Standards Chart. Deputy Mayar Duclos suggested that if Council approves this code amendment, that at the time of permitting the project, the facility is inspected and tested for noise control, making sure it complies with the current code standards for noise. Due process takes time. Time is allowed for response, appeal, and compliance. Planning Manager Conlen stated that it could take up to six months for the City to force a business to take action on a code violation. Ms. Clark noted that animal care facilities are currently allowed in the BC zone. To date, there have been no complaints. Some of these facilities in the BC zone border residential neighbarhoods (ie. Twin Lakes Animal Hospital, Sacajawea Veterinary). Ms. Clark is confident that noise complaints will not be an issue. Committee forwarded Option #i as presented. Moved: Ferrell Seconded: Dovey Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 5 Sept. 6, 2011 Ordinance 1 S ` Reading G:\LUTC\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2011\7-18-I I Minutes.doc Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 5 July 18, 2011 H. Code Amendments Related to Accessory Uses, Seating Capacity of Restaurants and Sept. 6, 2011 Convention Centers in the Office Park Zone Ordinance i Reading Principal Planner Margaret Clark presented information on this item. There was no public comment. Committee member povey requested additional time to consider two of the three items. Ms. Clark offered to present a study session on these two code amendments in the future. The Committee requested more time to review the code amendment material and to come back to LUTC in the future for further discussion. Committee forwarded Option, 2, amending the Mayor's recommendation to approve ontv FWRC, 19.235.020 "Entertainment — Commercial recreation, omitting the text, "with seating capacity for no more than 50 persons." Code Amendments for Accessory Uses and Convention Centers in the Office Park Zone were tabled to a future LUTC meeting. Moved: Dovey Seconded: Ferrell Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 4. OTHER Director Roe led discussion on the potential of cancelling the second LUTC meeting in August pending no time sensitive topics. The Committee spoke in favor of the suggestion. Cancelling the August 15, 2011 LUTC meeting will be finalized on August 1. 5. FUTURE MEETING The next LUTC meeting will be Monday, August l, 2011 at 6:00 PM in City Hall Council Chambers. 6. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 7:22 PM. Attest: Darlene LeMaster, Administrative Assistant II COMMITTEE APPROVAL: Linda Kochmar, Chair Jim Ferrell, Member Jack Dovey, Member G:\LUTC\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2011\7-t 5-11 Minutes.doc COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 6, 2011 ITEM #: _... _....... _...... . .. _.... _ _.. _ _.... CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUB.TECT: Ordinance to Vacate a Portion of SW 340'�' Street POLICY QUESTiON Should the Council adopt an ordinance vacating a portion of SW 340`" Street to Quadrant Corporation located on the south side of SW 340` Street, west of 13`" Court SW adjacent to Lot 34 of Wynstone Plat at Federal Way? COMMITTEE Land Use and Transportation Committee CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ City Council Business �1 � Ordinance Resolution MEETING DATE: August 1, 2011 ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Other • • �""� DEPT Public Works STAFF REPORT BY: John Mulkey P.E. Street Systems Pro�ect Engmeer _.... Attachments: Land Use and Transportation Committee memorandum dated August l, 201 l. Options Considered: 1. Adoption of the attached ordinance vacating a portion of SW 340` Street to Quadrant Corporation. 2. Do not adopt the ordinance vacating a portion of SW 340`�' Street to Quadrant Corporation and provide direction to staff. _ ___ ..............