2019-03-19 Council MIN - Regular CITY OF ibi. Federal Way CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Council Chambers - City Hall March 19, 2019 — 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Deputy Mayor Susan Honda, Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson,Councilmember Jesse Johnson,Councilmember Hoang Tran,Councilmember Mark Koppang, Councilmember Martin Moore and Councilmember Dini Duclos. City staff in attendance: City Attorney Ryan Call and City Clerk Stephanie Courtney 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Ferrell led the flag salute. 3. PRESENTATIONS a. Proclamation: Celebrating Women in Public Office Day Deputy Mayor Honda, CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson,and Councilmember Duclos read and presented the proclamation to former Mayor Jeanne Burbidge, former Mayor Mary Gates, former Mayor and State Representative Linda Kochmar, former Councilmember Diana Noble-Gulliford, and former Federal Way School Board Member Gail Pierson.They also recognized the four current female Council Mentees in attendance who will likely follow in their footsteps. Former Mayor Gates thanked Council for their recognition and spoke regarding the wide breadth of topics and issues discussed when on Council. Former Mayor Burbidge expressed that her civic involvements lead to great learning and affected the future. Former Representative Kochmar reflected on the changes to the City of Federal Way in her lifetime and is eager to continue her involvement. Ms. Pearson encouraged anyone who has desire to serve the public to take advantage of one of the greatest opportunities. Deputy Mayor Honda also recognized former Mayor Debbie Ertel-Burris, and former Councilmembers Kelly Maloney and Hope Elder for their service. b. Mayor's Emerging Issues and Report Mayor Ferrell reported on his attendance at many recent community events including Sound Transit Tacoma Dome Link Extension Project Update; Federal Way Young Life Annual Banquet on March 8; TJHS Raider Parent Movement(RPM) Dinner and Auction on March 9; PAC12 Men's Swimming Finals at the Weyerhaeuser Aquatics Center on March 9; and Middle Income Housing Affordability Meeting with Mayors, Microsoft, and Challenge Seattle on March 13. Mayor Ferrell indicated there will be a Severe Weather Shelter Meeting with area Faith- Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 1 of 12 March 19, 2019 Based groups and Non-Profits on March 27 at City Hall at 11:30 a.m. He reported on a lunch meeting with area mayors where they debriefed the snow storm in February discussion snow and ice removal and increased coordination of shelters. The Mayor was pleased to announce the Downtown Staircase Groundbreaking is scheduled for April 2 at noon. He explained a 30-foot wall will be coming down through grant funding and restricted money for capital purchases; not one dollar of general fund money is being used. c. Council Committee Reports • Finance, Economic Development Regional Affairs Committee(FEDRAC)—Chair Duclos announced their next meeting is Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. in the Hylebos Conference Room. • Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC)—Chair Moore had no report. • Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTC) — Chair Koppang announced the next meeting on April 1. He spoke regarding the Comprehensive Plan update process, which is a culmination of citizen input; commission review; committee review and Council consideration. • Parks/Recreation/Human Services/Public Safety Committee (PRHSPS) — Chair Johnson announced the next meeting is April 9; he noted topics being dicussed at the committee level and an upcoming Police Department report from Chief Hwang. • Regional Committee Report: Public Issues Committee (PIC) — Councilmember Assefa-Dawson was appointed to the Youth and Families Committee. They discussed the 2019 State Legislative Initiative, 1-976, and how that affects the cities as well as the Microsoft Initiative regarding prioritizing affordable housing and middle income and workforce housing was also discussed. • Deputy Mayor Report— Deputy Mayor Honda reported that five councilmembers toured the South Seattle Operations and Maintenance site to better understand the impact of this type of facility. She reminded those in attendance of changes to the Council Rules of Procedure including the earlier regular meeting start time as well as additional opportunities for citizen comments. 4. CITIZEN COMMENT Dana Holloway communicated to the Mayor and Council that during citizen comments their reactions could be perceived as not listening or paying attention. She asked that those on the dais act more attentive during this portion of the meetings. John Parks shared his opinion that the city faces a drug problem and not a homeless problem. He feels the system is catch and release and unless the people committing crimes are kept in custody they are going to keep committing crimes. He thanked the police for their hard work, but wishes there was more that they could do. Bernadine Lund received her ballot to vote for the King County Conservation Board however, Federal Way opted out of the conservation district. She is confused by what all of this means. Secondly, she encouraged the city to find a replacement for Yarden Weidenfeld soon as she is concerned we are gaining momentum with the airport and may be losing out by not having someone appointed to the airport committees. