LUTC PKT 02-24-2003MEETI'NG AGENDA 2. 3. 4. CALL TO ORDER Approval of Minutes of the February 3, 2003, meeting PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) BUSINESS ITEMS A. Acceleration of the S 324th Street at SR 99 Project B. Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase II Improvement Project (South 324th to 340th Street) - :~00% Design Approval and Authorization to Bid C. Surface water Infrastructure Maintenance and Service Contract - Authorization to Bid 5. AD.1OURN Action Salloum/lO min Action Salloum/15 min Action Bucich/:l.O min Committee I~lembers Eric Fa/son, Chair Dean McCo/gan Pl/chae/ Park K:~LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2003~February 24, 2003, LUTC Agenda doc city Staff Kathy McClung, D/rector, Community Development Services Sandy L y/e, Administrative Assistant 253,661.4116 Land USe/TransportatiOn Cd~ittee '. ...... February 3, 2003 ~ City Hall 5:30 pm CounCil Chambers ' MEETING MINUTES In attendance: Committee members Eric Faison, Chair, Deputy Mayor Dean McColgan and Councilmember Mike Park; Councilmembers Mary Gates and Linda Kochmar; Director of Community Development Services Kathy McClung; Public Works Director Cary Roe; Assistant City Attorney Karen Kirkpatrick; Deputy Director of Community Development Services Patrick Doherty; Senior Planner Margaret Clark; Administrative Assistant Sandy Lyle. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Faison called the meeting to order at 5:38 pm. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The summary of the January 27, 2003, meeting was approved as presented. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment on any item not included in the agenda. 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Grant Funding for Transportation Improvement Projects - The Committee reviewed information regarding the status of grant applications submitted in 2002 for future Transportation Improvement projects. Projects include Pacific Highway South HOV Phase II and III, and South 348th Street (9th Avenue South to SR99). Grant funds received total $5,059,000 and require matching funds of $1,630,965 (all currently available) for the Pacific Highway South HOV Phase II th and III Projects. Grant funding was not received for the South 348 Street Project. The Committee unanimously agreed that the City Council should adopt the resolution to accept the following grants: Federal grant for $2,850,000 for the Pacific Highway South HOV Phase II Project; the Transpodation Improvement Board grant for $1,800,000 for the Pacific Highway South HOV Phase Ill Project; and the Federal grant for $409,000 for the Pacific Highway South HOV Phase III Project. B. Planning Commission 2003 Work Program - Staff detailed the status of the 2002 Planning Commission Work Program; status of other work not required to be reviewed by the Planning Commission; ongoing responsibilities as mandated by State law; and potential new work items Staff gave recommendations on what should be included in the 2003 Potential New Work items. The Committee concurred with staff recommendation that the 2003 Work Plan include completion of items remaining on the 2002 Work Plan; preparation of 2003 Comprehensive Plan amendments; process 2002 and 2003 citizen requests for code changes; complete the Potential Annexation Area (PAA) Study; prepare Office of Financial Management (OFM) estimates; prepare benchmark and annual growth information; and track buildable lands. The Committee added Wellhead Protection to the portion of the list containing the items mandated by law. The Committee by unanimous vote recommended that the City Council approve the 2003 Planning Commission Work Plan at the February 18, 2003, meeting. 