16-103045 t s Demolition City of Federal Way Permit #. 16-103045-00-D E Community&Econ.Dev.Services • 33325 8th Ave S Federal Way,WA 98003 Ph:(253)835-2607 Fax:(253)835-2609 Inspection Request Line: (253) 835-3050 Project Name: FINDT Project Address: 32857 38TH AVE S Parcel Number: 614360 0075 Project Description: Demolition of existing garage. Owner Applicant Contractor BRUCE W FINDT BRUCE W FINDT OWNER IS CONTRACTOR 32857 38TH AVE S 32857 38TH AVE S AUBURN WA 98001 AUBURN WA 98001 Additional Permit Information Demolition Valuation 1500 PERMIT EXPIRES Sunday, June 24, 2018 Permit Issued on Friday, June 24, 2016 I hereby certify that the above informati.• • orrect and that the construction on the above described property and the occupancy and the us- .- ac .rda ce with the laws, rules and regulations of the State of Washington a` the City of Federal Way. / Owner or agent: Date: o �y/fc 4.frIte..,L, ' THIS CARD IS TO REMAIN ON-SITE Construction Inspection Record Federal Way INSPECTION REQUESTS: (253) 835-3050 PERMIT #: 16-103045-00-DE Address: 32857 38TH AVE S Project: BRUCE W FINDT FEDERAL WAY, WA 98001-9665 Scheduled inspections may be failed if this card is not on-site. DO NOT LOSE THIS CARD. Inspections are listed as close to sequential order as possible(read left to right,top to bottom). Please schedule inspections as appropriate. Work must not be covered until it is approved. Check with your inspector if you are unsure about any of the inspections or the inspection sequence. On-going inspections are logged on the back of this card. 0 SWM Precon Site Mtg(4400) ❑ Initial Erosion Control(4365) El Interim Erosion Control(4370) Approved To be done prior to breaking ground Approved By Date By Date By Date . 0 Final Erosion Control(4375) El Final-Building(4050) Approved Approved By Date By DateO IQ I ( ---7 El Rough ElectricalEl Final Electrical CI Right of Way Approved Approved Approved By Date By Date By Date CIT. OF - . • PER E LICA ION Federal Way L� ca U JUN 2 4 20162PERMITNUMBER1 — LQ2' ° J 5 _ Tit-t Cm 0q.l t'f,/,�llAY to 23 i S 7 XYY CDS f SITE ADDRESS SUITE/UNIT# '5Z .g'S---7 - 3 ' 3 ' )74 0 c , -c I ctss°Lhi i ckt-c, PR^*?CT VALUATION ZONING ASSESSOR'S TAX/PARCEL $ I50_0 5L V 3 6 a - 0 L -1 3 TYPE OF PERMITAL BUILDING D PLUMBING ❑ MECHANICAL KI DEMOLITION ❑ ENGINEERING ❑ FIRE PREVENTION NAME OF PROJECT /—► N cI } G t:y 5 C C 1.C4 v po vT PROJECT DESCRIPTION —e4 ©ici Gq { Detailed description of work to be included on this permit only �- PRIMARY PHONE I Ii rUCC F-1-nc 1- 3--7‘4106 - )---- PROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS E-MAIL CJTY ii STATE ZIP L,, c r,„ NJ'ME_ PHONE CuWY)e MAILIEG ADDRESS E-MAIL CONTRACTOR CITY STATE ZIP PAX WA STATE CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE# EXPIRATION DATE FEDERAL WAY BUSINESS LICENSE# / / _ NAM PRIMARY PHONE ru cc I— r c> 1 -I-- APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS E-MAIL 3z , 31' ytu .. e5. 6,, CITYTY . STA ZIP FAX C�-fCw. � ( ' `( Y°k) NAMEI- PRIMARY PHONE PROJECT CONTACT 0C1./YN'e✓ (The individual to receive and MAILING ADDRESS E-MAIL respond to all correspondence concerning this application) CITY STATE ZIP FAX NAME PROJECT FINANCING !1 OWNER-FINANCED When value is$5,000 or more MAILING ADDRESS,CITY,STATE,ZIP PHONE (RCW 19.27.095) I certify under penalty of perjury that I am the property owner or authorized agent of the property owner.I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information submitted in support of this permit application is true and correct.I certify that I will comply with all applicable City of Federal Way regulations pertaining to the work authorized by the issuance of a permit. I understand that the issuance of this permit does not remove the owner's responsibility for compliance with local, state, or federal Iaws regulating construction or environmental laws. I further agree to hold harmless the City of Federa-' ay as to any claim(including costs, expenses, and attorneys'fees incurred in the investigation and defense of such claim),--w c m.