LUTC PKT 05-07-2001May 7, 2001 S:30 pm City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee City Hall Council Chambers 2. 3. 4. 14EETING AGENDA CALL TO ORDER Approval of Minutes of the April 23, 2001, Meeting PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) BUSINESS ITEMS A. Code Amendment for Creating Non-Conformance through Right of Way Takes B. Sign Compliance Update Action Action McClung/lO minutes McClung/lO minutes FUTURE MEETING AGENDA ITEMS Lake Grove Neighborhood Project Report and Recognition 6. ADJOURN Mega Church Code Amendment Committee Members: Dean McCo/gan Jeanne Burb/dge Er/c Fa/son City Staff: Kathy McO/ung, Director, Commun/ty Development Services ~andy Lyle, Adm/nistrat/ve Ass/stant 253.661.4116 I:~LU-TRANSLMay 7, 2001 LUTC AGN doc April 23, 2001 5:30 pm City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee City Hall Council Chambers MEETING SUMMARY In attendance: Committee members Dean McColgan, Chair, Jeanne Burbidge and Eric Faison; Deputy Mayor Linda Kochmar; City Manager David Moseley; Director of Community Development Services Kathy McClung; Public Works Director Cary Roe; Deputy Director of Community Development Services Greg Fewins; City Attorney Bob Sterbank; Assistant City Attorney Karen Kirkpatrick; Building Official Mary Kate Gaviglio; Street Systems Manager Marwan Salloum; Traffic Engineer Rick Perez; Administrative Assistant Sandy Lyle. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair McColgan called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the March 5, 2001, meeting were approved as presented. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment on any item not included in the agenda. 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Public Parks Code Amendments (Recreation Facilities, Schools, Golf Courses/Driving Ranges, Heights & Landscaping) - This Code Amendment addressed the need to improve upon the current limitations regarding specific height and landscaping requirements for schools, public parks, recreational facilities, golf courses, and golf driving ranges. The change is necessary in order to logically provide for the improvement and addition of minor and supporting structures greater in height than currently allowed bay the FWCC that are necessary and integral to the subject use, as well as greater latitude in landscaping requirements due to the unique nature and functional requirements of public parks and schools. The Committee m/sic the recommendation of adoption to the City Council at its May 15, 2001, meeting. B. Five-Story Wood Structure Ordinance - Many Cities are considering alternatives of optimizing small building sites. Five-story wood-frame construction is one solution that has been used in several cities including Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, and Everett. While not currently incorporated into the uniform codes (this ordinance will be presented in the form of a code amendment to the Washington State Building Code during the next cycle), five-story wood frame construction, where it has been allowed, has an excellent life-safety record. Battalion Chief Jerry Thorson added that the ordinance contains specific wording in fire accessibility. The Committee m/s/c recommended the City Council adopt at its May 15, 2001, meeting. C. Interlocal with Fire District - Prior to incorporation, the City entered into an Interlocal agreement with the Federal Way Fire Department. Ten years later, the Interlocal no longer reflects how we do business today. A new Interlocal was drafted to reflect current practices and to eliminate unclear language. Such changes as updating code references and permit processes, timeframes for reinspections, and a modification of the annual fire inspection schedule at Iow risk locations have been included. The Committee m/sic the recommendation to adopt to the City Council at its May 15, 2001, meeting. D. Nautilus Neighborhood Traffic Safety Project - The Nautilus Elementary School neighborhood residents have requested the installation of speed humps in the area due to high speeds and cut-through traffic. A neighborhood meeting was held on October 5, 2000, to discuss alternative traffic calming measures and the residents preferred the speed hump solution. Mail balloting was conducted as a follow up requirement and 50% of the ballots returned favor the installation of speed humps. The Committee m/sic an approval recommendation to the City Council at its May 1, 2001, meeting. o E. Federal Way High School Neighborhood Traffic Safety Project - Federal Way School District staff have requested the installation of a raised crosswalk on South 308~ Street at 14th Avenue South based on concerns of high traffic speeds and accidents. At that crossing there are no sidewalks, poor shoulders and no crossing guards. In neighborhood meetings and a follow up ballot, 50% of respondents favor the raised sidewalk as a traffic-calming device in this location. Battalion Chief Jerry Thorson expressed the concerns of the Fire Department that raised crossings were difficult for heavy fire trucks and equipment. The Committee m/sic an approval recommendation to the City Council at its May 1, 2001, meeting. F. 1999/2000 Pavement Markings Contract Retainage Releases - The final construction cost for the 1999 Citywide Pavement Marking & Channelization project was $29,658, which was below the approved construction contract budget of $36,240. The retainage amount was $1,482, of which $541.12 will be deducted for non-acceptable work items leaving a balance of $941.81. The final construction cost of the 2000 Citywide Pavement Marking & Channelization project was $20,942, which is below the approved construction contract budget of $36,240. The retainage amount was $1,047.10 of which $306 will be deducted for non-acceptable work items leaving a balance is $741.10. The Committee m/sic recommendation that the City Council approve at its May 1, 2001, meeting. G. 2001 Asphalt Overlay Bid Award - The selection of streets scheduled for the 2001 Asphalt Overlay have been selected from the Pavement Management