5. FUTURE MEETINGS The next scheduled meeting will be February 24, 2003 6~ ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m. K:\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2003\February 3, 2003 LUTC Minutes doc CITY OF Federal Way I)ATE: TO: FbtOM: VIA: SUBJECT: February 24, 2003 Eric Faison, Chair I Jand Use / Transportation Comniittce Marwan Salloum. Street Systems Mana~er~ David tt Mosclcy Cily Mana~ Acceleration of the S 324th Sired at SR-99 Project BACKGROUND: The S 324th Street at SR-99 project is identified on the 2003 to 2008 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) as a separate project; however, this project has been envisioned to occur as a part of the Pacific Highway South HOV Lane Phase li project (S 324'h Street to s 340th Street). Due to construction timing benefits, potential cost savings and minimizing public disruption, the Public Works Department is requesting the acceleration of the S 324th Street at SR-99 project construction as a change order to the Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase I project (S 312th Street to S 324'h Street). SCI lnkastructure, LLC, the contractor for the Pacific Highxvay South NOV Lanes Phase I project has subndttcd a change order cost in the amount of $939,760.90. This change order cost utilizes the same unit bid prices as thc Phase I project and is 2.5% below the engineers cost estimate for this project (see attached bid tabulation). PROJECT BUDGET The project is fimdcd as follows: PROJECT EXPENDITURES Planning and Design Right of Way Acquisition Construction 10% Construction Contingency 12"/,, Construction Management Note: Note: 939,760.90 93,976.00 112,770.00 Completed as part of Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase II Completed as part of Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase 1I As a change order to Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase I TOTAl, PIIOJECf COSTS S 1,146306.90 F[JNI)ING AVAII,ABI,E Total Grant Funding (State) $678.038.00 TIA $678,038 (TIB) Budgeted City Matching Ftmd $468,468.90 TO'I'AI, AvAllAlll ,E BUI)( ;[71' $1,146,506.90 February 24, 2003 I.[J'I'C Memo Pacific llwy. S. II()V Lanes Phase I Change Order Page 2 141';C()M M ENI)ATIONS: Staff~ccommcnds placin~g thc following items on the March 4. 2003 (iouncil ('onscnt Agenda: /Xl>t>rox'c acceleration and awarding lhc construction ot'S ¢24 ' Succt at 5R-99 pro,jcc~ in thc amount of S939.7(ff).90 to SCI lnfi'astructurc, I.I .C as a change ordci lo thc Pacific l lighx~ay Approve a 10'E, ctmtingcncy of $93,976.00 for a total project construction buctgct of $1,033,736.9(). APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Eric Faison, Chair Dean McColgan, Member Michael Park, Member cc P~ojcct File [)ay I:ilc k:'lmc',2003',accctcration of thc s324th str'cct at sr99 p~ojcct doc BID TABULATION CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PACIFIC HIGHWAY SOUTH HOV LANES PHASE I o S. 3~.OTH STREET TO S. 324TH STREET BID SCHEDULE F - S.3241h Street All unit prices in Bid Schedule F include applicable sales tax. Feb-3-20o3 ITEM IFEM DESCRZPTION UNIT APPROX. UNIT PR[CE SC][ UNI'T PRICE Engineer DOLLARS NO, QUAN~I-I~f CENTS Bid DOLLARS CENTS Estimate 1 ~lobilization LS I ~50~000 $50,000.00 $75,000 $75,000.00 2 Construction Survey~n9 LS i 20,000.0~ 20,000.00 20,000.00 25,000.00 3 Utility Potholing FA i 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 4 Resolution of Utility Conflicts F~, i 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 5 Off-Duty Uniformed Police Officer HRS 200 47.00 9.400.00 47.00 9,400.00 6 Temporary Traffic Control Devices ES I .. : ~;~,0~ ~0,~ .O0 7 Traffic Control Supervisor HRS 350 35.00 12.250.00 35.00 12,250.00 8 rraffic Control Labor HRS 1,200 30.00 36.000.00 30.00 36,000.00 9 ~'.leariog Limits Fence LF 1,667 2.00 3,33400 2.00 3.334.00 10 Cl_earing and Grubbing LS i 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 11 Roadside Cleanup FA i 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 12 Removal and Relocation of Existing Private Improvem FA i 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000,00 13 Removal of Structure and Obstruction LS 1 11,500.00 11,500.00 iS,000.00 11,000.00 14 Remove Cement Concrete Sidewalk SY 2,996 10.00 29,955.56 10.00 29,955.58 15 Remove Curb LF 1,224 1.25 1,530.00 1.25 1,530 O0 16 Remove Existing Catch Basin EA 2 250.00 500 O0 250.00 500.00 17 Remove Existing Storm Sewer Pipe LF 129 i1~00: 1;4!9.00 1,935.00 18 Sawcuttiog SF 348 6.00 2.088.00 6.00 2.088.00 