LUTC PKT 04-01-2002April 1~ 2002 5:30. pm · '. · City of Federal Way.. ,.....:: ':T.' City Council ,,:',.'..., · Land Use/Transportation 'cOmmittee City Hall Council Chambers.. 2. 3. 4. MEETING AGENDA CALL TO ORDER Approval of Minutes of the March 18, 2001, Meeting PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) BUSINESS ITEMS D. E. F. Green Gables 2001 Neighborhood Traffic Safety Project Action Perez/5 min Rainier View 2001 Neighborhood Traffic Safety Project Action Perez/5 min Mirror Lake 2001 Neighborhood Traffic Safety Project Action 2002 Comprehensive Plan Selection Presentation Housing Targets Update I-5/SR18/SR161 Triangle Study Update Perez/5 min Action Clark/15 min Information McClung/15 min Action Perez/15 min FUTURE MEETING AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURN Committee Members: Eric Fa/son, Chair Dean McCo/gan M/chad Park City Sta~: Kathy McC/ung, D/rector, Community Development Services Sandy L y/e, Administrative Assistant 255. 661.4116 March 18, 2002 5:30 pm ,' City of. Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee Council Chambers MEETING SUMMARY In attendance: Committee members Eric Faison, Chair, Deputy Mayor Dean McColgan, and Mike Park; Mayor Jeanne Burbidge; Councilmember Linda Kochmar; City Manager David Moseley; Public Works Director Cary Roe; Street Systems Manager Marwan Salloum; Assistant City Attorney Karen Kirkpatrick; Surface Water Manager Paul Bucich; SWM Project Engineer Fei Tang; and Administrative Assistant Sandy Lyle. CALL TO ORDER Chair Faison called the meeting to order at 5:34 pm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The summary of the March 4, 2002, meeting was approved as presented. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment on any item not included in the agenda. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Letter of Support for Friends of the Hylebos Wetlands Grant Application - In 1994, the Federal Way City council authorized the Surface Water Management department to implement a major restoration project for the west fork of Hylebos Creek. This project is now being initiated with design in 2002 and construction scheduled for 2003. The project is estimated to cost $1.2 million, $750,000 of which was committed by the City Council through Surface Water Management (SWM) fees. SWM is pursuing grant funding and other revenue sources to cover the additional expense. One of those sources of funding is a National Oceanic and Atmospheric administration (NOAA) grant for $150,000. If successful, the Friends of the Hylebos (Friends) intention is to direct $100,000 to King County for land acquisition in the area of the identified SWM project as well as to direct $50,000 to the City to offset costs incurred in designing and construction the Utility's West Hylebos Restoration Project. The NOAA grant opportunity will provide the Friends and the City the opportunity to work together to restore 2500 lineal feet of quality salmonid habitat, which is expected to provide significant benefits to salmonid resources. The Committee m/s/c recommendation that a letter of support for the NOAA grant be signed by the Mayor and City Manager. Such support will be discussed at the March 19, 2002, City Council meeting. B. 2002 Asphalt Overlay Project Bid Award - Seven (7) bids were received and opened on March 7, 2002, for the 2002 Asphalt Overlay Project. The lowest bidder is Lakeridge Paving Company, LLC, with a total bid of $1,523,285.30. Lakeridge Paving Company, LLC, requested their bid be withdrawn due to an error made in calculating the bid. Staff checked Lakeridge Paving Company, LLC, experience and found that the largest overlay project completed by the company was in the amount of $$800,000.00, which is only 50% the size of this project. Due to this, the bid went to the second lowest responsive, responsible bidder Lakeside Industries, Inc., with a bid total of $1,710,369.65. The budget for the 2002 Asphalt Overlay Project is $2,568,478.00. This figure is the sum of 2002 Budget, $1,626,113; carry forward, $673,365; 2002 Structures Budget, $119,000; and l S'Avenue South Shoulder Widening Project, $150,000. The Committee m/s/c approval of the 2002 Asphalt Overlay Project and recommended approval to the City Council at the April 2, 2002, meeting. Chair Faison commended staff on all the minor little things done to save money. Those items can add up to save large amounts of money later on. FUTURE MEETINGS The next meeting will be April 1,2002. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m. K \LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2002\March 18 2002 LUTC Minutes doc CITY OFfs=..=, DATE: TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: April 1, 2002 Eric Faison, Chair Land Use / Transportation Committee Rick Perez, City Traffic Engineer/ ~41*C_ David H. Moseley, City Manag1~~x' ~6'~ Green Gables Neighborhood Traffic Safety (NTS) Project, 342"d BACKGROUND Residents along 342'~ Avenne Southxvest m the vicinity of 35t~ Street Southwest have rcqucsted the installation of traffic calming devices in that area based on concerns of high traffic speeds and cut-through traffic. Currently adopted NTS installation criteria are based on a point system as ~bllows: o,~:n%~,,. ,~ AcCidents per Year Average Daily Tramc 85"' Percentile Speed severity (5-Year history) (two-flay total) (mph) 0.5 0.3 - 0.5 500 1100 26 29 1.0 0.5 - 0.7 1101 1700 20.1 32 1.5 0.7-0.9 1701 2300 32. t 35 2.0 0.9 1.1 ,.>01 2900 _,3.1 gS 2.5 1.1 - 1.3 2901 3500 38.1 41 3.0 More than 1.3 Nlorc than 3500 More than 41 Installation criteria are filet if thc total number of severity points is CClual to or greater than 3.0. A traffic $ludy indicated that the subject location would receive 1.0 point lbr traffic volume, 3 points tbr traffic speed, and 0.5 points tbr accident history. Thcrclbre, thc total lmmbcr of points ix 4.5, which meets thc 3.0-point minmmn~ to qualily for speed hump installation. On November 7, 2001 staff conducted a neighborhood meeting to discuss potential Ii'al'tic calming alternatives that might be cfl~ctivc in reducing speed and cut-through traffic within thc neighborhood. At'ct' discussion bctxveen the neighborhood rcsictcnts and slat'f, a consensus was reached to propose thc installation of two speed humps in order lo mitigate thc identified problems. In accordance with cslablishcd NTS policies, slat't' sent ballots to propcrt)oxx nors and occtq~ants within 6()0 l~ct of thc proposed speed hump locations and the following table summarizes the ballot results: Speed ltump 1 11.:2 .:~.:i: Ballots Sent 38 68 Ballots Returned 7 11 Yes Votes 6 (86%) Il (100%) No Votes 1 (14%) 0 (0%) Installation criteria require a 50% majority of the returned ballots. Based on the above results, all locations met the balloting criteria. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends placing the following item on the April 16, 2001 Council Consent Agenda: Approve the installation of txvo speed humps along 342'~a Avenue Southwest in the vicinity of 35~h Street SW. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Eric Faison, Chair Michael Park, Member Dean McColgan,Member R P/RT:dl k:'lutc2002grccugablcsnts 342sw.doc CITY OF~ DATE: TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: April I, 2002 Eric Faison, Chair Land Use / Transportation Comnfittee Rick Perez, City Traffic Engineer David It. Moseley, City Managcb~'-~3if' Green Gables Neighborhood Traffic Safety (NTS) Project, 35th BACKGROUND Residents along 35~h Avenue Southwest in the vicinity of South;vest 342nd Street have requested thc installation of traffic cahnmg devices in that area based on concerns of high traffic speeds and cut-through traffic. Currently, adopted NTS installation criteria apply only to residential streets functionally classified as local or minor collectors where thc posted speed limit does not exceed 25 mph. Thc subject roadway segment is classified as a principal collector and therefore does not normally qualify for the NFS program. ('urrcntly adopted NI'S in.~tallation criteria arc based on a point system as lbllows: Accidents per Year Average Daily Traffic 85m Percentile Speed Severiq, Points (5-year history) (two-way total) (mph) 0,5 0.3 - 0.5 500 1100 26 29 1.() 0.5 - 0.7 1101 1700 29. l 32 1.5 0.7-0.9 t701 2300 32.1 35 2.0 0.9- 1.1 2301 -2900 35.1 3~ 2.5 1.1- 1.3 290l 3500 3~.1 41 3.0 More than 1.3 More than 3500 More than 41 Installation criteria afc met il' the total number of severity points is equal to oz' greater than 3.0. A traffic study indicated that the subject location would receive 1.5 point lbr traffic volume, 1.5 points traffic st)ccd, and 2.0 points lbr accident history, lhcrclbrc, thc total nunlbcr of points is 5.(), which meets thc 3.()-point lnininnlln to qualil? tbr st, ccd hump iustallation. ()n November 7, 2001 statT conducted a neighborhood meeting to discuss potential tral'lic calming alternatives that might bc cl'IDctivc in rcducim~ speed and cut-through tral'fic within thc neighborhood. /X flor discussion between thc neighborhood residents and staff', a consensus was reached lo propose thc installation of two speed tables m order to mitigate thc identified problems. In accordance with established NFS policies, slal't' Still ballots lo property owners and occtxpanls within 6()0 lUct oF thc proposed speed hump locations and the following table summarizes the ballot results: _2.qpeed Ta b!.e_ I 2 I~allots Scm .18 44 Ilallots Rcmmcd I-1 9 ......... ~'~_2.'*_ ..X.).!!~:.,_'... 13 (93%) .... 6 Installation criteria require a 50% majority of the returned ballots. Based on the above results, all locations met the balloting criteria. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends placing the following item on the April 16, 2001 Council Consent Agenda: Depart from the normal policies to alloxv the subject principal collector to qualify lbr the NTS program and approve the installation of two speed tables on 35th Avenue Southwest in the vicinity of Southwest 342nd Street. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Eric Faison, Chair Michael Park, Member Dean McColgan,Member Ri' R'I':dl k Ittt,' 2¢/(12 5tccn g:~blcs m-; 35ss~ d~c CITY OF ~ DATE: TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: April 1, 2002 Eric Faison, Chair Land Use / Transportation Committee Rick Perez, City Traffic Engineer David H. Moseley, Cit er ~ff~,4/%, Rainier View Neighborhood Traffic Safety (NTS) Project BACKGROUND Residents in the vicinity of 20th Avenue S betxveen S 336th Street and S 333rd Street have requested the installation of traffic calming devices in that area based on concerns of high traffic speeds and cut-through traffic. Currently, adopted NTS installation criteria are based on a point system as follows: Accidents per Year Average Daily Traffic : 85th Percentile Speed SeveritT Points (5-year history) (two-way total) (mph) 0.5 0.3 - 0.5 500 1100 26 29 1.0 0.5-0.7 t10l ~1700 29.1 32 1.5 0.7-0.9 1701 -2300 _32.1 35 2.0 0.9- 1.1 2301 .-2900 _35.1 38 2.5 1.1- 1.3 2901 3500 38.l 41 3.0 More than 1.3 More than 3500 More than 41 Installation criteria arc met il' thc total number of severity points is equal to or greater than 3.0. A traffic study indicated that the subject location would receive 2.0 point lbr traffic volume, 1.5 points traffic speed, and 1.0 point lbr accident history. Thcrelbrc, the total ntlnlbor of points is 4.5, which meets the 3.0-point minimun~ to qualil3, lbr speed hump installation. On October 24, 2001 slaff conducted a neighborhood meeting to discuss potential traffic calming alternatives that might bc cflDctive m rcclucing speed and cut-through traffic xvithin thc neighborhood. A l~cr discussion between thc neighborhood residents and stall} a consensus was reached to propose thc installation o1' two speed tables in orclcl-to mitigate thc idclitificd problems. In accorclancc with established NFS policies, stat'l' sent ballots to propcrt3 owners and occupants within 600 IDol of thc proposed speed hump locations and the following table summarizes the ballot results: [__ Speed llump_ I~allots I~allt)ts Returned Yes \'()tcs I 2 2'," 1 199 31 23 ':)1 (9'1%1 ~0 '~"t°''" .. , _..!.: ..?__'~'-(.?. Installation criteria require a 50% majority of the returned ballots. Based on the above results, all locations met the balloting criteria. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends placing the following item on the April 16, 200l Council Consent Agenda: Approve the installation of two speed humps on 20th Avenue S betxveen S 336tb Street and at S 333rd Street. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Eric Faison, Chair Michael Park, Member Dean McColgan,Member RP/RT:dl k:\lulc\2002,rahlicr ~ic~ nts 2¢)s doc CITY OF ~ DATE: TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: April 1, 2002 Eric Faison, Chair Land Use / Transportation Committee Rick Perez, City Traffic Engineer ,dY_~dcy'Q David H. Moseley, City Manag~::~ttyc Mirror Lake Neighborhood Traffic Safety (NTS) Project BACKGROUND Residents in the vicinity of 8'h Avenue South between South 320th Street and South 312th Street have requested the installation of traffic calming devices in that area based on concerns of high traffic speeds and cut-through traffic. Cun'ently, adopted NTS installation criteria apply only to residential streets functionally classified as local or minor collectors where the posted speed limit docs not exceed 25 lllphl The subject street is classified as a principal collector and thcrctbre docs not nom~ally qualify tbr the NTS progranl. ('urrcntly adopted NI'$ installation criteria arc based on a point system as Follows: Accidents per Year Average Daily Traffic 85"' Percentile Speed SeveriD' Points (5-year history) (two-way total) (mph) 0.5 0.3-0.5 500 1100 26 29 1.0 0.3 - ().V 1101 1700 29.1 - 32 1.5 0.V-0.9 1701 2300 32.1 35 2.0 0.9- 1.1 2301 2900 35.1 38 2.5 l. I 1.3 29(}1 3500 38.1 41 3.0 i'vlorc tJlall 1.3 Moro Ih311 3500 More tJlall 41 Installation criteria arc mci it' tile total number of severity points is equal to or greater than 3.0. A traffic study indicated that thc ,sttbjcct location would receive 1.5 point fin' trafl~c volun~c, 1.5 poims For traffic spccct, and 2.0 points for accident history. 'l'hereFore, the total ntunber oF points is 5.0, which moots thc 3.0-Ix)iht mimmum to qualil? l'or speed huinp installation. ()n October 13, 2001 staffconducled a ncighlx)rhood meeting lo discuss potential traI'lic calming alternatives that might bc cl'tkctivc in i'cducing st)ccd and cut-thFough trat'lhc within the neighborhood. At'lei- discussion between thc neighborhood residents and stal'12 a consensus was reached to propose thc installation of two st,ccd tables in order to mitigate thc identified problems. In accordance with established N I'S policies, staFF scat ballots to property owncx-x aim occupants within 600 IL'ct of thc proposed speed hump locations and the following table summarizes the ballot results: .... Speed T:fl>le . _ 1 .... Ilallm4 Sent 90 I ii Ihdlols l{cturncd 37 !, ........... Yes Votes 32 (8(>%) Ii ...... .No \'ores 5 (I-1%) '21 (68%) Installation criteria require a 50% majority of the returned ballots. Based on the above results, all locations met the balloting criteria. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends placing the following item on the April 16, 2001 Council Consent Agenda: Depart from the normal policies to allow the subject principal collector to qualify for the NTS program and approve the installation of two speed tables on 8th Avenue S at the intersections of S 314th Street and at S 315th Street. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: : : Il Eric Faison, Chair Michael Park, Member Dean McColgan,Member RP/RT:dl k:'dulc',2002 mirror lake nfs - Xs.doc CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMO RA ND UM Marcia 26, 2002 TO: VIA: FI,~()M: ,~[JB,[I'2('[: Eric Faison, Chair Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTC) Kathy McClung, Director of Community Development Serx ices v' Margaret 1t. Clark, AICP, Senior Planner ffOA~ Selection Process - 2002 Coml)rehensive Plan Update A. BxCK(;I~,Ol ;N I} each xcm'. I'his year. ptmrstmmlt lo I~('W 36.70A. I ;(). thc citx xx ill bc rcx'icxx in~ lhc comprchcl~ix c /Qfc'J/il]cs Hlld ( '/RI/~[L'I' 9 :VEl/Itl'ti/ ];'III'/I'~IIIlIICIll,' l'CqllCs[% l}~r C]I[II/~CS lO COlllpl'dI/cI/biX C p]Zll/ presented 1o a (2mncil Committee. in Ibis case thc [.and []sc/l'ransporlation Collllllillcc bcfl~rc ('otmcil deliberation. Because proposed changes to thc chat)tcrs of thc COml)rchcnsix c plan arc t~ousckccping m nature and arc intcmlcd to either update existing int~mnation or to compI5 x~ith changes in thc GMA. thcx xk ill not hc rcvicxxcd relative lo thc eight selection criteria, l.ikcxx igc. thc proposal bx thc ('ilk Park~. I(ccreation. and Cultural Scrx ices (PI(CS) [)cpartmcnt and the %urfi~cc Water N,lanagcmc]~t Division lo add a policy to ('/uq)ler.~' 6 and 9 pertaining to use of thc I lvlcbos Basin 1o provide open si)acc ami passive rcm'cation, public education opportunities, as x~cll as stormx~atcr conx cx anco sx stem. stream rcsloralion, ami habitat stcxxardship arc not being suJ~jcct to said criteria. Actu;~l xxork to dcx clop mid implcmcm this policy xxill be done through rex iow ol'lJ/c t'RCS and Bo PROPOSAL The following site-specific requests are only a portion of the 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update. Proposed amendments to the comprehensive plan will also include changes to the text of the comprehensive plan to address changes made to the GMA since its adoption in 1995. It will also update demographics and other information as needed. Finally, as stated in the staff report and mentioned in Section A -- Bach,,round of this memorandum, we will be proposing a policy to be included in both Chal)ter 6 Capital Facilities and Chapter 9 - Natural Environmen! to address multiple use of the t tylebos Basin. September 200l. /he Ci0, received the.fi)llowin$I four sile-~sT)ec!/ic requests ( Exhibi! A £;oml~oxile M~q~): RcclUCSt from Vilma ~l'aylor. l.inda Petcrson. and Robert Robcrtson to change the com[,rchcnsivc plan ctcsignation and zoning of one parcel located SOL]th of South 3()4u* %tl'ccl alld CaM ()[' Mililarx Road South and txxo parcels located south of South 3()4u' Strcct and xxcst o1' Mililarx Road South ]'FOLD Single Famih' tligh I)cnsitv Rcsictcntial and RS 7.2 (one unit per 7.200 square lbet) to Community Business (IGC). These throe parcels total 1.79 txxo txu-ccls lotaling I ].t)5 acres located north ofSXV 317u' t)lacc and cast o1'21 Nlultiplc I-amilx and RNI 1800 (Multiple {:amih. one unit periS()() square I~ct) P, cquc~l 1'rom S t1~.5 As5ocialcs to change thc COmlwchcnsixc plan dcxi?u~lion and of 5:1-3 acres Iocalcd m)rl]~ of.Sot[Ill 356'n .%trcct and xxcst o1' l{[~cha[]tcct Paz'kxxax South 13usincss Park (Ill>) to Community Business (13C)(l::vhihil RCClUCSt from Dick 13or~ini on bchall'ofthrcc pro{)crD' oxxncrs lbr a changc in comprehensive plan designation and zoning of approximately 13.35 acres located south of South 336'}' Street and xxcst of Pacific I lighway South fi'om Business Park (BP) lo Multiple l:amil} and RM 2400 (Multiple I:amily, one unit per 2.400 square {~ct) M:~vhihi~ 1'). AI)proximalcly eight acres xxcrc originally part ot'thc ~Jtls Corner l{cqucst (currently being l'CX icxxcd ptlrstlan[ [o i)rcparation t)l'a dcvclol)mCnt agl'ccnlclll)al/d ~ls prcx iousl3 x~ illldr:l~n bx thc applicant. The followiu~4 request for an a,lendlnen! lo a lr~mXl~orlalion tna[~ wilhin Ibc COml.'ehensive plan wax o]so received: Request from John Lape, on behalf of Larry Draper to amend Map III-7 (Exhibi! G) of the comprehensive plan to eliminate the 341s' Place connection between 19'h Avenue SW and 21s~ Avenue SW. Applicant proposes to provide a temporary connection until 19~h Avenue SW and SW 344~' Street are improved and connected. The temporary 341~' Place connection would eliminate the long dead-end of 19~h Avenue SW (Exhibit H). C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that Site-Specific Requests #3,//4, and fi6 not be considered fltrther because they do not meet certain selection criteria as discnssed in the attached staff report. Staff recommends that Site-Specific Requests ~1 and ~2 be analyzed further because they meet some or all of thc selection criteria. Also. staff recommends that Site-Specific Request ~5. which pertains to thc west side of thc Mitts Corner site. be reviewed furlher and. if approved by lbo Council as part el' thc comp,'chcnsivc plan amcndmu,u process, be added to thc Kills ('orncr dc\ c}opmcnt agrccmucnl prcscnlly under rcs icxx bx Mal'l'. I). I{I.:Qt:EST FOIl I)[I~,E("I'IOX Flt()M [AJTC %taft' requests thai thc I [' I'(' rccon~mcnd to thc ('itu Council xx hcthcr each of thc ~ix ~itc-spccific E. I,ls/' OF |{\IIIBI I's I{xhibi~ l:xhibit lL×hibit I{×hibit t ×hibit l'xhibit I{xhibit Exhibit ,\ (7ompositc Map ol'%itc %pccilSc l,[cqucst', I~, Site SpccilSc Request ?51 Vilma 'l'axlor ct al (' SiloSpccil~c Rcqucst;'2 Klouxal [) %itcSpccific ILcqucsl;:; C'lcr~ctlndustrics l{ Site Spccil~c Request /:.~ STRS Associates I: SitcSpccilic Requests/5 WcstSideofKittsCorncr G Map lll-V el'thc Comprchcnsi¥c Plan tt Site Specific Request s6 .Iohn l.apc (1 pages) ,,\I'I'R()V\[ ()I"(}()NINlll I1{1-,'\('II()N: I{ric l-aison I)cxn 51c('olx:m \like 151ri, City of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan 2002 SITE SPECIFIC REQUESTS FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION CHANGES Composite Map Legend' ~.~ City Limits ..'... Potential Annexation Area Site Requests PAGE ~_..L_.OFJ-_ 0 0.5 I 1.5 2 Miles Map Printed-March 27, 2002 i __ Existing Designation: ~ Comprehensive Plan: S. 3CaTH ST, Single Family High Density Residential , ,~ ..~ Zoning: RS 7.2 ~...-~. :.'~,.~ -.-, . '.' . 8. 310TH ST RS7.; Note; This map is i The City of Federal RS~7.2 S 311TH ST ~ ~d for use as a graphtcel representat/on only. makes no warranty as to/ts accuracy. Requested Designation: Comprehensive Plan: Community Business Zoning: BC City of Federal way Comprehensive Plan 2002 SITE SPECIFIC REQUESTS FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION CHANGES Vilma Taylor et al Site Specific Request #1 Key: Steep Slopes Wetlands EXHIBIT PAGE__.LOF ~ _ #1 Map Printed-Feb, ! 13, 2001 Lakota Park F~S15.~ RSg.6 D ec,~la~' Highlane Mo'~oo PO qS RS9.6 RS9.6 : RM1800 Tall Firs Condos S.W, 320TH ST. Note' This map is intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federnl Way mnkes no wgrr[mty es to its accuracy. Existing Designation: Comprehensive Plan: Single Family High Density Residential Zoning: RS 7.2 ity of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan 2002 ~ SITE SPECIFIC REQUESTS FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ,, DESIGNATION CHANGES Requested Designation: Comprehensive Plan: .Multiple Family Zoning: RM 1800 RS; RS7.2 200 '-0 - 200',400 Alex T. Klouzal Site Specific Request #2 Key: Steep Slopes Wetlands EXHIBIT., c PAGE_J._OF ~ #2 Map Printed-February 13, 2002 BP Vacant BP Parkin( BP Vacant.-.. Warehoust Vacant Lowe's BC BP RS35.0 RM2400 VideO~ Only Chevion BC Home D, / Existing Designation: Comprehensive Plan' Business Park Zoning: BP ;t i Requested Designation. i Comprehensive Plan' %r Community Busines§ Zoning: BC ST. 1City of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan 2002 SITE SPECIFIC REQUESTS FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION CHANGES Clerget Industries L.P.- Rob Rueber Site Specific Request #3 Key: Steep Slopes Wetlands EN'H,!B~T _~ PAGE_j__~ OF ~ - Note: This map/s ' The City of Feder~ ¢ed for use es a graph/ca/representation only. makes no warranty as 1o/ts accuracy. 