__...................._........._....__........._.....................__...__......_ ..._ ........ _.. ........ MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION The Mayor recommends Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: ' DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Commi tee Council Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: "I move approval of Option 1 to the September 6, 2011 City Council Ordinance Agenda for first Reading" Linda Kochmar, Chair Jim Ferrell, Member Jack Dovey, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: 1 Reading of Ordinance (September 6, 2011): "I move to forward the ordinance to the second reading for enactment on the September 20, 2011 City Council Ordinance Agenda. " 2 Reading of Ordinance (September 20, 2011): "I move to enact the ordinance vacating a portion of SW 340` Street to Quadrant Corporation located on the south side of SW 340`" Street, west of 13` Court SW adjacent to Lot 34 of Wynstone Plat at Federal Way to Quadrant Corporation. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY ClTY CLERKS OFFLCE) COUNC[L ACT[ON: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1sT reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # 7 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: August 1, 2011 TO: Land Use and Transportation Committee VIA: Skip Priest, Mayor FROM• John Mulkey, P.E., Street Systems Project Engineer �� ' Cary M. Roe, P.E., Director of Parks, Public Works, and Emergency Managemen�%��'/� SUBJECT: Ordinance to Vacate a Portion of SW 340` Street BACKGROUND: On May 16, 2011 the Land Use and Transportation Committee heard Quadrant Corporation's request for the vacation of a portion of SW 340` Street to Quadrant Corporation in order increase the lot size to be able to better develop the lot, and align the lot with the planned right-of-way width. The vacation was brought to Council on July 5, 201 l, at which time a public hearing was held and the Council conditionally approved the vacation. The conditions of the vacation were for Quadrant to pay the City an amount of 50% of the appraised value of the property and obtain executed easements for utilities within the area to be vacated. Quadrant has provided executed easements to the City and has paid an amount of $9,161.50, which is 50% of the value of the land based on the County Assessor's appraisal of the property. All conditions for the street vacation have been met per the Council decision on July 5, 2011. cc: Project File Day File 8 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to vacating a portion of Southwest 340 Street located on the south side of SW 340th Street, west of 13th Court SW adjacent to Lot 34 of Wynstone Plat at Federal Way. WHEREAS, a valid petition has been filed by the owners of at least two-thirds of the abutting property requesting vacation of a portion of Southwest 340 Street located on the south side of SW 340t Street, west of 13 Court SW adjacent to Lot 34 of Wynstone Plat at Federal Way ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution 11-606, the Federal Way City Council held a public hearing at its regular meeting on July 5, 2011, to consider the petition for vacation as required by state law and Federal Way Revised Code Section 4.20; and WHEREAS, following the conclusion of the public hearing on July 5, 2011, the City Council considered the proposed vacation and its compliance with the criteria outlined in FWRC 4.20.120, and decided to grant the vacation pending satisfaction of the conditions outlined in Resolution 11- 606 and payment of compensation by the owners of the abutting property; and WHEREAS Quadrant Corporation of Washington, the project developer has satisfied the conditions outlined in