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(41) AC]f-- FOQTIN435 ( � ,,..„(i ____:. 2J � " 5 ` o /)- Date 7'� By e0, FOUNDATION WALLS /../ 1i l:7(/ al f"le� k 1—/0-1-04 Date !0 l�f�'� By�� I D l—lila--dilo /4,e /L o ,f,,/,, odam- e ll6,-tc,3 PLUMBING GROUNDWORK 6 �L Z S ?T�cx��✓ 3�a3" o� Date By . e^-. f✓14.1/ C9� UNDERFLOOR FRAMING is Date By SHEAR WALLS Date By PLUMBING:ROUGH-IN Date By .................................................................................. .................................................................................. GAS P1PI ................ NO.................................................................. Date By MECHANIOAL ROUGH-IN Date By MECHANICAL (OTHER) Date By FRAMING Date By INSULATION Date By .................................................................................. GINEI 1:S'I A:AYEF : Date By GWB 2ND LAYER Date By SUSPENDED CEILING Date By PLANNINGFINAL Date By ENGINEERING FINAL Date By FIRE'FINAL Date By BUILDING;FINAL Date By OTHER Date By OTHER Date By CDO 193 . A . 4 • City of Federal Way • - : --r-k- --7ErT:Fri_. • N7)4 * REcErekESCATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT . ? SEP 1 3 1995 PLEASE PRINTn 09 APPLICATION #: BL,D01 .) ,:-.1 StrEL.OCA TION.. MlIthARl,iAa‘c(t ress 3-12- (1 -A ,4 (7? Tenant (if known) Lot#5 i- Assessor's Tax# IS) JP i 1 .) 3 2- C Building Owner Name Address ri\ )\< 1::: Or/4, City IFIDef-i4- f„ii,i t-- State ..,,C.-114 • - Zip C/ er_:', c..) Z 3 Phone 74(c, - 42 z 7 Nature of Work 1,.m.,4 ro,.,),:i.f,,We 1:''''''. \'')''.4 . Name (F,M,L) . , I •,..,i,/t-k4 1 il-: "A i .'' 1" .L.:-.C7 Z , , . Address /2-2 9_, &,- / - / t E. , 1 City r) 1,-•c State ,, ,,r,) , Zip ..,, ., Contact Person Day Phone Other Phone Fax IA Ike- MoVt..onkii. 'L'i2.2-9Z?' . • . BuiLDINGZONTRACTORmoiumoiii: Company Name Address ... City State / Zip ., Contact Person Phone Fax Contractor's #.(card must be presented) „ Expiration Date Verified 0 Yes 0 No . . - . '•,„,...• •••,,-;• ••,•,••••:-,-,-,;,,,----:::::-.::-:::::,:::,,,r,,,,,::oio::::K::: ::::.:::.::::*::::*::::i:::x,::*i:::: A.K.L.H11:.E,t;.1,M:SMOMMIC::::iNg;M:k Name A Kc. T 6.-- C T-Ls Address — .. _ City FIFE State V..,14- ' Zp 71 t-7' ,• - .; Contact Person Phone Fax y L.ta iv 6 ci 2 2- (7 2 i? j-.) - , LEGAL DESCRIPTION EE il 1-r l'.4 C H ' ... .. .. .... • - " . .. „ . .. c1ke'r- 4-' i Ai I/tot/4 A41-A11r kiv 1 V kch Please Como/ete Reverse Side , CD0492(Rev 4/831 t , Arp. 1 STRUCTURE Existing Use as i of.We Proposed Use ii, , ), Permit includes: ❑ Building 0 Plumbing 0 Mechanical 0 Other Type of Work: 0 Residential 0 New 0 Remodel 0 Number of Units_ ❑ Deck 0 Commercial 0 Addition 0 Garage 0 Shed Other ".t.OU+ irtAJ Enter 1st Floor sq ft 2nd Floor sq ft 3rd Floor sq ft Existing Floor Area sq ft Area Basement /6'4,F-") sq ft :;:"s+ Decks sq ft Garage sq ft Proposed Total Area sq ft — Water Water Availability � Sewer Availability � On-Site Septic System Availability 0 Project Valuation $3?