Parks Comm MINS 02-04-2016CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Thursday, February 4, 2016 Hylebos Conference Room 6:30 p.m. City Hall MEETING MINUTES Chair Hoefel called the meeting to order at 6:37pm. Present: Chair Mike Hoefel, Anthony Murrieta, Dawn Coggins, David Wilson, and Laura Belvin Excused: George Pfeiffer, David Berger, P.K. Thumbi and Lynda Jenkins Guest: None Staff. Parks Director John Hutton, Jason Gerwen, Parks & Facilities Manager, and Mary Jaenicke, Administrative Asst. II. None PUBLIC FORUM APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Murrieta moved to approve the January Parks and Recreation regular meeting minutes as written. Commissioner Wilson seconded. Motion passed. COMMISSION BUSINESS 2016 WORK PLAN FIRST QUARTER REVIEW Annual Playground Replacement: Mr. Gerwen reported that the playground equipment has been delivered. Staff has met with the installer, and it will take approximately 2 -3 weeks. The possibility of a grand opening was discussed. Mr. Hutton will issue a press release when the opening date has been determined. Trail Improvement: Mr. Hutton reported that staff has been working with David Clark Architects. The three top priorities are Sacajawea, West Campus Trail and Alderbrook. The work will take place during the summer. Volunteer Events: There were two large volunteer groups at Town Square Park during the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Americorps planted 90 trees at the park. The next Americorps event is scheduled for February 19. Staff is also scheduling more dates with the LDS. Panther Lake Master Plan: Staff is working with Pat Patterson from David Clark Architects. Staff will be contacting the Little League organization and the King County Aquatic Center regarding the easement for access to their property. Once we have the easements, Pat can start preparing the bid documents for the trail. Staff is hoping that the project will start in the summer; it all depends on how the bids come in. Town Square Park: The seating wall has been poured, and the trees are being planted. The remaining large projects are the spray park, picnic shelter and the restroom. All of those contracts have been mailed out to the winning contractors. Staff will be going out to bid soon for the plaza and pervious concrete. We have several large volunteer groups scheduled to work at the park. At this time, the grand opening is scheduled for July 9th. Maintenance and Operations: The first Sub - Committee meeting was held with Commissioner Coggins, and Vice Chair Berger. Commissioner Pfeiffer is also interested in joining the sub - committee. The purpose of the sub- g:\parks comm mtg notes \2016 \02042016 minutes.doc Parks and Recreation Commission February 4 2016 Page 2 committee is to discuss the concerns, and to be prepared when it is time the budget process. Mr. Hutton stated that the meeting was productive, and they discussed a lot of good ideas. The committee identified the issues, concerns and causes that got the Parks Maintenance Division to where they are today. Some of the issues discussed were the deferred maintenance that was forced upon the department by a recession that caused cutbacks to staff and then not growing staff after the recession. The department is short on full -time staff, seasonals, and the contract funding that was cut. Some of other issues are the major storms, added events, and the addition of the new apartments which will increase the use in the parks. Commissioner Murrieta asked about the maintenance that is involved with the artificial turf. Mr. Gerwen explained what the optimum maintenance should be and what we are actually able to do in the maintenance of the turf. We do have a contract with Fieldturf for maintenance of the turf, and they will groom the fields twice a year. Commissioner Coggins stated that the initial meeting was to identify the issues, and then they will come up with the amount of funding that is needed. Mr. Hutton stated that during this time five additional facilities have been added, that the parks division is responsible for maintaining. The sub - committee also reviewed their goals: more full time employees, more seasonal dollars, more contract dollars and new trucks and equipment. Strategies were also discussed and will be the focus at the next meeting. The strategy discussed is to get the City Council to look at this as not an expense but an investment. Chair Hoefel asked if there was any way to quantifiable numbers. Mr. Hutton answered that they did talk about getting the 2008 numbers. Commissioner Coggins added that they would like to quantify what the reduction has been and what the increase has been. She says it is not easy to come up with the numbers. Mr. Hutton stated that there has been verbal support from the Mayor and Council. Chair Hoefel asked if the sub - committee had thought about having someone from the outside validate the numbers. Mr. Hutton answered that they have not discussed this. Mr. Ikerd added that the sub- committee is a citizen group and is from the outside. Mr. Hutton stated it's going to come down to the amount of funding that is available in the budget, and how it is prioritized. Chair Hoefel asked if there would be an increase in user fees for using the fields. Commission Murrieta inquired about the tax dollars which come in based on major tournaments held at our fields. What is the total dollar value in the increase usage of the restaurants and hotels? Where does that money go? Mr. Hutton stated he would look into this. STAFF REPORTS EARTH DAY UPDATE (PARKS APPRECIATION DAY Mr. Gerwen reviewed the Parks Appreciation Day meeting that was held. The tentative sites are: Town Square, Adelaide, Celebration and the West Hylebos Wetland. Mr. Gerwen stated that more parks can be added based on the amount of groups that volunteer. The event will be held on April 23 from 9am -12pm. Mr. Gerwen also reviewed that tasks that will be done at each location. The event will be advertised on Facebook, Peach Jar, and an LDS site called Just Serve, and fliers. Trader Joes will be donating Kind Bars, and Ivar's will be providing clam chowder to the groups at Town Square Park. A hotdog lunch will also be provided. A meeting will be held in another month. The Parks Commission will sign up for locations at the April Parks & Recreation Commission meeting. Chair Hoefel added that this event will also be placed in the Federal Way Mirror in the events section, and they are going to try to get an article in the paper. TOWN SQUARE PARK Mr. Ikerd reported the bids were approved by the City Council at their January meeting, the contracts have been sent out to the contractors, and staff is waiting to get the contracts back. Mr. Ikerd also brought in a sample of the plants that will be used on the roofs of the picnic shelter and the restroom. The roofs will also be used as an educational feature. That last element to go out to bid on is the plaza. There are also a lot of small details to work on. OTHER BUSINESS None g:\parks comm mtg notes \2016 \02042016 minutes.doc Parks and Recreation Commission February 4 2016 Page 3 NEXT MEETING /AGENDA ITEMS The next meeting is scheduled for March 3, 2016. Items for the March 3, 2016 meeting are: Commission Business 2016 Work Plan — 1s1 Quarter projects Staff Reports Parks Appreciation Day Update Town Square Park Update Adelaide Park Update Panther Lake Master Plan Update ADJOURNMENT Motion by Coggins, second by Wilson to adjourn the meeting. Chair Hoefel adjourned the meeting at 7:52 pm. g:\parks comm mtg notes \2016 \02042016 minutes.doc