16-101557 Electrical City of community&325 Econ8thAveDevevServices Permit #: 16-101557-00-EL 33S Federal Way,WA 98003 Ph:(253)835-2607 Fax (253)835-2609 Inspection Request Line: (253)835-3050 Project Name: DECATIASENNOICHOOL Project Address: 2800 SW 320TH ST Parcel Number: 122103 9034 Project Description: Electrical work associated with gymnasium upgrades. Owner Applicant Contractor FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS NINA MANUEL BRINK ELECTRIC LLC 33330 8TH AVE S GREENE GASAWAY ARCHITECTS BRINKEL890M6(7/26/17) FEDERAL WAY WA 98003-5433 PO BOX 4158 12556 120TH AVE NE SUITE 289 FEDERAL WAY WA 98063-4158 KIRKLAND WA 98034 • Additional Permit Information Electrical Work Valuation? 9000 Is this an Online or O.T.C.application No Is Use Educational or Institutional? Yes Service greater than 999 Amps? Yes No Fixtures Associated With This Permit II PERMIT EXPIRES Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Permit Issued on Monday, June 20, 2016 I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that the construction on the above described property and the occupancy and the will be i ccordance with he laws, rules and regulations of the State of Washington e of Federal Way. ` Owner or agent Date: - * Mimi Cervcrtl;qn . Stet 4 0C 'Tb►is C � 41A' THIS CARD IS TO REMAIN ON-SITE Construction Feeral WayINSPECTION REQUESTS: (2 o 835-3050Drd d PERMIT#: 16-101557-00-EL Address: 2800 SW 320TH ST Project: FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS FEDERAL WAY, WA 98023-2207 Scheduled inspections may be failed if this card is not on-site. DO NOT LOSE THIS CARD, Inspections are listed as close to sequential order as possible(read left to right,top to bottom). Please schedule inspections as appropriate. Work must not be covered until it is approved. Check with your inspector if you are unsure about any of the inspections or the inspection sequence. On-going inspections are logged on the back of this card. ❑ UFER Ground(4295) ' ❑ Ditch cover(4030) 0 Slab/Concrete Floor(4255) Approved Approved Approved to place concrete By Date By Date By Date ❑ Pool Bonding(4195) El Temporary Power(4275) ❑ Service(4235) Approved Approved Approved By Date By Date By Date • ❑ Feeders/Sub-panels(4045) kv, Rough Electrical(4225) ' ❑ Ceiling Cover(4020) Approved ''� Approved Approved By Date By V65 Date (,124116 By Date ❑ Final-Electrical(4055) Approved By001_ Date q--ket S Vi * Ki S r,5 P relit) Gwcvs(l�Advi lS Re FA . V evi c at- NcK} 1v►s,�ccii w, 11444- Mtil,�dvtk1 s I Ind l‘Asidk M4 of+. Rough Electrical Final Electrical Right of Way ❑ Approved ❑ Approved ❑ Approved By Date By Date By Date RECAVID MAR 3 0 2016 ELECTRICAL CITY OF iii& Federal Way Cm OF FE RAL WAY PERMIT APPLICATION I PERMIT NUMBER j _ _i_o 1 5 5 7_ _E �•��-o i SUITE/UNIT/SPACE# `(/ SITE ADDRESS: 2,bc 5W 320 SI- W,,,-( 61602.3 PROJECT VALUATION ASSESSOR'S TAX/PARCEL# CURRENT/PROPOSED USE $ O/ 000 I 'L .2. t if 3 _ 1 0 3 4 -1- _ PROJECT NAME VEGaTU R (Tenant or Homeowner Last Name) 1 CH G(4100L- &YM 141 6+-10:3V S Sl=e• Pr"r-TRG1-1-rvb a i GT W G44.1_ 1:4-1E-M " PROJECT DESCRIPTION Detailed description of work to be included on this permit only NAME J IN S ON . t.."