�,�-` 5.4c>o _ Zoning Lot Size -4424,-: . Existing Bldg Valuation 8 itA*O C3rJQ ': LENDER l�l/ i- Ovaiox.e0) Name Address City State Zip MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR 1.1/1: Contractor Name Address- 1City State Zip Contact Phone Fax - License # Expiratiorlrbate Verified 0 Yes 0 No PLUMBING CONTRACTOR`: N/Pc Contractor Name Address i City State Zip Contact Phone Fax • License # Expiration Date Verified 0 Yes 0 No i PLUMBING FIXTURE COUNT j • i:';. Water Closets Sinks Urinals Lawn Sprinklers Bathtubs Dish Washers Drinking Fountains Other Showers j Electric Water Heaters Sumps Lavatories ',WashingMachine Drains Total Fixture'Count MECHANICAL UNIT'COUNT 0 !Pr Fuel Type (electric/other) Gas Dryer Air Handling < = 10,000 CFM 15-30 Tons Length of Gas Piping i Range Air Handling > = 10,000 CFM 30-50 Tons Furn <100K BTUs I Gas Log Unit Heater 50+ Tons Furn >100 BTUs Fans Miscellaneous Fuel Tanks Gas Hwt Hood Boilers Above Ground Cony Burner Duct Work 0-3 Tons Underground BBQ's Wood Stoves 3-15 Tons ITotal Unit Count DISCLAIMER: I certify under penalty of perjury that the information furnished by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and further that I am authorized by the owner of the above premises to perform the work for which permit application is made.I further agree to save harmless the City of Federal Way as to any claim lincluding costs,expenses. and attorneys'tees incurred in investigation and defense of such claim(,which may be made by any person,including the undersigned,and filed against the City of Federal Way. but only where such claim arises out of the reliance • the City, including its officers and employees,upon the accuracy of the information supplied to the City as a part of this application. / / Owner/Agent: //L/ / )/13/7-. . Data: `1/3/C7' CITY OF �� - • BUILDING DIVISION =® E� • �� 33530 1ST WAY SOUTH FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 66 1 -4000 NCORRECTION ADDRESS: t(7 5? J 2f 31e, 5r PERMIT #Y' 6(✓ J'--' ' 7V9 VI . L•TIONS OF CITYAND/OR STATE LAWS ARE LISTED BELOW: r I) rvv/ E ��s /„ i AO i rtror-rTerrovw- -we:mp-47,-4,121 . / At. Alk,, :4 i 41/ .44,9v-Illitorzillin 1 , , .. .1_,,....1twAriork,,iimmi ..., ,.., , lam:.� AMPIMMTIM=r=�ie��r��r' �'�� �'�' ter- -- ,„. 41411.1.10111 NH=it ri P9 P PPM /, // qA.<__12. - 1 ea4- -1A.PV6A4A--Y It(-HA 1C/ N ,C i 24 5 ti..,1 41,41 at) e... --tV t 1,-? ') 5 `/ ,( 1� 6148 / /2414 L"GI i t- l 4 aid Gua lieICLJ2._ ear LI").-e- e-e- 6 LA s r- w dezikt�- A_ 4- i - voided' - c_ / - .0-11, 7 e p-.4- A, 4--:e.. /(-0W )/0 V/ 9')79,4"--v --- 14-L‹.. 4----Pvir — you ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT NO MORE WORK SHALL BE APPROVED UPON THESE PREMISES UNTIL THE ABOVE VIOLATIONS ARE CORRECTED. WHEN CORRECTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE, CALL 661-4140 FOR RE-INSPECTION. DATE INSPECT.- FOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE w. �fne ,Y-0.1,x,!vq�Fj F w _v _. ,}p, .j .. JAN-05-1996 10:26 • FRLl1C SQUARED INC. TO • 120E3229245 P.01 MC SQUARED, INC. Job: ~''� � �_ ;Ccr't�rx/0 OLYMPIA,WASHINGTON 9R n6 (360)754.9339 Date: / ' S'� By: 1r 'of c-_. FAX(360) 352-2044 Sheet: R 6't/e.0C /o/ R :1 Wee Pagp $.k I,f 3_ . �/dre _ --JAN-- 5 .199 . ... . fd.'4. - . /Va C j/C�'G h/ C,,A/C, _,..-------- ze5 ela)•)( _rci. :"17 — til . r--"N _- , r/ / .0_ _ ,) _ .'1/c/G A.2iiv.-- •• - jriF 'IC vim. . ••.. _ ©• �. iy_ • - ;/.-il- it'..\••• . ?E• -. - - -- • / r -. I- , 2 _ -- ,IAL ° f /2 -_ —J 9,fir r /.. .. 'I S 3 '6 " / /a . 3 a 7J• r { 1. Si., O .i 1