15-103760�•�a~�� Po Bax 1212 Puyallup 98371 Telephone: 253.84 1.971( vnxw.encaec.com Environmental Corporation Barceio Homes Ms. Nadia Maksimachuk P.J. Lox 1733 Auburn WA 98071 RESUBMITTED MAY 0 9 2016 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CDS October 12, 2015 RE: Wetland & Stream Delineation Report Addendum # 1 Barcelo Homes Site Development 3260539th Avenue South, Federal Way, King County WA 98001 Current Land Use: Forest Proposed Use: Residential Development — SFD Dear Ms, Maksimachuk: The City of Federal has requested that EnCo Environmental Corporation (EnCo) prepare an addendum to the wetland delineation report that was completed last fall This addendum supersedes the EnCo Wetland & Stream Delineation with Standard Buffer Width Determination, dated December 17, 2014. 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose for performing this addendum is to update information related to the final buffer width of Wetland D, the incorporation of Wetland E as a 'bog component" of Wetland D. the final boundaries and buffers of Wetlands A, B & C. and the final result of the wetland assessment of Test Plot 13. 2.0 BACKGROUND A wetland and stream delineation was performed on the project site by EnCo as documented in the report dated December 17, 2014. Due to the complexity of the critical areas and regulatory buffers of wetlands associated with shorelines and wetlands not associated with shorelines, the City of Federal required that the EnCo wetland and stream delineation report be reviewed by their third party consultant (Perteet, Inc.). On May 5, 2015, Perteet Inc. conducted a site visit of the project site as part of this review. In attendance were Jonathan Kemp, Professional Wetland Scientist of EnCo; Jason Walker, Professional Wetland Scientist with Perteet, and Becky Chapin, Associate Planner with the City of Federal Way. The purpose of this visit was to conduct a critical areas review of the property based on the EnCo report, resource documents, and other reports prepared for this area. The review also included interpretation of jurisdictional critical area code and shoreline regulations in relation to wetland buffers associated with shorelines. Site Assessment • Wetland • Remediation • Habitat r m 3.0 DISCUSSION 3.1 Wetlands D & E Based on that review and after several follow up discussions with the City of Federal Way Planning Department and wetland and shoreline staff at the Washington Department of Ecology (ECOLOGY) it was concluded that the Federal Way shoreline regulations does not have language to utilize the Ecology Wetland Rating System for Western Washington for wetlands associated with shorelines. At this point in time wetland categories associated with shorelines are based solely on FWRC 10.175.020 and FWRC 15.10.260. These two shoreline codes do not allow for a "dual rating" of a wetland that has a Category I bog component incorporated within a Category Il or Ill forested or scrub/shrub wetland. For this reason the presence of the identified bog component, identified as Wetland E in the EnCo wetland delineation is now mapped as part of Wetland D and must be rated as a Category I wetland with a 200 foot wide standard shoreline wetland buffer. Wetland E is now identified as a "bog component" of Wetland D as shown on the attached updated wetland exhibit (FIGURE 5 — 2014 (Amended 10. 12.15) and in TABLE 11 — WETAND & BUFFER CHARACTERISTICS for Wetland D. 3.2 Wetlands A, B & C A question was raised by the City of Federal Way whether Wetlands A, B, and C meet the recognized criteria to be considered as a wetland mosaic. Wetland mosaics are defined in the 2010 Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (Version 2.0). In general, wetland mosaics are areas of interspersed wetland and upland that lay over the landscape in a mosaic pattern and are too closely associated to be easily delineated individually. The wetlands in question (Wetlands A, B, and C) are individually distinguishable, not closely associated pursuant to the regulatory guidance, and do not meet the "mosaic" definition. Perteet concurred with the boundaries, ratings, and buffers of Wetlands A, B, and C as presented in the EnCo report. 3.3 Depression Landform Located North of Wetland C As part of the wetland review process Pe, Leet Inc. requested EnCo to assess a depressional landform that is located about 76 feet north of northern edge of Wetland C. One test plot was assessed (Test Plot 13; by EnCo on May 6, 2015 (FIGURE 5 — 2014 (Amended 10.12.15). This test plot was determined not to be a wetland as presented in the EnCo report dated May 11, 2016 (Attachment*,. This conclusion was supported by Perteet, Inc. in their Memorandum submitted to the City of Federal way, dated May 21, 2015. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 1. Wetland D is a Category I wetland with a 200 foot wide standard shoreline wetland buffer. Wetland E is now identified as a "bog component" of Wetland D. Site Assessment • 'd"Jetland • Remediation • Habitat 2 2. The boundaries, ratings, and buffers of Wetlands A, B, and C remain as presented in the EnCo report. 3. Test Plot 13 was determined not to be a wetland. Sincerely, .. , ft . .. Jonathan M. Kemp President, EnCo Environmental (Corporation, P.W.S. # 2110 Site Assessment • Wetland • Remediation • Habitat 3 1W NAM) A I , '11H, FRY IfAH, 7A f M I vvr7, ".N.0 p AN'Ll s'?, F ", I I,* It, o IF 1: HAS I I I P1,11! MF!_1 N(J :-1 C 111,3' HUi-itk AT)iH. o' ,1lI;?A,vv 0 CA i I,Ok y i ri"al 7,1 f �Fv: , ,F FLANO SQ� I I 'Ll'I , 1, All;.? i;,+ lo() RL)"IF L,S R� 41 ARIA. ohymmIN SHPV,KS2 'IRON? R.rf*,-Al SITRACK,IPIA 01F, `,lip". 10; sl �I IN THE NE 114 SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W,M. BARCELO HOMES WETLAND & STREAM DELINEATION FIGURE 5 - 2014 (AMENDED .10112115) SOUTH 325TH PLACE 4-11U:�� 11-OLk"", WAY, AIA -.001 18, ovo 12 '—,lIIp '.:ljl I "y ----------- PC Box 1212 Puyallupe98371 Telephone: 253.84 1.871 G ,�E Cd www.encoec.com Environmental Corporation Barcelo Homes Ms. Nadia Maksimachuk P.C. Box 1733 Auburn WA 98071 RE: Teat Plot 13 Letter Report Barcelo Homes Site Development 32605 391h Avenue South, Federal Way, King County, WA 98001 Current Land Use: Forest Proposed Use: Residential Development — SFD Dear Ms. Maksimachuk: May 11, 2015 EnCo Environmental Corporation (EnCo) has completed the additional test plot (Test Plot 13) that was requested for completion by Mr. Jason Walker. P.A.. of Perteet Engineers during our site visit that was held on, May 6, 2015. The site visit was held in concert with Ms. Becky Chapin, Associate Planner, of the City of f=ederal Way. ••e- z The purpose for performing the work was to determine if a small depression located about 75 feet north of northern edge of Wetland C was wetland or upland. SCOPE OF WORK 1. Established one (1) test plot in the small depression as shown on FIGURES — WETLAND & STREAM DELINEATION (ATTACHED). The test plot was hand - sketched onto the existing figure. 