LUTC MINS 09-09-2019 City of Federal Way City Council Land Use & Trans, or ationl Commiftee September 9, 2019 City Hall 5:00 p.m. Council Chambers MEETING SUMMARY Committee Members in Attendance: Committee Chair Mark Koppang (via phone), Committee member Jesse Johnson, and Committee member Hoang Tran. Councilmembers in attendance: Deputy Mayor Susan Honda, Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson, and Councilmember Martin Moore. Staff in Attendance: Public Works Director EJ Walsh, Deputy Public Works Director Desiree Winkler, Deputy City Attorney Mark Orthmann, Senior Capital Engineer Christine Mullen, City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez, Surface Water Manager Theresa Thurlow, Sound Transit Liaison Tony Doucette, Recycling Project Manager Jeanine Brizendine, Water Quality Coordinator Leah Myhre, Policy Advisor Bill Vadino, and Administrative Assistant II Rebecca Kovar. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Committee member Tran called the meeting to order at 5:01 2. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS: Acting Chair Tran moved to amend the agenda to move Agenda Item C to after Item F. • Seconded: Johnson • Passed 3-0 unanimously Topic Title/Description A. Approval of Minutes: August 5, 2019 Committee approved the August 5, 2019 LUTC minutes as presented. • Moved: Koppang • Seconded: Johnson • Passed: 3-0 unanimously B. S Dash Pt Rd Sidewalk Project—85% Design Status Report&Authorization To Bid Capital Engineering Manager Christine Mullen provided a brief background about the project, which provides for sidewalk, bike lane, and other improvements on Dash Point Road on the frontage by Sacagawea Middle School. Discussion ensued regarding funding and efficiencies in the project. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Authorize staff to bid the S Dash Pt Rd Sidewalk Project and return to the LUTC and Council to award the project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder) to the September 17, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Tran • Seconded: Johnson • Passed: 3-0 unanimously C. Title Resolution — King County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan - Approval Committee Members .�� ..�. _..,�W�_ ...�...�....._�.. .uv�._.�. City Staff Mark Koppang,Chair E7 Walsh, P.E., Public Works Director Hoang V. Tran,Member Rebecca Kouar,AoininistiativeAssistant II Jesse E.Johnson,Member (253)8355.27071 Recycling Project Manager Jeanette Brizendine introduced Pat McLaughlin of the King County Director of Solid Waste, who provided background on the regional system for handling solid waste, including obligations, regulations, and environmental concerns. Discussion followed regarding participating municipalities, public outreach and engagement, and global recycling trade. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Approve the Resolution) to the September 17, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Koppang • Passed: 3-0 unanimously D. Citywide Greenway Plan—85% Design Status Report &Authorization to Bid City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez gave a brief overview of the project, which is intended to encourage bicycling and walking while avoiding high-traffic roadways. The project connects parks, schools, major shopping areas, and tourist destinations. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Authorize staff to bid the Citywide Greenway Project and return to the LUTC and Council to award the project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder) to the September 17, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Tran • Seconded: Johnson • Passed: 3-0 unanimously E. Award contract for Citywide Adaptive Traffic Signal Control —Traffic Control Center City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez gave a brief synopsis of the project, bidding process, and funding. At Councilmembers'request, Perez explained the functionality of the system, which adjusts timing plans for traffic signals dependent upon real-time data from multiple locations to improve traffic flows. In response to Deputy Mayor Honda's question, Perez explained that the system will not interfere with emergency vehicles and will allow for swifter system recovery following emergency events. There was discussion about the scope and timeline of the project. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Award the Citywide Adaptive Traffic Signal Control-Traffic Control Center project to Shaiman Contracting, Inc.,the lowest responsive,responsible bidder,in the amount of$109,907.51 and approve a contingency of$11,092.39 for a total of$121,000.00 and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract.) to the September 17, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Tran • Passed: 3-0 unanimously F. ORDINANCE: To Renew the North Lake Management District Number 2 and Set a Public Hearing on the Assessment Roll for the District Water Quality Coordinator Leah Myrhe discussed the recent vote to renew the district by residents and the weighting of votes due to state code. Residents and companies in the North Lake district voted overwhelmingly to approve the assessment. She noted that due to the overwhelming weight of business votes, another public hearing will be held to discuss it in November. Discussion ensued regarding the voting process and need for public hearing. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Adopt the proposed Ordinance) to the September 17, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Tran • Passed: 3-0 unanimously ......... ................ -._... _ ... �. . Committee Members City Staff Mark fora ang, Chair EI Walsh,P.E.,Public Works&rector Hoang V. Tran,Member Rebe a Kovar,Administrative Assistant II Jesse E.Johnson, Member (253)835-2701 G, Authorization to increase project budget for SWM Project 304-3100-288: SWM Comp Plan/CIP Update and Rate Study Surface Water Manager Theresa Thurlow provided background on the project, which involves consultant review of the SWM program and analysis of the rate structure. SWM staff were to analyze the data but currently lack staffing levels to complete that function. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Authorize the reallocation of funds from unallocated SWM fund to increase the budget for SWM Project 304-3100-287 SWM Comp Plan/CIP Update and Rate Study) to the <Council Date> Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Tran • Seconded: Johnson • Passed: Passed: 3-0 unanimously H. 2020-2027 Surface Water Management Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Update Surface Water Manager Theresa Thurlow presented the update of the plan designed to meet permit requirements and citizen needs. The consultant-led review mentioned in Agenda Item G, has identified capital needs through public involvement and outreach and input from related City departments, provided a gap analysis, assessment of water sheds, and future mandated requirements. Consultant Matt Fontaine from Herrera presented the CIP update. There was discussion about prioritization of projects, data quality and regulatory requirements. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Adopt the Proposed 2020-2027 update to the SWM Capital Improvement Plan) to the September 17, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Tran • Seconded: Johnson • Passed: Passed: 3-0 unanimously I. ORDINANCE: Amending the rate structure for the Storm and Surface Water Utility Surface Water Manager Theresa Thurlow explained requested changes to the rate and rate structure for the SWM charge. Residents pay this charge with their property tax, similar to other King County charges based on plats.The requirements for SWM have increased over time, but the revenue from the SWM utility charge has not kept pace. Consultant FCS Group conducted a study on the rate structure, and John Ghilarducci from FCS explains the background and process used in the study and the recommendations based thereon. He noted that rate structure changes require notice to the County far in advance. Public Works Director EJ Walsh clarified community outreach efforts over the past 18 months, presentations at various Council committee meetings,and continuing public education on the rate implications. Discussion followed. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Approve the proposed ordinance) to the September 17, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Koppang • Passed: Passed: 3-0 unanimously J. ORDINANCE: Relating to Snow and Ice Deputy Public Works Director Desiree Winkler provided background regarding snow and ice clearing during the February 2019 and proposed changes covered by the proposed Ordinance. She explained that clearing sidewalks is the responsibility of property owners. Deputy City Attorney Mark Orthmann clarified the requirements and intent of the regulation. Public Works Director EJ Walsh confirmed the liability of home owners is already in place and this ordinance codifies it. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Approve the proposed ordinance) to the September 17, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Johnson .a� �...._�. ... _. ,.,...._...._................... Committee Members City Staff Mark Koppang,Chair E7 Walsh, P.E.,Public Works Direttor Hoang V. Tran,Member Rebecca Kovar,Administrative Assistant 11 Jesse E.Johnson,Member (253)835-270J • Seconded: Tran • Passed: Passed: 3-0 unanimously K. Wild Waves Holdings Lease Agreement Deputy Public Works Director Desiree Winkler presented history of the Wild Waves Holdings agreement to lease Milton Way S. and explained the city does not currently need the right of way but will in the future. The leased area is landscaping, sidewalk,and parking lot for the venue,approximately 34,000 sq ft. She summarized salient points of the agreement as well as the ability of the City to modify it as necessary. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Approve the proposed lease agreement with Wild Waves Holdings for an initial period of ten (10) years and authorize execution of the agreement) to the September 17, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Koppang • Passed: 3-0 unanimously L. Federal Way Link Extension Task Order #2 Sound Transit Liaison Tony Doucette gave a brief overview of the project, which is scheduled to be completed in 2023 with service to begin in 2024. He reviewed the existing City Services Agreement with Sound Transit, entered into in 2017. Task Order 2 would cover design review, permitting, and construction review for the remainder of the project. Similar agreements are in place with other cities along the planned route for the Link extension. Committee forwarded Option #1 (Authorize the Mayor to execute Task Order #2) to the September 17, 2019 Council Consent Agenda for approval. • Moved: Johnson • Seconded: Koppang • Passed: 3-0 unanimously M. Report on Progress with Aircraft Issues Policy Advisor Bill Vadino reported on current issues with the proposed expansion of SeaTac Airport and the reasons behind why Federal Way and several other cities and towns have suspended participation in the Sea-Tac Airport Stakeholder Advisory Round Table (StART). There were concerns about communication, plans, and citizen engagement.Vadino covered next steps in a shared-community study regarding airport noise,which may be expanded to include other communities. Chair Koppang reported on a meeting with Congressman Adam Smith regarding creating a bill to address community concerns regarding the airport expansion.Vadino will look into reports that noise monitoring equipment is malfunctioning. 4. OTHER 5. FUTURE MEETINGS/AGENDA ITEMS: The next LUTC meeting will be held on October 7, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers. 6. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m. Attest: Approved by Committee: Rebecca Kovar, Administrative Assistant II Date Committee Members � City Staff Mark Koppang, Chair E7 Walsh, P.E., Public Works Director Hoang V. Tran,Member Rebecca Ko var,Administrative Assistant 11 Jesse E.Johnson,Member (253)835-2701