LUTC MINS 04-01-2019 City of Federal Way City Council Land Use & Transportation Committee April 1, 2019 City Hall J] 5:00 �".m. Council Chambers MEETING SUMMARY Committee Members in Attendance: Committee Chair Mark Koppang, Committee member Jesse Johnson, and Committee member Hoang Tran. Councilmembers in attendance: Deputy Mayor Susan Honda, Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson, and Councilmember Martin Moore. Staff in Attendance: Public Works Director EJ Walsh, Deputy City Attorney Mark Orthmann, Sound Transit Liaison Tony Doucette,SWM Project Engineer Fei Tang,SWM Project Engineer Kent Smith, Streets Systems Project Engineer John Mulkey, Senior Traffic Engineer Erik Preston, Water Quality Program Coordinator Leah Myhre, and Administrative Assistant II Mercedes Tenuta. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Koppang called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no public comments. 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS: Topic Title/Description A. Approval of Minutes: March 4, 2019 Committee approved the March 4, 2019 LUTC minutes as presented. • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Tran • Passed: 3-0 unanimously B. 2019 Storm Pipe Repair Project Phase I—85% Design Status Report and Authorization to Bid SWM Project Engineer, Fei Tang, gave a brief background of the 2-phase project to repair deteriorated storm pipes which were identified by the 2018 Storm Drain CCN Inspection and Assessment Project. Mr. Tang provided a map identifying the project locations, outlined progress to date including completed tasks and ongoing tasks, and provided the budget information including estimated expenditures and available funding. Chair Koppang, Deputy Mayor Honda, and Mr. Tang held a brief discussion about how the pipes are prioritized and the age and the factors that contribute to the life expectancy of the pipes. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Authorize staff to complete the design and bid the 2019 Storm Pipe Repair Project Phase I and return to the LUTC and Council for bid award, further reports, and authorization) to the April 16, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Tran • Seconded: Johnson • Passed: 3-0 unanimously Committee Members City Staff Mark Koppang, Chair EJ Walsh,P.E.,Public Works Director Hoang V. Tran,Member Mcrredes Tenuta,Administrative Assistant 11 Jesse E.Johnson,Member (259)835.2701 C. Brook Lake Center Connector—Bid Award Street Systems Project Engineer,John Mulkey, provided a project overview map and a brief background stating two bids received with the lowest responsive, responsible bidder being Talakai Construction, LLC in the amount of$281,231.50. Mr. Mulkey outlined the budget including available funding and project costs stating the project is fully funded by the SWM Utility Tax. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Award the Brook Lake Center Connector project to Talakai Construction, LLC, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of$281,231.50 and approve a 10%contingency of$28,123.15 for a total of$309,354.65, approve a budget transfer from SWM Fund 304 in the amount of $136,482.65, and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract)to the April 16, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Tran • Passed: 3-0 unanimously D. RESOLUTION: Intent to Reform the North Lake Management District(NLMD) Number 2 and Setting of a Public Hearing Date Water Quality Coordinator, Leah Myhre, on behalf of the North Lake Management District (NLMD) Advisory Committee, provided a background on what a Lake Management District is, the history of NLMD, lal�e management district benefits,the current NLMD status, and who makes up the advisory committee. Ms. Myhre outlined the 2020-29 renewal petition process including its purpose; the boundary and duration; the proposed assessment rate structure and annual costs; the petition sufficiency, and next steps. Ms. Myhre and Councilmembers held a brief discussion regarding the stakeholder selection process,the Canada geese management process, the work plan timeline, and how the public vote is managed. Committee forwarded the proposed resolution to the April 16, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Tran • Seconded: Johnson • Passed: 3-0 unanimously E. Authorization to Accept WA State Transportation Improvement Board Complete Streets Grant Senior Traffic Engineer, Erik Preston, provided a brief background of the Complete Streets program that provides flexible funding to local agencies who have adopted a complete streets ordinance and builds streets to accommodate all users. The City received two(2) nominations and is being awarded $100,000. If authorized to accept the funding, TIB will work with the City to develop a work plan and select a project consistent with the City's draft ADA Transition Plan. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Accept WA State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant funding for the Complete Streets Project at the intersection of S 320th Street and Pacific Highway and authorize the transfer of $100,000 from the Traffic Impact Fee account for matching funds)to the April 16, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. Moved: Johnson Seconded: Tran • Passed: 3-0 unanimously F. Underground Utility Locating Services Agreement Public Works Director, EJ Walsh,presenting on behalf of Deputy Public Works Director Desiree Winkler,provided a brief background of the City's requirement to mark-out city-owned utilities when One Call is requested within city limits which includes storm facilities, signals and street lights, and city fiber. During the 2019-20 budget process, Public Works reviewed all of the in-house and contracted services to identify potential savings and efficiencies. A request for proposals generated one proposal from USIC Locating Services, LLC, Mr. Walsh Committee Members City Staff Mark Kophang, Chair EJ Walsh,P.E.,Public Works Director Hoang V. Tran,Member Mercedes Tenuta,Admimstr-ative Assistant 11 Jesse E.Johnson,Member (253)835-2701 outlined the funding budget and contract cost, which does not include City fiber locates. Committee forwarded the proposed agreement to the April 16, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Tran • Seconded: Johnson • Passed: 3-0 unanimously G. Authorization to Change Sponsor for King County Conservation Futures Funding Award Public Works Director, El Walsh, presenting on behalf of Surface Water Manager Theresa Thurlow,gave a brief background about the 2019 CFT fund award of$500,000 which is contingent upon being matched by the money in the State Legislature budget awarded to Forterra. Due to Forterra being unwilling to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the City and the City's inability to utilize funding of its own to use as matching funds,the best course is to change the sponsor which would transfer the responsibility of providing matching funds to Forterra. Chair Koppang clarified with Mr. Walsh that the $500,000 would either go back to the County or to Forterra to be held for future acquisition of the specific property if a willing seller is identified. Deputy Mayor Honda and Mr. Walsh held a brief discussion about the time limit for holding the funds and what options for extensions are available. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Authorize staff to submit a request to King County for a change in sponsor for the Conservation Futures Fund 2019 Award in the amount of $500,000) to the April 16, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Tran • Passed: 3-0 unanimously H. Authorization to Apply for Sound Transit System Access Funds Sound Transit Liaison, Tony Doucette, provided a brief background explaining that jurisdictions within Sound Transit's service area are allowed to submit up to two (2) applications for funding with the stated goal to help fund improvements that make it easier for riders to get to and from Sound Transit's stations and facilities.After review of planned Streets Capital and Transportation Improvement Plans by both Public Works and Community Development staff, the two p ojects that stood out were the Pedestrian Pathway Improvements to the Federal Way Transit Center and Signalizing the Intersection at 21St Ave S and S 320"' St. Mr. Doucette outlined each project's proposed improvements and the next steps in the timeline and process. Chair Koppang and Mr. Doucette held a brief discussion regarding the Pedestrian Pathways project and the nature of the access. Public Works Director, EJ Walsh,clarified to Chair Koppang that this item is information only and is on the Council Susiness Agenda for April 17, 2019. It's the Committee's choice if they would like to make a motion to recommend No motion(s)made. Committee Members City Staff Mark Koppang, Chair EJ Walsh,P.E.,Public Works Director Hoang V. Tran,Member Mercedes Tenuta,Adirwustrative Assistant II Jesse E.Johnson,Member (25.3)8.35-2ZOI 4. OTHER: A. Presentation by Timothy Larson with the University of Washington regarding the Ultrafine Particle Study Chair Koppang introduced John Resing, who has served in a number of capacities in the City and has involvement with helping citizens understand the impacts of aviation and airports He stated Mr. Resing will provide a brief introduction to Professor Timothy Larson. John Resing, a member of the both the Advisory Committee for the Ultrafine Particle Study and a member of the Airport StART committee, spoke to urge the Council to consider encouraging the University of Washington (UW)to extend the Ultrafine Particle Study by making measurements at ground level along the Pacific Coast as well as extend into the vertical dimension by making measurements in Federal Way from a drone at various altitudes. Mr. Resing also suggested the Council adopt a resolution supporting UW undertaking the design of a permanent ultrafine monitoring network and establish a consultant to act as Council staff dedicated to airport matters to allow for the continuity of knowledge and information. Professor Timoth+ Lar-Vi-i, with the University of Washington and Co-PI on the Ultrafine Particle Study, explained how ultrafine and ultra-ultrafine particles are measured using units called microns and nanometers. Professor Larson outlined and presented information regarding the inflammatory health effects of the ultrafine particles, how the particles are dispersed and where they are found, various monitoring instruments, school sites as good candidates for monitoring, and the how additional monitoring is needed to support health impact studies near the airport. 5. FUTURE MEETINGS/AGENDA ITEMS: The next LUTC meeting will be held on May 6, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers. 6. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:41 p.m. Attest: Approved by Committee: �lc� 4:::T Mercedes Tenuta, Administrative Assistant II Date Committee Members City Staff Mark Koppang,Chair EJ Walsh,P.E.,Public Works Director Hoang V. Tran,Member Mercedes Tenuta,Administrative Assistant II Jesse E.Johnson,Member (253)835-2701