Council Agenda 06-07-2016 Special CITY OF ..- Federal Way CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA Council Chambers - City Hall June 7, 2016 — 5:00 p.m. www.cit yoffed eralwa y.corn 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. COMMISSION INTERVIEW — PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 3. STUDY SESSION- 2017/2018 BIENNIAL BUDGET a. 2017/18 Biennial Budget Discussion —Capital Replacements • General Overview— Finance Director Ade Ariwoola • City Facility Updates— Parks Director John Hutton • Street and Park Lights — Public Works Director Marwan Salloum b. Citizen Comment PLEASE COMPLETE A YELLOW SLIP AND TURN IT IN TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. When recognized by the Mayor, come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. Please limit your comments to three minutes. The Mayor may interrupt comments that exceed three minutes, relate negatively to other individuals, or are otherwise inappropriate. c. Council Discussion/Questions 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION • Collective Bargaining pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(b) 5. ADJOURNMENT City Council Meetings are wheelchair accessible; and assisted listening devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised live on Government Access Channel 21 To view Council Meetings online please visit www.cityoffederalway.com.