LUTC PKT 03-17-2003MEET/NG AGENDA 2. 3. 4. CALL TO ORDER Approval of Minutes of the March 3, 2003, meeting PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) BUSINESS iTEMS A. 312th StreetTraffic Signal, 100% Design Approval Action and Authorization B. 2003 KC Metro Signal Grant Acceptance Action C. Final I-5/SR18/SR161 Triangle Study Action D. Transit Service Changes Action E. Home Free Guarantee Contract with KC Metro Action F. Citywide Pavement Marking/Neighborhood Traffic Safety/ Action Channelization Services G. 288th Street @SR99 100% Design Completion/ Action Approval to Bid H, 2003 Asphalt Overlay Bid Award Action I. Weyerhaeuser Way/336~ Roundabout 30% Action Design Approval 5. ADJOURN Milled Perez! Perez/ Perez! Perez/ Perez/5 min Salloum/10 rain Salloum/lO min Salloum/15 min Committee Member~ Eric Fa/son, Chair Dean I~IcCo/gan Michae/ Park K:'xLUTC Agendas and Summaries 2003'xMsrch 17 2003, LUTC Agenda.doc City Staff Kathy ~IcClung, D/rector, Community Development Services Sandy L y/e, Administrative Assistant 253.661.4116 MEETING MINUTES In attendance: Committee members Eric Faison, Chair, Deputy Mayor Dean McColgan and Councilmember Mike Park; Councilmember Linda Kochmar; Public Works Director Cary Roe; Deputy Public Works Director Ken Miller; Assistant City Attorney Karen Kirkpatrick; Street Systems Manager Marwan Salloum; Surface Water Manager Paul Bucich; Administrative Assistant Sandy Lyle. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Faison called the meeting to order at 5:35 pm. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The summary of the February 3, 2003, meeting was approved as presented. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment on any item not included in the agenda. 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Acceleration of the South 324~h Street at SR99 Project - The South 324th Street at SR99 Project is identified in the 2003-2008 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) as a separate project. This project has been envisioned by the Public Works Department as part of the Pacific Highway South HOV Lane Phase II Project (South 324~h to South 340th Streets). Due to construction timing benefits, potential cost savings and minimizing public disruption, the Committee m/s/c recommendation of approval to the City Council at its March 4, 2003, meeting the acceleration and awarding of the construction bid for the South 324th Street at SR99 Project in the amount of $939,760.90 to SCI Infrastructure. It was noted that SCI Infrastructure, LLC, submitted a change order cost in the amount of $939,760.90 utilizing the same bid prices as the Phase I Project and is 2.5% below the engineers cost estimates for this project. B. Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase II Improvement Project (South 324~ to 340th Street)Il00% Design Approval and Authorization to Bid - The Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase II (South 324~ to South 340~ Streets) design has been completed. Included in the project are a Utility Underground Conversion and a Lakehaven Utility District Water and Sewer Utility Adjustment and Pipe replacement, both of which will reduce future costs and public disruption. Total project costs are estimated at $14,987,350 with an available budget of $15,014,169. There are twenty-nine properties remaining to be acquired before the project can begin. The Committee m/sic recommendation to the City Council to approve the 100% design plans for the Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase II Improvement Project and authorization of the competitive bid process contingent upon receipt of grant funding. C. Surface Water Infrastructure Maintenance and Service Contract/Authorization to Bid - The last time the Surface Water Management Division solicited bids for vactor and jet-rodding services was 2002. Due to price increases amounting to 30% originating from King County, the Committee m/s/c recommendation to the City Council to authorize the SWM Utility to seek bids for Surface Water Infrastructure Maintenance and Service. The matter will be considered at the March 18, 2003, City Council meeting. 5. FUTURE MEETINGS The next scheduled meeting will be March 17, 2003. 6. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. K:~LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2003\February 24, 2003, LUTC Minutes.doc CITY OF ~ Federal Way DATE: TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: March 17, 2003 Eric Faison, Chair Land Use/Transportation Committee Ken Miller, Deputy Public Works D,,~_ector Rick Perez, Traffic Engineer David H. Mo~anager 8tt' Avenue S attd S 312#` Street Traffic Signal attd htterconnect Project - 100 % Design Approval and Authorization to Bid BACKGROUND 8th Avenue S is offset on S 312th Street and in not currently signalized. The west leg of the intersection is failing the City's level of service (LOS) at peak traffic periods and the east leg is estimated to fail LOS in the Year 2005. This project will install a traffic signal, channelization to th allow left tums, interconnection with the existing signal on SR-99 and S 312 Street and the proposed signal at 14th Avenue S and S 312th Street, improvements to street lighting, and improve sidewalks/curb ramps at the intersection. The project will reduce delay, improve the overall LOS and assist with bus movements across S 312th Street. PROJECT ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: Item Design Utility Pole Rent (Interconnect) Construction Management/Inspection (In House) King County Signal Review Construction Estimate 10% Construction Contingency SUB-TOTAL Printing Plans and Specifications Advertising TOTAL Cost Estimate $35,000.00 $1,000.00 $5,000.00 $2,000.00 $331,938.00 $33,194.00 $408~132.00 $1,475.00 $1,600.00 $411.207.00 Land Use/Transportation Committee - March 17, 2003 8'h Avenue S and S 3 12th Street Traffic Signal and Signal Interconnect Project 100% Design Approval and Authorization to Bid Page 2 AVAILABLE FUNDING: CII> Funds TOTA Ir A VA [ LA B L 15 B U DG ET $230,000.00 $230,000.00 $181,207.00 PROJECT B U DG ET SIIORTFALL Project costs have increased due to the addition of the signal interconnect (14th Avenue S and SR-99 along S 312th Street). There is an increase in the number of curb ramp replacements required and traffic signal costs have increased since the original estimate was made. The project is ready to be bid and substantial completion can be achieved in 2003. The bids received will be brought back to the LUTC Committee and Council for approval. In order to resolve the present budget imbalance, Public Works staff recommends that Council th authorize the transfer of $200,000 from the S 320 Street and SR-99 Project to this project budget. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends placing the following items on the April 1, 2003 Council Consent Agenda: 1. Approve the 100% design plans for the 8o' Avenue S and S 312th Street Traffic Signal and Interconnect Project. 2. Authorize the transfer of $200,000 from the S 320th Street and SR-99 unappropriated funds into this project. 3. Authorize staff to bid the project and return to the City Council for authority to award the project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. APPROVAL OF':CoMMITTEE REPORT: Eric Faison, Chair Dean McColgan, Member Michael Park, Me~nber KM:tj CCi otb -- Project File - o A venue S and S 312'~' Stree! 7)'q/'fic Si&,nal attd Interconnect Project Day File K:\I .I JT('\2003\81h AX; ami S 3121h ST Traffic Signal and Intcrconncc! I'rojcct doc CITY OF ~ Federal Way DATE: March 17, 2003 TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: Eric Faison, Chair Land Usc / Transportation Conamittce Perez, P.E., City Traffic Engincer ~ Rick David H. Mo~~l~4anager 2003 King County Signal Synchronization Grant BACKGROUND In the 2000 election, King Cou_nty voters approved 0.2 percent sales tax increase to support and expand transit service. One element of the inrprovements includes funding to support signal re-timing/signal optimization along transit routes ttu-oughout King County. A total of $400,000 in grant monies was made available to all Cities in King County. South 320th Street, SR-99 and 21st Avenue SW corridors in Federal Way are eligible for funding from this program. In the past two years (2001 and 2002), the City of Federal Way had received a total of $105,000 in grant monies to re-time eleven (11) signals during the three peak periods (morning, afternoon, and evening) on Pacific Highway S from S 288th Street to 16th Avenue S, and ten (10) signals on S 320th Street from SR-99 to Peasley Canyon Road. The project was completed in December of 2001 and 2002 respectively. This year, an additional $400,000 is available to fund new signal optimization projects. The Signal program is volUntary and th does not require any matching funds. Staff had submitted two grant applications to optimize four (4) signals on S 320 Street St Sl th th from SR-99 to 1 Avenue South, and six (6) signals on 21 Avenue SW from SW 312 Street to SW 356 Street. The grant application for S 320th Street between SR-99 and 1 ~t Avenue S has been selected for a grant award of $20,000. The City will be the lead agency on this project. Staff will perform the work in-house and propose to use the grant reimbursement for a City-wide Traffic Count program. The new traffic count data will be used to re-time other signals that are not eligible for the Signal Synclu:onization Grant. In addition, the traffic count data will allow staff to administer the City's Concurrency Management program. RECOMMENDATION Public Works staff recon-unends accepting the $20,000 Signal Synchronization Grant and placing the following item on the April 1, 2003 City Council Consent Agenda: 1. Authorization to enter into an Intcrlocal Agreement with King County and acceptance of $20,000 grant fl-Oln ~20 Street S~gnal Synch~onlzatton p~oject. King County for the S' h . . · 2. Authorization of staff to use the 2003 Signal Synchronization Grant reimbursement for the Traffic Count and Concurrency Management programs. RECOMMENDATION Dean McCOlgan, Member APPROVAL OF coMMITTEE REPORT: Eric Faison, Comnfittee cFair Micl~ael Park, Member RP:dl cc: Project File Day File Agreement between The City of Federal Way and King County For thc Signal Synchronization Project on S 320"' between SR 99 and 1st Avenue $ No:SS2003.8 Tills AGREEMENT is made and entered into lhis __ day of 2003, by and between King County, hereinafter called thc "County," and thc City of Federal Way, hereinafter called thc "City," both of which entities may be collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Parties." WttEREAS, the King County Council has established a System-Wide Signal hnprovement Program for King County through the adopted budget for 2003 for King County; WHEREAS, as part of the System-wide Signal Improvement Program, a new Signal Synchronization Project has been created that enables King County to make financial grants to other public agencies within King County for the purpose of optimizing signal settings along key transit corridors; and WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way and King County jointly acknowledge the value and importance of efficient signal operations for all modes of travel along these key transit corridors; WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way has applied for a grant from King County to optimize signal operations on S 320th between SR 99 and 1st Avenue S; and WItEREAS, the City and the County share a common goal to improve signal operations along this corridor; WHEREAS, the County has awarded the City a grant of $ 20,000 for this purpose; and WItEREAS, the City and the County now desire to establish the terms under which the County will provide these funds and other related services to the City. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties, tile Parties agree to tile following: 1.0 SCOPE OF WORK 1.l Under this Agreement, 4 (four) signals, as shown in Attachment B-I, will be re- timed in an effo~l to improve and/or create synchronized signal operation. 1.2 The tasks of the signal re-timing effort arc as follows: Project Management; l)ata Collection; Development of New Signal Timing Plans; hnplementation, Testing and Acceptance of New Signal Tinting Plans; and Completion of a Before and After Study. A detailed description of tile required work elements for each of these five tasks is outlined in Attachment B-2, as attached. 1.3 1.4 1.5 No:SS2003. The Parties agree to share all technical data, findings, and reports that are produced under this Agreement. The Parties agree to participate in regional traffic forums that will be organized by the County with assistance from participating Cities to review and report on results and to develop suggestions for future improvement. Thc Parties agree to repoi-t on thc results of tile signal synchronization project,% with a Before and After Study using thc format, as outlined in Attachlnent B-3. The Before and After' Study prepared for this Agreement will be comi)ilcd Il}' thc County with the results of all tile other Before and After Studies from all of thc signal re-timing projects that are funded by the King County Signal Synchronization Project for 2003. The overall results of the King County Signal Synchronization Project for 2003 will then be shared throughout the region, both with local elected officials as well as technical staff. 2.0 SCItEDULE 2.1 2.2 2.3 Data Collection will be completed on or before May 30, 2003. The Party responsible for Data Collection agrees to make a copy of the data collected for this Agreement available to the other Party. The development of signal timing plans will be completed on or before August 29, 2003. If the City prepares these plans, they will make a copy available to County. If the County prepares these plans, the City will first review them and then at its discretion, the City may accept or modify the County plans for' any of the City's signals. The City will.document and provide to the County the final signal timing plans that City has authorized for installation. New signal timing plans must be installed, tested and field accepted on or before October 31, 2003 by the City. The City commits to document all field adjustments that it makes during installation and to update the signal timing plans accordingly. These field adjustments shall be reported in the Before and After Study. 2.4 The final Before and After Study Report must be issued by December 19, 2003. 3.0 CITY RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The City will be responsible for tile following tasks, as described in Attachnlcnt B-2, for all the signals in the project scope (Check all that al)ply): 3. l.1 Project Management [] 3.1.2 Data Collection [] 3.1.3 Development of Signal Timing by Time of Day [] 3.1.4 hnl)lcmentation of Signal Timing [] 3.1.5 Completion of Before and After Study [] 3.2 The City agrees to complete its tasks according to the schedule shown in Section 2.0 and the scope of work described in Attachment B-2. 3.3 The City agrees to work cooperatively to with the County to insure that the lei-IllS and iIllC~ll of tile Agrccmcllt arc met. 3.4 No: SS2003.8 The City is legally responsible for the operation of its signal system. Only the City or its authorized maintenance agent is legally authorized to set and approve the signal settings for its signals. Any technical recommendations or comments for signal timings prepared by the County are advisory only. They arc not binding on the City and the County incurs no liability for offering them to thc City for the City's consideration. 4.0 COUNTY RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The County will be responsible for the following tasks, as described in Attachment B-2, for all the signals in thc project scope (check all that apply): 4.1.1 Project Management [] 4.1.2 Data Collection [] 4.1.3 Development of Signal Timing by Time of Day [] 4.1.4 Completion of Before and After Study [] 4.2 The County agrees to complete its tasks according to the schedule shown in Section 2.0 4.3 The County will work cooperatively with the City to insure that the intent of this Agreement is satisfied. 5.0 COUNTY PAYMENT TO CITY 5.1 The County agrees to pay the City of Federal Way a maximum of $ 16,000 for services described in Section 3. 5.2 5.3 The County will pay the City $ 9,200 upon successful completion of the following scope element(s): Project Management, and Development of Signal Timing by Time of Day. The County will pay the City the remainder balance of $ 6,800 upon successful of the following scope element(s): Signal Timing Implementation, and Before and After Study. 6.0 FINANCING 6.1 The City will incur no liability to pay the County to complete the work described in Attachment B-2 if the City's actual expenses are less than $16,000 to complete the work described in Task 3. 6.2 The County has no liability to reimburse the City for any po~lion of the grant award if the County's actual expenses are less than $4,000 to complete the work described in Attachment B-2 to complete the work described in Task 4. 7.0 COUNTY IN-KIND SERVICES 7.1 The County agrees to provide the required in-kind services with either County personnel or consultants under contract to the County to complete the work described in Section 4.0, up to a maximum of $1,000 per intersection. 8.0 LEGAL RELATIONS No:SS2003.8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 It is understood that the Agreement is solely for the benefit of thc Parties hereto and gives no right to any other party. No joint venture or partnership is formed as result of this Agreement. No employees or agents of one Party or any of its contractors or subcontractors shall be deemed, or represent themselves to be, employees of the other Party. To the maximuln extent permitted by law, each Party shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the other Party and all of its officials, employees, principals, and agents from all claims, demands, suits, actions and liability of any kind, including injuries to persons or damages to property, that arise out of, arc connected with, or are due to any negligent act or omission of the indemnifying party or any of its contractors, and/or employees, agents and representatives under this Agreement; provided, however, that if (and only if ) RCW 4.24.115 applies and any such damages and injuries to persons or property are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of both Parties to this Agreement, or any of their employees, agents and representatives, then in such instance each Party's obligation hereunder applies only to the extent of the negligence of such party or its officials, employees or agents. Each Party specifically assumes potential liability for actions brought by its own employees against the other Party and for that purpose only each Party specifically waives, as to the other Party only, any immunity under the Worker's Compensation Act, RCW Title 51; and the Parties recognize that this waiver was the subject of mutual negotiation and specifically entered into pursuant to the provision of RCW 4.24.115 In the event any Party incurs attorney's fees, costs or other legal expenses to enforce provisions of this section against another Party, all such fees, costs, and expenses shall be recoverable by the prevailing Party. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington in effect on the date of execution of this Agreement. The Superior Court of King County, Washington shall have exclusive jurisdiction and venue over any legal action arisini} under this Agreement. The provisions of this Section 8 shall survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement. 9.0 DURATION, EXTENSION AND TERMINATION 9.1 This Agreement shall take effect upon execution by both parties and shall expire on December 31, 2003 unless extended by mutual agreement of the parties. 9.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement for its convenience and without cause by providing written notice of such termination via certified mail to the other parties not less than thirty (30) days prior to tile effective date of termination. If the City terminates, it must reimburse the County for any cash payments that it has received from the County and for the value of any in-kind services the County has rendered on its behalf, up to the maxinmm allowed by Section 6, and consistent with the scope as outlined in Section 4. If the County terminates, it must reimburse tile City for any work it has performed under tile Agrccmem up No:SS2003.8 to the maximum amounts allowed by Section 5.0 and consistent with scope outlined in Section 4.0. 10.0 IDENTIFICATION OF CONTACTS AT CITY AND COUNTY 10,1 The City and the County each agree to appoint a project nqanager who will be assigned to work collaboratively to implement this Agreement. 10.2 All official communication concerning this Agreement should be directed to the following parties: City: Cary M. Roe, P.E. Public Works Director City of Federal Way P.O. Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 County: Ms. Ellen Bevington Supervisor, Speed and Reliability Program King County Department of Transportation 201 S Jackson Street, MS KSC-TR-0411 Seattle, Washington 98104~3856 10.3 Any changes in agency contacts from those noted above may be communicated by facsimile or e-mail and must be verified in writing to the other party. 1 1. ENTIRE AGREEMENT 11.1. This document contains all terms, conditions and provisions agreed upon by the parties hereto, and shall not be modified except by written amendment of the parties. 12. SEVERABILITY I2.1. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby if such remainder would then continue to serve the purposes and objectives originally contemplated by the parties IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT this day of ,2003. The City of Federal Way By David H. Moseley, City Manager Date King Count/y-) Rick C. Walsh, General Manager King County Metro Transit Division Date APPROVED AS TO FORM ATTACHMENT B.2: Signal Synchronization Scope of Work For those cities that elect to participate, King County will pay up to a maximum of $5,000 per signal to support re-timing projects along eligible corridors. Any city that owns signals along eligible transit corridors may apply for these funds. Tile budget per intersection is designed to cover all or most of the cost of these efforts. Cities participating in this program must commit to follow tile scope of work guideline as described in this attachment. Tile scope of work will be included in all grant agreements that are signed by King County and cities padicipating under this program. A standardized scope of work for all projects is required for the following reasons: · There is a need for a common methodology for regional quality control and for accountability to elected officials. · Standardized performance measure will allow for consistent and meaningful comparisons of project results. · An explicit scope of work assists lead agencies in clarifying expectations with staff and consultants. The King County grant program provides a variety of options for how this standardized scope of work may be performed. Cities participating in this program may be paid for the work, or Cities may elect to have the County complete some or all of the required tasks. The manner in which the work will be done along with reimbursement rates for participating cities will be outlined in each interagency agreement, consistent with the guidelines established for this program. Cities that participate in this program continue to retain complete control of all signals they own. They will also make final determinations on what signal timing will be installed and operated in their system. Cities must lead installation, testing and acceptance of signal timing plans in the field, using approved city-practice for traffic operations and maintenance. Scope of work for each project will consists of the following: 1. Project Management and Coordination 2. Data Collection 3. Development of Signal Timing by Time of Day 4. Signal Timing Implementation (must be led by participating cities) 5. Before and After Study A description of what is required for each task is provided below. Task 1: Project Management/Coordination The lead agency for this task shall assign a project manager who will be responsible for monitoring project scope of work, budget, and schedule as explained in the interagency agreement. He or she shall coordinate with all padies to facilitate efficient progress and timely completion of all tasks identified in this scope of work. Tile project manager at a minimum shall perform tile following tasks: 1.1 Prepare and submit invoices for reimbursement along with project deliverable as described in the interagency agreement. 