LUTC MINS 03-25-2019 City of Federal Way City Council Special Meeting of the Land Use & Transportation Committee with the Planning Commission March 25, 2019 City Hall 5:00 p.m. Council Chambers MEETING SUMMARY Committee Members in Attendance: Committee Chair Mark Koppang, Committee member Jesse Johnson, and Committee member Hoang Tran. Councilmembers in Attendance: Deputy Mayor Susan Honda (via phone) and Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson. Planning Commissioners in Attendance: Wayne Carlson, Lawson Bronson, Diana Noble-Gulliford, Hope Elder, Tim O'Neil, Dawn Meader McCausland, Tom Medhurst, and Dale Couture. Staff in Attendance: Public Works Director EJ Walsh, Community Development Director Brian Davis, Economic Development Director Tim Johnson, Deputy Public Works Director Desiree Winkler, Deputy City Attorney Mark Orthmann, IT Manager Thomas Fichtner, City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez, Capital Projects Engineering Manager Sarah Hamel, Principal Planner Margaret Clark, and Administrative Assistant II Mercedes Tenuta. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Koppang called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Chair Koppang made an opening statement that the purpose of the meeting is to have a conversation with the Planning Commission and discuss how they reached their conclusion of a 7-0 vote in support of the proposed amendment. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT: i�ichard Pierson voiced his opinion in opposition to the impacts of the proposed amendment including perceived increases in traffic congestion, safety, travel time, and economic development. He expressed concern that the amendment does not address long-term implications and urged the committee to reject what is being proposed and to seek an alternative. Suzanne Vargo expressed opposition to the proposed amendment. She voiced concerns regarding the wetlands, retention pond, and natural water features potentially being disturbed or moved and how it falls in line with the concomitant agreement. 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS: Topic Title/Description A. Discussion with Planning Commissioners relating to the 2018 Amendments to the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan and Comprehensive Plan Map to Realign the Future Extension of South 324th Street Further South to Connect with Weyerhaeuser Way South Councllmem&er Comments: Chair-Koppang expressed his understanding of the hurdles that DaVita has had to go through to come to a conclusion that would work. Committee Members City Staff Mark Koppang, Chair E7 Walsh,P.E.,Public Works Director Hoang V. Tran,Member Nei cedes Tenuta,Administrative Assistant II Jesse E.Johnson,Member (153)835-7701 Councilmember Johnson and City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez held a clarifying discussion about when updated traffic volUrne projections would be available, how 32nd Ave S is affected in both the existing plan and the proposed alignment,the relocation of the DaVita jobs from Tacoma to Federal Way,and the desire of DaVita to have a business park environment which allows employees walk between buildings without any intervening traffic. Councilmembe-_r Tran expressed concern about the possibility that some commissioners felt pressure to vote a certain way and he requested this meeting to get a chance to talk directly to the Planning Commission in a public setting. Councilmember Assefa-Dawson voiced her support for having the meeting to be more informed. She expressed concern regarding the traffic impacts to Weyerhaeuser Way. Deputy Mayor, Honda, Chair Koppang, and Mr. Perez held a clarifying discussion regarding the importance of getting the most updated traffic count forecasts. Mr. Perez stated this is not data that is normally obtained as part of the comprehensive plan process and that updated data will be available during City Center Access Project. Before building the road, a more complete study will be performed which would most likely be looking at projections potentially as far as the year 2050. Planning Commi:�aner Comments: Con-mi :,ioner Flrjue Elder stated she felt no pressure to vote but after studying the proposal further, the detriment outweighs the benefits and suggests the City explore other alternatives. Councilmembers and Community Development Director Brian Davis held a discussion about the perception that Da Vita put pressure on the City to get what they want. Mr, Davis explained that the City works with businesses for reasonable accommodations without compromising policies or budgetary restraints. In this proposal, it was discovered that the acconamodation for Da Vita ends up being less money for the City. Commissioner Lawson Bronson stated he felt no pressure to vote a certain way but as an engineer expressed concerns about the Federal Government allowing the crossing over Interstate 