19 Gravel Borrow Incl. Haul ~N 1,372 12.00 16,464 O0 12.00 16.464.00 20 Roadway Excavation Inc. Haul CY 1,623 17.00 27,592 32 17.00 27,592 32 21 Shoring or Extra Excavation Cl. B SF 788 0.50 394.00 0.S0 394.00 22 Crushed Surfacing Base/Top Course TN 1,93~ 11.S0 22,224.38 11.50 22,224.38 -- 23 Cold Flix Asphalt TN 100 75.00 7.500.00 ?5.00 7,500 O0 24 Asphalt Conc. Pavement Cl. A TN 1,895 39.75 ?5,311.16 39.75 75,311 16 25 Asphalt Cone. Pavement Cl. E TN 627 36.00 22,567.83 36.00 22.567.83 26 Planing Bituminous Pavement SY 3,203 4.50 14.413.50 4.50 14,41350 27 Cement Conc. Pavement Approach 3 Day S~ 259 33.00 8,550.67 33.00 8,550.67 28 Handrailing LF 344 65.00 22,360 O0 65.00 22,360.00 29 Nodular Standard Block Retaining Wall System SF 1,276 26.00 33,176 O0 26.00 33.176.00 30 Class III Reiof. Conc. Storm Sewer Pipe 12 In. Diam. LF 551 35.~30 19.285.00 35.00 19,2B-5 O0 31 Ductile Iron Storm Sewer Pipe 12in. Diam. LF 199 S7.00 11,343 00 57.00 11,34300 32 Abandon Existing Catch Basin EA 2 200.00 40000 200.00 4O0OO 33 Abandon and Fill Pipe LF 62 11.00 68200 11.00 68200 34 Adjust Catch Basin to Grade -EA ~1 275.00 3.025 00 275.00 3.02500 SCHEDULE F (CONTINUED) Feb-3-2003 ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT APPROX. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DOLLARS DOLLARS NO. UNIT PRICE IN WORDS QUANTITY CENTS CENTS DOLLARS CENTS DOLLARS CENTS 35 Adjust Utility Manhole to Grade EA 4 350:00 i: 1;400:00, 500.00 36 Catch Basin Type 1 EA 25 850.00 21,250.00 650.00 21,250.00 ~37 Catch Basin Type 1L EA 2 900:00 :'1,800.00 38 Catch Basin Type 2 48 In. EA i 2,200.00 2,200 00 2,200.00 2,200.00 39 install Solid Cover and Frame EA 7 100.00 70000 100.00 700.00 40 Through Curb Inlet Frame & Grate with Vertical Curb EA 4 200.00 80000 200.00 800.00 41 Connect to Existing Catch Basin EA 2 300.00 60000 300.00 60000 42 Catch Basin Insert EA 6 750.00 4,500.00 750.00 4,500.00 43 Catch Basin Filter EA 24 75.00 1,800.00 75.00 1,800.00 44 Erosion & Sedimentation Control FA 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 45 Erosion & Sedimentation Control Lead DAY S0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46 Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset' 2 1/2" cal. EA. 51 315.00 16,065.00 315.00 16,065.00 47 Prunus Laurocerasus -'Otto Luyken' 15" sp EA. 54 24.00 1,296.00 24.00 1,296.00 48 Bark Mulch C.Y. 15 28.00 420.00 28.00 420.00 49 Drip Irrigation System Lq 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 S0 Irrigation Force Account for Behind Sidewalk Imgatior FA i 3,000.00 3,000.00 3~000.00 3,000.00 51 Cement Conc. Curb and Gutter LF 3,168 9.25 29,304.00 9.25 29,304.00 52 Extruded Curb, Type 6 LF 1,333 4.10 5.465.30 4.10 5,465.3'0 53 Integral Curb SF 54 30.00 1.62000 30.00 1,620 00 54 Precast Type C Traffic Curb LF 285 13.50 3,847.50 13.50 3,847.50 55 Chain Unk Fence LF 250 24.80 6,200.00 24.80 6,200.00 56 :Cement Conc. Sidewalk SY 3,200 19.00 60,80844 19.00 60,808.44 57 Complete 324th and SR 99 Traffic Signal & Signal Int( Lq 1 30,000 00: 25~000 00: ~. !; ~ :~5 58 IOecorative Lighting System Lq 1 59 Festival Electrical System LS I 20,000.00 20,00000 20,000.00 20,000.00 60 Furnish and install 4-1rich Communication Conduit LF 2,750 2.00 5,50000 2.00 5,500.00 61 Furnish and install 4'x4'x4' Vault EA 4 ~;00 62 Permanent Signing Lq 250 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 63 18" White Stop Bar (Material Type 4) LF 94 9.40 883.60 9.40 883.60 64 4" Yellow Paint Stripe (Material Type 3) LF 2,664 1.35 3,596.40 1.35 3,596.40 65 4" White Stripe (Material Type 2) LF 1,685 0.85 1,432.25 0.85 1.432.25 66 4" White Stripe (Material Type 3) LF 2,153 1.50 3,229.50 1.50 3,229.50 67 8" White Stripe (Material Type 2) LF 1,260 3.25 4,095.00 3.25 4,09500 68 White Crosswalk Stripe (Material Type 4) SF 690 4.25 2,932.50 4.25 2.93250 69 White Bike Lane Symbol (Material Type 4) EA 9 150.00 1,350.00 150.00 1,350.00 70 White Traffic Arrow (Material Type 4) EA 17 100.00 1,700.00 100.00 1,70000 71 Tree Grate with Frame EA 51 700.00 35,700.00 700.00 35,700 00 TOTAL SCHEDULE F 939,760.90 963,576.90 (bid terns nc ude sa es tax) CITY OF