1.2 Establish an on-going list of technical issues to be resolved, and document decisions and resolutions to those issues. 1.3 Oversee quality control/review of technical products. 1.4 Monitor project and budget records for control of expenditures and achieving completion times. t%2.1 1.5 Share all data and technical findings with regional traffic forums. 1.6 Attend meetings on an asmeeded basis with other jurisdictions and King County. Task 2: Data Collection The agency leading this task shall 9artier all related information for the study and conduct a field investigation. Historical data collected prior to the signal 9rant award announcement is not eligible for reimbursement unless prior approval is received from Kin9 County. Data collection at a minimum shall include: 2.1 Existin9 signal phasing, timing, and offset by time of day. 2.2 Existing status & location of loop detection. 2.3 Existing traffic signal inventory (controller, cabinet, communication, and software). 2.4 Existin9 intersection channelization including turn storage length. 2.5 Distance between the next adjacent intersection (feet). 2.6 Intersection turning movement volumes (AM, MID, and 2-hour PM peak period). 2.7 Tube counts to collect hourly traffic volume (24-hour) to be conducted at the same time the "before" and "after" data is collected to observe any "unusual" situations and to determine the duration of each peak period. 2.8 Travel time studies before implementation for three (3) days on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday for AM, MIDDAY, and PM peak period. 2.9 Travel time studies after implementation for 3 days on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday for AM, MIDDAY, and PM peak period. This data collection will be conducted after the signal timin9 is implemented, finalized, and approved by the city engineer (see Task 4). Note: The number of runs for Task 2.$ and Task 2.9 for each period (,AM, Midday, PM) shall be conducted to represent typical or average conditions. The suggested number of runs to produce 85 percent confidence level is 18 runs per direction. Participating cities are encouraged to collect this level of information but if this proves to be infeasible, lower confidence levels will be accepted. However, the program requirement is for a minimum of 10 runs per direction or 18 hours of data collection, whichever is greater. This data coflection must be done on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. The resulting travel time runs will be used to calculate the average system travel speed along the corridor for each time period and will be reported under Task 5. Deliverable: A copy of all collected information both hard copy and soft copy (if available). Task 3: Development of Signal Timing by Time of Day Using information collected in Task 2, the lead agency for this task shall be responsible for developing new signal timing for each intersection. This signal timing st~ould be developed so as minimize travel delays in tile corridor, with priority being given to a reduction in total person delay. Synchro signal optimization model version 5.0 or later shall be used as a tool to pedorm this task. In order to develop tile new signal timin9, the existin9 signal timing for each intersection shall be coded to create Synchro model existing conditions. This model shall be calibrated to reflect the field conditions. If requested, King County will provide tile background street network to be used with Synchro model. Once the existing model is calibrated, the model will be used to produce new signal timing plans for AM, MIDDAY, and PM peak period. After tt~e new signal timing is implemented, the lead agency for tl~is task shall update tile Synchro model to reflect any adiusted signal timing in the field. An electronic copy of this 2.2 model will be shared with King County. This model will be incorporated into a countywide Synchro model for future signal synchronization projects. Defiverable: A copy of Synchro new signal timing by time of day (electronic file). Task 4: Signal Timing Implementation The City or its maintenance agency is responsible for installing, testing, implementing the new signal timing developed in Task 3, and making field adjustment to the traffic controller as requested by the engineer. Where feasible, both the City's traffic engineer and the City's traffic technician will be jointly responsible for evaluating the new signal timing. During initial implementation, both the technician and the engineer shall travel through the corridor to evaluate the traffic progression on the corridor and to fine tune the new timing. Test runs shall be conducted on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday in each direction, during the AM, Midday and PM peak period using Global Positioning System navigation (if available) or, alternatively, the traditional floating car technique. During this iterative process, fine tune adjustments to the new signal timing may be needed in the field to maximize traffic progression and minimize stops. After signal timings are finalized, the City engineer shall notify the project manager/data collector to conduct the required post-implementation travel time studies (see Data Coflection Task 2.9). Defiverable: A copy of Synchro new signal timing by time of day as reflected in the field (electronic file). Task 5: Before and After Studies The Lead agency shall assemble all of the required data. Results shall then be summarized in a technical report, using the format shown in Attachment B-3. It is projected that the required report will typically range from 10 to 20 pages in length, inclusive of all tablesand maps. Required performance indicators will consist of the following: intersection level of service; total percentile signal delays; total stops; average travel speed; and performance index as reported in Synchro. Defiverable : 10-20 page technical report, inclusive of all tables and maps (hard copy and electronic file). B-2.3 ATTACHMENT B.3: Before and After Study Report Outline 5.1. Obiectives In a brief paragraph, describe the project goals and objectives. 5.2. Study Area A map or a brief paragraph explains project limits, intersection location, and distance between intersections. 5.3. Intersection Channelization and Traffic Volumes A table or a graphic shows each intersection channelization and its turning movement volumes by time of day. Lane diagram and volume print outs from Synchro may be used to substitute table or graphic. 5.4. Signal Timing Before Implementation Include a summary table that shows the signal timing before implementation. Synchro phases timing reports may be used to substitute tame summary. 5.5. Signal Timing After Implementation Include a summary table that shows the signal timing after implementation. Synchro phases timing reports may be used to substitute table summary. 5.6. Results Briefly explain whether the results meet the project goals and objectives. Include discussion of the corridor performance before and after implementation using the required measures of effectiveness from Synchro model as presented in Table 1 and 2, and using the observed travel time before and after signal timing implementation as presented in Table 3 or in travel time chart. Table 1 Total Average Speed Signal Delay [hr] Total Stops [mph] NB SB NB SB NB SB AM Before After Midday Before After PM Before After BG.1 Table 2 AM Peak Before After Intersection Avg. Avg. LOS Delay LOS Delay A B C D E F G H MD Peak Before After Avg. Av9. LOS Delay LOS Delay PM Peak Before After Avg. Av9. LOS Delay LOS Delay Eastbound Approach Table 3 AM Midday PM Av9 Observed Travel Time (sec) Before After Improvement (%) Westbound Approach AM Midday PM Av9 Observed Travel Time (sec) Before After Improvement (%) B-3.2 Eastbound Travel Time - AM Peak Hour A B C D Atter ....... I~ef ore F G H Intersection Westbound Travel Time - AM Peak Hour I~tersectio~ ' · ,' Eastbound Travel Time - Midday A g G D E After ....... F G H 35O Westbound Travel Time - Midday / Eastbound Travel Time - PM Peak Hour Westbound Travel Time - PM Peak.Hour A B C ID E F (3 ~ Intersection B 3 3 Attachment B-4: Financial Reimbursement Schedule fProiect Tasks Award Ixzr Signal ;i; ."'; · ';' ."" 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KSC-TR-0411 Seattle, WA 98104~385G RECEIVED, February13,2003 Cary Roe Public Works Director City of Federal Way 33530 First Way S Federal Way, WA 98003 SUBJECT: King County Signal Synchronization Grant Award Announcemenl Dear Mr. Roe: Congratulations! Your project proposal for S 320th Street signal synchronization between SR 99 and First Avenue S has been selected for a grant award totaling $20,000. The grant will pay for the signal synchronization for four (4) traffic signal locations along the proposed corridor. Prior to commencing work, the interagency agreement must be executed by April 30, 2003. Enclosed please find two signed original copies of the proposed agreement for this project. The language is similar to the last year's agreement. Please review and sign the agreement, return a copy to us and retain a copy for your records. We appreciate all your efforts in collaborating with us on this agreement, and look forward to a successful project. Please call Irin Limargo at 206-263-6305 if you have any questions. General Manager King County Metro Transit RCW:icl Enclosures CC~ Eric Gleason, Manager, Service Development, Metro Transit Ellen Bevington, Supervisor, Speed & Reliability, Service Development, Metro Transit Sarady Long, Traffic Analyst, City of Federal Way King County Department of Transportation Metro Transit Transit Speed & Reliability Program 201 South Jackson Street M.S. KSC-TR-0411 Seattle, WA 98104 3856 cc. February 13, 2003 Cary Roe Public Works Director City of Federal Way 33530 First Way S Federal Way, WA 98003 SUBJECT: King County Signal Synchronization Grant Award Announcement Dear Mr. Roe: Congratulations! Your project proposal for S 320th Street signal synchronization between SR 99 and First Avenue S has been selected for a grant award totaling $20,000. The grant will pay for the signal synchronization for four (4) traffic signal locations along the proposed corridor. Prior to commencing work, the interagency agreement must be executed by April 30, 2003. Enclosed please find two signed original copies of the proposed agreement for this project. The language is similar to the last year's agreement. Please review and sign the agreement, return a copy to us and retain a copy for your records. We appreciate all your efforts in collaborating with us on this agreement, and look forward to a successful project. Please call kin Limargo at 206-263-6305 if you have any questions. ! RickC. Walsh General Manager King County Metro Transit