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 2 of 12 March 19, 2019 Sue Petersen spoke regarding her concern that the City of Federal Way does not have an adequate enough police force to cover the crime taking place within the city. Sherrhonda Brown presented Councilmember Johnson with a photo on behalf of the Department of Health Services to thank him for an inspiring dialog he shared with them recently. Letter read by City Clerk from Char Marriner regarding crime in her neighborhood. Letter read by City Clerk from Beth Peeks regarding Prop 1 funds. Letter read by City Clerk from Tony Gringle regarding his concern of a lack of police officers. Letter read by City Clerk from Patricia Berry regarding crime in Federal Way. Scott Chase spoke on Prop 1 funding and shared a chart containing his financial breakdown regarding Prop 1 funds and his concerns with understaffing in the Police Department. Xel Delplo addressed her concern that a lot of fear comes out of our city and country around transients and people who choose to live differently and feels people shouldn't fear differences. She also shared that she would like to see more art around the community. Anna Patrick spoke regarding House Bill 1591. She hopes the city will push back against these types of polices and shield the city from loitering and encampments. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes: March 5, 2019 Regular Meeting b. 2018 Emergency Management Performance Grant c. Third Amendment for Janitorial Service d. Equipment Purchase—One (1) Additional Parks Dept. Utility Cart Using Replacement Reserves e. HVAC Services Contract Award f. Tree Services Contract Award g. Use of Additional Unallocated Mitigation Funds to Complete the Purchase of one (1) Foreclosed King County Parcel for Open Space and Recreation h. Renewing a MOU with the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force i. Police Services Agreement with Commons Mall j. Public Safety Testing (PST) Total Compensation Amendment from $37,500 to $47,500 k. 2019 Human Services Commission Work Plan I. 2019 Asphalt Overlay Program Bid Award m. NPDES Annual Report and Stormwater Management Program Update DEPUTY MAYOR HONDA MOVED APPROVAL OF ITEM A-M ON THE CONSENT AGENDA; COUNCILMEMBER MOORE SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Koppang yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Johnson yes Councilmember Duclos yes Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 3 of 12 March 19, 2019 Councilmember Tran yes 5. PUBLIC HEARING a. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Citizen Participation Plan Mayor Ferrell opened the Public Hearing at 7:37 p.m. Community Services Manager Jeff Watson explained the purpose of the CDBG Citizen Participation plan as setting forth policies and procedures for citizen participation, encouraging citizen participation and outlining procedures for both approval of Consolidated Plan and addressing concerns/complaints. He reviewed the proposed changes including: o Formatting updates; o Addition of relocation plan requirements; o Additional public meeting and public hearing descriptions; o New definitions for changes to plan (revision, minor amendment; substantial amendment); o Specifying timing for public notice, applications periods, public comment periods and the like; and o Adding section with definitions and acronyms. Mr. Watson stated the reason for the update is to be consistent with HUD regulations related to Fair Housing and Relocation. Council thanked Mr. Watson for his presentation. No citizen comment was given. COUNCILMEMBER JOHNSON MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN; COUNCILMEMBER MOORE SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Koppang yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Johnson yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Tran yes COUNCILMEMBER JOHNSON MOVED APPROVAL OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN;COUNCILMEMBER MOORE SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Koppang yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Johnson yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Tran yes b. First Amendment to the 2018 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)Annual Action Plan Mayor Ferrell opened the Public Hearing at 7:43 p.m. CDBG Coordinator Sarah Bridgeford highlighted the proposed changes to the plan which include additional language regarding the Multi-Service Center Villa Capri project and an increase of$48,000 to the dollar amount awarded to the project. This increase is primarily Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 4 of 12 March 19, 2019 due to increases in State prevailing wage rates. She outlined the Villa Capri project indicating that it includes 86 units of affordable housing and reminded Council that preservation of affordable housing is less costly than replacing with new housing stock. The also stated the additional funding to this project will not impact other projects. Craig Patrick