LUTC PKT 10-20-1997 ~ City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transp0l1ation Committee October 20, 1997 5:30pm City Hall Council Chambers AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minute limit) 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Subdivision Code Amendment B. Wildwood Final Plat C. Metro Service Change for June D. 30% Design Approval for South 304th Street/Military Road E. 1998 Right of Way Landscape Maintenance Contract F. Sidewalk Improvements G. West Hylebos Riparian Habitat Grant H. City Center Street Lighting I. Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Request - Pro Refrigeration 5. ADJOURN Info McClung/45 mill Action Williams/l0 mill Info Perez/l0 mill Action Mlller/l0 mill Action Miller /10 mill Action Miller/5/min Action Pratt/15 mill Info Roe/5 mill Action Moore/5 mill Committee Members: Phil Watkins, Chair Ron Gintz Mary Gates City Staff: Greg Moore, Director, Community Development Services Sandy Lyle, Administrative Assistant 661-4116 I:\LU- TRANS\0CT20LUT .AGN City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee September 15, 1997 5:30pm City Hall Council Chambers SUMMARY In attendance: Committee members Phil Watkins (Chair), Ron Gintz and Mary Gates; Deputy City Manager Philip Keightley; Director of Community Development Services Greg Moore; Deputy Director of Community Development Services Kathy McClung; Public Works Director Cary Roe; Assistant City Attorney Bob Sterbank; Street Systems Manager Ken Miller; Surface Water Manager Jeff Pratt; Development Services Manager Stephen Clifton; SWM Project Engineer Marwan Salloum; Code Compliance Office Betty Cn1Z; Administrative Assistant Sandy Lyle. 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:30pm by Chairman Phil Watkins. 2. APPROY AL OF MINUTES The minutes of the September 15, 1997, meeting were approved as presented. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment on items other than those included in the agenda. 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Subdivision Si~s - In concluding the Sign Notification Program, it has been discovered that fifty-seven subdivision signs are out of compliance with the Sign Code. Eight of the signs are in the public right of way. Thirteen exceed the maximum number allowed per subdivision. Eleven exceed the height restrictions. Nine exceed the allowed width. Twenty-one do not have a required base. With minor modifications in the non-conforming code, the sign code or the subdivision code the signs could be brought into compliance. The Committee decided to defer the matter until the Subdivision Code Amendments are reviewed. B. Awlewood Annexation - The Applewood neighborhood submitted a petition request for pre-annexation Comprehensive Plan zoning at the September 16, 1997, City Council meeting, which Was forwarded to the Land Use/Tr~Portation Committee for action. Residents attending were concerned about the timeliness of the annexation process imd how the Comprehensive Plan amendment process worked. Terry Mutter, Kelly Fuller, Martin Barnes, John Lasnick and Sam VeIker were in attendance to express their concerns about traffic mitigation and pre-annexation comprehensive plan/zoning fees, runoff mitigation, density and development along SR#99. In order to conserve staff time and eliminate duplication of work, the Committee mls/c consideration of pre-annexation comprehensive plan zoning in conjunction with Comprehensive Plan updates scheduled later this year. C. Non-Confonnin¡ Code Amendments/General Amendments & Water Quality - The Non-conforming Code Provisions was presented to the Committee for discussion and review. Recommendation to approve the latest draft was forwarded to the City Council at its October 21, 1997, meeting. D. Streets Polic.y Guidance - The Department of Public Works has, in the past, requested a monetary contribution from developers in-lieu-of actual frontage improvements if a project is proposed near a Capital Improvement Project (CIP) that is withing a few years of actual construction, specifically, six years or less. The Committee liked the concept as part of the non-confornring code provisions and further included the provision that a developer could pay the money for street improvements at the time of actual construction. The applicant posts a bond in the amount of the street improvements supplemented by an agreement to include language allowing waiver of the six year spending limit. The Committee mls/c recommendation of approval to the City Council at the October 21, 1997, meeting. E. Student Transit Resolution - The Committee mls/c recommendation of adoption of the Student Transit Resolution to the City Council at the October 21, 1997, meeting. The Resolution provides for a common vision between the City and School District to utilize Metro busses for student transportation to and from school. A previous proposal was not fully supported by the South County Sounding Board and was not forwarded to the King County Council for consideration. F. Master Lease Aweement for Telecommunications - Under the Master Lease Agreement, general terms and conditions . are drawn under which the City and Wireless providers agree to the lease of properties owned or controlled by the City on which the proposer desires to site and operate wireless communications apparatus. This Master Lease Agreement constitutes the establishment of a guideline and is not to be considered a specific proposal. It addresses such issues as collocation. Without a blueprint it becomes difficult to write a contract with a wireless provider. The Committee recommended going forward with preparation of a Master Use (Lease) Proposal. 5. FUTURE MEETINGS The next meeting will be held on October 20, 1997 at 5:30pm in City Council Chambers. 6. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 7:10pm. I: \LU- TRANS\OCT6LUT.SUM MEMO FROM: Land Use and Transportation Committee Kathy McClung, Deputy CDS Director ~ TO: DATE: OCTOBER 14, 1997 REi Subdivision Code/PRD ordinance/Subdivision signs Attached is the Planning commission recommendation for changes to the Subdivision Code. Included in the recommendation are Planned Residential Development regulations which allow development to increase density when certain amenities are added to the development. The Planning Commission conducted public hearings on June 4 and 18th and August 20th. Don Largen, consultant from McConnell Burke will present the subdivision code changes and PRD ordinance to the Committee. Also attached is an analysis and code language recommendations for subdivision signs. I will be making that part of the presentation to you. If I can provide additional information or if you have questions prior to the meeting, please let me know. Attachments: 1. Planning Commission Findings 2. Draft Ordinance 3. Staff Report 4. Subdivision Sign analysis CITY OF FEDERAL WAY planning Commission DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: September 9, 1997 CITY COUNCIL ROBERT VAUGHAN, CHAIR PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION REGULATION UPDATES - SUBDIVISION ----------------------------------------------------------------- I. BACKGROUND The Federal Way Comprehensive Plan contains goals and policies that encourage innovative residential development to address issues such as neighborhood character, housing diversity, and appropriate in-fill development. Techniques including planned residential developments, zero lot lines, smaller lots, density bonuses, incentives, clustering, and others are suggested for consideration. Currently, the City's subdivision regulations provide little in the way of flexibility in site development and design. For example, while there are existing provisions to allow clustering of units within subdivisions, there are virtually no incentives to do so. City staff has identified several provisions within the subdivision regulations for review and possible amendments. The intent is to further the City's goal of accommodating growth through in-fill development. II. PLANNING COMMISSION PROCESS The Planning Commission held public hearings on June 4, June 18, and August 20, 1997. The City's consultant and City staff provided the Commission with an overview of issues and draft regulatory provisions. The hearings were attended by several members of the public, one of which is a local developer. Written testimony was provided by two of the attendees. The hearings were devoted to a section-by-section review of the recommended regulatory language contained in the June 4, 1997 consultant staff report. The City's consultant and City staff have prepared draft subdivision regulation amendments and a draft planned residential development ordinance, the provisions of which are to be included 1 in Chapter 20, this document. Subdivisions Code. The drafts are attached to I I I. SUMMARY OF AMENDMENTS The following list summarize the major code amendments reviewed by the Commission during this code revision process. 1. b. 2. Subdivisions (Long Plats) a. The number of lots requiring a long plat process is raised from 5 to 10. A new Division 9 is added to Article II to provide a process for the vacation of approved long plats. A preliminary plat certificate will be required with the submitted application. Short Subdivisions (Short Plat) c. a. The number of lots qualifying for a short plat process (i.e. administrative review) is raised from 4 lots to 9. provisions are added to allow for the alteration and/or vacation of an approved short plat. c. A party owning or having interests in adjoining short plats shall utilize the long plat review process. Binding Site Plans b. 3. a. b. Condominiums, manufactured home parks, and recreational vehicle parks are required to use the binding site plan process. Condominiums having an approved binding site plan are exempted from the general subdivision (long plat) process requirements. A new section is added to allow for the alteration of approved binding site plans. Open Space Requirements c. 4. a. b. A fee-in-lieu payment is allowed at the discretion of the Parks Director instead of providing on-site open space. c. Open space requirements for lots or less are eliminated. Open space requirements do not apply to resubdi vided parcels if they met the open space requirements at the time of the original plat. short subdivisions 4 of 2 5. The Parks Director may alter the open space percentage requirements on a case-by-case basis under certain criteria. Planned Residential Developments (PRD) A new section is added to Chapter 20 to provide for the use of Planned Residential Developments in creating new residential subdivisions. The pertinent provisions are as follows: d. a. Minimum tract size for a PRD is 2 acres. A maximum density increase of 40% is allowed on the net tract area after deducting street rights-of-way, environmentally sensitive areas (exclusive of buffers), and the required 15% of open space. The 40% density increase is reached by utilizing the following density bonus design factors: b. Design Factor Zero lot lines Pedestrian/Bicycle Trail If it connects to off-site trail system Public access to: vista or viewpoint Lake or stream Bonus Density % 3 5 10 4 3 3 4 3 3 5 4 3 10 Clustered units Mix of housing types Modulated building facades Variation in Roof Lines Retention of native vegetation Utilization of natural drainage Enhanced or increased sensitive area buffers Affordable housing units 6. Lot coverage provision in Chapter 22, Zoning Code, is amended to clarify that lot coverage is calculated based on the net lot area after the deduction of an access easement IV. PLANNING COMMISSION FINDINGS & RECOMMENDATIONS The Planning Commission bases its recommendation of adoption of the proposed amendments to the FWCC relative to subdivisions based on the following findings: 1. Whereas, the City's future growth will occur in the form of in-fill development on remaining vacant lots and larger 3 nonparcelized tracts; and 2. Whereas, existing subdivision regulations do flexible and innovative approaches to site housing development; and not foster design and 3. Whereas, the proposed amendments are consistent with provisions of the Land Use and Housing chapters of Comprehensive Plan. the the 4. Whereas, the Federal Way SEPA responsible official has issued a Declaration of Nonsignificance on April 27, 1997; and 5. Whereas, the proposed code amendments would not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare. ~~ Robert Vaughan, Chai Federal Way Planning Commission 4 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE FEDERAL WAY SUBDIVISION CODE, ADOPTING SPECIFIC AMENDMENTS AND ADDING NEW REGULATIONS FOR THE USE OF PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS. A. WHEREAS amendments to the Federal Way City Code (FWCC) text are authorized pursuant to FWCC Sections 22-216 and 22-217 pursuant to Process IV review; and B. WHEREAS the Federal Way City Council has considered proposed changes to the FWCC regarding specific subdivision regulations; and C. WHEREAS the Federal Way City Council, pursuant to FWCC 22-517, having determined the Proposal to be worthy of legislative consideration, referred the Proposal to the Federal Way Planning Commission as a priority item for its review and recommendation; and D. WHEREAS the Federal Way Planning Commission, having considered the Proposal at public hearings during 1997 on June 4, June 18, and August 20 pursuant to FWCC Section 22-523, and all public notices having been duly given pursuant to FWCC Section 22-521; and E. WHEREAS the public was given opportunities to comment on the Proposal during the Planning Commission review; and ORD# PAGE 1 F. WHEREAS the City of Federal Way SEPA responsible official has issued a Declaration of Nonsignificance on April 27, 1997; and G. WHEREAS following the public hearings, the Planning Commission submitted to the Land Use and Transportation Committee of the City Council its recommendation in favor of proposed zoning text amendments adding sections to the FWCC as noted previously; and H. WHEREAS the Federal Way Land Use and Transportation City Council Committee met on J 1997 to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission and has moved to forward the Proposal, with amendments, to the full City Council; and I. WHEREAS there was sufficient opportunity for the public to comment on the Proposal; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOllOWS: Section 1. FindinQs. After full and careful consideration, the City Council of the City of Federal Way makes the following findings with respect to the Proposal and the proposed amendments to the Federal Way City Code ("FWCC"): 1. The Federal Way City Council adopted the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan in order to comply with the state's Growth Management Act; and 2. The Federal Way Comprehensive Plan contains policies that call for the amending of subdivision regulations to promote innovative and flexible standards in the design and development of new residential subdivisions; and ORD# , PAGE 2 3. The Federal Way SEPA responsible official has issued a Declaration of Nonsignificance on April 27, 1997; and 4. The proposed code amendments would not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare; and 5. The Planning Commission, following notice thereof as required by RCW 35A.63.070, held public hearings on the proposed regulatory amendments and has considered the testimony, written comments, and material from the public by and through said hearings. Section 2. Conclusions. Pursuant to FWCC Section 22-217 and based upon the Findings set forth in Section 1, the Federal Way City Council makes the following Conclusions of Law with respect to the decisional criteria necessary for the adoption of the Proposal: 1. The Proposal is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan goals and policies: A. LUP16 Revise existing land use regulations to provide for innovation and flexibility in the design of new single family developments and in- till. B. LUP19 Consider special development techniques (e.g. accessory dwelling units, zero lot lines, lot size averaging, and planned unit developments) in single family areas provided they result in residential development consistent with the quality and character of existing neighborhoods. C. LUP20 Preserve site characteristics that enhance residential development (trees, watercourses, vistas, and similar features) using site planning techniques such as clustering, planned unit developments, and lot size averaging. ORD# , PAGE 3 D. LUP24 Multiple family residential development should be designed to provide privacy and common open space. Variations in facades and roof lines should be used to add character and interest to multiple family developments. E. LUP25 Encourage the establishment of street patterns and amenities that encourage walking, bicycling, and transit use. F. HP14 Amend development regulations to encourage superior design and a greater diversity of housing types and costs through such techniques as incentives, inclusionary zoning, planned unit developments, density bonuses, and transfer of development rights. G. HP15 Consider zero lot line standards within planned unit developments to create higher density single family neighborhoods with large open space areas. 2. The Proposal bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety and welfare because it implements policies aimed at increasing housing diversity and availability, and promotes site sensitive development to protect the environment and neighborhood character. Section 3. Amendment. The Federal Way Zoning Code, Chapter 20, is amended to provide as set forth in Attachment A which is attached and by this reference is incorporated herein. Section 4. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. ORD# , PAGE 4 Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from the time of its final passage, as provided by law. day of PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this ,1995. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MAYOR, MAHLON S. PRIEST ATTEST: CITY CLERK, N. CHRISTINE GREEN, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY, LONDI K. LINDELL FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO. ORD# , PAGE 5 ATTACHMENT A Article I. In General Sec. 20-1. Definitions Binding site plan shall mean a plan drawn to scale processed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and RCW 58.17. Binding site plans are divisions of land for sale or ground lease for commercial er ~ industrial, manufactured home parks, and condominium uses. Short subdivision shall mean the division or redivision of land into ~ nine or less lots, tracts, parcels, sites, or divisions for the purpose of sale, lease, or transfer including divisions of land into lots or tracts which are one-one hundred twentieth of a section of land or larger, or five acres or larger if the land is not capable of description as a fraction of a section of land, PROVIDED, that for purposes of computing the size of any lot under this section which borders on a street or road, the lot size shall be expanded to include the area which would be bounded by the center line of the road or street and the side lot lines of the lot running perpendicular to such center lot line. Subdivision shall mean the division or redivision of land into ~ ten or more lots, tracts, parcels, sites, or divisions for the purpose of sale, lease, or transfer including divisions of land into lots or tracts which are one-one hundred twentieth of a section of land or larger, or five acres or larger if the land is not capable of description as a fraction of a section of land, PROVIDED, that for purposes of computing the size of any lot under this section which borders on a street or road, the lot size shall be expanded to include the area which would be bounded by the center line of the road or street and the side lot lines of the lot running perpendicular to such center lot line. Article II Plats DIVISION 4. BINDING SITE PLANS* ---------- *Cross reference(s)--Site plan review procedure, §22-361 et seq. State law reference(s)--Binding site plans, RCW 58.17.035. ---------- Sec. 20-61. Subdivisions requiring binding site plan. Division of any land for sale or lease which is classified for commercial, business, office, or industrial development, or which is to be developed as condominiums or manufactured home park shall be required to obtain an approved binding site plan in accordance with this and other ordinances of the city. Sec. 20-68. Alteration of binding site plan. Alteration of an approved binding site plan same process and requirements set forth in this approval of a binding site plan. shall follow the division for the DIVISION 5. SHORT SUBDIVISION PLATS Sec. 20-81. Application and review process. The general procedure for processing an application for a short subdivision consists of the following steps; PROVIDED, however, that this general procedure shall not apply if at the time of application the proposed short subdivision is either simultaneously owned or has been owned within the previous five years by an owner of, or a person having substantial financial interests in, a contiguous lot, parcel, tract or short plat, in which case the application procedures governing Division 6, (Preliminary Plats), of this chapter shall apply: Sec. 20-108.5. Alteration and vacation of short plats. (a) Alteration of an approved short plat shall follow the same review process used to create a short plat as set forth in Sec. 20-81; EXCEPT that when an alteration involves a public dedication, the alteration shall be processed as provided in Division 9.. (b) Vacation of an approved short plat shall follow the process established as follows; EXCEPT that, when a vacation involves a public dedication, the vacation shall be processed as provided in Division 9. (1) An optional preapplication conference between the proponent and city staff to discuss the circumstances and reasons for the vacation as set forth in Sec. 20-82. 2 (2) Review of the short subdivision vacation application to determine whether or not the application is complete and acceptable for filing. An application for vacation shall include the following: (a) An application for approval of a short subdivision vacation shall be made to the department of community development services upon forms furnished by the city. Applications shall be made by the owner or owners of the parcel or parcels of all property encompassed by the application or by a duly authorized agent. The owner or owners of all parcels to be included must join in or be represented in the application. (b) The application shall include seven prints of the approved short subdivision and accompanied by statement setting forth the reasons for vacation. (3) Approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the short subdivision vacation by the director of the department of community development services. (4) Filing of the short subdivision vacation in the office of the county division of records and elections. Division 6. Sec. 20-110. Preliminary Plat Content and fo~ of application Preliminary plat certificate not less than 90 days old from a licensed title insurance company. 12l Additional information as required at the discretion of the director of community development services. (8 ) Division 9. vacation of Subdivisions Sec. 20-250. Plat vacation application. When any person is interested in the vacation of any subdivision that person shall submit an application to request the vacation to the city. (a) Signatories. The application shall contain the signatures of the majority of those persons having an ownership interest of lots, tracts, parcels, sites or division in the subject subdivision or a portion to be vacated. If the subdivision is subject to restrictive covenants which were filed at the time of approval of the subdivision, and the application for alteration would result in the violation of a covenant, the 3 application shall contain an agreement signed by all parties subject to the covenants providing that the parties agree to terminate or alter the relevant covenants to accomplish the purpose of the vacation of the subdivision or portion thereof. (b) Completed application defined. A completed application shall be as required for preliminary plats, pursuant to FWCC Section 20-107. Sec. 20-251. Acceptance of application, routing. (a) Upon submittal of a completed application for vacation of plat, the department of community development services shall transmit at least one copy of the application for vacation for review and recommendation to each of the following: (1) Public works department; (2) Lakehaven Utility District and/or City of Tacoma Public Utility Department and/or other utility district, as appropriate; (3) Federal Way Fire Department; (4) County department of public health, if septic systems are proposed for sewage disposal; (5) Federal Way School District #210; and (6) Building division; (7) Other individuals or jurisdictions as deemed appropriate by the director. (b) An application for plat vacation shall not be accepted for filing for the purpose of official processing until: (1) The director of community development services determines that the applicant has paid all fees and submitted all documents and information as required herein to permit a full public hearing on the merits of the application; and Sec. 20-252. Process for review and notice of public hearing. (a) Upon confirmation by the director of community development services that the plat vacation application is complete the application shall be processed and reviewed following the procedures defined in Section 20-109 et seq. (b) Notice of the hearing shall be mailed to the appropriate city or county officials if their proposed plat vacation lies within 4 one mile of the adjoining city or county boundary, and to all agencles or private companies pursuant to section 20-251(a) herein. (c) All notices required in this section shall clearly describe in layperson's terms the nature of the request, the location of the proposal, the date, time and location of the hearing, and address and telephone number where additional information may be obtained relative to the application. Sec. 20-253. Report to hearing examiner; review. (a) No less than seven days prior to the date of the public hearing, the department of community development services shall submit to the hearing examiner a written report summarizing the application for plat vacation. The report shall contain, in addition to the requirements in section 20-111, et seq., the following information: (1) All communications from other agencies or individuals relating to the application which were received in time to be included in the report to the hearing examiner. (2) A list of recommendations from the department of community development services, department of public works, and other appropriate departments relating to plat vacation approval. (b) The hearing examiner shall review the application in accordance with the procedures stipulated in Article VII, Process IV Review. Sec. 20-254. City council review, action. City council review of hearing examiner recommendations on applications for plat alterations shall be limited to the record of the hearing examiner, oral comments received at the public meeting (so long as such comments do not raise new issues or information not contained in the examiner's record) and the hearing examiner's report. Division 10. Planned Residential Developments (PRD) Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 20-301 20-302 20-303 20-304 20-305 20-306 20-307 Purpose. Minimum size. Permitted uses. Preapplication conference. Preliminary PRD - Procedures Final PRD - Procedures PRD public services availability. 