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Council PKT 09-06-2016 Regular
The City Council may add items and take action on items not listed on the agenda. City Council Meetings are wheelchair accessible; and assisted listening devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised live on Government Access Channel 21. To view Council Meetings online please visit www.cityoffederalway.com. CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Council Chambers - City Hall September 6, 2016 – 7:00 p.m. www.cityoffederalway.com 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PRESENTATION a. Mayor’s Key to the City – Joann Piquette BRIEF RECEPTION TO HONOR JOANN PIQUETTE b. Swearing-In of New Police Officers c. Proclamation: Mayor’s Day of Concern for the Hungry d. Proclamation: Constitution Week September 16 th -22nd e. Proclamation: National Recovery Month – September 2016 f. Recognition: Ms. Black Washington – De’Vaughnn Williams g. Mayor’s Emerging Issues and Report Report on IRG Property Proposal – Orca Bay Seafood/Preferred Freezer Mark Orthmann, Acting City Attorney & Brian Wilson, Chief of Staff Summer Movie Night at Town Square Park Recap – Parks Director John Hutton Building of Town Square Park - Photo Slideshow – Parks Director John Hutton Back to School Safety – Chief Andy Hwang Lake Jeane Testing Results – Surface Water Manager Theresa Thurlow Pacific Harbors Council Inquiry re: Camp Kilworth – Acting Community Development Director Scott Sproul 4. CITIZEN COMMENT PLEASE COMPLETE A PINK SLIP AND TURN IT IN TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. When recognized by the Mayor, come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. Please limit your comments to three minutes. The Mayor may interrupt comments that exceed three minutes, relate negatively to other individuals, or are otherwise inappropriate. 5. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously rev iewed in their entirety by a Council Committee of three members and brought before full Council for approval; all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items may be removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: August 9, 2016 Regular Meeting … page 3 The City Council may add items and take action on items not listed on the agenda. City Council Meetings are wheelchair accessible; and assisted listening devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised live on Government Access Channel 21. To view Council Meetings online please visit www.cityoffederalway.com. b. Monthly Financial Report – July 2016 … page 12 c. Vouchers – July 2016 … page 27 d. Knutzen Family Theatre HVAC Replacement … page 90 e. Telephone System Replacement … page 91 f. Community Center Surveillance System Replacement ... page 116 6. ORDINANCES Second Reading a. Council Bill #710/Level 3 Communications, LLC Franchise … page 120 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, GRANTING LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, A NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO OCCUPY RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, WITHIN THE SPECIFIED FRANCHISE AREA FOR THE PURPOSES OF INSTALLING, CONSTRUCTING, MAINTAINING, REPAIRING, AND RESTORING A FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM WITHIN AND THROUGH THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY. 7. COUNCIL REPORTS 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION Potential Litigation pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(c) 9. ADJOURNMENT COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 6, 2016 ITEM #: • 5a CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the draft minutes the August 9, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ City Council Business ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Stephanie Courtney, City Clerk Attachments: Draft minutes from the August 9, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Options Considered: 1. Approve the minutes as presented. 2. Amend the minutes as necessary. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A DEPT: Mayor's Office MAYOR APPROVAL: CHIEF OF STAFF: N/A N/A CITY CLERK APPROVAL: Committee Council N/A N/A Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A N/A Committee Chair N/A N/A Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the minutes as presented" (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED— 1/2015 RESOLUTION # Federal Way CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Council Chambers - City Hall August 9, 2016 — 7:00 p.m. www.cityoffederalway.com 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Do° City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Deputy Mayor Jeanne Burbidge, Councilmember Lydia Assefa- Dawson, Councilmember Kelly Maloney, Councilmember Susan Honda, Councilmember Mark Koppang, and Councilmember Dini Duclos. City staff in attendance: Chief of Staff Brian Wilson, Acting City Attorney Mark Orthmann, and City Clerk Stephanie Courtney. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Police Chief Andy Hwang led the flag salute. 3. PRESENTATIONS a. Violence Prevention Coalition Steering Committee (VPCSC) Mayor Ferrell stated the community responded strongly to the violence that occurred in the city in May of this year. The Council discussed and approved the formation of the Violence Prevention Coalition in efforts to gather input and feedback on safety issues in the city. The Mayor has recently appointed a 13 person Steering Committee (VPCSC) to outline goals and set priorities for the larger Coalition. He thanked the citizens and community members who showed interest in the Steering Committee. He feels they have brought together a great mix of people from community members, faith based organizations, service organizations noted he has appointed The VPCSC representation is as follows: • Youth Representatives: Alonzo Aguilar and Zenaida Cruz • Community Representatives: Doug Baxter, Kira Kuetgens, Erin Herringshaw, Dion Schell, Dianne Zoro • Faith -based Community: Dr. Andre Sims, Pastor, Christ the King Bible Fellowship • Service Providers: Kelli Lauritzen, Juvenile Probation Supervisor, King County Superior Court, Lawrence Garrett, Executive Director, Advancing Leadership & AL Youth, Mark Hendricks, Director, Boys & Girls Club Federal Way • Federal Way School District: Dr. Tammy Campbell, Federal Way Public Schools • City of Federal Way: Andy Hwang, Chief of Police • Staff Support: Kyle Sumpter, Deputy Chief of Police, Jeff Watson, Community Services Manager, Jeri -Lynn Clark, Executive Assistant to the Council Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes August 9, 2016 Page 1 of 8 The mission of the VPCSC is to work as a liaison with the community to formulate and submit recommendations regarding what is needed to reduce incidents of violence in the Federal Way community. Recommendations to be submitted to the Mayor and Council by November 1, 2016 Mayor Ferrell reported Councilmember Moore was recently married and excused his absence from tonight's meeting. b. Tourism Spotlight: Wild Waves & Enchanted Village Mayor Ferrell welcomed General Manager Todd Suchan from Wild Waves and Enchanted Village Theme Parks. Mr. Suchan showed a brief promotional video which highlights reintroducing Enchanted Village as a separate park, (the two parks were combined in 2002). He stated this is due in part to moms and younger children who are looking for just the amusement park experience, and not the water park. He showcased the new separate logos for each park and spoke about the new attractions. Councilmembers thanked Mr. Suchan for the presentation and extended their thanks for all the support the Mr. Suchan and the park have given to the community over the years. Wild Waves and Enchanted Village have been great community partners supporting many events and activities including a large employer for teenagers and young adults in the community. c. Proclamation: National Senior Citizen Day — August 21St Councilmember Koppang introduced Mr. Regiv Nagich, an active member of the Rotary Club of Federal Way and host of a popular call -in radio program "Aging Options" which airs Saturday morning in the Seattle area who was present to accept the Proclamation. Mr. Ragiv Nagich accepted the proclamation and thanked the Mayor and Council. He also recognized his family members and reaffirmed the importance of taking care of the seniors in our community. He believes older people are worth our time and wants to see actions match words when it comes to protecting and advocating for seniors. Every day over 10,000 Americans turn 65. Mayor's Emerging Issues and Report Theresa Yvonne, Performing Arts and Event Center Executive Director reported on the Performing Arts and Event Center Beam signing held at the site on August 4th. She explained the folklore regarding the ceremony which is often called "Topping Out ". This is usually done between ground breaking and ribbon cutting. On hand for the beam signing were the Mayor and City Council, Federal Way Coalition of the Performing Arts Board Members, City Staff, LMN Architects, Lorax, and the Garco construction crew signed the steel beam, prior to it being swung into place. She noted the purpose of the tree limb is from an ancient Scandinavian folklore, dating back to 700 A.D. of placing a fir tree atop a new building to appease the tree - dwelling spirits for the trees displaced during construction. Swinging the beam out and into place is a tradition used by Ironworkers which symbolizes that the construction has reached its highest point without loss of life, and it brings good fortune to the inhabitants or users of the building. The displaying the national, regional or city flag is a Dutch tradition, however the use of the American Flag is true to the pride in country and celebrating a job well done. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 2 of 8 August 9, 2016 Mayor Ferrell reported last Tuesday, August 2nd was National Night Out and he along with multiple Councilmembers and Police Department personnel were out in the community and visiting block parties. Mayor Ferrell was pleased to attend the recent Movie in the Park at Town Square Park, which was a wonderful night and well attended by the community. He noted he recently attended the South King County Roundtable on Housing and Homelessness on July 20th. The 60th Annual Kiwanis Salmon Bake was held at Steel Lake Park on July 22nd and was a wonderful and also a well- attended event. He further reported on the 12th Fan Walk, which benefited the Federal Way Day Center, and his experience in Kenmore for the Sound Cities Association Board Meeting. He also noted this past Sunday was Friendship Day at Town Square Park. He thanked Councilmember Honda, Sheri Edwards, Nick Wilson, Skyman for planning the event and many of the Councilmembers for supporting and attending this first and hopefully annual event. 4. CITIZEN COMMENT Linda Kochmar, State Representative, noted she was pleased to see Mr. Nagich and has worked with him on multiple bills. She was excited to see the report on the Beam Signing event for the Performing Arts and Event Center, she stated the State Representatives would be honored to attend these events in the future as they have been big supporters of the project. She encouraged the city to utilize more social media for reaching citizens and specifically the millennials in the community for increased involvement. Diana Noble - Gulliford, reviewed the benefits of the Historical Society and what they protect for the community. She made reference to the Council Business item on tonight's agenda noting the members also work hard on property upkeep. They strive to do the best they can to secure the history and appreciate the city funding. Skylar "SkyMan" Nichols, co- founder of Friendship Day reported on the first annual event held at Town Square Park on August 7th. They thanked Susan Honda and Sheri Edwards for assisting with planning the event in only a few weeks. He is looking forward to this as an annual event. Nick Wilson, co- founder of Friendship Day also thanked the Mayor and Council for showing up to the event. He thanked The Ashley House and Wild Waves who were sponsors of the event. He will be doing research and will start planning this event with a possible concert next year. Norma Blanchard, longtime resident inquired about the city's Code Compliance Officers. Have we hired any code compliance officers? She has a pending complaint. Mayor Ferrell noted a new Code Compliance Officer has been hired and we have temporary help in the department. Chief of Staff Wilson also noted each complaint that comes in is assigned to a staff member and everything is logged into a tracking system. Bob Woolley, Lake Jeane resident reported he recently did an interview with King 5, along with Don Smith. He feels they did a good job on their short report and brought Lake Jeane issues to the public. He received calls from people outside the city asking about the process and steps he has taken. Mayor Ferrell noted testing has occurred on the lake; test results have come back negative for toxic conditions. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 3 of 8 August 9, 2016 5. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously reviewed in their entirety by a Council Committee of three members and brought before full Council for approval; all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items may be removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: July 19, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes b. Monthly Financial Report — June 2016 c. Vouchers — June 2016 d. Selectron Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Upgrade e. 2016 Pedestrian Improvement Program — Bid Award f. 2017 Asphalt Overlay Program Preliminary Project List and Authorization to Bid 9. SW 320th St and S Marine Hills Way Pipe Repairs — Bid Award h. Authorization to Amend the 2013 -2014 SWM Infrastructure Maintenance and Service Contract (AG 13 -150) DEPUTY MAYOR BURBIDGE MOVED APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS A -H; COUNCILMEMBER MALONEY SECOND. The motion passed unanimously 6 -0 as follows: Deputy Mayor Burbidge yes Councilmember Koppang yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson yes Councilmember Moore excused Councilmember Maloney yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda yes 6. PUBLIC HEARING a. Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area Plan (NRSA) Cynthia Ricks - Maccotan gave a presenation on the North Federal Way Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA). The plan, if approved by HUD, allows flexibility in the use of Community Development Block Grant Funds. The defined area must meet certain demographic criteria and be specific in identifying needs and how to address those needs and how to measure progress. Ms. Ricks - Maccotan stated the Council has the actual plan before them and the activities to meet those goals, with strategic partners and potential resources, the 5- year outcomes and how they are measured. She noted the area identified in North Federal Way meets the criteria and includes a population of approximately 3,700 of which 72% are low to moderate income. Additionally, over half of the residents in this area are from a minority group and over a third are under the age of 18. She highlighted the process the Community Development Department initiated beginning in April 2014 which has included conversations with citizens, students, Human Services Commission, city review and a public comment period (June 17 — July 18, 2016). She also reviewed the identified needs which include housing repair, pedestrian path improvements, youth programs, and economic development in the area. She noted the next step in the process is for Council to approve the plan and to submit the final NRSA application as an Amendment to the King County Consortium 2015 -2019 Consolidated Plan by August 12th Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 4 of 8 August 9, 2016 Councilmembers thanked Ms. Ricks - Maccotan for her very thorough presentation and explanation of the plan. They commented on the large need in the area and also inquired on potentially other neighborhoods which are outside the NRSA boundary line. Ms. Ricks - Maccotan noted the areas are based on census tracks, and have to meet the three threshold criteria to be included; at this point the plan incorporates all of the areas which currently qualify for the set parameters. • Citizen Comment (3 minutes each) No citizen comment received. • Council Discussion /Questions COUNCILMEMBER KOPPANG MOVED APPROVAL OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION STRATEGY AREA PLAN FOR NORTH FEDERAL WAY, AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SUBMIT TO HUD AND AMENDMENT TO THE KING COUNTY CONSOLIDATED PLAN AND EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO FACILITATE SAID APPROVAL AND AMENDMENT SUBMISSION; COUNCILMEMBER ASSEFA - DAWSON SECOND. The motion passed unanimously 6 -0 as follows: Deputy Mayor Burbidge yes Councilmember Koppang yes CouncilmemberAssefa - Dawson yes Councilmember Moore excused Councilmember Maloney yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda yes COUNCILMEMBER KOPPANG MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING; COUNCILMEMBER DUCLOS SECOND. The motion passed unanimously 6 -0 as follows: Deputy Mayor Burbidge yes Councilmember Koppang yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson yes Councilmember Moore excused Councilmember Maloney yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda yes 7. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase V (S 340th St to S 359th St) Project — Bid Award Streets Systems Manager John Mulkey gave a presentation on the SR 99 Phase V HOV Lanes (S 340th Street to S 359th Street) Bid Award. He reported six (6) bids were received and opened on July 29, 2016. The lowest responsive, responsible bidder is Graham Contracting Ltd with a bid of $16,700,526 (1.13% above the engineers estimate). Mr. Mulkey reviewed the project estimated expenditures which total $26,978,144 (including a 10% contingency). He also noted the funding sources for the project which include grant funds, city budgeted funds, and funds from utilities service providers. He noted this project is within available budget and will commence in early September 2016 and is scheduled for 350 working days, with an anticipated completion date of Spring of 2018. The Mayor recommends approval of the bid award. COUNCILMEMBER MALONEY MOVED TO AWARD THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY SOUTH HOV LANDS PHASE V PROJECT TO GRAHAM CONTRACTING FOR A TOTAL AMOUNT OF $18,370,579.15, AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO FACILITATE SAID AWARD; COUNCILMEMBER ASSEFA - DAWSON SECOND. The motion passed unanimously 6 -0 as follows: Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 5 of 8 August 9, 2016 Deputy Mayor Burbidge yes Councilmember Koppang yes CouncilmemberAssefa - Dawson yes Councilmember Moore excused Councilmember Maloney yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda yes b. Snyder Property Acquisitions for Open Space Conservation Surface Water Manager Theresa Thurlow gave a brief presentation regarding the Snyder Property which consists of 6.9 acres for Open Space Conservation. She noted the Snyder property is one of seven remaining properties identified for potential acquisition. The subject property consists of approximately 6.8 acres of wetlands, stream and buffers and is essential to providing a continuous, protected reach of the West Fork of the West Hylebos Creek and give opportunities to expand the Hylebos Trail system in the future. The project would create nearly three miles of nature trail in vibrant wetland setting with four possible trailhead locations providing unrestricted access. Ms. Thurlow also explained the acquisition cost and funding. The Mayor recommends purchasing the property for the amount of $120,000.00 plus closing costs. DEPUTY MAYOR BURBIDGE MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO PURCHASE THE SNYDER PROPERTY FOR $120,000 PLUS APPROPRIATE CLOSING COSTS; COUNCILMEMBER DUCLOS SECOND. The motion passed unanimously 6 -0 as follows: Deputy Mayor Burbidge yes Councilmember Koppang yes CouncilmemberAssefa - Dawson yes Councilmember Moore excused Councilmember Maloney yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda yes c. Discussion on Historical Society Ongoing Funding Finance Director Ade Ariwoola gave a background on this item. He stated funding decisions should be made through the budget process. However, he reported this discussion took place at a Council Committee on July 26th and centered on an annual funding request of $20,000 a year for 5 years. The consensus at Council was to forward the discussion to full Council. He reviewed the current support of the Historical Society from 2008 -2015 which includes architect services, roofing, windows, boiler, electrical, awning, in -home repair and storage. The 8 -year total is $90,624 or approximately $11,328 per year. He also noted the Historical Society was awarded $10,000 in 2015 from lodging tax funds; and an additional $10,000 from a private donor. There is a pending allocation for 2016 of $10,000 however reporting requirements for use of those funds have changed. Councilmember Maloney thanked Mr. Ariwoola for the presentation. She wanted to discuss the value of the historical society to the city- not to allocate funds outside the budget process. Councilmember Honda asked if the $30,000 from the Historical Society was included in his total. Mr. Ariwoola stated it was not included. Councilmember Duclos agrees they provide a unique service to the city and is happy this will be part of the budget discussion. Councilmember Assefa- Dawson also she appreciates the historical society and all they do. She is concerned with the 5 year period and removal of the requirements. Councilmember Honda asked for clarification as to when is the appropriate time during the budget process should entities seeking allocations come forward with requests. Mr. Ariwoola noted the budget calendar is published and he will look into and clarify. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 6 of 8 August 9, 2016 Deputy Mayor Burbidge spoke regarding the change in state requirements when allocating Lodging Tax Funds. The former requirement of attendance from 25 miles away has now been increased to 50 miles away which is making allocations for locally attended programs difficult to achieve. 8. ORDINANCES First Reading a. Council Bill #710 /Level 3 Communications, LLC Franchise AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, GRANTING LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, A NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO OCCUPY RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, WITHIN THE SPECIFIED FRANCHISE AREA FOR THE PURPOSES OF INSTALLING, CONSTRUCTING, MAINTAINING, REPAIRING, AND RESTORING A FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM WITHIN AND THROUGH THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY. Desiree Winkler, Deputy Public Works Director gave a brief staff report and background on this franchise. She noted this is a currently expired franchise as of May 2015. City Clerk Stephanie Courtney read the Ordinance Title into the record. COUNCILMEMBER DUCLOS MOVED TO FORWARD THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 COUNCIL MEETING FOR SECOND READING AND ENACTMENT; COUNCILMEMBER KOPPANG SECOND. The motion passed unanimously 6 -0 as follows: Deputy Mayor Burbidge yes Councilmember Koppang yes CouncilmemberAssefa - Dawson yes Councilmember Moore excused Councilmember Maloney yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda yes Second Reading b. Council Bill #709 /Amending Title 19, Federal Way Revised Code (FWRC) Impact Fee Collection Deferral Program AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO AN IMPACT FEE PAYMENT DEFERRAL PROGRAM; AMENDING FWRC 19.91.060, 19.95.050, 19.100.060, AND 19.100.070; REPEALING FWRC 19.91.065; AND ADDING NEW SECTIONS TO CHAPTERS 19.91, 19.95, AND 19.100 FWRC. (Amending Ordinance Nos. 90 -39, 95 -249, 97- 293,09 -627, 10 -658, 11 -710, 12 -727 AND 15 -783) City Clerk Stephanie Courtney read the Ordinance Title into the record. COUNCILMEMBER MALONEY MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE; COUNCILMEMBER DUCLOS SECOND. The motion passed unanimously 6 -0 as follows: Deputy Mayor Burbidge yes Councilmember Koppang yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson yes Councilmember Moore excused Councilmember Maloney yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda yes 9. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Assefa- Dawson was saddened by a recent passing of someone who has made an impact on her youth. She reported she attended the recent budget training with the Finance Director Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 7 of 8 August 9, 2016 and other Councilmembers. She enjoyed Friendship Day at Town Square Park and encourages people to celebrate the Naturalization Process on August 10th. She further commented while she doesn't herself participate in the "Pokemon Go" craze, she is happy to see young people out being active. Councilmember Maloney reported on visiting a couple different neighborhoods during the National Night Out and is happy to receive feedback, both constructive and positive from the citizens. She attended the Kiwanis Salmon Bake at Steel Lake Park and is looking forward to the Town Square Park Movie Night of "Inside Out ". Councilmember Honda was pleased to report the Kiwanis Salmon Bake was a huge success with over 907 dinners served which is up from the previous high of 800. She also attended the budget workshop and thanked Nick Wilson and Skylar Nichols for bringing the Friendship Day idea forward, she feels it was a great success and thanked the sponsors who helped. She encouraged citizens to attend the upcoming GreenFest at the Farmers Market. There will be free shredding services, arts and crafts, along with produce and flowers. She also noted it is currently "Farmers Market Week" and asked everyone to stop by and support our local market which is open every Saturday through October. Councilmember Koppang talked about the great service clubs in Federal Way, and how much he enjoyed the Lions Club Car Show. He also thanked Councilmember Honda and Sheri Edwards for their help in pulling together the Friendship Day event at Town Square Park, be noted this community is a very friendly and diverse and he enjoys showcasing those qualities. He also noted he recently celebrated his 30th wedding anniversary with his lovely wife. Councilmember Duclos noted she continues to keep updated on the algae issue at Lake Jeane as she has had similar experience at Duck Lake in Ocean Shores. She is encouraging both sides to come together for a positive solution. She will be attending the Naturalization Ceremony and celebrates her family history and her grandfather. Deputy Mayor Burbidge announced the next meeting of the Lodging Tax Advisory Board will be tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. in the Hylebos Room. She also attended National Night Out events, and the Salmon Bake which had a great turn out and wonderful dinner. She was also able to attend Friendship Day and she enjoyed that the community who were enjoying the park were able to take park and were extended smiles and treats. She also reported on upcoming events in the performing arts. 10. ADJOURNMENT There being nothing further on the agenda; Mayor Ferrell adjourned the Regular Meeting at 9:27 p.m. Attest: Stephanie Courtney City Clerk Approved by Council: Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 8 of 8 August 9, 2016 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 06, 2016 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ITEM #: 5b SUBJECT: JULY 2016 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the July 2016 Monthly Financial Report? COMMITTEE: Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee MEETING DATE: August 23, 2016 CATEGORY: Consent ❑ City Council Business n Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Ade Ariwoola, Finance Director Attachments: • July 2016 Monthly Financial Report DEPT: Finance Options Considered: 1. Approve the July 2016 Monthly Financial Report as presented 2. Deny approval of the July 2016 Monthly Financial Report and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION_Mayor recommends approval of Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: CHIEF OF STAFF: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 6 4 Council Initial COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward approval of the July 2016 Monthly Financial Report to the September 06, 2016 consent agenda for approval. Dini Duclos Committee Chair Martin Moore Susan Honda Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the July 2016 Monthly Financial Report. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED — 08/12/2010 COUNCIL BILL # 1ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # cm or I Federal Way July 2016 Monthly Financial Report - Highlights The following are highlights of the July 2016 Monthly Financial Report. Detailed financial information can be found in the July 2016 Monthly Financial Report detail. Notable Areas 1. Sales Tax is above 2015 year -to -date actuals by $471K or 7.3 %. 2. Parks and General Recreation Fees is $87K or 15.5% above 2016 year -to -date budget due to a positive turnout in senior and inclusion programs. Parks & Recreation expenditures are under 2016 year -to -date budget by $21K or 1.0 %. 3. Real estate excise tax is $473K or 27.2% above 2015 year -to -date collections. This is primarily due to some large commercial sales such as Weyerhaeuser in the last few months. Other large commercial sales this year were Rainier Meadows apartments, the Landing at Dash Point apartments, Twin Lakes Shopping Center, Clarion Hotel, and St. Francis Medical Center. 4. Dumas Bay Center is $106K or 22.7% above 2015 year -to -date collections. There has been an increase in retreat rentals at the facility. Expenses have increased by $57K or 13.0% above 2015 year -to -date expenses due to an increase in goods and services for the operation of the facility. General & Street Fund Summary Revenues are above the year -to -date budget by $398K or 2.0 %. Sales Tax, State shared revenue, franchise fees, public works permits and fees, park & general recreation fees, and gambling tax revenues account for the majority of the increase. Leasehold tax, court revenue, probation revenue, community development permits & fees, and business license fees are below year -to -date budget. Total General & Street Fund expenditures are below year -to -date budget by $407K or 1.6 %. The following Departments are above their projected year -to -date budget: Mayor's Office and Law. Mayor's Office is over year - to -date budget by $4K primarily due to not having enough budgeted under health where employees moved from single to married increasing city's contribution for personnel benefits, as well as an increase in advertising and sponsorship for events within the city. Law is over year -to -date budget by $10K primarily due to an increase in outside legal services for litigation. Public Works is under year -to -date budget by $299K primarily due to vacancy of positions within the year in the department, over projection of positions within the budget, and timing of contract payments. Property tax is above 2015 year -to -date actual by $59K or 1.1% and below 2016 year -to -date budget by $37K or 0.7 %, primarily due to timing differences. Sales tax exceeds 2015 year -to -date actual by $471K or 7.3% and also exceeds 2016 year -to -date budget by $528K or 8.3 %. Retail sales (increase of $111K or 3.3 %), services (increase of $126K or 8.8 %), information (increase of $65K or 22.4 %), and construction (increase of $146K or 18.0 %) account for the majority of the increase compared to year -to -date 2015. Additionally, criminal justice sales tax collected county-wide also exceeds 2015 year -to -date actual by $106K or 9.6% and 2016 year -to -date budget by $17K or 1.4% which further indicates growth. Community Development permits and fees are below the 2015 year -to -date actual by $752K or 43.5% and below 2016 year -to -date budget by $651K or 39.9 %. The permits that primarily contribute to the decrease in 2016 under 2015 are Federal Way High School and Kitts Corner. Significant permit revenues received year -to -date include Uptown Square Apartments, Mirror Lake Village Senior Housing, and Church of Blessing. Court revenue is below 2015 year -to -date actual by $21K or 2.6% and below 2016 year -to -date budget by $70K or 7.9 %. The City is no longer receipting other probation fees previously received by an outside party in Court operations, due to the new probation division in Court that started in the month of May. In addition, the Court is also under year -to -date budget in traffic and non - parking infractions due to the reallocation of the traffic unit to assist patrol officers in the gun violence initiative. Probation revenue is below 2016 year -to -date budget by 18K or 20.3 %. We started receiving probation service revenue from the new probation division of the Municipal Court in May. Probation service is generating enough revenue to cover expenditures as planned. Park & General Recreation Fees is above 2015 year -to -date actual by $42K or 6.9% and above 2016 year -to -date budget by $87K or 15.5 %. Senior trips and tours and inclusion program revenues increased through the efforts of staff to market and promote the programs. Designated Operating Funds Expenditures are below 2016 year -to -date budget by $469K or 5.1% and are primarily due to timing of payments in Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax, Utility Tax Proposition 1, Traffic Safety, and Solid Waste & Recycling, and operational decreases in Surface Water Management due to vacancies of positions and timing of contract payments. Utility tax revenues received year -to -date as reported on the monthly financial report totals $6.0M and is $338K or 5.9% above 2015 year -to -date actual and $460K or 8.2% above 2016 year -to -date budget. The following is the comparison of 2016 year -to -date actual to 2015 year -to -date actual utility taxes by category: Electricity — current YTD increase by $323K or 14.4% Cable — current YTD increase by $27K or 3.3% Phone — current YTD decrease by $7K or 1.9% Cellular — current YTD decrease by $24K or 2.8% Real estate excise tax 2016 year -to -date revenues of $2.2M is above 2015 year -to -date actual by $473K or 27.2% and is above the 2016 year -to -date budget by $1.0M or 89.7 %. There were 158 taxable residential sales for the month of July (total sales $47.0M / $233K tax), and four commercial sales (total sales $18.3M / $91K tax). The Weyerhaeuser sale of $70.5M accounted for $349K of the $2.2M tax received. Other large commercial sales this year were Rainier Meadows apartments (sale of $16.9M, $84K tax), the Landing at Dash Point apartments (sale of $46.0M, $264K tax), Twin Lakes Shopping Center (sale of $10.2M, $50K tax), Clarion Hotel (sale of $8.95M, $44K tax), and St. Francis Medical Center (sale of $14.5M, $72K tax). Federal Way Community Center 2016 year -to -date operating revenues total $1.1M, which is below the 2016 year -to -date budget by $6K or 0.6% and below the 2015 year -to -date actual by $46K or 4.0 %. Revenues that fell behind year -to -date revenue projections were passes, youth athletic programs, childcare fees, and fitness classes. Revenues that have fallen behind 2015 year -to -date actuals are youth athletic programs, aquatic programs, fitness classes, and rentals. Revenues that performed better than year -to -date projections were daily drop -ins, aquatic programs, and pool and facility rentals. 2016 year -to -date operating expenditures total $1.3M, which is below the 2016 year -to -date budget by $7K or 0.6% but above 2015 year -to -date actuals by $9K or 0.7 %. Compared to year -to -date budget: Utility costs are lower due to timing of payments and improved energy efficiency. This is offset by personnel costs and supplies that have increased due to increased service levels to meet higher demands, supply needs and inventories, and building repairs. The 2016 year -to -date revenues over / (under) expenditures of ($131K) is performing better than 2016 year -to -date budget of ($132K) by $1K, but is performing poorer than the 2015 year -to -date actual by $55K. To date, $134K of operating subsidy has been used to keep the reserve fund balance at $1.5M, compared to $68K at this time last year. Therefore, the Federal Way Community Center is performing below 2015 actuals. The fund balance is at its required level of $1.5 million. The fund balance is set aside for equipment replacement, major building upgrades, and roof replacement of the Community Center Building. Dumas Bay Centre 2016 year -to -date operating revenues total $575K, which is $182K or 46.1% above the 2016 year -to -date budget, and above 2015 year -to -date actual by $106K or 22.7 %. The increase from year -to -date 2015 is due to an increase in rental activities as a result of the marketing plan that was commissioned in 2011, the Google AdWords campaign put into action from the marketing plan as well as securing the return of rental groups. 2016 year -to -date operating expenses total $499K, which is $85K or 20.6% above the 2016 year -to -date budget and $57K above 2015 year -to -date actual. The increase in expenses over year -to -date 2016 is due to an increase in goods and services for the operation as well as the increase in rental activity for the first seven months. 