Council Agenda 02-20-2016 Retreat ` CITY OF CITY COUNCIL �, Federal Way Federal 8`h Avenue South l Way,WA 98003-6325 253 835-2402 www.cityoffederalway.com 2016 City Council Annual Retreat Retreat Date: Saturday February 20,2016,8:30 AM—3:15 PM Retreat Location: Dumas Bay Retreat Center Facilitator: James Falconer Reid,The Falconer Group AGENDA 8:30 AM—9:00 AM: Breakfast 9:00 AM—9:05 AM: Welcome Mayor Ferrell, Deputy Mayor Burbidge Introduction of Retreat Facilitator Jim Reid 9:05-9:10 AM: • Public Comment (time to be determined) (Mayor Ferrell, Deputy Mayor Burbidge) 9:10 AM-10:20 AM Update on Major City Initiatives • Economic Development (Johnson) • IRG purchase of Weyerhaeuser campus(Ferrell) • Town Center(Johnson) • Downtown Design Guidelines, process&timelines(Morales) • Image/Rebranding, public input process(Wilson) • University Initiative Update (Wilson) 10:20 AM—10:30 AM Camp Kilworth (Council Discussion) • Status (Wilson, Pearsall) 10:30 AM—10:45 AM: Break Please note:All times listed are approximate, actual times may vary. Page 1 of 2 10:45 AM—12:15 PM: Council Rules: (Pearsall) • Section 3.5 When Agendas are Published and How • Section 16 Council Travel & Expenses • Section 17 Public Records • Section 19 Process for Selecting Commission Members • Section 19.10 Interviews of Alternates prior to appointment as Voting Member • Section 20.7 Alternates to Committees • Section 20.8 Role of Deputy Mayor as Ex Officio Member of Council Committees 12:15 PM—12:45 PM: Lunch 12:45 PM—1:10 PM: Multi-Family Housing Inventory(Morales) 1:10 PM—1:30 PM OpenGov Council Discussion (Ariwoola) 1:30 PM—2:15 PM: Homelessness(Morales) • Homeless Count—Federal Way • Children,School District • Partnership Development to Address Homelessness; Provide Alternatives 2:15 PM-2:45 PM: Dumas Bay Retreat Centre (Hutton, Ettinger) • Status of Facility and Improvements • Vision Process- Future 2:45 PM-3:OOPM Proposed Tacoma Methanol Plant—Status Update(Pearsall) 2:45 PM—3:00 PM Public Comment(time to be determined) (Mayor Ferrell, Deputy Mayor) 3:00 PM-3:15 PM Wrap up (Deputy Mayor, Council, Mayor Ferrell) Please note:All times listed are approximate, actual times may vary. Page 2 of 2