5 Sec. 20-308 Design criteria - Generally. Sec. 20-309 Design criteria - Required open space. Sec. 20-310 Design Criteria - Bonus Density Increases Sec. 20-311 Design criteria - Streets. Sec. 20-301 Purpose. A planned residential development (PRD) is an alternative to conventional land use regulations, combining use, density and si te plan considerations into a single process. A planned residential development has the following purposes: (a) To permit greater flexibility and consequently more creative and imaginative site design than is generally possible under conventional subdivision and zoning regulations; (b) To promote more economical and efficient use of the land while providing a harmonious variety of housing choices, a higher level of city attractiveness and quality and preservation of scenic open space; and (c) To encourage developments which will provide a desirable and stable environment in harmony with that of the surrounding area. (d) To provide flexibility in site development in order to preserve and protect open spaces and environmentally sensitive areas. Sec. 20-302 Minimum size. The minimum contiguous area of a PRD project is two (2) acres. Sec. 20-303 Permitted uses. A planned residential development may include any uses permitted outright in the underlying RS or RM residential zone where the PRD is located, subject to the criteria established in this chapter. Sec. 20-304 Preapplication conference. A preapplication conference shall be required for a PRD application as stipulated ln Article XX (Preapplication Conference) . Sec. 20-305 Preliminary PRD - Procedures The procedures, process, and requirements for a Preliminary PRD shall be the same as those set forth in Article II, Division 6, Preliminary Plats, Sec. 20-109 through Sec. 20-130. 6 Sec. 20-306 Final PRD - Procedures The procedures, process, and requirements for a Final PRD shall be the same as those set forth in Article II, Division 7, Final Plats, Sec. 20-131 through Sec. 20-137. Sec. 20-307 PRD public services availability. (a) PRD approvals are not to be granted unless such facilities as water lines, sewer lines and streets exist or are immediately planned in sufficient quantity to service the proposed new development. PRD proj ects shall be so located with respect to schools, parks, playgrounds and other public facilities that they shall have access in the same degree as would development in a form generally permitted in the area; PROVIDED, that a PRD may be approved if, alternatively: (1) The developers will provide private utilities, facilities or services approved by the public agencies which would normally provide such utilities, facilities or services as substituting on an equivalent basis and assure their satisfactory continuing operation and maintenance permanently or until equivalent public utilities, facilities or services are available. Sec. 20-308 Design criteria - Generally. (a) The design criteria established within this article shall be used as a guide for an applicant to follow in developing a preliminary and final PRD development plan. (b) These criteria shall also be used as the basis for recommendation and decisions regarding density increases within a PRD. Sec. 20-309 Design criteria - Required open space. (a) For the purpose of this article, open space shall be provided as described in Section 20-155. (b) All PRDs shall be required to provide open space on-site in the amount of 15 percent of the gross land area of the PRD site; except that a fee-in-lieu payment may not be substituted for this requirement. 7 (c) Any combination of open space types may be used accomplish the total minimum area required to be reserved described in Section 20-155. to as Sec. 20-310 Design criteria - Density Increases A. A maximum density increase of up to 40% for PRDs located in RS and RM zoning districts may be permitted according to the partial percentage increases for designated design criteria set forth in Sec. 20-311. The increases are additive, but in no case may they exceed 40% in total. B. The density increases will be applied to the net parcel or tract area remaining after subtracting the following: 1. dedicated public rights-of-way; and 2. environmentally sensitive areas (exclusive of required setbacks) as set forth in Chapter 18, Article II; and 3. required 15% open space as set forth in Article III, Sec. 20-155. Sec. 20-311 Design Criteria - Bonus Density Increases The allowable number of dwelling units as calculated in Section 310(B) may be cumulatively increased as follows: A. Three percent (3%) increase in dwelling units if twenty percent (20%) or more of the proposed dwelling units are developed with zero lot lines; B. Ten percent (10%) increase in dwelling development features a distinct mix of residences, attached single units from and apartments are examples of housing not include some of every type; units if the housing types. Single duplexes to townhouses types. The mix need C. Five percent (5%) increase in dwelling units if twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the dwelling units are clustered in distinct functional groupings; D. Four percent (4%) increase in dwelling units if the development utilizes modulated building facades on multiple unit structures. E. Three percent (3%) increase in dwelling units if the development utilizes variation in roof lines on multiple unit structures. F. Three percent (3%) increase in dwelling units if distinct pedestrian/bicycle trails and paths are incorporated into the 8 development, a four percent (4%) increase if the trails/paths connect to an off-site trail system¡ G. Three percent (3%) increase in dwelling units if significant general public access is provided to a vista or veiwpoint, or a lake or stream¡ H. Five percent (5%) increase in dwelling units if the project plan provides for and assures a substantial retention of native ground cover, bushes, and trees; I. Four percent (4%) increase in dwelling units if on-site drainage control utilizes existing natural drainage ways and drainage retention features and/or drainage and drainage retention facilities are designed to resemble natural features; J. Three percent (3%) increase in dwelling units if a environmentally sensitive area buffer is increased in horizontal distance by at least twenty-five feet or in total area by at least ten percent (10%), or the buffer is enhanced/rehabilitated such that its functional value is greater than its predevelopment condition; K. Ten percent (10%) increase in dwelling units if at least ten percent (10%) of the proposed dwelling units are affordable to low income individuals as defined in the Countywide Planning policies for King County. Sec. 20-312 Design criteria - Streets. A. In addition to those criteria established in Section 22-1477 right-of-way width and street roadway widths may be reduced by the public works director upon a finding that the plan for the PRD provides for the separation of vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns and provides for adequate off-street parking facilities. ARTICLE III. DESIGN CRITERIA* (b) All residential subdivisions shall be required to provide open space in the amount of 15 percent of the gross land area of the subdivision site, or if the aite ia five ~crea or leaD in Dize, ~pplic~nta m~y Deck ~ltern~tive methodD of providing the required open ap~ce ~a permitted by aection 19 41 et aeq., if ~ccept~ble to the city; EXCEPT that short subdivisions of four or less lots and resubdivided parcels where open space requirements were met at the time of a previous plat are exempt from this 9 requirement. Except for PRDs a fee-in-lieu payment may be to satisfy open space requirements at the discretion of the parks director after consideration of the City's overall park plan, quality, location, and service area of the open space that would otherwise be provided within the project. The fee-in-lieu of open space shall be calculated on fifteen percent (15%) of the most recent assessed value of the property. In the absence of an assessment, the market value shall be based on an appraisal conducted by a MAl certified appraiser or another professional appraiser approved by the parks director. (c) Any combination of open space types may be used to accomplish the total area required to be reserved as follows: Open Space % of Gross Land Category Area Usable 10% minimum Conservation No maximum or minimum Buffer 2% maximum Constrained 2% maXlmum An administrative alteration of the open space category percentage requirements within the above categories may be made by the parks director on a case-by-case basis, but in no case shall the combination of categories total less than 15%. Review and approval of such cases shall be based on the following considerations: 1. The change in percentage requirements would result in a superior open space plan than could be accomplished under the standard percentage requirements. 2. The availability and types of open space located within the immediate area. 3. The presence on-site of environmental features that are unique or rare or of local importance. 4. The opportunities for the significant views and creation of points of interest. preservation public access of to 5. The relationship of the proposed open spaces to the City's park plan. 10 CHAPTER 22 Zoning Article XIII. Supplementary District Regulations Division 1. Generally Sec. 22-955. Calculating lot coverage. (a) General. Except as specified in subsection (b) of this section, the area of all structures, pavement and any other impervious surface on the subject property will be calculated as a percentage of total lot area, exclusive of the area of any recorded access easements, in determining compliance with maximum lot coverage required in this chapter. If the subject property contains more than one use, the maximum lot coverage requirements for the predominant use will apply to the entire development. 11 , '" . ..." ""c,,- I ", CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Planning Commission DATE June 4, 1997 APPLICANT City of Federal Way PROPOSED ACTION Text Amendments to Chapter 20, of Federal Way City Code (Subdivisions) STAFF REPRESENTATIVE Don Largen, AICP Planning Consultant McConnell/Burke, Inc. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission use this report as basis upon which the Commission develops a recommendation of proposed Subdivision regulation amendments for City Council consideration. I. INTRODUCTION Several items have been identified and prioritized by the City Council for completion during its 1997 Planning Commission work program. One of these tasks is a review and update selected portions of the City's Subdivision regulations. II. BACKGROUND In January of 1994 City staff identified a list of topics within the Subdivisions regulations that needed to be addressed to either bring the code into compliance with State provisions, make them consistent with other city codes, or that would make them more helpful to staff and applicants and more applicable to the City's development context. Staff has since reviewed the subdivision regulations for consistency with State laws and other City codes. Most recently the subdivision regulations have been updated to comply with the State legislative requirements for regulatory reform (ESHB 1724). The remaining items on the list relate to making the subdivision regulations easier to use and more directly applicable to Federal Way. This list has been partially prioritized and reviewed again to make sure these items still need review. ",W " " III. ISSUES & ALTERNATIVES The topics to be addressed fall into six general categories. Each of these issues contain several review items, with each item dealt with separately and provided with a staff recommendation. Relationships between discussion items are also indicated. A. SUBDIVISIONS (LONG PLATS) Subdivisions or long plats are one of the mechanisms by which tracts of land are divided into individual building lots or parcels. Under current City code a subdivision process (as opposed to a short subdivision) is required for divisions of land into five lots or greater. The subdivision process consists of two major parts. The first step is approval of a preliminary plat. Typically, a preliminary plat is meant to be general in nature and does not include detailed engineering specifications. In most cases preliminary plats establish the overall layout of the subdivision, indicating the proposed street network, general layout of blocks and lots, preliminary location of utilities, open spaces and sensitive areas, and other major elements of the subdivision. These are reviewed to ensure conformance with City zoning and engineering standards. This step is important in that many of the improvements (e.g. streets and sidewalks) become public and will later be taken over and maintained by the City. The second step is approval of a final plat, which is more specific as to the precise locations of utilities, public and private easements, actual number and configuration of individual lots, etc. Approval of a final plat is usually granted only after substantial completion or installation of the public improvements that were indicated on the preliminary plat. Final approval is required before property within the subdivision can be transferred or building permits issued. 1. PRELIMINARY PLATS The issue raised regarding preliminary plats is whether or not they can or should be processed administratively. An administrative review process does not require a public hearing. Under the current code, the hearings examiner holds a public hearing on a preliminary plat and then provides a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council then makes the final decision based on the established public record. Appeals of a Council decision are filed in King County Superior Court. Our conversations with staff suggest that the Council may wish to retain final approval of preliminary plat applications. This is clearly appropriate in those instances where concerns are raised by adjoining property owners and where the subdivision is of a scale that could significantly affect the surrounding area. However, there are likely to be instances where a subdivision is modest in size, meets all City standards, and does not raise the concerns of surrounding property owners. In these cases an administrative review process might be a better use of City resources and time, and would also help meet the requirements of ESHB 1724. 2 ". .,_...,.~,.;.,i.,¡,¡ " One way to do this is to increase the minimum number of lots requiring a long subdivision application. The Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 58.17.095 gives the City legislative authority to increase the number of lots, tracts, or parcels to be regulated as short subdivisions to a maximum of nine. The short subdivision process is administrative so by increasing the number of lots qualifying as a short subdivision more subdivisions will be reviewed administratively. This approach appears particularly suited for Federal Way since much of the future growth will be in-fill development and would presumably involve smaller subdivisions. RECOMMENDATION: Make the following modification to Chapter 20: 1) Raise the minimum number of lots requiring a long subdivision from 5 lots to 10 lots in Article I, Section 20-1 Definitions. (Note: this will also require changing the definition of Short Plat). An additional approach the Planning Commission may wish to consider would be to have an administrative review of preliminary plats. RCW 58.17.020 allows for the administrative review of preliminary plats upon adoption of an ordinance to that effect. The ordinance must allow for appropriate notification of surrounding property owners, provide a comment period, and allow any effected party the ability to request that a public hearing be held. The City may also establish a threshold number of lots above which a public hearing would be required. For example, the City could provide for an administrative review of preliminary plats containing from 10 to 30 lots within Article II, Division 6. This would include the requirements from RCW 58.17.020, particularly the following provisions: a. Within at least 10 days notice of the application shall be published and mailed to all property owners within 300 feet of the proposal and notice shall be posted in five conspicuous places around the proposal.' b. Any person may provide written comment on the proposed subdivision with 21 days after publishing notice of application. c. A public hearing shall be held if any person files a request for 'a hearing within 21 days of the publishing of the notice of application. d. A public hearing may also be initiated by the City. The key features of this approach are that it establishes a threshold above which an administrative review is not an option (i.e. 30 lots) and allows for a public hearing in the event an effected party requests one. Note that even though a preliminary plat may be reviewed administratively the final plat approval would still rest with the City Council. 3 '" "~"""'._-"'.'~_H'~_"'.' ,.~~b " 2. TITLE REPORT WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT One of the items included on the list of code updates was to include a title report as a required application item for a preliminary plat. The recent code updates relative to regulatory reform did not address this item. The purpose of this requirement would' be to disclose at the beginning of the process whether or not some or all of the property to be subdivided is encumbered by ownership issues, deed restrictions, covenants, etc. In some cases knowing this information at the outset could enable the City to require that project sponsors resolve any civil legal issues before committing limited staff time to the review of the proposal. RECOMMENDATION: Add the following submittal requirement to Chapter 20, Division 6, Section 20-110(c): A complete and accurate title report, dated no more than 90 days prior to the application date, detailing all encumbrances, liens, covenants, restrictions, parties with interests, or any other legal commitment that is attached to the subject property( s). 3. LONG PLAT AL TERATIONSN ACATION Current City regulations do allow for the revision of long plats, but are silent as to the process for vacation of an approved long plat. If a long plat alteration involves the relocation of driveways to streets external to the plat or there is an increase in the number of driveways, then the plat alteration process is the same as that required for preliminary plats: initial review by staff, staff report to hearings examiner and a public hearing, examiner recommendation to city council, and then city council approval. The basic issue is whether or not the plat alteration process can or should be made administrative. RCW 58.17.215 provides the basic procedural framework for the alteration of subdivisions. In general, if the proposed alteration involves a short plat or is considered a boundary line adjustment and does not create any additional lots, then the alteration may be reviewed and approved administratively by the planning director. Beyond that it appears that State law does not allow for the administrative alteration of long plats. If the intent of making plat alterations administrative is to make more efficient use of City resources and time, then it appears that any reduction in the number of subdivisions permits that have to go through a full public review process would be a move in the right direction. Conversations with staff suggest that it is really the smaller subdivision applications where an administrative review process would best benefit both city staff and applicants. The City's subdivision alteration procedures already provide for as much administrative review as is allowed under State law. The exception may be the threshold 4 , -c,.L"..--, "_"~"""~..._.--........,..,,-....~,....>i» requirements relative to the relocation of driveways to streets external to the subdivision. These could be eliminated, but the rationale of requiring public review of alterations that would impact surrounding streets is a sound one and we would not recommend changing those thresholds. The one change that could be made to allow for more opportunity to administratively review alterations to smaller plats would be to raise the number of lots qualifying for short subdivision review from 4 lots to 9 lots. This would mean that all plats having fewer than 10 lots could be altered administratively. RECOMMENDATION: Increase the number of' lots that qualify as a short subdivision to a total of 9. (see also issue B.1 in the following section) As to the vacation of plats the RCW does not appear to allow for the administrative review and approval of long plat vacations. This is also true for short plats if the vacation involves some public dedication, such as a street. However, the City has no mechanism for plat vacation in its current regulations. RECOMMENDATION: Create a new Division 9 in Article II of Chapter 20 entitled Plat Vacations. Base the procedures for plat vacation on RCW 58.17.212. B. SHORT SUBDIVISION (SHORT PLAT) A short subdivision is currently defined under City code as a division of land that creates four or fewer individual lots. The current process for short subdivisions provides for an administrative review and approval by the planning director, which includes review by affected utility providers. The, decision by the planning director is appealed to the hearings examiner. It should be noted that even though the approval process for short subdivisions is administrative the planning director must still review the proposed short plat relative to underlying City design and development standards. 1. INCREASE NUMBER OF LOTS One issue is whether to increase the allowed number of lots created under the short plat process. State law (RCW 58.17) allows a jurisdiction to raise the number of lots to nine. The advantage to raising the number of lots would be to allow for administrative review of smaller plats. This is related to the discussions under subdivisions above where the intent would be to streamline the City's overall subdivision processes. Another consideration is that future growth within the City will be largely from in-fill development and likely involve the subdivision of smaller parcels or tracts. If such in-fill development meets City standards and has the effect of implementing the growth 5 .. "u~",.._~~......~,..,.,.v"'~"m"- " " strategy of the comprehensive plan, then administrative review of smaller subdivisions would be an appropriate mechanism for furthering the goals of the plan. RECOMMENDATION: Change the number of lots from 4 to 9 in the definition of short subdivisions in Article I, Section 20-1 Definitions. 2. OWNERSHIP OF CONTIGUOUS SHORT PLATS The issue here is that it is technically possible for a single individual or organization to own contiguous parcels and over time develop these parcels under a short plat process rather than use the long subdivision process. This poses a problem from the perspective of trying to plan for orderly incremental growth and the provision of public services and utilities since it allows for Ileap-frog' development. The City's current code structure is silent except for not allowing an exemption for alteration of a short subdivision if it is owned by the owner of a contiguous lot or parcel. The reasoning for the alteration of contiguously owned short subdivisions should also apply to their creation. In other words, the effect of developing several contiguously owned short subdivisions has the same overall impact as the development of a long subdivision and should be subject to public review. RECOMMENDATION: Add the following language to the end of the opening sentence in Section 20-81: ... PROVIDED, however, that this general procedure shall not apply if the proposed short subdivision is either simultaneously owned or has been owned within the previous five years by an owner of or a person having substantial financial interests in a contiguous lot, parcel, tract or short plat at the time of application; in which case the application procedures governing Division 6, Preliminary Plats, shall apply. The five year figure is used here since it is consistent with the period of time used for the completion of subdivisions and limitations on the use of the short subdivision process found in RCW 58.17. We should note that in our experience we have not seen an ordinance that deals directly with contiguous ownership 3. SHORT PLAT ALTERATIONSNACATION Alteration or vacation of short plats is provided for in RCW 58.17.060. The RCW states that the City shall establish an administrative process for the review and approval of short plat applications, and the alteration or vacation of same. Th~ issue here is what would be an appropriate process. 6 ." " The City's subdivision regulations do not appear to specify a process for either the alteration or the vacation of a short subdivision. Since the current short plat approval process is administrative it may make sense to simply utilize the existing process for the review of short plat alterations and vacations. RECOMMENDATION: Add short plat alterations and vacations to Division 5 of Article" in Chapter 20. This can be done either by adding two new sections at the end of the Division 5 or by incorporating the words 'alteration' and 'vacation' into the opening sections of Division 5. c. PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS (PRD) One of the items on the code update list is to consider instituting a .Planned Residential Development (PRO) process. The current subdivision regulations attempt to introduce some flexibility in residential plat layout by allowing a developer to cluster dwellings into one area of the parcel, with the intent of preserving open space and generally lessening the impacts of the development. In practice the clustering provisions have not worked well since there are essentially no incentives to encourage their use; for example the applicant is given no more lots than what is allowed under a standard subdivision process. There are also few guidelines relative to site design. A PRO provides more flexibility and discretion in site design and layout than the typical subdivision process. A PRO process offers incentives, usually density bonuses, for such things as open space, improved pedestrian circulation, building clustering, building design, etc. It allows a more flexible approach to accommodating site features such as slopes, wetlands, streams, and public areas. A PRO can also allow for innovative solutions to issues regarding impacts to adjacent properties and uses. At the heart of a PRO process are the incentives provided to encourage innovative and sensitive development. The City has been interested in encouraging the clustering of dwellings as a means to lessen the impact of new residential development on surrounding areas and preserve natural features. A density bo.nus, is not currently utilized for a clustered subdivision, but should be considered for a project if clustering is used. However, clustering by itself is no guarantee of the type of development the City may want. The provision and quality of open spaces, building layout and orientation, pedestrian amenities, protection of sensitive areas, and other items contribute to quality development and could be included in a bonus system. We have provided staff with a draft set of PRO regulations, which include the following recommended standards and bonuses. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a set of PRO regulations that establish the following standards and bonus system: 7 . "...,.,... .'