2016 year -to -date revenues over /(under) expenditures of $76K is above 2015 year -to -date by $49K. Dumas Bay Centre has recovered 115.20% of operating expenditures compared to 106.05% last year. The year -to -date fund balance of $780K is a reserve for future general capital needs of the building. These funds are set aside for equipment replacement, major building upgrades, and roof replacement of the center. Lakehaven Utility District The City signed an agreement with Lakehaven early this year for a 3.6% franchise fee, and in exchange the City will pay for the fire hydrant maintenance and street lights that were initially paid for by Lakehaven and charged to the citizens. The franchise fee received in July was $71K and billing from Lakehaven for the fire hydrants was $155K. Federal Way July 2016 Monthly Financial Report - Detail GENERAL & STREET FUND SUMMARY 2015 2016 YTD Budget vs. Actual Favorable /(Unfa arable) Annual Budget Annual Actual YTD Actual Annual Budget YrD Budget YED Actual $ % Beginning Fund Balance $ 13,264,105 $ 13,264,105 $ 13,264,105 $ 12,006,584 $ 12,006,584 $ 12,006,584 n/a n/a Revenues: Property Taxes 10,342,770 10,305,144 5,468,477 10,486,454 5,564,690 5.527,417 (37,274) -0.7% Sales Tax 12,962,420 13,297,086 6,445,068 13.221,293 6,388,631 6,916,467 527,836 8.3% Criminal Justice Sales Tax 2,273,430 2,319,124 1,102,076 2.507,007 1,191,360 1,208,131 16,772 1.4% Gambling Taxes 155,000 178,118 77,868 155,000 72,792 83,665 10,873 14.9% State Shared Revenue 2,483,000 2,559,940 1,198,217 2,483,000 1,162,204 1,446,370 284,167 24.5% Leasehold Tax 6,000 6,104 4,007 6,000 3,939 1,842 (2,097) -53.2% Court Revenue 1,551,550 1,441,207 833,505 1,471,550 882,165 812,506 (69,659) -7.9% Probation Revenue - - - 354,345 88,586 70,583 (18,003) -20.3% CD Permits & Fees 2,572,000 2,698,841 1,730,480 2,572,000 1,628,992 978,424 (650,568) -39.9% PW Permits & Fees 317,000 520,249 172,141 317,000 162,437 202,201 39,764 24.5% Business License Fees 259,000 267,500 91,525 259,000 88,617 86,963 (1,654) -1.9% Franchise Fees 1,050,000 1,113,436 552,555 1,050,000 521,075 586,120 65,045 12.5% Lakehaven Franchise Fees - - - - - 70,715 70,715 n/a Passport Agency Fees 65,000 74,275 49,925 65,000 43,691 45,150 1,459 3.3% Park& General Recreation Fees 937,000 1,012,820 607,481 937,000 562,005 649,117 87,111 15.5% Police Services 984,000 1,124,278 546,381 1,174,766 570,917 551,664 (19,253) -3.4% Admin/Cash Management Fees 375,896 375,896 219,273 375,896 219,273 219,273 0 0.0% Interest Eamings 31,000 27,090 14,040 31,000 16,067 30,155 14,089 87.7% Miscellaneous /Other /Grants 723,276 977,941 451,286 803,002 370,558 448.932 78,374 21.2% Total Revenues 37,088,342 38,299,050 19,564,306 38,269,313 19,537,998 19,935,695 397,697 2.0% Expenditures: City Council 393,975 363,550 249,575 378,928 245,507 244,198 1.309 0.5% Mayors Office 1,511,439 1,511,600 750,394 1,355,288 832,261 836,614 (4,353) -0.5% Community Development 2,296,033 2,222,664 1,294,535 2,335,518 1,322,137 1,251,096 71,041 5.4% Economic Development 232,238 201,997 121,377 349,430 209,967 178,288 31,679 15.1% Human Services 834,592 743,184 407,709 897,464 492,347 453,209 39,138 7.9% Finance 908,534 883,629 533,775 941,111 568,243 531,503 36,740 6.5% Human Resources 874,337 817,304 374,189 982,708 449,916 437,627 12,290 2.7% Law 1,316,420 1,299,173 733,360 1,316,670 768,058 778,213 (10,156) -1.3% Municipal Court 1,326,071 1,311,919 765,583 1,365,125 796,323 790,442 5,880 0.7% Probation - - - 354,345 88,586 73,219 15,367 17.3% Jail 4,436,614 4,455,713 2.598,277 5,518,134 3,218,912 3,189,848 29,064 0.9% Police 18,237,744 18,678,114 10,907,520 19,352740 11,479,760 11,465,700 14,060 0.1% Parks & Recreation 3,548,663 3,682473 2,028,531 3,798,675 2,174,176 2,152,890 21,286 1.0% Lakehaven Fire Hydrant!Street Light - - - - - 155.487 (155,487) n/a Public Works 4,069,657 3,506,800 1,796,946 3,869,332 2,010,118 1,711,201 298,917 14.9% Total Expenditures 39,986,317 39,678,121 22,561,772 42,815,468 24,656,311 24,249,536 406,776 1.6% Revenues over /(under) Expenditures (2,897,975) (1,379,071) (2,997,466) (4,546,155) (5,118,313) (4,313,841) 804,472 -15.7% Other Sources: Ongoing Transfers In: Traffic Safety for Operations 155,000 155,000 155,000 1,780,609 1,780,609 1,780,609 - 0.0% Utility Tax for Designated Programs 498,000 248,818 30,000 498,000 - - - n/a Utility Tax for Operations 6,495,929 5,103,008 2,156,870 7,813,661 4,616,346 4,616,346 - 0.0% Total Other Financing Sources 7,148,929 5,506,826 2,341,870 10,092,270 6,396,955 6,396,955 - 0.0% Other Uses: 1 -Time Transfers Out /Other 127,988 127,988 63,050 2,727,481 1,388,111 1.388.111 - 0.0°0 Non - Departmental Internal Service Charges 5,662,989 5.257,284 3,045,455 5,308,130 3,201,582 3,201,582 Total Other Financing Uses 5,790,977 5,385,272 3,108,505 8,035,611 4,589,693 4,589,693 - 0.0% Total Ending Fund Balance $ 11,724,082 S 12,006,587 S 9,500,004 S 9,517,088 S 8,695,533 S 9,500,005 n/a n/a DESIGNATED OPERATING FUNDS SUMMARY 201 5 2016 YID Budget vs. Actual Favorable/(1 nfavorable) Annual Budget Annual Actual YFD Actual Annual Budget YFD Budget Y11) Actual $ Beginning Fund Balance 521,407,791 $21,407,792 $21,407,792 $23,403,005 523,403,010 523,403,0111 n/a n/a Revenues: Utility Tax 8,735,934 9,129,221 4,473,083 8,905,924 4,317,012 4,673,430 356,418 8.3% Utility Tax - Prop 1 Voter Package 2,555,856 2,667,329 1,229,430 2,597,824 1,263,302 1,367,240 103,938 8.2% Ilotel /Motel Lodging Tax 200,000 266,053 103,884 200,000 79,254 116,373 37,119 46.8% Real Estate E, iseTax 3,100,000 3,031,159 1,737,701 2,100,054 1,165,682 2,211,113 1,045,431 89.7% Property Tax- King Co Expansion Lev} 155,000 177,780 84,518 160,000 64,344 64,344 - 0.0% State Shared Revenue 509,000 510,660 241,353 509,000 240,569 253,010 12,441 5.2% Traffic Safety (Red Light /School Zone) 2.773,643 3,012,004 1,771.825 2,418,746 1,422,838 1,971,455 548,617 38.6% Federal Way Community Center 1,885,500 1,867,493 1,185,971 1,818,500 1,146,193 1,139,862 (6,331) -0.6% Durres Bay Centre Fund 697,251 760,332 468,740 635,251 393,641 575,155 181.514 46.1% Surface Water Management Fees 3,820,000 3,871,256 2,079,592 3,900,000 2,095,033 2,134,294 39.261 1.9% Refuse Collection Fees 302 ,517 300,983 175,813 304,517 177,877 177,099 (778) -0.4% Interest Eamings 11,800 39,838 14,746 11,800 45,542 45,542 - 0.0% Miscellaneous /Other /Grants 240,807 310,314 48,824 257,578 66,492 66,492 - 0.0% Total Revenues 24,987,308 25,944,421 13,615,480 23,819,194 12,477,778 14,795,408 2,317,630 18.6% Expenditures: Arterial Streets Overlay Program 1.724,205 1,336,390 1,137,193 1,713,886 1,453,862 1.453,862 - 0.0% Solid Waste & Recycling 501,031 478,807 272.442 464,622 264,371 245,792 18,579 7.0% 1-lotel /Motel Lodging Tax 355,296 180,180 99,083 200,300 110,147 11,629 98,518 89.4% Traffic Safety (Red Light/School Zone) 2,123.644 1,994,792 1,191,603 2,184,28 1,304,764 1,248,548 56,216 4.3% Utility Tax Proposition 1 2,841,965 2,782,463 1,612,384 2,931,340 1,698,655 1,611,502 87,153 5.1% Debt Service (Debt & Admin Fee) 1,039,573 1,005,479 182,286 812,123 147,232 171,061 (23,829) - 16.2% Federal Way Community Center 2,170,024 2,178,525 1,262,525 2,215,641 1,278,354 1,271,205 7,149 0.6% Performing Arts & ConfCtrOperations 27,989 15,387 3,197 412,135 103,465 103,465 - 0.0% Dumas Bay Centre Fund 769,243 785,763 441,994 736,999 414,147 499,276 (85,129) -20.6% Surface Water Management 3,810,626 3,434,780 2,069,514 3,912,789 2,357,523 2,047,501 310,022 13.2% Total Expenditures 15,363,596 14,192,567 8,272,221 15,584,063 9,132,520 8,663,841 468,679 5.1% Revenues over /(under) Expenditures 9,623,712 11,751,855 5,343,259 8,235,131 3,345,258 6,131,567 2,786,309 83.3% Other Sources: Ongoing Transfers In: Utility Tax for DBC Oper /Reserves 233,659 483,659 233,659 112.000 112,000 112,000 - 0.0% Utility Tax for FWCC Oper /Reserves 396,754 396,754 68,348 380,000 134,293 134,293 - 0.0% Utility Tax for FWCC Debt 810,773 810,773 177,886 812,123 812,123 812,123 - 0.0% Utility Tax forArtenal Streets Overlay 1,013,000 760,885 667.927 1,013,000 1.013,000 1,013,000 - 0.0% 1 -Time Transfers 1,908,455 1,873,937 813,240 4,086,344 3,094,570 3,094,570 - 0.00/ Total Other .Sources 4,362,641 4,326,008 1,961,060 6,403,467 5,165,986 5,165,986 - 0.0% Other Uses: Ongoing Transfer Out: Traffic Safety (Red Light/School Zone) - - - 1,990,609 1,780,609 1,780,609 - 0.0% Utility Tax to PAEC Oper - - - 376,805 68,128 68,128 - 0.0% Utility Tax to FWCCOper /Reserves 396,754 396,754 68,348 380,000 134,293 134,293 - 0.0% Utility Tax to FWCC Debt 810,773 810,773 177,886 812,123 812,123 812,123 - 0.0% Utility Tax to DBC Oper /Reserves 233,659 483,659 233,659 112,000 112,000 112,000 - 0.0% Utility Tax to A rterial Streets Overlay 1,013,000 760.885 667,927 1,013,000 1,013,000 1,013.000 - 0.0% Utillity Tax to General/Street Oper 6,690,493 5,028,390 2,186,870 7,331,661 3,616,350 3,616,350 - 0.0% 1 -Time Transfers/Other /Unalloc IS 6,823,701 6,602,184 3,296,079 8.095,351 6,183,943 6,183,943 - 0.0% Total Other t'ses 15,968,380 14,082,645 6,630,769 20.1 1 1.54 9 13,720,446 13,720,446 - 0.0% Ending Fund Balance Arterial Streets Overlay 100,000 298,388 100,001 100,000 - 133,051 n/a n/a Utility Tax(non -Prop 1) 2,029,152 4,120,012 3,094,879 1,842,718 - 1,860,813 n/a n/a Utility Tax - Prop 1 Voter Package 548,462 719,485 525,762 1,027.462 - 1,098,486 n/a n/a Solid Waste & Recycling 177,821 208,857 109,051 175,352 - 141.358 n/a n/a Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 245,300 501,765 410,390 501.765 - 607.677 n/a n/a Federal Way Community Center 1,483,499 1,500,002 1,500,000 1,516,500 - 1,499,999 n/a n/a Traffic Safety Fund 3,241,744 3,614,117 3,498,084 1,858,026 - 2,562,793 n/a n/a Real Estate Excise Tax Fund 3,508,627 3,445,070 5,113,534 2,000,000 - 2,924,971 n/a n/a Performing Arts &ConfCtr Operations (1) 12,608 6,807 (1) - 0 n/a n/a Paths & Trails 360,664 384,357 285,863 553,356 - 454,304 n/a n/a Strategic Reserve Fund 3,012,279 3,085,472 3,220,121 3,418,340 - 3,396,477 n/a n/a Parks Reserve Fund 250,000 250,000 - 750,000 - 751,345 n/a n/a Debt Service Fund 1,471,153 1,471,579 868,661 2,499,999 - 3,144,896 n/a n/a Surface Water Management 2,964,197 3,392,481 2,959,967 1,082,868 - 1,623,479 n/a n/a Dumas Bay Centre Fund 32,867 398,817 388,222 603,669 - 780,466 n/a n/a Total Eating Fund Balance 5 19,425,764 S 23,403,010 S 22,081,342- S 17,930,054 S - S 20,980,115 n/a n/a Sales Tax Compared to year -to -date July 2015 actual, sales tax revenues are up by $99K or 9.0 %. Compared to 2016 year -to -date budget, year -to -date sales tax revenues went up by $528K or 8.3 %. There is usually a two month lag in sales tax revenue. The sales tax collected for May 2016 is paid to the City in July 2016. LOCAL RETAIL SALES TAX REVENUES YTD July 2015 Month Actual 2016 Favor abl a /(Unfavorable) Change from 2015 YTD Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ '% $ % Jan S - - - - - - - Feb 1,353,180 1,322,183 1,407,385 54,205 4.0% 85,202 6.4% Mar 912,804 933,423 967,408 54,604 6.0% 33,986 3.6% Apr ( 952,455 950,298 1,031,972 79,517 8.3% 81,675 8.6% May 1,088,938 1,081,896 1,169,154 80,217 7.4% 87,258 8.1% Jun 3 1,044,900 1,024,472 1,148,897 103,997 10.0% 124,425 12.1% Jul 1,092,791 1,076,360 1,191,650 98,859 9.0% 115,290 10.7% Aug i 1,254,134 1,236,154 - - - - - Sep 1,144,483 1,145,777 - - - - - Oct 1,123,740 1,124,519 - - - - - Nov 1,137,158 1,152,099 - - - - - Dec 2,192,502 2,174,112 - - - - - YTD Total $ 6,445,068 $ 6,388,631 $ 6,916,467 $ 471.399 7.3% $ 527,835 8.3% Annual Total $ 13,297,086 $ 13,221,293 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a COMPARISON OF SAL_ ES TAX COLLECTIONS BY SIC GROUP Component Group 2015 YID July 2016 YID July Faorabl e/(Unfasurabl e) Change from 2015 Explanation $ % Retail Trade $ 3,328,563 $ 3,439,745 $ 111,182 3.3% Up $145K - Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealer, Fumiture and Home Fumishings, Electronics and Appliances, Building Material and Garden, Health and Personal Care Stores, Clothing and Accessories, General Merchandise Stores, and Non store Retailers Down $34K - Food and Beverage Stores, Sporting Goods, Hobby, Books, and Miscellaneous Retailers Services 1,430,931 1,556,952 126,021 8.8% Up $144K - Professional, Scientific, Tech, Administrative & Support Services, Educational Services, Waste Management Renediation, Ambulatory Health Care Service, Accomodation, Food Services & Drinking Places, Repair & Maintenance & Personal Laundry Services, Hospitals, Religious, Grantmaking, Civic Down $18K - Nursing & Residential Care, Amusement, Gambling Construct 813,570 959,878 146,308 18.0% Up $I54K- Construction of Buildings, Specialty Trade Down $8K - Heavy & Civil Construction Wholesaling 282,965 237,417 (45,548) -16.1% Up $5K - Wholesale Trade, Nondurable goods Down $51K- Wholesale Trade, Durable goods Transp /Utility 1,987 1,796 (191) -9.6% General Decrease Information 291,596 356,901 65,304 22.4% Up $65K - Internet Service Providers, Publishing Industries, Teleconmunications, Other Information Services, Motion Picture, Sound Record Manufacturing 57,073 64,654 7,581 13.3% Up $12K Wood Product Manufacturing, Printing & Related Support, Nonmetallic Mineral Products, Fabricated Metal Manufacturing, Computer & Electronic Products, Machinery Manufacturing Down $5K - Food Manufacturing, Textile Mills, Apparel Manufacturing, Chemical Manufacturing, Furniture & Related Products Govemment 78,574 84,993 6,419 8.2% Up $17K - Economic Programs Admin Down 511K - Executive, Legislative, Other Fin /Insurance /Real Estate 138,749 160,826 22,077 15.9% Up $24K - Real Estate. Credit Intermediation, Rental & Leasing Services, Insurance Carriers and Related Down $2K - Securities, Commodities, Other Other 21,059 53.04 32,245 153.1% General Increase $ 6,445,068 S 6,916,467 S 471,399 7.3% SALES TAX COMPARISON by AREA YID July 2016 Location 2015 2016 FavoraIla /(Urfa oracle) Chg from 2015 &planation $ %. YFD Total Sales Tax S 6,445,068 S 6,916,467 S 471,399 7.3% Jan S 348th Retail Block 999,518 1,031,160 31,643 3.2% Up $87K Retail Automative /Gas, Retail Building Materials. Retail General Merchandise, Furniture & Fixtures, Retail Eating & Drinking Down $55K Retail Electronics and Appliances, Retail Miscellaneous Stores The Commons 560,660 575,098 14,438 2.6% Up $33K Misc Retail Trade Down $19K Retail Apparel & Accessories, Retail Eating & Drinking, Retail Electronics & Appliances S 312th to S 316th 380,765 387,497 6,732 1.8% Up $9K Retail General Merchandise, Retail Eating & Drinking, Misc Retail Trade Down $2K Retail Automative /Gas Pavilion Center 227,048 231,135 4,087 1.8% Up S4K Electronics and Appliances Hotels & Motels 110,364 114,895 4,532 4.1% General Increase Gateway Center 73,477 106,142 32,665 44.5% Up $36K Telecommunications, Food /Beverage Stores, Health & Personal Care Stores Down $3K Motion Picture/Sound Utility Tax (Total 7.75 %) The utility taxes year -to -date is $338K or 5.9% above 2015 year -to -date actual and $460K or 8.2% above 2016 year -to -date budget. There is usually a two month lag in utility tax revenue. The utility tax collected for May 2016 is paid to the City in July 2016. UFILITY TAXES Year- to-date thru July Month 2015 Atual 2016 Fa arable /(Unfa arable) Change from 2015 YID Actual is Budget Budget Actual $ Var % Var $ Var % Var Jan S 777 S 767 $ 535 $ (242) -31.2% $ (233) -30.3% Feb 962,766 892,683 1,140,130 177,364 18.4% 247,446 27.7% Mar 1,055,119 1,211,938 1,111,608 56,488 5.4% (100,330) -8.3% Apr 1,073,824 744,024 1,125,890 52,066 4.8% 381,866 51.3% May 326,129 714,810 289,114 (37,015) -11.3% (425,696) -59.6% Jun 1,524,811 1,463,463 1,536,627 11,816 0.8% 73,164 5.0% Jul 774,995 579,627 851,015 76,020 9.8% 271,388 46.8% Aug 622,273 740,882 - - - - - Sept 872,972 824,449 - - - - - Oct 1,270,562 1,191,652 - - - - - Nov 557,086 542,851 - - - - Dec 2,771,145 2,623,600 - - - - - YID Subtotal $ 5,718,421 $ 5,607,313 $ 6,054,918 $ 336,497 5.9% $ 447,605 8.0% Rebate (15,908) (27,000) (14,249) 1,659 0.0% 12,751 -47.2% YID Total $ 5,702,513 $ 5,580,313 $ 6,040,669 $ 338,156 5.9% $ 460,356 8.2% Annual Total $ 11,796,551 $ 11,503,748 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a The City of Federal Way provides a utility tax rebate for qualifying individuals that have paid for Utility bills within the City of Federal Way, who are 65 years or older, disabled/unable to work, and qualify as low income during the affected calendar year. This is an annual program that opens January 1St and closes April 30" of each year. The City processed 156 rebates at a total cost of $16K in 2015. The City processed 132 rebates at a total cost of $14K in 2016. UTILITY TAXES - by Type Year -to -date thru July Utility Type 2015 Actual 2016 Actual Favor able /(Unfaorabl e) Change from 2015 $ % Electric $ 2,236,831 $ 2,559,588 $ 322,756 14.4% Gas 816,532 818,134 1,602 0.2% Solid Waste 453,318 463,886 10,568 2.3% Cable 820,441 847,892 27,451 3.3% Phone 374,161 367,092 (7,069) -1.9% Cellular 854,762 830,935 (23,827) -2.8% Pager 274 125 (149) n/a S W M 162,102 167,267 5,165 3.2% Tax Rebate (15,908) (14,249) 1,659 0.0% YTD Total $ 5,702,513 $ 6,040,669 $ 338,156 5.9% Proposition 1 Voter Approved Utility Tax 2016 Year -to -date Prop 1 expenditures total $1.6M or 55.0% of the $2.9M annual budget. Current life -to -date Prop 1 Utility tax collections total $27.5M and expenditures total $26.4M. PROP 1 2015 2016 Life To Date Budget Actual Budget Actual Beginning Balance: 834,603 834,603 719,485 719,485 n/a OPERATING REVENUES January 172 175 173 121 1,604,144 February 187,628 177,728 201,117 257,695 2,349,155 March 308,182 297,286 273,044 251,171 2,884,123 April 98,809 112,871 167,625 254,383 2,426,614 May 244,602 234,426 161,043 65,574 2,311,699 June 318,955 314,071 329,711 347,323 2,658,720 July 90,036 93,050 130,587 192,576 1,952,573 August 193,223 202,390 166,917 - 1,831,316 September 176,723 197,173 185,745 - 1,667,067 October 253,572 286,955 268,474 - 2,168,937 November 120,120 125,844 122,302 - 1,704,254 December 563,833 625,376 591,085 - 3,353,143 Total Prop 1 Revenues: 2,555,856 2,667,345 2,597,824 1,368,843 26,911,744 Transfer in from Utility Tax Fund 641,494 621,660 621,660 OPERATING EXPENDITURES Public Safety Improvement Positions & Costs: 2,214,883 2,193,288 Police Services (includes 1 Records Specialist, 16 Police Officers, & 2 Lieutenants) 2,286,294 1,303,932 19,857,318 Court Services (includes .50 Judge, 1 Court Clerk, and Pro Tem Pay, Public Defender contract, 1.5 Prosecutors) 371,090 364,464 378,690 170,909 3,300,551 Total Public Safety Improvement Costs 2,585,973 2,557.752 2,664,984 1,474,841 23,157,868 Community Safety Program Costs: 1 Code Enforcement Officer 101,268 77,971 107,497 47,768 444,596 .5 Assistant City Attorney 58,052 51,997 61,391 32,008 558,994 1 Parks Maintenance Worker I & Security 96,672 94,744 97,469 56,885 946,770 Total Community Safety Improvement Costs 255,992 224,712 266,356 136,662 1,950,360 Indirect Support - HR Analyst - - - - 291,695 SafeCity M &O - - - - 245.929 Subtotal Ongoing Expenditures - - - - 537,624 SafeCity Startup - - - 189,066 Other Transfer - Prop 1 OT for Police - - - - 600,000 Subtotal Other Expenditures - - - - 789.066 Total Prop 1 Expenditures: 2,841.965 2,782,464 2,931,340 1.611,503 26,434,918 Total Ending Fund Balance: $ 548,494 $ 719,485 $ 1,027,463 $ 1.098.485 $ 1,098,485 Real Estate Excise Tax Compared to 2015 year -to- date actuals, collections are up $473K or 27.2 %. July's receipt of $331K is above July 2015's actual by $29K or 9.5% and above July 2016's projections by $103K or 44.9 %. July 2016 activities include 235 real estate transactions, of which 73 were tax exempt. There were 158 taxable residential sales (total sales $47.0M / $233K tax), four commercial sales (total sales $18.3M / $91K tax), and $7K tax for State sales. Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax Hotel/Motel lodging tax received year -to -date in 2016 is $116K and is above 2015's year -to -date collections by $12K or 12.0 %. 2016 year - to -date receipts are above year -to -date projections by $37K or 46.8 %. The lodging tax collected for May 2016 is paid to the City in July 2016. Permit Activity Building, planning, and zoning permit activities are below 2015's year -to -date activity by $752K or 43.5 %. Compared to year -to -date budget, permit activity is below by $651K or 39.9 %. The permits that have primarily contributed to the decrease are the Federal Way High School and Kitts Comer permits. REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX REVENUES Year -to -date thru July Month 2015 Actual 2016 Favorable /(Unfavorable) Change from 2015 YTD Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan S 155,922 $ 88,891 S 386,409 S 230,486 147.8% S 297,517 334.7% Feb 150,860 85,803 533,534 382,674 253.7% 447,730 521.8% Mar 331,315 190,440 165,413 (165,903) -50.1% (25,027) -13.1% Apr 148,984 108,153 245,886 96,902 65.0% 137,734 127.4% May 302,118 263,063 220,243 (81,875) -27.1% (42,820) -16.3% Jun 345,929 200,619 328,219 (17,711) -5.1% 127,599 63.6% Jul 302,572 228,712 331,410 28,838 9.5% 102,698 44.9% Aug 324,637 190,573 - - - - - Sep 199,688 132,748 - - - - - Oct 246,044 154,515 - - - - - Nov 189,651 152,587 - - - - - Dec 333,438 303,951 - - - - - YTDTotal 1,737,701 1,165,682 2,211,113 473,412 27.2% 1.045,431 89.7% Annual Total $ 3,031,159 $ 2,100,054 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a HOTEL/MOTEL LODGING TAX REVENUES Year -to -date thru July Month 2015 Actual 2016 Favorable /(Unfavorable) Change from 2015 2016 Actual vs Budget Budget kctual $ % $ % Jan $ - $ - $ - $ - - $ - - Feb 15.336 11.307 15,431 95 0.6% 4,124 36.5% Mar 13,489 10,778 15,983 2,494 18.5% 5.205 48.3% Apr 16,825 13.230 20,565 3,741 22.2% 7,336 55.5% May 19,890 15,441 22.013 2,123 10.7% 6.572 42.6% Jun 17,024 12.968 19,591 2,567 15.1% 6,623 51.1% Jul 21.320 15,530 22,788 1.468 6.9% 7.258 46.7% Aug 34,569 23,726 - - - - - Sept 34.823 25.890 - - - - - Oct 33,195 25,833 - - - - - Nov 24,271 18,448 - - - - - Dec 35,312 26,848 - - - - - YID Total $ 103,884 $ 79,254 $ 116,373 $ 12,488 12.0% $ 37,119 46.8% Annual Total 5 266,052 $ 200,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a BUILDING & LAND USE PERMITS AND }ItFS (CD) Year -to -date thru July Month 2015 Actual 2016 Change from 2015 Favorable /(Unfavorable) 2016 Actual vs Budget Budget Actual S % $ % Jan 100.841 161.244 186,036 85,195 84.5% 24.793 15.4% Feb 512,848 237,487 89,756 (423,092) - 82.5% (147,731) -62.2% Mar 167,455 236,108 155,317 (12,138) -7.2% (80,791) -34.2% Apr 322.691 243.715 132,987 (189.703) -58.8% (110.728) -45.4% May 193.125 253,998 142,079 (51,046) -26.4% (111.920) -44.1% Jun 126,129 283,552 162,842 36,713 29.1% (120,710) -42.6% Jul 307.392 212.887 109,407 (197.985) -64.4% (103,480) -48.6% Aug 151.296 236,423 - - - - - Sept 233,908 207,518 - - - - - Oct 300.673 205,686 - - - - - Nov 87.568 122,133 - - - - - Dec 194,915 171,248 - - - - - 11 I) Total $ 1,730,480 $ 1,628,992 $ 978,424 $ (752,056) -43.5% $ (650,568) - 39.9% Annual Total $ 2,698,841 $ 2,572,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Police Department The total overtime budget of $949K consists of $767K for City overtime and $182K for billable time. Compared to 2016 year -to -date budget, City's portion of overtime is $147K or 32.2% above year -to -date projections. Compared to year -to -date 2015 actuals, City's portion of overtime is above by $76K or 13.5 %. Including the decrease in billable overtime, total overtime increased by $28K or 4.2% over the same time last year. The July overtime increase of $12K above 2015 year -to -date actual is due to an increase in shift extension, and superior court testimony. However, the greatest impact has been scheduled overtime coverage for the special gun violence emphasis expenditures due to a significant number of gun violence and homicide cases. Although overtime is above year -to -date budget, the total of Police salaries, wages, and benefits is still under year -to -date budget. PD Overtime by Type Year -to -date tbru Ju y Type 2015 Actual 2016 Actual (Favorable) /unfavorable Change from 2015 S Actual Training $ 9,299 $ 17,821 $ 8,522 91.6% Court 17,884 29,982 12,098 67.6% Field Oper 454,691 494,252 39,560 8.7% Other 45.068 60,690 15,623 34.7% City Portion 526,942 602,745 75,803 14.4% Contract /Grant 106,882 60,480 (46,403) -43.4% l ratlic School 14,817 12,962 (1,854) -12.5% Billable 121,699 73,442 (48,257) -39.7% 1 "1l) Total $ 648,641 $ 676,187 $ 27,546 4.2% Jail Services PD Overtime by Month Year -to -date thru July 2015 >lonih Actual 2016 (Favorable)/Unfavorable Change from 2015 2016 Actual Ns Budget Budget Actual $ % $ Other Jail & Alternative Programs Jan 5 92,125 $ 67,712 $ 70,394 $ (21,731) -23.6% $ 2,683 4.0°o Feb 61,090 63,817 92,574 31,484 51.5 % 28,757 45. I% Mar 61,169 56,049 64,708 3,540 5.8% 8,660 15.5% Apr 55,955 58,564 76,909 20,954 37.4% 18,345 31.3% May 84,365 69,262 100,057 15,693 18.6% 30,796 44.5% Jun 81,812 58,773 95,848 14,036 17.2% 37,075 63.1% Jul 90,427 81,613 102,254 11,827 13.1% 20,641 25.3% Aug 73,713 58,298 - - - - - Sep 55,110 61,969 - - - - - Oct 54,986 71,191 - - - - Nov 64,356 55,726 - - - - Dec 52,418 64,183 - - - - City Portion 526,942 455,789 602,745 75,803 13.5% 146,956 32.2% Billable 121,699 94,200 73,442 (48,257) - 39.7% (20,758) -22.0% YFDTotal $ 648,641 $ 549,989 $ 676,187 5 2 7,54 6 4.2% 5126,198 22.9% Billable $ - $ 87,585 $ - S - - $ - - Annual Total $ 948,940 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a The total jail budget is $5.52M and it is for SCORE Jail maintenance & operation assessments and alternative programs. Debt service is being paid for by SCORE reserves in 2016. At the original 2007 projections, the Average Daily Population (ADP) was projected at 60 in- mates, which was the 3"I highest, out of the seven member cities. In 2015 based on 2014 activity, ADP was projected at 93 in- mates. In 2012, the budgeted ADP for Federal Way was 60, but actual ADP was never below 65, and at one point ADP was above 105. In 2013, the budgeted ADP for Federal Way was 90 ADP, but actual ADP was never below 75, and at its height ADP was about 90. In 2014, the budgeted ADP was 95, and year -to -date the ADP at its highest point was 95, and at its lowest was just above 75 ADP. When ADP increases, the jail costs increase. Renton which was once the highest in 2007, is now second behind Federal Way. In 2016, the budgeted ADP is 105 and our ADP in July was 73. In 2015, the July ADP was 97. Other jail & alternative programs are provided by King County and Providence Community for psychiatric care. As of the end of July the City spent $64,269 on these services that are not currently being provided by SCORE. Jail and Alternatives to Confinement 2015 Annual Actual 2016 Annual Budget \TD Budget YTDActual SCORE $ 4,276,614 $ 5,358,134 $ 3,125,578 $ 3,125,578 Other Jail & Alternative Programs 179,099 160,000 93,333 64,269 Subtotal M &O 4,455,713 5,518,134 3,218,912 3,189,847 Subtotal Debt Service - - - - Total $ 4,455,713 $ 5,518,134 $ 3,218,912 $ 3,189,847 Traffic Safety - Red Light /School Zone Traffic Safety Red light & school zone enforcement revenues are accounted for in the Traffic Safety Fund to be used for, but not limited to, prevention, education, and enforcement efforts related to traffic safety and compliance with traffic control devices within the City, including maintenance and operations costs. Traffic Safety Fund pays for 1 Lieutenant, 7 Police Officers, 3 City Traffic positions, Municipal Court security services, red light photo services, Valleycomm emergency communication services, and School Zone Enhancements capital improvement projects. Red Light Photo/School Zone Enforcement Month 2015 2016 Variance Fawr abl a /(Unfawr abl e ) Gross Revenue Payments toATS Salaries & Wages Net &CrtSecurity Revenue Gross Revenue Payments toATS Salaries & Wages Net &CrtSecurity Revenue $ Variance % Variance Jan $ 214,295 $ (52,250) $ (116,987) $ 45,058 $ 245,938 $ (52,250) $ (114,179) $ 79,509 $ 34,450 76.5% Feb 276,824 (52,250) (118,560) 106,014 276,364 (52,250) (124,988) 99,126 (6,888) -6.5% Mar 182,243 (23,750) (129,774) 28,719 349,149 (52,250) (120,513) 176,386 147,667 514.2% Apr 301,461 (52,250) (124,961) 124,251 286,440 (52,250) (145,902) 88,289 (35,962) -28.9% May 194,639 (52,250) (117,371) 25,018 257,204 (52,250) (125,100) 79,854 54,836 219.2% Jun 297,654 (52,250) (126,832) 118,572 328,029 (52,250) (124,785) 150,995 32,423 27.3% Jul 304,709 (38,000) (119,867) 146,841 228,331 (52,250) (127,330) 48,750 (98,091) -66.8% Aug 184,396 (38,000) (124,907) 21,490 - - - - - - Sep 222,403 (52,250) (120,472) 49,681 - - - - - - Oct 258,671 (52,250) (120,482) 85,939 - - - - - - Nov 290,816 (52,250) (132,281) 106,284 - - - - - - Dec 283,892 - (124,547) 159.345 - - - - - - 11 1)1 otai 81,771,825 5(323,0011) S (854,353) $ 594,472 51971,455 $(365,750) $ (882,797)1 S 722,908 S I28,436 7.11 ",, >,nnual dotal 53,012,004 $(517,750) $ (1,477,043) $1,017,211 51971,455 $(365,750) $ (882,797)1 $ 722,908 5 128,436 n/a knnual Budget n/a n/a n/a - n/a n/a n/a - n/a n/a Court Court operation and probation service revenues are $50K or 5.9% above 2015 year -to -date actuals and $88K or 9.0% below 2016 year -to -date budget. COURT REVENUE Year- to-date thru July Month 2015 Actual 2016 Actual Favorable /(Unfavorable) Changefrom 2015 $ % Civil Penalties $ 9,897 $ 9,015 $ (882) -8.9% Traffic & Non-Parking 452,621 429,502 (23,119) -5.1% Parking Infractions 13,012 14,290 1,278 9.8% DUI & Other Misd 62,143 61,942 (200) -0.3% Criminal Traffic M isd 109 141 32 29.5% Criminal Costs 76,847 50,034 (26,813) -34.9% Interest / Other / M isc 79,502 123,407 43,905 55.2% Criminal Cony Fees 33,909 32,373 (1,537) -4.5% Shared Court Costs 21,788 24,398 2,610 12.0% Services & Charges 43,838 43,545 (293) -0.7% Subtotal $ 793,666 5 788,648 $ (5,018) -0.6% Probation Fees 39,839 23,858 (15,981) -40.1% Probation Services - 70,583 August 100,761 YTD Total $ 833,505 $ 883,089 $ 49,584 5.9% COURT REVENUE Year-to-date thru Jul, Month 2015 _ Actual 2016 Fawrable/ Unfawrable 1 Change from2015 2016 ,4ctual vs Budget Budget Actual 5 % $ % January $ 96,176 $ 113,248 $ 130,939 $ 34,763 36.1% $ 17,691 15.6% February 17,939 131,824 118,776 (4,163) -3.4% (13,048) -9.9% March 115,886 135,185 137,358 21,472 18.5% 2,173 1.6% April 155,815 166,844 123,674 (32141) -20.6% (43,170) -25.9% May 86,042 99,082 103,444 17,402 20.2% 4,362 4.4% June 96,600 106,421 97,231 630 0.7% (9,190) -8.6% Jub, 120,208 129,561 77,227 (42,982) -35.8% (52,335) -104% August 100,761 109,002 - - - - - September 137,137 127,841 - - - - - October 118,682 128,838 - - - - - November 113,776 107,028 - - - - - December 107,042 116,676 - - - Probation Fees 39,839 - 23,858 (15,981) -40.1% 23,858 r 269% Probation Services - ::,586 70,583 70,583 n/a (18,003) -20.3% YID Total $ 833,505 $ 970,751 $ 883,089 $ 49,584 5.9% $ (87,662) -9.0% Probation Fees 30,305 - n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Probation Services - 265,759 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Annual $ 1,441,207 $ 1,825,895 n/a n/a n/a n/a a/a Federal Way Community Center The Federal Way Community Center Fund was established as a special revenue fund supported by user fees and utility tax transfer. Federal way Community Center as of07/31/2016 2015 2016 YID Budget vs Actual Fawrable /(Unfavorahk) Budget Annual ketual YID Actual Budget 1TD YID Budget 1ctual $ Beginning Fund Balance $ 1,573,469 S 1,573,469 $ 1,573,469 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 S 1.500.001 n/a n/a Operating Revenues: Daily Drop -ins $ 345,000 $ 335,930 $ 226,378 $ 310,000 $ 208,904 $ 226,569 $ 17,665 7.8% Passes 786,000 776,278 459,258 850,000 502,874 467,924 (34,950) -7.5% City Employee Membership Program 31,000 32,327 17,925 31,000 17,189 17,615 426 2.4% Youth Athletic Programs 45,000 51,639 33,096 45,000 28,841 27,860 (981) -3.5% Aquatics Programs- Lessons /Classes 156,000 146,896 110,461 136,000 102,267 106,343 4,076 3.8% Childcare Fees 9,000 3,091 2,801 9,000 5,400 648 (4,752) - 733.3% Fitness Classes /Fitness Training 161,000 157,620 100,691 130,000 83,047 75,943 (7,104) -9.4% Towel/equipment Rentals 4,000 3,156 1,957 4,000 2,481 2,133 (347) -16.3% Pool Rentals /Competitive -Lap Lanes 16,000 22,978 15,664 16,000 10,907 14,736 3,829 26.0% Rentals 240,000 241,140 156,212 195,000 126,322 139,090 12,768 9.2% Merchandise Sales 7,500 10,020 7,573 7.500 5,668 7,154 1,485 20.8% Concessions /Vending 60,000 61,418 39,370 60,000 38,462 40,017 1,555 3.9% Interest Eamings/Other Misc - (0) 0 - 25,000 - 13,831 (0) 13,831 (0) - n/a 0.0% General Park/Rec - Facility use charge 25,000 25,000 14,583 Total Operating Revenues 1,885,500 1,867,493 1,185,971 1,818 500 1,146,193 1,139,862 (6,331) -0.6% Operating Expenditures: Personnel Costs 1,404,524 1,419,625 846,865 1,447,141 863,279 892,693 122,248 (29,413) (23,580) -3.3% -19.3% Supplies 175,500 241,639 144,061 165,500 98,668 Other Services & Charges 209,500 _ 203,268 94,618 222,500 103,570 97,090 6,479 6.7% Utility Cost 360,000 309,977 172,966 360,000 200,878 155,602 45,277 29.1% Intergovernmental 20,500 4,016 4,016 20,500 11,958 3,572 8,386 234.8% Total Operating Expenditures 2,170,024 2,178,525 1,262,525 2,215,641 1,278,354 1,271,205 7,149 0.6% Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (284,524) (311,032) (76,554) (397,141) (132,161) (131,342) (818) -0.6% Recovery Ratio 86.9% 85.7% 93.9% 8 2.1 % 89.7% 89.7% n/a Transfer In from General Fund - - - 55,641 - - - n/a Utility Tax - Operations 396,754 396,754 68,348 380,000 134,293 134,293 - 0.0% Total Other Sources 396,754 396,754 68,348 435,641 134,293 134,293 - 0.0% Other Uses: n/a Capital/UseofReserves /Grants 202,200 159,190 65,263 22,000 2,951 2,951 2.951 n/a Total Other Uses 202,200 159,190 65,263 22,000 2,951 2,951 2,951 n/a Net Income (89,970) (73,469) (73,469) 16,500 (819) (0) 818 n/a Eating Fund Balance $1,483,499 $ 1,500,001 $1500,000 $1,516500 $ 1,499,181 $ 1,500,001 $ 819 0.1% The operating revenue budget includes $1.79M in user fees /program revenues, $380K contribution from utility tax for operations, $56K contribution from General Fund for operations, and $25K use charge from General Fund Recreation for use of the facility. Year -to -date operating revenues total $1.1M which is $6K or 0.6% below the 2016 year -to -date budget. In comparison to 2016's year -to -date budget: Daily Drop -in revenues are $18K or 7.8% above the projected revenue. Daily admission revenues continue to be strong due mostly to increased gymnasium and pool use throughout the year. We have also seen a few large groups visiting from neighboring summer camps or neighboring youth programs, primarily to use the pools. • Pass revenues are $35K or 7.5% below the projected revenue, but above 2015 YTD by $9K. Membership sales are a little bit slower than usual for the year, but the facility is making up ground in daily admission sales. • Aquatic Programs are $4K or 3.8% above the projected revenue. Swim lesson enrollment is very good with nearly all classes full and classes being added to accommodate more participants on the waiting list. • Child Care Revenues are $5K below expected levels. Staff is looking into the pricing model for areas of improvement. ■ Fitness Classes are $7K or 9.4% below the projected revenue. The decrease is mostly due to timing, and will raise to anticipated revenues with the continued success of small group training, specialty classes, and Silver Sneakers. Trainer revenues are down slightly, but should increase as new trainers are added. • Pool Rentals are $4K or 26.0% above the projected revenue. The increase is due to increased participation in local swim clubs. Increased participation in local clubs means increased lane rentals at the FWCC lap pool. • Rental Revenues are up $13K or 9.2% above the projected revenue. Rental revenues are up mostly due to continued growth in meeting and rental bookings. Birthday party enrollment and special event rentals remain popular. Year -to -date operating expenditures total $1.3M which is $7K or 0.6% below the year -to -date budget. Federal Way Community Center has recovered 89.7% of operating expenditures compared to the year -to -date budgeted recovery ratio of 89.7 %. In comparison to 2016's year -to -date budget and 2015's year -to -date actual respectively: • Personnel Costs increased by $29K or 3.3% compared to budget, and increased by $46K or 5.4% compared to prior year actual. The increase is due to increased service levels to meet higher customer service demands. Service Attendants have been added for safety and to improve operations in the gymnasium, locker rooms, rentals, and special events. • Supplies are $24K or 19.3% higher than projected budget, and $22K or 17.8% lower compared to prior year actual. The increase compared to budget is due to increased spending on household supplies. Also, there have been increased expenditures due to repair and maintenance of the building, which includes repair parts and building materials. • Other Services & Charges are $6K or 6.7% below the projected spending and $2K or 2.6% above compared to prior year actual. Compared to projected spending, personal training expenditures are down, as well as contracted repair and maintenance. Staff has maintained efforts in completing most repairs in- house. • Utility Costs are $45K or 29.1 % below the projected spending and $17K or 11.2% below compared to prior year actual due to facility staffing efforts to improve energy efficiencies in the building, and timing of payments. Dumas Bay Centre Dumas Bay Centre Fund year -to -date revenue of $575K is $182K or 46.1% above 2016 year -to -date budget and S106K or 22.7% above year -to -date 2015. Year -to -date operating expenses total $499K, which is $85K or 20.6% above 2016 year -to -date budget of $414K. Dumas Bay Centre has recovered 115.20% of operating expenditures compared to 106.05% last year. Dumas Bay Centre Fund as of07/31/2016 2015 2016 YID Budget vs Actual Budget .Annual Actual 1TD Actual Budget \ I1) Budget 11I) Actual Fawrable /(Unfawrade) $ Beginning Fund Balance $ 181,200 $ 181,201 $ 181,201 $ 398,817 $ 398,817 $ 398,816 n/a n/a Operating Revenues: In -House Food Services 299,000 318,491 200,824 275,000 173,401 237,213 63,812 36.8% Dumas Bay Retreat Center 398,251 438,237 267,917 360,251 220,240 315,872 95,632 43.4% Knutzen Family Theatre - 3,605 - - - 22,070 22,070 n/a Total Operating Resenues 697,251 760,332 468,740 635,251 393,641 575,155 181,514 46.1% Operating Expenses: In -House Food Services 266,107 282,033 161,281 242,182 138,492 188,891 (50,399) -36.4% Dumas Bay Retreat Center 419,735 423,998 237,483 411,417 230,437 253,184 (22,748) -9.9% Knutzen Family Theatre 83,400 79,732 43,229 83,400 45,218 57,200 (11,982) -26.5% Total Operating Expenses 769,243 785,763 441,994 736,999 414,147 499,276 (85,129) - 20.6% Revenues (her/(Under) Expenses (71,992) (25,432) 26,746 (101,748) (20,506) 75,879 96,385 -470.0% Recovery Ratio 90.64% 96.76% 106.05% 86.19% 95.05% 115.20% n/a n/a Transfer In Gen Fund - Pump Station M &O 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 - n/a Transfer in Real Estate Excise Tax - - - 210,000 210,000 210,000 - n/a Transfer In Utility Tax 233,659 483,659 233,659 112,000 112,000 112,000 - n/a Total Other Sources 237,659 487,659 237,659 326,000 326,000 326,000 - n/a Pump Station M &O 4,000 1,207 876 4,000 2,904 713 2,191 75% _pairs & Maintenance 310,000 243,405 56,508 15,400 15,400 19,516 (4,116) n/a Total Other Uses 314,000 244,612 57,384 19,400 18 ,304 20,229 (1,925) -11% Net Income (148,333) 217,616 207,021 204,852 287,190 381,650 94,460 32.9% hiding Fund Balance $ 32,867 $398,816 $388,222 $ 603,669 $686,007 $780,466 $ 94,460 13.8% Self - Insured Health Insurance Fund Self- Insured Health Insurance Fund year -to -date contributed revenue is $3.4M. Currently the revenue is generated from the employee paid contribution (range from $32 to $128 per employee per month) and the employer paid contribution (range from $640 to $1,798 per employee), varying depending on number of dependents. Self- Insured Health Insurance Fund year -to -date expenditures are $3.2M for prescription services, medical services, stop loss, professional services, and wellness program. The ending fund balance for the program is $2.0M. Self Insured Health Insurance Fund - 2016 Description 2015 Annual Actual 2016 Adjusted Jan -June Jul YTDTotaI Bdgt Beginning Fund Balance 1,031,753 1,741,487 Transfer In - LIFT & Utility tax & REET from Completed projects - 1,741,488 Health Insurance Premium - Employer Contribution Revenue 4,034,322 3,972,820 2,024,247 332,358 2,356,605 Health Insurance Premium - Employee Contribution Revenue 215,210 223,871 P 108,296 17,765 126,061 Health Insurance Remum - COBRA 5,757 8,529 1" 3,838 640 4,478 Stop Loss Recovery Revenue 227,404 -" 903,328 11,263 914,591 Interest Earnings 2,022 1,500 3,482 659 4,141 Total Revenue and Transfer In 4,484,714 4,206,720 3,043,191 362,685 3,405,876 Prescription Services 572,387 572,375 iv 307,344 42,398 349,743 Medical Services 2,459,508 2,411,118 '2,079,660 314,044 2,393,703 Health Insurance - Stop Loss 366,564 361,134 r 226,446 - 226,446 Professional Services & Other 376,521 353,752 187,687 7,610 195,297 Total Expenditures for Self Insured Health 3,774,980 3,698,379 •2,801,137 364,052 3,165,189 Ending Fund Balance 1,741,488 2,249,828 242,054 (1,367) 1,982,175 The City will maintain a reserve in the amount not less than 16 weeks of budgeted expenses ($0.985 million) as recommended by our consultant. We have spent $3.2M year -to -date in 2016, with an ending fund balance in the fund of $2.0M. Performing Arts & Event Center (PAEC) Performing Arts & Event Center (PAEC) year -to -date revenue, beginning balance, and transfer in is $10.0M. This does not include all revenue sources expected for the project. Since adoption of the project, PAEC expenditures total $9.5M. 308 Performing Arts & Event Center (PAEC) 2016 Adjusted Budget YTD 2016 Beginning Balance 6,617,777 6,617,777 Transfer In - LIFT & Utility tax & REET from Completed projects - - Transfer In - Real Estate Excise Tax - - Transfer In - Utility Tax - - Federal Grants - CDBG Section 108 3,000,000 - State Grants 4,000,000 1,290,482 Local Grants - 4 Culture 1 2,000,000 2,000,000 Local Grants - 4 Culture 2 - 10,000 Private Contribution - 109,210 Interest 13,000 12,299 Total Beg Bal, Revenue & Transfer In 15,630,777 10,039,768 Expenditures 15,630,777 - Lorax Partners Design Development & Management - 198,573 Garco Construction - 4,309,593 LMN Architects Project Design - 290,963 HDR Engineering - 31,700 Water billings and Utilities - 2,813 On -Call Ran Review /Inspection Services - 27,477 2% for the Arts - 10,525 Signage Design - 8,150 PAEC Director Salaries & Wages - 13,702 Total Expenditures 15,630,777 4,893,496 Total PAEC Balance - 5,146,272 FUND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Fund # /Fund Name Begin Balance 1'TD 1/1/2016 Rcscnue 1'I1) Expenditure Mt Net Income /(Ims) Fading Balance 07/31/2016* Required Fund Balance 001 /101 General/Street Fund 5 12,006,587 S 27,372,126 $ 29.878,707 $ (2,506,581) $ 9,500,0 0 5 $ 9,5 00,000 Special Revenue Funds: 102 Arterial Street 298,387 1,288,526 1,453,861 (165,335) 133,052 100,000 103 Utility Tax( *) 4,120,012 4,828,877 7,088,071 (2,259,194) 1,860,817 1,500,000 106 Solid Waste & Recycling 208,857 178,293 245,791 (67,498) 141,359 - 107 Special Contracts /Studies Fund 458,356 40,897 8,254 32,644 490,999 - 109 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 501,765 117,541 11,629 105,912 607,677 200,000 1102 %for the Arts 293 - - - 293 - 111 Federal Way Conanunity Center 1,500,001 1,274,155 1,274,156 (0) 1,500,001 1,500,000 112 Traffic Safety Fund 3,614,117 1,977,833 3,029,156 (1,051,323) 2,562,793 1,500,000 113 Real Estate Excise Tax Fund 3,445,070 2,218,524 2,738,623 (520,099) 2,924,970 2,000,000 114 Prop 1 Utility Tax 719,485 1,990,503 1,611,503 379,001 1,098,485 1,000,000 115 Perforating Arts & Conferenc CtrOperations 12,607 90,858 103,465 (12,607) 0 - 119CDBG 40,444 40,986 156,493 (115,507) (75,063) - 120 Path & Trails 384,357 69,947 - 69,947 454,303 - 188 Strategic Reserve Fund 3,085,473 500,963 189,958 311,005 3,396,478 3,000,000 189 Parks Reserve Fund 250,000 501,345 - 501,345 751,345 750,000 Subtotal Special Revenue Funds 18,639,221 15,119,248 17,910,959 (2,791,711) 15,847,510 11,550,000 201 Debt Service Fund 1,471 579 1,844,378 171,061 1,673,317 3,144,895 52500,000 Capital Project Funds: 301 Downtown Redevelopment 1,111,019 381,166 62,353 318,813 1,429,833 - 302 Municipal Facilities 53,232 181 - 181 53,413 - 303 Parks 3,316,281 338,289 1,212,162 (873,873) 2,442,408 - 304 Surface Water Management 3,317,003 1,909,474 243,940 1,665,534 4,982,537 306 Transportation 8,008,608 3,937,860 5,805,558 (1,867,698) 6,140,910 - 307 Capital Project Reserve Fund 480,840 1,039 - 1,039 481,879 480,000 308PAFC Capital Fund 6,617,777 3,421,991 4,893,496 (1,471,505) 5,146,272 - Subtotal Capital Project Funds 22,904,760 9,990,001 12,217,509 (2,227 508) 20,677,252 480,000 Enterprise Funds: 401 Surface Water Management 3,392,484 2,178,496 3,947,502 (1,769,006) 1,623,478 690,000 402 Dumas Bay Centre Fund 398,816 901,155 519,505 381,650 780,466 500,000 Subtotal Enterprise Funds 3,791,301 3,079,651 4,467,007 (1,387,357) 2,403,944 1,190,000 Internal Service Funds 501 Risk Management 975,298 548,726 736,435 (187,708) 787,590 1,200,000 ** 502 Information Systems 3,807,674 1,406,223 1,089,870 316,353 4,124,027 - 503 Mail & Duplication 192,139 75,359 67,585 7,774 199,912 - 504 Fleet & Equipment 5,997,666 1,350,690 1,430,435 (79,745) 5,917,921 - 505 Buildings & Furnishings 1,877,824 357,562 224,815 132,747 2,010,571 2,000.000 506 Health Selflnsurance Fund 1,741,487 3,405,876 3,165,189 240,687 1,982,174 $970.000 * ** '071 in employment Insurance Fund 2,131,299 157,454 1,014,584 (857,129) 1,274,169 250,000 Subtotal Internal Service Funds 16,723,387 7,301,891 7,728,913 (427,022) 16,296,365 4,420,000 Total All Funds $ 75,536,834 $ 64,707,294 $ 72,374,157 $ (7,666,863) S 67,869,971 $ 29,640,000 *The Fund balance prior to any adjustments or depreciation. * * The Risk Management Fund will maintain a reserve in an amount of not less than one year's expenditure from the prior year or $1.2M. The current fund balance is $788K and is due to some larger claims during the year. * * * The Health Self Insurance Fund will maintain a reserve in an amount not less than 16 weeks of budgeted expenses as recommended by our consultant. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 06, 2016 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ITEM #f . 5c SUBJECT: VOUCHERS 07/16/2016 — 08/15/2016 POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the vouchers in the total amount of $4,424,990.05? COMMITTEE: Finance, Economic Development, and Regional Affairs Committee MEETING DATE: August 23, 2016 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance 111 Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business n Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Ade Ariwoola, Finance Director DEPT: Finance I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claims are just and due obligations against the City of Federal Way "ashing nd that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said liens. Finance Director Attachments: Voucher List Options Considered: MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: MAYOR APPROVAL: CHIEF OF STAFF: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: �IJ /!/ Initial Ix? Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIO I move to forward the vouchers to the September 06, 2016 consent agenda for approval. Ake, Dini Duclos Committee Chair 6"41( Martin Moore Susan Honda Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "1 move approval of the vouchers pursuant to RCW 42.24.'' (BELOIV TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED /DEFERRED/NO ACTION ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED — 08/12/2010 COUNCIL BILL # 1ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # City of Federal Way - Accounts Payable Check List Key Bank Page 1 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253097 7/29/2016 252944 7/29/2016 252927 7/29/2016 252955 7/29/2016 252871 7/29/2016 252906 7/29/2016 253261 8/15/2016 253290 8/15/2016 253232 8/15/2016 253269 8/15/2016 253255 8/15/2016 253146 8/15/2016 253163 8/15/2016 253228 8/15/2016 253267 8/15/2016 253217 8/15/2016 253217 8/15/2016 253279 8/15/2016 253055 7/29/2016 252907 7/29/2016 252934 7/29/2016 253037 7/29/2016 252928 7/29/2016 252984 7/29/2016 WSCADV, IAF NORTHWEST, ACCOUNT PAYABLE -ESCOM 7/7/2016 15472 7/7/2016 GIRL SCOUTS OF WESTERN \7/8/2016 KING CONSERVATION DISTRI(7/8/2016 BARR, CHRIS DINKLEMAN, ANNE SIERRA CLUB, 7/21/2016 7/21/2016 7/28/2016 UNITY OF THE SOUTH SOUNC8 /4/2016 NW REGIONAL OFFICE FOR, F8/4/2016 STANAWAY, CONRAD SANCHEZ, LORENA 8/5/2016 15475 15479 15480 15507 15508 15521 47022 47024 15533 PKDBC- REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT PKDBC- REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT PKDBC- REFUND RENTAL DEPOSIT PKDBC- REFUND RENTAL DEPOSIT PKDBC- RETURN RENTAL DEPOSIT PKDBC- RETURN RENTAL DEPOSIT PKDBC- RETURN RENTAL DEPOSIT PKDBC- RETURN RENTAL DEPOSIT PKDBC- RETURN RENTAL DEPOSIT PKDBC- RETURN RENTAL DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - RECREAT 8/3/2016 1941792 DOMAOAN, CHRISTINE 8/3/2016 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(8 /3/2016 NAUTILUS, PTSA ST. FRANCIS HOSPITAL, MCSPADDEN, ZAYNE MCSPADDEN, ZAYNE THE RIDGE HOA, THE FRIENDSHIP HOUSE, DUNCAN, JUANITA GUNDERSON, LAVERNE SHERWOOD, MARIA GIVENS, TAVONA MOLDROW, JEMIEKA 8/3/2016 8/3/2016 8/3/2016 8/3/2016 8/3/2016 7/15/2016 7/15/2016 7/15/2016 7/15/2016 7/18/2016 7/19/2016 1941793 1941795 1941796 1941797 1941798 1941799 6/12/7216 1929796 1929797 1929798 1929799 1931044 1931928 PARKS - RETURN DAMAGE DEPOSIT PARKS - CANCELLED CLASS PARKS - RETURN DAMAGE DEPOSIT PARKS - RETURN DAMAGE DEPOSIT PARKS - RETURN DAMAGE DEPOSIT PARKS - CANCELLED CLASS PARKS - CANCELLED CLASS PARKS - RETURN DAMAGE DEPOSIT PARKS - REFUND CANCELLED CLASS PARKS - REFUND ACCOUNT PARKS - REFUND CLASS PARKS - REFUND CANCELLED CLASS PARKS - REFUND PARKS - REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT $5.46 $339.41 $123.72 $150.00 $300.00 $150.00 $84.30 $150.00 $14.61 $300.00 $500.00 $50.00 $250.00 $500.00 $250.00 $1,003.00 $507.00 $125.00 $20.00 $62.99 $60.00 $20.00 $140.00 $500.00 $1,617.50 85,343.99 Key Bank Page 2 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253032 7/29/2016 SCHEPP, JANIS 7/19/2016 1931929 252990 7/29/2016 MURPHY, GREG 7/14/2016 1928602 252963 7/29/2016 LANDON, DAVID 7/14/2016 1928603 252966 7/29/2016 LARSON, DAVE 7/14/2016 1928604 252992 7/29/2016 NAVA, ISAI 7/14/2016 1928605 252903 7/29/2016 DANIELS, KIM 7/14/2016 1928606 253099 7/29/2016 YOO, JAE YUN 7/14/2016 1928608 252971 7/29/2016 LINDSEY, PATRICIA 7/14/2016 1928609 253046 7/29/2016 SULLIVAN, CHIRSTINE 5/13/2016 52307 ADVERTISING 252882 7/29/2016 BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF, 7/13/2016 1051182 252957 7/29/2016 KING -TV, KING5.COM, 6/30/2016 1140401Z -4 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 PARKS - REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT PARKS - REFUND DEPOSIT PARKS - REFUND VENDOR DEPOSIT PARKS- REFUND VENDOR DEPOSIT PARKS - REFUND VENDOR DEPOSIT PARKS - REFUND DEPOSIT PARKS - REFUND VENDOR DEPOSIT PARKS- REFUND CANCELLED CLASS PARKS - REFUND SENIOR TRIP PWST- ONLINE PUBLISHING PD- ADVERT JULY 2016 CITY PARKS- MARKETING FEES JULY 2016 CITY PARKS -APP PAYMENT JULY 2016 CITY PARKS - FACEBOOK AD JULY 2016 PROCARD MO -CITY OF FW EVENT PROMOS JULY 2016 PROCARD PAEC - FACEBOOK PAEC PROMOTION JULY 2016 PROCARD PKDBC - GOOGLE ADWORDS CAMPAIGN AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES 253287 8/15/2016 TRUSCO MFG CO, 7/20/2016 8204 253094 7/29/2016 WILBUR -ELLIS COMPANY, 6/30/2016 252914 7/29/2016 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC7/1/2016 252914 7/29/2016 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC7/2/2016 252914 7/29/2016 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC7/2 /2016 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 252935 7/29/2016 H D FOWLER COMPANY, 6/21/2016 252935 7/29/2016 H D FOWLER COMPANY, 6/21/2016 10155741 1729983 1756052 1756053 JUNE 2016 14246266 14246265 PKM -SPRAY TIPS/ VALVES/ PUMP PWST - LANDSCAPE MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -MAINT SUP/ IRR SUPPLIES PKM -MAINT SUP/ IRR SUPPLIES PKM -MAINT SUP/ IRR SUPPLIES PW -PLANT STARTER /NATIVE GARDEN PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES $500.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $70.00 $36.00 $121.10 $886.57 $120.45 $199.00 $15.89 $258.69 $34.96 $344.26 $525.66 $353.58 $1,463.99 $385.86 $218.40 $17.45 $329.30 $709.27 $1,980.92 $8,192.08 Key Bank Page 3 of 62 Check No Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253038 7/29/2016 SHOPE CONCRETE PRODUC-6/21/2016 9965717 $106.87 PKM -CATCH BASIN 252914 7/29/2016 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC- 6/21/2016 1674166 $896.98 PKM -MAINT SUP/ IRR SUPPLIES 252914 7/29/2016 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC- 6/9/2016 1597059 $61.37 PKM -MAINT SUP/ IRR SUPPLIES 252914 7/29/2016 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC7/1/2016 1720513 $410.84 PKM -MAINT SUP/ IRR SUPPLIES 252914 7/29/2016 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC7/7 /2016 1772944 $685.71 PKM -MAINT SUP/ IRR SUPPLIES 253043 7/29/2016 STAR LAKE GREENHOUSE INi6/24/2016 2306 $165.32 PKM- PLANTS FOR PARK GROUNDS 253043 7/29/2016 STAR LAKE GREENHOUSE IN(6/27/2016 2309 $169.70 PKM- PLANTS FOR PARK GROUNDS 252943 7/29/2016 HYDROSEEDING AND, 6/27/2016 8373 $1,691.78 PKM -LAWN MIX ANIMAL LICENSE $45.00 253271 8/15/2016 STROMME, ELIZABETH 7/26/2016 112 - 00006427 $45.00 PD- REFUND DUPLICATE PAYMENT ASPHALT & ROAD OIL $573.69 253220 8/15/2016 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 7/18/2016 258928 $144.67 SWM- EMERGENCY PIPE REPAIR 252982 7/29/2016 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 6/27/2016 258412 $168.78 SWM- ASPHALT PATCH 252982 7/29/2016 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 6/13/2016 257936 $260.24 SWM- ASPHALT PATCH ASSOCIATION DUES $2,608.46 253081 7/29/2016 WA STATE LABOR & INDUSTR6/23/2016 271875 $86.00 CHB /PKM- FACILITIES BOILER INSP 253081 7/29/2016 WA STATE LABOR & INDUSTR6 /23/2016 271875 $129.00 CHB /PKM- FACILITIES BOILER INSP 253091 7/29/2016 WESTERN ARTS ALLIANCE, 7/21/2016 300000949 $310.00 PAEC -RENEW MEMBERSHIP T.YVONNE 253040 7/29/2016 SOUTH KING FIRE & RESCUE7 /18/2016 03346 $40.00 PARKS -FIRE PERMIT BROOKLAKE 253080 7/29/2016 WA STATE L &I ELEVATOR SEC7/17/2016 197123 $129.00 CHB- OPERATING CERT 253301 8/15/2016 WA STATE DEPT OF ECOLOG'7/26/2016 2017- WAR303013 $630.00 PKM -TSP PERMIT FEE 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $525.00 PAEC -APAP ANNUAL DUES 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $141.00 CD- MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL- PIETY 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD $125.00 PD -ICPC ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP D.AU 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $66.46 PARKS - SWIMMING POOL TECH CERT 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $209.00 PW- MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL - T.THUR 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $116.00 PW -PE LICENSE RENEWAL- F. TAN Key Bank Page 4 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 253171 8/15/2016 GIGER, JOHN 8/9/2016 GIGER 2016 $102.00 SWM- LICENSE REIMB ATHLETIC SUPPLIES $2,184.88 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $207.91 PKM -PAINT 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $337.00 PARKS -TUBES FOR LAZY RIVER 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $164.71 PARKS -FIRST AID SUPPLIES 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $83.21 PARKS - STEREO TSP GRAND OPENING 253117 8/15/2016 BSN SPORTS, 7/15/2016 98055618 $27.33 PARKS - PROGRAM SUPPLIES /EQUIPME 253117 8/15/2016 BSN SPORTS, 7/22/2016 98070669 $1,364.72 PKM- PROGRAM SUPPLIES /EQUIPMENT BOOKS, MAPS, & PERIODICALS $2,733.41 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $1,937.41 CD -BLDG CODE BOOKS 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $16.00 PARKS - SEATTLE TIMES 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $505.00 FI -GFOA CAFR AWARD REVIEW 253047 7/29/2016 SUMMIT LAW GROUP, 7/7/2016 79643 $137.50 MO /HR -LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LETTE 253047 7/29/2016 SUMMIT LAW GROUP, 7/7/2016 79643 $137.50 MO /HR -LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LETTE BUILDING MATERIALS $7,722.51 252979 7/29/2016 MCMASTER -CARR, 7/7/2016 68953914 $29.68 PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES 252930 7/29/2016 GRAINGER INC, 7/11/2016 9163771075 $27.14 PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250076/29/2016 8023794 $57.09 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250076/30/2016 7580712 $54.04 PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/2/2016 5024118 $106.26 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/5/2016 2030149 $24.47 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253175 8/15/2016 GRAINGER INC, 7/6/2016 9158442401 $116.16 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/8/2016 909320 $64.44 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/8/2016 910651 $37.02 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253260 8/15/2016 SHOPE CONCRETE PRODUC7/12/2016 9966264 $41.23 PKM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $232.16 PKM- SHIPPING SUPPLIES 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $211.73 CHB- BLINDS COURT Key Bank Page 5 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $55.97 CHB -FLAG SUPPLIES 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $262.56 CHB- SHELVING 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $547.00 CHB- SHELVING 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $608.82 PKM - ARMORTILE 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $3,554.37 PKM- ELECTRIC SUPPLIES 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $349.00 PKM -END CAPS 253216 8/15/2016 MCMASTER -CARR, 7/21/2016 71128441 $43.12 PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES 253216 8/15/2016 MCMASTER -CARR, 7/21/2016 71129270 $382.98 PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/20/2016 902767 $54.04 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253216 8/15/2016 MCMASTER -CARR, 7/20/2016 71001267 $37.38 PARKS -MAINT SUPPLEIS 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/19/2016 916829 6-16.38 PARKS- RETURN MAINT SUPPLIES 253175 8/15/2016 GRAINGER INC, 7/19/2016 9170509120 $79.88 PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES 253175 8/15/2016 GRAINGER INC, 7/19/2016 9170509138 $23.60 PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/19/2016 923731 $14.33 PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES 253291 8/15/2016 UNIVERSAL REFRIGERATION7 /18/2016 S84315 $648.92 PARKS - REPAIR FREEZER 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/14/2016 902753 $75.50 PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES BULK CLASS POSTAGE $3,407.14 253202 8/15/2016 LACY & PAR INC, 7/28/2016 71225P $3,407.14 SWR -BULK MAILING CASH- RETAIN HELD IN ESCROW $50,874.70 253089 7/29/2016 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK, 6/30/2016 151700 -08 $50,874.70 PW -PAEC CONSTRUCTION PROJECT - CASH- RETAIN PAYABLE -ESCRW $4,300.00 253089 7/29/2016 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK, 6/30/2016 151700 -08.1 $4,300.00 PW -PAEC CONSTRUCTION PROJECT - CELLULAR PHONE AIR TIME $10,077.15 253074 7/29/2016 VERIZON WIRELESS, 7/13/2016 9768709403 $712.18 IT -06/16 CELLULAR SVC 253074 7/29/2016 VERIZON WIRELESS, 7/13/2016 9768709403 $2,520.63 IT -06/16 CELLULAR SVC 253073 7/29/2016 VERIZON WIRELESS, 7/13/2016 9768709404 $1,826.26 IT -06/16 CELLULAR SVC 253073 7/29/2016 VERIZON WIRELESS, 7/13/2016 9768709404 $4,067.86 IT -06/16 CELLULAR SVC 253114 8/15/2016 AT &T MOBILITY, 7/16/2016 287262871273X0724201 $900.23 IT -07/16 DATA CARDS Key Bank Page 6 of 62 Check No Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253282 8/15/2016 T- MOBILE USA INC, 7/31/2016 830401935 $49.99 IT -07/16 CELLULAR SVC CEMENT $43.67 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/30/2016 901244 $43.67 PWST -MAINT SUPPLIES CHANGE FUND - PARKS /RECREATION $200.00 253101 8/2/2016 PETTY CASH - KID'S DAY, 8/2/2016 AUGUST 3, 2016 $200.00 PARKS -KIDS DAY CHANGE FUND CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR $10,368.66 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $134.12 MO -CITY LOGO SHIRT J FERRELL /S 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $39.15 MO -CITY LOGO SHIRT S MCNEY 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD $187.39 PD -SWAT HOLSTERS 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD $120.70 PD- TACTICAL HOLSTER 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD $107.99 PD -BOOT ALLOWANCE GIGER 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD $240.11 PD- HOLSTERS 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD $136.89 PD- HOLSTERS 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD $107.95 PD- TACTICAL HOLSTER 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $121.81 PARKS - FITNESS CLASS STAFF UNIF 253310 8/15/2016 WEST COAST AWARDS, 7/15/2016 54365 $247.03 PARKS - UNIFORM 253310 8/15/2016 WEST COAST AWARDS, 7/20/2016 54346 $484.54 PARKS - UNIFORM 253191 8/15/2016 KIM, RICHARD 7/27/2016 KIM 2016 $500.00 PD -CIS CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 253121 8/15/2016 CASTRO, HEATHER 7/26/2016 CASTRO 2016 $500.00 PD- CLOTHING REIMB 253133 8/15/2016 CLARY, BRIGIT 7/26/2016 CLARY 2016 $500.00 PD- CLOTHING REIMB 253245 8/15/2016 PROCTOR, DARREN 8/9/2016 PROCTOR 2016 $143.35 PKM -BOOT ALLOWANCE 253240 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 8/10/2016 PETTY CASH PD $98.63 PD- REIMBURSE FOR BOOT - 253240 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 8/10/2016 PETTY CASH PD $59.77 PD- REIMBURSE FOR PURCHASE- 253265 8/15/2016 SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE,6 /23/2016 210 -00977 $495.95 PKM- UNIFORMS 253311 8/15/2016 WHISTLE WORKWEAR, 7/8/2016 63275 $525.67 PWST- UNIFORM A.BOLLMAN 253252 8/15/2016 RED WING SHOE STORE, 7/11/2016 8870000004073 $153.57 SWM- UNIFORM SAFETY FOOTWEAR J. 253125 8/15/2016 CENTRAL LAKE ARMOR EXPR7/12/2016 0091105 -IN $1,835.22 PD- UNIFORM S.WORTMAN E.DAVIS Key Bank Page 7 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253125 8/15/2016 CENTRAL LAKE ARMOR EXPR7/14/2016 0091438 -IN $2,746.82 PD -BVP B.GUILLERMO J.STIEBEN J 252875 7/29/2016 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO If6/29/2016 005629186 $98.54 PD- UNIFORM & ACCESSORIES G.CAS 252876 7/29/2016 BRATWEAR, SOUND UNIFORA6 /28/2016 19135 $12.06 PD- UNIFORM T.ROBINSON 252908 7/29/2016 DURELL, KRIS 7/18/2016 DURELL2016 $162.97 PD- CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 JUNE 2016 $79.98 PARKS -WORK PANTS 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 JUNE 2016 $86.94 PARKS -WORK PANTS 252875 7/29/2016 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO If6/23/2016 005597289 $136.86 PD- UNIFORM &ACCESSORIES T.PAU 252875 7/29/2016 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 116/16/2016 005559416 $204.65 PD- UNIFORM &ACCESSORIES S.NEA 252951 7/29/2016 JONES, WARREN CASEY 6/30/2016 JONES 2016 $100.00 PD -BOOT ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS $2,482.05 253096 7/29/2016 WIMACTEL, INC., 7/1/2016 000153195 $80.00 IT -07/16 PAYPHONE SVCS 252864 7/29/2016 AMERICALL COMMUNICATIOP7/6/2016 206417- 071606 $87.27 PW /SWM /CHB -AFTER HR CALL -OUTA 252864 7/29/2016 AMERICALL COMMUNICATION7/6/2016 206417- 071606 $87.27 PW /SWM /CHB -AFTER HR CALL -OUTA 252864 7/29/2016 AMERICALL COMMUNICATION7 /6/2016 2D6417- 071606 $87.27 PW /SWM /CHB -AFTER HR CALL -OUTA 252889 7/29/2016 CENTURYLINK, 7/4/2016 206-Z04-0609 472B $2,140.24 IT -06/16 LONG DISTANCE SVC COMPUTER HARDWARE /EQUIPMENT $27,616.39 253183 8/15/2016 HP INC., 7/1/2016 57383730 $2,009.88 Sales Tax 253183 8/15/2016 HP INC., 7/1/2016 57383730 $1,776.06 IT -RR -PHASE II HP 5YR NEXTBUSD 253183 8/15/2016 HP INC., 7/1/2016 57383730 $19,380.26 IT -RR -PHASE II ELITEDESK 800 G 253183 8/15/2016 HP INC., 7/18/2016 57437144 $4,064.10 IT -RR -PHASE II HP ELITEDISPLAY 253183 8/15/2016 HP INC., 7/18/2016 57437144 $386.09 Sales Tax CONCEALED PISTOL LIC - FBI $811.25 253082 7/29/2016 WA STATE PATROL, 7/1/2016 116009325 $811.25 PD- BACKGROUND CHECKS CONCEALED PISTOL LIC - STATE $1,467.00 253078 7/29/2016 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSIN7 /27/2016 JULY 27 2016 $1,467.00 PD -07/16 CPL FEES CONFERENCE /SEMINAR REGISTRATI( $5,620.25 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 JUNE 2016 $50.00 CC -SKCHS LUNCHION 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 JUNE 2016 $15.00 MO -MTG W /PVR Key Bank Page 8 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 252969 7/29/2016 LEWIS COUNTY CORONERS (7 /1/2016 252931 7/29/2016 GREATER FEDERAL WAY CHP7/12/2016 252931 7/29/2016 GREATER FEDERAL WAY CHA7/12/2016 253076 7/29/2016 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE7 /12 /2016 253299 8/15/2016 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE7 /21/2016 253188 8/15/2016 JUDICIAL CONFERENCE REG.7/26/2016 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, JUNE 2016 CD- WEBINAR/TRAINING UNSWORTH 2016 PD- TUITION FEE: BURIED BODY- 12107 12108 201126666 201126758 CC- LUNCHEON D.DUCLOS J.BURBIDG MO- LUNCHEON GODZILLA FACTOR J. PD- INSTR. DEVELOPMENT TRNG C.H PD -BASIC ACADEMY TRAINING S.WI ROBERTSON 2016 MC- FINANCIAL SVC CONF REGISTRA JULY 2016 CITY FI -AWC BUDGETAARIWOOLA JULY 2016 CITY FI- WFOACONF- SPOKANE M.MUELLER JULY 2016 PROCARD PW -EVENT REGISTRATION - T.DOUC JULY 2016 PD PD- FBINAA CONF. S.NEAL JULY 2016 PD PD -CALEA CONF J.NELSON L.SJODE JULY 2016 PROCARD PAEC- APAPINYC 2017 CONFERENCE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD PKM- CONCRETE FOR TSP 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD PKM - ARMORTILE 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD PW- RUBBER MALOTS 253109 8/15/2016 AMERICAN GUARANTEED, 7/30/2016 253130 8/15/2016 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 7/30/2016 253250 8/15/2016 R.E. SIDES LANDSCAPING IN(7/21/2016 253120 8/15/2016 CASCADE SAWING & DRILLIN7/15/2016 253158 8/15/2016 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC7/15/2016 253295 8/15/2016 VALLEY ELECTRIC CO, OF MT8/8/2016 253141 8/15/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 8/9/2016 253141 8/15/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 8/9/2016 253087 7/29/2016 WASHINGTON ROCK QUARRI6/24/2016 16 -027 4 16 -027 4 564 162509 1829340 2 16 -034 100 100 66094 PKM -TOWN SQUARE PARK - BUILDINGS PKM -TOWN SQUARE PARK - BUILDINGS PKM -TSQP SOD INSTALLATION AG16 PKM - SAWING & CORE DRILLING PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PWST -CITY WIDE FLASHING YELLOW PWST -COST FOR RELOCATION OF PR Sales Tax PKM -ROCK SAND GRAVEL SUPPLIES $40.00 $100.00 $150.00 $100.00 $300.00 $1,027.00 $235.00 $200.00 $1,125.00 $40.00 $173.25 $1,270.00 $795.00 $662.48 $456.62 $50.35 $33,716.97 $1,774.58 $15,330.00 $1,095.00 $760.26 $42,379.64 $12,641.50 $1,200.94 $779.26 81,948,569.70 Key Bank Page 9 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 252862 7/29/2016 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 6/24/2016 TM- 158937 $1,024.76 PKM -PAINT SUPPLIES 253031 7/29/2016 SCARSELLA BROS INC, 6/25/2016 16 -019 #5 $357,355.86 PWST -S. 352ND ST. EXT. AG16 -01 252899 7/29/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 6/25/2016 18677 $1,028.21 PKM -READY MIX/TOP SOIL 252899 7/29/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 6/28/2016 19012 $2,276.52 PKM -READY MIX/TOP SOIL 252899 7/29/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 6/27/2016 18691 $957.59 PKM -READY MIX/TOP SOIL 252912 7/29/2016 EVERGREEN ASPHALT & CON7/10/2016 3096 $200.00 PKMT -BLACK OUT EXISTING LINES 252912 7/29/2016 EVERGREEN ASPHALT & CON7 /10/2016 3096 $6,100.00 PKMT - SEALCOAT PARKING LOTATT 252912 7/29/2016 EVERGREEN ASPHALT & CON7/10/2016 3096 $975.00 PKMT- STRIPE PARKING LOT AT TSP 252912 7/29/2016 EVERGREEN ASPHALT & CON7/10/2016 3096 $691.13 Sales Tax 252899 7/29/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 6/24/2016 18594 $758.84 PKM -READY MIX/TOP SOIL 252861 7/29/2016 ALLWEST UNDERGROUND IN6/7/2016 56604 $799.16 PKM - SHEELED DUMPER 252972 7/29/2016 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 6/10/2016 195874 $41.00 PKM- PRO -GRO 253087 7/29/2016 WASHINGTON ROCK QUARRI6 /10/2016 65579 $4,919.47 PKMT: ROCK FOR TOWN SQUARE PAR 253087 7/29/2016 WASHINGTON ROCK QUARRI6 /10/2016 65579 $467.35 Sales Tax 253087 7/29/2016 WASHINGTON ROCK QUARRI6/14/2016 65687 $366.32 PKM -ROCK SAND GRAVEL SUPPLIES 252899 7/29/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 6/17/2016 17854 $758.84 PKM -READY MIX/TOP SOIL 252899 7/29/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 6/20/2016 17962 $758.84 PKM -READY MIX/TOP SOIL 253093 7/29/2016 WESTSIDE CONCRETE ACCE:6 /21/2016 1055638 -IN $337.26 PKM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 252996 7/29/2016 NORTHWEST HORTICULTURE6 /17/2016 00-10173 $3,298.50 PK/ADM -SEDUM TILES FOR THE GRE 252972 7/29/2016 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 6/23/2016 196280 $706.06 PKM -BARK 252899 7/29/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 6/21/2016 18077 $1,016.72 PKM -READY MIX/TOP SOIL 252991 7/29/2016 MUTUAL MATERIALS COMPAF'7 /1/2016 1547021 $3,074.35 PKM - WOOD /PALLET 252913 7/29/2016 EVERGREEN SIGN CO, 7/13/2016 7175 $229.95 PKM -SIGNS 252899 7/29/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 6/28/2016 19013 $1,557.11 PKM -READY MIX/TOP SOIL 252935 7/29/2016 H D FOWLER COMPANY, 6/28/2016 14253784 $1,027.54 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 252899 7/29/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 6/30/2016 20024 $1,601.45 PKM -READY MIX/TOP SOIL Key Bank Page 10 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 252899 7/29/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 6/30/2016 20023 252972 7/29/2016 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 6/28/2016 196355 252925 7/29/2016 GARCO CONSTRUCTION INC,6/30/2016 151700 -08 252925 7/29/2016 GARCO CONSTRUCTION INC,6/30/2016 151700 -08 253089 7/29/2016 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK, 6/30/2016 151700 -08 252925 7/29/2016 GARCO CONSTRUCTION INC,6/30/2016 151700 -08.1 252925 7/29/2016 GARCO CONSTRUCTION INC,6/30/2016 151700 -08.1 253089 7/29/2016 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK, 6/30/2016 151700 -08.1 252899 7/29/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 6/29/2016 19654 253036 7/29/2016 SHERWIN - WILLIAMS CO, 6/29/2016 9018 -1 253309 8/15/2016 WASHINGTON ROCK QUARRI9/15/1971 66172 253230 8/15/2016 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND, 4/29/2016 39937 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/1/2016 902504 253141 8/15/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 7/1/2016 20185 253141 8/15/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 7/1/2016 20186 253234 8/15/2016 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 6/30/2016 22180 253213 8/15/2016 MACHINERY POWER & EQUIP6 /30/2016 T2225501 253306 8/15/2016 WA. DEPT OF CORRECTIONS,6 /30/2016 WINV318858 253306 8/15/2016 WA. DEPT OF CORRECTIONS,6 /30/2016 WINV318858 253141 8/15/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 6/29/2016 19655 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250076/28/2016 9034112 253177 8/15/2016 H D FOWLER COMPANY, 6/28/2016 14253441 253185 8/15/2016 HYDROSEEDINGAND, 6/14/2016 8310 253141 8/15/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 7/6/2016 20374 253141 8/15/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 7/5/2016 20288 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/6/2016 901999 PKM -READY MIX/TOP SOIL PKM -BARK PW -PAEC CONSTRUCTION PROJECT- PW-PAEC CONSTRUCTION PROJECT- PW-PAEC CONSTRUCTION PROJECT- PW-PAEC CONSTRUCTION PROJECT - PW -PAEC CONSTRUCTION PROJECT- PW-PAEC CONSTRUCTION PROJECT - PKM -READY MIX/TOP SOIL PKM- FACILITIES PAINT SUPPLIES PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PKMT: SPTAY PARK RECEIVED 3 QU PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM - WASHED SAND PKM -READY MIX PKM -TSP SUPPLIES /CHEMICALS PKM -EQUIP RENTAL PK/MT: TABLES FOR TOWN SQUARE Sales Tax PKM -READY MIX PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -PVC PIPES PKM -BARK PKM -READY MIX PKM -READY MIX PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES $62.42 $706.06 $1,114,155.93 $- 50,874.70 $50,874.70 $86,000.00 $- 4,300.00 $4,300.00 $264.04 $371.03 $754.07 $116,112.92 $19.72 $1,461.55 $748.44 $3,613.96 $1,634.94 $15,004.00 $1,425.38 $561.74 $49.96 $364.41 $2,211.90 $748.44 $1,967.46 $130.84 Key Bank Page 11 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/6/2016 902198 253158 8/15/2016 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC7/9/2016 1790482 253208 8/15/2016 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 7/7/2016 196519 253172 8/15/2016 GLOBAL CONTRACTORS LLC,7/8/2016 #1 16 -025 253141 8/15/2016 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 7/8/2016 21214 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/13/2016 902520 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/13/2016 916944 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/13/2016 916945 253199 8/15/2016 KPG INC, 7/11/2016 62516 253213 8/15/2016 MACHINERY POWER & EQUIP7/11/2016 G1177201 253220 8/15/2016 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 7/11/2016 258817 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -BARK PKM -TSP PERVIOUS CONCRETE PKM- TOPSOIL SWM -MAINT SUPPLIES SWM- RETURN MAINT SUPPLIES SWM -MAINT SUPPLIES PW- CITYWIDE FLASHING YELLOWAR PKM -EQUIP RENTAL PKM- ASPHALT SUPPLIES CONSULTING CONTRACTS $33,659.71 $39.20 $115.36 $307.48 $73,150.00 $332.88 $35.18 $ -16.64 $6.06 $21,890.03 $743.97 $421.54 253199 8/15/2016 KPG INC, 7/8/2016 62316 253200 8/15/2016 KPG INC, 7/8/2016 62716 253154 8/15/2016 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 5/5/2016 120565 253151 8/15/2016 EFELLE MEDIA, 5/24/2016 23986 253154 8/15/2016 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 6/29/2016 121632 252938 7/29/2016 HERRERA ENVIRONMENTAL, 6/23/2016 38775 253214 8/15/2016 MACKAY & SPOSITO INC, 7/25/2016 028626 PWST -SAC MIDDLE SCHOOL SAFE RO PWST -STEEL LAKE PARK TRAIL PRO CD- WETLAND REVIEW SVC AG13-166 ED -05/16 TOURISM WEBSITE SVC A CD- WETLAND REVIEW SVC AG13 -166 SWM -UPPER JOE'S CREEK WATERSHE PW- 21STAVE S PEDESTRIAN IMPRO COPIER & PRINTER SUPPLIES $1,169.15 $7,669.26 $18,523.75 $4,277.63 $135.00 $893.17 $1,344.83 $816.07 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/26/2016 1404992 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/26/2016 1404993 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/26/2016 1404997 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/26/2016 1404998 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/26/2016 1404999 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/26/2016 1405000 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/26/2016 1405002 -0 HR- OFFICE PAPER HR- OFFICE PAPER HR- OFFICE PAPER HR- OFFICE PAPER HR- OFFICE PAPER HR- OFFICE PAPER HR- OFFICE PAPER $87.69 $43.84 $87.69 $43.84 $87.69 $43.84 $43.84 Key Bank Page 12 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/28/2016 1406420 -0 $54.76 HR- OFFICE PAPER 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400177 -0 $138.88 HR- OFFICE PAPER 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400175 -0 $43.84 HR- OFFICE PAPER 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400172 -0 $87.69 HR- OFFICE PAPER 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400171 -0 $43.84 HR- OFFICE PAPER 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400169 -0 $87.69 HR- OFFICE PAPER 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400167 -0 $43.84 HR- OFFICE PAPER 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400165 -0 $43.84 HR- OFFICE PAPER 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400164 -0 $138.88 HR- OFFICE PAPER 253113 8/15/2016 ARC IMAGING RESOURCES, 7/18/2016 A28655 $47.46 IT -OCE PLOTTER SYSTEM MAINTAG COURT -AUTO THEFT PREVENTION $12,347.14 253305 8/15/2016 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JULY 2016 $5,706.59 FI -07/16 AUTO THEFT PREV. 253305 8/15/2016 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JUNE 2016 $6,640.55 FI -06/16 AUTO THEFT PREV. COURT - CRIME VICTIMS $2,511.03 253247 8/15/2016 PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS C7 /31/2016 JUNE 2016 $1,386.34 FI -06/16 CRIME VICTIM FEES 253247 8/15/2016 PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS C7 /31/2016 JULY2016 $1,124.69 FI -07/16 CRIME VICTIM FEES COURT - DEATH INV ACCT $183.51 253305 8/15/2016 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JULY 2016 $120.67 FI -07/16 DEATH INVEST. 253305 8/15/2016 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JUNE 2016 $62.84 FI -06/16 DEATH INVEST. COURT - HWY SAFETY ACT $291.29 253305 8/15/2016 WA STATE-STATE REVENUES,7/31/2016 JUNE 2016 $99.81 FI -06/16 HIGHWAY SAFETY 253305 8/15/2016 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7/31/2016 JULY 2016 $191.48 FI -07/16 HIGHWAY SAFETY COURT - JUDICIAL STABILIZATION TR $ -19.41 253305 8/15/2016 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JUNE 2016 $ -19.41 FI -06/16 JUDICAL STABILIZ. TRU COURT - PSEA JIS $37,651.57 253305 8/15/2016 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JUNE 2016 $20,785.42 FI -06/16 PSEAJIS FEES 253305 8/15/2016 WA STATE-STATE REVENUES,7/31/2016 JULY 2016 $16,866.15 FI -07/16 PSEAJIS FEES COURT - SCHOOL SAFETY ZONE 8805.16 253305 8/15/2016 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JULY 2016 $366.73 FI -07/16 SCHOOL ZONE SAFETY Key Bank Check No. Date 253305 8/15/2016 253305 8/15/2016 253305 8/15/2016 253305 8/15/2016 253305 8/15/2016 253305 8/15/2016 253305 8/15/2016 253305 8/15/2016 253305 8/15/2016 253305 8/15/2016 253305 8/15/2016 253305 8/15/2016 253305 8/15/2016 253305 8/15/2016 253305 8/15/2016 253247 8/15/2016 253305 8/15/2016 253305 8/15/2016 253112 8/15/2016 253112 8/15/2016 253112 8/15/2016 Page 13 of 62 Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7/31/2016 JUNE 2016 $438.43 FI -06/16 SCHOOL ZONE SAFETY COURT - STATE ACCESS COMM ACCT WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JUNE 2016 $36.72 FI -06/16 ACCESSCOMMACCT WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JULY 2016 FI -07/16 ACCESSCOMMACCT COURT - STATE MULTI TRANS ACCT WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JULY 2016 FI -07/16 MULTI TRANSACCT WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JUNE 2016 FI -06/16 MULTI TRANSACCT COURT - STATE PORTION WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JUNE 2016 FI -06/16 STATE PORTION REMIT F WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7/31/2016 JULY 2016 FI -07/16 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT -STATE PSEA 2 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JULY 2016 FI -07/16 PSEA COURT FEES #2 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JUNE 2016 FI -06/16 PSEA COURT FEES #2 COURT - STATE PSEA3 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JUNE 2016 FI -06/16 PSEA COURT FEES #3 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7/31/2016 JULY 2016 FI -07/16 PSEA COURT FEES #3 COURT - TRAUMA BRAIN INJURY WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JULY 2016 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JUNE 2016 COURT - WSP HIWAYACCT WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7/31/2016 JULY 2016 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JUNE 2016 COURT LAW LIBRARY PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS (7/31/2016 JUNE 2016 COURT - TRAUMA VICTIMS WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JUNE 2016 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JULY 2016 CUSTODIAL & CLEANING ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE8/2/2016 1988718845 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE7/18 /2016 1988693895 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE7 /18/2016 1988693896 FI -07/16 BRAIN TRAUMA INJ FI- 06 /16BRAIN TRAUMA INJ FI -07/16 WSP HIGHWAY FI -06/16 WSP HIGHWAY FI -06/16 LAW LIBRARY FEES FI -06/16 TRAUMA VICTIMS FI -07/16 TRAUMA VICTIMS PKDBC -LINEN SVC PARKS -LINEN SVC PARKS -LINEN SVC $81.50 $81.52 $36.74 $42,809.20 $34,213.24 $17,501 79 $21,513.07 $326.02 $339.29 $1,021.31 $1,175.41 .$684.37 $357.17 $ -6.04 $3,366.18 $2,881 90 $85.41 $35.11 $73.58 5118.22 $118.26 $77,022.44 $39,014.86 $665.31 52,196.72 $1,041.54 $ -6.04 $6,248.08 513,504.93 Key Bank Page 14 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253253 8/15/2016 REGENCY CLEANERS, 7/31/2016 3861 $843.39 PD -DRY CLEANING SVC AG14 -024- 253123 8/15/2016 CEDAR BUILDING SERVICE IN7/31/2016 45254 $3,540.68 DBC- JANITORIAL SVC AG13 -168- 253112 8/15/2016 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE7/26 /2016 1988708188 $104.68 PKDBC -LINEN SVC 253112 8/15/2016 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE7/26/2016 1988708189 $204.80 PKDBC -LINEN SVC 252858 7/29/2016 ALARM CENTERS /CUSTOM S16/20/2016 1022886 $133.20 CHB -07 -09/16 ALARM MON SVC 252858 7/29/2016 ALARM CENTERS /CUSTOM S6/20/2016 1022885 $133.20 CHB -07 -09/16 ALARM MON SVC 252868 7/29/2016 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE7/12/2016 1988686699 $141.47 PKDBC -LINEN SVC 252868 7/29/2016 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE7 /12/2016 1988686700 $157.43 PKDBC -LINEN SVC 253123 8/15/2016 CEDAR BUILDING SERVICE IN6/30/2016 45200 $255.00 DBC - JANITORIAL SVC AG13 -168- 253253 8/15/2016 REGENCY CLEANERS, 2/29/2016 3569 $1,048.41 PD -DRY CLEANING SVC AG14 -024- 252868 7/29/2016 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE7 /19/2016 1988697342 $174.22 PKDBC -LINEN SVC 252868 7/29/2016 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE7/19/2016 1988697343 $50.55 PKDBC -LINEN SVC 253026 7/29/2016 REGENCY CLEANERS, 6/30/2016 3807 $991.20 PD -DRY CLEANING SVC AG14 -024- 252886 7/29/2016 CEDAR BUILDING SERVICE IN6/30/2016 45158 $5,121.93 PKDBC - JANITORIAL SVC AG13 -168- 252868 7/29/2016 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE7 /5/2016 1988676086 $246.13 PKDBC -LINEN SVC 252868 7/29/2016 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE7/5 /2016 1988676087 $164.54 PKDBC -LINEN SVC DEPOSIT /BONDS PAYABLE -PW $6,084.33 252958 7/29/2016 KURKOV CONSTRUCTION CO7/14/2016 11- 103573 -00 -HR $828.00 PW -BOND RELEASE 11- 103574 -00 -R 252950 7/29/2016 JOHNSON, CHRIS 7/14/2016 12- 101609 $432.00 PW -BOND RELEASE 12- 101610 252975 7/29/2016 MAKSIMCHUK, PAUL 7/14/2016 16- 101293 -HR $2,024.33 PW- RELEASE BOND 16- 101297 -RP 252995 7/29/2016 NIKITCHUK, ANDREY AND OK17/14/2016 16- 102688 -HR $2,800.00 PW- PARTIAL BOND RELEASE DEPOSIT - ENVIRON REVIEW $5,170.80 253154 8/15/2016 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 6/29/2016 121632 $893.17 CD- WETLAND REVIEW SVC AG13 -166 253154 8/15/2016 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 5/5/2016 120565 $4,277.63 CD- WETLAND REVIEW SVC AG13 -166 DEPOSIT -LEASE DEPOSIT TELECOM $5,000.00 253134 8/15/2016 CLEARWIRE COMMUNICATIOIB /2/2016 WA- TAC155/SE52XC363 $5,000.00 LAW- SECURITY REFUNDNACA SITE DP COMPONENTS $62.55 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $62.55 IT -SHOCK MOUNT Key Bank Check No. Date 253236 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253248 8/15/2016 Page 15 of 62 Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE $4,446.00 OTTO, JEFFERY 8/4/2016 OTTO 2016 $4,446.00 PD- TUITION REIMB ELECTRICITY PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 PKM -07/16 1ST AVE & CAMPUS DR. PKM -07/16 2410 S 312TH BEACH R PKM -07/16 2410 S 312TH STORAGE PKM -07/16 2410 S 312TH WOODSHO PKM -07/16 2645 S 312TH ANX -RR/ PKM -07/16 2645 S 312TH SEWER L PKM -07/16 28156 1/2 24TH HERIT PKM -07/16 31104 28TH AVE S HAU CH8-07/16 33325 8TH AVE Z00453 PKM -07/16 33914 19TH AVE SAG F PKM -07/16 34915 4TH AVE MARKX FWCC -07/16 876 S 333RD Z003478 PKM- 07/16 726 S 356TH BROOKLAK PKM -07/16 31104 28TH AVE S STL PKDBC -07/16 3200 SW DASH PT RO PKDBC -07/16 3200 SW DASH PT RO FWCC -07/16 876 S 333RD LIGHTS PKM -07/16 S 324TH BLDG A- PKM -07/16 S 324TH BLDG B- PKM -07/16 FISHERS POND PROPERT PKM -07/16 21ST AVE LAKOTA RR B PKM -07/16 2410 S 312TH STLK ST PKM -07/16 726 S. 356TH BROOKLA PKM- 07/16 726 S. 356TH BROOKLA $17.70 $191.19 $17.20 $73.29 $732.13 $12.00 $24.11 $43.84 $9,827.04 $4,630.89 $14.58 $15,578.42 $58.58 $353.05 $2,582.22 $1,271.84 $90.19 $2,898.67 $2,407.71 $45.13 $140.72 $27.55 $103.63 $181.10 $74,369.91 Key Bank Check No. Date 253248 8/15/2016 253049 7/29/2016 253022 7/29/2016 253248 8/15/2016 253022 7/29/2016 253022 7/29/2016 253154 8/15/2016 253154 8/15/2016 253100 7/29/2016 253040 7/29/2016 253015 7/29/2016 253015 7/29/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 Page 16 of 62 Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 7/18/2016 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 7/17/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 7/19/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 7/1/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 7/11/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 7/7/2016 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, YOUNG, COREY MARSETT 300000001234 100826512 300000007322 400001023078 300000009526 220003675349 SWM -1234 34016 9TH AVE FLOOD G PWTR- 05/17- 07/15/16 20TH AVE S PWTR -06/16 METERED PKM- CONNECTION CHARGE PWTR -06/16 UNMETERED PKM- 06/16 726 S 356TH ELECTRIC ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FEES -PAS: 6/29/2016 121632 5/5/2016 120565 EVIDENCE FUNDS 7/21/2016 001- 00096836 CD- WETLAND REVIEW SVC AG13 -166 CD- WETLAND REVIEW SVC AG13 -166 PD- EVIDENCE RETURN 13 -13702 FIRE DEPARTMENT PERMIT SOUTH KING FIRE & RESCUE7 /26/2016 2ND QTR 2016 CD -2ND QTR REMIT FIRE DEPT FEE FIRST CLASS POSTAGE PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV7/2/2016 1001201267 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV6/4/2016 US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, FI- MAILING SVC 1000821426 FI- MAILING SVC 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD IT- SHIPPING RETURN 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD MO- FOREVER STAMPS FOR OFFICE M 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD MO- FOREVER STAMPS FOR OFFICE M FOOD & BEVERAGE 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD MO- COUNCIL DINNER 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES $49.14 $21.28 $14,968.56 $606.00 $17,376.77 $25.38 $- 893.17 $- 4,277.63 $10,000.00 $21,469.06 $2,034.65 $2,196.33 $78.80 $49.82 $49.82 $22.66 $120.40 $133.89 $143.51 $16.36 $160.55 $193.54 $20.05 $- 5,170.80 510,000.00 $21,469.06 54,409.42 $16,305.05 Key Bank Page 17 of 62 Check No. Date • Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $293.47 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $444.58 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES . 