LUTC MINS 03-04-2019 City of Federal Way City Council Land Use ,& Transportation Committee March 4, 2019 City Hall 5:00 P.M. Council Chambers MEETING SUMMARY Committee Members in Attendance: Committee Chair Mark Koppang, Committee member Jesse Johnson, and Committee member Hoang Tran. Councilmembers in attendance: Deputy Mayor Susan Honda,Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson, and Councilmember Martin Moore. Staff in Attendance: Public Works Director EJ Walsh, Community Development Director Brian Davis, Deputy Public Works Director EJ Walsh, Deputy Public Works Director Desiree Winkler, Deputy City Attorney Mark Orthmann, Planning Manager Robert "Doc" Hansen, Principal Planner Margaret Clark, City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez, Surface Water Manager Theresa Thurlow, Capital Projects Engineering Manager Sarah Hamel, Sound Transit Liaison Tony Doucette, Street Systems Engineer Jeff Huynh, Water Quality Program Coordinator Leah Myhre, and Administrative Assistant II Mercedes Tenuta. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Koppang called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mark_Sp�ur, a Federal Way resident, shared concerns regarding item F and the extension of S 376th Street to Milton Road which would increase traffic in the area. Mr. Spaur would like to request that the city perform a traffic analysis to see if the extension can be removed from the comp plan. Roger Von aoenhoff, a Federal Way resident, expressed concerns regarding item F because it's his property that would be directly affected. He would not like to see a road punched through that would cut his property in half and come within 20 feet of his house. He is also requesting that the extension be removed from the comp plan. Richard Pierson, spoke in opposition of item D, stating that it would increase traffic and emissions and the proposed extension would go through a wetland. The proposed amendment is also 200 feet longer which he believes would increase cost. He would like to see a better solution. Allison I-avlai, expressed support for item I and is looking forward to having conversations about the timeline and what will work for Federal Way. Ashley Cormier,expressed support for item I,and wants to ensure that renters are protected against bad landlords and make the landlords accountable for the living conditions. Igor Priy«ir k,a Federal Way resident,spoke about item F and voiced concerns about the potential increase in traffic,increase in the number of kids in schools, and an increase in traffic noise for the seniors living in the area. Phillip 0m!z1chen.kQ, a Federal Way resident, spoke about item F and expressed concerns about the ecosystem and the potential for speeding due to the road creating a shortcut. YL11-i Zaharchuk, a Federal Way resident, spoke in opposition of item F and expressed concerns about proposed road the traffic it would bring, potential speeding, and the safety of the kids in the neighborhood. Sherri Stinton, a Federal Way resident, spoke in opposition of item F and expressed concerns about the impact of the S 376th Street punch-through. She listed the benefits of living in the Brittany Lane and Regency Woods neighborhoods and asked to Committee Members City Staff Mark Kgr)/33,x, Chair E7 Walsh,P.E.,Public Works Dr'rector Hoang V. Tran, Member ic;:;r„rs Tenuta,Administrative Assistant 11 Jesse E.Johnson, Member (253)635-2701 not use those neighborhoods to solve traffic congestion issues. Rick_Beard, a Federal Way resident, spoke in support of item F but also stated his understanding of the concerns expressed by other residents. He listed the benefits of being able to develop to improve the roads, eliminate a 900 curve, and allow another access point for emergency vehicles into the neighborhood. Judy Blake, a substitute teacher in the Federal Way School District, spoke about item F and expressed concerns with the impact to school capacity and buses, specifically at Rainier View Elementary. *Comment read into record by Administrative Assistant: Brett Vwaller, Director of Government Affairs with the WA Multi-Family Housing Association, expressed his support for item I. He looks forward to working with the Committee, staff work group, and Director to create a program that works for all interested parties without creating an additional burden on rental housing providers and tenants. 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS: Topic Title/Description A. Approval of Minutes: January 7, 2019 Committee approved the January 7, 2019 LUTC minutes as presented. Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Tran • Passed: 3-0 unanimously B. 2019 Asphalt Overlay Program Bid Award Street Systems Engineer, Jeff Huynh, stated that 4 bids were open on February 25, 2019 with the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder being Miles Resources, LLC. Mr. Huynh outlined the available funding and estimated project costs. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Award all schedules for the 2019 Asphalt Overlay Project to Miles Resources, LLC, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of$1,428,229.40 and approve at 2% contingency of$28,038 for a total of$1,456,267 and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract) to the March 19, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Tran • Seconded: Johnson • Passed: 3-0 unanimously C. NPDES Annual Report and Stormwater Management Program Update Water Quality Program Coordinator, Leah Myhre, provided a brief background regarding what the NPDES permit is, permit types, and permit requirements implemented through the City's Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) including the submission of the annual reporting which is due March 31,2019. Ms. Myhre also informed the committee of the upcoming changes to the permit requirements. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Approve the 2019 Annual Report and SWMP documents and authorize the Mayor to submit documents to the Department of Ecology by March 31St to satisfy the City's NPDES permit obligations)to the March 19, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Tran Passed: 3-0 unanimously D. ORDINANCE: Relating to the 2018 Amendments to the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan and Comprehensive Plan Map to Realign the Future Extension of South 324th Street Further South to Connect with Weyerhaeuser Way South City Traffic Engineer, Rick Perez, presented the background of the extension of S 324th Street explaining that the Committee Members City Staff MarkK,)/,,/.,, Chair E7 Walsh, P.E.,Public Works Director Hoang V. Tran, Member 1< c c Tenuta,Adrnir)&&ative Assistant ll Jesse E.Johnson,Member (253)835-2701 existing planned alignment as part of a capital project list was designed to have a bicycle and pedestrian friendly way to get across I-5 which would extend S 324th Street and connect to 32"d Ave S & S 323 d Street. DaVita expressed concerns with the existing planned alignment due to their proposed site plan and development of a new building. The City initiated the amendment to realign the S 324th Street extension to connect directly to Weyerhaeuser Way South instead. Mr. Perez provided maps of the existing planned alignment as well as the proposed realignment. Mr. Perez, Councilmembers, Community Development Director Brian Davis, and Deputy City Attorney Mark Orthmann held a discussion. Committee member Tran moved to delay the ordinance to further study the proposal. Committee member Johnson seconded. Chair Ifoppang and Mr. Davis discussed the implications of delaying the ordinance. Deputy City Attorney Mark Orthmann, clarified that the LUTC is a step to offer a recommendation and there is no step in the current code for LUTC disapproval. He explained that under the code the Planning Commission submits its report to the Council as a whole, with LUTC being a step and opportunity for a discussion before bringing it to Council. Committee member Tran withdrew his motion. Committee forwarded the proposed ordinance to First Reading on March 19, 2019. • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Koppang Passed: 3-0 unanimously E. 2019 Planning Commission Work Program Principal Planner, Margaret Clark, provided a brief background stating that every year the Planning Commission's work program is approved by Council. Ms. Clark outlined the housekeeping and non-housekeeping items planned for completion in 2019, items completed in 2018, and 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Ms. Clark and Councilmembers held a brief discussion regarding the need for public notice, sign code changes to content, and the process for amending the work program. Community Development Director Brian Davis clarified that work program and any amendments requested is based on resources that the department currently has. Committee forwarded Mayor's recommendation (Adoption of the 2019 Planning Commission Work Program) to the March 19, 2019 Council Business Agenda for approval. • Moved: Tran • Seconded: Johnson • Passed: 3-0 unanimously F. ORDINANCE: Relating to the 2018 Amendments to the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan Map, and Zoning Map for the Milton Road Area Legislative Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone Planning Manager, Robert"Doc"Hansen, presented a brief history of the amendment including maps identifying the parcels involved and zoning boundaries. Mr. Hansen outlined the SEPA history, non-project actions, public comments received, and issues expressed. Mr. Hansen, Deputy Mayor Honda, Chair Koppang, Public Works Director EJ Walsh, and Deputy City Attorney Mark Orthmann held a clarifying discussion. Committee Members City Staff Mark Kappanc, Chair E7 Walsh, P.E.,Public Works Director Hoang V. Tran,Member Mercedes Tenuta,Admim-5fr31tive Assistant 11 Jesse E.Johnson,Member (253)839-2101 Committee forwarded the proposed ordinance to First Reading on March 19, 2019. • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Tran e Passed: 3-0 unanimously G. Status Report on the SWM Comp Plan/CIP Update and Rate Study Surface Water Manager,Theresa Thurlow, presented a brief background stating that the project was approved by Council in June 2017. A consultant contract was awarded with completion anticipated in Fall of 2019. The implementation of the updated CIP and SWM rate adjustment in the fiscal year of 2021. Ms.Thurlow outlined the scope of work,what the SWM dollars pay for,the 2019 rates and structure including the new rate structure,and what the next steps would be. H. Update on the Development Agreement with Sound Transit for the Federal Way Link Extension Project Sound Transit Liaison, Tony Doucette, provided a brief project history, project overview and list of project agreements. The development agreement outlines roles, responsibilities, code requirements, code deviations, permitting framework, design review approach and design standards for the project. Mr. Doucette provided a map showing the agreement impact areas and outlined a development overview, the key details of the agreement and the schedule with next steps. Mr. Doucette, Deputy Mayor Honda, Chair Koppang, and Public Works Director EJ Walsh, held a brief discussion regarding the S 320th Street Park and Ride, the improvements of the walk from the park and ride to the station, the potential for increased parking, and surplus property. I. Information on Developing and Implementing a City Rental Inspection Program Community Development Manager, Brian Davis, explained that a working group was formed that includes three (3) staff members from different divisions of Community Development. Sarah Bridgeford from Human Services will serve as the lead and will work with Leila Willoughby-Oakes from Planning and Angie Villalovos with Code Compliance. Mr. Davis presented the draft timeline of approximately 12 months with key dates and tasks to implement a rental inspection program. Mr. Davis and Councilmembers held a discussion about the timeline details and the tasks being accomplished between the key dates presented as well as the potential to reschedule stakeholder meetings for after Labor Day due to Councilmembers'availability during that time of year. 4. OTHER 5. FUTURE MEETINGS/AGENDA ITEMS: The next LUTC meeting will be held on Monday, April 1, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers. 6. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 p.m. Attest: Approved by Committee: Mercedes Tenuta, Administrative Assistant II Date Committee Members City Staff Mark Koppang, Chair EJ Walsh,P.E., Public Works Director Hoang V. Tran,Member Mercedes Tenuta,Administrative Assistant 11 Jesse E.Johnson,Member (253)835-2701