PRHSPSC MINS 11-13-2018City of Federal Way City Council PARKS RECREATION HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COUNCIL COMMITTEE Tuesday November 13, 2018 5:00 p.m. SUMMARY Committee Members in Attendance: Chair Johnson, Committee members Koppang and Moore. Staff Members in Attendance: Eric Rhoades, Assistant City Attorney, John Hutton, Parks Director, Deputy Chief Kyle Sumpter, Jeff Watson, Human Services Manager, Sara Bridgeford, CDBG/HS Coordinator, Cody Geddes, Recreation Manager, Craig Feldman, Aquatics Coordinator, Yarden Weidenfeld, Senior Policy Advisor, and Mary Jaenicke, Administrative Assistant II. Guests: None Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:02pm Commission Comment: None Public Comment: Dana Holloway thanked the members of the Human Services Commission for reviewing the Human Services general fund grant applications and making funding recommendations. Ms. Holloway also stated that she was unaware that the city budgeted $536,000 per year from the general fund for the two year biennium, in addition to the CDBG Block Fund program funds given to Community and Human Services organizations. BUSINESS ITEMS Approval of Minutes Committee member Koppang motioned to approve the November 13, 2018 minutes as written. Committee member Moore seconded. Motion passed. Kitchen Replacement Upgrade at Federal Way Community Center Mr. Geddes reported that they applied for and received a grant from the King County Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Department. They would like to spend a portion of the grant on new kitchen equipment at the Federal Way Community Center. The equipment is 12 years old, and needs to be replaced. Committee member Koppang amended the motion, and moved to forward the authorization of an award for kitchen equipment at the Federal Way Community Center in the amount of $38,951.00 from the King County Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Department Grant and authorize a PO to be issued to Smith and Greene, and forward to the November 20, 2018 Full Council consent agenda for approval. Committee member Moore seconded. Motion passed. Second Amendment for Community Center Pool Chemicals Mr. Feldman reported that the process that has been used to purchase the pool chemicals is to piggy back on an Interlocal Agreement with King County, but as it turns out King County has changed some of their pool chemicals and are no longer bidding on the entire packet that the Federal Way Community Center uses. The city is still getting the same rate on the chlorine, but the other chemicals that are used are at a different rate than what he was previously told. The rates are within normal parameters of what other vendors are offering. The benefit of using ORCA Pacific is that they provide the technical expertise that is needed to keep the facility running. Committee member Moore moved to forward the proposed second amendment to the November 20, 2018 consent agenda for approval. Committee member Koppang seconded. Motion passed. K:\PRHSPS Committee\2018\11-13-2018 Mins.doc 3 PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COUNCIL COMMITTEE Tuesday, November 13, 2018 Summary Page 2 2019-2020 Human Services General Fund Grant Funding Recommendations Ms. Bridgeford stated that the Human Services General Fund Grants are provided on a two year basis. The grants are a part of a competitive application process. A total of 86 applications were received. 71 of the applications were complete and submitted on time. An additional eight applications were received as part of the parallel application process. The parallel application process started in 2016 for the 2017 - 2018 funding cycle. It's focused on the underserved, under protected and underfunded populations. They are organizations that have budgets less than $250,000. The Human Services Commission spent nine hours in meetings reviewing and discussing the applications. The city funds in four strategy areas: 1) Basic human service needs, 2) Individual and community safety, 3) Development of a comprehensive Human Services network and services for persons with special needs and 4) Support low-income families with children. Currently 39% of the total Human Services grant funds must be spent in strategy area one. The Human Services Commission forwarded their preliminary recommendations to committee for consideration. That included 43 applications funded which included 3 parallel applications and 6 CDBG funded grants. Chair Johnson inquired about the criteria used in developing the strategies. Ms. Bridgeford answered that the strategies were set by Council quite some time ago and there has been discussion about evaluating the strategies. Mr. Watson added that the strategies were developed in 1996 and have not been reviewed since then. Committee member Moore moved to forward the Human Services General Fund grants recommendations and Contingency Plan to the December 4, 2018 agenda for public hearing and approval. Committee member Koppang seconded. Motion passed. Police Downtown Substation Deputy Chief Sumpter stated that the Federal Way Police Department (FWPD) is requesting to renew the lease for the downtown substation that is located by the Transit Center. This is a highly visible substation, and it gets a lot of use. The department entered into a lease agreement in 2014 and this is the third renewal of a two year lease. The first year of the lease agreement the use of the building was free, after that the rent increased to $3500 per year, for this lease the rent has been decreased to $3000 per month. The term of the lease is January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020. Deputy Chief Sumpter added that the new Sound Transit station will include a police substation, and they will no longer need this building. Committee member Koppang moved to forward the proposed Agreement to the November 20, 2018 consent agenda for approval. Committee member Moore seconded. Motion passed. Washington State Patrol (WSP) for Mariluana Eradication 2018 Deputy Chief Sumpter reported that this is a reimbursement for marijuana eradication that was done in 2018. The amount of the reimbursement is $11,200. There was an overage in the Federal Grant Fund to the State of Washington for marijuana eradication. The leftover sum was there because the State Patrol couldn't spend all that was allotted to them. Committee member Moore moved to forward Option 1 to the November 20, 2018 consent agenda for approval. Committee member Koppang seconded. Motion passed. Agreement between the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) and the Federal Way Police Department to Provide Funding for Traffic Enforcement Deputy Chief Sumpter reported that the amount of the grant is $23,300 and will pay for overtime costs incurred for emphasis patrols on DUI, speeding, seat belt, motorcycle and distracted driving enforcement. Committee member Koppang moved to forward the proposed Agreement to the November 20, 2018 consent agenda for approval. Committee member Moore seconded. Motion passed. PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COUNCIL COMMITTEE Tuesday, November 13, 2018 Summary Page 3 COUNCIL DISCUSSION ON EMERGING ISSUES Homelessness Task Force Update Mr. Weidenfeld provided a brief update on what has occurred at the last two Task Force meetings. Each task group has given their report to the whole Task Force; this was followed with a discussion with the whole Task Force on clarification of what each task group was proposing. Mr. Weidenfeld reviewed the draft reports with the committee. The Chamber of Commerce has done their report on homelessness, and they will present it at the next Task Force meeting. Their report will be from a business perspective. Mr. Weidenfeld stated that the Seattle Times ran an article stating that the King County budget includes 3 million dollars for a homeless shelter in Federal Way. Mr. Weidenfeld stated that the article is referring to the proposal by FUSION about having a shelter associated with the Light of Christ Church. He also stated that they have not started the application process. Committee member Moore would like the final report to include metrics. Committee member Moore requested to add a discussion on broadcasting committee meetings to the December agenda. He would like to discuss this with the IT Department. He wants the meetings to be more transparent. Committee member Koppang stated that all committees would benefit from this but the challenge is going to be the cost associated with it. Chair Johnson stated that the Diversity Commission will be at the December committee meeting to discuss the direction of their commission. NEXT REGULAR MEETING December 11, 2018 ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 5:51p.m.