... .,-�1., PRIMARY PHONE PROPERTY OWNER r L-1 A'( rvr,L1G 5Ckt001.s (2-53)11-95-1 MAILING ADDRESS AN El-eomat 21t 4. - -/..4-k- s1- wps. 0 CITY STATE ZIP FAX a? t-- Int_ . int A 9e OOH ( ) - NAME PRIMARY PHONE T 1 MAILING ADDRESS ( ) E-MAIL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR CITY STATE ZIP FAX ( ) - WA STATE CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE# EXPIRATION DATE FEDERAL WAY BUSINESS LICENSE# 6-1\ / NAME C A1.v1 N 4 % (/ N IN iN M Amjam:( PRIMARY PHONE APPLICANT -_v (2'93) 14I - -1.4 37 MAILING ADDRESS �rS/'A` v 1 N MAIL P o PO Ix 1-15 8 C.jrle.c-ry r,4 6-PcshnlA`C Cont CITY STATE ZIP FAX et2-11,t- tnivt 1N 018063 (2. 3) 91-1 -X5122 PROJECT CONTACT NAME PRIMARY PHONE DI�.V U7 NOIR=W NC7 1 1�GE fsN 6i N e P-S (203)122--0+4(0 I certify under penalty of perjury that I am the property owner or authorized agent of the property owner.I certify that to the best of my knowledge,the information submitted in support of this permit application is true and correct.I certify that I will comply with all applicable City of Federal Way regulations pertaining to the work authorized by the issuance of a permit.I understand that the issuance of this permit does not remove the owner's responsibility for compliance with local, state, or federal laws regulating construction or environmental laws. I further agree to hold harmless the City of Federal Way as to any claim(including costs,expenses,and attorneys'fees incurred in the investigation and defense of such claim),which may be made by any person,including the undersigned,and filed against the city, but only where such claim arises out of the reliance of the city, including its officers and employees, upon the accuracy of the information supplied to t city as part o t application. SIGNATURE: /C/ DATE Z 5-- t4" / tr PRINT NAME: Ci/viM. f ,i.)4(rb/1 v Bulletin#160—January 1,2013 Page 1 of 2 k:\Handouts\Electrical Permit Application --w, IA 21-12th Street East,Suite ids a\LC 60T coma,Washington 98424 200 - i. `�, �� ��� � Phone(253)922-0446 MAR 3 0 2016 Fax(253)922-0896 March 10,2016 gym'OF F'EDE DECATUR HIGH SCHOOL CYM CDS RAL WAY LOAD ANALYSIS DRWG ITEMS EXISTING NEW CHANGE QTY VA/EACH I TOTAL QTY VA/EACH TOTAL E1.0 HIGH-BAY FLUORESCENT 38 240 9120 -9120 HIGH-BAY PENDENTS 40 185 7400 -7400 HIGH-BAY WRESTLING 4 216 864 -864 WALL MOUNTED 14 80 1120 -1120 LOBBY WRAPS 8 80 640 -640 LOBBY SCONCES 2 80 160 -160 EXIT FIXTURES 5 3 15 -15 EMERGENCY LIGHTS 4 8 32 -32 E1.1 BLEACHERS 2 8640 17280 -17280 CURTAIN 2 2288 4576 -4576 PROJECTOR 1 350 350 -350 SCREEN 1 325 325 -325 RECEPTACLES 11 180 1980 -1980 50A 208/120 1-PHASE RECEPTACLE 2 8320 16640 -16640 E2.0 65 253 16445 16445 TYPE SL1 8 48 384 384 TYPE WL1 2 41 82 82 TYPE EX1 5 3 15 15 E3.0 BLEACHERS 2 8640 17280 17280 CURTAIN 1 1200 1200 1200 MAT STORAGE 2 1908 3816 3816 PROJECTOR 1 350 350 350 SCREEN 1 325 325 325 RECEPTACLES 12 180 2160 2160 50A 208/120 1-PHASE RECEPTACLE 2 8320 16640 16640 REDUCED(VA) -1805.0 ,m,EL L. co, �C,rs�of eAsBjitea,9 1AO 44. 34306 1,SSIONAL 0orsns G 3/10/2016