LUTC PKT 10-29-1997 .. DATE: TO: FROM: RE: .." -."'...",...... I CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM October 29, 1997 City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee Phil Watkins, Chair Margaret H. Clark, AICP, Senior Planner Status Report on the Enchanted Parks Annexation The following is a status report on the Enchanted Park annexation per Chairman Watkins' request. I. II. BACKGROUND In February of 1995, the City of Federal Way received a 10 percent petition to annex certain property. The area within the ten percent petition is generally bounded by SR 161 (Enchanted Parkway), Interstate 5, and the existing City of Milton limits (Exhibit 1). On March 2 I, 1995, the City Council held a public meeting at which the council accepted the 10 percent annexation petition and authorized the circulation of the 60 percent petition. At that meeting, it was decided that a Concomitant Zoning Agreement (CZA) would be utilized for the Enchanted Park property. This agreement was intended to allow for flexibility while protecting the environment. The remainder of the properties would utilize the interim zoning and comprehensive plan designation process. During the comprehensive plan adoption process which culminated with the adoption of the City of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan in November 1995, all properties covered by the ten percent petition were given permanent comprehensive plan designations and as part of the adoption of the August I, 1996 City of Federal Way Zoning Map, the properties were pre-zoned. The Enchanted Park property was pre-zoned Office Park 4 (OP4) and the remainder of the properties were pre-zoned residential Suburban Residential (SE), Single Family Residential (RS 7.2), and multi-family RM 3600 (Exhibit 2). However, no development standards were established for the OP4 zoning classification within the city zoning code. A sixty percent petition received on October 27, 1997 covered only that area north of 369th Street (Exhibit 3). FUTURE TIMING AND PROCESS Please refer to the attached timeline for future timing and process for the annexation (Exhibit 4). City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee October 29, 1997 Page 2 I I III. MAJOR POINTS OF THE CONCOMITANT The Concomitant includes the following major points: 1. It covers all existing development within the developed area of the park shown on Exhibit 5. All new development will be subject to regulations in effect at the time of project application. 2. It proposes the upgrade of perimeter landscaping around the existing developed area (Exhibit 6). 3. It proposes to include a 11. 47 acre parcel in the south to be developed as a parking lot with approximately 1,100 parking spaces. 4. Drainage improvements included within the concomitant will Improve existing drainage conditions on-site. S. It proposes that for any expansion, modification or relocation of existing commercial recreational facilities or addition of new commercial recreational facilities, within the developed area shown on Exhibit 5, there would be no requirement to meet FWCC, Article Iv. Nonconformance. 6. A baseline of 2,000 parking spaces will be retained at all times. As additional development is proposed, parking based on city requirements will be added. 7. Signs except the 7S foot free-standing sign will be subject to the amortization provisions of the sign code and a new provision will be included which allows one regional high profile freestanding sign. City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee October 29, 1997 Page 3 IV. MAJOR POINTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR THE OP4 ZONE 1. It sets up development standards upon which new development wiII be based, except as agreed to in the concomitant agreement. 2. It uses the existing Office Park (OP) zone as a basis for permitted uses and development standards and adds the following permitted uses!: A. Regional Commercial Facility B. Hotels on a parcel not to exceed five acres C. Restaurants D. Retail sales not to exceed 100,000 square feet, except there would be no restrictions on retail on Parcel Q (Please refer to Exhibi~ 7 for location of Parcel Q). E. Caretaker Residence F. Accessory Uses G. Temporary Uses 3. It allows one regional high profile freestanding sign meeting certain standards. ! The existing King County zoning for the site is Regional Business (RB) which allows a wide range of comparison retail, wholesale, service and recreational/cultural uses with compatible storage and fabrication uses, serving regional market areas. I:\ENCHTEDW\BRIEFLUc.WPDIOctober 3D, 1997 v, -' w I if) Q > w ~ « '-> .,-- s (.f) .,-- RecËI eD , F1:8 2 3 95 ( ';;':( Clr;RK8 0 FleE; L.() en.' û¡:: F~OERA WAY "Í""N N CD 364 Way Ul w > <t CD N It s .J:.e, ,~o;x: ~ City of -< ,èJj\ 'v ('y <:> --.... ~ - ø_.~._.1 S 0 s- . gliltoffi ~IBIT 1.' EX OF i ORIGH\IALPAGE 1- "\ '.. . . Kln,~'!!!.... ~ce County ,- ! /--/-/ 1- ..-- r ~". /" en ui ~ .¡; II) ("I Nt 1"0 Q 0'/ .1.4::' ~ !::::- ~ ~ - - - - -'--- - - - -,- - ~I Milton -- ----------' KIng County -------~ PIerce County ,. f PAGE 1- OF :î Proposed Enchanted Park Annexation To the City of Federal Way :': "::>;-m;!i!V J:y::,!:/:','" : ,"mm,,;> .' . --.. ~ ..--# .. .: .'............ ... #~~~\/ :: :.::', ," ',<> ~, " \ ",:', " " '~ "." ,', \ -~'. " .' ;,i,.....; !r¡t~:~::;);:)':)~ :,~II~..:,:::. ,: 'f~\ '.. ,'.,.:/it.i,:',,>: ,~\, :..~,I.:,;,f~¿}~ """".""":",:"""",;",,,,"'\Lake' """"'I""""'!"~"'~;\~ ,:::,.:,:.' - --- ";' / '-"', ..... ," ~ ~ ST. ~ ?' Scale: 1 to 6480 1 Inch equals 540 Feet ~oo Feet Map Dato: May 19, 1997. City of FlldoraJ Way, 33530 FillitWay S FlldoraJ Way, WA 98003 (253) 661-4000. PAGE Thi, map i, intondod for u,o u a grõl lhicaJ roprusontation ONt Y Tho City of FlldoraJ Way makos no . warranty u to it, accuracy. ""-""':"', ".,-, _.'~ ~ final configuration of thlS'proPOSed annexation is subject ~o change. For an annexation, signatures Y representing at least 60% of the assessed value must be gathered. legend: City of Federal Way . tr::~ Park Area Vicinity Map IT 3 :L OF ~~ N .~~ = GIS DIVISION ~~ Ci):J: m- m ~- -t I 0 "1-1::. ~ 10/28/97 SEP A Issued 2/9/97 BRB Makes a Decision Annexation Complete *NOI - Notice of Intent *BRB - Boundary Review Board 1:\ENCHTEDW\TIMELlNE.CCIIOClober 30,1997 ~ +- BRB Review (45 Days) Enchanted Park Annexation Project Time line 11101/97 Public Notice for ] 1/13/97 CC/PC public hearing published in Federal Way News & Tacoma Tribune 12/26/97 NOI* to BRB* ~ 11103/97 LUTC Briefing Circulate 60% Petition +- (12/16/97) Council Holds 2nd Hearing on zoning, holds public hearing on 60% petition, votes whether to accept 60% petition then votes on Annexation Ordinance ~ +- 11/12/97 SEP A Comment Period Complete 1 111 0/97 LUTC/PC holds 1 st Hearing on zoning at Special Meeting. v v u , - ;1~ ~~ ~z a ~ ». 7 ~' ~' I ><. i ål! z, \ ... \\ , '. 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