Federal Way DATE: February 24, 2003 TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: Eric Faison, Chair Land Use / Transportation Committee Marwan Salloum, Strcet Systems Manager~~ David Il. Moseley, City Manag~,¢~,''~' Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase II (South 324th to 340m Street) Improvement Project - 100% Design Approval and Authorization to Bid BACKGROUND The Pacific Highway Somh HOV Lanes Phase II (South 324'h to 340"' Street) design has been completed and is hereby presented for your consideration. In an effort to reduce costs and public disruption, the following planned projects have been incorporated into the design and will be constructed as part of this project: · Utility Underground Conversion within project limits. · Lakehaven Utility District water and Sexver utility adjustment and pipe replacement. PROJECT FUNDING The project is funded as tbllows: PROJECT EXPENDITURES Planning and Design Right of Way Acquisition Estimate 2003 Engineers Construction Estimate l 0% Construction Contingency 12% Construction Management PSE Underground Conversion Estimate TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $1,169,350 $3,214,000 $8,200,OOO $820,0O0 $984,000 $600,000 $14,987,350 Includes costs for S 324~h Street at SR-99 Project. (The ROW acquisition expenditure remains an estimate dUe to pending condemnation action on 29 properties and includes cost for s 324m street at SR-99 Project.) February 24, 2003 LUTC Memo - Pacific Hwy. S. HOV Lanes Phase II, 100% Page 2 FUNDING AVAILABLE Total Grant Funding Mitigation Fund Lakehaven Utility District Budgeted City Matching Fund Transfer in Street CIP Fund Interest Earning TOTAL AVAILABLE BUDGET $12,338,524 $1,116,780 $641,737 $366,531 $5OO,OOO $50,597 $15,014,169 (TIA $2,547,033, TPP $1,725,000, STP $4,007,503, CMAQ $2,850,000 and, WSDOT $1,208,988) (Utility replacement/Adjustment) PROJECT BALANCE $26,819 This project is within budget and we anticipate bidding the project in April 2003 and awarding in May 2003. Construction will commence in June 2003 with an estimated substantial completion date of October 2004. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends placing the following items on the March 4, 2003 Council consent agenda for approval: 1. Approve the 100% design plans for the Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase II (South 324th to South 340h Street) Improvement Project. Authorize staff to bid the project contingent upon receiving necessary Grant funding agencies approval and return to the City Council for permission to award the project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. :APPROVAl, OF COMMITTEE REI'ORT: : Eric Faison, Chair l)ean McColgan, Member Michael Park, Member MS:dl cc: Project File Day File K:~LUTC'O.003XPacific High way Phase Il, 100%.doc CITY OF Federal Way DATE: February 10, 2003 TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: Eric Faison, Chair Land Use and Transportation Committee Paul Bucich, Surface Water Management Maria "' David H. Moseley, City Manage~,~ ~ &q~ Surface Water Infrastructure Maintenance and Service Contract - Authorization to Bid BACKGROUND Surface Water Management (SWM) contracts for all vactor andjet-rodding services. The last time SWM solicited bids for this service was in 2002. The contract executed in 2002 expired December 31st, 2002. Staff had been negotiating an extension to the current contract with Action Services, but recent increases in decant and disposal costs, originating from King County, have increased the mmual contract cost to the city by almost 30%. Due to this, the Utility is recormnending advertising a RFB once again for these services. AVAILABLE FUNDING The approved budget for the Surface Water Utility allocates $134,753.00 for this service in 2003. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends placing the following items on the March 18, 2003 Council consent agenda for approval: 1. Authorize the Utility to seek bids for Surface Water Infrastructure Maintenance and Service. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEEREPORT: Eric Faison, Chair Dean McColgan, Member Michael Park, Member cc: Day File K LSWM\CB Cleaning Conllacl EditskLUTC Aulh to Bid 2003 doc MEETTNG AGENDA 2. 3. 4. CALL TO ORDER Approval of Minutes of the February 3, 2003, meeting PUBLIC COIVIMENT (3 minutes) BUSINESS ITEMS A. Acceleration of the S 324th Street at SR 99 Project B. Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase II Improvement Project (South 324th to 340th Street) - 100% Design Approval and Authorization to Bid C. Surface water Infrastructure Maintenance and Service Contract - Authorization to Bid Action Salloum/10 min Action Salloum/15 min Action Bucich/10 min 5. ADJOURN Committee hlembers Eric Fa/son, Chair Dean ~lcCo/gan I~lichae/ Park K:'xLUTC Agendas and Summaries 2003~February 24, 2003, LUTC Agenda doc Kathy McC/ung, D/rector, Commun/ty Development ~ervices ~andy Lyle, AdministraUve Assistant 253.661.4116 Land Use/Transportation Committee 2003 City Hall':' Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES In attendance: Committee members Eric Faison, Chair, Deputy Mayor Dean McColgan and Councilmember Mike Park; Councilmembers Mary Gates and Linda Kochmar; Director of Community Development Services Kathy McClung; Public Works Director Cary Roe; Assistant City Attorney Karen Kirkpatrick; Deputy Director of Community Development Services Patrick Dohedy; Senior Planner Margaret Clark; Administrative Assistant Sandy Lyle. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Faison called the meeting to order at 5:38 pm. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The summary of the January 27, 2003, meeting was approved as presented. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment on any item not included in the agenda. 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Grant Funding for Transportation Improvement Projects - The Committee reviewed information regarding the status of grant applications submitted in 2002 for future Transportation Improvement projects. Projects include Pacific Highway South HOV Phase II and III, and South 348th Street (9th Avenue South to SR99). Grant funds received total $5,059,000 and require matching funds of $1,630,965 (all currently available) for the Pacific Highway South HOV Phase II tt~ and III Projects. Grant funding was not received for the South 348 Street Project. The Committee unanimously agreed that the City Council should adopt the resolution to accept the following grants: Federal grant for $2,850,000 for the Pacific Highway South HOV Phase II Project; the Transportation Improvement Board grant for $1,800,000 for the Pacific Highway South HOV Phase III Project; and the Federal grant for $409,000 for the Pacific Highway South HOV Phase III Project. B. Planning Commission 2003 Work Program - Staff detailed the status of the 2002 Planning Commission Work Program; status of other work not required to be reviewed by the Planning Commission; ongoing responsibilities as mandated by State law; and potential new work items Staff gave recommendations on what should be included in the 2003 Potential New Work items. The Committee concurred with staff recommendation that the 2003 Work Plan include completion of items remaining on the 2002 Work Plan; preparation of 2003 Comprehensive Plan amendments; process 2002 and 2003 citizen requests for code changes; complete the Potential Annexation Area (PAA) Study; prepare Office of Financial Management (OFM) estimates; prepare benchmark and annual growth information; and track buildable lands. The Committee added Wellhead Protection to the portion of the list containing the items mandated by law. The Committee by unanimous vote recommended that the City Council approve the 2003 Planning Commission Work Plan at the February 18, 2003, meeting. 