98-101136 CDr4 ,.._,m........_._..._,_....,p..... .,.m..w,,,_ .........®._.......r....�....,...._._.,, �.....---.._...,...-...,..' ' nn Z 3�> IN) �-� CD et ren rin II = -n T 1 Cl) N Cr) a r = N .-. --i no T 1 T oo on It CCDD Ca Q ti Crt ."o PO 11 O ... O 11 .-r m .4 7o a> m .-4 r- -< m 7o II m - = g -I mr . V U) -4 H -t O O •! G) -4 G1 m = .-. C) r nn G') m 11 m Cr mE= or t , o m r4 11 D or it = 00 = a m C7 G7 = = .-r o m --FII' .'j� i n _ ... O O .. - 70 - I .. 11 a Cl)N = 3 N o =11 7O 7O C. c-r. r"t"i fr1 Cr' - -C If = H C) C) C) o � -4a .-. o --4 N u a a ca a a .-. mem 4A If .cn H -- a T a T r + o u 7o = 7o -r 11 l- -f O ..4 Hr- 0 ---- if 3 N nn on a a a H 1,7 a ii o=r —I 1-J. 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APR 0 6 199 . • • II - 1 • Dimensional components fastened to skirt surface - A_ wit., conceal,:*hardware. . — __ ____ Proposed Sign: sided non-illuminated Ilk. 1 4re*;dTerboas8-rdsign,aluminum extrusion frame. kzuse It <66 \ I Hinged locking cover with polycarbonate dear face. 3°°square support posts,1/4mounting plates, welde4 and bolted with 1/4"hardware. - Sheet metal skirt with?square frame. Dimensional component of plastic and aluminum composite material,fastened to skirt with concmled hardware. \ I En v onee/red 1-1)• ryta,l-eki (y.vvncoj Ma' .....m11.1. 5\-yushAirt IIIIIIMJ_Ilwilinliimm......___, ,-1.,Dimommigimi.rn,z3 —1111-011-1111-411INIMMIIMIlffill :. MIQI =-III 111M11:4 Ir-Illis -ai i II = MI I =., — 1 „.„„.. ,______- a,.in.(2)1'x 3'poured -----,,A,, 1"square steel skirt ..-"''' •.x-ncrete bases frame,welded to posts pet and bolted to sign frame r-"-*1 welded 9/4"plate. -4.,,) square steel 24ga.painted sheet I I i support post, 1/4"plate metal surface. lted to 1/4"plate P-es-la bo•I Welded to sign frame _Ft l'—'1'---1 -2- 4/ / 0 ---. . .z. El 0 = zllnmpuiTp04 Tart22qC ) N.,1,1,1---5A-:-.- z(6 63)±, — A 1:11,E,NIEHTMM....'4.0001 1 zo.(4-61-}t• ifV4 4 I 49 , I 115 III: Pm' 1 1 for M 1 E 11 p,ti q , li 1 ' (‘-g ' ...1z_ , iJ , 1t mn. l {SA -7- O90 10( . z" ,. Elevation View Front Elevation View Side ' Total Sign Graphic Area:30.3588 sq.ft. 7-7,-,7,7rr--71\117-7:i."74 Total Landscape Area:215'x c4).(19575 sq.ft.) 6.crut, z: s 1 Landscape Type:Maintained Lawn APR 0 6 199E 1 NG DEPT ba6-6 Olt)-5- LC haYrn 611L61161451y02: ±00, W t -1e) c$1-i MCIA(11 alfLOWV(C) 0 .. DEPT. Oi--- iLX;i1ZiViLNiri, i.;L:VLLOPiliiENIT PERMIT NUMBER ,f244N ete3 INAL INSPECT/0N ADDRESS aq4e)-0 /7A Are SW RFOUIRFD PLANS FOR 4,(ited . 'l A UPON COMPITI9W OWNER _, ,,i0 I • ib //,, , If ,e, , • ,ag, OF WOR d s '—') DATE SUBMITTED I/25 DATE APPROVED 1/7,11 APPR or—.BY _i 44,p, a 1 k...! al • 4" r\::-.0. 