Council PKT 04-01-2014 RegularCITY OF �.. Federal Way AGENDA FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers - City Hall April 1, 2014 7:00 p.m. www.cityoffederalway.com 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PRESENTATIONS a. Proclamation: Mayor's Day of Recognition for National Service ...page 3 b. Sound Cities Association c. Recognition of Departing Employees • Jay Bennett • Bob Noland d. Mayor's Emerging Issues and Report 4. CITIZEN COMMENT PLEASE COMPLETE A PINK SLIP AND TURN IT IN TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. When recognized by the Mayor, come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. Please limit your comments to three minutes. The Mayor may interrupt comments that exceed three minutes, relate negatively to other individuals, or are otherwise inappropriate. 5. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously reviewed in their entirety by a Council Committee of three members and brought before full Council for approval, all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items may be removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: March 18, 2014 Special and Regular Meetings... page 4 b. Vouchers—page 18 c. Monthly Financial Report ... page so 6. PUBLIC HEARING a. Amendments to the 2012 CDBG Annual Action Plan ... page 105 • Staff Presentation • Public Comment • Council Action 7. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. North Lake Management District Advisory Committee Appointments ... page 120 The Council may add items and take action on items not listed on the agenda. b. Addition of Staff Positions to Community & Economic Development Department ...page 123 c. Addition of Staff Position Economic Development Manager ... page 129 d. Approval of Expenditure for Interim Park for "Town Square" Site and Authorization to Seek Bids for the Associated Improvements. ...page 134 8. ORDINANCES First Reading: a. CB# 647 Alternate Members for the Independent Salary Commission ...page 136 An ordinance of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to the Independent Salary ,Commission; amending Federal Way Revised Code 2.80.030 Second Reading: b. CB# 645: Ordinance to Vacate a Portion of S 337th Street ...page 141 An ordinance of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to vacating a�vortion of South 337th Street located on the north side of S. 337th Street, west of 33 Place S. adjacent to Lot 1 of Louise's North Lake Addition Plat at Federal Way 9. COUNCIL REPORTS 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION Collective Bargaining Pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(b) Potential Litigation Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) 11. ADJOURNMENT The Council may add items and take action on items not listed on the agenda. CITY OF vz�k� Federal Way PROCLAMA TION `Mayors Day of Recognition for Nattional Service" WHEREAS, service to others is a hallmark of the American character and Federal Way's tradition of community service; and, WHEREAS, every day, in Federal Way participants in national service groups such as AmeriCorps and EarthCorps are tackling tough problems and strengthening communities; and WHEREAS, each year AmeriCorps provides opportunities for 85,000 citizens across the nation including approximately 3,600 in Washington, to give back to our communities, state and country; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way AmeriCorps program is one of the largest programs in the nation and supports student learning programs, and numerous improvements projects at city parks; and WHEREAS, in 201s Earthcorps /Friends of the Hylebos led more than 745 youth and community volunteers in completing nearly 2,726 hours of hands -on environmental restoration on City parks at Dumas Bay, Poverty Bay and the West Hylebos Wetlands, planting native trees and shrubs and removing invasive plants; and WHEREAS, the United States Conference of Mayors will hold the second annual "Mayors Day of Recognition for National Service on April 1, 2014; NOW, THEREFORE, we, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Federal Way, do hereby declare April 1, 2014 as a Day of Recognition for National Service in Federal Way and encourage all residents to recognize and support the efforts of national service group members in Federal Way. SIGNED this 1st day ofApril, 2oi4. FEDERAL WA YMAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Jim Ferrell, Mayor _ Lydia Assefa- Dawson, Councilmember Dini Duclos, Councilmember Kelly Maloney, Councilmember 1;Z; Jeanne Burbidge, Deputy Mayor Bob CeIA4 Councilmember Susan Honda, Councilmember Martin Moore, Councilmember SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the draft minutes of the March 18, 2014 Special and Regular City Council Meetings. COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: McNeilly, City Clerk ..... . .......... ............... ........ ... .... ............ __ ... ................ _.__........_ DEPT:... Law.. /..HR ........ . ..... ....... _..... - ............ - . -_. Attachments: Draft minutes from the March 18, 2014 Special and Regular City Council Meetings. Options Considered: 1. Approve the minutes as presented. 2. Amend the minutes as necessary. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A N/A CITY CLERK APPROVAL: Committee Council 1-t v] N/A N/A CHIEF OF STAFF: Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the minutes as presented." (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # CITY OF Federal Way MINUTES FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Council Chambers - City Hall March 18, 2014 6:00 p.m. www.cityoffederalway.com 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Deputy Mayor Jeanne Burbidge, Councilmember Lydia Assefa- Dawson, Councilmember Kelly Maloney, Councilmember Susan Honda, Councilmember Bob Celski, Councilmember Martin Moore and Councilmember Dini Duclos. City staff in attendance: Deputy City Attorney Amy Jo Pearsall and City Clerk Carol McNeilly. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Mayor, Council and Deputy City Attorney adjourned to Executive Session at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the following: Evaluate Qualifications of Employees pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g); Potential Litigation pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) and Property Acquisition pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(b) They adjourned from Executive Session at 6:53 p.m. 3. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:53 p.m. Attest: Carol McNeilly, CMC, City Clerk Approved by Council: City Council Minutes — March 18, 2014 Special Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 1 CITY OF . Federal Way MINUTES FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers - City Hall March 18, 2014 7:00 p.m. www.cityoffederalway.com 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Deputy Mayor Jeanne Burbidge, Councilmember LydiaAssefa- Dawson, Councilmember Kelly Maloney, Councilmember Susan Honda, Councilmember Bob Celski, Councilmember Martin Moore and Councilmember Dini Duclos. City staff in attendance: Deputy City Attorney Amy Jo Pearsall and City Clerk Carol McNeilly. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE King County Councilmember Pete von Reichbauer led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. PRESENTATIONS a. Proclamation: Dom Cooks Councilmember Moore read the Proclamation into the record and presented it to Dom Cooks. Mr. Cooks commented L.O.E. - which stands for "loyalty over everything." b. Proclamation: Federal Way Lions Councilmember 'Maloney read the Proclamation into the record and presented it to representatives of the Federal Way Lions Club. Lions Club representatives invited the Mayor, Council and citizens to become members, highlighted their missions and announced meeting dates, times and locations. Mayor Ferrell recognized former Federal Way Mayors Linda Kochmar and Mike Park who were in attendance. c. Federal Way Community Caregiving Network Community Services Manager Jay Bennett stated the Community Caregiving Network's (CCN) motto is "Giving hope to the vulnerable." Mr. Bennett provided a brief history of the City's partnership with CCN. Doug Johnson, a representative from CCN, thanked the Council for funding their rental assistance and meal programs and highlighted the 2013 accomplishments. He also shared a story of a young, single mother who recently received assistance from the CCN. d. 2013 Business Recycler of the Year Award Councilmember Duclos stated the City takes pride in providing assistance to area businesses and organizations to help start and grow recycling efforts. The annual Business Recycler of the Year Award recognizes exceptional businesses that recycle, City Council Minutes — March 18, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 1 of 12 reduce waste and embrace sustainable practices. Councilmember Duclos announced this year's Leadership in Recycling Award recipient is Weyerhaeuser Corporate. The staff and administration at Weyerhaeuser have embraced waste reduction, recycling and food composting. Their corporate offices currently recycle 55% of the waste they generate while continuing to implement new recycling efforts. Laura Ramon and Ara Erickson from Weyerhaeuser accepted the award and thanked the Mayor and Council for the recognition. e. Waste Management Annual Report Highlights Waste Management representatives Laura Moser, Candy Castellanos and Mark Davis provided a summary of Waste Management's Annual Report. Ms. Moser distributed Waste Management's 2013 Annual Report and noted Waste Management has three recycling facilities in the state. Ms. Castellanos spoke to the importance of outreach programs and recapped some of their education efforts which included site visits to businesses and multi - family complexes. f. Certificates of Appointment: Steel Lake Management District At their March 4th meeting the Council appointed members to serve on the Steel Lake Management District. Councilmember Celski read the Certificates of Appointment into the record. g. Certificate of Appointment: Independent Salary Commission At their March 4th meeting the Council confirmed the Mayor's appointment of Michael Kun to the Independent Salary Commission. Deputy Mayor Burbidge read the Certificate of Appointment into the record and presented it to Mr. Kun. h. Confirmation of Police Chief Mayor Ferrell reported that on January 16, 2014, Andy Hwang was appointed to Interim Police Chief. Mayor Ferrell spoke to Interim Chief Hwang's character and integrity. Interim Chief Hwang began working for the City in 1996. In 2006 he was promoted to Deputy Chief. He has served previously as the Interim and Acting Chief. Mayor Ferrell has appointed Andy Hwang as the City's Police Chief and this item is before Council for confirmation. Motion: Deputy Mayor Burbidge moved to confirm the Mayor's appointment of Andy Hwang as the City's Police Chief. Councilmember Celski second. Each councilmember, in turn, voiced support for Andy's confirmation as Police Chief. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0. Municipal Court Judge Dave Larson delivered the Oath of Office to Police Chief Hwang. Chief Hwang thanked the Mayor and Council for the opportunity to serve the City in this capacity. He is proud to work for a professional organization. He thanked the members of the Police Department, his church and family for their continued support. City Council Minutes — March 18, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 2 of 12 Municipal Court Judge Rebecca Robertson delivered the Oath of Office to Deputy Police Chief Kyle Sumpter. i. Mayor's Emerging Issues Brooklake Property: King County Councilmember Pete von Reichbauer shared an oral history of the Brooklake property which is scheduled on the agenda as item 8.b. He introduced Wendell Kuecker, who has been instrumental in the transfer of this property to the City. Mayor Ferrell expressed his appreciation for and the incredible significance this donation to the City which will be enjoyed for generations. Mr. Kuecker thanked City staff and elected officials for their quick action to make this project come to fruition. j. Key to the City: Cary Roe Mayor Ferrell reported Parks and Public Works Director Cary Roe joined the City in 1991 and has served the community for 23 years. Mr. Roe has accepted a position with another City and will be leaving Federal Way. Mayor Ferrell read the inscription on the plaque presented to Mr. Roe with a Key to the City — only the second time this honor has been given. Mr. Roe expressed his appreciation for this recognition and also extended his thanks to his family, colleagues, the community and the elected officials he's served with -- both past and present. He shared his pride for the accomplishments he and his staff have achieved during his tenure. 4. RECEPTION — Honoring Long -Term Employee Cary Roe The Mayor and Council recessed at 8:30 p.m. for a brief reception honoring Parks and Public Works Director Cary Roe as this is his last City Council meeting. The meeting was reconvened at 8:50 p.m. 5. CITIZEN COMMENT Doug Baxter spoke in support of agenda item 8.c. Twin Lakes / Westway Neighborhood Greenway Proposal. Margery Godfrey with Friends of the Hylebos, spoke in support of agenda item 8.b. Acquisition of Brooklake Property. Bill Brosseau with EarthCorps, spoke in support of agenda item 8.b. Acquisition of Brooklake Property. Richard (Rick) Gilbert spoke in support of agenda item 8.c. Twin Lakes / Westway Neighborhood Greenway Proposal. Spencer Frandsen, a third grader who enjoys biking, spoke in support of agenda item 8.c. Brett Frandsen spoke in support of agenda item 8.c. Twin Lakes / Westway Neighborhood Greenway Proposal. Mike Park, former Federal Way Councilmember and Mayor, asked the Council to support agenda item 8.d. Korean Gardens. Representative Linda Kochmar welcomed Councilmember Assefa- Dawson. She shared her vision for the Federal Way Innovative Partnership Zone —which is one of 18 zones across the state. Representative Kochmar will be opening a new office located on 336' in Federal Way for her constituents on April 1, 2014. City Council Minutes — March 18, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 3 of 12 Jerry Galland posed questions to the Mayor and Council regarding the use of (and access to) records associated with Automated License Plate Readers in the City. Mayor Ferrell addressed Mr. Galland's concerns and explained how the system works. He spoke to the benefits of the devices in reducing crime, responding to auto thefts, and stated he is unaware of any exploitation of the information that is gathered. Lori Hartan spoke on behalf of her neighbors, and stated mailboxes in their neighborhood were recently broken into. The neighbors wanted to relocate their mailboxes and worked with the City to do so. She shared concerns about the length of time the permitting and relocating process took to complete. Representative Roger Freeman thanked the Mayor and Council for recognizing Dom Cooks. He spoke in support of Consent Agenda item 6.b. Lakota Middle School Sidewalk. He will be attending the Roller Mania event and would like to partner with the City to do a food drive to benefit the Multi- Service Center. Representative Freeman wished Councilmember Moore a happy birthday. Betty Taylor shared her experience with noisy neighbors in her apartment complex. She asked the City to assist her with her issues. Mayor Ferrell requested Patrick Doherty follow up with Ms. Taylor. 6. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously reviewed in their entirety by a Council Committee of three members and brought before full Council for approval; all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items maybe removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: February 24, 2014 Special Meeting, March 1, 2014 Special Meeting, March 4, 2014 Special and Regular Meetings b. Lakota Middle School Sidewalk —13th Avenue SW (SW 314th Street to SW 316th Street) _ - 85% Design Status Report and Authorization to Bid c. 2014 Asphalt Overlay Project — Bid Award e. Grant Funding for Transportation Improvement Projects — Authorization to Submit an Application f. Family Funland Safety Surfacing g. Program Year 2013 CDBG Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report h. Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) Grant — Target Zero Amendment #1 i. Purchase of Two Additional Automated License Plate Readers (ALPRs) k. Flower Basket Installation for City Center Mayor Ferrell pulled item. 6.j. Deputy Mayor Burbidge pulled item. 6.d. Motion: Deputy Mayor Burbidge moved approval of Consent Agenda items 6.a. through 6.c. and items 6.e. through 6.i and 6.k. Councilmember Celski second. Councilmember Moore spoke in support of item 6b. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes City Council Minutes — March 18, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 4 of 12 7. Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0. 6.d. S. 320th Street (11th Place South to 15 Limited Access) Preservation Proiect —Bid Award Deputy Mayor Burbidge stated she pulled this item to recognize the work of City staff, specifically Public Works. It is unusual for the Federal Government to provide funds for established roads. The City has diligently maintained its roads while other cities have not. Deputy Mayor Burbidge was pleased to report that the City was not penalized for being responsible with maintenance, but instead received 1.1 million dollars for this project. She noted the bid award before Council includes the Federal funding plus $500,000 of City funds. Motion: Councilmember Celski moved move to authorize staff to award the S 320th Street Preservation Project to Miles Resources, LLC, the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of $1,199,986.34 and approve a 10% contingency of $119,998.00 for a total of $1,319,984.34, and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. Councilmember Duclos second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Councilmember Maloney Councilmember Honda Councilmember Celski Councilmember Moore Councilmember Duclos Motion carried 7 -0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6. i. Purchase of Signage and Equipment for New Police Substation Police Chief Hwang stated the two primary tasks remaining for the substation are the signage and monument. Upon Council approval tonight, the sign bid would be awarded to Velma signs. Work continues on workstations, phones, and related needs for the substation. The grand opening is scheduled for late April 2014 or early May. Motion: Councilmember Honda moved to approve the purchase of the signage for the temporary downtown police department substation. Councilmember Duclos second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0 PUBLIC HEARING a. Kinq County Transportation District — Proposition 1 Mayor Ferrell reviewed the purpose of and format for the Public Hearing. City Council Minutes — March 18, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 5 of 12 • Presentations (Pro / Con Committees): City Clerk McNeilly performed a drawing to determine the order of Committee presentations. (Committee representatives were given 5 minutes to speak). Con Committee spokesperson Will Knedlik provided arguments opposing Proposition One. Pro Committee spokesperson April Putney provided arguments supporting Proposition One. Public Comment: Mayor Ferrell called for public comment. (3 minute limit). Jerry Galland spoke in opposition of the proposition. Pat Montgomery spoke in support of the proposition. Jeremy Une spoke in support of the proposition. Nicholas Cilluffo with Forterra, spoke in support of the proposition. • Council Action: Mayor Ferrell noted the Council was provided with two draft resolutions in their agenda packet for their consideration - one supporting the proposition and another opposing it. Motion: Councilmember Celski moved to oppose King County Transportation District Proposition No. 1. Councilmember Duclos second. Motion: Councilmember Moore moved to suspend the Council Rules and continue the meeting past 10:00 p.m. Councilmember Duclos second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0. Councilmembers Duclos and Celski spoke in support of the motion to oppose Proposition One. Councilmember Assefa- Dawson shared her concerns with opposing Proposition One. Mayor Ferrell asked Chief of Staff Wilson to describe the amount of funding which would come back to the City under this proposition. Mr. Wilson stated approximately $2.3M annually would be returned to the City. This would free up utility tax funds for other items. Deputy Mayor Burbidge and Councilmember' Moore spoke in opposition of the motion and in support of Proposition One. Councilmembers Duclos and Councilmember Celski clarified and expanded on their reasons for opposing Proposition One. Councilmember Moore and Deputy Mayor Burbidge clarified and expanded on their reasons for supporting Proposition One. City Council Minutes - March 18, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 6 of 12 Councilmember Maloney spoke in support of Proposition One. Councilmember Honda called for the question. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge No Councilmember Assefa- Dawson No Councilmember Maloney No Councilmember Honda No Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore No Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion failed 2 -5. Councilmember Moore Motion: Deputy Mayor Burbidge moved to adopt a Resolution Supporting King County Transportation District Proposition No. 1. Councilmember Moore second. The motion was clarified that the resolution under the motion endorses the Pro Committee. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski No Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos No Motion carried 5 -2. Resolution 14 -657 8. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Council Committee Appointments for 2014 -2015 In accordance with Council Rule 20.9 the Deputy Mayor makes the Council Committee appointments and the Council ratifies the appointments. Deputy Mayor Burbidge reported the Committee appointments for Council approval are as follows: Finance /Economic Development/Regional Affairs Committee: Chair Dini Duclos, Bob Celski, Martin Moore Land Use/Transportation Committee: Chair Bob Celski, Kelly Maloney, Lydia Assefa- Dawson Parks /Recreation /Human Services & Public Safetv Committee: Chair Susan Honda, Dini Duclos, Martin Moore Motion: Councilmember Celski moved to ratify the Council Committee appointments as presented. Councilmember Duclos second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes City Council Minutes — March 18, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 7 of 12 Motion carried 7 -0. b. Acquisition of Brooklake Property Parks and Public Works Director Cary Roe provided a PowerPoint presentation describing the proposed acquisition. He highlighted background /historical information on the property and noted representatives from the Federal Way Community Center Association and the Federal Way Historical Society contacted the City to the discuss transferring this property to the City. If Council approves the transfer, the City would pay delinquent property taxes associated with the property. In addition, there are subleases and code violations on the property that need to be resolved. Mr. Roe reviewed the proposed steps outside legal counsel has recommended accompany the acquisition of the property. Motion: Councilmember Honda moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary documents for the acquisition of Brooklake property and authorize the funds for the delinquent taxes. Deputy Mayor Burbidge second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0. Twin Lakes / Westwav Neiahborhood Greenwav Proposal Nick Cilluffo with Forterra provided a summary of the background work that went into developing the Twin Lakes/ Westway Neighborhood Greenway route recommendations. City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez stated the policy question before the Council is whether the City should adopt the proposal to establish a greenway in the Twin Lakes / Westway vicinity to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety and circulation. He reviewed the road tools /signage proposed which include shared lane markings, bike boxes, toucan signals, as well as the locations where tools /signage would be implemented. Councilmembers asked clarifying questions of Mr. Perez regarding the road tools /signage placement and costs. Motion: Councilmember Celski moved to adopt the Twin Lakes/Westway Neighborhood Greenway report and list projects for its implementation on the Capital Improvement Plan. Deputy Mayor Burbidge second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0. d. Korean Garden Deputy Public Works Director Ken Miller reported the City received an application for private develop of City property into a proposed Korean garden that would be open to the public. The proposed development would be on five acres located adjacent to the King City Council Minutes — March 18, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 8 of 12 County Aquatic Center. Mr. Miller highlighted City Resolution 13 -652 which describes the process /protocol for private development of City property. He presented information included in the development application and reviewed the next steps in the process if this item is approved. Councilmember Maloney shared her concerns with the lack of public communication that occurred with the proposed development. She would like to see a mailing go out to the residents surrounding the property. Councilmember Celski stated he is excited about this proposed garden. He stated the work EarthCorps has performed in that area is targeted to removing blackberry bushes. Councilmember Duclos would like to see the process for this type of project/application improved. Councilmember Assefa - Dawson inquired if future funding requests may come to the City for this project. Councilmember Maloney feels it is important for other groups to know about the option for private development of City property. Councilmember Honda spoke to the process this proposal has gone through to date and shared her concerns about the project. She proposed written conditions be required that state King County will provide power, water and parking for the project. She also asked that significant trees on the property be preserved. Motion: Councilmember Honda moved to approve the use of approximately 5 acres of City property adjacent to the Aquatic Center, west of the BPA Trail and Panther Lake for a Korean Garden which would be open to the public; and approve the designidevelopment process to proceed. Deputy Mayor Burbidge second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0. 9. ORDINANCES First Reading & Enactment: a. CB# 646: Amending Federal Way Revised Code Regarding Pawnbrokers and Secondhand Dealers An ordinance of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to Pawnbroker and Secondhand Dealer Business Requirements; declaring an emergency and amending Federal Way Revised Code 12.15.230 Deputy City Attorney Amy Jo Pearsall reviewed the two revisions being proposed to Federal Way Revised Code 12.15.230. The first revision would require secondhand precious metal dealers to keep a business book. The second revision is to subsection (i) of FWRC 12.15.230, striking the work "or' and replacing it with "and." Ms. Pearsall noted staff is recommending suspending the City Council Minutes — March 18, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 9 of 12 Council Rules to allow for first reading and enactment of the ordinance and allow for a declaration of emergency and have the ordinance become effective immediately. Motion: Councilmember Honda moved to suspend Council Rule 2.2(8) for first - reading and enactment of the ordinance (Council Bill #646) and moved to approve the proposed ordinance. Councilmember Maloney second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0. Ordinance 14 -761 City Clerk McNeilly read the ordinance title into the record. First Reading: b. CB# 645: Ordinance to Vacate a Portion of S 337th Street An ordinance of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to vacating a portion of South 337th Street located on the north side of S. 337th Street, west of 3 Place S. adjacent to Lot 1 of Louise's North Lake Addition Plat at Federal Way Street Systems Project Engineer John Mulkey reported the City received a petition to vacatefra portion of S. 337th Street. The proposed vacatiortaraa.is approximately 38µfeet long and 10 feet wide. On January 7, 2014, . a Public Hearing was conducted and the vacation request was approved with the following condition, which the applicant has met: • All affected utilities be granted easements through the property • Payment of 100 percent of the appraised value of the vacated area. Motion: Councilmember Celski moved to approve and forward the proposed ordinance vacating a portion of South 337th Street to second reading for enactment at the April 1, 2014 City Council meeting. Councilmember Duclos second. City Clerk McNeilly read the ordinance title into the record. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0. Second Reading: c. CB# 643 Amending the Business Registration Appeals Process An ordinance of the City of Federal Way, Washington, amending the Business Registration Appeals Process; amending section 12.05.210 and repealing section City Council Minutes — March 18, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 10 of 12 12.05.230 of the Federal Way Revised Code The Council received a presentation on this item at the March 4th meeting, and forwarded the ordinance to this meeting for second reading and enactment. City Clerk McNeilly read the ordinance title into the record. Motion: Councilmember Duclos moved adoption and enactment of the ordinance amending the business registration appeals process. Councilmember Celski second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa - Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0. Ordinance 14 -762 d. CB# 644 2014 Carry Forward Budget Adiustment An ordinance of the City of Federal Way, Washington relating to Budgets and Finance to Carry Forward Funds revising the 2013 -14 Biennial Budget The Council received a presentation on this item at the March 4th meeting, and forwarded the ordinance to this meeting for second reading and enactment. City Clerk McNeilly read the ordinance title into the record. Motion: Councilmember Duclos moved adoption and enactment of theearrry ­�-•= forward budget adjustment. Councilmember Celski second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0. Ordinance 14 -763 10. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Duclos provided written comments to the City Clerk and asked that they be summarized and entered into the minutes. Mayor Ferrell agreed. SUMMARY: Councilmember Duclos attended the March 12, 2014 meeting of the Sound Cities Policy Issues Committee where the following items were discussed: • Climate change efforts in King County - The Growth Management Planning Council is scheduled to make a policy decision in July, setting a greenhouse gas reduction target and measurement framework. Councilmember Duclos would like the City to provide input on this topic. An Interlocal Agreement has been drafted then agrees to participate and contribute designated staff and funding to the King County - Cities Climate Collaboration. • Hazardous Waste fee Rate Structure — Proposed revisions to the current rate structure were discussed. Currently businesses and multi - family residents are charged the same flat rate as companies and multi - family residences that produce large volumes of solid City Council Minutes — March 18, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 11 of 12 waste. Proposed rate changes will correct this. Businesses and multi - family residential garbage accounts will be affected. Single family residential accounts will not be affected. • Transportation Benefit District — Sound Cities Association (SCA) sent a letter to the King County Council supporting action to address critical transportation needs and provide funding for roads and transit for King County and member cities. SCA Board of Directors supports the formation of a county -wide Transportation Benefit District. If approved, 60 percent of the funds collected will go to Metro and 40 percent to the County and cities. • King County Disaster Framework for Public /Private Partnership Emergency Management Advisory Committee — The framework has recently been updated and is ready for partners to sign on. Councilmember Moore did not provide a report. Councilmember Celski encouraged everyone to attend the annual Rollermania event on March 31, 2014 at Pattison's West to benefit ReachOut Homeless Shelter. Councilmember Honda announced Sound Transit will have an information table at the Federal Way Library on 1 st Ave. on March 20th Councilmember Maloney did not provide a report. Councilmember Assefa- Dawson announced both her children have been invited to speak at WE Day. Deputy Mayor Burbidge reported the Planning Commission is conducting a meeting on the,,n,.„„ Comprehensive Plan on March 19, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. She thanked Cary Roe for his work and noted her appreciation for the legacy he is leaving behind for Federal Way. 11. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Ferrell announced he and staff will be meeting with the architect working the Towne Square Park next week. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Mayor and Council did not adjourn to Executive Session 13. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrell adjourned the meeting at 11:48 p.m. Attest: Carol McNeilly, CIVIC, City Clerk Approved by Council: City Council Minutes — March 18, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 12 of 12 SUBJECT: VOUCHERS POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the vouchers in the total amount of $2,406,701.94? COMMITTEE: Finance, Economic Development, and Regional Affairs Committee CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ City Council Business STAFF REPORT BY: Robert ❑ Ordinance ❑ Resolution MEETING DATE: March 25, 2014 ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Other Interim Finance Director DEPT: Finance I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claims are just and due obligations against the City of Federal Way, Washington, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said liens. Interim Fina ce Director Attachments: Voucher List Options Considered: MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: MAYOR APPROVAL: c�'— `�i!�' DIRECTOR APPROVAL: mittee o d Int al CHIEF OF STAFF: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the vouchers to the April 1, 2014 consent agenda for approval. t Dmi Duclos m1w4f Bob Cels i Committee Chair M 0 0 gpCommittee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the vouchers pursuant to RCW 42.24. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # City of Federal Way - Accounts Payable Check List Key Bank Page 1 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total ACCOUNT PAYABLE -ESCOM $3,468.16 239161 2/28/2014 PROVINCE VIII PEACE & JUST2/5/2014 41111 $1,252.64 DBC- REFUND DEPOSIT & OVER PAY 239305 3/14/2014 COUNTRY DOCTOR COMMUN2/27/2014 41201 $711.03 DBC- REFUND DEPOSIT & OVERPAY 2 239417 3/14/2014 PLANNED PARENTHOOD, 3/3/2014 41226 $107.00 PD- REFUND RENTAL LESS BALANCE 239472 3/14/2014 UNITED METHODIST CONFER3 /5/2014 41236 $946.92 DBC- REFUND DEPOSIT & OVERPMT 239493 3/14/2014 WILLIAMS, JULIE 3/6/2014 41245 $150.00 DBC- REFUND RENTAL DEPOSIT 01/1 239436 3/14/2014 SEATTLE CHINESE ALLIANCE 2/26 12014 41199 $300.57 DBC- REFUND DEPOSIT & OVERPAY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - RECREAT $667.00 239173 2128/2014 SIBON, KATHY 2/18 /2014 1424461 $45.00 PRCS- REFUND SR TRIP CANCELLED 239267 3/1412014 BARBER, JANINE 2/28/2014 1430441 $45.00 PRCS- REFUND CLASS CANCELLED 2/ 239277 3/14/2014 BURK, DARLENE 2/28/2014 1430442 $75.14 PRCS- REFUND EVENT CANCELLED 31 239277 3/14/2014 BURK, DARLENE 2128/2014 1430443 $501.86 PRCS- REFUND EVENT CANCELLED 3/ ADVERTISING $587.60 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $500.00 DBC - GOODLE ADWORDS 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 912512014 FEBRUARY 2014 $87.60 FWCC- CONSTANT CONTACT MARKETIN AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES $440.41 239399 3/14/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE 02/12/2013 276706 $6.39 SWM -MOSS OUT TREATMENT 239327 3/14/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-2/21 /2014 7588496 $284.57 PKM -PUMP START RELAY 239327 3/14/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC "2/21/2014 7588497 $149.45 PD- NEOPRINE GASKET SET, FLANGE AIRFARE $263.00 2149491 31312014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $238.00 IT -GIS CONFERENCE EARLE 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $25.00 PD -BDU TRNG WEDEL ASSOCIATION DUES $1,914.10 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $50.00 LAW-2014 WSAMA DUES - 239439 3/14/2014 SESAC, 1/13/2014 63-46 -01108 $53.00 PRCS -2014 MUSIC LICENSE 239180 2128/2014 SOUTH KC CULTURAL COAL112/24/2014 2014 DUES $30.00 PRCS -2014 SO KING CULTURE COAL 239216 2/28/2014 WA DEPT OF LABOR & INDUS2/8/2014 2084 $50.00 PD -L &I EXPLOSIVE LICENSE MICKE 239414 3/1412014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 2/28/2014 PD- 02/28/14 $60.00 PD- REIMBURSE:NPEAANNUAL- Key Bank Page 2 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239478 3/14/2014 WA DEPT OF LABOR & INDUS'2/8/2014 2085 $50.00 PKM- WELDING SUPPLIES PD -2014 EXPLOSIVES LIC. F MART 2/28/2014 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $50.00 PKM -CABLE TIES PD -2014 IABTI DUES S NEAL 3/3/2014 239449 3/14/2014 SOUTH KING FIRE & RESCUE3 /6/2014 01674 $140.00 FWCC -BTS QTR RELEASES CHB- REPAIR GARAGE, HOT WORKS 3/3/2014 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/2512014 FEBRUARY 2014 $650.00 FWCC- REPAIR 2 TRANSMITTERS PARKS -2014 VWVRC AGENCY DUES 3/3/2014 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $40.00 FWCC- ADVENTURE RUN REGISTER~ LAW -2014 WSAMA DUES - 3/14/2014 239494 3/14/2014 WILSON, CHUCK 3/3/2014 WILSON 2014A $102.00 PKM -BISON BACKBOARD & RIM CD -2014 IAEI DUES C WILSON 2/28/2014 239132 2/28/2014 NWPAC, 213 /2014 2014 -15 $100.00 PKM- BARRICADE PLYWOOD PD -2014 NWPAC MEMBERSHIP DUES 3/14/2014 239255 3114/2014 APA- AMERICAN PLANNINGAW5 /2014 264703 -13113 $425.00 PKM- CONCRETE MIX & BLOCKS 239419 CDED -2014 APA DUES P DOHERTY PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC, 2120/2014 239219 2/28/2014 WA STATE L &I ELEVATOR SEC2/24/2014 155302 $114.10 $3,223.13 $25.26 $232.76 $102.00 $60.00 $120.76 $2,022.25 $434.17 $28.23 $25.26 $172.44 $60.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $99.05 $52.64 $24.95 ATHLETIC SUPPLIES 239157 2/28/2014 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC, 1/2012014 48299519 PKM- WELDING SUPPLIES 239114 2/28/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 11/20/2013 01582 PKM -CABLE TIES 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 FWCC -BTS QTR RELEASES 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 FWCC- REPAIR 2 TRANSMITTERS 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 FWCC- ADVENTURE RUN REGISTER~ 239402 3/14/2014 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND, 1/31/2014 36451 PKM -BISON BACKBOARD & RIM 238998 2/28/2014 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 217/2014 TM- 138131 PKM- BARRICADE PLYWOOD 239349 3/14/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250072/28/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 PKM- CONCRETE MIX & BLOCKS 239419 3/14/2014 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC, 2120/2014 48581894 PKM - WELDING SUPPLIES 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 PKM- SIFTING SHOVELS AUTOMATION FEE 239119 2/28/2014 METROAIR INC, 2/13/2014 14- 100144 REFUND CD- 14- 100144 PERMIT CANCELLED 238992 2/28/2014 ADT LLC, 1/28/2014 14- 100184 REFUND CD -14- 100200 OUT OF JURISDICTI 238988 2/28/2014 ACCEL ELECTRIC LLC, 1/28/2014 14- 100184 REFUND CD- 14- 100184 OUT OF JURISDICTI BOOKS, MAPS, & PERIODICALS 2149491 3/312014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 MO -PHOTO PRINTS 2149491 313/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 MO- FLICKR PRO SUBSCRIPTION $3,223.13 $25.26 $232.76 $102.00 $60.00 $120.76 $2,022.25 $434.17 $28.23 $25.26 $172.44 $60.