Council MIN 10-20-2015 SpecialCITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Council Chambers - City Hall October 20, 2015 — 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the Special Meeting to order at the hour of 5:33 p.m. City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Deputy Mayor Jeanne Burbidge, Councilmember Lydia Assefa- Dawson, Councilmember Kelly Maloney, Councilmember Bob Celski, Councilmember Martin Moore and Councilmember Dini Duclos. City staff in attendance: Chief of Staff Brian Wilson, City Attorney Amy Jo Pearsall, and City Clerk Stephanie Courtney. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Joann Piquette led the flag salute. 3. STUDY SESSION a. City of Federal Way Image Re- Branding Criteria Chief of Staff Brian Wilson gave a brief presentation on the history and work to date on the Council Initiative of Image and Branding Services. He stated the purpose of this discussion is to gather Council input regarding the services requested and the program elements of an image and rebranding effort. He identified four objectives of an image and branding campaign which include: Objective #1: Understand the current brand; gain insights through research from stakeholders and community audiences; determine what needs to be overcome regarding the current brand; and identify a schedule and process to review deliverables. Objective #2: Develop a brand identity and communications strategy that reflects what the city has to offer; identify a schedule for image and branding campaign; identify strategy elements; and develop a plan to measure effectiveness. Objective #3: Develop a plan, strategy, and tactics for a successful brand and image communications; identify components; identify amenities and what is available within the city; confirm targeted audience; and identify process for city review and feedback. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 1 of 3 October 20, 2015 Objective #4: Implementation of a brand identity, strategy, and target audience campaign within a 2016 budgeted amount of $100,000; identify ways to reach stakeholders- audiences; and develop timelines for strategy summary, analysis of results, and review with City staff and elected officials. Mr. Wilson noted the next step following this meeting would be the Request for Proposals (RFP) in November 2015; and Initiate Rebranding Effort in December 2015 /January 2016. Council thanked Chief Wilson for his presentation and asked clarifying questions including who will oversee this effort. Additional discussion centered on including populations and communities not normally involved in these processes such as youth and children, religious and other diverse populations such as the Hispanic community. Chief Wilson agreed the city has rich diversity and will make efforts to reach out to involve more community partners. Citizen Comment: Betty Taylor, stated she is disappointed in the lack of citizen participation at this meeting; she agrees the youth should be involved in this process and suggested partnering with the schools or school district. b. Council Rules of Procedure City Attorney Amy Jo Pearsall gave a presentation on the Council's Rules of Procedures which are updated every few years. She stated she would go over the various rules which currently have suggested changes and will also make notes on any additional rules the Council would look at for discussion and future action after the next Council Retreat. Council Rule 2.1(6) refers to the date of the annual Council retreat. She noted some years it is difficult to find a date that works for all schedules and the facility. This change will allow more flexibility to schedule the retreat through the end of February; Council concurred. Council Rule 2.2(5) does not reflect current practice. Recommendation is to delete the following language: "Items on the Consent Agenda include but are not limited to, minutes, resolutions, and ordinances discussed at previous City Council or Committee meetings, bid awards and previously authorized agreements ". Council concurred with the recommendation. Section 3 does not reflect current practice in Agenda Preparation. Council asked to look into the possibility of producing Agenda documents for publication the Thursday prior to the meeting, rather than the standard Friday. Additional suggestions included publishing the Council Agenda in the official city newspaper. City Attorney Pearsall noted that research would need to be done to measure the impact to staff and budget costs as a result of any such changes. Therefore, she recommends these suggestions be brought back at the Council Retreat for further review. Ms. Pearsall answered additional clarification questions regarding the current process and timelines. Council Rule 5 is recommended to be amended to allow for written comments which was previously presented in 2012 but never officially approved. She noted this change reflects the current practice; Council concurred with this recommendation. Council Rule 5.1 is recommended to be amended to reflect current practice. This would include deleting the following language from a portion of Rules 5.1 and 2.2: "provided the City Clerk has been notified in advance (preferable by 3:00 p.m., but no later than before the beginning of the meeting.) ". Ms. Pearsall stated the Council currently does not restrict public comment and will allow it up until the Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 2 of 3 October 20, 2015 end of the public comment portion of the agenda. Council discussed potentially increasing the time limit on all comments, and decided to leave the time as it is currently. Council Rule 9.11 currently prevents Councilmembers from meeting with members of bargaining units during times of active negotiations in effort to prevent misunderstandings or perceptions of circumventing formal negotiation process. Councilmembers agreed this rule is a hindrance and agree communication and common sense should be applied in all situations. Council concurred with the recommendation to eliminate this rule. Council Rule 11.4 (NEW): City Attorney Pearsall stated currently the Council Rules to not address attendance by a Councilmember from a remote location. This new rule would allow Councilmembers to telephonically attend the meeting from a remote location and provide for protocol and procedures. She clarified this policy would not apply to Executive Session. Councilmember asked clarifying questions on technology limitations which may limit the number of Councilmember absent at any given meeting; Technology Manager Thomas Fichtner spoke to address concerns. Council concurred with the recommendation to add this new rule. Councilmembers also asked for additional questions and input regarding Sections: 17; 19.10; and 20.7. Ms. Pearsall suggested the Council move forward with the changes as presented tonight and all additional suggestions made this evening be included in a future discussion at the next Council Retreat. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 6:38 p.m., Mayor Ferrell announced the Council would be recessing into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the Sale or Lease of Property pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(c). • Sale or Lease of Property pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(c) 5. ADJOURNMENT There being nothing further on the agenda; Mayor Ferrell adjourned the Special Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Attest: nie D. Courtney, CMC Clerk Approved by Council: 11 -3' Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes October 20, 2015 Page 3 of 3