50 0 50 150 200 Feet Map Printed-F, #3 ,ary 13, 2002 BP Lowe's BO Vacant Terminal BP S. 356TH ST. Vacant Warehou se Vacant BP Note; This map is intended for use as a graphical represenfefion only, The Ci~ of Federal Way mekes no wgrranty as to its ~ccuracy. Video Only BC Home Depot Existing Designation' Comprehensive Plan: Business Park Zoning: BP City of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan 2OO2 SITE SPECIFIC REQUESTS FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION CHANGES STRS Associates Site Specific Request #4 Nursery Chevron BC / 50 0 50 100 150 200 Feet Requested Designation Comprehensive Plan: Community Business Key: Steep Slopes Wetlands EXHIBIT ~: PAGE ~_L..OF l ,, #4 Map Printed.February 13, 2 :i ¸oP Note: This map is i, The City of Federe, Existing Designation: Comprehensive Plan: Business Park Zoning' BP l , t Camp_i s- Oflrice P~rk , Frito-Lay Campus Park ..... ~,. ~-: _ BP '~d for use as a graphical representation only. makes no warranty es to its eccurecy, Retail a~nk 336T~ ST. 2021 BP BC N, MllCUU & 336TH ST. ~City of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan 2002 SITE SPECIFIC REQUESTS FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION CHANGES Kitts Corner Site Specific Request #5 Key: Steep Slopes Wetlands 34151' ST. Requested Designation: BP Bc Comprehensive Plan: Multifamily Residential st ..... , Zoning: RM2400 50 0 50 lPn 150 200 Feet A N EXHIBIT F PAGE ~ OF..L._ #5 Map Prtr, ,March 27 20(3 _L. Puget Sound Proposed Deletion of 341st Place South E×HIB T OF f CITY OF FEDERAL WAY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PLANNED STREET SECTIONS TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT Legend: Federal Way City Umtts Potential ~n~aflon Roa~ay S~on: A - 4 lan~ + HOV C - 4 ~n~ + Bike D - 4 lan~ + Bike (C~ E - 4 lan~ H - 5 ~n~ + Bike (C~ Cema) J - 5 I~ (~ Cent~ K - 3 lan~ + Bike L · 3 tan~ + Bke (~ Cent~) M - 3 lan~ 0 - 2 I~ * Bke P - 2 lan~ * DRch ~ S - 2 lan~ + P~ (Sidle Faml~ .MAP Ill-7 NOT~: ~15 mag is Int~fld~d for us~ 3s ~ o~phfc~l represefl~tlon on~. The C~ of Federal Wzy m~es no wa~an~ as ~ ~ ~ $.w, 338TH ST. BN BN* Fred Myer S.W, 339TH ST, Bible $,W, 342ND RS7.2 Park & Ride RS7.2 S.W, 344TH ST. RSZ.2_ _ RS7.2 Note: This map is ir ~d for use as a graphical representation only The City of Feder~'l makes no warranty as fo its acctlr,,1cy .................. ~,~_ City of Federal Way ' '~.~ Comprehensive Plan ~ 2002 ' Map: ~ REQUEST FOR CHANGE TO Request For Change To _ MAP OF THE Request to eliminate the L COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 341 Place Connection between 19th and 21 SW from the City Transportation Plan , John Lape I / I Site Specific Request #6 _~ RS7.2 Key: Steep Slopes Wetlands EXHTE~IT k,l PAGE ~ OF~ 50 0 50 10r~ I~llllllllllBil~~ 150 200 Feet /\ Map Prlnted-Fe_ .,ary 13, 2002 EXH[I~IT Iq ~: PAGE ~ OF3 VICINITY NAP-NB1- T[q SCALE ~}~,E: 9x~/O~ ¢~C~: ~ FCBERAL waY .]~t-JN / A~>L-, AI~Ct t1 J f: ('1 ~ 5410 S.W. HACADAF1 AV~., SUI1F ~00 o COHF~Iql t~ENSIV~ PLAN PO~IL_ANI), OREG[]N 97801 fi L F[]I)Er~AL WAY PHONE: <503) 843 2837 · fAX: (503) ed3 2267 PAG E....__~ OF~ TAX LOT ~ ~TO CONTINUE TO 21~T - ~~ TO / I , TAX LOT FUTURE IqTH GT~EET EXTENGION 5410 S.W. MACADAM AVE., SUI1E 200 C[]HPf2Et~EN~IVE [)[ ~N PO[<ILAND, OREGON 97~01 WAY PIlE]NE: (503) FAX: (503) CITY OF FEDERAL WAY STAFF REPORT March 26, 2002 Selection Process -- 2002Comprehensive Plan Update BACKGROUND /\ lk)rmal process l~)r updating tile comprehensive plan and development vcgulatioils x~ as ndoptcd il~ March lOgO. Tl~is process sets up a yearly deadline o1' September 30 to submit apl~lications Ik~r __-~__>. alicr thc doactli~c l'ov acccpti~g npplications, thc (Titv Council shall hold a public henring and select lhosc docketed :llllcHdmclll rcclUCSts it wishes to consider lk>r adoptions. It is the Cit>"s practice lh;H all (~il? busi~/oss bc :\t thc slill'l Of this x enl"s illllclldlllel/! t'~I'O,.2CNN. 1(('%~' 36.70A. I g0 hi/d rcqtiircd thai its live-year update no later lhat NcptemDcr 1. 2002. ()t{ Mitrch 14.2()02. Nct{:~tc l~ill ~c~l to lhc (5ovcmor l~i' signature. ()ncc ndoptcd, this xx ill amcHd {(('X~' 36.70,X. 130 l'hc intcn! et'thc either thc 5 or 7-Year [lpdntc is lk~r a tit> to rcvicx~ its comprchcllsix c l.;~nd l;sc it)(}5 a~d 2001. 2002 ('oi~lprchc~six c Plnl~ [ ipdatc includes Ul~¢li/lcs lo cllat~lel-s l'CcltlCsl lo ildd LI l~(>lic} lo ('h:q~tcr 6_ ( '¢ll~i/~i/IQlr'ilil/¢'.s and ('Jlilptcr A. Update to Chapters Staff is proposing to make changes to tile chapters as shown in Table I. Where possible we have identified minimum changes necessary to meet tile recent amendments to tile (}MA (asterisked). For tile most part, the other changes are being made due to changes ill demographics as a result of the 2000 Census or are in response to nexv information. Othcr changes may be added as time allows TABLE I CHAPTER DESCRIPTION OF UPDATE 1 Introduction 1. Update population figures consistent with the 2000 Census and Washington Office of Financial Management (OFM) population estimates. 2 - Land Use I. Incorporate information related to the 2001 capacity analysis. 2. Review Urban Densities. 3 Transportation [-1 t{conomic l)cvclopn~en~ - ('hx £'cntcr S I'otcntial /\nncxation /\rcas 1. Update the 2020 Year forecast and identify new prqjects based on this tUrccast. 2. Make changes to be consistent with thc 2001 Updated Metropolitan TranslX~rmtion Plan (MI'P). 3. lh'oposc amendments to compl> with lib 14,'-;7 (l.cxcl-ol'-Scr~icc Bill) Inctudc illllcndlllcllls lo oxen/i)[ J'l'CCXV[l? SVStci11 I'rOlll COIlCLnTClICV rcqLlil'cInCill5.:': 4. hlcorporate l-csults of the Trafllc Impacl Fcc und (Mncurrcncx N,lunugcmcnt System Study. anticipated lo bc compIcted March 3 }. _00_. Incorporate data from Ibc 2000 Markcl Analysis and splice alld passive recreation, ptlJ¢Jic cducLtlJon O}¢[)Ol'ltnlilics. Ct)Ii\ex ~IRCC SXSICII/. slrcanl rcsloration and habilal stcxxardship. Iht improvements l~)r thc Cib Center. 1. [Jpdalc ba}~d on progress to &itc on thc I'otcntiul I. Thc rcsuhs of the l{ndangcrcd Species Act (I{SA) ~[Ol'lllXX:llOr ('apilaJ JnlpFOX Cllldll( t'{'O, jCCt Review. ;llld %Il'trill1 2. Thc wellhead protection nla{)s J'l'OIII tile ALISLISI 2001 [.akcllaxC[1 t'tilirx I)iqrict studx and policies to protect xvcllllcads will bc added to thi~ chztl)tCr.< ;. I.}stahlish polio5 ?idance lo develop and implement B. Policy Addition Request by the City Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services (PRCS) Departlnent and tile Surface Water Management (SWM) Division of the Public Works Departmel~t to add a policy to Chapter 6, Ca/ilia/t:acililie.s' and Chapter 9, Nalural Environmenl, to guide the development and implementation of a capital facility element for the PRCS and SWM Comprehensive Plans. This would allow tile Hylebos Basin to provide open space and passive recreation, public education opportunities, as well as stormwater conveyance system, strealn restoration. and habitat stewardship. Tile PRCS and tile SWM plans are considered functional plans and do not have to be updated oil tile same schedule as the comprehensive plan; i.e., they may be adopted at a different time from tile comprehensive plan; however, tile3, do need to be adopted by reference ill thc appropriate sections of tile comprehensive plan. C. Site-Specific Requests li~ .%'c,l)ldnl/~er 2001. ltzd ( 'ilY rcc'circJ ll~e /ol/t)uin,k, [()ur .~ilt'-.V~dci/ic ruquc.~l.s (l'Jvttihiz .1 l",CClUCSt from Vilma Taylor 15nda l)ctcrson, and Robert l~obcrtson to change thc comprehensive plan designation and zonin~ of one parcel located south ol'South ~ u~ IXU-cclx total 1.79 acrc~ (/;'vl/i/fi/ I~. Request from ,\lux '1. Klouxul lo clumgc Ibc comt)rchcnsix c plan dcsigmnion 5%~ J'rom hinglc l:;unilx l ligh l)cnxilx I<csidcnlial and 1<5 7.2 (Single Familx. unit per 7.200 square lDct)to Nluhil)lc l:amilv and RM I g00 (Xluhit, lc t-amilx. unit purl 8(){)square t)ct) (l;Lvhihil ( Rcqucsl from Rob R. cubcr lo chart? thc con~prchcnsixc phm dc_~ignzttion and ×oning oi'4.27 acres located north of South 356'u Sit'col. alld \x, csl ol'16m ..\x cnuc South I'l'Olll Business Park (I~,P) to Colnn~unil} [),usincxs (B('} ~E. vhi/4!/)~. RCClttCSt Ii'om S l'1~,5 Associates to change thc comprchcnxix c plan designation and zoning o1' 5.4-1 acres located north of %otll]l 35fl'n %freer :md xx c~t oI'16~' /Ns cnuc ~otJth l'ron/ 13usincss Park ( [~l)) to ('olnn/unitx [~usincss ( IlL' )t/:'v/lihil l;'). h/ rutJilion, .~'lr(/l'/'cc'o/n/m'ndx ///rtl llw fi)llon'in,,.,, /'cq//('.w hc ~/(htc'rl I(~ llli. S 1'd~lr '.~ (Ill') Io Xlulliplc I-':mlilx ;md lxN1 2.10(I (XluhipIc f :nnilx. one unit i)ur feet) (Exhihi! 19. Approximately eight acres were originally part of the Kitts Corner Request (currently being reviewed pursuant to preparation ol'a development agreement) and was previously ~vithdrawn by the applicant. I). Request for a Change to Comprehensive Plan Map Theft)I/owing requexl for an at,endme,t to a lrr~nSl)Orlalion mrq) within the cot,[)rehensive plrm u'rt,s cdxo received: Request from John Lape, on behalf of Larry Draper. to amend Map III-7 (£~¥hihit (D oFthe comprehensive plan to eliminate the 341~' Place connection betxveen 19u' Avenue SW and 21~ Avenue SW. Applicant proposes to provide a temporary connection until 19'h Avenue SW and SW 344u' Street are improved and connected. The temporary 341~' Place connection would eliminate the long dead-end o1' 19'h Avenue SW (Exhihil It). I{. ()ther lssnes to be Addressed comn~tmitx-hascd l~tcilitics l~u' sexual ol'l~nclcrs xxho hz~x c bccn rclca~cd I?om their %cJ)lclllhcr J. 20(12 tO prox ictc fi)r thc siting o1'5( I't x kxithin lhcir N~i'dcrq: or 12)hax in~ their ('omprchcnsix c Plan [ ipdatc i)roccss, thc ('ouncil xx ill m,~x.c thc option ol'cJccicting xx hcthcr IV I{.EASON FOIl COUNCIL ACTION Pursuant to FWCC Chapter 22, Article IX, "Process VI Reviexv," the City Council is required to reviexv all requests concurrently. Fu[lher, prior to adoption, the Council is required to hold a public hearing, at which time it selects those amendment requests it wishes to consider for adoption based on specific criteria outlined in Section IV of this staff report. V I~'ROCEDURAI, SI_IMMARY FOR 2002 COMPREtlENSIVE PLAN AMENI)MENT PROCESS September 30. 2001 Deadline For Applications _00_ April I. ~ ~ 12JTC Meeting- A summary of all requests will be presented 1o thc I.UTC tbr determination of which requests should be considered during thc upcoming amcndmenl process. Public I Ic;u'ing bx ('its ('ouncil. VI NI(I,I.;('[I()X(TRII'EI{I\ I lie l',,llokk in~ critcri;l ~lu~ll bc used in xclcctinu, thc comt>rchcnxixc phll~ :uncndmcmx to bu adth'c~,-~cd during thc tLpco]ning cxclc' \\ Ilclhcr thc 5amc at-ca o]- issue was sttldicd during thc hist :lmcmlmcnl process and co]~ditionx in thc immcdialc x icinitx has c si~nil~cantl} changed so :~x Io make thc rcqt]cxlcd ch;mBo xx ithin thc public inlcrcq. \\ hclhcr thc proposed a]nci~dmcnt is consistent xx ith thc oxcrall x ision ol'thc COml>rchcn~ix c t',hm. \\hcthcr Iht l~]'oposcd ;m~ctktmcnl moots cxixtin,x si;ilo and Icc;il l;Ixx~, includi]lg thc ( If the request meets tile criteria set forth in 1-4 above, it shall be further evaluated according to tile following criteria: 5. Whether the proposed amendment can be incorporated into planned or active projects. Anlotlnt of analysis necessary to reach a recommendation on tile request. Ifa large-scale study is required, a request may have to be delayed until the following year due to workloads, staffing levels, etc. 7. Volume of'requests received. A large volume of requests may necessitate that some requests be reviewed in a subsequent year. 8. Order of requests received. Based on its review ofrcquests according to the above criteria, thc Council shall determine which site-specific requests shall be further considered tbr adoption, and shall tbrxxard those reclUCSts to VI! ~'1'..\ I:1: ~I'I'E NI'I.~('IFI(' l,'.I.:()[ [~s[' #1 -'l'..\~'l.OI/, I'ITI'[.~RS()N, \x/I) R()BIx/S()N I:ilc Number: [.ocali(m: Size: \pp[icaut: Request: I(xistin~ Coml)rehensi~c l'lan: l.:xislin~ Zoning: Requested (~Oml~rehensi~ c I'lan: I{etluCStctl Zonin(g: 1.7q ac:'cx I~rad Mcdrud_ Al tlgl._ Inc. ?4i,{~lc l:amilx I ligh [)cnsilx [~csiclcntial 7.2 (one unit })ct' 7.200 >;CILIaI'C fOCI) ('oIIllllHlliI\ I~,usincs~, ('ommunil) J>,usincss (13C) li(;ROI SI) l'xisting u~cs in this ;trca include lxxo nonconl}~rnling uses l)al'$ l'iumbing on I)arccl No. ()t12 l()-l- aim \'ilm;~'x Signs_ a sign lm~nulhcluril~g shop. on I)arccl No. l()] 32()4)0()6. Ibc uses collduclcd bx 15it's I'lun~l)itlg ;md Vilm;l'q 5;,i?s would nol bc alloxxal)lc uses in thc rcqucslcd I'~t]~incss l);~t'k (l:~(') Amc. but arc ;~llo~xcd ill Iht Ilt]sincss Park (13l')?one. l~:t-,cd ,m i]llbrm:lti~,l pi'ox idcd bx thc ;ll~plic;inl. there Ii;ixc bccn \;ti i~/:s ]lonconl'orlnin,_, /lsd,.; oil Parcel No. 092104-9100 for over 20 years (page 4 of 5 ot' Exhibit I). The City's permit system references Vihna's Signs as an existing home occupation since 1993. There is an existing house on Parcel No. 092104-9261. The reason 1bt this request is due to the parcels close proximity to I-5 and thc amount of noise experienced. In additiou, the parcels are located along Military Road, which is classified as a principal arterial. The applicants submitted letters in support of their request (Exhibits' J, K, L, M, N, and 0). DECISIONAL CRITERIA Criterion No 1 Whether tile same area or issue was studied during tile last amendment process and conditions in tile immediate vicinity have significantly changed so as to make the requested change within tile public inlerest. Staff Resl)onse .