questioned if funds from the Gates Foundation will be used for this project. Ms. Bridgeford indicated that this project is fully funded by Federal Funds. Deputy Mayor Honda requested an explanation as to why the City gets the funding so late. Ms. Bridgeford explained the funding is received from the Federal Budget and due to delays in its approval in recent years funding has not been received until April or May while the project year begins in January. COUNCILMEMBER JOHNSON MOVE TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE 2018 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) ANNUAL ACTION PLAN;COUNCILMEMBER ASSEFA-DAWSON SECOND.The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Koppang yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Johnson yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Tran yes COUNCILMEMBER JOHNSON MOVED MOVE APPROVAL OF FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE 2018 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) ANNUAL ACTION PLAN; COUNCILMEMBER ASSEFA-DAWSON SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Koppang yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Johnson yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Tran yes c. Program Year 2018 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) Mayor Ferrell opened the Public Hearingat 7:53 p.m. Y p CDBG Coordinator Sarah Bridgeford explained the city utilizes Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to provide decent housing, suitable living environments, and create economic opportunities. This report describes accomplishments for the program year of January 1 through December 31, 2018. HUD requires this report to be submitted no later than March 31. Ms. Bridgeford highlighted 487 individuals were assisted and the majority of funds were used to assist very low to low-income families. Assistance included: o Facilitated twenty-two home repairs; o Assisted in creating with 8 businesses; o Facilitated 93 businesses receiving technical assistance; o Provided assistance for 244 persons with disabilities to attend classes to help them live independently; Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 5 of 12 March 19, 2019 o Prevented homelessness of 65 individuals; o Provided training and placement services to 50 persons; and o Provided critical care for two infants who were drug exposed. Councilmembers thanked Ms. Bridgeford for her presentation. No citizen comment was received. Deputy Mayor Honda asked what service was provided to prevent homelessness. Ms. Bridgeford indicated that it was one-time rental assistance. Councilmember Assefa- Dawson inquired regarding results for HOME funding.. Ms. Bridgeford indicated that while the city is part of the Community Housing Development Consortium, King County administers these funds and there are no metrics for it in the City of Federal Way's CAPER. COUNCILMEMBER JOHNSON MOVE TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON HEARING ON THE PROGRAM YEAR 2018 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION REPORT (CAPER); COUNCILMEMBER MOORE SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Koppang yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Johnson yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Tran yes COUNCILMEMBER JOHNSON MOVED MOVE APPROVAL OF THE PROGRAM YEAR 2018 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION REPORT (CAPER); COUNCILMEMBER MOORE SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Koppang yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Johnson yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Tran yes 6. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. 2019 Planning Commission Work Plan 2 Principal Planner Margaret Clark overviewed the proposed 2019 Planning Commission Work Plan including: • Housekeeping Items — adjusting requirements for providing notices to neighboring properties for short plats, requiring one notice for administrative variance, and clarifying language in Land Use Tables. • Non-Housekeeping Items—Shoreline Master Program Update, Critical Areas Ordinance, and Research and Presentation on Housing Issues and Potential Solutions. • Review of Items Completed in 2018 • Comprehensive Plan Amendments for both 2018 and 2019. COUNCILMEMBER KOPPANG MOVED MOVE APPROVAL OF THE 2019 PLANNING COMMISSION WORK PROGRAM AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MAYOR; COUNCILMEMBER MOORE SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Koppang yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 6 of 12 March 19, 2019 Councilmember Johnson yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Tran yes b. Authorization to Pursue Bond Financing for SCORE Jail Bond Defeasance City Attorney Ryan Call and Finance Director Ade Ariwoola provided history of the SCORE Interlocal Agreement (ILA) which was created in 2009 along with other jurisdictions to finance, build, and operate a new regional jail facility. Federal Way's portion of this capital debt is 18% of the total capital cost. Mr. Call noted, after much review and discussion,the City Council determined in 2018 that it is more cost-effective for the city to house inmates in other facilities and leave the SCORE ILA. In