Council Agenda 06-21-2016 RegularFederal Way CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Council Chambers - City Hall June 21, 2016 — 7:00 p.m. www cityoffederalwa y. com 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PRESENTATIONS a. Federal Way Public Health Center — Performance Data Report 2015 — Karen Russell Area Manager and Jerry DeGrieck, Division Deputy Manager b. PROCLAMATION: Promoting Family and Healthy Lifestyles c. Certificates of Appointment — Parks and Recreation Commission d. Mayor's Emerging Issues and Report • Flag Day Celebration Report • Red, White and Blues Festival — July 4th — Celebration Park • Town Square Park Grand Opening — July 9th at noon • Fireworks — Planning and Enforcement — Chief Andy Hwang • Federal Way Chamber Quarterly Update /Pivotal Partner 4. CITIZEN COMMENT PLEASE COMPLETE A PINK SLIP AND TURN IT IN TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. When recognized by the Mayor, come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. Please limit your comments to three minutes. The Mayor may interrupt comments that exceed three minutes, relate negatively to other individuals, or are otherwise inappropriate. 5. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously reviewed in their entirety by a Council Committee of three members and brought before full Council for approval; all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items may be removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: June 7, 2016 Regular and Special Meeting Minutes b. Marine Hills Stormwater Conveyance System Repair Phase 1 Bid Award c. S 324th Street (Pacific Highway South to S 322nd Street) Preservation Project — Project Acceptance d. 1st Ave S at 328th Street Intersection Improvements — Project Acceptance The City Council may add items and take action on items not listed on the agenda. City Council Meetings are wheelchair accessible; and assisted listening devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised live on Government Access Channel 21. To view Council Meetings online please visit www.cityoffederalway.com. e. Ratification of Countywide Planning Policy Regarding Affordable Housing f. Sector Service Level Agreement and Amendment #1 between the Federal Way Police Department and Washington State Patrol 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. RESOLUTION /2017 -2022 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) • Staff Report — Rick Perez, City Traffic Engineer • Citizen Comment • Council Discussion /Questions b. Moratorium on the Expansion or Creation of Multi - Family Housing in the City • Staff Report — Amy Jo Pearsall, City Attorney • Citizen Comment • Council Discussion /Questions c. 2015 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) • Staff Report — Jeff Watson, Community Services Manager • Citizen Comment • Council Discussion /Questions 7. COUNCIL REPORTS 8. ADJOURNMENT The City Council may add items and take action on items not listed on the agenda. City Council Meetings are wheelchair accessible; and assisted listening devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised live on Government Access Channel 21. To view Council Meetings online please visit www.cityoffederalway.com.