- be made by any person, including the undersigned, and filed against the city, but only where such claim aris ut-o r- is . of the city, including its officers and employees, upon the accuracy of the information supplied/to the-c p oft • 'plication. SIGNATURE: (__ DATE `"' /L 3/I PRINT NAME: /3).."-((i ( ( I hd) Bulletin#100—February 22,2016 Page 1 of 2 k:\Handouts\Permit Application • • VALUE OF MECHANICAL WORK MECHANICAL PERMIT $ O ' Indicate how many of each type of fixture to be installed or relocated as part of this project.Do not include existing fixtures to remain. AIR HANDLING UNITS FANS GAS PIPE OUTLETS OTHER(Describe) AIR CONDITIONER FIREPLACE INSERTS HOODS(Commere,ap BOILERS FURNACES HOT WATER TANKS(cos) . COMPRESSORS GAS LOG SETS REFRIGERATION SYST DUCTING GAS PIPING WOODSTOVES VALUE OF PLUMBING WORK PLUMBING PERMIT $ 0 Indicate how many of each type of fixture to be installed or relocated as part of this project.Do not include existing fixtures to remain. BATHTUBS(or Tub/Shower Combo) LAVS(Hand Sulks) TOILETS WATER PIPING DISHWASHERS RAINWATER SYSTEMS URINALS OTHER(Describe) DRAINS SHOWERS VACUUM BREAKERS DRINKING FOUNTAINSSINKS IIC taken/u a:� WATER HEATERS(Electric) HOSE BIBBS SUMPS WASHING MACHINES TOTAL FIXTURES GENERAL INFORMATION CRITICAL AREAS ON PROPERTY? WATER PURVEYOR SEWER PURVEYOR VALUE OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS tJ 0 L.-4/4 D LLD $ 0 EXISTING/PREVIOUS USE LOT SIZE(In Square Feet} EXISTING FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM? PROPOSED FIRE SUPPRESS ON SYSTEM? o YesXNo ii Yes No RESIDENTIAL - NEW OR ADDITION AREA DESCRIPTION(in square feet) EXISTING PROPOSED TOTAL FOR OFFICE USE BASEMENT FIRST FLOOR(or Mobile Home) SECOND FLOOR COVERED ENTRY DECK GARAGE,CARPORT • OTHER(describe) EXISTING PROPOSED TOTAL Area Totals **NEW HOMES ONLY** ESTIMATED SELLING PRICE$ # OF BEDROOMS COMMERCIAL-NEW/ADDITION Area in Construction # of Additional Information AREA DESCRIPTION Occupancy Groups) Square Feet Type Stories NEW BUILDING ADDITION COMMERCIAL-REMODEL/TENANT IMPROVEMENTS Area in Construction #of Additional Information AREA DESCRIPTION Occupancy Group(s) Square Feet Type Stories TOTAL BUILDING TENANT AREA ONLY PROJECT AREA ONLY Bulletin#100—February 22,2016 Page 2 of 2 k:\Handouts\Permit Application • • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 33325 8th Avenue South Aiiim,..._411411111%6. Federal Way,WA 98003-6325 CITY OF INrrsr# 253-835-2607;Fax 253-835-2609 Federal Way www•cityoffederalway.com DEMOLITION PERMIT REQUIREMENTS A demolition permit is required to remove any structure on a subject property. Demolition of separate structures may require separate permits. Add.� 2 ress of Demolition: 3 �� i{ /IQ ii ❑ Prior to submitting a demolition permit, the following items must be signed by the respective agency or their approvals attached. Items not applicable to your project should be marked N/A. C7 A completed Construction Permit Application form is also required. 1.ASBESTOS ABATEMENT (Proli4e copy of pioticer ofIntent from Puget Sound Clean Air Agency 5. ELECTRICITIG and py of i spe i n report by AHERA-cert ed inspector) eta f c.1 [f/t t t--( /1) (City of Federal Way Buil ing Official) (Puget Sound Energy) 2. FUEL STORAGE TANKS 6.GAS SUPPLY ❑ Under grade tank(s) is/are present ❑Above grade tank(s)are presentHA ❑Tank(s)has been pumped or removed under South King Fire& (Puget Sound Energy) Rescue permit/nor to any dismantling or excavation (South King Fire and Rescue) 7.WATER- Pub is Source ix A (Water Supplier) 3. SEPTIC SYSTEM /174) WATE - Private