5, FUTURE MEETINGS The next scheduled meeting will be February 24, 2003 6, ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m. K:\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2003\February 3, 2003 LUTC Minutes doc CITY OF Federal Way I)ATE: February 24, 2003 TO: FRO51: VIA: SUBJECT: Eric Fa;son, Chair Land Use / Transportation Committee Marwan Salloum. Street Systems Manaucr David It. Moseley, City. Mana~_. Acceleration of tile S 324th Street at SR-99 Project BACKGROUND: The S 324m Street at SR-99 project is identified on the 2003 to 2008 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) as a separate project; however, this project has been envisioned to occur as a part of the Pacific Highway South HOV Lane Phase II project (S 324th Street to s 340th Street). Due to construction timing benefits, potential cost savings and minimizing public disruption, the Public Works Department is requesting tile acceleration of the S 324m Street at SR-99 project construction as a change order to the Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase I project (S 312th Street to S 324th Street). SCI Infrastructure, LLC, the contractor fbr tile Pacific Iqighway South HOV Lanes Phase I project has submiucd a change order cost in the amount of $939,760.90. This change order cost utilizes the same unit bid prices as the Phase 1 project and is 2.5% below thc engineers cost estilnate for this project (see attached bid tabulation). PROJECT BUDGET Thc project is fimdcd as follows: PROJECT EXPENDITURES Plmming and Design Right of Way Acquisition Construction 10% Construction Contingency 12% Consttnaction Management Note: Note: 939,760.90 93,976.00 112.770.00 Completed as part of Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase II Completed as part of Pacific Highxvay South HOV Lanes Phase II As a change order to Pacific ttighway Sonth HOV Lanes Phase I TOTAl. PIIOJECI' COSTS S 1, ! 46,506.90 FUNDIN(; AVAII,ABIA~; Total Grant Funding (State) $678,035.00 TIA $678,038 (TIB) Budgeted City Matching Fund $468,468.90 To'rAt, AvAtt,Am,[: Bt;m;[:'r S1 ,! 46,506.90 February 24, 2003 l,[JT(?Mcmo Pacificttwy. S. [IOVIJancsPhaselChangeOrder Pa? 2 I/I,XT()MM ENI)ATIONS: placing t}lc l'olIoxx in,~', items on tl~e March 4, 2003 ('ouncil ('on'-;cnt Agenda: an~ount ot'5939.760.90 to S('I lnfi'aslructure, LI.C as a chan? ozdcr Io thc Pacific t li?~way 2. Approve n 10% col~tingcncy of $93,976.00 fox- a total pxo. icct construction budget of $1,0o o.7_%. )(). APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Eric Faison, Chair Dean McColgan, Member Michael Park, Member cc p~oject F/lc Day }:ilo k:'k~lc',2OO3'~ccelclation of t]:c s324th st~¢c! ;it st'99 p~ojcct doc BID TABULATION CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PACIFIC HIGHWAY SOUTH HOV LANES PHASE I - S. 310TH STREET TO S. 324TH STREET BID SCHEDULE F - S.324th Street All unit prices in Bid Schedule F include applicable sales tax. Feb-3-2003 ITEM ~EM DESCRIPTION UNIT APP~ROX. UNIT PR[CE SCI UNIT PRICE Engineer DOLLARS NO. (~U ANTITY CENTS Bid DOLLARS CENTS Estimate 1 Mobilization LS I ~.50,000 i . $75,000 $75,000.00 2 Construction Surveying LS 1 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 25,000.00 3 Uti~i'cy Potholing FA 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 4 Resolution of Utility Conflicts FA ! 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 1.5,000.00 5 Off Duty Uniformed Police Officer HRS 200 47.00 9,400.00 47.00 9,400.00 6 Temporary Traffic Control Devices LS 1 7 Traffic Control Supen/isor HRS 350 35.00 12.250.00 35.00 12,250.00 8 Traffic Control Labor HRS 1,200 30.00 36.000.00 30.00 36,000.00 9 Clearing Limits Fence LF ].,667 2.00 3.33400 2.00 3,334.00 10 Cl~earing and Grubbing LS i 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 11 Roadside Cleanup FA I 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 12 Removal and Relocation of Existing Private Improvem~ FA I 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 13 Removal of Structure and Obstruction LS 1 11,500.00 11,500.00 15,000.00 11,000.00 14 Remove Cement Concrete Sidewalk SY 2,996 10.00 29.95556 10.00 29,955 56 15 Remove Curb LF 1,224 1.25 1.530.00 1.25 1,530 60 16 Remove Existing Catch Basin EA 2 250.00 60000 250,00 500.00 ]7 Remove Existing Storm Sewer Pipe LF 129 18 Sawcutting SF 348 6.00 2,088.00 6.00 2.088 00 19 Gravel Borrow Incl. Haul TN ],372 12.00 16,46400 12.00 16,464 00 20 Roadway Excavation Inc. Haul CY 1,623 17.00 27,592.32 17.00 27,592 32 21 Shoring