response to this action, Mr. Call reported the SCORE Executive Board is currently conducting an in-house evaluation and is looking at paying off current capital bonds and re-issue them at current rates as a cost saving measure. Attorney Call and Director Ariwoola feel this is an opportunity for the City to issue our own bonds independently to pay off our portion of the SCORE debt. This does not relieve the City of the debt, but rather offers some advantages including separation from joint debt of the SCORE facility, and possibly a better rate. Councilmembers asked for clarification on the process and if this would come back to Council. Mr. Call clarified the requested action tonight is simply authorization to start the process of working towards independent bonding. He added bonds are approved through ordinance, which requires Council action. Council questioned if a better interest rate would be achieved by severing our financial tie with SCORE, whether there was a timeframe on the Interlocal Agreement, and if this action would affect the City's credit rating. Finance Director Ade Ariwoola replied that it is likely that the City would receive a better interest rate, but it is uncertain at this point in time and that the city credit rating would not be affected negatively, as Moody's reviews debt capacity, not transactions. Mr. Call indicated that the current agreement is perpetual which renews every five years. The SCORE bond is currently at the first 10-year callable point of the original 30-year bond. COUNCILMEMBER DUCLOS MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND STAFF TO NOTIFY THE SCORE ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD THAT THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY WILL ISSUE ITS OWN BONDS TO REFINANCE THE CITY'S PORTION OF THE SCORE CAPITAL DEBT INSTEAD OF PARTICIPATING IN THE SCORE BOND OFFERING; COUNCILMEMBER KOPPANG SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Koppang yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Johnson yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Tran yes 7. ORDINANCES First Reading a. Council Bill#754/Relating to the 2018 Amendments to the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan and Comprehensive Plan Map to Realign the Future Extension of South 324th St Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 7 of 12 March 19, 2019 Further South to Connect with Weyerhaeuser Way South AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO AMENDMENTS TO THE FEDERAL WAY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN,AMENDING THE FEDERAL WAY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN,AND APPROVING A CITY-INITIATED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT TO REALIGN THE FUTURE EXTENSION OF SOUTH 324TH STREET TO CONNECT TO WEYERHAEUSER WAY SOUTH INSTEAD OF 32ND AVE SOUTH. (AMENDING ORDINANCES NOS. 90-43,95-248,96-270,98-330, 00-372,01-405,03-442,04-460,04-461,04- 462, 05-490, 05-491, 05-492, 07-558, 09-64, 10-671, 11-683, 13-736, 13-745, 15-796, 15-798, AND 18-843) City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez spoke regarding the city-initiated request to realign South 324th Street Extension east of 1-5 further south to connect with Weyerhaeuser Way South (rather than S 32nd Street). Mr. Perez explained the original proposal and reviewed considerations that were made when determining that option and explained how the proposed realignment meets most of these considerations. Mr. Perez clarified the Comprehensive Plan is a long-range planning document and is considered a living document. It is an outline of a vision and over time updates are expected to capture new information that will enhance economic development while still meeting the overall vision. Economic Development Director Tim Johnson was asked to add background on the development of this property. He answered questions regarding the plans for Davita's campus expansion to Federal Way on the property which will add high quality office jobs for the community. He noted staff has been working with Davita on their relocation from Tacoma since 2015. • Council Questions/Discussion Council asked questions regarding the timeline for the DaVita project, the possibility of using the existing traffic circle for additional cost savings, access to the proposed building from 324th, and if jobs will have livable wages with benefits. Mr. Johnson stated Davita needs to be in and operating in a new location by 2021 as they have currently outgrown their currently facility. The jobs are administrative in the healthcare field with livable wages, benefits and retirement. Discussion followed regarding the impact of traffic on S 320th Street. Mr. Perez indicated that the number of lanes is not the issue, but is instead caused by intersection capacity constraints. He noted that neither 32nd nor Weyerhaeuser Way have issues with capacity constraints meaning the proposed realignment would not impact S 320th Street. Council asked if Weyerhaeuser Way will be widened to handle the increased volume caused by the additional warehouses proposed by IRG. Mr. Perez indicated that the increase will be in the number of truck trips which would actually generate less traffic than businesses. The trips