Planning Commission MINS 05-17-2017CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PLANNING COMMISSION May 17, 2017 City Hall 6:30 p.m. City Council Chambers VE MEETING MINUTES Commissioners present: Lawson Bronson, Tom Medhurst, Hope Elder, Wayne Carlson and Diana Noble- Gulliford, Tim O'Neil, Dawn Meader McCausland, and Dale Couture. Commissioners absent: Anthony Murrietta (excused). City Staff present: Planning Manager Robert "Doc" Jensen, Senior Planner David Van De Weghe, Deputy City Attorney Mark Orthmann, and Administrative Assistant Tina Piety. CALL TO ORDER Chair Bronson called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of April 19, 2017, were approved as presented. AUDIENCE COMMENT None ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Planning Manager Hansen informed the Commission that the council passed the proposed amendments for multifamily housing. The ordinance will become effective on May 24`I' and the moratorium ends on June 6'h. The city will not accept multifamily housing applications until the moratorium has ended. Planning Manager Hansen went on to say that the council made a few changes to the ordinance regarding parking. The Commission discussed the Sound Transit Stakeholder Meeting on the Federal Way link rail extension. Planning Manager Hansen noted that Sound Transit concentrated on what the stations will look like. They talked about South 320`h and how traffic will be dealt with. Also, it was acknowledged that even with the additional parking facility, there will not be enough parking. Staff will discuss remedies with Sound Transit. Commissioner O'Neil commented the project is likely to bring increased foot -traffic and he is concerned about crossing 320"'. Planning Manager stated that staff is also concerned with this issue and intend to address it. Commissioners discussed the EIS. Commissioner Noble-Gulliford commented that she felt Sound Transit did not provide enough information for people to understand the scope of the entire project. We need more specific information regarding the project site and the proposed layout. Staff concurs that more specific information is needed KAPlanning Commission\2016Weeting Summary 05-17-17.doc Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 May 17, 2017 and will be discussing this with Sound Transit. Chair Bronson would like information on the alignment of the rails after the Federal Way transit station. Planning Manager Hansen responded that he can provide a preliminary map. Commissioner Noble-Gulliford made the following statement. She does her best to serve the people of Federal Way as part of the Planning Commission. She is the President of the Federal Way Historical Society and commented that the historical society does not benefit from this proposed ordinance. Property owners can benefit through a tax reduction and grants offered for historic preservation. She asked if anyone objects to her taking part in the discussion and vote. If yes, she will recuse herself. There were no objections. Commissioner Hope stated she feels it is advantageous to have someone with her background and knowledge to help guide us. COMMISSION BUSINESS Public Hearing — Proposed Text Amendments to FWRC Related to Protection and Preservation of Landmarks Senior Planner Van De Weghe delivered the staff presentation. He went over the sections of the ordinance, the proposed interlocal partnership with King County, the proposed process, and the Planning Commission action options. The Mayor recommends adoption of the ordinance. Chair Bronson opened the meeting to public testimony. Dana Halloway, Federal Way resident — She is in favor of the proposed ordinance. The city incorporated in 1990 and it is time to have such an ordinance. Many of the historical properties are on the verge of being lost. If we don't preserve our heritage, we will just be a bunch of strip malls between Seattle and Tacoma. Our city is more than that. Jerry Knutzen, Federal Way Historical Society Vice -President — He has lived in Federal Way since 1947 (he remembers before it was called Federal Way). The historical society has been in favor of such an ordnance for many years. He stated we need to maintain and retain our historical places. Most of what we have are photographs, but there are some historic structures that need to be saved. He lives in the Buenna area, which was platted as a city in 1895. He told the Commissioners about a number of historic structures. He strongly encourages the passage of the proposed ordinance. Ron Smith, Federal Way resident — He stated his wife loves old things. About 30 years ago they were looking for a place to live and came across this old house overlooking the water and his wife commented she would love to live there. They purchased the house. As far as he knows, they have the oldest intact house in the area and have been careful to maintain its integrity. The only change to the outside is a recent deck. He is in favor of the proposed ordinance. Doug Peffer, past president of the Federal Way Historical Society — He was involved with moving the historical cabins and other projects. He is in favor of the proposed ordinance. He questions dealing with King County because it could leave open the possibility of certain buildings be sold to a developer, who would not care about the historical value. The city should review this possibility. It happened