RCW:icl Enclosures CC: Eric Gleason, Manager, Service Development, Metro Transit Ellen Bevmgton, Supervisor, Speed & Reliability, Service Development, Metro Transit Sarady Long, Traffic Analyst, City of Federal Way CITY OF ~ Federal Way DATE: TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: March 17, 2003 Eric Faison, Chair Land Usc / Transportation Committee Rick Perez, P.E., Traffi_c Engineer David H. Mo~anager ~r~ SR-18 / SR-161 / I-5 Triangle Study Final Report BACKGROUND The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) managed this study to determine short and long-term solutions to congestion and safety issues in the vicinity of the I-5/SR- 18/SR- 161 interchange. WSDOT budgeted $300,000 towards this study and requested financial and staff participation from adjacent and affected agencies. City Council approved $50,000 towards this study on December 5, 2000. King County contributed $20,000 and the City of Milton contributed $5,000. An additional $75,000 (of which the City provided $15,000) was expended to better position the project for potential inclusion in RTID and resolve some desigm issues. STATUS Project Advisory Committee participants include staff from WSDOT, Federal Way, Milton, King County and Federal Highway Administration. The Project Advisory Committee developed seven (7) initial concepts and screened to a Concept A and Concept B. After the Draft Report, Concept B was modified to distribute traffic away from the SR-161 / S 356th Street intersection as shown in Attachment B. A complete traffic analysis was provided for both alternatives and cost estimates updated. CONCLUSIONS The differences between Concepts A and B Modified are primarily technical, and the two perform comparably. At this stage of project development, it may not be useful to pick one alternative over another. Nonetheless, some of the distinguishing features are as follows: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Concept A uses traffic signals to provide access between I-5 and S 348th Street, whereas Concept B Modified uses free-flow ramps. Concept A meets all standards for a freeway-to-freeway interchange, whereas Concept B Modified meets most, but not all of them, although these are probably pern~issible deviations. Concept B Modified, at $207 million at year-of-expenditure, costs slightly less than Concept A at $219 million. Concept B Modified has less right-of-way impacts to Weyerhaeuser than Concept A, but roughly equal impacts overall. Concept A, which has a four-level interchange, has greater visual impacts than Concept B Modified, which has 3 levels. Concept A is somewhat easier to construct m stages. Either concept is compatible with thc added access at S 376th Street. hnpacts to City streets arc comparable, unless thc access at S 376'h Street is not pursued (also saving $26 million at year-of-cxpenditure), in which case, Concept B Modified would save the City approximately $8 million in street construction costs. Either alternative eliminates the need for a triple left-turn from xvestbound S 348th Street to southbound Enchanted Parkway, saving approximately $2.7 million. Thc traffic analysis suggests that the addition of the S 376m Street interchange will increase traffic volumes in Spring Valley, either on thc 16th Avenue S / S 364m Way / 12th Avenue S / S 372"d Way con-idor in fi-ont ot'thc new high school, or on SR-99 and S 373rd Street on xvhich a bridge over Ilylebos Creek would need to be reconstructed, l Iowevcr, many stakeholders (including the City of Milton) would xvant to sec this interchange be a part ol' thc package. This issue is no~v compounded by thc proposed redevelopment of thc Lloyd pit site in Milton, which the City of Milton sees as a significant step towards their economic development goals, r[tlC Project Advisory Committee's cha~tcr agreed that thc Committee would work on a consensus basis, so the City of Milton's concerns cannot be dismissed entirely. Nonetheless, FItWA's approval of added access at S 376th Street could potentially delay the other improvements. Therefore, it may be in the City's best interest to support the S 376th Street interchange in some limited fashion to assure the City of Milton's willingness to support the project. Regardless, any future work must account for the potential for access at S 376°' Street in order to satisfy FHWA requirements that potential access locations be analyzed in revising access at SR~ 18 and/or SR-161. NEXT STEPS The project is ready to begin Preliminary Engineering and Environmental review. This is not currently funded, but several steps have been taken to obtain further funding: 1. Some project lists are being circulated in Olympia for $3 million to begin preliminary engineering and environmental review. 2. The City has submitted application for TEA~21 reauthorization funds for $4 million to begin environmental documentation. 3. SCATBd has recommended $204 million for project completion m the RTID package. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends that the Committee recommend approval of the following positions on the Triangle Study: The S 376~h Street interchange is recommended only if an alternative can be designed that would not increase traffic volumes in Spring Valley. RAP:dl cc: Project File Day Fi I¢ k:\ltllc\2003\~l'izmglc study I'mal ~cpo~t doc -~'-,'~-~.-.2' ~::, ' .- ~- '~- .. '~.'- - ~:, ~7, ~:~', '~:2 ..%:)),'. "' *~.-., ,~-~A ; ..... , '- ' ~ q?~ ' ,"~''7~"~ ~:--. .. ...... . . .T''. :.:?':.';:;'~s ~ ..... ;'.'.'..:-' ~ :;t--i", ~:~':~",-'L~-:'.- .~- .S-~-~ ~)~:: f3 - ; .' ..'- .. .~..~ ~ ~ .... ~¢,'. ,*~ ~; , -, ' ", '" .. --": ... :;tX¥ ,- ;L8~'Av~:,s/..:;t %4,'"~-::.'d.:~:':~:x~:. ~. ~ s' .': ..:~' ,' ,:.~,-5 .--.: .... - .... . :-' '.: '.~'~-.-:, ..... :. ? ¢_ ~¢,%~'.~: · -" .:.~ .-= "~. i, s. - ;.,_- -. .vC-..~.-,.}~X, :. .:~,. ~.~.:.~, . ~.~ ;~" -- ., ~ . -~-.. ~'- .... ~%' · ..... ~ ~- ~, ~ ~.---.%.,-.-.J - .~' .~ · ~_,.~,~.-;- X "~" ..~"-;~'.'~'%' ''-' ~-~- "-'. ~.-,- ~ ..... ,~-~i;~-% ~ .;:' ~ "~,~-: ..-~ ,- . ~%-'.-.¢- ,'.~. · · '. · .- .- .~ :-¢~.~¢¢~-%-.'. .... ~.' ~'. '-.:. "?, -: ,-'.¢:;. .. .. ,~7'~:¥~.~z' ,..'~ · %'.; .... ~ ' ' ~.-:?:~. ,.- ,.., ¢.u-~ .. ":~-:'.~ . ' ~ ..'~.~-'.,& . -. ~ , ~ ... ~'~ . . ..... ~ ~. ., ~ CO~?~N,~ W.shlngton State ~ ~'~,~ ~ Department of Tranaportst on 350 0 350 70O I-5, SR18, SR161 INTERCHANGE TRIANGLE STUDY CONCEPT 'A' I -- Z :~-"-- 553 0 550 73O SR18, SR161 INTERCHANGE TRIANGLE STUDY MODIFIED CONCEPT 'B' LE NAME OEBIGNFILEN AM E TIME DATE CHEC ~ED 8¥ REOIONA~ A~ ' .."," - '~ "L. ,~ ~. · .......... "'"" ' · ENCHANTED ~ ' ' · ,~'. .".','~.'.. VILLAGE .. · . .. ~..~j .'..~ .~ .., ,,~, ~ . ~ 4 '~, . ,~ ,~ · d~ ~ , ,, :,.,. ~ , . ~ ;.~: ~ .,'.~)% ~,,~-' ;.,. .,:.'. '. -, ~ X.~'~',.' ~,:.~,. ,~-'~ .;4~; ~' z,,, ' ~ ,., ,~.'~, ~ ~vc'.','/~ ,..:~ . ' -5 SR 18 SR 16~ I~RCHANGE Washington State ~IANGLE STUDY F~oure DeparTment of TranSDOrttuo~ _~ S 37~ ST, NTERCHANGE CITY OF ~ Federal Way DATE: TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: March 17, 2003 Eric Faison, Chair Land Use / Transportation Committee Rick Perez, City Traffic Engineer David lq. Mos,~~nager September 2003 Transit Service Changes Follow-Up BACKGROUND King County Metro has teamed with Pierce Transit to jointly consider transit service changes in Federal Way and Northeast Tacoma. These changes are being considered as a result of implementation of Metro's Six-Year Plan and Pierce Transit's successful ballot measure for increased revenue. Metro staffhas assembled a Sounding Board to help formulate tile recmmnendations. Tile Sounding Board consists of citizen volunteers that consider ways to improve the transit system. Three open house meetings were held in December and three more were held on February 4th,_qth, and 6th. At tile January 27, 2003, meeting, tile Committee requested another presentation following the open house meetings the week of February 4th. After considering the public input, the Sounding Board is recommending the implementation of all of the service changes proposed by the staffs at each agency. Also, the sounding board members are also developing a list of other recommendations for improving transit facilities, security, and communications with passengers to increase and enhance transit ridership for Federal Way and northeast Tacoma. STAFF COMMENTS The expected opposition to service changes in Twin Lakes never materialized. Instead, opposition surfaced from the proposed discontinuation of Route 173 to Duwamish and rerouting of Route 175 away from Pacific Highway S between Kent-Des Moines Road and S 272"d Street. Metro now proposes to not make these changes at this time. City staff expressed conceru regarding the potential to truncate Route 194, which drops night service to 9th Avenue S, particularly since this provides service to Saint Francis Hospital. Metro staff contacted the lqospital, and found that most clinic employees are departing prior to 7:00 pm. As an accommodation to cliuic employees, Metro now proposes to continue running Route 182, which would provide service to the hospital, until at least 7:30 pm. Metro's surveys indicates very Iow ridership from 9th Avenue S after commute honrs. Based on feedback received, Pierce Transit is now recommending Alternative 1, which provides a revised Route 61 between the Centre at Norpoint and Downtown Tacoma via Northshore Shopping Center, Twin Lakes Shopping Center, and Twin Lakes Park and Ride Lot, only during peak hours. An additional route would provide hourly all-day service between Browns Point and Northshore Shopping Center. RECOMMENDATION Staff rccommends placing the £olloxving item on the April 1,2003 Council Consent Agenda: Approval of the proposed Metro and Pierce Transit service changes. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Eric Faison, Chair Michael Park, Member Dean McCOlgan, Member RP:dl k:\lutc~2003\transit service changes redux.doc CITY OF ~ Federal Way DATE: March 17, 2003 TO: Eric Faison, Chair Land Usc / Transportation Committee FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: Sarady Long, Traffic Analyst Rick Perez, P.E~ffic Engineer ~ David H. Mgst'~(~ity Manager Home Free Guarantee contract with King County Metro BACKGROUND Washington State's Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Law was adopted by the 1991 Legislature and incorporated into the Washington Clean Air Act as RCW 70.94.521 through 70.94.551. Its intent is to improve air quality and reduce fuel consumption and traffic congestion through employer-based programs by encouraging the use of alternatives to single occupant vehicle (SOV) for the commute trip. The law requires that all major employers, both public and private, ~vho employ one hundred (100) or more full4ime employees who are scheduled to arrive at a single worksite between 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. to develop and implement a Commute Trip Reduction Plan. The drive alone rate for the City of Federal Way employees at City Hall is 85%. This is a two (2) percent reduction since the last survey in 1999. The City's current Commute Program includes the following: · $25 per month in Commuter Bonus and Bonus Plus Voucher for transit, carpool and vanpool subsidy · Alternative Work Schedule and Compressed Workweek · Home Free Guarantee · Preferential parking for Carpool and Vanpool The combinations of incentive programs, alternative work schedules and the Home Free Guarantee program have been very effective in reducing single occupancy vehicles (SOV). Currently, there are 6 to 10 employees benefiting from the incentive program and over 74 employees participating in alternative work schedules (City Hall only). Home Free Guarantee The purpose of the Home free Guarantee program is to ensure employee using alternative modes of transportation (other than drive alone) a free taxi home in case of emergency or working late unexpectedly. The current 2002 Home Free Guarantee contract xvith King County Metro has expired. Staff would like to renew the contract with King County Metro as it's an essential element of the overall CTR program. Based on 154 full-time employees at City Hall, the 2003 Home Free Guarantee program contract would cost $154. Staff has proposed to use funding from the City's incentive program to fund the 2003 Home Free Guarantee program. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends placing the following item on the April 1,2003 Council Consent Agenda for approval: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a I lome Free Guarantee Interlocal Agreeement ors 154 with King County Metro. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Eric Faison, Committee Chair Michael Park, Member Dean McColgan, Member SL:dl cc: Project File Day File k:\lulc\hon~e free guarantee contract with khlg county n~ctro.doc The Home Free Guarantee Agreement This agreemcnl is made and cntered into between King County (hereinafter, "COUNTY") and City of Federal Way (hereinafter, "COMPANY") in order to pay the cost of emergency fides home for employees who commute to COMPANY's worksite by a non-single occupant vehicle mode. 1. Program Details 1.1 Eligible Employees Any cmployee who takes thc bus, carpools, vanpools, bikes or walks to work tile day the taxi ride is needed. 1.2 Level of Service Available a) Each eruployee can take up to eight taxi trips per contract year. b) Each taxi trip can be up to 60 miles, one way. If thc trip exceeds 60 miles, the employee pays the difference directly to tile driver. c) Driver tips are not covered under this program. Tips arc tile passenger's responsibility. As a general rule, 10-15% tip is customary. 1.3 Emergency Criteria Home Free Guarantee can be used for: a) employee or family illness b) working late unexpectedly c) missing normal ride home: e.g_ carpool driver needs to leave early because of an emergency d) other emergency situations which occur during the work day ltome Free Guarantee cannot be used for: a) prescheduled appointments b) trips to the hospital in place of ambulance service c) business-related travel d) weather, including snow or act of nature 1.4 Where The Taxi Can Go a) From the company's worksirc to the eligible employee's principal place of residence b) From the company's worksirc to the eligible employee's personal vehicle, e.g. vehicle located at a Park & Ride lot, any ferry terminal east of Puget Sound c) Intermediate stops arc permitted only if they arc of an emergency nature that arc authorized in advaucc by the company's I'rogram Coordinator (i.e. pick up a necessary prescription at a pharmacy; pick up a sick or injured child at day care or school) 2. Process To access HFG fides, Eligible Employees shall contact the Program Coordinator. The Program Coordinator shall perform tile following tasks when arranging an ItFG ride for an Eligible Employee a) Verify the Eligible Employee has commuted lo the worksite by an eligible mode as defined in Paragraph 1. I. b) Verify the Eligible Employee has an eligible reason and eligible destination for an ltFG ride as defined in Paragraphs 1.3 and 1.4. c) Ensure the Eligible Employee has valid identification to show the taxi driver. d) Call the answering service provider under contract to County. The phone number shall be supplied to COMPANY by COUNTY. e) The answering service will assign an authorization # to Program Coordinator f) Provide authorization # to employee. f') Once the eligible Employee takes the emergency taxi fide, the Eligible Employee shall provide a receipt from the taxi trip to Company"s Program Coordinator. h) COMPANY'S Program Coordinator shall forward copies of such receipts to COUNTY at the end of each month for record keeping and accounting purposes. 3. Costs 3.1 Costs are based on tile total number of employees as follows: a) 1-50 employees = $75/year b) 51-100 cmployecs=$ lO0/year. Costs may be adjusted after tile first six ~nouths and subsequent years after implementing the program based on actual usage. 3.2 First 6 months of cnrolhncnt: $ l/per employee, or minimum tha! applies. 3.3 Second 6 monfl~s of ¢nrolhnenV If a company's fare costs exceed total original investment at tile end of 6 months, sliding scale charge will be applied as follows: a) If total fare costs average between $1.00 and $1.50/employee, Company may be charged S 1.50/employee for second si× months of tile agreement period b) If total fare costs average between $1.50 and $2.00/employcc, Company may be charged $2.00/employee for second six months of the agreement period c) and so on incrementally without limit If thc company docs not cxcccd this, it pays no more for thc rest of thc contracted year. 3.4 e 4.2 5.2 5¸3 5.4 5.5 5.6 No Show Fcc Failure to appear for a requested IIFG ride, without prior notification to the taxi company that service is no longer required, shall incur a No-Show Fee. COUNTY shall bill COMPANY thc No-Show Fee, which shall be immediately payable by the COMPANY. Thc No-Show Fee shall be equal to thc fee billed to COUNTY by the taxi service provider. Payments and Billing COMPANY agrees to pay COUNTY tile tolal amount, stated in Section 6, for pailicipation in COUNTY's IIFG program. Payment shall bc made in full by COMPANY at the time this Agreement is executed, l'ayment of a six month adjustment, if any, shall be due to tile County within 30 days after receipt of an iavoice. Any late paymen! shall be subject to a {',cnalty accruing at the maximum rate allowable by state law for each momh thai tile payment remains due. Program Abuse COUNTY reserves tile ~(ght to investigate and recover costs from the COMPANY of intentional abuse of tile IfFG program by Eligible Employees. Program abuse is defined as, but not limiled to, laking trips for inappropriate reasons, unaulhorized destinations and intermediale slops, and p~c-scheduled appointments not defined in tile What Is An Emergency section. General Terms and Conditions COMPANY agrees that neither COUNTY nor answering service provider is responsible for providing transportation services under tile ItFG program. COMPANY further agrees that COUNTY makes no guarantee or warranty as to the availability, quality or reliability of taxi service, and that tile COUNTY's sole obligation under the program is to make payment to the taxi provider for trips actually taken in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. COMPANY agrees it shall make no claims of any kind or bring any suits of any kind against the COUNTY for damages or injuries of any kind arising out of or in any way related to tile HFG program. Without limiting the foregoing and by way of example only, tile COMPANY agrees that COUNTY shall not be liable for any injuries or damages caused by negligence or intentional acts occurring before, during or after a taxi ride or for any injuries or damages caused by failure of a taxi to provide a ride due to negligence, intentional acts or causes beyond the taxi's control, including but not-limited to incidence of tim, flood, snow, earthquake or other acts of nature, riots, insurrection, accident, order of any court or civil authority, and strikes or other labor actions. Term Unless terminated in accordance with the terms set forth, this Agreement shall take effect at 12:01 a.m. on January I, 2003 and shall expire at I 1:59 pm. on Deeember 31, 2003. Termination a) Tcmfinafion For Cause Either party may tenninale this Agreement in tile event the other fails to perform its obligations as described in this Agreement by providing written notice not less than fourteen (14) days prior to thc effective date of termination. b) Termination For Convenience Either party may also terminate this Agreement for convenience and without cause by providing tile other party with written notice not less than sixty (60) days in advance. If COMPANY has made payments in advance, COMPANY shall be entitled to reimbursement from COUNTY. Such reimbursements shall be equal to tile COMPANY's payment to COUNTY, minus any pay~nents made by COUNTY to taxi service providers. Savings Should any provision of this Agree~nent be deetned invalid or inconsistent with any federal, state or local law or regulation, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. Both parties agree to immediately attempt to renegotiate such provision that is invalidated or superseded by such laws or regulations. Amendments And Modifications This Agreement may be amended or modified only by written instrument signed by the parties hereto. Entire Agreement This agreement constitutes tile entire agreement betweeu tile parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and agreements between tile pm-tics relating to the subject matter hereof. 6.1 6.2 Subsequent Years $1 (of greater) (or nfininmm that al)plies) x numl)er of Cml~loyees. If a company's faro costs exceed the base cha~ge of tile previous year, a sliding scale charge will be applied as follows: a) If total fare cosls average between $1.00 and $ 1.50/employee, Company may be charged $ 1.50/employee for renewal b) If total fare costs average between $1.50 and $2.00/cmployee, Company may be charged $2.00/employee for renewal c) and so on incrementally without limit. 7. Agreement Cost 7.1 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 7.2 7.3 PRICE PER EMPLOYEE: BASE COST FOR FIRST SIX MONTItS: *Minimum: 1-50 employees $75 51-100 employees $100 $1.00 Please submit check payable to: King County Department of Finance 8. Designated Contact Persons COMPANY: . KING COUNTY: Name Sarady Lone Title Traffic Analyst Co. Name. City of Federal Way Address 33530 First Way S Federal Way, WA 98003 Work Phone (253) 661-4139 Fax// (253) 835-4129 E-Mail sarady.long @ el.federal-way.wa.us. Name Michelle Fu,jiwara Title Home Free Guarantee Program Manager. Dept. Name Market Development Address 400 Yesler Wa¥~ M/S YES-TR-0600 Seattle~ WA 98104-2615 Work Phone (206) 263-4533 Fax # (206) 684-2058 E-Mail michelle.fuiiwara @ metrokc.~ov Signatures Date ~P~D ~ ~FOP, M: COUNTY Kathy Koss Title Acting Supervisor of Market Development. Date November 26~ 2002 Patricia A. Richardson, City Attorney The Home Free Guarantee Agreement This agreement is made and entered into between King County (beminafter, "COUNTY") and City of Federal Way (hereinafter, "COMPANY") in order to pay the cost of emergency rides home for employees who commute to COMPANY's worksite by a non-single occupant vehicle mode. 1. Program Details I.l Eligible Employees Any employee who takes the bus, carpools, vanpools, bikes or walks to work the day the taxi ride is needed. 1.2 Level of Service Available a) Each employee can take up to eight taxi trips per contract year. b) Each taxi trip can be up to 60 miles, one way. If tile trip exceeds 60 miles, the employee pays the diffdrence directly to the driver. c) Driver tips are not covered under this program. Tips are tile passenger's responsibility. As a general rule, 10-15% tip is customary. 1.3 Emergency Criteria Home Free Guarantee can be used for: a) employee or family illness b) working late unexpectedly c) missing normal ride home: e.g. carpool driver needs to leave early because of an emergency d) other emergency situations which occur during the work day ltome Free Guarantee cannot be used for: a) prescheduled appointments b) trips to the hospital in place of ambulance service c) business-related travel d) weather, including snow or act of nature 1.4 Where The Taxi Can Go a) From the company's worksite to the eligible e~nployee's principal place of residence b) From the company's worksite to the eligible employee's personal vehicle, e.g. vehicle located at a Park & Ride lot, any ferry terminal east of Puget Sound c) lnter~nediate stops are permitted only if they arc of an emergency ~mture that arc au01orized iu advance by tile company's Program Coordinator (i.e. pick up a necessary prescription at a pharmacy; pick up a sick or injured child at day care or school) 2. Process To access HFG rides, Eligible Employees shall contact tile Program Coordinator. The Program Coordinator shall perform tile following tasks when arranging an HFG ride for an Eligible Employee a) Verify the Eligible Employee has commuted to the worksite by an eligible mode as defined in Paragraph I. 1. b) Verify the Eligible Employee has an eligible reason and eligible destination for an HFG ride as defined in Paragraphs 1.3 and 1.4. c) Ensure the Eligible Employee has valid identification to show the taxi driver. d) Call the answering service provider under contract to County. The phone number shall be supplied to COMPANY by COUNTY. e) The answering service will assign an authorization # to Program Coordinator f) Provide authorization # to employee. 