.' ,. " . -" " " PROCESS. PRDs shall be reviewed as referenced iq Article II, Division 6, Preliminary Plat, and Division 7, Final Plat. MINIMUM SIZE. The minimum contiguous area of a PRD project shall be two acres. We have rarely seen PRD ordinances with less than a two acre minimum. On tracts less than two acres there is often not enough space for flexibility in lot locations, lot configurations, access, and meaningful protection of environmental features. We suggest this minimum since the size appears to fit with the in-fill growth pattern of the City. DESIGN CRITERIA - GENERALLY. (a) The design criteria established within this article shall be used as a guide for an applicant to follow in developing a pre1iminary and final PRD plan. (b) These criteria shall also be used as the basis for recommendation and decisions regarding density increases within a PRD. DESIGN CRITERIA - REQUIRED OPEN SPACE. (a) For the purpose of this article, open space shall be described and provided in all PRDs as referenced in Article ill Section 20-155(a) through (t'). Note also the discussions concerning open space requirements on page 11, section 'E' of this report. DESIGN CRITERIA - SINGLE-FAMILY PRDS. (a) Lot size. A maximum reduction of 25 percent for minimum lot size for PRDs located in single-family RS residential zones may be permitted according to the following partial reductions for designated design criteria. The reductions are additive, but in no case may they exceed 25 percent in total. The exact amount of each partial reduction is de~ermined by the planning director. The primary incentive for using the PRD approach in a single family zone is the ability to create more lots than is allowed in a conventional subdivision. The greater the percent reduction in lot size the more lots are created. However, the Comprehensive Plan has a goal of preserving the character of single family neighborhoods. The maximum lot reduction allowed should not be so great as to introduce density that is not compatible with the surrounding neighborhoods. A 25% reduction is suggested here because larger reductions produce lot sizes that are less than the lot size of the next higher density zoning district, which may not be compatible with existing neighborhoods. 8 .,.' (1) A maximum reduction of 6 percent may be granted if at least 2S percent of the gross land area of the PRD site is reserved as open space pursuant to the guidelines set forth in section 20-155. An additional reduction of 3 percent (9 percent cumulative) may be granted if at least 35 percent is reserved as open space; (2) A maximum reduction of 7 percent may be granted if unusual or significant site features such as views, watercourses, wetlands or other natural characteristics are enhanced or incorporated into the PRD design; (3) A maximum reduction of 5 percent may be granted by the use of existing trees and mature vegetation or innovative landscaping methods for streetscapes,open spaces, or recreational areas; and (4) A maximum reduction of 7 percent may be granted by the inclusion of features such as variation in building setbacks, use of materials consistent with surrounding neighborhoods, clustering of buildings, zero lot lines, or energy-efficient siting. The design criteria are the basis upon which lot sizes are decreased and more lots created. The percentages given above are similar to many codes we have worked with and are suggested as a starting point. Each of the percent figures gives a numerical weight to each of the design categories and are intended to reflect the relative importance of each. DESIGN CRITERIA - MULTI-FAMILY PRDs. (a) Density increase. A density increase of 30 percent greater than that permitted by the underlying zoning may be allowed for PRDs located in multi-family (RM) residential zones according to the following partial density increases for designated design criteria. The density increases are additive, but in no case may they exceed 30 percent in total. The exact amount of each partial density increase is detennined by the review authority. (1) A maximum reduction of 6 percent may be granted if at least 25 percent of the gross land area of the PRD site is reserved as open space pursuant to the guidelines set forth in section 20-155. An additional reduction of 3 percent (9 percent cumulative) may be granted if at least 35 percent is reserved as open space; (2) A maximum reduction of 7 percent may be granted if unusual or significant site features such as views, watercourses, wetlands or other natural characteristics are enhanced or incorporated into the PRD design; (3) A maximum reduction of 5 percent may be granted by the use of existing trees and mature vegetation or innovative landscaping methods for streetscapes, open spaces, or recreational areas; and (4) A maximum reduction of 7 percent may be granted by the inclusion of features such as variation in building setbacks, use of materials consistent with surrounding neighborhoods, clustering of buildings, zero lot lines, or energy-efficient siting. (5) A maximum increase of 5 percent may be granted if a variety of housing types is provided, such as duplexes, fourplexes attached single family, town houses, etc. (b) Required perimeter buffer zone. A minimum 30 foot buffer zone must be provided for any PRD of multifamily structures in the RM zone that is adjacent to a RS or SE zoning district. The buffer zone must be kept free of buildings, structures or parking areas and 9 " must be landscaped, screened or protected by natural features so that adverse effects on surrounding areas are minimized. DESIGN CRITERIA - STREETS. (a) Right-of-way width and street roadway widths may be reduced, especially where it is found that the plan for the PRD provides for the separation of vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns and provides for adequate off-street parking facilities as deemed appropriate by the public works director. D. BINDING SITE PLANS A binding site plan is another way of legally laying out and developing a parcel. They have typically been used for developing commercial and industrial sites, but can be utilized for mobile home and recreational vehicle parks, and condominium developments as allowed under RCW 58.17. It is a somewhat streamlined subdivision process in that it assumes strict compliance with the underlying zoning and, as such, is often processed administratively. It can differ from a subdivision in several ways. The land is often held in one ownership and parceled as leaseholds rather than for sale. Internal roadways and utility corridors are more likely to be privately maintained instead of being dedicated to the City. A binding site plan may not necessarily divide the larger parcel into separate lots, but rather may simply locate the different uses and major features in relation to each other. There are typically no incentives such as density bonuses or height increases in a binding site plan process. The issues raised regarding binding site plans are 1) to review for appropriate process, 2) add provisions for their alteration, 3) allow this process to be used for condominiums, mobile home and recreational vehicle parks, and 4) clarify that these regulations are for ground leases only. In the recent code amendments relative to regulatory reform the City adopted an administrative review process, essentially utilizing the same process as for short subdivisions. Since City staff has just recently addressed this issue we have no further recommendation. RCW 58.17.040 allows for a binding site plan process to be used for condominiums, mobile home and recreational parks. The City simply needs to add these uses to the binding site plan process. RECOMMENDATION: Make the following changes to Chapter 20: 1) Article II, Division 4, Section 20-61: Add condominiums, manufactured home parks, and recreational vehicle parks to the list of uses requiring a binding site plan. 10 2) Article I, Section 20-3 Exemptions: Add condominiums having an approved binding site plan to the list of exemptions. 3) Article I, Section 20-1 Definitions: Clarify that a binding site plan applies to ground leases only. (Note: The same change should be made to the definitions of Short Subdivision and Subdivision also in Section 20-1) Current City regulations are silent regarding the alteration of an approved binding site plan. Since the recently proposed approval process for a binding site plan is administrative based on the short subdivision process, then it appears to makes sense to utilize that process for alterations. RECOMMENDATION: Add a new section, 20-66 Alteration of Binding Site Plans ,to Division 4 which states that alterations of an approved binding site plan shall follow the same process as stipulated for short subdivisions in section 20-81. E. OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS Several questions have been raised relative to open space requirements within the subdivision processes: 1) Should fee-in-lieu payments apply to long plats? A fee-in-lieu payment would allow a developer to make a monetary contribution to a fund rather than provide open space within the subdivision itself. City regulations do not now provide for fee-in-lieu contributions for subdivisions with lots greater than 5 acres. One factor to consider is that subdivisions can vary dramatically in size. Requiring open space in a relatively small subdivision may not create a quality community space. In addition, if a community has an overall park and open space plan there is the question of how the open spaces created in subdivisions fit into the plan. Many communities have found that by requiring open spaces in all subdivisions they have ended up with many disparate pieces that do not fit into a larger open space framework. Allowing for the option of making a fee-in-lieu payment does provide for somewhat greater flexibility and City control as to where and what kind of open space and park resources get developed. . RECOMMENDATION: 1) Allow for a fee-in-lieu payment to be made at the discretion of the parks director after consideration of the City's park plan, quality, location and service area of the open space that would otherwise be provided within the project. The fee-in-lieu of open space shall be calculated on 15% of the most recent assessed value of the property. In 11 .". , . the absence of an assessment, the market value shall be based on an appraisal conducted by a MAl certified appraiser or another professional appraiser approved by the parks director. 2) Eliminate the requirement for open space within short subdivisions. 2) Should large lot subdivisions (1 + acre lots) have open space requirements? An open space requirement is intended to provide for adequate public open space within subdivisions. Someone owning a 1 acre residential lot is unlikely to be suffering from a lack of open space opportunities. If in the future the zoning for that area were to change, then open space would be provided based on the land being divided into smaller sized urban lots. RECOMMENDATION: Do not include open space requirements in the review and approval of subdivisions having 1 acre lots or larger. 3) Should open space dedications apply to resubdivided parcels if the dedication was previously met? In a number of communities any time new lots are created the open space requirements apply, regardless of whether the original division met the requirements in effect at the time. However, these communities also employ an impact fee structure which lends itself to being administered on a per lot basis. Federal Way does not use impact fees for parks and open space, so provision of open space is accomplished through the subdivision standards As pointed out in #1 above this can be a problematic approach. However, this question is stated in terms of dedications of open space. If the original plat dedicated an actual tract of land, then it is unlikely that a functionally sized tract would remain for further open space dedication. This of course would depend on lot sizes within the plat, but in most cases requiring an additional land dedication upon the division of several of the lots will likely be impractical. RECOMMENDATION: Do not impose open space dedications on resubdivided parcels if a dedication had been made at the time of the previous plat. 4) Should the categories relative to how open space is calculated be changed? The categories of open space used in the subdivision regulations do not appear to require any modification. Other codes we have worked with or reviewed have similar categories. Some codes use terms such a 'improved open space' or 'passive' versus 'active' recreation areas, but there is no inherent advantage of using certain terms or definitions over others. This open space classification system 12 appears adequate for Federal Way's purposes. We are not aware of any other issues relative to these open space categories. and do not recommend any change in these categories at this time. A related consideration would be whether or not to allow for the alteration of the percentages of open space types on an individual basis. A particular subdivision may have a preponderance of one type of open space opportunity and not be able to meet the open space requirements in the other categories. In such cases it may be in the City's best interests to modify the percentages in order that the open space type that is there can be fully accommodated by allowing the applicant to count that one type in meeting their open space requirement. One approach would be to allow for the administrative alteration of the open space type percentages by the parks director based on some general criteria. RECOMMENDATION: Allow for the administrative alteration of the open space category percentage requirements on a case-by-case basis. Review of such cases would be performed by the parks director and would be based on the following considerations: 1. The change in percentage requirements would result in a superior open space plan than could be accomplished under the standard percentage requirements. 2. The availability and types of open space located within the immediate area. 3. The presence on-site of environmental features that are unique or rare or of local importance. 4. The opportunities for the preservation of significant views and creation of public access to points of interest. 5. The relationship of the proposed open sp~ces to the City's park plan. 13 ", , .,.",. -.. .,;......- alL F. Flag (Panhandle) Lots Panhandle or flag lots are lots that are created such that the access to a public street is over a long narrow extension of the lot. Staff has raised several questions and are seeking clarification on several issues relative to flag lots. 1. MEASURING LOT WIDTH Subdivision regulation Section 20-152(c) states that all lots should abut a public street. The question raised is if a long narrow lot were subdivided would it be creating one or more flag lots? If that were true how would lot width be measured? It is unlikely that flag lots would be approved under a long subdivision or PRO process. However, there are situations on older larger lots where there is sufficien.t space to subdivide, but the lot is relatively narrow. In these situations flag lots might be created to provide access to a public street, however we Figure 1 have rarely seen situations where there are 'nested' flag lots. Access could just as easily be accomplished via an easement across the front lot or across an already established flag lot access. This would eliminate the need for the 'pole' portion of a flag lot. In cases where such lots are created measuring lot width should be done behind the point where the 'pole' of the flag lot extends out from the main body of the lot. RECOMMENDATION: Do not allow more than one flag lot to be created out of any given narrow parcel of land. If multiple lots can be created the remaining interior lots shall be given easements across the flag lot to provide access to public streets. 14 Lot A Lot Width . .. LotB +- -Lot B Access LotC , . Street 2. SETBACKS ON FLAG LOTS The issue here is basically how to determine which are the front, rear, and side yards on flag lots. We have dealt with this issue in several client communities and there is really no good specific formula or criteria that covers all potential flag lot configurations and relationships to adjacent lots. What we have done is use a generalized approach to establishing setbacks that relies on the arrangement of the yards on adjacent lots. In general where the yards of a subject lot abut side yards of adjacent lots, then those yards are the subject lot's side yards; and where it abuts front or rear yards on adjacent lots, those yards on the subject lot become the front or rear yards. RECOMMENDATION: Utilize the following approach in determining the yards on flag lots: The front yard of a flag lot shall be that yard which is adjacent to where the 'pole' portion of the 'lot connects with the main portion of the loti UNLESS if in the judgment of the planning director the arrangement of setbacks on adjacent surrounding lots clearly suggest a different yard arrangement. " "'" ,..- ,...."._,~~........ 0"- Figure 2 Rear ............................................... Lot A .............................................. Rear ................................ ...... LotB .. ............... ...................... Rear ....... .......... ............... ....... LotC ................................. ..... Street 3. CALCULATING LOT SIzE/LoT COVERAGE RELATIVE TO EASEMENTS Staff is looking for clarification on how to measure lot coverage where there are lots with reciprocal access easements. This question has been asked in terms of two panhandle lots, but this would apply to any easement situation. This is not strictly a subdivision issue, but is related. Calculation of lot coverage is found in the zoning code Section 22-955. It states: "A vehicular access easement or tract that serves more than one lot will not be used in determining compliance with the maximum lot coverage requirement of this chapter." Our experience with other codes suggests that the intent of this language is to calculate lot coverage exclusive of the area of a recorded access easement. In other words, lot coverage will be calculated after the area of the easement is deducted form the total lot area. 15 u..._~_._-_.."'_.....".. cl...i:2, . . RECOMMENDATION: Amend Section 22-955 to state that lot coverage is calculated based on the net lot area after the deduction of the area of an access easement. v. CONCLUSIONS These recommendations are intended to address the issues raised by staff on certain specific items in the subdivision regulations. It is not meant as a comprehensive update since the City has recently gone through an update to several portions of its code. These recommendations should provide a means for clarifying and streamlining the overall subdivision process. 16 . . [RU6 ON nI/I!] """"'" "... ,..,.".,...,..".",.,.....,'".."..""",»,,,,~ TZ:OT 0H1 L6/6Z/ÇO :>ran uraJf - rlunnea JÇe:~'.ue"ltu. uc:vc:wp"""" """6&&"""""'" Chapter 20 SUBDMSIONS Article tt#. Planned Residential Developments Sec. 20-301 Sec. 20-302 Sec. 20-303 Sec. 20-304 Sec. 20-305 Sec. 20-306 Sec. 20-307 Sec. 20-308 Sec. 20-309 Sec.2Q.310 Sec. 20-311 Sec. 20-312 Sec. 20-313 Sec. 20-314 Sec. 20-315 Sec. 20-316 Sec. 20-317 Sec. 20-318 Sec. 20-319 Sec. 20-320 Soc. 20-321 Sec. 20-322 Sec. 20-323 Sec. 20-324 Sec. 20-325 Sec. 20-326 See. 20-327 Sec. 20-328 Sec. 20-329 Sec. 20-330 Sec. 20-331 Sec. 20-332 Sec. 20-333 Sec. 20-334 Sec. 20-335 Sec. 20-336 Sec. 20-337 Sec. 20-338 Sec. 20-339 Purpose. Minimum size. Permitted uses. Prcapplicarion conference. Confonnancc with applicable codes and standards. Preliminary PRD - Application form and content Preliminary PRD - Acceptance of application; rouling. Preliminary PRO - Time limitation for approval or disapproval. Preliminary PRD . Completion of environmental policy process. Preliminary PRO. Process for review. Prclíminnry PRD . Official file. Preliminary PRD - Noti<:c of application. PrcliminRlY PRD - Notice of public hearing. Preliminary PRO. Report to hearing e'taminer; review. Pl'eJiminary PRO - Public bearing. Preliminary PRD - Electronic sound recording. Preliminary PRO. Burden of proof. Preliminary PRD - Public commenl'ii and parlicipation at {he hearing. Preliminary PRD - Continuation of (be bearing. Preliminary PRD - Recommendation by rhe hearing examinc.r. Preliminary PRD - City council review, action. Preliminary PRD - Notice of decision. Preliminary PRD - Judicial review. Prdiminary PRD - Duration of approval. Final PRD - Form and conlent. Final PRD . Administrative review. Final PRD - Planning commission review. Final PRD . City council action. Pinal PRD . Appeal of city coucH decsion. Final PRD - Amendments. Building pcnllit issuance. Construction start and completion limits. Review during construction. PRD public services aŸai1abmty. De.~ign criteria - Generally. Design criteria - Required open space. Dcsign cdteria - Single-family PROs. Design crÍtðria . Multi-family PRDs. Design crità'ia - Streets. 3/26/97 I 7n 'r OT ,nT nul '~-~7_11-11! [9¿t6 ON Dl/Xl] '. , .. ..,.., """"", "",,"""~""""'~""""'iIUI T~:OT!1Hl ¿616~/SO ';'¡UJJ V""/I - r ,",""CU "c;~'wr;,....... "",c;"c;,vY"'~'" "~6-.~"~'- Sec. 20-301 Purl)ose. A planncd residential development (PRD) is an ¡¡llernéllivc tu ,onvemiOl1al land use regulationli, combining usc, density find site plan considerations into a single process. A plann~d residential development has [J\C following purposes: (¡I) To permit greater flexibility ¡¡nd con.r¡equcnUy more crcarive and imaginative site d~J;ign than is generally possible undl:r conventional subdivision and loning regulatiol\s: (b) To promOte more economical and efficient use of the land while providing a hannoniolL'! variety of housing choices, a higher level of city attractiveness and quality and preservation of scenic open space; and (c) To encourage developments which will provide a desirable and slnblc environment in harmony with thaI of the Slll"rounding area, (d) T(I provide ficxibility in site development in order to preserve and protect open spaces and tnvironmcntally sensitive areas. See, 2.0-302 MiIúmum size. TIle minimum contiguous area of a PRD project is two acres. Sec. 20-303 Permitted uses. A planned rcsidcntial development may include any uses pcrmillcd outright in lhc underlying residential lone where the PRD is located. subject to the criteria established in this chapter. Sec. 20.304 Preapplication conference. Por the purposes of expediting applications and rcdudng PRO development costs, before filing any application for i1 PRD, the prospective applicant shall submit to rhe dircctor of community development services preliminary plans and sketches and basic site infunnalion for consideration and advice regarding the relation of the proposal to general developmental objectives and dry policies. Aficr review of the prclimimn'y plans by the director, a preapplcialion confercnce will he held to discuss land use, ~itc design, rc(luircd improvemenl" and confol'11Ulnce with {he cUiuprehcnsivc plan, zoning ordinance and subdivision . code. The director may request the anendance of other staff members at the prcapplic8tion conference. A wrÌllen rccot'd of the preapp1icalion conference shall be gívcn to [he applicant within 30 calendar days after the mccúng with the applicant, and a copy shall be retained on file for future rcference. Sec. 20-305 Conformance with applicable codes and standards. All applications for preliminary and final PRD approval shall be in conformance with the zoning code and official 7.onjng'maps of the city. In the event an amendment to the zoning code and/or a change in Ihe zoning maps is required to assure !:uch conformance, the director of community dcvcl()pmenl service:> shall 1.equire that the appropriate applications for such change be submitted so that such requests may be considered concurrently. P~Jiminal"y PRD - Application fonn and content. (a) After an applicant has a preapplication conference, the applicant may file 8n application for preliminary PRD. The preliminary PRD application shall be filed with the department of community development services on fonns furnished by the city. Applications shall be made by the owner or owners of the parcels of all property encompa...sed by {hc application or by a duly authorized agent or agents, The owner or owners of all parcels to be included mUSt join iñ or be n.-prcscntcd in the applicati()O. An applicant may submit applications for preliminary and final PRD approval simultaneously, PROVIDED, all inConnation required pursuant to article is submitted. Sec. 20-306 (b) The application for pœllminary PRO shaH he accompanied by the following information: (I) A legal description and map of the prope11y drawn to scale which shaH include: the land nrea within the PRD, the use zoning classification of the designated area, the zone classification and use of aU abuuing districtx within three hundred fccl of the subject properly, anti all public and private rights-of-way and casements bounding aod intersecting the designated area whieh arc propO!!OO lO be continued. created, relocated and/or abandoned; (2) A title ~carch performed for (he propertY(J;); (3) A PRD plan, drawn at a scale of nor less lhan one inch per lwo hundl"ed reef, and a wrillcn description of the proposed development. The PRD plan and/or the description shall show or stipulate the general location, arrnngement. extent, and character for the following where áppticable: 3/26/97 2 en 'J ol'nl nul ~-~/-HILI . . [8Lt6 ON DII:U] tz:ot ßHl L616Z/S0 ~""JJ U""'J. - ¿ HAl....... ..~~._~.__. ~~.~-,.....-... ---0-----'.- ',.'.',W 8. Adjacent slreCts and alleys; b. f ~nd uscs by type, including the gross acreage or square footage of each proposed u!:e; Structures or building enve1opcs by type of usc, maximum hcighl of structure.~. mmdmmn gross floor area for each land use, and land coverage of buildings and impervious area-'!; u. Rcsidential densities by housing type and maximum number of dwelling unite;; ~. e. Interior streets and drives; Parking. loading and outdoor storage areas and access thereto. including areas for storage of bolltS, campers. trailers and recreation vehicles; f. g. Public and rrivate open and recreation space; h. Landscaped materials; including typical arta.'4 i. Buffer areas and fencing including purpose and timing of cOßslrucûon; Pedestrian circulation; J. k. I. Existing and c.'\sements: School sites; proposedutiliûes and m. Dimensions of separations betWeen buildings, streets and oth~r features; n. I.and dedications and public improvements; o. Area-e; subject to flooding, retention areas and !oõurface drainage; p. locntion. size and lighting of signs; q. Treutmcnt of sound. vibration. glare, radiation, fun\cs. and heat emission which will extend beyond the ZOne lot; and r. Other dements such as architectural concept.., building elevations, facade treatmcn15, and exterior building materials a!\ necessat)' to estabUsh how the proposed PRO uses and structures rela[e to the neighboring property. (4) Application for a substantial development pc.rmit if required by the shoreline ma.c:ter program ol-dinance~ . (5) Application to alter or perfonn work in an ðnvironmentally sensitive area if required by City ordinance; (6) SEPA environmental checklist pursuant to the Environmental Policy Act; (7) A written statement generally describing the proposed PRD and the market which it is intended to. serve; its relationship to the comprehensive plan; and how d\c proposed PRD is to relate to lhc use of neighboring property; (8) SlaLcment of the applica.nt's intcntions with regard to d\e furore ~lJjng or leasing of all or portions of the PRO, such as land areas, dwelling units, etc.: (9) A development schedule showing the approximate date of proposed construction and whether or not the project is intended to be developed in phases. H the PRD is to be developed in phases. a phasing plan is required. The phasing plan shall be submitted for the total project visualized by the applicanL The phasing plan s11all identify the geographic area of each phase and shall present a broad but cohesive and complete overview of th~ project. Preliminary PRD applications for each PRD phasc shall include all materials required by subsection (b) of this section: (lO)Other infonnation deemed necessary by the director of community development services to evaluate the preliminary PRD application. The request for additional information must be made in writing to the applicant within twenty-eight calendar days after the submission of the preliminary application. (c) The director of community development services may waive any information required by subsection (b) of this section on the basis that ,the information is not necessary to a review of the proposed PRD. Such waiver shall be in writing and shall specify the reasons for such waiver. Pre1inúnary PRD - Acceptance or application; routing. (a) Within 28 calendar days of receiving an application for preliminary PRD, the city must dctcrmine whether the application is complete. A checklist for determining complete applications is available through the department of communitY development services. If the eity dcc1'ns [hc application [0 be complete, a Letter of Completeness must be. issued prior to the 28 day deadline. If the city Sec. 20-307 3/26/97 3 1-.,,' , R¡~n¡ n~¡ JR-R?