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $454.19 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $48.24 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $63.48 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $69.67 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $8.46 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $88.50 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $88.92 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $20.92 CC- COUNCIL DINNER 253118 8/15/2016 CAFFE D'ARTE LLC, 8/2/2016 336734 $60.56 HR- COFFEE SUPPLIES 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD $62.00 PD -LUNCH ORAL BOARD INTERVIEW 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD $90.96 PD -LUNCH ORAL BOARD INTERVIEW 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD $64.00 PD -LUNCH ORAL BOARD INTERVIEW 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD $189.59 PD -FOOD RW &B 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $28.94 CC- 7/5/16 COUNCIL DINNER SUPPL 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $34.06 CC -JULY 2016 WATER SVC 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $302.39 PARKS -SR. TRIP LUNCH 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $15.00 PARKS -SR. TRIP LUNCH 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $15.00 PARKS -SR. TRIP LUNCH 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $19.44 PARKS -SR. TRIP LUNCH 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $22.00 PARKS -SR. TRIP DINNER 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $80.42 PARKS -TEEN FIELD TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $5.03 PARKS -TEEN FIELD TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $4.00 PARKS- FORGOTTEN CAMP LUNCH 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $82.55 PARKS -TEEN FIELD TRIP Key Bank Page 18 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $95.00 MO- AUCTION LUNCH JF R &K CHARGI 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $32.80 MO -MAYOR FERRELL & CM MOORE MT 253239 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 8/5/2016 PETTY CASH FWCC $6.99 PARKS -QFC CULTURES & CRAFTS 253239 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 8/5/2016 PETTY CASH FWCC $59.70 PARKS - COSTCO -SNACK FOOD ITEMS 253239 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 8/5/2016 PETTY CASH FWCC $9.01 PARKS - SAFEWAY- FOOD FOR RECEPT 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $3.18 PARKS - FORGOTTEN CAMP LUNCH 253288 8/15/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & Ci7/19/2016 111312 $625.73 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 253288 8/15/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C/7/17/2016 110542 $521.80 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 253288 8/15/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C/7/18/2016 111060 $274.53 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 253288 8/15/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & Ci7/21/2016 112038 $379.49 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 253288 8/15/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C/7/20/2016 111809 $323.67 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 253167 8/15/2016 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERIC/7 /20/2016 7250633 $767.44 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 253288 8/15/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & Ci7/22/2016 112449 $492.19 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 253288 8/15/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C,7/28/2016 115297 $917.01 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 253288 8/15/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & Ci7/29/2016 115399 $452.06 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 253142 8/15/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S08/9/2016 JULY 2016 COSTCO $120.36 PARKS -RWB FESTIVAL SUPPLIES 253142 8/15/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S08/9/2016 JULY 2016 COSTCO $325.00 PARKS -RWB FESTIVAL SUPPLIES 253142 8/15/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S08/9/2016 JULY 2016 COSTCO $565.82 PARKS -RWB FESTIVAL SUPPLIES 253142 8/15/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S08/9/2016 JULY 2016 COSTCO $40.97 PARKS - SPECIAL OLYMPICS AWARDS 253239 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 8/5/2016 PETTY CASH FWCC $5.48 PARKS - WALMART -F -DUB 253239 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 8/5/2016 PETTY CASH FWCC $35.06 PARKS -WINCO -GOLD BAR CAMPING 253240 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 8/10/2016 PETTY CASH PD $27.33 PD- REFRESHMENTS FOR 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $21.25 PARKS -FOOD FOR FT 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $24.86 PARKS -FOOD FOR FT 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $1.98 PARKS -BREAD FOR FT 253240 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 8/10/2016 PETTY CASH PD $18.99 PD -SHEET CAKE: BRIAN LISLE'S- Key Bank Page 19 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 8/10/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 253240 8/15/2016 253115 8/15/2016 253115 8/15/2016 253115 8/15/2016 253115 8/15/2016 253115 8/15/2016 253115 8/15/2016 253142 8/15/2016 253142 8/15/2016 253142 8/15/2016 253142 8/15/2016 253142 8/15/2016 253142 8/15/2016 253142 8/15/2016 253068 7/29/2016 253068 7/29/2016 253068 7/29/2016 252922 7/29/2016 252922 7/29/2016 253068 7/29/2016 253068 7/29/2016 253068 7/29/2016 253068 7/29/2016 253024 7/29/2016 253024 7/29/2016 253012 7/29/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO8/9/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO8/9/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO8/9/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S08/9/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO8/9/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO8/9/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO8/9/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C,7/7/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C/7/8/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C/7/8/2016 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERIC/7 /8/2016 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERIC/7 /6/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C17/10/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C17/12/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C,7/13/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C,7/14/2016 QUALITY WATER SERVICES, 6/30/2016 QUALITY WATER SERVICES, 6/30/2016 PETTY CASH -MC CHANGE FU7/20/2016 Invoice Description AmountGL Total PETTY CASH PD $16.37 PD- COFFEE FOR PERSONNEL WHO WO BOYLE 2016 BOYLE 2016 BOYLE 2016 BOYLE 2016 BOYLE 2016 BOYLE 2016 PARKS - SUCKERS FOR FT PARKS- GROCERY ITEMS FOR FT PARKS - GROCERY ITEMS FOR FT PARKS -FOOD FOR FT PARKS - FOOD /DRINKS FOR FT PARKS -ROOT BEER FOR FT JULY 2016 COSTCO PD -FOOD FOR CLASS JULY 2016 COSTCO PD -RWB FESTIVAL WATER JULY 2016 COSTCO PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES JULY 2016 COSTCO PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES JULY 2016 COSTCO PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES JULY 2016 COSTCO PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES JULY 2016 COSTCO PKDBC -SODA 106539 106786 107035 7224932 7219080 107654 108402 108808 109363 87399 87410 JULY 2016 PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES PARKS -F DUB SUPPLIES PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES PKDBC -WATER COOLER RENTAL SVC PARKS -WATER COOLER RENTAL SVC 6/30/2016 Security Bins for gu $34.95 $8.21 $11.12 $26.41 $37.55 $13.78 $130.74 $52.53 $320.12 $49.66 $651.15 $717.19 $98.68 $471.61 $267.29 $107.62 $717.20 $358.87 $590.34 $223.22 $391.67 $103.26 $125.71 $98.39 $18.62 Key Bank Check No. Date 253010 7/29/2016 253010 7/29/2016 253010 7/29/2016 253068 7/29/2016 253254 8/15/2016 253288 8/15/2016 252911 7/29/2016 252911 7/29/2016 252917 7/29/2016 252917 7/29/2016 252911 7/29/2016 253257 8/15/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 252919 7/29/2016 253019 7/29/2016 252892 7/29/2016 252892 7/29/2016 252892 7/29/2016 252892 7/29/2016 252892 7/29/2016 252865 7/29/2016 252892 7/29/2016 252892 7/29/2016 Page 20 of 62 Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total PETTY CASH - FI, PETTY CASH - FI, PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C/7/15/2016 SAFEWAY STORE #1555, JUNE 2016 JUNE 2016 JUNE 2016 109602 CD- FOOD /REFRESHMENT GOING AWAY PW- FOOD /TRAINING SEMINAR LAW /CIVIL CAKE FOR AMY JO PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 7/7/2016 805800 - 070716 -1555 PARKS - PROGRAM SUPPLIES UNITED GROCERS CASH & Ci7/3/2016 GASOLINE ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 7/15/2016 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 7/15/2016 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(6/30/2016 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(6/30/2016 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 6/30/2016 SCHWAN, KURT US BANK, US BANK, FIX, TAMARA PROCTOR, TONIA 105122 106833CT 106834CT AR 11102 AR 11103 104125CT PKDBC- CATERING SUPPLIES FLT -07/16 VEHICLE FUEL PD -06/16 VEHICLE FUEL FLT -06/16 VEHICLE FUEL PD -06/16 VEHICLE FUEL PD -06/16 VEHICLE FUEL 7/25/2016 SCHWAN 2016 PD -REIMB VEHICLE FUEL 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD PW -FUEL FOR SMALL ENGINES 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD FLT -FUEL PUMP PARTS HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM 7/15/2016 FIX 2016 CD- DEDUCTIBLE REIMBURSMENT 7/18/2016 PROCTOR 2016 LAW- DEDUCTIBLE REIMB HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 6/28/2016 GT2889525 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 6/28/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 6/28/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 7/14/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 7/14/2016 AMERICAN HOTEL REGISTER7 /1/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 7/1/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 7/1/2016 NT2888631- NT2889525 GT2893752 NT2893752 8006943 GW2890623 N W2890623 PKDBC -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PKDBC -MAINT SUPPLIES PKDBC -MAINT SUPPLIES PKDBC -MAINT SUPPLIES PARKS - CLEANING SUPPLIES PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES $56.96 $52.99 $53.99 $473.54 $20.00 $390.28 $318.97 $381.38 $7,879.91 $17,222.36 $445.05 $108.46 $14.25 $52.69 $100.00 $95.40 $19.46 $401.68 $30.07 $237.03 $353.23 $372.28 $922.73 $524.19 $26,423.07 $195.40 $8,218.14 Key Bank Page 21 of 62 Check No. Date 252892 7/29/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 6/27/2016 252892 7/29/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 6/27/2016 252892 7/29/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 6/24/2016 252892 7/29/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 6/24/2016 252892 7/29/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 6/24/2016 252892 7/29/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 6/24/2016 252892 7/29/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 6/24/2016 252892 7/29/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 7/7/2016 252892 7/29/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 6/30/2016 252892 7/29/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 6/30/2016 253136 8/15/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 7/20/2016 253136 8/15/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 7/15/2016 253136 8/15/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 7/15/2016 253136 8/15/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 7/15/2016 253136 8/15/2016 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 7/18/2016 253122 8/15/2016 Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total NT2889223 NT2889226 GT2888631 GW2888634 NT2886555 NT2888631 NW2888634 N W2890623- NW2885495 NW2885618 N W2894124- N W2894109 NW2894124 GW2894109 GW2894109- CHB -MAINT SUPPLIES CHB -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PKDBC -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES PARKS - JANITORIAL SUPPLIES PARKS - JANITORIAL SUPPLIES PARKS - JANITORIAL SUPPLIES PARKS - JANITORIAL SUPPLIES PARKS - JANITORIAL SUPPLIES HUMAN SERVICES - CATHOLIC COMM CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVI/19/2016 2ND QTR 2016 CD /CS- VOLUNTEER CHORE SVC AG15 IMMUNIZATION CHARGE 253292 8/15/2016 US HEALTHWORKS MED GRO7/22/2016 0678367 -WA 985877 8/1/2016 GROUP HEALTH, 527456 8/1/2016 GROUP HEALTH, 253164 8/15/2016 HRCK -CDL EXAM C.COLLINS INSURANCE -STOP LOSS 7/14/2016 AUGUST 2016 A FI -ADMIN FEE OPTIONS 7/14/2016 AUGUST 2016 B FI -ADMIN FEE HMO INVESTMENT INCOME FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTI8 /8/2016 SIF -JULY 2016 FI -07/16 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES RE 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 253307 8/15/2016 WABO- WAASSOC BLDG OFFI6/1/2016 JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD HR: UW Job Posting EcoDevAsst 32673 HRCK -JOB POSTING $765.56 $326.53 $449.88 $100.41 $163.16 $174.49 $176.30 $445.50 $221.57 $473.50 $44.41 $876.34 $44.41 $1,050.50 $44.91 $4,287.00 $99.00 $28,862.54 $3,115.76 $2.65 $10.00 $50.00 LAND 253221 8/15/2016 MILLER, NASH, GRAHAM & Dl7/11/2016 2039638 $135.00 PW- CONDEMNATION LEGAL SVC AG15 $4,287.00 $99.00 $31,978.30 $2.65 $60.00 $135.00 Key Bank Page 22 of 62 Check No. Date 253083 7/29/2016 253083 7/29/2016 253083 7/29/2016 253083 7/29/2016 253083 7/29/2016 253083 7/29/2016 253083 7/29/2016 253083 7/29/2016 252902 7/29/2016 252902 7/29/2016 252885 7/29/2016 905807 8/8/2016 905807 8/8/2016 905807 8/8/2016 905807 8/8/2016 905807 8/8/2016 253126 8/15/2016 253204 8/15/2016 253176 8/15/2016 253237 8/15/2016 253237 8/15/2016 29959 7/29/2016 Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal LEASEHOLD TAX WA STATE REVENUE DEPT.MI7/26/2016 02/2016 WA STATE REVENUE DEPT:M17/26/2016 WA STATE REVENUE DEPT:M17/26/2016 WA STATE REVENUE DEPT :M17 /26/2016 WA STATE REVENUE DEPT:MI7/26/2016 02/2016 02/2016 Q2/2016 Q2/2016 Fl- Q2/2016 HAN WOO RI CHURCH FI- 02/2016 KARATE SCHOOL FI- Q2/2016 HYLEBOS BUCK RENT FI- 02/2016 HYLEBOS GORODYSKI FI- Q2/2016 CLEAR WIRE LEASEHOLD TAX - RECREATION WA STATE REVENUE DEPT:MI7/26/2016 02/2016 WA STATE REVENUE DEPT:M17/26/2016 WA STATE REVENUE DEPT:MI7/26/2016 LEGAL NOTICES 02/2016 Q2/2016 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMER7 /9/2016 3315408 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMER7/13/2016 CASTLETON, JENNIFER US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, CENTURYLINK, LODGING 7/12/2016 8/1/2016 8/1/2016 8/1/2016 8/1/2016 8/1/2016 Fl- Q2/2016 ICE CREAM CONCESSIO Fl- Q2/2016 CP CONCESSIONS BILL FI- 02/2016 STEEL LAKE CONCESSI PWST- NEWSPAPER LEGAL NOTICES 3315478 PWST- NEWSPAPER LEGAL NOTICES CASTLETON 2016 JULY 2016 PD JULY 2016 PD JULY 2016 PD JULY 2016 PD JULY 2016 PD LONG DISTANCE CHARGES 7/19/2016 1382454890 LAW- LODGING WAPA CONF. PD- REFUND LOD.RAVEN CHL C.MART PD -LODG FIREARMS INSTRUCT SCHM PD- REFUND LOD.RAVEN CHL K.DURE PD- REFUND LOD.RAVEN CHL N.WONG PD- PARKING FEES NELSON J.NELSO IT -07/16 PHONE SERVICES MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT LASER TECHNOLOGY INC, 8/11/2016 AUGUST 2016 PD- TRUSPEED CRIME SCENE EQUIP GRAY LUMBER COMPANY, 6/17/2016 PACIFIC TRUCK & MACHINER'6 /28/2016 PACIFIC TRUCK & MACHINER'6 /28/2016 83724 7392 7392 PKM- MARINE PLY LUMBER PKMT /FLEET:TRAILER SANDBLAST, Sales Tax $512.05 $45.52 $346.68 $269.64 $680.43 $22.19 $470.05 $120.10 $678.60 $928.20 $278.79 $- 267.30 $1,365.08 $- 267.30 $- 267.30 $125.64 $228.34 $6,240.80 $1,868.38 $15,435.11 $1,450.90 $1,854.32 $612.34 $1,606.80 $967.61 $228.34 $24,995.19 MEDICAL SERVICES - CLAIMS $154,996.93 GROUP HEALTH, 7/28/2016 SF00029959 $1,505.93 FI- COOPERATIVE Key Bank Page 23 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 29960 7/29/2016 GROUP HEALTH, 7/28/2016 SF00029960 29904 7/22/2016 GROUP HEALTH, 7/21/2016 SF00029904 29905 7/22/2016 GROUP HEALTH, 7/21/2016 SF00029905 513298 8/12/2016 GROUP HEALTH, 8/11/2016 SF00030191 730894 8/12/2016 GROUP HEALTH, 8/11/2016 SF00030192 191589 8/5/2016 GROUP HEALTH, 8/4/2016 SF00030009 707848 8/5/2016 GROUP HEALTH, 8/4/2016 SF00030010 FI- OPTIONS FI- COOPERATIVE FI- OPTIONS FI- COOPERATIVE FI- OPTIONS FI- COOPERATIVE FI- OPTIONS $18,495.60 $2,031.27 $59,009.13 $3,090.05 $31,870.58 $1,915.89 $37,078.48 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $805.35 253277 8/15/2016 TENUTA, MERCEDES 8/11/2016 TENUTA2016 $28.22 PW -ADV TVL NOTARY SEMINAR 253198 8/15/2016 KOPPANG, MARK 8/12/2016 KOPPANG 2016 $154.55 CC -ADV TVLAWC BUDGET TRNG 253156 8/15/2016 ETTINGER, ROBERT 7/28/2016 ETTINGER 2016 $208.98 PARKS - MILEAGE REIMB 253170 8/15/2016 GERWEN, JASON 8/1/2016 GERWEN 2016 $255.42 PKM- MILEAGE REIMB 253011 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 7/19/2016 JUNE 2016 $33.00 PARKS - MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT RW 253011 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 7/19/2016 JUNE 2016 $41.48 PARKS - MILEAGE - BANKING FOR FW 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 JUNE 2016 $29.16 PAEC- MILEAGE 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 JUNE 2016 $54.54 PARKS - MILEAGE -J GERWEN MINOR DP EQUIPMENT $1,058.31 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $76.64 IT -ASUS GT730 VIDEO CARD 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $165.00 IT -TOUGH SWITCHES 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $460.07 IT -UNIFI LRAP'S 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $284.60 IT -UNIFI OUTDOOR 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $72.00 PKDBC- UBIQUITY M -PORT POE ADAP MINOR EQUIP -MISC 87,046.78 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD PD- AMAZON: SIGHT ACCESSORIES PD- AMAZON: SWAT GUN SIGHTS PD- AMAZON: SWAT GUN SIGHTS PD- TACTICAL LIGHT $39.42 $388.26 $1,784.29 $1,367.70 Key Bank Page 24 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $635.98 SWM -RAIN BARRELS 253318 8/15/2016 ZONES INC, 7/23/2016 K03899980102 $2.44 Sales Tax 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/19/2016 1402402 -0 $9.03 MC- OFFICE SUPPLIES 253318 8/15/2016 ZONES INC, 7/23/2016 K03899980102 $25.67 IT- P1435 -LE FIXED CAMERA PERP 253318 8/15/2016 ZONES INC, 7/22/2016 K03899980101 $711.68 IT- P1435 -LE FIXED CAMERA PERP 253318 8/15/2016 ZONES INC, 7/22/2016 K03899980101 $67.61 Sales Tax 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/28/2016 902043 $20.78 PWST -MAINT SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250076/29/2016 8023789 $174.11 PWST -MAINT SUPPLIES 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/7/2016 1395480 -0 $245.82 MC- OFFICE SUPPLIES 252900 7/29/2016 CUES, 7/8/2016 460941 $964.07 SWM- INSPECTION TRAILER REPAIR 252959 7/29/2016 L N CURTIS & SONS, 6/30/2016 INV36305 $428.76 PD- EXTINGUISHER 253066 7/29/2016 TRUE NORTH EQUIPMENT IN(7/5/2016 H04451 $181.16 SWM- CAMERA EQUIPMENT MISC POLICE DEPOSIT ACCOUNT $168.00 253274 8/15/2016 SWEENEY, EDWARD JOSEPH 7/28/2016 001 - 00104758 $168.00 PD- RETURN EVIDENCE 16 -5359 MISC PROFESSIONAL SVS- INTERGOV $61,106.23 253194 8/15/2016 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIV157/29/2016 77906 $21,112.06 PW -SWM UTILITY BILLINGS PERPET 253195 8/15/2016 KING COUNTY RADIO, 7/27/2016 11246 $9,764.11 IT -PD RADIO MAINT /REPAIR 253294 8/15/2016 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS C7/21/2016 0016819 $2,878.39 PD -2016 02 WSP ACCESS BILLING 253126 8/15/2016 CENTURYLINK, 7/19/2016 1382454890 $228.34 IT -07/16 PHONE SERVICES 253304 8/15/2016 WA STATE PATROL, 8/1/2016 117000354 $312.00 HR -07/16 BACKGROUND CHECKS 253077 7/29/2016 WA STATE DEPT OF ECOLOG'4/25/2016 2009- DSKI101747 $814.00 SWM -ECO DAM SAFETY FEE 253077 7/29/2016 WA STATE DEPT OF ECOLOG'4/25/2016 2010- DSKI101747 $231.00 SWM -ECO DAM SAFETY FEE 253075 7/29/2016 WA STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE7/12/2016 L115649 $25,051.33 FI -STATE AUDITOR SERVICES 253040 7/29/2016 SOUTH KING FIRE & RESCUE7 /11/2016 03313 $100.00 PKDBC -FIRE CODE PERMIT DBC 252941 7/29/2016 HUTTON, JOHN R 7/19/2016 2ND QTR FWCC $15.00 PARKS -2ND QTR FWCC REIMB 253052 7/29/2016 TANG, FEI 7/19/2016 2ND QTR FWCC $15.00 PARKS -2ND QTR FWCC REIMB 252942 7/29/2016 HWANG, ANDY 7/19/2016 2ND QTR FWCC $15.00 PARKS -2ND QTR FWCC REIMB Key Bank Page 25 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 252878 7/29/2016 BRIGGS, JULIANNE 252993 7/29/2016 NEAL, STEPHAN C 252948 7/29/2016 JAENICKE, MARY 252951 7/29/2016 JONES, WARREN CASEY 252952 7/29/2016 KAMIYA, JOHN 252860 7/29/2016 ALLEN, LYNETTE 253039 7/29/2016 SO, SUN 252919 7/29/2016 FIX, TAMARA 252994 7/29/2016 NELSON, DOUG 252932 7/29/2016 GREGORY, KRISTEN 252879 7/29/2016 BROWN, TOM 252926 7/29/2016 GIAZZI, TIZIANA 252987 7/29/2016 MULLER, MYUNG -HEE 252881 7/29/2016 BUCK, ROBYN 253082 7/29/2016 WA STATE PATROL, 253082 7/29/2016 WA STATE PATROL, 253065 7/29/2016 TRANSUNION RISK & ALTERN7 /1/2016 252970 7/29/2016 LEXISNEXIS RISK, 253027 7/29/2016 REGIONAL TOXICOLOGY SER6/30/2016 252933 7/29/2016 GSR POLYGRAPH SERVICES,6 /30/2016 252853 7/29/2016 1 STOP SERVICES CORP, 7/19/2016 253005 7/29/2016 PAYLESS TOWING & RECOVE7/17/2016 253086 7/29/2016 WASHINGTON POLYGRAPH, 7/21/2016 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 252916 7/29/2016 FEDERAL WAY LIONS, 7/22/2016 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 7/1/2016 2ND QTR FWCC PARKS -2ND QTR FWCC REIMB 2ND QTR FWCC PARKS -2ND QTR FWCC REIMB 2ND QTR FWCC PARKS -2ND QTR FWCC REIMB 2ND QTR FWCC PARKS -2ND QTR FWCC REIMB 2ND QTR FWCC PARKS -2ND QTR FWCC REIMB 2ND QTR FWCC PARKS -2ND QTR FWCC REIMB 2ND QTR FWCC PARKS -2ND QTR FWCC REIMB 2ND QTR FWCC PARKS -2ND QTR FWCC REIMB 2ND QTR FWCC PARKS -2ND QTR FWCC REIMB 2ND QTR FWCC PARKS -2ND QTR FWCC REIMB 2ND QTR FWCC PARKS -2ND QTR FWCC REIMB 2ND QTR FWCC PARKS -2ND QTR FWCC REIMB 2ND QTR FWCC PARKS -2ND QTR FWCC REIMB 2ND QTR FWCC PARKS -2ND QTR FWCC REIMB 116009026 HR- BACKGROUD CHECKS MISC SERVICES & CHARGES 7/1/2016 116009325 PD- BACKGROUND CHECKS 837597 PD -06/16 BACKGROUND CHECKS 6/30/2016 1470204 -2016 06 30 PD -06/16 LEXIS NEXIS SVC 61294063016 16 -021 5804 962 16 -020 JUNE 2016 1150 MC -DRUG TESTS PD- POLYGRAPH TESTING SVCS D.HE PD- VEHICLE TOW SVC 16 -11062 PD- VEHICLE TOW SVC 16 -10998 PD- PREEMPLOYMENT POLYGRAPH ED- INDIANA SPORTS COMPLES /DIVE CDHS -CAR SHOW AWARD SPONSOR $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $360.00 $34.75 $110.00 $249.66 $565.37 $150.00 $196.01 $196.01 $300.00 $44.00 $150.00 517,716.67 Key Bank Page 26 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253286 8/15/2016 TRANSUNION RISK &ALTERN5 /1/2016 837597 $110.00 PD -04/16 BACKGROUND CHECKS 253162 8/15/2016 FEDERAL WAY INDOOR RANG7/1/2016 134 $689.85 PD- INDIVIDUAL RANGE USE 253296 8/15/2016 VERIZON WIRELESS, 7/12/2016 9768592762 $63.02 PD -07/16 WATPA GRANT 252894 7/29/2016 COMBS FORENSIC SERVICES? /8/2016 CFS071602 $1,100.00 PD -AUDIO ENHANCEMENT 16 -5057 252863 7/29/2016 AL'S TOWING, 7/5/2016 81710 $196.01 PD- VEHICLE TOW SVC 16 -10103 252997 7/29/2016 NORTHWEST TOWING INC, 7/5/2016 408373 $343.01 PD- VEHICLE TOW 16 -10311 253021 7/29/2016 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING, 7/6/2016 2016 -6849 $1,875.00 HR- POLICE OFFICER RECRUITMENT/ 252947 7/29/2016 IRON MOUNTAIN INFORMATIC6 /30/2016 MTM5912 $1,064.12 PD- STORAGE FEES 253095 7/29/2016 WILD WEST INTERNATIONAL 17 /1/2016 16922 $24.06 PD -RANGE SVC 253013 7/29/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 117/6/2016 313172 $6,759.36 MC -06/16 SECURITY SERVICESAG1 253286 8/15/2016 TRANSUNION RISK &ALTERN8 /1/2016 837597 $110.00 PD -07/16 BACKGROUND CHECKS 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $217.80 PARKS- SENIOR TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $27.00 PARKS - LIFEGUARD CERT RENEWALS 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $84.55 PARKS -STOP WATCHES 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $380.80 PARKS - SENIOR TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $100.00 PARKS -BLOOD BORN PATHOGEN TRAI 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $350.00 PARKS - SENIOR TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $1,043.76 PARKS - SENIOR TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $ -10.93 CC- AMAZON REFUND 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $15.00 PARKS -SR. TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $15.00 PARKS -SR. TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $10.00 PARKS -SR. TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $6.00 PARKS -SR. TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $6.00 PARKS -SR. TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $6.00 PARKS -SR. TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $16.00 PARKS -SR. TRIP Key Bank Page 27 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 253226 8/15/2016 MV TOWING LLC, 7/26/2016 253207 8/15/2016 LEXISNEXIS RISK, 7/31/2016 253238 8/15/2016 PAYLESS TOWING & RECOVE7/29/2016 253155 8/15/2016 EQUIFAX CREDIT INFORMATI(8 /9/2016 253248 253248 253248 253248 253248 253248 253248 253248 253022 253054 253054 253054 253054 253054 253054 253054 253054 253054 253054 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 NATURAL GAS PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9/2016 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 7/7/2016 JULY 2016 CITY PARKS -SR. TRIP JULY 2016 CITY PARKS - PARKS -SR. TRIP 4481 PD- VEHICLE TOW SVC 16- 0011133 1470204- 20160731 PD -07/16 LEXIS NEXIS SVC 1090 9825256 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 300000001978 220006213759 NON GOVT DP SERVICES TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7 /7/2016 5109259 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7/7/2016 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7 /7/2016 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7 /7/2016 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7/7/2016 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7/7/2016 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7/7/2016 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7/7/2016 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7/7/2016 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7/7/2016 5109259 5109259 5109259 5109259 5109259 5109259 5109259 5109259 5109259 PD- VEHICLE TOW SVC 16 -11560 PD- CREDIT REPORTING SVCS PKM -07/16 31104 28TH AVE S HAU PKM -07/16 31104 28TH AVE S STL PKDBC -07/16 3200 SW DASH PT RO PKDBC -07/16 3200 SW DASH PT RO PKM- 07/16 726 S 356TH BROOKLAK FWCC -07/16 876 S 333RD 0008456 PKM -07/16 600 S 333RD EVID. BL PKM -07/16 600 S 333RD EVID BLD PKM -06/16 726 S 356TH GAS #493 IT- CAARCSERVE BACKUP FOR WIND IT- CAARCSERVE BACKUP FOR WIND IT- CAARCSERVE BACKUP FOR WIND IT- CAARCSERVE BACKUP SAN OPTI IT- CAARCSERVE BACKUP SAN OPTI IT- CAARCSERVE BACKUP SAN OPTI IT- CAARCSERVE BACKUP DISASTER IT- CAARCSERVE BACKUP DISASTER IT- CAARCSERVE BACKUP DISASTER IT- CAARCSERVE BACKUP AGENT FO $113.45 $321.00 $196.01 $249.66 $196.01 $43.33 $18.63 $57.19 $1,097.46 $540.54 $96.68 $5,711.31 $578.07 $51.38 $23.30 $66.00 $59.40 $6.60 $135.00 $121.50 $13.50 $59.50 $53.55 $5.95 $270.00 $8,174.56 $2,837.31 Key Bank Page 28 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 253054 7/29/2016 253054 7/29/2016 253054 7/29/2016 253054 7/29/2016 253054 7/29/2016 253054 7/29/2016 253054 7/29/2016 253054 7/29/2016 252924 7/29/2016 252924 7/29/2016 252999 7/29/2016 253206 8/15/2016 253145 8/15/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 253270 8/15/2016 253270 8/15/2016 253270 8/15/2016 253270 8/15/2016 253270 8/15/2016 253270 8/15/2016 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7/7/2016 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7/7/2016 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7/7/2016 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7/7/2016 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7/7/2016 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7/7/2016 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7/7/2016 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 7/7/2016 FUSE DATA CENTER SVC LLC7/25/2016 FUSE DATA CENTER SVC LLC7/25/2016 NOWYR INC., LEXISNEXIS, DMX MUSIC, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, 7/15/2016 7/31/2016 8/1/2016 5109259 5109259 5109259 5109259 5109259 5109259 5109259 5109259 1555 1555 10992 3090617238 52608490 IT- CAARCSERVE BACKUP AGENT FO IT- CAARCSERVE BACKUP AGENT FO IT- CAARCSERVE BACKUP CLIENTA IT- CAARCSERVE BACKUP CLIENTA IT- CAARCSERVE BACKUP CLIENTA Sales Tax Sales Tax Sales Tax IT -UPS AND BATTERIES SERVICE. IT -UPS AND BATTERIES SERVICE. IT- INTERNET SVC 3 -5 MBPS IT /LAW -07/16 WEST LAW SVC- IT-08/16 ALL DIGITAL MUSIC OFFICE SUPPLIES 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD LAW - PLAQUE FOR AMY JO PEARSALL 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD IT -CUBE CORNER 48 ADJUSTABLE D 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD IT -CUBE CORNER 48 ADJUSTABLE D 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD PAEC -THE COMMONS M &G TABLE SUP 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD PARKS- OFFICE SUPPLIES 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD PKM- OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTF7/31 /2016 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT/7 /31/2016 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT/7 /31/2016 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT/7 /31/2016 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT/7/31/2016 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT/7/31/2016 8040373672 8040373672 8040373672 8040373672 8040373672 8040373672 PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PD- OFFICE SUPPLIES PD- OFFICE SUPPLIES PD- OFFICE SUPPLIES PD- OFFICE SUPPLIES PD- OFFICE SUPPLIES $243.00 $27.00 $374.00 $336.60 $37.40 $85.93 $77.34 $8.58 $130.63 $130.62 $160.00 $359.16 $76.05 $50.94 $247.50 $247.50 $16.52 $126.76 $27.35 $1.46 $85.60 $16.41 $75.91 $36.00 $300.60 $3,903.82 Key Bank Page 29 of 62 Check No Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253270 8/15/2016 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT/7/31/2016 8040373672 253270 8/15/2016 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT/7 /31/2016 8040373672 253270 8/15/2016 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT/7 /31/2016 8040373672 253270 8/15/2016 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT/7/31/2016 8040373672 253270 8/15/2016 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTF7 /31/2016 8040373672 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/29/2016 1405941 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/29/2016 1406121 -1 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/29/2016 1406121 -1 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/29/2016 1406121 -1 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/29/2016 1406121 -1 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/29/2016 1406121 -1 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/29/2016 1405941 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/29/2016 1405941 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/29/2016 1405941 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/29/2016 1405941 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/28/2016 1405185 -1 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/26/2016 1403984 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/27/2016 C1400078 -1 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/27/2016 1406121 -0 253312 8/15/2016 WORKPOINTE, 7/27/2016 5752 253312 8/15/2016 WORKPOINTE, 7/27/2016 5752 253312 8/15/2016 WORKPOINTE, 7/27/2016 5752 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/27/2016 C1400078 -1 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/27/2016 C1400078 -1 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/27/2016 C1400078 -1 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/27/2016 C1400078 -1 PD- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PKM- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES $12.98 $1.45 $1.94 $0.48 $1.94 $3.02 $1.86 $2.48 $0.62 $2.48 $1.84 $3.02 $4.02 $1.01 $4.02 $73.54 $11.26 $ -3.02 $10.73 $196.63 $196.63 $196.64 $ -3.02 $ -4.02 $ -1.01 $ -4.02 Key Bank Page 30 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253312 8/15/2016 WORKPOINTE, 7/26/2016 5722 253312 8/15/2016 WORKPOINTE, 7/26/2016 5722 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/27/2016 1406121 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/27/2016 1406121 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/27/2016 1406121 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/27/2016 1406121 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/26/2016 1404996 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/26/2016 1405185 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/26/2016 1403984 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/26/2016 1403984 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/26/2016 1403984 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/26/2016 1403984 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/25/2016 1404726 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/19/2016 1402341 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/18/2016 1397715 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/18/2016 1397765 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/18/2016 1399089 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/18/2016 1401800 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 C1400191 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400078 -1 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400301 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400519 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400519 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400519 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400519 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400301 -0 CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES HR- OFFICE SUPPLIES PKM- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES MC- OFFICE SUPPLIES IT- OFFICE SUPPLIES MC- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES MC- OFFICE SUPPLIES CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PARKS - OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PARKS - OFFICE SUPPLIES $111.41 $111.40 $10.74 $14.32 $3.58 $14.32 $13.87 $157.41 $11.26 $15.02 $3.75 $15.02 $45.60 $26.57 $65.70 $34.38 $43.69 $93.37 $ -36.42 $3.63 $37.67 $5.14 $6.85 $1.71 $6.85 $21.00 Key Bank Page 31 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400191 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400519 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/21/2016 1403196 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/21/2016 1403312 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/20/2016 1402815 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/20/2016 1403016 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 8/7/2016 1397995 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 11/7/2016 1398106 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 1/7/2016 1395146 -0 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 JUNE 2016 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/13/2016 1399721 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400078 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400078 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400078 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400078 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400078 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400078 -1 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400078 -1 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400078 -1 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400078 -1 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/7/2016 1395761 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/11/2016 1398106 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/6/2016 C1391235 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/7/2016 1397200 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/7/2016 1397319 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/5/2016 1395531 -0 CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES MO- OFFICE SUPPLIES PD- OFFICE SUPPLIES MO- OFFICE SUPPLIES HRCK- OFFICE SUPPLIES LAW - OFFICE SUPPLIES MO- OFFICE SUPPLIES CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES LAW /CIVIL AMY JO DEPARTURE GOO PD- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PARKS - OFFICE SUPPLIES CC- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- RETURN OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES $154.34 $5.13 $9.89 $18.10 $20.19 $11.99 $51.09 $17.40 $259.08 $32.27 $65.11 $7.94 $10.58 $2.65 $10.58 $7.92 $3.64 $4.85 $1.21 $4.85 $52.13 $17.40 $ -5.63 $14.92 $17.72 $21.10 Key Bank Page 32 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/5/2016 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/5/2016 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/5/2016 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/5/2016 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/7/2016 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/7/2016 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/7/2016 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/7/2016 252855 7/29/2016 AARO INC DBATHE LOCK SH(7/8/2016 252947 7/29/2016 253057 7/29/2016 252870 7/29/2016 253229 8/15/2016 253148 8/15/2016 369843 8/8/2016 369843 8/8/2016 369843 8/8/2016 369843 8/8/2016 253224 8/15/2016 253239 8/15/2016 253239 8/15/2016 253239 8/15/2016 253239 8/15/2016 1395531 -0 1395531 -0 1395531 -0 1395531 -0 1397200 -0 1397200 -0 1397200 -0 1397200 -0 0000010878 PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PARKS -MISC PARTS /DUP KEY OPERATING RENTALS /LEASES IRON MOUNTAIN INFORMATIC6 /30/2016 MTV4236 THE HUMANE SOCIETY FOR, 6/30/2016 BALLI ROAD LLC, 7/1/2016 NORPOINT ENTERTAINMENT 8/3/2016 IVC0001669 2073 AG 14 -173 OTHER DEPT - CLAIMS AUTO EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (7/23/2016 1 -19786 OTHER MISC REVENUE WA STATE REVENUE DEPART8/8/2016 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART8/8/2016 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART8/8/2016 601 - 223 -5385 601 - 223 -5385 601- 223 -5385 HRCK- STORAGE FEES PD -06/16 DROP OFF FEES PD -07/16 SUBSTATION RENTAG14- SWR- PARKING LOT LEASE LAW -RM PRK 111 -1 MIRROR; RM -PR FI -07/16 REMIT SALES TAX FWCC FI -07/16 REMIT SALES TAX FI -07/16 REMIT SALES TAX OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE WA STATE REVENUE DEPART8 /8/2016 MONTGOMERY, SARA PETTY CASH - FWCC, PETTY CASH - FWCC, PETTY CASH - FWCC, PETTY CASH - FWCC, 601 - 223 -5385 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 8/7/2016 8/5/2016 8/5/2016 8/5/2016 8/5/2016 FI -07/16 REMIT SALES TAX DBC MONTGOMERY 2016 PARKS PETTY CASH FWCC PARKS PETTY CASH FWCC PARKS - PETTY CASH FWCC PARKS- PETTY CASH FWCC PARKS- - CULTURES & CRAFTS REIMB - DIAMOND PARKING -TEEN FI DOLLAR TREE - PRESCHOOL FI DOLLAR TREE -F -DUB MICHAEL'S -F -DUB SUPPLIES $28.14 $7.03 $31.47 $21.10 $14.93 $121.02 $4.98 $35.17 $39.64 $2,738.63 04,277.90 $3,400.00 $500.00 $155.82 $3,580.95 $- 103.98 $-1,362.75 $- 693.79 0107.56 $21.98 $19.71 $3.29 $13.14 $10,916.53 $155.82 $2,114.22 $- 693.79 $43,926.75 Key Bank Page 33 of 62 Check No Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253239 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 8/5/2016 PETTY CASH FWCC $13.69 PARKS - OFFICE MAX -F -DUB SUPPLIE 253142 8/15/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO8/9/2016 JULY 2016 COSTCO 512.25 PARKS - SUPPLIES 253240 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH- POLICE DEPT, 8/10/2016 PETTY CASH PD $57.57 PD- FIREARMS TRNG UNIT SUPPLIES 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $9.03 PARKS - CONDUIT FOR FT 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $3.29 PARKS - POSTER BOARD & BROOM FOR 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $2.45 PARKS -WOOD FOR FT 253142 8/15/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO8/9/2016 JULY 2016 COSTCO $4.91 PARKS - LAMINATING POOL SUPPLIES 253240 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 8/10/2016 PETTY CASH PD 521.88 PD- TARGETS NEEDED FOR SWAT - 253240 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 8/10/2016 PETTY CASH PD $85.50 PD -FUEL FOR SANDSTATIONS TRIP - 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $128.22 PARKS - PLANTS FOR FT 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $51.20 PARKS -PAINT & WOOD FOR FT 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $23.00 PARKS -WOOD FOR FT 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $6.13 PARKS -BOLTS FOR FT 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $4.93 PARKS -TULLE MATERIAL FOR FT 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $5.45 PARKS -2" BIT FOR FT 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $13.41 PARKS - BATTERIES FOR FT 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $5.46 PARKS - MATERIAL FOR FT 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $9.66 PARKS -PVC PIPE FOR FT 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $3.85 PARKS -WOOD FOR FT 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $6.18 PARKS -HINGE FOR FT 253142 8/15/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO8/9/2016 JULY 2016 COSTCO $141.13 SWM- BROCHURES 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $85.70 MATERIAL FOR FRIENDSHIP THEATR 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 59.39 PARKS - GLITTER STRAP FOR FT 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $16.63 PARKS - MATERIAL FOR FT 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $29.53 PARKS - FABRIC FOR FT 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 $9.86 PARKS -GLUE & POSTERBOARD FOR F Key Bank Page 34 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 253115 8/15/2016 BOYLE, SHARON 8/10/2016 BOYLE 2016 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/22/2016 902077 253159 8/15/2016 EXCEL SUPPLY COMPANY, IN(7/22/2016 696 253166 8/15/2016 FIRST STUDENT, INC, 7/20/2016 229 -C- 068806 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400519 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400078 -1 253205 8/15/2016 LAW ENFORCEMENT TARGET7 /15/2016 0317889 -IN 253143 8/15/2016 D J TROPHY, 7/15/2016 243721 253144 8/15/2016 DASH MEDICAL GLOVES, 7/15/2016 INV1005569 253273 8/15/2016 SUREFIRE LLC, 7/18/2016 2128644 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/18/2016 9243775 253256 8/15/2016 SAVE OUR FISH CHAPTER, P:7/25/2016 07/25/16 253116 8/15/2016 BROWNELLS INC, 7/25/2016 12759622.01 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/26/2016 1403982 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/26/2016 1403984 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/27/2016 