Resolution 11-606 and paid the City 50% of the appraised fair market value of the right-of-way to be vacated, in the amount of Nine Thousand One Hundred Sixty-one and 50/100 Dollars ($9,161.50.00); WHEREAS Quadrant Corporation of Washington, the project developer has submitted easements to the City for all utilities crossing the area to be vacated for recording; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Ordinance No. 11- Page 1 of 6 Rev 1/10 Section 1. Vacation. That portion of the right-of-way of South 340 Street, located on the south side of SW 340 Street, west of 13 Court SW adjacent to Lot 34 of Wynstone Plat at Federal Way as described in Exhibit "A" (legal description) and so depicted on Exhibit "B" (exhibit map) and Exhibit "C" (vicinity map) attached hereto is hereby vacated. The property lying in the portion of the right-of-way described in Exhibit "A" shall be returned to and belong to those persons entitled to receive the property in accordance with state law. Section 2. Recardation. Upon passage, approval and publication of this ordinance, the City Clerk is directed to cause this ordinance to be recorded with the King County Department of Records and Elections. Immediately following the recarding of the deed, all easements required as a condition of the vacation will be recorded for those utilities crossing the vacated areas. Section 3. Severabilitv. Should any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this chapter, or its application to any person ar situation, be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter or its application to any other person or situation. The City Council of the City of Federal Way hereby declares that it would have adopted this chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clauses, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, pfirases, or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Ordinance No. I 1- Page 2 of 6 Rev 1/10 10 Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage and publication, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this day of ►� 1 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MAYOR, SKIP PRIEST ATTEST: CITY CLERK, CAROL MCNEILLY, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY, PATRICIA A. RICHARDSON FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COLJNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.: Ordinance No. 11- Page 3 of 6 Rev 1/10 11 �a:t_s a —,.....__,._ ._.. •�'� q�: W�rr�s�vna P�at Jod Na �91-09�D14-t�v14 ful�r�h 7, �41 t �x+���arr � LEGA�L DESCRIP71iDN FOR RIG�Fi�' OF WAY Y1�lCAl1C�N Tt�rit p�riis�n of �Ihe norlhwest qua�ber vF SeC6on 19, Tcjwnahip 21 Norlh, Flange �3 East W,M, Cily of Federal UYay, Kinp Coun6�+,'Washln�on, befr�g mQre patticula�ty de�cri6ad as folloaus� BEGI�JIVING at me rnast norme,ty comer � Lot 3+t of'Vu�jr,��One Prat at F�edwr�l Wa�' as recarcied in Vbluine 250 of Rlats P�es A8 tt�raugh 53, in�Gksl� under A�acad�dfng Na. 2�i1S�21 fiQQ1� THENCE along the northerty exlensian of tl�e wes�rt� lir� af saFd k� hk OD"27'47' E, 213.� fee� „-��►,cE s�, ��� � 97.�{1 feet to an a��l� pol�t +on t�e na�fheriy line of sald IoC THEhlCE 81C�nq S�id northery line, being �oalneiderrt with the sauthedy margln of �4N 34U" Slreet as oorneyed to the Clty of Fatier�l yVay by that st warTanty tiae�d te�orded Undar R�cardln� Na 2Q04�819G�CtDB86, S 53°Lw'a'�' '4�, 44.57 fae� THENGE oor�wing along s�ld ppmm4� Ilfts, N 36°�4'�T W. 44,7� fc+a�t t+7 a tx�lnt a�f cunradure; TT IEN�E G+Of1SinUiny� 81�ir1g s�it� comm�n line, na�lhrreaUerfy 29.,�3 iBet alan� �e arc of �, �patit �urre fia the lef� h�vin� a radlus af 34Q.OD f�et.'Ihtt+u�h a eer�4'al an9�e oF t35 to the PrJINT OF BE�IMhNhl� COritBir�inp 2,51 CJ �quaae fe�e� rnore or less. See ahacha�i Fxhl�lt B. WrPttsn By, GAF. ClteCkecf �r� iJ.LA. 4'�ee�lenph�ern-�c.KSeliS1 iCA617101dpournenL4�eFUUl.tlue raKr.i.ti �tYli..