-ÀBU [SLt6 ON nI/!l] ",..." '.....,^..: ...~"."",',.,.", T~:OT 0H1 L6/6~/SO "'-.JJ -. -J' . ._~.- .'w..-....-. -.. .'wr..n... .00""""" ..- determines the application to be incomplete, the chy shull notify the ap!)licant of what needs to be submitted for a complete application. In this written dctcrmination, the cil.y shall all identify, to the extent known to the city, the other agencie./ of local, state or federal government that may have jurisdiction over somc a$pcct of the proposed development activity. Within foul'teen ealendnr days after an applicant has submillcd the additional information identified by the city as being ncccssury for a complete application. the city shall nodfy rhe applicant whether the application is complctc or whether additional information is nccc..~gary . (b) A project permit application is complete fOT purposcs of this section whcn it meets city's procedural submission requirements and is sufficient for con[Înuc.d procc.o;sing even though addiúonal information may be required or project modifications I11.'1Y be undertaken subseqllclllly. A dcterminaúon of completeness shall not preclude the city from reque.o;ting at.lt.liLionaI informatinn or studies either at the time of the Notice of Completeness or sub!:equently if new information is required or substantial changes in the proposed action occur. (c) Upon 5ubmiHai of a completed preJiminary PRD application, the department of community development services shall lram.-mit at least one copy of the application for review and recommendation to each of the following: (1) Public works department; (2) Parks department; (3) School District No. 210; (4) I.akehaven Utility District and City of Tacoma public utility department. if necessary utilities will be provided by the City of Tacoma; (5) Fire District #39; and (6) Utility companies proposed to provide electricity. telephone, natural gas, cable tclcvision. and golid waste collection. (d) A preliminary PRO application shall not be decmed complete and accepted for filing for the purpose of official processing until: (I) The director of community development scrvíccs determines that the applicant has paid all fees unci submitted all documents and information as required herein to permit a full public hearing lIpon rhe merits of the application; and (2) llte director of conununity development services has received a notice of availability from (he Lakehavcn Utility District and City of Tacoma public utjJitics department for sewer and water, a./ appropriate. See. 20.308 Prcliminary PRO. Time limitation - n ~S for approval or di.cm.pproval. ~ <::r-' c A complete preliminary PRO applicatl shall he approved. disapproved. or resumed to applicant for modification or correction within 18 calendar days from date of filing thereof, unless the applicant consents to an extension of such time period: PROVIDED, that the ] 80 day period shall not include the lime spent preparing and circulating environmental -.L documents as required. íJu.. I &> d~ ~ ~ ha. tl I1VT~ ,~"F~~~l!~~~ . ~~~o~ ~ ~~~f'n~ ~¡; - ~~tio~ ~ r n\~ ~. environmental policy process. A preliminary PkD application will not be scheduled for public hearing until the Stare Environmental Policy Act review process has been completed. If there is an appeal of tbe thrc.o;bold determination, the appeal hearing shan be held simultaneously with the public hearing in front of thc hearing examiner on the preliminary PRD application. Said hearing "hall be scheduled within 90 days from the date of the appeal of the threshold determination. Preliminary PRD - Process for reýiew. Upon confirmation by the director of community development services that the preliminary PRO application is complete and that all pertinent requirements of the Environmental Policy, section 18-26 et seq. have been Í\llfilled, the application shall" be processed and reviewed. Sec. 20-310 Sec. 20~311 prelimiru:try PRD - Official file. (a) CofrJentJ. The director lIf community development services shall compile an official file on the application containing the following: (1) All application material$: $:ubmitlcd by (he applicant; (2) The staff report; (3) An written comments received on the matter; (4) J"he electronic recording of the public hearing On me matter; 3/26/97 4 c;n'r1 n?~nT nwi JR-R?-ÀHU (8Lt6 ON nI/!l] T~:OT ßHl L6/6~/SO ~cUJJ U""J' - . KA>""'" ...........,....., ""~.~.vr"--.- ---0------.- (5) .Jl\C recommendation of rhe hearing examiner; (6) l11e electronic sound r~cording and minutes of the city council proceedings on the matter; (7) The decision of city council; and (8) Any Olhcr information relevant to the maner. (b) Availability. 1'he official f1le is a public record. Il is available for inspection and copying in d\e dcpnruncnt of community development scrviœs during regular business hours. Sec. 20-312 Preliminary PRD - Notice of application- (n) Contellts. Within 14 days of the LcUcf of Completcness being issued, the director of community development services shall prepare and publish a notice of application within the local newspaper of general circulation. The notice of application sball contain the following: (I) The name of the applicant and, if applicable. the project name; (2) The street address of the subject property or, if Lhis is not available, a locationsl description in nonlegal language. Except for notice published in the o[fiçjal newspaper of the city, the notice must also include a vicinity map tbat identifies the subject prop'my; . (3) The citarion of the provision of this chapter describing the applied-for decision; (4) A bdef verbal description of the requested decision; (5) A list of the project pennits included in the application; (6) A list of all required smdies submitted with the upplication: (7) 11\(~ date of application, the date of the notice of cUJllpletion of the application, and the date of the . ~,. Co>" notice of the application; I ~;,\...tJÌ \ \Qttfl., "(8) A statement that notification of the public I.'~ ';,\" hearing date will occur approximately 14 days ! . '\ i,; ,i' , prior [0 the scheduled hearing date; "IV -... \j., \ 1 d (9) A stalcmcnt of the availability of !be official file; , (10) A stalcment of tbe right of any person to subnúr wriHcn comments [0 the hearing examiner and appear at the public hearing of the he<,U'ing examiner to give comments orally; and (11) A statement that o.nly persons who submit written or oral comments to the hearing examinel' may challenge tbe recommendation of the hearing examiner. (b) Distributioll. The director of community development servicos shall distribute this notice as follows: (1) A copy will-be sent to d\e persons receiving the property tax statements for all property within 300 feet of each boundary of the subject property; (2) If the owner of the properly which is proposed for the PRD own.~ another parcel, or parcels, of property which lic adjacent to the property, notice of application shan be given to owners of property located within 300 feet of any portion of the boundaries of such adjacently located parcels of properly owned by the owner of the property proposed to be in the PRDj (3) A copy shall be mailed to appropriate city or county officials if the proposed PRD lies within one mire of an adjoining city or county boundary; (4) A copy shaH be mailed to all parties listed in Secdon 20-307(c); (5) Notice shall he mailed to the state depal1mcnt of transportation if the proposed PRD abuts a slate highway; (6) A copy will be published in the official newspaper of the city; and (1) A copy will be posted on each of the official notification boards of thc city and at public libraries within the eity, (c) Public notification sign. The applicant shall erect at least one public notification sign which complies with standards developed by the department of conununhy development services. This sign shan he l()caLe~ on or near the subject pl.opel1Y facing [he right-of-way or vehicle access easement or (ract providing direct vchic1c access to subject property. The director of communi[y development services may require the placement of additional public notice sign!! on or near the subject property if he or ~he determines that this is appropriate to provide notice to the public. (d) Timing. The public notification sign or signs must be in place at least 14 calendllr days after the Letter of Completeness has been issued, and removed within seven calendar days after the final decision of me city on the matter. 3/26/Y7 5 an '.1 OZ:OI nHl L6-6Z-ABW . . [81.t6 ON TIllY!] t~:Ot 0Hl L6/6~/SO ""'JJ """'J. . 4 ............ ..~..._~....-. -~._._,....._.- .--ð-'-'- ',' ,"0' . !, "\ Sec. 20-313 Prclin\inary PRO - Notice of public hearing. (n) CmllCIIl.f. Allcasl 14 calendar day~ prior to Lhc date of the public hearing. the director of community development services shall distribute a public notice in esscnliaUy the same form as the notice of application, c;(çcpllhat a public hearing date will be scheduled. (b) Distl'ibution. The public notice shall be mailed to all perSOnS and agencies who received the original notice of application. In addition. any person spccificulIy requesting to be notified or who submitted cOmments as a result of the notice of application shall be notified at this time. (c) Public notification sign. The director of community development services shall havc changes made to lh~ public notification sign or signs erected at the time of notice of application to reflect any changes in lhe "ppHcalion. including the scheduled date of the public hearing. (d) Timing. The public notification sign or signs must be removed within seven calendar days after the final decision of the cicy on the matter. Sec. 20.314 Prelimil1ary PRO - Report to hearing examiner; review. (a) No less than seven days pñor to the date of the public hearing, the department of community development servicc.'i shall submit to tbe hearing examiner a wriUcn rcport sununarizing the application. The report shull contain the following information: (I) All pertinent application materials. (2) An analysis of the application under the relevant provisions of this chapter and the compr~hensive plan. (3) ^ statement of Lhc facts found by the director of community development services and the concllLc;ions drawn from those facts. (4) A nolice of availability from the Lakchaven Utility District and City of Tacoma public ulilitics department 8.'1 appropriate. (5) All conununications from other agencies or individuals relating to the application which were received in time to be included in the report to lhc hearing examiner. (6) A list of recommendations from Lbe depal.tment of community development services, department of public works and other appropriate dcpanffients relàlÎng to alterations condidons of PRO approval. (7) A copy of the declaraûon of nonsignificance, mitigated declaration of nonsignificance, draft environmemal impact statement and final environmental impact statement.' along willi a list of any required mitig-dtion measures issued by the responsible official. (b) The hearing examiner shall revicw the preliminary PRO for compliance wilh this article and other applicable ordinances or regulations of the city. Sec. 20-315 Preliminary PRD . Public hearing. (a) GeneraL The hearing examiner shall hold a public hearing on each application. (b) Open to public. The he<U"Íngs of the hearing examiner are open (0 the public. (c) Effect. 111e hearing of the hearing examiner is the open record hearing for city council on the application. The city council shall nm hold another open record hearing on lhe application. Sec. 20.316 Preliminary PRD - Electronic sound reconling. The hearing examiner shall make a complete elec[ronic sound recording of each public hearing. See. 20.317 Plocliminary PRD - Burden ot proof. The itpplicant has the responsibility of convincing the city (hat. under the provision of article, the applicant is entitled to the u:quested decision. See. 20-318 Prcliminary PRD - Public comments and participation at the bearing. Any person may participate in' dle public bearing in either or both of the following ways: (1) By submitting written comments to the hearing examiner. either by delivering these conuuents to dle department of conununity development services prior to the hearing or by giving these directly to the hearing examiner nt the hearing. (2) By appearing in person. or through a rcpresentaúve. at the hearing and making oral eonunents directly to the hearing examiner. The hearing examiner may reasonably limit lhc extent of oral commen!:.'! to facilitate the orderly and timely conduct of the hearing. 3/26/97 6 J n 'j {7,:0l nH.I. J.6-6Z-AIdW . . [9J.t6 ON nI/I!] TZ:OT ßH.t L6/6ZI£O Ò)taJJ vrap . r'tannea J(e.r'a~nrt(u LJ~V~lC)pf71em Al:¡;UUtttUru' .1;',' Preliminary PRD - Continuation of the hearing. The hearing examiner may continue the hearing if, for any reason. he or she is unable to hear all of the public comments on the matter or if the hearing examiner dctennines that he or she nCl.-us more information tin the mauer. If, during the hearing. the hearing examiner announces the time and place of the next hearing un the matter and a notice thereof is postcc.l on the door of the hearing room. no further notice of that hearing need be given. Sec. 20-319 Preliminary PRD . Recommendation by the hearing examiner. (M) Gellerclily. Afrer considering aU of [he infornmtion and comment'! submitt.c:d on tbe mauer, the hearing examiner shall issue a written recommendation to the city council. Sec.. 20.320 (b) Timing. Unless a longer period is mutually agreed (0 by the applicant and the bearing examiner. the hearing examiner mu!o1. issue dle recommendation not later than ten working days following conclusion of all testimony and hearings. (c) Dt'.ci.{ional c:riteria The hearing exnminer shan use the following critcria in reviewing the preliminary PRO and may recommend approval of the preliminary PRO to the city council if: (I) It is consistent wiLh lite compl'Chensive plan; (2) It is con!:istent wi£h aU applicable provisions of this chapter. including those adopted by reference from the comprehensive plan; (3) It is consistent with pllblic health. safety. and welfarc: (4) Il is consistcnt with design criteria contained in this articlc; and (5) It is consistent with the developm~nt standards listed in sections 22-_. (d) Conditions and resrr;ctÎolU. The hearing examiner shall include in the wrillen recommendations any ~onditions and restrictions that die examiner determines are reasonably necessary to eliminate or minimize any undesirable effects of granting the aprlication. (c) Cmlttmls. The hearing examiner shall include the following in lhe written recommendation to the city council: (1) A statement of facts presented to the hearing examiner that supports his or her recommendation. including any conditions and restrictions dlal are recommended. . . examiner s (2) A statemelll of the hearing conclusions based on those facL~. (3) A statement of criteria used by the hearing examiner in making the recommendation. (4) The date of issuance of the recommendation. (f) Disrribution of written recommendation. The director of communily development services shaH distribute copies of the recommendation of the hearing examiner as follows: (I) Willtin two working days after the hearing examiner's written recommendation is issued Ii copy will be sent to the applic.\nt, Cc1ch person who submitted wlinen or oral testimony to the hearing examiner, and each person who specifically requested it. (2) Prior to the public meeting where ci[y council considers the hearing examiner's recommendation. a copy will be sent to each member of the city .counciL The director of community development scrviccs shall include a draft resolution that embodies the hearing examiner's recommendation with a eopy of the recommendation. PreUminary PRD - City council review, action. (a) Following receipt of lhe final report and recommendations of the hearing examiner, a date shall be Set for a public meeting before the city council. Sec. 20-321 (b) The city council review of the preliminary PRD application shall be limited to the record of the hC"dring heforo the hearing examiner and 'the hearing examiner's written report and for compliance with review criteria set forth in section 20-320. (c) After considering the recommendations of the hearing examiner, the cHy council may adopt or reject the hearing eJtamjner's recommendations based on the record c..'tablishcð a( lhe public he¡¡ring. If. after considering the matter at a public meeling. lite city council deems a ch¡¡nge i'n the hearing examiner's recommendation approving or disapproving the preliminary PRD is necessary, the city council shall adopt its own recommendations and approve Or disapprove [he preliminary PRD. 3/26/97 7 Rn .~ 22:01 OHI L6-62-ABW . . [8/.t6 ON nI/Xl] 16:01 OBI L6/66/S0 J_p &.I",,), - " ..."".... "...........,...... ....... """"1"""'" n~6 -.........,... .'." (d) As pan of the final review, the city council may require or tlpprove a minor modification to the preliminary PRO if the city determines that the change will not increase any adverse impacts or undesIrable effcct$ of the project and that the change does not significantly alter the project. Preliminary PRO. Notiee of decision. (a) Grneral. Following the final decision by the city council, the director of community development scrvÎ<;cs shall prepare a notice of the city's final decision on the application. Sc<:. 20-322 (b) {}isrributiO1t. Within ten working days after the city council'1; decision is made, the director of community development services shall distribute a copy of the notice of the final decision as follows: (1 ) A copy will be sentto the applicant; (2) A copy will be sent to any person who submillcd written or oral comments to the hearing examiner; and (3) A copy will be sent to each person who ha.o¡ specifically requested it. Sec, 20-323 Preliminary PRD . Judicial review. The action u[ the city in granting or denying an ¡¡pplicatiun under this article may be reviewed pursuant to the standards !\et forth in RCW 36.7OC.130 in the King County !';upcrior court. The land use petition must be filed within 21 calendar days after the final land use decision of the city. Preliminary PRO . Duration of approval. (u) Appruval of the preliminary PRD by the city e()uncil shall include all conditions. restrictions, and other requirements adopted by the council as part of app¡'oval. City council approval of a prelinùnary PRD ~haU not eon!';tÏtute approval for land clearing or grading, vegetation removal. or any other activities which otherwise require permits from the city. (b) Prior to con ;lruction of imp!.ovements pursuant to preliminary PRO approval. engineering drawings for public improvements shall be submitted for review and . approval to the department of public works and the Lakehavcn Utility District or City of Tacoma public utilities department. No CorlSU'Ucùon or site work shaH be perfonned until final approval of all utiJity plans. including storm drainage, the payment of all pertinent Sec. 20-324 fees. and the submittal of performance and maintenance securities as may be required. (c) Preliminary PRD approval shall expire 24 months from the date of city council approval unlcss substantial progress has been made toward completion of the entire PRD, or the initial phase of the PRD, if the preliminary approval included phasing. In the event the applicant has not made substantial progress toWÜfd completion of the PRD, the applicant may requèst an extension from the planning director. The reque1;t for exten¡¡Íon must be submitted to the deparLment of community development services at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the preliminary PRD. (d) In considering whe~er to grant the extenJlion. the planning direct()r shall cnm.;dcr whether conditions in the vicinity of the PRD have changed to a sufficient degree since initial approval to warrant rcconsidcClition of the preliminary PRD. If Lhc planning director dc."Cms such reconsidenttion is warranted, a public hearing shan be scheduled and advertised in accordance with procedures for a preliminary PRD. Sec. 20-325 Final PRD - Form and contcnL (a) The applicant shall file with the depa11l11ent of community development services a final PRO plan containing in a detailed form the information required in for the preliminary PRO application. (b) The tinal PRD plan must prescnt aU of the information required for the preliminary PRD in Q finalized. detailed form. This includes site plans sufficient for recording and engineering drawings. All schemåtic plans presented in the preliminary PRD plan stage must be presented in their detailed form. Any items not submitted during the preliminary PRO stage must be reviewed, and any final plats and public dedication documents shall" also be submitted at this time. (c) For PRDs which are phasCd. a phasing plan 1;hall be requiced. The phasing p1an shan describe the general boundarie!l of eaeh phase and Lbe expected date at which a detailed site plan will be submitted for each phase. PROVIDED. however, no project to be developed in phases may exceed five years from the time the phasing plan is submitted. Sec. 20-326 Final PRD - Administraûvc review. The applican[(s) shall submit the final development plan to the dIrector of community development service:,; [or review. If the application meet"i the minimum requirements as set forth in lhis chaplcr and is in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary 3/26/97 8 60 'ti 22:01 OHl L6-62-AijW . . [8Lt6 ON nI/I~] 1Z:01 ŒH1 L6/6Z/S0 U""JJ ""WJ' . .-'".w- nww._....-. _w.w.w,.u.w... "-0-.-..-.- , ..,',í~. PRO development plan, it shall be submined to the hearing examiner, The final PRO development plan !;hall he dcemed sufficiently consistent with the preliminary PRO development plan, PROVIDED, modification by the applicant docs not involve a change of one or more of the following: (a) Violate any provisions of this chapter; (b) Vary the lot area requirements by more than five. percent~ (c) Involve a reduction of more than five percent of the area reserved for open space; (d) Increase the total ground area covered by buildings by mOIë than two percent; (t) Increase density or number of dwelling units by more than five percent; and (g) Change in points of vehicular and/or pedestrian i\CCess. Sec,20.327 Final PRD . Hearing examiner review. (a) The hearing examiner, upon receiving the final PRO development plan and recommendations from the director of community development services, shan examine such plan and determine whether it conform!; to the approved preliminary PRD development plan. If there is any significant discrepancy, the planning commission may permit the applicant to revise the plan and resubmit it as a final development plan within 90 days; (h) If the hcru'ing examiner find¡¡ that the final PRD development plan substantially conforms to the t approved preliminary PRD development plan, the ~hU"'iRg "gAugh-";"n shall make written findings and conclusions recommending approval to the cíty council. If the -plaAAiRg commiuioR docs not recommend approval of a final development plan, its specific reasons for disapproval shall be stated in writing and made part of the public record as well as presented to the aflplicant; (c) The hearing examiner shall make a rct;9Q1IUcndation on the final development plan within --...lU..- calendar days after the official date it has received the plnn from the director of community development services. Sec. 20-328 Final PRD - City council action. Following formal acceptance. the final PRD development plan shall be transmitted to the city council for final approval. modification or rejection. Approvals subject to modifications or conditions shall be agreed to in writing by the applicant before fonnal accep[ancc. Final PRD - Appeal of city council decision. The decision approving ot" disapproving any final PRD shall be reviewable pursuant LO thc standards set forth in RCW 36.2IC.130 before the King County superior court. Standing (0 bring the action is limited to the following parties: (1) The applicant or owner of the property on which the PRD L<; proposed: See, ZO~329 (2) Any propc.rty owner within 300 fect of the proposal; and (3) Any property owner who deems him or herself aggrieved thcreby and who will suffer direct and substantial impacts from the proposed PRD, See. 20-330 Final PRD - A mcndlnents. (a) Minor changes of lot lines or the combination of lots if no new lots are created or minor changes in location, siting and height of buildings and structurc!; may be authorized by dle director of community development scl"VÌces if required by enginceñng or other circumstances not foreseen at the time the final PRO was approved. No change aulhon:r.cd by this subsection may cause any of the following: (1) A change in the use or charactcr of the development; (2) An in<:rcasc in the overall cover;¡ge of !;trueluros; (3) An increase in the intensity of use; (4) An increase in the number of access point.. and problems of traffic circulation, (5) An increase in the problems of public utilities; (6) A reduction in approved open space; (7) A reduction of off-street parking and loading space; and (8) A reduction in required pavement widths. (b) An other changes in l1se or re.1rrangement of 10t5, blocks and building tJ:~cts, or any changes in the provision of common open space and changes other than lisled in subsection (a) of this section, must be made through a new preliminary and final PRD. 3/26197 9 0 I 'd £Z:OI OHl L6-6Z-ABW . . ( ~Lt6 ON: TIII:nJ 16:011lHl ¿6/6Z/~O ~IUJJ U(Ujl - ¡" lUlU/"" "",).""""",. vc...c..vl""""" ""oso&"""v,u , I..>e,.,i,."',,""', Sec. 20-331 Building permit issuance. Aflcr necessary actions by the city councit. such a~ recording site plans and plal1l. building permits may be issucd and construction may begin. Sec. 20-332 Construction start and completion limits. If no construction has begun in tho PRD within 24 months rrom the approval of the final PRD and recording of the documents. the approval shall lapse and \tc of no further effect except that the city council, b~lsed on the recommendation of lhc director of community development services, upon showing of good cause by the applicant, may extend for two periods of 12 months each the time for beginning construction. Requests for extensions must be filed with the director of community development at least thirty days prior to the expiration of the permit approval. Upon the expiration of such an cxrcnsion(s), the final PRO shall become nun and void. and a new one shall be required for any PRD development on the subject property. Sec. 20-334 PRO public services availability. (n) The purpose or this section is to a.~ure that PRO approvals arc not granted unless such facilities as water linc.'