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $99.05 $52.64 $24.95 Key Bank Page 3 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239170 2/28/2014 SEATTLE TIMES, 1/29/2014 001290989 $16.00 FWCC- NEWSPAPER SUBCRIPTION 239247 3/14/2014 AGRI SHOP INC, 2/27/2014 32821/1 $5.46 PKM -CHAIN SAW SAFETY DVD BUILDING MATERIALS 239117 2/28/2014 MCMASTER -CARR, 2/10/2014 73656720 $44.46 FWCC -DOOR LOCK & KEY 239072 2/28/2014 GRAINGER INC, 2/10/2014 9360767785 $1,244.22 FWCC -CELL PHONE LOCKER 239072 2/28/2014 GRAINGER INC, 2/10/2014 9362019680 $41.57 FWCC- SQUARE ROD, NYLON 239072 2/28/2014 GRAINGER INC, 2/10/2014 9362019698 $11.98 FWCC- SWITCH /PILOT LIGHT 239072 2/28/2014 GRAINGER INC, 2/11/2014 9362469927 $- 134.42 FWCC- RETURN REPLC LENS 239072 2/28/2014 GRAINGER INC, 1/16/2014 9341280130 $12.91 FWCC -RIVET WASHERS 239072 2/28/2014 GRAINGER INC, 1/16/2014 9341280148 $139.62 FWCC -RIVET WASHERS, BALLASTS 239117 2/28/2014 MCMASTER -CARR, 1/28/2014 72150608 $147.99 FWCC- CORNER GUARD 239072 2128/2014 GRAINGER INC, 1/28/2014 9351586749 $160.02 FWCC- MAINT. SUPPLIES 239114 2/28/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 1/30/2014 01123 $64.36 FWCC -MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 239117 2/28/2014 MCMASTER -CARR, 2/3 /2014 72663623 $ -83.64 FWCC- RETURN CORNER GUARD 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $52.87 FWCC- LOCKER KEYS 239340 3/14/2014 GRAINGER INC, 2/20/2014 9369752408 $72.27 FWCC -KEYS 239197 2/28/2014 THE PART WORKS INC, 2/1112014 375768 $544.66 PKM - PLUMBING /RESTROOM MATERIAL 239114 2/28/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 1/2912014 01008 $26.07 PKM -TUB & TILE WHITENER, CLEAN 239126 212812014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE 11/29/2014 277382 $363.85 PKM - PLYWOOD FOR PIPE SHED 239114 2/28/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/5/2014 01580 $155.77 PKM -BENCH ANCHOR MATERIAL LAKO 239126 2/28/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE 112/13/2013 276735 $240.72 PKM - TIMBER TECH RELIABOARDS 239399 3/14/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE t2 /27/2014 277900 $51.49 PKM- LUMBER 239349 3/1412014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250072/28/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $92.83 PKM -COVE BASE FOR FLOORING 239418 3/14/2014 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 2/27/2014 B806959 $117.67 CHB- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 239418 3/14/2014 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 2/27/2014 B813253 $26.10 CHB- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 239349 3/14/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250072/28/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $7.73 CHB- RECEPTACLE SUPPLIES $4,215.40 Key Bank Page 4 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239349 3/14/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250072/28/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $21.23 CHB -FLAG HANGING SUPPLIES 239349 3/14/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250072/28/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $18.52 CHB- BATHROOM PARTITION LAMINAT 239349 3/14/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 25007-2/28/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $2.98 CHB - BOOKSHELVING ANCHORS 239349 311412014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250072/28/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $1.61 CHB- EXTENSION CORD 239349 3/14/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250072/2812014 FEBRUARY 2014 $40.69 CHB - DRYWALL, DRYWALL MUD 239418 3/14/2014 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 2/20/2014 B761356 $460.18 CHB- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 239399 3/14/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE t2 /2712014 277915 $45.84 PKM- CONCRETE MIX 239418 3/14/2014 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 2/24/2014 8792442 $19.75 PKM- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 239156 2/28/2014 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 2/6/2014 B685108 $14.32 CHB- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 239156 2/28/2014 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 2/6 /2014 B687374 $64.35 CHB- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 239349 3/14/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250072/28/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $124.83 CHB- BLINDS FOR A HWANG'S OFFIC BULK CLASS POSTAGE $1,000.00 239206 2/28/2014 U S POSTMASTER, 2/27 /2014 722000/722001 $500.00 MC /PD- BUSINESS REPLY PERMIT 239206 2/28/2014 U S POSTMASTER, 2127 /2014 722000/722001 $500.00 MC /PD- BUSINESS REPLY PERMIT BUSINESS LICENSE RENEWAL $50.00 239204 2/28/2014 TRI COUNTY ELECTRICAL, 2/18 /2014 05 -07439 REFUND $50.00 FI- REFUND BL DUPLICATE PMT CELLULAR PHONE AIR TIME $9,587.23 239213 2/28/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS, 2/13/2014 9720070753 $1,488.37 IT -02/14 DATA SVC 239213 2/28/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS, 2/13/2014 9720070754 $3,050.48 IT -02/14 CELLULAR AIRTIME 239213 2/28/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS, 2113/2014 9720070753 $2,232.56 IT -02/14 DATA SVC 239213 2/28/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS, 2/13 /2014 9720070754 $2,815.82 IT -02/14 CELLULAR AIRTIME CEMENT $6.69 239114 2/28/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 1/27/2014 01735 $6.69 PWST- CONCRETE CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR $11,496.82 239234 2/28/2014 WORK- SPORTS & OUTDOOR;2 /8/2014 1- 1405512 $108.46 SWM -WORK PANTS GIGER 239228 2/28/2014 WHISTLE WORKWEAR, 1/20/2014 233034 $598.53 SWM -WORK CLOTHES SCHANZ 239268 3/14/2014 BAYSIDE EMBROIDERY, 1/30/2014 S12857 $611.27 SWM- SAFETY SHIRTS FOR SEASONAL 239187 2/28/2014 SUNBIRDS SHOPPING CENTE2 /7/2014 025087 $69.10 PWST -RAIN JACKET MULKEY Key Bank Page 5 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239139 2/28/2014 OTTO, JEFFERY 2/1712014 OTTO 2014 $181.83 PD -BOOT ALLOW. OTTO 239488 3/14/2014 WEDEL, MIKE 2/28/2014 WEDEL 2014 $448.76 PD- CLOTHING ALLOW. M WEDEL 239269 3/14/2014 BENJERT, JULIE 2/19/2014 BENJERT 2014 $500.00 PD- CLOTHING ALLOW. J. BENJERT 239288 3/14/2014 CHIEF SUPPLY CORPORATIO12 /3/2014 387880 $217.79 PD -EVOC UNIFORM ACCESSORIES 239273 3/14/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 112/3/2014 51462 $131.37 PD- UNIFORM SHIRTS HERNANDEZ 239401 3/14/2014 NORTHWEST EMBROIDERY 112/7/2014 84030 $137.84 PD -EVOC EMBLEMS 239273 3/14/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 11`2/18/2014 49649 $267.07 PD -SWAT UNIFORM D PRINCE 239288 3/14/2014 CHIEF SUPPLY CORPORATIO12124 /2014 400389 $441.71 PD -FTU UNIFORM RANGE RED SHIRT 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $482.90 PRCS - SPECIAL OLYMPICS SWEATS 239273 3/14/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 82120/2014 49680 $45.39 PD- UNIFORM PANTS KENNEDY 239179 2/28/2014 SOUND SAFETY PRODUCTS 11/21/2014 3300655 -01 $236.47 PWST -CREW CLOTHING 239009 2/28/2014 BAYSIDE EMBROIDERY, 1/30/2014 S12858 $52.08 PWST -CREW T- SHIRTS 239276 3114/2014 BRATWEAR, 2/27/2014 10944 $63.18 PD- REPAIR JUMPSUIT GROSSNICKLE 239401 3/14/2014 NORTHWEST EMBROIDERY 11`12/19/2013 82771 $73.85 PD- POLICE EVIDENCE BADGE 239311 3/14/2014 DESTINATION HARLEY- DAVID:1/16/2014 124856 $196.92 PD- MOTORCYCLE GLOVES 239260 3/14/2014 ARAMSCO, INC, 1128/2014 S2057909.001 $1,171.12 PD -GAS MASKS 239276 3/14/2014 BRATWEAR, 2/4/2014 10797 $31.59 PD -ALTER TASER POCKET VANRUTH 239276 3/14/2014 BRATWEAR, 2/6/2014 10761 $153.16 PD- BODYARMOR REPAIR HAGLAN 239383 3/14/2014 LEED, 2/8/2014 02081403 $158.50 PD- HOLSTER 239273 3/14/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 112/10/2014 41112 $328.17 PD -NEW HIRE HATS 239273 3/14/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 112/10/2014 44563 -01 $37.23 PD- COLLAR INSIGNIAS 239273 3/14/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 82/10/2014 45852 $1,029.30 PD- BADGES WITH NEW DESIGN 239273 3/14/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO IM2/10/2014 46806 $197.08 PD- BOOTALLOW. SCHWAN 239273 3/14/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 1010/2014 52812 $15.28 PD- LEMMON ACADEMY GEAR 239273 3/14/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 112/10/2014 52881 $15.28 PD- BLACKSHEAR ACADEMY GEAR 239459 3114/2014 SYMBOLARTS LLC, 2/12/2014 0207266 -IN $85.00 PD -BADGE Key Bank Page 6 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239459 3/14/2014 SYMBOLARTS LLC, 2/12/2014 0207307 -IN $165.00 PD- BADGES 239459 3/14/2014 SYMBOLARTS LLC, 2/12/2014 0207313 -IN $48.00 PD -BADGE 239276 3/14/2014 BRATWEAR, 2/13/2014 10839 $73.71 PD- REPAIR UNIFORM DEMAREST 239273 3/14/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO lt2/20/2014 991627 -80 $- 125.87 PD- RETURN PANTS S BAKER 239273 3114/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 1024/2014 52815 $237.83 PD- UNIFORM SHIRTA HOWELL 239276 3/14/2014 BRATWEAR, 2125/2014 10933 $553.56 PD -REPLC JACKET DEMAREST 239288 3/14/2014 CHIEF SUPPLY CORPORATIO12 /25/2014 401886 $304.53 PD -DUN BELT MAG POUCHES 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $116.03 PD- ACADEMY SHOES 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $1,067.18 PD- UNIFORM BELT, SHIRTS 239276 3/14/2014 BRATWEAR, 2/26 /2014 10926 $42.67 PD- REPAIR JUMPSUITADAMS 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $268.10 FWCC -CAFE APRONS 239032 2/28/2014 COLLINS, CLINTON "TONY" 2/26 /2014 COLLINS 2014 $304.19 PKM - CLOTHING ALLOW. COLLINS 239266 3/14/2014 BARBER, JAMES 3/4/2014 BARBER 2014 $169.55 PKM -RAIN BOOTS J BARBER 239274 3/14/2014 BOYD, TOM 3/4/2014 BOYD 2014 $186.11 PKM - SAFETY BOOTS T BOYD COMMUNICATIONS $2,549.30 238999 2/28/2014 AMERICALL COMMUNICATION2 /19/2014 2D6417 -0214 $67.89 CHB /PWST /SWM -AFTER HOURS CALL 238999 2/28/2014 AMERICALL COMMUNICATION1 /17/2014 2D6417 -0114 $105.81 PW /SWM /CHB -AFTER HR CALL -OUTA 238999 2/28/2014 AMERICALL COMMUNICATION2 /19/2014 2D6417 -0214 $64.13 CHB /PWST /SWM -AFTER HOURS CALL 238999 2/28/2014 AMERICALL COMMUNICATIONI /17/2014 2D6417 -0114 $105.82 PW /SWM /CHB -AFTER HR CALL -OUTA 239232 2/2812014 WIMACTEL, INC., 2/1/2014 000669178 $80.00 IT -02/14 PAYPHONE SVC 239209 2/28/2014 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS, 2/1 /2014 X6163838B $6.14 IT -02/14 PAGER LEASE 239021 2/28/2014 CENTURYLINK 2/4/2014 206 -Z04 -0609 472B $928.15 IT -02/14 PHONE/DATA SVC 239232 2/28/2014 WIMACTEL, INC., 12/112013 000655404 $87.60 IT -12/13 PAYPHONE SVC 239209 2/28/2014 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS, 2/1 /2014 X6163838B $5.66 IT -02/14 PAGER LEASE 239021 2/28/2014 CENTURYLINK, 2/4 /2014 206 -Z04 -0609 472B $835.34 IT -02/14 PHONEIDATA SVC 239021 2/28/2014 CENTURYLINK, 2/4/2014 206- Z04- 0609472B $92.81 IT -02/14 PHONE /DATA SVC Key Bank Page 7 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 238999 2/28/2014 AMERICALL COMMUNICATION2 /19/2014 2D6417 -0214 $64.13 CHB /PWST /SWM -AFTER HOURS CALL 238999 2/28/2014 AMERICALL COMMUNICATI0N1 /17/2014 2D6417 -0114 $105.82 PW /SWM /CHB -AFTER HR CALL -OUTA CONCEALED PISTOL LIC - STATE $1,119.00 239218 2/28/2014 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSIN2 /18/2014 FEBRUARY 28, 2014 $279.00 PD -REMIT CPL FEES COLLECTED 239479 3/14/2014 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSIN3 /4/2014 MARCH 14, 2014 $840.00 PD -REMIT CPL FEES COLLECTED CONFERENCE/SEMINAR REGISTRATII $9,449.00 239052 2/28/2014 FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER CO12/20/2014 9493 $120.00 CC /MO- REGIONAL PROSPERITY FORU 239052 2/28/2014 FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER 0012/5/2014 9470 $50.00 CC /MO- CHAMBER LUNCHION- 239329 3/14/2014 FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER CO13/5/2014 9504 $75.00 CC /MO- CHAMBER LUNCHEON - 239329 3/14/2014 FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER 0011/8/2014 9456 $150.00 CC /MO /PD- CHAMBER LUNCHEON - 239013 2128/2014 BLUE LINE TRAINING, 2/13 /2014 2029 $99.00 PD- INFORMANT MGMT TRNG OTTO 239013 2/28/2014 BLUE LINE TRAINING, 2/15 /2014 2031 $99.00 PD- INFORMANT MGMT TRNG BAKER 239052 2/28/2014 FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER 0012/20/2014 9493 $40.00 CC /MO- REGIONAL PROSPERITY FORU 239052 2/2812014 FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER CO12/5/2014 9470 $50.00 CC /MO- CHAMBER LUNCHION- 239329 3/14/2014 FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER CO13/5/2014 9504 $75.00 CC /MO- CHAMBER LUNCHEON - 239329 3114/2014 FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER CO11/8/2014 9456 $50.00 CC /MO /PD- CHAMBER LUNCHEON - 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $1,020.00 PKM -CPSI TRNG BARBER & PRESNEL 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $295.00 PD- DECTECTING DECEPTION TRNG U 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $300.00 PD -2014 WAHIA CONF. HOWELL 239013 2/28/2014 BLUE LINE TRAINING, 2/13/2014 2029 $129.00 PD- COMPUTER SEIZURE TRNG PURCE 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $300.00 PD -2014 WAHIA CONF. MORIKAWA 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $300.00 PD -2014 WAHIA CONF. KIM 2143793 313/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $645.00 PD- DV/TRAFFICKING CONF. PURCEL 239492 3/14/2014 WHIA, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 25, 2014 $300.00 PD- HOMICIDE INVEST. TRNG ROBIN 239217 2/28/2014 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE2/11 /2014 20113158 $1,250.00 PD -LE COMMAND COLLEGE NORMAN 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $195.00 PD -GLOCK ARMORER TRNG DANIELS 239235 2/28/2014 WSSO ADVANCED TRAINING - 2/19/2014 2014 SUMMIT $1,250.00 PD -2014 WSSO SUMMIT -- Key Bank Page 8 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239235 2/26/2014 WSSOADVANCED TRAINING - 2/19/2014 2014 SUMMIT $250.00 PD -2014 WSSO SUMMIT - 239329 3/14/2014 FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER C011/8/2014 9456 $200.00 CC /MO /PD- CHAMBER LUNCHEON - 239314 3/14/2014 DMCMATREASURER, 2/28/2014 MAY 2014 $100.00 MC -DMCMA CONF. S WHITE 239314 3/14/2014 DMCMATREASURER, 2/28/2014 SPRING 2014 $100.00 MC- SPRING REGIONAL REGISTERATI 239379 3114/2014 LARSON, DAVID 2/25/2014 LARSON 2014 $50.00 MC -2014 WSBA DUES LARSON 239431 3/14/2014 ROBERTSON, REBECCA 2/25 /2014 ROBERTSON 2014 $50.00 MC -2014 WSBA DUES ROBERTSON 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $125.00 HR/LAW-HEALTHCARE REFORM SUMMI 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $125.00 HR/LAW- HEALTHCARE REFORM SUMMI 239145 2/28/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/24/2014 FWCC - 02/24114 $85.00 PRCS-CDL ENDORSEMENT 239013 2/2812014 BLUE LINE TRAINING, 2/11/2014 2024 $129.00 PD -CHILD ABUSE TRNG FORRESTER 239476 3/14/2014 VOGEL DYNAMICS, 3/3/2014 107 $425.00 PD- PISTOL SKILLS TRNG K SMITH 239481 3/14/2014 WA STATE POLICE CANINEAS3/7 /2014 BUCHANAN $300.00 PD -WSPCA CONF BUCHANAN 239481 3/14/2014 VVA STATE POLICE CANINEA-c3 /7/2014 BUCHANAN 2014 $50.00 PD -2014 WSPCA BUCHANAN 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2125/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $125.00 PD -2014 WSCJTC CONK SKINNER 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $150.00 PD- LEADERSHIP TRNG R BUNK 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $199.00 PD -CODE 4 CISM TRNG SKINNER 239272 3/14/2014 BLUE LINE TRAINING, 2/26 /2014 2048 $129.00 PD -CHILD ABUSE TRNG VANRUTH 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/2512014 FEBRUARY 2014 $65.00 PKM -BOC CERTIFICATION IKERD CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS $347,112.86 239113 2/28/2014 LORAX PARTNERS LLC, 2/12/2014 FW -09 $16,250.00 CDED -PACC LAND USE APPLICATION 239487 3/14/2014 WEBB MANAGEMENT SERVIC2/28/2014 229 -14 $4,275.00 CDED -PAAC CONSULTING SVC AG14- 239129 2/28/2014 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND, 1/3112014 36413 $1,443.21 PARKS -PARK BENCH 239340 3/14/2014 GRAINGER INC, 2/1912014 9369711131 $550.25 PKM -SIDE OPENING TRASH CANS 239050 2/28/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC- 1/2912014 7500277 $113.32 PWST - IRRIGATION MATERIAL 239203 2/28/2014 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS2/18 /2014 AG 13-172 #1 $181,306.00 PWTR- SAFETY PROJECTS AGI3-172- 239203 2/28/2014 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS2 /18 /2014 AG 13-172 #1 $89,322.58 PWTR- SAFETY PROJECTS AGI 3-172- Key Bank Page 9 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239203 2/28/2014 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS2/18/2014 AG13 -172 #1 $46,032.94 PWTR - SAFETY PROJECTS AG 13 -172- 239360 3/14/2014 KCDA PURCHASING COOPER3/13/2014 3701386 $5,869.65 PKADPL - SAGHALIE RUNNING TRACK 239457 3/14/2014 SUPERLON PLASTICS INC, 2/27/2014 14FO429 $1,295.00 PARKS -PVC PIPE 239399 3/14/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (2/25 /2014 277848 $654.91 PARKS- LUMBER, DECKING CONSULTING CONTRACTS $98,945.08 239144 2/28/2014 PERTEET INC, 1/13/2014 20130090.001 -1 $1,837.50 CD -05 -07311 STLK PRELIM. PLAT 239144 2/28/2014 PERTEETINC, 2/3 /2014 20130090.001 -2 $1,137.50 CD -05 -07311 STLK PRELIM. PLAT 239359 3/14/2014 JOURNAL COMMUNICATIONS 1/16 /2014 073845 $4,545.00 CDED -COLOR DISPLAY AD 239301 3/14/2014 COMMERCIAL SPACE ONLINE2/1/2014 81490 $100.00 CD -02/14 PROPERTY DATABASE SVC 239195 2/28/2014 TETRATECH, INC, 2/14/2014 50768719 $1,333.37 PWST -28TH AVE S. ENG. SVC. AG 239407 3/14/2014 ORB ARCHITECTS, INC, 2/6/2014 1416 -01 $330.00 FWCC- ARCHITECT. SVC 239287 3/14/2014 CH2M HILL NORTHWEST INC, 2/27/2014 3872827 $26,778.89 PWST -21 STAVE @ 336TH IMPROV. 239270 3/14/2014 BERGER/ABAM ENGINEERS 112/20/2014 305061 $18,644.33 PWST -20TH INTERSECTIONAG11 -15 239084 2/28/2014 HUITT- ZOLLARS INC, 1/31/2014 1510480116R $8,655.50 PWST- PANTHER LAKE TRAIL DESIGN 239350 3114/2014 HUITT - ZOLLARS INC, 2/26/2014 1510480117 $34,997.09 PWST - PANTHER LAKE TRAIL DESIGN 239312 3/14/2014 DGK INC, 1131/2014 203623 $585.90 PWST -13TH AVE LAKOTA SCHL SIDE COPIER & PRINTER SUPPLIES $2,082.08 239261 3/14/2014 ARC IMAGING RESOURCES, 2/24 /2014 982308 $46.07 IT -OCE PLOTTER SYSTEM MAINTAG 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $264.80 IT -INK CARTRIDGE 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTf2/28 /2014 8028898808 $132.06 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT)W28 /2014 8028898809 $968.44 HR -02/14 PAPER SUPPLY 239454 3114/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT)W28 /2014 8028898808 $10.41 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTF2 /28/2014 8028898808 $572.26 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTn /28/2014 8028898809 $88.04 HR -02/14 PAPER SUPPLY COURT - AUTO THEFT PREVENTION $8,352.05 239482 3/14/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,3 /5/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $8,352.05 FI -02/14 AUTO THEFT PREVENTION COURT - CRIME VICTIMS $1,662.63 239423 3/14/2014 PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS (3/5/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $1,662.63 11/13 REMIT CRIME VICTIMS FEES Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description Page 10 of 71 AmountGL Total COURT - DEATH INV ACCT $84.80 239482 3/14/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,3 /5/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $84.80 FI -02/14 DEATH INVESTIGATIONS COURT - HWY SAFETY ACT $134.57 239482 3/14/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,3 /5/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $134.57 FI -02/14 HIGHWAY SAFETY COURT - PSEA AS $21,388.03 239482 3/14/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENU_ ES,3 /5 /2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $21,388.03 FI -02/14 PSEA JIS FEES COURT - SCHOOL SAFETY ZONE $489.10 239482 3/1412014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,3 /5 /2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $489.10 FI -02/14 SCHOOL ZONE SAFETY COURT - STATE ACCESS COMM ACCT $108.94 239482 3/14/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,3 /5/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $108.94 FI- 02 /14- ACCESSCOMM ACT COURT - STATE MULTI TRANS ACCT $108.95 239482 3/14/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,3 /5/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $108.95 FI -02/14 MULTI TRANS.ACCT COURT - STATE PORTION $50,804.39 239482 3/14/2014 W4 STATE -STATE REVENUES,3 /5/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $50,804.39 FI -02/14 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - STATE PSEA 2 $23,646.57 239482 3/14/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,3 /5/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $23,646.57 FI -02/14 PSEA COURT FEES #2 COURT - STATE PSEA3 $540.95 239482 3/14/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,3 /5/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $540.95 FI -02/14 PSEA COURT FEES #3 COURT - TRAUMA BRAIN INJURY $1,565.23 239482 3/14/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,3 /5/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $1,565.23 FI -02/14 BRAIN TRAUMA INJ. COURT - WSP HIWAY ACCT $481.27 239482 3/14/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,3 /5/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $481.27 FI -02/14 WSP HIGHWAY COURT - TRAUMA VICTIMS $4,261.04 239482 3/14/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,3 /5/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $4,261.04 FI -02/14 TRAUMA VICTIMS CUSTODIAL & CLEANING $12,763.83 239230 2/28/2014 WHITMAN GLOBAL CARPET C2/7 /2014 56973 $1,889.00 CHB- CARPET CLEANING SVCAG13 -0 239019 2/28/2014 CEDAR BUILDING SERVICE IN1/31/2014 42417 $255.00 PKM -01/14 JANITORIAL SVC AG13- 239019 2/28/2014 CEDAR BUILDING SERVICE IN11/30/2013 42224 $255.00 PKM -11/13 JANITORIAL DBC SVC A 239281 3/14/2014 CEDAR BUILDING SERVICE IN2/28/2014 42511 $255.00 PKM -02/14 JANITORIAL SVC AG13- 239460 3/14/2014 SYNERGY BUILDING SERVICE2 /1/2014 3447 $3,806.13 PARKS -01/14 JANITORIAL SVC AG1 239091 2/28/2014 JOHN'S CLEANING SERVICES1 129/2014 1284 $976.19 PD -DRY CLEANING SVC - MONTH TO 239039 2/28/2014 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMER -10 118/2013 3281075 $752.40 PD -DRY CLEANING SVC RFP LEGAL Key Bank Page 11 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239003 2/28/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2 111/2014 655- 7265864 $21.24 DBC -LINEN SERVICE 239003 2/28/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2 /18/2014 655- 7277407 $23.27 DBC -LINEN SERVICE 239258 3/14/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE3 /4/2014 1987301006 $54.42 DBC -LINEN SERVICE 239258 3/14/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2 /25/2014 1987288996 $23.41 DBC -LINEN SERVICE 239460 3/14/2014 SYNERGY BUILDING SERVICE2 /1/2014 3447 $513.87 PARKS -01/14 JANITORIAL SVC AG1 239003 2/28/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVIC011 12014 655- 7265863 $58.77 DBC -LINEN SERVICE 239003 2/28/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2/18 /2014 655- 7277406 $176.25 DBC -LINEN SERVICE 239281 3/14/2014 CEDAR BUILDING SERVICE IWJ2812014 42470 $3,341.27 DBC -02/14 JANITORIAL SVC AG13- 239257 3/14/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE3 /4/2014 1987301005 $48.38 DBC -LINEN SERVICE 239257 3/14/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2/25 /2014 1987288995 $95.62 DBC -LINEN SERVICE 239004 2/28/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2 /17 /2014 655- 7273768 $25.83 FWCC -FLOOR MATS SVC 239004 2/28/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2 /17/2014 655- 7273769 $38.43 FWCC -FLOOR MATS SVC 239004 2/28/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2/3 /2014 655- 7250501 $25.83 FWCC -FLOOR MATS SVC 239004 2/2812014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2/3 /2014 655- 7250502 $38.43 FWCC -LINEN SVC 239004 2/28/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE11 /11/2013 655- 7109917 $25.83 FWCC -FLOOR MATS SVC 239259 3/14/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE3 /3 /2014 1987297352 $38.43 FWCC -LINEN SVC 239259 3/14/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE3 /7/2014 1987297351 $25.83 FWCC -FLOOR MATS SVC DEPOSIT /BONDS PAYABLE -PW 239007 2/28/2014 BALLARD MANAGEMENT, 1/22/2014 05 -02728 REFUND $1,907.00 PW -05 -02728 REFUND ADMIN DEPOS 239086 2/28/2014 ICWGROUP, 1/2812014 02 -61385 REFUND $7,030.20 PW-02 -61385 PARTIAL BOND REFUN 239336 3/14/2014 FW DENTAL CENTER, ROBER'316/2014 05 -05241 REFUND $1,200.00 PW-05 -05241 REFUND ROW BOND LE DEPOSIT- ENVIRON REVIEW 239144 2/28/2014 PERTEET INC, 1/13/2014 20130090.001 -1 $1,837.50 CD -05 -07311 STLK PRELIM. PLAT 239144 2/28/2014 PERTEET INC, 2/3/2014 20130090.001 -2 $1,137.50 CD -05 -07311 STLK PRELIM. PLAT DP COMPONENTS 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $534.25 IT- MEMORY FOR GD8000 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 238992 2/28/2014 ADT LLC, 2/13/2014 13- 103892 REFUND $28.80 CD -13- 103892 PERMIT CANCELLED $10,137.20 $2,975.00 $534.25 $532.50 Key Bank Page 12 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239010 2/28/2014 BING ADULT FAMILY HOME, 2/13/2014 13- 105640 REFUND $117.20 CD- 13- 105640 DUPLICATE PERMIT 239118 2/28/2014 MERIDIAN CENTER ELECTRIC2 /13 /2014 14- 100192 REFUND $28.80 CD -14- 100192 PERMIT CANCELLED 239125 2/28/2014 NETVERSANT SOLUTIONS LLQ/13/2014 14- 100367 REFUND $151.60 CD -14- 100367 PERMIT CANCELLED 239081 2/28/2014 HOLMES ELECTRIC COMPAN 2 /13/2014 14- 100664 REFUND $52.65 CD- 14- 100664 OVER CHG PLAN REV 239064 2/28/2014 GAYLORD INDUSTRIES INC, 1/28/2014 13- 102679 REFUND $28.80 CD -13- 102679 REFUND OVER CHARG 238992 2/28/2014 ADT LLC, 1/28/2014 14- 100184 REFUND $36.00 CD -14- 100200 OUT OF JURISDICTI 238988 2/28/2014 ACCEL ELECTRIC LLC, 1/28/2014 14- 100184 REFUND $36.00 CD -14- 100184 OUT OF JURISDICTI 239100 2/2812014 LANE ELECTRIC LLC, 1/28/2014 14- 100312 REFUND $52.65 CD -14- 100312 REFUND OVER CHARG ELECTRICITY 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1121/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $1,114.51 DBC /KFT -01/14 3200 SW DASH PT 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $1,238.46 DBC -02/14 3200 SW DASH PT ROAD 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/3112014 PWTR 2014 01 $236.74 PWTR -01/14 199 SW 311TH PLACE - 239426 3114/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $448.25 PWTR -01/14 S320 & 32NDAVE S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $738.76 PWTR -01/14 S288TH ST & PAC HWY 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $28.31 PWTR -01/14 32932 7TH CT. SW- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $232.72 PWTR -01/14 S282ND ST & MILITAR 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $41.37 PWTR -01/14 2140 SW 356TH - 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $153.42 PWTR -01/14 32400 SR 99 NE CRNR 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $304.41 PWTR -01/14 727 S 312TH STREET - 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $209.99 PMR -01/14 21 AVE SW & 334TH - 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/3112014 PWTR 2014 01 $148.96 PWTR -01/14 3460 SR 99 SW CRNR- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $362.74 PWTR -01/14 23AVE S & 317TH — 239426 3114/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $16.55 PWTR -01/14 1ST WAY S & 334TH S 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $377.51 PWTR -01/14 31847 PAC HWY S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $76.96 PWTR -01/14 8TH AVE S & DASH PT 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $345.55 PWTR -01/14 35202 ENCHANTED PKW $130,327.47 Key Bank Page 13 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $203.10 PWTR -01/14 PAC HWY S & S 330TH 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $54.98 PWTR -01114 31910 GATEWAY CNTR 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $507.98 PWTR -01/14 31200 SR 99 SE CRNR 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $465.98 PWTR -01/14 35505 PAC HWY S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $44.03 PWTR -01/14 3420 SW 343RD ST — 239426 3114/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $295.33 PWTR -01/14 S 336TH @ WEYERHAEU 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/3112014 PWTR 2014 01 $360.89 PWTR -01/14 S 320TH ST & 23RD A 239426 3114/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $293.13 PWTR- 01/14 36201 MILTON ROAD - 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $956.94 PWTR -01/14 S 336TH & PAC HWY- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $114.90 PWTR -01/14 CRNR S 316 & 23RD 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $352.46 PWTR -01/14 SW324TH & 11TH PL 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $155.95 PWTR -01/14 36111 16TH AVE S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $160.73 PWTR -01/14 21STAVE S GRID ROA 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $251.06 PWTR -01/14 35007 16TH AVE S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $283.71 PWTR -01/14 S 314TH & 20TH AVE - 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $10.98 PWTR -01/14 35909 1STAVE SW FL 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $57.91 PWTR -01/14 STAR LK RD & MILITA 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $281.68 PWTR -01/14 S 348TH & PAC HWY- 239426 3114/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $251.37 PWTR -01/14 1000 SW CAMPUS DRIV 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $94.11 PWTR -01/14 CAMPUS DR & 6TH AVE 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $33.28 PWTR -01/14 VARIOUS LOCATIONS - 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/3112014 PWTR 2014 01 $1,006.27 PWTR -01/14 320TH ST & PAC HWY- 239426 3/1412014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $10.98 PWTR -01/14 308TH ST. & 2ND AVE 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $33.75 PWTR -01/14 1300 S 334TH STREET 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $87.71 PWTR -01/14 S 333ND & 1ST WAY S 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/3112014 PWTR 2014 01 $382.05 PWTR -01/14 SR 161 & 356TH — Key Bank Page 14 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $11.08 PWTR -01/14 36600 PAC HWY S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $410.48 PW7R -01/14 33645 20TH PL S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/3112014 PWTR 2014 01 $135.34 PWTR -01/14 HOYT RD & 340TH - 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $82.95 PWTR -01/14 1ST AVE S & 330TH S 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $152.41 PWTR -01114 33507 9TH AVE S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $126.03 PWTR -01/14 S 322ND ST & 23RD A 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/3112014 PWTR 2014 01 $153.38 PWTR -01/14 31130 27TH AVE SW- 239426 3/1412014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $11.08 PWTR -01/14 115 S 361ST PL FLAS 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $249.92 PWTR -01/14 SW 340TH ST & HOYT 239426 3114/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $279.19 PWTR -01/14 33401 38TH AVE S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $10.98 PWTR -01/14 32731 HOYT RD FLASH 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $11.08 PWTR -01/14 1403 SW 312TH FLASH 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $163.55 PWTR -01/14 32400 STATE RT 99 S 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $29.65 PWTR -01/14 35654 9TH AVE SW - 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1131/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $696.32 PWTR -01/14 29600 PAC HWY SIGNA 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $478.35 PWTR -01/14 32400 SR99- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $47.16 PWTR -01/14 3318 SW 346TH PLACE 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $10.98 PWTR -01/14 SW 308TH ST & 4TH A 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $62.07 PWTR -01/14 33405 6TH AVE S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $92.07 PWTR -01/14 21STAVE SW & DASH 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $61.65 PWTR -01/14 35106 21 ST AVE SW- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $95.35 PWTR -01/14 SW 312TH & DASH PT- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $134.46 PWTR -01/14 34800 21STAVE SW- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $306.02 PWTR -01 /14 23RD AVE & 320TH ST 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $294.57 PWTR -01/14 NE CRNR S 312TH & 2 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $10.98 PWTR -01/14 32562 SW HOYD RD FL Key Bank Page 15 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $173.48 PWTR -01/14 33325 8TH AVE S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/3112014 PWTR 2014 01 $462.05 PWTR -01/14 1453 S 308TH STREET 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $207.75 PWTR -01/14 1405 S 312TH STREET 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $90.05 PWTR -01/14 34018 PAC HWY S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $146.84 PWTR -01/14 34921 16TH AVE S - 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/3112014 PWTR 2014 01 $33.00 PWTR -01/14 HWY 509 & 21STAVE- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/3112014 PWTR 2014 01 $304.45 PWTR -01/14 824 SW 361ST ST- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $50.41 PWTR -01/14 31020 14TH AVE S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $10.98 PWTR -01/14 SW 329TH WAY & HOYT 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $362.74 PWTR -01/14 SW CRNR 312TH & PAC 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $184.74 PWTR - 01/14 34010 20TH AVENUE - 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $55.56 PWTR -01/14 491 S 338TH STREET - 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $55.59 PWTR -01/14 2510 S 336TH STREET 239426 3/1412014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $614.25 PWTR -01/14 30390 PAC HWY S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $38.36 PWTR -01/14 29829 23RD AVE S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $119.46 PWTR -01/14 18TH AVE & S 312TH - 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $41.19 PWTR -01/14 3 296TH PL & MILITA 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $151.90 PWTR -01/14 21STAVE SW & 325TH 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $325.47 PWTR -01/14 S 348TH HOV LANE - 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $55.56 PWTR -01/14 S 316TH & PAC HWY- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $395.92 PWTR -01/14 33800 WEYER. HWY- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $81.95 PWTR -01/14 SW 340TH & 35TH AVE 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $271.50 PWTR -01/14 1790 SW 345TH PLACE 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $444.48 PWTR -01/14 32000 PAC HWY SE CR 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $387.51 PWTR -01/14 S 348TH ST & 1STAV 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $30.64 PWTR -01/14 515 S 312TH STREET- Key Bank Page 16 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 239426 3/1412014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $349.36 PWTR -01/14 S 320TH ST & WEYER. 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $57.71 PWTR -01/14 1414 S 324TH STREET 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $183.35 PWTR-01/14 31455 28TH AVE S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $39.01 PWTR -01/14 2613 S 275TH PLACE - 239426 3/1412014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $127.77 PWTR -01/14 21STAVE & 356TH SW 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/3112014 PWTR 2014 01 $283.33 PWTR -01/14 322ND ST & 23RD AVE 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $276.52 PWTR -01/14 312TH ST & 23RD AVE 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $139.30 PWTR -01/14 288TH ST. & 18TH AV 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $455.90 PWTR -01/14 21 ST AVE SW & 344TH 239426 3/1412014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $105.27 PWTR -01/14 316TH ST & 20TH AVE 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $104.26 PWTR -01/14 304TH ST & MILITARY 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $78.20 PWTR -01/14 33220 ST WAY SOUTH 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $127.47 PWTR -01/14 1ST WAY S & 336TH S 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $92.70 PWTR -01/14 34836 WEYER. WAY S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $122.40 PWTR -01/14 2999 SW 314TH ST- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $389.78 PWTR -01/14 33099 HOYT RD. SW- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $31.36 PWTR -01/14 28516 24TH AVE S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $190.82 PWTR -01114 35896 PAC HWY S- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/31/2014 PWTR 2014 01 $11.38 PWTR -01/14 2510 SW 336TH IRRIG 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/10/2014 300000009523 $16,417.49 PWTR -01/14 NON - METERED ELECT 239426 3/1412014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/14/2014 200006007922 $78.65 PWTR -02/14 106 SW CAMPUS DR- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/14/2014 200006007922 $89.59 PWTR -02/14 106 SW CAMPUS DR- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/18/2014 220002368235 $222.88 PWTR -02/14 2100 SW 336TH SIGNA 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/18/2014 220002463739 $54.53 PWTR -02/14 2400 SW 336TH ST S 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/18/2014 220002469736 $106.21 PWTR -02/14 1405 SW 312TH ST. # 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/19/2014 220002470148 $141.65 PWTR -02/14 31250 SW DASH PT R Key Bank Page 17 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $21.82 PKF -01/14 31104 28TH AVE S HAU 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $603.10 PKM -01/14 31132 28TH AVE STLK 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $29.80 PKF -02/14 31104 28TH AVE S HAU 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $537.70 PKM -02/14 31132 28TH AVE STLK 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $14,667.86 CHB -01/14 33325 8TH AVE 200453 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $945.58 PKF -01/14 600 S 333RD EVID. BL 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $14,859.40 CHB -02/14 33325 8TH AVE Z00453 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $822.73 PKF -02/14 600 S 333RD EVID. BL 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $504.97 PKCP -01/14 S 324TH BLDG A- 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $939.13 PKCP -01/14 S 324TH BLDG 6- 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $480.24 PKCP -02/14 S 324TH BLDG A- 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $873.47 PKCP -02/14 S 324TH BLDG 6- 239426 3/14/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/18/2014 300000001234 $63.51 SWM -02/14 34016 9TH AVE FLOOD 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $548.93 DBC /KFT -01/14 3200 SW DASH PT 239239 3/1012014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $609.99 DBC -02/14 3200 SW DASH PT ROAD 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/2112014 PARKS 2014 01 $21,460.44 FWCC -01/14 876 S 333RD Z002806 238983 2121/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $131.40 FWCC -01/14 876 S 333RD ST. LIG 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $17,677.03 FWCC -02/14 876 S 333RD Z002806 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $167.06 FWCC -02/14 876 S 333RD ST. LIG 238983 2/2112014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $2,570.33 PKF -01/14 33914 19TH AVE SAG F 238983 2121/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $13.45 PKF -01/14 34915 4TH AVE MARKX 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $875.43 PKF -01/14 SAC PARK RR FIELD LI 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $26.39 PKF -01/14 1STAVE & CAMPUS DR. 