1406121 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/27/2016 C1400078 -1 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/29/2016 1405941 -0 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/29/2016 1406121 -1 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/29/2016 1402815 -1 PARKS -KEYS, PIRATE HOOK FOR FT PARKS - MATERIAL & PATTERN FOR F PARKS - THREAD FOR FT PARKS - FABRIC FOR FT PARKS - FABRIC & PATTERNS FOR FT PARKS - FABRIC & NOTIONS FOR FT PARKS - FABRIC, RIBBON,NOTIONS F SWM -MAINT SUPPLIES PWST- SAFETY GLASSES PARKS -CAMP TRANSPORTATION SVCS PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PD- POLICE TARGET SUPPLIES PKM -TSP DEDICATION SIGN PD- GLOVES PD- SUPPLIES IT- RETURN MAINT SUPPLIES PARKS - HOOKED ON FISHING PD- SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES PAEC- OFFICE SUPPLIES $6.56 $31.47 $1.06 $23.70 $18.02 $90.33 $15.54 $71.43 $58.64 $2,371.00 $8.56 $6.06 $1,456.05 $487.28 $400.11 $135.67 $ -7.05 $564.00 $382.23 $75.08 $18.77 $68.68 $ -5.03 $5.03 $3.10 $114.93 Key Bank Page 35 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 253270 8/15/2016 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTF7 /31/2016 8040373672 $12.11 PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $574.11 SWR- SHELVING FOR SOUTH KING TO 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $63.28 SWR- HANDWASHING SOAP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $- 400.22 PARKS - REFUND RWBF SUPPLIES 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $8.63 PARKS- CLIPBOARD 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $400.22 PARKS -RWBF SUPPLIES 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $400.22 PARKS -RWBF SUPPLIES 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $224.19 PARKS -RWBF SUPPLIES 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $43.55 PARKS -BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $1,319.66 PARKS -CAMP FIELD TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $1,480.00 PARKS -CAMP FIELD TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $152.10 PARKS - STORAGE 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $47.76 PARKS -TEEN FIELD TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $28.85 PARKS -CAMP SUPPLIES 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $11.50 PARKS - DISCOVERY PASS 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $331.14 PARKS -CAMP FIELD TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $366.78 PARKS -CAMP FIELD TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $131.09 PARKS -CAMP SUPPLIES 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $120.44 PARKS - WEIGHTS 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $26.91 PARKS - DINNER & A MOVIE 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $533.21 PARKS - INFLATABLES KIDS DAY 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $229.32 PARKS - RIBBONS FOR SWIM MEETS 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $101.70 PARKS - SUMMER CAMP SUPPLIES 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $155.64 PARKS - SUMMER CAMP SUPPLIES 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $186.14 PARKS -CART FOR BIRTHDAY PARTIE 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $71.79 SWM- FAUCET LOCKS Key Bank Page 36 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $86.97 SWM -METAL WATER DIVERTERS 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $84.36 PARKS -NAME TAGES 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $189.46 PARKS -AWARD SPECIAL OLYMPICS 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $7.84 PARKS -LIFE JACKET FOR SPLASHTA 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $2,443.16 SWM- BULLETIN BOARDS 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $439.50 SWM -EQUIP FOR SALMON TANKS 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $1,016.88 SWM -EQUIP FOR SALMON TANKS 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $1,662.88 PARKS -CAMP FIELD TRIP 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $1,783.00 PARKS -CAMP FIELD TRIP 253239 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 8/5/2016 PETTY CASH FWCC $17.68 PARKS - WALMART- FRIENDSHIP THEAT 253239 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 8/5/2016 PETTY CASH FWCC $6.33 PARKS -FRED MEYER FOR (FT) 253239 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 8/5/2016 PETTY CASH FWCC $5.45 PARKS -VALUE VILLAGE FOR (FT) 253239 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 8/5/2016 PETTY CASH FWCC $8.75 PARKS - GOODWILL FOR (FT) 253239 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 8/5/2016 PETTY CASH FWCC $4.19 PARKS -HOME DEPOT FOR (FT) 253239 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 8/5/2016 PETTY CASH FWCC $4.19 PARKS -HOME DEPOT FOR (FT) 253239 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 8/5/2016 PETTY CASH FWCC $33.74 PARKS -HOME DEPOT - MOVIES IN THE 253239 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 8/5/2016 PETTY CASH FWCC $40.00 PARKS -FRED MEYER FOR STAFF TRA 253239 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 8/5/2016 PETTY CASH FWCC $36.53 PARKS - WALMART -KIDS DAY 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $4,037.40 SWM -EQUIP FOR SALMON TANKS 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $84.14 PARKS -CAFE POS SYSTEM 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $122.65 SWM - BULLETIN BOARDS 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $1,544.42 SWM - SUPPLIES FOR FISH TANK 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY $170.27 SWM -SSS EQUIPMENT 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $68.96 MO -MO FRAMES FOR EVENT PICTURE 253314 8/15/2016 XTREME GRAPHIX INC, 8/2/2016 16 -1162 $108.80 SWM- EMPHASIS SIGN 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $123.01 CD- GRAFFITI SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 37 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD $29.32 PD -CARDS FOR VOLUNTEERS 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD $53.70 PD- COFFEE FOR COLUNTEERS 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD $113.78 PD -LEASH FOR ANIMAL SVC 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD $62.40 PD- SUPPLIES FOR BDU 252888 7/29/2016 CENTRAL WELDING SUPPLY 16/30/2016 1383710 $58.58 PKM -HE 300 R 252880 7/29/2016 BROWNELLS INC, 7/5/2016 12736491.00 $628.50 PE- WEAPON SUPPLIES 252901 7/29/2016 D J TROPHY, 7/5/2016 243674 $1,450.88 PKM -SIGNS 252862 7/29/2016 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 7/13/2016 TM- 159515 $41.12 PWST- AEROSOL PAINT 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 JUNE 2016 $54.95 IT -POWER MODULE F /CONF PHONE 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 JUNE 2016 $18.99 PW /SWR SKC TOOL LIBRAYR 253012 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH -MC CHANGE FU7/20/2016 JULY 2016 $18.14 Picture Frames for Art Contest 252986 7/29/2016 MONTGOMERY, SARA 7/14/2016 MONTGOMERY 2016 $212.85 PARKS - CULTURES & CRAFT SUPPLIE 253011 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 7/19/2016 JUNE 2016 $19.69 PARKS -BLUE RIBBON, TSP GRAND 0 253059 7/29/2016 THE MESOTHELIOMAAPPLIEt7 /18/2016 JULY 2016 $1,980.00 PARKS -MILES FOR MESO RUN 253011 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 7/19/2016 JUNE 2016 $19.71 PARKS - ORIGAMI MARKERS FOR ARTS 253011 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 7/19/2016 JUNE 2016 $38.89 PARKS -HOME DEPOT FOR MOP & ZIP 253011 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 7/19/2016 JUNE 2016 $10.00 PARKS - PARKING FOR ENCHANTED PA 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/7/2016 1397200 -0 $24.89 PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/5/2016 1395531 -0 $35.17 PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/4/2016 901925 $127.75 PKM -RWB SUPPLIES 253317 8/15/2016 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE COMF7/7/2016 68316859 $418.75 PKM -FIRST AID SUPPLIES 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/7/2016 901566 $82.73 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253139 8/15/2016 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL6 /22/2016 8073 - 460690 $234.88 PKDBC -ELEC SUPPLIES 253138 8/15/2016 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/14/2016 1400078 -0 $27.16 PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES 253116 8/15/2016 BROWNELLS INC, 7/13/2016 12759616.01 $537.02 PD- SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/12/2016 5090112 $15.83 IT -MAINT SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 38 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/13/2016 4655608 252983 7/29/2016 MITY -LITE INC, 4/6/2016 00024378 252983 7/29/2016 MITY -LITE INC, 6/23/2016 CMP002581 252983 7/29/2016 MITY -LITE INC, 4/6/2016 00024378 252880 7/29/2016 BROWNELLS INC, 7/8/2016 12759616.00 253092 7/29/2016 WESTERN BUILDERS SUPPLY7 /12/2016 306506 253090 7/29/2016 WASHINGTON WORKWEAR L16/24/2016 2373 253053 7/29/2016 TASER INTERNATIONAL, 6/24/2016 SI1442826 252918 7/29/2016 FIRST STUDENT, INC, 7/13/2016 229 -C- 068803 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 OTHER TRAVEL EXPENSE 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY PARKING/TOLLS 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/3/2016 253240 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 8/10/2016 253240 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 8/10/2016 253277 8/15/2016 TENUTA, MERCEDES 8/11/2016 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 JULY 2016 CITY JULY 2016 CITY PKDBC -MAINT SUPPLIES Freight PKDBC- CREDIT FOR LATE DELIVERY PKDBC -225 BANQUET ROOM CHAIRS PD- WEAPON SUPPLIES PD -MISC. SUPPLIES PWST- SAFETY COATS PD -TASER CARTRIDGES PARKS -CAMP TRANSPORTATION SVCS CC -AWC BUDGET LASSEFA - DAWSON CC -AWC BUDGET M KOPPANG CC -AWC BUDGET S HONDA JULY 2016 CITY MO -MTG. W JOHNSON BAILEY CONST JULY 2016 CITY LAW - PARKING FOR SYMPOSIUM C.WI PETTY CASH PD PD- REIMBURSE: TOLL FEES - PETTY CASH PD PD- REIMBURSE FOR BRIDGE TOLL - TENUTA 2016 PW -ADV TVL NOTARY SEMINAR JUNE 2016 PW- PARKING /K.C. GRANT SCORING PD - CLAIMS AUTO 252866 7/29/2016 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTO17/12/2016 S0776294449 252997 7/29/2016 NORTHWEST TOWING INC, 7/11/2016 408337 PD - CLAIMS GUPL 253298 8/15/2016 WA CITIES INSURANCEAUTHB /1/2016 AUGUST 1, 2016 LAW -RM REIMB DED MARINOFF; RM- 253198 8/15/2016 KOPPANG, MARK 253316 8/15/2016 YVONNE, THERESA LAW -RM 6551 SPIKE STRIP; RM -PD LAW -RM PD 6551 SPIKE STRIP; RS PER DIEM MEALS 8/12/2016 KOPPANG 2016 CC- ADVTVLAWC BUDGETTRNG 8/11/2016 YVONNE 2016 PAEC -ADV TVL 2016 WESTERN ARTS $225.56 $579.54 $- 579.54 $5,062.50 $636.48 $31.17 $223.69 $47.54 $3,306.25 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $14.00 $40.00 $16.00 $7.00 $15.00 $34.00 $558.07 $196.01 $3,532.00 $85.00 $175.00 $600.00 $126.00 $754.08 $3,532.00 $3,890.00 Key Bank Page 39 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 252850 7/19/2016 MARTIN, FRANKA 7/19/2016 MARTIN 2016 $125.00 PD -ADV TRVLADV MOTOR CERT 252873 7/29/2016 BASSETT, GRANT 7/20/2016 BASSETT 2016 $125.00 PD -ADV MOTO CERT G.BASSETT 252977 7/29/2016 MARTIN, CHRIS 7/21/2016 MARTIN 2016 $290.00 PD -ADV TRVL HDS RECERT CLASS C 253008 7/29/2016 PETERSON, NICHOLAS 7/29/2016 PETERSON 2016 $170.00 PD -WSSO SAFETY CONF 253033 7/29/2016 SCHMIDT, KEITH 7/22/2016 SCHMIDT 2016 $290.00 PD -ADV TRVL HANDGUN INSTRUCTOR 253003 7/29/2016 OTTO, JEFFERY 7/14/2016 OTTO 2016 $290.00 PD- FIREARMS INST. COURSE ADV T 252939 7/29/2016 HINCKLE, CHARLIE 7/14/2016 HINCKLE 2016 $290.00 PD- FIREARMS INST. COURSE ADV T 253147 8/15/2016 DURELL, KRIS 6/14/2016 DURELL 2016 $2,050.00 PD -ADV TRVL FBI HDS BASIC SCHO POLICE SERVICES - INTGOVT $456,477.83 253258 8/15/2016 SCORE, 8/1/2016 2045 $446,511.17 PD -08/16 SCORE PRISONER LODGIN 253193 8/15/2016 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI57/19/2016 3001472 $9,966.66 PD -06/16 KING CO. PRISONER LOD POSTAGE /DELIVERY SERVICES $2,778.72 253160 8/15/2016 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPOR7/22/2016 5- 488 -60830 $4.37 PWST- DOCUMENTS EXPRESS DELIVER 253160 8/15/2016 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPOR.7/29/2016 5- 496 -67806 $22.16 PWST- DOCUMENTS EXPRESS DELIVER 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $238.65 CD- PASSPORT MAILINGS 253015 7/29/2016 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV7/2/2016 1001201267 $484.44 FI- MAILING SVC 253015 7/29/2016 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV7/2/2016 1001201267 $710.51 FI- MAILING SVC 253069 7/29/2016 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, 7/2/2016 0000F6588V276 $4.78 PD- DOCUMENT DELIVERY SERVICE 253069 7/29/2016 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, 7/9/2016 0000F6588V286 $23.90 PD- DOCUMENT DELIVERY SERVICE 253015 7/29/2016 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV6/4/2016 1000821426 $522.94 FI- MAILING SVC 253015 7/29/2016 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV6/4/2016 1000821426 $766.97 FI- MAILING SVC PRESCRIPTION SERVICES - CLAIMS $37,915.76 29960 7/29/2016 GROUP HEALTH, 7/28/2016 SF00029960 $7,881.72 FI- OPTIONS 29959 7/29/2016 GROUP HEALTH, 7/28/2016 SF00029959 $145.61 FI- COOPERATIVE 29905 7/22/2016 GROUP HEALTH, 7/21/2016 SF00029905 $12,378.39 FI- OPTIONS 29904 7/22/2016 GROUP HEALTH, 7/21/2016 SF00029904 $28.75 FI- COOPERATIVE 730894 8/12/2016 GROUP HEALTH, 8/11/2016 SF00030192 $15,438.36 FI- OPTIONS Key Bank Page 40 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 513298 8/12/2016 GROUP HEALTH, 8/11/2016 SF00030191 $2,042.93 FI- COOPERATIVE 253142 8/15/2016 177505 8/5/2016 289064 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, PRINTING /PHOTO SERVICES COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO8/9/2016 JULY 2016 COSTCO MO -TSP GRAND REOPENING PHOTO US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD CD- RECORDED DOCUMENT COPY US BANK, 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY PARKS - CONSTANT CONTACT MARKET! 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD SWR- RECYCLING DOOR HANGER TAGS 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD PW- ARTFUL RAINWATER DESIGN 253174 8/15/2016 GOS PRINTING CORPORATIO7 /29/2016 253174 8/15/2016 GOS PRINTING CORPORATIO7 /29/2016 253174 8/15/2016 GOS PRINTING CORPORATIO7 /28/2016 253243 8/15/2016 PRINTERY COMMUNICATION;? /28/2016 253300 8/15/2016 WA STATE DEPT OF CORREC7/25/2016 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 252895 7/29/2016 COMCAST OF WASHINGTON 17/1/2016 253017 7/29/2016 PRINT SOLUTIONS, INC, 7/1/2016 86493 86505 86443 160657 45- 114956 JUNE 2016 JUNE 2016 JUNE 2016 JUNE 2016 JUNE 2016 JUNE 2016 PD- PRINTING SVC PD- PRINTING SVC PD- PRINTING SVC HR- BUSINESS CARDS PD- CITATION BOOKS CED /BOOK BINDING -CODE BOOKS PW -SWM POSTAGE PW -SWM SLAG MTG /REFRESHMENTS CD /BLDG CODE BOOK BINDING CUTT PW -SD MEMORY CARD PW /SWR YARD SIGNAGE FOR GREEN 8498 34 016 1554623 PARKS -07/16 CABLE 66973 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 252857 7/29/2016 ADURO, INC, 7/1/2016 7832 252953 7/29/2016 KENYON DISEND, PLLC, 6/30/2016 253006 7/29/2016 PETEK, PHD, THOMAS C 6/30/2016 252867 7/29/2016 AMERICAN TRAFFIC SOLUTIC6 /30/2016 252893 7/29/2016 COLEHOUR +COHEN, INC, 6/30/2016 252964 7/29/2016 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES, 16/30/2016 184238 9294 INV00022401 5717 3868326 PARKS -RWB FESTIVAL MAPS HR- WELLNESS PROG. SVCAG12 -128 LAW -LEGAL SVCS- PD-PSYCH EVAL D.HEAVNER MC -06/16 RED LIGHT PHOTO AG #15 SWR- RECYCLING PROROMOTIONS PD- LANGUAGE SVC $16.41 $2.49 $5.48 $818.47 $94.17 $362.99 $642.73 $734.30 $165.41 $279.88 $14.75 $20.60 $12.99 $11.16 $9.30 $37.20 $48.97 $157.76 $1,610.66 $894.71 $300.00 $52,250.00 $1,546.25 $142.03 $3,435.06 $453,830.73 Key Bank Page 41 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 252973 7/29/2016 M J DURKAN INC, 7/1/2016 JULY 2016 252887 7/29/2016 CENTERSTAGE THEATREART7 /1/2016 JULY 2016 252981 7/29/2016 MICROFLEX, 7/5/2016 00022374 252985 7/29/2016 MONTES DE OCA RICKS, MAR7/15/2016 07/15/16 253029 7/29/2016 SAFAROVA - DOWNEY, ALMIRA7/15/2016 07/15/16 253084 7/29/2016 WAI, DOREEN 7/15/2016 07/15/16 252856 7/29/2016 ABOU -ZAKI, KAMAL 7/15/2016 07/15/16 252954 7/29/2016 KIM, CHUL JOON 7/15/2016 07/15/16 252851 7/20/2016 CHRISTIE LAW GROUP, LLC, 7/13/2016 6299 252891 7/29/2016 CHRISTIE LAW GROUP, LLC, 7/13/2016 6300 253010 7/29/2016 PETTY CASH - FI, 7/19/2016 JUNE 2016 252904 7/29/2016 DAVID A CLARK ARCHITECTS 7 /16/2016 874 252954 7/29/2016 KIM, CHUL JOON 7/19/2016 07/19/16 253084 7/29/2016 WAI, DOREEN 7/19/2016 07/19/16 253007 7/29/2016 PETERS, FALANI, "FRANK" 7/19/2016 07/19/16 252985 7/29/2016 MONTES DE OCA RICKS, MAF7/19/2016 07/19/16 252936 7/29/2016 HDR ENGINEERING INC, 7/15/2016 1200000908 252877 7/29/2016 BRICKS 4 KIDZ, 7/15/2016 52063 252976 7/29/2016 MAKSIMOV, YURI 7/20/2016 07/20/16 253007 7/29/2016 PETERS, FALANI, "FRANK" 7/20/2016 07/20/16 253007 7/29/2016 PETERS, FALANI, "FRANK" 7/21/2016 07/21/16 253241 8/15/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 114/6/2016 309021 253241 8/15/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 114/6/2016 309081 253241 8/15/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 114/6/2016 309126 253241 8/15/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 114/6/2016 309181 253241 8/15/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 114/6/2016 309182 MO- LOBBYIST SVC AG14 -145- PARKS- THEATRE MANAG & OPERATIO FI- SERVICE FEE MC- INTERPRETER SVC MC- INTERPRETER SVC MC- INTERPRETER SVC MC- INTERPRETER SVC MC- INTERPRETER SVC LAW -LEGAL SERVICES AG13 -009- LAW -LEGAL SERVICES AG13 -009- CDL- HEALTH CARD- REQUIRED PARKS -TOWN SQUARE PARK MASTER MC- INTERPRETER SVC MC- INTERPRETER SVC MC- INTERPRETER SVC MC- INTERPRETER SVC PW -COM EST & GEO CON FOR FED W PRCS -LEGO BRICKS CAMPS FOR CHI MC- INTERPRETER SVC MC- INTERPRETER SVC MC- INTERPRETER SVC PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITYAG11 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 $5,166.66 $8,333.33 $1,314.00 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $90.00 $100.00 $11,557.72 $936.00 $100.00 $7,294.98 $100.00 $110.00 $175.00 $192.50 $1,676.15 $1,102.50 $110.00 $450.00 $275.00 $175.00 $300.00 $175.00 $300.00 $175.00 Key Bank Page 42 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253241 8/15/2016 253241 8/15/2016 253241 8/15/2016 253241 8/15/2016 253192 8/15/2016 253124 8/15/2016 253289 8/15/2016 253197 8/15/2016 253263 8/15/2016 253149 8/15/2016 253306 8/15/2016 253149 8/15/2016 253209 8/15/2016 253241 8/15/2016 253241 8/15/2016 253241 8/15/2016 253241 8/15/2016 253241 8/15/2016 253241 8/15/2016 253241 8/15/2016 253241 8/15/2016 253241 8/15/2016 253249 8/15/2016 253044 7/29/2016 253020 7/29/2016 252989 7/29/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY I14/6/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 114/6/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 114/6/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 114/6/2016 KING COUNTY BAR FOUNDAT4 /15/2016 CENTERSTAGE THEATRE AR16/16/2016 UNITED STATES DEPARTMEN6 /17/2016 KING COUNTY RECORDS,ELE6 /21/2016 SPECTRA LABORATORIES LL(6/27/2016 EARTHCORPS, 5/31/2016 WA. DEPT OF CORRECTIONS,6 /30/2016 EARTHCORPS, 6/30/2016 LMNARCHITECTS, 7/10/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 117/6/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 117/6/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 117/6/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 117/6/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 117/6/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 117/6/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 117/6/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 117/6/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 117/6/2016 PUGET SOUND TRAINING CE17/11/2016 STAY HOME MONITORING INC6/24/2016 PUBLIC ENGINES INC, 5/31/2016 MULTI - SERVICE CENTER, 309236 309238 ,309252 309304 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 1ST QTR 2016 CD -PRO BONO SERVICESAG15 -098 07112016FT PARKS - ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES 3002036492 SWM -2014 STLK GEESE MGMT SVC A DICKSON 2016 CD -DEED OF TRUST DICKSON 110427 SWM -WATER TESTING 6034 PKM -URBAN FORESTY SVCS AG13 -05 0616.3 -16- KCWC -HQ PD -06/16 WORK CREWAG10 -166 6082 57575 313448 313507 313555 313612 313613 313669 313671 313683 313736 2ND QTR 2016 14097 23257 PKM -URBAN FORESTY SVCS AG13 -05 PW -PACC PROJECT DESIGN AG #15 -0 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 CD- EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING SERVI PD- MONITORING SVC A.MASTANDREA PD- ANNUAL SUB RENEW CRIME REPO 4/15/2016 1ST QTR 2016 CD /CS -FOOD & CLOTHING BANK- $175.00 $175.00 $175.00 $175.00 $750.00 $1,240.00 $418.72 $83.00 $50.00 $890.00 $225.00 $1,550.00 $42,988.72 $175.00 $300.00 $175.00 $300.00 $175.00 $175.00 $175.00 $175.00 $175.00 $1,271.53 $84.32 $5,865.60 $9,025.00 Key Bank Page 43 of 62 Check No. Date 253025 252945 252897 253044 252988 252874 252874 252921 252852 252980 253070 252974 252974 252945 252985 252967 252887 253061 253072 253060 253056 253223 253153 253241 253187 253189 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/26/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 Vendor Invoice Date RAGNASOFT INC, 5/3/2016 INSLEE, BEST, DOEZIER, 5/6/2016 CONNELLY ROOFING AND, 5/9/2016 STAY HOME MONITORING INC6/22/2016 MULTICARE CENTERS OF, 7/1/2016 BEERY ELSNER & HAMMOND7 /1/2016 BEERY ELSNER & HAMMOND7 /1/2016 FLOYD, PFLUEGER & RINGER7 /5/2016 THE ISLANDERS STEEL DRUA7 /5/2016 MGT OF AMERICA, INC., 7/8/2016 UNITED STATES DEPARTMEN7/11/2016 M.A.D. CONSTRUCTION, LLC, 7/11/2016 M.A.D. CONSTRUCTION, LLC, 7/11/2016 INSLEE, BEST, DOEZIER, 7/12/2016 MONTES DE OCA RICKS, MAR7/12/2016 LATOS CONSTRUCTION LLC, 6/24/2016 CENTERSTAGE THEATRE AR17/11/2016 THE SUPERLATIVE GROUP, 1\6/28/2016 VALLEY FURNACE INC, 6/28/2016 THE POP OFFS, 6/27/2016 THE GREG PROTHMAN COMF7/13/2016 MONTES DE OCA RICKS, MAR7/26/2016 EMERGENCY FEEDING PROG7/25/2016 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 117/25/2016 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS7/23/2016 KENT YOUTH & FAMILY SERVI7/22/2016 Invoice Description AmountGL Total RSI- 0002278 364211 605 14089 109841 13039 13039 45505 JULY 2016 28552 3002063731 16 -1106 16- 1106 -01 218477 07/12/16 803766 01- 07112016A 12111 16464 JULY 2016 2016 -5519 07/26/16 PD -WEB APP SVC /ELEC SCHED /PAYR PWST -HOV PH V LEGAL SVC AG14 -1 CDHS -HRP DICKSON ROOF REPLACEM PD- MONITORING SVC A.KHALIL PD -LAB WORK/IMMUNIZATIONS LAW -CABLE FRANCHISE NEGOTIATIO LAW -CABLE FRANCHISE NEGOTIATIO LAW -LEGAL SVCS AG13 -033- PARKS- SUMMER SOUNDS CONCERT MO- HIGHER ED. NEEDS ASSESSMENT SWM -2014 STLK GEESE MGMT SVC A CDHS -HRP YIN ROOF REPLACEMENT CDHS -HRP YIN CHANGE ORDER FOR PWST -HOV PH V LEGAL SVC AG14 -1 MC- INTERPRETER SVC CD -ROOF INSPECTION DICKSON PKDBC -TECH 05 -06/16 PAEC -07/16 NAMING RIGHTS TO PA CD- INSTAL WATER HEATER PARKS - SUMMER SOUNDS CONCERT HR- RECRUITMENT SVC - CD DIRECT MC- INTERPRETER SVC 2ND QTR 2016 CD- EMERGENCY FEEDING PROGRAM A 314181 PKM -PARK CLOSING /SECURITY AG11 16 -547 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 2ND QTR 2016 15 -078 CD /CS- CLINICAL PROGRAMS FOR YO $4,110.00 $7,988.90 $6,866.87 $147.64 $319.00 $1,323.00 $12,958.28 $363.00 $600.00 $11,430.00 $179.28 $21,940.52 $1,475.00 $149.89 $110.00 $63.75 $400.00 $5,000.00 $1,708.20 $600.00 $3,360.32 $110.00 $1,250.00 $494.00 $2,742.96 $3,000.00 Key Bank Page 44 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253189 8/15/2016 253192 8/15/2016 253187 8/15/2016 253186 8/15/2016 253246 8/15/2016 253280 8/15/2016 253135 8/15/2016 253293 8/15/2016 253161 8/15/2016 253219 8/15/2016 253168 8/15/2016 253314 8/15/2016 253122 8/15/2016 253150 8/15/2016 253242 8/15/2016 253165 8/15/2016 985877 8/1/2016 527456 8/1/2016 253268 8/15/2016 253173 8/15/2016 289064 8/5/2016 289064 8/5/2016 289064 8/5/2016 289064 8/5/2016 289064 8/5/2016 289064 8/5/2016 KENT YOUTH & FAMILY SERVI7/22/2016 KING COUNTY BAR FOUNDAT7 /26/2016 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS7/30/2016 INDEPENDANTASSIGNORS 07/30/2016 PROFESSIONAL SV INDUSTRI7 /31/2016 THUILLIER, JENNIFER 7/29/2016 CLINICAL & FORENSIC PSYCH/20/2016 USSSA/SLO -PITCH SOFTBALL7 /21/2016 FEDERAL WAY COMMUNITY, 7/21/2016 MICROFLEX, FUSION, XTREME GRAPHIX INC, 7/20/2016 7/18/2016 7/19/2016 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVI/19/2016 EDD, DALE 7/16/2016 PRESTIGE DANCE STUDIO, 7/15/2016 FEDERAL WAY SENIOR CENTI7 /15/2016 GROUP HEALTH, 7/14/2016 GROUP HEALTH, 7/14/2016 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIEI7/14/2016 GOLDEN WOOD, LLP, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, 8/3/2016 8/3/2016 8/3/2016 8/3/2016 8/3/2016 8/3/2016 8/3/2016 2ND QTR 2016 2ND QTR 2016 16 -557 CD /CS- WATSON MANOR TRANSITIONA CD -PRO BONO SERVICES AG15 -098 MC- INTERPRETER SVC FW PARKS, 2016 -07 PARKS - SOCCER REFEREESAG16 -050 00452592 201656 DEFLA000 884 2ND QTR 2016 00022387 PW -FED WAY PAEC INSPECTION SVC SWR- GRAPHIC DESIGN SVC MO- COMPETENCY EVALUDATE PARKS -TEAM REGISTRATION CD -RENT ASSISTANCE & EMERGENCY FI -TAX AUDIT PROGRAM 2ND QTR 2016 CD- TRANSITIONAL HOUSING PROGRA 16 -1035 PARKS - PLASTIC SIGN 2ND QTR 2016 CD /CS- VOLUNTEER CHORE SVC AG15 07/16/16 I N V -0003 2ND QTR 2016 PRCS- CPR /FIRST AID CLASSES AG1 PRCS -DANCE INSTRUCTORAG14 -123 CD /CS- SENIOR NUTRITION AG15 -07 AUGUST 2016 A FI -ADMIN FEE OPTIONS AUGUST 2016 B FI -ADMIN FEE HMO 2ND QTR 2016 CD- EMERGENCY HUMAN SVC- 15 -34 MO- CONFLICT DEFENDER SVC JULY 2016 CITY PARKS -RWBF SUPPLIES JULY 2016 CITY PARKS - PROFESSIONAL LICENSING F JULY 2016 CITY PARKS- CANOPY RENTALS JULY 2016 CITY PARKS - CANOPY RENTALS JULY 2016 CITY PARKS - MOVIES IN THE PARK JULY JULY 2016 CITY MC- LANGUAGE SVC $1,250.00 $750.00 $825.00 $1,518.00 $10,713.50 $415.00 $1,200.00 $210.00 $5,875.00 $165.00 $3,750.00 $870.40 $2,250.00 $567.00 $6,004.00 $4,750.00 $20,996.23 $2,158.80 $15,000.00 $5,065.00 $1,502.47 $795.00 $20.00 $749.51 $1,452.40 $11.85 Key Bank Page 45 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice • Description AmountGL Total 253169 8/15/2016 G FORCE FITNESS LLC, 8/4/2016 253251 8/15/2016 RASOR, EVA EDLA 8/4/2016 253201 8/15/2016 KVASNYUK, NIKOLAY 8/2/2016 253223 8/15/2016 MONTES DE OCA RICKS, MAF8/2/2016 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 253111 8/15/2016 AMERICAN TRAFFIC SOLUTIC7/31/2016 253313 8/15/2016 WSSUA -WA STATE SOFTBALL8 /1/2016 253297 8/15/2016 VIGILNET AMERICA LLC, 8/1/2016 253210 8/15/2016 LORAX PARTNERS LLC, 8/1/2016 253124 8/15/2016 CENTERSTAGE THEATRE AR18 /4/2016 253190 8/15/2016 KIM, CHULJOON 8/4/2016 253178 8/15/2016 HAWKINS & CRAWFORD, PLL(8/5/2016 253315 8/15/2016 YIN, MING -HUI 8/8/2016 253196 8/15/2016 KING COUNTY RECORDS,ELE8 /9/2016 253142 253142 253142 253142 253142 253288 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 JULY 2016 JULY 2016 08/02/16 08/02/16 FWCC- PERSONAL TRAINER SVC AG13 FWCC - PERSONAL TRAINER SVCAG13 MC- INTERPRETER SVC MC- INTERPRETER SVC JULY 2016 PROCARD HR:Wellness Gift Cards (Wellne JULY 2016 PROCARD HR:Wellness Gift Cards (Wellne JULY 2016 PROCARD HR:Wellness Gift Cards JULY 2016 PROCARD HR:Wellness Gift Cards JULY 2016 PROCARD HR:Wellness Gift Cards JULY 2016 PROCARD HR:Wellness Gift Cards INV00022620 383 301325 FW-36 01- 080316A 08/04/16 MC -07/16 RED LIGHT PHOTO AG #15 PRCS- SOFTBALL OFFICIALS AG13 -0 MC- PROBATION ALCOHOL MONITORIN PW -PACC PROJECT MANAGEMENT AG# PKDBC- ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES MC- INTERPRETER SVC AUGUST 2016 MO -08/16 PUBLIC DEFENDER SVC A 08/08/16 YIN 2016 PURCHASE OF RESALE ITEMS COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S08/9/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S08/9/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S08/9/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S08/9/2016 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS 508/9/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & Ci8/1/2016 CD -YIN REFUND CONT. BALANCE CDHS -YIN D.O.T. ROOF REPAIR JULY 2016 COSTCO PARKS -CAFE RESALE JULY 2016 COSTCO PARKS -CAFE RESALE JULY 2016 COSTCO PARKS -CAFE RESALE JULY 2016 COSTCO PARKS -CAFE RESALE JULY 2016 COSTCO PARKS -CAFE RESALE 116736 PARKS -CAFE RESALE $1,900.50 $1,038.00 $206.25 $110.00 $45.00 $55.00 $150.00 $175.00 $200.00 $750.00 $38,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,121.55 $32,712.00 $440.00 $150.00 $31,850.00 $1,040.28 $83.00 $236.75 $382.22 $424.55 $577.92 $660.81 $9.18 $3,399.98 Key Bank Page 46 of 62 Check No. Date 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, 289064 8/5/2016 US BANK, Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY PARKS -SWIM TEAM CLOTHING 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY PARKS -SWIM TEAM SUITS 253288 8/15/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C/7/29/2016 253068 7/29/2016 UNITED GROCERS CASH & Ci7/6/2016 115603 106084 PW INSPECTION FEES 252995 7/29/2016 NIKITCHUK, ANDREYAND OK.7/14/2016 16- 102688 -HR 252975 7/29/2016 MAKSIMCHUK, PAUL 7/14/2016 16- 101293 -HR 252950 7/29/2016 JOHNSON, CHRIS 7/14/2016 252958 7/29/2016 KURKOV CONSTRUCTION CO7/14/2016 253023 7/29/2016 PURCELLA, ADRIENNE 252937 7/29/2016 HEAD - QUARTERS PTS, 252854 7/29/2016 AABCO BARRICADE COMPAN7 /11/2016 252937 7/29/2016 HEAD - QUARTERS PTS, 7/1/2016 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/9/2016 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/8/2016 PARKS -CAFE RESALE PARKS -CAFE RESALE PW- INSPECTION FEE PW- INSPECTION FEE 12- 101609 PW- INSPECTION FEE 11-103573-00-HR PW- INSPECTION FEE RENTAL CARS /GROUND TRANSPORT 7/6/2016 PURCELLA2016 PD -REIMB TAXI ADV TRVL RENTAL OF FURNITURE /EQUIPMENT 7/6/2016 3577 -0 101777 3580 -0 8355333 9355267 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/8/2016 9355268 253179 8/15/2016 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, L7/8/2016 F770061 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/8/2016 901221 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/8/2016 902596 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32-25007.7/8/2016 9030486 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/9/2016 902635 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/9/2016 922513 253215 8/15/2016 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 7/11/2016 09058 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/7/2016 909122 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/7/2016 916987 PARKS - SANICAN SERVICES PARKS -NO PARKING SIGNS MESO PKM - SANICAN SVCAG12 -014- PKM- RENTAL PKM- RENTAL PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -GRATE PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES SWM -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM- PARKING LOT CLEANING AG13- PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM- RETURN .MAINT SUPPLIES $438.00 $549.41 $49.96 $71.18 $ -42.88 $- 128.63 $ -42.88 $ -42.88 $99.90 $2,275.00 $335.11 $658.75 $ -16.92 $200.00 $11.37 $27.36 $11.78 $65.65 $168.88 $50.73 $12.91 $246.38 $22.11 $ -15.54 $- 257.27 $99.90 53,451.94 $24,316.53 Key Bank Page 47 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/7/2016 919877 $174.12 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/7/2016 901150 $97.18 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/7/2016 12575 $13.00 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/6/2016 909839 $42.65 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/2/2016 5024124 $30.51 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/5/2016 2024390 $113.88 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/5/2016 2594685 $86.21 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/6/2016 1024518 $32.52 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/6/2016 1213087 $ -4.76 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/6/2016 1573746 $13.07 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253175 8/15/2016 GRAINGER INC, 7/1/2016 9156744170 $2,678.25 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253107 8/15/2016 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 7/1/2016 TM- 159202 $220.86 PKM- PAINT /MASKING TAPE 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/1/2016 6034494 $28.34 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/1/2016 6594320 $10.92 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250076/29/2016 8023834 $34.47 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/29/2016 902104 $118.91 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250076/28/2016 9023627 $250.58 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/28/2016 902955 $274.28 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253259 8/15/2016 SECOMA FENCE INC, 6/29/2016 06/29/16 $62.78 SWM -FENCE SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250076/28/2016 9572977 $4.79 CHB -MAINT SUPPLIES 253272 8/15/2016 SUPERLON PLASTICS INC, 6/8/2016 16F1132 $80.26 SWM- PIPE /IRRIGATION SUPPL 253259 8/15/2016 SECOMA FENCE INC, 5/16/2016 05/16/16 $795.86 SWM -FENCE SUPPLIES 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/27/2016 902895 $86.72 PWST -MAINT SUPPLIES 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/25/2016 902493 $82.09 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/26/2016 901728 $189.94 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253260 8/15/2016 SHOPE CONCRETE PRODUC- 6/13/2016 9965518 $263.68 SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 48 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/11/2016 909076 253235 8/15/2016 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS, 7/12/2016 3710 - 129639 253231 8/15/2016 NORTHWEST WIRE ROPE ANI7 /12/2016 50074716 253102 8/15/2016 AARO INC DBA THE LOCK SH7/13/2016 0000010952 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/13/2016 4100086 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/13/2016 908634 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/13/2016 923706 252930 7/29/2016 GRAINGER INC, 6/30/2016 9155055552 252930 7/29/2016 GRAINGER INC, 6/30/2016 9155055560 253036 7/29/2016 SHERWIN- WILLIAMS CO, 6/28/2016 8960 -5 252930 7/29/2016 GRAINGER INC, 7/1/2016 9156059330 253000 7/29/2016 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 7/15/2016 22487 252896 7/29/2016 COMMERCIAL HARDWARE & 7/19/2016 1489 252979 7/29/2016 MCMASTER -CARR, 7/11/2016 69418055 252998 7/29/2016 NORTHWEST WIRE ROPE AN17/12/2016 00464280 252930 7/29/2016 GRAINGER INC, 7/6/2016 9158281932 252855 7/29/2016 AARO INC DBA THE LOCK SH7/7/2016 0000010846 253000 7/29/2016 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 7/8/2016 22326 253000 7/29/2016 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 7/8/2016 22330 253050 7/29/2016 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS 7 /8/2016 13021033 252930 7/29/2016 GRAINGER INC, 7/7/2016 9160363835 252923 7/29/2016 FURNEY'S NURSERY INC, 7/7/2016 1 -81869 253034 7/29/2016 SECOMA FENCE INC, 7/7/2016 JULY 2016 253000 7/29/2016 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 7/7/2016 22281 253000 7/29/2016 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 7/7/2016 22293 252930 7/29/2016 GRAINGER INC, 6/15/2016 9140867186 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES SWM -CAR WASH FOR VEHICLES PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -KEY CHB -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES CHB -MAINT SUPPLIES PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM- FACILITIES PAINT SUPPLIES PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES PARKS -POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13 -0 PKDBC -PANIC REINFORCED DOOR PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES PARKS -CORE PKM- CHEMICALS PARKS -POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13 -0 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PKDBC -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM- NURSERY SUPPLIES PKM -FENCE SUPPLIES PKM- CHEMICALS PKM- CHEMICALS PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES $31.19 $8.74 $144.67 $16.27 $53.29 $24.90 $33.96 $36.79 $404.46 $15.59 $398.59 $847.38 $492.75 $96.35 $144.67 $609.64 $206.96 $147.07 $783.94 $6.80 $16.37 $146.73 $58.09 $158.83 $192.18 $659.63 Key Bank Page 49 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253050 7/29/2016 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS 7 /1/2016 13020695 $23.21 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 252930 7/29/2016 GRAINGER INC, 6/22/2016 9147422050 $211.03 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 252920 7/29/2016 FLOYD EQUIPMENT COMPAN'6/22/2016 99875 $38.41 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253093 7/29/2016 WESTSIDE CONCRETEACCES /22/2016 1056418 -IN $396.39 PKM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 252915 7/29/2016 FASTENAL, 6/21/2016 WAFED133997 $47.31 PWST -ZIP TIES FOR BANNERS 253016 7/29/2016 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC, 6/20/2016 55336298 $27.79 PKM -CO2 252869 7/29/2016 ARCMATE MANUFACTURING 4/15/2016 INV049250 $176.74 PKM- LITTER GITTERS 252930 7/29/2016 GRAINGER INC, 6/10/2016 9136722288 $507.17 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253016 7/29/2016 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC, 6/14/2016 55316005 $61.78 PKM -CO2 253276 8/15/2016 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS 7 /29/2016 13022661 $40.37 PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES 253234 8/15/2016 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 7/22/2016 22649 $951.27 PARKS -POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13 -0 253175 8/15/2016 GRAINGER INC, 7/21/2016 9173693129 $13.04 PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES 253140 8/15/2016 CONTECH ENGINEERED SOLI7/21/2016 901111229034 $749.27 Sales Tax 253216 8/15/2016 MCMASTER -CARR, 7/26/2016 71611712 5-74.89 PARKS - RETURN MAINT SUPPLIES 253152 8/15/2016 EJ USA, INC, 7/15/2016 110160047378 $292.45 SWM -ERGO GASKETS 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/15/2016 2201168 $8.71 SWM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/15/2016 902937 $23.22 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/20/2016 901282 $51.75 PWST -MAINT SUPPLIES 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/19/2016 8282972 $32.87 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253107 8/15/2016 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 7/19/2016 TM- 159704 $92.36 PKM -PAINT 253102 8/15/2016 AARO INC DBATHE LOCK SH(7/20/2016 0000011080 $164.25 PKM- PADLOCK 253102 8/15/2016 AARO INC DBATHE LOCK SH(7/20/2016 0000011087 $128.83 PKM- KEYS /CODE KEY 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/19/2016 902507 $39.46 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253212 8/15/2016 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/19/2016 902523 $29.43 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 253140 8/15/2016 CONTECH ENGINEERED SOLI7/21/2016 901111229034 $7,887.00 SWM - FILTER VAULT CARTRIDGE 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/22/2016 5031958 $1.10 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 50 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $135.76 PKM -POOL SUPPLIES 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $23.91 PKM -SD CARDS 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $114.95 IT- REPAIR DOCK 177505 8/5/2016 US BANK, 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD $3.01 PKM -O RINGS REPAIR PARTS 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD 253184 8/15/2016 HURLEY ENGINEERING COMF7/21/2016 39562 253175 8/15/2016 GRAINGER INC, 7/19/2016 9170349220 253182 8/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/19/2016 8130133 253216 8/15/2016 MCMASTER -CARR, 7/20/2016 71049387 252930 7/29/2016 GRAINGER INC, 7/6/2016 9158825498 PD -MAINT SUPPLIES PD- RETURN MAINT SUPPLIES PD- HEADLIGHT BULBS PD- HEADLIGHT BULBS PARKS - GASKET CLEAN OUT PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES PD -MAINT SUPPLIES PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES $5.48 $ -32.80 $24.07 $68.76 $155.63 $27.73 $10.92 $99.28 $13.23 $372.30 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE $305,671.19 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/7/2016 1 -19532 253088 7/29/2016 WASHINGTON TRACTOR INC,7/7/2016 1064374 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/6/2016 40560 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/6/2016 40574 252940 7/29/2016 HINSHAWS MOTORCYCLE, 7/6/2016 96104917 253048 7/29/2016 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE17 /7/2016 29103 253048 7/29/2016 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE17/7 /2016 29104 253048 7/29/2016 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE17/7 /2016 29291 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/7/2016 40559 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/7/2016 40577 252965 7/29/2016 LARSEN SIGN CO., 7/8/2016 20728 253028 7/29/2016 ROTO- ROOTER SERVICE CO,7/8/2016 21719105121 FLT -ELEC FLT -PARTS PD- HEATING /COOLING SVC PD -OIL CHANGE PD -MAJOR SVC/TIRES PD -ELEC SVC PD -ELEC SVC PD -ELEC SVC PD- BRAKES /TIRES PD -OIL CHANGE PD -BODY WORK PKDBC- PLUMBING SERVICES $38.53 $4,159.74 $212.99 $40.57 $315.10 $195.28 $244.10 $29.30 $557.46 $42.36 $164.10 $281.76 Key Bank Page 51 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/8/2016 40583 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/8/2016 40584 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/9/2016 1 -19481 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/9/2016 1 -19500 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (7/9/2016 1 -19529 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (7/9/2016 1 -19569 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/12/2016 40604 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/13/2016 1 -19589 253048 7/29/2016 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE17/11/2016 29105 253030 7/29/2016 SCARFF FORD, 7/11/2016 32676 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/11/2016 40595 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/11/2016 40596 