0.•1 • L'.\1 ',P•7'. .....:,-. ktil/ DLL if) \ wo-ukr • Ji___. , • • ,,,,...._ ,•••::, ,) ....)'' .\• ,_. ,--, . • \ ..7.: , . , ••• „ 4i 0° 6- • ----- l . . ..... . . r , . . •. . _ ..... • = D t , , ... (1, i Lthi,o6eAl eele,t C=1 eaileviterii- ,•... „ i. ovrict Reep, 4.1 . • 01 se-t-toctek tootweel 5i-tt oLis‘,r;.,.::':1 -) irtaxellit i htusi- 6 ( \ Illh 1 3 ro oed ,csitryi k 1:7":..-=7;11 1 • / 400 RE VISION DATE (----- ... ca ea Ail 2 3 1998 FILEa 07/24/98 FRI 09:22 [TX/RX NO 5107] • . 0 • ' • t, ,g.4* •.•,, .f.'• ..," SITISTWIOci FM:4e Elementary Federai Way School Dict _. $‘4000 12th Avenue Southqsaft • I 1 LI 12T Solis: • V= 120° 1 ! • . • • . . •Propoeed Sign: i . . . 11Fr •' x 611 single aided 1 il : . i.::Qrb ; • 1 ,..1// non-lirriinated raaterboard, Z • <. . i : ... . 1,5'OVVIlli height, pedestal 1 . • • 2LI . ,• . 1 S . i ; „•• ... ! ,•. .. . .:... • ! I • .. , • • 1 . IN, ....,, 7 g.• e.r..r‘ig 6 gn. v-eititamtLi property N,---- dImensional istors Line C„ 1 '.. .--"\\ •,. . on beok pedestal .. . •• .ii7 -`. i .! ..,----- . • ,, fi 11.1•.. ....:1 H! v • .61. irep4,04,,r,/, • , 1 q •-• • 1.39'17.-7-, 7- :??..11•.)ii.o En't , 1- Pretade ez, t , , ., - 42P -•------'. (2.) (4 sOc- veopmf---4,1, z 1 1 soo. ?I'll -/zF(EVISION DATE Acitscent parcel* t. JUL 2 3 1998 07/24/98 FRI 09:22 [TX/RX NO 5107] t ..... ..,.� a.. t a 1 a c TYOe �� DEPAIi rrlp 'o y DEVELOPMENT SERVICES es �� 33530 Fust Way South v v • Fcdccal Way,WA 98003 (206)661-4000 Fax(206)661-4129 • A63 SIGN PERMIT# WO-0 `/JQ Registration#, �J / Registration.# Registration# GI I BUILDING DEPT, F FEDERAL ya Registration# SIGN PERMIT. APPLICATION This application must be submitted to the Building Division and a sign permit must be issued prior to displaying any sign,excxpt as expressly allowed in Federal Way City Code Section 22-I5 99(c),Permit Exceptions, whether or not the proposed sign requires construction or structural alteration. WARNING: not construct or order a sign until a permit has been issued. The installation permit expire 180 days after issuance. Fel) (n1n-*-1 Sc Hop Owner of Sign Sit E -4 J000 Fo2e s i- Et_Ern C-N T/A-0--9 Phone is-1 • q45. 38 no Address 34 )o (z+h A:J r s tA1 Prvt w r}-9 Soo 3 Name of Business Birt12-Woou r=o -CSSL- Th. Business Lic.# Parcel Number Li IS 9'1-0 . 