would be less, but the weight of the trucks may impact the surface of the roads. • Citizen Comment Arthur Richey the Senior Director for Real Estate Development with Davita shared an update on the company's growth and need for more office space. Diana Noble-Gulliford is a member of the Federal Way Planning Commission,speaking as Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 8 of 12 March 19, 2019 an individual she shared her concerns with this issue and read from a portion of an updated SEPA checklist completed by Davita. Richard Pierson shared his appreciation for the adaptability of the city staff and for their helpfulness when he has questions. He also shared his opinion that there is plenty of empty office spaces already available around Federal Way for companies that are looking to grow. Alex Kostin declined to speak Suzanne Vargo voiced her confusion and concern around certain vague terms being used when discussing the extension of South 324th Street. City Clerk Stephanie Courtney read the ordinance title into the record. COUNCILMEMBER KOPPANG MOVED TO FORWARD THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE APRIL 2, 2019, COUNCIL MEETING FOR SECOND READING AND ENACTMENT; COUNCILMEMBER MOORE SECOND. Deputy Mayor Honda acknowledged the need for businesses in Federal Way and expressed her concerns regarding the manner the request for road alignment has been handled. Councilmembers discussed the possibility of referring this item back to the Land Use Transportation Committee and Planning Commission to ensure the current and updated information is presented. Community Development Director Brian Davis informed Council that due to timing of the regular meetings, referring it back to the Planning Commission would result in a two month delay in making the decision. DEPUTY MAYOR HONDA MOVED TO SUSPEND COUNCIL RULES AND EXTEND THE MEETING PAST 10:00 P.M.; COUNCILMEMBER ASSEFA-DAWSON SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Koppang yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Johnson yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Tran yes Council continued discussions regarding economic development and if concessions are necessary when recruiting businesses. It was highlighted that DaVita has worked as a partner with the city, providing clear communication regarding their needs and have followed the process which was outlined to them. City Attorney Ryan Call reminded the Council that tonight is the first reading and not final approval of this ordinance; there is time for research and consideration before the April 2 Council Meeting rather than referring it back to the commission. Councilmembers expressed their desire to hear from the Planning Commissioners before the second reading of this ordinance. COUNCILMEMBER KOPPANG MOVED TO AMEND THE MAIN MOTION TO FORWARD THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE APRIL 2,2019,COUNCIL MEETING FOR SECOND READING AND ENACTMENT AFTER A SPECIAL LAND USE/TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE MEETING HAS BEEN HELD IN THE COMING WEEK; COUNCILMEMBER MOORE SECOND. The amendment passed unanimously as follows: Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 9 of 12 March 19, 2019 Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Koppang yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Johnson yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Tran yes It was clarified the purpose of the special meeting will be for the Councilmembers to have an opportunity to engage with the Planning Commissioners to discuss any misunderstandings. The motion as amended passed as follows: Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Koppang yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Johnson yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Tran yes b. Council Bill # 755/ Relating to the 2018 Amendments to the Federal Way Comp Plan, Comp Plan Map, and Zoning Map for the Milton Road Area Legislative Comp Plan Amendment and Rezone AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO AMENDMENTS TO THE FEDERAL WAY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN,AMENDING THE FEDERAL WAY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP, AND ZONING MAP, AND APPROVING A CITY-INITIATED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND LEGISLATIVE REZONE OF 56.06 ACRES LOCATED NORTH OF SOUTH 376TH STREET, EAST OF INTERSTATE 5, FROM SINGLE-FAMILY MEDIUM DENSITY(RS 35.0, ONE UNIT PER 35,000 SQUARE FEET)TO SINGLE-FAMILY HIGH DENSITY(RS 7.2, ONE UNIT PER 7,200 SQUARE FEET). (AMENDING ORDINANCE NOS.90-43, 95-248, 96-270, 98-330,00-372,01-405,03-442, 04-460,04-461, 04-462, 05-490, 05-491,05-492,07-558,09-614, 10-671, 11-683, 13-736, 13-745, 15-796, 15-798, AND 18-843) • Staff Presentation Planning Manager Doc Hansen reviewed the proposed Milton Road Comprehensive Plan and Rezoning for 56 acres. The original request was submitted in 2018 by six individual properties and was denied due to the fact it constituted spot zoning.At first reading, the proposal was sent back to the Planning Commission for reconsideration and to examine a legislative rezone for the entire area. The current proposal is for 26 parcels currently zoned RS 35 located between Interstate 