AG 12-009 - STATE OF WASHINGTON (HIGHLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE)RETURN TO: Patrick Doherty EXT: 2612 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY LAW DEPARTMENT ROUTING FORM ORIGINATINGDEPT./DIV: CED ORIGINATING STAFF PERSON: _raTiucx voxExTY EXT: _2612 3. DAT'E REQ. BY:_AS�r TYPE OF DOCUMENT (CHECK ONE): � CONTRACTOR SELECTION DOCUMENT (E. Cz, RFB, RFP, RFQ) � PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT O SMALL OR LIMITED PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT ❑ PROFESSIONALSERVICEAGREEMENT O MAINTENANCEAGREEMENT � GOODS AND SERVICE AGREEMENT ❑ HUMAN SERVICES / CDBG � REAL ESTAT'E DOCUMENT ❑ SECURITY DOCUMENT (E.c. sorm �LA�D Docv�rrrs� � ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION � CONTRACTAMENDMENT(AG#): ❑ INTERLOCAL X OTHER_INTERAGENCYAGREEMENT WITH HIGHLINE COMMiJNITY COLLEGE PROJECT NAME: SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER NAME OF CONTRACTOR �,HIGHLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE W�'7► 1� �`� 1 I W�, ��� ADDRESS: _ro sOX 98000 Ms 99-101, DES MoitvES 98198 TELEPH E-MAIL: JPEYTON Q�-IIGHLINE.EDU FAX: SIGNATURE NAME: JalviES PE�'orr TITLE EX�IIBTTSANDATTACHIv1ENTS:X scoPE WORK OR SERVICES X COMPENSATION ❑ INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS/CERTIFICATE ❑ ALL OTHER REFERENCED EXtIIBITS ❑ PROOF OF AUTHORITY TO SIGN ❑ REQUIRED LICENSES ❑ PRIOR CONTRACT/AtviENDMENTS TERM: COMMENCEMENT DATE: 1/1/11 COMPLETION DATE: 12/31/11 TOTAL COMPENSATION $_22 ,500 (INCLUDE EXPENSES AND SALES TAX, IF ANY) (IF CALCULATED ON HOURLY LABOR CHARGE - ATTACH SCHEDULES OF EMPLOYEES TITLES AND HOLIDAY RATES) REIIv1BURSABLE EXPENSE: � YES X NO IF YES, MAXIMUM DOLLAR AMOUNT: $ IS SALES TAX OWED ❑ YES X NO IF YES, $ PAID BY: O CONTRACTOR L� CITY O PURCHASING: PLEASE CHARGE TO: 001-5200-t)79-558-10-410 10. DOCUMENT/CONTRACT REVIEW � PROJECT MANAGER O DIItECTOR ❑ RISK MANAGEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) ❑ LAW � 11. COUNCILAPPROVAL (IF APPLICABLE) INITIAL / DATE REVIEWED INITIAL / DATE APPROVED �- zc� - iZ� , �—�- l�. COMMITTEF APPRdVAL DATE: COLiV LAPPROVAL DATE' E'�t/ G�u;�u.t'l'C������c� 2011 ���- ���c� 12. CONTRACT SIGNATURE ROUTING � �'' ❑ SENTTO VENDOR/CONTRACTOR DATE SENT: DATE REC'D: ���� 2 - ❑ ATTACH: SIGNATURE AUTHORITY, INSURANCE CERTIFICAT'E, LICENSES, EXHIBITS `� O LAW DEPARTMENT ❑ SIGNATORY (MAY'OR OR DIRECTOR� � CITY CLERK ❑ ASSIGNED AG# ❑ SIGNED COPY RETURNED �� i l /9 �- �• � / � i� � � /:%��1 � -.- .1• i r_�r� r � _, r i' � �>�� � O/ - i ► / / / INTERAGElYCY MODEL AGREEMEN�' Between S'TAT,E Q�' WASHIiYGT+DN A�G�I,1NE CQMN�ITIYITY•C(3LL�'!'�E a�td CIT'3�' �F FEDERAL WAl' 'THIS AGREENI�1�1'T'' :�s t��3e and �nter�d inta by �nd tre�een ,HI+GHLINE CC?1V�IVIUN]['I`� Ct?LL��E, PO BOX 9800i? M!� .�-�01, DES M4IlYES, W�. ��198, h�reinafter referred t� as "'$x+G�,1NE C011"Il4�UNIT'.� �QLLE�E; and the CITY QF F�T?�1t.A,I, �VAY, �325 8TH A�'E S, F�ISER�i�. WAY, WA 9804}3, hereitt�e�' referred to as the , �C�'i'� UF �`�UEI2AI. Vt'AY'". IT IS THE PITRPOS� 6�' 1'�IIS AGREEMENT tt� prcrnvic�e �artnership and support far t1t� commun�.j! thraugh the efforts af the �mall Business Developm�n� Cent�aP t�d to pravide complirn�n� Etusir�ess development serviGes �rtd r�so�rce� tc� sinall to medium sized` bu�inesses. �`HEREFORE, IT I� �'IU�LY .AGREED THAT: �T�fiE�ENT OF W+O� To proxi�te partnership and st�ppqr� fvr the community tl�rough t�e ,e�forts of the Smatl �r�s�iness I�velaprnent Center and to pro�d� ctamp�imentary business dev�[apment s�+ices and resources to smali't� medium sized businesses. ��.