�.0 nrp�ra4Ml�ry� IN;IqM�I� (I�klNili li7�ili���MMIlM1�,9�1�1 IMI'(/ON�I'F1l�*M7 IM�NITha MA l�11� Gwn11.5►A T�� ��yw1F�5 71/i4 i11JM►7V 1�1 iiA7li.iMOr I��'M'�/l111 fNJ1XY#IIIMM� /Ik111J1iYYlr� ►�JIILEiCflNlkt� 71LIIRi7N h� i71.1l/.1N1 is Mf.�M2911 NI Ordinance No. 11- ,.� .,. . „ i �i.� , . . . t.- . , .,r r. �,., , ., Page 4 of 6 Rev 1/10 12 �� ��� F„_3CH NBIT B TO +4C�C�IAPANY LE�AL QESCRIPTIQN R Pt7RTIaM OF SECTI4N 1�J� T. 21 W., 12. A E„ V4,AA„ CITY f�F FEDERAL 1YAY, kING CQUMY, �ASFFING70N SCA�LE. � "��p �� PbiN7 OF BEGINF+�NG RIG1iT {)F 1YA.Y—�' I 'i� �C YACATQa � E91NS�R�GR�tESN 91'�,093�G10'�[xl IIqiTS�gR--G7 ��� �� r�r� �tYNSTGIAlE PL,4T A7 FEG�FZuL. WAY �GflA�114� 1`J�+. 2p0�72'KiDOy289 JOB N4, 191-093-Ot+D-OQ74 t?ft+5141NG hb�iAE : SR-02 6d�iE : 43-Q7-2017 WtRY1N � 4:1�.F. SHEET � QF 1 Ordinance No. I 1- Page 5 of 6 Rev 1/10 13 �c�iBi�r � �ncir���r n�� SW 340T'H �T - L�T 34 � �.�,�d.i,. �o �, .�+. n,�.�.�.,,��.,�..��� r�����.���.����.��,� Ordinance No. 11- Page 6 of 6 Rev 1/10 14 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: N/A ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BIL Sus.TECT: Twin Lakes Subarea Plan POLICY QUESTION: N/A (Information Only) COMMITTEE Land Use/Transportation (LUTC) CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ City Council Business ❑ Ordinance ❑ Resolution STAFF REPORT BY: Matthew Associate Planner MEETING DATE: August 1, 2011 ❑ Public Hearing � Information DEPT Community & Economic Dev. Background: With funding made possible by the Department of Health and Human Services and Public Health — Seattle & King County, the Community and Economic Development Department is preparing a subarea plan for the Twin Lakes retail and residential community centered at the intersection of 21 Avenue SW and SW 336�' Street/SW Campus Drive (Exhibit I). Staff has assembled a 12-member stakeholder group that includes members from the business and residential community with representation from the Westway Homeowners Association, AmeriCorps, Chamber of Commerce, Planning Commission, and YMCA. The subarea plan will contain elements similar to the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan with a focus on the Twin Lakes area. Through meetings and the first of two public workshops, staff and stakeholders have identified economic development, land use, transportation, urban design, and healthy food access as issues that will be included in the planning document. The attached existing conditions report (E�chibit II) prepared by the city's consultant team provides an overview of the neighborhood's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The document was used as a foundation for the participatory process. Next Steps: A second public warkshop is planned for September 14 to refine the visions from the first workshop. Staff and the consultant team will take the community input and prepare a draft document scheduled for stakeholder review and comment in November. Staff expects to bring the document for public hearing, planning commission and LUTC recommendation, and full city council consideration during the first quarter of 2012. Attachments: E�ibit I— Proposed Subarea Boundary Map _.........__._..._.__ ..................._._.._...._Exhibit II_-_Existing Assessment �repared by consultant ---- _.............._.___._....._._.__._._...._..--------------.- MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION N/A (Information Only) ^^ MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION N/A (Information Only) N/A N/A N/A N/A council Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION(S): N/A (INFORMATION ONLY) (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1sT reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED- 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # 15 ..I .. .'