Parks Comm PKT 01-05-2012City of Federal Way PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION January 5, 2012 City Hall 6:30 p.m. H lebos Conference Room MEETING AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) Please limit comments to 3 minutes. The Chair may ask citizen to briefly summarize comments that continue too long. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — December 1, 2011; Regular Meeting Minutes. 4. COMMISSION BUSINESS Topic Title/ Description Presenter A. Nominate & Elect Vice - Chair Ailinger B. Public Hearing — Park Plan Revision Presentation Ailinger C. Park Plan Discussion and Recommendation Roe / Gerwen D. Presentation on Playground Equipment Wessel & Sharlock E. Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee Draft Plan Feedback Ailinger 5. STAFF REPORTS Topic Title/ Description A. Leathers Report Update B. Panther Lake Master Plan Update Presenter Gerwen Gerwen 6. OTHER BUSINESS 7. FUTURE MEETINGS /AGENDA ITEMS: The next PRHSPSC Committee meeting will be held Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 5:30 PM in the Hylebos Conference Room. 8. AGENDA SETTING 9. ADJOURNMENT THE NEXT MEETING IS FEBRUARY 2, 2012 g: (parks comm mtg notes(20121agenda & minutes(010512 agenda.doc CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Thursday, December 1, 2011 Hylebos Conference Room 6:30 p.m. City Hall MEETING MINUTES Chair Ailinger called the meeting to order at 6:38 pm. Present: Chair Brian Ailinger, Louise Wessel, Jack Sharlock, George Pfeiffer and Marie Sciacqua. Staff: Parks and Facilities Manager Steve Ikerd and Parks and Public Works Administrative Assistant Shawna Upton. The November Parks and Recreation Commission regular meeting minutes were approved as written. Motion by Sciacqua, Second by Sharlock. Motion passes. PUBLIC FORUM There were no members of the public attending. COMMISSION BUSINESS 2012 DRAFT WORK PLAN DISCUSSION The Commission reviewed the 2012 Draft Work Plan. Consensus was reached to remove Disc Golf from the work plan as the original locations that had been proposed were not conducive to disc golf activity. Laurelwood Park is going to be removed from the work plan as well. Improvements have been made to this park and the City will maintain the grounds from this point forward. Wessel inquired about providing an additional entrance to Laurelwood and open it up so it can be used as a community park. After further discussion, it was determined that this park is meant to be a neighborhood park and the desire is not to convert it to a community park. Discussion continued about current volunteers, how to get more involvement and areas that might benefit from additional volunteer service. Wessel would like to see more information about volunteer events on our website so that more residents can get involved. Wessel also mentioned that the Park Pals group has been dedicated to the off -leash dog Park and would like to see Council recognize them for their efforts. Pfeiffer requested that athletic field renovations be added to the work plan. STAFF REPORTS LEATHERS REPORT UPDATE Ikerd stated that the City is still working with Leathers to obtain an estimate for what it would cost to have them come out to do a full evaluation on "Funland" at Steel Lake Park. We do know the cost of the evaluation will be -$1500.00 but there will be additional costs for travel and per -diem. Leathers agreed to stay at Dumas Bay and let the City provide transportation. Pfeiffer stated the City should consider gAparks comm mtg notes\201 I\agenda & minutes \120111 minutes.doc Parks and Recreation Commission, October 6, 2011 Page 2 providing a rental car so they will have transportation for food and other needs without the need to rely on city provided transportation. Motion by Sharlock to move forward with securing Leathers services to provide a full evaluation of the playground equipment at Steel Lake Park, Second by Pfeiffer. Motion passes. BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE DRAFT PLAN UPDATE Ikerd provided a packet of information to the Commission illustrating the ideas in place at this point. The documents show recommended bicycle and pedestrian facilities being used by other jurisdictions, goals and objectives, selection criteria and maps illustrating proposed bicycle and pedestrian facilities based on citizen feedback. Discussion addressed the similarity between the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee project compared to current and future projects the Parks and Recreation Commission are considering. The Commission feels it is important to coordinate efforts. PANTHER LAKE SCOPE OF WORK UPDATE Ikerd contacted Huitt- Zollars and asked them to provide a scope of work specific enough to be used in a master plan, take to Council and use to solicit for grants. Ikerd verified with the Commission that the intent is to move forward with making a trail connection without a bridge over a culvert, a parking lot, a portable bathroom with an enclosure built around it and a small playground. The Commission is interested in pursuing the option of shared funding or other shared support options from the King County Aquatic Center and Little League. OTHER BUSINESS Wessell stated that there are 11 people that have volunteered their time at French Lake off -leash dog park for quite a few years. She would like to see the City Council give those individuals recognition at a council meeting to thank them for all their hard work at the park. They are members of the Park Pals group. Motion by Pfeiffer to ask the City Council to provide a certificate of appreciation to the members of Park Pals to thank them for their service, Second by Sharlock. Motion passes. Sharlock mentioned that an individual had approached him with concerns regarding the amount of dog fighting that is going on at the park. Ikerd indicated that the police should be notified when these incidents are happening. Park Pals secured the water fountain for the park and the City is currently attempting to locate the water line and connect the water fountain. Ailinger mentioned that nominations will be taking place next month to fill the vacant Vice -Chair position. Ailinger asked that the Commission be ready to present nominations at the next meeting. Wessell plans to bring in a series of pictures to show the Commission at the next meeting with examples of new play equipment that was recently installed at a neighboring jurisdiction. Ikerd provided a summary of volunteer and staff projects that are coming up. g: \parks comm mtg notes\20111agenda & minutes \120111 minutes.doe Parks and Recreation Commission, October 6, 2011 Page 3 NEXT MEETING /AGENDA ITEMS Nominations for the Vice -Chair position Feedback on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Draft Plan Panther Lake Master Plan Update New Playground Equipment Picture Slideshow Leathers Report Update ADJOURNMENT Chair Ailinger adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m. NEXT MEETING IS JANUARY 5, 2012 gAparks comm mtg nmcs\2011\agenda & minutes \120111 minutes.doc