& similar toques! lbr Community Business zoning xxas submitted as part ot'the Year 2000 ('Oml)rchci~six c l)lan Amcnchncnt 1)rocc55. MtalT recommended that thc request not ? lbrxxard residential dcx cJopll/Cl/I ill this area and thc concentration of commercial in other au-cas (please rcl~r Io lilt l'CSJ)t)l/sC under ('ritcrion /52). In addition, thc 2()()()('fry ~ff/"cdei'~d Il'dy .~h,'kt~/ prepared lbr ibc (iix bx i{('()Norlhxxcsl, idcnliI~cs a 5]lortagc oI' land zollcd Otlli-ighl idcnlilScs that thc ('ltv has enough capacity clcsimmtcd Ibr dil'lbrcnt tmon to accommodate iht 20- iF4tl]c C]ONcI to thc ,ub. icct ~ilc. In ordcr lo xxidcn I 5. trues haxc buell i-ciI/OX cd. t'urthcrmorc. Mt'etch o1' I-5 us bcin~ considered under all allcrnatix cs l'or thc %l& 509 extension. I'his xxould II/CilI/ indircctlx reducing thc Iix ;ibili~x ol' these :/I'CLIh. ('t~l/X CI'NOIx . ox trail local and regional access and Nk NIX)I' has al,o nolil'icd rcsidcnls in this area of'thc potential max bc ureter?in5 more change in tl~c l'tHurc. 1 hcrct'orc, thc rcqucslcd change may be xx ithin Iht ('m'ilcriol: N~: 2 ."'; I a fl' RCSlm,~c doxvl~towla (City Cet~ter Core al~d Frame), to f)acific I tigl~vay South, generally betweel~ Sottth 272"~ Street a~d Sot~th 348`}' Street, and to the areas fouled arotmd South 348o' Street, approximately betxveel~ SR-99 and I-5. II~ additiol~, there are a dozel~ i~odes ofNeighborlaood Busii~ess located throughot~t the City. These ~odes have traditiol~ally provided retail alad services to adjacei~t residet~tial neighborhoods. Comprehe~sive Plaz~ I;olicy LUP48 states, "The City shall limit i~exv commercial developme~t to existing com~ercial areas to protect reside~tial areas." Ho~vever, the location of these properties, ~vt~ich are adjace~t to Military Road al~d i~ close proximity to I-5, and i~ the case ot'the Taylor properly, located betwee~ I-5 a~d Military Road, is ~ot coI~siste~t with Policy l~[JP 15 ot'tl~e comprchel~sive pla~, wl~ich is to protect residel~tial areas from impacts of ad.}ace~t ~o~-residc~tial uses. Criterio~ No 3 Whether tile proposed ~mendmc~t meets cxistil~g state ~ll~d local laxvs, iltclt~di~g tl~e GMA. St~t t't' Respot~se 'l'l~e i, rol¢os~l docs ~ot co~l]ict with a~5' cxisti~p state or Ioc~tl laws. Nt:~t't' I{esl~O~sc 'l't~is critcrio~ ct()cs t~**t al)tM3 lo t}~i~ rcclt~CSl, sil~cc it i~ :~ sitc-st~ccilSc reqt~c~t. Il' IBc ~'C{l~Cs! I~,t.c, ls ll~t' t;Fitc, l'i:l scl l~l'lh i~l 1-4 :ll)~)x c, SI}t l'l' I{esl)O~lse I'c\ [c\\u'~t ill ;} ',[tt~'-,t~'cl}lu'll/ }ur;If Staff Response Five requests for site-specific comprellensive plan amendments were originally received. One has been xvithdrawn and stall' is recommending reviewing tile west side of Kitts Corner, a request that was previously submitted then xvitbdrawn. See response to Criteria No. 6 and 7 above. Criterion No 8 Order of requests received. Staff Response Tiffs was tile tburth reques! received. Staff Recommendatio,I The previous request, submitted as part of tile 2000 Comprehensive Plan Update, consisted of six parcels, xxhich may all be similarly impacted. StaftZ lhcrelbre, recommends that the request go tbrward for further analysis and include ad accnt parcels that may also be impacted by thc 1-5 construction and addition of Janes. ,~1'1'i'; ,~l'i.X'll:l(' J{I.~()l:i{sl #2 -- J(l,()[:7,..\l, File Number: Pareeh l.ocation: Size: ..\pl~licanl: (h~ner: Req ucsl: 01-10334q-00 Iii) 122103-0049. 122103-9041 Ilex I Klou/;~l Single t:;m~ilx I li<h I)cnsilx I<esidcmial and t<X 7.~ ~qtlarc l'ccl} lo Xluhiple l"amilx and RM 18()()lone unit 5, in,_,lc I.':m~ilx I li,_,h l)cn-~il,, l~csidcmial Mttlliplc RN1 t 8(l()(one tll/il per 1800 StiLl(irc fOCi} I:~.\(]~(iR(}I NI) Thc applicanl. Xlr. Klou/:ll. is rcclUCstin~ :~ ch:m? l'uolll Single l:amilx ligh l)cnsitx ILcsidcnti;~l and RS 7.2 (one unit I)Cr 7.2(/0 square Ikct)to Muhiplc I:amilx and RM 1800 (one unit per square l~cl} in order lo bettor utili/c his propcrI). Mr. Klouzal has oxxncd those txvo parcels since 1977. Parcel No. 1 w~ J();-gl14q iq al~proximalclx ,5., ~ acres in size and has an older JlotlSC on it. arc located Io thc norlh and ('ounlrx Vilhi~c No. 4. a singlc-lhmilv neighborhood. ;md I'all Firs t'omtominiums arc I~,c;~cd t~, fl~e soulh. 1o thc casl is l.akola I'rails. No. I. singlc-lhmil) and lo thc xx e~I is 21 .Ix cnttc %XV. ~Xc~t ot'21' .lxcnuc %~V arc single lhmilx homc~ l'tJrthcr to thc 5(qith I I~crc is ;~ t'l;Is5 II xxcll;tnd ;lhm~ thc northeastern porlion of'Iht silo..l brancl~ of this wetland and its 100-lbo! buffer divides tile site into three areas (Exhihi! ()~. Between 1989 (Exhihi! R) and 2001 (15hihii 0), this wetland has increased in size. DECISIO/¥AL CRITERIA Criterio. No 1 Whether the same area or issue was studied during tile last amendment process and conditions in tile immediate vicinity have significantly changed so as to make tile requested change xvithin tile public interest. Staff Response A request fora change itl comprehensive plan designation and zoning has never been submitted for these parcels before. Criterion No 2 Whether tile proposed amendment is consislcn! x~ ith tile overall vision of tile comprchcnsix c plan. Staff Respo.sc ('rilerion No 3 \\'he!her thc prOlV~,cd :uncndn/c]~t n/cct,~ cxixlinx qt:ttc :uld It,c;ll I:lxx x. includin~ thc SI:iff Respo.sc l'hc protx>sal docs not conllicl xxith ;uix existing state or bc~l laxxs, including ;iccoilllllOdalC projcclcd ?'oxxlJ/ l}q' thc ilcxl 21) xcilrs. Staff Response This criterion does not apply to this, since this is a site-specific request. If tile request meets thc criteria set forth iu 1-4 above, it shall be further evaluated accordiug to the following criteria: Criterion No 5 Whether the proposed amendment can be incorporated into planned or active projects. Staff Resl)onse 'Ibc proposed request can be incorporated into this ycar's comprehensive plan update. Criterion No 6 .Nra ff l~,cslmnse I'hc analysis ncccssarx to reach a rccommcnd:uion o~ this request c~m be d~mc as l,~trt of thc xxork Slaff l~,csl)onsc Criterion No 8 (h'dcr of rcqucst~ rcccivc¢l. Slaff Rcsi)onsc '1 his \\as thc first site-specific request rcccix ed. Staff Recommendation %mfl' rccolnlncncts thai! this rCClUCSt bc an:iix/cd l'urlhcr/x~,~cd ~1 Ibc l'olloxx ins COml*rchcnsivc plan designation and ×oning: ~'lultipIc I-:m~ilv and I(M (MuhipIc I-:m~il,,. o~c unit pct' t .,';,{tO SClUm-c IL'ct) for thc 2.79 acres on thc \\cst oI'thc v, ctl:md'~ :md I ligh l)c~/.,itx I.~cxidcntial ami t(X 5.0 (5, inglc I:mnilv. one unit per 5.000 .~clu~rc IL'ct) for thc I SITE SPECIFIC REQUEST #3 -- CLERGET INDUSTRIES L.P. File Numl)er: Parcel: Location: Size: Applicant: Owner: Rcquest: 01-103554-00 UP 292104-9001-08 North of South 356u' Street and west of Enclmnted Parkway South (Exhibil D) 4.27 Acres Clerget Industries L.P., P, ob Rueber Sallie Request to change the comprehensive plan designation and zoning from Business Park (BP) to Community Business (BC). Existing Comprehensive Plan: Existing Zoning: Rcq ucs ted Corn p rehensive l)la n: I~,e(I ueste(I g(,,,i,,~: Business Park P, usiness Park (BP) Comnmunitv F;usincss (1~(') l (]O[llll/tHlil\ [~tlSillO~S (l~(') Sll'l': .%I'E('II:I(' I~,l':Ot I';Sl' #4 -- hTRS Ass()('l x F'ile Nulnl)er: I)arcel: ~izc: .-\lqilicanl: ()x~ ncr: P, cquesl: Existing (7Olnprehcnsi~c Plan: ]~usinc~s I)ark l,:xistin~ Zoning: Requested Coml)reheilsive Plan: lCe(luesled Z,,i,w. · ('ommunilx 01-103689 [ I) 29210d-9077-07 t lfvhi/,if Ite(luests No. 3 and 4 ave for 1:,%() adj:iccn! parcels, x~hich allhough under dit'fercl~t (m'ncrship, are presently being used as a l['uck terminal...\s a rcsull, Ihe ['e(InCSls x~ill I)e ['cviex%ed to~ether. B..kC KG ROt: N I) 'Ibc ()~.~ J'lCils of these lx~o parccls..~292 ] 0-1-9(}() I and ;:292 l() 1-9()01, arc l-CClucMin~ a cJlan,~c of comprehensive plan dcsi?ation and xoning l'roln t~ttxillc~x t'ark (1~1') to Con:nlunitx l}usincxx (IGC') l Both these parcels are presently beil~g used as a trt~ck termi~al and parking area. Further to tile north is Lowe's, a big box retail establishment, which is located south of South 352''a Street. Lowe's is located on BC zoned land. Existing uses to tile east moviug south from South 352''d Street are Video Only, ttome Depot, a nursery, a Chew-on gas station, and a retail carpet establishment, all zoned IBC. To the southeast are apartments (f~,M 2400 zotling) located oH a triat~.(.z,t~lar piece of property bordered by 16'h Avetme South, E~chanted Parkway, and South 359'h Street. To the south across Sonth 356m Street are vacant land and warehouse uses o~l BP ZOl~ed land. To the ~vest is vacant land, zoned BP. DECISIO~%'A L CRITERIA Criterio~ No 1 Whether tile same area or issue was studied durii~g tile last ame~ldment process a~/d conditions in tile immediate vici~ity have signit'icamly chal~ged so as to make the rcctuestcd cha~ge x, ithi~ tile pt~blic imerest. St}~IT l,~csl){mse lhcsc i~a~'ccls I>clk~-c (/riterio~l No 2 20 :tcrcs. As ol'.lt~lx 2001. thc Git3 l~cl apl, voximzllcl3 160 ~lcl'cs oI' x:~c:mt I31) xo~cct Irma. Ibis zo~cd Izi~tt. Il'[)otb el'these dcvcloi)mc~/t agvccHtct~ts xxcrc ztl)lM'ox cot. Ibis xxot~lqt lo,ix c 70 act-cs of f31) xt)~ctt I:md. ~ilc Specilic l{cclt~csts No. 3 at~d No. 4 totz~l 9.7 :~crcs. Criterion No 3 Whether the proposed amendment meets existing state and local la~vs, including the GMA. Staff Response The proposal does not conflict with any existin~ state or local laws. Criterion No 4 In the case of text amendments or other amendments to ~oals or policies, whether the reques[ benefits the city as a whole versus a selected group. Staff Response This criterion does not apply to these requests, since they are site-specific requests. If the request meels the criteria set fl)rrb in 1-4 nbove, it shall be further evaluated according to the folhmin~ criteria: Thc ['oqucsls do n¢~t I]]CCt Crilcrion No. 2 ilb(}ve ill [Ol'l]]50t' Vision of thc ('omt~rohcnsi~ e (Trilerion No 8 ( )rdcr of rcqucMs received. 51aff Staff I~ccommendnlion industrial tLSOS i~5 :l Iruck lcrlll{llil[ parking area. l'urlhcrmoz'c. Ibc t'ilx prose[ltl> NI'I'I': SI'I{('II:I(' Rt{()l I.]S/' #5 -- KI'I IN File Nnnlber: I'arcels: I,ocalion: Size: :'~enl: ,.\pl)licanl: Owners: Request: I,:xistin~ ('omprchcnsive Plan: I,:xistino (' 202104-9070. 