�.-� : � � ���1� �.,�+� +a7� ± � (�� �i� �;..; �� ,�� ; � � . i '., h,LY.. ��� �� `,�R° ��� �1° ; cc� ` cv > "' ,, `� � Y�cinity Map � �, ,�, � .: � � � ��: t 2� �rs i �t � t �� ' � ' �.,; � � � �Q c+te '� [� � t s �`- �. r�� (� 'p� ' ..- _ �rya . �" , :'� f"rii �J �I� � t � . �� k `),/ /� � (j+ � , ,(} �'�,,,..:, _�,.,.,.m.. 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'�;' � `��` �� � s�av;�3� �5� s�v ��� �gh�ti�e ��►''�-h"� .- _ `��' ��� �'� �` s�r _ _ _ ��. � I�I�ddle Saghal�e '� ,;.� �_ , f�`s�: 3:�� _ '� . � � �w ��s �``� Sc#�ool P�� � �` �" . ; r 5T ,��,�v � c��v' _�� Fr'ed' ` � � ���, ; t __ . �rr �� iW 339 S� Meyer �.. v� ��:r( � �v-�- M � _, .__ �;� SV� A� j � � n , � � 1 > 7 ', , SVV 3� 1 tn C��, c., .. t.� ¢� �'� SVtI 34 � ,�,� A � Si1'U �4�J ,� ,- ,- � 4 �'?� .,._�?' cr3 �, �.__ �_ __G'T �`'�!t`,� � p '' � a- �ST � , , : _ 5t�_�39 S ,� -� 4 J , SY� 3�t2 ST � � � � __ SV'V . -�� 3�1� �T '' �. � cv SIrV 3�i1 Pl. �- ��! 34C} + �� SW ��2�`$T_._.. . cn 341 ST 4� �.:, ��_.__ � ST �� . _ � .. ��_� � � �.; , � ��z s�r ' � { ` �� s�V :3d2 � rn I ,� � ' 2" �T i �' S�+! 34,2 �'� _�. c,�1f't1_�43 �W 3�i2 3 S�JV 3�32; �' � > ' ` � � �. � � � � � ,� , �� ` .� ,•- ' � Q � �� t �, s� : � ' Twin Lakes ��- � � F , �, � � ; ' -`�� � `� Pa rk & � ` ��l� � 1 � `��. ; o �oa ��+a�Q R SW 34� ST • T' � � ' F�t .�.. ' Rrtle ,���, ���► � �: _ .__ �� , � � � Z � ' ' Gn _.r.,__{ N Q r, �� ��� '�'.9�I .'�i..� �� P � i � � �-*r^rrA .wr�rr.. +.�.�� � Minutes Waik�ng Tisr�e � I, R:terik+alodlProedlslP e�e anWla�� l� CakesSi� b: d�� ��� ��' '� � �� City of Federal Way �',��"'; ; �_ d���;� �S �t,�.� ;;�-� �� �'�: --- ��:l:a�l�t� �.: C)�?L1�CIOn� Su�71a i't�r;�: � "` April 7, 2� 1 1 � Made Ncss;bte by fundrr,g from the 13epar�ment �f H�alth and h`!aman Ser✓ices and Public Health - SeartJ� & Krng County. 17 E�� � � ��....�-----� PA�E___.._.��------ �_i\i.7;.i1 1� M1�' � dl�Li?�i i.7 /!'�.J`3�` 7���t `�.+"��� i o t..�'���1 !1Ji�°'i'l"3a'1 As part of the �(i�g-County funded Communities Putting �revention to V�Jork (CPPW) grant, a subarea planning effort is underway for the Twin Lakes Community that will help define how to build upon the neighborhood's existing assets and address currenY chalienges to encourage the continue� �evelapment of a mod�l neaithy com�unity. Key goals for the subarea pianning efi�ort inciude: .. i�,_�'1��'� �� � v7 "i�, at :v ,if: ,a�. � .t, ��i'ly ....,,,�:.. i ;1 .�a�r�c�3� �;� ...,I '�"'�1� �� .i1E.i .�_„li'� �,�a.,.,7, cii`i'� ''J�'4Ce1S C / `'.:"x'� '"; , I a..sis,.7t�'i _i �v�a� , , .. ..:, . �, . :� a '; � t �.�.yrr�r�? .,�( a .�`.�z .. ,J t��i �i �::,� r; :i'�(ili� � - i .�� _ ��Ji � , ,.i;,`<.. 7 '� » , ,..i,s ..t..�, �� a, _.. , � S ..,,.,� ��'? ,.e( �:�a{ �i?`� " ,. .':�. r . �.', a�:.� �'��iatJ 4.,.i� ., ;.a t�J ��'1;3,{. � a'�.,.,•37 �(.) a �.c'Al�i:'1, „� �... ^:ii, t_. � _.iY.a . i` ���»T.i�i� �.;�� �,_ ry��,d!b.�,l�:'� ,� ..� y� Y'�'�i > >� �.'..,"1` . ':il / ;1:"si 3��;�. The Twin Lakes �ubarea is ccmp�sed of approximately thQ area contained v�ithin a orae-quarter mide radius of the intersec#ion of Sou#hwesr ���,-yp�, �rive ar�d 21 sk Aver�iae Soutnwest. Tne area contains a diverse set of land uses and a number of ir�por±ant neighborf�ood services, inclu�iing; , ; _. .. „�� �t..:� .,.�.... , . `� ,-_., d � i1 ..4 a fi;� .� �'„c� ,a. � , , �_ t . _ . , .i ��..... ..�.,.� .,±:,� ^: _ � � x � 'i�i c , . ., . f . .. . i .,..,.�,..,..�.,�..�.. ;�='` . ,.. , _;�{ti ._.. � '' ,,, �, x:;�, .,...� � . '�j � � .., C ._,_ .,_. , �� , ..., � �, ,. ��.� ,'..� ,. . < < ,:Li .. �it..,�.a��.. . .Y.. '!�; .r_,. , ._ �h�{.4',, •`?;� e , `�t: .