�4D C'!F' PERFORMA,,,,,NC� Subject �i its other pmvisions, Yhe p�ri�� of perforrnance of this Agceem�t shall commence on Jannary 1, 201�, and be completed on D+�cember 31, 2011, and will be renewed au�rnatically on an annual i�asis tu►less i;�rminated as specifed ii� th� tettnirration clause of this ageet7x�nt b�' e�ther party, � P.A.'YME1�7T G�m}��nsation for the work proUided in a�cordance with this ageemen� has been established und�- the terrns c�f RCW 39.34.130. The parties have estimated that the co� crf ac�arnplisltir►g the work herein will not exceecl a total of $2Z,SOQ.00 for the entu�e length of the contract frt�m ��ina�i�ry 1, 2Qll to December 31, 20�1. B�.LI,�1�� �'`ROCEDURE Hi�hlin� Cammunity Coflege �hat1 sabm�t inv�'tces automatically t�n an �nt�nel basis. Payment to Highline CQmmunity College for appmved and �mpteted work will be made by �+�trant or account tcansfer bythe City of Federal Way within 3Q days of receipt of the invoice. Upon e�ir�i�n �f the contract, any claim for payment not aiready �nade shall be subtnitted within 30 days after the expi�`af�on date or the end of the fis�at �ear, whi�3tever is earlier. P"ERFQRMANCE MEASUR.E� The Sm�ll Business Developm�nt Cenxer under Hightine Commanity C�llege's manage�nent agrees ta SP,NB at minimum, undupli�at�d nurnber of persons with City of Feder�l Way's funding as outtined in E�thibit A. RECORIIS NIAINTENANCE HF�'I�1F1� GQT11iY]U111� �OIIU�$ SI1�II SU�TTllt ]3POgF�S3 171011f�1Iy quarterl� alrtd annuaI repc3rts to the �ity. Tt►e reports will ref�ect all the Perf�rmance Goal� set out and agreed by bath parties as cautlined in E�thibit A�f. th�s contract. Thg parties to this cantract shall esch maintain btaoks, reeord�, docurners�s and other evidence which sufficiently and pra�terly refleet' all dire.�t and indir�t casts expended by either par#}� in the perfarrnfinc� �f the services des�rib�d hsrein. Thes� records shall be subject'to i�isp�e�tion, re�+iew ox aud;it by p�rst�nnel �f both p�arties, other personnel duly ,aut�Ccirized by either party, the Offic� afthe State Auditor, and �ecierat o#'ficia}s so anthori�ed by la�. All bc�oks, �+ecards; documents, �nd oth�r material relevant to this Agreenrrent will b� retained f�ir �3x years a1��r expiratian and th� fTffice of t�� Stat� Auditar, fed�ral auditors, and � persons cluly authari�i by the parties shail .have fuil access and the right � examine any of these inaterials during this perioa. Records and other docurn�rit� in �ny m�iurn, fitrnished by one �arty fo this agreement to the other pacty, wilt rer�►ain th� �roperty of ttte furnis�ing parry, unless ofih�rwis� a�re.�d. Th� r�ceiving Party will ttat: discl�se or make availab�e this materialto any #hird parties witihout frst giving notice tt> the furnishi'rig }�� es�d giving it a rea�c�nable oppckrtunity to respond. Each party will utxlize ie�sonal��� $ecurity procedures artcl protections to �ssure Eh�t r�cc�rcl5 and docum�nts provid�ti by tY�e o#h�r party' are not ermn�usly c�isclosed Eo third �rties. RIG� IN DATA Unless othervwise provided, data which briginates from this Agree�inent shail b� "wor�cs for hire" as def�n�sd by the U.S. Copyright Act Qf 1�7�i ac�d shall be owned by Hi�hlin� Ct�mmun'ity Col[eg�. Data shalt inclnde; bwt nat be lirr►ited