2021()4-t)()() I and 202 \\:cst of lhe on-site x~ctlamlx soulh of South PacitSc I ligtmay South (/(v/t//~il 1 ~ ~5 acres Merlino. and Chase WN Trust ('ampt~s (]alewav Associates. (lone Mcrlino. I~usincss Park (BP) Io Xluhit~lc I:amil~ Park [';u!u I 1,,I hi Requested Comprehensive Plan: Requested Zoning: Multiple Family Multiple Family (RM 2400) BACKGROUND Approximately 8.24 acres west of the on-site wetlands aud buffer was origiually part of the Kitts Comer request. The original Kilts Comer request (both east and west of the on-site xvetlands and including the wetlands) totaled approximately 45.85 acres and included all parcels shown in Table II below. The applicants requested a change in comprehensive plan designatiou and zoning from Business Park (BP) to Community Business (BC) for those areas east of tile on-site wetlands and Multiple Fmnily and RM 2400 (Multiple Family, one unit per 2,400 square feet) for those areas west of the wetlands (Exhibit T). Staff made a recommendation that the request for the east side be approved based on a development agreement; hoxvever, they recommended that tile request for tile west side be denied because, if approved, it ~vould create an island of Multiple Family use surrounded by commercial designatious. Based on tile staff's recommeudation, the applicants withdrew the request for tile west side of the wetlands prior to a public heariug by tile Planning Commission. TABI~E I! il 2(121t11-9(169 [ JohallCuhinclcr:Kulx~indcr 1.15 act'cs , ~ 2()21().1-9070 ] (Tamptt5 (ialcxxax ,hssocialcs 16.75 acres '~ ~ - 2021(1-1-9001 8.9 acres 5;ince thai lime. Ibc lJ J'l'(' gave direction to staff ltl prClXU'c a dcvclol)mCnt agreement Ibr thc cast side oF thc wetlands. comprchcnsix c plan designation and zoning fi-om Business Park (BI>) to ('ommtmilx Btxsincss (IgC). Thc ctcvclotm~cnt agreement xx'ould bc based on a village concept ol' vortical mixed-usc inclt~cting retail, office, and multiplc-lhmilx. In addilion, a boundary linc adjustment has been recorded bctxxccn l)arccl No. 202104-9070 and Parcel No. 202104-9002 to tho west. This adjustment has increased thc si/.c of Parcel No. 202104-9070 from 16.75 acres to _1.86 acres. Also. Iht 4.2.1-acre Parcel No. 202104-9002 has received approval to build GIcnxvood Place. a 50-unit senior citizen hot,sing complex. Glcnwood I)lacc is zoned BP. which alloxxs senior housing. Given lhcsc changes. slal]' is rccommcndiug that thc xx cslcrn portion o1' thc Kills ('orncr including thc expanded area under Campus Gatcxvay Associates oxvnership be analyzed lbr a Muhiplc Family land usc dcsi?ation aud a RM 2400 (Multiple Family. one unit per 2.400 square t~ct) zoning designation as _00_ Comprehensive Plan Amcudmcnl Process. part ol'thc lhc lbllowin,j decisional criteria apl~ly onlx to thc request lbr a COml)rchcnsix c plan designation and zoning of Muhiplc l:amilv and RM 2-100 (Muhil)Ic l:amilx, one unit per 2.4()() square l~Cl) DECISIONAL CRITERIA Criterion No 1 Whether tile same area or issue xvas studied during the last amendment process and conditions in the immediate vicinity have significantly changed so as to inake the requested change within the public interest. Staff Response As discussed under Background above, tile City is working on a development agreement for the east side of Kitts Corner, which would include office, retail, and lnultiple-family residential dwellings. The applicants have hired an architect to prepared a development plan meeting the objectives of the development agreement. The architect has experience designing mixed-use developments in other locations and has recommended including thc west side of the xvetlands in the development agreement, ltl addition, Glenwood Place, a 50-unit senior citizen housing complex, is being built an adjacent parcel to the west. Therefore, designating this area for muhiple-fimaily housing no hmgcr bc creating an island ol'rcsictcntial uses. ('rilcri(m No 2 \~, hcthcr Ibc I)roposcd alncnchncnl is consistent xxilh Ibc oxcrall x ision el'ibc comprclacn~ix u plun. 5;lalT I,lcSlmnSe Iht ox'trail vision of thc comprchcnsixc plan is to provide an apl)ropriatc balance of scrxiccs. ('rilcrion No3 Staff RCSlmnSc xxhich should bc l'urthcrcd Dx dcvcJol)mCnt ol'lhis site. Criterion No 4 Jn Iht CLDqC oJ'lcxl gllllClldlllCllls or oil/or alllClldlllclllS {o ~OLI]5 or policic~, xx hclJlcr [ho I'CtjticM bcnclhls thc citx as a xshole xct-sus SI:lIT ReSl)Onse Ibis criterion docs not appl} to this rcquest, since it is a sitc-spccific rc¢ltlcsl. If the requcs! meets the criteria set forth in 1-4 above, il shall be further ex:~luated accordin~ the folhmin~ criteria: Criterion No 8 Order of requests received. Staff Response This request was not received as part of the 2002 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Requests. Staff is recommending that this request be added to the 2002 Colnprehensive Plan amendment Process and with the owners' approval, be included in the Kitts Corner development agreement. Staff Recommendation That the request go forward for fi~rlher analysis. REQUEST//6 - ,IOIIN LAPE File Number: Parcels: Location: Size: Agent: Applicant: Owner: Request: 01-103817-00 UP N/A 341~' Place connection bctxxeen 19~h and 21~ Avenues SW (Exhihil 1I) N/A John l.ape ~amc as above l,arry Draper To change Map 111-7 d4x-hi/~it (D of lhe comprehensive plan to eliminate thc Cit> 'l'ransportation l)hm. Applicant proposes to provide a conncclcd. Ibc tcmporar5 341'~ Place connection xxould eliminate thc hm~ dead-end o1' 19~' ,&xcnuc SW (lt'.v/z2/~it 1/~. During thc ('iix's 199,',; almual rex icxx of thc comprchcnsix c plan Larl? Draper. oxx ncr o1' Parcels 242103-9006 and 242103-9054, requested that thc City ctclctc 341~' Place fi'om thc Transportation chapter to fi~cilitatc dcx clopmcnt ol'('ourtxard Village. a 300 unit senior housing complex to be comluctcd in txx o phases. As proposed. 341>~ Place xxould bisect thc planned project. ()n .lulv 29. 1999. the Citx Council approxcd tl~c development agreement on condition that as part of the prqjcct and addition to those conditions thai may bc administratively imposed as pot'mit conditions, Mr. l)rapcr enter into a dexclopmcnt agreement providing lbr improvement of19't' Avenue SW from the south boundary of Pm'col A (tax lot 6). alon~ thc eastern boundary of Parcel B (tax lot 54) to %Xk. ..... h %trcct. and improvcmcnl o1' 344'~' xx cst to connect with thc portion of 344'~' that thc Washinghm l)cpartmcnt of 'l'ransportatiol~ (W%I)()'I') xsas required to install as part of its construction of iht [:ederal Way Park and Ride No. 2 (Exhibit tl, page 2 of 3;. Thc development agreement statod that regardless of thc date of construction of Courtxard Village, Mr. Draper or any other part~ developing the property xkould commence condruction no later than ,lulv I. 2001, and xsould complclc COI1Sll'tlCliOI1 no laler that %cptembcr 30. 2001. 'Ibc agreement further stated that rc?rdlcss of thc abox e. the agreement would become void if the City did not grant approval tbr dcvclolm~Cnt of Parcel A (tax lot 6) bx .lulx I. 2001. If thc agreement became xoid. thc 341~ Pace connection in thc comprchcnsixc phm xxould t~c rcinslatcd. Fhc ori?nal a?-ccmcnt (.lul5_). 1999) xxas amcmlcd street improvements did not commence by July I, 2001. The applicant's reason for tile request to eliminate tile 341~' Place connection is that they are unable to acquire right-of-way from either WSDOT or tile church to construct tile required improvements. Furthermore. funding could not be acquired for tile pro. jeer to meet the timelines in tile development agreement. A nexv investor has been secured and tile applicants plan to change tile request to a senior duplex community (ts:th}hi! U). DECISIOA}IL CRIIliRLt Criterion No 1 Whether thc same area or issue xvas studied during tile last amendment process and conditions ill the immediate vicinity have si.gnificantly changed so as to make the requested change within the public interest. fl:vt,}hit tt, page 2 oI' ~. ('rilcri.n 5. 2 Jll/t'l'c r)tlllc'c llll.~ ~/l'dd/S III /)()1/1 /)IIS/IIc'S,X [lllr/ I'(%Jr/dll[Jrl/ l/Id /~'li ('V/S/III,~r clf'/dl'/Ll/S ' ([)iI~L' Il 1-8). ILcmOX lng thc pCl'll/Llllelll I'P / # TP21Enhance traffic circulation and access wilh closer spacing of lhrou3th slreets, unles,¥ geographical constraints do not permi[, as fidlows: a. Arterial streets al lea.¥l evecv mile. b. Collector sD'eels al)l~roximc~lely everT 660feet in the Cio; Center and 3 mile elsewhere. c. Local slreels with a maximum bloc]( perimeter of 2, 640feel. d. Non-molorized palhs u,ilh a maximum block perimeler of l,320.feet. TP23 Minimize lhrough Irr~fic on residential streets by maximizing through lr6lve] oi~i~orlunitie,¥ on arleria] and'collector slreels. Criterion No 3 Whether the proposed amendment meets existing state and local laws, including thc GMA. Staff Response Removing thc -~41~' Place connection xxithout making the other improvements required bx thc development agreement xxould bc inconsistent xxilh [:WCC Chapter 22. Article XVI. xxhich rccluircs dcxclopcrs to provide improvements ncccssarx to scrxc their development and its associated impact~. Criterion No 4 In thc case of text alncndmcnts or other amendments to goals or policies, whether thc request Nla ff Response If thc rcquesl meets the crileria set forth in i-4 above, it shall he further evaluated accordin¢ (o thc folhm'in~ criteria: ('riterion No 8 ()rdcr of requests rcccix cd. Staff Response I'his was thc l}mrlh request reccix cd. Staff Recommendation lhal thc rcqucM not go lbrxxard tk~r I'urlhcr mmlxsis. VIII %cction VII of this slal'l' report, thc ('iix (%unoil Nh'all dClCllll/il/C which requests shall a decision or recomlnendation that the proposed amendment should be adopted, nor does it preclude later Council action to add or delete an amendment for consideration. IX LIST OI; EXIIIBITS Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E [:~xhibit F Exhibit G Exhibit 11 Exhibit I lixhibit J lixhihit K l.;xhihit 1~ t{xhibi~ M I-,xhihit N l{xhihit () l:xhihi~ P I xhihh () I xhihil Composite Map of Site Specific Requests Site Specific Request #1 - Vilma Taylor et al Site Specific Request #2 - Klouzal Site Specific Request#3 Clcrgetlndustries Site Specific Request #4 - STRS Associates Site Specific Request #5 -West Side of Kitts Corner Map III-7 of the Comprehensive Plan Site Specific Request ~6 - John Lape (3 pages) Application tbr Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Vilma Talyor ct al. (5 pages) March 8. 2002. Correspondence from Vilma Taylor (2 pages) March I0. 2002. Correspondence fi'om Robc;'~ Robinson March I-1. 2002. ('orrcsl]Ondcncc l'l'Olll vimnx, Tax Mm-ch I-l. 2002. ('orrcspondcncc l'l'Olll ViJlllll l'avlor March 14. 2002. C'¢rrcslxmdcncc fi'om Vilma laxlor (2 March O. 2002. ('orrcspondcncc from l.incla February 5. 2002. ('orrcslmndcncc from thc Wad]in,bm 'l'ransportation (2 pages) MIL]~O N ~VAY City of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan 2002 SITE SPECIFIC REQUESTS FOR, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION CHANGES Composite Map Legend: /."Xv/City Limits · . Potential Annexation Area '~l Site Requests EX!'-,'IIB;IT N,,, , PAGE ~_..L._OF~ 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Miles Map Printed-March 27, 2002 ' ....... :' signat~ ' ....'- orl: Existing De comprehe~sWe p/an: H~gh Density Res~entia~ / _-f' ..... ~equested Des~nat'o : -- RS7 ~ ,, : - . Comprehensive P~an: , , .- :,, ':, -',, communiW Bus, ness ' -- 2 .~: ..... _ Zoning. BC KeY: Steep Slopes Wet~ands 150 200 r ~e~ & printed-Feb' ,13, 2001 Rs15.b RS9.6 ~ ,,' Rs~.6 Dec~ Gar( Highlane Mo~I~°° H PO SE RS9;6 RS9.6 ~S RM1800 TaLl Firs Condos  S,W. 320TH ST. Note This map ¢s intended for use as a graphical representation only TOe C/t? of Fedornl Way m,'~ke,s no warranty as to ¢ts accuracy Existing Designation: Comprehensive Plan: Single Family High Density Residential Zoning: RS 7.2 City of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan 2002 SITE SPECIFIC REQUESTS FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION CHANGES LW. 320TH i ~20TH ST. Requested Designation: Comprehensive Plan: Multiple Family Zoning: RM 1800 RS' ;7.2 Alex T. Klouzal Site Specific Request #2 Key: Steep Slopes Wetlands PAGE ~ OF~ RS7.2 200 0 200 400 600 800 Feet A #2 Map Printed.February 13, 2002 BP ~S 1~5.0 ' ~S15,0 Note: Th/s map/s The City of Federa/ , BP Lowe's Vacant BC Vacan ,t~! Warehouse-~._. ~/-- BP Vacant RS15.0 RS35.0 for use as a graphical representahon only. ~akes no warranty as to its accuracy. Video Only BC Home D( Chevron Existing Designation: Comprehensive Plan: Business Park Zoning: BP RM2400 15:0 )et Requested Designation: Comprehensive Plan: Community Business Zoning: BC 150 200 Feet City of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan 2002 SITE SPECIFIC REQUESTS FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION CHANGES Clerget ndustnes I · L.P.