Well / (King County Environmental Services) A (King County Environmental Services) 4.S(ANIT RY SEWER (Lakehaven Utility District) Bulletin#122—May 13,2015 Page 1 of 1 k:\I-Iandouts\Demolition Permit Requirements DEPARTMENT OF CCOUNITV DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 33325 8th Avenue South CITY OF Federal Way,WA 98003-6325 Federal Way 253-835-2607;Fax 253-835-2609 www.citvoffederalway.com DEMOLITION PERMIT CONTACT LIST This list of agencies may assist you in expediting the demolition permit process.Refer to the demolition permit requirements for signature blocks.All applicable signatures are required prior to permit approval. 1. Asbestos Removal: Puget Sound Clean Air Agency 110 Union Street, Suite 500 Seattle,WA 98101-2038 206-343-8800—OR—800-552-3565 www.pscleanair.org 2. Electricity: Puget Sound Energy Tacoma Public Utilities Attn: Construction Coordinator Customer Service 22828 68th Avenue South, Suite#102 —OR— 747 Market Street Kent,WA 98032 Tacoma,WA 98402 888-225-5773 253-383-9600 or 253-383-2471 3. Gas. Puget Sound Energy 805 156th Avenue NE Bellevue,WA 98004 888-225-5773 4. Telephone: Qwest Communications 801-962-2475 (phone)/801-237-6491 (fax) 5. Water: Lakehaven Utility District Tacoma Public Utilities Technical Service Division Customer Service 31623 First Avenue South —OR— 747 Market Street Federal Way,WA 98003 Tacoma,WA 98402 253-941-2288 253-383-9600 or 253-383-2471 6. Garbage: Waste Management 655 Second NW Auburn,WA 98071 253-833-3333 (residential)—OR—253-939-9792 (commercial) 7. Sewer: Lakehaven Utility District Technical Services Division 31623 First Avenue South Federal Way,WA 98003 253-941-2288 8. Septic: King County Environmental Services 14350 SE Eastgate Way Bellevue,WA 98007 206-296-4932 9. Fire Department: South King Fire&Rescue 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way,WA 98003 253-946-7248 Bulletin#109—January 1,2011 Page 1 of 1 k:\Handouts\Demolition Permit Contact List Approved Transaction Page 1 of 1 pscleaair.org Puget Sound Ie n A,r Agency Single-Family Notification Case #: 201603050 This page must be printed. A printout of the notification, all amendments to the notification, and the asbestos survey shall be available for inspection at all times at the asbestos project or demolition site(Reg III,4.03(a)(6)). Fee Amount Paid $65.00 Credit Card Transaction # AQOFD6AB4E1F Transaction Date 06/23/16 Owner's Name Bruce Findt Phone (253) 740-6885 Project Street Address 32857 38th ave S. City Federal Way Zip 98001 Contact Person Bruce Findt Phone (253) 740-6885 Mailing Address PO box 2076 Milton,WA 98354 This project includes a demolition. Demolition Start Date 08/01/16 Completion Date 08/15/16 Demolition will be completed by the home owner I certify that: (1)This is a single-family residence project.The structure is used by one family who owns the property as their domicile. (2)The information I have provided is to the best of my knowledge accurate and complete. (3) I understand the fee for this Notification is nonrefundable. Create Another Notification View History Log Out If you have questions, contact us at asbestos@pscleanair.org or 206.689.4058. https://secure.pscleanair.org/Asbestos/Approved.aspx 6/23/2016 • Asbestos Northwest, LLC -alSurvey Report 30620 Pacific Hwy S. #103, FederWay, WA 98003 253.941.4343 •F t 1.