5. Chair Koppang, City Trac Engineer Rick Perez, Community Development Director Brian Davis, and Public Works Director EJ Walsh held a clarifying discussion. Mr. Davis stated that the comp plan has been vetted with WSDOTand they have been involved in the development. Mr. Perez explained the Feder al Go vernment is concerned about the impacts to the interstate by adding or reconfiguring the ramps With City CenterAccess, adding additional access w111 help distribute traffic away from 320th. Mr. Walsh stated that the City has permission to cross I-5 at the comp plan level but as engineering progresses, there will be additional permits and approvals that will need to be obtained. fie hurdle with this project isn't about crossing I-5 but more about funding. The project being over 130 million would warrant it to become a part of a State package because the City is not able to undertake it on its own financial capacity. Commissioner Wayne Carlson stated he was not pressured into supporting this amendment and is in favor of it based on looking at it from different perspectives. Mr. Carlson shared his thoughts that the current placement of the roundabout is very impactful to a single piece of property whereas the realignment is less impactful. He addressed the concerns that were brought up about the potential to run through wetlands and clarified that the City has authorization over buffers but not over wetlands. The City may be the applicant for the road but agencies such as the US Army Corp of Engineers and the Department of Ecology has criteria for evaluation. Mr. Carlson explained that an environmental benefit could be that due to the stormwater infrastructure being old, the development may end up improving the water quality. Committee Members City Staff Mark Kopp ung, Chair E7 Walsh,P.E.,Public Works Director Hoang V. Tran,Member Mercedes Tenuta,Admimstrative Assistant 11 Jesse E.Johnson, Member (253)835-1701 Commissioner Diana Noble-Gulliford voiced that she values the public's input and is not against DaVita but would like to see more companies come to the City. Her concerns are how the City will grow without more long-term planning, traffic impacts with the numerous redevelopments that are underway, and how the City will plan out the 400 acres. Commissioner Dale Couture expressed his thoughts that the roundabout takes up too much land and is in support of the amendment. Commissioner Tim O'Neil shared his initial concerns about traffic impacts and whether or not DaVita and IRG would want access to the realignment. Based on conversations with City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez about when the S S 324th extension would occur and the fact that DaVita desiring an assurance that once they build their building that the City would not disrupt their campus in the future, Mr. O'Neil is in support of the amendment. Commissioner Tom Medhurst stated that he did not feel any pressure with regard to his vote and that he shared the same traffic impact concerns about where it connects to Weyerhaeuser Way. He stated that after all is considered, he is still in support of the amendment. Commissioner Dawn Meader McCausland expressed her initial overall support based on the minimal adverse impacts and positive economic development for the City. Due to the timeline and lack of substantial negative impacts, she chose to support it however now has increasing concerns and questions about decisions being made without fulling analyzing future connectivity. Deputy City Attorney, Mark Orthmann, clarified that based on the general nature of the comp plan and its amendments, the level of specificity that was included in this amendment is not the standard. Questions that are being brought up are valid however are not addressed until the projects are developed. Public Works Director,EJ Walsh, further concurred with Mr. Orthmann,stating that the questions, while valid, are the types of questions answered during the 3096 design of a project. Mr. Walsh, City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez,and Ms. Meader McCausland held a discussion regarding this comp plan amendment traffic analysis and impacts and how it relates to the City Center Access project. Councilmembers, Community Development Director Brian Davis, and Public Works Director EJ Walsh, held a closing discussion about mitigating the wetlands. Councilmembers thanked the Planning Commissioners for attending. 4. OTHER 5. FUTURE MEETINGS/AGENDA ITEMS: The next LUTC meeting will be held on April 1, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers. 6. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:52 p.m. Attest: Approved by Committee: 5/(e /2� 01 Mercedes Tenuta, Administrative Assistant II Committee Members City staff Mark Koppang, Chair EJ Walsh,P.E.,Public Works Director Hoang V. Tran,Member Mercedes Tenuta,Administrative Assistant 11 Jesse E.Johnson,Member (153)835-1701