LUTC MINS 12-05-2011City of Federal Way City Council Land Use and Transportation Committee December 5, 2011 City Hall 6:00 PM City Council Chambers MEETING SUMMARY Committee members in Attendance: Committee Chair Linda Kochmar, Committee member Jim Ferrell and Committee member Jack Dovey Council members in attendance: Councilmember Jeanne Burbidge Staff in Attendance: Director of Parks, Public Works and Emergency Management Cary Roe, Deputy Public Works Director Ken Miller, Planning Manager Isaac Conlen, Contract Planner Jim Harris, City Attorney Pat Richardson, and Administrative Assistant II Darlene LeMaster. 1. CALL TO ORDER Committee Chair Kochmar called the meeting to order at 6:07 PM. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT There was one public comment: Mark Flaten, 1301 SW 360`" St — Mr. Flaten spoke concerning the need for speed humps or some form of traffzc calming device along SW 36d St, behveen 8`" Ave SW and 1 S`" Ave SW. With the recently developed neighborhoods, Silverwood to the east and Madrona Park to the west, their has been a huge increase in pedestrian tra�c along with increased vehicle tra�c from either neighborhood. Vehicles also use SW 360`" St as an alternate route to avoid speed humps along nearby streets. Director Roe spoke with Mr. Flaten after his public comment to get additional information to talce back to staffregarding Mr. Flaten's request. 3. BUSINESS ITEMS Forward Topic Title/Description to Council A. � Approval of the November 7, 2011 LUTC Minutes N/A Committee approved the November 7, 2011 LUTC minutes as presented. Moved: Dovey Seconded: Ferrell Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 B. Proposed Amendments Related to High Profile Signs and Wall Mounted Banners Jan. 3, 2012 Ordinance Contract Planner Jim Harris presented information on this item. Committee member povey asked for clarification on the requirements for three high profile signs. Of the larger developments within the city, would any of these developments have to relocate existing signs to accommodate the parameters of adding a third high profile sign? Mr. Harris confirmed that all existing developments will still be conforming if they add a third high profile sign. Committee Member povey wanted to make sure that all larger developments would be able to benefit from Land Use/Transportation Committee this code amendment. December 5, 2011 Committee member povey inquired about wall-mounted banners, asking if these banners require a framework as well as how staff will be enforcing a banner policy. Planning Manager Conlen addressed the Committee and explained that enforcement is a separate issue. The City currently has a complaint based code enforcement system. As far as banners are concerned, they don't require a frame. The definition of banner is being modified to allow wall mounted banners as an approve sign type for all businesses in non-residential zones. Committee member povey suggested that high profile signs and wall mounted banners be voted on as separate issues. City Attorney Richardson confirmed that if Council desires, the ordinance can be converted into two separate items. Councilmember Burbidge commented that this code amendment may have been the result of business owners needing a more economical alternative to signs. Chair Kochmar invited Cynthia Stanley-Lee, Steadfast Commercial Properties General Manager to comment on this topic. Ms. Stanley-Lee, General Manager, Steadfast Properties, 1928-B S Commons, Federad Way — Ms. Stanley — Lee spoke in favor of high profile signs, stating they are very important to the mall, helping the mall to attract key stores. Committee member povey asked if the topic of an overhead banner across S 320`� Street has been looked into. Director Roe stated that this type of banner is a separate issue, but noted there has been other recent interest in addressing such a topic. It is likely that this topic will go to the next Parks, Recreation, Cultural Services and Public Safety Committee as an agenda item. Key items to be discussed will be the appropriate location to install such a banner, the cost estimate, and policy surrounding installation of the banner and who is eligible to advertise using this type of banner. Committee member povey asked about funding for the banner; would it potentially come from lodging ta�c funds? Director Roe responded that this topic may be appropriate to discuss at the City Councilmember Retreat in January 2012. Committee forwarded Option #1 as modified to separate the sign code amendments into two items, High Profile Signs and Wall Mounted Banners, forwarding each separately to the January 3, 2012 City Council Ordinance agenda for first reading. Moved: Ferrell. Seconded: Dovey Passed: Unanimously; 3-0 C. West Hylebos Creek Culvert Replacement/Removal and Flood Control Improvements — Jan. 3, 2012 Project Acceptance and Retainage Release Consent Deputy Public Works Director Ken Miller presented information on this item. Mr. Appleton was excused. There was no public comment or discussion. Committee forwarded Option #1 as presented. Moved: Ferrell. Seconded: Dovey Passed: Unanimously; 2-0; 1 Recusal 4. OTHER Chair Kochmar thanked Council and Committee member povey for his service to the City of Federal Way and the Land Use and Transportation Committee. Chair Kochmar also welcomed Councilmember Elect Bob Celski to the City. G:\WTC\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2011U2-5-11 Minutes.dce Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 3 December 5, 2011 5. FUTURE MEETING Due to the December 19, 2011 LUTC meeting being cancelled and January 2, 2012 being a holiday, the next LUTC meeting will be Monday, January 9, 2012 at 6:00 PM in City Hall Council Chambers. 6. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 6:37 PM. Attest: COMMITTEE APPROVAL: Dazlene LeMaster, Administrative Assistant II Linda Kochmar, Chair Jim Ferrell, Member Jack Dovey, Member G:\LUTC\LUTC Agrndas and Summazies 2011\I2-5-1 � Minutes.doc