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $384.11 PKM -01/14 2410 S 312TH BEACH R 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $10.98 PKM -01/14 2410 S 312TH STORAGE 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $215.99 PKM -01/14 2410 S 312TH WOODSHO Key Bank Page 18 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $972.59 PKF -01/14 2645 S 312TH ANX -RR/ 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $13.00 PKF -01/14 2645 S 312TH SEWER L 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $12.01 PKF -01/14 28156 1/2 24TH HERIT 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $32.83 PKF -01/14 7TH AVE HISTORICAL S 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1121/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $8.85 PKF -01/14 7TH AVE HISTORICAL S 238983 2121/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/2112014 PARKS 2014 01 $25.44 PKF -01/14 2410 S 312TH STLK ST 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $1,761.50 PKF -02/14 SAC PARK RR FIELD LI 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/2112014 PARKS 2014 02 $24.25 PKF -02/14 1STAVE & CAMPUS DR. 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $440.47 PKM -02/14 2410 S 312TH BEACH R 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2121/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $16.34 PKM -02/14 2410 S 312TH STORAGE 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $218.64 PKM -02/14 2410 S 312TH WOODSHO 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $1,24126 PKF -02/14 2645 S 312TH ANX -RR/ 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $12.00 PKF -02/14 2645 S 312TH SEWER L 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $10.98 PKF -02114 28156 1/2 24TH HERIT 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $2,797.19 PKF -02/14 33914 19TH AVE SAG F 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $13.59 PKF -02/14 34915 4TH AVE MARKX 239239 3/1012014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $33.42 PKF -02/14 7TH AVE HISTORICAL S 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $9.03 PKF -02/14 7TH AVE HISTORICAL S 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $301.06 PKF -02/14 21 STAVE LAKOTA RR B 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $25.89 PKF -02/14 2410 S 312TH STLK ST ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FEES -PAS: 239144 2128/2014 PERTEET INC, 1/13/2014 20130090.001 -1 $- 1,837.50 CD -05 -07311 STLK PRELIM. PLAT 239144 2/28/2014 PERTEETINC, 2/3/2014 20130090.001 -2 $- 1,137.50 CD -05 -07311 STLK PRELIM. PLAT FACILITY RENTALS 239393 3/14/2014 MCVERY, TERRY 315/2014 41240 $725.00 DBC- REFUND RENTAL CANCELLATION 239389 3/14/2014 MANDERNACH, ANGELA 3/5/2014 41243 $725.00 DBC- REFUND RENTAL CANCELLATION FILING & RECORDING FEES- INTGOV $- 2,975.00 $1,450.00 $75.00 Key Bank Page 19 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239098 2/28/2014 KING COUNTY RECORDS,ELE2 /13/2014 430620 -0000 $75.00 PWST - LIBERTY LAKE CONDO HOA RE FIRST CLASS POSTAGE $9,213.95 239193 2/28/2014 TEKS SERVICES, INC, 2/20/2014 17577 $170.23 PWTR- TRAFFIC SAFETY MAILING 239388 3/14/2014 MAILMEDIA DBA IMMEDIA, 2/7/2014 64870PA $5,500.54 PRCS - POSTAGE FOR 2014 SPRING /S 238982 2/18/2014 MAILMEDIA DBA IMMEDIA, 2/14 /2014 64895PA $1,371.19 MO- MAYOR'S CARD MAILER 239416 3/14/2014 PITNEY BOWES PRESORTSV3 /1/2014 3855421 $2,171.99 FI -02/14 POSTAGE & MAIL CARRIE FOOD & BEVERAGE $8,486.13 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $69.48 MO -SOUP FEED SUPPLIES 2149491 3/312014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $110.81 MO -BLUE RIBBON PANEL FOOD 239304 3114/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S02/26/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $25.98 MO -2014 SOUP FEED SUPPLIES 239304 3/14/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S02/26/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $367.05 MO- COMMUNITY MEMBER EVENT SUPP 239304 3/1412014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S02/26/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $22.32 MO- COMMUNITY MEMBER EVENT SUPP 239304 3/14/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S02/26/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $57.42 SWR -GREEN LIVING WORKSHOP 239061 2/28/2014 FRANKLIN, SCOTT 2/6/2014 FRANKLIN 2014 $259.03 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239207 2/28/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C2/8/2014 178836 $62.43 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239207 2/28/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C2/1412014 180653 $208.09 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239059 2/28/2014 FOOD SERVICES OFAMERICl2/19 /2014 5349651 $1,210.67 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239059 2/28/2014 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICA /16/2014 5282340 $86.50 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239059 2/28/2014 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICA /22/2014 5292738 $1,134.12 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239207 2128/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & CA/31/2014 175979 $68.98 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239471 3/14/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & 02/2712014 185087 $7276 DBC - CATERING SUPPLIES 239471 3/14/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C2/28/2014 779699 $65.19 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239471 3/14/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & 031312014 186350 $189.12 DBC - CATERING SUPPLIES 239413 3/14/2014 PETTY CASH - DBC, 31312014 DBC- 03/03/14 $6.19 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239413 3/14/2014 PETTY CASH - DBC, 3/3/2014 DBC- 03/03/14 $54.83 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239413 3/14/2014 PETTY CASH - DBC, 31312014 DBC- 03/03/14 $34.73 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239413 3/14/2014 PETTY CASH - DBC, 3/312014 DBC- 03/03114 $23.42 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 20 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239333 3/14/2014 FOOD SERVICES OFAMERIC /3 /4/2014 5376824 $795.00 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239471 3/14/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & Ci1/4/2014 167397 $11.37 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239471 3/14/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C2/15/2014 181037 $76.09 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239471 3/14/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C2/16/2014 181624 $60.91 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239471 3/14/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C2/20/2014 182604 $75.78 DBC - CATERING SUPPLIES 239471 3/14/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C212112014 182955 $107.10 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239471 3/1412014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C2/21/2014 183007 $150.29 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239471 3/14/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C2/22/2014 183312 $86.06 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239471 3/14/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C2/25/2014 184392 $231.22 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25 /2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $18.48 DBC -FOOD PRODUCT FOR RENTAL 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $98.26 DBC -FOOD PRODUCT FOR RENTAL 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $178.60 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239471 3/14/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C2/26/2014 184710 $109.49 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239304 3/14/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S02/26/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $301.80 DBC- CATERING /FACILITY SUPPLIES 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $58.60 CC- COUNCIL DINNER 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $109.76 CC- COUNCIL DINNER 239162 2/28/2014 QUALITY WATER SERVICES, 1/31/2014 81283 $27.32 DBC - BOTTLE WATER SVC 239428 3/14/2014 QUALITY WATER SERVICES, 2/28 /2014 81907 $27.32 DBC - BOTTLE WATER SVC 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $75.73 DBC -FOOD PRODUCT FOR RENTAL 239306 3/14/2014 CRYSTAL SPRINGS, 3/4/2014 140635021006 $94.78 HR- COFFEE SUPPLIES 239054 2/28/2014 FEDERAL WAY NUTRITION SE2/6/2014 4232 $170.75 PD -01/14 OFFICER LUNCHES 239310 3/14/2014 DELI SMITH, 2124/2014 808591 $35.76 HR -ADMIN ASST. INTERVIEW PANEL 239434 3/14/2014 SAFEWAY STORE #1555, 3/10/2014 809896 - 021214- 1555 $40.70 PRCS -KID ESCAPE SUPPLIES 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $82.54 PRCS -DAY CAMP TABLE CLOTHS 239434 3/14/2014 SAFEWAY STORE #1555, 2/5/2014 807161 - 020514 -1555 $7.98 PRCS -3'S FOR ME SUPPLIES 239434 3/14/2014 SAFEWAY STORE #1555, 2/14/2014 809092- 021414 -1555 $12.97 PRCS -KID ESCAPE SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 21 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239434 3/14/2014 SAFEWAY STORE #1555, 2/25/2014 805496- 022514 -1555 $16.97 PRCS- ALPHABETS FRI SUPPLIES 239304 3/14/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO2/26/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $16.50 FWCC /PRCS - PRESCHL & FAC. SUPPL 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $35.50 PD -GUILD MEDIATION LUNCHES 239471 3/14/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C2/28/2014 185408 $98.72 PRCS /FWCC- PRESCHL & CAFE SUPPL 239471 3/14/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C2/14/2014 180732 $26.24 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES 239471 3/14/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C01812014 182205 $82.89 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES 239162 2/28/2014 QUALITY WATER SERVICES, 1/31/2014 81302 $65.59 FWCC - BOTTLE WATER SVC 239414 3/14/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 2/28/2014 PD- 02/28/14 $69.32 PD- COFFEE FOR VOLUNTEER - 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $16.21 PD- CITIZEN'S ACADEMY SUPPLIES 239041 2128/2014 DELI SMITH, 2/19/2014 808585 $177.94 HR-F1 DIRECTOR INTERVIEW PANEL 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $31.47 HR-F1 DIRECTOR INTERVIEW PANEL 239304 3/14/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S02/26/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $76.77 HR- FINANCE DIRECTOR INTERVIEW 239428 3/14/2014 QUALITY WATER SERVICES, 2/28 /2014 81925 $65.59 PRCS - BOTTLE WATER SVC 239296 3/14/2014 CITY OF UNIVERSITY PLACE, 2/28/2014 AR -2384 $50.20 PRCS -WINE & DINE SR. TRIP 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $18.98 PRCS- SENIOR CENTER DIRECTORS M 239306 3/14/2014 CRYSTAL SPRINGS, 2/21/2014 13122500 022114 $93.71 PRCS- COFFEE SUPPLIES 239207 2/28/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C2/7/2014 178650 $131.54 PRCS -FDUB VALENTINE DAY DANCE 239145 2/28/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2124/2014 FWCC- 02/24/14 $7.78 PRCS -RITE AID SNACKS FOR V -DAY 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $137.06 PRCS- VALENTINE DINNER SUPPLIES 2144759 313/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $28.22 PRCS- VALENTINE CRAFTS DAY - 239434 3/14/2014 SAFEWAY STORE #1555, 2/6/2014 430951- 020614 -1555 $65.15 PRCS- COOKING CLASS SUPPLIES FOOD CHARGES - RETREAT CENTER $135.51 239326 3/14/2014 EVERGREEN PIECEMAKERS, 2/28/2014 41209 $135.51 DBC- REFUND BREAKFAST CHARGE GASOLINE $30,457.88 239049 2/28/2014 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 2/15/2014 11 792C $688.12 PWFLT - 02/01/14- 02/15/14 VEHICL 239049 2/2812014 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 2/15/2014 11 792C $ -26.52 PWFLT- 02/01/14- 02/15114 FUEL C 239322 3/14/2014 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 2/28/2014 12905CT $302.68 PWFLT- 02/16/14 - 02/28/14 VEHICL Key Bank Page 22 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239322 3/14/2014 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 2/28/2014 12905CT $ -11.53 PWFLT- 02/16/14- 02/28/14 FUEL C 239055 2/28/2014 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(2/19/2014 AR09710 $22,455.85 PD -01/14 VEHICLE FUEL 239055 2/28/2014 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(1 /31/2014 AR09709 $5,313.72 PWFLT -01/14 VEHICLE FUEL 239322 3/14/2014 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 2/28/2014 12906CT $282.67 PD- 02/16/14 -02/28/14 VEHICLE F 239322 3/14/2014 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 2/28/2014 12906CT $ -11.52 PD- 02/16/14- 02/28/14 FUEL CRED 239491 3/14/2014 WEX BANK, 2/28/2014 35944090 $120.65 PD -02114 MAYOR'S VEHICLE FUEL 239055 2/28/2014 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(2/1912014 AR09710 $1,318.81 PD -01/14 VEHICLE FUEL 239322 3/14/2014 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 2/28/2014 12906CT $24.95 PD- 02116/14 - 02/28/14 VEHICLE F HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM $3,746.85 239177 2/28/2014 SO, SUN 2/24/2014 S02014 $100.00 HR- MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE SO 239233 2/28/2014 WONG, NICHOLAS 2/21/2014 WONG 2014 $200.00 PD- MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE N WONG 239435 3/14/2014 SANT, MICHAEL 2/27/2014 SANT 2014 $100.00 PD- MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE SANT 239458 3/14/2014 SWANSON, SHAWN 2/28/2014 SWANSON 2014 $100.00 PD- MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE SWANSON 239075 2/28/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 2/18/2014 FEBRUARY 18, 2014 $2,753.18 GROUP HEALTH PREMIUM SHORTAGE 239348 3/14/2014 HERRERA, MATT 3/11/2014 HERRERA2014 $93.67 CD- MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE M HERRER 239124 2/28/2014 NEIFFER, GARY 2/18 /2014 NEIFFER 2014 $100.00 SWM- MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE NEIFFER 239229 2/28/2014 WHITE, SUSANNE 2/25/2014 WHITE 2014 $100.00 MC- MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE WHITE 239275 3/14/2014 BRADSHAW, TONI 3/7/2014 BRADSHAW 2014 $100.00 FI- MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE BRADSHAW 239074 2/28/2014 GROSS, EVERETT RAY 2/18/2014 GROSS 2014 $100.00 PWEOC- MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE GROSS HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES $9,524.72 239030 2/28/2014 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 1/15/2014 T2627538 $1,504.86 CHB- JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 239016 2/28/2014 CAFE PACIFIC CATERING INC2/14/2014 25643 $109.58 DBC- CATERING SERVICES 239059 2/2812014 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICl2 /19/2014 5349651 $153.77 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239333 3/14/2014 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICn /24/2014 5357989 $1,851.73 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 239030 2/28/2014 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 2113/2014 T2627537 -1 $161.52 DBC- JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 239299 3/14/2014 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 2/28/2014 T2640861 $232.82 DBC - JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 239030 2/28/2014 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 1/31/2014 T2631528 -1 $73.03 CHB- JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 23 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239495 3/14/2014 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE COMF7118/2013 68241740 $68.28 CHB- FIRSTAID SUPPLIES 239030 2/2812014 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 2/7/2014 W2634859 $635.72 FWCC- JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 239030 2/28/2014 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 1/24/2014 M630529 $1,065.44 FWCC - JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 239030 2/28/2014 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 1/31/2014 W2632726 $634.69 FWCC- JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 239299 3/14/2014 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 2/14/2014 M636824 $820.92 FWCC- JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 239299 3/14/2014 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 2/19/2014 W2636829 $53.12 FWCC - JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 239299 3/1412014 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 2/21/2014 W2638678 $1,021.55 FWCC- JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 239304 3/14/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S02/26/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $350.71 FWCC /PRCS - PRESCHL & FAC. SUPPL 239030 2/28/2014 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 1/28/2014 T2631528 $786.98 PKM- JANITORIAL SUPPLIES IMMUNIZATION CHARGE $1,381.00 239240 3/14/2014 A WORK SAFE SERVICE, INC, 2/27/2014 188030 $52.00 HR- PRE - EMPLOY. DRUG TESTING 239264 3/1412014 AWC DRUG & ALCOHOL TEST2/28/2014 FEBRUARY 28, 2014 $1,163.00 HR -AWC RANDOM DRUG TESTING FEE 239474 3/1412014 US HEALTHWORKS MED GR02/14/2014 0526597 -WA $86.00 HR -CDL PHISICAL FULMORE 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $80.00 HR -DOT PHYSICAL GIGER INSURANCE -STOP LOSS $31,601.25 239342 3/14/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 2/19/2014 FEBRUARY 2014A $3,882.24 FEB 2014 HMO SELF FUND COOP 239341 3/14/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 2119 /2014 FEBRUARY 2014 B $27,719.01 FEB 2014 OPTIONS /ALLIANT PLUS INVESTMENT INCOME $0.80 239330 3/14/2014 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOG /5/2014 SIF -FEB 2014 $0.80 FI -FEB 2014 SCHL IMPACT FEE & JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS $25.00 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $25.00 HR- SEASONAL MAINT WORKER JOB KC HEALTH DEPT - INTERGOVT $1,616.00 239445 3/14/2014 SKCDPH, 3/6/2014 PR0076750 $808.00 PRCS -2014 HEALTH PERMIT - KITC 239445 3/14/2014 SKCDPH, 3/612014 PR0079558 $808.00 FWCC -2014 HEALTH PERMIT- CAFE KC RECORDING FEES $75.00 239368 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY RECORDS,ELE3 /3/2014 RECORD PARK 16 $75.00 PW- RECORD PARK 16, LLC 05 -0756 LEGAL NOTICES $1,136.40 239039 2/2812014 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMER1/25/2014 3284207 $782.80 PWST -RFB 14 -102 LEGALAD 239039 2/28/2014 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMER2/7 /2014 3284645 $178.60 CDHS- HOUSING REPAIR CNTRS LEGA Key Bank Page 24 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239178 2/28/2014 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 1/31/2014 617369 $175.00 HRCK -CITY NEWSPAPER AG12 -006- LEGAL SETTLEMENT FEES 239391 3/14/2014 MATHEWS, PAT 3/3/2014 MATHEWS 2014 $621.91 SWM -TREE RESTORATION P MATHEWS LODGING 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $468.30 PD -BDU TRNG WEDEL 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $84.70 PD -2014 WHIACONF. HOWELL 2143793 3/312014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $84.70 PD -2014 WHIACONF. ROBINSON 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $84.70 PD -2014 WHIACONF. KIM 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $84.70 PO -2014 WHIACONF. MORIKAWA 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $239.80 PD- MOTORCYCLE SCHOOL TRNG SCHW LONG DISTANCE CHARGES 239284 3/1412014 CENTURYLINK, 2/19 /2014 1292180482 $181.19 IT -01/14 LONG DISTANCE SVC 239284 3/14/2014 CENTURYLINK, 2/19/2014 1292180482 $24.70 IT -01114 LONG DISTANCE SVC LOW INCOME SENIOR UTAX REBATE 238991 2/28/2014 ADAIR, MARIE 2/24/2014 ADAIR 2013 $43.17 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239001 2/28/2014 ANDRIYENKO, PETR 2/24/2014 ANDRIYENKO 2013 $42.73 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239006 2/28/2014 BALESTRERI, MARINA 2/24/2014 BALESTRERI 2013 $139.55 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239026 2128/2014 CHUNG, MASIA 2/24/2014 CHUNG 2013 $119.32 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239029 2/28/2014 CLEAVINGER, PEGGYA 2/24/2014 CLEAVINGER 2013 $28.91 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239028 2/28/2014 CLEAVINGER, GLENN & ROSE2/24/2014 CLEAVINGER 2013 $71.57 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239069 2/28/2014 GILLIES, MARJORIE 2/24 12014 GILLIES 2013 $63.79 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239078 2/28/2014 HAN, SOONNAM 2124/2014 HAN 2013 $64.93 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239080 2/28/2014 HOHAGEN, HANS J. 2/24/2014 HOHAGEN 2013 $316.78 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239083 2/28/2014 HUGHES, N -GUY 2/24/2014 HUGHES 2013 $141.30 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239082 2/28/2014 HUGHES, JUDYA. 2/24/2014 HUGHES 2013 $121.57 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239090 2/28/2014 JIN, JEONG 2/24/2014 JIN 2013 $53.91 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239094 2/28/2014 KIGHT, SHARON 2/24/2014 KIGHT 2013 $123.33 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239096 2/28/2014 KIM, YO IN 2/24/2014 KIM 2013 $54.54 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE $621.91 $1,046.90 $205.89 $7,240.05 Key Bank Page 25 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239103 2/28/2014 LEBER, JOAN 2/24/2014 LEBER 2013 $204.35 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239107 2/28/2014 LEE, DONG 2/24/2014 LEE 2013 $91.01 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239106 2/28/2014 LEE, CHANG K 2/24/2014 LEE 2013 $103.17 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239104 2/28/2014 LEE, BOK H AND SEUNG K 2/24/2014 LEE 2013. $228.41 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239108 2/2812014 LEE, JESSICA 2124/2014 LEE 2013 $31.22 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239105 2/28/2014 LEE, BOK SOON 2/24/2014 LEE 2013 $40.99 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239120 2/28/2014 MITCHELL, TISHAJ. 2/24/2014 MITCHELL 2013 $326.17 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239135 2/28/2014 OH, KEUN & YEON 2/24/2014 OH 2013 $89.32 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239141 2/28/2014 PANTOJA, GABRIEL 2/24 /2014 PANTOJA 2013 $183.15 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239143 2/28/2014 PARK, SUN 2/24/2014 PARK 2013 $101.16 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239163 2/28/2014 REGEZA, MARIYA 2/24 /2014 REGEZA 2013 $34.64 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239186 2/28/2014 STIERWALT, SHIRLEY J 2/24/2014 STIERWALT 2013 $230.01 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239188 2/28/2014 SVYATKOVSKY, MIKHAIL 2/24/2014 SVYATKOVSKY 2013 $8.47 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239189 2/28/2014 SWANBY AARON 2/24 /2014 SWANBY 2013 $329.33 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239192 2/28/2014 TAYLOR, RICHARD C 2/24/2014 TAYLOR 2013 $65.85 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239201 2/28/2014 TIMME, SHARON L 2/24/2014 TIMME 2013 $38.44 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239212 2/28/2014 VAN SICKEL, MARY 2/24/2014 VAN SICKEL 2013 $198.23 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239214 2/28/2014 VOLLAND, CAROL 2/24/2014 VOLLAND 2013 $88.08 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239237 2/28/2014 YUN, DUCK H 2/2412014 YUN 2013 $41.94 2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239262 3/14/2014 ASHCRAFT, CHARMAINE 3/10/2014 ASHCRAFT 2013 $229.26 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239265 3/14/2014 BANG, YONG CHUL 3/10/2014 BANG 2013 $194.57 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239278 3/14/2014 BURRIS, PEGGY D. 3/10/2014 BURRIS 2013 $114.97 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239289 3/14/2014 CHO, YOUNG A 3/1012014 CHO 2013 $56.97 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239290 3/14/2014 CHOI, EDWARD 3/10/2014 CHOI 2013 $196.70 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239291 3/14/2014 CHUNG, TUK JA 3/10/2014 CHUNG 2013 $38.61 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239297 3114/2014 CLARK, GAIL 3/10/2014 CLARK 2013 $269.90 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE Key Bank Page 26 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239298 3/14/2014 CLEARY, MARGARET 3/10/2014 CLEARY 2013 $159.35 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239309 3/14/2014 DAVENPORT, NOLA 3/10/2014 DAVENPORT 2013 $184.12 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239324 3/14/2014 ESTES, EDWIN 3/10/2014 ESTES 2013 $163.84 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239345 3/14/2014 HARMON, EARNEST L 3/10/2014 HARMON 2013 $60.02 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239353 3/14/2014 JENSEN, KAREN 3/10/2014 JENSEN 2013 $90.96 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239358 3/14/2014 JONES, LAURA 3/10/2014 JONES 2013 $79.40 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239357 3/14/2014 JONES, JOANN 3/10/2014 JONES 2013 $114.42 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239361 3/14/2014 KENT, HELENE 3/1012014 KENT 2013 $181.35 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239364 3/14/2014 KIM, DOO YONG 3/10/2014 KIM 2013 $81.84 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239362 3/14/2014 KIM, CHONG HUI & JONG UN 3/10/2014 KIM 2013 $65.79 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239381 3/14/2014 LEE, CAROL 3/10/2014 LEE 2013 $13.55 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239382 3/14/2014 LEE, YUK HUNG 3/10/2014 LEE 2013 $88.12 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239411 3/14/2014 PERRY, AGNES 3/10/2014 PERRY 2013 $168.13 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239429 3/14/2014 RAGAN, MARIANNE 3/10/2014 RAGAN 2013 $140.45 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239438 3114/2014 SEREDICH, NADEZHDA 3/10/2014 SEREDICH 2013 $96.13 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239443 3/14/2014 SIMONSSON, MICHAEL 3/10/2014 SIMONSSON 2013 $224.87 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239455 3/14/2014 STOKES, SHELLEY 3/10/2014 STOKES 2013 $28.01 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239484 3/14/2014 WARRIOR, GWENDOLYN 3/10/2014 WARRIOR 2013 $253.71 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE 239356 3114/2014 JONES, CAROL L. 3/13/2014 JONES 2013 $125.67 FI -2013 UTILITY TAX REBATE MEDICAL SERVICES - CLAIMS $93,669.66 13490408 2/19/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 2/14/2014 SF00019274 $9,585.95 GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS 02/01/14- 821622 2/20/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 2/20 /2014 SF00019449 $38,736.51 GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS 2/11/14 -2 859440 2/20/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 2/21/2014 SF00019448 $8,084.63 GROUP HEALTH COOP 2/11/14 -2/17 282 3/6/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 3/6/2014 SF00019582 $33,197.14 GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS 02/25 -02/ 284 3/6/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 3/7/2014 SF00019581 $4,065.43 GROUP HEALTH COOP 02/25/14 -02/ MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $435.31 239145 2/28/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/24/2014 FWCC - 02/24/14 $20.52 PRCS - 01/28- 02/13/14 LUSEBRINK Key Bank Page 27 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239145 2/28/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2124/2014 FWCC- 02/24/14 $41.04 PRCS - 12/13- 01/27/14 LUSEBRINK 239061 2/28/2014 FRANKLIN, SCOTT 2/6/2014 FRANKLIN 2014 $75.71 DBC- 01/24 - 01/31/14 REIMB FRANK 239413 3/14/2014 PETTY CASH - DBC, 3/3/2014 DBC- 03/03/14 $3.48 DBC - 12/05/13 REIMB. FERGUSON 239334 3/14/2014 FRANKLIN, SCOTT 3/6/2014 FRANKLIN 2014 $99.68 DBC- 02/07/14 - 03/04/14 REIMB FR 239325 3/14/2014 ETTINGER, ROBERT 3/4/2014 ETTINGER 2014 $194.88 DBC- 01/08- 03/03/14 REIMB ETTIN MINOR DP EQUIPMENT $1,436.13 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $267.77 IT -NANO STATION 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25 /2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $151.93 IT -CATS OUTDOOR CABLE 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $349.31 IT -HP SWITCH 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $667.12 IT -WIFI EQUIPMENT -NANO STATION MINOR DP SOFTWARE $327.41 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $327.41 IT -ADOBE LIVE CYCLE S/W MINOR EQUIP -MISC $12,949.43 239063 2/28/2014 G &M HONEST PERFORMANC12 /4/2014 00010172533 $65.35 PWST - NOZZLE EXTENSIONS 239063 2/28/2014 G &M HONEST PERFORMANC111 /27/2013 00010171287 $10.12 PWST -MINI LAMP BLIST FOR SANDE 2149491 313/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $60.16 PWST - SALTAWAY FOR SANDERS 239327 3/14/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC 2/21/2014 7588498 $1,838.02 PKM- IRRIGATION SUPPLIES, STRON 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $1,419.12 PD- TACTICAL INSTRUCTOR TRNG J 239444 3/14/2014 SIX ROSBLEES' INC, 1/29/2014 2- 558531 $90.84 SWM -LED MARKING LAMPS 239444 3/14/2014 SIX ROBBLEES' INC, 1/30/2014 2- 558610 $0.53 SWM -LED MARKING LAMP 239444 3/1412014 SIX ROBBLEES' INC, 1/31/2014 2- 558757 $0.30 SWM -LED MARKER LAMP 239245 3/1412014 ACTION COMMUNICATIONS IP2/10/2014 1402086 $898.78 PD- PORTABLE RADIO 239383 3/14/2014 LEED, 2/12/2014 02121401 $233.07 PD -MAG LIGHT 239422 3/14/2014 PROFORCE LAW ENFORCEMI2 /14/2014 196346 $1,229.46 PD- REPLACEMENT TASERS 239288 3/1412014 CHIEF SUPPLY CORPORATIO12 /14/2014 394005 $221.81 PD- BATONS 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $ -82.00 PD- RETURN TUFF KUFFS 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $17.78 PD -GUN CLEANING SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 28 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $595.95 PD- DIGITAL RECORDERS 239282 3/14/2014 CENTRAL LAKE ARMOR EXPR1/31/2014 0058035 -IN $822.89 PD -ARMOR VEST VANDYKE 239014 2/2812014 BRANOM INSTRUMENT COMF217/2014 521929 $94.04 PKM- FILTER ELEMENT & GASKET 239114 2128/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 9/27/2013 01670 $39.11 PKM -POST HOLE DIGGER 239444 3114/2014 SIX ROBBLEES' INC, 2/6/2014 2- 559034 $34.14 PKM - RECTANGULAR DOCUMENT 239441 3/14/2014 SHERVVIN- VVILLIAMS CO, 2/1912014 6208 -1 $1,156.58 PKM- FACILITIES PAINT SUPPLIES 239441 3/14/2014 SHERWIN- VVILLIAMS CO, 2/2112014 6353 -8 $- 315.68 PKM- RETURN PAINT 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $164.20 PKM - BATTERY TENDERS 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $41.50 PKM -SMALL HAND TOOLS 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $111.63 PD -DOLLY & TRASH CANS FOR EVID 239386 3/14/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/27/2014 01565 $3,089.52 PARKS- FUNLAND MATERIAL 239140 2/2812014 OWEN EQUIPMENT COMPAN)1/24/2014 00070300 $1,032.45 SVVM- BATTERY & BALLAST 239140 2/28/2014 OWEN EQUIPMENT COMPANI2 /5 /2014 00070300 $- 137.97 SWM- RETURN BALLAST 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/2512014 FEBRUARY 2014 $42.11 SWM- STORMING THE SOUND SUPPLIE 2144759 313/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $88.02 SWM- INSPECTION TRAILER SUPPLIE 239410 3/14/2014 OWEN EQUIPMENT COMPAN)2 /7/2014 00070514 $126.27 SVVM -POLE CAMERA LIGHT BULB 239410 3/1412014 OWEN EQUIPMENT COMPAN)2 /18/2014 00070514 $ -38.67 SWM- CREDIT FOR FREIGHT - LIGHT MISC PROFESSIONAL SVS- INTERGOV $18,605.98 239366 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIE12/3012013 34301 $7,159.34 SWM -WRI WATERSHED BASINSAG#06 239097 2/28/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:2/14/2014 11001830 $258.75 IT -01114 NET SVCSAG11 -111 — 239365 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIW28/2014 11001852 $258.75 IT -02/14 NETSVCSAGII -111 — 239284 3/14/2014 CENTURYLINK, 2/19/2014 1292180482 $205.90 IT -01/14 LONG DISTANCE SVC 239367 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY RADIO, 2/21 /2014 8378 $9,168.74 IT -PD RADIO MAINT /REPAIR 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $22.00 HR -MINOR WORK PERMITS CH & FWC 239445 3/14/2014 SKCDPH, 3/10/2014 PR0023663 $808.00 DBC -2014 CATERING HEALTH PERMI 239097 2/2812014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIU/14/2014 11001830 $258.75 IT -01/14 NET SVCS AGII-111 — Key Bank Page 29 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239365 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:2/28/2014 11001852 $258.75 IT -02/14 NET SVCSAGII -111 - 239097 2/28/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIi2/14/2014 11001830 $103.50 IT -01/14 NETSVCSAGII -111 - 239365 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:2/28/2014 11001852 $103.50 IT -02/14 NET SVCSAG11 -111 - MISC SERVICES & CHARGES $29,632.52 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $98.55 SWR -2013 BUSINESS RECYCLEAWAR 239494 3/14/2014 WILSON, CHUCK 3/3/2014 WILSON 2014 B $152.20 CD -2014 WA MASTER ELECT. LICEN 239252 3/14/2014 AL'S TOWING, 3/5/2014 77852 $198.19 PD- VEHICLE TOW CASE 14 -2831 239480 3/14/2014 WA STATE EMPLOYMENT SEC1/31/2014 14- 008867- RDU -G5 $13.50 PD -WORK HISTORY J. EDGAR 239110 2/28/2014 LEXISNEXIS RISK, 1/31/2014 1470204- 20140131 $121.24 PD -01/14 LEXIS NEXIS SVC 239053 2/28/2014 FEDERAL WAY INDOOR RANC2/10 /2014 15 $295.65 PD -01/14 GUN RANGE USAGE 239231 2/28/2014 WILD WEST INTERNATIONAL 12/3 /2014 7356 $192.55 PD- POLICE FIRING RANGE SVC 239308 3/14/2014 D J TROPHY, 2/5 /2014 237936 $11.99 PD- ENGRAVING SVC 239308 3/14/2014 D J TROPHY, 2/7 12014 237964 $53.38 PD- CUSTOM FRAME 239321 3/14/2014 EQUIFAX CREDIT INFORMATI(2/17 /2014 8344343 $38.09 PD -02/14 CREDIT REPORTING SVC 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $24.95 PD- BKGRND VERIFICATION SVC 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $13.55 PRCS -FERRY TOLL TO POULSBO TRI 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $32.55 PRCS -FERRY TOLL TO VASHON 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $3,248.97 PRCS -GRAND CANYON SR. TRIP 2144759 3/312014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $1,262.12 PRCS- SIMNOMISH /SILVER REEF SR 239414 3/14/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 2/28/2014 PD- 02/28/14 $38.36 PD- MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT - 239352 3/14/2014 IRON MOUNTAIN INFORMATICI /31 /2014 JYH2O40 $912.69 PD -01/14 RECORDS STORAGE 239038 212812014 D J TROPHY, 2/12/2014 237987 $182.80 PD- RECOGNITION PLAQUES - 239159 2/28/2014 PRO -TOW MAPLE VALLEY, 2/7/2014 118224 $338.29 PD- VEHICLE TOW CASE 14 -1850 239182 2/28/2014 SPECIAL INTEREST TOWING, 2/11/2014 136464 $194.91 PD- VEHICLE TOW CASE 14 -2028 238987 2/28/2014 ABT TOWING OF FEDERAL W/2 /412014 10627 $194.91 PD- VEHICLE TOW SVC 239244 3/14/2014 ABT TOWING OF FEDERAL W/2 /20/2014 10308 $292.37 PD- VEHICLE TOW SVC Key Bank Page 30 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239244 3/14/2014 ABT TOWING OF FEDERAL W/2/20/2014 10309 $292.37 PD- VEHICLE TOW SVC 239295 3/14/2014 CITY OF TUKWILA, 2/24/2014 MB -01456 $15,931.13 PD -2014 VSWATAG12 -137 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $56.89 PD -BDU BADGES 239145 2/28/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/24/2014 FWCC- 02/24/14 $32.84 PRCS -SPACE HEATER - NO HEAT IN 239475 3/14/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS, 2/12/2014 9719947243 $63.02 PD -01/14 BAIT CAR WIRELESS 239110 2/2812014 LEXISNEXIS RISK, 1/31/2014 1470204- 20140131 $121.25 PO -01/14 LEXIS NEXIS SVC 239224 2128/2014 WATCH SYSTEMS LLC, 2/6/2014 21840 $223.21 PD -RSO NOTIFICATION LASSESON 239468 3/14/2014 THE RESULTS GROUP, 2/24/2014 6231 $5,000.00 PD -2014 LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP NATURAL GAS $17,833.03 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $1,072.23 DBC /KFT -01/14 3200 SW DASH PT 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $1,183.92 DBC /KFT -02/14 3200 SW DASH PT 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $8,361.78 FWCC -02/14 876 S 333RD 0008456 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $461.03 PKF -01/14 600 S 333RD EVID BLD 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $509.67 PKF -02/14 600 S 333RD EVID BLD 238983 2121/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $2,176.94 DBC/KFT -01/14 3200 SW DASH PT 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $2,403.69 DBC /KFT -02/14 3200 SW DASH PT 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $100.80 PKF -01/14 31104 28TH AVE S HAU 238983 2/21/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/21/2014 PARKS 2014 01 $750.38 PKM -01/14 31132 28TH AVE S STL 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2121/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $108.19 PKF -02/14 31104 28TH AVE S HAU 239239 3/10/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2014 PARKS 2014 02 $704.40 PKM -02/14 31132 28TH AVE S STL NON GOVT DP SERVICES $62,028.97 239036 2/28/2014 CSDC SYSTEMS INC, 1/27/2014 9843 $11,861.88 IT -ALL CONCURRENT USER LICENSE 239036 212812014 CSDC SYSTEMS INC, 1/27/2014 9843 $2,476.12 IT -ALL DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS 239036 2/28/2014 CSDC SYSTEMS INC, 1/27/2014 9843 $2,435.15 IT -ALL MANAGEMENT MODULE IVR G 239036 2/28/2014 CSDC SYSTEMS INC, 1/27/2014 9843 $3,896.24 IT- ALL AMANDA PERMITS - 239036 2/28/2014 CSDC SYSTEMS INC, 1/27/2014 9843 $11,142.65 IT -ALL PUBLIC PORTAL PRODUCTI 239313 3/14/2014 DLT SOLUTIONS INC, 2/17/2014 S1246994 $1,513.92 IT- AUTOCAD 2014 SUBSCRIPTION R Key Bank Page 31 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239313 3/14/2014 DLT SOLUTIONS INC, 2/17/2014 S1246994 $1,014.39 IT -CIVIL 3D 2014 SUBSCRIPTION 239031 2/28/2014 CODE BLUE DESIGNS, 2/12/2014 1- 1402121 $1,000.00 IT -PD KANINE VISUAL PRO SETUP 239031 2/28/2014 CODE BLUE DESIGNS, 2/12/2014 1- 1402121 $750.00 IT -PD VISUAL PRO AGENCY SPECIF 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK,_ 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $10.90 IT -TIVO SVC _ 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $14.18 IT TIVO SVC 239302 3/14/2014 COMPUCOM SYSTEMS INC, 2/21/2014 62155002 $22,714.00 IT -MS PRODSKTPALNG LICSAPK MV 239302 3/14/2014 COMPUCOM SYSTEMS INC, 2/21/2014 62155002 $37.91 IT -MS DSKTPOPTMZTNPK FOR SAAL 239302 3/14/2014 COMPUCOM SYSTEMS INC, 2/21/2014 62155002 $1,889.14 IT -MS WINSVRDATACTRALNG LICSA 239302 3/1412014 COMPUCOM SYSTEMS INC, 2/21/2014 62155002 $149.48 IT -MS WINSVRDATACTR ALNG SASU 239097 2/28/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIW14/2014 11001830 $414.00 IT -01/14 NETSVCSAG11 -111 — 239042 2/28/2014 DMX MUSIC, 2/1/2014 50679952 $66.18 IT -02/14 ALL DIGITAL MUSIC 239365 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIVJ2812014 11001852 $414.00 IT -02/14 NET SVCS AG11 -111 — 239404 3/14/2014 NOWYR INC., 3/1/2014 397983 $160.00 IT- REDUNDANCY INTERNET SVC 239315 3/14/2014 DMX MUSIC, 3/1/2014 50695663 $68.83 IT -03/14 ALL DIGITAL MUSIC OFFICE SUPPLIES $2,495.83 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT12 /28/2014 8028898808 $42.07 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /2 /28/2014 8028898808 $349.63 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /2 /28/2014 8028898808 $24.17 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /2 /28/2014 8028898808 $144.00 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /2 /28/2014 8028898808 $40.05 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239405 3/14/2014 OFFICE DEPOT, 2/14/2014 700306004001 $8.54 PD- OFFICE SUPPLIES 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /2/28 /2014 8028898808 $9.66 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /2/28 /2014 8028898808 $38.42 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /2/28 /2014 8028898808 $ -38.42 HRCK- RETURN BADGE HOLDERS 239005 2/28/2014 ARC DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS2 /18/2014 54- 555523 $131.40 PW CAR FORMS 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT/2 /28/2014 8028898808 $38.61 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 32 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239304 3/14/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SC2/26/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $51.34 DBC- CATERING /FACILITY SUPPLIES 239308 3/14/2014 D J TROPHY, 2/27/2014 238081 $97.91 SWM- RETIREMENT PLAQUE BREWER 239318 3/14/2014 EARLE, ERIK 2/28/2014 EARLE 2014 $131.40 IT -FOAM CORE MOUNTING FOR MAPS 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTf2 /28/2014 8028898808 $123.27 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239005 2/28/2014 ARC DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS2/18/2014 54- 555523 $65.70 PWLCAR FORMS 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTf2/28 /2014 8028898808 $28.96 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239454 3/1412014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTf2 /28/2014 8028898808 $28.97 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTf2/28/2014 8028898808 $38.61 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $26.27 PRCS -FLYER HOLDERS 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $50.31 PRCS -ARTS COMMISSION BINDER 239133 2/28/2014 OFFICE DEPOT, 2/6/2014 697710727001 $44.15 PRCS- OFFICE SUPPLIES 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTf2/28 /2014 8028898808 $107.02 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239271 3/14/2014 BERTUCCI, MICHAEL 3/14/2014 BERTUCCI 2014 $300.00 PD- SNIPERCRAFT TRNG BERTUCCI 239405 3/14/2014 OFFICE DEPOT, 2/14/2014 700301882001 $42.15 PD- OFFICE SUPPLIES 239405 3/14/2014 OFFICE DEPOT, 2/18/2014 700301882002 $4.92 PD- STACKABLE CUBES 239454 3114/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTf2 /28/2014 8028898808 $7.97 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239133 2/28/2014 OFFICE DEPOT, 2/612014 697711194001 $32.43 FWCC- OFFICE SUPPLIES 239145 2/28/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/24/2014 FWCC- 02/24/14 $26.18 FWCC- REPLACEMENT BILLIARD ITEM 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTf2 /28/2014 8028898808 $ -73.52 FWCC- RETURN OFFICE SUPPLIES 2144759 3/312014 US BANK, 9/2512014 FEBRUARY 2014 $- 116.22 FWCC- RETURN RECEIPT PAPER 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $92.64 FWCC- MEMBERSHIP CARDS 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $96.00 FWCC- RECEIPT PAPER 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $55.06 FWCC- RECEIPT PAPER 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $47.21 FWCC- PRINTER RIBBON 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTf2 /28/2014 8028898808 $144.09 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239133 2/28/2014 OFFICE DEPOT, 2/6/2014 697710727001 $29.22 PRCS- OFFICE SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 33 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239145 2/28/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/24/2014 FWCC- 02/24/14 $8.75 PRCS -PHOTO PAPER - OFFICE SUPP 239145 2/28/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/24/2014 FWCC- 02/24/14 $17.84 PRCS -PHOTO PAPER - OFFICE SUPP 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /2 /28/2014 8028898808 $199.07 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING RENTALS /LEASES 239456 3/14/2014 SUNRISE SELF STORAGE, 3/4/2014 A1008 $540.00 PD -Q1 2014 A1008 STORAGE UNIT 239466 3/14/2014 THE HUMANE SOCIETY FOR, 3/7/2014 JANUARY 2014 $4,153.50 PD -01/14 ANIMAL SHELTER SVC AG 239089 2/28/2014 IRON MOUNTAIN INFORMATICI /31/2014 JYH5092 $3,14229 HRCK -01/14 RECORDS STORAGE SVC 239352 3/14/2014 IRON MOUNTAIN INFORMATIC2/28 /2014 KBA658 $2,366.48 HRCK -02/28 RECORDS STORAGE SVC 239283 3/14/2014 CENTURY SQUARE SELF- STC317/2014 CENTURY SQ $1,055.75 PRCS- 03/14 -09/14 STORAGE RENTA 239283 3/14/2014 CENTURY SQUARE SELF- STC3/7 /2014 CENTURY SQ $1,055.75 PRCS- 03/14 -09/14 STORAGE RENTA OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 239134 2/28/2014 OFFICE DEPOT, 1/17/2014 1649894723 $83.13 MO- BINDERS & DIVIDERS 239133 2/28/2014 OFFICE DEPOT, 2/3/2014 1654970485 $65.63 MO- OFFICE SUPPLIES 239133 2/28/2014 OFFICE DEPOT, 2/3 /2014 1654979825 $121.41 MO- OFFICE SUPPLIES 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTf2/28 /2014 8028898808 $33.93 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $4.36 MO- COMMUNITY RALLY SUPPLIES 239304 3/14/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S02/26/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $57.41 MO -BLUE RIBBON PANEL SUPPLIES 239156 2/28/2014 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 1/2312014 8587014 $25.13 CHB- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 239184 2/28/2014 STAR LAKE GREENHOUSE INi1/28/2014 6462 $127.67 CHB - LANDSCAPE FLOWERS /PLANTS 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $168.18 CHB -FLAG HANGING SUPPLIES 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $58.94 CHB -FLAG HANGING SUPPLIES 239172 2/28/2014 SHORE POWER INC, 1/24/2014 561416 $158.20 PD- FLASHLIGHT PARTS & SUPPLIES 239470 3/14/2014 ULINE, 2/7/2014 56635836 $109.23 PD -2 & 5 GALLOON SQUARE PAILS 239260 3/14/2014 ARAMSCO, INC, 2/11/2014 S2057909.003 $2,019.28 PD -MSA MASK CANISTERS 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $120.12 PD- HAZMAT STORAGE SUPPLIES 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $1,275.82 PD- HAZMAT STORAGE SUPPLIES 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $50.00 PD -SHOP TOWELS $12,313.77 $20,029.47 Key Bank Page 34 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $24.99 PD -J OTTO PURCHASE - SEE RECEI 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $10.00 HR- SPIRITAWARD PLAQUE PLATE 239251 3/14/2014 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 3/3/2014 TM- 138417 $114.38 PWST - MARKING PAINT 239005 2/28/2014 ARC DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS2/18 /2014 54- 555523 $131.40 PW-CAR FORMS 239126 2/28/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE 112/24/2013 276864 $22.97 SWM- GLOVES 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT/2 /28/2014 8028898808 $67.42 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 238989 2/28/2014 ACCU -TECH CORP., 2/3/2014 823- 055336 $443.09 IT -WIFI PROJECT 2004 GRAY JACK 239349 3/14/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250072/2812014 FEBRUARY 2014 $58.69 PW- MARKING PAINT 239349 3/14/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250072/28/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $ -34.62 PW- MARKING PAINT 239349 3/14/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250072/28/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $23.08 PW- MARKING PAINT 239145 2/28/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/24/2014 FWCC- 02124/14 $2.34 PRCS- DOODLEBUGS CRAFT SUPPLIES 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/2512014 FEBRUARY 2014 $40.00 PRCS- RETURN STRETCH BEAD RINGS 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $150.00 PRCS -A SIMPLE WISH - PRINCESS 239304 3/14/2014 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS S02/26/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $38.34 PRCS- DAUGHTERS NIGHT OUT SUPPL 239471 3/14/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH& C2/28/2014 185408 $45.74 PRCS /FWCC- PRESCHL & CAFE SUPPL 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $100.00 PRCS -SMNR CAMP 2014 SUB ZERO D 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $45.95 PRCS -DAY CAMP MOVIES 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $227.99 PRCS -DAY CAMP MOVIES 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/2512014 FEBRUARY 2014 $23.62 PRCS -KID ESCAPE SUPPLIES 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $144.51 PRCS -ARTS COMMISSION MTG RECOR 239166 2/28/2014 SAN DIEGO POLICE EQUIPME2 /3/2014 610382 $3,996.97 PD- AMMUNITION 239414 3/14/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 2128/2014 PD- 02/28/14 $8.75 PD -USB DRIVE — 239412 3/1412014 PETCO ANIMAL SUPPLIES INC2 /11/2014 OA052321 $112.62 PD -K9 FOOD 239354 3114/2014 JET CITY LABEL, 2/13/2014 48301 $497.43 PD- EVIDENCE LABELS 2143793 31312014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $34.90 PD -BDU SUPPLIES 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $16.15 PD -BDU SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 35 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239447 3/14/2014 SMITH, KELLY 2/25/2014 SMITH 2014 $139.78 PD- GLOVES, MAG HOLDER 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $1,102.54 PD- EXPLORER CHALLENGE BLANKETS 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $1,111.73 PD- EXPLORER T- SHIRTS 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $50.14 FWCC- SILVER SNEAKER GIFT CARDS 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $130.00 FWCC- BIGGEST MOVERS INCENTITIV 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9125/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $81.95 FWCC- BIGGEST MOVERS PUNCH CARD 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $317.54 FWCC -HD TV 239008 2/28/2014 BARGREEN ELLINGSON INC, 2/7/2014 006534306 $51.53 FWCC -CAFE COFFEE SUPPLIES 239126 2/28/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE 12/11 /2014 277615 $4.31 FWCC -SHELF PEGS 239145 2/28/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/24/2014 FWCC- 02/24/14 $24.48 FWCC- BALLOONS FOR SPLASH CAFE 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $51.97 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $53.66 FWCC -CAFE POS SYSTEM 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $42.69 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $51.64 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $19.49 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES 239471 3/14/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C2/9/2014 179259 $76.18 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $447.86 FWCC -IPAD FOR FWCC 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $546.41 FWCC -CASH REGISTER BUNDLE 2143793 3/312014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $40.49 PD- CITIZEN'S ACADEMY SUPPLIES 239454 3114/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTf2/28 /2014 8028898808 $26.25 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $98.48 PD -DOLLY & TRASH CANS FOR EVID 239114 2/28/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 1/21/2014 10287 $58.64 CD- RUST -OLEUM 239349 3/14/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250072/28/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $104.30 CD -PAINT & GRAFFITI SUPPLIES 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2125/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $1,547.22 CD -SAND FOR GRAFFITI MACHINE 239414 3/14/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 2/2812014 PD- 02/28/14 $5.46 PD -TIE DOWN STRAP FOR ANIMAL S 239087 2/28/2014 INTELLIGENT PRODUCTS INC1128/2014 171885A $1,781.59 PKM -DOG WASTE BAGS Key Bank Page 36 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239365 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI£1/31/2014 36974 -36974 $230.94 PKM -SIGN FABRICATION 239236 2/28/2014 YSI INCORPORATED, 1/20/2014 550403 $422.13 SWM -WATER TESTING SUPPLIES 239308 3/14/2014 D J TROPHY, 2/17/2014 238004 $12.00 PKM -NAME BADGES 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $148.90 SWM -WQ ENFORCEMENT CAMERA 239328 3/14/2014 EXCEL SUPPLY COMPANY, 2/27 /2014 68240 $133.61 SWM- SAFETY GLASSES, GLOVES 239207 2/28/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C/217/2014 178650 $48.75 PRCS -FDUB VALENTINE DAY DANCE 239145 2128/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/24/2014 FWCC- 02/24/14 $1.10 PRCS- PENCILS - AWARDS FOR BOWL 239145 2/2812014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/24/2014 FWCC -02/24/14 $3.59 PRCS - NETTING FOR FRIENDSHIP TH 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $28.00 PRCS- DINNER AND A MOVIE 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $175.83 PRCS -CAMP GROUND RESERVATIONS 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $39.14 PRCS- VALENTINE CRAFTS DAY - 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $74.00 PRCS - DINNER &A MOVIE, CHOCOLA PD - CLAIMS AUTO 239033 2/28/2014 COMPLETE COLLISION CENT11/14/2014 10629 $4,315.03 RM- PS6274 H.CASTRO 239102 2/28/2014 LARSEN SIGN CO., 1/30/2014 16601 $98.46 RM— PS6274 H.CASTRO;RM -PS; RSK 239263 3/1412014 AUBURN VALLEY TOWING, 1/14/2014 70018 $125.92 RM -TOW PS6274 FIRM PD TO SHOP -R 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/24/2014 23449 $761.03 RM -6274 H.CASTRO;RM- PS;RSK# PER DIEM MEALS 239127 2/28/2014 NORMAN, CHRISTOPHER 2/13/2014 NORMAN 2014 $125.00 PD -LE COMMAND COLLEGE NORMAN 239420 3/14/2014 PRINCE, DAVID 2/27/2014 PRINCE 2014 $325.00 PD-SWAT TRNG PRINCE 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $77.53 PWST -PLOW CREW MEAL 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $96.07 PWST -PLOW CREW MEALS PLAN CHECKING FEES 239119 2/28/2014 METRO AIR INC, 2/1312014 14- 100144 REFUND $151.13 CD -14- 100144 PERMIT CANCELLED 239174 2/2812014 SIGN -TECH ELECTRIC, 2/13/2014 14- 100206 REFUND $27.95 CD -14- 100206 REFUND OVER CHARG POLICE SERVICES - INTGOVT 239168 2128/2014 SCORE, 2/10/2014 622 $134,830.81 PD -02/14 SCORE PRISONER LODGIN 239097 2/28/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:1/17/2014 3000715 $20,121.59 PD -12/13 KING CO. PRISONER LOD $5,300.44 $623.60 $179.08 $351,866.70 Key Bank Page 37 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239365 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:1/31/2014 3000732 $10,719.36 PD -01/14 KING CO. PRISONER LOD 239168 2/28/2014 SCORE, 2/10/2014 622 $186,194.94 PD -02/14 SCORE PRISONER LODGIN POSTAGE /DELIVERY SERVICES 238985 2/28/2014 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS INi1/28/2014 MMFWA00061300051 $62.50 LAW- MNTHLY SRV CHRG; 1/28/2014 239242 3/1412014 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS INQ/28/2014 MMFWA00061300052 $62.50 LAW- MNTHLY SRV CHRG; 2/28/14 239416 3/14/2014 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV3/1/2014 3855421 $758.48 FI -02/14 POSTAGE & MAIL CARRIE 239208 2/2812014 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, 2/1/2014 OOOOF80F48054 $17.30 IT -UPS DELIVERY SVC 239473 3/14/2014 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, 2/8 /2014 OOOOF80F48064 $36.58 FWCC /IT -UPS DELIVERY SVC 238985 2/28/2014 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS IN11/28/2014 MMFWA00061300051 $62.50 LAW - MNTHLY SRV CHRG; 1/28/2014 239242 3/14/2014 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS IN12/28/2014 MMFWA00061300052 $62.50 LAV\1- MNTHLY SRV CHRG; 2/28/14 239208 2/28/2014 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, 2/1 /2014 OOOOF6588V054 $411.61 PD -UPS DELIVERY SVC 239473 3/14/2014 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, 3/1/2014 OOOOF80F48094 $1.04 PD -UPS DELIVERY SVC 239388 3114/2014 MAILMEDIA DBA IMMEDIA, 2/24/2014 64802 $466.04 PRCS -ARTS COMMISSION NEWSLETTE 239473 3/14/2014 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, 2/8/2014 OOOOF80F48064 $14.44 FWCC /IT -UPS DELIVERY SVC 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $173.10 CD- PASSPORT MAILINGS 239051 2/28/2014 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPOR2/7/2014 2- 551 -77123 $8.03 PKM -FED EX DELIVERY SVC 239416 3/14/2014 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV3/1/2014 3855421 $517.14 FI -02/14 POSTAGE & MAIL CARRIE 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $24.00 PKM- OVERNIGHT DELIVERY SVC PRESCRIPTION SERVICES - CLAIMS 13490408 2/19/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 2/14/2014 SF00019274 $5,773.60 GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS 02/01/14- 821622 2/20/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 2/20/2014 SF00019449 $21,692.15 GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS 2/11/14 -2 859440 2/20/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 2/21 /2014 SF00019448 $222.30 GROUP HEALTH COOP 2/11/14 -2/17 171 2/27/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 2/27/2014 SF00019492 $183.40 GOUP HEALTH COOP 02/18/14 -02/2 177 2/27/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 2/27/2014 SF00019493 $4,164.81 GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS 02/18/14- 282 3/6/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 3/6/2014 SF00019582 $2,229.50 GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS 02/25 -02/ 284 3/6/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 3/7/2014 SF00019581 $244.95 GROUP HEALTH COOP 02/25/14 -02/ PRINTING /PHOTO SERVICES $2,677.76 $34,610.71 $2,779.88 Key Bank Page 38 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239017 2/28/2014 CASCADE PRINTING DIRECT 12/19/2014 12873 $79.39 FWCC -TRIAL MEMBERSHIP CARDS 239280 3/14/2014 CASCADE PRINTING DIRECT 12/24/2014 12875 $120.45 FWCC -GUEST LIABILITY FORMS 238997 2/28/2014 ALPHAGRAPHICS, 2/12/2014 INV -1756 $405.17 MC -JUROR MAILERS 239158 2/28/2014 PRIORITY PRINT MANAGEMEI2/10 /2014 00033426 $471.56 SWM -WATER LOG NEWSLETTER 239071 2/28/2014 GOS PRINTING CORPORATI02 /5/2014 81560 $240.42 PD -PET LICENSE RENEWAL FORMS 239338 3/1412014 GOS PRINTING CORPORATI03 /5/2014 81773 $442.30 PD- EVIDENCE STICKERS 239421 3/14/2014 PRINTERY COMMUNICATION:2 /27/2014 140100 $1,020.59 HR- BUSINESS CARDS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $493,971.79 239136 2/28/2014 OLBRECHTS &ASSOCIATES, 12/10 /2014 FEBRUARY 10, 2014 $748.75 HRCK -01/14 HEARING EXAMINER SV 239300 3/14/2014 CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY3 /3/2014 45850 $255.14 HRCK- CODIFICATION SERVICES 239390 3/14/2014 MARKETING BY MARLOW, 3/5/2014 1231 $130.00 DBC- GOOGLEAD OPTIMIZATION 239088 2/28/2014 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS2/10/2014 14 -22 $1,457.50 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239095 2/28/2014 KIM, CHULJOON 2/11 /2014 02/11114 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239205 2/28/2014 TRINH, JAMES 2/11/2014 02/11/14 $150.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239121 2/28/2014 MONTES DE OCA RICKS, MAR2/11/2014 02/11/14 $175.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 238986 2/28/2014 ABOU -ZAKI, KAMAL 2/1812014 02/18/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239223 2/28/2014 WALTERS, MOIRAC. 2/1812014 02/18/14 $162.50 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239095 2/28/2014 KIM, CHULJOON 2/18/2014 02/18/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239205 2/28/2014 TRINH, JAMES 2/18/2014 02/18/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239165 2128/2014 SAFAROVA- DOWNEY, ALMIRA2/18/2014 02/18/14 $137.50 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239065 2/28/2014 GEBREMICHAEL, MERIAM 2/18/2014 02/18/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239043 2/28/2014 DODD, ESCOLASTICA ROSA 2/19/2014 02/19/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239047 2/28/2014 EGAL, SAFIA 2/20/2014 02/20114 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239205 2/28/2014 TRINH, JAMES 2/21/2014 02/21114 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239221 2/28/2014 WAI, DOREEN 2/21/2014 02/21/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239062 2/28/2014 FULLER, MICHELLE M 2/21/2014 02/21/14 $120.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC Key Bank Page 39 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239043 2/28/2014 DODD, ESCOLASTICA ROSA 2/21/2014 02/21/14 $137.50 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239165 2/28/2014 SAFAROVA- DOWNEY, ALMIRA2/21/2014 02/21/14 $137.50 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239095 2/28/2014 KIM, CHUL JOON 2/21/2014 02/21/14 $125.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239123 2/28/2014 NARANBAATAR, KHULAN 2/21/2014 02/21/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239011 2/28/2014 BIRD, FERESIKAS 2/21/2014 02/21/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239047 2/2812014 EGAL, SAFIA 2/21/2014 02/21/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239363 3/14/2014 KIM, CHUL JOON 3/4/2014 03/04/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239316 3/14/2014 DODD, ESCOLASTICA ROSA 3/4/2014 03/04/14 $112.50 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239243 3/14/2014 ABELLA, C. ANGELO 3/4/2014 03/04/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239398 3/14/2014 NAZARCO, TATIANA 3/4/2014 03/04/14 $187.92 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239385 3/14/2014 LIM, VANNARA S 3/4/2014 03/04/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239433 3/14/2014 SAFAROVA- DOWNEY, ALMIRA3 /4 /2014 03/04/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239398 3/14/2014 NAZARCO, TATIANA 2/4 /2014 02/04/14 MILEAGE $71.12 MC- INTERPRETER SVC - MILEAGE 239363 3/14/2014 KIM, CHUL JOON 2/2512014 02/25/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239316 3/14/2014 DODD, ESCOLASTICA ROSA 2/25/2014 02/25/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239248 3114/2014 AHO, SYLVIA FATIMA 2/25/2014 02/25/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239319 3/14/2014 EGAL, SAFIA 2/25/2014 02/25/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239469 3/14/2014 TRINH, JAMES 2/25/2014 02/25/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239433 3/14/2014 SAFAROVA- DOWNEY, ALMIRA2/2512014 02/25/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239351 3/14/2014 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS2/25/2014 14 -38 $1,137.50 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 239122 2/28/2014 MRSC ROSTERS, 2/11/2014 AG11436 $480.00 FI -2014 MRSC ROSTER DUES 239465 3/14/2014 THE GREG PROTHMAN COMF3/4/2014 20144264 $5,500.00 HR- RECRUITMENT SVC AG13 -207- 239465 3/14/2014 THE GREG PROTHMAN COMF3/4/2014 2014 -4267 $8,732.34 HR- RECRUITMENT SVC AG13 -207- 239395 3/14/2014 MICROFLEX INC, 2/11/2014 00021713 $15.00 FI -01/14 TAX AUDIT PROG. 239465 3/1412014 THE GREG PROTHMAN COMF2/18/2014 2014 -4255 $7,932.00 HR- RECRUITMENT SVC AG13 -207- 239149 2/2812014 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/5/2014 270729 $300.00 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITYAGII Key Bank Page 40 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239153 2/28/2014 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/5/2014 239148 2/28/2014 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/5/2014 239150 2/28/2014 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 105/2014 239152 2/28/2014 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/5/2014 239151 2/28/2014 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/5/2014 239397 3/1412014 MYALARM CENTER, 2/1 /2014 239249 3/14/2014 ALARM CENTERS /CUSTOM 512/20/2014 239249 3/14/2014 ALARM CENTERS /CUSTOM S12/20/2014 238996 2/28/2014 ALARM CENTERS /CUSTOM S[2/10/2014 238996 2/28/2014 ALARM CENTERS /CUSTOM S11/21/2014 238996 2/28/2014 ALARM CENTERS /CUSTOM S12/4/2014 239155 2/28/2014 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/5/2014 239225 2/28/2014 WEST PAYMENT CENTER, 2/1/2014 239154 2/28/2014 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/5/2014 239249 3/14/2014 ALARM CENTERS /CUSTOM S12/20/2014 239294 3/14/2014 CITY OF RENTON, 2/13 /2014 239292 3114/2014 CITY OF BURIEN, 2/2412014 239250 3/14/2014 ALLIANCE PRINTING INC, 2/18/2014 239093 2/28/2014 KENYON DISEND, PLLC, 1/31/2014 239380 3/14/2014 LEATHERS &ASSOCIATES, 3/6/2014 239380 3/14/2014 LEATHERS & ASSOCIATES, 3/6/2014 239380 3/14/2014 LEATHERS & ASSOCIATES, 2/26 /2014 239040 2/28/2014 DAVIDA CLARKARCHITECTS 2/13/2014 239396 3/14/2014 MT VIEW LOCATING SERVICE3 /3/2014 239057 2/28/2014 FEDERAL WAY SYMPHONY, 2/21/2014 239130 2/28/2014 NORTHWESTTRANSCRIBER:1 /13/2014 270770 $150.00 PKM -PARK CLOSING/SECURITY AGI 1 270820 $300.00 PKM -PARK CLOSING/SECURITY AGI 1 270867 $175.00 PKM -PARK CLOSING/SECURITY AGI1 270870 $150.00 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITYAGI1 270933 $150.00 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITYAGII R I N VO2893468 $371.40 PKM -ALARM MONITORING 02/14 -01 / 903348 $75.00 PKM - 03/14 -05/14 ALARM MONITOR[ 903349 $75.00 PKM - 03114 -05/14 ALARM MONITORI 901883 $30.00 CHB- 02/14 -04/14 ALARM MONITORI 898745 $75.00 CHB- 02/14 -04/14 ALARM MONITORI 901319 $76.10 CHB -ALARM PERMIT 270821 $150.00 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITYAG11 828980803 $142.01 PD -01/14 AUTO TRACKXP SVCS 270669 $150.00 PKM -PARK CLOSING/SECURITY AGII 903347 $120.00 PKM- 03/14 -05/14 ALARM MONITORI 35788 $5,000.00 CDHS - RENTON MOU PYMT 0018698 $2,000.00 CDHS- BURIEN MOU PYMT 18952 $1,286.63 PRCS -ARTS COMMISSION NEWSLETTE 181393 $38.38 LAW -LEGAL SVCS AG12 -032- 8588 $68,060.31 PARKS - FAMILY FUNLAND RENOVATIO 8589 $13,894.33 PARKS - FAMILY FUNLAND RENOVATIO 8587 $43,033.00 PARKS - FAMILY FUNLAND RENOVATIO 701 $1,000.00 PARKS - ABILITYWHIRL SPEC. REVIE 18831 $200.00 PARKS -POWER LINE LOCATING SVC FEBRUARY 21, 2014 $2,000.00 CDED -TEG- HOLIDAY TIME DECEMBER 2159P $125.00 MC- TRANSCRIPT CASE 3ZO875503 Key Bank Page 41 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239070 2/28/2014 GOLDEN WOOD, LLP, 2/19/2014 88 $4,727.50 MO- CONFLICT DEFENDER SVC - 239130 2/28/2014 NORTHWESTTRANSCRIBER.2 /3/2014 2170P $125.00 MC- TRANSCRIPT FOR CASE 3ZO8755 239337 3/14/2014 GOLDEN WOOD, LLP, 3/3/2014 90 $4,745.00 MO- CONFLICT DEFENDER SVC - 239346 3/14/2014 HAWKINS & CRAWFORD, PLL(3/312014 MARCH 3, 2014 $31,850.00 MO -03/14 PUBLIC DEFENDER SVCA 239137 2/28/2014 OLYMPIC SECURITY SERVICEI /31/2014 SI +0027686 $4,795.94 MC -01/14 COURT SECURITYAG09 -1 239406 3/14/2014 OLYMPIC SECURITY SERVICE2/28 /2014 SI +0027774 $4,357.84 MC -02/14 COURT SECURITYAG09 -1 239018 2/28/2014 CATHERINE M VERNON &ASU/6/2014 29377 $750.00 LAW- CA74933FW TRANSCRIPT 239076 2/28/2014 H. BERRYMAN EDWARDS, M01/24/2014 4 $1,975.00 PD- FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY SVC 239332 3/14/2014 FLEX -PLAN SERVICES INC, 2/28/2014 233805 $174.40 HR -02/14 FLEX PLAN ADM SVCS AG 239093 2/28/2014 KENYON DISEND, PLLC, 1/31/2014 181394 $1,642.94 LAW -LEGAL SVC AG13 -157 - 239293 3/1412014 CITY OF COVINGTON, 2/10/2014 0006242 $30,000.00 CDHS - COVINGTON MOU PYMT 239294 3/14/2014 CITY OF RENTON, 2/13/2014 35788 $45,900.00 CDHS- RENTON MOU PYMT 239292 3/14/2014 CITY OF BURIEN, 2/24/2014 0018698 $56,000.00 CDHS - BURIEN MOU PYMT 239145 2/28/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/24/2014 FWCC- 02/24/14 $25.00 PRCS -ARTS COMMISSIONER CHAMBER 239046 2/28/2014 EDD, DALE 2/15/2014 FEBRUARY 15, 2014 $126.00 PRCS- FIRSTAID /CPR CLASSES AG1 239392 3/14/2014 MAYBERRY, MITCHEL 2/26 12014 FEBRUARY 26, 2014 $1,700.00 PRCS -01114 -02/14 MARTIALARTS 239101 2/28/2014 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES, 11/31/2014 3318087 $166.51 PD -01/14 LANGUAGE LINE USAGE 239035 2/28/2014 CRESTWOOD ANIMAL HOSPI11/16/2014 32314 $77.12 PD -K9 KAISER MEDICAL TREATMENT 239020 2/28/2014 CENTERSTAGE THEATREARI2 /1/2014 FEBRUARY 1, 2014 $6,300.00 DBC -02/14 KFT MANAGEMENTAG09- 239176 2/28/2014 SKCSRA- SOCCER REFEREES2 /9/2014 15055 $1,771.00 PROS- SOCCER REFEREES AGI3-122- 239446 3/14/2014 SKCSRA- SOCCER REFEREES3 /3/2014 15065 $2,530.00 PRCS- SOCCER REFEREES AGI3-122- 239171 2/28/2014 SHOOTING STARS, 2/21/2014 WINTER 2014 $396.60 FWCC - BASKETBALL TRNG SVC AG14- 239442 3/14/2014 SHOOTING STARS, 3/5/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $1,211.40 FWCC -02/14 BASKETBALL TRNG SVC 239307 3/14/2014 CUTHBERT, GAIL 3/6/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $1,948.63 FWCC -02/14 PERSONAL TRAINER SV 239430 3/14/2014 RASOR, EVA EDLA 3/6/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $443.00 FWCC -02/14 PERSONAL TRAINER SV 239323 3114/2014 ESBENSHADE, DANIEL 3/612014 FEBRUARY 2014 $2,646.60 FWCC -02/14 PERSONEL TRNG SVC A Key Bank Page 42 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/2512014 FEBRUARY 2014 $740.00 FWCC -GROUP POWER LICENSE FEE 239048 2/28/2014 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATICI /14/2014 ECN- 015758 $37,500.00 PW -2014 CODE RED SYSTEMAG08 -0 239045 2/28/2014 EARTHCORPS, 1/31/2014 4494 $1,086.75 PKM -URBAN FORESTYSVCSAGI3 -05 239220 2/28/2014 WA. DEPT OF CORRECTIONS,12 /31/2013 1213.2- 14- KCWC -HQ $360.00 PD -12/13 WORK CREWAG10 -166 239160 2/28/2014 PROVIDENCE COMMUNITY, 12/31/2013 DECEMBER 31, 2013A $572.40 PD -12/13 SCAM, EM BASIC INDIGE 239160 2/28/2014 PROVIDENCE COMMUNITY, 12/31/2013 DECEMBER 31, 2013 B $816.00 PD -12/13 SCAM, EM BASIC - INDI 239160 2/28/2014 PROVIDENCE COMMUNITY, 12/31/2013 DECEMBER 31, 2013 C $125.00 PD -12/13 WORK CREW SCREENING 239483 3/14/2014 WA. DEPT OF CORRECTIONS,1 /31/2014 0114.3- 14- KCWC -HQ $690.00 PD -01/14 WORK CREWAG10 -166 239425 3/14/2014 PROVIDENCE COMMUNITY, 1131/2014 JANUARY 31, 2014A $338.40 PD -01/14 SCAM, EM BASIC INDIGE 239425 3/14/2014 PROVIDENCE COMMUNITY, 1/31/2014 JANUARY 31, 2014 B $360.00 PD -01/14 SCAM, EM BASIC INDIGE 239425 3/1412014 PROVIDENCE COMMUNITY, 1/31/2014 JANUARY 31, 2014 C $75.00 PD -01/14 WORK CREW SCREENING 239077 2/28/2014 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF, 12/27/2013 39 $218.96 CDHS -NSP3 3.7 11/13 PROGAG11- 239077 2/28/2014 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF, 12/27/2013 38 $18.30 CDHS -NSP3 3.6 11/13 PROGAG11- 239077 2/28/2014 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF, 12/27/2013 40 $16,310.59 CDHS- NSP3.8 11/2013 PROGRAM AG 239077 2128/2014 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF, 12/2712013 43 $8,846.06 CDHS -NSP3 9/2011 - 11/30/13 PROG 239344 3/14/2014 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF, 2/28/2014 48 $3,024.14 CDHS - NSP3.7 01/14 PROGRAM AG11 239344 3/14/2014 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF, 2/28/2014 50 $23,349.14 CDHS- NSP3.10 01/14 PROGRAMAGI 239344 3/14/2014 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF, 2/25/2014 49 $172.24 CDHS- NSP3.8 01/14 PROGRAM AG11 238993 2/28/2014 ADURO, INC, 1/1/2014 3800 $1,226.40 HR- WELLNESS PROG. SVC AG12 -128 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $1,525.00 HR- WELLNESS REWARDS GIFT CARDS 239342 3/14/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 2/19/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 A $2,550.00 FEB 2014 HMO SELF FUND COOP 239341 3/14/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 2/19/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 B $18,450.00 FEB 2014 OPTIONS /ALLIANT PLUS PUBLIC WORKS - INSPECTION DEPO£ $5,500.00 239007 2/28/2014 BALLARD MANAGEMENT, 1/22/2014 05 -02728 REFUND $5,500.00 PM05 -02728 PARTIAL REFUND DEP PURCHASE OF RESALE ITEMS $5,701.36 239015 2/28/2014 CAFE FONTE COFFEE COMPF2/11/2014 187326 $111.45 FWCC -CAFE COFFEE SUPPLYAGI4 -0 239015 2/28/2014 CAFE FONTE COFFEE COMP/1/9/2014 185796 $773.02 FWCC -CAFE COFFEE SUPPLYAGI4 -0 Key Bank Page 43 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239002 2/28/2014 APPLIED INDUSTRIAL, 1/21/2014 7001496129 $95922 FWCC- PADLOCKS 239183 2/28/2014 SPRINT /ROTHHAMMER INT'L, 1/30/2014 93299A $1,244.40 PRCS- AQUATIC GOGGLES FOR RESAL 239304 3/14/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS 502/26/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $197.15 FWCC /PRCS - PRESCHL & FAC. SUPPL 239304 3/14/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S02/26/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $435.49 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES _ 239304 3/14/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S02/26/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $444.42 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES 239304 3/14/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S02/26/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $751.20 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES 239304 3/14/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S02/26/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $718.01 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES 239304 3/14/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S02/26/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $67.00 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES PW - CLAIMS PROPERTY 239365 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:1/31/2014 36947 -36948 $7,615.32 RM- FLASHER REPAIRS PW INSPECTION FEES 239007 2/28/2014 BALLARD MANAGEMENT, 1/2212014 05 -02728 REFUND $488.00 PW-05 -02728 PARTIAL REFUND DEP 239336 3/14/2014 FW DENTAL CENTER, ROBER3/6/2014 05 -05241 REFUND $ -30.50 PW -05 -05241 XFR ROW INSPECTION RENTAL OF FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT 239241 3/14/2014 AABERG'S TOOL & EQUIPMEN2 /28 /2014 18013 $637.27 PARKS -MINI EXCAVATOR RENTAL 239079 2/28/2014 HEAD - QUARTERS PTS, 1/31/2014 25421 $578.75 PKM - SANICAN SVCAGI2 -014- 239347 3/14/2014 HEAD- QUARTERS PTS, 2/27/2014 25424 $439.25 PKM - SANICAN SVCAGI2 -014- 239167 2/28/2014 SIBS LEASING PROG. OF DE L218/2014 40214085 $109.92 IT -CD COPIER RPR, MNT, SUP REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 239156 2128/2014 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 1/24/2014 B594719 $60.85 CHB- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 239126 2128/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE 12/6 /2014 277526 $17.51 CHB - HANGER HAILS AEROSOL ADHES 239349 3/14/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250072/28/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $50.32 CHB -LED BAR 239327 3/14/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC "2/12/2014 7546615 $108.89 PKM - BURIAL WIRE, SHOVEL, TAPE 239343 3/14/2014 H D FOWLER COMPANY, 2/24 /2014 13570049 $185.41 PKM - IRRIGATION PARTS 239343 3/14/2014 H D FOWLER COMPANY, 2/25 /2014 13571081 $262.80 PKM- IRRIGATION PARTS 239327 3/14/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC - 2126/2014 7602279 $24.76 PKM -PVC COUPLINGS 239114 2/28/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/7/2014 08410 $20.77 PKM - PROPANE TANK EXCHANGE 239126 2/28/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE 12/7 /2014 277541 $10.76 PKM -MISC SCREWS /BOLTS $7,615.32 $- 518.50 $1,765.19 $8,612.86 Key Bank Page 44 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239126 2/28/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (2 /7/2014 277558 $18.08 PKM- TEFLON PASTE, COUPLINGS 239037 2/28/2014 D & L SUPPLY AND MFG., IN C, 2/12/2014 293912 $197.56 PKM- PLUNGERS, TOILET PARTS 239126 2/28/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (2 /13/2014 277670 $29.52 PKM - GORILLA TAPE, PLIERS 239126 2/28/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (2 /20/2014 277783 $7.44 PKM -DUCT TAPE 239222 2/2812014 WALKER ACE HARDWARE, 1/27/2014 007103 $6.56 PKM - MATERIAL FOR TOILET REPAIR 239126 212812014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (1/31/2014 277438 $54.50 PKM- LUMBER, SCREWS /BOLTS 239126 2/28/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE @/3/2014 277473 $14.75 PKM - GRAFFITI CLEANUP PAINT 239114 2/28/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/5/2014 09590 $20.77 PKM- PROPANE TANK EXCHANGE 239343 3/14/2014 H D FOWLER COMPANY, 2/27/2014 13572148 $119.26 PKM -PVC PIPE 239247 3/14/2014 AGRI SHOP INC, 2/2812014 32827/1 $ -18.20 PKM - EXCHANGE STARTER ASSY. 239349 3/14/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250072/28/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $9.82 PKM -TOTE FOR 12TH MAN FLAG 239441 3/14/2014 SHERWN- VVILLIAMS CO, 2/19/2014 6208 -1 $1,156.59 PKM- FACILITIES PAINT SUPPLIES 239441 3114/2014 SHERVVIN- WILLIAMS CO, 2121/2014 6353 -8 $- 315.68 PKM- RETURN PAINT 239399 3/14/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (2 /21/2014 K77799 $21.64 PKM- PRIMER/SEALER 239399 3/14/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (2124 /2014 277830 $35.22 PKM- CAULK, ROLLER COVER, RAGS 239399 3114/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (2/25 12014 277849 $16.78 PKM- LUMBER 239409 3/14/2014 ORIENTAL GARDEN CENTER, 2 /26/2014 62189 $11.44 PKM -HOSE 239222 2/28/2014 WALKER ACE HARDWARE, 2/11 /2014 007118 $20.98 DBC- PLUMBING REPAIR SUPPLIES 239222 2/28/2014 WALKER ACE HARDWARE, 2/11 /2014 007119 $1.73 DBC - PLUMBING REPAIR SUPPLIES 239222 2/28/2014 WALKER ACE HARDWARE, 2/12/2014 007121 $10.93 DBC- GLOVES 239349 3/14/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250072/28/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $14.54 DBC- SPACKLING, DRYDEX 239349 3114/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/28/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $72.20 DBC -STD STANDARD WRAP 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $169.62 IT -HAVIS DOCK POWER CABLES 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $131.05 IT- ADAPTOR FOR CF -19 239126 2/28/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE 07 12014 277559 $9.83 PWST- MARKING PAINT 239138 2/28/2014 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 2/6/2014 7558 $983.47 FWCC -POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13 -00 Key Bank Page 45 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239138 2/28/2014 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 2/14/2014 239138 2/28/2014 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 1/24/2014 239138 2/28/2014 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 1/24/2014 239117 2/28/2014 MCMASTER -CARR, 1/27/2014 239138 2/28/2014 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 1/30/2014 239408 3/14/2014 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 2/27/2014 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 239408 3/14/2014 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 2/21/2014 239126 2/28/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (2/7 /2014 239126 2/28/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE 07 /2014 239063 2/28/2014 G &M HONEST PERFORMANC12 /12/2014 239063 2/28/2014 G &M HONEST PERFORMANC12 /12 /2014 239058 2/28/2014 FLOYD EQUIPMENT COMPAN'1/23/2014 239131 2/28/2014 NORTHWEST WIRE ROPEAN11 /27/2014 239191 2/28/2014 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS 1/28/2014 239191 2/28/2014 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS 1/28/2014 239126 2/28/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE 11/28/2014 239058 2/28/2014 FLOYD EQUIPMENT COMPAN'1/2812014 239058 2/28/2014 FLOYD EQUIPMENT COMPAN'1/2912014 239191 2/2812014 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS 1/30/2014 239191 2/28/2014 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS 1/31/2014 239131 2/28/2014 NORTHWEST WIRE ROPE ANH /31/2014 239131 2/28/2014 NORTHWEST WIRE ROPEAN11 /31/2014 239063 2/28/2014 G &M HONEST PERFORMANCI2 /4/2014 239126 2/28/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE 12/5 /2014 239114 2/28/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/6/2014 7688 $593.00 FWCC -POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13 -00 7399 $646.12 FWCC -POOL CHEMICAL SVCAG13 -00 7401 $14.27 FWCC -POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13 -00 71991299 $165.47 FWCC- CORDER GUARD, SIDE MOUNT 7460 $521.44 FWCC -POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13 -00 7862 $669.48 FWCC -POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13 -00 FEBRUARY 2014 $324.15 FWCC- ACTUATORS 7769 $681.47 FWCC -POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13 -00 277543 $17.51 SWM -GFI OUTLET 277549 $13.13 SWM -HOLE SAW 00010172734 $18.95 SWM -AIR SHIELD 00010172735 $223.17 SWM -FLOOR MATS 84726 $8.04 SWM -METAL BAR 00368193 $124.83 SWM -GRAB HOOKS 13956313 $67.44 SWM -NUTS, SHRINK TUBE, CONNECT 13956328 $ -2.57 SWM- RETURN CONNECTORS 277370 $6.39 SWM -GALV. NIPPLE 84774 $62.92 SWM- METAL FLATBAR 84792 $59.41 SWM -METAL FLATBAR 13956508 $87.13 SWM- DRAWER LINER, FENDER WASHE 13956638 $ -33.38 SWM- RETURN DRAWER LINER 50060430 $124.83 SWM -TIE DOWNS 50060432 $60.23 SWM -TIE DOWNS 00010172537 $19.37 SWM- FUNCTION BOX, SUPPLIES 277516 $83.72 SWM- LUMBER & WIRE 01792 $72.16 SWM -MISC. PARTS FOR TRUCK Key Bank Page 46 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239200 2/28/2014 TIMCO INC, 2/6/2014 248446 $32.06 SWM- SWIVEL, FUELING HOSE, CRIM 239349 3/14/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250072/28/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $43.59 SWM -TAPE MEASURE & SAW BLADE 239399 3/14/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE 111/26/2013 276399 $4.23 SWM -3 -WAY SWITCH 239394 3/14/2014 MFCP, INC., 2/12/2014 5625990 $139.83 SWM- HYDRAULIC HOSE SUPPLIES. 