0 Once the eligible Employee takes the emergency taxi ride, the Eligible Employee shall provide a receipt from the taxi trip to Company"s Program Coordinator. h) COMPANY'S Program Coordinator shall forward copies of such receipts to COUNTY at tile end of each month for record keeping and accounting purposes. 3. Costs 3.1 3.2 3.3 Costs are based on tile total number of employees as follows: a) 1-50 employees = $75/year b) 5 I- 100 employees--$100/year. Costs ~nay be adjusted after tile first six months and subsequent years after implementing tim program based on actual usage. First 6 months of enrollment: $ l/lx~.r employee, or minimum that applies. Second 6 momhs of enrolhnem: ' If a company's fare costs exceed total odgiual investment at tile end of 6 months, sliding scale charge will be applied as follox, a) If total fare costs a~crage between $1.00 and $1.50/cmployee, Company may be charged $1.50/employee for second six months of tile agreement period b) If total fare costs average between $1.50 and $2.00/employee, Company may be charged $2.00/employee for second six months of the agreement period c) and so on incrementally without limit If tile company does not exceed this, it pays no more for tile rest of tile contracted year. 3.4 e 4.2 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 No Show Fee Failure to appear for a requested ItFG fide. without prior notification to the taxi company that service is no longer required, shall incur a No-Show Fcc. COUNTY shall bill COMPANY the No-Show Fee, whicb shall bc immediately payable by the COMPANY. The No-Show Fee shall be equal to the fee billed to COUNTY by the taxi service provider. Payments and Billing COMPANY agrees to pay COUNTY the total amount, stated in Section 6. for parlicipation in COUNTY's ttFG program. Payment shall be made in full by COMPANY at the time this Agreement is executed. Pay~nent of a six month adjustmcm, if any, shall be due to the County within 30 days after receipt of an invoice. Any late payment shall be subject to a penalty accruing at the maxinmm rate allowable by state law for each month that tile payment remains duc. Program Abuse COUNTY reserves the fight to investigate and recover costs from the COMPANY of intentional abuse of the ttFG program by Eligible Employees. Program abuse is defined as, but not limited to, taking trips for inappropriate reasons, unauthorized destinations and intermediate stops, and pre-scheduled appointments not defined in thc What Is An Emergency section. General Terms and Conditions COMPANY agrees that neither COUNTY nor answefing service provider is responsible for providing transportation services under thc HFG program COMPANY further agrees that COUNTY makes no guarantee or warranty as to the availability, quality or reliability of taxi service, and that the COUNTY's sole obligation under the program is to make payment to the taxi provider for trips actually taken in accordance with the terms, of this Agreement. COMPANY agrees it shall make no claims of any kind or bring any suits of any kind against tile COUNTY for damages or injuries of any kind arising out of or in any way related to the HFG program. Without limiting the foregoing and by way of exa~nple only, the COMPANY agrees that COUNTY shall not be liable for any injuries or damages caused by negligence or intentional acts occurring before, during or after a taxi ride or for any injuries or damages caused by failure of a taxi to provide a ride due to negligence, intentional acts or causes beyond tim taxi's control, including but not limited to incidence of fire, flood, snow,~earthquake or other acts of nature, hots, insurrection, *ccident, order of any court or civil authority, and strikes or other labor actions. Term Unless terminated in accordance with tile terms set forth, this Agreement shall take effect at 12:01 a.m. on January I, 2003 and shall expire at I 1:59 p.m. on December 3 I, 2003. Termination a) Termination For Cause Either party may terminate this Agreement in tile event tile other fails to perform its obligations as described in this Agreement by providing written notice not less than fourteen (I 4) days prior to the effective date of termination. b) Termination For Convenience Either party may also terminate this Agreement for convenience and without cause by providing the other party with written notice not less than sixty (60) days in advance. If COMPANY has made payments ia advance, COMPANY shall be entitled to reimbursement front COUNTY. Such reimbursements shall be equal to the COMPANY's payment to COUNTY, minus any payments made by COUNTY to taxi service providers. Savings Should any provision of this Agreement be deemed invalid or inconsistent with any federal, state or local law or regulation, the remaining provisions shall continue in full fomc and effect. Both parties agree to immediately attempt to renegotiate such provision that is invalidated or superseded by such laws or regulations. Amendments And Modifications This Agreement may be amended or modified only by written instrument signed by the parties hereto. Entire Agreement TI,ds agreement constitutes tile entire agreement between tile parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and agreements betwo::n the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. e 6.1 6.2 Subsequent Years $1 (or greater) (or minimum that applies) x number of employees. If a company's fare costs exceed tile base charge of tile previous year, a sliding scale charge will be applied as follows: a) If total fare costs average between $1.00 and $1.50/cmployee, Company may bc charged $ 1.50/employee for renewal b) If total fare costs average between $ 1.50 and $2.00/cmployee, Company may bc charged $2.00/employee for renewal c) and so on incrementally without limit. 7. Agreement Cost 7.1 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 7.2 PRICE PER EMPLOYEE: 7.3 BASE COST FOR FIRST SIX MONTHS: *Minimum: 1-50 employees $75 51-100 employees $100 SL00 Please subnfit check payable to: King County Department of Finance 8. Designated Contact Persons COMPANY: KING COUNTY: Name Sarad¥ Long Title Traffic Analyst Co. Name City of Federal Way Address 33530 First Way S Federal Way, WA 98003 Work Phone (253) 661-4139 Fax# (253) 835-4129 E-Mail sarady.long@ci.federal-way.wa.us Name Michelle Fujiwara Title Home Free Guarantee Program Manager. Dept. Name Market Development Address 400 Yesler Way, M/S YES-TRo0600 Seattle, WA 98104-2615 Work Phone (206) 263-4533 Fax # (206) 684-2058 E-Mail michelle.fujiwara @ metrokc.gov Title Date COUNTY Kathy Koss Title Acting Supervisor of Market Development. Date November 26, 2002 /~PROVED /kS TO 15X3P, M: Patricia A. Richardson, City Attorney METRO Metro Transit Division Department of Transportation Yesler Building YES-TR-0600 400 Yesler Way Seattle, WA 98104-2615 November 26, 2002 RECEIVED DEE, , ? 2[i0;' FE ER^ _ W^¥ PU UC WOr XS ADMINISTRATION DWI$10N Sarady Long City of Federal Way 33530 First Way S Federal Way, WA 98003 Dear Sarady: According to our records, your Home' Free Guarantee agreement is due to be renewed. Your excellent management of your program has kept your renewal rate at $1.00/person for the program period (1/1/03 - 12/31/03). Your Home Free Guarantee program has demonstrated itself to be a low cost benefit that really does allow your employees to take an alternate mode to driving alone without worrying about how they will get home when an emergency arises. Please fill in the number of employees you have and make any corrections/additions to Page 3 of the agreement, have both originals signed, keep one original for your files and return one original with your payment to: King County Dept. of Metropolitan Services ATTN: Michelle Fujiwara, HFG Coordinator 400 Yesler Way, MS YES-TR-0600 Seattle, WA 98104-2615 If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions on how we can improve our Home Free Guarantee program or service, please call me at (206) 26%4533. We here at Metro look forward to continuing to serve you and your association. Sincerely, I ',/',._.,t_..c.,.' ',..~,.~_,,_ <. { '[/-' vU,-. ',-~' ~6 M icilelle Fuj iwara Home Free Guarantee Program Manager Attachments MO I~ ILITY FOR TIlE REGION '~"~ CITY OF ~ Federal Way I)ATE: TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: Marcia 17, 2003 Eric Faison, Chair Land Use / Transportation Committee Richard Perez, P.E.,Ci_ty Traffic Engineer David H. Mose~y Manager 2003 Citywide Pavement Marking - Project Bid Award BACKGROUND On February 7, 2003 staff sent a request fo? quotes (RFQ) to all contractors on the small works roster ;vho have the capabilities of executing pavement marking, neighborhood traffic safety, and channelization services within pre-determined deadlines. Five (5) quotes were received and opened on March 3, 2003 for the subject project. See attached quote tabulation summary. The lowest responsive responsible quote received was from Stripe Rite, Inc. for $17,370.00 for basic pavement marking services an estimated $47,630, based on quoted unit prices for discretionary work orders involving pavement marking, speed humps, curbing, and raised islands. Funding for the basic and discretionary work is included in the Traffic Division's 2003/2004 operating budget. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the following item be placed on the April 1, 2001 Council consent agenda: Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Stripe Rite, Inc. in the amount of $65,000.00 for basic and discretionary pavement marking, neighborhood traffic safety, and channelization services. APPROV~L.OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Eric Faison, Chair Dean McColgan~ Member Michael Park, Member RP:dl Attachment cc: 2003 Pavement Marking Project File Day File k:\lutc\2OO3h2003 pavcmark bid award.doc SCHEOULE A $49 O0 $63~0 O0 $60 O0 $7.8~ ~ $45 O0 $5850 O0 $55 O0 $7150 O0 $45 OD $5 850 O0 200 50 ~0 Remove Piasl,C Affow or Legend I 50 TOTAL (ls~ qu,~n~,lv range) TOTAL (2nd quantr~¥ range) 3 25+ 100 300 · 100 5O0 · 100 Totals ' (using quanOty range minimuml A - F~xed Pavemenl Marking 25 0 150 300 30000 1 00 500 00 3 00 3 00 I 75 $17.370 OO 330 104 17 132 650 O0 0 26 063 Apparen~ Low Bidder 50 3 50 3500C 3 O0 1,500 OC 500 50~ 3 00 3000( 2 00 1,000o( 2 45 2 45, 180 1.8000( 180 8 000001 0 75 ' 0 75 o 75 750 on 0 75 7,50000' 7381 9( 73.372 5( 304507 50 158+420,63 $218O000 328.781 90 165.350 O0 3OO 300O<) 3 00:1,50000 5 17 5 17 5 17 517 O0 5 17 g 585 O0 2 55 2 55 2 55 2,550OO 2 55 25,50000 1 O0 I no 10~0 1.ooooo I IO.O00OO Calc, Errodl $26,350 on 522,209 93 130,065 oo Unit Price Total · 025 025 0 2O 1 000 oo 015 375000 1 O0 ~ oo 060 i~ oc, c 03 ;; ;':1 '.';~'.:,:j ,:: .... 2 15 21500 200 1,OO0~ 2 On 2 oo 2 00 200 00 2 OO 1000 00 50O 5.000 00 4 0O 40,000nO 2 50 2 50 2 5C 250000 2 SC 250~00 184,007 50 (Assun~d) $15,350 O0 0 33 015 018 040 0 24 0 62 48 30 22 (~ 2O 15 2O 20 ~ 65 62 CITY OF & Federal Way DATE: T 0: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: March 17. 