2. Collected and evaluated data for topographic features, soil characteristics, types of vegetation, surface and near surface hydrology; habitat, and observed animal and plant species in the test plot. 3 Determined whether or not the test plot was a wetland according to the three established wetland criteria; hydric soil, wetland hydrology, and dominant hydrophytic vegetation according to jurisdictional government agency methodology. 4. Prepared a hand sketch (not to scale) depicting the approximate location of the test plot over a professionally land surveyed diagram (FIGURE 5)- 5, Prepared a photo log (ATTACHED) 6. Completed a wetland determination field data form. 7. Prepared this letter report summarizing the findings of the study. Site Assessment • Wetland • Remediation • Habitat The presence or absence of a wetland in the test plot was verified by collecting scientific data in the field. Wetlands are defined by the USACOE and ECOLOGY as having conditions that meet the technical requirements for being a wetland according to the established criteria for wetland hydrology; hydric soil, and dominant hydrophytic vegetation. A summary of the rationale for making the upland determination for the test plot is listed in TABLE 1. More detailed information and data pertaining to the wetland / upland determination for the test plot is presented on the field data form (ATTACHED). TABLE 1 WETLAND I UPLAND DETERMINATION RATIONALE Plot Hydric Soil Indicators Dominant Hydrophytic Wetland Wetland Jurisdictional # ! in Upper Part (<12") Vegetation Hydrology /Upland Yes No No Depleted Matrix 20% (50/20 Pule) 1 Secondary i Upland i No IOYR,2,2 Beaked Hazelnut - FACU Nater Stained 13 10YR, 3,2 Salmonberry - FAC Leaves No Redox e Indian Plum - FACU f Gravely Silt Loam Trailing Blackberry - FACU (Native) English Ivy - FACU i CONCLUSION Test Plot 13 was determined not to be a wetland. CONDITIONS This report is presented without warranty; express or implied, except that the services associated with this letter report are rendered by EnCo in good faith and according to the standards generally practiced by professional wetland scientists in the area of wetland and stream evaluation. This critical area determination for the test plot was limited to the portions of the project as defined in this report and as directed by the reviewing consultant (Perteet). The work did not include performing a professional land survey to locate the test plot. Sincerely. Jonathan M. Kemp President, EnCo Environmental Corporation, P.VV.S. Site Assessment • Wetland • Remediation - Habitat 2 JUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION FIL , DATA FORM Project Site Name: 32605 391 Avenue South Site Development City / County: Federal Way, King Applicant / Owner: Barcelo Homes Project Site Address: 32605 39h Avenue South, Federal Way, WA Professional Wetland Scientist: Jonathan M. Kemp Job Number: WTJK-Barcelo-Federal-Way-1 Proposed Land Use Residential Development - SFD Current Land Use: Forest Plot Size: Z Diameter 12' ❑ Radius NESW ❑ Rectangle to & to ❑ Transect CLIMATIC/HYDROLOGIC conditions typical for this time of year? ® Yes ❑ No NORMAL environmental conditions exist at the plant community ® Yes ❑ No W E SIGNIFICANTLY DISTURBED ® No ❑ Vegetation ❑ Soil ❑ Hydrology NATURALLY PROBLEMATIC ® No ❑ Vegetation ❑ Soil ❑ Hydrology PLOT #1: 13 Plot = ❑ Wetland ® Upland ❑ Transitional ❑ Stream Field Crew ®JK ❑ MK Matrix Color % in Pedon Munsell (Moist) FHtie Value Crimma Plot Time: 1200 -12:45 Location (NESW/Flag): N of Wetland C Landform: Small Depression w i FACU z U.1 Field Date 05.06.15 STR: NEQ Sec 18. Twn 21 N. Rnq 04E c9 Weather M. Cloudy. Some Sun, Few Light Showers, 48 to 50 Degrees GPS Lat/Lon /Datum: 47.3097 Lat: 122.2857 Long N Plot Size: Z Diameter 12' ❑ Radius NESW ❑ Rectangle to & to ❑ Transect CLIMATIC/HYDROLOGIC conditions typical for this time of year? ® Yes ❑ No NORMAL environmental conditions exist at the plant community ® Yes ❑ No W E SIGNIFICANTLY DISTURBED ® No ❑ Vegetation ❑ Soil ❑ Hydrology NATURALLY PROBLEMATIC ® No ❑ Vegetation ❑ Soil ❑ Hydrology TYPE: C=(;oncentrahm U=Uepleion R,'r-Redu,-ed i•,',atrix, CS=Coveredicoated Sand Grains Redox. F = F -vv j<p/o). C = Common to 201V P = Prominent (>201io) Location PL = Pore Lining. M = Matrix® Soil Layers (fbg) Sample Depth (fbg) Matrix Color % in Pedon Munsell (Moist) FHtie Value Crimma Soil Texture. Plant Material, Moisture. Structure, Fill, Till I Moisture Dry. Slight Moist. Moist, Very Moist Very Wet. Saturated Cohesionless Loose. Dense Cohesive: Soft, Stiff, Hard Other: Heavy or Light Clay Peat: % Distinct Plant Parts Redox Type (C I D 1 RM) Redox Location (PL / M) Redox Color (Moist) (HVC) F / C 1 P (%) FACU Litter: 0.03' Leaf, grass, needle, rush, sedge, seed; cone, catkin, twig, branch: log. root. frond, cane, mushroom, lichen. fibrous.. gall. mulch _ Moss: 15% _ Hydric Soil Indicators ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Transitional ❑ Relic 0-080 0.15 t0YR,2,2+ Very dark brown gravely silt loam w fine sand. few root ft v moist, so ❑ (F1) Loamy mucky mineral (>.33 thick. starting in top 0.5') ❑ (A3) Black histic (peat/muck>.67 thick in top .5' surface., v53, c<_2) rn 080 - 1 2 0.50 10'YR,3.2 Very dark grey brown silt loam with sand moist, soft depleted or gley OR 16 of fragmented layer has C<2. Loam/clay Redox dark sfc (>.33' in top 1' w V53; C-<2 w >-5% distinct I prominent redox) above dept matrix. V53 & C152). Sand V53 & C51 w > 70% organics 1 ? 0 0.90 10YR.3,3 Dark brown gravely sandy silt loam, 1/8round. moist, soft C M 5YR.4.6 <2% ❑ (F12) Very shallow dark sfc (fine black soil, no redox. shallow to bedrock) ❑ (S4) Sandy gleyed matrix (60% or more of layer, starts 5_0.5`) 1.35 2.5Y,4,2 Dark grey brown gravely sandy silt. 1116" irregular, moist. stiff C M 7.5YR.4.415% ❑ (A10) 2 cm muck (0.06' thick, VC 5_3/1 starting in top 0.5') ❑ Dark topsoil.. decayed litter: aerobic, no depletions under topsoil layer @ <1 ❑ (72) Red material (7.5YR or redder. 