- Rob Rueber Site Specific Request #3 Key: Steep Slopes Wetlands Map Printed-FeL #3 .fy 13, 2002 BP Lowe's BC Vacant Video Only BC Home Depot EXiSting Designation' Comprehensive Plan: Business Park Zoning: BP Nursery Terminal BC BP Chevron S. 356TH rPet Warehouse Requested Designa Comprehensive Plan: Vacant ~Vacant Community Business zoning: BC ~p~s. 50 0 50 100 150 200 Feel Note: This map is intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City d Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy N "City of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan 20O2 SITE SPECIFIC REQUESTS FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION CHANGES STRS Associates Site Specific Request #4 Key: Steep Slopes Wetlands tion: EXHIBIT PAG E_~_~F~ #4 Map Printed-February 13, 2 Existing Designation' o Comprehensive Plan: Business Park Zoning: BP vCcJpst Camp_~s. ._J~[ ,;~ ~[ oflice Pa, rko,. , Frito-Lay Campus Park BP OP Note. This map ~s intr The City of Federal l d for use as a graphical representation only. ~akes no warranty as to its accuracy ,/ Office Retail Bank 2021104 _ -909D / , BP BP 50 0 50 100 BC F"' City of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan S, 336TH ST. ils Requested Designation: --~ Comprehensive Plan: ' Multifamily Residential ~ Zoning: RM2400 150 200 Feet /\ N 2002 SITE SPECIFIC REQUESTS FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION CHANGES Kitts Corner Site Specific Request #5 Key: Steep Slopes Wetlands ~, ,AG E__z_ OF.j~ #5 Map Print~ ,~larch 27, 200 Puget Sound Proposed Deletion of 341st Place South EYHIB T PAGE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PLANNED STREET SECTIONS TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT Legend: Federal Way City Umlts Potential Annexation Area Roadway Section: ^ - 4 lanes + HOV B - 4 lanes + HOV (City Center) C - 4 lanes + Bike D - 4 lanes + Bike (City Center) E - 4 lanes F - 4 lanes (Ch'y Center) G · 5 lanes + Bike H - 5 lanes + Bike (City Center) I - 5 lanes J - 5 lanes (Ctt'y Center) K - 3 lanes + Bike L- 3 lanes + B~ke (City Cent~) M - 3 lanes N- 3 lanes * Partdr~ (City C,emer) O - 2 lanes + B~ke P - 2 lanes + D~tch (Low Density) Q - 2 lanes + Partdng (City Center) R - 2 lanes + Parking (Commerc~a~/lndustrlaD S - 2 lanes + Pa~tdng (Single Family) T - 2 lanes + Ditch (Low Density) _MAP 111-7 NOTE: T~I$ map is inlended for us~ as a oraphl~l representation on~. The C~ of Federal Way m~es no wa~an~ as ~ ~ a~ · SW 338TH ST. ..... ~- -RST~Z S W 339TH ST uJ SW ~42N0 ST ; I RS7.2 ¸ BN BN* Fred Myer Bible Park & Ride Comprehensive Plan 2002 Request For Change To Map: Request to eliminate the 341 Place Connection between 19th and 21 SW from the City Transportation Plan ':'.~ RS7.2 REQUEST FOR CHANGE TO MAP OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN John Lape Site Specific Request #6 Key: Steep Slopes Wetlands RS7.2 SW 344TH ST. RS7.2 Note' This map ~s iht The City of Federal _ ~ RS7.2 d for use a.s a graphical representation only lakes no warranty as to it.~ ,'~ccuracy RS7.2 5O 0 50 150 200 Fuet /~ PAGE I O #6 Map Printed-Fe,...,aW 13, 2002 EXHIBIT 14 >. 4~ S~ 542nd 5T TAX-'LOTi I ~ 644~h 5T j S~ 54Dth ~T , ~ %410 SW. MA(}aJ)ahl AVl , © < L J PAGE SOF~_ TAX LOT /~.2, O' PllE)F ROAP ~ITH 5' ~I~Z~AL~ iTU OONTINUE TO 21BT - ~FE~ TO --VICINITY NAP I I TAX LOT '.)4]0 X.W NA(}A])AR AVl., DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMI,;NT SERVICES 33530 First Way South PO Box 971 $ Federal Way WA 98063-9718 253-661-4000; Fax 253-661-4129 www.ci.federal-way.wa.u s APPLICATION FOR FXHIE IT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT SrrE SPECIFIC l~dS, QUESTS a) Who may apply. Any person may, personally or through an agent, apply for a decision regarding propei~y he or she owns. b) [low to apply. Thc applicant shall file thc' following information wilh thc IPcpartmcnt of (;ommunity Development Services: 1 A completed Master Land Use Application. A viciniu.' map showing the subject prope:~y with enough information to locate thc pl-OpCrty A copy of thc undcrlyinS pi;ti or thc KinS ('oumv Assessor's parcel nmi). 4) Thc following site data: 092104-9100; ~9261; and 401320- a) Tax Parcel No. 00(16 b) I.ot Sizc/Acrcagc 78,064 sq. fi.Il.79 acres c) tLxistin~} Comprehensive Plan l)csignation Single Family lligh Density d) Existiu7 Zoning RS 7.2 c) Requested Comprehensive Plan I)csignalion Community Business f) Rcquestcd ~min[,. Conmmnity Business 5) Services. Please provide the following information regarding thc availability of services: a) The site is cmrcntly served by sewer __X_X_(092104-9100)/septic ..~X_(others) (check one). Sewer lhovider i,akehaven Ulililv District tq Thc site is cm~cmly served by a public water system ~ /well ~ (check one). Watc~ lSovidcr: i,akehaven []lililv District c) l:i~c District#: 39 d) Scho<d l)isl~i<'lli' 210 6) Any additional information or material that thc l)ircctor of (/ommunity l)cvclopmem Services determines is reasonably necessary for a decision on tile matter. thllh'till I;t)24 May 7. 2001 Pa!'c 1 of 5 k:\ll:mdo/tlx I{c','iscd\('omp Plai~ Amcndmcn! Applicalioi~ 7) Commission, tile applicant must submit the following: a) A set of stamped envelopes, and a list of tile same, labeled with the name and address of all current owners of real property (as shown in the records of the county assessor for the subject property), within 300 feet of each boundary of tile subject property, with the return address of the City of Federal Way, Department of Community Development Services, PO Box 9718, Federal Way, WA 98063. b) A copy of the county assessor=s inap identifying tile properties specified in subsection 6 of this section. .2. OTIIER REQUESTS FOR COMPREIIIP, NSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS a) Who may apply. Any person may, personally or through an agent, apply for an amendment to policies of the comprehensive plan. b t I!o,' to apply. The applicant shall file a completed Ma~tcr 1,and [ lse applicatiol~ with the l)cpanment of (?ommunity l)cvelopmenl Services. c) Proposed Amendment. A proposed amendment can be either conceptual or specific amendatory language. Please be as specific as po%ible so that your proposal can be adequately considered. If specific wording changes are proposed, this should be shown in ~{~e d) igcfcrcttcc, l)lcasc reference thc t{lcmcnt el thc ('oml>Icticn,~ix c l'lan (c.g., l,and Usc, TranSlX)rtation, l tousing. (Tapital Facilities)and pa? number where located. 3. ~tii'i'()RT F()P, Till,; AMENI)MENT (l'lcasc fill out for all amendments, whdhcr ,site spccifi,: or otltc~ wise) l'lcase explain the need for thc amendment (why is it being proposed). Inchtdc any data. research, or reasoning that suppo~ls thc prOl)oscd amendment (please attach additionaI pages it' necessary). Introduction Ihlllclin !~t)2-i hlav 7. 2001 l'a!~c 2 o1'5 I-: 'dt:tnd,xns Itcxt:<c,h( 'omp Plan Amendment Apl>licalion of thc ama has occurred since thc 2000 request was considered and rejected for further study. Because of the clearing that has occurred in the area as a result of the Interstate expansion, thc proposed amendment area's unique geography features are even more strongly recommend that land within the amendment area is not well suited for future single family residential development. These unique geographic qualifies coupled with the historic and exisdng land use support the proposed amendment. As such, landowners within the amendment area have investment~backed expectations that the Cit5, of Federal Way's Comprchcnsivc Plan will include dcsignations for their properties that bear a reasonable opportunity, for implementation in the marketplace. Unique Features of Geography The proposed amendment area, depicted on Exhibit A, is situated along Military Road South between South 304th Street and where an elevated portion of Interstate 5 crosses Military Road. Military Road is a very busy road. While the portion of Military Road South situated within thc amendment area is designated as a minor arterial in the CiU, of Federal War's Comprehensive Plan; the portions of Military Road South to the south are classified as principal arterials in the Comprehensive Plan. In addition Military P, oad st~p4~ort~ tran~i~ se~xqces and carries a great deal of north-somh traffic as an alternate rotate to Interstate :5 and State Route 99 during rtlstq hours. Interstate 5 al0uts the pyoposed amendment area. The Taylor property is immediately adjacent: to thc freeway while the Pctcrson i)roperty is separated fron-~ the I~5 ri?,ht-of only bv the Military Road right-of-way. amendment area creates noise and air quality impacts that make thc area unsuital01c lS)r residential dcvdot>mcnt. This is even tmcr with thc landscape clcari~z assr)elated wi~t~ ~tn~' lane widcnin~>roicct on thc Interstate. Irrom discussions with thc cn~sinccr xvorki~$: <)rq thc concrete used to su~0ort thc embankment. Tim ambient noise levels witl:i:: tlac proposed 21lqClidlqqCl]t area tlqat consistently exceeded thc preferred noise standn:'ds ft~l outdoor activities in 20(')0 arc now woI-sc as is tim air quality. Thc hi~a arabic:q: n,)isc' lords and the i~oor air qtmliU- make it prohibitSvclv expensive to dcx, clo~0 sinS.,lc-f:::~:ii~ residences in this location. As stated it: the pr<~_)posed 2000 amendment, single Gmil~v rcsidcnfial dcvclopmc::: the proposed amendment area is not supported by_policies in the Transportatio~x l':lemc~a~ of the Comprctmnsive Plan related to functional road classification. Military Road in this area is identified in thc Com4, rehensivc Plan as a minor arterial, in bott: ca:scs l}:c posted design speeds accordin,~ to the Comprehensive Plan are I)ctwccn 35 to 45 traffic generated ~ Ir>cai roads funneled to collector roads. Thc traft~c from collcctt~ r<)ncts is <tittered ~<) the minor and principal arterial to:ids. (;iron Milit:u-v Road EXNI IT, PAG: Ilullciin #024 - May 7 2001 I'a,.,:c 3 of 5 k:\I l:mdouls - Rcviscd\(?omp I'lim Amcndmcl:! Appllcatl,m Historical and Existing Land Uses For over 20 years, the Peterson and Taylor properties have been used for heavy. commercial land uses. Thc Taylor property, is used as a sign shop. IGng County. Water District 124 initially developed thc Peterson property as a parking, storage, and maintenance facility.. Subsequently the site was used by an electrical contractor - Cartland Alarm and is now used by Pat's Plumbing. Significant changes to the site were performed to accommodate the Cardand Alarm business in 1983. On-site grading activi6es created parking for up to 55 employees and storage areas for the fiat beds, trailers, boom trucks, ladder trucks, dump trucks and other equipment required fol' the business. Berms as high as ten feet were built along the northern and western property lines to minimize noise and visual impacts to adjacent residential properties. Moreover, substan6al remodeling of the front office building was performed to acquire Undc~vriter LaboratoD, Certification for the alarm business. In July 1997, Statewide Towing and Recovery. requested a zoning code interpretation fi'om tim Ciw of Federal Way that would allow towing and impound activities to occur on thc Pctcrson property. In October 1997, a similar use determination was made by the Ciw's code compliance office which found that towing and impounct uses were similar to thc cxisdn.~; non-conforming usc of thc property and thc activities that occurred on the site over the past 20 years. The alarm business and toxving business operated on the site until last year when the Pat's Plumbing took over thc site. Commercial Development within the Proposed Amendment Area It is clear that based on thc amendment arca's ,~;cographic features and its cra'rent and hist()rienl usc pattern that single-family residential development is not suited in this location, h is more aplvroprintc t() consider thc amendment al'ca for clcsignniion as ( )nc important reason for thc proposed amendment is tim prolcction of thc existing properties used for commercial usc. Thc Taylor and Pctcrson properties arc existing non- c()nff()rming land uses. Thc ability to refinance or sell these lin)potties is significantly designation would permit thc existing uses of properU, within thc proposcd amendment arch to continue. Furthermore, thc shallow depth of thc parcels precludes bigdoox commercial development that would unduly impact thc surrounding area. Moreover thc location of these properties near an elevated pomon of Interstate-S, thc impacts of whic}~ have been mndc cvcn more clear with ~}~c currcm clearing and widening of thc fl-ccway, suggests that redevelopment as single-family usc is unlikely without thc construction of very expensive pul)lie and private improvemems. The City ()f Iredcral \Vas,"s dcvel()pment rcgulali(ms, environmental review, and thc :m~hrm~y am/()bli~[ation will l>c al)lc ~o make future dcvd()pmcnt in thc proposed l'mx' 4 of 5 k:Xltandouts - R~'~X(~om~;'Plan Amcndmcnt~4~. FEE There is no fee for the initial application. If after a public hearing the City Council determines that the request shall be further considered for adoption, site-specific requests must be submitted for a preapplication conference with a non-refundable fee that will be credited to the formal application fee. If after the preapplication conference thc applicant decides to pursue the request, the remaining portion of the comprehensive plan amendment fee will be required. A fee must be submitted for all other requests after the selection process. SIGNATURE Signature [)ate Print Name If you imvc an5, questions about filling out this application form or thc amendment pr~css, contact the i)cpa~mcnt of Community Development Se~'iccs at 253-661 -.4115. P~casc be a,ivi:<.,i :. :' application tbr a comprehensive pl:m amendment lacking thc required inlbrmation will nor bc VILMA SIGNS 30432 Military Rd. So. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-941-9008 Fax:253-839-6480 vilmasigns~msn.com March 8, 2002 IE×H IB}T ..7' FAG E_._I_OI= 2. Margaret Clark, AICP Senior Planner l)ear Mrs. Clark, I want to Thank you and the committge taking the time to review our Application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment. My property is in betwcx:n Military Rd. and I-5 Freeway. 3 years ago thc City of Federal Way widen Military Road and now tim HOV lane is adding on 1-5. We are exposed 100% to the noise and traffic. There is no natural barriers anymore that will protect us on Military Rd. because the trees were taken down by the City of Federal Way. Now the I-5 Freeway side cleared out most of the trees and we no longer have any natural sound barriers. Since then it has been very difficult to make a home here because of the noise constantly. You don't get any rest in tile evenings, even my health has been changed because of toss of hearing .We also have all the people who breaks down on 1-5 coming here using the phones and bathr(×)ms at all hours day and night. It's the most exposed property from 1-5 and people knows it's a business. So we are running as a business only not as a residence. We had to move and make our residence in another location. We have improved our building. We added special windows & sound board to eliminate some of the noise. Please consider this property and the other applicants to change the zoning. ILS. We include photos & We ask you to please stop by and visit us. Sincerely, ROBERT ROBINSON Phone 253-9 a. 1-4518 · March 10, 2002 RECEIVED BY 2002 Attn: Margaret Larson City of Federal Way Dear Margaret, With the recent construction improvements on I-5 the once barely discemable sound of I-5 has become a very objectionable noise. This is largely due to the loss of the natural noise barrier the DOT has removed. With the recent letter from WA DOT it appears emanate that we will be subject to yet greater noise and the proximities of I-5 will be even closer to our property. I feel these developments on I-5 have de-valued my property as a single family home. I would appreciate the city of Federal Way reexamining the zoning of the area in witch my property is located on Military Road. This area would be better suited as a commercially zoned area not residential. Thank you for your time in this matter. Sincerely, Robert Robinson EXH1BIT PAGE_ LOF_I VILMA SIGNS 30432 Mililarv Rd. So. Federal Way. WA 98(}(13 253-941-90(18 Fax:253~839-6480 vihnasigns~3msn.com March 14, 2002 Dean McColgan Federal Way City Council 33530 1st Way S. Federal Way, WA 98003-6220 253-661-4013 fax:253-661-4024 Dear Mr. McColgan, Thank you so much for your time to look at this project for the comprehensive plan amendment for zone change. If there ks anyttfing that you can help in making the process go thru I would really appreciate it. I am attaching copys of letters that we have rend to other members. Thank you again Vilma Taylor VILMA SIGNS '5 ii Y 75' '/iii'ii; '//Z .......................................................................................................... Federal Wa.,,,, WA 98003 253-941-9008 Fax:253-839-6480 vilmasigns(9) msn.com March 14, 2002 Jeanne Burbidge Mayor City of Federal Way Federal Way City Council 33530 1st Way S. Federal Way, WA 98003-6220 Dear Mrs. Burbidge, I have been living and doing business in Federal Way for over 15 years and as a loyal taxpayer I feel very disappointed. Next to the property I've been living and doing business with the changes as of now a new project is being done (the expansion of I-5) obviously I can't stand in the way of progress. Although I shouldn't be penalized due to it. Already Wa State D.O.T has removed a very large area of trees which was our only buffer from the noise and sight of 1-5, and this will only get worst as I-5 gets closer to my home/business and increase noise. I feel a new barrier should be constructed. I contacted DOT and they have no plans in the near future of doing anything. I.) My property devalued as a single family home. 2.) As a business residence the sign codes have many restrictions which I have attached a copy of the last notice. And we feel that this property has a unique situation to be suitable for commercial zoning. All the property owners arc welcoming the zone change to a community business. Sincerely, Vihna Taylor PAGE_.J_ OF VILMA SIGNS 'Sii:/5'5'iCiiii'd4 'ff '."g;51 ........................................................... Federal Way, WA 98003 253-941-9008 Fax:253-839-6480 vilmasigns~msn,com March 14, 2002 Kathy McClung Interim Community Development Services Director 33530 !st Way South Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 P,E: Comprehensive Plan Amendment, #00-103911 Dear Mrs. McClung, I'm writing you this letter for you to reconsider and reviewing our application tbr thc comprehensive plan amendment. This is a very unique property and a perfect situation for the zone change. We have sent photos and a noise video to Mrs. Clark to show how our property has changed in the last year. We invite you and any other in the committee to stop by and observe the area to see the dramatic ctlange. I have been living and doing business in Federal Way for over 15 years and as a loyal taxpayer I feel very disappointed. Next to thc property I've been living and doing business with thc changes as of now a new project is beiag done (thc expansion of 1-5) obviously 1 can't stand in the way of progress. Although I shouldn't be penalized due to it. Already Wa State D.O.T has removed a very large area of trees which was our only burlier from the noise and sight of I-5, and this will only get worst as I-5 gets closer to my home/business and increase noise. I feel a new barrier should be constructed. I contacted DOT m~d they have no plans in the near future of doing anything. 1.) My prolYerty devalued as a single t:amily home. 2.) As a business residence the sign codes have many restrictions which I have attached a copy of the last notice. And we feel that this property has a unique situation to be suitable for commercial zoning. All the property owners are welcoming the zone change to a community business. Sincer_cety, Vilma Taylor - RECEIVED BY O01~/'~U~FTY DEVELOPMENT D~PA~T~,~EN-T PATx ,,S' PLO, B[NG, INC. · ', Washington 98063 800-4914081 53)946-0171 March 6, 2002 City of Federal Way Attn: Margaret Larson 33530 1st Way S Federal Way, WA 98003 RE: Noise pollution Since tile trees have been removed between S 304th St and 31s~ Ave S on Military Rd S next to the freeway the amount of noise has increased dramatically. We are a business but have tasks that must be completed outside. In the morning between 6:30AM m~d 8AM when the trucks are stocked and inventoried. rl'he noise is so bad that to have a conversation you must yell at the person you are speaking to, Mid-day when salesmen come it is impossible to have a conversation outside, we usually have to come inside because the noise level is so loud on the property it is impossible to hear. In the eveniug between 4PM - 6PM when the service technicians are coming back to the office. The act of opening the front door creates so much noise pollution we have difficulty hearing our customers on the phone. The noise interferes with our daily business. I can only imagine how tile homeowners feel; the noise level is just as bad for them. I wonder if the homeowners can even enjoy time together outside in the yard with the increased noise level. I feel the Comprehensive Plan Amendment is justified. Sincerely, ~lJn~a Pctcrson l'residcnt l'at's l'lumbing PAGE Residential · Commercial · House Calls Washington State Department ol Transportation Douglas B. M:~cDonald ~ecretnry of Transportation February 5, 2002 Northwos! Rcgion B431 Gor$on Avenue South ge(-dlle. WA 'FFY: 1-£00-~33.6388 w,,t,n~.wsdot.wa Ms. Vilma Stewart 30432 Military Rd. S. Federal Way WA 98003 5R 509 Corridor Completion/i-S/Airport South Access Project Design - Parcel Owner Notification Letter Re: Parcel No. 4013200006 Deaf Ms. Stewart, The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has developed a preliminary design to extend SR 509 from its southern terminus at South :~88~h Street around the southern end of SeaTac airport, crossing under SR 99, connecting to :[-5 just north of the Water Tanks near South 216th St. and from there adding lanes on [-5 to South 320t~ Street. You are receiving this letter because your property may be close to the preliminary preferred alignment, C2 (see enclosed Vicinity Map). WSDOT will have personnel in the project area collecting field data in late February 2002. This field data collection may require entrance onto private property to perform survey work, obtain noise readings and air quality readings, or to perform other data collection. If we need to enter your property for data collection our personnel will a~empt to contact you in person at the time they are performing the work. Please complete and sign the enclosed response form and return it to us within ten (10) days. A self-addressed stamped e0velope is provided for your convenience, The information you provide on the response form is for use by our field data collectors during the data collection process only and wilt not be made available to the general public. Our goal is to gather the necessary data without disturbing your family members, pets, livestock, tenants, and/or business operations. Some of the data collection may require minor excavation, and/or other work such as taking soil samples. If this type of work is required on your property you will be contacted in writing with a request for a Temporary Construction Easement. EXHI_ [T PAGE_. Pngc Two February 5. 2002 Parcel Owner Notification Letter There is a public meeting/open house scheduled for February :12, 2002 on this project which is referred to as the 'SR 509 Corridor Completion / I-5 / Airport South Access' Project. The February 12th open house will take place at Highline Community College, Building #2 from 4:00-8:00 PM. You are invited to this open house to meet the project staff, look over the displays, see the plans showing where the proposed project is anticipated to go, ask questions and make comments. The project is currently funded for completion of the Environmental Impact Statement (ELS) and the preliminary design phase. The earliest projected date for any real estate acquisition is mid to late 2002, dependent upon approval of the tIS, currently available for public comment, availability of Right-Of-Way and construction funding. Construction will not begin until (1) the Environmental Impact Statement is approved, (2) construction funding has been secured, and (3) any necessary real estate is acquired. For questions, comments, or concerns about field data collection for this project, please contact: Susan Bagle¥ (206) 768-S807 bagleyCmwsdot.wa, gov OR Carl Christophersen (206) 768-5855 chriscr@wsdot.wa.gov Sincerely, Project Engineer Enclosures: Vicinity IMap Response Form Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope ]ttW:sb WETLAND SURVEY A PO~THON OP THE SH 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC 27, T~CP. 2IN. RNG. 4E,, W~. CrTy OF FEDERAL WAY, KXNG COUNTY. WASHINGTON Southwest 3iBth Street Southwest 312th Street Southwest 320th Street Scale: f' = 50' .1 NOF1TI4 sCALE~ I' -- 10,9' 6",..