5 and Brittany Lane. It is recommended for rezoning to RS7.2 Mr. Hansen addressed concerns relayed by members of the public during the process thus far. He responded to concerns regarding increased traffic concerns regarding development resulting in increased crime and environmental degradation. He indicated that the Planning Commission voted to recommend this Comprehensive Plan Amendment which was forwarded by the Land Use/Transportation Committee. • Council Questions/Discussion Council asked questions regarding neighbors' concerns of increased crime and what development in zone RS7.2 would look like. Mr. Hansen indicated that crime generally reduces in developed areas as it relates to homelessness. He noted the proposed density is the same as Regency Woods and cautioned increased density could be needed in the future as developable land is less available. When questioned regarding the increase in traffic around Wild Waves Mr. Hansen Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 10 of 12 March 19, 2019 indicated that traffic concurrency would be reviewed and actions would be taken to ensure adequate access. • Citizen Comment Alex Kostin left before speaking. Yuri Zaharchuk spoke regarding his concerns that the rezoning will lead to increased traffic volume and speeds making it unsafe for children and families. Mark Spaur spoke regarding the VonDoenhoff property and shared his opposition of the road extension. Mr. Spaur urged the city to conduct a traffic study. Roger VonDoenhoff asked the city if there is a way to modify the traffic analysis to verify if they can meet the level of service goals without having to push the road through. He doesn't feel it is necessary and feels it would disrupt the now quiet neighborhood and pose issues for the playground located there. Sherri Stanton stated that quality of life, safety and community are the main concerns.The neighborhood is child friendly and would like to keep commuter traffic out of their neighborhood. Suzanne Vargo shared her stance that low density zoning helps preserve and protect environmentally sensitive areas such as the Hylebos. Letter read by City Clerk from Mark Johnson speaking in favor of the rezoning. Council discussed concerns regarding the extension of S 376th Street connection to 19th Lane and the impact that would have on the neighborhood. DEPUTY MAYOR HONDA MOVED TO PLACE ON THE 2020 DOCKET A DISCUSSION ON REMOVING THE 376TH CONNECTION TO 19TH LANE FROM THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; COUNCILMEMBER ASSEFA-DAWSON SECOND. Community Development Director Brian Davis provided logistics of adding this request to the docket. To eliminate it entirely a traffic study would need to be conducted which would result in a need for funding. He and Mr. Perez indicated the issue is not about level of service, but rather connectivity which has been a concern since incorporation. It was stated this change is more of a policy discussion than a traffic analysis. Councilmember Koppang questioned if the current motion allowed for alternate options to be provided when moving forward. City Attorney Ryan Call restated the motion as requested. DEPUTY MAYOR HONDA MOVED TO AMEND HER MOTION AS FOLLOWS: PLACE ON THE 2020 DOCKET A DISCUSSION ON REMOVING THE 376TH CONNECTION TO 19TH LANE AND IDENTIFYING ALTERNATIVES FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. The motion as amended passed as follows: Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Koppang yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Johnson yes Councilmember Duclos yes Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 11 of 12 March 19, 2019 Councilmember Tran yes City Clerk Stephanie Courtney read the ordinance title into the record. COUNCILMEMBER KOPPANG MOVED TO FORWARD THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE APRIL 2, 2019, COUNCIL MEETING FOR SECOND READING AND ENACTMENT; COUNCILMEMBER ASSEFA-DAWSON SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Koppang yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Johnson yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Tran yes 8. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Assefa-Dawson provided no report. Councilmember Johnson provided no report. Councilmember Tran provided no report. Councilmember Koppang provided reported that Council Chambers have been reserved for Monday, March 25 for the Land Use/Transportation Committee Special Meeting. Councilmember Moore reflected that there are many difficult decisions being made by Council and he appreciates that there are been more in depth discussions and debates. He looks forward to ongoing consideration of broadcasting committee meetings. Councilmember Duclos provided no report. Deputy Mayor Honda reported a Kittitas County Police Officer was recently shot and killed in the line of duty. She asked for thoughts and prayers for that officer and his family as well as our officers who protect us every day. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being nothing further on the agenda; the regular meeting was adjourned at 11:20 p.m. Attest: • S -• :nie Courtney City Clerk Approved by CounciL:01,02401 Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 12 of 12 March 19, 2019