239399 3114/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (2/20 /2014 277776 $13.79 SWM -POLY ROPE 239399 3/14/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (2 /24/2014 277841 $31.32 SWM -HAND WARMERS, MAG. GLASS 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $72.16 SWM -PAINT & LUMBER SUPPLIES 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $66.98 SWM- RUBBER MAT & BIN 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $19.73 SWM -MAINT REPAIR SUPPLIES 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2125/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $18.02 SWM -FUSES REPAIR PARTS 239126 2128/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (2 /12/2014 277635 $2.33 FWCC- TUBING 239072 2/28/2014 GRAINGER INC, 2/12/2014 9363763807 $21.73 FWCC -BALL BEARING 239072 2/28/2014 GRAINGER INC, 2/12/2014 9364192162 $19.08 FWCC -BALL BEARING 239111 2/28/2014 LINCOLN AQUATICS, 1/29/2014 S1231367 $90.93 FWCC- BULKHEADS 239114 2/28/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/5/2014 01635 $6.26 FWCC- REPAIR SUPPLIES 238994 2/2812014 ADVANCED PRO FITNESS RE12/5/2014 02051401ELK $1,287.72 FWCC- FITNESS EQUIP. SVCAG11 -1 239126 2/28/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (2 /5/2014 277503 $35.60 FWCC -HOOKS 239256 3/14/2014 AQUA REC'S, 2/2712014 282271 -1 $2,536.92 FWCC- REPLACE SPA FILTER TANK 238995 2/28/2014 AGRI SHOP INC, 1/31/2014 K32509/1 $590.96 PKM -SMALL EQUIP. REPAIR SUPPLI 239247 3/14/2014 AGRI SHOP INC, 2/21/2014 32761/1 $4.35 PKM -SMALL ENGINE SPARK PLUGS 239414 3114/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 2/28/2014 PD- 02/28/14 $8.94 PD- BATTERY FOR FLEET MAINTENAN 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $224.91 PD- CHARGING SLEEVES 2143793 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $20.77 PD- VEHICLE MAINT. SUPPLIES 2143793 3/312014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $19.64 PD- VEHICLE MAINT. SUPPLIES 239068 2/28/2014 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY - 2/10/2014 1922304 $105.19 PWFLT- BATTERY $6,825.75 Key Bank Page 47 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239227 2/28/2014 WESTERN PETERBILT INC, 2/10/2014 T648729 $103.82 PWFLT -WIPER BLADES 239227 2/28/2014 WESTERN PETERBILT INC, 2/10/2014 T648731 $139.49 PWFLT -CHAIN SPIDER BUNGIES 239068 2/28/2014 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY - 2/18/2014 1932464 $47.50 PWFLT- BATTERY 239085 2/28/2014 IBS, INC., 1/23/2014 553485 -1 $308.55 PWFLT- RUBBER GROMMET, STEP DRI 239384 3/14/2014 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF \11/26/2013 37800101558 $328.34 PWFLT -SNOW CHAINS 239339 3/14/2014 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, 12/24/2013 600004 $79.76 PWFLT- HYDRAULIC FILTER 239463 3/14/2014 TEC EQUIPMENT INC, 2/10/2014 123407S $52.65 PWFLT - WINDSHIELD WIPER ARM 239448 3/14/2014 SONSRAY MACHINERY LLC, 2/24/2014 606766 $682.19 PWFLT -SEAT CUSHIONS 239490 3/14/2014 WESTERN PETERBILT INC, 2/25/2014 T650234 $54.68 PWFLT -AIR LINE CONNECTORS 239317 3/14/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/26/2014 1 -6899 $30.01 PWFLT -REPLC BRAKE LIGHT 239317 3/14/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/26/2014 1-6902 $23.43 PWFLT - STEALTH BLADE REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE $114,271.74 239034 2/28/2014 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 2/12/2014 INV993019 $1,241.06 IT -01/14 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN 239440 3/14/2014 SHARP BUSINESS SYSTEMS, 2126 /2014 C797553 -701 $14.84 IT- COPIER RPR, MNT, SUP 239022 2/28/2014 CERIUM NETWORKS INC, 1/27/2014 037254 $444.70 IT- PHONE/VOICE MAIL SYSTEM MAI 239285 3/14/2014 CERIUM NETWORKS INC, 2/21/2014 037759 $444.70 IT- PHONENOICE MAIL SYSTEM MAI 239226 2/28/2014 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTF2/7/2014 742767 $1,580.36 PWFLT - FILTERS, BLADE, FULL SER 239226 2/28/2014 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTF2/7 /2014 742822 $613.97 PWFLT -OLF, BLADE 239226 2/2812014 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTF2/7/2014 742826 $470.58 PWFLT -OLF, BLADE 239226 2/28/2014 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTF2/10 /2014 742813 $5,282.87 PWFLT - WINTER SVC., REPLC HEAD 239044 2/28/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/12/2014 1- 6700 $407.20 PWFLT- ALTERNATOR, BATTERY 239044 2128/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/15/2014 1 -6751 $58.56 PWFLT -OLF 239044 2/28/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/15/2014 1 -6760 $67.84 PWFLT -OLF 239044 2/28/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/15/2014 1 -6764 $55.79 PWFLT -OLF 239196 2/28/2014 THE FAB SHOP LLC, 2/18/2014 20162 $525.60 PWFLT- REPAIR WARNING LIGHT 239063 2/28/2014 G &M HONEST PERFORMANC11/3/2014 00010171891 $16.52 PWFLT -FUSES Key Bank Page 48 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239128 2/28/2014 NORSTAR INDUSTRIES INC, 1/20/2014 50330 $733.26 PWFLT- DRIVELINE REPAIR 239142 2/28/2014 PAPE MACHINERY INC, 1/27/2014 2325403 $970.19 PWFLT- REPAIR FUEL INLET 239063 2/28/2014 G &M HONEST PERFORMANC11 /28/2014 00010172373 $30.13 PWFLT -FUSES 239067 2/28/2014 GENE'S TOWING INC, 1/28/2014 414873 $72.20 PWFLT- VEHICLE TOW SVC 239044 2/28/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (1/29/2014 1 -6491 $673.56 PWFLT- BRAKES, OLF 239196 2/28/2014 THE FAB SHOP LLC, 2/1/2014 20068 $1,073.10 PWFLT- TRAILER RAMPS 239063 2/28/2014 G &M HONEST PERFORMANC12 /3/2014 00010172521 $12.83 PWFLT -FUSES 239044 2/28/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/5/2014 1 -6588 $684.96 PWFLT- BRAKES, ALTERNATOR, SERP 239044 2/28/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/5/2014 1- 6605 $45.93 PWFLT-OLF 239317 3/14/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (3/1/2014 1- 6956 $48.13 PWFLT-OLF 239415 3/14/2014 PIRTEK KENT, 211012014 S1872535.001 $237.48 PWFLT -REPLC SNOW PLOW HOSE 239317 3/14/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/20/2014 1 -6825 $510.86 PWFLT -REPLC STARTER 239489 3/14/2014 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTF2/20 /2014 743965 $704.94 PWFLT - BLADE, WHEEL & TIRE, OLF 239489 3/14/2014 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTF2/2012014 743969 $984.56 PWFLT -DECK SHROUD BRACKET, OLF 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $121.03 PWFLT- TOWING SVC 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $96.82 PWFLT - TOWING SVC 239115 2/28/2014 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 2/1012014 192229 $127.46 CHB -02/14 PARKING LOT CLEANING 239066 2/28/2014 GENERATOR SERVICES NW L2/3/2014 3337 $1,154.12 CHB- REPAIR GENERATOR 238996 2/28/2014 ALARM CENTERS /CUSTOM SI2/4/2014 901318 $821.25 CHB -AES FIRE RADIO 238984 2/28/2014 AARO INC DBA THE LOCK SH(1/24/2014 88522 $128.06 PD- LOCKSMITH SERVICES 239414 3/14/2014. PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 2/28/2014 PD- 02/28/14 $4.10 PD -KEYS FOR FTU LOCKER - 239211 2/28/2014 VADIS NORTHWEST, 1/31/2014 19653 $4,137.05 SWR -01/14 LITTER CONTROLAG07- 239092 2/28/2014 KCDA PURCHASING COOPERI/22/2014 3761794 $7,041.93 PKADPL- SAGHALIE PARK (BASKETBA 239092 2128/2014 KCDA PURCHASING COOPERI/22/2014 3761794 $3,291.40 PKADPL -312TH STREET SPORT COUR 239092 2/28/2014 KCDA PURCHASING COOPERI/22/2014 3761794 $471.85 RETAINAGE IS HELD BY KCDA SPOR 239060 2/28/2014 FORTRESS CONSTRUCTION 12/4 /2014 03 $2,443.00 PARKS- MONUMENT SIGN INSTALLATI Key Bank Page 49 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239060 2/28/2014 FORTRESS CONSTRUCTION 12 /4/2014 03 $- 111.55 PARKS - MONUMENT SIGN INSTALLATI 239027 2/28/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 214/2014 AG13 -211 #3 $111.55 PARKS - MONUMENT SIGN INSTALLATI 239360 3/14/2014 KCDA PURCHASING COOPER3/13/2014 3701386 $85.06 PKADPL - SAGHALIE RUNNING TRACK 239198 2/28/2014 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRI2 /3/2014 6906 $821.25 PKM -TREE SERVICEAG11 -003 239202 2/28/2014 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORPORi1 /15/2014 58416 $675.62 PVWST- -01/14 ROW LANDSCAPING AGI 239169 2/28/2014 SEATTLE PUMP & EQUIPMEN'1 /21/2014 14 -0089 $61.71 PWST - BURNER SWITCH 239114 2/28/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 3/24/2013 01424 $5.18 PWWST PLANT WIRE 239335 3/1412014 FURNEY'S NURSERY INC, 2/13/2014 1 -75011 $379.53 PWST -TREE STAKES, CHAIN LOCKS, 239399 3/14/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (2/25 /2014 277853 $10.01 PWST -RED HOT BLUE GLUE 239034 2/28/2014 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 2/12/2014 INV993019 $1,340.34 IT -01/14 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN 239164 2/28/2014 RICOH USA, INC, 2/5/2014 5029406432 $49.17 FI -02/14 COPIERS /FAX MACHINES 239261 3/14/2014 ARC IMAGING RESOURCES, 2/24/2014 982308 $107.50 IT -OCE PLOTTER SYSTEM MAINTAG 239175 2/28/2014 SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP, 1/29/2014 76772685 $639.89 DBC -FIRE SUPPRESSION MAINT. SV 239452 3/14/2014 SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL, 2/25 /2014 2264506 $96.80 DBC -PEST CONTROL SVC 239034 2/28/2014 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 2/12/2014 INV993019 $1,687.83 IT -01114 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN 239034 2/28/2014 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 2/1212014 INV993019 $546.07 IT -01/14 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN 239022 2/28/2014 CERIUM NETWORKS INC, 1/2712014 037254 $494.11 IT- PHONENOICE MAIL SYSTEM MAI 239164 2/2812014 RICOH USA, INC, 2/5/2014 5029406432 $42.43 FI -02/14 COPIERS /FAX MACHINES 239367 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY RADIO, 2/20/2014 00436586 $57.68 IT -PD RADIO MAINT /REPAIR 239367 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY RADIO, 2/20 /2014 00436897 $252.12 IT -PD RADIO MAINT /REPAIR 239285 3/14/2014 CERIUM NETWORKS INC, 2/21/2014 037759 $494.11 IT-PHONE/VOICE MAIL SYSTEM MAI 239181 2/28/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 1/28/2014 34517 $935.96 PD- BATTERY, COOLANT RECOVERY T 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2127/2014 34776 $54.75 PD -FRONT END ALIGNMENT 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/28 12014 23470 $68.92 PD -REPLC PUSH BAR LIGHTS 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12 /28/2014 23472 $478.02 PD- INSTALL RADIO ANTENNA 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/28 /2014 23474 $26.26 PD -REPLC AMBER LIGHT BAR MODUL Key Bank Page 50 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/28/2014 23502 $50.26 PD -MOVE MICROPHONE CLIP 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/28/2014 23503 $235.48 PD -REPLC POWER DOCK 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/28/2014 23520 $45.95 PD- REMOVE PUSH BUMPER 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/28/2014 23557 $27.57 PD -REPLC FUSE 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/28/2014 23571 $91.90 PD- REPAIR CENCOM SIREN 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE1028/2014 23572 $119.47 PD- INSTALL STOCK SEATS 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/28 /2014 23588 $137.84 PD -REPLC POWER DOCK 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/28 /2014 23596 $73.52 PD -REPLC RADIO 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/28/2014 23609 $206.77 PD -REPLC POWER DOCK 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/28 /2014 23610 $206.77 PD -REPLC POWER DOCK 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/28/2014 34783 $994.29 PD -TPMS SENSOR, BATTERY 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 3/3/2014 34803 $14.24 PD- MOUNT /BALANCE NEW TIRE 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 3/3/2014 34809 $43.58 PD -OLF 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 3/3/2014 34814 $21.90 PD- REPAIR FLAT TIRE 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 3/3/2014 34815 $137.97 PD- DIAGNOSIS CHECK ENGINE LIGH 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 3/4/2014 34822 $39.64 PD -OLF 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 3/4/2014 34826 $108.10 PD -OLF 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 3/4/2014 34827 $39.18 PD -WIPER BLADES 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE112/18/2013 22976 $775.56 PD- INSTALL BACKUP CAMERA 239403 3/14/2014 NORTHWEST TOWING INC, 1/22/2014 406188 $136.88 PD- VEHICLE TOW SVC 239485 311412014 WASHDUP, LLC, 1/31/2014 133 $572.73 PD -01/14 CAR WASH SERVICE 239279 3/14/2014 CAR WASH ENTERPRISES, 1/31/2014 1664 $40.00 PD -01/14 VEHICLE CLEANING SVC 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/4 /2014 34600 $54.53 PD -HOSE CLAMP 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/6 /2014 34598 $48.45 PD -OLF 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/6/2014 34615 $35.89 PD -OLF 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/6/2014 34621 $40.90 PD -OLF Key Bank Page 51 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239403 3/14/2014 NORTHWEST TOWING INC, 2/6/2014 406229 PD- VEHICLE TOW SVC 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 217/2014 34565 PD -OLF, TENSION STRUT, FUEL PU 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/7/2014 34616 PD -REPLC TIE ROD 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/7 /2014 34620 PD -OLF, COOLANT 239424 3114/2014 PRO -TOW MAPLE VALLEY, 2/9 /2014 120052 PD- VEHICLE TOW SVC 239355 3/1412014 JIM'S DETAIL SHOP, 2/1012014 14744F PD- VEHICLE CLEANING SVC 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/10/2014 34631 PD -OLF 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/10/2014 34632 PD -OLF, BATTERY, BRAKES 239451 3114/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/10/2014 34633 PD -OLF 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/10/2014 34636 PD- REPAIR FLATS, NEW WHEEL 239451 3114/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/1112014 34637 PD -NEW WHEELS, BALANCE TIRES 239451 3/1412014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2111/2014 34640 PD -OLF, REPLC TIRE 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/11/2014 34647 PD- DIAGNOSIS CHECK OIL LIGHT 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2111/2014 34651 PD- MOUNT /BALANCE TIRES 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2112/2014 34638 PD -OLF, CONTROL ARM WITH BALL 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/12/2014 34645 PD -OLF, BRAKES 239246 3/14/2014 ADVANCED TRAFFIC PRODUC2113/2014 0000009394 PD- EMMITER 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/13/2014 34635 PD- CONTROL ARM & BALL JOINT 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/13/2014 34671 PD -OLF 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/14/2014 34673 PD -OLF 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/14/2014 34675 PD- BRAKES, CALIPERS 239451 3/1412014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2114/2014 34685 PD- REPAIR FLAT TIRE 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/1712014 34669 PD-CONTROL ARM & BALL JOING 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/18/2014 23406 PD- REPAIR PUSH BUMBER LEDS 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/18/2014 23413 PD- INSTALL RADIO ANTENNA 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12 /18/2014 23417 PD -REPLC POWER DOCK $194.91 $1,959.71 $300.10 $626.46 $289.96 $138.88 $73.75 $498.46 $40.22 $454.40 $1,730.01 $55.23 $65.70 $36.14 $731.12 $987.82 $1,089.53 $1,168.51 $39.64 $549.52 $913.08 $21.90 $1,081.88 $252.71 $318.19 $137.84 Key Bank Page 52 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/18/2014 23447 $102.00 PD -REPLC HEADLIGHT 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/18/2014 34684 $14.24 PD- REPAIR FLAT 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/18/2014 34700 $105.92 PD -OLF 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/19/2014 34712 $102.26 PD- TRAILER CONNECTOR 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/20/2014 34716 $65.70 PD- INSPECT OIL SENSOR 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/20/2014 34719 $59.06 PD -DUAL BEAM HEADLIGHT 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/20/2014 34726 $121.67 PD -OLF 239355 3114/2014 JIM'S DETAIL SHOP, 2/24/2014 14759F $82.13 PD- VEHICLE CLEANING SVC 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/24/2014 23373 $160.82 PD -REPLC POWER DOCK 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/24/2014 23375 $137.84 PD -REPLC POWER DOCK 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/2412014 23382 $91.90 PD- REPAIR OPTICOM 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/24/2014 23395 $137.84 PD -REPLC POWER DOCK 239461 3/14/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/24/2014 23434 $419.76 PD- REMOVE EMERGENCY EQUIP. 239461 3/1412014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/2412014 23439 $91.90 PD- REINSTALL RIFLE RACK 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/24/2014 34744 $48.45 PD -OLF 239355 3/14/2014 JIM'S DETAIL SHOP, 2125/2014 14760F $82.13 PD- VEHICLE CLEANING SVC 239451 3114/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/25/2014 34753 $68.11 PD -OLF 239451 3/1412014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/25/2014 34759 $438.13 PD -OLF, BRAKES, FUEL FILTER 239467 3/14/2014 THE LARSON AUTOMOTIVE G2/2512014 DOCS334874 $2,896.55 PD- REPAIR STEERING COLUMN 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/26/2014 34693 $1,665.75 PD -OLF, TIMING CHAIN, WATER PU 239451 3/1412014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/26/2014 34758 $93.61 PD -OLF, HEADLAMP BULB 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/26/2014 34775 $35.89 PD -OLF 238996 2/28/2014 ALARM CENTERS /CUSTOM SI1/16/2014 897696 $498.23 CHB - INSTALL ALARM SYSTEM 239320 3/14/2014 EMERALDAIRE INC, 2/27/2014 32003 $480.71 CHB -REPLC THERMOCOUPLE IN LUNC 239320 3/14/2014 EMERALD AIRE INC, 2/2512014 31992 $1,574.10 CHB -HVAC MAINT & REPAIR 239400 3/1412014 NORTH WEST INSTRUMENT, 3/3/2014 12488 $344.93 PD- MAINT. EVIDENCE SCALES Key Bank Page 53 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239453 3/14/2014 STAGECRAFT INDUSTRIES IN2/18/2014 25603 $1,423.50 DBC- ASSESS RIGGING, LIGHTING E 239387 3/14/2014 MACDONALD MILLER SERVIC2/19/2014 SVC054201 $563.48 DBC -HVAC MAINT /REPAIR 239427 3/14/2014 PVP COMMUNICATIONS, INC, 11/14/2013 18644 $963.00 PD -MOTOR HELMET 239073 2/28/2014 GREEN EFFECTS, INC, 2/6/2014 44284 $234.24 FWCC -01/14 LANDSCAPINGAG08 -06 239012 2/28/2014 BLAKE COMPANY INC, 1/29/2014 66931 $325.60 FWCC /PRCS- THERMOSTAT 239199 2128/2014 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR 112/1/2014 30000894498 $808.26 FWCC - ELEVATOR MAINT SVC 238994 2/28/2014 ADVANCED PRO FITNESS RE12/512014 02051401 ELK $832.20 FWCC- FITNESS EQUIP. SVCAG11 -1 239256 3/1412014 AQUA REC'S, 2/19/2014 281727 -1 $140.16 FWCC -TEST SPA 239387 3/1412014 MACDONALD MILLER SERVIC2 /20/2014 SVC054210 $526.06 FWCC -HVAC MAINT. /REPAIR 239451 3/1412014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/18/2014 34701 $125.58 PD -OLF 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/25/2014 34762 $61.27 PD -OLF 239451 3/14/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/26/2014 34779 $77.97 PD -OLF, WIPER BLADES 239194 2/28/2014 TERMINIX, 1/17/2014 331690994 $131.40 PKM -PEST CONTROL SVC 239432 3/14/2014 ROTO- ROOTER SERVICE CO,2/28/2014 06917762153 $602.25 PKM- PLUMBING SERVICES 239464 3/14/2014 TERMINIX, 1/17/2014 5998231 $131.40 PKM -PEST CONTROL SVC 239360 3/14/2014 KCDA PURCHASING COOPER3/13/2014 3633428 $27,479.43 PKM -SAC. SOCCER FIELDAG12 -063 239211 2/28/2014 VADIS NORTHWEST, 1/3112014 19653 $127.95 SWR -01/14 LITTER CONTROL AG07- 239210 2/28/2014 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND, 1/31/2014 4010127 $277.35 SWM- LOCATING SVC AG13 -018- 238990 2/28/2014 ACTION SERVICES CORPORPI /31/2014 79926 $4,672.32 PWST -01 /14 STREET SWEEP SVC AG 239012 2/28/2014 BLAKE COMPANY INC, 1/29/2014 66931 $229.67 FWCC /PRCS - THERMOSTAT 239034 2/28/2014 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 2/12/2014 INV993019 $49.64 IT -01/14 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN 239034 2/28/2014 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 2/12/2014 INV993019 $99.29 IT -01/14 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN 239022 2/28/2014 CERIUM NETWORKS INC, 1/27/2014 037254 $49.41 IT- PHONE/VOICE MAIL SYSTEM MAI 239164 2/28/2014 RICOH USA, INC, 2/5/2014 5029406432 $4.82 FI -02/14 COPIERS /FAX MACHINES 239285 3/14/2014 CERIUM NETWORKS INC, 2/21/2014 037759 $49.41 IT- PHONE/VOICE MAIL SYSTEM MAI ROAD SVCS /PERMITS- INTGVT $33,237.28 Key Bank Page 54 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239365 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI£1/31/2014 37198 -37240 $33,237.28 PWTR -01114 BSC SIGN /MRKNGS MTN SALES TAX PAYABLE $4,668.41 3835352 3/12/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART3 /12/2014 601- 223 -5385 $16.08 FI -02/14 REMIT SALES TAX 3835352 3/12/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART3 /12/2014 601- 223 - 5385 $4,652.33 FI -02/14 REMIT SALES TAX DBC SALES TAX PAYABLE - RECREAT _ $11,048.45 3835352 3/12/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART3 /12/2014 601- 223 -5385 $7,641.03 FI -02/14 REMIT SALES TAX -FWCC 3835352 3/12/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART3 /12/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $3,407.42 FI -02114 REMIT SALES TAX SBCC SURCHARGE $135.00 239482 3/14/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,3 /5/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $135.00 FI -02/14 SBCC SURCHARGE FEES SCHOOL IMPACT FEES $8,028.00 239330 3/1412014 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOG /512014 SIF -FEB 2014 $8,028.00 FI -FEB 2014 SCHL IMPACT FEE & SEWER BILLINGS $552.60 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'1/22/2014 1768602 $178.92 DBC- 10/11 - 10/12/13 3200 DASH P 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/6 /2014 460602 $41.87 CHB- 10/24 - 12/23/13 2645 312TH 239378 3/14/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/13/2014 101 $24.16 PKM- 10/29 - 12/27/13 31132 28TH 239378 3/14/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/13/2014 888103 $49.46 PKM- 10/29 - 12/27/13 31132 28TH 239378 3/14/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/13/2014 888302 $24.16 PKM- 10/29 - 12/27/13 31104 28TH 239099 2128/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC112212014 1768602 $88.12 DBC- 10/11- 10/12/13 3200 DASH P 239099 2/28 /2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/13 /2014 2315204 $24.16 CDED- 10/29- 12/27/13 2315204 31 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC1/22/2014 1014202 $34.28 PKM- 10/11- 12/10/13 312 DASH PT 239378 3/14/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2 /13/2014 3033601 $39.15 PKM- 11/07 -01/08/14 28159 24TH 239378 3/14/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2014 824102 $48.32 PKM- 10/28- 12/27/13 30000 14TH SIGN PERMIT $43.00 239174 2/28/2014 SIGN -TECH ELECTRIC, 2/13 /2014 14- 100206 REFUND $43.00 CD -14- 100206 REFUND OVER CHARG SMALL OFFICE APPARATUS $644.14 239238 3/4/2014 HAMILTON'S AUCTION GALLEI3 /4/2014 MARCH 4, 2014 $251.85 DBC - RETREAT ROOM DESKS 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $220.37 DBC - RETREAT ROOM DESKS 2144759 3/3/2014 US BANK, 9/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $25.91 PW -ARM CHAIR PADS 239133 2/28/2014 OFFICE DEPOT, 2/6/2014 697710727001 $43.40 PRCS- OFFICE SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 55 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239454 3/14/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT42 /28/2014 8028898808 $102.61 FEB 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS - SHOP $3,729.36 239126 2/28/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE 11/17/2014 277211 $9.83 PW- MARKING PAINT 239117 2/2812014 MCMASTER -CARR, 2/6/2014 73179275 $82.69 FWCC -GLOVE W /SLEEVE 238984 2/28/2014 AARO INC DBA THE LOCK SH(2/11/2014 88728 $49.59 FWCC- DUPLICATE KEYS 238995 2/28/2014 AGRI SHOP INC, 2/14/2014 32687/1 $339.11 PKM -SMALL TOOLS MAINT. 238995 2/2812014 AGRI SHOP INC, 2/14/2014 3268811 $331.05 PKM- STARTERASSY, GASKET, FILT 239116 2/28/2014 MCLENDON HARDWARE INC, 2/14/2014 514581/3 $222.92 PKM -SNOW SHOVELS, HEATER, HOSE 238995 2/28/2014 AGRI SHOP INC, 2/19/2014 32735/1 $55.18 PKM- GASKET END PLATE, AIR FILT 239126 2/2812014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (1/28/2014 277353 $8.30 PKM - COLBALT DRILL BITS 239126 2/2812014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (2/5/2014 277507 $39.37 PKM- EXTENSION CORDS 239247 3/14/2014 AGRI SHOP INC, 2/21/2014 32762/1 $565.15 PKM -CHAIN SUPPLY MAINT SUPPYI 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $17.71 PKM -LIC. PLATE ITEM 239024 2/28/2014 CESSCO -THE CUT &CORE ST(2/12/2014 2315 $129.63 SWM -CHAIN SAW FUEL, OIL 239023 2/28/2014 CESSCO -THE CUT &CORE ST(2/13/2014 2319 $316.73 SWM- REPAIR FUEL TANK 239349 3/14/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250072/28/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $39.16 SWM- TRUFUEL 239286 3/14/2014 CESSCO -THE CUT &CORE ST(2/4/2014 2298 $1,522.94 SWM -REPLC POWER TOOLS, TRIMMER STONE & GRAVEL $1,039.00 239112 2/28/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 1/21/2014 176485 $250.48 PKM- PLAYFIELD SAND 239112 2/28/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 1/22/2014 176486 $234.55 PKM- PLAYFIELD SAND 239486 3/14/2014 WASHINGTON ROCK QUARRI2 /24/2014 42464 $553.97 PKM- CRUSHED GRAVEL TAXES /ASSESSMENTS - INTERGOVT $2,485.99 239147 2/28/2014 PIERCE COUNTY BUDGET & F216/2014 0421303016 $25.76 PKM -2014 NOX WEED TAX 3835352 3/12/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART3 /12/2014 601- 223 -5385 $1,796.18 FI -02/14 REMIT SALES TAX FWCC 3835352 3/12/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART3 /1212014 601- 223 -5385 $ -0.01 FI -02/14 REMIT EXC TAX (ROUNDI 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY Dh3/11/2014 010450109003 $2.40 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI%3/11/2014 010450110001 $2.55 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX Key Bank Page 56 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 010450112007 $2.40 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 010452034001 $2.55 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 010452035008 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 010453065004 $3.60 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 010920077004 $2.40 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 012103900804 $4.05 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DR3MV2014 012103904707 $7.50 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 025130034009 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 032104920908 $7.42 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 032104921005 $8.17 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DR3/11/2014 042104900909 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 042104913407 $2.40 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 042104921905 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 062104901202 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 072104909808 $4.05 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 072104918106 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 072104919104 $2.85 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 072104923205 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 082104900103 $7.80 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 082104909708 $2.55 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 082104927304 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 092104902108 $2.70 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3111/2014 092104902603 $10.20 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 092104905705 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 092104919805 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 09210492500 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX Key Bank Page 57 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DN3/11/2014 112103905108 $2.85 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 112106900505 $6.30 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 113960036003 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 114000031004 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 114001017002 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 114001018000 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 119600033201 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 122103901601 $6.30 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 122103913606 $3.15 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 122103914604 $3.75 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 131000020001 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 132103904307 $3.60 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 167300092001 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 167300092209 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 16730092100 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 172104901407 $11.70 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 172104910309 $5.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 172104913808 $4.95 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 176110056007 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3114/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3111/2014 176150030508 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 182104901109 $3.60 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 182104903600 $2.85 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 182104904103 $2.40 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 182104905704 $2.40 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 186270047001 $3.90 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 189831047007 $2.85 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX Key Bank Page 58 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 189860017004 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 192104900308 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 202104901501 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 202104901808 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 202104903408 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 202104905403 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3111/2014 202104905700 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 211551062006 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 215466006008 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 218000000503 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 218000003002 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 218000009504 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 218000018505 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 218000020501 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY 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3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 218820371506 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX $2.10 $13.95 $3.60 $2.85 $2.70 $7.05 $2.70 $2.40 $2.10 $2.10 $2.25 $2.25 $2.25 $2.25 $2.25 $2.25 $2.10 $2.25 $2.10 $2.10 $2.55 $2.25 $2.10 $2.25 $2.10 $2.10 Key Bank Page 59 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI \3/11/2014 218820400503 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 222104901400 $3.60 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 241330109000 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104900603 $4.20 PARKS 72014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104900801 $3.30 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104900900 $2.85 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104901106 $2.40 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104901304 $2.85 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104902302 $7.05 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104904100 $2.40 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DN3/11/2014 292104904308 $2.55 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104905909 $2.55 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3114/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104906808 $2.40 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104907509 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104915007 $2.55 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/1112014 292104915106 $3.90 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104915205 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104915403 $2.85 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104915502 $3.00 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104915601 $3.45 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104915700 $8.40 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 302104916309 $3.75 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 306560051006 $2.85 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/1112014 321020053005 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 326070119002 $2.70 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 3260800046001 $170 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX Key Bank Page 60 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 326080046005 $2.70 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 326080047003 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3111/2014 327900075000 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DN3/11/2014 327900076008 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 327900077006 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 351800025006 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/1112014 383300000502 $3.00 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 415920073004 $2.40 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 416730036009 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 422280037009 $4.65 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 438800052005 $4.20 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/1112014 440561027002 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 502860230007 $3.00 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 502946058000 $2.40 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 502946059008 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 516210087008 $2.40 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 542242090000 $2.40 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 542242091008 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 542350064003 $2.55 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 555730049007 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 555732023000 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 640370056007 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 666490058003 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/1112014 666490059001 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 666491043004 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 666491045009 $2.85 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX Key Bank Page 61 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI \3/11/2014 720560018007 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI \3/11/2014 720582025006 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI \3/11/2014 729802028005 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI1.3/11/2014 729805060005 $3.60 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 796820020009 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 797820016203 $2.55 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3114/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 868040049009 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3114/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 873219105004 $2.70 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 894430083002 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DK3/11/2014 894430084000 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 894500107509 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 921150074000 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 921150077003 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 921151091003 $2.40 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 921151093009 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926470003001 $2.40 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3114/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\311112014 926470004009 $2.70 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926470006004 $3.15 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926470009008 $3.00 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926490231004 $3.15 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3114/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/1112014 926491159006 $3.60 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926492115007 $2.55 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926492116005 $2.85 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926493100008 $4.65 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI \3/11/2014 926494117001 $3.30 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926494118009 $2.55 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX Key Bank Page 62 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926494119007 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI \3/11/2014 926495112001 $2.55 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926495113009 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926495114007 $2.10 _ PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926496100005 $2.70 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926496101003 $4.35 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926500018003 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/1112014 926500019001 $2.25 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926500019506 $2.10 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926500029000 $3.00 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926975093002 $2.40 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 954280202001 $3.90 PARKS -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 3835352 3112/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART3 /12/2014 601- 223 -5385 $3,843.29 FI -02/14 REMIT SALES TAX DBC 3835352 3/12/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART3 /12/2014 601- 223 -5385 $4,652.33 FI -02/14 REMIT SALES TAX DBC 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3 /11/2014 005050011005 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 005050012003 $2.10 SWIM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 005070020002 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 010450111009 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/1112014 010451060007 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 029450021000 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 042104920006 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 042104924206 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3111/2014 066231095002 $2.55 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 066231096000 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 082104925407 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 092104928004 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX Key Bank Page 63 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI \3/11/2014 092104930307 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 111263029006 $3.30 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 111263030004 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 112103902709 $3.60 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 113780048006 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 122103904100 $2.55 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 122103904902 $3.45 