> , . � .3 :�...,, � , �,.. �__,��, j .,.,. a. . �?, 'il , .,. u ,' .:zi7' r .;�. � . � _�fi; �, r �:�„'. �, _. _,_,r , <�� _�., ' ' � . „-, t . a � , ._ _. _ ��at This existing conditions assessment has been developed primarily in the forrn of a"stren�ths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats° (SWOT) analysis. This approach summarizes the key assets o# the neighborhood, and t7��ali5 SOCI'8 �Il�i!��y25 3i1i9 �f �dS OS �O#°;l�?�i 1?'3��'flV�173at1i i??3t C3it �8 3UryC�f�SS°i'� C1U1'inC� t!� �lann'sng pro CBSS. The assessmeni �raas cr��iea usi�� a nurn�aer o? �i;ferent inputs, ir�ciuding muitipie maetings wit� �Qperal VVay city sta�;, �nd��e�d�n� s;�� visi*s arsd ��ided ?o;ars of the s�;barea, �iS �nformation pro��ided by �n� City, and res�arc� of �;ficia! cizy do�urr� ;nts, such a� the c�moreh��sive �lan and tne z�nin� code. �ataps, pr�tos, ard �iagra�ns "ave been pr��.�ici�d with eaci� dimenaion .n� tn� S�I�T �nalysis tc� ��tiip gra�hic�lly iliustrat� 2x�sting cor.ditions. T�e in#er# of ihi� �ccument is to ,�rovide �n initiai ass2ssm�nt th�t �r�rill t�r a star!�in� point for the sub�rea pla�ani�g proce�s, whic;� �,vi�! a�t�vely er��age #;;v cor�mur�ity an� �rovi�i� o�portun�ti�s for signi#icantly more ;nput. City ofi Federal Way ���. � �� � �� ;-°� � " +>; � ' , �- t r :� ��,,_ i �i r �� ? U�;'�C,J ��i.?� et l..r°�i � _C�1���t�s �i *"`�� `7 City o# Federal Way �g _ _ a Zso soo �,000 �,soo Z,000 � Fee# 1 inch equals 800 feet �.. .'�i. � 7 � ` �� \✓ V i i �..i � � i y� 1 i �.�. ? � �.) t:3'� ,� .�) I I ! .. � �� � , �,. d�. ,� f i r_a � i ,.7 ,J Neighborho�d Business (BN) zoning - meant to encourage smali businesses and local economic development - provides opportunities #or new land uses .� • .. 2, �00�3 co��entratiora of ��istir�� ��st�r�����ns 3, Trail r�etvvork wit�in pa�ks in subarea an� thro�gh n�ar�y �iP,� t�ailJ��eenv�ay �, Vllestv+t�y �c�meov�n�rs Assc��iati�n prra��d�s �p�Q,#unity to leverage �t�mmu�ity res�urces 5. �rn�ri��rps �3f#ic� of�ers op�or��a�iti�� ��r c�mm�nity d�velop�nent as�ets and pa��ers#�ip �. �eadily ac��ssib9� f�c��/�r�cery ��tir�r�s �SaT�vvay, �re� ��yer) 7. G�o�l park ��� recreati�� fia�ioiti�� ��a�h�li� Park a�d �i����ia1e Parkj 8. Relatively high Walk Score (63) for subarea - only 21 °lo of Federal Way ���id�nts �ave � hig��r v���lk sc�r� �. L��a9 ���t fl�iic� I��a�et� �t �c�ge c�f ����h��rho��i ausines� zc�n� 1�. �wi� Lak�s �'�rk ar��i �i��e �rovi��� ��sy tr�.nsit acce�s �ity of �ederai Way �o _ , - Trail systems, such ns this one with�in Snghalie Park, nre importcmt community amenities that could be enhanced w�ith wnyfrnding to link together other neighborhood destinatior2s. The Westwa� neighborhood and adjacent AmeriCorps off ee provide good eommunit� organization leverage. Ci#y of Federal Way �� � _ 0 250 500 9,000 1,500 2,000 � Feet i inch equals 800 feet � �l � � � � 3 1 LI. �...+ l% 1 9 � � � f ...., r � . � s'.` l ' S. e! - �_. _ ���'L� 3, �I ..�!� \�+._ J 3�e � �� !�- .:� � ��•., � .•��; � f l��: � r : :' �� � • 'i 2. Pec�e�tri�n infr�si��a�t!�r� �e.g,, co�n�c�ian� tfl Sa�halie �V1i�cl�e School �cross �� st �ve. a�J thr��+�� Fr�d �leye� p�rki�g lc��) is d�sconn�ct�d an� ca� be en�a�ced 3� �arg� setbac�s ��r r���t re#aii ��� res��urant u��s re�uire �,val�ing throug� large parki�� ic�� ar�as �r�d �ecre�ses th� ser��e o# con�e�tir�ity f�r pedestrians 4. La��C of cl��r �ed��tri�r� infrastructur� wit�in 1arg� IQts does not encourag� vval�cing 5. Curren� �N z�ning l��ni�� �uilding heignt� ��vithin th� BI� zo�e to three stories — densities that tend to encourage more waiking/biking may not be reach�d , _ � • ! � M r .. f � .i 7. �J� �olicy ��ng�ag� ��e���ic t� c�r�r�u�;it�� ��r�ens in cc�rnpr���nsiv� plan o� in zoni�g ���� fr�� r�sid�nti�l us�s �. �i����"li"3���2i� ,��C���1�'C� �"1����i+Oi'�C W3��i�'i ��.1�Jr�l'�� ��'1�9 �ii"l"11��C� iUil�'iL'Ct10i"iS �� �etwork o�t�i�i� s��a��� City of Federal Way 2 � , ,. Lnrge setbaeks nnd Inck of pedestrian infrc�structatre within large lots are noE eonducive to snfe non-automotive trnvel. Pedestrian eonnections to neighborhood destinations sr��ch as Snghalie Middle School nnd Pnrk nre o(ten disconnecEed or require wnlhing aeross lnrge pctrking tots. Gi�y o# Federal Way �3 � � � 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 e Feet 1 inch equals 800 feet _, , �— t ,-.