0 33' in top 1 , `vC54/4 & >20/o redox) ❑ Concretions and nodules without halos ❑ Notes ❑ Other: Note: Depression is about 12' wide by 10' long Redox Depth: 1.1' -1.5'+ TYPE: C=(;oncentrahm U=Uepleion R,'r-Redu,-ed i•,',atrix, CS=Coveredicoated Sand Grains Redox. F = F -vv j<p/o). C = Common to 201V P = Prominent (>201io) Location PL = Pore Lining. M = Matrix® Spade E-1Probe❑ Auger Hole depth 1.5 bgs 50% root 0.05' bgs Max root 0.10' bgs ® Hydric below roots Restrictive layer (<1.5'): ❑Y ®N Topographic Alteration: Z No ElFili ❑ Till ❑ Pasture ❑ Scarify ❑ Grade ❑ Dump ❑ Deforest ❑ Ditch ❑ Created ❑ Low Compaction (lbs/in2): Soil: ❑ Very Dry ❑ Dry ❑ Slight Moist E Moist ❑ Very Moist ❑ Wet ❑ Very Wet ❑ Saturated 3" - 6 9 _ 12 " 15 18 21 240' FACU Mapped Series Aqb Aldenaood Gravelly Sandy Loam Taxonomy Isotic Mesic Aquic Dystroxerepts Drainage Class Moderately Well Included Series Norma ® Mapped as Hydric ❑ Mapped as Hydric Inclusions Hydric Soil Indicators ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Transitional ❑ Relic Beaked Hazelnut Cor lus comuta ❑ (Al) Histosol (>1.33716" in top 2.67732'1 ❑ (S6) Stripped matrix (starts <-0.5, missing Fe/MNOrganic, diffuse & >100/0) ❑ (A2) Histic epipedon (organic soil >0.67'1&' in top 2 i/ aquic conditions) ❑ (F1) Loamy mucky mineral (>.33 thick. starting in top 0.5') ❑ (A3) Black histic (peat/muck>.67 thick in top .5' surface., v53, c<_2) ❑ (F2) Loamy gleyed matrix (80% or more of layer. starts <-1.0') ❑ (A4) Hydrogen sulfide odor (low medium high) ® (F3) Depleted matrix (>609/o matrix >.17 thick in top .5' or 0.5' in top .83' w C<2) ® (A11)Depleted below dark sfc (>60% matrix in at least .5' in top 1 is ❑ (F6) Redox dark sfc ( >.33' in top 1' wVs3, C51 w ?2% distinct / prominent redox) depleted or gley OR 16 of fragmented layer has C<2. Loam/clay Redox dark sfc (>.33' in top 1' w V53; C-<2 w >-5% distinct I prominent redox) above dept matrix. V53 & C152). Sand V53 & C51 w > 70% organics ❑ (F7) Depleted dark surface (Depletions: V>5 & C<2, 0.33' all in top 1 AND: ® (Al2)Thick dark surface (>600/o matrix in at least .5 in top 1' has C<2 and Matrix 5311 & >10% redox depletion OR Matrix 5312 & >200/0 redox depletion) layer above dept matrix has V52.5 & C51 to >1' Upper: V<_3 & C<-1 ❑ (F8) Redox depression (>t 0.17' layer top 0 5' AND >50/o redox cont distinct/prominent ❑ (S1) Sandy mucky mineral (Z in top 0.5) ❑ (F12) Very shallow dark sfc (fine black soil, no redox. shallow to bedrock) ❑ (S4) Sandy gleyed matrix (60% or more of layer, starts 5_0.5`) Negative Hydric Soil Indicator ['j (S5) Sandy redox It 33 MiCk >60A C<2 stay < 5'bgs & >2% redox) ❑ Relic features (import, tilled, or historical feature): Indicator for Problematic Hydric Soils ❑ Redox feature (redox concentration - not distinct / close to matrix color) ❑ (A10) 2 cm muck (0.06' thick, VC 5_3/1 starting in top 0.5') ❑ Dark topsoil.. decayed litter: aerobic, no depletions under topsoil layer @ <1 ❑ (72) Red material (7.5YR or redder. 0 33' in top 1 , `vC54/4 & >20/o redox) ❑ Concretions and nodules without halos ❑ Notes ❑ Other: EnCo Environmental Corporation Pagel of2 5/12/2015 Flora in Plot Tree, Sapling, Shrub, Herb, Forb, Emergent, Woody Vine Indicator Status class I, :aver Flora in Plot ❑ Senescence ❑ Sprouting ❑ Mature ❑ Fail Color Q Flower Emergence Indicator strata Status Comex No Trees in the Test Plot FACU T 80 Out of Plot Plants: z Beaked Hazelnut Cor lus comuta FACU S22 Candy flower (Claytonia sibirica FAC 0 Salmonberr Rubus s ectabilis FRC IS18 Sword fern (Polystichum munitum FACU Q Indian Plum Oemleria cerasiformis FACU S18 Western red cedar ahuja licata FAC w Trailing Blackberry Rubus ursinus FACU H 10 Big Leafed Maple (Acer macro h Ilum FACU w English I Hedera helix FACU H 5 Bare at Ground Surface: 651/o BOLD species are DOMINANT by 50/20 Rule Species Dominance by 50/20 Rule for OBL. FACW, FAC: 20% Out of Plot Plants NESW: Candy flomr; sword fern. Western red Cedar lOcclusion at Eye Level ❑ V Dense [-]Dense ®Medium []Open ❑S arse EnCo Environmental Corporation Pagel of2 5/12/2015 OUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION FI. ) DATA FORM Project Site Name: 32605 39h Avenue South Site Development City I County: Federal Way; King Applicant I Owner: Barcelo Homes Project Site Address. 32605 391", Avenue South, Federal Way, WA Professional Wetland Scientist Jonathan M. Kemp Job Number: WTJK-Barcelo-Federal-Way-1 Proposed Land Use Residential Development - SFD Current Land Use: Forest PLOT #: 13 COWARDIN CLASS - In Plot ❑ Tree 230% Q Shrub/Sapling/Vine _>30% ❑ Herb/Forb >_30% ❑ Aquatic Bed (rooted) >30% Top Canopy Species: Big Leaf Maple Undisturbed Corridor >10 acres (NESW) Diversity ❑Low (<5) QMedium (5-19)❑High (>19) Upland Invasive >10% ❑Y QN (NESW) ❑ n/a Wetland Invasive >10% ❑Y ❑N (NESW) ® n/a Plants fail dominance test w/ positive indicators for hydric soil & wetland hydrology? ❑ Y ❑ N Q N/A If yes perform Prevalence Index test. Q Down Wood ❑ Runner Log ❑ Stump (Cut, Rotten) ❑ Perch QSnags (>20'165) ❑ Brush Pile ❑ Shrubs Over Water []Grove QFragmented (NESW) ❑ Restoration (NESW) Ground Light ❑ Full Sun ❑ Most Sun ❑ Some Sun ❑ Most Shade ® Full Shade Terrain: ❑Flat ❑Terrace QDepression Distinct ❑Depression Diffuse ❑Slope Sight ❑ Slope Distinct ❑Rolling ❑Ravine (>15%) ❑Cliff Relief: QConcave ❑Convex ❑Smooth Slope Up: NESW 1% Slope Down: NESW 0% Primary Indicator ❑ No Indicators Need 1 Primary or 2 Secondary 71(A1) Surface water (GS) r 3;, ❑(B5) Iron deposits ❑(C3) Oxidized rhizospheres ❑(C9) Saturation (imagery) ❑(A2) high water table <_;z ❑(B6) Surface soil cracks 7(C4) Reduced iron @ surface ❑(D2) Geomorphic position ❑(A3) Saturated (GS) s11 ❑(B7) Inundation (imagery) ❑(C6) Fe reduction (tilled soils) El Q3) Shallow aquitard ❑(B1) Water marks ❑(88) Sparsely veg. concave surf. ❑(D1) Stunted/stressed plants ❑(D5) FAC -neutral test ❑(1132) Sediment deposits ❑(B11) Salt crust I Encrust Sfc. Q(B9) Water stained leaves El (D6) Raised ant mounds 0(83) Drift deposits 0(B13) Aquatic invertebrates ❑ (61011 Drainage pattems ❑(D7) Frost -heaved hummocks ❑(B4) Algae mat or crust ❑(C1) Hydrogen sulfide odor ❑ (C2) Dry -season water table ❑ Scouring or well/ gauge data >- Cascading ❑Y ❑N Water using ❑Y ❑Pl Saturation depth (bgs) EN ❑YWater depth (bgs) Q"t ❑Y: ❑ FAC deciduous tree roots > 1' bgs ❑ Anaerobic soil / water Q Aerobic soil! water J❑ Open water: ❑ Shallow pools: Deepest inundation: Wetland outlet? ElN ❑ Y NESW Wetland all on-site. ❑ Y ❑ N W Recent weather affected the observed hydrology? Q Y ❑ N Distance of seasonal water to perennial water in dry months (NESW) ® na C:1 Q Normal hydrology source: ❑ Artificial water source. ❑ Morphological adaption = Rate of water percolation: ❑ N/A ❑ Very Slow ❑ Slow Q Medium ❑ Fast ❑ Very Fast Period of inundation or saturation <1' in loam and <.5' in sand in G. S. ❑ <5% Q 5%<12.5% ❑ >12 5% (>26 days) Water appearance: ❑ Tannin sheen ❑ Hydrocarbon sheen ❑ Clearly hydric soil Near surface hydro Z Precip EJ Surface Flow ❑ Groundwater ❑ Seep ❑ Spring ❑ Lake/Pond ❑ River/Stream L Marine Estuary Stream EN ❑Y Riparian Zone ❑N ❑Y Floodplain ❑N ❑Y Floodway ❑N ❑Y Stream bank height: OHWM width Water depth: Flow rate: ft/sec Stream type: ❑ Ephemeral ❑ Perennial ❑ Intermittent ❑ Temporary ❑ Fish bearing ❑ Non -fish ❑ Culvert Stream bed: ❑ Bedrock ❑ Rubble ❑ Cobble -gravel ❑ Sand ❑ Mud ❑ Organic ❑ Ditch ❑ Riffles & Pools ❑ Plunge Pools. ❑ Armoring / Stabilization ❑ Undercut or Steep Banks (>20'16.5') EnCo Environmental Corporation Page 2 oft 5/12/20,15 Annelid 2 Worm FlOther Reported by Others Fig" ❑ Salmon ❑ Trout ❑ Mudminnow ❑ Other Amphibian ❑ Frog-_[] Toad ❑ Salamander__. E]Newt __ F-1EggMasses Mammal Q Squirrel ❑ Gophers ❑ Skunk/Possum El Deer ❑ Elk El Dangerous: Bear, Cougar, Mt. Lion [:1 Other, w Bird ❑ Turkey ❑ Warbler ❑ Woodpecker ❑ Crow ❑ Raptor ❑ Raven ❑ Dove ❑ Waterfowl ❑ Shore X Q Passerine ❑ Hummingbird