tt�, reports, documents, pacnphlets, advertlsem$r�ts, }moks magazines, surveys, st�dies, cornputer programs, €itms, t�pes and/or sound reproductions. Ownership ineludes the right to capyr't�'� patent, register, and #he ability to transfer these rights. INDEPENDENT GAP��ITY': The �nployees or agents af eac� party who are engaged t'n the: perfcarmance af this Agreement shall �anfiinue to be em�loyees Qr agents af that party and shatl �tot be �c�n�ider�d fOr any purpose to b� �rMployees or agent� cifthe o�sx party: �;GREEMENT ALTERATiQ1�S AND AM�rTIJMENTS This ageement may b� amended by �nutual agreement of the patCies. Sueh amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing, a�d signed by persannel authorizecl to bind each of t,he parties. T�RMINATION �it�aer party may te�`minate tlYis .Agreement upon 30 days' priar wxctten nntification to the other pariy. If this �greement is so terminated, the parties shail be liable only for performance renclered or costs incurred in accordance with the terms of this Agreement prior to the effective d�te of terrnination. TERMINATION FC1R CAUSE If for any cause, either party does not fulfilt in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement, or if ei#her party viotatcs any of these terms and conditions, the aggrieved party wil! give the other party written natiee of such failure or violation. The responsible party will be given the opportunity ta cotTect the violation or failure witiiin l5 working days. If failure ar violation is not corrected, this Agreement may be t�rminated immed iately by written notice of the aggrieved party to the other. Page 2 of 4 D�ISPUTES �n, the event thaC a dispute arises under this Agreement, it shall be c�etennined by a Dispute Btaard in the following manner: Each pat� ta this agreement shalt appoint one member to fhe Dispute Board. The members so appointecl shai� jointly appoint an additiona) me�nber tc� the Dispttte Board. The Dispute �oard sh�ll review the facts, cc�ntcact terms and applicabie statutes and nilss xnd make a determinatiQn c�f the dispute. The determination af fl� D'tspute Board shall be firt�l �d bincling on the parties h�a AS an altiernative to this process, eith�r �f the parties may re�uest ir�ter<�+�tr��on by t�te Governor, as prt�vic�ed b� RG�I/ 43.17.33Q, in �hic� ev�txt.the Governo�s process will control. G��ER1�A.I�ICE 'fhis contract is entered iffi� g�,nst�al�f to and under the authd�'��' �ted by the laws of t1�� �tat� of �U`�shington and any ap�ti��1� f.ed�eral laws. The provisiotTS �� fhi� agreernent shali be ¢cm�eted to �cttn�orm to thase laws, I�i fhe event of an incortsisfi��cy, zn #he terms of this Agreem�rtt� oi' betWeen its terms and anyv �splxc�ble �ta'tute ar ru1e, the ince3nsis��a�± s��all be resolved ay gi�ing pre�ct��t!c� in the f�] iowing arder. a. applicahl� s�fe:�rtd federal statutes and rules; b. statemettt �f �vark; snd , c. any other prs�visi+�ns �f the agreement, ineludi�g t�a��ls iriCOrporated by r�f'�r�s�, �IGI�TMENT . . Th� work to be provided r�n�r this Agreement, and any claim arising thereunrler, is not assitg�ble e�i� delegable by either pariy its �vhctle ar in part, without the express pfric�r wti�t�rt cansent of the �tthex �arty, vv�tich consent shall n4t l� u�east�n�bty withheld. WAIVER A failvre by either party tc� �erciSe its rights under this: agre�meint sha,ll not preclude that paiti�? from �ubsequent eaercise of such ri�its aiict shaIl ��at constitute � t�aiv�et� �3f �rty pther rights under this .