Council MIN 04-01-2014 RegularCITY OF Federal Way MINUTES FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers - City Hall April 1, 2014 7:00 p.m. www.cityoffederalway.com 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Deputy Mayor Jeanne Burbidge, Councilmember Lydia Assefa- Dawson, Councilmember Kelly Maloney, Councilmember Susan Honda, Councilmember Bob Celski, Councilmember Martin Moore and Councilmember Dini Duclos. City staff in attendance: Deputy City Attorney Amy Jo Pearsall and City Clerk Carol McNeilly. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Dick Mayer led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. PRESENTATIONS a. Proclamation: Mayor's Day of Recognition for National Service Mayor Ferrell read the Proclamation into the record and presented one to AmeriCorps Director Debbie McGee, and one to Margery Godfrey and other representatives of EarthCorps. b. Sound Cities Association (SCA) Mayor Ferrell introduced SCA Executive Director Deanna Dawson who provided a report on SCA's activities, mission and vision. Ms. Dawson distributed a booklet highlighting the 32 Regional Committees and Boards associated with SCA and the individuals serving on them. She reviewed the items discussed at the 2014 SCA Board Retreat and as well as the Boards priority policies. Councilmember Duclos and Deputy Mayor Burbidge extended their thanks to Ms. Dawson for her hard work and efforts with SCA. Mayor Ferrell commented on the great speakers SCA has presenting at their meetings. c. Recognition of Departing Employees: Mayor Ferrell stated two employees are attending their last Council Meeting this evening. Jay Bennett, Community Services Manager has accepted a position with a jurisdiction in Ohio. Bob Noland, Interim Finance Director will be returning to his home in Pasco, WA. Mayor Ferrell extended his thanks to Jay Bennett and. Bob Noland for their service and superior work with the City and presented them with Certificates of Appreciation. Councilmember's extended their thanks and well wishes to Mr. Bennett and Mr. Noland. City Council Minutes —April 1, 2014 Regular Meeting Page I of 9 d. Mayor's Emerging Issues and Report • City Re- organization: Mayor Ferrell announced today was Finance Director Ade Ariwoola's first day with the City. Mayor Ferrell reported with the recent departure of the Parks, Public Works and Emergency Management Director, Marwan Salloum will serve as Interim Public Works Director and Ken Miller will serve as Interim Parks Director. Emergency Manager Ray Gross will report directly to Chief of Staff Wilson. • SCORE: Mayor Ferrell reported he attended a SCORE Board meeting last week where he learned the entity's first quarter 2014 projected revenues are showing a $2 million excess. If this trend continues, Federal Way will directly benefit through lower per- inmate fees. Mayor Ferrell offered to provide a formal presentation with facts and figures upon Council request. • Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC): Mayor Ferrell attended a meeting last week where they received a briefing on the Viaduct and 520 Bridge. • Brooklake Property: At their April 18, 2014 meeting, the Council voted to acquire the Brooklake Property and Community Center— one of the most historic sites in the City. Within 48 hours of approval, the City finalized acquisition of the property. Mayor Ferrell announced a likely interpretive center and future plans for this important property and the many citizens interested in ensuring this becomes a proud, capstone of the entire Hylebos area. • State of the City Address: Mayor Ferrell reported tomorrow is the Mayor's State of the City Address at the Twin Lakes Country Club. The event starts at 11:30 a.m. • Neighborhood Connection Meeting: Mayor Ferrell noted the next Neighborhood Connection Meeting is scheduled for April 24, 2014 at Adelaide Elementary School at 6:00 p.m. • Oso Landslide: Emergency Manager Ray Gross reviewed two types of landslides — shallow and deep -seat slides, along with factors which contribute to landslides. Mr. Gross reviewed potential landslide hazard areas within the City and spoke to the importance of community relationships and proper planning to ensure effective emergency response efforts. Chief of Staff Wilson noted the photograph Mr. Gross shared depicted a shallow slide which occurred on 20th Ave. a few years ago. 4. CITIZEN COMMENT Margaret Nelson announced the Federal Way Regional Library is hosting an event on Tuesday, April 8, 2014 to provide input on the next Library Director. She noted comments can be provided online April 7 through April 14 at www.KCLS.orQ. She asked the Council to keep the Parks Commission up to speed in regards to park development (agenda item 7.d.) 5. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously reviewed in their entirety by a Council Committee of three members and brought before full Council for approval; all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items maybe removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: March 18, 2014 Special and Regular Meetings b. Vouchers c. Monthly Financial Report Motion: Deputy Mayor Burbidge moved approval of Consent Agenda items 5.a. through 5.c. Councilmember Duclos second. Vote: City Council Minutes — April 1, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 2 of 9 6. 7. Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0. PUBLIC HEARING a. Amendments to the 2012 CDBG Annual Action Plan • Staff Presentation: Community Services Manager Jay Bennett provided background information on the 2012 CDBG Annual Action Plan. He stated the Five -year Consolidated Plan (2012 -2016) is required by HUD and helps to coordinate resources Identify community needs, set priorities and develop strategies to address local needs, and set the stage for annual action plans. The Annual Action Plan presents strategies for allocating CDBG dollars to projects that assist in achieving objectives in the Consolidated Plan. The 2012 AAP was adopted by the City Council in November 15, 2011. Substantial Amendments are required when new activities are proposed or when funds are reprogrammed after initial approval of the Action Plan. Mr. Bennett explained the City has unspent CDBG funds in program year 2012 as a result of implementing some programs in the Fall (versus earlier in the year) and additional funds credited to the City from King County. The Human Services Commission reviewed the amendments and recommended approval on February 24, 2014. The public review and comment period was advertised from February 14 through April 1, 2014. Mr. Bennett detailed the amendments, and new activities /additional funds. • Public Comment: Mayor Ferrell called for public comment. (3 minute limit). No public comment was provided. • Council Action: Motion: Councilmember Honda moved approval of the substantial amendment to the program year 2012 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan and authorized the Mayor to execute forms and agreements related to the Amendment. Councilmember Assefa- Dawson second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. North Lake Management District Advisory Committee Appointments Motion: Councilmember Celski moved to appoint Terry Thomas, Robin Cook, Charles Gibson, Brian Cleary and Mary McClellan - Aronen to the North Lake City Council Minutes — April 1, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 3 of 9 Management District Advisory Committee with terms expiring March 15, 2016. Councilmember Duclos second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0. b. Addition of Staff Positions to Community & Economic Development Department Community and Economic Development Director Patrick Doherty stated the policy question before Council is whether or not the City Council should approve funding of four additional staff positions in the Community and Economic Development Department. Mr. Doherty provided background on the staff reductions to Community Development during the 2010 -11 Biennium. He provided a PowerPoint presentation on the permit volumes /values and permit fees collected from 2008 to 2013. The proposed additional positions are: Development Specialist, Associate Planner, Building Plans Examiner/ Inspector and Code Compliance Officer. Mr. Doherty reviewed the funding sources that would support the proposed positions. He also reported on a pilot - program for Code Enforcement efforts by having the City be more pro- active than reactive to code issues. Councilmember Celski stated his appreciation for the approach taken to identify the new positions, identifying funding for them, and for remaining mindful of future budgets. Motion: Councilmember Duclos moved approval of ongoing funding for the following new positions: Associate Planner, Code Compliance Officer, Building Plans Examiner /Inspector, and Development Specialist. Councilmember Celski second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0. c. Addition of Staff Position Economic Development Manager Chief of Staff Brian Wilson spoke to the importance of economic development efforts within the City and reviewed the roles, responsibilities and salary rage of the Economic Development Manager /Director. Because of the important demands placed upon the Community Development Director, the increasing permit and construction activities in the City, and the role of economic development, it is important to re- establish the position of a dedicated Economic Development Manager /Director. Councilmember Maloney inquired whether or not the position would serve all areas of economic development in the City or just in the downtown area. Chief of Staff Wilson replied the position will focus on city -wide economic development efforts. Councilmember Duclos spoke in support of establishing the position as a director instead of a manager because of the importance of economic development in the City. She believes advertising the position as director -level would result in more qualified applicants City Council Minutes — April 1, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 4 of 9 versus persons who would apply for a manager position. Mayor Ferrell noted this item was presented to FEDRAC as a manager position; however, he supports and agrees with establishing the position as a director. Councilmember Celski would like to see an Economic Development report provided at each FEDRAC meeting to measure progress to achieve established goals. Motion: Councilmember Duclos moved approval of ongoing funding for the new position of Economic Development Director, and authorize the hiring process to fill this position subject to Council confirmation. Councilmember Maloney second. Councilmember Honda stated she has advocated for a split between the Economic Development and Community Development Director not because of any shortcoming of current incumbents, but because of the importance of focused efforts on economic development. Mayor Ferrell spoke to the excellent work by Patrick Doherty on major projects, international sporting events, new businesses, and expanded development in the City all while juggling the demands of Community Development activities and responsibilities. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0. Mayor Ferrell remarked about the number of positions which have been brought forward for Council confirmation. This provides more opportunities for Council input on the persons filling these positions. Mayor Ferrell stated his commitment to keep Council informed as the interview processes begin. d. Approval of Expenditure for Park for "Town Square" Site and Authorization to Seek Bids for the Associated Improvements. Community and Economic Development Director Patrick Doherty reported the City hired Nakano Associates who drafted three park concepts which were presented to the Mayor and staff for review. From those concepts a fourth was developed by blending features from the first three. If approved by Council this evening, Request for Bids will be issued on April 22 and opened on May 6. Staff will return to Council on May 20 for bid award. Ida Ottesen, of Nakano Associates presented a conceptual plan of the park and reviewed its various elements including a grassy lawn area, two bocce -ball courts, a pea -patch area, a large chess board area, basketball courts, a painted labyrinth, a small stage and a dedicated area for a holiday tree. Once developed, this park would accommodate the Farmers Market. Ms. Ottesen reviewed the costs associated with the park development. Councilmember Duclos voiced her support and excitement for the park stating she believes this will spur development in the downtown. However, she does not like reference of an interim park as this will likely be a permanent park. Mayor Ferrell agreed with Councilmember Duclos comment and removed the "interim" designation as this is more of a foundation for the future development of this parcel. City Council Minutes — April 1, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 5 of 9 Councilmember Honda inquired if the stairs currently located on the site will remain. Ms. Ottesen replied this is a question for moving forward depending on the development options selected. If they remain, they will be brought up to code. Councilmember Honda asked that a living tree be planted for a permanent holiday tree allowing citizens to watch it grow over the years. Councilmember Honda also expressed concerns about vandalism of chairs and tables. Mr. Doherty stated there are ways to protect against theft; consensus was reached that the park property will be protected. Councilmember Honda inquired about the number of parking stalls and how parking will be designated so that it isn't used for Transit Center overflow. Mr. Doherty stated there are approximately 70 parking stalls with parking restricted time allotments; enforcement may be necessary. Deputy Mayor Burbidge expressed an interest in a temporary ice -rink for the holidays which may be possible through sponsorship. Mr. Doherty replied that because of the size of the parcel there are opportunities to establish features like this in the future. Deputy Mayor Burbidge stated her support of this park and encouraged ensuring it is integrated with other downtown amenities. Councilmember Maloney asked whether the holiday tree, stage and mural have been budgeted or if these items are just earmarked. Ms. Ottesen stated of the three items noted; only the mural is unbudgeted. Councilmember Maloney inquired about the lack of irrigation and whether that would be problematic. Ms. Ottesen replied weekly or bi- weekly manual watering of the planting areas and grassy areas will require manual watering. However, an irrigation system would cost approximately $16,000. Councilmember Celski inquired about the amount of asphalt removed from the grassy area. Ms. Ottesen replied there will be no asphalt removed. What they are proposing is removing the foundation slab on a ten -foot grid, covering the area with top -soil thereby staying within clearing and grading constraints while staying away from major excavation. Mayor Ferrell highlighted the access points to the park and feels it is important to invest in the main entrance to the property. Mayor Ferrell asked Deputy City Attorney Pearsall how to best address additional funding for this project. Ms. Pearsall responded a motion could be made either with a "not to exceed amount" or a motion limiting the expenditure to a specific amount which would require Council approval of any additional money needed in the future. Patrick Doherty described available funding, funding sources and how those amounts can legally be spent. Mayor Ferrell specified that Council has previously set aside $2,000,000 in funding for a downtown park. Of that amount, a portion is being allocated to this project. Councilmember Assefa- Dawson shared her support for the project and suggested the City partner with high school students to complete the mural at the park. Councilmember Assefa- Dawson asked if park lighting would be part of the project. Mr. Doherty stated lighting is not part of the proposed development. The park would be open from dawn to dust, which is consistent with other City park hours. Motion: Councilmember Honda moved approval of the expenditure not to exceed $200,000 to fund construction of a Park at the "Town Square" site and authorize staff to go out for bids for the project. Deputy Mayor Burbidge second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes City Council Minutes — April 1, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 6 of 9 8. Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0 Councilmember Maloney ORDINANCES First Reading: a. CB# 647 Alternate Members for the Independent Salary Commission An ordinance of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to the Independent Salary Commission; amending Federal Way Revised Code 2.80.030 Deputy City Attorney Pearsall presented the proposed amendments to Federal Way Revised Code 2.80.30. The draft ordinance would allow five voting members and two alternate members to serve on the Independent Salary Commission. City Clerk McNeilly read the ordinance title into the record. Motion: Councilmember Duclos moved to ordinance to the April 15, 2014 Council Councilmember Celski second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa - Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0. forward approval of the meeting for adoption. Second Reading: b. CB# 645: Ordinance to Vacate a Portion of S 337th Street An ordinance of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to vacating a ortion of South 337th Street located on the north side of S. 3374h Street west of vacating S. adjacent to Lot 1 of Louise's North Lake Addition Plat at Federal Way At their March 18, 2014 meeting, the Council received a staff presentation on this item and forwarded the ordinance to this meeting for second reading and enactment. City Clerk McNeilly read the ordinance title into the record. Motion: Councilmember Celski moved to enact the ordinance vacating a portion of South 337th. Street located on the north side of S 337th Street, west of 33rd Place S and adjacent to Lot 1 of Louise's North Lake Addition plat at Federal Way to Steve and Cathy Lindula. Councilmember Duclos second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes City Council Minutes — April 1, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 7 of 9 Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Yes Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 7 -0. Ordinance 14 -764 9. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Duclos attended the SCA Policy Issues Committee meeting and recapped the discussions that occurred on climate change, hazardous waste fee rate structuring, and the Transportation Benefit District. Most timely was information about the King County Disaster Framework for Public /Private partnership Emergency Management Advisory Committee. Councilmember Duclos stressed the importance of emergency management and preparedness in Federal Way. Lastly, Councilmember Duclos provided an update on the Solid Waste Transfer Plan Update. Councilmember Moore attended the Reach Out Rollermania event which he reported was well- attended. He has been volunteering with the Federal Way Caregiving Network to feed the homeless one day per week; he encouraged volunteerism to benefit the homeless. He recently met with Tracy Oster of Communities in Schools to learn more about our students and the School District. Councilmember Celski stated he is looking forward to the Mayor's State of the City address tomorrow. He provided a report on the 3rd Annual Reach Out Rollermania event, they estimated over 400 attendees and raised over $8,000 in donations. He mentioned and thanked the volunteers, sponsors and special guests associated with the event. Councilmember Honda reported Federal Way resident lesha Brooks is participating on the hit television program The Voice. The current art exhibit at City Hall features artist Eileen Miryekta. She announced the next PRHSPS meeting is April 8, 2014. Councilmember Honda extended her thoughts and prayers to the Oso mudslide victims and stated her appreciation for first responders and those helping in the recovery. Councilmember Maloney spoke about the City's rebranding initiative and noted Deputy Mayor Burbidge assigned Councilmembers Duclos, Honda and Maloney to work on the initiative. She is excited to use her experience in marketing, branding and communications to benefit the City. Regular updates will be provided throughout the year. Questions or comments can be emailed to Kelly. Maloney cc)- cityoffederalway.com. Councilmember Maloney also remarked that Voice contestant lesha Brooks is the goddaughter of Councilmember Assefa- Dawson. Councilmember Assefa- Dawson praised Ms. Brooks' talents and thanked Councilmember Honda for mentioning her. Deputy Mayor Burbidge reported the LTAC TEG subcommittee will be reviewing the grant applications on April 3, 2014. Last week, Deputy Mayor Burbidge attended the state's Transportation Improvement Board meeting. Approved at the meeting were changes to criteria for the urban arterial program. Additionally, there was mention of some funding opportunities used in other jurisdictions which may be available to Federal Way. This Sunday the Federal Way Symphony will be performing at St. Luke's Church; this will be the last performance of the season. 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION City Council Minutes — April 1, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 8 of 9 The Mayor and Council did not adjourn to Executive Session. 11. ADJOURNMENT With no additional agenda items, Mayor Ferrell adjourned the meeting at 9:39 p.m. Attest: 0" Carol McNeilly, CIVIC, City Clerk Approved by Council: April 15, 2014 City Council Minutes — April 1, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 9 of 9