Q Robin Q Sparrow ❑ Blue Jay ❑ Chickadee ❑ Blue Bird ❑ Goldfinch ❑ Red W Blackbird 0 Q Other Birds: Wren Tit = Reptile ❑ Snake ❑ Lizard ❑ Other u) i Insect ❑ Gall wasp ❑ Bee ❑ Butterfly ❑ Moth ❑ Ant ❑ Spider ❑ Beetle ❑ Caterpillar ❑ Dragon fly ❑ Fly ❑ Mosquito LL Mollusk ❑ Snail ❑ Slug ❑ Other Other Invertebrates LU - Wildlife Indicators ❑ Nest_ ❑ Den ❑ Burrow ❑Flyover ❑ Feather ❑Fur ❑ Wildlife trail ❑ Ant hill a ❑ Seed/cone pile ❑ Scat ❑ Rest areas Q Cavity In Snap [ i Bone / Carcass ❑ Gnawed stump ❑Dam r' but ❑ Shed skin ❑ Hive / honeycomb ❑ Egg castings ❑ Rock outcrops or piles ❑ Rip rap ❑ Bog ❑ Heritage Wetland ❑ Estuary ❑ Coastal Lagoon ❑ Interdunal NOTE ❑ Priority Species: ❑ Threatened: ❑ Sensitive: __ _ ❑ Domestic. _ Flora Food Source: fruit, bevy; pollen, nectar, bud; leaf; twig, root, bark; sap, cone, seed, grain, nut, atom, bulb, corm, other,— ther._Animal AnimalFood Source: worm, insect, rodent, other: Trash/Junk: ❑Y NN HYDRIC SOIL CRITERION PRESENT? Z Yes No El Assumed VEGETATION CRITERION PRESENT? ❑Yes Q No iHYDROPHYTIC WETLAND HYDROLOGY CRITERION PRESENT? ❑ Yes ® No IS THE TEST PLOT WITHIN A WETLAND? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Suspect ❑ NWI mapped ❑ County/City mapped ❑ Small -Size ❑ Created ❑ Isolated ❑ Suspect Isolated Artificial ['lYes []No El Suspect (test pit, road ruts, irrigatlon, dam, dike, ditch, swale, canal, lagoon, false pond, mine, landscape feature) EnCo Environmental Corporation Page 2 oft 5/12/20,15 "City of Federal Way Community & Econ. Dev. Services 33325 8th Ave S Federal Way, WA 98003 Ph: (253) 835-2607 Fax: (253) 835-2609 Project Name: BARCELO HOMES LOT 4 Project Address: 3811 S 326TH ST Building - Single Family Permit #: 15 -103760 -00 -SF Inspection Request Line: (253) 835-3050 Parcel Number: 152104 9022 Project Description: NEW - Construction of a new 3740 square foot, 2 -story residence'with 50 sgft covered entry, 588 sgft deck, and a 973 sqft attached garage. *** Proposed selling price: $536,280,6 bedrooms *** Owner A1211lican Contractor Lender BARCELO HOMES INC. JONATHAN LEMONS BARCELO HOMES INC OWNER IS LENDER PO BOX 1733 LEMONS ARCHITECTURE PLLC BARCEHI869J9 (4/29/18) New / Additional Sq. Feet - Total .......................... AUBURN WA 98071-1733 600 IST AVE SUITE 622 PO BOX 1733 Residence (1 or 2 SEATTLE WA 98104 AUBURN WA 98071 Census Category: 101- New Single Family House Includes: #1 #2 #3 #4 Occupancy Class: R-3 Construction Type: Type V - B Occupancy Load V - B Floor Areas . ft. 3,740 1 0 0 0 Additional Permit information New/ Additional Sq. Feet - 1st Floor....................2398 Occupancy # I - Area (Sq. Feet).............................3740 New./ Additional Sq. Feet - 3rd Floor...............:....0 Basic Plan?........................................................... New / Additional Sq. Feet - Basement...................0 New / Additional Sq. Feet - Deck .......................... Occupancy # 1 - Construction Type .......................Type V - B New / Additional Sq. Feet - Garage .......................973 New / Additional Sq. Feet - Other .......................... Occupancy # 1 - Class.............................................R-3 New / Additional Sq. Feet - Total .......................... Plumbing to be Included?.......................................Yes Occupancy # 1 -Use ............................................... Residence (1 or 2 family) New / Additional Sq. Feet - 2nd Floor...................1342 Occupancy # I - Area (Sq. Feet).............................3740 Basic Plan?........................................................... No New / Additional Sq. Feet - Deck .......................... 588 Mechanical to be Included? .................................... es New / Additional Sq. Feet - Other .......................... 50 New / Additional Sq. Feet - Total .......................... 5351 Mechanical Fixtures r Ducting ........................................... 1 Fans................................................ 9 Fireplace Inserts............................. 2 Furnaces ......................................... 1 Gas Piping ...................................... 1 Gas Pipe Outlets............................. 5 Hot Water Tanks ............................ 1 Plumbing Fixtures Bathtubs ......................................... 4 Dishwashers................................... 2 Drains............................................. 3 Lavatories ....................................... 7 Sinks..................I............................. 3 Water Closets................................. 5 HoseBibbs..................................... 3 CONDITIONS: An automatic fire sprinkler system is required. No framing inspection until the sprinkler system is installed and approved. PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY a bond must be put in place for frontage improvements. See ROW Modification 16 -103261 -SM letter dated 7/26/16. Ann D. PERMIT EXPIRES Saturday, February 4, 2017 �► � "' * x - ". Perm449stted on Mondani, August 8, 2016 � l I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that the construction on the above described property and the occupancy and the use will be in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of the State of Washington an the City of Federal Way. Owner or agent: Date: City of Federal Way Certificate of Occupancy This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 110.2 of the International Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance, this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. This certificate is valid ONLY when endorsed bye staff. Tenant Name: BARCELO HOMES LOT 4 Address: 3811 S 326TH ST Permit #: 15 -103760 -00 -SF Includes: #1 #2 #3 #4 Occupancy Class: R-3 Construction Type: Type V - B Occupancy Load Floor Area (sq. ft.) 3,740 1 0 0 0 Owner Name: BARCELO HOMES INC. Owner Address: PO BOX 1733 AUBURN WA 98071-1733 Building Official Date The priority focus in the review and inspection made by the City prior to issuance of this Certificate was on those matters which experience has shown most severiy affect the health and safety of the general public. Although the City has made as complete a review and inspection as is reasonably possible (within budgetary time and personnel limitations), the City neither guarantees nor warrants to the owner / occupant or to any other person that this Certificate evidences strict compliance with each and every ordinance or regulation of the City or the State of Washington affecting the construction or use of said structure or the land upon which itis situated. Such compliance is the responglbility of the owner and / or occupant of the premises. Federal I Vay PERMIT #: Project: THIS CARD IS TO REMAIN ON-SITE 0 Construction Inspection Record INSIRECT14N REQUESTS: (253) 835-3050 15 -103760 -00 -SF Address: 3811 S 326TH ST BARCELO HOMES INC. FEDERAL WAY, WA Scheduled inspections may be failed if this card is not on-site. DO NOT LOSE THIS