Council Agenda 04-19-2016 Regular (Amended)The City Council may add items and take action on items not listed on the agenda. City Council Meetings are wheelchair accessible; and assisted listening devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised live on Government Access Channel 21. To view Council Meetings online please visit www.cityoffedera lway.com. CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA **AMENDED** Council Chambers - City Hall April 19, 2016 – 7:00 p.m. www.cityoffederalway.com 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PRESENTATIONS a. Swearing-In of New Police Officer Nicholas Lara b. Presentation to Historical Society – Original Flag from S 320th Street c. Federal Way Senior Center Update– Executive Director Shelley Puariea d. Mayor’s Emerging Issues and Report  Update on Proposed Methanol Plat in Tacoma – Canceled!  Human Services/Encampment Initiative (Deputy Chief Steve Neal/Human Services Manager Jeff Watson)  SeaTac Airport Noise Update  Report on Neighborhood Connection Meeting  Recap of Police/Fire Basketball Game benefitting Lions Hellen Keller Foundation  Parks Appreciation Day – Saturday, April 23rd 4. CITIZEN COMMENT PLEASE COMPLETE A PINK SLIP AND TURN IT IN TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. When recognized by the Mayor, come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. Please limit your comments to three minutes. The Mayor may interrupt comments that exceed three minutes, relate negatively to other individuals, or are otherwise inappropriate. 5. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously reviewed in their entirety by a Council Committee of three members and brought before full Council for approval; all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items may be removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: April 5, 2016 Regular and Special Meetings b. Marine Hills Stormwater Conveyance System Repair Phase 1 c. Sacajawea Middle School Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) – 85% Design Status Report and Authorization to Bid d. Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase V (S 340th Street to S 359th Street) P roject – Joint Construction Agreement with Puget Sound Energy (PSE) The City Council may add items and take action on items not listed on the agenda. City Council Meetings are wheelchair accessible; and assisted listening devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised live on Government Access Channel 21. To view Council Meetings online please visit www.cityoffedera lway.com. e. Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase V (S 340th Street to S 359th Street) Project – Letter of Understanding with Comcast f. Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase V (S 340th Street to S 359th Street) Project – Agreement for Joint Construction with CenturyLink g. Henderson Partners, LLC. Retainage Release h. MOU Between the City of Federal Way and St. Francis Hospital 6. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Town Square Park Play Equipment (Ages 2-5) b. Playground Safety Surface for Town Square Park Playground c. (ADDED ITEM) Proposed Settlement Agreement with the Glimbergs 7. ORDINANCES Second Reading/Enactment a. Council Bill #706/2015-2016 Carry Forward Budget Adjustment AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO THE CARRYING FORWARD OF FUNDS AND REVISING THE 2015-2016 BIENNIAL BUDGET. 8. COUNCIL REPORTS 9. ADJOURNMENT The City Council may add items and take action on items not listed on the agenda. City Council Meetings are wheelchair accessible; and assisted listening devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised live on Government Access Channel 21. To view Council Meetings online please visit www.cityoffederalway.com. CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Council Chambers - City Hall April 19, 2016 – 7:00 p.m. www.cityoffederalway.com 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PRESENTATIONS a. Swearing-In of New Police Officer Nicholas Lara b. Presentation to Historical Society – Original Flag from S 320th Street c. Federal Way Senior Center Update– Executive Director Shelley Puariea d. Mayor’s Emerging Issues and Report  Human Services/Encampment Initiative (Deputy Chief Steve Neal/Human Services Manager Jeff Watson)  SeaTac Airport Noise Update  Report on Neighborhood Connection Meeting  Recap of Police/Fire Basketball Game benefitting Lions Hellen Keller Foundation  Parks Appreciation Day – Saturday, April 23rd 4. CITIZEN COMMENT PLEASE COMPLETE A PINK SLIP AND TURN IT IN TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. When recognized by the Mayor, come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. Please limit your comments to three minutes. The Mayor may interrupt comments that exceed three minutes, relate negatively to other individuals, or are otherwise inappropriate. 5. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously reviewed in their entirety by a Council Committee of three members and brought before full Council for approval; all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items may be removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: April 5, 2016 Regular and Special Meetings b. Marine Hills Stormwater Conveyance System Repair Phase 1 c. Sacajawea Middle School Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) – 85% Design Status Report and Authorization to Bid d. Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase V (S 340th Street to S 359th Street) Project – Joint Construction Agreement with Puget Sound Energy (PSE) The City Council may add items and take action on items not listed on the agenda. City Council Meetings are wheelchair accessible; and assisted listening devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised live on Government Access Channel 21. To view Council Meetings online please visit www.cityoffederalway.com. e. Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase V (S 340th Street to S 359th Street) Project – Letter of Understanding with Comcast f. Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase V (S 340th Street to S 359th Street) Project – Agreement for Joint Construction with CenturyLink g. Henderson Partners, LLC. Retainage Release h. MOU Between the City of Federal Way and St. Francis Hospital 6. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Town Square Park Play Equipment (Ages 2-5) b. Playground Safety Surface for Town Square Park Playground 7. ORDINANCES Second Reading/Enactment a. Council Bill #706/2015-2016 Carry Forward Budget Adjustment AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO THE CARRYING FORWARD OF FUNDS AND REVISING THE 2015-2016 BIENNIAL BUDGET. 8. COUNCIL REPORTS 9. ADJOURNMENT