Program. Five bids were received and opened on April 4, 2001. The lowest responsive, responsible bidder was Woodworth and Company, Inc., with a total bid of $1,369,845.11. The available budget including funds carried forward and the 2001 Structures Budget is $2,124,169. The Committee m/sic recommendation to the City Council to approve at its May 1, 2001, meeting. H. 23rd Avenue South Road Improvements Project Bid Award - Seven bids were received for the 23rd Avenue South Road Improvement Project (South 316th Street to South 324t~ Street). The lowest responsive, responsible bidder is DPK, Inc., with a total bid of $5,142,838.69. Available funding for the project is $9,222,414. Reference checks on DPK, Inc., by both Entranco and City staff indicate that the contractor has performed similar work. As a result, City staff believes DPK, Inc. can successfully complete this project to the City's satisfaction. The Committee m/s/c recommendation to the City Council to adopt at its May 1, 2001, meeting. OTHER Staff provided an update on the progress of work on the 320t~ project and on beautification work at 320t~ and Highway 99. As the project nears completion, decorative street lights are illuminated at night. Islands will be complete before paving begins. Three of the four corners are complete at the intersection and are very attractive. Pavement has been ground in preparation for paving, but weather is critical to completion of the job. Signal poles should be delivered sometime in May to early June. The contractor may be assessed liquidated damages for the delay in completion of the job on schedule. The Pacific Highway South project has encountered some problems with the acquisition of Right of Way, which is likely to cause the delay of construction until next year. Additionally, the State of Washington is not sympathetic to our Comprehensive Plan vision regarding street trees. The State is concerned about driver safety where trees are planted along state highways. Federal Way is only one of several cities with similar issues with redevelopment along Pacific Highway South. The new Assistant City Attorney, Karen Kirkpatrick was welcomed to the City. Chair McColgan raised the issue of encouraging owners to maintain the landscaping at their places of business. FUTURE MEETINGS The next meeting will be held in Council Chambers at 5:30 pm on May 7, 2001. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 7:15pm. IALU-TRANS~April 23, 2001 sum.doc CITY OF~~i~~ PO Box 9718 (253) 661-4000 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 MEMORANDUM TO: Land Use and Transportation Committee FROM: Kathy McClung, Director of Community Development Services David Mosele~i~ Man~ger May 1, 2001 VIA: DATE: SUB]ECT: Code Amendment- Creating Non-conformances Through Right of Way Take Development non-conformances are often created when the City purchases land to expand public right of way. Building setback, parking, landscaping, and sign setback requirements are often impacted by the new property line. The current Code language requires that a property owner remedy the non-conformances at the time of any building expansion or if the property improvements exceed 15% of the value of the improvements. This has become an increasing concern for property owners who must meet the existing requirements should they make changes to their buildings or site in the future. The City Code does not currently provide property owners relief for this situation without going through a lengthy and costly process of securing a variance. This issue makes it difficult to reach agreement during the property negotiation stage of a construction project. Marwan Salloum, Street Systems Manager has identified 25% of the properties in the Phase I Pacific Highway project having non-conformance issues as barders to property negotiation. The staff recommendation is to revise the non-conformance chapter to include relief from the non-conformances created by the City through right of way acquisition unless the property is redeveloping 75% of the value of the improvements. Committee Action Required: Recommend approval to the full Council to add to the Planning Commission work program for this year. APPROVAL OF COMMIITEE ACTION: m ~ M mm m .... m~mmm m m · ...... : 'e ' '" ::",''. '~,;!:' ' :I'~'' ' Dean McColgan ; : ........... '.leanneBurbidge · ..... Eric Faison l:\Working DocumentsXLUTC PW Non-Conformances Code Amendment Memo.doc CITY OF~ PO Box 97~8 (253) 661-4000 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 TO: FROM: VIA: DATE: SUB]ECl: MEMORANDUM Land Use and Transportation Committee Kathy McClung, Director Community Development Services David Mo~ager May 1, 2001 Sign Compliance Update City staff continues to make progress closing nonconforming sign cases. The non-conforming sign cases currently number 137, not including billboards. Sixty-six cases have been closed so far this year. Approximately 1/3 of these cases required a citation before bringing the signs into compliance. Of the 137 cases remaining: 65 cases are miscellaneous, business, home businesses, churches, etc. 21 of the 65 have been cited 4 of the 21 have been appealed to Hearing Examiner 2 of the 4 have taken a decision to court 1 of the 4 has filed for a sign permit 2 of the 21 have sign permits pending 3 of the 21 have a boundary line adjustment Pending which will determine their signage. 2 of the 65 are within the Pacific Highway construction area without sign compliance agreements · 26 cases are subdivision signs. No action has been taken on subdivision signs. 46 cases are apartment signs. 4 apartment cases have been cited i apartment case has a permit pending Code compliance staff are taking action on the miscellaneous signs and will soon start on apartment signs. Single-family neighborhood signs will be our last priority. The Sign Incentive Fund still has over $100,000 remaining. The City Council may want to consider opening the program again to reimburse business owners who have brought their signs into compliance. l:\Wo[k|n$ I)ocumcntstLUTC Sign Update May 2001.do<;