CARD. Inspections are listed as close to sequential order as possible (read left to right, top to bottom). Please schedule inspections as appropriate. Work must not be covered until it is approved Check with your inspector if you are unsure about any of the inspections or the inspection sequence. On-going inspections are logged on the back of this card. r SWM -P con Site Mtg ( 00) Approved ByDate — _ l 0 InitialErosion Control (4 5) To be done prior to breaking ground By Date Footings/Setback 4110) Approved to place concrete By Date 01 ` a 1 l ip 0 Plumbing Groundwork (4190) Foundation Wall (4115) ❑ Drainage/Downspout (4040) 0 Plumbing Groundwork (4190) Approved to place concrete ?4) By OYed to backfill By Approved to cover By R,,j Date '11,30))& By Date By Date Slab/Co crete Floor (4255) ❑ Underfloor Framing (4285) Floor Sheathing (4105) Approved to place concrete Approved to sheath floor Approved to install flooring By Date By 4f,3 Date 101 Z 1(Q By Date Shear Walls (4245) Roof Sheathing (4220)Rough Plumbing (4230) Approved to install siding Approved to install roofing Approved By Date By Date By Date Mechanical Rough -in (4165) ❑ Gas Piping (4125) 0 Fire/Draft Stops (4095) Approved Approved to release test Approved By Date By Date By Date, Interim Erosion Control (4370) prior to scheduling a Framing inspection; Framing (4120) Approved Electrical, Plumbing & Mechanical Rough -in and Approved to insulate By Date Fire/Draft Stop inspections must be signed -off and By Date approved. IBC 104.3.4 Insulation (4150) Gypsum Wallboard Nailing (4130) 0 Final Erosion Control (4375) Approved to install wallboard Approved to install mud & tape Approved By Date By Date By Date Final - Mechanical (4065) Final - Plumbing (4075) 0 Final - Building (4050) Approved Approved Approved By Date By Date By Date Rough Electrical Approved FFinal Electrical Approved Right of Way Approved By Date By Date By Date t UNSPECTOR AREA AND TYPE OF INSPECTIO )tom o '� Z91 go, AtJ L-4 -tom 5 t C a � I� 3.0 DISCUSSION 3.1 Wetlands D & E i� U Based on that review and after several follow up discussions with the City of Federal Way Planning Department and wetland and shoreline staff at the Washington Department of Ecology (ECOLOGY) it was concluded that the Federal Way shoreline regulations does not have language to utilize the Ecology Wetland Rating System for Western Washington for wetlands associated with shorelines. At this point in time wetland categories associated with shorelines are based solely on FWRC 19.175.020 and FWRC 15.10.250. These two shoreline codes do not allow for a "dual rating" of a wetland that has a Category I bog component incorporated within a Category 11 or III forested or scrub/shrub wetland. For this reason the presence of the identified bog component, identified as Wetland E in the EnCo wetland delineation is now mapped as part of Wetland D and must be rated as a Category 1 wetland with a 200 foot wide standard shoreline wetland buffer. Wetland E is now identified as a "bog component" of Wetland D as shown on the attached updated wetland exhibit (FIGURE 5 — 2014 (Amended 10.12.15) and in TABLE 11 — WETAND & BUFFER CHARACTERISTICS for Wetland D. 3.2 Wetlands A, B & C A question was raised by the City of Federal Way whether Wetlands A, B, and C meet the recognized criteria to be considered as a wetland mosaic. Wetland mosaics are defined in the 2010 Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (Version 2.0). In general, wetland mosaics are areas of interspersed wetland and upland that lay over the landscape in a mosaic pattern and are too closely associated to be easily delineated individually. The wetlands in question (Wetlands A, B, and C) are individually distinguishable, not closely associated pursuant to the regulatory guidance, and do not meet the "mosaic" definition. Perteet concurred with the boundaries, ratings, and buffers of Wetlands A, B, and C as presented in the EnCo report. 3.3 Depression Landform Located North of Wetland C As part of the wetland review process Perteet Inc. requested EnCo to assess a depressional landform that is located about 75 feet north of northern edge of Wetland C. One test plot was assessed (Test Plot 13) by EnCo on May 6, 2015 (FIGURE 5 — 2014 (Amended 10.12.15). This test plot was determined not to be a wetland as presented in the EnCo report dated May 11, 2015 (Attachment). This conclusion was supported by Perteet, Inc. in their Memorandum submitted to the City of Federal array, dated May 21, 2015. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 1. Wetland D is a Category I wetland with a 200 foot wide standard shoreline wetland buffer. Wetland E is now identified as a "bog component' of Wetland D. Site Assessment • Wetland • Remediation • Habitat 2 0 O L -ZZ r - o U l v w -0 O -v N dtiOF�::D'S :ww 0 0 Q .13 G 7 O rn M W >; ca i ep N LL Y K Z � a o • U 2. The boundaries, ratings, and buffers of Wetlands A, B, and C remain as presented in the EnCo report. 3. Test Plot 13 was determined not to be a wetland. Sincerely, Jonathan M. Kemp President, EnCo Environmental Corporation, P.W.S. # 2110 Site Assessment . Wetland • Remediation • Habitat 3 Iowa U-j LLI 7, 0 LL, Lr) Lij Lu 0 L M CO O U "r Lu o z -a 0 F—CL c� — O � N d LCL O 0 N Q1 CL _ C = O r e`0 jot w e 40 � QC 0 L M CO O U "r Lu o z -a 0 F—CL c� — O � N d LCL O 0 N Q1 CL _ C = O e`0 a w d � QC O1 M T t0 t6 67 N L.L Y X Z � W tp Lo L 0 Qi � Q1 m Z O a) L m r ;y Q � Q a o X Lli�co Lo O L9 r Q P-- 0 Na -0O Z U EZ cy Z O C CD cs G) C E �3 O o 70 _ w LU ccs 70� 0W �7- a > �5 tc T CU a> 0O LLI (1) 0 LL X - j> O Lo Q L CU 0 C1i L X LL �'-''w m Lo \1 Kl W c v z ® U O �, h m Z U® n W U)!L LL =3% Z3 fA 'O CS N � c6 N - .g a U3 L �� N 47� ym .-0 2�� �� {W3 T tOU4 ti N a1 a > LL O in U. H t5 L '� U Q -0 tit O m c LL ' - tY LL M E Z J Qk C: R", m Q w Z O 0 0.'S Q 0 :I: Lam yc�� U c �ww tY� >ai 7 . ato m�,- a u.immoD t3.m N p�j U U G O Z O 4T a, N O v Z 'J m j 4 a .. Lo p Z c Ua U m A U A �' ca 4)Q !n c C h C? L 12i G+i (n U h cg O •> Gc �^ C_ N h W �� U z Q y g 45 C O O i Z W CO M t z N a Q C> CL < (nn y .. z� h U D Ci �u7 �"-� a O u .r c sn �� a a _ C C 3:.2 W Q h 0 W e L � � �! fffi ct � +^' .� t4 R +� ' W I U) ts3 U � a �= 0V)_5E oma Q !n> z8 - -WU LU o t -i W Lr m W i to O W in FF- LLL D O Ti Z <i i (n CL O ®e e w c '= ® Z 6, c'j -j o >, Q- Q U c IC < J O U 0_ W a °' H WLO LLL i� tli iLUl COU m U W U to 3: s CV u ON 9 _ U C h Q G7 Q "" LL CL L7 �.� t7 y Q NFA 3 LL^ CL N O a.+ U N> 1T3 tiJ 'O C,5 m U LL .