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (7/11/2016 1 -19580 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (7/11/2016 1 -19580 252978 7/29/2016 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 7/10/2016 208856 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 6/27/2016 40516 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/9/2016 1 -19569 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (7/9/2016 1 -19571 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 6/24/2016 40487 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 6/24/2016 40507 253098 7/29/2016 XTREME GRAPHICS, 6/9/2016 16 -912 253014 7/29/2016 PIRTEK KENT, 6/10/2016 S2298586.001 253063 7/29/2016 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORP, 6/15/2016 65796 253063 7/29/2016 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORP, 6/15/2016 65796 252978 7/29/2016 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 4/28/2016 207634 252940 7/29/2016 HINSHAWS MOTORCYCLE, 6/8/2016 96104917 PD -OIL CHANGE PD -TIRE REPAIR FLT - CARBURATOR FLT -TIRE REPAIR FLT -OIL CHANGE FLT -TUNE UP /BELTS PD -MAJ SVC FLT - ENGINE WORK PD -ELEC SVC PD -OIL CHANGE PD -ELIGN MENT/TIR ES /OIL/BRAKES PD -OIL CHANGE FLT - BATTERY /ELEC SVC Sales Tax PKM- PARKING LOT CLEANING AG13- PD -DIAG SVC Sales Tax FLT -OIL CHANGE PD -OIL /HEATING /COOLING PD -DIAG SVC PKM -PARK RULE SIGNS AG10 -101- FLT-HOSES COUPLINGS PKM- LANDSCAPE MAINT. SVC. AG13 PKM- LANDSCAPE MAINT. SVC. AG13 PKM- PARKING LOT CLEANING AG13- PD- TIRES /MAJOR SVC $37.57 $14.24 $856.42 $36.26 $55.79 $153.73 $133.54 $459.23 $195.28 $38.40 $261.76 $40.57 $403.50 $38.34 $190.97 $65.70 $14.60 $45.83 $465.57 $104.30 $609.28 $179.30 $3,153.48 $1,419.95 $925.17 $316.19 Key Bank Page 52 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 6/23/2016 40499 $40.57 PD -OIL CHANGE 253062 7/29/2016 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR (6/17/2016 6000199761 $512.89 CHB- ELEVATOR MAINT REPLACE FAN 252905 7/29/2016 DAVIS DOOR SERVICE INC, 6/18/2016 203932 $487.96 PKM -NEW DOOR 252884 7/29/2016 CASCADE ENGINEERING SEFS/27/2016 ML- 16052711617 $2,010.00 PD -RADAR CALIBRATION 252883 7/29/2016 CAR WASH ENTERPRISES, 4/3/2016 APRIL 2016 $152.00 PD- VEHICLE CLEANING SVC 252884 7/29/2016 CASCADE ENGINEERING SEF6/21/2016 ML- 16062111724 $802.66 PD -RADAR REPAIR 252859 7/29/2016 ALIGNMENT MARKETING, 6/22/2016 1695 $4,787.89 PKM -SIGN BRACKETS 252910 7/29/2016 EMERALD CITY FENCE RENT/6/22/2016 700283 $513.28 PKM -FENCE RENTAL 253098 7/29/2016 XTREME GRAPHICS, 6/21/2016 16 -931 $435.20 PKM -PARK RULE SIGNS AG10 -101- 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/5/2016 40555 $40.57 PD -OIL CHANGE 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/5/2016 40556 $42.87 PD -OIL CHANGE 252872 7/29/2016 BARRY'S TRUCKING & LANDS7 /5/2016 583315 $1,357.80 PKM -ON CALL LANDSCAPING SVC AG 252949 7/29/2016 JGM TECHNICAL SERVICES II`7/6/2016 1875 $4,986.64 PKM -ON CALL ELECT SVC AG12 -036 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/19/2016 1 -19732 $44.88 FLT -PARTS 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/15/2016 40631 $40.57 PD -OIL CHANGE 253064 7/29/2016 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORPOR,7/15/2016 66082 $4,421.06 PARKS -07/16 LANDSCAPE MAINT 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/18/2016 1 -19700 $698.13 FLT - HEATING /COOLING 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/18/2016 1 -19715 $51.19 FLT -OIL CHANGE 253001 7/29/2016 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS, 7/18/2016 3710 - 130842 $103.61 FLT - BATTERY 253001 7/29/2016 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS, 7/18/2016 3710 - 130844 $17.50 FLT -PARTS 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/16/2016 1 -19682 $55.79 FLT -OIL CHANGE 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/16/2016 1 -19683 $51.19 FLT -OIL CHANGE 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (7/16/2016 1 -19688 $63.45 FLT -OIL CHANGE 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/16/2016 1 -19689 $48.13 FLT -OIL CHANGE 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/16/2016 1 -19690 $362.06 FLT -ELEC 253244 8/15/2016 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 4/1/2016 30070 $164.25 PD- VEHICLE DETAIL WORK Key Bank Page 53 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253009 7/29/2016 PETE'S TOWING SERVICE, 7/5/2016 390871 $93.08 FLT - VEHICLE TOW SVC 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/13/2016 40612 $40.57 PD -OIL CHANGE 253051 7/29/2016 TAC -SOUTH BOUND HONDA, 7/13/2016 44735 $148.34 PD -OIL CHANGE 253004 7/29/2016 PACIFIC POWER PRODUCTS,7 /13/2016 6446319 -00 $200.23 FLT - BRAKES 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (7/14/2016 1 -19646 $345.80 FLT - DIAG/TIRE REPAIR /ELECTRICA 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (7/14/2016 1 -19646 $32.86 Sales Tax 252968 7/29/2016 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF \7/14/2016 37800247162 $49.28 FLT -TIRE REPAIR 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/14/2016 40606 $246.99 PD- REPLACE SHIFTER HANDLE 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/14/2016 40611 $263.62 PD -BRAKE SVC 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/14/2016 40613 $28.47 PD -TIRE REPAIR 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/14/2016 40620 $68.99 PD -OIL CHANGE /ELEC SVC 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/14/2016 40622 $39.49 PD -OIL CHANGE 253067 7/29/2016 TURF STAR INC, 7/14/2016 8007850 -01 $23.38 FLT -PARTS 253058 7/29/2016 THE LARSON AUTOMOTIVE G7/14/2016 DOCS388710 $2,018.45 PD- TRANSMISSION 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/15/2016 1 -19659 $560.74 FLT -BODY WORK/HEATING /COOLING 252909 7/29/2016 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (7/15/2016 1 -19659 $53.27 Sales Tax 252898 7/29/2016 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 7/14/2016 INV1412539 $73.52 IT -06/16 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN 252898 7/29/2016 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 7/14/2016 INV1412539 $36.76 IT -06/16 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN 252898 7/29/2016 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 7/14/2016 INV1412539 $992.47 IT -06/16 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN 252898 7/29/2016 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 7/14/2016 INV1412539 $918.96 IT -06/16 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN 252898 7/29/2016 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 7/14/2016 INV1412539 $404.34 IT -06/16 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN 252898 7/29/2016 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 7/14/2016 INV1412539 $1,249.77 IT -06/16 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN 253041 7/29/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 6/28/2016 40514 $462.67 PD- BATTERY /DIAG 253018 7/29/2016 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 6/28/2016 6510 $290.18 PD- VEHICLE CLEANING SVC 252978 7/29/2016 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 6/30/2016 208740 $6,744.36 SWM- STREET SWEEPING SVC AG14 -1 253071 7/29/2016 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND, 6/30/2016 6060132 $594.69 SWM- LOCATING SVC AG13 -018- Key Bank Page 54 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253063 253063 253041 252960 253002 253002 253002 253002 253041 253028 253028 253062 253085 253042 252890 252890 253041 253041 253041 253108 253215 253278 253227 253226 253218 253119 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORP, 6/30/2016 65899 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORP, 6/30/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 6/30/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6 /30/2016 OSAKA GARDEN SERVICE, 7/1/2016 OSAKA GARDEN SERVICE, 7/1/2016 OSAKA GARDEN SERVICE, 7/1/2016 OSAKA GARDEN SERVICE, 7/1/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/1/2016 ROTO- ROOTER SERVICE CO,7/1/2016 ROTO- ROOTER SERVICE C0,7/1/2016 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR (7/1/2016 WASHDUP, LLC, 6/30/2016 SPEEDY GLASS - TACOMA, 6/29/2016 CERIUM NETWORKS INC, CERIUM NETWORKS INC, SPARKS CAR CARE, SPARKS CAR CARE, SPARKS CAR CARE, 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 AMB TOOLS & EQUIPMENT C(7/13/2016 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 5/31/2016 THE FAB SHOP LLC, 6/23/2016 NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION R6/23/2016 MV TOWING LLC, 6/24/2016 METAL MAGIC NW INC, 6/13/2016 CAR WASH ENTERPRISES, 5/31/2016 65899 40546 6058 38486 38486 38576 38577 40554 21719100735 21719100735 3002630052 164 PKM- LANDSCAPE MAINT. SVC. AG13 PKM- LANDSCAPE MAINT. SVC. AG13 PD -OIL CHANGE FI- Q3/2016 FIRE PROTECTION CHR PKM - LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PKM - LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE - PWST -ROW LANDSCAPING SVC AG14- PWST -ROW LANDSCAPING SVC AG14- PD -OIL CHANGE PKDBC - PLUMBING SERVICES PKDBC- PLUMBING SERVICES CHB- ELEVATOR MAINT SVCS PD -06/16 CAR WASH SERVICE 9172 - 1573512 PD- VEHICLE WINDSHIELD REPAIR 055035 055035 40534 40538 40539 T308276 208152 24484 4470533 4275 46752 MAY 2016 IT- SERVICE AGREEMENT IT- SERVICE AGREEMENT PD -OIL CHANGE PD -OIL CHANGE PD- ALIGNMENT /DIAG FLT - PRESSURE WASHER REPAIR SWM- STREET SWEEPING SVC AG14 -1 PKM - WELDING SVC CHB- STORAGE CONTAINER PD- VEHICLE TOW SVC PD- VEHICLE DETAIL PD -CAR WASHES $792.78 $356.97 $37.99 $155,486.76 $215.85 $558.32 $24,883.95 $5,847.30 $40.57 $444.75 $254.68 $1,017.04 $492.32 $330.89 $494.11 $494.11 $40.57 $40.78 $137.97 $24.06 $6,744.36 $448.54 $129.21 $196.01 $137.00 $125.00 Key Bank Page 55 of 62 Check No Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 253281 8/15/2016 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRI6 /30/2016 8351 253104 8/15/2016 AGRI SHOP INC, 7/18/2016 44675/1 253264 8/15/2016 SPEEDY GLASS - TACOMA, 7/20/2016 9172- 1581535 253148 8/15/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/20/2016 1 -19744 253285 8/15/2016 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORPOR 7/20/2016 66108 253285 8/15/2016 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORPOR 7/20/2016 66109 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/19/2016 40647 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/21/2016 40670 253225 8/15/2016 MORRIS HANSEN ENTERPRIE7 /21/2016 49871 253103 8/15/2016 ADVANCED SAFETY & FIRE S7/21/2016 230102 253148 8/15/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/21/2016 1 -19759 253105 8/15/2016 ALARM CENTERS /CUSTOM S17/21/2016 1029014 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/22/2016 40680 253148 8/15/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/23/2016 1 -19798 253148 8/15/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/23/2016 1 -19800 253148 8/15/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/23/2016 1 -19804 253148 8/15/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/23/2016 1 -19810 253148 8/15/2016 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (7/23/2016 1 -19810 253113 8/15/2016 ARC IMAGING RESOURCES, 7/18/2016 A28655 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/15/2016 40626 253284 8/15/2016 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORP, 7/15/2016 66077 253284 8/15/2016 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORP, 7/15/2016 66077 253181 8/15/2016 HINSHAWS MOTORCYCLE, 7/14/2016 96116718 253148 8/15/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/27/2016 1 -19829 253148 8/15/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/27/2016 1 -19829 253148 8/15/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/27/2016 1 -19845 SWM -TREE REMOVAL PWST- ADAPTER RING PD- VEHICLE WINDSHIELD REPAIR FLT -ELEC SVC PARKS -TREE WORK PARKS - LANDSCAPE SVC PD -OIL CHANGE PD -OIL CHANGE CHB- WINDOW CLEANING SVC PD -FIRE EXT SVC FLT -OTHER NOT SPECIFIED PD -ALARM MONITORING /SERVICE PD -OIL CHANGE FLT -OIL CHANGE FLT -OIL CHANGE FLT -OIL CHANGE FLT -MAJ SVC/ BRAKES SVC/WIPERS Sales Tax IT -OCE PLOTTER SYSTEM MAINT AG PD -TIRES PKM- LANDSCAPE MAINT. SVC. AG13 PKM - LANDSCAPE MAINT. SVC. AG13 PD- BRAKES FLT -TUNE UP /BRAKES SVC Sales Tax FLT -OIL CHANGE $1,533.00 $7.76 $435.00 $285.20 $1,560.38 $2,646.40 $38.46 $43.58 $603.00 $261.16 $317.89 $105.00 $73.42 $55.84 $72.17 $56.12 $108.77 $10.33 $110.73 $14.24 $3,153.48 $1,419.95 $352.54 $354.74 $33.70 $61.06 Key Bank Page 56 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 253148 8/15/2016 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (7/27/2016 1 -19850 253266 8/15/2016 SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL, 7/26/2016 2906250 253275 8/15/2016 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE17/26/2016 29379 253275 8/15/2016 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE17/26/2016 29400 253157 8/15/2016 EVERSON'S ECONO -VAC INC,7/25/2016 077777 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/25/2016 40681 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/25/2016 40689 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/25/2016 40692 253244 8/15/2016 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 7/25/2016 5062 253244 8/15/2016 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 7/25/2016 5152 253244 8/15/2016 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 7/25/2016 6023 253244 8/15/2016 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 7/25/2016 6083 253244 8/15/2016 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 7/25/2016 6431 253244 8/15/2016 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 7/25/2016 6520 253283 8/15/2016 TONY LIND PAVING LLC, 7/28/2016 16072802a 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/28/2016 40724 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/28/2016 40726 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/26/2016 40708 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/27/2016 40711 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/27/2016 40713 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/29/2016 40700 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/29/2016 40732 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 7/29/2016 40736 253284 8/15/2016 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORP, 7/31/2016 66153 253284 8/15/2016 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORP, 7/31/2016 66153 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD FLT -TIRE REPAIR PKDBC - FACILITIES PEST CONTROL PD -ELEC SVC PD -OTHER NOT SPECIFIED SWM- INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTAG13- PD -PARTS PD -OIL CHANGE PD -OIL CHANGE/ ELEC SVC PD- VEHICLE DETAIL WORK PD- VEHICLE CLEANING SVC PD- VEHICLE DETAIL WORK PD- VEHICLE DETAIL WORK PD- VEHICLE DETAIL WORK PD- VEHICLE DETAIL WORK PWST- 2016/2017 TRAFFIC SAFETY PD -OIL CHANGE PD -PARTS PD -OIL CHANGE PD -OIL CHANGE PD -OIL CHANGE PD -ELEC /HEATING /COOLING BELTS PD -OIL CHANGE PD -OIL CHANGE PKM- LANDSCAPE MAINT. SVC. AG13 PKM- LANDSCAPE MAINT. SVC. AG13 PD- DOCKING STATION $24.09 $96.80 $104.07 $146.46 $16,146.15 $120.95 $40.57 $63.45 $164.25 $164.25 $164.25 $164.25 $49.28 $164.25 $10,800.00 $48.45 $36.90 $40.57 $41.26 $37.99 $1,049.50 $40.57 $34.99 $634.22 $285.58 $702.54 Key Bank Page 57 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD $816.50 PD- FIREARMS REPAIR PARTS 905807 8/8/2016 US BANK, 8/1/2016 JULY 2016 PD $70.00 PD- FIREARMS REPAIR PARTS 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 8/1/2016 40735 $241.50 PD- OIL /HEATING /COOLING 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 8/1/2016 40745 $40.57 PD -OIL CHANGE 253222 8/15/2016 MILLERS TREE SERVICE, 8/3/2016 10466 $4,653.75 CHB -TREE REMOVALAG16 -105 EXP: 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 8/3/2016 40759 $60.94 PD -ELEC /OIL 253262 8/15/2016 SPARKS CAR CARE, 8/9/2016 40659 $120.27 PD- HEATING /COOLING 253240 8/15/2016 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 8/10/2016 PETTY CASH PD $46.53 PD -OIL CHANGE FOR SWAT - RETAINAGE HELD IN ESCROW 5-50,874.70 253089 7/29/2016 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK, 6/30/2016 151700 -08 5- 50,874.70 PW -PAEC CONSTRUCTION PROJECT - RETAINAGE PAYABLE - ESCROW $-4,300.00 253089 7/29/2016 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK, 6/30/2016 151700 -08.1 $- 4,300.00 PW -PAEC CONSTRUCTION PROJECT- ROAD SVCS /PERMITS - INTGVT $83,880.00 253193 8/15/2016 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:6/30/2016 77624 -77688 $55,738.65 PWTR -06/16 BSC SIGN /MRKNGS MTN 253301 8/15/2016 WA STATE DEPT OF ECOLOG7/25/2016 2017- WAR045516 $28,089.24 SWM- PERMIT FEE NPDES PHASE 11 253303 8/15/2016 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPC7 /18/2016 RE- 313- ATB60718121 $52.11 PWST -PAC HWY S HOV SALARIES & WAGES 5350.00 252946 7/29/2016 INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMT.16/7 /2016 133241 $350.00 SWM -WATER TESTING SALES TAX PAYABLE $7,468.63 369843 8/8/2016 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART8/8/2016 601 - 223 -5385 $7,463.88 FI -07/16 REMIT SALES TAX DBC 369843 8/8/2016 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART8/8/2016 601 - 223 -5385 $4.75 FI -07/16 REMIT SALES TAX SALES TAX PAYABLE - RECREAT 512,882.37 369843 8/8/2016 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART8 /8/2016 601 - 223 -5385 $8,991.77 FI -07/16 REMIT SALES TAX -FWCC 369843 8/8/2016 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART8 /8/2016 601- 223 -5385 $3,890.60 FI -07/16 REMIT SALES TAX SBCC SURCHARGE $391.50 253305 8/15/2016 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7 /31/2016 JUNE 2016 $247.50 FI -06/16 SBCC SURCHARGE FEES 253305 8/15/2016 WA STATE-STATE REVENUES,7/31/2016 JULY 2016 $144.00 FI -07/16 SBCC SURCHARGE FEES SCHOOL IMPACT FEES $5,171.00 253164 8/15/2016 FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTF8 /8/2016 SIF -JULY 2016 $5,171.00 FI -07/16 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES RE SEWER BILLINGS $7,220.14 Key Bank Check No. Date 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 253233 8/15/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 253212 8/15/2016 253182 8/15/2016 253104 8/15/2016 253182 8/15/2016 253182 8/15/2016 253216 8/15/2016 253129 8/15/2016 253247 8/15/2016 253132 8/15/2016 253131 8/15/2016 253128 8/15/2016 253127 8/15/2016 Page 58 of 62 Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/6 /2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 OPENSQUARE, US BANK, US BANK, LOWE'S HIW INC, 101002 3461301 3075201 3075301 2913103 2926402 2926501 3075401 3405101 SMALL OFFICE APPARATUS 3/29/2016 559186 SMALL TOOLS - SHOP 8/2/2016 8/2/2016 7/15/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/14/2016 AGRI SHOP INC, 7/19/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/19/2016 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250077/25/2016 MCMASTER -CARR, 7/25/2016 PKM -06/16 BROOKLAKE MAIN HALL PARKS -06/16 876 S 333RD ST #34 PKM -06/16 1095 324TH ST S #307 PKM -06/16 1095 324TH ST S #307 PKM -06/16 33325 8TH AVE S #291 PKM -06/16 33914 19TH AVE SW #2 PKM -06/16 33914 19TH AVE SW #2 PKM -06/16 1095 324TH ST S #307 PKM -06/16 600 S 333RD ST #3405 MO- S.MCNEY OFFICE CHAIR JULY 2016 PROCARD PW -SOIL PROBE JULY 2016 PROCARD PWST -SAW BLADE 902904 3282649 44693/1 8243821 2562790 71554913 STATE GRANTS - WATPA CITY OF DES MOINES, 5/4/2016 A19 -1A PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS C5/19/2016 CITY OF TUKWILA, CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, CITY OF BONNEY LAKE, CITY OF AUBURN, 5/19/2016 5/24/2016 5/10/2016 5/13/2016 A19 -1A MB-02213 MS -4087 00010 16- 029366 PWST -MAINT SUPPLIES PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES PWST -MAINT SUPPLIES CHB -MAINT SUPPLIES PARKS -MAINT SUPPLIES FI -WATPA GRANT FUNDING FI -WATPA GRANT FUNDING FI -WATPA GRANT FUNDING FI -WATPA GRANT FUNDING FI -WATPA GRANT FUNDING FI -WATPA GRANT FUNDING $426.09 $5,749.76 $290.36 $36.56 $425.36 $68.17 $71.52 $126.56 $25.76 $327.41 $46.82 $202.58 $65.49 $21.88 $1,264.45 $39.14 $30.42 $110.72 $804.74 $11,885.65 $21,966.24 $71,319.54 $14,896.22 $11,693.90 $327A1 $1,781.50 $142,639.08 Key Bank Check No. Date 253131 8/15/2016 253302 8/15/2016 369843 8/8/2016 369843 8/8/2016 369843 8/8/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 289064 8/5/2016 253110 8/15/2016 253110 8/15/2016 253110 8/15/2016 253110 8/15/2016 253148 8/15/2016 253110 8/15/2016 252909 7/29/2016 252866' 7/29/2016 252940 7/29/2016 252866 7/29/2016 252940 7/29/2016 252929 7/29/2016 253035 7/29/2016 253308 8/15/2016 253079 7/29/2016 Page 59 of 62 Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/6/2016 MS -4072 $10,072.79 FI -WATPA GRANT FUNDING TAXES /ASSESSMENTS - INTERGOVT WA STATE DEPT OF ENTERPF7 /19/2016 84110899 $241.94 601- 223 -5385 $275.27 601 - 223 -5385 $- 6,770.09 601 - 223 -5385 $6,770.09 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART8 /8/2016 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART8 /8/2016 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART8 /8/2016 US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, HR -SELF INSURED HEALTH & WELFA FI -07/16 REMIT SALES TAX SWM FI -07/16 REMIT SALES TAX DBC FI -07/16 REMIT SALES TAX DBC TELEPHONE SYSTEM EQUIP -MOTOR 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD IT -CELL PHONE CASE FOR STEVE 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD IT -CELL PHONE CASE FOR STEVE THEFT /PROPERTY DAMAGE 8/3/2016 JULY 2016 CITY SWM - BACKPACK REPLACE H2O SAMPL TIRES AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTOI8/3/2016 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTOI8/3/2016 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTOI8/3/2016 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTOI8/3/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/21/2016 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTOI7 /23/2016 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/19/2016 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTOI7 /13/2016 HINSHAWS MOTORCYCLE, 7/6/2016 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTOI7 /6/2016 HINSHAVVS MOTORCYCLE, 6/8/2016 GOODYEAR TIRE & SERVICE 4 /4/2016 S0786558361 S0786558429 50786558452 S0786644138 1 -19757 S0782103543 1 -19726 S0777117110 96104917 S0773891551 96104917 195 - 1130423 TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS SHEELAR, KATLA MICHELLE 7/8/2016 0991600134654 PD- VEHICLE TIRES PD- VEHICLE TIRES PD- VEHICLE TIRES PD- VEHICLE TIRES FLT -TIRES PD- VEHICLE TIRES FLT -TIRES PD -TWO NEW TIRES PD -MAJOR SVC/TIRES PD -THREE NEW TIRES PD- TIRES /MAJOR SVC FLT -TIRES MC- REFUND TICKET WASHINGTON ALARM INC, 8/9/2016 0991600059273 MC- REFUND SPEED VIOLATION FINE UNEMOLYMENT SERVICES - CLAIMS WA STATE EMPLOYMENT SEC6/30/2016 $10.99 $10.99 $120.43 $139.52 $139.52 $120.25 $139.52 $374.85 $240.49 $63.13 $191.39 $267.75 $388.72 $266.66 $1,633.40 $110.00 $250.00 601 223 538 Q2 $3,632.94 HR -Q2 2016 BENEFIT CHARGE 5517.21 $21.98 5120.43 $3,965.20 $360.00 $3,632.94 Key Bank Check No. Date 369843 8/8/2016 253106 8/15/2016 253208 8/15/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 177505 8/5/2016 253208 8/15/2016 253208 8/15/2016 253045 7/29/2016 252956 7/29/2016 252956 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252960 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 '252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 Page 60 of 62 Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total USE TAX PAYABLE WA STATE REVENUE DEPART8/8/2016 601- 223 -5385 FI -07/16 REMIT USE TAX WASTE DISPOSAL BILLINGS ALL BATTERY SALES & SERVI7/27/2016 100- 10002264 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 7/18/2016 US BANK, US BANK, US BANK, SWR- BATTERY RECYCLING 196760 PWST -WASTE CONCRETE 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD PW -WASTE DIRT 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD PW -WASTE DIRT 8/2/2016 JULY 2016 PROCARD SWR- RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE ACCOUN LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 7/13/2016 196654 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 7/12/2016 196620 STERICYCLE INC, 6/27/2016 .003474117 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI£6/30/2016 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:6/30/2016 WATER BILLINGS LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 101103 PWST -WASTE CONCRETE PWST -WASTE CONCRETE PD- MEDICAL WASTE REMOVAL SVC SWD- 722009223 PWST -06/16 ALGONA TS -SOLID WAS SWD- 722009223 PWST -06/16 ALGONA TS -SOLID WAS LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6 /2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /5/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6 /2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6 /2016 2573402 2865902 2913103 6314018 101002 2957001 2961401 2926501 2922203 2922503 2926402 3075401 PKM -06/16 630 356TH ST #101103 PKM -06/16 34800 14 PL SW #2573 PKM -06/16 729 356 ST S. CRE PKM -06/16 33325 8TH AVE S #291 PAEC - UTILITIES PKM -06/16 BROOKLAKE MAIN HALL PKM -06/16 1095 324TH ST S #295 PWST -06/16 34727 PAC HWY S #29 PKM -06/16 33914 19TH AVE SW #2 PKM -06/16 33325 8TH AVE S #292 PKM -06/16 33325 8TH AVE S #292 PKM -06/16 33914 19TH AVE SW #2 PKM -06/16 1095 324TH ST S #307 $1,651.73 $143.45 $21.90 $1,000.00 $500.00 $26.93 $21.90 $189.30 $387.90 $34.24 $122.47 $24.22 $24.22 $25.76 $433.98 $948.65 $74.14 $24.22 $24.22 $197.00 $12.56 $445.42 $192.78 $195.90 $1,651.73 $2,448.09 $16,037.37 Key Bank Page 61 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252917 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 253203 8/15/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(6/16/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/17/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/11/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/11/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7 /6/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/13/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/13/2016 3075301 3050801 3075201 3474201 3474301 3499201 3513001 3518001 3541001 3552401 3238401 3266301 3336201 3336301 3383601 3383701 3405101 AR 11090 3033601 2798301 2830801 99902 3461301 3578601 3042401 2781401 PKM -06/16 1095 324TH ST S #307 PKM -06/16 1095 324TH ST S #305 PKM -06/16 1095 324TH ST S #307 PARKS -06/16 876 S 333RD ST #34 PARKS -06/16 876 S 333RD ST #34 PKM -06/16 2220 S 333RD ST #3499 PWST -06/16 33647 20TH AVE S #3 PWST -06/16 35205 PAC HWY #3518 PWST -06/16 930 348TH ST S #354 PWST -06/16 35503 PAC HWY S #35 PWST -06/16 32001 PAC HWY S #32 PKM -06/16 1540 SW 356TH ST #326 PWST -06/16 32409 PAC HWY S #33 PWST -06/16 32402 PAC HWY S #33 PWST -06/16 33300 PAC HWY S #33 PWST -06/16 32500 PAC HWY S #33 PKM -06/16 600 S 333RD ST #3405 PKM- IRRIGATION SAGHALIE PKM -05/16 28159 24TH PL S #303 PKM -06/16 32800 14TH PL SW #27 PKM -06/16 2700 340TH PL SW #28 PKM -06/16 411 348TH ST S #9990 PARKS -06/16 876 S 333RD ST #34 PWST -06/16 1283 S. 336TH ST. # PWST -06/16 2500 336TH ST #3042 PKM -06/16 2501 349TH PL SW #27 $157.50 $4,945.74 $270.78 $270.78 $12.56 $24.22 $147.82 $24.22 $129.49 $29.98 $332.14 $24.22 $24.22 $24.22 $654.18 $356.88 $51.12 $347.25 $89.72 $24.22 $24.22 $24.22 $1,801.82 $24.22 $24.22 $24.22 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date 253163 8/15/2016 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOt6 /30/2016 253049 7/29/2016 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 6/29/2016 252962 7/29/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/13/2016 252962 7/29/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/13/2016 252962 7/29/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/13/2016 252962 7/29/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/13/2016 253203 8/15/2016 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/18/2016 253180 8/15/2016 HIGHLINE WATER DISTRICT, 7/25/2016 WITNESS FEES /JUROR FEES 226632 8/3/2016 JURY/WITNESS FUND, 8/3/2016 AUG 03, 2016 Page 62 of 62 Invoice Description AmountGL Total AR11125 100673510 3341801 3341901 3519201 3610801 3059601 19221 -00 Total CLAIMS PAID VIA EFT DEBIT PKM- IRRIGATION SAGHALIE PKM -06/16 5039 SW DASH PT. IRR PWST -06/16 35826 16THAVE S #33 PWST -06/16 1559 S 356TH ST #33 PWST -06/16 35601 21STAVE #351 SWM -06/16 1210 S 356TH - PKM -06/16 3200 349TH ST S #305 PWST -CITY FACILITIES WATER MC- REPLENISH JURY FUND $4,423,759.79 EFT 07/26/2016 IRS - Patient Centered Outcome Research Institute fee AFFORDABLE CARE ACT MANDATE GRAND TOTAL $4,424,990.05 $1,787.56 $202.08 $53.04 $99.12 $24.22 $476.14 $24.22 $883.74 $2,266.32 1,230.26 $1,230.26 $2,266.32 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 6, 2016 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: KNUTZEN FAMILY THEATRE HVAC REPLACEMENT POLICY QUESTION: Should the City accept the bid results for RFB 16 -002; Knutzen Family Theatre HVAC replacement, and authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with the successful bidder? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: August 23, 2016 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business n Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Rob Ettinger, Dumas Bay Centre Manager DEPT: Parks Background: Three rooftop HVAC units have reached the end of their expected useful life. Appropriation of funding was obtained from City Council to solicit bids for replacement of existing HVAC in the Knutzen Family Theatre and use the reserve account for funding. Bid results from the MRSC roster were received by the closing date of Friday, July 29, 2016. A contingency of $7,000 has been added to the lowest bid results for a total of $99,247.04. 1. MacDonald Miller bid a lump sum of $107,624.27 2. AirTech Heating and Cooling bid a lump sum of $92,247.04. Options Considered: 1. Authorize a bid award for the HVAC replacement in the Knutzen Family Theatre in the amount of $99,247.04 and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement with Air Tech Heating and Cooling. 2. Do not authorize a bid award for the HVAC replacement in the Knutzen Family Theatre and provide staff with further direction. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1 MAYOR APPROVAL: CHIEF OF STAFF: ✓ Co itte Initial/Date �. ode., 4 Com e Initi a e Council Initial/D n DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 3� 0't1'Ib Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: 1 move to forward the authorization of a bid award for the HVAC Replacement in the Knutzen Family Theatre in the amount of $99,247.04 to AirTech Heating and Cooling and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement and forward to the September 6, 2016 Full Council consent agenda for approval. Committee Chair Committee ember Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of authorizing a bid award for the HVAC Replacement in the Knutzen Family Theatre in the amount of $99,247.04 to AirTech Heating and Cooling and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement." (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED— 1/2015 COUNCIL BILL # 1ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 6, 2016 ITEM #: 5e CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: PHONE SYSTEM REPLACEMENT POLICY QUESTION: Should Council approve the agreement to replace the City's phone system? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: August 23, 2016 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Thomas Fichtner Attachments: Background Information, Scope of Work, Equipment Quote DEPT: Information Technology Options Considered: 1. Approve the Mayor's recommendation to authorize the Mayor to execute necessary agreements to replace the City's phone system. 2. Deny approval and provide staff with further direction. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Mayor recommends approval of the City phone system replacement. DIRECTOR APPROVAL: MAYOR APPROVAL: CHIEF OF STAFF: mittee� Initial/Date Ct Com Initi ►.t' Council Initial/Date holy COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed City phone system replacement to the September 6, 2016 consent agenda for approval. Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the City phone system replacement, and authorize the Mayor to execute all necessary agreements with Century Link for a sum not to exceed $382,854.78." (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED — 1/2015 COUNCIL BILL # 1ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # City Phone System Replacement — Background Information The City currently has an Avaya phone and voicemail system, which was initially placed into service over 25 years ago. The City also shares parts of the system, including the voicemail with South King Fire and Rescue. While, this system has been upgraded over the years, we have reached a point where it is far beyond its useful life and needs to be replaced. There have been several instances where the voicemail system (which also powers all of the City's automated greetings) has completely crashed and needed to be repaired by our service provider, however after the last time, it was determined that replacement parts are almost impossible to acquire anymore. Just a couple weeks ago, the phone system went offline completely for a period of about 10 minutes due to a glitch in the redundancy of the system. The IT Department has researched various vendors and talked with several other Cities and have chosen to move forward with a Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM). This is an on- premise system and is 100% Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and will pair with the City's Cisco core network. The Cisco CUCM is built for reliability and scalability, which will meet the City's needs now and into the future. As the IT Department is short - staffed, a simple procurement was desired. Instead of doing a large RFP, this system will be purchased off of the State of Washington contract with Cisco (Washington State Department of Enterprise Services Master Contract Number T12- MST -642, http: // des. wa. gov / SiteCollectionDocuments / ContractingPurchasing /cisco /T12- MST- 642.pdf). Century Link, a Cisco Gold Partner, will be the vendor for this project. The City has a long history with Century Link providing current support services for the City's Cisco equipment as well as they are the City's phone service provider. The IT Department has been working closely with South King Fire and Rescue as they are also replacing their phone system and will no longer be sharing the City's system in any capacity. They are also using the same vendor and purchasing vehicle. The project is very large in size, as every phone will need to be replaced, the Cisco back -end server installed and configured, and user training. In addition, some network improvements will be made to increase the speed and reliability of the network as it will be used for both data and voice services. If Council authorizes the project to move forward, the anticipated project completion will be mid - November, when the new system will go live. Funding The 2015/2016 Adopted Budget appropriated a total of $448,196 from Equipment Reserves for this project. Estimated Equipment Cost: $273,976.79 Estimated Professional Services Cost: $30,000.00 Estimated Sub Total $303,976.97 Estimated Tax: $28,877.81 Contingency (z15 %): $50,000.00 Estimated Project Total: $382,854.78 A savings of approximately $15,000 was made possible by acquiring approximately 100 Cisco phones from DeVry, when the Federal Way campus was closing at the end of 2015. Scope of Work Customer Name: City of Federal Way Project Name: Cisco UCM Voice Installation Preliminary August 05, 2016 Revision #1 CenturyLink Business Site Information Name of Site Address City, State, Zip Headquarters 33325 8th Ave S Federal Way Wa 98063 Customer Name: Phone # : Email Address: Contact Information Brian Pearson (253) 835 -2552 Alt. Contact Name: Thomas Fichtner Phone # : (253) 835 -2547 brian. pearson@cityoffederalw Thomas. Fichtner@cityoffedera ay.com Email Address: lway.com Site Availability Normal business hours of operation 8a -5p Other Business Hours Only Cutover time requested 5p - 8a Other After Hours Weekend Cutover CenturyLink Sales Contact Name: Phone # : Alt. # : Email Address: Thuyhong Nguyen 206 224 1156 206 224 1156 Thuyhong. Nguyen @CenturyLi nk.com CenturyLink Engineering Contact (SOW Author) Name: Darrell Newberry Phone # : 206 - 454 -9913 Alt. # : 206 - 454 -9913 Email Address: Darrell.newberry@ centurylink. com Functionality, hardware, and labor not specifically described must be addressed via change order. 3 -Scope of Work 8115/2016 Page 2 of 18 Project Description The City of Federal Way currently has an Avaya PBX that they wish to replace with a Cisco CUCM cluster. This will consists of (2) BE6M virtual servers to accommodate approximately 440 VoIP and analog phones. The servers will be installed at: 33325 8th Ave S Federal Way Wa 98063 The items to be installed include the following: • (2) BE6M -M4 -K9 servers. All VMs will be redundant, High Availability o Call Manager o Unity Connection o Cisco Emergency Responder (CER) o Prime Basic • (250) CP -8811 phones • (50) CP -8841 phones • (3) CP -8851 phones with associated sidecars • (10) CP -6901 phones • (8) 8831 conference phones and (4) mic kits • (82) CP -7940 phones that the customer acquired prior to this project • (5) CP -7960 phones with associated 7914 sidecars that the customer acquired prior to this project • (1) 2911 Routers for the Data Center with two PRIs, two FXS, and two FXO ports • (1) VG310 24 port analog gateway • (5) VG202XM 2 port analog adaptors Functionality, hardware, and tabor not specifically described must be addressed via change order. 3 -Scope of Work 8/15/2016 Page 3 of 18 The voice licenses are assigned as follows COWL Essential Enhanced Voice Mail STD license License License License Phones # Description 24 VG 310 Analog Gateway 24 489 Voice mail boxes 489 2 FXS Card in 2911 router 2 250 8811 IP Phone 250 50 8841 IP Phone (Color) 50 3 8851 IP Phone 3 3 8851 Sidecar 0 10 6901 IP Basic 10 5 VG202 5 8 8831 Conf. Phones 8 4 8831 Mic Kits 0 82 7940 IP phone (existing) 82 5 7960 IP phone (existing) 5 5 7914 Sidecar (existing) 0 Total 41 398 489 CUWL Promo -35 -35 Total to order 41 363 454 35 The customer's data network consists of multiple WS- C2960X switches with a pair of HA WS- C4500X backbone switches. The city has seven remote sites with WS- C2960X -48 POE switches. All seven customer locations reside in the Federal Way, Washington area and are interconnected via dark fiber (Comcast). The fiber extends from the headquarters via a WS- C4500X-16SFP+ to each remote location via 10G SFP+ connections. The data center consists of a stack of 2960X -48 switches for server access. This Voice upgrade project will install the CUCM hardware at Headquarters, along with a 2911 router to provide support for two PRIs, 2 FXO, and 2FXS ports. The existing PRIs that terminate in the Avaya switch will be cut to the router the evening of the cut upgrade. There will be no routers at the remote locations and no SRST will be provided. CER will be implemented Functionality, hardware, and labor not specifically described must be addressed via change order. 3 -Scope of Work 8/15/2016 Page4of 18 throughout the enterprise. Cisco Prime basic will be implemented for basic system monitoring. A VG310 will be installed for legacy analog phone requirements. The physical data network topology is in place for this voice upgrade. As part of this project, the data network will be reconfigured for voice vlans and IP addressing. This will be completed with collaboration between the customer and the CenturyLink installation technician. Aside from data network configuration assistance, CenturyLink will not be responsible for the integrity of the existing data network, including all CPE and wiring. If significant data networking issues are identified that need to be addressed by CenturyLink, a separate agreement will be required to address these issues. Note: A new 4500X- 16SFP+ switch, (13) 2960X switches with stack modules, and SFP+ modules are being ordered on this BOM. This data hardware will be installed by the customer prior to the start of this project. This hardware is therefore outside the scope of this project. These parts are not included on the BOM listed below. This project includes the installation of the new hardware, installation of VMWare virtual software, and the installation of all Cisco UC software. CenturyLink will install, cutover, and test the new configuration. SDE hours will be included since a review of the dial plan would be appropriate, although we anticipate no problems with the dial plan cutover. CenturyLink will complete the programming of the servers at the technician's office. CenturyLink will then bring the hardware onsite and power up and complete the installation. CenturyLink will complete the physical installation of the phones on the desks at all seven locations. CenturyLink will be responsible for the removal of the Avaya phones at the completion of the project. The phones will be collected and returned to headquarters or a substitute location within Federal Way Washington. CenturyLink will not be responsible for the disposition and removal of the Avaya PBX. The customer requires A/D integration and Exchange Single Inbox. The Jabber client will be installed on all user laptops that are associated with a phone. No remote Jabber clients will be implemented. Jabber via Internet access will not be implemented as part of this project, although the customer expects to implement this capability at a later time. Configuration settings should accommodate this future requirement. There is a single analog overhead paging requirement at headquarters. There are no overhead paging requirements at the remote locations. The local paging system will be connected into CUCM via a local FXS port on the 2911 router. There are no wireless or video applications that Functionality, hardware, and labor not specifically described must be addressed via change order. 