or Extra Excavation Cl. B SF 788 0.50 39400 0.50 394.00 22 Crushed Surfacing Base/Top Cour~- TN 1,933 11.50 ~22.224 38 11.5~- 22,224.38 23 Cold Nix Asphalt TN 100 75.00 7.500.00 75.00 7.500.00 24 Asphalt Cone. Pavement Cl. A TN 1,895 39.75 75.311.16 39.75 76.311.16 25 Asphalt Conc. Pavement Cl. E TN 627 36.00 22.567.83 36.00 22,567.83 26 Planing Bituminous Pavement SY 3,203 4.50 14.413.50 4.50 14.413.50 27 Cement Co~c. Pavement Approach 3 Day SY 259 33.00 8.55067 33.00 8.550.67 28 Handrailing ~F 34~ 65.00 -- 22.360 00 -- 65.00 22.360.00 29 Modular Standard Block Retaining Waft System SF 1,276 26.00 33.17600 26.00 33.178 00 30 Class III Reinf. Conc. Storm Sewer Pipe 12 In. Diam. LF 551 35.00 19.28500 35.00 ~ 19.285 00 31 Ductile Iron Storm Sewer Pipe 12in. Diam. LF 199 57.00 11,343.00 57.00 11,343 O0 32 Abandon Existing Catch Basin EA 2 200.00 400 00 200.00 40000 33 Abandon and Fill Pipe LF 62 11.00 682.00 11.00 68200 34 Adjust Catch t~asin to Grade EA 11 275.00 3.025.00 275.00 3.02~-00 SCHEDULE F (CONTINUED) Feb-3-2003 ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT APPROX. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DOLLARS DOLLARS NO. UNIT PRICE IN WORDS QUANTITY CENTS CENTS DOLLARS CENTS DOLLAR~ CENTS 35 Adjust Utility Manhole to Grade EA 4 36 Catch Basin Type I EA 25 850.00 21,250.00 850.00 21,260.00 37 Catch Basin Type 1L EA 2 38 Catch Basin Type 2 48 In. EA 1 2,200.00 2,200 00 2,200.00 2,200.00 39 Install Solid Cover and Frame EA 7 ~.00.00 70000 100.00 700.00 40 Through Curb Inlet Frame & Grate with Vertical Curb EA 4 200.00 800 00 200.00 800.00 41 Connect to Existing Catch Basin EA 2 300.00 60000 300.00 600.00 42 Catch Basin Insert EA 6 750.00 4,500.00 750.00 4,500.00 43 Catch Basin Filter EA 24 75.00 1,800.00 75.00 1,800.00 44 Erosion & Sedimentation Control FA ! 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 45 Erosion & Sedimentation Control Lead DAY 50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46 Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset' 2 1/2" cal. EA. 51 315.00 16,06500 315.00 16,065.00 47 Prunus Laurocerasus -'Otto Luyken' 15" sp EA. 54 24.00 1,296.00 24.00 1,296.00 48 Bark Mulch C.Y. 15 28.00 420.00 28.00 420.00 49 Drip Irrigation System LS 1 25,000.00 26,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 50 Irrigation Force Account for Behind Sidewalk Irrigatiol FA i 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3.000.00 51 Cement Conc. Curb and Gutter LF 3,168 9.25 29,304.00 9.25 29,304.00 52 Extruded Curb, Type 6 LF 1,333 4.10 5,465.30 4.10 5,465.30 53 Integral Curb SF 54 30.00 1.620.00 30.00 1,620.00 54 Precast Type C Traffic Curb LF 285 13.50 3,847.50 13.50 3,847.50 55 Chain Link Fence LF 250 24.80 6,200.00 24.80 6.200.00 56 Cement Conc. Sidewalk SY 3,200 19.00 60,80844 19.00 60,808.44 57 Complete 324th and SR 99 Traffic Signal & Signal Int~ LS 1 58 Decorative Lighting System LS 59 Festival Electrical System LS I 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 60 Furnish and Install 4-inch Communication Conduit LF 2,750 2.00 5,500.00 2.00 5,500.00 61 Furnish and Install 4'x4'x4' Vault EA 4 62 Permanent Signing LS 250 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 63 18" White Stop Bar (Material Type 4) LF 94 9.40 883.60 9.40 883.60 64 4" Yellow Paint Stripe (Material Type 3) LF 2,664 1.35 3,596.40 1.35 3,596.40 65 4" White Stripe (Material Type 2) LF 1,685 0.85 1,432.25 0.85 1.43225 66 4" White Stripe (Material Type 3) LF 2,153 1.50 3,229.50 1.50 3,229 50 67 8" White Stripe (Material Type 2) LF 1,260 3.25 4,095.00 3.25 4,095.00 68 White Crosswalk Stripe (Material Type 4) SF 690 4.25 2.932.50 4.25 2.93250 69 White Bike Lane Symbol (Material Type 4) EA 9 150.00 1,350.00 150.00 1,350.00 70 White Traffic Arrow (Material Type 4) EA 17 100.00 1.700-.00 100.00 1.70000 71 Tree Grate with Frame EA 51 700.00 35,70000 700.00 35,700.