� N RS N O U' N tots tnz U�xs tn7h0 j: 0)fz0 z m LL 4 � N Ui h C JQ cD g� c7 O !Q— r to ao C r t h 7 0 N 41 _O LU F- O LO LIJ W 4, CL y, tZ Z Q �* �s v ii tl o -4 W LLJ Lo L 0 Qi � Q1 m Z O a) L m r ;y Q � Q a o X Lli�co Lo O L9 r Q P-- 0 Na -0O Z U EZ cy Z O C CD cs G) C E �3 O o 70 _ w LU ccs 70� 0W �7- a > �5 tc T CU a> 0O LLI (1) 0 LL X - j> O Lo Q L CU 0 C1i L X LL �'-''w m Lo \1 Kl W 31 R a d LL Y x o u, z� ao 0 0 r U v w o o Sa aLL. 0�f� # i 31 R a d LL Y x o u, z� ao 0 0 r U v w o o Sa aLL. 0�f� 31 R a d LL Y x o u, z� ao City of Federal Way ' Community & Econ. Dev. Services 33325 8th Ave S Federal Way, WA 98003 Ph: (253) 835-2607 Fax: (253) 835-2609 Project Name: BARCELO HOMES LOT 4 Project Address: 3811 S 326TH ST Building - Single Yaw-ily Permit #: 15 -103160 -00 -SF Inspection Request Line: (253) 835-3050 Parcel Number: 152104 9022 Project Description: NEW - Construction of a new 3740 square foot, 2 -story residence with 50 sqft covered entry, 588 sqft deck, and a 973 sqft attached garage. *** Proposed selling price: $536,280, 6 bedrooms *** Owner Applicant Contractor Lende BARCELO HOMES INC. JONATHAN LEMONS BARCELO HOMES INC OWNER IS LENDER PO BOX 1733 LEMONS ARCHITECTURE PLLC BARCEHI869J9 (4/29/18) 50 AUBURN WA 98071-1733 600 1ST AVE SUITE 622 PO BOX 1733 Residence (1 or 2 1 SEATTLE WA 98104 AUBURN WA 98071 Census Category: 101 - New Single Family House Includes: #1 #2 43 #4 Occupancy Class: R-3 Construction Type: Type V - B Occupancy Load: V - B Floor Areas . ft. 3,740 0 1 0 0 Additional Permit Information New / Additional Sq. Feet - 1 st Floor .................... 2398 New / Additional Sq. Feet - 3rd Floor....................0 New / Additional Sq. Feet - Basement...................0 No Occupancy # 1 - Construction Type ........................Type V - B New / Additional Sq. Feet - Garage .......................973 Fireplace Inserts............................. 2 Occupancy # 1 - Class.............................................R-3 50 Plumbing to be Included?.......................................Yes 5351 Occupancy #I - Use ............................................... Residence (1 or 2 1 family) New / Additional Sq. Feet - 2nd Floor...................1342 Occupancy # I - Area (Sq. Feet).............................3740 BasicPlan?........................................................... No New / Additional Sq. Feet - Deck ..........................588 Fans................................................ Mechanical to be Included?....................................Yes Fireplace Inserts............................. 2 New / Additional Sq. Feet - Other .......................... 50 New / Additional Sq. Feet - Total .......................... 5351 CONDITIONS: An automatic fire sprinkler system is required. No framing inspection until the sprinkler system is installed and approved. PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY a bond must be put in place for frontage improvements. See ROW Modification 16 -103261 -SM letter dated 7/26/16. Ann D. Mechanical Fixtures Ducting ........................................... 1 Fans................................................ 9 Fireplace Inserts............................. 2 Furnaces ......................................... 1 Gas Piping ...................................... 1 Gas Pipe Outlets............................. 5 Hot Water Tanks ............................ 1 Plumbing Fixtures Bathtubs......................................... 4 Dishwashers................................... 2 Drains............................................. 3 Lavatories ....................................... 7 Sinks............................................... 3 Water Closets................................. 5 Hose Bibbs..................................... 3 CONDITIONS: An automatic fire sprinkler system is required. No framing inspection until the sprinkler system is installed and approved. PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY a bond must be put in place for frontage improvements. See ROW Modification 16 -103261 -SM letter dated 7/26/16. Ann D. _ A a OL PERMIT EXPIRES Saturday, February 4, 201771 Perfffl' fg ed Mf Mdhtfili, August 8, 2016 " 1 c I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that the construction on the above described property and the occupancy and the use will be in a rdance with the laws, rules and regulations of the State of Washington and the City ederal Way. Owner or agent: Date: City of Federal Way Certificate of Occupancy This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 110.2 of the International Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance, this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. This certificate is valid ONLY when endorsed by City staff. Tenant Name: BARCELO HOMES LOT 4 Address: 3811 S 326TH ST Permit #: 15 -103760 -00 -SF Includes: #1 #2 #3 #4 Occupancy Class: R-3 Construction Type: Type V - B Occupancy Load: Floor Area (sq. ft.) 1 3,740 0 0 0 Owner Name: BARCELO HOMES INC. Owner Address: PO BOX 1733 AUBURN WA 98071-1733 Building Date The priority focus in the review and inspection made by the City prior to issuance of this Certificate was on those matters which experience has shown most severly affect the health and safety of the general public. Although the City has made as complete a review and inspection as is reasonably possible (within budgetary time and personnel limitations), the City neither guarantees nor warrants to the owner / occupant or to any other person that this Certificate evidences strict compliance with each and every ordinance or regulation of the City or the State of Washington affecting the construction or use of said structure or the land upon which itis situated. Such compliance is the responsibility of the owner and/or occupant of the premises. THIS CARD IS TO REMAIN UV -SIT CITY Or Construction Inspection Record Federal Way INSPECTION REQUESTS: (253) 835-3050 PERMIT #: 15 -103760 -00 -SF Address: 3811 S 326TH ST Project: BARCELO HOMES INC. FEDERAL WAY, WA Scheduled inspections may be failed if this card is not on-site. DO NOT LOSE THIS CARD. Inspections are listed as close to sequential order as possible (read left to right, top to bottom). Please schedule inspections as appropriate. Work must not be covered until it is approved. Check with your inspector if you are unsure about any of the inspections or the inspection sequence. On-going inspections are logged on the back of this card. SWM Precon Site Mtg (4400) ❑ Initial Erosion Control (4365) ❑ Footings/Setback (4110) By Approved By To be done prior to breaking ground By Approved to place concrete By Date By Date By J Date Foundation Wall (4115) ❑ Drainage/Downspout (4040) E:] Plumbing Groundwork (4190) By Approved to place concrete By Approved to backfill By Approved to cover By Date ��. „ By Date By C- .