Council MIN 04-28-2014 Special Mtg/Study SessionCITY OF Federal Way MINUTES FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING / STUDY SESSION Council Chambers - City Hall April 28, 2014 5:30 p.m. www.cityoffederalway.co m 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Deputy Mayor Jeanne Burbidge, Councilmember LydiaAssefa- Dawson, Councilmember Kelly Maloney, Councilmember Bob Celski, Councilmember Martin Moore and Councilmember Dini Duclos. Mayor Ferrell excused Councilmember Susan Honda. City staff in attendance: Assistant City Attorney Peter Beckwith and City Clerk Carol McNeilly 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Deputy Mayor Burbidge led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. SOUND TRANSIT ALIGNMENT Mayor Ferrell reviewed the format and purpose of this evening's meeting. He spoke to the importance of having an open discussion on the Sound Transit alignment and inviting representatives from the Chamber of Commerce and Highline Community College to participate. Representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, Highline Community College and the City Council introduced themselves. Bob Roegner, representing the Chamber of Commerce stated their goal is to gain more information on the topic and report back to their board. He also asked that City Staff provide a presentation to the full Chamber Board. • Sound Transit Presentation Sound Transit Representative Cathal Ridge provided a PowerPoint presentation and reviewed the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) alternatives for alignment. The project starts at Angle Lake Station in SeaTac — S. 2001h Street (under construction) and will extend down to the Federal Way Transit Center. Current funding provides connection to Highline Community College but no further. The alignment options are: along SR -99 and along Interstate 5. There are currently 4 alternatives and 14 design options. City Council Minutes — April 28, 2014 Special Meeting Page 1 of 4 The development process includes an analysis of alternatives, a draft EIS and then final EIS. The process started in 2012 with early scoping and public comment periods. They are now at the stage of developing conceptual designs. They anticipate developing and publishing the draft EIS in late 2014 /early 2015. AT that time, there will be a 45 -day comment period for the draft EIS. In 2016, the Sound Transit Board with select a project. Mr. Ridge reviewed the purpose of the EIS process and what items /areas are studied during the EIS. He also reviewed the Record of Decision (ROD) which identifies the project to be built, includes responses to comments, and identifies mitigation measures. The Council and members of the Chamber of Commerce asked clarifying questions of Mr. Ridge. Councilmember Maloney inquired if Sound Transit planned on working in conjunction with the City as well as potential investors /developers in regards to the alignment of this project as the City is working towards development of the downtown core. She expressed the importance of identifying the alignment in a timely manner so it does not interfere with development. Mr. Ridge stated Sound Transit would work in a collaborative manner with the City and potential investors /developers. Councilmember Duclos inquired when funding for the extension to Federal Way would be available. Mr. Ridge stated he did not have an answer to that question, however, to be eligible for Federal Funding an EIS is required. Councilmember Assefa- Dawson feels the SR99 would have more impacts on businesses and residents and inquired if the public would be surveyed regarding potential ridership use and alignment. Mr. Ridge stated public comment would be collected regarding alignment and impacts will be reviewed as part of the EIS. Patti Mullen inquired if the EIS considers the plans WSDOT created for 509. Mr. Ridger stated their plans allow for the full build out of the 509 project. Deputy Mayor Burbidge shared her understanding of the scope of expansions planned for the roadway. Mr. Ridge noted Sound Transit will work with WSDOT to ensure communication on their projects. Councilmember Moore asked what the plan for parking would be. Mr. Ridge stated parking would be provided at the station area. He was not able to provide an exact number of stalls. Highline Community College President Jack Bermingham asked how Sound Transit factors in impact and opportunities of people in the south end. He feels more people would utilize the service along Hwy. 99 (versus Interstate 5) and inquired if the transportation of people is conducive to commerce, economic activity, and lifestyle and not simply getting people from one single point to another. Mr. Ridge stated the data collected should provide economic models and ridership trends This information will be better understood closer to the time of construction when based on actual data rather than projected data. Councilmember Maloney stated when the City speaks of economic development they are referring to prosperity for the residents of Federal Way. Councilmember Duclos inquired if it would be possible to create a blended alignment between both SR 99 and 1 -5 to meet the needs of both the City and Highline Community College. Mr. Ridge replied there isn't room to create a light rail link between the two alignments without substantial residential impacts. Deputy Mayor Burbidge stated much depends on what is trying to be accomplished with the development of light rail in the City and feels it is important to consider all options and possibly consider additional light rail stations. City Council Minutes — April 28, 2014 Special Meeting Page 2 of 4 Councilmember Moore asked about the plans to address funding for development. Sound Transit Representative Chelsea Levy responded that Sound Transit is in the process of updating their Long Range Plan which should be completed by the end of the year. This Plan would include projects for Sound Transit to present to the voters.\ • City Staff Presentation City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez provided a PowerPoint presentation which summarized Councils action from May 2006 where they approved a letter supporting the 1 -5 alignment north of S 320th Street, but allowing for SR 99 alignment or 1 -5 alignment south of S 320th Street. This was developed in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce. City staff currently participates in an interagency consulting team with Sound Transit and they are reviewing and commenting on Sound Transit's work products as they are produced. The City is attempting to stay involved and up to date as the process moves forward. The City provided written comments to Sound Transit in a scoping letter last year. Mr. Perez discussed the pros and cons with the alignment options (elevated, street level, etc.) He also reviewed the right -of -way acquisition impacts for the alignment options and the economic development impacts associated with each. Mr. Perez stated Sound Transit agrees that all potential widening of existing roadways (added lanes, etc.) are important when considering alignment as most of the impacts will occur in residential areas. Concerning economic development impacts, Mr. Perez explained the impact area is often constrained to less than a half mile radius from the station based on walking routes and other factors. Chamber of Commerce Comments Mr. Roegner stated he learned tonight that the timeline allows for a closer look at the issues over the next several months. He feels much of what is being focused on are the short term impacts of light rail development. He encouraged everyone to think long term as well. He also noted concerns about projects already completed along SR -99 will not be as much of a conflict for Sound Transit as previously believed. Highline Community College Comments Dan Altmayer inquired what factors were considered in 2006 when the Council sent a letter to Sound Transit regarding the preferred alignment. Mayor Ferrell responded speed, cost, and economic impacts /opportunities were primary factors. Deputy Mayor Burbidge added that economic development would most likely focus mainly at or around the stations. She believed the intent of the preferred alignment at its earliest phase was to bring the speed of the 1 -5 alignment together with bringing the stations toward SR SR99 to link the areas. Dr. Bermingham stated Highline is a destination within the area and he would like to see a station near the college. Mayor Ferrell noted Highline is slated to get a station. One issue with the SR99 alignment is that it will need to be elevated or else have to stop for traffic. The 1 -5 alignment will be less expensive. The question is where the Highline station should be located. Councilmembers Duclos and Maloney spoke in support of keeping the dialogue open on this topic and identifying the common goals of each agency which all seem to revolve around the best interest of the citizens and community City Council Minutes — April 28, 2014 Special Meeting Page 3 of 4 Councilmember Moore feels it is important to riders to be able to move quickly on light rail rather than having to stop numerous times. He thanked the organizations represented this evening for participating in this meeting. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment was provided. 5. COUNCIL DISCUSSION Council discussion occurred throughout the meeting as captured in item 3. 6. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrell adjourned the meeting at 7:11 p.m. Attest: .(�AM Carol McNeilly, CIVIC, City Jerk Approved by Council: May 20, 201 City Council Minutes — April 28, 2014 Special Meeting Page 4 of 4