Parks Comm PKT 02-06-2014MEETING AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) Please limit comments to 3 minutes. The Chair may ask citizen to briefly summarize comments that continue too long. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - January 2 "d, 2014; Regular Meeting Minutes. 4. COMMISSION BUSINESS None 5. STAFF REPORTS Topic Title/ Description Presenter A. Way- Finding Signs Ikerd B. Family Funland Ikerd C. Volunteer Events Ikerd 6. OTHER BUSINESS 7. FUTURE MEETINGS /AGENDA ITEMS: The next PRHSPSC Committee meeting will be held Tuesday, February le at 5:30 PM in the Hylebos Conference Room. 8. AGENDA SETTING 9. ADJOURNMENT THE NEXT MEETING IS March 6th, 2014 g:lparks comm mtg notes120141agendas and minutes1020614 agenda.doc City of Federal Way PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION February 6t", 2014 City Hall 6:30 p. m. H lebos Conference Room MEETING AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) Please limit comments to 3 minutes. The Chair may ask citizen to briefly summarize comments that continue too long. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - January 2 "d, 2014; Regular Meeting Minutes. 4. COMMISSION BUSINESS None 5. STAFF REPORTS Topic Title/ Description Presenter A. Way- Finding Signs Ikerd B. Family Funland Ikerd C. Volunteer Events Ikerd 6. OTHER BUSINESS 7. FUTURE MEETINGS /AGENDA ITEMS: The next PRHSPSC Committee meeting will be held Tuesday, February le at 5:30 PM in the Hylebos Conference Room. 8. AGENDA SETTING 9. ADJOURNMENT THE NEXT MEETING IS March 6th, 2014 g:lparks comm mtg notes120141agendas and minutes1020614 agenda.doc CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Thursday, January 2, 2014 Hylebos Conference Room 6:30 p.m. City Hall MEETING MINUTES Chair Koppang called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Present: Chair Mark Koppang, Vice Chair Mike Hoefel, Jack Sharlock, Laura Belvin, Randall Smith and David Berger. George Pfeiffer and Dwight Otto were excused. Staff: Parks & Facilities Manager Steve Ikerd and Parks & Public Works Administrative Assistant II Shawna Upton. Guests in Attendance: Council Member Martin Moore and Council Member Jeanne Burbidge. Minutes from the December Parks and Recreation Commission regular meeting were approved as written. Motion by Belvin to approve the minutes as written, Second by Sharlock. Motion passes. There were no public comments. PUBLIC FORUM COMMISSION BUSINESS 2014 WORK PLAN Koppang initiated discussion on the 2014 draft work plan. He noted that the goal is to approve the work plan so it can move forward to Committee and Council for approval. The Commission reviewed each item on the work plan and related details for each item. Lengthy discussion was had working to narrow down a more specific timeline for completion of the items, available budget, and ways to streamline participation at volunteer events and improvements that can be made regarding donation opportunities and the Red, White & Blues Festival. Several comments and questions were discussed noting a desire for the school district to become more invested in the sports fields that they use so the City does not bear the majority of the maintenance costs. Commissioners also expressed a desire to update and create new, if needed, use agreements with the district that detail responsibilities moving forward and planning for future improvements well in advance of the need for funding. Motion by Hoefel to accept the work plan with the addition of a recognition plan under the annual playground equipment replacement topic. Second by Smith. Motion passes. g:\parks comm mtg notes \2014 \agendas and minutes \010214 minutes.doc Parks and Recreation Commission, January 2, 2014 Page 2 STAFF REPORTS FRENCH LAKE SHELTER UPDATE Ikerd indicated that he talked with Park Pals and Park Pals stated that not everyone was on board with the shelter that was proposed. Park Pals still have interest in making some sort of improvements but would like to look at the options again to determine exactly what they would like to propose moving forward with. A quick discussion was held regarding the status of filling in the pond and condition of the water fountain. Specific plans need to be developed before the pond will be filled in and currently the focus has been on fixing the fountain. The manufacturer has been asked to come out and address the recurring problem with the fountain. FUNLAND UPDATE Ikerd noted the project went to Committee and is set to go to Council January 7, 2014 for approval to move forward with the project. The agreement is in place with Leathers & Associates, the company we are purchasing the ability whirl from overseas has agreed to the use of a city purchase order, and the project is set to begin sometime in March. OTHER BUSINESS NEXT MEETING /AGENDA ITEMS Items for the February 6, 2014 meeting are: Volunteer Events Update Grant Update on Lakota Park Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Presentation ADJOURNMENT Motion by Sharlock, Second by Hoefel to adjourn the meeting. Chair Koppang adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m. g:\parks comm mtg notes \2014 \agendas and minutes \010214 minutes.doc x� c a� L U f0 �+ �+ Q F..