\ Date Slab/Concrete Floor (4255) ❑ Underfloor Framing (4285) El Floor Sheathing (4105) Approved to place concrete Approved to sheath floor Approved to install flooring By Date By Date 1 w` l t By _ Date Shear Walls (4245) Roof Sheathing (4220) ❑ Rough Plumbing (4230) Approved to install siding Approved to install roofing Approved By Date By L_ I.L_ Date 1 _ L By Date `1 Ir 11 Mechanical Rough -in (4165)El Gas Piping (4125) E] Fire/Draft Stops (4095) Approved Approved to release test Approved By WV4 Date By Date By KV5Date '1 l lP! I v1 Interim Erosion Control (4370) Prior to scheduling a Framing inspection; Framing (4120) Approved Electrical, Plumbing & Mechanical Rough -in and Approved to insulate By Date Fire/Draft Stop inspections must be signed -off and By n Date �t 1 approved. IBC 109.3.4 ` rTw Insulation (4150) ❑ Gypsum Wallboard Nailing (4130) E] Final Erosion Control (4375) Approved to install wallboard Approved to install mud & tape Approve By r) Date B 1 � � By Date By Date Final - Mechanical (4065) Final - Plumbing (4075) E:] Final - Building (4050) Approved Approved Approved By i Date -� By 44J Date 4,7 By j Date 5 Rough Electrical Approved 1:1Approved Final Electrical 1:1Approved Right of Way By Date By Date By Date Andrew, 07/24/2017 We reviewed the information you provided regarding deviations from the original plans. - HUC46 Hangers are as adequate substitute for EPC Post Cap Hangers for the header to post connection. - (3) 2x6" studs alone are not adequate for the load that the PSL post was designed for, as they would buckle under the load. Please look at the sketch in the attachment for a possible upgrade. It shows the nailing for the sheathing, blockings to prevent buckling, and a strap at the top to bridge the gap in the top plates. - The shear panels at the western grid are still adequate with the southern panel no longer in place, as the loads in this grid are relatively low. - See attachment for the dowel connection between the continuous footing and the wider footing under the beam in the kitchen area. Sincerely, Roland Heiniisch, P.E. tecinstruct LLC ZD Lr Ofi lh� / a tecinstruct LLC 6830 NE Bothell Way Suite C, PMB 181 Kenmore, WA 98028 (206) 553-9076 rheimisch@yahoo-com Barcelo Homes www.tecinstruct.com Andrew Movchan 32505 138th Place SE Auburn, WA 98092 Engineering for New SFR or - AIR Engineering Rainbow Trout, 32605 39th Ave S Andrew, 07/24/2017 We reviewed the information you provided regarding deviations from the original plans. - HUC46 Hangers are as adequate substitute for EPC Post Cap Hangers for the header to post connection. - (3) 2x6" studs alone are not adequate for the load that the PSL post was designed for, as they would buckle under the load. Please look at the sketch in the attachment for a possible upgrade. It shows the nailing for the sheathing, blockings to prevent buckling, and a strap at the top to bridge the gap in the top plates. - The shear panels at the western grid are still adequate with the southern panel no longer in place, as the loads in this grid are relatively low. - See attachment for the dowel connection between the continuous footing and the wider footing under the beam in the kitchen area. Sincerely, Roland Heiniisch, P.E. tecinstruct LLC ZD Lr Ofi lh� / a CITY 011 PER;#jjrI\*jjPLICATION Federal Way �j JUL 2 9 2015 n PERMIT NUMBER ` Cm OF pERAL WAY —` Z. �rJ — CET DATE _-- - - SITE ADDRESS --_-- - - ---- � (y� 46C SUITE /UNIT Y - 20- - - --- - P OJECT VALUATION ZONING I ASSESSOR'S TAX/PARCEL it ' TYPE OF PERMIT 11011,14NC ❑ PLUMBING ❑ MECHANICAL U DRKIOUTION ❑ ENGINEERING ❑ 111RF PREVENTKIN NAME OF PROJECTAtnvt>J--�� PROJECT DESCRIPTION Detailed description of work to be included on this permit only PROPERTY OWNER NAME ___ .. ;5firrAv Y"/iLz IAC, PRIMARY PHONE 253, 332, �SO'L hAUXIO_ ADDRs=cc f: s� €„� i i' 4 ✓ E ll�_ _ .� ItADn arLCFrEft A CITY A s- T/!TE ZIP 253.332. gLZ NAME L rC.Qb DMMP� �nC.. MAMInG ADDRESS -7 T3�� CONTRACTOR ���}=vrn STATE Z�i�a� t F.� a\ W A STA'£ CONTRACTOIYS LICENSE f ENPUtATIOR DATE NAME r w � � . U � � l/ FEDERAL W A4 SIISUMS+S LICERSE s p RIMIARY PHONE 2 h 3Cbr� 5 Z APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESSL (�t?O 1`'-r-_ -AYE_} . �ur1� (�2.� - ,on LeMc�s�rCiir}�ctthg CITY P + - FAX PROJECT CONTACT NAME ,n( IYI C D !i -� PRIMARY PHONE C 3DI�, S9G>Z (The individual to receive and , respond to all correspondence MAILVIG ADDRESS �� C i�— 11 i1. , f o p► oiuW(e CITY� STATE ZD: A w R GITC� U FAX ' _ concerning this application) ! —_ -- - -_. PROJECT FINANCING NA!!E - OWNER -FINANCED koquired value uj w • 000 or mon' (Rett' t o J r'. OQS) MAILING ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP PHONE I certify under penalty of perjury that I am the property owner or author•tr<d agent of the property owner. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information submitted in support of this permit application is true and correct. I certify that I will comply with all applicable City of Federal Way regulations pertaining to the work authorized by the issuance of a permit. I understand that the issuance of this permit does not remove the owner's responsibility for compliance with local, state, or federal taws regulating construction or environmental laws. t further agree to hold harmless he Ci of Federal Way as to any claim (including costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees incurred in the investigation and defr ta' , which may be made by any person, including the undersigned, and filed against the city, but only where such clat reliance of the city, including its officers and employees, upon the accuracy of the information supplied to tt application. SIGNATURE: _DATE _X S PRINT NAME: Bulletin # 100 — January 1.2013 Page 1 of 3 kA1 landouts\Peni it Application FM MECHANICAL PERMIT Indicate how many of each AIR HANDLING UNITS AIR CONDITIONER BOILERS COMPRESSORS DUCTING VALUE OF MECHANICAL WORK $ h , Toy to be installed or relocated as part of this project. Do not include existing fixtures to remain. FANS GAS PIPE OUTLETS OTHER (Describe) FIREPLACE INSERTS HOODS (commarciaq FURNACES �_ HOT WATER TANKS (Gas) GAS LOG SETS REFRIGERATION SYST GAS PIPING WOODSTOVES PLUMBING PERMITC)� AREA DESCRIPTION VALUE OF PLUMBING WORK Indicate how many of each type of fixture to be installed or relocated as part of this project. Do not include existingjbLtures to remain. BATHTUBS (or Tub/shower combo) LAYS (Hand sinks) �_ TOILETS WATER PIPING L DISHWASHERS RAINWATER SYSTEMS URINALS OTHER (Describe) _ DRAINS SHOWERS VACUUM BREAKERS DRINKING FOUNTAINS ^ SINKS witch—/utility) WATER HEATERS (mectric) .� HOSE BIBBS SUMPS = WASHING MACHINES TOTAL FIXTURES # of Stories Additional Information NEW BUILDINO GENERAL INFORMATION CRITICAL ARE" ON PROPS ? sr►�el+ t,. )�, WATER PURVEYOR (,Ai*vw �grc�2�o ADDITION SEWER PURVEYOR ( AwertAfCAo EXISTING FIRE SPRIN R SYSTEM? ❑ Yesx No VALUE OF E]QSTING IMPROVEMENTS $ EXISTING/PREVIOUS USE �� CAe ' LOT SIZE (In Squaw Feet) f C 2 4a (ice ✓✓ PROPOSED FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM? ❑ Yes X No COMMERCIAL - REMODEUTENANT IMPROVEMENTS AREA DESCRIPTION Area in Square Feet RESIDENTIAL - NEW OR ADDITION Construction Type # of Stories AREA DESCRIPTION (in aquare feet) EXISTING PROPOSED I TOTAL FOR OFFICE USE BASEMENT TENANT AREA ONLY ................ -..... --- ------.... _... _............................................................................ FIRST FLOOR (or Mobile Home) PROJECT AREA ONLY �'2>1 g ---... ..................... -----...................... _.... _........ _.-................... SECOND FLOOR r- ' 3%` 102 2 ........... --------... -.................... --- _... _................... _... ... COVERED ENTRY lin ✓ 15o J� _.__......._....._ . DECK ... - .......... _.._......_.__ _..-- —--------......... _... __.............................. GARAGE X, CARPORT ❑ __.._...._........................ _...... OTHER (describe) Area Totals EC) 6 PROPOSED 5315 TOTAL 535 **JWW HOAMs ONLY** ESTIMATED SELLING PRICE $ 3q 0 1 %o I # OF BEDROOMS COMMERCIAL - NEW/ADDITION AREA DESCRIPTION Area in Square Feet Occupancy Group(s) Construction Type # of Stories Additional Information NEW BUILDINO ADDITION COMMERCIAL - REMODEUTENANT IMPROVEMENTS AREA DESCRIPTION Area in Square Feet Occupancy Groups) Construction Type # of Stories Additional Information TOTAL BUILDING TENANT AREA ONLY PROJECT AREA ONLY Bulletin #100 — January 1, 2013 Page 2 of 3 kAHandoutsTernut Application d '11 �..�� Lemons Architecture PLLC RESUBMITTED MAY 0 9 2016 Project Address: 32605 39' Ave S CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Permit Number: 15 -103760 -00 -SF CDS Reviewer: Becky Chaplin Correction Responses REGULATED WETLAND BUFFER As you are aware, this permit application was submitted based on a prior wetland/wetland buffer delineation that was not approved by the City. As part of the Short Plat Application (File #15-1 -U D 0314 I -SU), the city is working with Beyler Consulting LLC and EnCo Environmental Corporation C G o to finalize the lot layout of the subdivision and delineation boundaries of Wetland D/E. Please aF M M revise the site plan to depict a 200' buffer around the Category I Wetland. In addition, provide a n �' revised wetland report. Also, please provide an updated short plat drawing depicting the proposed layout of al I the lots. _ It is my understanding, based on conversations with the applicant's wetland biologist, Jonathan v 77 Kemp, EnCo, that there will be no intrusions into the wetland buffer. Please revise the site plan ° n ::E to show the new location of the residence, with all improvements outside the wetland buffer o � T area. O Please note: if there are any intrusions into the wetland buffer a separate land use review process will be required before the building permit can be issued. 'm Response: Thank -you, please see the revised plan set to find an updated short plat drawing and a revised wetland report attached. There will be no intrusion into 0 the category I wetlands as noted. Please see the 200' buffer depicted in the site h; plan and civil drawings. BUJLDING HEIGHT More information is needed to confirm if the building height meets the 30 -foot above average building elevation (AABE) maximum height limit. Building height is calculated based on the average building elevation, which is calculated by finding the average elevation for each building facade (the average must be calculated from the highest and lowest existing or proposed elevations, whichever is lowest, and the average can be no greater than five feet higher than the lowest elevation of that facade.) Add up all the average elevations and divide by the number of building facades to get the average building elevation around the house. Please identify both the existing grade and proposed finished grades around the house on the site plan. Lemons Architecture PLLC 98 Yesler Way. Seattle, WA 98104 206.306.5952 1 Contact an Lemon sArchitecture.com I www.LemonsArchitecture.com Response: Please see the 30 -foot above average building elevation calculation on GOA. The existing and proposed grades are shown in the elevations located on A3.0 — A3.3, thank -you. LOT COVERAGE Please provide the lot coverage calculation based on the lot size after being subdivided. Per FWRC 19.200.010, maximum lot coverage is 60% in the RS7.2 zoning district. Response: Please see that the lot coverage calculation has been added on sheet G0.4, thank -you. TREE AND VEGETATION RETENTION It appears the site will have sufficient tree canopy coverage. However, please identify the number of tree units retained and/or replaced per FWRC 19. 120.130. The minimum requirement is 25 tree units per acre. The number of tree units is calculated by multiplying the gross site acreage, minus any regulated critical areas, by the required tree density. Please provide the tree unit density for the site based on the lot size after being subdivided. Please depict the tree unit calculation on the site plan. Show tree retention fencing around retained trees in close proximity to construction activity pursuant to FWRC 19.120. 160. Response: Please find the tree and vegetation calculation added to G0.3. The revised short plat shows which of the existing trees are to be kept and that tree and vegetation protection should be installed during construction. The site plan shows the new trees that will be planted, thank -you. ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT As proposed, the residence has what appears to be two separate living areas with separate access; a main living area on the first floor and a separate smaller unit above the garage. There is potential for the unit above the garage to be considered an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU); however, as depicted it would not meet the size limitations for an ADU per FWRC 19.200.180. It is my understanding that the second living area will be exclusively for visitors and family members of the home owner. At no time will the unit be used as a separate rental unit. The door separating the main living area to the upstairs must be removed. The door allows the upstairs unit to be separated from the main living area creating a separate ADU. Please make a note on the site plan to this effect and adjust the floor plan accordingly. Response: Please see the revised plan set to find that the door has been removed. A note has also been added that the space is not to be used as separate ADU at any time, thank -you. Lemons Architecture PLL`, 98 Yesler Way. Seattle, WA 98104 206.306.5952 1 ContactC(DLemonsArchitecture con_ www_L,emonsArchitecture.com AI C D PROJECT INFORMATION SITE NOTES .DBE.e.aamAwa„ wa D6A6, DD EY o� ab a , ALDT (IONS PAacE- ,szl�a9ozz A ODAI coriAvnc rorigosnv4Fn cis1111TECAOR RIGDnn� AS NOT ElANN LEGAL OEsce RIN— ,H ... wA s n oWES:c STAR Fao sa NO1111WITTIDUARTIR OF -J101 lE AND o eco e-s.a;3 Aral u«.1 v cA c> cci., D F au6 so o'noNel IOITI I F E 0 NL C' pry P FlOv ooC soN EXfCN50Y s AFl ZFA4 0 c9 oc BED, ,OU ( S o COLD BNONiI 0 LEFT " (, KNOWN AS AAUA I.A C'S hN UN 4Y' )ItD: Pi LA, S I OI.N'fY OP KNG, STATFD WASH NGI'OY,O JS'SOI 0 Eh"O TO ARIAS SOF)I OF RE '. oCONSTRUCTIOIN SITE APEA. 2+/,2A .,f BE N6.0�. .AOC .O ha A60UiS pE OrD SP UCON..TgUCTiONREOEITA 1a X 1 Architectural Site Plan '�._RED 0. C A zs'111 as -n" ase 7" 2 �3 5.. TO,— -n-t— PLLC 6001,,Avo SNS, 622 ,FAWB WA 98104 2063065962 Le noneAraM1'ieciure.00m d o o 0 MEL,� (1)CcU)¢ O3 O Q 7 C U 0 Cl)ED C O O fCt ED i QrrML JOB NUN Lis -0: w Al; ,s ti,