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 122103915908 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 132103911104 $2.40 SVVM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 132140099004 $2.10 SVW -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 132140100000 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 132173087009 $2.25 SVVM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 132174090002 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 132174091000 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\311112014 132190023003 $2.10 SVVM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 167300089007 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DR3/11/2014 167300089106 $2.25 SVVM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 167300093009 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DK3/1112014 176110055009 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 176110057005 $2.10 SVVM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 189545039001 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DK3/11/2014 189546046005 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 189820014000 $2.40 SVVM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 18983003200 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 189890033005 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 189890034003 $2.10 SVVM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX Key Bank Page 64 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGl_ Total 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 202100030008 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 211551063004 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3111/2014 211570027006 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 211572058009 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 241260015003 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3114/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 241330110008 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 242103904403 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 242103907000 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 252103904204 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 255700096001 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 279150057008 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 286730036006 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3111/2014 286850008009 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 290931021007 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104902104 $4.50 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104908002 $3.00 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104910305 $7.03 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104911204 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104911808 $8.36 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104915809 $2.40 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 292104915908 $2.40 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 294450073001 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 294450074009 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3 /11/2014 294451031008 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 302104913207 $2.55 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DN3/11/2014 302104917604 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX Key Bank Page 65 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 302104917703 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/1112014 3040200005506 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 304020006009 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 306560052004 $2.10 _ SWM-2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3111/2014 308900022507 $2.40 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 321165023003 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 322104904907 $3.45 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 322104905508 $2.40 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 322104914104 $2.85 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 327905020001 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 337530071006 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 416680044003 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 416680045000 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 416795032000 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3114/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 416795033008 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 416795034006 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 416795035003 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 416795054004 $2.85 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3114/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 416795056009 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/1112014 440670006004 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 502945129000 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 515330023000 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3114/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 516200046006 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 516210086000 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 525980050005 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 542090011009 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX Key Bank Page 66 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 542242088004 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 542242089002 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 542350062007 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3114/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 554760016002 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 555960017005 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 555990019005 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 556050043000 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/1112014 556050044008 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 609330007004 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 615100013007 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 618140101006 $2.40 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3114/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 618141099001 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 618142048007 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 618143091006 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 618143092004 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 618150038007 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 638515022009 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3111/2014 640370052006 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 667265052007 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 667265053005 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 720440007006 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 721265224007 $2.70 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 721265225004 $2.70 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3114/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 721265227000 $2.55 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 721265228008 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 721266109009 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX Key Bank Page 67 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 738700011005 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 742800043009 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/1112014 750380037002 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 750380038000 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 757560070000 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 757562078001 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 779645071001 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 788878015007 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 796820019001 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 798280012005 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3111/2014 798380032002 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 800200011008 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/1112014 802950066000 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 802950067008 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 868040048001 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 872450023009 $210 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 889420029007 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING C OU NTY TREASURY DI\3/11/ 2014 89 14 0044002 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 894720013008 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI M1/2014 921151092001 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DR3/11/2014 921152058001 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 921152060007 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 926910007000 $2.25 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DR3/11/2014 926975092004 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/1412014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 941269008004 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3111/2014 947760008005 $2.10 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX Key Bank Page 68 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DIQ/11/2014 957814046000 $2.10 239146 2/28/2014 PHELPSTIRE CO, 1/21/2014 827758 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX $802.14 239377 3/14/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DI\3/11/2014 957814047008 PWFLT -NEW TIRES $2.10 239109 2/28/2014 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF 112/17/2013 37800104863 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX $706.83 239377 3114/2014 KING COUNTY TREASURY DN3/11/2014 957850118002 PWFLT -NEW TIRES $2.10 239331 3/14/2014 FIRESTONE TIRE & SERVICE 112/9/2013 120520 SWM -2014 NOXIOUS WEED TAX $1,066.88 3835352 3/12/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART3 /12/2014 601 - 223 -5385 PD -NEW TIRES $620.72 239253 3/14/2014 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUT012 /10/2014 SO43288283 FI -02/14 REMIT SVC TAX/PW STOR $138.36 THEFT /PROPERTY DAMAGE PD -NEW TIRE 239025 2/28/2014 CHRISTIE LAW GROUP, LLC, 2/11/2014 5113 SO43288284 $9,016.24 $553.43 LAW -LEGAL SERVICES AG13 -009- PD -4 NEW TIRES 239215 2/28/2014 WA CITIES INSURANCEAUTHQ /3/2014 FEBRUARY 3, 2014 $88.85 $119.25 RM- HUMPREYS (SRT) REIMB DIED; 1 239215 2128/2014 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTH2/3 /2014 FEBRUARY 3, 2014 $880.00 SO43332116 $138.36 RM- WALLING III REIMB DED; 1 -9- 239477 3/1412014 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTHG /3/2014 MARCH 3, 2014 3/14/2014 $280.68 SO43403349 $276.71 LAW-RM NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS R 239477 3/14/2014 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTHG /3/2014 MARCH 3, 2014 3/14/2014 $27.90 SO43403352 $119.25 LAW -RM NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS R 239477 3/14/2014 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTHG /3/2014 MARCH 3, 2014 3/14/2014 $256.57 SO43481735 $119.25 LAW-RM HUMPREYS (SRT) REIMB DE 239477 3/14/2014 WA CITIES INSURANCEAUTHG /3/2014 MARCH 3, 2014 3/14/2014 $15,845.10 SO43502071 $215.46 LAW-RM MICCICHE REIMB DIED; 2/1 239477 3/14/2014 WA CITIES INSURANCEAUTHG /3/2014 MARCH 3, 2014 $1,753.50 LAW-RM WALLING III REIMB DIED; 239477 3/14/2014 WA CITIES INSURANCEAUTH(i /3/2014 MARCH 3, 2014 $2,636.60 LAW-RM DASHO REIMB DIED; 2/14/1 239477 3114/2014 WA CITIES INSURANCEAUTHG /3/2014 MARCH 3, 2014 $2,560.00 LAW-RM KURDELCHUCK REIMB DIED; $33,345.44 $4,255.92 TIRES 239146 2/28/2014 PHELPSTIRE CO, 1/21/2014 827758 $802.14 PWFLT -NEW TIRES 239109 2/28/2014 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF 112/17/2013 37800104863 $706.83 PWFLT -NEW TIRES 239331 3/14/2014 FIRESTONE TIRE & SERVICE 112/9/2013 120520 $1,066.88 PD -NEW TIRES 239253 3/14/2014 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUT012 /10/2014 SO43288283 $138.36 PD -NEW TIRE 239253 3/14/2014 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUT012 110/2014 SO43288284 $553.43 PD -4 NEW TIRES 239253 3/14/2014 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUT012 /11 /2014 SO43316917 $119.25 PD -NEW TIRE 239253 3/14/2014 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUT02 /11/2014 SO43332116 $138.36 PD -NEW TIRE 239253 3/14/2014 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUT01211 3 /20 1 4 SO43403349 $276.71 PD -2 NEW TIRES 239253 3/14/2014 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUT012/13 /2014 SO43403352 $119.25 PD -NEW TIRE 239253 3/14/2014 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTO12 /17/2014 SO43481735 $119.25 PD -NEW TIRE 239253 3/14/2014 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUT012 /17/2014 SO43502071 $215.46 PD -2 NEW TIRES $33,345.44 $4,255.92 Key Bank Page 69 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total TOPSOIL $49.28 239303 3/14/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 2/24/2014 404058 $49.28 PKM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS $105,522.50 239000 2/28/2014 AMERICAN TRAFFIC SOLUTICI /31/2014 BILL000000O000139 $53,037.50 MC -01/14 RED LIGHT PHOTOAG08- 239254 3/14/2014 AMERICAN TRAFFIC SOLUTIC2 /28/2014 INV00015148 $52,250.00 MC -02/14 RED LIGHT PHOTOAG08- 239437 3/14/2014 SEBRING, JAMES H BANDRE/2 /21/2014 0991300197704 $235.00 MC -RED LIGHT PHOTO REFUND SEBR USE TAX PAYABLE $5,355.89 3835352 3/12/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART3/12/2014 601- 223 -5385 $5,355.89 FI -02/14 REMIT USE TAX WASTE DISPOSAL BILLINGS $584.71 239185 2/28/2014 STERICYCLE INC, 1/31/2014 3002527903 $11.14 PD- MEDICAL WASTE REMOVAL SVC 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $526.64 SWR -12/13 LITTER CONTROL DISPO 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2/25/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $26.73 SWR -Qt 2014 RESIDENTIAL AUDIT 2149491 3/3/2014 US BANK, 2125/2014 FEBRUARY 2014 $20.20 SWR -01/14 ORGANICS RECYCLE SVC WATER BILLINGS $3,603.30 239190 2/28/2014 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 1/27/2014 100048250 $420.78 DBC -01/14 DASH PT. RD- 239462 3/14/2014 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 2/25/2014 100048250 $394.91 DBC -02114 DASH PT. RD- 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/6 /2014 3540301 $24.28 PWST - 10/25- 12/26/13 28719 PAC 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/6 /2014 3545101 $119.40 PWST - 10/25- 12/26/13 29102 PAC 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/6 /2014 3568101 $24.28 PWST- 10/24- 12/23/13 30799 PAC 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/6 /2014 3621801 $28.14 PWST - 10123- 12/20/13 312TH SW 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/6 /2014 482303 $48.44 PWST - 10125- 12/26/13 28866 PAC 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/6 12014 482405 $53.03 PWST- 10/25- 12/26/13 28850 PAC 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/6 /2014 3278301 $24.28 PWST- 10124- 12/23/13 32009 23RD 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/6 /2014 3336101 $24.28 PWST- 10/24 - 12/23/13 3336101 PA 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/6 /2014 3364101 $24.28 PWST- 10/25 - 12/26/13 1618 S 288 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/6 /2014 3481301 $24.28 PWST- 10/25- 12/26/13 SR 991279T 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2 /6/2014 3488801 $24.28 PWST- 10/24 - 12/23/13 31802 21 ST 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/6/2014 3540201 $24.28 PWST- 10/25- 12/26/13 29627 PAC Key Bank Page 70 of 71 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 239378 3/14/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2014 101 PKM- 10/29- 12/27/13 31132 28TH 239378 3/1412014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2014 888103 PKM- 10/29- 12/27/13 31132 28TH 239378 3/14/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2014 888302 PKM- 10/29 - 12/27/13 31104 28TH 239099 2128/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2 /6/2014 460602 CHB- 10/24 - 12/23/13 2645 312TH 239190 2/2812014 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 1/27/2014 100048250 DBC -01/14 DASH PT RD- 239462 3/14/2014 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 2/25/2014 100048250 i DBC -02/14 DASH PT. RD- 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13 /2014 2315204 CDED- 10/29 - 12/27/13 2315204 31 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/13 /2014 2322804 CDED- 10/29- 12/27/13 31510 20TH 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2014 2327404 CDED - 10/29- 12/27/13 31510 20TH 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/6 /2014 1941803 CDED- 10/24 - 12/23/13 31600 20 A 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/6/2014 1946803 CDED- 10/27 - 12/23/13 31600 20 A 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'1/22/2014 1014202 PKM- 10/11 - 12/10/13 312 DASH PT 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC11/22/2014 2592802 PKM- 10/10 - 12/10/13 1210 333 ST 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'1/22/2014 2781501 PKM- 10/11 - 12/11/13 31200 DASH 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'1/22/2014 2906301 PKM - 10/11- 12/10/13 312 DASH PT 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'1 /22/2014 3059601 PKM- 10/09 - 12/06/13 3200 349TH 239056 2/28/2014 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(1131/2014 AR09713 PKM- 09/23- 11/20/13 SAG. IRRIGA 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/6/2014 2049903 PKM- 10/23 - 12/20/13 31531 1 ST A 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2 /6/2014 2832301 PKM- 10/21 - 12/18/13 30619 16TH 239099 2/28/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/6 12014 2984001 PKM- 10/21- 12/18/13 31850 7TH A 239378 3/14/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/6/2014 3586001 PKM- 10/23- 12/20/13 31531 1ST A 239378 3/14/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/1312014 3033601 PKM- 11/07 - 01108/14 28159 24TH 239378 3/14/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2014 822402 PKM- 10128 - 12/27/13 30009 16TH 239378 3/14/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2014 824102 PKM - 10/28 - 12/27/13 30000 14TH 239378 3/14/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2014 896402 PKM- 10/29 - 12/27/13 2410 312TH WITNESS FEESMUROR FEES $24.28 $70.56 $24.28 $163.73 $207.25 $200.79 $150.22 $24.28 $12.60 $150.22 $12.60 $103.96 $24.28 $24.28 $24.28 $24.28 $488.76 $24.28 $24.28 $24.28 $24.28 $24.28 $317.81 $150.22 $24.28 $632.56 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description 563593 2/28/2014 JURY/WITNESS FUND, 2128/2014 FEBRUARY 28, 2014 MC- REPLENISH JURY FUND Total Checks Issued 108 Total $2,406,701.94 Page 71 of 71 AmountGL Total $632.56 SUBJECT: FEBRUARY 2014 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the February 2014 Monthly Financial Report? COMMITTEE: Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee MEETING DATE: March 25, 2014 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Bob Noland, Interim Finance Director DEPT: Finance Attachments: • February 2014 Monthly Financial Report Options Considered: 1. Approve the February 2014 Monthly Financial Report as presented 2. Deny approval of the February 2014 Monthly Financial Report and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: MAYOR APPROVAL: CHIEF OF STAFF: Council of Option 1. DIRECTOR APPROVAL: itial COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward approval of the February 2014 Monthly Financial Report to the April 1, 2014 consent agenda for approval. Committee Chair Committee em er Committee mber PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the February 2014 Monthly Financial Report. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED /DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED— 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION 4 Federal Way February 2014 Monthly Financial Report -Highlights The following are highlights of the February 2014 Monthly Financial Report. Detailed financial information can be found in the monthly financial report itself. General & Street Fund Summary Revenues are above the year -to -date budget by $170M or 4.0% with all revenues on target or above year -to -date budget except for court revenues, CED permits and fees, and business license fees. Expenditures are below year -to -date budget by $309K or 4.7% with all departments below estimates except for Human Resources, Human services, and Parks & Recreation. Some of the expenditure saving s is due to timing of payments while others are may result true savings by year -end. Human Resources exceeds the year -to -date budget estimate due to timing of election payments. Human Services exceeds the year -to -date budget estimate primarily due to timing of contract payments. Parks & Recreation exceeds the year -to -date budget estimate due to timing of contract payments. Property tax is above year -to -date 2013 by $47K or 60.7% and exceeds year -to -date budget by $11K or 8.8 %. Sales tax exceeds year -to -date 2013 by $74K or 3.6% and also exceeds year -to -date budget by $6K or 0.3 %. Retail sales (increase of $22K or 2 %), services (increase of $5K or 1 %) and construction (increase of $26K or 18 %) account for the majority of the increase compared to year -to -date 2013. Additionally, criminal justice sales tax collected county -wide also exceeds year -to -date 2013 by $22K or 6.2% and year -to -date budget by $36K or 9.6% which further indicates overall sales tax revenue growth. Community and Economic Development permits and fees are below the year -to -date 2013 by $61K or 27.6% and year -to -date budget by $17K or 7.6 %. Significant permit revenues received year -to -date include Wynstone East, Park 16 Apartments and Dicks Sporting Goods. Court revenue is below year -to -date 2013 by $35K or 14.9% and also below year -to -date budget by $21K or 8.8 %. Traffic and non - parking fines account for the majority of the decrease. The original court revenue estimate of $1.5M was reduced by $70K during the 2013/14 adopted budget process due to trends at the time of budget development. The current $1.43M annual revenue estimate at the time of budget development is in line with 2012 annual revenue of $1.45M, although court revenue has significantly increased year -to -date. Desi ,enated Operating Funds Revenues are above the year -to -date budget by $33M or 1.0 %. Expenditures are below year -to -date budget by $100K or 11.7% and are due to timing while others may result in true savings by year -end. Utility tax revenues received year -to -date as reported on the monthly financial report totals $2.2M and is $3K or 0.2% below year -to -date 2013 and $107K or 4.7% below budget. The current 2014 annual estimate compared to 2013 actual collections with adjusted February variances, are as follows: Electricity — projected annual increase of $17K or 0.4% / current YTD decrease of $14K or 1.4 %. Gas — projected annual increase of $142K or 8% / current YTD increase of $21 K or 4.7% Cable — decrease by $46K or 3% / current YTD increase of $12K or 4.8% Phone — decrease by $322K or 31 % / current YTD decrease of $9K or 9.4% Cellular — decrease by $67K or 3% / current YTD decrease of $12K or 4.2% Real estate excise tax year -to -date revenues of $155K exceeds year -to -date 2013 by $23K or 17.4% and is below the year -to -date budget by $37K or 19.4 %. There were 136 taxable residential sales (total sales $30.2M / $149K tax). The 2014 annual revenue estimate of $1.4M is consistent with actual revenue collections between 2009 and 2013. Note — added residential sales information as requested by Council at the August FEDRAC meeting. Red light photo /school zone cameras year -to -date net revenue totals $298K and is below year -to -date 2013 by $108K or 26.7 %. Federal Way Community Center continues to increase revenues while controlling expenditures. Year -to -date operating revenues total $309K, which is above the year -to -date budget by $44K or 16.5% and also above the year -to -date 2013 by $20K or 7.1 %. Major revenue increases are in passes and both fitness and rentals. Year -to -date operating expenditures total $299K, which is below the year -to -date budget by $12K or 3.9% and $7K or 2% below year -to -date 2013. Decreases in personnel cost is due to adjustment in staffing inventory. The increase in supplies is due to a few substantial pool system repairs and part replacements. The decrease in other services and charges is due to timing and more efficient and cost - effective approach to advertising as well as doing more repairs and maintenance in -house versus contract. The decrease in utility costs is due to energy efficiency efforts. The year -to -date operating inclome of $10K is substantially over the year -to -date estimate of negative $45K and year -to -date 2013 of negative $17K. This better than expected performance results in less utility tax subsidy needed for operations and increases the utility tax contribution to capital reserves. To date, only $OK or 0.0% of the annual $554K operating subsidy is needed. Projected ending fund balance earmarked for capital reserves by the end of this year is $1.8M and will increase if the operating subsidy continues to decrease due to better performance. Dumas Bay Center, similar to the Community Center, also continues increase revenues while controlling expenditures. Year -to -date operating revenues total $91K, which is $6K or 0.9% below the year -to -date budget (note — expenditures are also below budget) but is also below year -to -date 2013 by $4K or 4.0 %. Year -to -date operating expenses total $96K, which is $3K or 3.0% below the year -to -date budget and $4K or 4.7% above year -to -date 2013. The increase in expenses is due to change in staffing in the kitchen operation and termination pay for a previous chef. Year -to -date operating loss of $5K is below year -to -date 2013 performance by $8K. The projected year -end ending fund balance is $269K compared to the current $323K ending fund balance which includes funding for theatre management, roof repair, pump station and other capital maintenance that have not yet been spent. C" OF A Federal Way e February 2014 Monthly Financial Report - Detail $1 rcevenues: 1,075,040 1,075,040 - 1,030,000 - n/a Property Taxes 9,978,000 10,004,862 76,578 10,077,000 112,259 123,118 10,859 8.8% Sales Tax 11,192,000 11,346,338 2,042,843 11,414,000 2,110,545 2,116,775 6,230 0.3% Criminal Justice Sales Tax 1,894,000 1,992,667 351,702 1,913,000 337,641 373,564 35,923 9.6% Gambling Taxes 145,000 178,696 29,946 145,000 26,600 29,503 2,903 9.8% State Shared Revenue 2,194,000 2,315,823 239,894 2,171,000 224,892 316,940 92,048 29.0% Leasehold Tax 6,000 5,989 1,610 6,000 1,613 1,880 268 14.2% Court Revenue 1,501,000 1,511,606 272,852 1,431,000 258,191 237,387 (20,804) -8.8% CED Perrnits & Fees 1,897,281 2,203,426 283,384 1,575,577 238,920 222,082 (16,838) -7.6% PW Permits & Fees 317,000 300,537 40,491 317,000 42,107 56,433 14,326 25.4% Business License Fees 252,000 253,417 43,988 252,000 43,742 38,260 (5,482) -14.3% Franchise Fees 1,041,000 1,049,177 259,499 1,041,000 257,476 266,771 9,294 3.5% Passport Agency Fees 55,000 66,075 10,600 55,000 8,823 12,050 3,227 26.8% Park & General Recreation Fees 961,465 987,018 93,687 937,000 88,940 93,962 5,022 5.3% Police Services 905,000 1,001,908 70,649 765,000 53,944 81,360 27,416 33.7% Admin /Cash Management Fees 521,117 521,117 86,853 520,314 86,719 86,719 (0) 0.00/0 Interest Earnings 26,000 25,120 5,086 31,000 6,276 2,960 (3,316) - 112.0% Miscellaneous /Other 219,000 282,401 31,725 219,000 24,602 33,289 8,687 26.1% Tgtal;l2evenues 33,104;863;, 34;0411,176 3,941,38T 32,869,891 3;923;291' 4093,054 = X169,762 Fxpenditures: City Council 389,317 372,242 136,364 388,134 142,186 139,947 2,239 1.6% Mayor's Office 1,060,744 1,022,255 180,983 1,054,426 186,679 171,189 15,490 9.00/0 Community Development 2,431,264 2,091,751 349,701 2,306,764 385,647 368,945 16,702 4.5% Economic Development 237,086 111,449 22,557 130,442 26,401 22,919 3,482 15.2% Human Services 789,960 788,679 76,795 763,514 74,345 78,476 (4,131) -5.3% Finance 898,063 854,044 133,759 904,201 141,615 134,353 7262 5.4% Human Resources 990,873 814,413 87,591 906,776 97,525 261,812 (164287) -62.8% Law 1,482,042 1,408,750 239,676 1,493,306 254,062 238,496 15,566 6.5% Municipal Court 1,586,447 1,480,302 229,402 1,624,337 251,723 248,896 2,827 1.1% Jail 3,871,896 3,939,387 628,602 4,159,831 689,772 343,021 346,751 101.1% Police 22,586,388 21,949,032 3,632,259 22,487,789 3,721,416 3,691,214 30,202 0.8% Parks & Recreation 4,256,128 3,969,894 448,791 3,863,622 436,777 456,795 (20,018) -4.4% Public Works 4,869,384 4,004,066 473,753 4,535,274 536,604 478,713 57,891 12.1% Other Sources: Ongoing Transfers In Red Light /School Zone for PD, CT, TR 1,075,040 1,075,040 - 1,030,000 - n/a Utility Tax for Designated Programs 1,343,000 1,343,000 952,337 1,343,000 952,337 952,337 0.00/0 Utilty Tax for Operations 3,893,000 3,893,000 600,000 3,893,000 600,000 600,000 0.00/0 Utility Tax for Prop 1 Voter Package 2,980,187 2,877,100 508,756 2,980,187 486,592 486,592 0.00/0 One -Time Transfers In /Grants /Other 1,423,722 1,148,193 489,382 62,000 43,153 43,153 0.00/0 Total Other Financing Sources 10,714,949 10,336,333 2,550,475 9,3089187 2,082,082 2,082,082 OA %' Other Uses: Contingency Reserve Funds 1,125,000 27,000 - - n/a 1 -Time Transfers Out /Other /Unalloc ISI 1,770,163 370,753 706,309 - n/a Total Other Financing Uses 1 2,895,163 370,753' - 733,309 - Wit Beginning Fund Balance - $1.5,908,751 $15,908,751 $15,908,751 $18,232,684 I $18,232,682''$18,232,682 n/a n/a Revenues: Utility Tax 9,672,774 9,742,706 1,689,408 9,666,677 1,767,945 1,685,509 (82,436) 4.9% Utility Tax -Prop 1 Voter Package 2,821,226 2,841,586 492,744 2,827,323 517,517 493,191 (24,326) -4.9% Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 195,000 208,839 27,806 195,000 26,719 26,192 (527) -2.0% Real Estate Excise Tax 1,400,000 2,034,033 131,642 1,400,000 191,663 154,517 (37,146) -24.0% Property Tax -King Co Expansion Levy 155,000 141,417 1,231 - - 17,762 17,762 100.01/6 State Shared Revenue 495,000 497,148 77,472 495,000 77,137 79,738 2,601 3.3% Red Light /School Zone Enforcement 2,455,000 2,743,113 406,113 1,455,000 215,410 297,760 82,350 27.7% Federal Way Community Center 1,643,500 1,796,064 288,637 1,643,500 265,159 309,028 43,869 14.2% Dumas Bay Centre Fund 628,251 622,877 94,262 635,251 96,192 90,603 (5,589) -6.2% Surface Water Management Fees 3,456,000 3,426,616 21,458 3,456,000 21,642 51,979 30,337 58.4% Refuse Collection Fees 284,671 299,337 47,853 287,517 45,963 53,052 7,089 13.48/6 Interest Earnings 15,300 19,541 3,841 15,300 3,007 2,412 (595) -24.7% Miscellaneous /Other 12,853,428 12,857,187 1,240 27,768 3 0 (2) - 569.4% Totafl"ines 36,1175,150 37,230,463 ' 3,283,707 22,104,336 3,228,357 3,261,744 ,• 33,3 8,6' 1.11 *I Fxpenditures: Arterial Streets Overlay Program 1,616,029 1,463,241 23,037 1,536,500 24,191 11,887 12,304 103.5% Utility TacAdmin /Cash Mgmt Fees 48,000 48,000 8,000 48,000 8,000 8,000 0.01 /0 Solid Waste & Recycling 512,071 468,220 51,663 494,542 54,567 51,757 2,810 5.41/9 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 297,716 86,396 6,174 195,300 13,956 2,630 11,326 430.71/9 Traffic Safety (Red Light /School Zone) 651,754 616,092 625,000 - - - n/a Debt Service (Debt & Admin Fee) 14,767,370 1 14,756,476 6,170 1,995,392 834 6,070 (5,236) -86.3% Federal Way Community Center 2,168,353 2,121,410 305,516 2,197,775 310,502 298,542 11,959 4.0% Dumas Bay Centre Fund 679,049 639,053 91,640 691,065 98,989 95,979 3,011 3.1% Surface Water Management 3,354,182 2,834,262 349,394 3,573,806 440,562 377,053 63,509 16.8% Total Ecpenditures 24,094,524 23,033,151 841,594 11,357,380, 951,602 851,918 i ve rues:m+et"t 4"of 'ap tlditurl S „„ „11,980,1<21 "'14;197,312 942,113 "t ,746,956 2, { wiG i$2 Other Sources: Ongoing Transfers In: Utility Tax for DBCOper/Reserves 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 0.0% Utility TaxforFWCC Oper/Reserves 792,797 794,449 26,772 788,328 45,343 - (45,343) n/a Utility Tax for FWCC & SCORE Debt 2,531,876 2,530,224 - 1,751,841 - n/a Utility Taxfor Arterial Streets Overlay 998,000 998,000 - 998,000 n/a 1 -Time Transfers/Grants /Other 713,013 1 661,862 96,460 408,017 42,358 42,358 0.0% Total Other Sources 5,147,686 5,096,535 235,232 4,058,186 199,701 154,358 (41l,3bjl " = 24:dfa Other Uses: Ongoing Transfer Out: Red Light /School Zone for PD, CT, TR 1,075,040 1,302,040 1,030,000 n/a Utility Tax to FWCCOper /Reserves 683,000 683,000 26,772 683,000 n/a Utility Tax to FWCC & SCORE Debt 2,641,673 2,641,673 - 1,832,000 n/a Utility Tax to DBC Oper /Reserves 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 0.01/9 Utility Taxto Arterial Streets Overlay 998,000 998,000 - 998,000 - - n/a Utility Taxto Transportation Capital 681,000 681,000 - 681,000 n/a Utillity Taxto General/Street Oper 5,236,000 5,236,000 1,552,337 5,236,000 1,552,337 1,552,337 0.0% Utility Taxto Prop 1 Voter Package 2,980,187 2,877,100 508,756 2,980,187 486,592 486,592 0.0% 1 -Time Transfers/Other /Unalloc IS 2,781,918 2,439,102 4,998 1,924,000 516 1 516 0.0% Total Other Uses 17,188,818 16,969,915 2,204,863 15,476,187 2,151,445 2,151,445 - 0.0% Finding Fund Balance Arterial Streets Overlay (0) 159,530 132,538 159,531 - 225,921 n/a n/a Utility Tax(non -Prop 1) 2,392,878 2,622,105 3,568,862 2,251,918 2,635,750 n/a n/a Utility Tax- Prop 1 Voter Package 1,080,948 1,045,434 1,060,317 1,045,434 1,052,033 n/a n/a Solid Waste & Recycling 151,928 211,761 200,308 188,754 251,439 n/a n/a Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 227,034 125,075 227,034 250,631 n/a n/a Federal Way Community Center 1,397,693 1,597,515 1,207,394 1,831,567 1,607,917 n/a n/a Traffic Safety Fund 2,477,072 2,804,483 2,489,031 2,604,483 3,102,708 n/a n/a Paths & Trails 175,668 162,440 169,350 14,440 181,707 n/a n/a Debt Service Fund 4,604,011 5,248,335 4,308,902 5,191,285 5,397,549 n/a n/a Surface Water Management 3,506,844 3,941,068 2,973,576 3,778,030 3,616,597 n/a n/a Dumas Bay Centre Fund 61,203 212,979 252,322 269,163 323,168 n/a n/a Sales Tax Compared to year -to -date February 2013 actual, sales tax revenues are up by $74K or 3.6 %. Compared to year -to -date 2014 budget, year -to -date sales tax revenues are above by $6K or 0.3 %. Retail Trade $ 1,178,872 $ 1,201,110 $ 22,238 1.9% Up $41K - Building & Garden Materials, Furniture & Home Goods, Gasoline Stations, Motor Information 97,825 96,898 (927) -0.9% Vehicle & Parts Dealer, Nonstore Retailers, Sporting Goods /Hobby /Book, Food & Beverage Manufacturing 21,424 28,413 6,989 32.6% Stores, Health & Personal Care Stores, Electronics & Appliances Government 33,586 25,571 (8,015) -23.91% Down $19K - Gasoline, Clothing & Accessories, General Merchandise Stores Services 433,281 438,552 5,271 1.2% Up $22K - Company Management, Admin & Support Services, Hospitals, Social Assistance, Other 3,683 3,685 2 0.1 Performing Arts, Museums, Food Services, Personal & Laundry Services Down $17K - PmfessionaVScientific/Tech, Waste Management, Educational Services, Abulatory Health Care Services, Nursing and Residential Care, Gambling, Accomodation, Repair and Maintenance, Religious Construct 147,761 173,767 26,005 176% Up S38K - Specialty Trade Contractors & Construction of Buildings Down $12K - Heavy & Civil Construction Wholesaling 75,107 83,636 8,529 11,4% Up S9K - Wholesale Trade, Durable & Nondurable goods Transp /Utility 969 430 (539) -55.6% Information 97,825 96,898 (927) -0.9% Manufacturing 21,424 28,413 6,989 32.6% Up $7K - Wood Product Manufacturing Government 33,586 25,571 (8,015) -23.91% Down $8K - Unclassifiable Accounts, Economic Programs Admin Fin /Insurance /Real Estate 50,335 64,712 14,377 28.6% Up $14K - Central Banks, Insurance Carriers & Related, Rental/Leasing Svcs, Real Estate Other 3,683 3,685 2 0.1 'YTD Total .Sales Tax $ 2,042,844 $..2,116,775 $.: 73,931. 3i6/ -56.8% S 348th Retail Block 211,960 211,286 (674) -0.3% Up $3K Building Material & Garden 584,016 50.4% 561,062 47.5% Mar Down S4K Electronics & Appliances, Retail Eating & 1,209,938 - - - Drinking The Cmranons 221,076 212,104 (8,971) 4.1% Up $IK Retail Eating & Drinking - May 699,516 850,929 Down $6K General Merchandise - - - - Jun Down $4K Apparel & Accessories S 312th to S 316th 161,543 151,902 (9,641) -6.0% Down $3K Retail Autonrative Gas Jul 931,882 1,013,323 - - Down S3K General Merchandise Stores - - Aug 800,419 795,280 Down S4K Retail Food Stores Pavilion Center 103,983 104,073 90 0.1% General Increase Hotels & Motels 25,364 23,043 (2,322) -9.2% General Decrease FW Crossings 71,619 75,901 4,283 6.0% Up S5K Misc Store Retailers - Nov 974,651 933,786 Up S2K Retail Eating & Drinking - - Dec Down $4K Health & Personal Care Gateway Center 34,863 37,147 2,284 6.6% Up S4K Telecoffrmnications Subtotal $ 2,182,152 $ 2,291,862 1 $ 2,184,134 $ 1,982 Down S2K Food/Beverage Stores Utility Tax (Total 7.75%) Total net utility taxes received year -to -date of $2.18M is $2K or 0.1 % above year -to -date 2012 and $108K or 4.7% below budget The rebate line item is for Federal Way residents who are 65 years of age or older, disabled/unable to work, and qualified as low income during the calendar year would qualify for the City's Utility Tax Rebate Program. Any payments that these qualified individuals made towards the utility tax that is passed from the utility company to the consumer is reimbursed by the City. This is an annual program that opens January 1st and closes April 30th of each year. The City has processed 50 rebates for the current year. Jan $ 1,023,991 $ 1,110,746 $ 441,956 $ (582,034) -56.8% $ (668,790) -60.2% Feb 1,158,162 1,181,116 1,742,178 584,016 50.4% 561,062 47.5% Mar 1,295,036 1,209,938 - - - - Apr 1,049,750 1,250,534 - - - May 699,516 850,929 - - - - - Jun 1,470,623 1,102,406 - - - - Jul 931,882 1,013,323 - - - - - Aug 800,419 795,280 - - - - Sept 622,095 498,023 - - - - Oct 768,294 1,016,221 - - - - Nov 974,651 933,786 - - Dec 1,815,545 1,558,699 - - - Subtotal $ 2,182,152 $ 2,291,862 1 $ 2,184,134 $ 1,982 0.1% $ (107,728) 4 .7% Rebate - (6,400) (5,433) (5,433) 0.00/0 967 1 - 15.1% Annual Total 1 $ 12,584,292 1 $ 12,494,000 1 n/a I n/a n/a I n/a ( n/a Proposition I Voter - Approved Utility Tax Year -to -date 2014 Prop 1 expenditures total $487K or 16.3% of the $3M annual budget. Current life -to -date Prop 1 Utility tax collections total $20.6M and expenditures total $19.6M resulting in ending fund balance of $1.1 M. Beginning Balance: 1,080,948 502,187 1,045,433 n/a 661,148 OPERATING REVENUES January 256,196 231,224 250,814 99,797 1,703,462 February 282,170 261,520 266,704 393,395 2,107,415 March 265,555 290,362 273,212 - 2,007,634 April 302,383 235,536 282,379 - 1,954,187 May 240,311 155,729 192,145 - 1,751,342 June 196,630 332,076 248,930 - 1,657,827 July 226,447 210,425 228,815 1,571,112 August 187,921 180,740 179,579 - 1,423,258 September 141,573 140,473 112,457 - 1,281,788 October 249,112 173,486 229,469 - 1,612,077 November 156,474 220,082 210,855 - 1,450,553 December 316,453 409,933 351,964 - 2,127,618 Total Prop Revenues; 2,821,226 2,841,586 2,827,323 4"3 01 20648 72 OPERATING EXPENDITURES Public Safety Improvement Positions & Costs: Police Services (includes sworn positions, records clerk, and indirect Information Technology support costs) ** 2,322,522 2,239,620 2,322,522 353,830 14,420,373 Court Services (includes Judge, Court Clerk, Prosecutor, public defender contract, and indirect IT support) 392,683 383,838 392,683 63,402 2,443,861 Total Pudic Safety Improvement Costs 2,715,205 2,623,458 2,715,205 417,232 16,864,234 Conmtunity Safely Program Costs: Code Enforcement Officer* 318,857 Code Enforcement Civil Attorney 69,341 64,893 69,341 10,492 428,356 Park Maintenance 113,555 110,528 113,555 15,436 695,095 Total Community Safety hmprovement Costs 182,896 175,421 182,896 25,928 1,442,308 Indirect Support - HR Analyst 44,586 40,721 44,586 5,933 254,704 SafeCity M &O 37,500 37,500 37,500 37,500 245,928 Subtotal Ongoing Expenditures 82,086 78,221 82,086 43,433 500,632 SafeCity Startup - - - - 189,066 Other Transfer- Prop 1 OT for Police 600,000 Subtotal Other Expenditures - 789,066 Total Prop Expenditures: 2,980,187 2,877,100 2,980,187 486,593 19,596,240' Total3indtn Pd slanees, ., s... • S. =5027< 1, 433 .,:..u34� 23.: *Code Enforcement Officer 1.0 FTE frozen in 2011112 remains frozen in 2013114. ** Police Officers 2.0 FTE previouslyfrozen is one -time funded in 2013114 by Traffic Safety Fund. Real Estate Excise Tax Compared to 2013 year -to -date actuals, collections are up $23K or 17.4 %. February's receipt of $74K is below February 2013's actual by $7K or 10.7% and below February 2013's projections by $30K or 67.2 %. Year -to -date collections are below year -to -date projections by $37K or 19.4 %. January thru February 2014 activities include 309 real estate transactions, of which 173 were tax exempt. There were 136 taxable residential sales (total sales $30.2M / $149K tax) one commercial property transactions which was for Safeway Twin Lakes (sold for $1.04M/ $5K tax). HotellMotel Lodging Tax Hotel/Motel lodging tax received year -to -date 2014 is $26K and is below 2013's year -to -date collections by $2K or 5.8 %. 