with the destruction of the old Redondo General Store. No one knows how the developer received approval for a demolition permit. People need to put strict controls on historic places, or they will be gone (most of what Federal Way had is gone). Jason Ludwig, Federal Way resident — He is also with the historical society, but is not speaking from that perspective tonight. He spoke of living in Phoenix, Arizona for many years (has been in Federal Way for three years). Phoenix (which was incorporated in 188 1) adopted a preservation ordinance KAPIanning Commission\2016Weeting Summary 05-17.17.doe Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 May 17, 2017 only two years ago and has destroyed most of their historical buildings. Development trends go through phases and the phase during much of the destruction of historic structures was strip malls; as a result, Phoenix is a land of strip malls. He is enthralled by Federal Way's sense of history and the civic pride in our history. Saving history is an uphill battle unless it is protected by such an ordinance. Don't repeat Phoenix's mistake. Karen Meador, Auburn resident — She works for the historical society. Federal Way is a rare exception to cities that are built on the water because we are built on roads. Military Road, 99 (Pacific Highway South) and I-5 are all located in Federal way. They were all cutting edge for their time; representing a new era in the American experiment. Many of Federal Way's historic properties are close to these important roads (Brooklake, historic cabins, Steel Lake Annex, etc.). It is hard to find history so accessible. Heritage properties provide communities with unique buildings suitable for different types of uses (tourist destinations, event centers, meeting centers, etc.). They provide Federal Way with a unique identity and distinctive character. She urged the Commissioners recommend adoption of the proposed ordinance. The only city in the US named for a federal highway is deserving of a historic preservation ordinance. It will help preserve Federal Way's unique blend of historic highways, varied architecture, great scenic beauty, wildlife habitat, and heritage. Dorothy Bird, Federal Way resident — She has lived here for six years. This is a unique locality (not farmland but a bog), developed in a way that is different. She is very glad she came here. Marty Dickerson Auburn resident — He is involved with the historical society. He purchased an old abandoned store last year on Military Road. He has had a lot of interaction with people who have grown up in the area. Many people stop and ask what will happen with the store. They are cleaning and up and saving what they can. They want to preserve this bit of history. He supports Federal Way adopting the proposed ordinance. Suzanne Vargo, Federal Way resident — She has lived and walked all over Federal Way. She volunteers for the Auburn museum. There are strong roots throughout Federal Way and to lose these would be to lose a part of all of us. Federal Way is unique and we should preserve that. Chair Bronson closed the public testimony. Commissioner Carlson stated that staff did a great job and he supports the ordinance. Vice -Chair Medhurst asked how many sites the Federal Way Historical Society considers to be heritage properties that would qualify for this. Commissioner Noble-Gulliford relied that there are probable between 50 — 100 properties. It depends on what the community deems is important. Vice -Chair Medhurst asked if there is a priority for the applications, or will we see hundreds the first year. He assumes the Federal Way Historical Society will reach out to property owners to encourage them to apply to preserve their property. His concern is that King County staff will be overwhelmed, resulting in delays. Senior Planner Van De Weghe replied he will have to check with King County. It will depend upon the property owner if they choose to apply or not. A historical property survey of the city should be done. If the ordinance and interlocal are approved, city staff will work with King County on a survey. Commissioner Elder commented that recently Brooklake was declared unsafe. If she were to nominate them and they are accepted as a historical property, but if the city does not have the money to repair it, is there anything that can be done. Senior Planner David Van De Weghe replied once a property is determined to be a historical site, it can qualify for grants. KAPlanning Commission\2016\Meeting Summary 05-17-17.doc Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 May 17, 2017 Commissioner Couture asked if a property has been determined to be a historical site, will the owner be told how they can improve the property. Senior Planner Van De Weghe replied yes, the city will provide that information. Commissioners expressed concern whether King County will have adequate staff to handle the additional work load. Senior Planner Van De Weghe replied he will have to check with King County. Carlson moved recommending adoption ordinance as presented by staff (Commissioner Noble-Gulliford seconded). There were no further comments and the motion passed (unanimously). Chair Bronson closed the public hearing. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS None ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 P.M. KAPlanning Commission\2016Weeting Summary 05-17-17.doc