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE F 939,760.90 963,576.90 (bid items include sales tax) CITY OF Federal Way DATE: February 24, 2003 TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: Eric Faison, Chair Land Use / Transportation Committee ['~ Marwan Salloum, Street Systems Manager'S-( ~ , "~ ; _ David H. Moseley, City Manag¢O,~X~, Pacific ltighway South HOV Lanes Phase II (South 324tt' to 340th Street) Improvement Project - 100% Design Approval and Authorization to Bid BACKGROUND The Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase II (South 324th to 340tt' Street) design has been completed and is hereby presented for your consideration. In an effort to reduce costs and public disruption, the following planned projects have been incorporated into the design and will be constructed as part of this project: · Utility Underground Conversion ~vithin project limits. · Lakehaven Utility District water and Sexver utility adjustment and pipe replacement. PROJECT FUNDING The project is funded as follows: PROJECT EXPENDITURES Planning and Design Right of Way Acquisition Estimate 2003 Engineers Construction Estimate 10% Construction Contingency 12% Construction Management PSE Underground Conversion Estimate TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $1,169,350 $3,214,000 $8,200,000 $820,000 $984,000 $600,000 $14,987,350 Includes costs for S 324~h Street at SR-99 Project. (The ROW acquisition expenditure remains an estimate due to pending condemnation action on 29 properties and includes cost for s 324th street at SR-99 Project.) February 24, 2003 LUTC Memo - Pacific Hwy. S. HOV Lanes Phase II, 100% Page 2 FUNDING AVAILABLE Total Grant Funding Mitigation Fund Lakehaven Utility District Budgeted City Matching Fund Transfer in Street C[P Fund Interest Earning TOTAL AVAILABLE BUDGET $12,338,524 $1,116,780 $641,737 $366,531 $500,000 $50,597 $15,014,169 (TIA $2,547,033, TPP $1,725,000, STP $4,007,503, CMAQ $2,850,000 and, WSDOT $1,208,988) (Utility replacement/Adjustment) PROJECT BALANCE $26,819 This project is within budget and we anticipate bidding the project in April 2003 and awarding in May 2003. Construction will commence in June 2003 with an estimated substantial completion date of October 2004. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends placing the following items on the March 4, 2003 Council consent agenda for approval: 1. Approve the 100% design plans for the Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase II (South 324th to South 340h Street) Improvement Project. Authorize staff to bid the project contingent upon receiving necessary Grant funding agencies approval and return to the City Council for permission to award the project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. '.APPROVAL OF COMMIT:rE.E RI!;I'ORT: . :.: .. := Eric Faison, (?.hair l)e.'m McColgan, Meml~er Michael Park, Member MS:dl cc: Project File Day File K:XLUTCX2OO3~Pacific Highway Phase Il, 100%Aoc CITY OF Federal Way DATE: TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: February 10, 2003 Eric Faison, Chair Land Use and Transportation Committee Paul Bucich, Surface Water Management Maria "' David H. Moseley, City Manage~,~ ~q~ Surface Water Infrastructure Maintenance and Service Contract - Authorization to Bid BACKGROUND Surface Water Management (SWM) contracts for all vactor andjet-rodding services, tilde last time SWM solicited bids for this service was in 2002. The contract executed in 2002 expired December 31st, 2002. Staff had been negotiating an extension to the current contract with Action Services, but recent increases in decant and disposal costs, originating from King County, have increased the mmual contract cost to the city by almost 30%. Due to this, the Utility is recormnending advertising a RFB once again for these services. AVAILABLE FUNDING The approved budget for the Surface Water Utility allocates $134,753.00 for this service in 2003. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends placing the following items on the March 18, 2003 Council consent agenda for approval: 1. Authorize the Utility to seek bids for Surface Water Infrastructure Maintenance and Service. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Eric Faison, Chair Dean McColgan, Member Michael Park, Member cc: Day File K kSWM\CB Cleamng Comtact EditsXI.UTC Auth to Bid 2003 doc