2014 year -to -date receipts are below year -to -date projections by Less than $1K or 2 %. Permit Activity Building, planning, and zoning permit activities are below 2013's year -to -date activity by $61K or 21.6 %. Compared to year -to -date budget, permit activity is down $17K or 7.0 %. Some significant permits for 2014 include: Wynstone East, Park 16 Apartments and Dicks Sporting Goods ,Tan $ . 65,032 $ 147,546 $ Feb 66,611 44,117 Mar 199,329 126,403 Apr 106,752 85,061 May 147,465 81,762 Jun 211,838 178,885 Jul 234,849 145,798 Aug 139,187 75,827 Sep 134,947 99,968 Oct 114,028 89,667 Nov 189,948 104,526 Dec 424,050 220,440 YTD Total 131,642 191,663 Annual Total $ 2,034,036 $ 1,400,000 80,758 $ 15,726 24.2% $ (66,788)1 45.3% 73,759 7,149 10.7% 29,642 67.2% (1,458) -10.2% (1,414) -9.9% Mar 12,771 11,446 - - Apr 14,441 14,061 - - May 18,168 17,461 - - - - Jun 13,666 12,999 - - - - Jul 15,606 15,336 - - - - - Aug 19,495 17,795 - - - - Sept 24,707 22,574 - 154,517 22,875 17.4% 37,146 -19.4% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Jan $ 13,537 $ 12,492 $ 13,380 $ (157) -1.2% $ 887 7.1% Feb 14,270 14,226 12,812 (1,458) -10.2% (1,414) -9.9% Mar 12,771 11,446 - - Apr 14,441 14,061 - - May 18,168 17,461 - - - - Jun 13,666 12,999 - - - - Jul 15,606 15,336 - - - - - Aug 19,495 17,795 - - - - Sept 24,707 22,574 - - - Oct 28,512 23,537 - - Nov 17,998 17,573 - - - - Dec 15,668 15,498 - - - - Annual Total $ 208,839 $ 195,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Police Department The total overtime budget of $773K consists of $716K for City overtime and $57K for billable time. Compared to year -to -date budget, City portion overtime is $13K or 10.6% above year -to -date projections. Compared to year -to -date 2013 actuals, City portion overtime is 17K or 14.2% above prior year -to -date total. Including the increase in billable overtime, total overtime increased by $36K or 29.2 %. The January- February 2014 overtime increase of $15K from January- February 2013 actuals is attributable to an increase shift call in and superior court appearances during the first two months of 2014. ON Pk O rlllc !W f $ 58,875 } N'ea,CA AEGU'�elxrtt'�ry \ Feb Ilm4i+1 Awrablt . 201 2014 .. "'~ ' C1►;tr'oait2�1 , 0.1% 6,100 Training $ 6,709 $ 1,965 $ (4,744) 70.7/0 Court 4,482 12,869 8,387 187.1% Field Oper 94,506 101,073 6,567 6.9% Other 13,862 16,362 2,501 18.00/ City Portion 119,558 132,269 12,711 10.6% Contract /Grant 22,227 23,104 878 3.9% Traffic School 3,202 41227 1,025 32.0% Billable 25,429 27,331 1,902 7.5% YID Total $144,987 $ 159,600 1 $ 14,613 10.1% 6 lNunLb: .. . f $ 58,875 NEE x $ 69,247 $ 12,652 22.4% $ 10,372 17.6% Jan $ 56,595 Feb 62,964 56,921 63,022 58 0.1% 6,100 10.7% Mar 50,695 57,826 - - - - Apr 65,049 59,881 May 54,787 62,877 Jun 40,747 52,125 Jul 69,370 74,590 - - - - - Aug 53,773 56,793 Sep 59,074 56,171 Oct 82,123 69,325 Nov 66,097 49,510 - Dec 81,868 60,732 - - - 25,429 7,731 27,331 7.5% 19,601 253.5% Billable 1,902 $ $ 49,269 $ Now $ - - $ - - Billable Annual Total; n/a $ 772,627 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Jail Services The total jail budget is $5.07M and is comprised of $4.16M for SCORE Jail maintenance & operation assessments and alternative programs and $913K for debt service. The increase in the 2014 maintenance & operations assessment is due primarily to much lower estimated contract revenue and no one -time funds to offset costs. The annual debt service payment is roughly $913K. Traffic Safety -Red Light Photo /School Zone Enforcement Red light photo & school zone enforcement revenues are accounted for in the Traffic Safety Fund to be used for, but not limited to, prevention, education, and enforcement efforts related to traffic safety and compliance with traffic control devices within the City, including maintenance and operations costs. Currently there are a total of 14 cameras at 11 locations (8 of these cameras are red light and 6 are in the school zones). The original 4 red light cameras were activated in October 2008 and an additional 4 cameras were activated February 2010. The original 4 school zone cameras were activated February 2010 and an additional 2 cameras were activated December 2010. Payments to ATS include $4,750 /month per location plus supplemental fees for check processing. Year -to -date 2014 red light photo net revenues total $298K which is below year -to -date 2013 actuals by $108K or 26.7 %. � r i?everiue Jan $ 305,790 ?£( $ (53,237) Bile% Rexut�,lr $ 252,553 $ 237,957 $ (53,038) $ 184,920 Ott $ (67,633) " "- -26.8% Feb 206,768 (53,209) 153,560 165,840 (53,000) 112,840 (40,720) - 26.5% Mar 235,118 (59,123) 175,996 (26,403 ) -18.5% (17,802) -13.3% Apr 260,705 (53,390) 207,315 (1,390) -94.3 iminal Costs 23,485 May 253,306 (53,194)1 200,113 serest / Other / M is 17,260 17,777 518 Jun 243,295 (53,276) 190,019 12,177 (4,955) -28.9 ared Court Costs Jul 259,383 (39,238) 220,146 -100.0 rvices & Charges 13,410 13,127 Aug 230,479 (38,881) 191,598 $ 260,272 $ 226,016 $ (34,256) -13.2 Sep 154,855 (53,114) 101,741 (1,211) -9.6 Oct 212,154 (53,330) 158,824 Nov 216,533 (53,113) 163,421 Dec 164,726 (52,990) 111,736 Annual Total $ 2,743,112 100,484 94,436 n/a n/a n/a $(616,092) $ 2,127,021 n/a n/a Annual Budget n/a n/a 830,000 n/a n/a 830,000 n/a n/a Court Court revenues are $35K or 13.0% below 2013 year -to -date actuals and $21K or 8.1% below 2014 year -to -date budget. The negative variance is mainly due to decrease in traffic & non - parking. ^*�fq*3h'l a(}t4 " \�•�`�' �`E b'v a.��` \aj � / .(iy - gftoia2t?iil�1AS1Ytit7? IA. M • ,t,� :. .: Janua $ 117,372 $ 110,308 $ 109,519 $ (7,853) -6.7% $ (788) -0.7% February ]42,899 134,298 116,497 (26,403 ) -18.5% (17,802) -13.3% March 154,689 145,379 84 (1,390) -94.3 iminal Costs 23,485 April 128,560 120,822 13.7 serest / Other / M is 17,260 17,777 518 May 134,047 125,979 17,132 12,177 (4,955) -28.9 ared Court Costs June 93,418 87,795 (11,397) -100.0 rvices & Charges 13,410 13,127 July 138,535 130,196 ibtotal $ 260,272 $ 226,016 $ (34,256) -13.2 August 111,353 104,651 11,369 (1,211) -9.6 Se tembe 102,806 96,618 October 123,536 116,100 Novemberl 89,825 84,418 December 100,484 94,436 Probation 12,580 13,585 11,369 (1,211) -9.6% (2,216) -16.3% z Probation 61,501 66,415 n/a n/a n/a S (20s8U6) n/a n/a Annual $ 1,511,606 $ 1,431,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a vil Penalties $ 3,199 $ 3,553 $ 354 11.1 affic & Non-Parkin 147,504 127,318 (20,186) -13.7 rking Infractions 6,224 5,490 (734) -11.8 JI & Other M isd 19,187 19,796 608 3.2 iminal Traffic M isd 1,473 84 (1,390) -94.3 iminal Costs 23,485 26,695 3,210 13.7 serest / Other / M is 17,260 17,777 518 3.0 iminal Conv Fees 17,132 12,177 (4,955) -28.9 ared Court Costs 11,397 (11,397) -100.0 rvices & Charges 13,410 13,127 (283) -2.1 ibtotal $ 260,272 $ 226,016 $ (34,256) -13.2 obation Services 12,580 11,369 (1,211) -9.6 Federal Way Community Center The Federal Way Community Center Fund was established as a special revenue fund supported by user fees and designated utility tax transfer. The operating revenue budget includes $1.64M in user fees /program revenues, $554K contribution from utility tax for operations, $234K contribution from utility tax for reserves, and $25K use charge from General Fund Recreation for use of the facility. Year -to -date operating revenues total $309K which is $44K or 16.5% above the year -to -date budget. In comparison to 2014's year -to -date budget: ■ Daily Drop -in revenues are $5K or 9.6% above mainly due to large group visits from neighboring districts. • Pass revenues are $12K or 9.2% above due to marketing and membership retention efforts and high attendance in group exercise and aquatics programs for families. Strong program offerings are helping bring in new customers and retain current ones; in particular the addition of Group Ride and adjustments to pool hours to better serve families with young children. • City Employee Membership Program are $8K or 78.3% below due to I" quarter employee pass revenue not in the financial system. ■ Aquatic Programs are $5K or 31.2% above due to high enrollment in swim lessons, teen and private swim lessons, and lifeguarding courses. ■ Fitness Classes are $12K or 85.8% above due to high enrollment in Group Training Programs, Biggest Loser Competition and Silver Sneakers. ■ Rental Revenues are up $12K or 44.1% above mainly due to higher than normal I" quarter bookings for birthday parties, meeting rentals, and special events. Year -to -date operating expenditures total $299K which is $12K or 3.9% below year -to -date budget. Federal Way Community Center has recovered 103.5% of operating expenditures compared to the annual budgeted recovery ratio of 74.8 %. In comparison to 2014's year -to -date budget: ■ Personnel Costs are $1K or 0.5% below due to adjustments to staffing inventory, in particular the change from Assistant Aquatics Coordinator to Lead Lifeguard. Other measures to reduce part-time staffing have also been successful. ■ Supplies are $3K or 14.9% above due to a few substantial pool system repairs and part replacements. ■ Other Services & Charges are $IK or 9.1% below due to the timing of direct mail advertising pieces and a more efficient and cost - effective approach to advertising media. Also repairs and other services have been done in -house versus the use of contract services. ■ Utility Costs are $13K or 37.7% below due to City and Facility staffing efforts to improve energy efficiencies. The City's utility tax contribution of $788K for the Community Center is scheduled to provide $554K for operations and $234K for capital reserves. Year -to -date $OK is needed to cover maintenance and operations. The chart below provides a history of year -to -date revenues, expenditures and utility tax operating subsidy. Dumas Bay Centre Dumas Bay Centre Fund year -to -date revenue of $91K is $6K or 0.9% below year -to -date budget but $4K or 4.0% above year -to- date 2013. The decrease from year -to -date 2013 is due to an decrease in the number of overnight guests booked in the facility for the first two months. Year -to -date operating expenses total $96K, which is $3K or 3.0% below year -to -date budget of $99K. Expenses are above $4K from year -to -date 2013 due to change in staffing in the kitchen operation and termination pay for the previous chef. Ending fund balance for Dumas Bay Centre Fund is a positive $323K, of which $122K is earmarked for repairs and maintenance. FUND ACTIVITY SUMMARY 001/101 General /Street Fund $ 16,240,294 ; $ 6,422,827 $ 6,882,470 $ (4.59,642) $ 15,780,651'' 201 Debt Service Fund 5,248,336: 155,283 6,069 149,213 5,397,549 Special Revenue Funds: 102 Arterial Street 159,531 78,277 11,886 66,391 225,922 103 Utility Tax( *) 3,667,540 2,179,172 2,158,929 20,243 3,687,783 106 Solid Waste & Recycling 211,761 91,435 51,757 39,678 251,439 107 Special Contracts /Studies Fund 357,019 55 55 357,074 109 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 227,034 26,227 2,630 23,597 250,631 110 2% for the Arts 293 293 111 Federal Way Community Center 1,597,512 309,028 298,623 10,405 1,607,917 112 Traffic Safety Fund 2,804,483 298,225 - 298,225 3,102,709 119 CDBG (* *) 40,718 54,062 34,378 19,684 60,402 120 Path & Trails 162,439 19,268 - 19,268 181,708 Subtotal Special aR'et+enue Funds 9,228,330. 3,055,750 2,55803 497,547 9,725,877'.: Capital Project Funds: 301 Downtown Redevelopment 2,%2,522 231,949 374 231,575 3,194,096 302 Municipal Facilities 682,442 104 18,071 (17,%7) 664,475 303 Parks 2,433,496 95,094 106,293 (11,199) 2,422,297 304 Surface Water Management 2,402,742 190,124 20,778 169,346 2,572,088 306 Transportation 13,194,855 979,789 668,819 310,971 13,505,826 ,Subtotal Capital Project Funds Enterprise Funds: 2f,476,657 ' 1,497,060` 81035 682,725 22,35>1,783 401 Surface Water Management 3,941,067 52,583 377,055 (324,472) 3,616,595 402 Dumas Bay Centre Fund 212,979 206,603 96,414 110,189 323,169 Subtotal Enterprise Funds 4,154,047 259;186 473,469 (214,283) 3,939,764 Internal Service Funds 501 Risk Management 5,644,490 1,090,919 853,714 237,206 5,881,696 502Infonnation Systems 3,792,955 350,458 240,182 110,276 3,903,231 503 Mail & Duplication 214,523 24,872 8,155 16,717 231,240 504 Fleet & Equipment 6,010,333 331,264 88,043 243,221 6,253,555 505 Buildings & Furnishings 1,710,731 87,187 33,237 53,950 1,764,681 Subtotal Internal Service Funds 17,37(3,,^632+ 1,884,7y0�0 1,223,330 661,370 18,034,402 40020,096 • Utility Tax ending fund balance of$3,687,783 includes $1,052,033 reserved for Prop 1. • *CDBG negative fund balance is due to timing ofgrant receipts. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Marc4t48r2A-14 rz, ...........1....... ..._� ...... ....... ............................... .......................ITEM #:�_ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ .................I............. ..............� f CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT TO PROGRAM YEAR (PY) 2012 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG)ANNuAL ACTION PLAN POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve a Substantial Amendment to the PY 2012 CDBG Annual Action Plan for funding of several PY 2014 activities? COMMITTEE: Parks, Recreation, Human Services & Public Safety MEETING DATE: Marchl 1, 2014 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ® Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Jay Bennett, Community Services Manager DEPT: Community & Economic Develo meat Attachments: Draft Substantial Amendment to the Program Year (PY) 2012 Community Development Block Grant Annual Plan Background The Five Year Consolidated Planning Document (CPD) is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and guides the City of Federal Way housing and non - housing community development based programs. The CPD addresses the use of federal funds administered by HUD and then allocated to the City in the form of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG funds, and other funding including Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP3), The City annually adopts and submits to HUD an Annual Action Plan which establishes the activities that support the housing, community development, and economic development activities included in the Five Year Consolidated Plan for Federal Way. The 2012 Annual Action Plan reflected an allocation of $576,478 and later received $349,420 in additional funds as a result of a transfer of CDBG funds from King County Consortium. The City has decided to include some additional program /projects not originally included in the 2012 Annual Action Plan for implementation in 2014. Community Services proposes a Substantial Amendment to PY 2012 Annual Action Plan to fund the following activities, to be carried out in PY 2014: Activity Emergency Housing Repair Sm Business Job Retention Program Micro Business Job Retention Program Habitat West Way Home Repair $ 40,303 $ 114,000 $ 100,000 $ 15,000 The adopted Citizen Participation Plan requires the City to publicly notice, provide a review and comment period of no less than thirty (30) days, and conduct a public hearing when a Substantial Amendment to any Annual Action Plan is necessary. The City advertised the Substantial Amendment to the PY 2012 AAP in the Federal Way Mirror and by posted the document on the City's website and at the Public Library. A Public Hearing was duly advertised on February 14th to be held during the Mareh-18th City Council meeting. To date, no public comments have been received regarding the issue. PYC",1 I" The Human Services Commission reviewed the Substantial Amendment to the PY 2012 AAP at its meeting on February 24th and has recommended approval to the City Council. Options: a) Conduct a Public Hearing to accept comments on the proposed Substantial Amendment to Program Year (PY) 2012 Annual Action Plans required by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in connection with grant funded community development activities. b) Close the public comment period. c) Adopt the Substantial Amendment to PY 2012 Annual Action Plans for submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)authorizing the Mayor to execute forms and agreements related to this document as needed and approved by the City Attorney's Office. 2. Direct staff to make changes to the proposed Substantial Amendment to PY 2012 Annual Action Plan, (AAP) and subsequently modify the proposed PY 2014 AAP. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: MAYOR APPROVAL: CHIEF OF STAFF: 4 DIRECTOR APPROVAL: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: "I move to forward the Substantial Amendment of the Program Year 2012 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan to the.Atwmh -M, 2014 City Council meeting agenda under Public Hearing ". +ri I 1 Committee Chair PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move 'CW Community Development Block Grant Annual agreements related to the Amendment. " wal of the Substantial Amendment to the Program Year 2012 Action Plan and authorize the Mayor to execute forms and (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1sT reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED— 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # 40k CITY OF Federal Way City of Federal Way Per \ENTp� yQP f' y% Q '98 DEV�`O Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT Program Year 1 - 2012 333258 1h Avenue S. Federal Way, WA 98003 March, 2014 SUMMARY: The City of Federal Way currently receives Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding as an entitlement community from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The 2012 Annual Action Plan (Program Year 1) was formally approved by the Federal Way City Council at a public meeting held on November 15, 2011 then submitted to HUD on November 23, 2011. An estimated allocation based on correspondence with HUD was used to prepare the 2012 Annual Action Plan. The 2012 AAP reflected an allocation of $576,478, final allocation amounts resulted in Federal Way receiving $349,420 additional in the 2012 Program Year as a result of a transfer of CDBG funds from King County Consortium. The City has decided to include some additional program /projects not originally included in the 2012 Annual Action Plan for implementation in 2014. This requires a Substantial Amendment to the 2012 Annual Action Plan. This document, consisting of a narrative as well as required attachments, constitutes the formal Substantial Amendment to HUD. SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT NARRATIVE For Program Year 2012, which started January 1, 2012 and ended December 31, 2012, the City has received $925,898 of CDBG funds, made available to implement its Annual Action Plan activities. The table below reflects the originally adopted revenues and expenditures, the grant amounts actually received and expended during the 2012 Program Year, along with the proposed revisions in 2014. Activities Adopted Budget 2012 Actual Expenditures 2012 RevkW *k *f204-' Revenues 2012 HUD Entitlement Grant $576,450 $576,450 Program Income $0 $0 King County Transfer $0 $349,420 Total CDBG $$ $576,450 N/A $925,870 Section 108 (under consideration) HOME $0 $0 Emergency Solutions Grant $0 $0 NSP3 Funds $0 $0 $845,000 $845,000 Planning/Administration $115,290 $70,472 $115,290 Staff Costs Public Services Orion Rehabilitation Svcs $15,709 $15,709 $15,709 HealthPoint Dental $10,027 $10,027 $10,027 Inst. for Family Development PACT $15,078 $15,078 $15,078 FW Inclusion $22,807 $22,807 $22,807 FW Senior Center Adult Day Care $14,842 $11,131 $14,842 MSC Emergency Feeding Program $8,002 $8,002 $8,002 CERF Emergency Housing Repair $150,000 $151,132 $191,345 Commercial Loans $300,000 $0 $300,000 Microenterprise $75,000 $72,620 $75,000 Commercial Exterior $100,000 $0 $100,000 Sm Business Retention Program $0 $0 $114,000 Micro Business Retention $0 $0 $100,000 Habitat West Way Home Repair $0 $0 $15,000 NSP3 West Way 1 $845,000 1 $644,354 1 $845,000 OBJECTIVES & OUTCOMES For PY 2012, the City of Federal Way has identified the following activities to be accomplished, included in this Substantial Amendment. Amendment Description EmemencyHousina Repair Proarom— Owner Assistance: (PY -2012 budgetary change) This activity involves the investment of funds, via low interest, deferred loans for the emergency renovation of owner - occupied, single - family dwellings and to upgrade sub - standard housing. The program is administered City -wide and is available to any low- to moderate - income residents. The City is increasing the total amount of the activity's PY -2012 by $40,303 ($191,345). Anticipated Outcomes: A total of 41 Federal Way residents will have benefitted as a result of the additional funds in PY 2012. CDBG IDIS Matrix Code: 14A— Rehab; Single -Unit Residential National Objective: LMH Approved PY 2012 AAP budget amount: $150,000 Proposed PY 2012 AAP Substantial Amendment budget: $191,345 (increase of $40,303) Small Business Retention Program: (PY -2012 new activity) This activity involves the investment of funds, via low interest and /or deferred loans for retention of existing Federal Way jobs. The program is administered City -wide and is available to any small business that can demonstrate that "but not for" assistance, loss of jobs will occur. Anticipated Outcomes: 3 Federal Way small business (6 or more employees) will retain 3 FTE jobs. CDBG IDIS Matrix Code: 18A -- (Job creation /retention) National Objective: (Jobs) Approved PY 2012 AAP budget amount: $0 Proposed PY 2012 AAP Substantial Amendment budget: $114,000 Microenterprise Business Retention Proaram: (PY -2012 new activity) This activity involves the investment of funds, via low interest and /or deferred loans for retention of existing Federal Way jobs. The program is administered City -wide and is available to any microenterprise business that can demonstrate that "but not for" assistance, loss of jobs will occur. Anticipated Outcomes: 5 Federal Way microenterprise business (5 or fewer employees including owner) will retain 5 FTE jobs. CDBG IDIS Matrix Code: 18C — (Job creation /retention) National Objective: (Jobs) Approved PY 2012 AAP budget amount: $0 Proposed PY 2012 AAP Substantial Amendment budget: $100,000 Habitat for Humanity West Way Home Repair Program : (PY -2012 new activity) This activity involves the investment of funds as a grant to Habitat to Humanity — Seattle /King County for reconstruction of one (1) single family home in the Greater West Way Neighborhood. Habitat will acquire the unit from its own fund sources and cover all remaining costs necessary to bring the unit up to code standards. The housing unit will be sold to an income qualified family, via low interest, deferred loans for the emergency renovation of owner - occupied, single - family dwellings and to upgrade sub - standard housing. The program is administered City -wide and is available to any low- to moderate - income residents. Anticipated Outcomes: 1 (one) West Way home will be rehabilitated to code standards. One income qualified family will become homeowners. CDBG IDIS Matrix Code: 14A— Rehab; Single -Unit Residential National Objective: LMH Approved PY 2012 AAP budget amount: $ 0 Proposed PY 2012 AAP Substantial Amendment budget: $15,000 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION According to the CDBG program's Citizen Participation Plan, the City shall amend its approved Annual Action Plan whenever it makes one of the following decisions: A. To make a change in its allocation priorities or a change in the method of distribution of funds; B. To carry out an activity, using funds from any program covered by the Consolidated Plan (including program income), not previously described in the Annual Action Plan; or C. To change the purpose, scope, location, or beneficiaries of an activity. Often times proposed changes to an approved Annual Action Plan may substantially (defined below) alter the documents to such an extent that public input is required. The city has therefore established the following criteria to define a threshold to require public participation. Definition of a Substantial Amendment: A. Any significant change in priorities, goals and objectives outlined in the Annual Action Plan. B. One, or several cumulative activity changes to an Annual Action Plan, equal to ten percent (10%) or greater of any CDBG funds or Section 108 loan funds. C. To carry out a CDBG- funded activity not previously approved in the Annual Action Plan. The proposed changes to the HUD - approved PY 2012 Annual Action Plan, as described on the previous pages, constitute a Substantial Amendment as defined under the Citizen Participation Plan. Public participation is an important part of the development process of the Substantial Amendment to the PY 2012 Annual Action Plan and required under the Citizen Participation Plan. As a result, at its regular meeting on March 18, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, the City Council held a public hearing on the proposed amendments to the PY 2012 Annual Action Plan. The public hearing offered the opportunity for public input into formulation of the Substantial Amendment. The public hearing was advertised on February 14, 2014 in The Federal Way Mirror, a local newspaper, which is widely distributed to households in the City of Federal Way and the southern Puget Sound in Washington. All meetings of the City Council are also posted on the city's website (www.cityoffederalway.com) and at City Hall A draft copy of the Substantial Amendment was available for public viewing on the City's website, and at the following locations: Federal Way Library and the Mayor's Office at Federal Way City Hall. Notices: To be attached. Transcript (City Council minutes): To be attached. ATTACHMENT A (REVISED) SUMMARY OF OBJECTIVES REVISED SUMMARY OF ANNUAL OBJECTIVES Updated to reflect: 1. Addition of the Habitat for Humanity West Way Renovation Project 2. Addition of the Small Business Retention Program 3. Addition of the Microenterprise Business Retention Program 4. Increased allocation to the Emergency Housing Repair program Decent Housing with Purpose of New or im roved Availabili /Accessibifi H -1 Specific Objective Source of Year Performance Expected Actual Percent Funds Indicators Number Number Completed DH Support homeownership CDBG 2012 Households 9 33 367% 1.1 by assisting owners to 2013 assisted to 18 % maintain their homes 2014 maintain housing 18 % 2015 (repaired) 18 % 2016 18 % MULTI -YEAR GOAL 81 % Decent Housin with Pur ose'of New: or Improved Afford abili 11-2 DH Support homeownership NSP 3 2012 Households assisted to 2 5 250% 2.1 by assisting new or existing 2013 become homeowners 8 % homeowners to retain 2014 or remain 4 % homeownership 2015 homeowners 0 % 2016 0 % MULTI -YEAR GOAL 14 Suitable Living Environment with Pu ose of New or Improved Avail abili /Accessibili SL-1 SL Provide a safety net of CDBG 2012 Persons receiving 354 387 109% 1.1 services to stabilize 2013 safety net 97 % households who are in 2014 services 97 % crisis or at risk 2015 97 % 2016 97 % MULTI -YEAR GOAL 742 % Suitable Living Purpose of New or Ina roved Affordabilil SL-1 SL Improve accessibility and CDBG 2012 Capital or facility 0 0 % 1.2 use of existing and new 2013 improvements 0 % city facilities/construct 2014 serving LM 1 % public improvements to 2015 neighborhoods 1 % support community 2016 1 % vitalization strategies MULTI -YEAR GOAL 4 % Suitable Living Environment with Purpose of New or Improved Sustainability (SL-3) SL Provide services to CDBG 2012 Persons receiving 166 128 77% 3.1 households to help them 2013 elf- sufficiency 81 % on the path toward self 2014 services 81 % sufficiency 2015 81 % 2016 81 % MULTI -YEAR GOAL 490 % Economic Opportunditgy with Purpose of New or I roved Availabili 7Accessibili O-1 Specific Objective Source of Year Performance Expected Actual Percent SL -2 Funds Economic Opportunity Indicators Number Number Completed EO Encourage the creation CDBG 2012 Jobs created or 10 11 110% 1.1 and growth of businesses 2013 retained for LM 10 % 2014 Dersons 20 2015 20 % 2016 % MULTI -YEAR GOAL 90 % Economic 0 rtuni " with I' of New or Im roved Availabiff /Accessibili O-1) EO ncourage the creation CDBG 2012 '-M-owned 96 109 113% 1.2 and growth of businesses 2013 usinesses 96 % 2014 ssisted/LM 96 % 2015 leighborhoods 96 2016 ssisted 96 MULTI -YEAR GOAL 480 % *The City had estimated first year outcomes based on prior year experience with the 3 individual public services programs making up the outcomes for these objectives. Because each of the SL1.1 and SL3.1 objectives includes a single project with estimated outcomes that are much higher than the other 2 project outcomes (the persons receiving assistance in the larger projects are 354 persons and 150 respectively), the second through fourth year outcomes include a calculation based on the average of the two smaller projects (for example, the average outcomes for the 2 smaller projects of the SL1.1 objective is 24 X 3 projects = 72 persons receiving assistance) ranging to a maximum representing the outcomes of the first year (354). HUD Outcome /Objective Codes Availability /Accessibility Affordability Sustainability Decent Housing DH -1 DH -2 DH -3 Suitable Living Environment I SL -1 SL -2 SL- 3 Economic Opportunity EO -1 EO -2 EO -3 ATTACHMENT B HUD TABLE 3C - LISTING OF SPECIFIC PROJECTS Table 3C Consolidated Plan Listing of Projects Jurisdiction's Name: Federal Way Priority Need: Owner Occupied Housing Project Title: Housing Repair Program Description: The City will continue its Housing Repair Program to provide assistance to low- and moderate - income homeowners to make needed repairs and improvements, resolve health and safety conditions and eliminate lead -based paint hazards in their homes. Objective category: ❑ Suitable Living Environment ® Decent Housing ❑ Economic Opportunity Outcome category: ® Availability /Accessibility ❑ Affordability ❑ Sustainability Location/Target Area: Citywide Street Address: City, State, Zip code: Federal Way, WA 98003 Objective Number Project ID DH 1.1 2012 Housing HUD Matrix Code CDBG Citation 14 A 570.202 S -F Rehabilitation Type of Recipient CDBG National Objective Local Government LMH 570.208 a Start Date Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy) (mm/dd/yyyy) 12/31/2014 01/01/2012 Performance Indicator Annual Units Households assisted to 33 SF homes maintain housing (repaired) Local ID Units Upon Completion n/a n/a Funding Sources: CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA Total Formula Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $ 191,345 $ 191,345 $ 191,345 The primary purpose of the project is to help: ❑ the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV /AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs Table 3C Consolidated Plan Listing of Projects Jurisdiction's Name: Federal Way Priority Need: Economic Development - High Project Title: Small Business Retention Program Description: Capitalize a small business retention program that provides CDBG funds to existing Federal Way business to prevent loss of jobs. The assistance will meet the HUD definition for qualifying the investment under job retention regulations. Objective category: ❑ Suitable Living Environment ❑ Decent Housing ® Econornic Opportunity Outcome category: ❑ Availability /Accessibility ❑ Affordability ® Sustainability Location/Target Area City -wide Street Address: City, State, Zip code: Objective Number Project ID EO -3 HUD Matrix Code CDBG Citation 18A 570.203 Type of Recipient CDBG National Objective For profit LMJ 570.208 4 Start Date Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy) (mm/dd/yyyy) 12/31/2014 05/30/2014 Performance Indicator Annual Units # persons receiving self- 3 Business assisted sufficiency services Local ID Units Upon Completion n/a n/a Funding Sources: CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA Total Formula Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $ 114,000 $ 114,000 $ 114,000 The primary purpose of the project is to help: ❑ the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs Table 3C Consolidated Plan Listing of Projects Jurisdiction's Name: Federal Way Priority Need: Economic Development - High Project Title: Microenterprise Business Retention Program Description: Capitalize a microbusiness retention program which provides CDBG funds to existing Federal Way microbusinesses to prevent loss of jobs. The assistance will meet the HUD definition for qualifying the investment under job retention regulations. Objective category: ❑ Suitable Living Environment ❑ Decent Housing ® Economic Opportunity Outcome category: ❑ Availability /Accessibility ❑ Affordability ® Sustainability Location/Target Area City -wide Street Address: City, State, Zip code: Objective Number Project ID EO 1.1 ED -3 HUD Matrix Code CDBG Citation 18C 570.203 Type of Recipient CDBG National Objective For profit LMJ 570.208 4 Start Date Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy) (mm/dd/yyyy) 12/31/2014 05/30/2014 Performance Indicator Annual Units # persons receiving self- 5 businesses assisted sufficiency services Local ID Units Upon Completion n/a n/a Funding Sources: CDBG $ 100,000 ESG ........... _ ........ _ . _ .......... HOME I: [a QM11 Total Formula $ 100,000 Prior Year Funds ............. _ ........... _...... Assisted Housing ............. _ ......... _ ......... PHA ............... . � ........... _ ....... Other Funding Total $ 100,000 I'able Consolidated Plan Listing of Projects Jurisdiction's Name: Federal Way Priority Need: Affordable Housing Project Title: Habitat for Humanity, Seattle/King County - West Way Home Improvement Description: City will use CDBG funds to pay costs associated with the reconstruction a 11411 — Seattle/King Countytat owned house, to be acquired in the Greater West Way Neighborhood. Objective category: ❑ Suitable Living Environment ® Decent Housing ❑ Economic Opportunity Outcome category: ❑ Availability /Accessibility ® Affordability ❑ Sustainability Location/Target Area: West Way Neighborhood Street Address: TBD City, State, Zip code: Federal Way Objective Number Project ID DH -2 N/A HUD Matrix Code CDBG Citation 14 A 570.202 a 1) Type of Recipient CDBG National Objective Non-profit Start Date Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy) (mm/dd/yyyy) 12/31/2014 06/01/201 Performance Indicator Annual Units Units Rehabbed 1 Local ID Units Upon Completion n/a n/a Funding Sources: CDBG $ 15,000 ESG HOME HOPWA Total Formula $ 15,000 Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $ 159000 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 1, 2014 ITEM #:la .. ....... ............................ ..... . ......... .... __... ......_ ......... .................. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: NORTH LAKE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS POLICY QUESTION: Which members should the Council appoint to the North Lake Management District Advisory Committee? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing 2 City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Carol McNeill y Ci ...�........._.. ' Clerk DEPT: Mayor's Office .........._._....... -- . ......... .. .......... ..._..........._._............._..._. ._ .... .............. __ ... ... ___ Attachments: Memo to Council from Dan Smith, Surface Water Quality Program Coordinator. Background: Background: The North Lake Management District Advisory Committee is comprised of seven members: five members representing single family and vacant properties, one representing the Washington Department Fish and Wildlife, and one representing the Weyerhaeuser Corporation. Private property owners serve two -year terms. Five private property owner positions expired March 15, 2014. Staff conducted a recruitment for applicants and received five applications, all from members wishing to continue serving on the District (Terrance (Terry) Thomas, Robin Cook, Charles Gibson, Brian Cleary and Mary McClellan- Aronen). Options Considered: 1. Re- appoint Terrance (Terry) Thomas, Robin Cook, Charles Gibson, Brian Cleary and Mary McClellan- Aronen to the North Lake Management District Advisory Committee with terms expiring March 15, 2016. 2. Appoint some of the applicants and direct staff to recruit additional applicants. ..............__3.. - Direct staff .to recruit for additional.._ a. P. l�licants..................................................... ....... _ ... ....__.............. __ ....... _ ..-_._ .................. _.._ ...... _ ........ _._._ ...... ..................................... __ ....... _._._ —. — MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Committee uncil Initial CHIEF OF STAFF: N/A Committee Council �M COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move the following appointn*htr ' the'North Lake Managi*#* rt isory Committee.... " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED— 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # •rare. ,. CITY o » <... . ........... Federal Way INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: March 26, 2014 TO: Jeanne Burbidge, Deputy Mayor City of Federal Way Council CC: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Dan Smith, Surface Water Quality Program Coordinator �fp RE: North Lake Advisory Committee Re- appointments For Council's consideration, I am providing the following comments regarding the reappointment of the following North Lake Advisory Committee (NLAC) members: • Charles Gibson • Robin Cook • Terrance (Terry) Thomas • Mary McClellan- Aronen • Brian Cleary Throughout their respective terms, all five NLAC members listed above have consistently and competently attained all phases of committee functions as outlined in Resolution 09 -560. As lake residents and committee volunteers, they have done an admirable job in representing their lake community in the implementation of on -going LIVID programs designed to improve the health of North Lake. I fully support their re- appointment as NLAC committee members. Additionally, Charles Gibson, NLAC Chairperson, has provided the following comments: "Robin Cook, Mary McClellan - Aronen, Terry Thomas and Brian Cleary have been excellent committee members. They all have been willing to attend meetings and provide valuable and insightful discussion at the meetings. They have helped in reviewing the annual budget and selecting activities for the year. All three have had and shown an interest in the health of North Lake. I think their experience living on North Lake and past committee participation make them excellent candidates for continued committee membership ". SUBJECT: ADDITION OF STAFF POSITIONS TO COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve funding of four additional staff positions in the Community and Economic Development Department? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: 3/25/14 CATEGORY: F Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Patrick Dohery DEPT: CED Attachments: Memo by Patrick Doherty Options Considered: 1. Approve budget authority to fund the following new positions: Associate Planner, Code Compliance Officer, Building Plans Examiner/Inspector and Development Specialist and authorize the hiring process to fill those positions. 2. Provide alternative direction to Mayor and Staff. 3. Do not provide budget authority for the proposed new positions. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: MAYOR APPROVAL: L_�_� ( , DIRECTOR APPROVAL: CHIEF OF STAFF: AlAll w 01(4 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward Option I to the 4111014 em"emO agenda for approval. busi ne S S (L7Z1' 67--" Committee Chair Committee Member C mmittee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of budget authority to fund the following new positions: Associate Planner, Code Compliance Officer, Building Plans Examiner /Inspector and Development Specialist, to be reflected in the next Council - approved budget amendment, and authorize the hiring process to fill those positions. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1sT reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED— 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # .� CITY OF Federal Way MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: Patrick Dohe unity and Economic Development Director VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor Brian Wilson, Chief of Staff DATE: March 18, 2014 SUBJECT: Proposed New Staff Positions in Community and Economic Development Department This memo lays out the case for adding staff positions to the front -line functions of the Community and Economic Development (CED) Department in response to substantially increased permit application activity and a growing Planning Commission Work Program. Background As we all know, during the formulation of the 2011 -2012 budget, due to substantially reduced municipal revenue as well as lower permit application volumes, staff cut -backs were made in the CED Department that included front counter staff (Development Specialist), Building Inspectors and /or Examiners, Planners and Code Compliance staff. These cuts were in addition to cuts made in a previous biennium, totaling over 15% in staff cuts. It should be noted that in implementing such cuts, Council clearly stated that at such time when permit application volumes would rise and revenue would support it, these positions would need to be reinstated so as to continue to deliver excellent public service to our permit applicants and the community. Over the past year permit application volumes and /or value of permit applications have risen substantially. In fact, 2013 ended with an approximately $1 million surplus in permit application revenue — an obvious indicator of the spike in permit application activity. One interesting phenomenon is that the number of actual permit applications is not necessarily the key indicator here of increased work volume. Even during the recessionary years small -scale construction projects continued at a reasonable pace as we received applications for single - family remodels and additions, small commercial upgrades, multifamily remodels, etc. Needless to say, these applications, while somewhat numerous, were not particularly complex, thereby demanding only a modest increase in staff time, which was Page 2 of 5 fortunate as the increase in revenue from these applications was minimal and would not have supported additional staff hiring. However, in 2013 while the number of permit applications certainly did rise, the value of said permit applications soared. Large -scale commercial and multifamily projects, such as the several large multifamily or mixed -use complexes, major construction projects at the Mall, School District projects, and others brought both a spike in revenue as well as a substantially increased demand on staff resources. Such big, complex projects require many more hours of staff review and oversight. To date this year we have seen no slackening of the development activity, and permit review turn- arounds have now reached undesirably long timeframes. The tables below summarize some of the above -cited information: Total Fees Collected 2008 $1,235,376 2009 $1,126,056 2010 $1,229,038 2011 $1,038,828 2012 $1,454,756 2013 $2,073,991 Total Permits issued 2008 2968 2009 2459 2010 2648 2011 2556 2012 3115 2013 3271 Page 3 of 5 An additional source of insight into the Department's lean staffing is a look at other nearby jurisdictions and their respective Planning staff levels, as summarized in the following table: city County Population 1 FTE Planners per lil population Auburn King, Pierce 73,505 3 .04 Bellevue King 126,439 26 .21 Des Moines King 30,449 2 .07 Enumclaw King, Pierce 11,327 2 .18 Everett Snohomish 104,655 8 .08 Issaquah King 32,633 8 .25 Kenmore King 21,280 2 .09 Kent King 122,999 5 .04 Kirkland King 50,697 13.5 .27 Lakewood Pierce 58,852 4 .07 Mercer Island King 23,661 3 .13 Pacific King, Pierce 6,838 1 .15 Puyallup Pierce 38,147 3 .08 Redmond King 56,561 13.5 .23 Renton King 95,448 7 .07 SeaTac King 27,667 4 .14 Seattle King 634,535 66 .10 Shoreline King 54,352 5 .09 Tacoma Pierce 202,010 16 .08 Average -- -- -- .12 Federal Way King 91,933 4 .04 Proposed Positions For all these reasons, it is necessary at this time to begin to add back some of the staff that were eliminated over the previous cut -backs in order to regain and then maintain appropriate and desired timeframes and abilities related to permit application handling, review and inspection activities, as well as to accommodate the increasing backlog of Planning Commission Work Program items (code amendments, Comprehensive Plan amendments, etc.). Page 4 of 5 The following four positions are proposed to be added: Development Specialist ($63,586, including all benefits and personnel costs. Start-up equipment /materials cost of $2,500). This is the Department's front -line staff position, working at the Permit Counter and providing information on the zoning and construction codes as well as permit application processes, taking in permit applications and revisions, and issuing permits. Previous to 2008 there were five (5) staff members at the Permit Counter. These days, with current levels of permit application activity, the existing two (2) Development Specialists often spend their entire days staffing the Permit Counter and cannot keep up with the behind - the - scenes processing work necessary to take in and route applications and /or prepare permits for issuance on a timely basis. This new position will enable the Permit Counter to function smoothly, with at least one of the Specialists able to engage in "process" work while the other two Specialists staff the Counter. Associate Planner ($77,485, including all benefits and personnel costs. Start-up equipment /materials cost of $2,500). With a substantially increased workload related to permit application activity, the Planning staff is devoted almost entirely (with the exception of the Principal Planner) to project review activities, leaving only snippets of time available to take on the increasing backlog of code amendments and other work items from the Council- approved "Planning Commission Work Program." A new staff position at the Associate Planner level provides flexibility to use this staff member for both project review and long -range planning (code amendments, Comp Plan, etc.) functions (as opposed to the entry-level Assistant Planner who has historically been focused on less complicated project review functions). Building Inspector /Plans Examiner ($79,420, including all benefits and personnel costs; initial expenditure of approximately $22,500 for vehicle and equipment. Vehicle replacement reserve account payment of approximately $2,857 annually over seven years). This is a key position within the Building Division and is tied directly to permit volumes. At this time, with substantially increased permit volumes and application complexity, we are experiencing reduced turn - around times on both plan review and inspections. We have been fortunate in the past in being able to hire staff in this dual -role capacity, and he hope to be able to do so again, as it provides the greatest flexibility in dealing with day -to -day fluctuations in workload and demands. At times this staff person will review plans, while at others can be deployed to the field to inspect construction. Code Compliance Officer ($73,757, including all benefits and personnel costs; initial expenditure of approximately $22,500 for vehicle and equipment. Vehicle replacement reserve account payment of approximately $2,857 annually over seven years). The Code Compliance Section of the Building Division currently includes two FTE Code Compliance Officers and one FTE shared between two half -time personnel to cover sign enforcement and graffiti response /removal. Previously the Section had three FTE Code Compliance Officers. The current proposal is a pilot for the remainder of the biennium to restore a previously cut Code Compliance Officer with approximately $50,000 in support funding from the CDBG program to provide for proactive code compliance activities in low- to moderate - income neighborhoods across the City. (The amount is "approximate" because the CDBG entitlement from the federal government for 2014 has not yet been finalized.) This position is needed not only to respond to Page 5 of 5 a substantially increased workload of code violation complaints, but also to accommodate Mayor Ferrell's initiative to begin proactive code compliance activities. In fact, in practice it is likely that all three of the Code Compliance Officers will be able to engage in proactive code compliance activities to varying degrees, and therefore be able to bill against this CDBG support funding proportionately. Funding The Community and Economic Development Department has enjoyed a budgeted level of approximately 50 -55% of support from permit - generated revenue over the past several years, with the remainder coming from the General Fund. In years such as 2013, with approximately $1 million in permit - generated revenue in excess of the level budgeted, said revenues serve to back -fill for the General Fund support, while conversely in down years, the level of General Fund support has had to increase and /or cut -backs have been made. At present the forecast is for continuing robust permit application activity and large projects of higher valuation and greater complexity, including such things as continued development at the Mall (Dick's Sporting Goods, e.g.), School District (High School, e.g.), major multifamily projects, single - family residential construction, and anticipated City Center redevelopment projects. In conclusion, it is anticipated that higher permit volumes and higher project valuations will continue this year, as we saw in 2013. The anticipated increase in permit - generated revenues will more than compensate for these additional personnel expenses. One -time, start-up costs, such as vehicles, equipment and materials, will have to come from the General Fund, but the large surplus in permit - generated revenue at the end of 2013 (approximately $1 million) can be considered an indirect funding source for these expenditures. Summary Development Specialist $63,586 annual personnel cost $2,500 start-up cost Associate Planner $77,485 annual personnel cost $2,500 start-up cost Building Inspector /Plans Examiner $79,420 annual personnel cost $22,500 start-up cost $2,857 annual vehicle replacement reserve cost x 7 years Code Compliance Officer $73,757 annual personnel cost $22,500 start-up cost $2,857 annual vehicle replacement reserve cost 7 years COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 1, 2014 IT #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ADDITION OF STAFF POSITION: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MANAGER POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve funding of an Economic Development Manager for the City of Federal Way reporting to the Mayor. COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: 03/25/2014 CATEGORY: Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Brian J. Wilson, Chief of Staff DEPARTMENT: Mayor's Office Attachments: Memo by Chief of Staff Wilson Options Considered: 1. Approve budget authority to fund a new position of Economic Development Manager and authorize the hiring process to fill these positions. 2. Provide alternative direction to Mayor and staff. 3. Do not provide budget authority for the proposed new postions. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: O n #1 MAYOR APPROVAL: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: N/A o ittee cil Initial CHIEF OF STAFF: Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward Option #1 to the April 1, 2014 eons@ t agenda for approval. bltsi 1'16Ss Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of budget authority to fund a new position of Economic Development Manager, to be reflected in the next Council- approved budget amendment, and authorize the hiring process to fill this position. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # MAYOR'S OFFICE CITY OF Federal Way MEMORANDUM To: Jim Ferrell, Mayor From: Brian J. Wilson, i a Date: March 19, 2014 Subject: Funding of an Economic Development Manager The importance of economic development within the City of Federal Way cannot be over stated. With increased workload demands placed on the current Community and Economic Development Director, it is recommended to reestablish an Economic Development Manager position reporting to the Mayor. This position would have a singular focus under the direction of the Mayor to plan, organize, coordinate and direct economic development for the downtown core and within the City of Federal Way. This position would provide leadership and coordination for the City's economic development activities including recommending policy, infrastructure, marketing, recruitment, and negotiations for new development. This position would seek out, develop, and implement overall economic development strategies for the City and coordinate, collaborate, and partner with community groups, businesses, and organizations regarding economic development initiatives. A job description for the position is attached. Compensation for the position will be in the range of $100,000- 125,000 based on education, experience, qualifications, and past performance. Utilization of a search firm to obtain a highly qualified candidate for this position is recommended. I recommend seeking Council authorization to approve budget authority to fund this new position of Economic Development Manager. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CLASS TITLE: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MANAGER CLASS CODE: 2112 DEPARTMENT: Mayor's Office DIVISION: EEO: Executive/Official (1) FLSA STATUS: Exempt/Executive BASIC FUNCTION: Under the direction of the Mayor, plan; organize coordinate and direct economic development and downtown revitalization functions for the City. The position provides leadership and coordination for the City's economic development activities including recommending policy, infrastructure, marketing, recruitment, and negotiations for new development. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: Develop and maintain professional working relationships with local agencies, developers, private consultants, citizen groups, community service organizations, and others to retain and recruit business and economic development to the City of Federal Way. Prepare and present staff reports to City Council, Planning Commission, advisory committees, and other groups to explain technical aspects of the City's economic development projects and programs. Prepare the economic element of the Comprehensive Plan, and formulate strategies for implementing economic policy. Provide representation to a variety of boards and commissions; attend and participate in professional groups and committees. Determine consultant requirements; select consultants and negotiate contracts; oversee and coordinate special projects, administer contracts for services according to established guidelines for the department; control and authorize expenditures in accordance with established limitations. Coordinate department activities with those of other departments and offices to assure a consistent approach towards common projects and interests. REPRESENTATIVE DUTIES: Coordinate interdepartmental projects and efforts related to economic development. Develop and maintain an overall economic development plan for the city. Work with consultant to complete a Planned Action SEPA for the city center core and frame. Develop an implementation strategy for the city center core and frame vision. Economic Development Manager Page 2 Develop marketing tools that effectively attract business and development to Federal Way including brochures, web sites, computer software and developer forums. Recommend changes to development regulations and procedure that facilitate development projects. Assist operating departments with capital facilities plans and programs that promote economic development and work to ensure coordination between the economic strategic plan and the CIP. Coordinate the City's Economic Development Oversight Committee. Perform duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES: KNOWLEDGE OF: • Principles and practices of economic development. • Organizational and management practices as applied to the analysis and evaluation of economic development programs, policies and operational needs. • Modern and complex principles and practices of program development and administration. • Economic analysis techniques related to market, feasibility, and impact studies. • Methods and techniques of effective technical report preparation and presentation. • Research methods and sources of information related to economic development. • Negotiation, mediation and facilitation skills, techniques and procedures. • Applicable laws relating to growth management, SEPA, real estate and land use. • Correct English usage, grammar, spelling punctuation and vocabulary. • Group dynamics and methods of encouraging citizen participation. ABILITY TO: • Plan, organize, direct, and coordinate the work of professional and technical personnel; delegate authority and responsibility. • Provide administrative and professional leadership and direction for the economic development program. • Identify and respond to community and City Council issues, concerns, and needs. • Develop, implement, and administer goals, objectives, and procedures for providing effective and efficient economic development services. • Ensure project compliance with Federal State and local rules, laws and regulations. • Interpret and apply pertinent laws, rules and regulations. • Prepare and analyze technical and administrative reports, statements, and correspondence. • Work effectively with others to achieve personal, team, department and citywide goals. • Anticipate customer needs and give high priority to customer service and satisfaction. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS/PHYSICAL EFFORT: Work is performed primarily in an office environment, with some field site inspection work required. Field work is performed outdoors in all weather conditions. Position may require travel to a variety of locations to perform work or attend meetings. Employee may be exposed to conditions and hazards from obstacles, heights and open trenches associated with construction sites. Economic Development Manager Page 3 Notes: (1`) All requirements are subject to possible modification to reasonably accommodate individuals with disabilities. However, some requirements may exclude individuals who pose a direct threat or significant risk to the health and safety of other employees. (2) While ` requirements may be representative of minimum levels of 'knowledge, skills and abilities, to perform this job successfully, the incumbent will possess the abilities or aptitudes to perform each duty proficiently. (3) This job description in no way implies that these are the only duties to be performed. Employees occupying the position will be required to follow any other job - related instructions and to perform any other job- related duties requested by their supervisor.' EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Any combination equivalent to: Bachelor's degree in Urban Planning, Geography, Business, Public Administration or related field and five years of increasingly responsible management experience related to long range planning, land use planning, or economic development. I ORIGINATED: April 2001 1 REVISED: March 2014 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURE FOR INTERIM PARK AT "TOWN SQUARE" SITE AND AUTHORIZATION TO GO OUT FOR BIDS POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve an expenditure of approximately $140,000 to fund construction of an Interim Park at the "Town Square" site and authorize staff to go out for bids for the project? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: N/A DEPT: CED Attachments: None. Background: The Mayor proposes an Interim Park on the "Town Square" site (the four -acre, City - owned, vacant site formerly occupied by the AMC Theaters complex) to create momentum and energy in the vicinity and signal the beginning of the upcoming substantial changes that are envisioned for that area of the City Center. It is also intended to provide a much - needed civic amenity in the heart of the City where people can gather for both passive and active recreation, public events, ceremonies, etc. While the site is still contemplated for a future, potential public - private partnership, comprised of a formal, public urban plaza and complementary private mixed -use development, that process may take another year or more until development takes place. It is the Mayor's intent that these interim, yet substantial park improvements on the site will begin as soon as this Summer to provide the interim civic amenity and momentum for substantial future improvements that are contemplated. The landscape architecture firm of Nakano Associates has been engaged to draw up the Interim Park concept drawings and follow -up bid/construction documents. Three concepts were shared with Mayor and staff, from which a fourth "blended" concept emerged that will be presented to Council on 4/1/14. The anticipated cost is targeted at approximately $140,000. Funds to cover this expenditure will derive from the Downtown Park CIP line item of $95,000 together with unallocated BEET monies applicable to such infrastructure projects. Once constructionibid documents are finalized by the landscape architects (anticipated 4/22/14), the bid opportunity for the project will be advertised for two weeks, with bid openings anticipated on 5/6/14. Staff recommendation of the most responsive, responsible bidder will be presented to Council on 5/20/14 for bid award approval. Following this schedule, it is anticipated that the Interim Park improvements can be constructed in time for the anticipated park opening of the weekend of the Fourth of July. The concept plan will be presented at the 4/1/14 Council meeting, as well as the detailed construction cost estimate. Both of these documents will be made available to City Councilmembers on Monday, 3/31/14. Options Considered: 1. Approve the expenditure of approximately $140,000 to fund construction of an Interim Park at the "Town Square" site and authorize staff to go out for bids for the project 2. Provide alternative direction to Mayor and Staff. 3. Do not approve expenditure of funding for the Interim Park. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: CHIEF OF STAFF: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the expenditure of approximately $140,000 to fund construction of an Interim Park at the "Town Square " site and authorize staff to go out for bids for the project. " _ (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED Is' reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED— 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 1, 2014 ITEM #: ........................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................... ............................................ ............................................ ................................................................................................................. ............................... CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ALTERNATE MEMBERS FOR THE INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council amend Federal Way Revised Code 2.80.030 to provide for two alternate members on the Independent Salary Commission? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: 3/25/2014 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ® Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Pat Richardson City Attorney __ DEPT: Law ..............._.._.._ _....................._...._.............. ........................_.._.._ _.. _ z....... ............................... ------.....__........................ .....__.— ..— _....._............ Attachments: Staff report and proposed ordinance Options Considered: 1. Approve and adopt the proposed ordinance creating alternate members on the Independent Salary Commission. 2. Modify the proposed ordinance creating alternate members on the Independent Salary Commission. 3. Do not approve the proposed ordinance. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1 MAYOR APPROVAL: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: PW, >45Zft-ee until Initial CHIEF OF STAFF: ^!C^�y o/may o e Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed ordinance to First Reading at the April 1, 2014 City Council Meeting. Committee Chair Uoln-Mitt—ee-lTember Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION(S): 1ST READING OF ORDINANCE (DATE): "I move to forward approval of the ordinance to the April 15, 2014 Council Meeting for adoption. " 2ND READING OF ORDINANCE (DATE): "I move approval of the proposed ordinance. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1sT reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # 40k CITY OF Federal Way CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: MARCH 18, 2014 TO: COUNCILMEMBERS CC: MAYOR FERRELL BRIAN WILSON, CHIEF OF STAFF FROM: PAT RICHARDSON, CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: PROPOSED AMENDMENT CREATING ALTERNATE MEMBERS FOR THE INDEPENDE SALARY COMMISSION Many of the City's Commissions and Boards have alternate members. Alternate members can participate when a member is not available for the meeting, thus, enabling business to continue. State law authorizes the formation of an Independent Salary Commission to adjust the salaries of the Mayor and Council members during their terms of office. State law also allows the City Council the flexibility to determine membership of the Independent Salary Commission (i.e. the number of voting members and alternate members). The proposed ordinance provides for two alternate members. The process for selecting the alternate members would be the same: (1) the Mayor appoints the alternate member; and (2) Council takes action in a public meeting to approve or reject the appointment. K: \agenda\2014\FEDRAC \3 -25 staff report alternates ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to the Independent Salary Commission; amending FWRC 2.80.030. (Amending Ordinance No. 03 -439) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Federal Way created an Independent Salary Commission in 2003 via Ordinance No. 03 -439; and WHEREAS, the membership of the Independent Salary Commission does not address alternate members; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate to provide for alternate members on the Independent Salary Commission to ensure that a quorum is available to take action as needed. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. FWRC 2.80.030 is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.80.030 Membership. (1) The independent salary commission shall consist of five voting members and two alternate members appointed by the mayor and approved by the city council. (2) The independent salary commission shall serve without compensation. (3) Each member of the independent salary commission shall serve a term of four years, except that the first five commission members shall be appointed for different terms, as follows: one member to serve for a period of one year, one member to serve for a period of two years, one member to serve for a period of three years, and two members to serve for a period of four years. The mayor, with the approval of the city council, may appoint alternate independent salary commission members as the need arises. The city council shall annually appoint new members in March to fill the expiring terms on the independent salary commission. Ordinance No. 14- Page I of 3 Rev 1/10 (4) No member may be appointed to more than two terms on the independent salary commission whether or not those terms are held consecutively. (5) If, for any reason, a vacancy occurs during the term of an independent salary commission member, the mayor shall appoint, with the approval of the city council, a new member to fill the unexpired term of that member. (6) The city council may remove an independent salary commission member at any time for cause of incapacity, incompetence, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office or for a disqualifying change of residence. (7) All members of the independent salary commission shall serve until their successors are duly appointed by the mayor and approved by the city council. Section 2. Severabili y. Should any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this chapter, or its application to any person or situation, be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter or its application to any other person or situation. The City Council of the City of Federal Way hereby declares that it would have adopted this chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clauses, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 3. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Ordinance No. 14- Page Z of 3 Rev 1 /10 Section 4. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage and publication, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this day of 2014. CITY OF-1-MERAL WAY FERRELL ATTEST: CITY CLERK, CAROL MCNEILLY, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY, PATRICIA A. RICHARDSON FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.: Ordinance No. 14- Page 3 of 3 Rev 1/10 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: ITEM #: g 6 ............................................................................................................................................................... .......................................... .........................p... 1............_ ......._ . 1......................... ................................................ .. ............................................................ -- ................................. ................................................ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ORDINANCE TO VACATE A PORTION OF S 337TH STREET POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council adopt an ordinance vacating a portion of S 337th Street to Steve and Cathy Lindula located on the north side of S 337th Street, west of 33rd Place S adjacent to Lot 1 of Louise's North Lake Addition plat at Federal Way? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee MEETING DATE: March 3, 2014 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ® Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: John Mulkey, P E Street Systems Project En ineer-)` DEPT: Public Works _........_._.._.........._ ..................................................._........__._._..__...._..._........._ .. ..._..._.........................._._............_ YS........-_...._.............._... J-.................._.....__ �............._....._..__..........._........__........_............_.__...._......._. ._..........._......_.._..._... – _ ..... _ ...... _ Attachments: 1. Land Use and Transportation Committee memorandum dated March 3, 2014. 2. Ordinance to vacate a portion of S 337t' Street. Options Considered: 1. Adoption of the attached ordinance vacating a portion of S 337th Street to Steve and Cathy Lindula. 2. Do not adopt the ordinance vacating a portion of S 337th Street to Steve and Cathy Lindula and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: The Mayor recommends forwarding Option 1 to the March 18, 2014 City Council Ordinance Agenda for first ReWins, /) MAYOR APPROVAL: CHIEF OF STAFF: Council DIRECTOR APPROVAL: X-) t Committee COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Committee recommends forwarding Option 1 to the March 18, 2014 City Council Qoawnt agenda for first Reading. 44 " k. - �— Bob Celski. Chair /Jdanne Burbidee. Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "1st Reading of Ordinance (March U8,2�014).- "I move to forward the ordinance to the second reading for enactment on the April 1, 2014 City Council Ordinance Agenda. " 2nd Reading of Ordinance (April 1, 2014): "1 move to enact the ordinance vacating a portion of S 337th Street to Steve and Cathy Lindula located on the north side of S 337th Street, west of 33rd Place S adjacent to Lot 1 of Louise's North Lake Addition plat at Federal Way. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading fMOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # EVISED-08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: March 3, 2014 TO: Land Use and Transportation Committee VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: John Mulkey, P.E., Street Systems Project Engineer Cary M. Roe, P.E., Director of Parks, Public Works, and Emergency Management' K SUBJECT: Ordinance to Vacate a Portion of S 337th Street BACKGROUND: On November 4, 2013 the Land Use and Transportation Committee heard Steve & Cathy Lindula's request for the vacation of a portion of S 337th Street, located on the north side of S 337th Street west of 33rd Place S in order to correct an existing encroachment of a garage into the front property line set back. The vacation was brought to Council on January 7, 2014, at which time a public hearing was held and the Council conditionally approved the vacation. The conditions of the vacation were for Steve & Cathy Lindula to pay the City an amount of 100% of the appraised value of the property and obtain executed easements for utilities within the area to be vacated. Steve & Cathy Lindula have provided executed easements to the City and have paid an amount of $1,528.00 which is 100% of the appraised fair market value of the right -of -way to be vacated (382 square feet at $4.00 per square foot); all conditions for the street vacation have been met per the Council decision on January 7, 2014. cc: Project File Day File ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to vacating a portion of South 337th Street located on the north side of S 337th Street, west of 33rd Place S adjacent to Lot 1 of Louise's North Lake Addition Plat at Federal Way. WHEREAS, a valid petition has been filed by the owners of at least two- thirds of the abutting property requesting vacation of a portion of South 337th Street located on the north side of S 337th Street, west of 33rd Place S adjacent to Lot 1 of Louise's North Lake Addition plat at Federal Way; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution 13 -651, the Federal Way City Council held a public hearing at its regular meeting on January 7, 2014, to consider the petition for vacation as required by state law and Federal Way Revised Code Section 4.20; and WHEREAS, following the conclusion of the public hearing on January 7, 2014, the City Council considered the proposed vacation and its compliance with the criteria outlined in FWRC 4.20.120, and decided to grant the vacation pending satisfaction of the conditions outlined in Resolution 13 -651 and payment of compensation by the owners of the abutting property; and WHEREAS Steve and Cathy Lindula, the property owners have satisfied the conditions outlined in Resolution 13 -651 and paid the City 100% of the appraised fair market value of the right- of -way to be vacated, in the amount of One Thousand Five Hundred Twenty -Eight and No /100 Dollars ($1,528.00); WHEREAS Steve and Cathy Lindula, the property owners have submitted easements to the City for all utilities crossing the area to be vacated for recording; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, Rev 1/10 WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Vacation. That portion of the right -of -way of South 337th Street, located on the north side of S 337th Street, west of 33`d Place S adjacent to Lot 1 of Louise's North Lake Addition Plat at Federal Way as described in Exhibit "A" (legal description) and so depicted on Exhibit `B" (exhibit map) and Exhibit "C" (vicinity map) attached hereto is hereby vacated. The property lying in the portion of the right -of -way described in Exhibit "A" shall be returned to and belong to those persons entitled to receive the property in accordance with state law. Section 2. Recordation. Upon passage, approval and publication of this ordinance, the City Clerk is directed to cause this ordinance to be recorded with the King County Department of Records and Elections. Immediately following the recording of the deed, all easements required as a condition of the vacation will be recorded for those utilities crossing the vacated areas. Section 3. Severability. Should any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this chapter, or its application to any person or situation, be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter or its application to any other person or situation. The City Council of the City of Federal Way hereby declares that it would have adopted this chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clauses, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any Rev 1 /10 references thereto. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage and publication, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this day of 20 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MAYOR, JIM FERRELL ATTEST: CITY CLERK, CAROL MCNEILLY, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY, PATRICIA A. RICHARDSON FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.: Ordinance No. 14- Rev 1 /10 1:0:4:11: Tbat portion of die Nottbedy 40 foot R/W of S. 33 * S6md (Warbhglon Avwwe is the N"&ent q nnu of ire Northeast qm to of Serbian 21, Ta wmhip 21 Nadi, Rmp 04 Fit, W 1►'i., King County, Wadmv tan, mmc paTficdady dasaxbed as fa m L Coamemnang at du Soad►vnest casks of Lot 1, Plkd of Lomse's Nadh Lice Tnacts, as nnaonW is Volume 40 of Phis, Page 23, n w& of King Candy Wasfiingtao, the Thee Pbid of BeRinaiog ThmoeN B S0'20a Z aioag the Saathedy bamduy damot a didmm of41.76 feet;, to the Na lg 30 foot R/W . of 3P Pbm S. (Co. Rd. No. 2612), Tbesroe S 35°37'20" W. ak g the ed rm&d NcK&wededy 30 8aR R/W mugia of 330 Phe a S_, a dWaom of 1233 fleet 7U=e S WSO'2r W, a distance of 3455 fu ty Tbesce N 0"09'40" W, a distaaae of 10.00 film to ffie Tme Pwat acm4ming. Caduming 382 sgm c fiut mare ar l sL Rev 1/10 EXHIBIT B NE 1/4, NE 1/4, Section 21, T 21 N, R 04 E, WM King County, Washington a 20 40 9cue:1-- 2r 1 9.1l . r j ,d Lt —may 1 I LOT 2 LOT i TwJE POW or- 7 GINNNG - -- M.rs aAP" VACATM OU as1 �1 I� 38wimm1w e I I � Gi 8.3371A STREET ` kro a "'ga RAM SURVEYING P.l ac & MAPPING, LLC r ►' c : 13110 111th Are HE Kill INW. WA 98034 P1w ,e: (208) 012.7M Email: mameeranisnewn Mb, e. MOJh w -mm,, m Of dinunce NV. - Page S of 6 Rev 1/10 EXHIBIT C City of Federal Way uaPDaw!'(13`13 S 337th Street Vicinty Map CRy af Fedora $" 33M Mn Ave S P) ". W". Right of Way Vacation �IP) 253-8M-7= 1W —04 alt aff"ay P, AW UO&;ft sum L" 8 337#1 St AN- This rnap is intended for use F-re"dleral Way as a graphical Wresentaton- The City Federal' Way Mile of makes N no warranty as to its aocuracy- You amabod Om PDF from an appliocation that is not licensed to print to novaPOF printer (http:.,Avww,noYapdf-oom tftuuncc 2YO. P*ge 6 qfi6 Rev 1/10