�gr�em�nt unless stated to be such in .a �rrit�ng s'igned by an authoriz�d r�gre�nt�tiiY� o.f the party and att�h�d ta the briginal Agreement. SEVERA�BILITY If any provision of this Agre«ttaent pr an}+ provision of any doc�tt�i�t in+�orporaxed by referenee slxaJt be held inu�lid, such invalidity sh�tl it�t €�ffect the otiier provisions t�f thls Agreement which can be gh►�n effect �vitl�out the invalid prr�visXq�, if such remainder ctinforrns ta the requirements of applicable �avs! an�i the fund�mental purpose of tliis tt�reernent, and to this end the pmvisians of #his Agreement are deC��red to be severable. ' r�LL WRITINGS C4NTA�I? HEREIlV This Agreement contains �tl tl��tetms and condieions �greed upc►n hp the parties. No other under�nd'mgs, orat or otherwise, regarding tYt� �ubject matter of this Agreerneant shel[ be deemed to exist or fo birtd any �f the parties hereta RAT'IFICATIUN A►1y act cansistent with the authority and prior ta the effective date af ttsis agreement is hereby �a�'tfed and a�rmed. C�IWTRACT MANAGENIE�' . The program manager for eae�C �tf the parties shall be respansible f+�r and shall be the cantact pet�rn for al! communications and biilings regarding the perforn�ance af this Agreement. Page 3 of 4 Highline Community College: Communications contact person shall be James Peyton, Highline Community College, PO Box 98000 MS 99-101, Des Moines, WA 98198. Billing contact person shall be Crystal Kitterman, Highline Community College, PO Box 98000 MS 99-101, Des Moines, WA 98198. City of Federal Way: Communications and billing contact person shall be Patrick Doherty, Director of Economic Development, 33325 8�' Ave So, Federal Way, WA 98003 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement. State of Washington Highline Comm 'r By: � �� Title: �` Date: Z Y�i By: Title: Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY: day of ROB MCKENNA Attorney General : ... City of Federal Wa By: ��.-, . Title: ��pt�t�°� r�(J,�/c�-pr��V � / Date: � 3� I 2 ATTEST: � Carol McNeilly, CMC, C Clerk 200_ Senior Assistant Attorney General APPROVED AS TO FORM: �, Patricia A. Richardson, City Attorney Page 4 of 4 �� � l ��� � �c�(� The Highllne S6DC Senrlces Within Clty of Federal Way PerFormance Goais 2011 �71 POtt �]t 30tt FrlmaryMerketingAcN2vity �atG 2na;Q �au �Et �� 1�'.i rt+aeiirtgs wAPi lendere ��'�^�'� QM�a contact with lenders 8 8 8 8 Chambar of Gdmmer�e N� eveMs � t� t 9 �..� '1 Service Ciubs. speaking.enga�emer�ts 0 0 p 1-f GBents Served 1:1 CoBCtting Group Goaching Gumulative individuais servetl Enrdfinent In S$DC Uasses Reterrais 1q othBr setvice prpviders 0 iD 1Q • @ r 1U 5 5 � S 5 19 3Q 4� Se' 2 2 z z 5 fi 5 5 Economic;lmpads Jobs «eated by SBDC tlienta Jobs saved by S�DC dienls Bank toans to SB�C dierus Ne�A� invesiment3n S$UC;c$ent ca's. 3 3 3 3 3 3 . 3 3 4 1 1 'f 1 1 1 1 Preparad for fha Glly nf FBderaf Way ReWSed Max 23, 2077 Tev Siegf arsd Rich &hocktey Htqhltna Small 9uslne�s Qevelopme�t Gertter Actual ;a� Ztitt �or 2ntS 2Aiy 1'ara� �t� aa4 �tt xroa �U+a u�tit: 't8 3 8 1 3 106 92 7 7 1 � 8 . 't ^� ' t 38 ' 21 25 ' 'J8 Z'1 �� Bt} 20, �0, 12: #�' 13 ffi� c�enbined v�ith:tialntng 91 .79: 'YQt 135 i35; B . CembfrteET wlth SSRBi CiaSses 2D [�attrac�9d aecuraUely 12 12 4 4 p C;Ws�altkitlertnVlppDaf8Ua�1FA�pstift�MndOwsl7emporaty tnternet:E�flos►CtuttaM.Ot�looicii.TWSE�t�xhibif'A Fede�l WI� Goais 201� W ac�IJal:xt� 00��� ���—� ����0 —����� v Pdge 1