!. scwcr lines and streets exist or arc immedial.Cly planned in sufficient quantity to service the proposed new development. PRO projects shall be so IOC.ltcd with respect to schools, parks. playgrounds uml othcl' public facilities that they shall have access in the salllc degree as would dcvclopment in a form generally permittcd in the area; PROVIDED, that a PRO may be approved if. alternatively: (I) TIlC developers will provide private utilities, facilities or services approved by the public agencies which would normally provide s\1ch lttilitic!:. facilities or scC't'ices as substituting on an equivalent basis and assure their satisfactory continuing operation and maintenance permanently or until equivalent public utilities. rucilitics or services are available, or (2) The developer:\ will make provision, acceptable to the city, for offsetting any added net public cost or early commitment of pubHc funds l1~ccssitnted by such development, or (3) The city is ëtble to make such determinations through eXpet1s acceptable to it and at the cost of the d~vdopers. considering the difference in anticipated public installation. operation and maintenance costq. and the difference in anticipated public revenue. (b) PRD projects shaH be ~O located wilh respect to major street... and highways or other transportation facilities that they shall provide direct access to such facilities without crcaûng traffic along minor streets in residential neighborhoods outside the PRO. Major and minor streets are defined in the section 22-1525. < Sec. 20-335 Design criteria - Generally. (8) ¡he de~ign criteria established within this article shall be used a.c; a guide for an applicant to follow in developing a preliminary and final PRO development plan. (b) These criteria shan also be uscd as the basis for recommendation and deci!:ions reg-.mIing density increases within a PRD. See. 20-336 Design criteria - Reqnired open space. (a) For the purpose of this article. open space shall be de.'!CTibcd in the following categories: (1) Usable open space. Aœns which have appropriate topography, soils, drainage and size to be considered for development as active rccreaúon areas. (2) Conservation open .-rpcrct!. Areas containing special natural Or physical amenities or environmentally sensitive reatures. the conservation of which would benefit :"uITounding properties or the community a.'! a whole. Such areas may include. but are not limited to, stands of large trees. view corridors or view points. creeks and streams, wetlands and marshes, ponds and lakes, or areas of historical or archaeological itilportance. Conservation open space and usable open space may be. but are not always, m\1nmlly inclusive. (3) Buffer open .rpace. Areas which are primarily intended to provide separation between properties or betwecn properliQl and streets. Duffer open space may. but ducs nol always. contain usable open space or conservation open space. (4) Severely constrained open space. Area... nol included in any or the above categories which, due to physical characteristic!:. arc impractical or unsafe for development. Such areas may 3/26/97 10 II . rt VG:OI nHl L6-6G-AijW [ 8 Lt 6 ON DI/Y.I] TZ:OT l1H.I ~~ L6/6z/ÇO indude but are not limited ro StOOp rock escarpments or areas of unstable soils. (b) All PROs shall be required to pruvidc open space in the amount of 15 percent of the gross land aren of the PRO site. (c) Any combination of open space types may be uscd to accomplish the total minimum area required to be reserved as follows; Open space category Percent of gross land area Usable J 0% minimum Conserv¡¡tion No ma"imulD or minimum Duffer 2% maximum Constrained 2% maximum Sec. 20-337 Design criteria e Singlc-famßy PROs. (a) f.ol sizt! and .felbach r~duclion. A maximum reduction of 25 percent for minimum lot size and ré('juiféd setbacks for PROs located in single-family (RS) residential zones may be permitted according to the following p.arrial reductions for designated design criteria. The reductions arc addiúve. but in no case may they excced 25 percell[ in total. The exact amount of each partial reduction is determined by the review authority.. (I) A maximum reduction of 6 percent may be gran led if at least 25 percent of the gross land area of the PRO site is reserved as open space pursuant to the guidelines set fonh in section 20-3J6(c). An additional reduction of3 percent (9 percent cumulativc) may be gmntcd if at least 35 percc:nt is reserved as open space; (2) A ma:r;.imum reduction of 7 percent may he granted if advantage is taken or enhancement is n¡;hieved of unu$ual or significant site features .such as views. watercourses, wetlands or other natural characteristics; (3) A maximum reduction of 4 pcrcent may be granted by the u~e of existing landscaping or innovative landscaping methods fOf ~trce(.scapes, open spaceS, plazas or recreational area.'); and (4) A maximum reduction of S percent may be gral\t~d by the inclusion of features such as variation in building setbacks. harmonious use .",W:' of materials, clustering enörgy-cfficient siting. of buildings or Sec. 20-338 Design criteria - Multi-family PRDs. . :;)0 a Densit increase. A density increase o@ eccent grea(C~r; than that permitted by the underlymg 7.on rñâJ.- be aUowed for PRDs located in multi- family (RM) residential zones according to d1e following partial density increases for designated-------:: design criteria. The ~ensity in e add' .~ á{) in no case may they exceed 30 percent i (Otal. The exact amount of each partla nsJty increase is determined by the review authority. (1) A maximum increase of 6 pcrccnt may be granted if at lca.qt 25 pcrccnt of the gross land arca of tho PRD site is rcscrVl.-d as open space pursuant to the guidelines set forth in section 20-336(c). An additional reduction of 3 percent (9 percent cumulative) may be grantcd if at least 35 percent is reserved as open space; (2) A maximum increase of 7 percenr may be granted if advantage is taken or enhancemönt is achieved of unusual or significant site features such as views, watercourses. wetlands or other natural characteristics: (3) A maximum increase of 4 pcrccnt may be granted by the use of existing landscaping Or innovative land.o;caping methods for streetscapes, open space$, plazas or recre.uional arc as ; (4) A maximum increase of 5 percent may be granted by the inclusion of features such as vllrialion in building setbacks, harmonious use of materials, clustering of buildings Or energy-efficient siting; and (5) A maximum increase of 5 percent may be granted if a variety of housing types is provided. (b) Required perimerer buffer lone. A minimum 30 foot buffer zone must be provided for any PR D of multifamily structures in the RM that is adjacent to a RS or SE zoning district The buffer zone must he kept free of huildings or structures and must be landscaped, scrcenëd or protected by natUral features so that adverse effects on surrounding areas are minimi7..ed. Sec. 20-339 Design criteria ~ Streets. (a) Right-of-way width and street roadway widths may be reduced by the public works director upon a 3/26/Y7 11 Gl 'd SG:Ol nHJ. rB-B2-AtlU [ 8 Lt 6 ON XH/X.L] T~:OT ŒH.L L6/6~/gO . ~"'"JJ """"'!J' . .-,...-- .---.--..'-- ------r..'--- .--0-------- finding that the plan for the PRD provides for thc scparulÍon of vehicular and pedestrian circulation pattcl'ns and provides for adequate off-street parking facilities. 3/26/97 J2 £1 'd S~:Ol OHl L6-6~-^~W staff Analysis of Subdivision Signs Since the last LUTC meeting the staff has completed a detailed analysis of existing subdivision signs. Several will be conforming with some small adjustments to the code. others need several small adjustments to the code. The following is an analysis of the signs with the Council decision points in bold. Subdivision names are provided as examples within the various proposals. 1. FENCE/ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE PROPOSAL: Change existing subdivision sign language to include "wall signs may be mounted to decorative walls, fences, or other architectural features". The following 23 signs require this proposal only: * Adelaide Forest Estates * Redondo Highlands * Viewpointe at Redondo * Viewpointe at Redondo * Campus Estates * Campus Estates * Campus Estates * Campus Estates * Rosella Lane * Stafford Green * Redondo Highlands * Redondo Highlands * Pleasant Hill * The Ridge 2413 * The Ridge 2404 * Barclay Place * Barclay Place * Ridgewood * Ridgewood * Campus Highlands * Campus Highlands * Campus Highlands * Alderbrook 2.POLE SIGNS PROPOSAL: Change existing subdivision sign language to include "pole signs". Size and height requirements remain the same. Six signs require this amendment only: * Wedgewood West * Wedgewood West * Westbury * Sunridge * Birchwood * Randall Lane 3. PEDESTAL SIGN PROPOSAL: Change existing subdivision sign language to include "pedestal signs". Size and height requirements remain the same. Two signs require this amendment only: * Marine Hills 4.SECOND SIGN PROPOSAL: The current code allows two signs per entrance. Signs are restricted to 32 square feet and if two signs are used only 32 square feet can be used between them. If the subdivision sign language is changed to "Sign area is restricted to 50 square feet per entrance with no one sign exceeding 32 square feet". If above approved and second sign at entrance allowed to be a combination of 50 square feet the following 5 signs would be in compliance: * Rosella Lane-fence * The Ridge 2412-fence * The Ridge 2403-fence * Alderbrook-fence * Marine Hills-pedestal 5. SETBACK PROPOSAL: When the subdivision signs were inventoried, city staff approximated the setbacks using the utility poles, sidewalks and other public improvements as a guide. Based on that estimate, the following signs are on the right of way line or do not meet the 5 foot setback line: The other amendments they need are in parenthesis. * Redondo Crest (fence) * Adelaide Forest Estates (fence and second sign) * 2 Mar Cheri signs (pole sign) * 2 Twin Lakes signs (fence) * Birchwood (pole sign) * The Ridge (fence) If the Council wishes to address signs within the setback area, the following two alternatives are suggested: A. To Section 22-335 Nonconforming Signs (f) extension or exemption from amortization period (4) decisional criteria add: (h) subdivision signs within the setback area may be considered for exemption from the amortization period if the sign a) meets the other size, type and height requirements, complies with sight distance requirements and there is no other feasible location for the sign. B. To subdivision sign section, under location, add: "Subject property setback five feet minimum unless attached to a fence or architectural feature in which case it can be within the setback area with the Public Works Director's approval." Alternative A would resolve all signs on or within the setback line. Alterative B would only resolve the signs attached to fences or architectural features. 5. RIGHT OF WAY PROPOSAL: At the time of the sign inventory, the sign crew used the same public improvements listed above to estimate the right of way line. Based on this criteria, the following appear to be in the right of way: The other amendments they need are in parenthesis. * 2 Twin Lake signs (fence and second sign) * 2 Stonebrook signs (fence) * The Ridge 2411 (fence) * Campus Woods (pole sign) * 2 Decatur Glen signs (pedestal signs) * Sunridge (pole and second sign) appears to be in R/W as a result of recent improvements on 21st * Evergreen Estates (pole sign) * Village Park (pole sign) * 2 Country Village signs (architectural feature) If the Council wishes to provide an alternative for future or existing subdivision signs so that they can be located in right of way when there is no other feasible location, the following is offered as code language: Add to subdivision signs, location: "The Public Works Director may approve signs within the Right of Way when no other good alternative exists. The sign must meet all other sign requirements and must not pose a sight distance problem. The Homeowner's Association must execute an agreement to incur all costs and liabilities should the City need the right of way for improvements." 6. OTHER NON-CONFORMING SUBDIVISION SIGNS The following signs have multiple reasons for being non- conforming and vary substantially from the current code. We recommend that they be processed for replacement with signs that meet the code. * Birchwood- pole sign, not at primary entrance * century Palisades- pole sign and exceeds are by 112 square feet and height by 17 feet. * 2 Westway signs- pole signs and exceed area by 12 square feet each. DATE: TO: FROM: RE: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM October 14, 1997 City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee Scott Williams, Contract PlannG~ Final Plat Application for Wildwood Estates -- Federal Way File No. SUB90- 0004 I. II. SUMMARY OF APPLICATION BC Construction is requesting final plat approval of Wildwood Estates, a proposed 7-lot single family subdivision on 1.91 acres, located east of 21st Avenue SW and south of SW 307th Street. City staff has reviewed the final plat of Wildwood Estates for compliance with preliminary plat conditions and all applicable codes and policies and recommends approval of the plat to the council as discussed in the staff report. Staff also recommends removal of the 20-foot landscape buffer along the eastern boundary of the subject property and replacing it with the landscaping proposed on the Landscape plan submitted as part of the Final Plat application. The attached staff report addresses how the applicants have fulfilled conditions of preliminary plat approval as listed in Resolution 93-150. REASON FOR COUNCIL ACTION As required by RCW 58.17.170 and Section 20-134 of the Federal Way City Code, prior to approving a final plat, the council is charged with determining whether the final plat substantially conforms to all terms of the preliminary plat approval, and whether the subdivision meets the requirements of all applicable state laws and local ordinances, as well as all conditions of the Hearing Examiner and/or City Council. Bringing this matter before the City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee for review and recommendation prior to a decision by the full council is consistent with how land use matters are currently processed by the City of Federal Way. City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee October 14, 1996 Page 2 ill. HEARING EXAMINER'S RECOMMENDATION A recommendation as to disposition of final plats by the Hearing Examiner is not required. IV. PROCEDURALS~ARY A summary of events related to this application is shown below. June 21, 1992: Environmental determination issued. September 22, 1992: Hearing Examiner public hearing. October 6, 1992: Hearing Examiner recommendation of approval issued. October 13, 1992: Request for Reconsideration filed. November 4, 1992: Request for Reconsideration denied by the Hearing Examiner. November 18, 1992: Letter of Challenge filed with the City. December 8, 1992: The City Council Land Use Committee remands the Letter of Challenge back to the Hearing Examiner. December 29, 1997: Rehearing held by the Hearing Examiner. January 13, 1993: Hearing Examiner issues determination upholding his original determination to approve the preliminary plat and rezone request. January 27, 1993: Letter of Challenge filed protesting the Hearing Examiner's decision issued on January 13, 1993. March 2, 1993: City Council remands Letter of Challenge back to the Hearing Examiner. April 27, 1993: Hearing Examiner public hearing concerning issues on City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee October 14, 1996 Page 3 remand. May 19, 1993: Hearing Examiner issues recommendation of approval for proposed rezone and preliminary plat as proposed by the applicant. July 6, 1993: City Council denies rezone application and schedules public hearing for consideration of revised 7-lot preliminary plat. August 10, 1993: City Council holds public hearing on revised preliminary plat. September 6, 1993: City Council approves preliminary plat per Resolution #93-150. v. DECISIONAL CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 20-134 of the Federal Way City Code, the City Council shall approve the final plat based on written findings if the following criteria has been met. 1. The final plat is in substantial conformance to the preliminary plat. 2. The final plat is in conformity with applicable zoning ordinances or other land use controls. 3. All conditions of the Hearing Examiner and/or City Council have been satisfied. 4. All required improvements have been made and maintenance bonds or other security for such improvements have been submitted and accepted. The landscaping as proposed in the Landscape Plan submitted with the Final Plat application has been installed. 5. All taxes and assessments owing on the property have been paid. All of the above criteria have been met. City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee October 14, 1996 Page 4 VI. COUNCIL ACTION A draft resolution recommending approval of the final plat for Wildwood Estates is in the process of being prepared by the Legal Department. After consideration of the staff report and recommendation, if the Council finds that all criteria outlined in RCW 58.17.170, King County Title 19, and Section 20-134 of the Federal Way City Code have been met, the City Council may approve the plat for recording by a majority vote of its membership. C:\ WLDWOOD\LUTCMMO.DOC I I I I r----1 I I I 1 I ... I L UO< J ", K '---1 ---- } 1-<.." ;:Q:: l. '\J ~ ",' 0" "'. I ~j (j -: - J R \f'J\:..' ,...... " I I I I I I I aÞI I L- -.' r'.' ., ,J . r- -. -, I I I I r-.---l I I I"" I I lUG I l.... - -J l..l"- - - J ( .,ø" , ,~.' -- -.- i " r - - -1- - -. - - 1 : I .' .... ~1 'L__.i-, J '"....,...u \ ... - - - - ~ .a~ / . , . - ~-=- , "-,.., ;¡ ----- \ -- - ".,._. I ¡Tor -===1-.=>==, .', ~. .~=.:.=~:j=~.lT:.:=~tll~='rrR :-\~~ '"" - I r----1! I,,!, .1, I' I I I I í -"Î\ I 8 I r - - - - 1 I' 'r - - .r :-11 LN r :,. - -sR I r - ï r l I r - - .r - 1 I r - - .r - 1 I í - ï r ì \ ;-. \ I L____J ' 7 I N$IVI5': F. ß I '5' I I ¿þ-i 1 1.3 I I 2 I I 1U I I \ va \ 'CÓMPREHW ,-:, ~~, 19. ~- - - ~ J I L - - - - J I l- - - - ~ I l- - - - J I L - - - - J I \ I I I' ZONqvG, ~OTA PALISADES 01'( No, I I I \--_.J I I LA, I VOL'IG7/6J I I I I , . I 't CJCO / I.l. 0080 I.l. 0010 I,~, 0060 I &^ I I ,I :: I I I 1 I t.L. 00..... 1 T,l. 0040 L 1.l, OOjO I,l, 0020 --L I L I.!. 0010 '- - - T l - - --¡-'\'" - . - - - - - 7- - T - - - - - -L - - - - -l I.L.0270 I l 1,4 I . -¡ , . \ T,l,0020 / I,l, 00.)0 " I,L. 00'0 I.l, 0080 J-~".)--ll I I \ r---'-ï I" "'--.--1 I I ';v ..9 I I I / "I r--'--l ;.., (), J I I I r,l, 0010 \ L 2 J LAKCPTA o..'DGr:t.. - 7 I I I 8 I I '-'-"..---- ---- / r----l "'I. l:. ì I (T ~ I I r - - - -1 I 1 \ I ..3 I I VOL. 97y7-8 l- ,J I L - - - - J /' /1 I I I '\ / L - - - - J I,V: ~60 " I /' I J r----" / I I ... I ~---- ' I \ I 6'" " /' ..... I / TL 0090 r-~ ( ~ ) ....~ <E - -r~7e;-l-l ,:J (~ ,Z 180' ~~ G>:J: m- m - --I , I I ~I~ - DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF REPORT REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL WILDWOOD ESTATES Federal Way File No. SUB90-0004 I. INTRODUCTION Date: October 14, 1997 Request: Request for final plat approval for Wildwood Estates Wildwood Estates is a proposed subdivision of 7 -single family lots on 1.91 acres (Exhibit A -- Approved Preliminary Plat of Wildwood Estates). The plat was approved by the Federal Way City Council on September 7, 1993 per Resolution 93-150 (Exhibit B) Description: Zoning on the site is RS 9.6. Lot sizes on the final plat (Exhibit C -- Final Plat of Wildwood Estates) range from 9,600 square feet (Lots 1-6) to 9,608 square feet (Lot 6). The plat also includes a drainage tract (Tract "A"), which is 11,766 square feet in size. Access for the subdivision is proposed from 21 st Avenue SW. All roads and sidewalks within the proposed subdivision have been constructed, storm drainage facilities have been installed and water and sewer lines are in. Owner: Engineer: Location: B.C. Construction 29629 176th Avenue SE Kent, W A 98042 (253) 631-1498 Mel Daley DMP, Inc. 1215 S Central Avenue, #133 Kent, W A 98032 (253) 854-9344 East of 21st Avenue SW and south of SW 307th Street in Section 12, Township 21 North, Range 3 East, WM, King County (Exhibit D -- Vicinity Map). Staff Report - Final Plat Wildwood Page 2 Sewage Disposal: Lakehaven Utility District. Water Supply: Lakehaven Utility District Fire District: No. 39 - King County School District: No. 210 - Federal Way Report Prepared by: Scott Williams, Contract Planner ll. mSTORY AND BACKGROUND The original application was submitted as a 9-lot preliminary plat and a rezone from RS 9.6 to RS 7.2. Ultimately, the rezone application was denied and the plat was re-designed to match the RS 9.6 zoning. The preliminary plat of Wildwood Estates consisting of 7-lots on 1.91 acres (Exhibit A), was granted approval by the City of Federal Way on September 7, 1993 per Resolution 93-150 (Exhibit B). A summary of events prior to that time is shown below. June 21, 1992: Environmental determination issued. September 22, 1992: Hearing Examiner public hearing. October 6, 1992: Hearing Examiner recommendation of approval issued. October 13, 1992: Request for Reconsideration filed. November 4, 1992: Request for Reconsideration denied by the Hearing Examiner. November 18, 1992: Letter of Challenge filed with the City. December 8, 1992: The City Council Land Use Committee remands the Letter of Challenge back to the Hearing Examiner. December 29, 1992: Rehearing held by the Hearing Examiner. January 13, 1993: Hearing Examiner issues determination upholding his Staff Report - Final Plat Wildwood Page 3 original determination to approve the preliminary plat and rezone request. January 27, 1993: Letter of Challenge filed protesting the Hearing Examiner's decision issued on January 13, 1993. March 2, 1993: City Council remands Letter of Challenge back to the Hearing Examiner. April 27, 1993: Hearing Examiner public hearing concerning issues on remand. May 19, 1993: Hearing Examiner issues recommendation of approval for proposed rezone and preliminary plat as proposed by the applicant. July 6, 1993: City Council denies rezone application and schedules public hearing for consideration of revised 7 lot preliminary plat. August 10, 1993: City Council holds public hearing on revised preliminary plat. September 6, 1993: City Council approves preliminary plat per Resolution #93- 150. The applicant applied for final plat approval in August 1996. As part of the Final Plat application, the applicant requested removal of the 20-foot landscape buffer shown on the approved preliminary plat adjacent to the existing multifamily development on the east. This buffer was required by the Zoning Code that was in force at the time of preliminary plat approval (Section 90.25). Since that time, the requirement has been removed from the City I s code. In addition, the applicant has installed a six-foot fence and installed landscaping as shown in Exhibit E. Therefore, staff recommends that the buffer shown on approved preliminary plat be replaced with the landscaping as proposed on the Landscape Plan submitted as part of the Final Plat application (Exhibit E). All other improvements, as proposed on the plan have been installed on the site. The remainder of staff report addresses how the applicant has fulfilled the conditions of preliminary plat approval. Staff Report - Final Plat Wildwood Page 4 III. COMPLIANCE WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT CONDITIONS v. The following is staff's analysis of the conditions of approval for the preliminary plat, as contained in Exhibit B. 1. The applicant will be required to submit an appraisal of similarly situated property so that the City may determine the exact fee in lieu of to satisfy the open space requirement. Payment shall be required prior to final plat approval. The applicant has paid the "fee in lieu of" amount of $13,500 to satisfy this condition. 2. Storm drainage detention facilities shall be designed in accordance with Basin wide recommendation BW -2 of the Hylebos Creek Lower Puget Sound Basin Plan utilizing the 2-year and 10-year, 7-day storm events instead of the 2-year and 10-year 24-hour storm events in the King County Surface Water Design Manual. The 30 percent factor of safety shall be applied per the Manual. Through approval of the engineering plans and inspections during construction, Public Works Department staff have determined that this condition has been met. 3. Upon installation of the retention/detention facility in Tract A, the grading and vegetation and improvements shall be installed to provide maximum sight distance perpetually. Public Works staff determined that Tract A was properly cleared and graded. A note has been placed on the face of the plat to ensure that sight distance is maintained in perpetuity. Therefore, this condition has been met. 4. Driveways on Lots 6 and 7 shall be placed in the northernmost location on each lot consistent with FWCC. Public Works staff have determined that this condition has been met. DECISIONAL CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 20-134 of the Federal Way City Code, if the City Council finds that the following criteria have been met, the City Council may approve the Final Plat for recording: Staff Report - Final Plat Wildwood Page 5 CRITERION #1 -- The Final Plat is in substantial conformance to the preliminary plat. Response -- This criterion has been met. Please refer to discussion under Criterion #2, below. CRITERION #2 -- The Final Plat is in conformity with applicable zoning ordinances or other land use controls. Response -- The final plat is in conformance with all applicable provisions of the FWCC. The proposed modification of the 20-foot landscape buffer on the east side of the subject property is in conformance with the current Zoning Code. Therefore, this criterion has been met. CRITERION #3 -- All conditions of the Hearing Examiner and/or City Council have been satisfied. Response -- This criterion has been met (please refer to Section III of this report). CRITERION #4 -- All required improvements have been made and maintenance bonds or other security for such improvements have been submitted and accepted. Response -- This criterion has been met. All road and storm drainage improvements have been constructed. In addition, all water and sewer lines have been installed. Adequate bonding is in place with the City, and Lakehaven Utility District. CRITERION #5 -- All taxes and assessments owing on the property have been paid. Response -- Prior to being recorded, the plat is reviewed by the King County Department of Assessments to ensure that all taxes and assessments have been paid. VI. CONCLUSION Based on a site visit, review of the final plat maps, construction drawings, the project file, and approval of the requested modification of the landscape buffer by the City Council, the application for Final Plat approval for Wildwood Estates meets all platting requirements of RCW 58.17.070, and Section 20-134 of the Federal Way City Code. A recommendation of Final Plat approval is therefore being forwarded to the City Council for your approval. A Resolution of the City of Federal Way, Washington, approving the final plat of Wildwood Estates designated as Federal Way File No. SUB90-0004, is attached (Exhibit F). Staff Report - Final Plat Wildwood Page 6 Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F EXHIBITS 81/2 x 11 Reduced Copy of Approved Preliminary Plat of Wildwood Estates Resolution 93-150 -- September 6, 1993 City of Federal Way Preliminary Plat Approval of Wildwood Estates. 