LUTC MINS 07-01-2019City of Federal Way City Council Lead Use & Trsl s o tion Co m"Iftee July 1, 2019 City Hall 5:00 P.m. Council Chambers [w 14 4 0 G IrMUZ, 11MMA Committee Members in Attendance: Committee Chair Mark Koppang, Committee member Jesse Johnson, and Committee member Hoang Tran. Councilmembers in attendance: Deputy Mayor Susan Honda. Staff in Attendance: Public Works Director EJ Walsh, Deputy City Attorney Mark Orthmann, Community Services Manager Sarah Bridgeford, Policy Advisor Bill Vadino, City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez, Capital Projects Engineering Manager Sarah Hamel, Surface Water Manager Theresa Thurlow, Solid Waste & Recycling Coordinator Rob Van Orsow, Solid Waste & Recycling Project Manager Jeanette Brizendine, Public Education & Outreach Coordinator Katherine Straus, Street Systems Project Engineer John Mulkey, Street Systems Engineer Jeff Huynh, and Administrative Assistant II Mercedes Tenuta. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Koppang called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT: Laura e Mos M°, with Waste Management, expressed her gratitude for another opportunity to serve Federal Way with a new contract and appreciates the thoroughness of staff and Council. She highlighted the enhancements that will include dedicated staff at the call center for the City, extended Saturday call center hours and new fleet and carts. Rgdor EQLNlg-r, who lives in Belmor Mobile Home Park, spoke in opposition to rezoning the housing to high density living. He highlighted the various activities and contributions the mobile home park provides and expressed his concern with the difficulty that residents will face if it is rezoned. Susan Smith, a Belmor Mobile Home Park resident, shared her concerns with how- the residents of the park will be able to afford housing if it gets rezoned, especially since most residents are on fixed incomes. She also expressed concerns with traffic if the lot turns into high-rise apartments. B rn ne Lund', a Federal Way resident, stated that she was part of a group that was interviewed for the airport study. She expressed her concerns with the experience of the interview but after speaking with residents of Burien and Des Moines, those residents conveyed what was needed to. Dia...n ,a Nghlk-gullifigrd, commented about item K and outlined her experience with property inspections. She expressed her concerns with additional regulations, the cost -benefit of the program, as well as the potential to diminish private property rights. D!gb Q a Belmor Mobile Home Park resident, shared that Belmor Park is a beautiful place to live and voiced her concern with potentially losing her home and the cost of having to live in high density housing with a fixed income. *0t en comment read into record by Adminisfr bve Assistant• Jay Altman, a resident of Belmor Mobile Home Park, expressed concerns regarding the rezoning of the park is recommending to the Planning Commission that further discussions of the rezone be tabled until Sound Transit decides on their route to Tacoma. Committee Members City Staff Mark Koppeng, Chair E7 Walsh, P. E., Public Works Director Hoang V. Tran, Member Mercedes renuta, Adminr: trafte Assistant fI Jesse E. Johnson, Member 3 (253) 835-2701 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS: Topic Title/ Description A. Approval of Minutes: June 3, 2019 Committee approved the June 3, 2019 LUTC minutes as presented. • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Tran • Passed: 3-0 unanimously B. Authorization to Submit Proposal for King County Council Allocated Waterworks Funding for the Storm Drain Artwalk Project Public Education & Outreach Coordinator, Katherine Straus, provided a brief background about the Waterworks Grant through King County that funds projects that improve water quality within King County's regional wastewater system service area. The Storm Drain Artwalk project is a fun, creative, visual way to engage the public in conversations about stormwater, communicate the values of our City, supports local artists and reaches a wider audience. Ms. Straus provided the proposed locations, timeline, a draft budget, and picture examples of artwork from other cities. Ms. Straus and Councilmembers held a brief discussion regarding how many drains, whether there will be a U1effic, and IIICUIods lul touching up lur rernoving the Paint. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Authorize staff to submit a proposal for the King County Council allocated Waterworks funding for the Storm Drain Artwalk Project) to the July 16, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Tran • Seconded: Johnson • Passed: 3-0 unanimously C. 2019 Storm Pipe Repair Phase II — 85% Design Report Status and Authorization to Bid Capital Projects Engineering Manager, Sarah Hamel, provided a brief background regarding the project to repair deteriorated storm pipes. Phase I includes the pipes that must be repaired with the open -cut method whereas phase II will repair the pipes with a most cost effective trenchless method (cured -in-place pipe TIPP'�. Ms. Hamel provided the locations via a map, 85% progress to -date including 9completed and ongoing tasks, estimated expenditures and available funding. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Authorize staff to complete the design and bid the 2019 Storm Pipe Repair Project Phase II and return to the LUTC and Council for bid award, further reports, and authorization.) to the July 16, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Tran • Passed: 3-0 unanimously D. South 348th Street Entrance Sign — 30% Design Report Street Systems Project Engineer, John Mulkey, provided a brief background about the project to construct a new LED entrance sign in the median of S 348th Street between Enchanted Parkway /16th Ave S and Pacific Highway South that is visible to eastbound and westbound traffic and would provide information on upcoming events within the City similar to the current sign on South 320"' Street. Mr. Mulkey identified the location of the sign using a map and outlined the preliminary work, funding and expenditures, and project status. Mr. Mulkey and Councilmembers held a brief discussion regarding the potential for the sign to distract drivers, LTAC's role in the request for the sign, estimated timeline, and if the messages on both signs will be the same. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Authorize staff to proceed with design of South 348th Street Entrance Sign and return to the LUTC and Council at the 85% design completion stage for further Committee Members City staff Mark Koppang, Chair E7 Walsh, P.E., Public Works Director Hoang V. Tran, Member Mercedes Tenuta, Administrative Assistant II Jesse E. Johnson, Member 4 (253) 835-,2701 reports and authorization) to the July 16, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Tran • Seconded: Johnson Passed: 3-0 unanimously E. 2019 Overlay Project Change Order and Contingency Reset Street Systems Engineer, Jeff Huynh, provided a brief background about the budget for the project and the contingency used for unanticipated pavement repair on S 336th St due to substandard pavement thickness. Mr. Huynh provided pictures and outlined the proposal of the pavement repair to bring the pavement thickness to standard. Mr. Huynh also identified available funding, project costs, and project status which includes a transfer from the Traffic Impact Fee account to the 2019 Asphalt Overlay Project and resetting the contingency. Mr. Huynh and Deputy Mayor Honda held a brief discussion regarding who originally built the street the amount of school and metro buses accessing the road weekly which is causing the increased deterioration. Committee forwarded Option *1 (Authorize the Mayor to transfer $110,000 from Traffic Impact Fee Account to the 2019 Asphalt Overlay Project for additional pavement repair and reset the construction contingency to 4% of $58,295) to the July 16, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Tran • Passed: 3-0 unanimously F. 2020 Asphalt Overlay Program — Preliminary Project List and Authorization to Bid Street Systems Engineer, Jeff Huynh, provided a proposed overlay list for the year 2020, available funding, recommended schedules, and estimated project costs. Committee forwarded Option *1 (Approve the list of streets for the 2020 Asphalt Overlay Project as presented. Furthermore, authorize staff to bid all or part of the 2020 Asphalt Overlay Project, returning with a request for permission to award the project within the available 2020 Asphalt Overlay Budget to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder) to the July 16, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Tran • Passed: 3-0 unanimously G. Adaptive Traffic Signal Control System Phases I & II Procurement City Traffic Engineer, Rick Perez, provided a brief background regarding the two grants to implement adaptive signal control for up to 44 intersections within the City Center and to the south along Pacific Highway and 16th Ave/SR161 corridors. A request for proposals was issued with four (4) proposals received and evaluated including reference checks and site visits. Western Systems was selected to provide and deploy the SCOOT system (by Siemens). Mr. Perez outlined the expenditures and revenue. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Authorize the Mayor to execute the Professional Services Agreement) to the July 16, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Tran • Seconded:Johnson • Passed: 3-0 unanimously H. Authorization to Apply for Transportation Grant City Traffic Engineer, Rick Perez, provided a background regarding the WA State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant program for street projects. Staff met with TIB staff to review projects on the current Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) and concluded that SR99@ S 373rd Street Roundabout and Access Committee Members City staff Mark k"oppan0, Chair V Walsh, P.E., Public Works Director Hoang V. Tran, Member Mercedes Tenuta, Administrative Assistant 11 Jesse E. Johnson, Member 5 (253) 835-1701 Management Project would be the most competitive under the safety and mobility categories. Mr. Perez outlined the estimated project cost, potential grant funds, and required City match. Mr. Perez and Councilmembers held a brief discussion regarding the speed limit, notice to slow down, and reasoning behind a roundabout versus a signal. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Authorize staff to submit the proposed transportation grant application) to the July 16, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Tran • Passed: 3-0 unanimously I. Solid Waste Collection Services – Contract Award Solid Waste & Recycling Coordinator, Rob Van Orsow, provided a brief background regarding the procurement process. A request for proposal was issued with three (3) proposals received. Based on the proposal evaluation and scoring summary, Waste Management was selected. Mr. Van Orsow identified the highlights of the new contract, the key additions from Waste Management's proposal, recommended service alternatives, and the new rates. Committee forwarded Option *1 (Authorize the Mayor to finalize and execute a contract with Waste Management of Washington, Inc. for collection of garbage, recyclables, and compostables) to the July 16, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Tran • Passed: 3-0 unanimously J. ORDINANCE: Relating to the Imposition of an Excise Tax on Business Activities Public Works Director, EJ Walsh, provided background information pertaining to the overall conditions of the roadway network that has been deteriorating over the last 10 years and the request to review funding options for improvements. Mr. Walsh outlined the City's pavement infrastructure, annual street overlay selection criteria, pavement condition comparisons via pictures, 2007-2019 budget and cost comparisons. The annual rating was completed for the year and the average PCI rating has dropped raising concerns for what the projected rating will be 10 years from now with no change to funding levels. Mr. Walsh stated that the solid waste, recycling, and yard waste collection trucks create a disproportionate impact on city streets. The repeated heavy loading of the collection vehicles reduces the life of the streets, especially residential streets that are only designed for minimal heavy traffic. Surrounding cities, including Kent and Des Moines, implemented an Excise Tax on the business of solid waste collection due to the associated impacts. Mr. Walsh outlined the proposed ordinance and its modifications to the excise tax which includes an increase in the tax by 10% with funding designations to the street overlay program. Mr. Walsh and Councilmembers held a robust discussion. Committee forwarded the proposed Ordinance to First Reading on July 16, 2019 • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Tran • Passed: 3-0 unanimously K. Rental Housing Inspection Program Update Community Services Manager, Sarah Bridgeford, provided a brief background about the program's purpose and stated that recommendations being based on State law, analysis of regional jurisdictions and applicability for the City of Federal Way. Ms. Bridgeford outlined the recommended exemptions, recommendation for third party inspectors, tentative community outreach meeting dates, and potential resources that will be added. �..---- — ---- . ........ ty Committee Members CI Staff Mat* Koppang, Chair E7 Walsh, P. E., Public Wonts Dire 'or Hoang V. Tran, Member Mercedes Tenuta, Administrative Assistant 11 Jesse E. Johnson, Member 6 (253) $35-2701 L. Report on Progress with Aircraft Issues Policy Advisor, Bill Vadino, provided an informational update regarding the aircraft noise and issues including the status of the Department of Commerce study on the "Impact of SeaTac Airport", the South King County Fund, briefing and discussions, status of initiatives, and next steps. Glte11la4:7 5. FUTURE MEETINGS/AGENDA ITEMS: The next LUTC meeting will be held on August 5, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers. 6. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:31 p.m. Attest: Admirotrative Assistant II Committee Members Mark Koppang, Chair Hoang V. Tran, Member Jesse E. Johnson, Member Approved by Committee: S1-5-1 1 � Date City Staff EI Walsh, P.E., Public Works Director Mercedes Tenuta, Admints"dve Assistant H 7 (253) 835-2701 This page is left blank intentionally,