3 -Scope of Work 8/15/2016 Page 5 of 18 will be impacted by this upgrade project. There are no special phone requirements, such as unusual analog phone applications, remote ringers, or door control systems. Some of the phones will be wall mounted. In some cases the same wiring that will be utilized for this installation is currently in use with the Avaya phone. The customer will be responsible for making the wiring changes at both the phone jack as well as the MDF /IDF and will be responsible for the physical disconnect / connection of the new phone. CenturyLink will be responsible for proper configuration and operation of the phone once it has been properly connected to the network. The CP -6901 requires a Leviton 4108W -OSP mounting plate in order to wall mount. The customer will be responsible for providing these plates. The customer has requested 8 hours of Administrator training for their two Network Engineers. They would also like one class for user training (train the trainer class). The customer agrees to be responsible for DNS, time servers, and the proper function of their Microsoft Exchange platform. The customer will be responsible for resolving issues with LDAP should integration issues arise. The bill of materials for this project is as follows: Catalog Number Description Qty Contract Term (Months) LOCATION: Main Site Materials BE6M- M4 -K9= Cisco Business Edition 6000M Svr (M4), Export Restricted SW 2 CAB- 9K12A -NA Power Cord, 125VAC 13A NEMA 5 -15 Plug, North America 2 BE6K-SW-10X11X-K9 Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Software App Version 10.X 11.X 2 CIT- A03- D300GA2 300GB 6Gb SAS 10K RPM SFF HDD /hot plug /drive sled mounted 12 CIT- PSU1 -770W 770W AC Hot -Plug Power Supply for 1U C- Series Rack Server 2 CIT- CPU- E52630D 2.40 GHz E5 -2630 v3/85W 8C /20MB Cache /DDR4 1866MHz 2 R2XX -RAID5 Enable RAID 5 Setting 2 Functionality, hardware, and labor not specifically described must be addressed via change order. Scope of Work 8/15/2016 age 6 of 18 CIT- MR- 1X162RU -A 16GB DDR4- 2133 -MHz RDIMM /PC4- 17000 /dual rank/x4 /1.2v 4 CIT- MRAIDI2G Cisco 12G SAS Modular Raid Controller 2 CIT- MRAID12G -1GB Cisco 12Gbps SAS 1GB FBWC Cache module (Raid 0/1/5/6) 2 VMW- VS6- HYPPLS -K9 Embedded License, Cisco UC Virt. Hypervisor Plus 6.x (2 -cpu) 2 R-CBE6K-K9 Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Electronic SW Delivery-Top Level 1 BE6K -SW -11.0 Business Edition 6000 v11 export restricted software 1 BE6K-UCL-ESS Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Essential User Connect License 41 BE6K-UCL-ENH Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Enhanced User Connect License 363 BE6K- UCL -VM Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Voicemail /Unified Messaging Lic 454 JABBER - TABLET Jabber for iPad and Android Tablet 150 JABBER - DESKTOP Jabber for Desktop for PC and Mac 150 EXPWY- VE -C -K9 Cisco Expressway -C Server, Virtual Edition 1 EXPWY- VE -E -K9 Cisco Expressway -E Server, Virtual Edition 1 SW- EXP- 8.X -K9 Software Image for Expressway with Encryption, Version X8 1 JABBER -GUEST Jabber Guest Session 1 UCM -11X- ENH -UCL BE6K UCM 1IX Enhanced User Connect Lic - Single Fulfillment 363 UCM -11X- ESS -UCL BE6K UCM 1IX Essential User Connect Lic - Single Fulfillment 41 UCXN -11X- SCPORTS BE6K - Unity Connection 11x - VM Speech Connect Ports 2 UCN- 11X -VM -UCL BE6000 Unity Connection 11x Basic Voicemail License 454 JAB - GUEST - RTU -K9 Jabber Guest Right to Use 1 JABBER - TABLET -RTU Jabber for Tablet Right to Use 1 JABBER- DSK -K9 -RTU Jabber for Desktop Right to Use 1 Functionality, hardware, and labor not specifically descries US e addressed via change order. cope Of Work 15/2016 y e7 f E .. LIC-EXP-E-PAK Expressway Series, Expressway - E PAK 1 LIC- EXP -GW Enable GW Feature (H323 -SIP) 2 LIC -EXP -E Enable Expressway -E Feature Set 1 LIC -EXP -TURN Enable TURN Relay Option 1 LIC - EXP -AN Enable Advanced Networking Option 1 LIC -SW- EXP -K9 License Key Software Encrypted 2 LIC -EXP- SERIES Enable Expressway Series Feature Set 2 BE6K-PAK Cisco Business Edition 6000 - PAK - Single Fulfillment 1 BE6K -UXL -START BE6K Starter Pack - Single Fulfillment Enforcement 1 BE6K- START -UWL35 BE 6000 - User License Starter Bundle with 35 UWL Licenses 1 UCM -11X- UWLSTD BE6000 UCM v11 CUWL Standard User License 35 UCXN -11X- UWLSTD BE6000 Unity Connection v11 CUWL Standard License 35 C2911- VSEC /K9 Cisco 2911 Voice Sec. Bundle, PVDM3 -16, UC &SEC Lic,FL- CUBE10 1 PWR- 2911 -AC Cisco 2911 AC Power Supply 1 CAB -AC AC Power Cord (North America), C13, NEMA 5 -15P, 2.1m 1 FL- CUBEE -5 Unified Border Element Enterprise License - 5 sessions 2 S L -29 -I PB -K9 IP Base License for Cisco 2901 - 2951 1 ISR -CCP -EXP Cisco Config Pro Express on Router Flash 1 MEM- 2900- 512MB -DEF 512MB DRAM for Cisco 2901 - 2921 ISR (Default) 1 SL-29- SEC -K9 Security License for Cisco 2901 - 2951 1 MEM -CF -256MB 256MB Compact Flash for Cisco 1900, 2900, 3900 ISR 1 SL- 29 -UC -K9 Unified Communication License for Cisco 2901 -2951 1 Functionality, hardware, nd labor not specifically describe st be addressed via change order. 3-Scope of Work 15/2016 e 8 of SM -S -BLANK Removable faceplate for SM slot on Cisco 2900,3900,4400 ISR 1 HWIC -BLANK Blank faceplate for HWIC slot on Cisco ISR 1 S29UK9- 15501T Cisco 2901 -2921 IOS UNIVERSAL 1 VIC2-2FXO Two -port Voice Interface Card - FXO (Universal) 1 VIC3 -2FXS /DID Two -Port Voice Interface Card - FXS and DID 1 VWIC3- 2MFT -T1 /E1 2 -Port 3rd Gen Multiflex Trunk Voice/WAN Int. Card - T1 /E1 1 PVDM3-16U64 PVDM3 16- channel to 64- channel factory upgrade 1 VG310 Modular 24 FXS Port VoIP Gateway with PVDM3 -64 1 SVG3XUK9- 15403M Cisco VG3X0 UNIVERSAL 1 MEM -CF -256MB 256MB Compact Flash for Cisco 1900, 2900, 3900 ISR 1 CAB -AC AC Power Cord (North America), C13, NEMA 5 -15P, 2.1m 1 HWIC -BLANK Blank faceplate for HWIC slot on Cisco ISR 1 PVDM3 -64 64- channel high- density voice DSP module 1 SL- VG3X0 -UC -K9 Cisco VG3X0 Unified Communications License 1 SL- VG3X0- IPB -K9 Cisco VG3X0 IP Base License 1 UCSC- PSU -650W= 650W power supply for C- series rack servers 2 CP- 8811 -K9= Cisco IP Phone 8811 Series 250 CP- 8841 -K9= Cisco IP Phone 8841 50 CP- 6901 -C -K9= Cisco UC Phone 6901, Charcoal, Standard handset 10 CP -PWR- CUBE -4= IP Phone power transformer for the 89/9900 phone series 1 CP -PWR- CORD -NA= Power Cord, North America 1 R- EMRGNCY - RSPNDR Emergency Responder Electronic Software Delivery 1 ER- NEW -OR -ADDON Not an upgrade 1 ER11 -PAK EMRGNCY RSPNDR 11.X PAK 1 ER11 -USR -1 EMRGNCY RSPNDR USR LIC 1 PHN FOR NEW 11X SYSTEM 439 ER11.0 -SW -K9 EMRGNCY RSPNDR 11.0 SW NEW 1 R- EMRGNCY - RSPNDR Emergency Responder Electronic Software Delivery 1 ER11.0 -SW -K9 EMRGNCY RSPNDR 11.0 SW NEW 1 CP- 8831 -K9= Cisco 8831 Base /Control Panel for North America 8 CP- 8831 -DCU -S Spare Cisco 8831 Display Control Unit (DCU) 8 CP- MIC- WIRED -S= Cisco 8831 Wired Microphone Kit 4 CP- 8851 -K9= Cisco IP Phone 8851 3 CP- BEKEM= Cisco IP Phone 8800 Key Expansion Module 3 CP- 8800 - BEKEM -WMK= Cisco IP Phone 8800 wall mount kit for single KEM 1 VG202XM Cisco VG202XM Analog Voice Gateway 5 CAB -AC AC Power Cord (North America), C13, NEMA 5 -15P, 2.1m 5 CAB- ETH- S -RJ45 Yellow Cable for Ethernet, Straight- through, RJ -45, 6 feet 5 PWR- 30W -AC Power Supply 30 Watt AC 5 SVG2XIPV- 15403M Cisco VG20X Series IOS IP VOICE 5 Support CON- SNT- BE6M4M4K SNTC- 8X5XNBD Cisco Business Edition 6000M Svr (M4), E 2 12 CON - ECMU- RCBE6KK SWSS UPGRADES Cisco Business Editi 1 12 CON -ECMU- UCMENHUC SWSS UPGRADES BE6K UCM 10X Enhance 363 12 CON -ECMU- UCMESSUC SWSS UPGRADES BE6K UCM 10X Essenti 41 12 CON -ECMU- UCN10XVM SWSS UPGRADES BE6K - Unity Connect 454 12 CON -ECMU- UCM11STD SWSS UPGRADES BE6000 UCM v11 CUWL 35 12 Functionality, hardware, and labor not specifically described must be addressed via change order. 3 -Scope of Work 8/15/2016 Page 10 of 18 CON - SNT- 2911VSEC SNTC- 8X5XNBD Cisco 2911 Voice Sec. 1 12 CON-SNT-VG3101CV SNTC- 8X5XNBD Cisco VG310 - Modular 24 FXS Port Voice 1 12 CON - ECMU - EMRGNCY SWSS UPGRADES EMRGNCY RSPNDR 1 12 CON - ECMU- ER11USR1 SWSS UPGRADES EMRGNCY RSPNDR USR LIC 1 PHN FOR NEW 11X 439 12 CON - ECMU - EMRGNCY SWSS UPGRADES EMRGNCY RSPNDR 1 12 CON- SNT- VG202XM SNTC- 8X5XNBD Cisco VG202XM Analog 5 12 The labor pricing is listed in the associated BOM: Cutover Plan, Task and Activities Phase 1: Century Link will schedule a meeting between the customer and Century Link's pre -sales engineering and installation technicians. Project Management activities (Pre -Sales Engineer): Coordinate project planning Schedule and manage resources Coordinate issue resolution Coordinate ongoing communications - Coordinate preparation and distribution of deliverables The objective of this meeting will be to discuss all of the operational issues associated with the upgrade and installation of the cluster. Timeframes and schedules will be agreed to at this time. Functionality, hardware, and labor not specifically described rnust be addressed via change order. 3 -Scope of Work 8/1512016 Page 11 of 18 Phase 2: The BE6M servers will be shipped from Cisco directly to the CenturyLink technician's office. The CenturyLink technician will then: - Unpack and inventory all hardware - Power up all hardware on the technician's workbench, and burn in the two servers. - Configure the servers for VMWare. - Obtain the PAK files from Cisco and install the cluster software. - Complete initial installation and configuration of cluster software. During this time the customer will insure that power and rack space is available in the customer's data center. The customer will also have GE ports available in their network to accommodate the new servers, and will have an IP address plan in place to accommodate the new cluster. The customer will also have VPN internet access available so that the technician will be able to remotely access the cluster for any after hours or incidental work that may be required on the cluster during the upgrade process. VPN access might also be required if Cisco TAC support is needed The CenturyLink technician will pack up and deliver the equipment to the customer's premise. The CenturyLink technician will then: - Rack and stack the hardware Complete the configuration of the cluster. - Cutover from the Avaya PBX to the new servers in an after -hours cutover window. - Test the functionality of the CUCM, Unity Connection, CER, Prime, and Jabber components at cutover and confirm proper operation. - Be available for day 2 operation to insure that the cutover was successful. The customer will be available at all times during the on -site installation process to address any network, exchange, LDAP, or licensing issues that might arise. The project will be considered complete when all open issues have been closed and the customer has confirmed that the upgrade is complete and fully operational. Functionality, hardware, and labor not specifically described must be addressed via change order. 3 -Scope of Work 8/15'2016 Page 12 of 18 CenturyLink Definitions Network Design Specifications - a document provided by the customer that provides information about the customer's network such as its overall functionality, the products used, and the available features. Deliverable - All documentation, whether in hard copy or electronic form, such as Scope of Work, Bill of Materials, Network Drawings, Implementation Plan and "As Built" documentation. Implementation - The activities specified in this SOW such as project management, design review, configuring, staging, installation, and testing performed by partner. Installation - The physical activity required to complete this Scope of Work. Normal Business Hours - The hours of Monday through Friday 8:OOam to 5:OOpm local time, excluding any partner observed holidays. A list of partner observed holidays will be provided upon request. Site Survey - An assessment by partner of the readiness of the customer site for the implementation of the product as further defined below. Staging - The assembly and software loading of product prior to Installation at customer site. CenturyLink Responsibilities: 1. In conjunction with the customer, gather existing data and voice infrastructure information via the Site survey process. (Where applicable) ➢ Site addresses ➢ Physical and logical network topology (LAN, WAN, WLAN, PSTN) configurations ➢ Quality of Service, VLANS, Security, etc. ➢ Existing fault tolerance and redundancy ➢ Identify existing legacy platforms Functionality, hardware, and labor not specifically described must be addressed via change order. 3- Scope of Work 8/15/2016 Page 13 of 18 ➢ Identify applicable 3rd party application requirements. ➢ Collect & review floor plans received from customer. 2. Document all network /applications risks /gaps, and ensure that the customer is made aware of risks /gaps. 3. Provide a single point of contact ( "CenturyLink Project Manager ") for all issues relating to the implementation services. 4. All final project documentation has been given to the customer contact. This includes, but not limited to final system layout, network drawings, service numbers, CenturyLink contact information, training rosters, IP addresses, and server configurations. 5. Provide customer with CenturyLink's specifications relating to the environmental requirements of the site (including but not limited to power supplies, air conditioning, and physical location, temperature, electrical, humidity, air filtering). 6. All equipment and applications as defined in this scope of work and the sales contract are working per vendor and industry standards. This also includes any additions or deletions for Job Change Order (JCO) activity. Customer Responsibilities: 1. Provide an adequate environment (room, power, light & temperature) for equipment per CenturyLink / Manufacturer's specifications. (See attachments) 2. Supply the workplace policies and environmental conditions in effect at the customer site(s). 3. Determine and allocate a safe, secure, and appropriate environment for storing the received equipment until onsite implementation and deployment. 4. Provide accurate cable and equipment records. Defective, non - standard or improperly installed cabling will not be used. Any corrective work (by CenturyLink) required to make the solution function properly will be billed on a time and material basis to the customer. 5. Provide location and WLAN access and information to CenturyLink in order for CenturyLink to assess WLAN environment relative to the proposed solution and associated applications. 6. Provide VPN access to the Internet for the primary CenturyLink technician assigned to this project. This will be needed for remote access by the technician to perform after hours or incidental changes to the hardware being upgraded. It may also be used for access by Cisco Tac should the need arise. Functionality, hardware, and labor not specifically described must be addressed via change order. 3 -Scope of Work 8!15/2016 Page 14 of 18 7. Satisfactorily address WLAN assessment findings prior to implementation and sign off that the WLAN environment is acceptable. 8. Provide current protocol addressing scheme and current network diagram if applicable. 9. Gather and provide to CenturyLink all necessary and applicable network documentation, network access and information required for CenturyLink to provide a network, application and operational readiness analysis. 10. When requested by CenturyLink, provide current customer site building layouts, including the floor plans, location of cables, cable records and power sources. 11. Provide information and documentation required by CenturyLink within the specified timeframe agreed upon by CenturyLink and customer. 12. Provide a safe working environment. 13. Provide working hour access to customer owned facilities. Provide reasonable after -hours access to customer owned facilities when requested by CenturyLink as part of the project activities. 14. Identify any Telco demarcation extension; unless documented in this Scope of Work. 15. Notify CenturyLink of any hardware and /or software upgrades or any other scheduled implementation activities within the customer's network at least ten (10) business days prior to and during the scheduled installation. 16. Suspend customer moves, adds, and changes ( 5 ) working days prior to installation date. 17. Provide remote access to equipment via VPN. Allow CenturyLink technician's full direct access to the customer's network via the CenturyLink owned and provided laptops, monitoring, and test equipment. 18. Customer understands that all new hardware will be shipped to a CenturyLink staging facility. CenturyLink will then stage the hardware, as applicable, prior to bringing the hardware onto the customer's premises. This hardware is not considered customer owned until delivery to the customer's physical location. If the hardware is shipped directly to the customer's premise, the customer authorizes CenturyLink the option of moving the hardware to a CenturyLink local facility to complete staging of the equipment, prior to installation at the customer's site(s). 19. Designate a single point of contact to whom all CenturyLink communications may be addressed and who has authority to act on all aspects of the services for approval of all Job Change Orders /Notices. Designate a backup when the customer contact is not available, who has the authority to act on all aspects of the services in the absence of the primary contact. 20. Designate a facilities resource to expedite access to areas deemed secure. This access will be provided in a timely and reasonable manner. 21. With CenturyLink, review system requirements relative to bill of materials, scope of work, project implementation plan, and business and technical objectives. Functionality, hardware, and labor not specifically described must be addressed via change order. 3 -Scope of Work 8115/2016 Page 15 of 18 22. Satisfactorily address identified network, application and operational readiness risks or gaps as identified by the CenturyLink team. Failure to address issues by date specified may result in project delay and additional time and materials billing. 23. Participate in implementation plan review and ensure customer assigned responsibilities are assigned and prioritized with the appropriate resources. 24. Identify internal resources to participate in system acceptance testing when necessary. 25. Sign off on test plan and acceptance criteria 26. Collaborate with CenturyLink to develop staff training plan if applicable. Sign off that the Staff training plan is acceptable; deviations will result in additional billing on a time and material basis. Insure all personnel attend training as outlined in the training plan. 27. Customer is responsible for all returns to their current leasing companies 28. Installation of UPS system(s) will be the responsibility of the customer, unless specifically designated elsewhere within this document. 29. The customer understands that the technician will be connecting their CenturyLink provided laptop into the customer's network in order to utilize specialized software that the technician requires in order to install, test, and troubleshoot the platform being installed as part of this project. Change Management Policy: Changes to the scope or deliverables of this project will not be made without review and written approval by CenturyLink. All changes to scope or price will only be accepted through a change order. Requests for such changes may be initiated by the customer or CenturyLink. Change Management Procedures • A change order must be documented by the requesting party, including the following: o Description of the change o Reason for the change o Anticipated effect the change will have on the scope of work, resources and delivery schedule. Functionality, hardware, and labor not specifically described must be addressed via change order. 3 -Scope of Work 8115/2016 Page 16 of 18 • The designated Project Manager, Sr. Project Manager or Program Manager of the requesting party will review the proposed change with his /her counterpart(s). All parties will evaluate and negotiate in good faith the changes to be made and the additional charges or billing arrangements, if any, to implement them. • Upon execution, the approved Change Order will be incorporated into, and made a part of, this Statement of Work and any previously approved pertinent Change Orders. Project manager is responsible for documenting any such changes. Change Management Precedence Whenever there is a conflict between the terms and conditions set forth in an approved Change Order and the original scope of work represented by this Statement of Work and other previously incorporated Change Orders, the terms and conditions of the most recently approved Change Order will prevail. Restocking Fee • Order Cancellation or Return of Equipment. In CenturyLink's sole discretion, Equipment may be returned by Customer with prior approval and specific shipping instructions from CenturyLink, and must be in original manufacturer's boxes or packaging for CenturyLink to accept the return. In addition to all other applicable charges, Customer will pay CenturyLink a restock charge of 25% of the purchase price as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, upon the return of Equipment if the return is due to a Customer ordering error or Customer's late cancellation of an order. Customer is responsible for any damage to the Equipment while in Customer's possession or during return shipment to CenturyLink. • Pre - Delivery. If Customer repudiates, gives notice of cancellation, or otherwise breaches this Annex prior to delivery of the Equipment, Customer will pay CenturyLink as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, 25% of the purchase price or CenturyLink's out of pocket costs incurred as a result of Customer's cancellation, whichever is greater • Post - Delivery. If Customer breaches this SoW after delivery of the Equipment, CenturyLink may, in addition to any other remedies available to CenturyLink: (a) declare all sums due and payable immediately; (b) discontinue discounts related to Equipment; (c) cease installation or delivery or disconnect and deactivate Equipment until amounts due are paid; or (d) retake possession of Equipment and retain all sums paid by Customer as a setoff against expenses incurred. • Drop Ship. Purchases where CenturyLink will not be providing installation ( "Drop Ship ") may not be cancelled following order placement without prior written authorization of CenturyLink or assignment of a return authorization number ( "Call Tag Number "). Functionality, hardware, and labor not specifically described must be addressed via change order. 3 -Scope of Work 811512016 Page 17 of 18 CenturyLink Scope of Work Acceptance: Customer agrees to all information and requirements within this Scope of Work. Century Link Implementation Approval: Date: Customer Acceptance: Date: Functionality, hardware, and labor not specifically described must be addressed via change order. 3 -Scope of Work 8/15/2016 Page,,18 Flo Customer: City of Federal Way A� Bu Business Quote #: 52168520 Project Name: City of Federal Way Created On: 8/1/2016 Account Manager: Sales Engineer: Customer Notes: Twee Nguyen Darrell Newberry Preliminary Catalog Number Description Unit Price Qty Total Price Contract Term (Months) LOCATION: Main Site Materials BE6M- M4 -K9= Cisco Business Edition 6000M Svr (M4), Export Restricted SW $ 5,108.70 2 $ 10,217.40 CAB- 9K12A -NA Power Cord, 125VAC 13A NEMA 5 -15 Plug, North America $ - 2 $ - BE6K- SW- 10X11X -K9 Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Software App Version 10.X 11.X $ - 2 $ - CIT-A03-D300GA2 300GB 6Gb SAS 10K RPM SFF HDD /hot plug /drive sled mounted $ - 12 $ - CIT- PSU1 -770W 770W AC Hot -Plug Power Supply for 1U C- Series Rack Server $ - 2 $ - CIT- CPU- E52630D 2.40 GHz E5 -2630 v3/85W 8C /20MB Cache/DDR4 1866MHz $ - 2 $ - R2XX-RAID5 Enable RAID 5 Setting $ - 2 $ - CIT-MR-1X162RU-A 16GB DDR4- 2133 -MHz RDIMM /PC4- 17000 /dual rank /x4/1.2v $ - 4 $ - CIT- MRAID12G Cisco 12G SAS Modular Raid Controller $ - 2 $ - CIT- MRAID12G -1GB Cisco 12Gbps SAS 1GB FBWC Cache module (Raid 0/1/5/6) $ - 2 $ - VMW- VS6- HYPPLS -K9 Embedded License, Cisco UC Virt. Hypervisor Plus 6.x (2 -cpu) $ - 2 $ - R- CBE6K -K9 Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Electronic SW Delivery-Top Level $ - 1 $ - BE6K -SW -11.0 Business Edition 6000 v11 export restricted software $ - 1 $ - BE6K- UCL -ESS Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Essential User Connect License $ 21.74 41 $ 891.34 BE6K-UCL-ENH Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Enhanced User Connect License $ 114.13 363 $ 41,429.19 BE6K- UCL -VM Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Voicemail /Unified Messaging Lic $ 40.76 454 $ 18,505.04 JABBER - TABLET Jabber for iPad and Android Tablet $ - 150 $ - JABBER- DESKTOP Jabber for Desktop for PC and Mac $ - 150 $ - EXPWY- VE -C -K9 Cisco Expressway -C Server, Virtual Edition $ - 1 $ - EXPWY- VE -E -K9 Cisco Expressway -E Server, Virtual Edition $ - 1 $ - Page 1 of 5 CONFIDENTIAL © CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved. SW- EXP- 8.X -K9 Software Image for Expressway with Encryption, Version X8 $ - 1 $ - JABBER -GUEST Jabber Guest Session $ - 1 $ - UCM- 11X -ENH -UCL BE6K UCM 11X Enhanced User Connect Lic - Single Fulfillment $ - 363 $ - UCM- 11X -ESS -UCL BE6K UCM 11X Essential User Connect Lic - Single Fulfillment $ - 41 $ - UCXN -11X- SCPORTS BE6K - Unity Connection 11x - VM Speech Connect Ports $ - 2 $ - UCN- 11X -VM -UCL BE6000 Unity Connection 11x Basic Voicemail License $ - 454 $ - JAB- GUEST - RTU -K9 Jabber Guest Right to Use $ - 1 $ - JABBER-TABLET-RTU Jabber for Tablet Right to Use $ - 1 $ - JABBER- DSK -K9 -RTU Jabber for Desktop Right to Use $ - 1 $ - LIC- EXP -E -PAK Expressway Series, Expressway -E PAK $ - 1 $ - LIC- EXP -GW Enable GW Feature (H323 -SIP) $ - 2 $ - LIC -EXP -E Enable Expressway -E Feature Set $ - 1 $ - LIC -EXP -TURN Enable TURN Relay Option $ - 1 $ - LIC-EXP-AN Enable Advanced Networking Option $ - 1 $ - LIC-SW-EXP-K9 License Key Software Encrypted $ - 2 $ - LIC -EXP- SERIES Enable Expressway Series Feature Set $ - 2 $ - BE6K-PAK Cisco Business Edition 6000 - PAK - Single Fulfillment $ - 1 $ - BE6K -UXL -START BE6K Starter Pack - Single Fulfillment Enforcement $ - 1 $ BE6K- START -UWL35 BE 6000 - User License Starter Bundle with 35 UWL Licenses $ 543.48 1 $ 543.48 UCM -11X- UWLSTD BE6000 UCM v11 CUWL Standard User License $ - 35 $ - UCXN -11X- UWLSTD BE6000 Unity Connection v11 CUWL Standard License $ - 35 $ - C2911- VSEC /K9 Cisco 2911 Voice Sec. Bundle, PVDM3- 16, UC &SEC Lic,FL- CUBE10 $ 2,497.28 1 $ 2,497.28 PWR- 2911 -AC Cisco 2911 AC Power Supply $ - 1 $ - CAB -AC AC Power Cord (North America), C13, NEMA 5 -15P, 2.1m $ - 1 $ - FL- CUBEE -5 Unified Border Element Enterprise License - 5 sessions $ - 2 $ - SL- 29- IPB -K9 IP Base License for Cisco 2901 -2951 $ - 1 $ - ISR -CCP -EXP Cisco Config Pro Express on Router Flash $ - 1 $ - MEM- 2900- 512MB -DEF 512MB DRAM for Cisco 2901 -2921 ISR (Default) $ - 1 $ - SL -29- SEC -K9 Security License for Cisco 2901 -2951 $ - 1 $ - MEM- CF -256MB 256MB Compact Flash for Cisco 1900, 2900, 3900 ISR $ - 1 $ - SL- 29 -UC -K9 Unified Communication License for Cisco 2901 -2951 $ - 1 $ - Page 2 of 5 CONFIDENTIAL © CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved. SM -S -BLANK Removable faceplate for SM slot on Cisco 2900,3900,4400 ISR $ - 1 $ - HWIC -BLANK Blank faceplate for HWIC slot on Cisco ISR $ - 1 $ - S29UK9-15501T Cisco 2901 -2921 IOS UNIVERSAL $ - 1 $ - VIC2 -2FXO Two -port Voice Interface Card - FXO (Universal) $ 239.13 1 $ 239.13 VIC3 -2FXS /DID Two -Port Voice Interface Card- FXS and DID $ 239.13 1 $ 239.13 VWIC3- 2MFT -T1 /E1 2 -Port 3rd Gen Multiflex Trunk Voice/WAN Int. Card -T1 /E1 $ 1,195.65 1 $ 1,195.65 PVDM3 -16U64 PVDM3 16- channel to 64- channel factory upgrade $ 1,222.83 1 $ 1,222.83 VG310 Modular 24 FXS Port VoIP Gateway with PVDM3 -64 $ 2,934.78 1 $ 2,934.78 SVG3XUK9- 15403M Cisco VG3X0 UNIVERSAL $ - 1 $ - MEM- CF -256MB 256MB Compact Flash for Cisco 1900, 2900, 3900 ISR $ - 1 $ - CAB -AC AC Power Cord (North America), C13, NEMA 5-15P, 2.1m $ - 1 $ - HWIC -BLANK Blank faceplate for HWIC slot on Cisco ISR $ - 1 $ - PVDM3 -64 64-channel high- density voice DSP module $ - 1 $ - SL- VG3X0 -UC -K9 Cisco VG3X0 Unified Communications License $ - 1 $ - SL- VG3X0- IPB -K9 Cisco VG3X0 IP Base License $ - 1 $ - UCSC- PSU -650W= 650W power supply for C- series rack servers $ 342.39 2 $ 684.78 CP- 8811 -K9= Cisco IP Phone 8811 Series $ 241.85 250 $ 60,462.50 CP- 8841 -K9= Cisco IP Phone 8841 $ 269.02 50 $ 13,451.00 CP- 6901 -C -K9= Cisco UC Phone 6901, Charcoal, Standard handset $ 59.78 10 $ 597.80 CP -PWR- CUBE -4= IP Phone power transformer for the 89/9900 phone series $ 35.33 1 $ 35.33 CP -PWR- CORD -NA= Power Cord, North America $ 5.43 1 $ 5.43 R- EMRGNCY - RSPNDR Emergency Responder Electronic Software Delivery $ - 1 $ - ER- NEW -OR -ADDON Not an upgrade $ - 1 $ - ER11 -PAK EMRGNCY RSPNDR 11.X PAK $ - 1 $ - ER11 -USR -1 EMRGNCY RSPNDR USR LIC 1 PHN FOR NEW 11X SYSTEM $ 10.87 439 $ 4,771.93 ER11.0 -SW -K9 EMRGNCY RSPNDR 11.0 SW NEW $ - 1 $ - R- EMRGNCY - RSPNDR Emergency Responder Electronic Software Delivery $ - 1 $ - ER11.0 -SW -K9 EMRGNCY RSPNDR 11.0 SW NEW $ - 1 $ - CP- 8831 -K9= Cisco 8831 Base /Control Panel for North America $ 758.15 8 $ 6,065.20 CP- 8831 -DCU -S Spare Cisco 8831 Display Control Unit (DCU) $ - 8 $ - Page 3 of 5 CONFIDENTIAL © CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved. CP- MIC- WIRED -S= Cisco 8831 Wired Microphone Kit $ 190.22 4 $ 760.88 CP- 8851 -K9= Cisco IP Phone 8851 $ 323.37 3 $ 970.11 CP- BEKEM= Cisco IP Phone 8800 Key Expansion Module $ 266.30 3 $ 798.90 CP- 8800 - BEKEM -WMK= Cisco IP Phone 8800 wall mount kit for single KEM $ 51.63 1 $ 51.63 VG202XM Cisco VG202XM Analog Voice Gateway $ 432.07 5 $ 2,160.35 CAB -AC AC Power Cord (North America), C13, NEMA 5 -15P, 2.1m $ - 5 $ - CAB-ETH-S-RJ45 Yellow Cable for Ethernet, Straight - through, RJ -45, 6 feet $ - 5 $ - PWR-30W-AC Power Supply 30 Watt AC $ - 5 $ - SVG2XIPV-15403M Cisco VG20X Series IOS IP VOICE $ - 5 $ - WS- C4500X- 16SFP+ Catalyst 4500 -X 16 Port 10G IP Base, Front -to -Back, No P/S $ 8,695.65 1 $ 8,695.65 C4KX- PWR- 750AC -R /2 Catalyst 4500X 750W AC front to back cooling 2nd PWR supply $ 1,086.96 1 $ 1,086.96 C4KX- PWR- 750AC -R Catalyst 4500X 750W AC front to back cooling power supply $ 1,086.96 1 $ 1,086.96 C4500X -IPB IP Base license for Catalyst 4500 -X $ - 1 $ - CAB-US515-C15-US NEMA 5 -15 to IEC -C15 8ft US $ - 2 $ - S45XUK9-38E CAT4500 -X Universal Crypto Image $ - 1 $ - CAB - CON -C4K -RJ45 Console Cable 6ft with RJ- 45- to -RJ -45 $ - 1 $ - SFP-10G-SR-S 10GBASE -SR SFP Module, Enterprise - Class $ 353.26 10 $ 3,532.60 SFP -I OG -LR -S 10GBASE -LR SFP Module, Enterprise - Class $ 1,032.61 6 $ 6,195.66 C4KX -NM -8SFP+ Catalyst 4500X 8 Port 10G Network Module $ 4,347.83 1 $ 4,347.83 WS- C2960X- 48TD -L Catalyst 2960 -X 48 GigE, 2 x 10G SFP +, LAN Base $ 3,040.76 1 $ 3,040.76 CAB- 16AWG -AC AC Power cord, 16AWG $ - 1 $ - PWR -CLP Power Retainer Clip For Cisco 3560 -C and 2960 -C Compact Swit $ - 1 $ - WS- C2960X- 48FPD -L Catalyst 2960 -X 48 GigE PoE 740W, 2 x 10G SFP +, LAN Base $ 4,345.11 6 $ 26,070.66 CAB- 16AWG -AC AC Power cord, 16AWG $ - 6 $ - PWR -CLP Power Retainer Clip For Cisco 3560 -C and 2960 -C Compact Swit $ - 6 $ - C2960X -STACK Catalyst 2960 -X FlexStack Plus Stacking Module $ 649.46 6 $ 3,896.76 CAB- STK- E -0.5M Cisco FlexStack 50cm stacking cable $ - 6 $ - WS- C2960X- 48FPD -L Catalyst 2960 -X 48 GigE PoE 740W, 2 x 10G SFP +, LAN Base $ 4,345.11 6 $ 26,070.66 CAB- 16AWG -AC AC Power cord, 16AWG $ - 6 $ - PWR -CLP Power Retainer Clip For Cisco 3560 -C and 2960 -C Compact Swit $ - 6 $ - C4KX- NM- 8SFP + = Catalyst 4500X 8 Port 10G Network Module $ 4,347.83 1 $ 4,347.83 SFP- H10GB -CU3M= 10GBASE -CU SFP+ Cable 3 Meter $ 54.35 1 $ 54.35 Support Page 4 of 5 CONFIDENTIAL © CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved. CON - SNT- BE6M4M4K SNTC- 8X5XNBD Cisco Business Edition 6000M Svr (M4), E $ 256.79 2 $ 513.59 12 CON - ECMU- RCBE6KK SWSS UPGRADES Cisco Business Editi $ - 1 $ - 12 CON - ECMU - UCMENHUC SWSS UPGRADES BE6K UCM 10X Enhance $ 19.57 363 $ 7,102.17 12 CON - ECMU - UCMESSUC SWSS UPGRADES BE6K UCM 10X Essenti $ 4.08 41 $ 167.12 12 CON - ECMU- UCN1OXVM SWSS UPGRADES BE6K - Unity Connect $ 7.34 454 $ 3,331.00 12 CON - ECMU- UCM11STD SWSS UPGRADES BE6000 UCM v11 CUWL $ 31.79 35 $ 1,112.77 12 CON - SNT- 2911VSEC SNTC- 8X5XNBD Cisco 2911 Voice Sec. $ 369.29 1 $ 369.29 12 CON- SNT- VG310ICV SNTC- 8X5XNBD Cisco VG310 - Modular 24 FXS Port Voice $ 366.03 1 $ 366.03 12 CON - ECMU - EMRGNCY SWSS UPGRADES EMRGNCY RSPNDR $ - 1 $ - 12 CON - ECMU- ER11USR1 SWSS UPGRADES EMRGNCY RSPNDR USR LIC 1 PHN FOR NEW 11X $ 1.63 439 $ 715.75 12 CON - ECMU - EMRGNCY SWSS UPGRADES EMRGNCY RSPNDR $ - 1 $ - 12 CON - SNT- VG202XM SNTC- 8X5XNBD Cisco VG202XM Analog $ 52.17 5 $ 260.87 12 CON - SNT- WSC16SFX SNTC- 8X5XNBD Catalyst 4500 -X 16 Port 10G IP Base, Fro $ 880.43 1 $ 880.43 12 Materials Total $259,157.77 Support Services Total $14,819.02 1 1 Grand Total Price to Customer $273,976.79 1 1 Note: Changes to configuration may result in pricing changes. This quote also excludes sales tax, which will be added to the invoice. Any expedite fees incurred after quote acceptance will be added to the invoice. Page 5 of 5 CONFIDENTIAL © CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 6, 2016 ITEM #: 5i CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: COMMUNITY CENTER SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM REPLACEMENT POLICY QUESTION: Should Council approve the purchase of cameras and accessories from Security Solutions NW to replace the Community Center surveillance system? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: August 23, 2016 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Thomas Fichtner DEPT: Information Technology Attachments: Background Information, Estimated Project Cost, Vendor Price Comparison Options Considered: 1. Approve the Mayor's recommendation to authorize the Mayor to purchase cameras and accessories from Security Solutions NW. 2. Deny approval and provide staff with further direction. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Mayor recommends approval to purchase cameras and accessories from Security Solutions NW MAYOR APPROVAL: CHIEF OF STAFF: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: r d� S �Initial/Datr( Com Init , gate Coun Initi ate COMMITTEE RECOMMEND TION: I move to forward the proposed purchase of cameras and accessories from Security Solutions NW to the September 6, 2016 consent agenda for approval. Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the purchase of cameras and accessories from Security Solutions NW for an amount not to exceed $31,383.00 and authorize the Mayor to execute all necessary agreements." (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED— 1/2015 COUNCIL BILL # 1ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # Community Center Surveillance System Replacement — Background Information In 2008 the IT Department installed 18 cameras in the Community Center for video surveillance purposes. Of the original 18, only 7 are fully functional to date. In addition, the server containing the video recordings is aging and lacking necessary space to keep video for our targeted minimum of 7 days. The original 18 cameras will be replaced with 17 cameras due to improvements in technology allowing multiple views /sensors in one physical camera. In addition another 4 cameras will be added in order to provide further coverage around the West (outside gym), North (by the generator and outside of the senior lounge), and East (outside of the community room) parts of the building. Currently no cameras exist in these locations which create safety and security concerns. In addition, the two Pan, Tilt, and Zoom (PTZ) cameras in the parking lot will be replaced with four fixed cameras so that the parking lot is covered 100% of the time instead of the two cameras only pointed in one direction unless manually moved. This project will improve access to the cameras by staff and Police by adding them to the City's existing Avigilon camera system. Avigilon is already used at City Hall, Steel Lake Maintenance, some of Dumas Bay, and all of the Safe City cameras. This software is cutting edge and continues to be enhanced with regular software updates. An RFP was sent out to four Avigilon approved vendors in Western Washington, and three responses were received. The lowest, responsive proposal is from Security Solutions in Bellingham at a total of $28,530 before tax. The server will be purchased direct from HP via State Contract for $6,321.28 before tax. If approved, the cameras should be fully installed and operational by the end of October. Funding Included in the 2015/2016 Adopted Budget is $30,122 for cameras and server. The estimated total for this project including the additional cameras, server, miscellaneous supplies for installation and tax is $39,122. The additional $9,000 will come from the Community Center operational budget. The Parks Director and Community Center Management see the added value of having additional cameras around the building to help increase the security and safety of their members and staff. Avigilon Cameras + Accessories Estimated Purchase Cost List Qty. Camera Model Security Solutions 3 Multi- Sensor 9W- H3- 3MH -DC1 3993.75 1 Mult- Sensor 9W- H3- 3MH -DP1 1406.25 1 Multi- Sensor 9W- H3- 3MH -D01 1331.25 2 Multi- Sensor 12W- H3- 4MH -DP1 3187.5 3 3.0C H4A -D1 1878.75 3 8.0- H4A- B01 -IR 3375 3 H4- MT -Pole1 (Pole Mounts for Bullet HD) 202.5 3 MNT -PEND -WALL (Pendant Mounts) 202.5 3 H4- BO- JBOX1(Junction Box for Bullets) 202.5 1 Camera License 16C -ACC5 -ENT 3371.25 7 Camera License 1C -ACC5 -ENT 1758.75 2 8.0- H4A- B01 -IR 2250 1 H4- MT -Pole1 (Pole Mounts for Bullet HD) 67.5 2 H4- BO- JBOX1(Junction Box for Bullets) 135 1 12W -H3- 4MH -DP1 (Pendant) 1593.75 1 MNT -PEND -WALL (Pendant Mounts) 67.5 1 5.0L- H4A- B01 -IR 866.25 1 H4- BO- JBOX1(Junction Box for Bullet) 67.5 4 3.0C H4A -D1 2505 1 MNT-AD-CORNER 67.5 shipping 0 additional charges 0 Total before tax= 28530 Estimated Total after tax + shipping (10%)= Cost of HP NVR 3 Server HP NVR 3 Server + 5 yr warranty Total after tax (10 %) = 6321.28 6953.408 c 0 Q E 0 U a 0 G) E f0 V 0 - ' 1 ' _ • TE ca tkocetfe cACS IC .v: ' 335 Z51.25 256 s No 258.42 2 ff: 4 Additonal Camera License 1C- ACC5- ENT(as needed) 1340 1005 25% 1071.92 II No Bid 1033.68 23% No Bid If all Items are purchased +all (4) additional license, total = 38200 28462.5 25% 30663 17 a ,- No Bid 30380 79 20% If all Items are purchased +all additional license, total +Tax (10%) = 42020 31308 75 25% '. 294137 s` No Bid 33418.869 20% 0 z 0 ry z including shipping costs = Please note: Total after tax does not include extra license needed 0 13 t0 O C O 0 "0 -O 41 to C 3 to N N 3 5 u = N N COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SCpkIX 1.2I It, ITEM #: 6a CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Level 3 Communications, LLC Franchise Agreement Ordinance POLICY QUESTION: Should the City grant Level 3 Communications, LLC a Franchise Ordinance to install, construct, maintain, repair, and restore a fiber optic communications system within and through the City of Federal Way rights -of -way? COMMITTEE: Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee MEETING DATE: July 26, 2016 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ City Council Business ® Ordinance ❑ Resolution ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Desiree Winkler, P.E., Deputy Public Works Directbf DEPT: Public Works Attachments: 1. Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee memorandum dated July 26, 2016. 2. Franchise Ordinance Options Considered: 1. Approve the Ordinance and forward to the August 9, 2016 City Council meeting for first reading. 2. Modify the Ordinance and forward to the August 9, 2016 City Council meeting for first reading. 3. Reject the Ordinance and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: The Mayor recommends forwarding Option 1 to the Au Ordinance Agenda for first reading. MAYOR APPROVAL: CHIEF OF STAFF: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: t 9, 2016 City Council gamma 1113111. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Committee recommends forwarding Option 1 to the August 9, 2016 City Council Ordinance agenda for first reading. Committee Chair Committee ember Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: 1ST READING OF ORDINANCE (08/09/2016): "I move to forward the Level 3 Communications, LLC Franchaise Agreement ordinance to a second reading for enactment on the September 6, 2016 Council agenda." 