2003 Eric Faisou, Chair Land Use /Transportatiou Committee Marwan Salloum, Street Systems Manager David H. M~qnager South 288"' Street at SR-99 Signal and Intersection Improvements- 100% design Status Report and Authorization to Bid BACKGROUND: This project on S 288th Street will revise/upgrade and add a traffic signal at S 288th Street and SR-99; add a second left-hand turn lane westbound and a left-hand turn lane eastbound at SR-99; add left-turn lanes and a traffic signal at 18th Avenue S; intercolmect signals on S 288th Street at SR-99 with Military Road at S 304th Street and Star Lake Road. The purpose of the project is to improve traffic flow and reduce accidents by elilninating conflicts. In an eflbrt to reduce costs and public disruption, the following planned projects will be incorporated into the design and will be constructed as part of this project: · Lakehaven Utility District Water and Sewer Utility Adjustment · Utility Underground Conversion within project limits. PROJECT ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: Planning and Design Right of Way Acquisition Year 2003 Construction (estimate) 10% Construction Contingency 12% Construction Management Underground Conversion (estimate) TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $219,280 425,780 1,693,800 169,380 203,260 200,000 $2.911,500 (The ROW acquisition expenditure remains an estimate due to pending condenmation action on 6 properties) Inchldes Lakehaveu Utility District water and sewer line relocation costs AVAILABLE FUNDING: Total Grant Funding $1,569,520 TransFer in Street C1P Fund 468,000 Mitigation 9,622 Interest Farnin,, · ~ 21,813 Lakehaven Utility District 324,724 QWEST 24,000 AT&T 22,000 TOTAL AVAILABLE BUDGET $2,.439.679 TIA $1,201,270, HES $300,000, WSDOT $68,250 PROJECT BUDGET SItORTFALL $471,821 As reported to the LUTC Committee and Council at the 85%design status report, the project bad a shortfall of $258,613. Staff did not request a budget adjustment for this project at that time. At the 100% design, the on paper budget shortfall for the project has increased by $213,208. The additional increase is related to the following: · Additional cost for right of way acquisition (Condemnation process cost is estimated at $100,000) · Utility underground conversion (PSE, Qwest and AT&T) includes trenching and facility installations have increased by approximately $100,000 · Design phase has increased by $50,000 to facilitate the additional design cost for utility relocation and adjustment (this cost is shared by City, LUD, Qwest). Since the project right of way acquisition has not been finalized and the project has not been bid yet, the exact amouut of shortfall is unknown at tbis time. In order to resolve the present budget imbalance, staff recommends that council authorize the transfer of $500,000 from unallocated Capital Funds to this project budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends placing the following items on the April 1, 2003 Council consent agenda for approval: 1. Approve the 100% design plans for the South 288th Street at SR-99 Signal and Intersection hnprovements Project. 2. Authorize the transfer of $500,000 from unallocated Street Capital Funds to this project budget. 3. Authorize staffto bid the project and return to the City Council for authority to award the project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Eric Faison, Chair Dean McColgan; Member : Michael Park, Member MS:dl cc: l)rqjcct I"ilc 1)ay File k;\lutc\2003\s288th street at st99, 100%.doc CiTY OF ~~ Federal Way DATE: TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: March 17, 2003 Eric Faison, Chair Land Use / Transportation Committee Marwan Salloum, Street Systems Manager David H. Mos~~nager 2003 Asphalt Overlay Project - Bid Award BACKGROUND Five (5) bids were received and opened on February 26, 2003 for the 2003 Asphalt Overlay Project. See attached Bid Tabulation Summary. The lowest responsive, responsible bidder is Icon M~terials with a total bid of $2,056,975.50. AVAILABLE FUNDING The budget for tile 2003 Asphalt Overlay Project is $2,498,347.00, and is comprised of tile following: 2003 Budget Carry Forward 2002 Structurcs Budget Total Funding $1,683,775.00 695,572.00 119,000.00 $2,498,347.00 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES The following is a breakdown of the estimated total project construction costs: Schedule A Schedule B Schedule C Schedule D Schedule E Schedule F Schedule G Twin Lakes Phase I Twin Lakes Phase II Alder Grove South 288th Street (S 19th to Military) Secoma Laurelwood Weyerhaeuser Way S & S 336th Estimated Subtotal Construction Project Costs $309,424.20 393,939.90 $328,261.55 $169,737.25 $198,916.75 $316,769.15 $339,926.70 $2,056,975.50 10% Construction Contingency Pavement Management System In-house Design Construction Administration City's Administrative Fee Printing and Advertising Estimated Total Program Cost $205,700.00 $20,000.00 $66,000.00 $70,000.00 $69,964.00 $3,500.00 $2,492,139.50 Ri<( '()M M I<N I)ATI{)N 2 ,\uthoI-ixc lhc (Tily Manager to execute thc contract. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Eric Faison, Chair Dean McColgan, Member Michael Park, Member MS:dl ]003 ,,\sphah ()xc~ Ix5 Prtqcct File l)av k ~[L~IC 2( 01',2(}( ~ < vcrlay bid ax~ard.doc 2003 ASPHALT OVERLAY PROJECT RFB NO. 03-101 BIO OPENING DATE FEBRUARY 26~ 2003 Item SCHEDULE A -TWIN LAKES -PHASE1 1 Mobilization 2 Traffic Controt Labor 3 Roa0side Cleanup 4 Asphal~ Concrme Sawcumng 5 Roadway Excavation including Haul 6 Construcbon Geotextde ~or Separat,on 7 CSTC 1or Pavement Repair & W~den,n9 mrudin9 Haul 6 Plamng of 8Hurqinous Pavemem 0 Asphalt Concrete Pavement CIA 10 ACP Ct A for Pavement Repair & Rdw~ W~denm9 i 1 AsphaR Concrete Pavemem for Preleve~in9 Gl A 12 Pawn9 FaPPC 13 Adjust Manholes 14 AdjuSt Ex~sPn9 Monumem Case & Cover 16 Wheel Chair Ramp Type 1 Complete 16 Whee) Chmr Ramp Type 2. Complete 17 Removal and Replacement of Extrueed Concrete Curb 18 Removal and Replacement of Concrete Curb & Gutter 19 Removal grid RepJacemem Of Concrete Sidewalk 20 Removal and Replacement o[ Concrete Approach 21 Hyerant Marker, Type 28 Vendor Name ---> Location .......... · Amount Unit t LS 750 HR 1 FA 533 LF 52 CY 202 SY 63 TN 13675 SY 2771 TN ' 58 TN 350 TN 7415 SY 4 EA 34 EA 41 EA 6 EA 421 LF 146 LF 128 SY 72 SY 13 EA 12 SY SCHEDULE B . TWIN LAKES - PHASE 2 1 Mobilization 2 Traffic ContrOl Labor 3 Roadside Cleanup 4 Asphalt Concrete Sawcuttin9 S Roadway Exo. Including Haul 6 Construction Geotex(ile lot Separadon 7 CSTC for Pavement Repair & Widening Incl Haul 8 Planing of Bituminous Pavement 9 AsphaR Concrete Pavemen~ C¢ A 10 ACP CIA for Pavement Repair & Rdwy W~dening Asphalt Concrete Pavement for Preleveling CIA 12 Paving Fabric 13 Adjust Catch Basins 14 AdjuSt Existing Monument Case & Cover 15 Wheel Chair Ramp Type 1, Complete 16 Wheel Chair Ramp Type 2 Complete 17 Removal and Replacement of Eztruded Concrete Curb ~8 Removal and Replacement of Concrete Curd & 19 Removal and Replacement of Concrete S~dewalk 20 Maintenance Rock for shoulder reconstruction. Incl Haut 21 Raised Pavement Marker Type 1¥ 22 Raised Pavement Marke(. Type 2 23 Hydrant Ma~er, Type 28 24 Detector LOOPS 25 Plastic Stop Line 26 Plastic Crosswalk Line 27 Sod 28 Speed Hurqp Complele 850 2888 390 1558 481 18950 3764 445 100 6 26 19 147 84 06 2 380 28 2 SCHEDULE C · ALDER GROVE Mobilization Tralfic Control Labor Roadside Cleanup Asphalt Concrete Sawcut0n9 Roadway Exc Including Haul Construction Geote×tile Ior Separation CSTC for Pavement Repair & Widening, Incl. Haul Planm9 of Bituminous Pavement Asphalt Concrete Pavement CIA ACP Ct A for Pavement Repair & RdWy Widening 79O 3458 262 865 295 12687 2871 278 LS HR FA LP CY SY TN SY TN TN TN S¥ EA EA EA EA LF LF SY TN HUNO HUND EA EA LF LF S¥ EA LS HR FA LF CY SY TN SY TN TN Bid 2 8id 3 Bid 5 Watsorl Asphalt Paviog Co.Lakeside Industries Woodwodh & Company, Inc Engineers Estimate Redmond, WA Kent, WA Tacoma WA Price Total Price Total $28,000.00 S28,000 O0 S33,50000 $3400 $25,50O 00 $3400 $3,000,00 $3.00000 $3.000.00 $0 25 $158 25 $001 $3000 Sf,560 00 $15 O0 $100 $202 00 $025 $18.00 $1,134 00 $1000 $200 $27,35000 $230 $3700 $102,527.00$40.37 $6000 $3,48000 $60.00 $37.00 $12,850 O0 $4037 $150 $11.122 50 $~70 $30000 $1,20000 $350.00 $22500 $7,85000 $2500O $1,60000 $65,600.00 $1.383.75 $2,00000 $12,000 00 $1,75000 $8.00 $3,36800 $9000 $13,140.00 $7760 $9500 $12,16000 $82.70 $105.0O $7,5600O $0010 $6.00 $78.00 $6.00 $2500 $30000 $20.00 $32,00000 $32,000C 548,500 O0 $34.0O $28,900 O0 $34,00 $4,000.00 $4,000 00 $4,000.00 $025 $722~00 SO.Of $3000 $1t,70000 $1508 $1.00 $1,558.00 $0.25 $1800 $8,658 00 $1000 $2.00 $33,900 00 $230 $37.00 $139,268 00$40,37 $6000 $26.700 oo $60.00 $3700 $3,700 O0 $4037 $1.50 $15,16050 $165 $300.00 $I,80000 $30O.00 $225.00 $5,850 0O $250.00 $1,60O0O $30,4000O $1,383.75 $2,000.00 $26,000 O0 $1,75000 $8,0O $1.17600 $9.00 $90 O0 $8,64000 $7760 $950O $7,980 00 $8270 $18.00 $1.27800 $35.00 $22500 $1800 $225.00 $22500 $42.75 $22500 $800 $7800 $600 $520,00 $1,04000 $450.00 $600 $t02.00 $600 $4.00 $1,520 O0 $400 $70000 $20.00 $2,50O,00 $5,00000 $1,95000 · $29..*.80 10 $5B.00, .' ' ' $1&12a,.'~'l S29,0O0.00 $29,000 O0 S42,0OO,00 $3400 $28.860 00 $34.0O $3,00000 $3.00000 S3.00000 S025 $864 50 $0.ol $50 O0 $t3.10000 $150O $100 $865 oo $0 25 $1800 $5,31000 $100O $200 $25.37400 $230 $3700 $106.22700 $4037 S60 O0 S16,680 O0 $60 O0 Bid 4 Tucci & Sons. Inc Tacoma, WA Total Price $33,50000 $25,20O 00 $25,50000 $3400 S3,000 O0 $3,00000 $633 $055 $780.0C $5000 $5050 $2 45 $63000 $25 O0 $31,452 50$1 65 $111,86527$41 70 $3,48000 $6735 $14,129 56$48 90 $12,60550 $155 $1,40000 $25000 $8,50O OC $275 O0 $56,733 75$t,219 O0 $10,50000 $1,3190O $3.789.0C $1780 $tl,32960 $5630 S10,585 60$68 10 $8,487 28 S83 25 $7800 $600 $24000 $1500 Total Price $25.200 O0 511.O00 00 $25.50000 $34 00 $3,000 00 53000 O0 $348 15 S0 01 $2,60000 S35 O0 $494 90 5~ O0 $1.575 Od $30 O0 $22,563 75 S2 00 $115,550 70S42 O0 $3.906 30 $85 00 $17,115 00 542 00 $11.49325 $2 00 $1,000 O0 $35000 $9,350 O0 S280 O0 $49.979 Od $2000 00 $7,91400 52000 Od $7409 60 S7 O0 $8,219 80 575 O0 $8,480 80 S140 00 $5,99400 $150 O0 $7800 S600 $18000 $35 00 Total Price 51~000 O0 5363t9 29 525500 00 $34 00 53000 O0 S3,000 O0 56 33 $070 51820 O0 S4000 $202 O0 $1 25 51890 00 $25 00 534187 50 $3 00 5110.38200$40 O0 $4,93000 $80 O0 $~4.700 00$40 00 $14,83000 $2 95 $140000 $400 O0 58.840 00 S29000 $82000 O0 $1,700 00 $~20O0 O0 $1.900 00 S2.947 00 $10 O0 S10950 00 $85 O0 517920 O0 $140 00 5t0.800 00$145 O0 $78 O0 $15 00 $42000 $19 00 $375,802.83 $3631929 $25.500 O0 $3.00000 $44310 S2,080 O0 S252 50 $1.575 O0 $41.025 O0 $110.840 00 $4,64OOO $14.00000 $2187425 $1.60000 $9.860 O0 $69,70000 $11400.00 $421000 $12,410 O0 $17.92000 $10.44000 $19500 $228.00 $48,50000 $38.00000 $3800000 542000 Od 542,000 dO $28.900.00$34.00 $28.900 O0 S34 O0 S28900 O0 $4,00000 $4,00000 $4,000 00 54000 00 54000 00 S2888 $055 S1,588 40 SO 01 S28 68 $5,85000 $50 00 $19,500 00 $35 00 513650 00 S38950 $1 50 $233700 $1 00 51558 O0 $4,810.0O $2330 $11,20730 S30 Od S14430 O0 $38,98500 $1.65 $2796750 $2 50 $4237500 $151,95268$4310 S162,228 40$42 O0 5158,088 00 $26,70000 S6260 $27.857 O0 S85 Od S37825 OC $4,0370O $60 30 $6,030OO S42 Od S4 200 O0 $16,67655 $150 $15,16050 $2 O0 520214 0C $%800.00 $25000 $1,500.00 $35000 $2,10000 $6,50000 $275.00 $7.150 00 $260 00 $6,76000 $26.29125 $1,219.00 $23,161 O0 $2,00000 $38000 00 $22,750.00$1,31900 $17,147 00 S2.000 00 $26.000 O0 $1,32300 $14 00 $2,05800 $700 51.029 00 $7,44960 $6300 $6,048 O0 $75 00 57200 OC $6,94680 $88 60 $7.442.40 S140 00 $ft,760 00 $2,48500 $4325 $3,07075 $30 00 52.130 00 $1800 $225 00 $18 00 $225 00 $18 0C $4275 $22500 $42 75 S225 O0 $4275 $78 O0 $600 $78 O0 $6 O0 $78 O0 $900.00 $450 O0 $900 Od $450 Od $90006 $102.00 $600 $102.00 $6 O0 S10200 $1,520.00 $400 $1,520 O0 $4 00 $~520 0C $560 O0 $10.00 $28000 S35 00 $980 0C s3,g0000 S2,200 O0 $4.400.00 S2,000 00 $4,000 00 $48~;688.63 $42,00000 $37,00000 $37.000 O0 537,000 00 $37000 O0 $26,860 O0$3400 $26,860 O0 S34 O0 S26860 O0 $3,00000 $3,000 O0 $300000 53 000 O0 53000 O0 $3458 $055 $1,901 90 50 01 $34 58 $3,930 0O $50 O0 $13.