% FIELD CLERGET INDUSTRIES LP. 1515 South 350m Street Federal Way, WA 98003 (253) 838-0632 PAGE_ I REQUEST FOR REZONE TAX PARCEL NO. 292104-9001-08 This request for a rezone of this property from BP to BC zoning, is submitted with reference to adjacent tax parcel No. 292104-9077-07. We believe that a rezone of this property to BC is compatible and consistent with surrounding zoning and land uses, and new development occurring in the area, based on the following: The property fronts on Enchanted Parkway South. Since 1990, all of the development on that street from S. 3480' south to the I-5 overpass has been retail in nature. All of the properties on the east side of this corridor are zoned BC and are occupied by retail uses with the exception of 4 houses which are listed for sale as retail properties. The west side of'this corridor is zoned BC with the exception of the subject property and parcel No. 292104-9077-07. Opus Northwest has just completed a pre application meeting with the city and will be making application for permits to redevelop the tmckstop and two adjacent industrial type properties for a 26 acre retail center. Upon completion of this project, with tile exception of the concrete plant, all non-retail uses from S. 348'h St. to the south end of Lowe's property will be eliminated. This significantly shifts tile character of the area and it's associated traffic. Both existing arid new projects, and the entire grid system would be far better served by BC uses on the subject property, which would produce minimal truck traffic and be more in character with the rest of the development along this retail corridor. A quick glance at the city's zoning map shows that the western boundary of the subject property and parcel 9077-07 runs parallel with the western boundary of Lowe's Itardware, which is a BC property. If the subject and 9077-07 were rezoned to BC, the configuration would be a natural extension of what exists today. The western boundary of these properties also has a significant grade separation from the BP properties to the west, which have a Pacific ttighway S. orientation. In addition, the intersection at S. 356th St. provides a more logical and natural boundary for the BC zone instead of the present nfid block demarcation. We have heard it expressed that there is some concern over any reduction in the supply of BC zoned land. Thc change we are requesting affects only 9.7 acres. It appears to us that the benefits gained through homogeneous zoning and traffic patterns far outweigh thc loss ora small amount of BP acreage, which is not really in character with the emerging development pattern of this corridor. RF~CFIVED DY CO~,~MUNII-Y DEVE!_O;:';~!Eq,!T r}EPAfi%,',ENE Existing Designation: Comprehensive Plan: Business Park - Zoning: BP BC OP ',ote Th~s map is intended for use ,aS a graphical represen~,ghon orl/y The C,ty of Federal V,,'4~y ~}n~,,~?,R r!o wnr'arffy ,as tO ds accuracy IRC BC BP Requested Designation: Comprehensive Plan: Community Business & e Multifamily Residential : Zoning: BC & RM240 50 0 50 100 150 200 Feet //~ N of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan 2001 SITE SPECIFIC REQUESTS FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION CHANGES Original Kitts Corner Request Key: Steep Slopes Wetlands PAGE_._L_/OF I Map Printed-March 27, 2002 JOHN LAPE, ARCHITECT 5410 S.W. Macadam, Suite 200 Portland, Oregon 97201 (503) 243-2837 FAX (503) 243-2267 e-mail: john~jl-architecture.com Attachment to Application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment: September 27, 2001 Our request of the City is to remove the 341st connector between 19th and 21st Avenues S.W. from the City Transportation Comprehensive Plan. The need for this connector will eventually be met when 19th and 344th are connected and improved. Until that connection is made we propose to provide a temporary connector at 341~t. Please see the attached drawings for location of these streets. One of the key issues is the existing long dead-end situation of 19th S.W. This existing condition extends all the way from Campus Drive, and is more than double the City recommended distance of 600 feet maximum for a dead-end. 19~ also is heavily used and serves Saghalie Junior High School, Fred Meyer and numerous other businesses. Both the City and applicant are aware that the church and WSDOT park-and-ride are not interested in providing the extra 30 feet to make a full 60-foot right-of-way at 341st. Since land is unavailable for a full connection, the logical course of action is to provide a partial, temporary connection until another full connection can be made. Allowing a partial street of 20-foot travel width, plus a permanent pedestrian sidewalk linking 21~t and 19th meets this need. This will eliminate the long dead-end of 19th currently existing, and provide a more immediate relief of this condition until full street improvements of 19th to 344t~ can be completed. Background: There are a number of large, underdeveloped or vacant parcels at the south end of 19th S.W. This area is south of a large Fred Meyer store and Saghalie Junior High School, with a church and the new WADOT park-n-ride separating these parcels from 21~t Avenue SW. Despite their great location these parcels have yet to be developed because of a number of inherent problems in the area: 1. There are no streets fronting any of these properties. 2. Storm drainage problems in the area will require a solution affecting the entire area. 3. The recently installed sanitary sewer is the only utility extension in the area. 4. 19"' Avenue S.W. is a very long, dead-end street. EXHIE trT u. Tax lot 6 is crucial to the development of this area because it is the Iow spot in the localized drainage basin and has the sole inlet to the storm drainage system. This lot will need to provide detention facilities and conveyance for drainage from other higher parcels to the south, east and west. The team that is making this Comprehensive Plan Amendment request is the same team that worked with the City since 1998 to try and develop a large senior congregate project on these same parcels. That land-use application had the following four process numbers: UP498-0002, SEP98-0004, BLA98-0003, BLD98-0510. As part of that application the team requested, and was conditionally granted, the removal of the 341st connection between 19th and 21st' To alleviate the traffic problems, the developer's agreement required that the first phase of the 19th extension through the frontage of lot 6 be completed by fall 2001. The extension of 19th on down to 344tt'' and 344th between 19th and the end by the park-n-ride lot was then to be completed in the Fall of 2003. Ultimately funding could not be found for that project to meet the time lines. A new investor has been secured that will assist in the development of a senior duplex community on parcels 6 and 54. On August 29th I met with Deb Barker and Rick Perez to discuss this new proposal. The resolution of the 341st connection is key to the development of lot 6, which I'm sure will ultimately rapidly lead to the development of the other large parcels in this area. Lot 6 seems to hold the key. It will not only provide street and utility extensions to service the area; it will also provide a solution to the long dead-end condition of 19~h Avenue SW. At the meeting on the 29~¢' we discussed this option to eliminate the connection from the Comprehensive Plan and enter into a Developer's Agreement that would provide a permanent pedestrian connection at 341s~ between 19th and 21s~, and a temporary, partial 20-foot wide street. The street width is limited by the access easement available at the south end of the church property. As discussed, this temporary partial street would be built in conjunction with the development of tax lot 6. The temporary partial street would remain a public street until such time as 19th and 344t" are extended and connected. At that time the connection between 19th and 21st, as well as the current dead-end issue of 19th, are resolved by streets meeting city standards. The area utilized by the 341a street connection would revert to private property and could be developed. See Phase III drawing. This developer's agreement should be far less complicated and cumbersome than the one the City Council and the Planning Commission considered several years ago. A temporary solution to the dead-end condition of 19"', and connectivity between 19~h and 21a, will be done right away with the development of parcel 6. In the previous agreement these issues were given a four-year time frame before they were resolved. The incremental extensions of 19th and 344th will then happen in conventional manner, and be driven by the traditional right-of-way frontage improvements required by "normal" development. In summary, a full street connection between 19th and 21~, and the dead-end of 19t~ will eventually be resolved when 19th and 344th are extended and connected. Removing the 341st connection between 19th and 21st from the City Transportation Comprehensive Plan and allowing private development to provide a temporary partial public street appears to be a win-win situation. It would solve the City concerns over street issues and provide a manageable solution to private development. Sincerely, pe, AIA, FCSI, CCS, CSC (;:~WORDLJL~JOBS\F0118\COMP PLAN AMMEND 0927 01 PAGE The presentation on Housing Targets will be an oral presentation and there are no attachments to this packet. CITY OF DATE: TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: April 1,2002 Eric Faison, Chair Land Use / Transportation Committee Rick Perez, Traffic Engineer _~, David Ft. Moseley, City Manag~ff~'~"r~ SR-18 / SR-161 / 1-5 Triangle Study Status BACKGROUND Thc Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is managing a study to determine short and long-term sohltioi~s to congestion and safety issues in the vicinity of the I-5/ SR-18/ S[~-161 interchange. WSI)OT budgeted $300,000 towards this study and requested 15nancial and staFl'participation IYom adjacent and afflkcted agencies. City Council approved $50,000 towards this study on l)ecember 5. 2000. King County contributed $20.000 and the City of Milton contributed $5,000. Fcctcrat l l ighxx a5 ,'kdminislratioi/, Participants developed a number ol'conccpls and have l)>cuscd cl'l~rts o~ txx o Vhc prteliminarv lll~dillgx of thc tral'lfc analysis include the lk)tloxx lng: · Futurctr;d'lfc volun~csarcloo great lbr thc existing l-5 S1~,-18 loop ramps (and thc xxcavcs bctx~ccn thom: I'rovision ol';I direct COlmCction bctxxcCl~ I-5 ~/t/cl SI{-10 caw sigtxilicaml> reduce tral'lSc vOltllllC5 ol/ %1~- I 8 xx cst of 1-5 a~d at thc S[~-18 / Si{- 161 / S 3481h Street intersection: * [goth ()piton "A" and Option ~;I¢" (attached) can comtbrtablx' accommodate lk)rccastcd tral'lSc x'oltH~cs: The new ti-cc~xav-to-li'cexvav connections and I-5 direct COlmectio~ 10 S[~-I~>1 will prox idc sig~ilScal~t co~gcs~ion rclicI' at tl~c S[~- I g / SR- 161 / S 348th Street intersection. WSI)()I' is conducting "onc-on-oi~c" rattlings with kev slakcholder interests (COml~tmity. busit~cs5. lntcrvicxvs with I'cdcral Way constilucnts include: Weyerhaeuser. ILnchantcd Park. t:cdcral Way Chamber off ('ommcrcc. and ()pus l)cvclopmcnt Corporation. · le, ccc~mmt'nclcd 54hol'I / IOllg-lCl'lll options FUNDING It should be noted that the statewidc transportation bill includes $3 million to move this prqiect into preliminary engineering and environmental stages. The potential exists to have this prqjcct funded further by the Regional transportation bill. In order to position this prqjcct tbr the regional bill, it may be necessary to develop the design to a greater level of detail and develop a cost estimate that thc project partners can IDol comfortable with in promoting this prqjcct. To that end, staff'is considering a proposal by thc consultant team to increase the scope of this prqject, which will require additional tlmds, and time to complete. RECOMMENDATION Tile project team would appreciate any input and/or direction the Committee can provide. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Eric Faison, Chair Michael Park, Member l)ean McColgan,Membcr Iq<~jccl 1 ilo SR 161 -S ',2 OFTION "A" FEATURES TRIANC, LE STUDY OPTION "B" FEATURE8 .150 0 550 SCALE IN lC[ET: 700 D£SiCNFILENAUE DATE FED.AIDPROJNO Waahtngton State JDepartment of Tranmportatlon F5, SR 18, SR 161 INTERCHANGE TRIANGLE STUDY