000q . a SingleTenantA Multi-Tenant 0 Address of Sign 3 4(woo 12 f h A^I E . s.W. � -ps t c�ft 800 Sign Contractor -S 16N -T Ec 'LS-3 . Phone 814• o-ri Contractor's Address 3` 016 N(NTN A4 r S . Ft=)e L wa't Registration# 51‘,4 oS3'mr-7 Contact TNN e(2- 8003 5 7—2 F Phone Z-S; • s7�{ 0-14 6 1. Number of tenants, or available business /spaces,on property t!)N t= 2. Does the parcel have a comprehensive sign plan approved by the city? N o If yes,what is the file number? ----- 3. List type and size of all existing signs associated with the business(locate on plot plan). (I ) 1N 10 t_t7 _w slCf•J �c 1 Nrnl6 WA-t_t_. . a , .`, ` Ler 4. List type and size of all other existing signs on the parcel. 5. Are any signs part of a Center Identification Sign? Free StaSign Buil. nMounted Sign Type of Sign; O Monument O Pole Typ of Sign: O Wall O Projec' g iiiPede;stal 0 OtherO Marquee O Oche illumination: Ci Internal(Cabinet) Illumination: O Internal(Cabinet) / 0 Internal(Letters Only) Internal(Letters Only) U External 0 ternal gliNon-Illuminatcd U Non-Blum-lin,: cd O Other(Describe) O Other(ei;:cribe) Total Sign Area(Sq, Ft.)_ 3 •c• cq Building Facade(a) ' Total Sign Area per Face ") Proposed Sign Area(a) Sign Height Base Height I ` Building Facade(b) Sign Face Dimensions 4+2---Y---9-' IIX q Proposed Sign Area(b) Total Street Frontage to5•O 1 + ;61 • 5'' Building Facade(c) mo ? _ Landscape Area_ i T ='r1nN)?)6,1f roposed Sign Area(c) Set Back from Property Line m i N S' "Note: Sign Dimensions,Section,&Uldg.Facade must be shown on the elevation plans •Total Estimated Project Cost `i31 ZOO ;..4 ��i mu �#A' C ti;n.::,-::6,,„,,,,,,,,,,m. n" � r<! i ^ >: M..� l ^h �` ' : > iR x F2h y .xr.:, r.'•rx Ag..^.! oM :yW p 'tltv=1�0A �tY� u�y ,hp'� Y , " r0' T^ ! n»r7O�x[� i1 •4n � 4b �✓��.NM > G ' ��.} .i., x' ;; ^f}:k:!ak7�.:,,x'� '3 � fS .,3.:firU +.kf,'x,,,:r„,:!'.Y'7'ix: ion '��.'.!;ksx :5 ' 410 " s� a� Sor �r�RT :JT`�y ! r `�� rr� ' . � � -0 �Mp01� r: yyM gaJ % nTykxgp" ✓ {11 \ •X •" I P. ' - Owner/Agent(signature) lib • •'• �' Date `( ' 3 ' • (Print Name) N I'ki gat— OFFICIAL USE ON//LYY(Please de Dot write below this lixi .) / Land Use Section Approval:- 44%44401,tile) Date ./47/6 Building Mounted-Sign Arca Permitted(sq.ft.) NTA Sign Area Proposed(sq.ft) Largest Building Facade Number of Building Mounted Signs Allowed .. • Free Standing-Sign Area Permitted(sq.ft,) CL Sign Area Proposed(sq.ft.) 36.3 9 Street Frontage N/A Number of Free Standing Signs Allowed Citation Which Allows This Sign O HPS O MPS $ FWCC Zone R3 • Z Remarks: 5 t°..& ree4.dv►/,, .t eig-n/lAlizoi.5 _ Building Section Approval- Date Valuation $_ Qd Total Fee —$.----t3.R S Permit Fee $ LAO. Q Q PIanning Surcharge $ .O 0 Plan Check Fee $ IR • 85 Remarks _. 'Any department initiating disapproval is to contact the applicant and building section within 24 hours indicating the reasons for disapproval. swNPnx.APE' Ravu,17/9/96