2ND READING OF ORDINANCE (09/06/2016): "I move approval of the Level 3 Communications, LLC Franchise Agreement ordinance." (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COI INCIL ACTH/K:4 APPROV11d D DENIED ❑ TABLED /DEFERRED /NO ACTION RJ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances p) 114)19 'REV IS ED — 08/12/2010 COUNCIL BILL # 1ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # a so 0q-(Lp CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 26, 2016 TO: Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM• ; Marwan Salloum, P.E., Public Works Director iv >,A; Desiree Winkler, P.E. Deputy Public Works Director / Street System Manager SUBJECT: Level 3 Communications, LLC — Franchise Agreement Ordinance BACKGROUND Level 3 Communications, LLC (Level 3) requested a franchise from the City of Federal Way in order to install, operate and maintain a fiber optic communications system within the Military Road right -of -way in City of Federal Way (see attached franchise). This system is an existing system previously installed, owned, and maintained by WilTel Communications, LLC (WilTel) under a franchise agreement that expired May 23, 2015. Level 3 purchased WilTel. The term of this Franchise is for a period of ten (10) years commencing on the effective date of this Franchise consistent with franchises the City has granted to other utility providers. Level 3, under this Franchisee, has agreed to pay a fee of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to recover the administrative expenses incurred by the City that are directly related to preparing and approving this Franchise. In addition, the Franchisee previously installed, at no charge or cost to the City, a communication conduit system on Military Road between 320th Street and Star Lake Road. Level 3 will maintain all requirements of the original WilTel Franchise Agreement, including insurance requirements of $5 Million combined single limit for commercial general liability and $5 Million for automobile insurance. c. Mark Orthmann Day File ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, GRANTING LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, A NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO OCCUPY RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, WITHIN THE SPECIFIED FRANCHISE AREA FOR THE PURPOSES OF INSTALLING, CONSTRUCTING, MAINTAINING, REPAIRING, AND RESTORING A FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM WITHIN AND THROUGH THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY. WHEREAS, WilTel Communications, LLC, formerly known as Williams Communications, LLC, a Delaware corporation ( "WilTel Communications ") requested a franchise from the City of Federal Way in order to locate a fiber optic communications system within the Military Road right- of-way; and WHEREAS, Level 3 Communications, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ( "Level 3 Communications ") purchased WilTel Communications; and WI IEREAS, Level 3 Communications continues to maintain the fiber optic communications system located within the Military Road right -of -way and has requested a franchise from the City of Federal Way; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Federal Way finds that it is in the public interest to grant such a franchise, which will specify the rights and duties of Level 3 Communications; and WHEREAS, RCW 35A.47.040 permits the City of Federal Way to grant nonexclusive franchises for the use of public streets, bridges or other public ways for, inter alia, conduits, wires, and appurtenances for transmission of signals and other methods of communications; and Ordinance No. 16- Page I of 25 Rev 1/15 WHEREAS, in granting such a nonexclusive franchise, the City of Federal Way reserves such other powers and authorities granted to Washington code cities by general law; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Definitions Where used in this Franchise the following terms shall be defined as follows: 1.1 "City" means the City of Federal Way, Washington, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, and its respective successors and assigns. 1.2 "Council" means the City of Federal Way Council acting in its official capacity. 1.3 "Director" means the Public Works Director, or designee, of the City of Federal Way Public Works Department. 1.4 "Facilities" means: (a) an underground fiber optic communication system comprised of twelve (12) underground conduits, of which ten have a diameter of 1.50 inches and two (2) have a diameter of 1.25 inches; (b) the fiber running through the conduits; and (c) appurtenant splice boxes, pull boxes, and "J" boxes necessary to provide access to the underground conduits; all as specifically depicted in Exhibit A and in plans on file with the City in File No. 00- 103793 UP. "Facilities" also means any other equipment approved by the Federal Way City Council by ordinance and incorporated herein by amendment. 1.5 "FWRC" means the Federal Way Revised Code. 1.6 "Franchise Area" means only that portion of the Military Road rights -of -way located in the City of Federal Way and shown in Exhibit A attached hereto and in plans on file with the City in File No. 00- 103793 UP, and/or any other areas approved by the Federal Way City Council and incorporated into this Ordinance via amendment. Ordinance No. 16- Page 2 of 25 Rev 1 /15 1.7 "Franchisee" means Level 3 Communications and its respective successors and assigns if consented to by the City of Federal Way as provided in Section 24 herein. Section 2. Grant /Acceptance 2,1 Grant of Franchise. The City hereby grants to Franchisee the nonexclusive right to enter upon the Franchise Area for the limited purpose of constructing, excavating, installing, maintaining, restoring, and repairing Facilities within the Franchise Area. This Franchise is specifically limited to the right for Franchisee to install Facilities owned and operated by Franchisee. Franchisee may not provide cable television or open video system services, unless it first obtains a cable television franchise or open video system franchise or agreement from the City. 2.2 Acceptance by Franchisee. Franchisee shall have no rights under this Franchise, nor shall Franchisee be bound by the terms and conditions of this Franchise, unless Franchisee shall, within sixty (60) days after the effective date of this Franchise, file with the City its written acceptance of this Franchise and all of its terms and conditions. Section 3. Non - Franchise Area City Property This Franchise does not and shall not convey any right to Franchisee to install its Facilities on, under, over, across, or to otherwise use City -owned or leased properties of any kind outside the Franchise Area, or to install Facilities on, under, over, across or otherwise use any City-owned or leased property within the Franchise Area other than the Military Road right -of -way depicted in Exhibit A. Section 4. Term Subject to Franchisee filing its acceptance pursuant to Subsection 2.2, the term of this Franchise shall be for a period of ten (10) years commencing on the effective date of this Franchise, Ordinance No. 16- Page 3 of 25 Rev 1/15 unless terminated earlier pursuant to this Franchise or other applicable law. This Franchise shall renew automatically for two (2) additional five (5) year terms, up to ten (10) years, unless either party gives notice prior to sixty (60) days from the expiration of the term of the party's intent to terminate. Section 5. Location of Facilities 5.1 Location. The Facilities permitted by this Franchise shall be installed underground. The location of the Facilities, including any underground Facilities and appurtenances, their depths below surface of ground or grade of a right -of -way, and any related existing equipment to which the Facilities are connected shall be depicted on "as- built" plans and a map and submitted to the City within ninety (90) days of the installation of the Facilities. The "as- built" plans shall be stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed by the State of Washington. Upon written request of the City, Franchisee shall update such "as- built" plans and map to reflect actual or anticipated improvements to the system. Any such plans or map (or update thereof) so submitted shall be for informational purposes only and shall not obligate Franchisee to undertake any specific improvements, nor shall such map be construed as a proposal to undertake any specific improvements. 5.2 Design Markings. In the event the City desires to design new streets or intersections, renovate existing streets, or make any other public improvements, Franchisee shall at the City of Federal Way's reasonable request, provide the location of Franchisee's underground Facilities within the Franchise Area by either field markings or by locating the Facilities on the City's design drawings, and shall provide all other reasonable cooperation and assistance to the City. Section 6. Noninterference of Facilities Franchisee agrees to maintain its Facilities and perform any and all activities authorized by this Franchise: (1) so as not to unreasonably interfere with the free passage of traffic; (2) in Ordinance No. 16- Page 4 of 25 Rev 1115 accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and City Code requirements, Franchise provisions, regulations, resolutions and rules, as now existing or as hereafter amended; and (3) as required by the Director. This requirement applies whether the work is performed by the Franchisee, its agents, employees, subcontractors, or other third parties at Franchisee's direction. Section 7. Requirement to Obtain Permits 7.1 Permits and Permit Applications. Franchisee shall, at its expense, obtain all permits, including rights -of -way permits, and pay all permit fees required by applicable City ordinances, regulations, resolutions, and rules prior to commencing any work within the Franchise Area. Franchisee permit applications shall be accompanied by plans stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed by the State of Washington, which plans shall show the position and location of the proposed facilities to be constructed, laid, installed, or erected at that time, show their relative position to existing rights -of -way or property lines upon prints drawn to scale, designate rights -of -way by their names and improvements, such as, but not limited to, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, shoulders of roadway, ditches, paved roadways, roadways to property lines, turnouts, parking strips, telephone or electric distribution poles, and water pipes existing on the ground to he occupied, or as required by the Director. The Franchisee shall specify the class and type of materials to be used, equipment to be used, and mode of safeguarding and facilitating the public traffic during construction. Materials and equipment shall be in new or like -new condition for its type and kind. The manner of excavation, construction, installation, backfill, and temporary structures such as, but not limited to, traffic turnouts and road obstructions shall meet the standards of the FWRC and be satisfactory to the Director. All traffic control shall be in accordance with the right -of -way permit, and shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The Franchisee shall indicate on any permit Ordinance No. 16- Page 5 of 25 Rev 1/15 application the time needed to complete the work. The time needed to complete the work is subject to approval by the City as a condition of the issuance of the permit or approval. 7.2 I me Bette L.xce lion to Permit Requirement. In the event of an emergency in which Franchisee's Facilities within the Franchise Area are in a condition as to immediately endanger the property, life, health, or safety of any individual, Franchisee may take action immediately to correct the dangerous condition without first obtaining any required permit so long as: (1) Franchisee informs the City of the nature and extent of the emergency, and the work to be performed, prior to commencing the work; and (2) such permit is obtained by Franchisee as soon as practicable following cessation of the emergency. Section 8. Standard of Performance Franchisee shall not utilize open cut or open trench construction methods for installing Facilities, unless: (1) required by an emergency; or (2) unless boring is not technically feasible and permission is first obtained from the Director of Public Works. In the event that Franchisee utilizes open cut or open trench construction methods, the Franchisee shall not excavate for a distance of more than one hundred feet (100') without immediately backfilling and compacting to surface grade and City standards. I3ackfilled trench areas within a driving lane must be patched, either temporarily or permanently, before the end of the work day in which they have been opened. Trench areas within the right -of -way, but not with in a driving lane, must also be patched within the time limits specified by the City on the right -of -way use permit. Final surface restoration shall be completed within thirty (30) days and shall be equal to or better than the surface condition prior to permit issuance. Any asphalt overlay completed within the Franchise Area during the five (5) year - period immediately prior to the date of permit application shall not be open cut by Franchisee unless required by an emergency and subject to the provisions of Subsection 7.2 above. Franchisee shall Ordinance No. 16- Page 6 of 25 Rev 1/15 install new asphalt overlay on any street that is open cut, whether in an emergency or otherwise, for a minimum of one (1) block (approximately 500 feet) in length in both directions from the open cut, unless determined otherwise by the Director. Within ninety (90) days of completion of any installation of Franchisee's Facilities within the Franchise Area, Franchisee shall submit to the Director plans, stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed by the State of Washington, showing the "as- built" location of the Facilities. Section 9. Survey Markers and Monuments Franchisee shall, using a licensed surveyor, immediately replace all markers or monuments disturbed during any work by Franchisee within the Franchise Area. Franchisee shall pay all costs associated with such lost, destroyed or disturbed monuments or markers. Section 10. Surface Markings /Stakes Prior to Franchisee commencing any excavation work within the Franchise Area, Franchisee shall reference all monuments and markers relating to subdivisions, plats, highways, and other surveys. The reference points shall be located so that they shall not be disturbed during the Franchisee's operations under this Franchise. The method of referencing these monuments or other points shall be approved by the City before placement. The construction shall be made as expeditiously as conditions permit, and as directed by the City. The cost of monuments or other markers lost, destroyed, or disturbed, and the expense of replacement of the monuments, shall be borne solely by the Franchisee. A complete set of reference notes for monuments and other ties shall be filed with the City. Section 11. Right of City to Complete Work In the event Franchisee fails to comply with any applicable federal, state or City laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or standards or with any of the terms of this Franchise, and such Ordinance No. 16- Page 7 of 25 Rev 1/15 noncompliance continues for a period of thirty (30) days, or a period of time mutually agreed to in writing by the parties, after Franchisee receives written notice from the City regarding the noncompliance, the City may, but in no event is the City obligated to, order any work completed, including without limitation Franchisee's obligation to repair pursuant to Section 13 herein and Franchisee's obligation to remove or relocate facilities pursuant to Section 12 herein. If the City causes such work to be done by its own employees or by any person or entity other than Franchisee, Franchisee shall, upon the City's written request, immediately reimburse the City for all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the City in having such work performed, which costs may include the City's reasonable overhead expenses and attorney's fees; however, the City shall not have any electrical work accomplished by any person or entity other than Franchisee or a qualified and licensed electrical contractor. Section 12. Required Relocation of Facilities 12.1 City Reservation of Rights. The City reserves the right to use, occupy and enjoy all or any part of the Franchise Area, either above, below, or adjacent to the Facilities, for any purpose that is not inconsistent with the terms and conditions of this Franchise. The rights reserved herein include, without limitation, the construction, installation, and/or maintenance of any electrical, water, utility, telecommunications, sewer or storm drainage line, traffic signals, street lights, trees, landscaping, bicycle paths and lanes, equestrian trails, sidewalks, other pedestrian amenities, and other public street improvement projects. This Franchise is not an exclusive Franchise and shall not be construed to in any manner prohibit the City from granting other and further Franchises in, under, over, upon, and along the Franchise Area, nor from exercising such other powers and authorities granted to the City by the Washington State Constitution and general law. Ordinance No. 16- Page 8 of 25 Rev 1/15 12.2 City` Duties. In the event the City undertakes any work, including necessary maintenance within a right -of -way in which Franchisee's facilities are located, and such work necessitates the relocation of Franchisee's then existing Facilities within the Franchise Area, the City shall: (a) Provide written notice of the required relocation to Franchisee within a reasonable time prior to the commencement of such City work; and (b) Provide Franchisee with copies of pertinent portions of the City's plans and specifications so that Franchisee may relocate its Facilities to accommodate the City work. Nothing in this section shall be construed as to relieve Franchisee of its duty and obligation to relocate its Facilities, at Franchisee's sole cost, for any improvement project undertaken by, or on behalf of, the City in the interest of public health, safety, welfare, necessity, or convenience, as adjudged in the sole discretion of the City. 12.3 Franchisee's Duties. Within sixty (60) days, or a period of time mutually agreed to in writing by the parties, of receipt of the City notice under Subsection 12.2(a) requiring relocation and receipt of the plans and specifications pursuant to Subsection 12.2(b), Franchisee shall raise, lower, or move such Facilities within the Franchise Area at its sole cost and expense to the location or position directed by the City, to cause the least interference with the improvement, repair, or alteration contemplated by the City and to conform to such new grades as may be established. If the City improves a right -of -way, Franchisee shall, at its sole cost and expense, upon receipt of notice, replace the Facilities located in the improved subgrade of the improvement with substitute Facilities conforming to the specifications for the improvement of the right -of -way. Ordinance No, 16- Page 9 of 25 Rev 1 /15 Section 13. Damage Repair In case of damage by the Franchisee, its agents or employees or by the Facilities of the Franchisee to rights -of -way, or to public and private improvements within or adjacent to rights -of- way, the Franchisee agrees to repair the damage at its own cost and expense. The Franchisee shall, upon discovery of any such damage, immediately notify the City. The City will inspect the damage, and set a time limit for completion of the repair. If the City discovers damage caused by the Franchisee to rights -of -way, or to public and private improvements within or adjacent to rights -of- way, the City shall give the Franchisee notice of the damage and set a time limit in which the Franchisee must repair the damage. In the event the Franchisee does not repair a right -of -way or an improvement as required in this section, the City may repair the damage and recover the costs and expenses of such repair from Franchisee pursuant to Section 11 of this Agreement. Section 14. Default 14.1 Notice of Default. In addition to other remedies set forth herein, if Franchisee shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of this Franchise, the City may serve a written notice to Franchisee ordering such compliance and Franchisee shall have sixty (60) days from the receipt of such notice in which to comply. 14.2 Revocation of Franchise. If Franchisee is not in compliance with this Franchise after the expiration of the sixty (60) day period, the City may, by resolution, declare the franchise immediately revoked. Section 15. Limited Rights This Franchise is intended to convey only a limited right and interest to Franchisee in the Franchise Area. This Franchise is not a warranty of title or conveyance of any ownership interest in or to the Franchise Area to Franchisee. Ordinance No. 16- Page 10 of 25 Rev 1/15 Section 16. Eminent Domain The existence of this Franchise shall not preclude the City from acquiring by condemnation, in accordance with applicable law, all or a portion of Franchisees Facilities within the Franchise Area for the fair market value thereof. In determining the value of such Facilities, no value shall be attributed to the right to occupy the Franchise Area conferred by this Franchise. Section 17. Vacation If at any time the City, by ordinance, vacates all or any portion of the Franchise Area, the City will not be liable for any damages or loss to the Franchisee by reason of such vacation. The City shall notify Franchisee in writing not less than 30 days before vacating all or any portion of the Franchise Area. The City may, after thirty (30) days written notice to Franchisee, terminate this Franchise with respect to any such vacated area. Section 18. Compliance with Laws 18.1 General. Franchisee shall comply with all applicable federal, state and City laws, franchises, resolutions, regulations, standards, policies and procedures, as now existing or hereafter amended or adopted, including without limitation the State Environmental Policy Act; provided, however, that if any term or condition of this Franchise and any term or condition of any City law, code, franchise, resolution, regulation, standard, procedure, permit, or approval are in conflict, the term or condition of this Franchise will control. City and Franchisee acknowledge and agree that the terms, conditions and provisions of this Franchise are consistent with applicable law, including but not limited to with the Telecommunications Act of 1996, existing Washington State statutes and 2000 Laws Ch. 83 (as passed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Washington) and the FWRC, as currently enacted and interpreted. Ordinance No. 16- Page 11 of 25 Rev 1 /15 18.2 Future City of Federal Wav Retaliation. Subject to Section 18.1 above, Franchisee acknowledges that the City may develop rules, regulations, ordinances, and specifications for the use of the right-of-way which shall govern Franchisee's Facilities and activities hereunder as if they were in effect at the time this Franchise was executed by the City and Franchisee covenants and agrees to be bound by same. Section 19. Guarantee Franchisee shall guarantee work completed by the Franchisee under this Franchise for a period of 10 years against settlement or repair including Facilities and right -of -way restoration; provided, however, Franchisee is not guaranteeing the provision of any specific telecommunications services. This guarantee shall apply only to such settlement or repair that the City attributes to Franchisee's Facilities, actions, or omissions. Section 20. Charge for Administrative Costs 20.1 Franchisee agrees to pay a fee or a charge of One Thousand and No /100 Dollars ($1,000.00) to recover the administrative expenses incurred by the City that are directly related to preparing and approving this Franchise. Nothing herein shall preclude the City from charging administrative fees or recovering any administrative costs incurred by the City in the approval of permits or in the supervision, inspection, or examination of all work by Franchisee in the Franchise Area as prescribed in accordance with applicable provisions of the Federal Way Revised Code. 20.2 Franchisee previously installed, at no charge or cost to the City, two 1.50 inch conduits with splice boxes and pullboxes, for and on behalf of the City and such other equipment as set forth and depicted more specifically in Exhibit B hereto and in plans on file with the City of Federal Way in ROW — Telecom. Permit No. 00- 104171 -00 -TR ( "City Facilities "). Franchisee Ordinance No. 1 t- Page 12 of 25 Rev 1/15 provided the portion of the City Facilities located outside the City boundaries after the City Council approval of Ordinance No. 00 -371. The City shall inform Franchisee of the use, and any change in use, of the City Facilities. As part of such use, the City may run its own signal cable and /or fiber optic cable through the City Facilities at some future time and the City Facilities shall be adequate for such purpose. The foregoing warranty is exclusive and is in lieu of all other express or implied warranties, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. If the City makes the City Facilities available to any other entity for the purpose of providing telecommunications or cable service for hire, sale, or resale to the general public, then the City shall, pursuant to contract, reimburse Franchisee the fully allocated costs of installing the City Facilities. Such contract shall not be considered a public works construction contract. Unless provided otherwise in this Franchise, the City shall not use the City Facilities to provide telecommunications or cable television service for hire, sale, or resale to the general public. The City Facilities are owned by the City and Franchisee is not responsible for them, other than as provided herein. Franchisee proposed and voluntarily agreed to this Section as a matter of contract even if deemed to be more than the requirements of the applicable law. Section 21. Indemnification Franchisee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless and defend the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions, and liabilities (including costs and all attorneys' fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or connected with this Franchise to the extent caused in part or in whole by the acts, errors or omissions of the Franchisee, its officers, partners, shareholders, agents, employees, or by the Ordinance No. 16- Page 13 of 25 Rev 1/15 Franchisee's breach of any provisions of this Franchise; provided, however, that this section shall not be construed as requiring Franchisee to indemnify, hold harmless or defend the City against claims or damages arising from the negligence of the City, its agents or employees. In the event any claim, demand, suit or action is commenced against the City that gives rise to Franchisee's obligation pursuant to this Section 21, the City shall promptly notify Franchisee thereof. Franchisee's selection of an attorney to defend any such claim, demand, suit, or action shall be subject to the City's approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Franchisee shall not settle or compromise any such suit or action except with prior written consent of the City, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The City shall have the right at all times to participate through its own attorney at its own expense in any suit or action which arises pursuant to this Franchise when the City determines that such participation is required to protect the interest of the City or the public. In the event it is determined that RCW 4.24.115 applies to this Franchise, Franchisee agrees to defend, hold harmless and indemnify the City to the maximum extent permitted thereunder, to the full extent of Franchisee' s negligence. Section 22. Insurance 22.1 Minimum Limits. The Franchisee agrees to carry as a minimum, the following insurance, in such forms and with such carriers as are satisfactory to the City. (a) Workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance in amounts sufficient pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington; (b) Commercial general liability insurance with combined single limits of liability not less than $5,000,000 for bodily injury, including personal injury or death, products liability, contractual coverage, operations, explosion, collapse, underground and property damage; and Ordinance .No. 16- Page 14 of 25 Rev 1/15 (c) Automobile liability insurance with combined single limits of liability not less than $5,000,000 for bodily injury, including personal injury or death, and property damage; (d) if Franchisee maintains umbrella insurance (primary, excess, or a combination thereof) that exceeds the above insurance requirements, such insurance shall constitute compliance with this Section. 22.2 Mandatory Insurance Provisions. The comprehensive general liability insurance and automobile liability insurance policies shall be endorsed to contain the following provisions: (a) The City, its officers, elected officials, employees, and volunteers are to be named as additional insured; (b) Coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability; Coverage shall not be suspended, canceled, modified, or reduced except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City. Coverage shall be primary as to the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers. Any insurance or self - insurance by the City, its officers, officials, employees, or volunteers shall be in excess of Franchisee's required insurance. 22.3 Veri lication of Coverage. Franchisee shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance and original endorsements evidencing the coverages required by this Section. The certificates and endorsements shall be signed by a person authorized by the insurer to bind coverage on its behalf and must be received and approved by the City prior to the commencement of any work. At the City's request, Franchisee shall deliver certified copies of all required insurance policies. Section 23. Bond Before commencing work within the City, the Franchisee shall post a bond in the form attached as Exhibit C and in the amount of $100,000 to guarantee performance of the construction, Ordinance No. 16- Page 15 0,1'25 Rev 1/15 performance, maintenance or repair in accordance with any permits required and with any provisions of this Franchise. Procedures for submission and release of the bond shall be as provided by City Code. In the event that the Franchisee fails to perform as required herein or by any permits required, the City may perform the work as provided herein, and may have recourse to the bond in addition to or in lieu of the remedies provided herein, at the City's sole discretion. Franchisee shall be entitled to return of the bond, or portion thereof, as remains sixty (60) days after the expiration of the term of the Franchise, provided the City has not notified Franchisee of any actual or potential damages incurred as a result of Franchisee's operations pursuant to the Franchise or as a result of default thereunder. Section 24. General Provisions 24.1 Entire Agreement. This Franchise contains all of the agreements of the Parties with respect to any matter covered or mentioned in this Franchise and no prior agreements or understandings pertaining to any such matters shall be effective for any purpose. 24.2 Mod neat ion. No provision of this Franchise may be amended or added to except by agreement in writing signed by both of the Parties. 24.3 Assignment and Leasing /Subleasing. (a) Assignment. Franchisee shall not have the right to transfer or assign, in whole or in part, any or all of its obligations and rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the City, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any assignee shall, within thirty (30) days of the date of any approved assignment, file written notice of the assignment with the City together with its written acceptance of all terms and conditions of this Franchise. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Franchisee shall have the right, without such notice or such written contest, to mortgage its rights, benefits and privileges in and under this Franchise to the Trustee for its bondholders. Ordinance No. 16- Page 16 of 25 Rev 1 /15 (b) Leasing /Subleasing. Franchisee may lease or sublease a portion or all of the Facilities to other entities, provided that any transfer or assignment to any such lessee or sublessee of any or all of Franchisee's obligations and rights hereunder shall be subject to Section 24.3(a). Unless such transfer or assignment is approved, and otherwise complies with the requirements of Section 24.3(a), entering into a lease or sublease shall not relieve Franchisee of its obligations under this Franchise, and the terms of this Franchise shall continue to bind Franchisee. 24.4 Attorneys Fees. In the event the City or the Franchisee defaults on the performance of any terms in this Franchise, and the Franchisee or the City places the enforcement of the Franchise or any part thereof or for the collection of any monies due, or to become due hereunder, in the hands of an attorney, or files suit upon the same, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of all reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, and expenses. The venue for any dispute related to this Franchise shall be King County, Washington. 24.5 No Waiver. Failure of either party to declare any breach or default by the other party immediately upon the occurrence thereof, or delay in taking any action in connection therewith, shall not waive such breach or default, but such party shall have the right to declare any such breach or default at any time. Failure of either party to declare one breach or default does not act as a waiver of such party's right to declare another breach or default. 24.6 c; ;overning 1 tw. This Franchise shall be made in and shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 24.7 Authority. Each individual executing this Franchise on behalf of the City and Franchisee represents and warrants that such individual is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Franchise on behalf of the Franchisee or the City. Ordinance No. 16- Page 17 of 25 Rev 1/15 24.8 Notices. Any notices required to be given by the City to Franchisee or by Franchisee to the City shall be delivered to the parties at the following addresses: Franchisee: City: Level 3 Communications, LLC Attn: NIS Department 1025 Eldorado Blvd Broomfield, CO 80021 City of Federal Way Attn: City Attorney 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 Any notices may be delivered personally to the addressee of the notice or may be deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address set forth herein. Any notice so posted in the United States mail shall be deemed received three (3) days after the date of mailing. 24.9 Captions. The respective captions of the sections of this Franchise are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to modify or otherwise affect in any respect any of the provisions of this Franchise. 24.10 Remedies Cumulative. Any remedies provided for under the terms of this Franchise are not intended to be exclusive but shall be cumulative with all other remedies available to the City at law, in equity or by statute. Section 25. Severability If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Franchise should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Franchise. Section 26. Ratification Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this Franchise is hereby ratified and affirmed. Ordinance No. 16- Page 18 of 25 Rev 1/15 Section 27. Effective Date This Franchise shall take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days after its passage and publication, according to law (see Effective Date below). PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this day of , 2016. ATTEST: CITY CLERK, STEPHANIE COURTNEY, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.: Ordinance No, 16- CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MAYOR, JIM FERRELL Page 19 of 25 Rev 1 /15 ACCEPTANCE: The undersigned hereby accepts all the rights and privileges of the above granted License and acknowledges that such rights and privileges are subject to and limited by all of the terms, conditions and obligations contained therein. DATED this day of , 2016. LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC By: Its: Ordinance No, 16- Page 20 of 25 Rev 1/15 • EXHIBIT A 272ND sr: `,' bul SE yp' i1(1' p Ai ry s• dH�bR %1 Star Lake J s. 200111 s r •J 14:7) I /- PROPOSED WILLIAMS FIRER OPTICS SYSTEM - CITY OF FEDERAL WAY- ALONG MILITARY ROAD TWO -I.2S" & EIGHT-LSO" CONDUITS rla\PM;5111111111 1111 111i1111111u1s111111j1► i{ h ,iii Steel lallinin11111111111111111 Lake 1111111 • EXHIBIT B 272ND S Star Lake m►vnuer 4. PROPOSED CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CONDUITS TWO-I.50" CONDUITS ALONG MILITARY ROAD FROM S 320TH ST TO STAR LAKE ROAD PROPOSED CI'T'Y OF FEDERAL WAY JUNCTION BOXES WSDOT TYPE 3 JBS: - NORTH SIDE OF SPAR LAKE ROAD - NORTH AND small SIDE OF S 288TH ST. - NORTH SIDE OF S 298TH ST. - NOR'1'lI SIDE OF 5 314111 ST. - NURTII AND SOUTH SIDE OF S 320TH ST. WSDO'P TYPE 1 JB'S: - INSTALLED AT EACH WILLIAMS BORE PIT • Steel ki ill Lake IIIIig1 I Illl�la +piaau� EXHIBIT C CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PERFORMANCE/MAINTENANCE BOND KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS: We, the undersigned , ( "Principal ") and the undersigned corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of and legally doing business in the State of Washington as a surety ( "Surety "), are held and firmly bound unto the City of Federal Way, a Washington municipal corporation, ( "City ") in the penal sum of Dollars and No /100 ($ ) for the payment of which we firmly bind ourselves and our legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns, jointly and severally. This obligation is entered into pursuant to the statutes of the State of Washington and the ordinances, regulations, standards and policies of the City, as now existing or hereafter amended or adopted. The Principal has entered into an Agreement with the City dated , 20, for NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall perform all the provisions of the Agreement in the manner and within the time period prescribed by the City, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under the Agreement, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material men or women, and all persons who shall supply the Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work, and shall hold the City, their officials, agents, employees and volunteers harmless from any loss or damage occasioned to any person or property by reason of any carelessness or negligence on the part of the Principal, or any subcontractor in the performance of said work, and shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in the Agreement, or from defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship provided or performed under the Agreement within a period of two (2) years after its final acceptance thereof by the City, then and in the event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. And the Surety, for value received, hereby further stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any change, extension of time, alterations or additions to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work. The Surety hereby agrees that modifications and changes may be made in the terms and provisions of the Agreement without notice to Surety, and any such modifications or changes increasing the total amount to be paid the Principal shall automatically increase the obligation of the Surety on this Performance Bond in a like amount, such increase, however, not to exceed twenty -five percent (25 %) of the original amount of this bond without the consent of the Surety. Ordinance No. 16- Page 23 of 25 Rev 1/15 Within forty -five (45) days of receiving notice that the Principal has defaulted on all or part of the terms of the Agreement, the Surety shall make a written commitment to the City that it will either: (a) cure the default itself within a reasonable time period, or (b) tender to the City, the amount necessary for the City to remedy the default, including legal fees incurred by the City, or (c) in the event that Surety's evaluation of the dispute is not complete or in the event the Surety disputes the City's claim of default, the Surety shall notify the City of its finding and its intent, if any, to interplead. The Surety shall then fulfill its obligations under this bond, according to the option it has elected. Should Surety elect option (a) to cure the default, the penal sum of the Bond shall be reduced in an amount equal to the costs actually incurred by the Surety in curing the default. If the Surety elects option (b), then upon completion of the necessary work, the City shall notify the Surety of its actual costs. The City shall return, without interest, any overpayment made by the Surety and the Surety shall pay to the City any actual costs which exceed the City estimate, limited to the bond amount. Should the Surety elect option (c), the Parties shall first complete participation in mediation, described in the below paragraph, prior to any interplead action. In the event a dispute should arise between the Parties to this Bond with respect to the City's declaration of default by the Principal, the Parties agree to participate in at least four hours of mediation in accordance with the mediation procedures of United States Arbitration and Mediation ( "USA &M "). The Parties shall proportionately share in the cost of the mediation. The mediation shall be administered by the Seattle USA &M office, 4300 Two Union Square, 601 Union Street, Seattle, Washington 98101 -2327. The Surety shall not interplead prior to completion of the mediation. DATED this _ day of , 20_. CORPORATE SEAL OF PRINCIPAL: [PRINCIPAL] By: Its (Name of Person Executing Bond) (Title) Ordinance No. 16- (Address) (Phone) Page 24 of 25 Rev 1/15 CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE SEAL I hereby certify that I am the (Assistant) Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in the within bond; that , who signed the said bond on behalf of the Principal, was of the said Corporation; that I know his or her signature thereto is genuine, and that said bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body. Secretary or Assistant Secretary CORPORATE SEAL OF SURETY: By: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney G : \LawForm s \PerformanceMaintenanceBond Rev. 01/15 Ordinance No. 16- Surety Attorney -in -Fact (Attach Power of Attorney) (Name of Person Executing Bond) (Address) (Phone) Page 25 of 25 Rev 1/15