81/2 x 11 Reduced Copy of Final Plat Map of Wildwood Estates Vicinity Map for Wildwood Estates 81/2 x 11 Reduced Copy of Landscape Plan for Wildwood Estates Final Plat Resolution of the City of Federal Way, Washington, approving the final plat of Wildwood Estates C: \ WLDWOODIFPSTFRPT.DOC RESOLUTION NO. EXHIBIT 13 PAGE { OF z.t:; 93-150 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF A SEVEN (7) LOT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION, COMMONLY KNOWN AS WILDWOOD ESTATES, FILE NO. SUB-90-0004, LOCATED EAST OF 21ST AVENUE S.W. AND SOUTH OF S.W. 307TH STREET WITHIN THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, AND DENYING A REQUEST TO REZONE THE PROPERTY FROM SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R.S. 9.6) TO SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R.S. 7.2), FILE NO. RZ-92-0002. WHEREAS, the applicant, B.C. Construction Company, has a possessory ownership interest in a 1.91 acre parcel of property located east of 21st Avenue S.W. and south of S.W. 307th street, Federal Way, Washington, legally described in Exhibit "A" attached and incorporated hereto ("Property"); and WHEREAS, applicant had applied to the city of Federal Way for preliminary plat approval to subdivide the Property into nine (9) single-family residential lots, pursuant to Chapter 20, "Subdivisions," of the Federal Way city Code ("FWCC") and for a quasi-judicial project rezone to rezone the entire site from single-family residential (R.S. 9.6) to single-family residential (R.S. 7.2) pursuant to Article III, Division 3, "Rezoning," of the FWCC ("Wildwood Estates Application"); and WHEREAS, applicant has applied for a project specific rezone, wherein the City shall evaluate the applicant's specific development proposal for the subject property as part of the decision on the rezone; and RES # 93-150 - PAGE 1 COpy WHEREAS I EXHIBIT ß pursuant to section 22PA~QÇj,,~~ related rezone is processed according to Process III described in Sections 22-477 through 22-498 of the FWCC; and WHEREAS, after all proper notice requirements, a public hearing was held on the Wildwood Estates Application on september 22, 1992; and WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way Hearing Examiner, having heard public testimony and reviewed all written comments and evidence presented, issued a Recommendation on Rezone and Preliminary Plat on October 6, 1992; and WHEREAS, the Hearing Examiner recommended that the request for rezone classification from R.S. 9.6 to R.S. 7.2 and the preliminary plat approval for wildwood Estates Application be approved subject to the conditions contained in the Recommendation on Rezone and Preliminary Plat; and WHEREAS, a Request for Reconsideration was filed by Mary Ann Allmann on October 13, 1992; and WHEREAS, the Request was distributed to parties of record in accordance with section 22-488(b) FWCC; and WHEREAS, on November 4, 1992, the Examiner issued a Decision on Reconsideration denying the Request for Reconsideration; and WHEREAS, a Letter of Challenge was filed by Mary Ann Allmann on November 18, 1992; and RES # 93-150 - PAGE 2 WHEREAS, on December 8, 1992, the Land Use Committee of the City of Federal Way city Council considered the Letter of Challenge and remanded the Letter of Challenge to the Hearing Examiner for a rehearing limiting the scope of the rehearing to one (1) significant issue pursuant to section 22-490(c) (2) FWCC; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner held a Hearing on Remand on December 29, 1992, concerning the issue on remand; and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of said hearing the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner issued its Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations on January 13, 1993, recommending approval of the wildwood Estates Application with conditions; and WHEREAS, a Letter of Challenge was filed by Mary Ann A11mann and Everett L. Gish on January 27, 1993, protesting the Hearing Examiner's Recommendation dated January 13, 1993; and WHEREAS, on March 2, 1993, the Federal Way City Council considered the Letter of Challenge at a public hearing and recommended the matter to the Hearing Examiner for a rehearing limiting the scope of such hearing to three (3) significant issues pursuant to Section 22-490(c) (2) FWCC; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way Hearing Examiner held a public hearing on remand on April 27, 1993; and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of said hearing the Hearing Examiner issued his Response to Questions Submitted on Remand dated May 19, 1993; and RES # 93-150 - PAGE 3 EXHIBIT 13 PAGE :3 OF .u WHEREAS, on July 6,1993, the city council considered the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner and heard arguments by Applicant and challenges; and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Council's deliberation, the Council declared that it would hold its own public hearing pursuant to FWCC section 490(c) (2) on the revised application of seven (7) lots; and WHEREAS, on August 10, 1993, the Council held a public hearing on the revised plat application for seven (7) lots, and the resulting decision is hereby contained in this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the city council of the city of Federal Way is the governmental body with jurisdiction and authority to pass upon the approval, denial or modification of the wildwood Estates Application using the substantive criteria of the FWCC; and WHEREAS, the city Council having considered the entire written record, pursuant to Chapter 20, "Subdivisions" FWCC, Chapter 58.17 RCW and all other applicable City codes, ordinances and regulations; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: section 1. Record Before the Council. The consideration by the City Council was based solely on the record which includes all staff presentations, Applicant's presentations, Appellants' Challenges and all Hearing Examiner recommendations. No other evidence, testimony, or public comment outside the record was RES # 93-150 - PAGE 4 EXHIBIT B PAGE tOF_Vo accepted by the City Council. To the extent that any improper submissions contained matters of an evidentiary nature, they were disregarded by the Council. The record consisted of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Record and Exhibits from Hearing Examiner Public Hearing. Hearing Examiner Recommendation. Request for Reconsideration. Examiner's Decision Denying Request for Reconsideration. Letter of Challenge filed with the City. Record and Exhibits from Rehearing held by Federal Way Hearing Examiner. Hearing Examiner Recommendation upholding original determination to approve the preliminary plat and rezone request. Letter of Challenge filed protesting the Hearing Examiner's Decision Issued on January 13, 1993. The Council's decision to remand to the Hearing Examiner to consider three specific issues. The Examiner's Recommendation/Response to questions submitted on remand. staff Summary of Application of July 6, 1993, and Applicant and Challenger Argument to Council of July 6, 1993. All testimony, evidence and exhibits submitted at the Council public hearing of August 10, 1993. Findinas of Fact and Conclusions. section 2. Pursuant to section 22-490 FWCC, the ci ty Council has considered the wildwood Estates Application and, after full consideration of the RES # 93-150 - PAGE 5 EXHIBIT D PAGE 50f.__:!::._.. entire matter on the record before the Hearing Examiner and based upon the record of its de novo public hearing, the city Council hereby adopts by reference the Findings and Conclusions of the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner as contained in the Hearing Examiner's Decision on Remand dated January 13, 1992; and Response to Questions Submitted on Remand dated May 19, 1993, which documents are attached hereto as Exhibits "B" and "C," respectively, and those Findings and Conclusions contained in the council's Findings of Fact and Conclusions attached hereto as Exhibit "D." section 3. criteria to Rezone: Hearinq Examiner's Findinqs Re;ected. The city Council rejects the Hearing Examiner's findings of the specific criteria which an applicant must meet in order to obtain a zone reclassification pursuant to Article III, Division 3 of the FWCC, as contained in the Hearing Examiner's Recommendation on Rezone and preliminary Plat dated October 6, 1992, including, without limitation, Finding No. 13 (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). section 4. criteria for Rezone: Council Findings. The Federal Way City council adopts the following findings with respect to the specific criteria which an applicant must meet in order to obtain a zone reclassification pursuant to FWCC section 22-299. 1. FWCC section 22-302 requires that a city may approve an application for a quasi-judicial project rezone only if it finds that: RES # 93-150 - PAGE 6 EXHIBIT 8 PAGE Þ OFU (1) the proposed rezone is in the best interests of the residents of the city; (2) the proposed rezone is appropriate because either: (a) condi tions in the immediate vicinity of the subject property have so significantly changed since the property was given its present zoning and that, under those change conditions, a rezone is within the public interest; or (b) the rezone will correct a zone classification or a zone boundary that was inappropriate when established. 2. City Council finds that pursuant to Process III, FWCC 22- 484, applicable to this proceeding, the applicant has the burden of convincing the City that, under the provisions of this article, the applicant is entitled to the requested decision. 3. The applicant has not met the burden of proof to show that the proposed rezone is in the best interest of the residents of the City. The City Council finds that this site is appropriate for single-family residential development. The site is bordered on the eastern boundary of the site by the Westfair Apartments, and bordered on the north by the Shady Tree duplex development. 21st Avenue Southwest provides the separation line between multi-family development and single- RES # 93-150 - PAGE 7 EXHIBIT g PAGE Î OF ~b family development in the immediate area. single-family is found on the west side of 21st Southwest and a multi-family on the east side. The site is currently zoned R.S. 9.6, which will permit development of the site into seven (7) single- family lots. This lot size is consistent with the zoning designation for the lots to the south of 21st Avenue Southwest, zoned R.S. 9.6. Due to the size and configuration of the site, the proposed zone change to R.S. 7.2 would result in the development of nine (9) lots, a difference of two (2) lots. Given the size and location of the lot, there is no significant difference in the compatibility of R.S. 9.6 and the requested rezone change to R.S. 7.2 with the single-family lot size to the west. There being no significant difference, the applicant has not met the burden to show that the proposed rezone is in the best interests of the residents of the city. 4. The applicant has not met the burden of proof that the rezone is appropriate in order to correct a zone classification or zone boundary that was inappropriate when established; or that conditions in the immediate vicinity of the subject property have so significantly changed since the property was given its present zoning and that under those changed circumstances the rezone is within the public interest. 5. The City council finds that the zoning classification for this site was established at the time of the City's RES # 93-150 - PAGE 8 EXHIBIT B PAGE ~ OF 2k incorporation with the adoption of City ordinance 90-43, designating for this site the zone classification of R.S. 9.6. The proposed site is 120' wide strip of property, with proposed lots 60 ' in width. No internal circulation is proposed, and all plats will have access directly onto 21st Avenue Southwest. 21st Avenue Southwest is classified as a "residential collector" by section 15.25 of the FWCC. There is a curve in 21st Avenue Southwest at the south end of the property. Conditions of approval will require the applicant to broaden the curve which will increase the sight distance. 21st Avenue Southwest is shared as an access point for lots located in Lakota palisades across the street from the site. The Lakota palisades site is zoned 9.6, consistent with the current zoning of the subj ect site. The current zoning designation of 9.6 for the subject site is compatible as a transition zone between multi-family and single-family. The applicant has not shown that a rezone to 7.2, resulting in two (2) additional lots, will correct a zone classification or zone boundary that was inappropriate when this zone was established in 1990. 6. In addition, the applicant has failed to meet any burden to show that conditions in the immediate vicinity of the subject property have so significantly changed since 1990 when the property was given its present zoning and that, under RES # - PAGE 9 EXHIBIT 5 PAGE q OF Jk, 93-150 those changed circumstances, a rezone is within the public interest. section 5. Application Approval. The Preliminary Plat Application SUB-90-0004 for the Property, commonly known as wildwood Estates, is approved as evidenced by the City Council's adoption of this Resolution which shall permit the applicant to subdivide and develop the Property, pursuant to the plans on file with the city for this Application. Section 6. Conditions of Approval. The approval for the wildwood Estates Application shall be subject to the development of the Property in conformance with the plans on file with the City, SUB-90-0004, and further subject to the following conditions: L The applicant will be required to submit an appraisal of similarly situated property so that the city may determine the exact "fee in lieu of" to satisfy the open space requirement. Payment of the fee shall be required prior to final plat approval. 2. Storm drainage detention facilities shall be designed in accordance with Basin wide recommendation BW-2 of the Hylebos Creek Lower puget Sound Basin Plan utilizing the 2-year and 10-year, 7-day storm events instead of the 2-year and 10-year, 24-hour storm events in the King County Surface Water Design Manual. The 30 percent factor of safety shall be applied per the Manual. RES # EXHIBIT 13 PAGE~.._OF 1-h 93-150 - PAGE 10 3. Upon installation of the retention/detention facility in Tract A, the grading and vegetation and improvements shall be installed to provide maximum site distance perpetually. 4. Driveways on Lots 6 and 7 shall be placed in the northernmost location on each lot consistent with the FWCC. section 7. Effect of Approval. The effect of the approval of the Wildwood Estates Application shall be to allow the applicant, subject to all applicable codes and ordinances, to develop the Property in conformance with this Resolution and pursuant to the Preliminary Plat Application SUB-90-0004 approved as part of this Resolution. section 8. Conditions of Approval Intearal. The conditions of approval of the preliminary plat are all integral to each other with respect to the City Council finding that the public use and interest will be served by the subdivision of the subject property. Should any court having jurisdiction over the subject matter declare any of the conditions invalid, then, in said event, the proposed preliminary plat approval granted in this resolution shall be deemed void and the preliminary plat shall be remanded to the Hearing Examiner for the City of Federal Way to review the impacts of the invalidation of any condition or conditions and to conduct such additional proceedings as are necessary to ensure that the proposed plat makes appropriate provisions for the public health, safety and welfare and other factors as required by RCW Chapter 58.17 and applicable city ordinances, rules, regulations, RES # 93-150 - PAGE 11 EXHIBIT 13 PAGE 11 OF 2io and shall such recommendation to the city council for further action. section 9. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution. Section 10. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal Way City council. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, this 7th day of September , 1993. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~5s~ ANEY, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~éAROL~N ~ A. LAKE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO. 95-150 September 1,1993 September 7,1993 93-150 - PAGE 12 EXHIBIT B PAGE /1" OF-)b MAR YK\RES\ WILD WOOD. RES RES # 1 i J I . , THAT PORTION OF THE SOU'I'HD.ST QUÞ-..RTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUp..RTER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RJ...NGE 3 EÞ-..5T, w~LI.J>..METTE MERIDIltN, IN KIN~ COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE PÞ-..RTICU~..RLY DESCRIBED }...s FOu..oWS: BEGI~~ING AT THIS INTERSECTION OF TEE NORTE LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION WITH TEE..EAST MÞ-..RGIN OF 2~ST A'Y""E S. W.'~ SAID POINT BEING SOUTH 88 DEGREES 35'07" EAST 30 FEET FROM THE NORTEWEST CORNER OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE CONTI1'I"'UING SOUTH 88 DEGREES 35' 07" E.7!-..5T J.-LONG SAID NORTH LINE 120 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 1 DEGREE 21' 4" E..1I..5T ï:3 à . S 9 FEET TO A POINT ON TEE . - NORTHE)...5TE1U.Y 1>fj...RGI~ OF 21ST A'\i'E S. W. ; THENCE NORTBW'"ESTERLY }'..LONG. SAID 19.RGIN TO THE TRUE PC:Th~ 0: BEGI:t-I~:rnG. EXHIBIT B PAGE 13 OF 1-b . . .; . EXBIB1T ( (1/ /1 -. BEFORE T:1£ HE.-\.."?£\G EX.-\..\1T<L~ OF 11::1:.. em- OF ITDL-.:t.-U- WAY I\" 1 :-<~.t.., \1..\. TTL..~ OF THE APPLJCA TIO~ of 3.c. Cc~-'r.;C:;'~':J Cc=;;::.:¡y ì I fILE F'3t3.. 9D..OC\(\~"Rl.. 92 -0(1(12 F'i'"RE =9::..} 0 ) ) ) ) ) DECISIO~ O~ RECO~SIDE.RA nON For PTE:l~7r;~"'.a~' P:2t Apprc'\al of ,\VD¿...-ooò ~ç:t.2t~ 0.., ,...""....--...",,-~., " '.:!; .. '-...--:_~ .....~ '-","'¡ ;.., -"'<::-¡,,--.. .~ ..'-", ---':"--'.5 -"-""'$. :':-,r oj ~-:"_."--- --, ..;-~-, Co ,J-::"'-.:. ...~ .J_;- ...J ._-:~..::'- L- <:';-':-,...!_c..../L J~'-'- L .... P~".i:"":,~-"",, -":::1 """,,~,,\,..1 :",- .. ,::) T ,,' S:-:-..._:.._:~., -:-,,-,:-'...-,-=:;:' '.'.J"'::.":S:O'" ?-JÒ 2 ZO~I~ ..__..~.~: :--. c..-;-"" .:..¡ '-- c. ; ..........L -.':;'- .c....-.' .__JU....._~ -- -.'.. u ~ ;~:~si5:¿-:o~ cf -:.~ s'.::-j=;:: :?;O~::-::-' :.c'::1:<.5 9.5 (S:.--;g1e-?ê....-:-.:::; ?::sióe::-:::2):o RS ï.2 (';-'~""-r-.._:1\, "...,:,~..-,"::::¡ì ---'::'- c...;.~~, -'\.--.--'.--.' On Octo~~r 6, :992, L~~ ?..~~-;g Ex2...-m..-;::r :ss"J:;d 2. ;~OillI7Je:¡6.:j:):J :.a Üì:: Ci:y Council for ê.'J-';0\.ë.1 of '..Ì"':= ê.~'J:iC2..:"1t' S ::-0"""'s.2l v.iili CO;¡Ö:5or:s. On O:lO~~r 13:::1. 1992. a R~u~st for or .. 0 r- . . . R""""""'S1r1"-~O'" ;n .";s ~-"""r W2.5 ru-l"'~ 'O'U J\!:t J\,f--n.7 ^ i'm""""'"' -;:"v,,""v"'r t!'-" R""'u"'st .':or ---'.. ---.....c.- .J -- i..:- .,.co.- l w...o .' - --. - _c..!.' .~ ......u.. -.1.' ... -, .:J- '""'i'" l R~or.sièe:-c.rion w2..S not d:L~:)\)t~ to t.ì¡e p2.: ~es of rtCo;d C?.S ili2.:¡è.:a.~ by the Fed~r2.l "Nê.Y ZoniI:g Code. The Office of Ü'le L2Ilò Use H:z.:5.:.-;g =_u..¡T~¡er co:U:2.c:::d :Ms. .AJlrr.2..nn reg2.1"dir:g this oversight, ::..¡Ò proper dismbution of the Rtq'Jest for Reconsiåe:-c.'cion to ill pa..-¿es of recorà .10""'0 "'l.'h -.., -ff=C.-\.l.t Of ......;:1i11"'0 "'2.5 ':'~~~s~ "'.1 on O-'o~"! Îl ì O:::¡ c..¡ "":' ... ... Co.a c..¡.l'::' . .. .~... l""l _.;;.u - ..........- - , --'-'-. The R~1Jest zC'r R~o;).side:-c.:io!l 2..S1:s û~ê.t a condition of a:,.:>roy;:j .Je im'Dcs~ '~'hich WOLlld - - - - e~~jd slòe',:;.al1:s ~o;).g Û1e west side of 21st Avenue Southwest ë...¡d 21st v.,1zy Soutbwest to the ~Wes:fili s;,¡oppbg complex. However, S~:ion 110.25(1) of i;'¡e F:de~ V-hy Zonbg Cooe re:ouiTes ë...¡ aD:;l1eG-":t to ms:ill roaå im'Drovème:::s i!On5~ û1e ;. on:2.£e 2::d width of each ri5!ht-of- - -- - - - - way ê.b1J~-;g Óe pror-:ry. A conåiri.on of ap:xo"ë.1 consistent wi::'1 ::.";e z.onbg code secrion h2.5 b~n im?Cse:d. Tne;e is no c..'Xie authority to :-~uire Û1e extension of siå~will3, ë...~à th~ Ciry of Fede:-d \Vë.y en\"=.:onm~n:il officii! d1d not r~uire such a con6rion puzs¡:a..¡t to the Sta!e E,¡¡\1.:0Dme!l:2l Policy Act. The decision by Òe environmen:2l o:..-=ic:21 i11 ù1:S ffi2.t"~er is fu..ë.l smœ it W2..S not ê.ppe.2led. . Tne Re{)u~st fer ~::cor.siåe:-2.:ion 2lso rë.ises ê.~ë.in ù1e issue of 'the Y-:""Y-:-~ E:Te:enbelt desiE:na:ion - - -- - - of the site ê.S set foru1 in L1e origin21 decision. Th~re c:e no re""...o;ës which subs~riate that L'1lS pr°r-rty W2..S to rema:...'1 a ge:enbelt, ë.nd L1ere aTe no nota!ÌoT'.s on L~e ri-Je to the properLY res'dc!L-;g itS use b 2.ny Iï.~'1..¡e!. Conu-c.ry to L1e. s:atern~nt of :Ms. ?2l;na..'1Il !hat th~ z.onL""lg map snows no :w,;-;g for :he. si:e., it is t."t)e Ex2.1T:l.¡1er'S opirjon that L~e zoning map snows me site cl2.!siñe.d 2..S RS96')J. Tne Request for R~onsiòe:-c.!:ion is hereby D-=~lED. EXHIBIT B PAGE 1't OF 2b DATED TElS 4TH DAY OF NOVE\fBER, 1992. '" EXHIBIT B \\TI.DWOOD EST..\. ITS FILE FSlb-9G-OOO~ Rl-92-0002; F\\tl£ ;'9~-}O P.~_GE :; ll. RJGHT TO CHALLE.'\'GE Tr¡~ :-:;:OjT¡¡:JE;-,Ò:.::lO:1 of Lie H~-i~g Ð-..2...'T'~~:r ITlzy b~ ch2.l1eng~ by 2!'Jy person who is to ;te~\'~ a copy oÍ Ù',~t æ~oü,T7)en6.rion purs'.:2:.t to F\VZC 155.60.6. That chillenge, L., Ü1e fo:D of 2. k::-:!;T of cr.illenge, must be òeli\'e:-~ t::> t,1-¡e ?l?JlI'.ing De?~;ent v.i.,hLT'l fO1.JJt~n (14) C2Ì~Jb.r è2YS ë..~er 6~ issU2...~~ of 1.~e He¿f.i.:,;g Ex~jú.:ler's reœr:1i71enè:¿::ion or, if a rtquest for rte.:)::s~óe:ë.:ion is fil::.d, then v,i1."-:.l.1"'l fou¡-~n (14) C2kné.u days of e::."-1er ù1¡e òteision of L"-1e -::þ_"':~,O :::"._';'"",:~",~ O'..-\.~..,o- -".,þ -:-"'--;""st fo'!" ~""-i'1~.,:.':,..-.ii'1'" or .\.... ~",,-,",-,:";"-"'~ 'T"""""'mm"n";"'~on ...~_.::: .....,..c..: ~...... ~..~.L::: '-,~ '--:""~ .. ........U.._,'-'....G.-'-'. (.. ... .---v.._.~-.;:;.;J .---'-'.. ..., I.o.GU . 1"1-." 'Þ-"r of C......¡i.......c" """'5- con-.:n 2. C'l".T" -..:Þ-"'"",-" to -he ---Þ~ -""':"'(1 C""-i"""o"'~ .nd a J..~ ~--- uc...... .....:::~ ,.. - L ¡ ;.c.J.¡ ~ "~..... .....~... U j.c.LL....! ""~.i...L'::> ¡.<::.~..h...u::>;:;.;J G.l s~~;:¡e!lt of the ~~iñc fact"~ ~ldLlgs 2.11d co:1c1usio!'.s of t.'1e R~_lg Exê.mÌner dispute:d by Ùle r--son filing L~e chillenge. TIle person fili.r.g Û1e ch211e~ge s1-.ill bc1uåe, v..i!h LÌ)e le:ter oÏ ap?",...2l, L'-le f~ es:ablisbed by L'1e City. The chillenge v.ill not be acc-,,?t.ed unless it is acco::rJêJ1ied bv L"-1e reauired Ïæ. The :re:::omme~d2.tion of the R~;nE!. EX2..111.iner mê.V be . '" . - ~ chille:1ged -",'het:.~er or not there wê..S 2. request to r~nsiàer L1¡e He.ëi.J1g Exami...,er's r~mme!1dG.rion. EXHIBIT PAGE 15 B OF '2(:; BEFORE THE HEA..R.I'\G EX.~\ID-¡:-R. OF TrlE CITY OF fEDERAL \\"A Y. ~ THE !\1A TIER OF mE APPLICA TIO~ of B.C. Construction Company ) ) ) ) ) ) ) FILE #51.. ""B-90-0004/RZ-92-0002 F\\RE #92-10 RESPO~SE TO Ql.ETIO~S SFB~UIIED O:S- RE..\L.\.."\"D For Preliminary Plat Approval of \\ïldwood Estates 1. Sl.~~f.A.RY Rem2!1d of prelir;1ir.2..IJ' plat approval to E~.z:g Ex2...7.ì:-¡er purs:.:.?:.t to City Council de:ds10:1 issued on Much 2, 1993--Ll.¡e scope oÍ h~,.g 0:1 &¡e :~o"d s:-.2.ll be limited to consiåer o;:ly LÌìe following issues: 1. 2. ... :>. 4. \\7'¡¡at cons:itutes legal recording L, 1966 a.'1d åoes Òe ~~;gu2.ge of t.Ììe resolution incorporate ¡be Planning Comï:"¿ssion's conditio!".s to ò~ zone designation? Factual ñndings which address the effective date 6e p:ese:1t owner acquired title. Factual flndi..ïgS which address the S2.fery issue of prop;r access to úie property. The Hearing Exarniner w2.S inst:"".Jcted to bring his re:coIT:::7)endation dire.ctly to the City Council--not to a City CO'.l:1cil COIT:!7litt~. 11. PROCEDl.:""R.AL I?\TOR."\1A TION ApiJ 27, 1993 M- 5 '::J"l3 - .Coy ,~;;; M2Y 19, 1993 EXHIBIT B PAGE /l, OF 1-a Da~ of Hearing on Ré.ffi2..T'}ò: R~ord Closed: Date of Decision on Rema.Tìò: At Lìe hw.J1g ÙJe fol1ov.ing prese:1te.d testimo::y ë...jd ev)åence: 1. Mike Tnomas, Ass~iate Pla.'"!;)er, ClL)' of Federd \Vë.y 33530 - 1st v,"2Y SOUL', Fe.òe:-d W2Y, WA 98003 2. Lonòi Linòell, Deputy City A:tomey, City of Fe.de:-2.1 \V2Y 33530 - 1st W2Y South, Fe.de:-d W2Y, WA 98003 3. Ron Gê.ITOW, Senior Developme:-.t Eng:n:=.er, Ci:y oÍ FeÒerd \\.2Y 33530 - 1st v,72Y South, Feòe:-d \lhy, WA, 98003 4. Barry Fisher 30482-22ïth PI SE, Kent, WA 98042 EXHIBIT C COpy \\TLDWOOD ESTA ITS mE ;'Sl. ~90-000~:RZ92-0002; F\\ 11£ ;-92-10 PAGE 2 EXHIBIT f5 PAG E 11 OF ,~3Þ-_,_- . 5. 6. 7. M2.ry Ann AHmê_nn 30817-21st Ave SW, Fe.òe:-d WGY, ',\.A 93023 Ron2Jd ..!I..r¡åersen 30807-21st Ave 5\V, Fe.de.:-c.l \\"'i:.Y, .,i;A ;'6023 Kê\'e K\"ê.m .. 30541-26~" A\~ S\V, F=-de.:-c.l \\.GY, ".:':A 9S:J23 .l..t tfJe beuing L'tJe fol1o',;..ir;g exhibi:.s w~:-~ Gd:r:::-.::d G..S :?ë..:"1 of ::.:: of5c:ë.l :;~o:;å of Lhese p:o:~~.Œi;¡gs: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SŒff Addendum to Report King County Boë..Td oi Commissio::s ~esohJ:5on :\0. :2460 King County Records 2J1d Ele:tions le.:ter to Më...)' A"n Allmë.;, dê.ted 2/24/93 Letter from Keren \Vihgë:d è.ë.t~ 4/23/93 Letter from former King County Pl2T:¿-:g Commissio:.er John T. O'Brien dated 4/29/93 Letter from attorney Robert Demo¡,¡y, Jr. dêted 5/5/93 Aõåendum to Strif Report d2të:i 5/5/93 6. 7. ID. F1XDI'\GS .A.t itS regu1u rn~ting on March 2, 1993, p:::-s'.:2..'1t to S~:50:ì 22-490 of Ù1~ Fe.ôenl \Vë.y City Code th~ F~~ ë..1 V'hy City Co~ncil :e:T,ë.;,òed t.'tJe p:el::nbuy plê.t 2J¡d rezone of \\7i1òwood Estates to Lie Feóe.ë..1 \\~ë.Y B:.a..-bg Exê..J'T.lner to hold a h~-ing for Li~ . P"~os. of coT"\s1.a'..,.;~C' .'--- (':.) ~.,..::¡C ~tc:.'.s ~~a' .0 ¡:-:. '-". S"'O'~. of ~'-. '-"~,.;no to ""'"r'" .. .....,,~ u¡~- -' wr-~~ ._-~... ~, l .'¡..~~l ~¡... ... r'" UJ... ';J~J..~ sajd issues. On April 27, J993, a pu~ljc he¿.zing .';"2.5 h~}d ë.Jjd L"~ :~o:d 1~ft op~n until May 5, 1993, to :~ei\'~ Exhibit 5, a 1:n:r f:¡a::¡ John T. O'3~:n, former King County Commiss10ner, ê-S well 2.S responses Ù1e:~to from me ë.ppl)C2:it 2nd the City of Fedc:rd Vhy. The: issues iòentifie.d by the City Cou~ci1 ë..,jd respor;ses .~e:~:o ë.re ê.S follows: A. \\1:::.t consutu1es legë..1 re.coråing in } 966, a..,d àœs Ù'J: 1ê...T)guë.ge of the resolution incorporc.te L~e Planning Comm:~sjo;)'S condj:jo;:s 10 ù,¡e zone àesjgnë.t.1on? 1) The present recording S:E.ru:e RCW 65.08.070 was enacted in 1927 and has not been ê.mended. S2..iò S'.2Hne re.aès ê.S :0110ws: Wll..DWOOD ESTA TIS TILE #Sl.D-90-000~/RZ9:-0CI(I:; F\\ 1-1 E =-~.:-: :1 PAGE 3 EXHIBIT B PAG E ¡g OF 1¿ -- Real proptrlY C::-,\t: ~;jCtS to be fé-C ,otd. A co:-,\eYê.:"¡ce c,i ~b-' P~o'--""-" ""-'-""\ -;.,'.,-",...'....:""..,; "-.. ,'-.. -"".V"':1 "^"-'~.:"D ~'-.:> ,C..::.J 'r~":' ""~,J --.-""""""-',:""'" -;; -'- r-"""" ~ "'-"'-'-."0 -,- <""'me C.;-e -r"'.--,..,.....":=-"'-t --..;-.;¡ -"'-:'-:..01 ':.<' -:"""",,;....~ 'oy ~-',J,) .><;.J uJ G_._J~-,""-.::,.J~.. J~.J,o \..~,_.....-. '-> .........-~~ .G, --y 'h" -..--_.:....: :... .'... C'::'c" C: ,'~.. -""-:ì-c':- D I"\:':;c"'r or- .'0... ¡..G ...... ,~.\.-.....J '--, _.- ',.J... 'l _.- ............... '.;';:> ....'~,- ~ ~.,- CD"r""\.' ","'-",,-.. ,'-.. -'--,-,"'-' :5 ':~"'.""; -=.,""'-' S..,,-'..., '-u"-\'e)'ê.:"Jc" -)"t -_J,,) n.,_,- -.-r'~r-.')" _..-.:.,~. - -.) --oj -., -. l.- s'" -""':ì-":"'; :5 ."ì:'; ':.0 ---:-st --.. .........."",..-t '--"'-C""5,"- 1"\- .., ....-.U.u....... - '-o,- c....;, Co:L.., L..: ~--~""",,--,J r-' ..G._~.I ......1 ,.....,o-c--c-"'" :... -_..; :_:.-., --d :I"\r 2 \,-~.._"-'", Co-,:o'e-.:o'" :-:-0T:1 ."'-", "'.Il.::G::--':"'J:~'....;_G.._,G..¡ .....' L..'::..- I..J ,G'-'-.,.,.-.- s.ë..T:1e \'e:-J~~:ï, ~.:s :-.~::-S c:;- -:e\.:5::.-::S, C: -':.e s.ë..:7,¡e :;-e¿J ;:,:-ope:-:-:. OJ . , " ,- ., '.J. --iJ ,",""-:--',""" ._"'-"'-.~" ..-.. ~O-\""'--'-':>', '--:,t C")' -"'-0-0"'" -:1 c...J,) ¿l1..,-I..'" -.-.-.. V'.._~- - .. -::L.._- -. .... .- ,--. ~. ". ir~SL-Ur: e:;t :s è:..:~.::j :-~:-è::.d .:,~ ::-':"-"':'.~ it :s f:Jt.d for :-e::co:-d. -1 r-.. .e~ "co""\'e\.--'~"" :s C'",.::_",.; ....)' ~C',-7 c:: í;~ nc..oC;) .';"~':JC'h S'o;:.~"~.. .IJ- l .-" J. .c...,--o, -o,-.""""" :'<. " --.--.-1.. -, .. H -,.....- W2S ejjacted in 1927 ë:¡:3 :-:~s :-Jot ~t.en 2. 77,e.;jè::.d , Còj'¡veY2.1jce is åefined 2S fol1o.,:,'s: -1 n.. '..~ "CD" \"'. .--:- ~"," : ...-1" l..S ..\"";"'\.' ......: ~~...., :"'s~~'-:- "-l ...,y w~':ch wl....." .. -;c...J- _J.........u- .. "",) "....--.... --.,-., ¡,; ,.J. ~.T1y estG.te. or b:~!'est i:1 Z"~ pro?,"-:7j is cr~ted, L'r"2J'lsfe.ITed, rnort~-~-~ or -~t:-n"',; 0- ...,y ".'h)'cOn .\... .:.'.. .0 --y -..-, ""'-op"~ u "::':'::;;.J ~--~¡ -- l 1.1 n.j .I ..)- uU- l '-1. J~.:-.I ....IL,) way be. affe.ct~, bc1uCl:;g 2.., bs:..¡;r:¡e::t i., executJon of a po.",'e.r, ë.ltbou£h LÌJe. ')~..:..e. be o:;e of j'e\'C>:¿~O:1 0:11 V , ~jd ~, insû-urne.nt - . .. re1eëing in .';".::K'}e 0; ~"l p2..:1, ;>cs:;:':¡:1ir;g or subo:dir.atiz;g a -~ C'... - .""..- ~:..-. """/"',, t ..:.\ - i",- ..; 2. ~.....,...,., of "'0' mo. ..::2.':'" Ool O-,-ol -~_.:, ~^--? 2. v. -;.l, .:. ,~s- .or .......1,. _. L """"-':"l.~cr "'.'0 \"'--1: --..; -.., :,:",'st'r""""'_. ~-"';'i"I~ - ""'ov."'- ~o co""vev """----'.::L'" .;;;.c.._,~i...c-.I...._¡,,:..__...::.&._..::4¿1 ...ol. .. '" re.G.l property U Ú"Je ~gent or a!to:7;ty for Lr,e o.",'ne.r of me "r',:",o')..rtv "To -"""'.'.'\'" :\: .0 exec11~" - r_,'"\':"IV"V2..T')C"" as ò..fined in .:-'.