01-16-2018 Poverty Bay Shellfish Protection Distric5 5 99 509 509 99 99 5 516 99 5 5 MirrorLake SteelLake LakeDolloff StarLake EasterLake PugetSound LakehavenUtilityDistrict MidwaySewerDistrict JoesCreekBarnesCreekDesMoinesCreekMill Cr eekDesMoines FederalWay FederalWay Kent NormandyPark SeaTac 375 567 568 570571 572 617 705 706 707 720 721 722 756 794 857 C o l d CreekM a s s ey Creek Redo n d o Cr eekS o uthFork M cSo rleyCre e kW o o d m o n t C r e e k Poverty Bay Technical CommitteeRecommended Proposal Department of Natural Resources and ParksWater and Land Resources Division 0 2,000 4,000 Feet klinkat \\dnrp1\project\WLR\16009\PovertyBay ReccProp.mxd June 22, 2017 LegendFailing WQ StationMask_Catchments_Dissolved_ProposalsFailing WQ StationLakehaven Utility DistrictSeptic Parcels (under review)From DOH directly Shellfish_Growing_Areas_160203Commercial Shellfish ClassificationsApprovedConditionalProhibitedRestrictedUnclassifiedImageRGB Red: Band_1 Green: Band_2 Blue: Band_3 Threatened WQSample Stations Water QualitySample Stations Failing WQ Station Commer cial ShellfishClassifications Approved Conditional Prohibited Restricted Unclassified Stormwater Outfall Sewer Main Septic Parcels (under review) Midway Sewer District City Boundaries Watercourses Basin boundariesfrom terrain data Catchment Boundariesfrom terrain data Lakehaven Utility District The information included on this map has been compiled byKing County staff from a variety of sources and is subject tochange without notice.King County makes no representations or warranties, expressor implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rightsto the use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a survey product.King County shall not be liable for any general, special,indirect, incidental, or consequential damages including, butnot limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from theuse or misuse of the information contained on this map.Any sale of this map or information on this map is prohibitedexcept by written permission of King County. Photography Year: 2015 Updated to reflect downgrade Sept. 2016 for the Geographic Extent of theShellfish Protection District