� r -� f,,,� , .,, ; � Y � -� �, �-� � rY,i'�7�.!i i�...! `��l.f�it & ,.�;�...I 1.�?, .r %�.l .I i•_.�! :.7 +J 1. Tvv�r� �a�e� Pa�k ��� �ide pr��i�ies o��o�tunity f�r �valvin� ��J� h��. �. Currently vacant Albertson's parking lot provides ample space fior ��c��ramr��r�� �sm��l �efi�il, f�c�d Ue�dor�) 3. Albertson's property has redevelopment potential �, Currentiy v�c�r�t p�rc�ls pr�vicle flppc�rtunities for c�mmur�i�y �ardening space Qr mobiie uen�iing {su�h as h�alth� #c�od ��n�;n9) �, �fls�nmur�ity D��i�r� �uid�lin�s (FV'�� � 9.1 �) provid� a gr���i framework to build up�r� {use of ���"�fl �ri��ip�es, �or �xample) 6. ��ighborh�oci ��asir�ess �anir�g allows f�r mixed us� cornm�rcial/ret�il/�ou�ing — a potential future use �. �leignb�r�oo�! ���i�ess �oning er��o�r�ges arc�it�ctura! �nd site �esi�n ��i��line� th�t can �� us�d fc�r ��hanc's�g t�e c�rnm�r�it� c��r�cte� of fiuture devsl�pm�r��t s�,�� �r � �� ' �� s�,�r�,� ' ��ur5 _ _ __. __._.. _. Reducing setbneks a�nd lnrge nreas of impervious surfnces (show�n i�n blaek) enn help improve the pedestrian experience ns well as fhe feeling of'connection to nei�hbarhood services. _, .. � s City o# Federal Way ���� W�� �� ,�:� � . The former Albertson's pnrking lot (above) coiald provirfe nn opportunity fr�r fi�ture devetopmerlE or nn interim aise (above). Comm��nity design ga�idelines enn help guide the ehnracter of future development for neighborhood shopping arens, such ns the exnmple below. Ci#y of Federal Way -z� 0 250 500 1,000 1, 500 2, a00 � Feet 1 inch equais 800 feet � � t �...a�*.�'?�,ii °'� �i.ii if �1�'�,.��1 i..'S, 1 1�1 �.�.� ... �. Neighborhood Business zoning explicitly does not encourage sale of "iocally grown produce" in close proximity to residential uses. �. Current BN zoning limits building heights to three stories - these height limits may b� t�o It�vv t� cr�at� �con�mic�#1� �i��le mixed use structures i� the • -. • � , - . s •-- . � � - r - •. • -. - . ," , _ . . • " .i •. . • Ci#y of Federal Way zs , . Ccirrent height limifs (35 ft in BN zone) mny be too low to crente eern2omieally-viable mixed-use struet�ires. High trarfic speeds and volumes along SW Cam�us Drive and 21st Ave. SW encourage development fa�oring autoraotive trnvel nnd cletracts safe pedestriczn and/or bieycle travel (abave arid belozo). City of Federal Way -.�� _ . 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Q Feet 1 inch equals 800 feet rj;/ �-�- t C y � �{ 1 "`° t° yp a � j t� -� ... � . �r°� r t^ ` , 1 — � rl t (1 i Y � ?.._�,. i,�? Il.� �,.✓t�l I.�, . s:�, �.. z�� �.15 �Ji1., t:?'sl! ,��,�; t i:�i �4,d u.. .���t i� 4 Excerpts from the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan - Land Use Element The #oi�owin� excerpts cort�in lan�ua�� from the �ederal ��Vay Ccmprehensive t 1an, Land �Ise �lem2nt that snecifically address keY Plannin� issues �n t�e subarea thai reiate directi;r to healthy comm+anity-building, The areas prima�iEy addresse�i in thesz �xc�;pts ircl�sde lar�d use, �l�sign, �nd bicycle/p°destrian transportation. a _._ „� .. Ther� are 74 varrous sized nodes �f r�J�iCf�borh��d Business locat�d throughout t�e Cify. ThAs� nodes are areas ihat prflvide r�tail a�d/or services to a�aj�c�r,t resrd�ntial are�s. The F�lCP recognizes ths im,eortance of archltectural and sife design gurdelines to provi�e corrpatibrlrry between rrei�hbvrhood business areas and adjac°nt nei�hborr�oods. iVeighborhood Susiness areas are ?nt�nd�;d to provide conversr"�nt yoo�s (e.g., groceries and hardware) and servrc�s re.g., dry