-"..' --..'I.....L _.w':' 1,.0-""'", -- ... . this subdlvisjo:ì. 2) Leg21 recording in 1965 co:-:s:s:~ of stJbmi:ÜT.g a åoctJrne.nt for re.cording to me. czhie.r at LÌJe Ki::g CO:':T)ry Office of ~~orès 2.1jd EJections. Tt)e C2.shier StE.Jï1ped a ê?:~ 2:JÒ :-~ording f~ :;:;:;Jb~r on Lie face of the . òocument 2..ïd accep:~ ::¡~ r=.,:o:"dlng f~. ~ext, the recording clerk st2.mp~ me documeTJt .,;.ii;i ë. të.:: ~jd "dme of :-ecojding a..-¡d a volume 2.1jd P-cr,. n"mb"r P-es"-I~\, O'n..-"-"--s """"":\'. - '"". ,.;¡.C"j.t -""'o"c.j."'cr ""'urn"-"r .:.::-... ... , "'.:-.' 'I..'_....J_;.. .--.., "":'.-"-"': .......... J.o" JU.... If a document is not FoP:;:)' :-eco:-ded in Üh ;;:2.;1ner it is not re'u-)e\'2bJe by a ti-1" com"'-'i"lY or ""..-~o;:r"r t~-o"oh 2 c;'o;:-,~."'d oJ'.'J" S"--ch ""'d is ..,ot u. ... '¿It:.J. :-,..1.-....>- .J. -::- - -....<:..: . l - ~ , ~ , " consiåered nojce 10 S'J":'se.q:.:::-¡t ;r.:rcr:2.st:ïS of ~y e7'Jcumbr-c:.nce or con\'e)'2nce of the pro?:"y, 3) In 1966 J(jng CotJn7)' ;-.ë.d 2. f;}:ng sys1e:-:ì for ;¡:23nwning the. county's Jeg5s1a"d\'e records. T:-.: :-~o:-ès of zoning Gt.::sjons 2..'ìd Other reso)u:ions of Lìe Board of King CC>J;J7)' Co;7)m:ssjo;¡e:s '.1,=:-: f:Jed 2..'ìd më..int2.5ned by the King Counly .A.'.£:cr::1 0;): of two ;;;e::-;~::s: (1) Comm:ssjone:s' WILDWOOD ESTA TIS FILE #'.SCB-90-0004.'RZ92-000::; F\\"BE: =-~:-:o PAGE -1 EXHIBIT B PAG E , ~ OF 1-.b .' . . ...., - . -, , pro:e:b::~r.gs .",e::::: ;::e:se:::-.:;.J ::; ':C:.S'::::::;Y.jO;-.S :;-. :':':'K JO:;::1 or ::::lC:-07:l:::-,e:.J -r-CSi-'l.'P" (')) Cn--:".J"'-"'--' -"sn~".::î-" ""'-P ..,.._:,..,.;:;,.,~~ 1',., f-l...S ,G .... J..._. - \........._- ",.....:> .... "'.--'-... "'_.~ ,..£:...._. v..J .1 d.... -co-_: .....1: -----~---=- ...:..... ".~," ._~:_-' --.C'Þ-".' I _:.~ 0,~c"'.:.z.;:;..J .:J '::......,-'._c"'J...- "".- 'c....JO_S l,-I:,~--=- c.....c...,~...,. ...;,.s. :l ZO.j~.,.:> """,-~prs ,r-," CI'"\""""".':";"-"'-s' -"'r,~.";o'" 1'1:"O;.,'\, -n"",;I:""-; or- -,., O:¡-PO:¡ n-""\ J.,'::..... _.~ '-'.......--......-. . -,,-. -- . -- --,' -....._--.~ £:.., ............ .'.'::r ...ef\".,..":",o "',p 70"':"'~ -";:'C'" --,~ .,""t ':-'-,.."¡ .,.:,'_, n"""'r -"'sn"":o"" ~o~h , '¡h._~..:> ....~ - ..-.= '-.._"::-' c...,- "<-> -..- ".-. ...-J- .... .......;..J ..-. "-> .. .'\-.. Co""',.....,:,,;n"',".s' -,--.-......'::-:-s --"" -:-"-"'1,...:-- :'.,"s "1'."'-'" :--\.."....I""v 2- ,-J~ .. ....__.\....-. :-------.: c....- --~-'--'-.. ...... ....- _.h.....^~ v.! -- 1'-'; .Þ ':-0 ,","'- f"::""":-":' '::ì .,.,-..:.-..",- .'-Þ Cn""'7)' C -_: S. ".5' ~;.c...j....:.J _na...).~;;- -' "...... -".",'.. -. "...--..... -.- ......;H O,J;,,;.5 )On...J -. ' , P-r.-~"::"'-s -'i- ,...-....':,.":.- '::'..- --'i"-' ':"\ -~--_.::_~ "'t CO-'~-""-'ed -"," '.\"""""""';H.¡:' .J,-.I ,::':>.----'.1 ..~-; :"-.h.,~.;, h.. .--.,-,..:= <-> .H..'lJ.:-'¡~l ..) "C\~T 6' O~ 07n '\':.---:',~ -...-o-.:~ r': -es'"""""""'-~ --,.; -'-O-~..-ii,.,C"S --e P,,'..,'i- =" "Y ..l...., .... '.;-- - ~ . -- ....1. \,..1;'--"',,- c...J-:, ~"-""-""":: .:... '--.1.,1.. -~"'"'-c's -""d .-:-þ C..,...-...,~Þ ",:\..~:,'~ -~~n'Þ\",'Ì '-""'\,' ;-Þ not "'-:-o-"'-:-'.ly ':"~,-o-u~..,~ J......,...J c".¡ ~- ,:::,.::-"~,,,.I ,)-...::: ---.. """-, _J-. -- j :. :,...- ......... J ;:;..J O'I"V""rnen'" "'hiC.!) 0-:\'" -""':J."" .0 - ?",.......:-, ..",--'..",.....,. I"T-..J .u "".'..::' -.j.,.......l ~ '-'l_.n....::..lr-'-'.~""'. 4) -1 r;,. -e,oh.~o"" 0.: ~"",p -"'-""11 Cf"\'1""~' """"'--0' 1'"\; CO,.,.,r-;r:1:10'!"ì""'S ~do"'~_~-I.,g ,J... . - .1.:..." J -¡~ '~": "'-"'.' ::>1.Jc.... ,-'. "..H___. ....." .... r - R"sol"~o'" ~"L.60 ,";,..,. :~ ..,Þ-:..,......t .,...-~ "'.. ;r1.'~""'.'¡"". -.... _u.¿ -- ' --.-- ..¿ :-- _.._.1 :,c....l "'-> "'-'- -. "NO\V 'I'P"£REFORE 3E IT RESOLVED Ù'.ê.t Lie Board of Couniy Comm:~sio::¡e:;s òoes. hereby ê.òopt t.Ì1e ñndL'1gs ~Jd . -~"o':'T\~"""C:'-~;I"I-S or. ""'. ?'-""r::"'t7 A -"""'.y ".. :'S 0....... -"'d O'o"s ,¡....... ,.;........ '::~I.'.. wI.... "c.., al.::. '-'E.-.j... ~ J. ... H c:.;. ... he:-:.:,\;' re.::~ss::\~ ce,;-.zi::¡ '¡)¡,opemr 'LQ :\2.1;-1800 ~s sl1own hereon .;¡ '" ., '" -""d l..C-'" i1\;' Ú. ,.S....:--...A "",~-..:." " c..... ...~"-ó.";¡ - -.....:;:.J .........,¡J,... . The -'1..... '...1 ,---...- ..;:- ,~.:I,' - ---- '-..' - f .h JCi...o , c.¡.;¡O\... qUOl;;"'¡ .c..;;.:'-'::.:~ 'i.i""Pl~ i.n~ .. ::"'1.J.,WJenc:.,ùo".s 0 ~ e 'd::> Co"nhl ?~""r'\n:"'c¡ Co---:~s;o'" ::ow.\,..~ -="""':~;t '::. '" 'J"""r r_om 't:'m:" .. L.;¡ .¡;.¡.. .IJ.::> .1.;".- " H..... ......1, --^J'J.., -', co .....i... .1.1 J J-. J... Do r"ld v: 11 C "-r\' A -r-"~: .; 1 ~-',. .\..- "". C ,h' Co ;S. ,,-s' I'IlJ... ,.:-..:.!'.::> o":oJ;", .-..~ ....H;\.S., So.c.....s ~.4:.t ;...~ ounl.;¡ mID. Slon...J resoJutlon \ls,;211v co:-.s:s:~ ,. of ~, ë.:e.a :;;~., ë..,'r)d t.i¡e zonl;; E ch~j Ee . . -- ê.pproveå". In ::evk...i¡;g Resolution 3:460 it ê.pp~S tÌlê.t Ùìe only prop~rty rezoned w2.S for t-Í)e '\\'es¡f~ Ap27lments, 2..!ld &.::.t L"Je 120 foot strip w;,Jch Ù")~ appli;a:-¡t ::2.5 purchê.se.d "';"25 exc1uòe.d f:;om the zon~ ~"""l""'Mfi"""'~;on r'" -Þ.",::",o "--.. -....",--...-,"':.';on of .h" V:nc¡ Co'u"ty ~...... ~~., ""OJ . ".-":":.1.':0 .. ~ ,~¡ ;;;._....,.. J l;... ."'>..J '::, ?lêJ'lning Comm:ss)on ::1 light of LÌ1e ê.~o\'~ it ë.pp:zs Ù¡at when Li¡e Comm)ssion W25 r~o:7;::;endi,;g ::10 access "to ::;:5 propen)' f:;om the nann ë.nd west", LÌ1e COITJjjÚslon W2.S :efemng 10 Ü.je p,op::rry actu2.})y rezoned êJ'ld not to Li-¡e wester:y } 20 f~t of sajd p:-opt:-.y, which was to rem2Sn in Ù'le RS 960a ZO:lt. T:::':5, wt:~e not 2.7Lfu;Jy è~fle.d, it appe.aJs that the PlêJ'lning Comrn:ssio:1 ::-~0;nme;)d2tjon èid not address the exc]uòe.d property. The ë.:e<. ;;;ë.p a!'~ch~ to Reso1u:ion 32460 h:ghlights Ù'le \Vestfair Ap2JLment p::-operty onlY, and inèjca:e5 no acùon reguding the excluded p2:cel. \\1LDWOOD ESTA T£S fTI..E FSl.1}..90-000~¡"RZ92-0CICI:; n\ ~ E K':.} 0 PAGE 5 EXHIBIT PAGE to B OF 1& 5) -~"C:""" .:-;=,..~..-1'1.-,,-. ,...:. 2.o",:"""C-':.. 1:..;"',. ,"'8 '0:\1 l..w "'; Co... .......w.c.J \.c..' G:JO?t.:l.~s ."'.E;, ~..;- 0:1.. -..;;;":~-) - , .1....1.. "~""\.""" S"c..., -o'~...,-:o""\ ::..":¡..-1 \ì.7-y's "'7...,_:_~ Co..:,.. ...,.,.......,........,~¡:..¡ -"'d \..::"">;¡ "".j G \..r- '" - ;;....J1,...c.J'1:. L..-..:.....:; -- .t"---o r'~ G... S"-""o;-s"":""":¡ -.l-k-i-,~ C:;..--v 70"':-'0' C.e':O"""~'~O-C Ci-y ,~-fl- -e\,ie',:,.""":¡ ;,¡-¡.. "'r-. :AJ~ c... ~~.';:' \.. ."'; - u,.,;:, -.;..-- .... .. -~ . . ¡;.(J.""" v:-O' CO""-V Zo"':-o \r..., Co\'e":"'o '-"'e «::""....:"'-1 """0..,..-:"\.7 -.."., 0'Þ1"-""':::1""'; -~;~ '-."'; .;.;.~ . ..::.:, "-.,;... ---.;- :" :'--~; G...... _.-l ..._J ....",¡ 'r--t ;hÞo;-" --.. no 1_-JO. "S" -"s;n. r;;o~c:: ;:-0.' 'Þ\""" ÞV""'I :'1- S"c"" -"'s~""';c"';o"'s L;.I:...........c...w..c... w-_wu_..;.......""...w."".....- ....;........u.. ",.,-":¡ -""",,"'1 --:;-,....'\., :_-~...:.....:¡ 0'"' ,"'.. ",.:..,0' C"y,-.....' Zo-:.,.o \f,-.., .h" C;:-v's ;,.::.;,,¡ ;..>-.. :'."':-"J _:'-..._;;....J .j _!- ~.......~ 1..-.,.) ,u.;;:. - -G.:" '-' - _l; Zo",;..,O' Co':,.. -"'d ~-.., ......,1_,.....S 'hÞ ",.;..,0' Co"--' --.., -1 ,",Þ Cl.~"S --.., ,.. .~ w- C-.j .j.:':, - -:-1:........ ..; - ~~"; _.J,.' ,.oG:,. ;j- ,; ; ¡I:.:, 0."""'5 not :-c'.":Þ --v S"_".. '.1-'-'0' "s" -es'ñc":"~, IJ- J.;.J ;.Juw GJ'.T __,I ~, - w, U. ..J\...._. -1"" ",.::""..":'\,.. C._," ."..-. '"".. ~-"'s~-' O"'-"r ?-~ 't: -=:s"-"r -nd C\.n';..,:;: ~ 1:1.s;..,Þr '¡'... _.U.......¡",; - "::'1.... "",'::'l u - row -.'l ....;)- -,GJ, :; .0-. ... ~ ;J- l:.oI ;" ...,- .~..I. "-, doing b~slness ~ 3C Cons:..-uc:5on Com:?2.nY, acq'..li¡-ej -j1Je to t.Ì1e property w~ -\..e d-.", Or -"""o-Q~;-o ~7'\7"i1 ìn 1. aDO UI G.l_., ,--. ....:' .-r-,u --, .,.. . 3. c, Fact'.:2l fL¡åìngs w}-jch ad¿:~ss t:¡~ s2.fety issue of ?:O?~rty access to Ü1e property: 1) 21st Ave S\V is cl~si:i~ ~ a "resiåenti2.l c.ol1::ctor" by Sec:5on 15.25 of the Fede~ê.l \Va)' Cit)' Code, Aburti!Jg prop--:-cies ue wowed åiTect access to resiåen::ê.l colbctor StT~ts, Accor¿bg to Ron Ga..""TOW, Senior Development E¡;gin~r, 21st Ave E is pro;>::l)' cl~sified é.S a resiåentiê.l coDe.ctor, 2) The only ::sL'Íction f::om ac.cess onto a resiåen::ê.l col1e.ctor a.re driveways Closer tÌi2..1'l tV.'enty-5ve (25) f~t to '-, intersecrion. The 11eë.Test bters::d.!'.g road to t.iis ?rope..~ is 30ïL"-l 51 5\V, which is mo:e th2J1 !\'.'enty-five (25) f~t from me n~est Jot. 3) Concerns hve D~n :-¿sed reguding sight dis:znce problems caused by L"'1ecurve in 21st Ave S\V at L'Je souLh end oÍ ¡J-¡e proper!)'. Conåitions of approval ::t.quire Üì: app~C2..~t to broaåen 6e curve which will incre.2.se the site dis!4..~ce. Condi'jons élso r~ui:re &.2.t drive\ì;ays for tÌle soutÌlern Jots acCtSS ~ :u to ::.'Je ;-)0:-11 ~S possib1e D:'l s2.5d )o:s. Setbacks for a driveway ë:e f:ve (5) f~t fjQm a sjòe pro?er.y line. 4) The appljc~t emp1oye.d 2. tn.ff1c expert to p~rform a u-¿fic stuày. The trc.ffic study W2.S accep:t.d by L'Je City ê.Jjd es:2blishes that L""2.ffic impacts created by Ü' js de\'eJop!:1ent will be ins1g::~:Jca;-)t. \\TI..D\\"OOD ESTATES mE fSCB-90-000-1!RZ92-0002; F\\"HE t9:.10 PAGE 6 EXHIBIT B PAG E 1-1 OF ~2G IV. RECO:'-,ßfESTIA TIO~ It is hereby recommended that the City Council of L~e City of Federd \V2Y 2pprove the proposed zone recl2.Ssiñc2tion request to RSï200, Q well as the pre1imin2.ry pJ~t of \ViJdwood Est2.tes. . DATED TF..lS 19Trl D.!..Y OF !.{A Y, 1993. EXHIBIT B PAGEl). OF 1& BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION of B.C. Construction Company ) ) FILE #SUB-9O-OOO"! ) RZ-92-0002 ) FOE #92-10 ) ) CITY COUNCIL FINDINGS OF ) FACT AND CONCLUSIONS ) For preliminary Plat Approval of wildwood Estates I. FINDINGS 1. The applicant has a possessory ownership interest in a 1.91 acre parcel of property bordering the east side of 21st Avenue S.W. in the Lakota neighborhood. The site is located within the suburban residential classification of the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan, and is zoned RS 9.6. 2. The property is rectangular in shape, approximately 120 feet wide and 700 feet in length. The site is bordered on the west by the 21st Avenue S.W. right-of-way, and on the east by the Westfair Apartment complex, a high density multi-family development. On the north are the Shady Tree Condominiums, a duplex development, while on the south across 21st Avenue S.W. are mini-storage warehouses. East of the Westfair Apartments is a small shopping center bordering SR 509 (Dash Point Road). To the west of the site is the single-family residential subdivision of Lakota Palisades with roughly 12,000 square foot lots. Eight lots of Lakota Palisades border the proposed subdivision including the drainage pond. The site itself has not been improved, and has both understory and tree vegetation. The vegetation is moderately thick with "peek-a- boo" views of the apartment complex through the trees. 3 . The applicant's preliminary plat plan proposes seven single- family residential lots, 60 feet in width and varying in size between 7,200 square and 7,280 square feet, commencing at the north boundary of the property and extending south. At the south end of the property where 21st Avenue S.W. curves from north/south to northwest/southeast is Tract A, a 15,280 square foot parcel which will contain the drainage pond. The applicant is dedicating 2,820 square feet to the city for right-of-way purposes to improve the said curve, and provide site distance for the plat lots. No internal circulation is proposed, as all plats will access directly on to 21st Avenue S.W., as do lots in Lakota Palisades across the street. RES #93-150, EXHIBIT D, Page - 1 COpy 4. EXHIBIT B PAGE 23 OF 26 In addition to the dedication of right-of-way to correct the inadequate roadway radius at the south end of the site, the applicant is required by the Public Works Department to construct full-width street improvements to 21st Avenue S.W. the full length of the plat, to include 40 feet of pavement, sidewalks, curbs, street trees, and gutters on both sides of the street. The applicant has objected to this requirement, stating that the standard in all other jurisdictions is for construction of half-width street improvements, and that the Federal Way City Code ("FWCC") is excessive. section 22-1474 of the FWCC is entitled "Required Public Improvements." Said section states in part as follows: liThe applicant shall, consistent with the provisions of this article, install all improvements established in section 22-1524 and Section 22-1525 along the entire frontaqe and width of each right-of-way. . that abuts the subject property." (emphasis supplied) Thus, the Federal Way City Council has established that road improvements are required for the entire width of the right- of-way. However, there is an existing sidewalk already located on the west side of 21st Avenue S.W., and if at all possible, this sidewalk should be retained instead of a new sidewalk constructed. If the existing sidewalk does not meet City standards, the Public Works Director should strongly consider granting a variance. 5. Children residing in the subdivision will attend Adelaide Elementary school, Lakota Jr. High, and Decatur Senior High School. The improvements to the roadway system will enable school children to walk to school or school bus stops. The School District has adequate capacity and capability to serve students residing in the plat. 6. section 20-155 of the FWCC requires proponents of subdivisions to dedicate land for open space. An exception is made for subdivisions less than 5 acres in size by section 19-46(c) of the FWCC, which allows the applicant the opportunity to pay an open space fee in lieu of the dedication of property. The Federal Way Parks Department has determined that a payment of $22,182.00 in lieu of open space is acceptable. The nearest park is Adelaide Park on 16th Avenue S.W. approximately one half mile from the site, and it is anticipated that said funds will be used for improvements to the park or in the immediate neighborhood. RES # 93-150 EXHIBIT D, Page - 2 10. 7. EXHIBIT B PAGE 24 OF 2G The applicant has obtained a certificate of water availability from the Federal Way Water and Sewer District which has committed to provide both potable water and fire flow to the site. The District also has capacity to provide sewer service to the site subject to the applicant entering into a developer extension agreement with the District. It is necessary to extend the sewer trunk by 5 feet to reach the site. 8. The site is impacted by drainage from the Westfair Apartments to the east. The applicant proposes to provide compensating storage for any off-site flows tributary to the site and an infiltration system to handle such flows in accordance with city standards. The applicant proposes to collect all on-site drainage and direct it to the drainage pond at the south of the site where it will then be piped under the road to an existing culvert. Runoff generated from the site will be released at a controlled rate in accordance with the King County Surface Water Design Manual and the Hylebos Creek and Lower puget Sound Basin Plan. A bio-filtration swale will also be provided at the south end of the site. Because of the additional pavement added to the west side of 21st Avenue S.W., the applicant may also be required to provide additional detention on the west side of 21st Avenue S.W. as well. If so, this detention will occur within the drainage swale itself, but will not result in water being pumped into the plat detention pond. The proposed conceptual drainage plan is adequate to serve the site without adversely impacting downstream properties. 9. Concerns were raised by both the applicant and the residents of the area regarding the drainage pond. The applicant is proposing a fence along the pond boundaries, and was concerned with the requirements of landscaping as it is not proper to plant trees or other vegetation within the pond itself. The City responded by requesting a 5-foot strip of trees along the fence line, which was acceptable to the applicant. citizens concerns centered on the maintenance and beautification of the pond. They pointed to a contrast between the well-maintained pond to the north of the site, and the non-maintained pond on the apartment property. This particular pond will meet the requirements of the City, and will be maintained by the city in a manner similar to the attractive pond to the north. An additional concern raised by those in opposition to the development were assertions that at a 1968 King county Planning commission meeting considering the approval of the Westfair Apartments, this site was designated as a perpetual greenbelt. Residents testified that the Planning Commission had approved the apartments subject to a screening buffer which consisted of this parcel. However, the residents and City staff have conducted an exhaustive search of King County RES #93-150, EXHIBIT D, Page - 3 11. 12. 13. EXHIBIT B PAG E l-r5 OF 4 records, and have performed a title search on the property. There are no records which substantiate that this property was to remain a greenbelt, and there are no notations on the title to the property restricting its use in any manner. while the city Council is sensitive to promises and commitments which are made at public hearings, without written documentation it is not legal or proper to require a parcel to remain as a perpetual greenbelt based upon oral statements made at a Planning commission meeting many years ago. The Planning commission is a body which makes recommendations to the legislative body, the ultimate decision-making authority. The preliminary plat request is a decision which must be made using Process III. section 22-490 of the FWCC contains the criteria which an applicant must establish in order to obtain a recommendation of approval to the City Council. Findings required on each criteria are hereby made as follows: A. The project is consistent with the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan. As previously stated the site is located within the Suburban Residential classification which allows both RS 7.2 and RS 9.6 zones. The plan recommends a density range of four to six dwelling units per acre in the Suburban Residential classification. The applicant's proposed density conforms with that range. B. The proposed development is consistent with the FWCC, as well as other applicable development codes and regulations. C. Development of the site in accordance with the applicable development codes and regulations and conditions of approval will ensure that the public health, safety, and welfare is maintained. section 20-112 of the FWCC requires the Examiner to review a preliminary plat request for compliance with section 20-2, design criteria and development standards of sections 20-157 and 20-178 through 20-187, RCW 58.17 and other applicable ordinances and regulations of the City. As previously stated, this preliminary plat meets all requirements of all City codes. The site, likewise, meets the requirements of the State Subdivision Code, RCW 58.17. FWCC Section 22-1157 provides sight-clearance standards for driveways entering the right-of-way equal to 10 feet. The challengers to the plat argue the more restrictive provisions of the King County Road Standards requiring 490 feet should apply to this plat pursuant to FWCC section 1516 (B) which states that "until permanent standards" are adopted, the City will use the King County Road Standards "except where RES # 93-150, EXHIBIT D, Page - 4 1. 2. EXHIBIT B PAG E 1-Σ: OF 2b otherwise indicated in sections 22-1517 -uïrõUgh 22-1~2J. Where there are conflicts, the provisions establishing the larger or more intense requirements shall be followed." The Council finds that the city's adoption of section 22-1157 consti tutes the city's adoption of a "permanent" sight- clearance standard and therefore, the King County Road Standards do not apply. In addition, section 1516 of the FWCC deals with "construction standards" (physical improvements to the property such as surfacing requirements, lighting) not "design standards" such as required visibility distance from a driveway. section 1516(A) lists the types of specifications which are intended. They are construction specifications and omit sight-clearance requirements. 14. IV. CONCLUSIONS The applicant's request for a zone reclassification from RS 9.6 to RS 7.2 fails to meet the criteria for said zone reclassification as set forth in the FWCC. The proposed preliminary plat of wildwood Estates meets all requirements of all applicable Federal Way codes and regulations, as well as RCW 58.17.110. This preliminary plat will serve the public use and interest by providing an attractive location for single-family residential development convenient to shopping and other retail services. This site will continue to provide a buffer, albeit a residential buffer as opposed to a natural buffer, for property owners in Lakota Palisades from the Westfair Apartment complex. DATED this 7th day of 'COUNCILMEMBER, SKIP PRIEST MARYK\PLDI WILDWOOD .CC RES #93-150, EXHIBIT D, Page - 5 September , 1993. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MA~~ Recused COUNCILMEMBER, RON / lv GINTZ 'L- EMBER, Recused COUNCILMEMBER, RAY TOMLINSON WILD WOO D ESTATES 12, Twp. 21 N., Rge. 3 E., City of Federal Way King County, Washington APPROVALS DIRECTOR OF COUMUNITY 0 EXAMINED AND APPROIIED 1HIS - DAY OF Sec. LEr'T, DESCRIPTION !H TlON OF !HE SOUTHEAST OUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST OUARTER OF SECTION 12. TOWNSHIP 21, ,i. RANGE 3 EAST, YtIllAI.tET'Œ MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOlLOWS; BEGINNING AT !HE INTERSEC11ON OF !HE NOR!H UNE OF SAID SUBDIVISION WITH !HE EAST MARGIN OF 21st AVENUE SOUTH'ItEST, SAID POINT BEING SOUTH es.35'OT EAST 30 FEET FROU THE NORTH- WEST CORNER OF SAID SUBDMSION: !HENCE CONTINUING SOUlH 88'"J5'OT EAST ALONG SAID NORlH UNE 120 F1:ET; !HENCE SOU!H 1"21'4" EAST" 738.99 FEET TO A POINT ON !HE NORTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF 21st AVENUE SOUlHWEST; !HENCE NORlHWESTERL Y AlONG SAID MARGIN TO THE lRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. (. SEE SUR'iEYOR'S NOTE No. 4, SHEEr 2 OF 2.) DEDICATION KNOW AlL PEOPI.£ BY THESE PRESENTS lHAT WE. THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN lHE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED. HEREBY DEa.ARE 'lHtS PlAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SUBDIVISION MADE HEREBY, NIl) DO HEREBY DEDICATE TO !HE USE OF !HE PUBUC FOREVER ALL STREETS ANO AVENUES NOT SHOWN AS PRIVATE HEREON AND DEDICATE THE USE lHEREOF FOR ALL PUBUC PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH THE USE !HEREOF FOR PUBUC HIGHWAY PURPOSES. AND AlSO !HE RIGHT TO IIAKE AU. NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS UPON !HE LOTS SHOWN HEREON IN THE ORIGINAL REASONABlE GRADING OF SAID STREETS AND AVENUES, AND FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBUC AlL !HE EASEMENTS AND lRACTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT. BUT NOT INa.UDlNG THE DRAIIIAŒ RElEASE AREA (DRA) ON LOTS ONE THROUGH !HREE: FOR AU. PtJBUC PURPOSES AS INDICATED HEREON, INa.uDlNG BUT NOT UIllTED TO PARKs. OPEN SPACE, Ul1I.JTIES ANO DRAINAGE UNU:SS SUOi EASEIIENTS OR lRACTS ARE SPEaFlCAlLY IDENTIFIED ON THIS PlAT AS BEING DEDICATED OR CONVEYED TO A PERSON OR ENTITY OTHER THAN THE PUBUC, IN ~ CASE WE DO HEREBY DEDICATE SUOi S1RŒTS. EASEIIENTS. OR lRACTS TO THE PERSON OR ENTITY IOENTlf'1ED ANO FOR THE PURPOSE STATED. F\JRTHER. THE UNDERSIGNED ~ OF THE LAND HEREBY SUBDI\IIDED, WAI\Æ: FOR THEIISELVES. 1HEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS NIl) ANY PERSON OR ENTITY DERIVING TI1l£ FROM !HE UNDERSIGNED, ANY AHD AlL CLAIMS F'OR IN.lJRY OR DAMAGES AGAINST !HE aTY OF FEDERAL WAY. ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNs. WHtOi ARE BASED IFON THE DESIGN. ESTAllUSHIlENT. CONSTRUCTION. OPERATION, OR MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND/OR DRAINAGE SYSl'DAS WITHIN 'lHtS SUBDtVlSlON. OR UPON IMPROPER DESIGN. ESTAllUSHMENT OR FAILURE TO OPERATE OR MAINTAIN ROADS AND/OR DRAINAGE SYSl'DAS "THlN THIS SUBDIVISION. FUR !HER. THE UNDERSIGNED o.IERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED. AGREE FOR THEIISEL\Æ:S. THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD !HE aTY OF FEDERAL WAY. ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. HARIII.£55 FROM ANY IN.AJRY OR DAMAGE. INa.UDlNG ANY COSTS Of DEFENSE. a.AIMED BY PERSONS "!HIN OR WITHOUT THIS SUBDI'IISiON TO HA\Æ: BEEN CAUSED BY: (1) ALTERATIONS OF THE GROUND SURFACE, \Æ:GETATIOM. DRAINAGE. OR SURFACE OR SUB-SURFACE WATER F1.0WS WI!HIN THIS SUBDIVISION; OR (2) BY DESIGN. ESTABUSHMENT, OPERATION. CONSlRUCTION. OR MAINTENANCE Of' THE ROADS AHD/OR DRAINAGE SYSl'DAS WI!HIN THIS SUBOI'IISlON: OR (3) BY IMPROPER DESIGN. ESTAllUSHIIENT. OR CONSlRUC1ION. OR FAILURE TO OPERATE OR MAINTAIN !HEßOADS AND/OR DRAINAGE SYSl'DAS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION. ')I'IISiON. DEDICA TlOM. WAIVER OF CLAIMS' AND AGREEIIENT TO HOlD HARIlt.£SS IS MADE WITH CONSENT AND IN ACCORONICE WI!H THE DESIRES OF SAID OWNERS. !HIe- THI OOLORIS A. F15HER WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS UNITED STATES CORPORATION ACKHO 1fLEDG EMENTS STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )55 ) COUNTY OF I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HA\Æ: SATISfACTORY E'IIOENCE THAT OOLORIS A. FlSHER IS THE PERSON WHO APPEARED BEFORE liE. AND SAID PERSON ACKNOWLEDGED !HAT SHE SIGNED THIS INSTRUIlENT AND Aa<NOWUDGED IT TO BE HER FREE AND VOUJNTARY ACT FOR THE USES NIl) PURPOSE:S 1ÆN11ONED IN 1HE INSlRUMENT. DATED SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBUC IIY APPOINT\lENT EXPIRES STATE Of WASHINGTON ) )SS ) COUNTY OF I CERTIFY !HAT I KNOW OR HA\Æ: SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT IS THE PERSON WHO APPEARED BEFORE 1otE. AND SAID PERSON ACKNOWLEDGED !HAT (HE/SHE) SIGNED THIS INSlRUIIENT. ON OA!H STATED !HAT (HE/SHE) WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSlRUIIENT AND ACKNOWI..EDŒD IT AS THE OF TO BE !HE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUGH PARTIES FOR !HE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN !HE INSTRUIIENT. DATED SIGNA TURE OF NOTARY PUBUC IIY APPOINT\lENT EXPIRES DRAINAGE EASEMENT RESTRICTIONS SlRUCTURES. FlLL OBSlRUCTlONS. OR IMPROVEMENTS Of ANY KINO (INCLUDING BUT NOT UIotITED TO DECKS. PA11OS. OUTIIUILDINGs. SHEDS. OR OIlERHANGS) SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WllHlN DRAINAGE EAS'" 'TS SHOWN ON !HIS PlAT UNLESS O!HERWISE APPROIIED IN wRITING BY THE CITY OF F1:f YAY PUBUC WORKS DEPART\lENT. RESTRICTlO NS NO LOT OR A PORTION OF A LOT IN !HIS PLAT SHALL BE DIVIDED AND SOLD OR RESOLD OR O\\tlER- SHIP CHANCED OR lRANSF1:RRED WHEREBY !HAT O\\tlERSHIP OF ANY PORTION OF THIS PLAT SHALL BE lESS THAN THE AREA REQUIRED FOR THE USE DISlRlCT IN WHICH IT IS LOCATED. VOL/PC. W.M. EXHIBIT I ~ OF Z- ,19- DIRECTOR. aTY OF FEDERAl WAY DEPART\lENT or PUBUC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROIIED THIS - DAY Of .19- aTY ENGINEER. aTY Of f'EDERAL WAY F1:DERAL WAY aTY COUNCIL EXAMINED AND APPROIIED 1HIS - DAY Of' .19- MAYOR. CITY OF FEDERAl WAY KING COUNTY DEPART\lENT OF ASSESSIIENTS EXAMINED AND APPRDIIED THIS - DAY OF .19- KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUIIBER DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID. 1\iAT !HERE ARE NO OEUNOUENT SPEaAL ASSESSIIENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS Of'F1CE FOR COLLECTION ÀIÏID !HAT AlL SPEaAL ASSESSI.IÐITS CERTIFIED TO THIS ornCE FOR COUECTION ON ANY OF !HE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED. DEDICATED AS S1REETS. ALLEYS OR FOR OTHER PUBUC USE ARE PAID IN FULL THIS - DAY Of .19- FlNANCE DIVISION MANAGER. FINANCE OI'llSiON DEPUTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT OF WILDWOOD ESTATES IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY AND SUBDIVISION IN SECTION 12. TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST. W.M.. !HAT THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORREClLY HEREON. !HAT THE 1ot0NUIotENTS WILL BE SET AND THE LOT AND BLOCK CORNERS WILL BE STAKED CDRRECll Y ON lHE GROUND AS CONS1RUCTION IS COMPlETED AND !HAT I HA\Æ: FULLY COMPUED .",1H THE PROVISIONS Of THE PLAT11NG REGULATIONs. PAUL E. MORROW P.LS.. CERTIFlCATE No. 22962 DALEY-MORROW-PO8L.ETE. INc. 1215 CENlRAL AVENUE SOU!H. SUITE 133 KENT. WA. 98032 (253) 854-9344 EASEMENT RESERVATIONS AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY RESERIIED FOR AND GRANTED TO PUGET SOUND palER AND UQiT COWPANY U.S. WEST COI.tMUNICATlONS COIIPANY. WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS COMPANY. ANY CABLE TELE\llSiON COMPANY AND THEIR RESPEC11\Æ: SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, UNDER AND UPON THE EXTERIOR TEN FEET PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING !HE SlREET FRONTAGE OF All. LOTS IN WHICH TO INSTALL. LAY, CONSTRUCT. RENEW. OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND PIPE. CONDUIT. CABt.