}00 O0 $35 O0 59.170 O0 S216 25 $1 40 $t211 O0 S1 O0 5865 O0 $2,95000 $2450 $7,227 50 S30 00 S8850 00 $29.18010 $2 00 $25,374 O0 S2 50 53t717 50 $115,902 27 S42 80 $122,87880 542 00 5120 582 00 $1668000 S61 80 $17180 40 585 00 $23630 O0 S43621 10 $43,62110 534 O0 $28900 O0 54.000 00 $4.00000 50 70 $2,021.60 $40 00 $15,600 00 St25 $[947 50 $28 O0 $12,02500 $3 00 $50.85000 $40 O0 $150.56000 580 O0 $35,60000 $40 00 $4.00000 S2 95 $2981565 $425 O0 $2.55000 $290 O0 $7,540 O0 51,700 Od $32.30000 $1,900 O0 $24,70000 $10 O0 $1,47000 $85 00 $8,160 OC S14000 $117800C $3000 $2,13000 S305 00 S24.40 542000 $7986 $1500 $195.0<3 $500 O0 $1,00000 $10 O0 $600 $2.2800¢ $19 00 $53206 S3.000 GO S8,000 OG $38.638 84 S38,638 84 S34 00 $26,860.00 S3,000 Od $3.000 O0 $0 70 $2,420 60 $40 00 $10,48000 Sl 28 $1081 25 525 O0 $7.375 O0 53 O0 $38.061 0O 540 O0 $114,840 00 580 00 $22,24000 Page 1 of 3 2003 ASPHALT OVERLAY PROJECT RFB No. 03-101 BiD OPENtNG DATE FEBRUARY 26 2003 IT" ....... ~!a:~ ......... Bid 2 Bid 3 Bid 4 Bid 5 Vendor Name --> i~ Watson Asphatt Paving Co Lakeside Industries Tucci & Sons, inc. Woodworth & Company Inc Engineers Estimate 12 Paving Fabric 8502 SY ~ ,~ $1.50 $12,75300 $165 $14.02830 $155 $13.178 lC $2 O0 $1700400 $2 95 $25,080.90 13 Aojust Manholes 2 EA [ ~ [ $3~.~ $600.00 $350.00 $7~.00 $25000 $500 0C$350 00 5700 0C $400 00 $80000 ,~ ~ ~ ~f~ s~ s~oooo s~.~ s~o~ ~o.oo s~ooo oc s~ oo s~oo o~ s~ooo $~.o~oo lg Remov~m ~no Repi~cement o~Ooncrete Curb & Gutter 31g LF m4[~~ ,. ~ ~]~ sgo.oo $28.7~0 oo $77~0 $24~754 40 $5320 $iB.gT08C $7500 s23.g25 oo $8500 $27~1~5~  ~ ~ ~7~ $1 ~0.~ $3~200 oo$138.85 $2.777 ~$B1.~0 $~.232 oc $15000 s3 000 oc $i45 oo $2.~.~ 23 Hyar~nt ~nr~er. Type 28 13 EA I ~ ~ ~ ~f(~ S~.00 S78 O0 ~00 $78.00 SO.~ S78 ~ SO 00 S7800 S:S 00 SigS.00 25 P~asbc Lmne 486 $1.45 $7.049 90$1.45 $7.049.~ $1.45 $7.049 9C$1 45 S7.049 9C$1 90 $9.237.80 2~ P~astic Tralfic Arrow 8 =~ ~) ~ ~ $78.~ $62400 $78.~ $824~ $78.00 $624 OC $78.00 $02400 $2~5 00 $2.120.00 27 Plas,~c Stop Line 24 LF ~ ~ ~ ~ )r~ $6.00 $144.00 $6.00 $144.00 $6.~ $144.~ $6 00 $144 00 S10~ 2g PJasticWiOeLi~e 118 LF [~ IJ~ ~J ij'j~.~ $1.85 $19470 $1.65 $194.70 $~.65 $~g47c $165 $194 7C $430 $507.40 J30 Sod 34 SY ~ j~ ~ j~tf~ $25.~ $85000 $20.~ $680.~ $10.00 $3400C $3500 51,190 0C $~900 : 31 Potable Changeable Message Sign 20 DAYI~' ~= =: =~ ~ ~[~ $125.~ $2,5~.0Q$250.~ ~5,~.~ $1~,~ $2,~ $75~ $1 5~ ~ S175~ SCHEDULE D- S 28¢th STREET ;[~~ ~ j~ , 1 Mo~i~zatie~ 1 LS ~"~2 ~ $14,~0.~ $14,000 00 $26,5~.~ $26,500.~ $26,~00 $26,000 OC $17,000 00 $~7.000 OC $17.~61 61 ~17,161 81 3 Roadside C~eanup I FA ~ '~ $3,~.00 $3,~0.~$3,0~.00 $3,0~ ~ $3,0~ ~ $3.~O OC $3.000 O0 $3000 OC $3.000.00 4 AsphaR Concrete Sawcu~mg 1493 LF ,'~ ~0,~ $0,25 $37325 $001 $1493 $055 $82115 $0 01 $~493 $0 70 $1,04510 r6~ ~~-- S18.~ $3.402.~ $10.~ $1,8g0 0O $27.30 $5,15g.7c S3000 S5.670 0C $2500 S4,725 ~ Construmion O ~textile ~or Separation 525 SY g Asphalt Concrete Pavemem CJ. A 1555 TN ~ ~ ~d~ $37.~ $57,535.00 $38.80 $57,224.~ $40.25 $82,588 7~ S42 00 $B5 310 0C $40 00 $62,2~.~ 11 AsphaR Concrele Pavement for Preleveling CIA 50 TN J~ ~~~ $37.~ $1,850,00$3680 $1,840 0g$60 ~ $3,0~.~ $42 OO S2 100 OC $40 00 $2,000.~ 12 Pavi~ Fabdc 40 SY ,, ~~~ S15.~ $~.~ $25.~ $1.~.0C $25.~ ,1.0000c $200 $800c ,2.95 ,118.~ 14 Wheel Chair Ramp Type 1. Comple,e 5EA I'~ ~ $1.6~.~ $8.~0 00 $1.383.75 S6.918.75 $1.219.00 $6.095 OC S2.000 00 S10.000.0C Sl.700 00 S8.5~.~ J15 Removal a~ Replacemenlof Concrele Sidewalk 22 SY '~ ~ $130.00 $2.860.00 $112.75 $2.480.50 $7860 $1.7292C S14000 S3 0800C$14000 $3.080.~ 16R ..... ,,ndRep, ...... to, TypeCP ..... ttra,ic~um 198LF-~ ~~~ $20.~ $3.960~ $15.50 $3.069.~ $14.70 $2.910~0[ ,1500 $2.9700C ,2200 $4.356.~ J~J $10.039 80 $10.039 8C $1 90 $13.155.60 20 Plastic Line 6924 LF ~~ $1.45 $10.039.80$1~45 $10.039.8C$1.45 $~5600 $1 45 21 Plastic Traffic Arrow 2 EA ~ ~1~ $78.00 $158.~$78.~ $156~ $78.00 $7800 $1560C $26500 $530~ 23 P~astic Crosswalk Line $4 ~ $t.040 0O $~.~ $1.040.~ $4~ $1.040.00 $400 Sl ~40 ~ $600 $1.560.~ 24 Plastic Wide Line t01 LF ~~ $1.65 $166.65 $1.65 $166.65 $165 $166 65j $1.65 $166 6~ $4.30 $434.30 25 Potable Changeable Message Sign _ 20 DAY ~~~ $~25.~ $2.5~.~ $250.~ $5.~.~$1~.~ . $2.~.~. . . $75.00 $1.5~0C $17500 $3.5~.~ 2 Traffic Contel Lair 6~ HR ~ $34.~ $20,4~.~ $34.~ $20,4~,~ $34.~ $20,400.00J$3400 $20400 0C $34.00 J~ ~ " s~,ooooc s~.ooooo 4 ASphatt Co~crete Sawcutting 084 LF ]~ ~~ $0.25 $27~.00$001 $i0.84 $0.55 $596 20' $001 $~084 $0 70 $758.80 7 CSTC ~or Pavement RepaJr & Widening, Jncl Haul 40 TN J~ ~ $18.~ $2,520.~ $10.~ $1,4~,~ $25.~0 $3,584 0C $30 00 $4,200 0C $2500 8 Planing o/Bituminous P ....... 7100 SY J~ ~ ~:~ $2.00 $14.20000 S2.30 $16.330.~ $250 $17.750.0C S250 S17.7500C S300 $21.3~.~ 9 Asphalt Concrete Pavement Cl. A 2050 TN ~ ~2. ~ $37.~ $75.85000 $40.89 $83.82450 $4320 $88.560.~ $4200 $86.¢00 0C $4000 10 ACP C, A,~r ~ ...... t Re,~i, & Rd~ wi~em~ 129TN J~ ~ '~ $60.~ $7.740.~ ,60.~ ,7.740.0~ ,63.30 ,8.,65.7C ,8500 S10.965 0C S8000 $~0.320.~ 11 Asphalt Concrete Pavement for Preleveling CIA 1~ TN ~ ~ $37.~ $3.7~.00 $40.89 $4.089.~$58.50 $5.850.0C $4200 $4.2000C $40 00 $4.~.~ ~.~'.~ $1.50 $1.70 $1.55 $10.385 0C $200 $13.400 0C $2 95 $19.765 ~ 12 Paving Fabric 67~ SY ~ ~ $10.050.00 $11.390.~ 13 Adjust Catch Basins 4 EA J~ ~.~~$ ~ $3~.~ $1.2~.00 $3~.~ $1.2~ $250.00 $1.000 0C $350 00 $1.400 0C S425.00 $1.7~.~ j14 AdjustExisti~ ~ ...... ,COse&C .... 23 EA J'~ ~:~ $22S.~ $SJ75.~ $2~ ,4.~ ,275~ ,6.325 OCI $2~0.00 $5.gso0c ,290 00 15 Removal and Replacement of Concrete Curb & Gutter 162 LF ~ ~.~ $90.~ $14.58000 $82.60 $13.38120$49 00 $7.938 0C $7500 S~2.150 OC $85 ~ $13.770 ~ 16M .......... Rock f ....... d ................. , ....... , 170 TN -'~ ,.: ,,'.4". S18.~ $3.060.~ $25~ $4 250~ ,5030 ,8.551 OC $3000 S5 ,000C ,3000 ,5.10000 Page 2 of 3 2003 ASPHALT OVERLAY PROJECT RFB No. 03-101 BID OPENING DATE FEBRUARY 26~ 2003 --~ = ¢~.[,~.',~ Bid ¶ ~-~ ~,*-.,~'=* s. Bid 2 Bid 3 Bid 4 Bid 5 Location ........... ~'-~>Tu~e. WA~'~;~; ~ R~mo~, WA Kent, WA Tacoma, WA Tacoma. WA 1 ,obilizaPon '..S I :.-~ $4~'~ ' *; ~4~.~.~ $25,*0 00 $25,000 00 $38,500,* $38.500 06 $33.00000 $33,0..00 $32,000 00 S32,000 00 $34,21384 $34,21384 2 Traffic Control La~, 87C -', :~{~6~? '. S2*.5~.{~ $34.00 $29,58000 $34* 229,58000 $3400 $29.580 00 $34 O0 229580 00 $34 O0 ~29.580 O0 3 Roadsiee Cleanup 1 =* ~;~;i~;.:,~::- S4;~.64 $4,000.00 $4,00000 $4,0~.00 $4,000.0C $4,000 00 $4,000 00 $4000 00 S4 000 00 S4 00000 24,00000 , 11 AsphaLt Concrete Pavement for Preleveling CIA 100 '% ~4~ C~; ~:~; ~ 2~2 6~ $37.00 $3,70000 240.89 24,089 0C $58,50 $5.85000 S42 00 54,20000 $40 00 $4.000 ~ 12 Pav~ng Fabric 8619 .;- =, I~;'; ' $If.22~,~ $1 50 $~2,928.50 $1.85 $14,221.35$1.50 $12,92850 $200 S17.238 00 52 95 225,426 05 ~3 AdjuSt Catc~ Basins 5 .':- ~ ~380.¢;~ $I.~{3~;i $30000 $1,50000 $300.00 $1,50000 $25000 $1,25000$35000 $175000 S425 00 $2 125 ~1 ~4 Adjust Existing Monument Case & Cover 20 :& ' /: $~$.6~ .'. - 53 ¢~'~1 $22500 $4,50000$200.00 24,00000 $27500 $5,50000$260 00 55200 00 $290 00 $5,800 00 ~5 Whee¢C~a~rRampType ~, Complete 16 ~¢. . . ' $870.~:Z"* ~6.7~.64J~ $1,600.00 516,00000 $1,383.75 513,837 5C $1,219.00 $12,19000 $2,000 00 520,000 00 $1,70000 $17,000 00 22 Hydran~ ~arker Type2B 21 i ;. . ~7.~; ' { ~ :' ,~!¢(~ 5600 $12600 $600 212600 2600 $1260C S800 212600 $15 00 $31500 23 PaintLine 2941 ~ ; ~0.f0' .= . ; $2~.~(~' $0.08 $23528 $0.08 $23528 $0.08 ¢23528 5008 523528 $015 25 Sod 22 '? ' *%~* ~:~%'? '~: ;~18.~ $25.~ $55000 $20.~ $440.00$1200 $264 0C $35 00 5770 O0 $19 00 $41800 26 Speed Hump Complete 8 F~, i ; ~.~.~ :;;'¢~.¢~.¢ $2,5~,00 $15,00000 $1,950.00 $11,7000C $2,2~.~ $13,20006 $2,00000 S12 000 00 5300000 21800000 2 Traffic Con,rot Lair 90C ..;: :~4.&~ = ~ ~¢.~ ~; $34,00 $30,600 00 23400 $30,600.00$34 00 $30,60000$34 00 S30 600 00 $34 00 $30.600 00 ~o.6~ z~ :¥ . ~2:3¢~ ~¢; $100 $3,668.00 $0.80 $2,93280 2100 $3,866 oc Si oo 53.666 oo 51 25 24,582 50 6 Constru¢ion G~texPle for Separation 3666 ~:~- == -: $~ ~'?~'. . $18.06~ ~:~ 21800 $20,35800 $10.00 $11.31¢ 0C $~560 S17643 86 S30 00 533930 00525 00 22827500 15 Mai ........ Rock for should .................... *aut 28C '", ~ ~ 02 : :~;:;;;! $6~9 50 2225.00 $879 50 $679 56 S679 50 ~8 Pam~Line 9125 _' ; ~?~0.10~{';;' ;; ~$9125~ $008 $73000 $008 $730 OC $008 S730 OC S008 573000 $0 15 $1.36875 19 Plastic Li~e 9741.~ I . - ~:~$1.50~:~'. ~4 ~Jt.50 $1,45 $14,12445 $145 $14,~24 45 $t,45 ~ 14,124.45 5145 5~4 124 45 ~190 20 plastic Stop L,ne 51 .= ~ =-:~ ' ~t?.FJ~'~.';'~ S357.~~ $e. O0 S30e O0 $6.00 $30600 $6.00 $30e OC S6 O0 S308 O0 S~O00 $51000 Cop,es Submitted .... **-, 0~';:"' ;, ~ ONE Bid Signature i : "'(:~;~;;~ ~ES ': Z~; ~'YES ONEyES YEsONE YEsONE YEsONE Page 3 of 3 ° leral Way DATE: TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: March 17, 2003 Eric Faison, Chair Land Use / Transportation Committee Marwan Salloum, Street Systems Manager David H. M~nager [Veyerhaeuser Way attd S336th Street Intersection Improvements - 30% design Status Report BACKGROUND: This project will improve the existing "Y" intersection to a dual lane roundabout with an approach speed of 35 mph and a circulating design speed of 25 mph within the roundabout. The project will also provide a left-mm lane at Weyerhaeuser's Headquarters driveway (S336th Street) as well as the Weyerhaeuser Technology Center driveway (Weyerhaeuser Way). The purpose of the project is to improve traffic safety and capacity and reduce accidents by eliminating conflicts. The following provides a brief synopsis of the progress on this project to date. Currently, the project design is approximately 30% complete, which includes the following completed tasks: · The Topographical Surveys · Technical Report (Design Alternative) · Preliminary Right of Way plan · SEPA submittals · Project Design to 30% Ongoing Tasks Include: SEPA Determination and Project Permitting Project Design to 100% PROJECT ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: Planning and Design Right of Way Acquisition Year 2003 Construction (Roundabout) Year 2003 Construction (Turn Lanes) 10% Construction Contingency for Roundabout and Turn lanes 12% Construction Management for Roundabout and Turn lanes TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $163,700 2,000 564,500 203,840 76,840 92,000 $1,102,880 AVAILABLE FUNDING: Weyerhaeuser Company Transfer in Street CIP Fund Mitigation Interest Earning TOTAL AVAILABLE BUDGET $653,360 274,999 162,814 15,392 $1,106,565 50% of project cost for Roundabout and 100% for Turn Lanes** ** Staffis working with the Weyerhaeuser Company on a shared funding agreement for this project. The shared funding agreement between the Weyerhaeuser Company and the City of Federal Way will be presented to the Committee at the 100% design status report for Committee action. The area of Weyerhaeuser Way and S 336th Street outside the Roundabout area is scheduled to be overlaid as part of the 2003 Asphalt Overlay Project. Therefore, the construction of the proposed left-mm lane at Weyerhaeuser's Headquarters driveway (S 336th Street) as well as the Weyerhaeuser Technology Center driveway (Weyerhaeuser Way) may be combined with the 2003 Asphalt Overlay project in an effort to improve final prod. uct delivery, reduce costs and public disruption. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends placing the following item on the April 1, 2003 Council consent agenda: Authorize staff to proceed with design of the Weyerhaeuser Way and S 336th Street Intersection Improvements Project and return to the LUTC Committee at the 100% design completion stage for further reports and authorization. MS:mch cc: Project File Day File K:\LUTCX2003\Weyerhaeuser and S36th St~'eet, 30%.doc