cleaners, dentist, r�a,nk) at a p�d�strian and nnighborho�d sca/e c!ose fo �djacent residential uses. f�evei�pments combining resi�entia! and ��mmerc�'ai uses provide a convenient living envir�nmert within these nod��. /n tne fufure, attsntion should ,�� grver, to design featur�s ti�at enhance the appearance or function of these are�s. fmpro�✓ements ma� include side�r�iks, o�en space and str�et trses ar,d �arking �ither �n strnet or orient�d away frr�m t,he street edge. The fun;;t;or �t �eigh�or,'�ood busrness �reas can also be enhanced by safe pedestrian, �icycle, and fransit vor�nectic�ns :� :;urro�r�r�ing nei�hc�r,�oods. Goai �1.:��ai; �i'taV?:7: n�i�rirJt'ifr�,;;i 33 :a C`.:.'.t 7 �Jl. ?:� _.:�;a r �.d�t .,�I'��'S ��.,f ��:t� �;1(y''S �°j`1:it`Cixl1L?C�Cj�. �O�ICB�S �.�it �t, � i 1 ; ., ,.,. , _, - ..V ,.. . _y.oi4� ..., .. , . .a . ,:?� .�, a. ., , „ .,_t _ ... . -.� , .. . , � , j "; : � - _.-, .. , . � ., - , �..,, _.. _.. ,,.� , .��?u. � .,. . �,. � � :.,.,�._ � .. :e , �..;;� ��r r �, .... .> �.,., _ =' _. �. J'.� `��� ' . _! j „ �"�. . . ;�_ . .. . 7 ,�., a . _ , i .,., .. .,_ � � u.. ._ . - �� , ..z _ , ., _ �.����5.. .a .. '�� , ,. �-� � . .. .. , _� , . �_.. � � , .... � , i� �.,1. . , _ . .. � ... l�� � ` ,..,. .. . .-, . .. � _..,:` „- a , v"�: , . . , ., �:.. . . _� ,;?.S .. .,,. � �'17.�. .......... . .. � , �.,� ,.� y .,, _ _ .. � : . .,.. _, . . .- �, i _..w _, _ . . -.., . _ , _ _... , . . . . � � t, .� _ .. ± i , . _ _ . � , � � w 5' 9 . .. . _ .., , . �.�` i � ... . i . .. ., _ . � .� _.. . .. . i v . , _ . . . , . _. . . : - � .� i� i .l. ; ,e ,_ e' { . ' .'� .... ^. . "'. .,. .� .. i x.-.7 . ��i>r ...,, :.^J _�. � ... � ... -... � , _ .+ _ _ � . .J . � � .9 _J �. J .! "i . _� .. . . ..n .. . �,: � .. .� , .. .n � � . . .. . _ , .. ..,. �P i_ �. � .� . 3 � .. .�,.. � .' . . i ... , . ..... . r � 3 � ., i.. , . .. .r. . i... . ✓ ..n . il.l .. .i '�... �y »�-.. � .- ? r � . e+ . � ._ � .. .� � J r . � � . .i . ,. ..- . , . .i _.i �. "�...., . J ,,,ii � _ u1 r .. .. . .. �.}� � -.. � . -.r , . � u: i ,.. �..-.u. 7'f�� n�ultlpla-family re�i�enti�l ian�` �rs� �..��si�r��ticn r��resents ar � t� pr�vi�e a range �;� h�u�sing �yc��s tQ acc�an;�odafs �nlicipat��' ��sid�nts�1 �r:.,��rt�. Th� ±ncr��aa� in pc,cula�ion, dQ�,iin� in �v�r�ge fam(1;� siz�, and i,�creased cost �f sing�e-fam,i;y hvnaes ha�,�� �r�ated �e�+�y i��mand f�r new nousing types. �l�r�e Lan� Use cnapt�r encv�rages tt�e t�eveFopmeni �f h�?,��i:�� t�lpes, sc;ch as du�;exss, t�wnhr�uses, and conc'ominiums i,� exi3iir�g m�,t�v/v-�amii,y �r�as a,�d �vithln mi.x�d-us� ��v�fo,pr�pnt in cflmrnercia; areas. ity of e eral ay '.�g _, , _ _ During the 1980s, the Ciry's (andscape changed, as a number of large apartment complexes were constructed. These apar�ments, of`ten bui,?t �n�ithout regard to scale or amenit�`es, created a�eneral dissatisfaction �r�ith the �ppearance of muitiple-farraiiy �;evelopm�nt. ln 1999, t,'�s Cit� amended its C�mmunih� l�esi�n Guidelines to address the appearance and scale or multiple famriy dvveliing units. ln�entives �"�r �;r.�ating desired dev�dopmen.t such as duplexes and townhous�s should ,�e considersd. Goal LLj�a� ��";:?`:'��c' .�i'✓!IiC:F° I"��'fji; O� �1�;U5 IICf t��18S %zil`� �1��`1Si..3U7 i.C�t?'llil:(!SU(cli� Nip n;� ;.C?!"'?iT'��RI���t S I1��'t�S �IICi 7 �`v`' ,_. Poiicies {Selectedj , ...�E.'d�_) ; �:: '..J ,j''' '. ,'uc`� +�( Y `�:e"1 .v �;.�i' .� ;; w;7 .,.�i" a; „ .,. . , ,J. �., [a �.� ..a�" .�,�..� i'� ��' 3.'.'.)��.. .. i „�fi? .,..,'��1 . �� W� .�(1is '�?�.�_�: 1 � :'� ,..., �!�" �a _ C:;�_.�a..� ,.,�;:.� „ . ,._. ?i?: ..,.-:�'i(.'u, 3i;CS �,� , -':'v'i�����. .��.1��:_. a.?:' .� ;��' �.,� ,��:�.a��l.,�l.,;? !. .., ti .. , ,:3i�,. ., _ ..., . . .,., , ,-?;i _ . .?<.�� ,.. 1�.� ; .I.�.�,. 1 „�, �i�� ��=: ......";Sil ,_..=='... City ot Federal Way �9 .