£S AND WIRES WITH NECESSARY FAaUTlES AND OTHER EOUIPMENT FOR !HE PURPOSE OF SER'IING THIS SUBDI'IISiON AND OTHER PROPERTY WI!H ELEClRIc. ID.EPHONE AND O!HER UTIUTY SER'IICE TOGETHER 'MTH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE LOTS AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSE:S HEREIN STATED. THESE EASEMENTS ENTERED UPON FOR 1HESE PURPOSE:S SHAlL BE RESTORED AS NEAR AS POSSEU: TO THEIR ORIGINAl CONDITION BY THE UTIUTY. NO UNES OR WIRES FOR THE lRANSIIISSION OF ELEClRlC CURRENT OR FOR 1EL.EPHONE USE OR CABLE ltLEVISiON SHAlL BE PLACED OR PERWlfTEO TO BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN A CONOIAT ATTACHED TO A BUILDING. RECORDING CERTIFICATE FILED FOR RECORD AT !HE REQUEST OF THE FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNaL !HIS DAY OF .19_, AT _MINUTES PAST _II. AND RECORDED IN VOLUIotE Of PlATS. PAGES RECORDS Of KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. DIVISION Of RECORDS AND ELECTIONS IotANAGER SUPERINTENDENT Of RECORDS /".. :.~~ :'-.-...~~ ~3t DALEHAOAROW-POBI...EI'E, N:. 1215 CENTRAL AVENUE SOUTH, sum: 133 KENT, WASHINGTON 98032 PHONE, (253)85"-934-4 (FAX)854-6663 ð r- "- 'V f:) PORTION or S.E.1/4. N.E.l/4 SEC. 12. T-2IN. R-3£. W.M. '§b.."".~... [) ~ ~ o=:-J( M'" CITY OF FEDERAL WAY SUB 90-0004 SHEET 1 OF 2 ( 1/16 CORH£R ----...... N 8B"~' '~" W (M) ~~~/DH 1.4.' N 88'".,'.." 'II (P) P£RADfL<ŒP- ~N 01'21'~ -/29HOW5 '1193.61' (u) Sec. - 1193.6.' (P) S.", 3O7th ST. 'N 88'"39'0'" W (u) "./2..eRASS/l«JN/CASE ~ N ""39'0'. ., - 0.19' N 88'"~ 'II (P) \ or JN1IRSEC11ON 1<48.79 CM) - 29 -.. 1<48.76' {P) ...f"OHlO- 'I' ã:' \. PUNCH/I. "..eRASS/l«JN/CASC : ...,.... FND 29 H(N 95 ;:; :;¡~ 'liES" ~ =~ DoNDO/59-90 - FtE, ,7 .. "O~'FtI'C" I' S 88"35'07" E:(D) H 88"32'18" .. VOL/PG. WILDWOOD ESTATES 12, Twp. 21 N., Rge. 3 E., W.M. City of Federal Way EXHIBIT e King County, Washington Nom: PAG E z, OF I. OOWNSI'OUT NOTB AU. BUItDING ~ FOOT1NG - - - FROM AU. fMP£JMOIJS SURFACES SUCH AS PAOOS - ORI'ÆIMYS SIW.I. II( CONN£C1£D 10 THE AI'PI!IMD P£RWAN£HT STORI< ORA/N 0tIT\..ET AS SHOWN ON THE APPRO\IÐI CONSTRI,<;TI()H ORAWINGS No. SU8 OO-OO<U ON f1l£ WI'" TH£ arr or F£D£RAl '/lAy PU8UC WORKS DtJ'ARTIEHT. THIS PI.N< SIW..l 8£ ~ ...... THe APPUCAOON OF - 8lJIlDfNG PERtoIT. AU. COHN[C11ONS OF THE OIWNS MUST 8£ CONSTRUt1m - APPR<MD PRIOR 10 THe ANAl. BUIlDING INSPECTION APPAOIIAL 2. AU. INOMOUAL """""""' OUI1EJ'S SIW.I. 8£ PRlVAm.y .-J) - """'-A/N£D 8Y THE LOT 0WNfJI. D.,7 I.f~~ f'1' .. -<;p. NO'..5 J"I'-°D\~' 1']./ -¡a.... ~o z, N£ 1/16 CORNER SEe. 12-21-3 8 :t~~ 8 0 co 7 '" ... 0 "- Z " .. 6 ...1 J Z 0 0 > iñ :> ã £I~ . "- ö ... Z II) W Q 0{ II) J 0{ Q 5 ~ 0 ~ :5 4- MERIOIAN PER: PlÁT OF REDONDO WEST VOl. "7/89-90 VERTICAl.. DATUM: KCAS BÐlCHtAARK: RIM OF SS . IAAHHOl£ AT SOUTH EDGE: ;:; AP~:OXJOI~ N. t:s~ OF ;.. 21ST AV[. S.W. ELEVATION: 275.78 rJ Å.Å. I'" Qv .}. ~ 3. TRACT .A. SIW..l II( D£IJICArm TO THE arr OF f'ED£RAL WAY FOIl STORW """""""' D£T[H1JON PIJRPOS(S AS A RESULT or THE R£COROING or THIS "",r. vEG£TATION IOU. II( _TAlN( ) -.......y 10 """"0£ AD£OUATE SIGHT OISTANŒ THROUQf THE CUR\IE. 4. 11<£ 9£AR1NG "SOUTH 1'21',. EAST P£II IUD REIXJAŒD UNOOI R£COROIHG No. 9004201361 APP£N<S TO BE .. ERROR. ADJO/HING D£EDS R£CORŒD UNOIJI R£COROING N<JNŒRS 751229OJ5J - 760427OJ9S SPECIfY THe OIR£C1ION TO 8£ os 01.2""" .. """ ........ 0,.21'..' .-..sr. RESPECTIvElY. fNSTRUMEHT R£COROfI) UNO£R R£COROING No. 8804""""'" SPEC1F1ES 'SOUTH 01.21'..' WEST. PARAU..EI. WITH TH£ WEST UNE: or SAID SU8OMSION" THE IHTDfT or WHICH - UTIUZ£I FOIl THIS SU8ÐMSION. 5. AOOR£5S[S SHOWN H£R£ON WERE PfIO\IIIJÐ If( THE arr OF f'ED£RAL WAY PRIOR TO THE R£COROIHG OF THIS PlAT AND ARE SU8J£CT m crwa. £ACH LOrs AOOR£SS IOU. BE CONf1RJÆI) 8Y THE CtTY POIOR TO TH£ 0CCtJPAHC'f or THE 0W£l.U' G ON tHAT LOT. .. f1IlJ GATA FOIl THIS PlAT WAS OSTAHD If( COMIEHIIOHAl DfR£CT F1ElD 1'RA\o£IISE WETHOOS. IoNGUN/ - UH£AR REL411ONSH1P$ wERE IIfA5URED ...... A TEN SCCOHO TOTAl. STATION SIJPPL£1oÆHTED ...... A STŒL rAPE 7. TH£ SURVEY roR THIS SUSOMSION WŒIS OR EXCEEDS THE FI£lD TRAI/Ð!SE STAHIWIOS FOIl lANO 8OUN0AIIY SUR1IÐS P£II .,11; JJ2-'JO-O!IQ. 8. FW. I!£UAHC£ HAS 8££N PlACfD .. 0tD II£PU8UC IITl£, LtD.PlAT C£RI1F1CATE 0R0fJI No. 305940, OArm AUGUST 7, 1997 AT 8:.30 All. FOIl DISCLOSUfiE OF ASSOCIArm £ASDÆHTS. 9. OURING THE COURS£ or CONSIRUCTION OF - LOT - THIS SUIIOMSIOH. srus-our IHvERT El£VAIIOHS FROM STORJ 0R0\HIGE NIO/OII -- SEW£R SHOUlJ) BE \IERIAfD 8Y THE: "IJMOUAl LOT 8IaD£R OR 0WNfJI TO PRO\IIŒ THE: ~ SI.OP£ FROM THE: PROPOSED HOUSE. 10. -- RElEASE AA£A FlOOD £LE\IIIoOOlO - 288.OJ. I I. ()A V('oO A'IS FOIl LOTS . """ 7 SIW..l BE "'-"'ED P£II THE API'fIOvED aw. EHQNŒRING PlNIS ON R£CORD ...... THE PU8UC WORKS DØWrTW£HT f1l£ I SUII9O-OOCU. 12. IJtJRIfC THE: COURSE OF COHSTRUCI1OH OF - LOT - THIS SU8OMSIOH. srus-our IHvERT E1.£VAIIONS ""'" STORJ DIiAINN:£ _/OR -/oR'( S£W£R SHOUlJ) II( 1ÆRIF1ED 8Y THE: INIJMOUAL LOT EIUfL.D£JI OR """'" TO PJ<O\IIO£ THE: N£CESSAIIY SI.OP£ FROM THE """""5m HOUSE. 1J. .... IJRAIHAG£ RElEASE AA£A C""j INOICATED ON LOTS 1-3. INCLUSIIiE. OF THIS PlAT IS LOCArm ........ A CLOSED O£PRESSIOH THAT HAS 8££N SET ASIO£ - RESÐMD ,OR fNf1LTRAT1OH OF STORI< ""TER FROM ADJN;£N ' PROP€RTY, PURSt.IAHT TO THE: DRAINAG( Ra.£ASC 00CtJIEHT OArm NOvEW8£R 12. 1975 - R£CORD£D UND£R KING COUHIY AIDTOR'S FI.£ No. 76QJ29OJðl. OU£ TO THE RES£J!VATION or THIS AA£A FOIl 0_. AU. IIIPI!<MWENTS ON LOTS I-', IHClUSIIiE. COTH£R ""'" rn«:ING WUST 8£ COHSTRUCTm AOOUT THE 100-'ŒAR, 7-OAY FlOOD EU:1OIJJJN D£TERtON£D 8Y T><£ STORW """""""' TECHNICAl. "",,-- R£POIIT roR WILDWOOO ESTATES. OArm .....Y 28. "" - - F£IIRUARY 20. 19"", ON f1l£ ...... THE: CITY OF FED£RAI. '/lAy PU8UC -.s DE:J'MR £HT. FIJRTHEJI, OU£ TO THE R£SÐ!VATION or THE ORA - IT'S EN\IIROHW£NTAI. S£NS/IMTY, STRIJC1UII£S. mJNG. GRADING, 08STRUCTI0H OR IWPAO\IÐIOß'S OF - KINO CINC1.UOING sur NOT I.MTED TO FENC£S, DECKS. PAnos. CIUT9UfLDINGS. SH£DS. OR OVERHANGS) SIW.I. NOT II( P£RMTTED ........ THE ORA INOICATED ON LOTS I-', IHClUSIIiE. or THIS PlAT, UM.£SS f'1RST ~ IN WRITING 8Y THE CtTY OF f'ED£RAL WAY PU8UC WORKS DtJ'ARTIEHT. - vEG£TATION REWOIIAL P!AHIWG. ""'IEHAHCE OR OTH£R N:;TMTY ........ THE: ORA REOUIRES PRIOR. wmTTEN .<PPRCNAI. or THE CtTY OF f'ED£RAI. ""Y PU8UC -.s O£PARTIEHT. THIS SIW..l NOT II( COHSTRU£D AS m R£S1RICT ROU11NE ""'IEHAHCE Ce.... """""" OR .........., OF YAIIO$, OR OF tANDSCAf'WG ........ THE ~ IN<<>SCAP£ aUff£R. 14. .... FM: C5) roar PRIVATE ROOF - fUIIIWG ""-""'GE EASÐoI£HT THROUGH LOT . IS FOIl THE 8£NEFIT or LOTS 5 - 6. WAINTENANC£ """ R£P- OF THIS S'ISIDI IS THE RESPOHSI8RJTY OF THE '-"""""'fI USING THe SYSTDL '5. THE FM: C5' roar PRIVATE ROOF - fUIIIWG ~ EASÐoI£HT THROUCH LOT 2-', INCWSIIÆ. IS FOIl THE 8£NEf1T OF LOTS 1 IHROUGH'. ~ - R£P- OF THIS S\'STÐI IS THE RESPOHSI8RJTY OF THE: l..-RS USING THE SYSTDL REFERENCES KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S UN' OF HE. 12-21-3 PLAT OF REDONDO WEST IoOl. 117/89--90 PLAT OF AD£LAIOE PARK IoOl. 66-96 PLAT OF LMOTA PAUSADES DIV. No. 1 PLAT OF LMOTA PAUSADES DIV. No. 2 RECORD OF SUR1IEY 7710289001 RECORD OF SUR1IEY 7801069001 RECORD OF SUR1IEY 88101.9013 RECORD OF SUR1IEY 8811169013 RECORD OF SUR1IEY 9208'9004 KING COUNTY ENGINŒR1NG DEPARTIÆHT SUR1IEY No. 12-21-3-1 ERCHIHGER ROAD OŒD 900.201361 OŒD 760'270395 INSTRUUENT 880.290805 ORAINAGE REl.£ASE 760329OJ61 lEGEND 0 - STD. KING CO. MON. IN CASE:/SIT/TYP. S. - MONUIÆNT FOUND AS NOTED (P) : PlAT OF REDONDO WEST VOL 117/89-90 (0) ~ OE£O 900.201361 - SEE: NOTE: No. . ABOVE (II) : UEASUR£O (RD): J.M. ERCHINGER ROAD SURVEY TACKS IN l.EAO SIT IN CURB ON LOT LlNE:S E:XTEND£O R£BAR &: CAP PLS No. 22962 SIT 0 RE:AR LOT CORNERS AREA OEDlCAT£O TO THE CITY OF FE:OE:RAL WAY FOR STORM DRAINAGE: OETENnON PURPOS£S AS A RESULT OF RE:CORDING THIS PlAT. (SEE NOTE 3) CSHE '/64 CORNER SEC. 12-21-3 I!RASS PlN/CONe - ON. 0.5. P£R lAKOTA PAUSAD£S OMSION NO. I f'NO I""""" N 01'21'1.. E 9.03' <u° f: Q.J .J-f CITY OF FEDERAL WAY SUB 90-0004 ADDRESSING LOT 1 - 3072. 21st Av[. S.W. LOT 2 - 3073. 21st AVE. S.W. LOT 3 - 30806 21st AVE. S.W. LOT. - 30816 21st AVE. S.W. LOT 5 - 30826 21st AVE. S.W. LOT 6 - 30836 21st AVE. S.W. LOT 7 - 30B.6 21st AVE. S.W. GRAPHIC SCALE 0 25 50 .. ' , ( IN TEET ) ¡¡Dab" 50 It. 100 I SHEET 2 OF 2 £NO J2~59"0 -- E '/16 c~j SEe. 12-21-3 "- ;;;:~""'~, FND/2-":~fI'" ... ¿,~ ~ ~:¡:: ~ ~U.. - ---:, ~; F~ I~c'~k~f~ -1 ~;; _N~"- ;; 1317.90' >: . . ., ~,~ I ~ '" '" POSIT1ON 'OR RO. ¡ PI FROM "". or: PT 13+52.64 STATIONING TO NORTIi ~ THE r... \. FOu.O\OING CUlM: OATA: .. ;... , 0-143.2'. ~.9 CSHE 1/64 CORNER .-/ o?, l-132.J'; !!;:: SEC. 12-21-3 .,. "1 T- 71..30 ~ Õ ~5~/CONe lION ~ ~ ,.r,..!;1~ >: oo/i9JUL96 :g I ~ '1>,' '...,S' I (NOT RO.Ct. P./.) '"I" '.r,~ ~ __~~7JI' _.UCRD) N ""22"9' ., UI6.g;. ~ SUBOMSION OF ~/~2~ EAST 1/2, NORTHEAST 1/4 J../BRASS SUfF - SECTION 12. T-21N. R-3E. IUI. ~I~' NO SCAlL -~"-ð IJI8.87' N£ CORNER S£C. 12-21-J PI< -.;ct)HC/'S1JRF lION ON C2) ASPH UfTS I _/1""""" =Ii;;; 3 ~ DAlEf-MOl'flOW-POBLETE. INC. 1215 CENTRAL AVENUE SOUTH. SUITE 133 KENT. WASHINGTON 96032 PHONE: C253)654-9344 CFAX)654-6663 ~ r- " "0 () ~~~ =::"Jr "'.. .. .. J -So \£)......::1 "'""" ~ s.w. 306th ~~ 15th PL. S.W. 7th ST. S.W. ~. 308th t/j ST. ~ !:J S. W. 309th CT. / ~- Wildwood Estates Fi nal Plat Vicinity Map . ~ s.w. u:) 313th ST. -. ~~ N Streets NFREEWAY N LOCAL N MAJOR . Fire Stations - Parks - Subject Property D City of Federal Way Scale: 1" = 420' E EXHIBIT D PAGE_.L.OF -L ~ERFIL ~~ s ~~ G)::E: m- ! m - "- -I , ~ '~I~ & ~ .-:. ~~ ..... -- 1i - ..,.... ~-"- - "':" -- -~-- .... ~ LAKOTA "AUSAOCS OM.'ON No.1 ""'- 87/" """'\., ~ .. . m GO ~ II . 0""'" r ~ ..... . ...... DOmII 0 '""'" JtHŒ """0'""""""'" """"" r '"""'....... .. 42/l- ct H ~ we~ le~Dr (.,~ðe... WILDWOOD ESTA' OWNER: B.C. CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 1086 WAPLZ VAUE'l. wA. 88038 - r . ,.,.., -~ ...... .~ - 0 ---- . '1IICII' '"" ... .- --.---- =-t- AD_a IDf I - 1072< "" M. L8. IDf . - JD7S4 ".. M. ..& 1Df' - - "...... U. IDf . - ..... ".. .... "0. IDf . - ..... ".. M. U. IDf . - ..... ".. .... U. IDf , - ..... ".. .... u. !&O- f: ::..:, :':,,"='m/T'fP. (P -""""-"""""'-"'- (0) - OIJD """,>1, -.. HI7II'" . - ""'" " WI> .. " .... II< IDf .- ......... ..... .. C» '" No. -- .. .. ....,. IDf - REVISION DATE AU6201197 GU'IIII ICWI 't._.J U T 1--. 1_.- .. ~~ A116 ¡O 11!7 LANDSCAPE PLAN ..., .. ~~~:' ~Blue Sky Landscape Services, Inc. ~ 8014 '.0., --..... p,q.JIup. Y8IIIIoc\Ga ee:r71 - (-) -- ru (108) no_I - L- ot 2 - - Blue Sky- LANDSCAPE SERVICES INC. LICENSE HBLUESLS 152 JP 9014 V ALLEY AVENUE EAST. PUY ALLUP, WASHINGTON 98371 (253) 845-2222 FAX (253) 770-8891 8-27-97 Mr. Scott Williams Planning and Land Use City of Federal Way 33530 - 1st Ave. S. Federal Way, WA. 98003 EXHIBIT £, PAG E~__- OF & Re: Wildwood Estates Landscape Buffer Mr. Williams, Mr. Barry Fisher ofB.c. Construction contacted me recently and indicated that the northern most group of screening trees in this development are within a low area. He indicated that this area may flood at times during the rainy season and that you had a concern that the fir trees may not live through the inundation. . I agree with tills observation. I would like to change the specified tree for tills group of three trees to Thuja plicata - Western Redcedar. They should do better in this condition. I hope tills letter and the direction of the owner to install this substitute tree will suffice for your approval of this plan. If you need further information, please contact me . Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, / ,~,~.~~ David B. Lowman - Landscape Architect Blue Sky Landscape Services, Inc. . ::~w -o:!) b DATE: October 15, 1997 TO: Phil Watkins, Chair Land Use and Transportation Committee Rick Perez, Traffic Engineer Rf FROM: SUBJECT: Sounding Board Ordinance Package to King County Council Background This memo is to update the City Council of the development underway with King County METRO's South County Sounding Board and seek City Council's input on new developments in the process of implementing a revised transit route structure. In Federal Way, service changes implemented in September 1997 include the following: 1. Midday service on Route 181 was increased to 30 minute headways. Route 181 was realigned between S 336th Street and Federal Way Transit Center from Weyerhaeuser Way S to S 336th Street, 20th Avenue S, and S 324th Street. 2. The new route to Kent (Route 183) was implemented. This replaced Route 902 and the portion of Route 192 south of the Star Lake Park and Ride. This created a gap in transit service on Military Road S between S 304th Street and S 288th Street, and requires that commuters now using the portion of Route 192 south of Star Lake transfer at Star Lake or Federal Way Transit Center to other commuter routes. 3. Route 194 was realigned from Pacific Highway S and S 348th Street between S 336th Street and the South Federal Way Park and Ride to S 336th Street and 9th Avenue S. 4. Route 903 was realigned between S 336th Street and Federal Way Transit Center from S 336th Street and 20th Avenue S to 1st Avenue S, S 320th Street, and 11th Place S. This also modifies the DART service area. It was recognized that other changes would be necessary to more fully implement the Sounding Board's recommendations. Metro had planned for these changes to occur in February 1998, but are now planned for June 1998. Matt Shelden of Metro will present the proposed service revisions with public comment provided at an Open House in September. RP:jg cc: Project File - Day File K:\LUTC\SBcrYREC.MMO DATE: October 13, 1997 TO: Phil Watkins, Chair Land Use/Transportation Committee '?"^ FROM: Ken Miller, Street Systems Manager SUBJECT: Military Road So and So 304th Street Widening and Intersection Improvement Project - 30% Design Approval BACKGROUND The Military Road So and So 304th Street Widening and Intersection Improvement Project was financed as a part of the 1995 voter approved bond issue. Currently, this roadway and intersection is very congested at peak traffic periods due to the lack of a left turn lane on Military Road. This project will widen the roadway and instalileft turn lanes and shoulders on Military Road and So 304th Street; install a mast arm traffic signal and lighting; and lower the intersection at So 304th Street and 28th Avenue So to provide adequate site distance. The project is approximately 30% designed and right-of-way acquisition has been identified at the intersection. After approval of the 30% design plans, right-of-way acquisition and final design will begin. The 30% complete project plans will be presented at the October 20, 1997 meeting for discussion. RECOMMENDATION Place the following items on the November 4, 1997 Council consent agenda for approval: 1. Approve the 30% design plans for the Military Road So and So 304th Street Widening and Intersection Improvement Project and proceed with final design. 2. Authorize staff to proceed with right-of-way acquisition for the project. KM\km cc: Project File Day File k:\lutc\MiI&304.30% Meeting date: 1O/201<n CITY OF - - . - EJ:J~ ~~~ DATE: October 13, 1997 TO: Phil Watkins, Chair Land U se/Transportation Committee ~~ FROM: Ken Miller, Street Systems Manager SUBJECT: 1998 Right of Way Landscape Maintenance Contract Bac~ground Upon incorporation, the City's Public Works Department contracted with King County for landscape maintenance services. In 1993, the Parks Department contracted with a private contractor for right of way landscape maintenance services and in late 1993, the Public Works Department assumed management of the contract. In 1994, Vadis Northwest was the low bidder for the work and the contract term was extended for one year through 1995. In 1996, Myer's Master Lawncare was low bidder and the contract was extended through 1997. The contract for right of way landscape maintenance pertains to maintenance of arterial streets only, and includes So 312th Street, So 320th Street, So 288th Street, So 348th Street, So 336th Street, SW 320th Street, 21st Ave SW, 1st Ave So, 1st Way So, and Library Lane (see attached map). Action Based upon the work performed under the previous contracts, staff is recommending revising the scope of work and rebidding the contract. The revisions include adjusting the frequency of mowing seasonally in certain locations, and increasing the limits of So 348th Street that are maintained to include the medianllandscape strip next to the truck stop. We anticipate bidding the contract in January, 1998 and bringing the results to Council in February for award. Recommendation Staff recommends forwarding the following to the November 4, 1997 City Council meeting on the consent agenda: 1) Authorize City staff to publicly bid the 1998 Right of Way Landscape Maintenance Contract; If bids received are within budget, present results directly to the City Council for award. 2) KM:jg attachment k:\1utc\98Iandsc.mem 1998 LANDSCAPE ~ MAl NTENANCE CONTRA CT SEA mE KENT PUGET SOUND '" ...... .'; ¡"T."" ; ,.....;. ;............ \s:,;':; ~-.~ .,." PßO.POS£P COH7'IUC7' ¥A/H7'A/H£P S7'ߣ£7'S ----5 288TH 5T - 30TH AIÆ 5 TO SR 99 ----5 312TH 5T - 5R 99 TO 1ST AIÆ 5 ----1ST A IÆ 5 - 5 350TH 5T TO 5 312TH 5T ----5 336TH ST - 5R 99 TO 1ST AIÆ 5 ----215T A IÆ SW - SW 356TH TO SW 312TH ST ----5W 320TH 5T - 5R 99 TO 47TH AIÆ SW ----5 348TH ST - SR 99 TO HOYT RD ----5W 342ND 5T (LIBRARY LN) - MEDIAN ----5W 356TH 5T - 1ST AIÆ 5 TO 215T AIÆ 5W ~ TACOMA DATE: October 13,1997 TO: Phil Watkins, Chair Land Use/Transportation Committee ~ FROM: Ken Miller, Street Systems Manager SUBJECT: The 1997 Sidewelk Replecement Project - Chenge Order BACKGROUND At its June 17, 1997 meeting, the City Council awarded the 1997 Sidewalk Replacement Project to Kodo Construction, Inc. The total approved project budget was $87,943.35, which included a 10% construction contingency of $7,994.85. The project is complete, and final costs were less than the original contract amount resulting in total savings of $22,742.85 ($14,748.00 project savings + $7,994.85 unused contingency). This amount could be used for additional sidewalk work proposed below: Schedule C - Decatur 25th Ave SW, SW 319th Street to SW 32Oth Street Portions of SW 319th Street, 24th Ave SW to 25th Ave SW SW 328th Street, 35th Ave SW to 36th Ave SW Schedule D - SW 328th Street Staff received costs for the additional work, based on contract unit prices from Kodo Construction, as follows: Schedule C/Decatur Schedule D/SW 328th Street $ 8,820.00 $13.950.00 Subtotal of the two additional schedules $22,770.00 Available funding from project savings $22.742.85 Additional required (includes 10% contingency $2,277) $ (2,304.15) The additional $2,304.15 could be funded from the Structures account, and staff therefore, recommends adding these two schedules to the 1997 Sidewalk Replacement Project. RECOMMENDA TION Forward the following recommendations to the November 4, 1997 Council meeting for approval. 1) Approve executing a Change Order to add Schedules C and D to the Kodo Construction, Inc. contract for the 1997 Sidewalk Replacement Project, increasing the original contract by $27.15 to $87,970.50 and approving a $2,277 contingency. KM:jg K:\LUTC\97SIDEWK.CO Meeting date: 10120/97 c~ @ 1997 SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PROJECT CHANGE ORDER 1 SCHEDUlE C SCtCDUlE 0 Vicin ity MaR CITY OF - -..- E:D~ ~~ RY" DATE: October 14, 1997 TO: Phil Watkins, Chair Land Use/Transportation Committee Jeff Pratt, Surface Water Division Manage~ n ¡\II David Renstrom, Water Quality Program Coordinator \)\1)1 FROM: SUBJECT: West Fork Hylebos Creek Riparian Habitat Grant Program BACKGROUND The Surface Water Management Division Comprehensive Surface Water Facility Plan (1996) included the West Hylebos Channel Stabilization and Habitat Improvement project, which was originally identified in the Hylebos Creek and Lower Puget Sound Basin Plan (1991). This project is tentatively scheduled for implementation in 1999-2000 in the Facility Plan. The project area generally includes the West Hylebos stream corridor from the southern edge of the West Hylebos Wetlands State Park at S. 356th Street south to the culvert crossing under Pacific Highway South at about 368th, just south of the Spring Valley Montessori School. Overall, the project area includes about one mile of stream channel. The project includes acquisition and restoration of this regionally significant resource, and serves an ultimate goal of connection with West Hylebos State Park. The restored and protected stream section will ensure fish passage to the State Park and will improve spawning and rearing habitat for salmon. Preliminary estimates indicate that up to sixty acres on portions of 23 privately owned parcels may be included within the project limits. Two stream rehabilitation projects have already occurred in the area, one at Brooklake in 1996 and this year in the stream segment at the Spring Valley Montessori School. These projects were funded from the Annual Programs portion of the Surface Water Management Capital Project Fund. The Surface Water Management Division is proposing to continue acquisition and restoration efforts in the identified area during 1998 by completing a topographical survey and a habitat and geotechnical investigation. This plan will identify specific stream improvements, provide preliminary design and engineering cost estimates, and complete the SEP A checklist. This plan will be funded by the Annual Programs portion of the Surface Water Management Capital Project Fund. It may be possible to supplement local funds with state and/or federal grant funds for property acquisition and planning. At least two competitive grant funds with supporting goals are accepting applications this Fall. With Council approval, the SWM Division is proposing to pursue one or more sources of this supplementary funding, including: The Washington State Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (lAC) is offering funds for the Riparian Habitat Program. Approximately $4 million is available. A minimum 25 % matching share is required. Projects and proposals are invited that protect riparian habitat through less-than- fee acquisition methods (for instance, Conservation Easements). Our proposal will request up to $500,000 for property acquisition. Our match to the potential grant opportunities will be provided by the planning effort, Le., receiving credit for staff and contractor time spent in the preparation of the Hylebos restoration planning. An application may also be made to EPA's Wetlands Grant Program, if that program provides an opportunity to fund these acquisitions or part of the planning effort A minmum 25 % matching share is also required. RECOMMENDA TION Place the following item on the October 20, 1997 Council Consent Agenda for approval: 1. Authorize the Surface Water Management Division of Public Works to apply for state and/or federal grant funding in support of the West Hylebos Riparian Habitat Acquisition and Improvement project. K: \SWM\MINORCIP\RESTOREP\IACGRNT. WPD I N R T E MEMO 0 F F I c E To: From: Subject: Date: Land Use Transportation Committee Phil Watkins, Chair Mary Gates Ron Gintz lAAA 11 Greg Moore, AICP p:::J' V , Director of Community Development Services Request for Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Map, Permitted Land Uses Chart change October 13, 1997 Attached (Exhibit A) you will find a letter ITom Jim Vander Giessen, President of Pro Remgeration, Inc., requesting Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Map and permitted land uses chart changes for 1636 South 333rd Street. The Zoning and Comprehensive Plan designations are depicted on Exhibit B. ReQJlests: Options: 1. Current Comprehensive Plan designation: Multifamily. Requested Comprehensive Plan Designation: Community Business. 2. Current Zoning Map designation: RM 3600 (12 units per acre) Requested Zoning Map Designation: BC, Community Business 3. Request a change to the permitted land uses chart to allow assembly in BC, Community Business, Zone. 1. Direct that this request be considered in the Comprehensive Plan update scheduled for later this year. 2. Take no action and allow them to make application during next year's annual update process. PRI REIR/IERA T/III/Ilc.cOMMUN,~]~ã~~E~T ~&ARTMEm P.O. Box 1528 Auburn WA 98071-1528 nCT ~ íæ'Y PHONE:(253) 735-9466 FAX: (253) 735-2631 PAGE#10F1 Tuesday, October 07, 1997 City of Federal Way 33530 1st Way South Federal Way, W A 98003 TEL: (206) 661-4013 FAX: (206) 661-4024 EXHIBIT A PAGE I OF I Attn.: Greg Moore Director of Community Development Ref.: Comprehensive Plan Update I had the privilege of having lunch today with City Council Member Mary Gates. The lunch meeting's purpose was to discuss the possibility of relocating my business to Federal Way. Council Member Gates was very helpful in explaining to us the steps that would be required to make this a possibility. The proposed location of the property, 1636 S. 333rd St., now has a zoning classification ofRM3600. We understand that a change of zoning would be required. The western adjacent property, located on the comer of State Highway 99 and 333rd Street is currently zoned Community Business (BC). This leads us to two questions; the first being the possibility of having the zoning on this property changed to BC, and the second being if my business could be properly located with-in this listing. Pro Refrigeration assembles and sells water chiller systems. The assembly involves; mounting the components onto a welded steel frame, piping the components with copper piping, mounting sheet metal panels over the exterior, and wiring the components to a Listed Electrical Panel. We are currently leasing an 8,000 Sq. Foot facility in Auburn, our expanding business has forced us to look elsewhere for a location which could facilitate a 12,000 Sq. Foot Building. I am not familiar with the processes of city government on issues such as this. Council Member Gates explained that contacting you via this letter as the first step. If you feel this request has a possibility of approval by the Land Use Commission. We would like to attend and testify at the next scheduled meeting on October 20, 1997. Please contact me with questions or comments. S in.c......~~ / //. eI ~/ ..,~k~ ~~~d;~. s~n // PreSident, Pro Refrigeration Inc. " " " " " B I ,: (MUl TIF AM) :' " " ¡: :, PAGE I -..-..-.- B ~, ; en:; en:' M 1800 RM 2400 . (j) ~ a:; , : :J'CI) CD ¡ '-<~ ~.:~ :~ 0 ;¡ uj~: () ~ " : ~ ..1:.. ... .. " .. , (MUL T~FAM) j: ,. - - - - -, -. ---- [I ': ~ -C 16:6 S",3~rd St. J: ~ '1 0:1 (COMBUS) ¡~ .- ~,:..........,....""""".."..",.,.,,......,.~. "",'""..., """-.'" ........'"..~ .. ~ '-""""""""...."..".""". ", S. 33'3ra~'$r~"""""""'-."~"""-'" """"""""""""""""'-ï \U ,.,_." "" , a. '; .'" ,.."" """"(W'--""""""""'""""--.""""",-"""",, """.""', , ""---'1""""'""",., ...."~.., RM18 M360 (COMBUS) " (MUL TIFAM) ¡ ¡: I: : ~ :¡ ..' if" Legend: c=J Parcels ProRefrigeration Site Zoning and Comprehensive Plan Designations ~ N Zoning: BC - Community Business RM1800 - Multi Family, 1 Unit/1800 Sq. Ft. RM2400 - Multi Family, 1 Unit/2400 Sq. Ft. pl\t13600 - Multi Family, 1 Unit/3600 Sq. Ft. mprehensive Plan Designations: (COMB US) - Community Business (MUL TIFAM) - Multi Family Federal Way CityMap SCALE 1 :2001 Note: This map is intenteel for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy, 90 0 90 180 Feet