`":„11, us 44 • • . . `Z Cyt y n e Survey Location: 32857 38th Ave S Federal Way, Wa Prepared for: Bruce Findt Date: June 15th 2016 Asbestos Northwest Batch Number: 201611048 Inspector: Dan Lafley {15-3556) E-mail: Daniasbestosnw.com Y 0 • Table of Contents: 1. Background and Scope of Work 2. Building information 3. Material Sampling information 4. Asbestos Containing Material 5. Conclusions Appendices Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Page 2 of 12 i • 1. Background Information and Scope of Work Asbestos Northwest, LLC conducted a survey of garage at the location of 32857 38th Ave S Federal Way, Wa. The survey was conducted by Dan Lafley (15-3556) who is an Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) certified building inspector. The survey was conducted to determine the presence of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) before demolition of the building. Materials were located and sampled. They were then analyzed in-house at Asbestos Northwest. See section 3 for detailed sampling information. See appendix B for a detailed floor plan of the building including the survey area and any inaccessible areas, and appendix C for the complete laboratory report. Page 3 of 12 • • 2. Building Description This inspection covered a -260ft2, single story garage built around 1940. The garage was in use and in fair condition at the time of the survey, Structural System The garage was a wood frame structure built on a concrete slab. The walls and ceiling were wood. Flooring was the concrete slab. Mechanical system The electrical system was plastic/ rubber coated copper wiring with the electrical box attached to the house There was no plumbing system inside the building Roofing system The roof was pitched and had asphaltic composite shingles. Insulation The building was not insulated. Page 4 of 12 ! • 3. Material Sampling Information Asbestos survey work performed by Asbestos Northwest meets inspection regulatory requirements enforced by federal, state, and local agencies, including Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), WAC 296-62-077 (WISHA) and 40 CFR Part 61 (NESHAP) and 29 CFR Part 1926.1101 (OSHA) Definitions Homogenous — Materials having the same appearance, texture, color, and were applied during the same general construction period are considered to be homogenous. Surfacing Material — Material that has been sprayed-on, troweled-on or otherwise applied to surfaces, such as acoustical plaster, fireproofing materials on structural members. Thermal Insulation Material — material applied to pipes, fittings, boilers, breaching, ducts, and other interior structural components to prevent heat loss or gain Miscellaneous Material — Building materials such as structural components, structural members or fixtures not included in surfacing and thermal insulation. Survey Methodology Before sampling began, inspectors documented the total surveyed area. A sketch of each space was created, and total square footage was measured and determined. The inspectors then determined the extent of each visible homogenous material throughout the survey area. Materials were then classified within categories of surfacing material, thermal insulation material, or miscellaneous material. It was determined whether each material was considered friable, semi-friable, or non-friable according to AHERA Materials were sampled according to 40 CFR 763.86. Depending on homogeneity, square footage, and material type, the proper amount of samples needed was determined and sampled. At the point of collection, samples were placed in an appropriate container and labeled. Location was noted on the building floor plan, and a description of the material was recorded with the label number. Sampling tools were then wiped clean to prevent contamination to other samples or materials. Any suspect debris was sealed. The samples were then counted, and their label numbers were put on a chain of custody form. The inspector then signed Page 5 of 12 S and released the form to the laboratory with the samples. Samples were analyzed in house at Asbestos Northwest. Below is a list of all materials sampled. Appendix C contains the laboratory report and analytical results for each sample Description Material Type Extent and Sample #'s and Condition Locations Roofing Miscellaneous Roof of garage 1-SE corner of roof Material -300ft2 Non-Friable Good Condition Page 6 of 12 • S 4. Asbestos Containing Material A homogenous material is considered to be ACM (Asbestos Containing Material) if one or more samples are reported to have greater than 1% asbestos. Analysis can result in both positive and negative sample results in materials containing <10%, have very fine asbestos fibers, have been hand mixed, or have asbestos fibers tightly bound in the matrix. EPA recommends a minimum of three samples be analyzed by PLM for these types of materials. All materials that were sampled during the inspection were analyzed under PLM, EPA Method 600/R-93/116. During the inspection, the inspectors did not find any asbestos containing materials. 5. Conclusions No asbestos containing material was found during the inspection. Page 7 of 12 • • Appendix A - Certifications ..,, 0 .F: ;LU 'Er 0 e‘ -E _ U CS11 ,,,p.: z I Zi * * iig ("' (4 I a, i 5 tr) t",4 Crj 0 41 ..0, ''e 1> i Z CU N tt 0) '',.. ,....1 1 0 0 Z--6;‘‘ 4 v) 114400 4),,, ta tt 2 0).... oc ,•• c 1 $.- ...., . 4.0% , u.) ,,o., t., „, Jz.71:' t — iz, ,s. ..... CI) Fnts: 0 ila E0 0 **...., *4 76 "tt'l E i*"' 0 13 A i mono , ig oaf I LL 0 C - Ott Sod -ti 0 4,..) • .0 4) 0 +4 el C 40.0 ?.7.: 0 ° 4. ,, t lima "1.... 0 0 ,... 1 ,,,..-4co r,*114 r 7... C, c,.. jr7 (11):II; 0 ci„..... "*- ti*Wm 2 VI 1...: 0 z ....., o 0." zoo 4•41# *.,413 , . thas 1.4:: -'',.''') VD .e''7/4 07 CI) . Z ret --•:1- ..< 8-s.-). 0 arig C . tit) 4ttt U.. 0 0 16 0.4 • ,,,,,..„ e"' eti .0 — 4..... to 1 0 0 0 c ,n3 1 (D 0 ,.‘-0 , esi 40 .= (..,) to 2 2 _ — t 0 4 r1 i i ...- Page 8 of 12 • • Alt(U4 ' Seattle*WA 96119 {, _ 206.285,3373 tit ior This certifies ttc# Daniel 3. Lail Sas satisfactorily completed 4 hours of refresher training as:r, Asbestos Building Inspector crxmp3ies with TSCA Tide I1 i 40 CFR 763 iAi f . rd Certificate* 153556 --- °ass Date.Oct 21,201S Pnxzructor c pirn3:Ott 20,201£. CFA Pr troldtr Cerofitate#1085 Page 9 of 12 • Appendix B — Building Layout jetq } Page 10 of 12 • • Appendix C — Laboratory Report . - .,ASBESTO S i * VIORTHWEST I Ashemis NW aattha .M.)620 Paric tivi,S P 103,I t rat Way,WA 98003 Zbi IC IL/1B (25319414343 NVLAP Lab#:200993-0 Bulk Samples Chain of Custody(EPA 600/R-93/110 \arne'Compan): byuee„ .1 r'41 i(i-E Wie, (afittajlk) Addre,s Phone 11: PM : l'Idl' Bvits„)C7 tcywdp,) Cot)) Project Manager: PM Cell Project Location; ,; ?:13 -7 381h Av. S Prolect n. Number of Samples: ) 4440 • 04.>13/t1.044 Turn around time: 24 h„ors. it Customer Sample ID Description Location/Condition I 40111111111111111111111110MM an* . ' min AIIIMIIII 1 1111111111111EMIKUNIIIIIIII 3 IN 4 5 6 7 8 9 I(i 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 *Client will be notified if subcontracting is required Print Sign Comport, ,.. Date Time ,- Relinquished by: Delivered bv: ‘ .111A. , I I Accepted bt: A riatt zed 14)1 Reviewed by: Page 11 of 12 • • ..„ASBESTOS „ 4. [NORTHWEST 2008934 Asbestos Northwest,LLL 306'0 Pacific Hwy S.#103,Federal W a).,WA 98003 Batch Number: . Ph:(253)941-4343 Fax:(253)941-4175 PIM Analysis by EPA Method 6001M4-82-020 and 600/R-93/116 Attn: Date Received: 6/15/2016 Bruce Findi Date Analyzed: 6/1512016 32857 38th Ave S Federal Way,Wa Samples Received: I Samples Analyzed: 1 Project: 32857 38th Ave S Federal Way,Wa Project 8: Client Sample %Non-Asbestos %Asbestos Fibers 11) Lab Sample 11) Layer Description Matrix Fibers and Type 1 Black asphaltic material Asphalt:4)1nd ' I el 3%Cellulose None Detected with sand Sand Black asphaltic material Asphalt'binder. 8%Cellulose None Detected with sand Sand Black asphaltic fibrous 3 Asphalt/bolder 55%Cel lb lose None Detected material $ AeLyfepiiy: • Page 1 of I Reviewed By:Cathy Butler Page 12 01 12